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O2C and P2P Cycles

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Order to Cash means Customers Order Placing to Vendors Cash Receiving.

When your final product is ready to be sold, you market it. he customer gets fascinated !ith the marketing campaign and decides to buy your product and from here starts the O"C cycle. Step 1] Order Entry: Customer sends details of order or sales dept brings order from customers. #fter that the order is entered in Order $anagement %O$& Navigation: Order Management Super User> Orders Returns >Sales Orders 'ere !e need to enter the Customer (etails %Customer )ame , )umber, Contact *hip to and +ill to address etc.&, Order type. ,n the -ines tab !e need to enter the ,tem to be ordered and the .uantity re.uired. 'ere !e can also check the availability of the order. 'ere !e can save the order. Once saved the Order *tatus is changed to /0ntered. 1ey ables2

OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL 3 #ll header information is stored here. OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL 3 #ll the line information is stored here.

Step 2] Order Book : When !e book the order, !e are 4ust confirming and free5ing our order. he final step in the *ales Order 0ntry process is to +ook the order. his signifies that the Order 0ntry process is complete and that the order is eligible for the ne6t stage in the line flo! for this order, as defined by its ransaction ype. *elect the +ook Order button. he 0ntry *tatus of the Order !ill change to +ooked. After Order Booking: Order 'eader2 +ooked Order -ine 2 #!aiting *hipping *hipping ransaction form2 Ready to release able -evel 2

OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL 2 7lo!8*tatus8code 3+ooked OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL 2 7lo!8*tatus8code 3 #!aiting *hipping WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS 2 Released8*tatus 3 R % means 3 Ready to release&

Step 3] L !n"# $%"k Re&e 'e :

Pick Release is the process in !hich the items on the sales order are taken out from inventory. Navigation: Order Management Super User> Shipping > Release sales Orders > Release sales order +ased On rule2 *elect the 9rouping rule the reaming details !ill default in Order, *hipping and ,nventory tab Order T (:

Order )umber2 *elect the Order )umber. Values for the Order ype and Customer fields of this form default to those for the order number you enter here. *hip *et2 *elect the *hip *et to be released. he Order )umber must be selected first.

S#%pp%n) T (:

#uto creates (eliveries 2 *elect :es in this bo6 to automatically create deliveries for delivery lines once they are released Release *e.uence Rule2 *elect Rule to specify the order in !hich the picking lines are released. #uto Pick Confirm 3:es;)o

In*entory t (:

Warehouse2 *elect the Warehouse *ub inventory2 *elect the *ub inventory Pick *lip 9rouping Rule2 o determine ho! released picking lines are grouped onto pick slips. (efault *tage *ub inventory2 *elect the (efault *tage *ub inventory

Click on 06ecute )o! +utton to complete the pick release of the order. )ormally pick release *R* program runs in background . Once the program get completed these are the table get affected2

OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL %flo!8status8code /P,C10( & WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS %released8status /* /submitted for release & +t&_t,n_re-!e't_#e der' +t&_t,n_re-!e't_&%ne' .t&_+ ter% &_tr n' "t%on'_te+p %link to above tables through move8order8header8id;line8id

Step /] $%"k 0on1%r+ t#e Order: ,f #uto Pick Confirm in the above step is set to )O, then the follo!ing should be done. Navigation: Inventory Super User > Move Order> ransa!t Move Order

,n the '0#(0R tab, enter the +# C' )<$+0R %from the above step& of the order. Click 7,)(. Click on V,0W;<P(# 0 #llocation, then Click R#)*#C button. hen ransact button !ill be deactivated then 4ust close it and go to ne6t step.

,tems are transferred from salable to staging *ub inventory. mtl8material8transactions mtl8transaction8accounts !sh8delivery8details %released8status /: /Released & !sh8delivery8assignments

Step 2] S#%p 0on1%r+ t#e Order: he *hipping ransaction !indo! provides a centrali5ed !orkbench that consolidates three ma4or shipping functions2 planning, pick releasing, and ship confirming. Navigation: Order Management Super User>Shipping > ransa!tions" 'ere ship confirm interface program runs in background . (ata are removed from !sh8ne!8deliveries.

oe8order8lines8all %flo!8status8code /shipped& !sh8delivery8details %released8status /C /*hipped& mtl8transaction8interface mtl8material8transactions%linked through ransaction source header id& mtl8transaction8accounts

(ata are deleted from mtl8demand, mtl8reservations and ,tem is deducted from mtl8onhand8.uantities. Step 3] Enter In*o%"e' %n Re"e%* (&e'2 Run !orkflo! background Process. Workflo! +ackground Process inserts the records in R#8,) 0R7#C08-,)0*8#-- !ith

,) 0R7#C08-,)08CO) 0= > OR(0R 0) R: ,) 0R7#C08-,)08# R,+< 0? > Order8number ,) 0R7#C08-,)08# R,+< 0@ > (elivery8id

hen it spa!ns #uto invoice $aster Program and #uto invoice import program !hich creates ,nvoice for that particular Order. Navigation: Order Management >vie# >Re$uests <nderlying tables2

RA_04STO.ER_TR5_ALL !ill have the ,nvoice header information. he column ,) 0R7#C08'0#(0R8# R,+< 0? !ill have the Order )umber.

RA_04STO.ER_TR5_LINES_ALL !ill have the ,nvoice lines information. he column ,) 0R7#C08-,)08# R,+< 0? !ill have the Order )umber.

Step 6] 0O.$LETE LINE: ,n this stage order line level table get updated !ith 7lo! status and open flag .

oe8order8lines8all %flo!8status8code /shipped, open8flag A)B&

Step 7] 0LOSE ORDER: his is last step of Order Processing . ,n this stage only oe8order8lines8all table get updated .

oe8order8lines8all %flo!8status8code /closed, open8flag A)B&

. r 289 2:1:
B 'e T (&e' 1or $ro"!re To $ y 0y"&e:
B 'e T (&e' 1or $ro"!re To $ y 0y"&e: Re-!%'%t%on po8re.uisition8headers8all po8re.uisition8lines8all % segment? >>>>>>>>>> re.uisition number& po8re.8distributions8all )ote2 re.uisition8header8id is the link bet!een po8re.uisition8headers8all and po8re.uisition8lines8all re.uisition8line8id is the link bet!een po8re.uisition8lines8all and po8re.8distributions8all $!r"# 'e order po8headers8all po8lines8all po8distributions8all po8line8locations8all )ote2 po8header8id is the link bet!een all these tables Re"e%pt rcv8shipment8headers rcv8shipment8lines rcv8transactions .uality result stored in .a8results table )ote2 shipment8header8id is the link bet!een rcv8shipment8headers and

rcv8shipment8lines po8header8id is the link bet!een rcv8shipment8headers and rcv8transaction In*o%"e' ap8invoices8all ap8invoice8distributions8all )ote2 invoice8id is the link bet!een ap8invoices8all and ap8invoice8distributions8all $ y+ent' ap8checks8all ap8invoice8payments8all ap8payment8schedules8all $ y+ent Re"on"%&& t%on ap8banks ap8bank8branches ;L Tr n'1er gl8periods gl8period8status gl8set8of8books glfv8charts8of8accounts

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