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ICFP Youth Advocacy Briefing Note

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International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) 2013 Participants Briefing Note Youth Advocates Tuesday 12th November Friday

ay 15th November 2013 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

What is the International Conference on Family Planning? The ICFP is a bi-annual global conference led by the Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health in order to galvanise commitments and draw attention to the importance of access to contraceptives and family planning services globally. This is the third ICFP (the first was in 2009 in Uganda, and the second in 2011 in Senegal), and expects to receive 3,000-4,000 participants from across the world. The November 2013 conference will be co-hosted by the Gates Institute and the Federal Ministry of Health of Ethiopia with a multitude of international and national partners. Ethiopia was selected for the third International Conference because of the countrys strong commitment to family planning and the success they have had in increasing access to family planning, 100% increase in their modern contraceptive prevalence rate (from 15% in 2005 to 29% in 2011) and also the success of their cost effective health extension workers program. The ICFP is more than a conference; it is a movement and a platform for strategic inflection points in the family planning agenda. The theme for 2013 will be Full Access, Full Choice. The conference program will include an opening reception, daily plenaries, a number of interactive skill-building sessions, panel presentations, poster sessions, a policymaker forum and an exhibit area. National and international journalists will be invited to report on the event. In addition, we anticipate many satellite events such as skill-building workshops, receptions and meetings. Participants will be researchers, program managers, policymakers, and representatives from international donor organizations and foundations, including many young people and newly emerging leaders in the field of family planning and reproductive health. The official languages of the conference will be English and French. What does IPPF want to achieve at the ICFP this year? 1. To position IPPF as the worlds leading provider of SRH services, and a critical part of the global SRH architecture, and to help secure resources required to double services by 2015; 2. To increase visibility of IPPFs role in building a strong civil society movement to ensure accountability including FP2020 - at the national, regional and global level; 3. To galvanize civil society and like-minded partners to ensure that the post-2015 development framework highlights the centrality of SRHR to sustainable development; 4. To build strong youth response for strategic engagement and participation in the family planning agenda. 5. To provide opportunities to unite the IPPF Federation to strengthen our global reach in the area of SRHR;

6. For IPPF to be able to create and make the most of opportunities to lobby high level people on SRH In order to achieve our objectives, IPPF Secretariat staff and Member Associations will be in attendance at the ICFP, and will be undertaking a range of activities including media outreach, advocacy with partners and donors, presenting IPPF programmes and research, and supporting young advocates to engage with other conference attendees. The IPPF Africa Regional Office (ARO), who have been engaged in the organisation and planning of the conference, will also be hosting a youth advocacy training for 21 members of the regional youth network, the Youth Action Movement (YAM). This training is also an opportunity for selected members of IPPFs Emerging Leaders Network to better connect with YAM members and IPPF staff. So, who do I need to know? The Youth Action Movement (YAM): One of IPPFs 6 regional youth networks, YAM is made up of young volunteers and youth representatives from Member Associations throughout sub-Saharan Africa. The members of YAM are trained in sexual and reproductive health and rights issues, in peer education, and are taking on increasing responsibilities for youth outreach and youth advocacy across the continent. They will be at the ICFP to help ensure a strong youth voice for access to sexual and reproductive health services, including family planning services, which are youth-friendly, accessible, and delivered free from stigma and discrimination. IPPFs Emerging Leaders: In 2012, IPPF and the government of Norway hosted a youth leadership conference for strong young advocates from outside the sexual and reproductive health and rights usual circles. The Emerging Leaders Initiative is now working on best ways to continue to support and collaborate with these young people through connecting them to regional youth networks and advocacy opportunities, like the ICFP. Some of the Emerging Leaders who have a particular interest in family planning will be attending the ICFP and youth advocacy training to learn and connect. There are some key IPPF staff resource people available at the ICFP conference to support the Emerging Leaders and YAM members. They include: Kate Matheson (Project Officer, CHOICES). As a member of the Central Office Youth Team, Kate oversees the Dutch-funded CHOICES programme which works to expand young peoples access to SRHR in 14 countries. Juliette Faida Nsensele (Adolescent and Youth Programme Advisor). Faida is the head of the Youth Team in ARO, responsible for ensuring the success of IPPFs youth SRHR programmes in the region, and the primary connection to the YAM network in the region. Anna de Oliveira (Events Coordinator, External Relations). Many of you know Anna already, as she is the primary point of contact for the Emerging Leaders in the Central Office. Anna is also coordinating much of IPPFs activity at the ICFP, and will be an excellent resource to help you connect with other IPPF staff and allies at the conference.

In addition, a number of Secretariat staff and IPPF Member Associations have been invited to speak. A list of IPPF-related sessions can be found in the activity table below - it includes the Member Association events that have been passed to us.

What am I going to do? LEARN: Conference sessions, abstracts, and side events are all chock full of innovative approaches, promising and best practices, and key information about family planning and SRHR. Get out there and see whats out there, whats interesting to you, and what you think we should be paying more attention to. CONNECT: IPPF Staff and YAM members are only the beginning. This conference is an opportunity to forge relationships and make connections to current and future movers and shakers in the family planning and SRHR fields. Meet people, make friends, and swap stories! SHARE: Talk up your work share your approaches to SRHR, why SRHR matters to you, and what you think we need to do to make sure that young people have full access to family planning and other SRH services, as well as their rights. And share with us as well! Connect with IPPFs global youth movement, MYX, on twitter @myxglobal and facebook ( and let us know whats happening on the ground! What do I need to know? Family Planning: Current global estimates tell us that 220 million women worldwide have an unmet need for family planning, which means that they do not currently wish to have children but do not have access to the services they need to control their fertility. At the London Family Planning Summit in 2012, IPPF, other civil society organisations, and governments committed to reducing this by more than half by the year 2020, a commitment which is now called Family Planning 2020 or FP2020. IPPF alone committed to tripling the number of sexual and reproductive health services we provide by 2020, which means 553 million services to adolescents alone. The commitments and work done on FP2020 are supported by a secretariat based at the United Nations Foundation and global working groups of which IPPF is a member. Key IPPF Language related to Family Planning includes: Every young person, regardless of their age, has the right to enjoy the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health and well-being, including sexual and reproductive health. All young people must have access to a range of effective contraceptive methods and must be able to choose which method is best for them. Condoms are not just about safety, but are also about pleasure. Safer sex is pleasurable sex. Young people should have access to information about how and when to use condoms, as well as how to talk about condoms and negotiate condom use with their partners. Governments are duty-bound by national laws and international and regional human rights policies and agreements to uphold young peoples right to sexual and reproductive health. All young people have the right to hold governments and other leaders to account for their commitments to sexual and reproductive health and rights. Young peoples sexual choices should not limit their participation in society. For example, young pregnant women and young parents should be able to continue and complete their studies, free from stigma or discrimination. Both women and men can carry condoms and initiate condom use. Protection from unintended pregnancy and from sexually transmitted infections is a mutual responsibility. All young women have the right to make decisions about their bodies and decide if, when and how to have a child.

Sexual Rights: IPPF approaches all of its work from a strong sexual rights framework. The IPPF Sexual Rights Declaration was developed in 2007 by a panel of experts and internationally recognised leaders in the SRHR field and is grounded in core international human rights instruments. IPPF believes that sexuality is a natural and precious aspect of life, an Want to know more about Sexual essential and fundamental part of our humanity. For people to Rights? Exclaim! Is a guide for attain the highest standard of health, they must first be young people that expands on the empowered to exercise choice in their sexual and reproductive Declaration and demonstrates how lives; they must feel confident and safe in expressing their own sexual rights and IPPFs core sexual identity. Your sexual rights include a number of principles relate to young people, along with how to translate them fundamental human rights, such as: the right to privacy, the into action through youth-friendly right to health, the right to freedom of thought and expression, services, programmes and policies. the right to freedom from violence, and right to education and information. Sexual rights and reproductive rights are closely related, but they are distinct from one another. Sexual rights relate to a persons sexuality, sexual orientation, gender identity, sexual behaviours and sexual health. This is different from reproductive rights, which relate to a persons fertility, reproduction, reproductive health and parenthood. There can be a lot of overlap between the two concepts, and both will be part of your discussions at the ICFP. Key IPPF Language related to Sexual Rights includes: All young people are equal in dignity and rights. No young person should ever be discriminated against because of their sexuality, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, race, ethnicity, nationality, HIV status, physical or mental disability, socio-economic status or health status. Families come in all shapes and sizes. Sexual and reproductive health services for young people must be responsive to the diversities of young people and must be tailored to the specific realities of young people of all genders. All young people have the right to privacy and to make decisions about their sexuality privately. Young people living with HIV have sexual and reproductive rights that must be respected, protected and fulfilled. Sexuality and sexual pleasure are important parts of every young persons life. All young people are sexual beings and have sexual rights, whether or not they are sexually active. Post2015: Post2015, the Post2015 framework, or the Post2015 agenda, are both terms which refer to the future international development framework discussions which are currently happening at the United Nations, in regional and national governments, and in broad public consultations. Post2015 will combine the unfinished business of the Millennium Development Goals with other processes focused on sustainable development into a new set of universal goals currently being decided on. You may or may not be taking part in these discussions as an individual or through an organisation or network. IPPF is broadly engaged with Post2015, at all levels of the Federation, and wed love to know more about what youre doing if youre engaged as well. There are two historically important things to be aware of which are part of the Post2015 discussions:

1. ICPD. The 20 year Plan of Action from the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), which was agreed to by national governments in Cairo in 1994, set much of the sexual and reproductive health and rights agenda on a global Key Asks from the Bali Declaration scale. As we reach Recognise and fulfil the reproductive and sexual rights of all young people, the end of the Plan regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity; and ensure access to health of Action in 2014, education and services, including safe and legal abortion. the United Nations, national Provide universal access to a basic package of youth-friendly health services (including mental health care and sexual and reproductive health services) that are governments, and high-quality, integrated, equitable, comprehensive, affordable, needs and rightscivil society have based, accessible, acceptable, confidential and free of discrimination and stigma for been conducting a all young people. review of progress on SRHR issues over Remove obstacles and barriers including requirements for parental and spousal the past 20 years. notification and consent; and age of consent for sexual and reproductive health One crucial element services that infringe on the sexual and reproductive health and rights of of this review was adolescents and youth. the Bali Global Youth Forum, which Recognise that young people have autonomy over their own bodies, pleasures and desires. brought together over 3000 in-person and virtual youth delegates and produced a strong declaration of young peoples priorities for international development. IPPF was on the steering committee for the Global Youth Forum and is leading a group of other youth-focused and youth-led SRHR organisations in ensuring that the key asks from the Bali Declaration are echoed in the Post2015 framework. 2. MDGs. The Millennium Development Goals, agreed by the United Nations in 2000, are set to expire in 2015. Significant progress has been made on many of the MDG targets, but others are lagging behind. Particularly significant is that the health and gender goals tend to be further behind, and target 5b (universal access to reproductive health) was only added to the MDGs in 2007 and hasnt seen much progress. The MDGs also IPPFs Priorities for Post2015 failed to meaningfully include young 1. A specific target on SRHR under a top-level goal on people, who werent part of any of the health (which includes continuation of the MDG 5 and 6 targets, and werent measured in the indicators) data. IPPF is advocating for the unfinished health targets from the 2. A stand-alone, top-level goal on gender (covering SRHR MDGs (related HIV/AIDS, maternal and ending violence against women) mortality, and access to reproductive 3. A clear commitment to promoting governance, health) to be carried forward into the accountability and resourcing, including ensuring youth Post2015 framework, as well as for participation in the development and implementation of increased attention to SRHR and young the post-2015 framework. people.

What else can you tell me? Well, there are the practicals: accommodation, transfers, and emergency contacts. Rooms have been reserved for the Emerging Leaders at the Aphrodite International Hotel in the Kazanches area, next to Nigist tower, and a walking distance from UNECA main gate. A complimentary airport shuttle is operated by the hotel. Telephone: +251115572228/9/0 YAM members will be staying in the Ghion Hotel, located behind the National Palace across from Meskel Square. The address is: Stadium around Meskel Square, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 1643 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Badge pick-up in Addis Ababa will be located at Ghion Hotel in the Awash Meeting Room. You must pick up your badge in order to access the African Union (AU) Conference Center. If you show up at the AU Conference Center without a badge, you will be sent back to the Ghion Hotel. There is no way to access the AU Conference Center without a badge. To pick up your badge, you must bring proof of conference payment and your passport or Ethiopian national ID. Proof of payment can be the confirmation email received after completing your payment, a copy of your international bank transfer, or a deposit slip from payments made in Ethiopia in advance. Badge pick-up hours include: November 10 - 9am to 8pm November 11 - 8am to 9pm November 12 - 8am to 8pm November 13 - 8am to 8pm November 14 - 8am to 8pm Ethiopian-based participants can pick up their badges starting on November 9 between 9am to 8pm. We encourage all participants to plan sufficient time to pick up their badge, especially on the first two days of the conference. Anna de Oliveira can be contacted at +44 7904 942 177 in case of any emergencies. In addition, there will be an IPPF Family Reception on November 11th at Hilton Hotel from 20:00 to 22:00pm. Address: Menelik II Avenue, Addis Ababa, 1164, Ethiopia. Hosted by IPPFs Director General Mr. Tewodros Melesse, the family reception will be a chance for you to get to know more of the IPPF staff and participants who are at the conference, learn more about our priorities and key messages, and make connections with potential mentors, all over dinner! IPPF staff will also be meeting for a morning debrief each day at 8:00 am you are welcome to join the debrief to connect to staff and learn more about whats happening at the conference. The debriefs will be held at the IPPF exhibition booth in the conference centre, which will be located in Tent 6, booth numbers 41 and 43.

IPPF Schedule at a Glance Youth Team Events Highlighted

Saturday, November 9th Event IPPF Member Association in Ethiopia (Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia) National High Level Event. Lead IPPF Participant Genet Mengistu Haile, FGAE Time 8h30 to 17h00 Location Ghion Hotel

Monday, November 11th 2013 IPPF Africa Region Learning & Sharing Platform (one day pre-event) IPPF Africa Region Youth Institute (one day preevent) IPPF/JTF Side Event with Japanese Govt & Ethiopian MOH Vision 2020 Panel Discussion Angella Githere Langat, IPPF Africa Regional Office Juliette Faida Nsensele, IPPF Africa Regional Office Saku Mapa, IPPF Central Office 9h00 to 17h00 Ghion Hotel

9h00 to 17h00

Ghion Hotel

17h30 to 19h00

Intercontinental Hotel

IPPF Family Reception IPPF Family Only Dinner: MAs & Federation.

Population Council 19h00 to 20h30 with Julia Bunting speaking, IPPF Central Office Speeches from 20h00 to 23h00 Tewodros Melesse (closing), Lucien Kouakou (welcoming) and Mrs. Maaza Kitaw (opening) Tuesday, November 12th 2013 Angella Githere-Langat and Genet Mengistu Haile Tewodros Melesse chairing and Anjali Sen as an observer. 08h00 to 17h00

Sheraton Hotel

Hilton Hotel

Yvonne Chaka Chaka visit

FGAE Adame Model

High Level Ministerial Meeting The Youth Dividend : Return on Investment in Family Planning ICFP Opening Ceremony ICFP Opening Evening Reception

09h00 to 15h30

African Union

ICFP organisers ICFP organisers

16h00 to 19h00 19h00 to 21h00

African Union African Union

Wednesday, November 13th 2013 Civil Society and FP2020: Accountability (breakfast in included) Chris Gee and Anna de Oliveira, IPPF Central Office 7 7h00 to 8h20 African Union

La vasectomie sans bistouri: les togolais en avant-garde en Afrique de lOuest francophone People change: the role of value clarification in expanding access to abortion and family planning services in the Africa Region

Snam Solange Ahossu-Toussa, ATBEF

10h00 to 13h20

2nd and 3rd Floor Lobbies African Union

Improved Quality of Family Planning Services: A Review of Client Forum Meetings in Planned Parenthood Federation of Nigeria Clinics (PPFN/IPPF)

Amener la mthode injectable la porte de la communaut Overprotected and Underserved: Legal barriers to access to family planning and SRH services for young people (PANEL) Promoting Family Planning for Gender Equality and Development in Kenya

Eliud Lelerai, International Planned Parenthood Federation Christopher Agweyu, IPPF Africa Region Yilma Melkamu, IPPFARO Isaac Ogo, Planned Parenthood Federation of Nigeria Ginette Hounkanrin, IPPF, Africa Regional Office Yilma Melkamu, IPPFARO Koffi Edem Dzotsi, ATBEF Elizabeth Yarrow, Coram Childrens Legal Centre on behalf of IPPF

10h30 to 11h50

2nd level, Caucus Room 19, African Union

10h30 to 11h50

2nd and 3rd Floor Lobbies, African Union

10h30 to 11h50

12h00 to 13h20

3rd level, Small Conference Hall 3, African Union Ground Floor, Briefing Room 4, African Union

Hormonal Contraceptives and Heterosexual Acquisition and Transmission of HIV Infection: Evidence From Quantitative Metaanalysis Scaling up long acting and permanent FP methods through voucher system. The Output Based Aid (OBA) Project experience, Kisumu County, Kenya Poster Presentation

IRENE MUHUNZU, FAMILY HEALTH OPTIONS KENYA MELISSA WANDA, Family Health Options Kenya Charles Opiyo, Family Health Options Kenya Edmore Munongo, Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council

12h00 to 13h20

Ground Floor, Briefing Room 2, African Union

12h00 to 13h20

2nd level, Caucus Room 18, African Union

Dinah Odoyo, Family Health Options Kenya Simpano Rikana, Family Health Options Kenya Sudipta 8

14h20 to 17h40

2nd and 3rd Floor Lobbies, African Union

14h20 to 17h40

Second Floor,

Role of Frontline Health Workers in Improving Access to Family Planning and Sexual Reproductive Health Services in South Asia Region Quality Improvement in Reproductive Health Programming: Promising Innovations A glimpse of the future: Integrated family planning and HIV services (PANEL) Presenting the findings of the Integra Initiative Rights-Based Approach to Family Planning in East Africa Snapshots from the ground Why Universal Health Coverage helps Family Planning

Mukhopadhyay (IPPF South Asia Regional Office )

African Union

Rebecca Koladycz, IPPF Western Hemisphere Region Jon Hopkins, IPPF Central Office Jon Hopkins, IPPF Central office ARO & Danish Family Planning Association

16h20 to 17h40

Ground Floor, Briefing Room 2, African Union Old Building Small Conference Hall Africa Union TBC Hilton Hotel

16h20 to 17h40

TBC 18h00 to 19h30

Alison Marshall (IPPF), 18h00 to 20h00 MSH, IPPF, Harvard School of Public Health and the Rockefeller Foundation Thursday, November 14th 2013 TBC Edmore Munongo, Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council TBC 10h00 to 13h20

Sheraton Hotel

Donor Visit What are the commonest SRHR needs of adolescents living in the streets of Greater Harare? A cross sectional study of adolescents seeking services at ZNFPC Fife Avenues clinic SRH and HIV Situation Analysis for Adolescents in Zimbabwe: A secondary analysis of ASRH related data from DHS 2010/11.

TBC 2nd and 3rd Floor Lobbies, African Union

Jekoniya Chitereka, Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council Brighton Murimira, Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council Ngwarai Sithole, Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council Elphas Manjeru, Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council 9

10h00 to 13h20

2nd and 3rd Floor Lobbies, African Union

Proliferation of ODA Tracking Methodologies: What, How, Why and the Way Forward Improving quality of care and performance in a contraceptive and safe abortion programme using a structured supportive supervision tool experience from a multi-country initiative in Asia and Africa Global Perspectives, Personal Views: Youth Voices on Abortion Services and Information (POSTER) Offre de Services PF aux Adolescent(e)s/Jeunes avec le Projet Choix des Jeunes Panel Title: Monitoring choice and rights in FP programs: practical tools for the birds eye view and the bugs eye view Expanding Family Planning Services in a Low Resource Setting Using the Cluster Model: Experience from Planned Parenthood Federation of Nigeria (PPFN/IPPF) Empowering Rural Communities to increase uptake of safe delivery & postpartum FP Services: Lessons from FGAEs Community-based Initiative in Sidama Zone, Southern Ethiopia Using a Clinic Information Management System to Design Effective SRH Program to Young People: The Experience of IPPF Member Association in Ghana (Planned Parenthood Federation of

An Huybrechts, IPPF European Network/Countdown 2015 Europe; DSW; NIDI; AFGH Dr. Celal Samad, IPPF Central Office

10h30 to 11h50

African Union

10h30 to 11h50

African Union - 2nd level, Caucus Room 18

Kate Matheson, IPFF Central Office

10h30 to 13h20

African Union

Pape Momar Mbaye, ASBEF

12h00 to 13h20

2nd level, Small Conference Hall 1, African Union African Union

Laura Malajovich, IPPF Western Hemisphere Region

12h00 to 13h00

Isaac Ogo, Planned Parenthood Federation of Nigeria Ibrahim Ibrahim, Family Planning Association of Nigeria Desta Kebede, Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia

14h20 to 17h40

2nd and 3rd Floor Lobbies, African Union

14h20 to 17h40

2nd and 3rd Floor Lobbies, African Union

Juliette Faida Nsensele, IPPFARO Albert WuddahMartey, Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana, Programmes Ishmael Kwassi 10

14h20 to 17h40

2nd and 3rd Floor Lobbies, African Union

Ghana PPAG

Getting Contraceptives to people: avoiding stockouts Post abortion contraceptive use in Ethiopia: from FGAE Integrated SRH Service African Women Leaders Network Event & Journalist Award Ceremony Celebrating YouthProvider Partnerships for Sexual and Reproductive Health

Selassie, Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana Rebecca Koladycz, IPPF Western Hemisphere Region Genet Mengistu Haile, Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia Caroline Kwamboka, IPPF Africa Regional Office Ipas, IPPF, VSI and DSW

14h30 to 15h50

African Union

16h20 to 17h40

2nd level, Caucus Room 19, African Union African Union

18h00 to 22h00

18h30 to 20h00

Friendship Hotel

Friday, November 15st 2013 ICPD and SRHR: Taking Family Planning Beyond 2014 Breakfast provided. From Denial to FP Acceptance in Ethiopia: Lessons from FGAE Improving Performance in Family Planning Service Provision Through Monthly Data Management Initiative Case of Ten (10) IPPF Africa Region Member Associations Utilization of Clinical Management Information System (CMIS) in Monitoring and reducing stock-outs of Family Planning Commodities: THE EXPERIENCE OF IPPF MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF PPAG Accountability for Resources: Tracking Funding for RH and FP from the EU and its Member States Chris Gee and Anna de Oliveira 07h00 to 08h20 pm African Union

Genet Mengistu Haile, Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia Paulin Tra, International Planned Parenthood Federation - Africa Regional Office

10h00 to 13h20

10h00 to 13h20

2nd and 3rd Floor Lobbies, African Union 2nd and 3rd Floor Lobbies, African Union

Eliud Lelerai, International Planned Parenthood Federation Denise Murekatete, IPPF ARO

10h30 to 11h50

3rd level, Small Conference Hall 4, African Union

An Huybrechts, IPPF European Network/Countdown 2015 Europe; DSW

10h30 to 11h50

African Union


Other events Repro Health Happy Hour: ICFP Edition! Repro Health Happy Hour (RHHH) is a monthly networking event for the worlds non-profiteers working on sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice, and issues of gender and sexuality, and all pro-choice individuals looking for fun and progressive drinking buddies. The event was founded in NYC in 2004 and has now spread to more than 20 cities worldwide. Join us in Addis Ababa at the close of the International Conference on Family Planning for an informal event and to learn more about the Repro Health Happy Hour, a global networking movement. This event will include free snacks and will have no agenda!


List of YAM Members attending: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Kokou Senam Djagadou Emafa Dede Akouete Nene Aye Bayo Gassama Bassirou Cherifa Falone Nchare Nkang Wini Benovy Princilia Biniakounou Aya Eleonore Kouakou Flacre Rene Davy Yapelego Abdul Mumin Abukari Marie Jevaanael Bodwell Salim Bakari Ngazi Kristen Nallan Nozipho Sibanda Jennifer Oriyok Auta Abdou Soidiki Ahmed Emilia Simoes Sumburane Catherine Chiboola Kabbudula Kagoyarona Kakanyo Nokulunga Xoliswa Mkhonta Beatrice Kachedzula Ainembabazi Christine Togo Togo Guinee Senegal Cameroon Democratic Republic of Congo Cote dIvoire Central Africa Republic Ghana Seychelles Kenya Mauritius Zimbabwe Nigeria Comoros Mozambique Zambia Botswana Swaziland Malawi Uganda

List of Emerging Leaders attending: 1. Juan Camilo Saldarriaga Costa Rica 2. Shanique Campbell Jamaica 3. Donald Nguepi Ndongo Cameroon 4. Ngasuma Eva Kanyeka Tanzania 5. Musah El-Nasoor Masui Uganda 6. Abhinav Singh India


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