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Responsible Parenthood and

Reproductive Health Act 0f 2012

RA 10354

Definition of terms
Responsible Parenthood

Its is the will and ability of parent(s) to respond to the needs

and aspiration of the family and children.
It is the shared responsibility between parents to determine
and achieve the desired number and timing of their own

General Information

Definition of terms
Reproductive Health (RH)

It is the state of complete well-being in matters relating to

ones sexual and reproductive life.
It implies that people are able to have a responsible, safe,
consensual, and capability to reproduce and the freedom to
decide if, when, and how often to do so. Further, it implies
that men and women attain equal relationships in matters
related to sexual relations and reproduction.

General Information

Definition of terms
Republic Act 10354

It is an act providing for a national policy on responsible parenthood and

reproductive health.
The law, which stemmed from the strong advocacy of stakeholders and the
commitment of the Government, is a point for convergence of multi-sectoral
efforts toward the improvement of health outcomes of the country.
It mandates the government to adequately address the needs of Filipinos on
responsible parenthood and reproductive health.
It aims to empower the Filipino people, especially women and youth,
through informed choice and age- and development-appropriate education.
The law also guarantees access to information, facilities and services most
especially for the poor by ensuring stable and sustainable reproductive
health programs are in place through partnerships between national and
local governments in collaboration with civil society organization, basic
sectors, academe, and private sector.

General Information

Principles of RPRH Law

The right to make free and informed decisions
The provision of effective and quality RH care

The provision of truthful information and education
on RH
The pre-ferential access to the poor and the

General Information

Benefits of RPRH Law

Improve access to services thru:

Enhanced Service Delivery Networks (SDN) through facility

mapping and population matching with facilities;
Provision of mobile health clinics in GIDAs;
Improved PhilHealth coverage of RH services;
Ensured supply of RH commodities particularly in the
procurement and distribution of FP supplies;
Hiring and training of skilled health professionals;
National and local government cooperation in implementation;
Participation of the Private Sector, Academe, Basic Sector and
CSOs; and
Continuous monitoring and review of programs

General Information

Benefits of RPRH Law

Enhanced access to RH information by:

Strengthening of informed choice and voluntarism leading

to an understanding of the full range of services;
Availability of RP and RH information through health
consultations; and
Development of age- and development- appropriate

General Information

Roles and Functions of Local Government in the Implementation of

the Law
Ensure the provision of the full range of RPRH care services,

including all FP methods , supplies and commodities, both natural

and artificial, which are legal, medically safe, non-abortifacient, to
all clients at appropriate level of care
Ensure that all health facilities have an adequate number and
adequate training for skilled health professionals for reproductive
health care.
Organize the Service Delivery Network
Establish or upgrade all public health facilities in the SDN
Ensure that barriers to1 RH care for persons with disabilities
(PWDs) are responded to.
Map the available RH services public and private health facilities.
Operational Structure

Roles and Functions of Local Government in the Implementation of

the Law
Conduct maternal, fetal, and infant death reviews and use

the results of the review to improve service delivery.

Implement an effective and well-targeted distribution
program of RH supplies and commodities supplied by DOH.
Support the promotion of comprehensive RH education
informal and informal learning settings in school and in
Organize implementing and coordinative mechanism for the
implementation of the RPRH Law.
Augment the gaps in the FP commodities and supplies
provided by DOH.
Operational Structure

Roles and Functions of Local Government in the Implementation of

the Law
Procure, operate and maintain mobile health care services

(MHCS) to deliver RH care and services particularly to its

indigent constituents.
Strengthen its pre-marriage orientation for applicants for
marriage license, without exemption, based on the Joint
Guidelines of DOH, POPCOM DILG and DSWD.
Assign RH officer of the Day who will ensure access of all clients
seeking RH care, in every public health facility at all levels of care.
Initiate participation and engagement of civil society
organizations (CSOs) in the implementation of the RPRH Law in
the locality.
Appropriate funds for the implementation of the RPRH Law.
Operational Structure

Monitoring of the Implementation of the

A monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework shall govern the

assessment of the effective implementation of the RPRH Law. The M&E

framework will operate on a set of indicators that will reflect the overall
success of the RPRH Law implementation.
Government agencies and CSOs are required to submit regular and/or

annual reports on their contribution to the realization of the goals of the

A Congressional Oversight Committee (COC) composed of the members

from the Senate and the House of Representatives shall monitor and
ensure the effective implementation of the RPRH Law, recommend the
necessary remedial legislation or administrative measures, and shall
conduct a review of the RPRH Act every five (5) yeas from its effectivity.
Operational Structure

Operational Structure of RA 10354

The RPRH Law is to be jointly implemented by

different concerned agencies, each focusing on one

or several aspects of the program and contributing to
the attainment of its overall goal, and will be
coordinated by the National Implementation Team
at the national level.

Operational Structure

National Implementation Team (NIT)

DOH AO 2015-002 provides for the creation of the

NIT. It is composed of representatives from

concerned government agencies and civil society
organizations. Currently, the Chair of the NIT is
former Secretary of Health Dr. Esperanza Cabral,
DOH Assistant Secretary Dr. Paulyn Jean Ubial as
Co-Chair and POPCOMs Executive Director, Dr.
Juan Antonio Perez III as Vice-Chair and Head of

Operational Structure

National Implementation Team (NIT)

Members of the NIT are DOH, POPCOM, FDA,

DSWD, NEDA, DepEd, DILG, PhilHealth, NAPC,


Operational Structure

Regional Structures
The same structure will be replicated at the different

regions through the RPRH Law Regional

Implementation Teams (RITs). The RITs will be
composed of the same agencies as the NIT
composition, but the RITs can expand membership
to include other organizations.

Operational Structure

Lead agency in the implementing the RPRH education for


The Department of Education (DepEd) is mandated

by the Law to formulate a curriculum including

concepts and messages on reproductive health. The
National Implementation Team (NIT) created a
Technical Working Group for Comprehensive
Sexuality Education (TWG on CSE) to support the
DepEd as Chair, POPCOM as Secretariat, and DOH,
DSWD, NYC, and CSOs as members.

RPRH Education for Adolescents

What are other venues where RPRH Education can be integrated?


shall include RPRH education in the

Teacher-Child-Parent (TCP) activities with the
objective of ensuring that parents or guardians are
likewise exposed to RPRH education.

RPRH Education for Adolescents

Services Provided to In-school Adolescents


and public schools, as avenues for

development, shall provide young people a supportive
environment where they have access to the following
services with regards to teenage problems, among

Counseling and psycho-social support services

Facilities for information on prevention of risky behaviors,
including addiction;
Facilities for information on prevention and diagnosis and proper
management/treatment of STIs; and
Facilities for information and referral to service providers on all
RPRH concerns.

RPRH Education for Adolescents

Other Agencies Providing RPRH Education for Adolescents

Several government agencies and CSOs have also initiated

their own RPRH education for adolescents.

POPCOM in collaboration with LGUs conduct U4U teen
trails and maintain teen centers in school and communities
DOH provide counseling and services on adolescent
sexuality and health
DSWD developed youth development sessions (YDS) for
4Ps beneficiaries
POPDEV-education have been integrated in selected schools
NYC conducts various for a on sexuality and reproductive
health for youth among others
RPRH Education for Adolescents

How will Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health

education be funded?

The funds for the implementation of provisions on

RPRH education shall be included in the annual

budget of the DepEd, Commission on Higher
Education, Technical Education and Skills
Development Agency, and other concerned agencies.

RPRH Education for Adolescents

What agency will monitor the implementation of the RPRH


DepEd is mandated to institute regular monitoring

and reporting on the integration of RPRH education

and information in the formal and non-formal,
learning systems.

RPRH Education for Adolescents

RPRH Education for Adolescents

The State shall provide age- and development-appropriate responsible parenthood

and reproductive health education to adolescents and school-age children

This shall be taught by adequately trained teachers and educators in formal and
non-formal educational system .
Complete, accurate and relevant age- and development- appropriate information
on RPRH, respectful of culture and religious conviction, shall be integrated in the
school curriculum which shall include the following topics:

Rights of the Child

Child Health and Nutrition
Child and Adolescent Development
Gender and Development
Life skills
Age-appropriate Sexuality Education
Population and development
Prevention of STIs, including HIV
Recognition and elimination of gender-based violence

RPRH Education for Adolescents

Service Delivery Network (SDN)

The SDN as defined in DOH AO 2014-0046

Defining the Service Delivery Network for Universal

Health Care, is primarily a network of public and
private FP or MNCHN service providers.
They are identified or designated to population.
The facilities that are part of the SDN may include
those that are outside the geographic and political
boundaries of the province or city, if deemed
necessary, to refer clients for services.

Delivery of RPRH Services

Who can produce family planning (FP) supplies?

The DOH shall procure and distribute to LGUs and

monitor the usage of FP supplies for the whole

country. The DOH shall coordinate with all
appropriate local government bodies to plan and
implement this procurement and distribution
LGUs may procure, distribute and monitor FP and
other RH commodities to augment existing supply
following RA 9184 and its amended implementing
rules and regulations.
Delivery of RPRH Services

Contraceptive Products re-certified as non-abortifacient by the FDA

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been

re-certified most of the contraceptive products

available in the markets as non-abortifacient.
The updated list to recertified products can be
obtained from FDA.
Government agencies can now procure commodities
that are already listed in the Philippine National
Drug Formulary (PNDF) and have been issued FDA

Delivery of RPRH Services

What RH services are currently being covered by PhilHealth

Bilateral tubal ligation(BTL), reversal of BTL and normal spontaneous delivery with BTL.
No scalpel Vasectomy(NSV) and reversal of NSV.
Interval intrauterine devices (IUDs) insertion. Post-partum IUD insertion (PPIUD) can only be

availed as part of the post-partum component of the Maternal Care Package (MCP)
Oral contraceptive pills (OCPs) can only be availed as part of the post-partum component of the MCP.
FP procedures done during outreach activities, provided that the doctor and the facility are both

PhilHealth-accredited. For mobile teams, PhilHealth will provide reimbursement if the mobile team is
licensed as part of the hospital by the DOH Bureau of Facility Services (BHFS)
Management of complications of RH procedures.
Pop smear is not yet covered by PhilHealth. However, the visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA)

when done in accredited facilities, is covered in the package for cervical cancer and the Primary Care
Benefit (PCB).

Delivery of RPRH Services

What are the roles of barangay volunteers?

The barangay volunteers such as Barangay Service

Point Officers, Barangay Population Workers, BHWs

and CHTs, are responsible in the promotion of RPRH
particularly in increasing the awareness and
recognition of health risk and prompt individuals to
seek and utilize RH care services.
are expected to conduct interpersonal
communication and counseling (IPCC), demand
generation and referral on RPRH care services and the
resupply of condoms and oral contraceptive pills to
clients at the level of barangay health stations as well.
Delivery of RPRH Services

Can civil society organizations (CSOs) and the

private sector be engaged to provide RPRH services?
The DOH and LGUs are encouraged to engage CSOs

and private institutions in the provision of

Reproductive Health Care Services in their
respective localities to augment the services provided
by the public health facilities.
POPCOMs Supplemental Guideline Nos. 5 & 6
provided for the Operational Guidelines in CSO
Engagement for Addressing Unmet Need for Modern
Family Planning.

Delivery of RPRH Services

Reproductive Health (RH) Care

Reproductive health care refers to the access to a full

range of methods, facilities, services and supplies

that contribute to reproductive health and well-being
by addressing reproductive health-related problems.
It also includes sexual health, the purpose of which is
the enhancement of life and personal relations.

Delivery of RPRH Services

The 12 RH Elements
Family planning information and services which shall include as a first priority making

women of reproductive age fully aware of their respective cycles to make them aware of when
fertilization is highly probable, as well as highly improbable;
Maternal, infant and child health and nutrition, including breastfeeding;
Proscription of abortion and management of abortion complications;
Adolescent and youth reproductive health guidance and counseling;
Prevention, treatment and management of reproductive tract infections (RTIs), HIV and
AIDS and other sexually transmittable infections (STIs);
Elimination of violence against women and children and other forms of sexual and genderbased violence;
Education and counseling on sexuality and reproductive health;
Treatment of breast and reproductive tract cancers and other gynecological conditions and
Male responsibility and involvement and mens reproductive health;
Prevention, treatment and management of infertility and sexual dysfunction;
Reproductive health education for the adolescents; and
Mental health aspect of reproductive health care.

Delivery of RPRH Services

Who are conscientious objectors?

Conscientious objectors refer to practicing skilled

health professional (private or public) which may

include doctors, nurses or midwives and other public
health workers, who refuse to provide legal and
medically safe reproductive health competence, on
the grounds that doing so is against their ethical or
religious convictions.

Critical Issues

Requirement to become conscientious objectors

Practicing skilled health professionals

(public or

private) must be registered as

objectors at the DOH
Private skilled health professionals shall post a
notice at the entrance of the clinic or place of
practice, enumerating the reproductive health
services they refuse to provide
Public skilled health who are conscientious objectors
shall explain to the client the limited range of
services they can provide
Delivery of RPRH Services

To what extent can conscientious objectors withhold their services?

conscientious objectors:

May refuse to disseminate information on RH programs and

services but is liable for providing false or misleading
May refuse to provide RH services and refuse to refer a patient
to the appropriate RH provider but not in emergency, life
threatening or serious cases.

Delivery of RPRH Services

Can minors access FP services?

Minors are not allowed access to modern methods of

family planning without written consent from a

parent of a legal guardian.
Provision of FP information and counselling to
minors does not require consent from a parent or a
legal guardian.

Delivery of RPRH Services

Can private Hospitals refuse to provide

RH services?

Hospitals owned and operated by a religious group,

or is classified as a non-maternity specialty hospitals

may refuse to provide RH services.
Additionally, said exempted health facilities cannot
be required to refer patients except in emergency or
life threatening situations.

Delivery of RPRH Services

Guidelines for Employers to provide FP services in the workplace

Article 134 of the Labor Code of the Philippines (LCP) sates that

establishments which are required by law to maintain a clinic shall

provide free FP services to their employees which shall include, but
not be limited to, the application or use of contraceptive pills and
intrauterine devices.
The RPRH Law reiterates this requirements to establishments with
more than 200 employees. Establishments with less than 200
employees are encouraged to provide FP services to their workers.
The Law also mandates DOH to coordinate with the Department of
Labor and Employment to review, develop, and/or prescribe
incentive bonus schemes for establishments or enterprises to make
family planning services available to female workers.

Delivery of RPRH Services

Can public officials be conscientious objectors ?

Public officials (both elected and appointed) can also

be conscientious objectors and may refuse to

support the implementation of RH programs.
However, they are liable if they personally or
through a subordinate:

Prohibit or restrict the delivery of legal RH services, including

family planning
Force, coerce or induce any person to use such services
Refuse to allocate, approve or release any budget for RH

Delivery of RPRH Services

Critical issues
RA 10354 finally became implementable when the supreme Court of

the Philippines declared on April 8, 2014 that " the RH law is not
In its decision, the High Court upheld the core provision of the
RPRH Law, However, the following provision were stuck down full or

Section 7, only insofar as it: (a) requires private health facilities, non-maternity
specialty hospitals, and hospitals owned by religious groups to refer patients not in
an emergency or life-threatening situation to another health facility which is
conveniently accessible (b) provides access to family planning and RH services to
minors who have been pregnant or had a miscarriage without a parental consent.
Section 23-A-1, which punishes RH providers, regardless of their religious belief,
who fail or refuse to disseminate information regarding RH services and programs
Section 23-A-2-i, which allows a married individual not in a life-threatening case to
access RH procedures without the consent of the spouse

Delivery of RPRH Services

Critical issues

Section 23-A-3, insofar as it punishes an RH provider who fails to

refer any non-life-threatening case to another RH provider
Section 23-B, insofar as it punishes any public officer who refuses to
support RH programs
Section 17, which mandates a 40-hour pro bono service by private
and nongovernment RH service providers, including gynecologists
and obstetricians, as a prerequisite for PhilHealth accreditation
Section 3.01-A and J of the RH law Implementing Rules and
Regulations (IRR), which defines abortifacients as primarily
inducing abortion instead of simply inducing abortion
Section 23-A-2-ii, which prohibits RH service providers from refusing
to perform legal and medically-safe reproductive health procedures
on minors in non-life-threatening situations without parental

Delivery of RPRH Services

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