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Notes-Mixed Layout Issues

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Mixed-Signal Layout Issues Naturally, analog ICs are more sensitive to noise than digital ICs.

For any analog design to be successful, careful attention must be paid to layout issues, particularly in a digital environment. Sensitive analog nodes must be protected and shielded from any potential noise source. Grounding and power supply routing must also be considered when using digital and analog circuitry on the same substrate. Since a majority of ADCs use switches controlled by digital signals, separate routing channels must be provided for each type of signal. Techniques used to increase the success of mixed-signal designs vary in complexity and priority. Strategies regarding system wide minimization of noise should always be considered foremost. A mixedsignal layout strategy can be modeled as seen in Fig1. The lowest issues are foundational and must be considered before each succeeding step. The successful mixed-signal design will always minimize the effect of the digital switching on the analog circuits.

Floorplaning The placement of sensitive analog components can greatly affect a circuits performance. Many issues must be considered. In designing a mixed-signal system, strategies regarding the floorplaning of the circuitry should be thoroughly analyzed well before the layout is to begin. The analog circuitry should be categorized by the sensitivity of the analog signal to noise . For example, low-level signals or high-impedance nodes typically associated with input signals are considered to be sensitive nodes. These signals should be closely guarded and shielded especially from digital output buffers. High-swing analog circuits such as comparators and output buffer amplifiers should be placed between the sensitive analog and the digital circuitry.

The digital circuitry should also be categorized by speed and function. Obviously, since digital output buffers are usually designed to drive capacitive loads at very high rates, they should be kept farthest from the sensitive analog signals. Next, the high and lower speed digital should be placed between the insensitive analog and the output buffers. An example of this type of strategy can be seen in Fig2. Notice that the sensitive analog is as far as possible from the digital output buffers and that the least sensitive analog circuitry is next to the least offensive digital circuitry.

power supply and Grounding Issues Whenever analog and digital circuit reside together on the same die, danger exits of injecting noise from the digital system to the sensitive analog circuitry through the power supply and ground connections. Much of the inter coupling can be minimized by carefully considering how power and ground are supplied to both the analog and digital circuits.

Examine Fig3a. Here, analog and digital circuitry share the same routing to a single pad for power and ground. The resistors, RI1 and RI2,represent the small, non negligible resistance of the interconnect to the pad. The inductors, LB1 and LB2, represent the inductance of the bonding wire which connects the pads to the pin on the lead frame. Since digital circuitry is typified by high amounts of transient currents due to switching, a small amount of resistance associated with the interconnect can result significant voltage spikes. Low-level analog signals are very sensitive to such interference, thus resulting in a contaminated analog system. Another significant across the inductor is proportional to the change in current through it, voltage spikes equating to hundreds of millivolts can result Both of these voltage effects are true for both the power and ground connection.

One way to reduce the interference, seen in Fig3b, is to prohibit the analog and digital circuit from sharing the same interconnect. The routing for the supply and ground for both the analog and digital sections are provided separately. Although this eliminates the parasitic resistance due to the common interconnect, there is still a common inductance due to the bonding wire which cause interference.

Another method that minimizes interference even more than the previous case is seen if Fig4c. By using separate pads and pins, the analog and the digital circuits are completely decoupled. The current through the analog interconnect is much less abrupt that the digital; thus, the analog circuitry now has a quite power and ground. However, this technique is depended on whether extra pins and pads are available for this use. The separate power supply and ground pins are then connected externally. It is not wise to use two separate power supplies because if both types of circuits are not powered up simultaneously, latch-up could easily result.

In cases presented in Fig3b and Fig 3c, the resistance associated with the analog connection to ground or supply can be reduced by making the power supply and ground bus as wide as feasible. This reduces the overall resistance of the metal run , thus decreasing the voltage spikes that occur across the resistor. The inductor itself is

impossible to eliminate, though it can be minimized with careful planning. Since the length of the bonding wire is dependent on the distance from the pad to the lead frame, one should reduce the effect of the wire inductance by reserving pins closest to the die for sensitive connections such as analog supply and ground. This, again, illustrates the importance of floor planning.

Fully Differential Design The noise source represents the noise from digital circuitry coupled through the parasitic stray capacitors. If equal amounts of noise are injected into the differential amplifiers, then the common-mode rejection inherent in the amplifiers will eliminate most or all of the noise. This, of course, is dependent on the symmetry of the amplifiers, meaning that the matching of the transistors in the amplifier becomes crucial. Therefore, in a mixed-signal environment, layout techniques should be used to improve matching.

Guard Rings Guard rings, should be used wisely throughout a mixed-signal environment. Circuits that process sensitive signals should be placed in a separate well with guard rings attached to the analog VDD supply. In the case of CN20 process, the n-type devices outside the well should have guard rings attached to analog VSS placed around them as well. Digital circuits should be placed in their own well with guard rings attached to digital VDD. Guard rings placed around the n-channel digital devices will also help minimize the amount of noise transmitted from the digital devices.

Shielding A number of techniques exist which can shield sensitive, low-level analog signals from noise resulting from digital switching. A shield can take the form of a layer tied to analog ground placed between two other layers, or it can be a barrier between two signals running in parallel.

If at all possible, one should avoid crossing sensitive analog signals, such as low-level analog input signals, with any digital signals. The parasitic capacitance coupling the two signal lines can be as much as a couple of fF, depending on the process. If it cannot be avoided, then attempt to carry the digital signal using the top layer of metal

( such as metal 2 ). If the analog signal is an input signal, then it will most likely be carried by the poly layer. A strip of metal1 can be placed between the two layers and connected to analog ground ( see Fig5 ).

Another situation that should be avoided is running interconnect containing sensitive analog signals parallel and adjacent to any interconnect carrying digital signals. Coupling occurs due to the parasitic capacitance between the lines. If this situation cannot be avoided, then an additional line connected to analog ground should be placed between the two signals, as seen in Fig6. This method can also be used to partition the analog and digital sections of the chip.

In addition, the n-well can be used as a bottom-plate shiled to protect analog signals from substrate noise. Poly

resistors ( or capacitors ) used for sensitive analog signals can be shielded by placing an n-well beneath the components and connecting the well to analog VDD.

Other Interconnect Considerations Finally, some other layout strategies will incrementally improve the performance of the analog circuitry. However, if the previous strategies are not followed, these suggestions will be useless. When routing the analog circuitry, minimize the lengths of current carrying paths. This will simply reduce the amount of voltage drop across the path due to the metal1 or metal2 resistance. Contacts should also be used very liberally whenever changing layers. Not only does this minimize resistance in the path, but it also improves fabrication reliability. Avoid using poly to route current carrying signal paths. Not only is the poly higher in resistance value, but also the additional contact resistance required to change layers will not be insignificant. If the poly is made wider to lower the resistance, additional parasitic capacitance will be added to the node. Use poly to route only high-impendence gate nodes that carry virtually no current.

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