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Got The Message?: Competition To SWIFT Is Hotting Up

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October 2009

Volume 6 No. 43
GBP 25 - UK, ROW
USD 45 - America

Custody - Latin America

Regulation - Poland
Analyse This - Sub-Custody, China

Got the message?

Competition to SWIFT is hotting up

Credit Rating Agencies: Reform

Executive Profile: Fidelity ActionsXchange
Panel: Risk Management Today

Front Cover Section ISJ43.indd 1 19/10/2009 11:10

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Front Cover Section ISJ43.indd 2 09/10/2009 09:27

ISJ Investor Services Journal Heads up

P.08 Executive Profile P.19 Analyse This: China P.20 German Custody P.22 Panel Debate

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

P.04 News

Editor’s letter
interviews with top delegates. however, still pending in the
On the up The mood at the event was credit rating sector. After a
altogether buoyant, with so significant degree of flak from
Major changes continue many firms in both banking the media and the market
to impact the international and technology eager to build during the financial crisis, this
financial system, and very their contact lists and explore ubiquitous investor service
much for the better. After the the opportunities that Asia is will look to begin a clean slate
Features editor: blood transfusion that central increasingly presenting. from 2010. Some of the rating
Ben Roberts banks had been providing their This issue of ISJ, the agencies seem to have pre-
countries through quantitative penultimate for 2009, is also empted some of the regulatory
senior correspondent: easing – treasury bonds for cash looking to embrace change, crackdown with structural
Craig McGlashan – market liquidity and capital growth and new options in changes to avoid the accusation
is growing. The global stock investor services. Over the last of ‘business as usual’.
Kimberley Ferguson
markets continue an overall rise, few weeks, Craig McGlashan Risk management - as ISJ and despite concerns that this is has kept his ear to the ground readers will know - is a subject
a shallow indicator for economic regarding the future of to which we keep returning. This
Contributing editor:
anthony harrington resurgence, institutions seem messaging services. SWIFT, still issue we quiz a panel of experts
to be able now to look and plan the dominant player, may face in different areas of the financial
account manager:
Cicely lewis that little bit further ahead. increasingly strong opposition industry who nevertheless gave This point is partly testified in the field of investor us fascinating insight. n
by the amount of requests Risky
for business? communication. Ben Roberts
senior account manager:
Patricia De la Grange proposals that have appeared Poland seems to be heading over the last month or so, with towards a bigger, Securities lending program parameter adjustments
Business development manager: custodians polishing theirInterestingly, for respondents
brighter future
that did make as Program parameter adjustments: The inherent flexibility in many securities
James olweny service pitch in the face ofparameter changes,the SOURCE: RBC Dexia Investor Services
markets ‘come
including those that
suspended participation, they tended to make
lending programs is intended to be used to
the advantage of beneficial owners. And while
institutional investors seeking a back’
multiple changes – ones after putting
that reflected their
securities lending is generally a conservative
web producer: new home for their assets. SGSS
in place a number of
on managing risk. graph illustrates
product from a risk perspective, there are real
Peter ainsworth the risks
main must be understood and closely
in particular has enjoyedThe anmost common adjustment
legislative was in changes.
relation managed. These risks, and their mitigants,
astonishing run, and its reported Latin cited
to borrowing counterparties, America,
by 38% of too, changes being
should form an integral part of a beneficial
operations manager: seven mandate wins in Italy this
those that made program changes, followed by made to securities
owner’s securities lending policies and
nicolette whittaker continues
adjustments to the type to see
of collateral accepted. procedures and be actively monitored.
year seems to have fully paid lending programs. astonishing
Considering the exceptional market turmoilgrowth
off its outlay for Unicredit’s
that ensued following the collapse of Lehman Lenders are
Brothers, this was anin its fund sectors
Managing director:
securities services business three
entirely rational reaction.
Type of collateral accepted

Cash vs non cash collateral

Borrowing counterparties

Jon hewson – pension, insurance

Cash reinvest paramteres years ago. making changes,

and mutual alike –
Margin requiremetns

rather than
The Sibos conference last presenting numerous
Chairman: stopping the
Mark latham month was another fruitful trip opportunities programs,
for companies and journalists for international according to a
2i uK 16-17 Little Portland Street, alike, and is proud to custodians. survey.
London W1W 8BP, UK present a number of video Changes are,
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© 2009 2i Media
All rights reserved. No part of this September RBC Dexia Manulife Singapore Singapore Fund Valuations SGD1.5 billion
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be reproduced, in
whole or in part, September CIBC Mellon Marrett Asset Mgmt. Toronto Custody n/a
without prior writ-
ten permission from September SGSS ST Microelectronics Netherlands Global Custody EUR1 billion
the publishers.
Issn 1744-151X. September SGSS Vallourec France Global Custody EUR120m

1-13 ISJ43.indd 1 19/10/2009 10:51

Contents ISJ Investor Services Journal
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

Contents Letters
regulatory bodies. Unfortunately,
Dear ISJ a move to rationalise SEPA and
competition and innovation in EBICS to seems to be a long way
In this issue off.
the messaging market.
Most of the taxpayer SEPA is not just about the
support of firms returning to Eurozone, it affects businesses
COVER STORY ‘business as usual’ remains in globally that deal in this currency
12 Poland - Legislation place, which includes liability zone.
- Poland has Westernised its guarantees, access to central The implementation cycle
regulatory framework for short bank facilities, money market perceived by the regulators,
selling. mutual fund backstops, etc. so primarily the ECB, was that
that the playing field remains the banks would communicate
highly subsidised and distorted. detailed SEPA process changes
14 Credit ratings The real question is how things to their customer base –
- Reform will go once these supports are particularly the corporates – but
Ben Roberts rounds up the stripped-away and how the it has been no surprise that the
changes in the credit rating taxpayers will be compensated banks have not exactly rushed
sector and the growing use of the for shouldering these massive to do so.
CDS market as an indicator of a guarantees. There was no other organised
firm’s financial health. In many countries they are form of communication out to
very angry, and have good the commercial economies of
reasons to be, especially when Europe, so it is probably true to
Got the message? financial firms return to say that for a long time many
Technology, page 10 16 Latin America - Market “business as usual” and the next corporations believed that SEPA
growth Anthony Harrington big crisis may be only a few years was another ‘banking thing’ that
finds that regulatory changes and did not affect them, and perhaps
down the road. The reputation
booming markets are creating
People of the industry is at an all-time a good number of commercial
many opportunities for custody
low, for good reasons. organisations still believe this!
02 Letters business.
There is a short-term risk for
Professor Ingo Walter, commercial consumers who
04 News The last month of updates 19 ECB is lending help - SimCorp StrategyLab n persist in trading through the
in custody, clearing, securities Securities lending The older, very-costly-to-maintain
lending, legal, regulation, prume ECB paper is a vital reminder of payments instruments.
brokerage and technology. the benefits of securities lending. In particular, cash
Dear ISJ transactions and cheque
transactions are already being
06 News analysis - Custody Analyse This - China penalised in many countries,
concern of EU rule draft Guest comment about the growth
SEPA was originally and will be hit very hard in the
Plus, reader reaction to the Sibos of sub-custody in the world’s
devised by regulators, near future – only partly to cover
conference. most populous country. primarily for the benefit of the bank processing costs – the
financial services consumers in greater objective will be to price
22 Meeting client needs in the Eurozone. However, banks them out of the market and kill
08 Meeting the challenges Germany - Depot banks have had to bear the burden of them off.
the associated implementation The costs of SEPA
- Executive Profile The choice between a bundled
Laura Pollard and Deborah and tailoredcustody service is costs, actually incurring implementation have yet to be
Culhane of Fidelity a vital decision for instituional transaction business losses in covered. Possibilities include new
ActionsXchange chat to Craig so doing. Therefore, it is no big tariffs, affecting both private and
McGlashan. surprise that they postpone commercial consumers, for both
investment of resources on national and international credit
Technology 24 ISJ Panel - Risk associated initiatives for as long transfers and direct debits.
management Three as they can – with much of the
10 Got the message? - The well-placed sages answer ISJ’s market becoming compliant Richard Spong, Financial
SWIFT alternatives - questions. only shortly before the phase Services Industry Marketing
Craig McGlashan investigates the end-dates, mandated by Manager, Sterling Commerce,
legislation. EMEA n
25 Directory of services The countries already bound
The company listing.
to EBICS are resisting the SEPA
to renew your subscription priority for the moment, as To express your views, write to
please telephone: they have existing compliance or write a blog at
MEMBER - periodical +44 (0)20 7299 7700
publishers association or visit...
commitments to their national

2 Me

1-13 ISJ43.indd 2 19/10/2009 10:51

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1-13 ISJ43.indd 3 19/10/2009 10:51

0857_Adv 2i Media.indd 1 05-08-2009 16:06:17
Letters ISJ Investor Services Journal
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

News products. The new clients include

EDF, Blackfin and Vallourec in
revenue, according to the World
Payment Report 2009. Though
brokerage division.
France, ST Microelectronics in some institutions’ payment Omgeo, the post-trade
Custody the Netherlands, Peregrine operations – often termed automation specialists, hired
Derivatives (PTY) in South Africa, Global Transaction Services three new associates for its
and Aktia Bank in Finland. It (GTS) – took hits to performance collateral management product
RBC Dexia Investor Services also revealed it has won seven amid difficult markets this year, Omgeo ProtoColl.
is to provide custody and mandates in Italy this year. banks have profited from the
settlement for Unione di Banche relative steadiness of the income peterevans, the technology
Italiane scpa’s (UBI Banca) compared with their investment provider, launched a new product
international securities activities. Legal
arms. for managing and calculating
The agreement is part of a deal daily margins. xanite Margin
confirmed last week in which Engine (xanite ME) aims to
the Italian firm is to transfer its Cayman-domiciled investment Securities Lending provide greater transparency for
depositary bank business to the funds must appoint a compliance the trading risk profile of non-
custodian.  officer in addition to an anti- Securities lending participants clearing members and reduced
money laundering officer, are holding firm or adjusting margin risk exposure.
Northern Trust opened a branch according to changes in the their risk parameters rather than
office in Stockholm, Sweden, guidance notes by the sector’s suspending their programmes,
enabling an extension of its watchdog. In the wake of greater according to the latest
offering to Nordic clients. push towards transparency of Regulation
survey of beneficial owners
Madeleine Senior was appointed the fund listed in tax havens and and market intermediaries.
as managing director, and will accountancy super scandals, Despite purported large-scale Switzerland has begun conforming
oversee all of the US bank’s the Cayman Island Monetary programme suspensions amid to the internationally agreed tax
activities across Norway, Finland, Authority (CIMA)’s Guidance market volatility, only 17% of information standard, since they
Sweden and Denmark. Mireille Notes on the Prevention and 86 respondents to the survey by earlier signed a protocol to their
Andersson was appointed head of Detection of Money Laundering RBC Dexia stopped lending. The tax treaty with the United States.
sales for the Nordic region. and Terrorist Financing has sought majority, 60%, made no changes This is the 11th agreement for the
to represent the two roles at to their programmes. exchange of information in tax
CDG Capital, a subsidiary of management level. matters signed by Switzerland
the Group Caisse de Dépot et de The US Securities and which meets the OECD standard. 
Gestion, selected BNP Paribas Exchange Commission (SEC)
Securities Services for global held a roundtable discussion The US financial regulator,
custody of its non-Moroccan Clearing
on securities lending and short the Securities and Exchange
assets linked to the recent selling last month that featured Commission (SEC), voted
legislation permitting the Singapore Exchange Limited a range of panellists from various unanimously to boost oversight of
expatriation of investments has appointed Fortis Bank Global interested parties. credit rating agencies.
outside Morocco. Clearing N.V. as a Clearing Member
for its securities market, and In a separate vote, the
as both a Clearing and Trading Technology commission decided to propose
Fund Administration Member for its derivatives market. a ban on flash orders, where
investors are able to see orders
EDHEC-Risk and CACEIS created The National Depositary Centre In ISJ’s Data Services Market a fraction of a second before
a new research chair on ‘Risk and (NDC) and SWIFT signed an Guide earlier this year, the they become public, providing
Regulation in the European Fund agreement allowing NDC’s article ‘The pendulum swing of an advantage to those with
Management Industry’, through counterparties to access SWIFT innovation’ was written by Stuart technology powerful enough to
which EDHEC researchers will and securities settlement Grant of Sybase, rather than make use of the small time gap.
develop solutions to the major infrastructure through a new Stuart Calder of Linedata Services,
risks currently faced by the asset channel based on Alliance Lite as wrongly stated in the guide. ISJ
management industry in Europe. internet technologies. is happy to clarify the point.
The chair will be headed up by
Noël Amenc, director of EDHEC- Netherlands-based European The National Depository Centre
Prime Brokerage
Risk. Multilateral Clearing Facility and the Professional Registration
(EMCF) is providing central Centre CJSC have adopted a new
Citi Global Transaction Services counterparty clearinghouse electronic data interchange (EDI)
has signed a new five-year services for QUOTE MTF, the newly- system for their information JP Morgan created a new Prime-
agreement with Standard Life launched multilateral trading interactions. The NDC and the Custody Solutions Group, which
Investments, which will see the facility (MTF). QUOTE MTF – which Registrar, trialled the product and will focus on delivering the
bank provide fund administration offers a “no-frills” approach to decided that the use of an EDI company’s integrated custody
and securities services to the trading - began operating on allowed accelerated operations, and prime brokerage platform.
asset manager. 4th September and every trade reduced the risks of error and The team will work with asset
executed on the Hungary-based fraud, increased operational managers and hedge funds which
Société Générale Securities exchange will be handled by EMCF. efficiency and enhanced are looking for a combined prime
Services (SGSS) won five new confidentiality in the course of brokerage and securities services
mandates to provide depositary, Transaction banking has remained information exchange. offering. n
fund administration and global one of the central pillars for
custody services and an additional balance sheet growth throughout IT infrastructure provider Options For more news, as well as features,
new mandate for the asset the economic downturn, and IT bought the hosted collocation events and video interviews, visit
servicing valuation of complex still accounts for up to 20% of business of BNP Paribas’ prime

1-13 ISJ43.indd 4 19/10/2009 10:51

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1-13 ISJ43.indd 5 19/10/2009 10:51

News Analysis ISJ Investor Services Journal
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

Custody concern of EU rule draft

Domiciliation issues in alternative fund proposals may hit asset services.
Despite the announcement concerned, provided the fund broker. However, this is only far better than suggesting
from Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, management is in the EU. for funds with deep pockets, that a new regulatory regime
the prime sponsor of the “However,” it says, “certain as custody fees often price can foresee all risks and can
controversial EU Alternative third-party services, for out a number of managers intervene dynamically to
Investment Directive, that the example, valuation and asset already under pressure from forestall poor practices.
draft rules would undergo a safe-keeping, are critical to the redemptions, asset value falls At the time of writing there
thorough review, concerns protection of investors yet are and the need to post decent was no certainty that major
are still rife as to the potential often conducted off-shore for returns for their broker. issues such as the protectionist
impact on custodian and sub- certain types of AIFM. In these Some might say the stance of the Directive or the
custodian relationships. instances an effective response instituting the formal exclusion of global custodians
As things stand in the to the risks would require segregation of assets and from outwith the EU would
proposals, managers with effective controls to be put in independent responsibility for in fact be eliminated from the
non-EU funds would be able place for these activities.” valuation and control, along Directive before it passes into
to apply to have their funds On 26th and 27th February, with greater transparency law in 2011. The sector still has
accepted for distribution in well before the Directive of financial risk would be a fight on its hands. n
Europe. appeared, the European

Sibos 2009: ISJ

However, the Directive Commission organised
also proposes that any such a debate for “emerging
non-EU funds applying for policy issues” that included
an EU “passport”, would need representatives of the

reader reaction
to appoint an EU-domiciled alternative investment industry,
custody provider. as well as Jean-René Giraud,
The Compliance Exchange, director of development,
an online news and ideas from the French business
exchange forum for risk and school, EDHEC’s Risk & Asset all at Sibos.
This year’s Sibos conference
compliance professionals Management Research Centre. “For a Sibos taking place in
retained its importance in
(http://compliancex.typepad. In Giraud’s view: “Because Asia, it lived up to expectations.
the diaries of many movers
com) points out that US the regulator (any regulator) is I didn’t see much difference in
and shakers, despite previous
custodians, such as BNY rarely able to prevent all risks attendance to the Sibos that
concerns of a decline in
Mellon, JP Morgan, and State through systematic control of took place in Sydney.
Street Corp, as well as non-EU industry practices, it seems that “We were in China, and
Peter Sandhu, CEO of
players such as UBS and AG, a structure whereby control is China is of course a very
Synergy Financial Systems
may not qualify. mutually organised throughout important subject. So there
(attended), told ISJ: “Sibos
The Compliance Exchange the industry is (a better way to were a lot of questions and
for us is more a networking
quotes Sheenah Gordon- go).” discussions on Asia and
event than anything else. It’s
Hart, the London-based In particular he advocates China and how the various
part of being the community
head of regulatory strategy reinforcing the responsibility organisations were positioning
– everybody’s there so it makes
for JPMorgan Worldwide of the administrator/custodian themselves in that particular
it really easy to talk to SWIFT
Securities Services in Europe, insofar as pricing the financial market.”
and partners.
the Middle East and Africa, instruments of the fund is Deborah Culhane and
“This year’s Sibos was a little
as saying: “Everybody in the concerned, and also called for Laura Pollard from Fidelity
bit quiet. It certainly wasn’t as
industry is taking this very increased transparency on the ActionsXchange, who did not
good as last year. But I think
seriously. While it is not nature of the risks incurred attend, said it was still on their
it will be busier in Amsterdam
necessarily life-threatening, by underlying investments radar for future years despite
next year.”
we all need the criteria to be – including liquidity risk, so other commitments this year.
Sébastien Danloy, global
workable, cost-effective and that investors understand in Goran Fors, global head of
head of sales and relationship
principled — not one that advance what the liquidity custody at SEB, said: “It was a
management at Societe
shoots from the hip.” parameters of the fund are, great turnout, I was positively
Generale Securities Services,
The Directive argues that particularly in a funds of surprised. There was also a
said: “This year’s event was
since the risks associated with funds situation with illiquid good presence among the
well attended by senior people
alternative investment funds underlying funds. people who did come, from a
– maybe fewer junior people
lie at the manager level, it does Custodians have been used high standard of institutions.
attended but as far as meeting
not really matter where the more frequently by hedge In general, the atmosphere was
the people who count in our
fund is domiciled as far as the funds in order to segregate
industry, they were definitely great.” n
objectives of the Directive is certain assets from their prime

1-13 ISJ43.indd 6 19/10/2009 10:51

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1-13 ISJ43.indd 7 19/10/2009 10:51

Executive profile ISJ Investor Services Journal
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Meeting the challenges

Craig McGlashan talks to Laura Pollard (left) and Deborah Culhane of
Fidelity ActionsXchange about the company’s new innovations.
­ ike parent company Fidelity, Laura
L They explain that
Pollard, executive vice president and face-to-face meetings
Deborah Culhane, chief operating officer are invaluable during
of Fidelity ActionsXchange, are Boston the turbulence that
born and bred. Also like the company, has hit the global
the two have had a successful year – with economy and
“wind in our sales,” according to Pollard. preparing for the
Since taking up their current positions regulation that has
at Fidelity’s corporate actions solutions been proposed to
arm ActionsXchange, the two University deal with it.
of Massachusetts alumni have taken “I think recent
on around ten client implementations, events have definitely
leaving ActionsXchange with more than 50 helped our business and have helped the landscape will look like once the dust
customers. redefine our service strategy,” says Culhane. has settled. Flexibility will be key in the
Despite their similarities, Pollard “We spent a lot of time listening to what corporate actions domain, Culhane says.
and Culhane have experienced different our customers’ challenges are. It’s helped “Corporate actions is not a static
routes to their current roles. Pollard has me contain my cost in an environment environment,” she adds. “There is no
spent her entire career at Fidelity and has where I’m increasingly challenged by simple template that this is ever going to fit
moved through a range of departments – regulatory oversight, potential regulatory into, because corporations are consistently
“always working with customers and new change and transparency rules.” looking for better and new ways to raise
products” - before reaching her current So what has this meant for capital for either funding their own
role as executive vice president, where she ActionsXchange’s business strategy? operations, or to raise capital for an
is responsible for ActionsXchange and Pollard explains that the last year has seen opportunity of acquisition that exists.”
oversees its daily operations. the firm build on its “core capabilities” The drive towards flexibility has
Culhane began in the US Treasury of corporate actions expertise to provide been aided in part by the adoption of
where she led the examination of some complementary market information. a software-as-a-service (SaaS) pricing
of the largest US banks’ investment In June for instance, ActionsXchange model for the firm’s clients, which offers
operations activities and developed an introduced US regulatory filings as “several benefits”, Pollard explains, on top
expertise in overall compliance, risk an attachment to corporate action of the cost savings gained from effectively
management and operational controls. announcements. outsourcing the maintenance and support
This gave her “a great background in ActionCompare, a service which of systems.
risk assessment and controls”. She then compares ActionService corporate action The SaaS model allows users to access
moved to Allmerica Financial where she data to a client’s custodian or proprietary systems via internet browsers, providing
became corporate vice president, and then data, is another area in which the firm is global access. “It’s a great solution if your
eventually became executive vice president branching out from its corporate action organisation has a global presence and you
of North American Operations and roots, explains Pollard. want people accessing the same data,” she
Product Development for Computershare. “It’s marketed for corporate actions says. “It helps promote consistency and
At ActionsXchange she oversees finance, processing, but it can also be used to standards especially where you are trying
technology, operations, risk and take in other sorts of data elements. If to manage risk.”
compliance, and contributes to company customers are interested in counterparty Further extension and automation will
strategy. risk, we are already taking in position files also be at the heart of ActionsXchange’s
Pollard’s experience in client- from clients who are bringing in their future, according to Pollard. “What we
facing roles appears to be beneficial for custodian files. We can bring in additional are hearing from our customers is the
ActionsXchange’s goals. The company information that helps customers see what need for an end-to-end solution,” she
began life 15 years ago as a system for they have and how much of it that they explains. “We are actively exploring –
Fidelity’s own products, before being made have and the relationships between the and that’s the key word, exploring – the
available to commercial clients three years different securities. extension of our technology to automate
later. These clients are “pretty diversified” “Something that may have been of use the full event management lifecycle to
Pollard explains – including asset during the collapse of Lehman Brothers include reconciliation and reporting but
managers, broker dealers, banks and hedge last year,” she adds. even to include investor disclosure and
funds, from back office to front office. Few would argue that the financial communication.”
Clients’ wants and needs are mentioned world is undergoing significant change, Watch a video interview with Laura Pollard
numerous times during the conversation. but fewer still are willing to predict what on n

1-13 ISJ43.indd 8 19/10/2009 10:51

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1-13 ISJ43.indd 9 19/10/2009 10:51

Technology ISJ Investor Services Journal
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

Got the message?

Criticism of SWIFT’s pricing and accreditation models could lead to a
strong challenge in the messaging space, finds Craig McGlashan.
connectivity thorugh higher license fees,
while their correspondents have already
paid for the traffic. The true cost of a
message is therefore many times higher
than the published rate.
As SWIFT is an industry utility working
for the benefit of its members, I believe
that their software products should be
free of charge, and the emphasis placed
on a ‘pay-as-you-go’ system of transaction
charging to cover all traffic and interface
license fees,” Bright explains.
Bright compares this situation to
mobile phone users who must pay for

“Trying to create
a global financial
It may surprise some that Paul the opportunities afforded by the internet
services messaging
Reuter, the founder of Reuters press
agency, used carrier pidgeons as recently
A quick search of SWIFT’s online
standard is like
as the 19th century to transport news
and stock prices. Police departments in
history for the word “internet” turns up
no results. That is not to say that the firm
trying to boil the
the Orissa state of India only replaced does not offer any services like support or
downloads over the internet, but in the
the birds for the internet for emergency
communications as recently as 2002. words of ex-SWIFT employee Graham
Bright, managing director at Financial
Hugh Cumberland,
SWIFT, the global financial messaging
network, has enjoyed similar domination Tradeware, SWIFT thinks of the internet

over thius area of financial communication “more as a threat than an opportunity”.
in the last few decades, but could the In particular, common delivery of ASP
internet also make SWIFT go the way of a web-based internet services should be
cousin of the pigeon - the dodo? making SWIFT question its fundamental
pricing models, he believes. calls they receive from abroad. But he adds
The Society for Worldwide Interbank
“I think they should be giving away there is one key difference: that instead of
Financial Telecommunication – to give it
their software and promoting messaging a cost added to the bill at the end of the
its full title - allows banks and institutions
and looking at transaction charges month, the user will be told that he or she
to communicate electronically. The
which will then cover all the costs of the needs a new phone.
company began in the 1970s, with a
interfaces,” Bright explains. Bright’s company offers a bureau
“handful of people and an ambitious idea”
There are two issues, he says: interface service to firms wishing to join the SWIFT
in Brussels. The group - with the support
charging and moving to a transaction- network but he believes the SWIFT pricing
of more than 200 banks from a range of
based model. mechanism is not conducive to good
countries – began creating a common
Currently, SWIFT offers users reduced business.
language for international financial
traffic costs depending on the volume “If I want to bring 100 new smaller
transactions along with a standard
of messages sent. However, these savings players onto the network and our bureau
communications link.
are inconsequential compared to the traffic increases, we have to absorb
SWIFT went live in 1977, and by 1978
higher license fees for interfaces if they additional individual license fees or pass
the network had processed 10 million
reach a certain threshold of messages, as that cost directly to the user,” he says. “It
messages. It was the dominant player
interface charging is based both on both seems illogical that those livcense fees
in the financial messaging space for a
messages sent and received - something may be far greater than some vendor
number of years and is the organiser of
Bright describes as “penalising, nowt applications that drive business.”
the yearly Sibos event. However, voices in
rewarding, those looking for economies Hugh Cumberland, product strategy
the industry have expressed discontent at
of scale”. He adds that a high volume net director of secure messaging at BT Global
some of SWIFT’s policies – and a range of
receiver of trtaffic pays for the privilege of Banking and Financial Markets – a rival
competitors have sprung up, buoyed by


1-13 ISJ43.indd 10 19/10/2009 10:51

ISJ Investor Services Journal Technology

of SWIFT – disagrees with this sentiment. by phone, use internet-based custodian forward networks were state of the art – in
His company also includes a licensing links and or alternative free messaging 1977. He argues that the technique was
system for bureaux but argues that “when platforms, and use multiple brokers. used when servers were less reliable and
users get to a certain messaging level They are very unlikely to use SWIFT for copies of messages had to be stored –
they have to invest in a new platform settlements, and most likely outsourceany “these days, servers and networks can be
because there is a finite limit to what one messaging to a SWIFT-enabled kept up 14/7”, he adds. “We’ve provided
individual gateway can support in terms administrator.” 100% availability on Settlenet over the
of number of messages and number of ONe of the reasons businesses continue last five years and 100% availability on
customers”. But he adds that the costs for to use SWIFT is because it is seen in Managed Secure Messaging – both IP
the BT infrastructure and messaging are the industry as offering security. Peter based.”
“reasonably modest”. Sandhu, an ex-SWIFT employee and CEO While Synergy’s Sandhu is a fan of
How does Cumberland – another ex- at Synergy Financial Systems, a service the store-and-forward approach, he does
SWIFT employee - believe the BT offering bureau, explains that SWIFT offers extra admit that BT certainly beats SWIFT
improves on SWIFT? value over BT as it validates the messages in terms of price. “BT is looking at the
“It is a fully managed service, end- it processes and uses a store-and-forward number of kilo characters that they
to-end, which makes the overall cost of network, meaning messages can be send, along with a standing charge for its
ownership very favourable,” he explains. retrieved months after they have been sent. gateways, on a fixed annual charge,” he
“You don’t need to buy expensive software, However, this model may not be to says. “SWIFT’s pricing model is a lot more
you don’t need to buy hardware to run it everyone’s taste. SWIFT received some bad complicated than that: it’s based on various
on, and you don’t need to pay a consultant publicity recently when it emerged that different elements, and they still charge on
to come in and test it and install it for messages between European banks were the number of characters you send over the
you and do the annual upgrades. That’s being stored in a data centre in the US network.”
all included in the very modest service fee – effectively allowing the US Treasury to SWIFT also has a role as a forum for
that we charge.” the creation of financial message standards
BT’s Settlenet services processes around “[SWIFT] should and offers a system for third-party vendors
four million messages a day and has now
processed more than 10 billion messages be giving away to be recognised as SWIFT-accredited.
However, there are concerns that the
their software
since its inception 13 years ago. BT also multitude of standards that SWIFT offers
has around 12,000 financial services firms accreditation for are not always necessary.
connected to its IP network worldwide,
from banks to hedge funds. and promoting Sandhu explains: “It’s just not feasible
to get involved with all the accreditations
BT is not the only other company
offering financial messaging services messaging they come out with. We tend to cherry pick
the ones we think are going to be useful to
however. EMXCo has a message system
which was responsible for routing more and looking at us in the business.”
However, Financial Tradeware’s Bright
than 2.4 million messages in August 2009,
equating to more than EUR6.2 billion in
transaction charges” goes one further: “If you’re a small vendor
and you want recognition as having SWIFT
funds flow. The system is used for services messaging capability, SWIFT has a well-
such as risk mitigation, settlement and established vendor programme enabling
“Our client portfolio of around 97
Graham Bright, companies to get technical support,
standards information, courses and access
providers includes both on and offshore,
retail, institutional and hedge funds,”
Financial Tradeware to a message test bed. However, if you
want to earn a product accreditation from
explains EMXCo CEO Yannic Weber. examine transactions that had been made SWIFT, which in no way guarantees fitness
“We have around 339 intermediaries in the European Union. for use, you have to pay a hefty amount
including stockbrokers, banks, While this problem should be mitigated per application. The proof of application
asset managers, fund of funds, fund as a result of a new SWIFT data centre suitability is not whether it can support a
supermarkets, wrap platforms, life in Switzerland, some are unhappy at the specific MT or MX format, as this is just
companies, IFAs, pension administrators perceived lack of privacy – something that one small element of application selection,
and pension funds.” could be seen as impacting on SWIFT’s but how it meets the individual customer
The range of clients of BT and EMXCo, reputation for security, according to BT’s requirements.”
from multinational banks down to hedge Cumberland. Some vendors – who did not want to go
funds with just a handful of clients, is “In terms of security BT is every bit on record - have also been unhappy that
another area where some are concerned as good as SWIFT,” he says. “Every time in some instances, SWIFT has evaluated
that SWIFT is being left behind. you open a message or every time you their software to ensure that it is SWIFT
“SWIFT is not visible in the hedge take a copy of a message you create an compliant, and then a few months later
fund market - they want to be but they information security risk. So BT doesn’t launched a similar product on to the
are driven mainly by message standards, take a copy of the message on the gateway market. Few of these believed that the
syntax and sale of interfaces, not by the or the network and it doesn’t open it SWIFT offerings were true “competitors”,
primary operational demands of the either. So it’s a completely private exchange given that they were a poor quality of
industry,” explains Bright. “A small hedge of information. That really mitigates that product, but they were unhappy at the
fund with a few high value messages a day information security risk.” behaviour of a company with which they
won;t use SWIFT. They will execute deals Cumberland adds that store-and- were supposed to be a “partner”.


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Technology ISJ Investor Services Journal
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This has led to some calls that SWIFT’s

commercial arm should be separated
from its standards division, but BT’s
New rules in Poland Depository for Securities), rules were
Cumberland is not one of them.
However, he does feel that standards introduced to ensure the mandatory
coexistence is key, rather than standards flagging of sales orders being sent to the
convergence. “The old quote comes back regulated market, which could potentially
to mind: the nice thing about standards is lead to a short sale transaction being
that there’s so many to choose from. executed.
“Trying to impose a global financial “This was so they could be
services message standard that covers all differentiated by the Warsaw Stock
business is like trying to boil the ocean. It’s Exchange (WSE), enabling them to
such a wide, diverse industry, with so many monitor and limit the amount of short
different strands, so many different types sales occurring in the market” explains
of customers, there will always be multiple Iwona Sroka, president and CEO of the
different standards and it’s the job of KDPW.
Further, the WSE and KDPW are now
technology vendors like ourselves to make
that life easier for customers by helping
Rule changes for short obliged to describe in their regulations
them with the problem.” selling in Poland could the additional requirements related to
their new management of short selling
Others in the industry also think that
SWIFT has a thankless task when it comes be good news for mechanisms. It is understood that
to providing standards that suit everyone.
Bill Mew, External Communications
industry players, writes following the introduction of these
regulations, there will be a significant fall
Specialist at IBM Global Business Services, Kimberley Ferguson. in the risk of a short sale transaction failing
to settle on time.
likens SWIFT to the United Nations.
“There are some things about it that This summer, Poland took a step Amendments to securities lending
you wouldn’t do if you were designing it closer to western European standards and short selling law are part of a
now, just like SWIFT – nobody’s saying by changing key legislation surrounding bigger package that adjusts Polish legal
it’s perfect, but it’s possibly the most trading and securities. framework to fit the Markets in Financial
appropriate body at this moment in time.” On the 16th July, 2009, articles 3, 7, 19, Instruments Directive (MiFID) which
Nigel Solkhon at IBM and also ex- 28, 50 and 94 of the Polish Act of Trading replaced the Investment Services Directive
SWIFT, adds that the creation of standards in Financial Instruments were amended, (ISD) in November 2007.
is an important role, regardless of the after analysis with current legislation of MiFID is a major part of the European
difficulties that must be faced to create the more developed financial markets Union’s Financial Services Action Plan
them. “Standards are a pain, but they are deemed it somewhat comparatively (FSAP), which is designed to help integrate
the biggest gain,” he says. disadvantaged. Europe’s financial markets.
So what of the future for SWIFT? The amendments to the Law on So why was it decided that the Polish
The company is moving towards the Trading in Financial Instruments were Act of Trading in Financial Instruments
internet, particularly with the SWIFTNet aimed at making short selling more needed amending? “The law was quite
offering, but progress is slow, according to efficient. The amended legislation restrictive in its rules for short selling,” Ms
Cumberland. contains requirements which need to be Sroka says.
“It’s purely because SWIFT carries a lot met in order for securities to be sold in “For example, the execution of a sale
of messages, it has a lot of counterparties, situations where the seller does not own order equated simultaneously to a lending
and because they all use the same message the securities at the moment of trade agreement, for which collateral was set
standard they all march to the same beat execution, for example, in short selling. at 130%. In the opinion of experts, the
of the drum, meaning they have to move According to the new rules, these types provisions of this law stalled the growth
forward as a community and that will take of transactions may be executed if the of the securities lending market, making
probably as long as the slowest member.” seller has concluded an agreement with an the Polish market less competitive in
SWIFT certainly does not seem to be entity responsible for the clearing of the comparison to other European markets.
going anywhere soon. Indeed, Financial seller’s transactions, and the agreement The new changes being introduced will
Tradeware’s Bright points to a “special contains terms and conditions for the help support short selling in the Polish
feeling” about SWIFT messages among purchase and timely delivery for the capital markets, and also, align these more
financial companies. transaction to be cleared and settled. closely with similar standards in other,
But the alternatives are certainly The seller also must conclude an more developed markets.”
beginning to rear their head and be agreement that allows the clearing agent “It has been acknowledged that
noticed. The pigeon continues to be the to perform a securities lending operation generally accepted standards for securities
messenger, but if it fails to change its on the seller’s account should the seller be lending agreements need to be introduced
feathers in line with the rest of the world, unable to deliver the securities on time. in Poland, which allow for the unrestricted
it may find itself surplus to requirements. At the same time, following a proposal freedom of the execution of securities
SWIFT declined to comment despite put forward by KDPW (Krajowy Depozyt loans, as is the case in other developed
repeated invitations. n Papierow Wartosciowych, or National financial markets,” says Ms Sroka. “The


1-13 ISJ43.indd 12 19/10/2009 10:51

ISJ Investor Services Journal Regulation

most important market institutions have on ways to increase securities lending - will this increase the western markets
followed the recommendation of the transactions. ‘’Another topic being participation in Poland, or could it
WSE and KDPW by bringing together the introduced into the public discussion is potentially act as a deterrent?
representatives of brokerage houses and that of the use of close-out netting,” says As Mr Popiolek points out: “The
custodians, and adopted a set framework.” Mr Popiolek. “So far there is not much flagging of short sales is not new to
This framework is the lending clarity around this topic, therefore, most international markets. In some of the ‘new’
agreement prepared by the International lending relationships in Poland assume markets, this is already in place, such as
Securities Lending Association (ISLA), the lack of collateral netting, which has in Hungary. Therefore, the most obvious
known as the Global Master Securities a negative impact on the supply side road block- a system development need-
Lending Agreement (GMSLA), along and volumes. Although it is hard to give shall not materialise, as brokers- both local
with a Polish Supplement, which defines specific deadlines yet, the legislation and remote- should have all the necessary
in detail the terms and conditions process is advancing, which means that infrastructure in place. The short selling
for applying the standards to entities this show stopper will also be finally bans in various markets may lead to an
operating in the Polish market. Moreover, removed in the future.” assumption that Polish market regulators
in order to allow the regulations on Adam Maciejewski, a management will force monitoring of such activity as
making financial instruments lending free board member of the Warsaw Stock well, so either a flag or extending reporting
of stamp duty clearer, it was proposed that Exchange, has put forward more ways to in place.
this tax relief be introduced directly into “A securities loan in case of a seller’s
the wording of the legislation.
Jacek Popiolek, head of domestic “It has been default will become an additional step
between failing settlement and a buy- in
securities finance, Deutsche Bank Polska,
believes that these amendments will acknowledged that procedure of the clearing house, a kind
or forced auto fails coverage. This rule
significantly help to regenerate the Polish
securities lending market.
generally accepted impacts brokers, as they ought to sign up
at least one supplier in order to provide
“In general, the upcoming law change
deregulates short selling and securities
standards need to short selling to their clients.”
Mr Maciejewski agrees: “The Warsaw
lending enough to stimulate an increase
in traded volumes, and also add necessary
be introduced in Stock Exchange is absolutely convinced
that such restrictions will not be a
liquidity to the Polish market. Current
legal framework describes the short selling
Poland” deterrent for any market participants.
In fact, such restrictions give us certain
process in a very detailed and restrictive control over the risks coming from short
manner.” selling transactions. In our opinion, short
The short seller is not only forced to Iwona Sroka, KDPW selling control provided by stock exchanges
enter into a securities lending master or financial supervision authorities is
agreement with the executing broker, but expected by market participants.”
also follow specific rules for collateral: 50% boost volumes of transactions and levels Mr Popiolek adds: “Some of the
of order value before execution, and not of liquidity in the Polish market. “In co- regulations in the Act in Trading in
less than 130% after settlement. operation with the KDPW, we are going to Financial Instruments, such as the selling
Withdrawal of collateral is allowed create a platform to trade securities. of the National Depository of Securities
above 150%, and, in some cases, collateral “This platform will be intended for shares by Polish Central Bank, have raised
may only be pledged, and no tri-party institutional investors, and in the first political discussion, which caused a major
solution is possible. stage, will give them an opportunity delay in the implementation of the law.”
The new law will bring a completely to trade bilateral securities lending In Poland, once a law has been
different set of rules, allowing short sellers transactions in the same way as on the approved by the Constitutional Court, as
to borrow securities from different entities OTC market- without standardisation. “In it has here, it goes to the Polish president,
rather than just the executive broker, and the future, we are going to trade securities Lech Kaczynski - who is the head of state
enabling one to agree collateral terms with lending in the form similar to financial and has the power to veto this legislation.
the lender directly. instruments (like derivatives), with the The president is currently reviewing
Mr Popiolek gives the example of KDPW acting as a central counterparty. this change in legislation with the Polish
credit worthiness and volatility deciding We are going to popularise short selling Parliament. There is no fixed term for this
on haircuts, rather than decree. Although transactions and securities lending- activity, but once the new bill is signed by
the new Act of Trading in Financial especially among institutional investors the President, the new Act on Trading in
Instruments introduces a market driven who are the natural source of securities Financial Instruments will come into force
approach to short selling and securities lending supply- and since Polish pension within 14 days.
lending, it does not fully de-regulate the funds cannot lend securities without a Mr Popiolek said: “Following this,
process. “Some of the current security special decree, we are going to take action the detailed regulations on this act- for
rules are going to exist in the regulations to convince the relevant ministry to issue example, on the brokerage houses and
of the organised markets (for example, proper rules, so they can do so.” custodians banks activity- come into force
the Warsaw Stock Exchange), as well as in There is evidence of an overwhelming with an assumed delay allowing market
the detailed law governing the activities of desire to Westernise the Polish securities participants to adjust their processes and
custodian banks and brokerage houses,” he lending market. But with the increased systems. I see the Polish market to be in the
says. scrutiny- for example, the flagging of sales fully new law regime some time in the first
Deutsche Bank Polska also has ideas which could potentially be short sold half of 2010.” n


1-13 ISJ43.indd 13 19/10/2009 10:51

Credit Rating Agencies ISJ Investor Services Journal
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Credit ratings
Credit rating agency reform and the alternatives is still a strong and
timely debate, finds Ben Roberts.
Timothy Geithner, US Treasury correct transparency and oversight in
secretary, offered a prologue to last the future. The proposed guidance and
month’s meeting of G20 finance ministers compliance changes are still pending.
in a newspaper article that articulated This summary is the latest point of
the grounds for unwinding the fiscal view in a nuanced industry debate. In
and economic stimuli that have acted as a comment piece in Investor Services
a market “safety net”. He added a final Journal in January, Standard & Poor’s
warning that credit ratings agencies – emphasised that a rating is simply “one
along with other areas such as derivatives tool for investors to use in assessing credit
and securitisation – could expect tougher quality”. An over-reliance on this service,
regulation. the firm would argue, would be myopic on
The scrutiny and backlash aimed at experience and history to draw upon to the part of the investor.
credit rating agencies has existed since the rate these so-called ‘structured’ products as Last month also heralded a high-profile
beginning of the financial crisis. Before they would with simpler assets. return of securitisation, as Volkswagen
recession was a threat for many countries, The rating agencies, he says, “have revealed plans for a securities issue backed
the fallout from the use and trading of got 100 years of history ratings bonds, by car loans, estimated at around EUR500
complex instruments such as mortgage and they’ve got pretty good at it. The million. For some this news emphasised
backed securities (MBS) was partly defined market started changing [with] structured the latest indication of business-as-usual
by accusations aimed at the companies products, then hybrid products. They’re after a return to profitability of many
that provide risk analysis. the things causing the problem for the banks – and a resumption of the rating
The debate typifies wider discussions ratings agencies as they don’t have the activity for such products.
concerning corporate governance, history to draw on.” One area up for reform was the
accountability, and the tools for risk He adds that one problem with potential conflict of interest in which
management in the middle office of structured products, unlike equities and the company undergoing a rating paid
financial institutions. bonds, is that they are composed of many the agency for the service. To combat
The creation of ‘structured’ and often different financial instruments, such this, the regulator aims to prevent firms
opaque MBS instruments containing as bundles of mortgages. This creates a from consulting with any company that
mortgages became viewed as the dark problem of correlation that is difficult to they also rate, as well as strengthening
side of trading innovation as the credit assess as a rating agency. disclosure and management of such
crisis hit. The freeze in interbank lending “Structured products have the factor conflicts. Each rating report will disclose
was chiefly linked to these structured of correlation: how correlated are the the fees paid by the issuer for a particular
products that were starting to default mortgages or instruments in the pool used rating, as well as the total amount of fees
indiscriminately: an institution could not to create the product?” paid by the issuer to the rating agency
borrow money if it was suspected to incur In truth, a reform to the sector had in the previous two years. Every rating
huge losses -or brought down entirely - been mooted before the crisis. In 2006 the agency will also be required to designate a
from these failing products on its books. Credit Rating Agency Reform Act gave compliance officer.
The proliferation of such instruments the Securities and Exchange Commission The SEC’s proposals have led to nods
was encouraged by their top, triple-A (SEC) exclusive authority over the of acceptance from the rating industry and
rating given from apparently independent registration and qualification of the the companies they serve and analyse.
rating agencies. This widened the blame companies offering the service. The regulator also aims to clamp down
pool as credit market fear spread. This April, the G20 countries called on ‘ratings shopping’, where an issuer may
It led to calls for reform, including for a co-ordinated approach to reforming attempt to ‘shop’ among rating agencies
new disclosure requirements concerning the regulation within which the agencies by soliciting ‘preliminary ratings’ from
the methodology used to rate securities sit. On 21st July 2009 the Treasury sent multiple agencies and then only paying for
and financial institutions, and a fresh Congress proposals for full reform of the and disclosing the highest rating it received
look at the conflict of interest between sector, enhancing the authority of the SEC. for its product.
the analytical and commercial sides of the In a statement, the Treasury Regulators would now require an issuer
agencies. acknowledged that investors had become to disclose all of the preliminary ratings it
John Hull, Maple financial professor “too reliant” on the rating agencies that had received from different credit rating
of derivatives and risk management at the often failed to describe the risk of rated agencies, so that investors will see the
Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, products. “This lack of transparency amount of ‘shopping’ that occurred, and
University of Toronto, said that a key prevented investors from understanding whether there were discrepancies with the
problem that faced these agencies is the full nature of the risks they were final rating.
that they don’t have the same depth of taking,” it said, and vowed to ensure It also mooted the possibility of


14-19 ISJ43.indd 14 07/10/2009 13:38

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Credit Rating Agencies ISJ |ISJ Investor
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multiple ratings for each security and oversight boards. indicator for market participants.
financial institution. A spokesperson for The Risk Assessment Oversight Sarah Nicholson, head of securities
Standard and Poor’s told ISJ this makes Committee is independent of S&P Ratings finance at Aviva Investors, told an
sense, particularly as greater disclosures by Services. It provides risk assessment of audience at a securities lending conference
the rating agencies must be parallel with S&P’s business strategies and plans and in London that it was partly due to
greater disclosure from the rated firms. evaluates emerging risks. recognition as to the limits of the credit
“The SEC has said it wants to encourage The Policy Governance Group, also rating agencies. “It became apparent that
healthy competition among ratings firms, independent of the ratings analysts, credit ratings were not the be-all and end-
including having multiple firms rating develops and approves all new ratings all and so we’ve taken to using the CDS
individual issuers or securities,” he said. policies and procedures. Members of market [in our analysis].”
“One way to achieve that is for debt issuers the Group include representatives of the John Hull also believed the rise of the
to disclose more information so that more legal and compliance teams as well as the CDS market for company analysis was a
ratings firms can form an opinion of Analytical Policy Board. sign of the times. “Traditionally, the only
creditworthiness.” So what are the alternatives for risk way you can get some idea of whether a
S&P has, to its credit, attempted to meet management teams when assessing company is likely to default in the next
the upcoming changes to credit rating companies and securities? year or so is to go to rating agencies, look
agencies head on with a series of initiatives. The credit default swap (CDS) market at what their rating is and any reports
The firm established a rotation system has emerged as one such investor service. they’ve produced, you can read the
of analysts, with ‘look back’ reviews in The market for CDSs - insurance contracts company’s financial statements.”
the second half of 2008 when an S&P taken out to cover the risk of counterparty Instead, he says, the CDS market may
analyst leaves to an issuer. It also created an default - exploded at the height of the be the most innovative service available.
Ombudsman to speed unresolved matters credit crisis as financial institutions sought “We have this very active CDS market
to the McGraw-Hill (S&P’s owner) CEO – protection from vulnerable companies. An where people are trading exactly what the
open to public and SEC scrutiny. Since last analysis of this market – ie, who is seeking company is interested in – the chance of
year it also has a variety of protection from whom – has become a key the company defaulting.” n

Latin American custody

As Latin America’s economies have mid-sized funds and upwards (those with
gone from boom to bust and back again, The region is assets of USD250 million or more) will be
allowed to invest up to 70% of their assets
it has had an interesting relationship with
the major global custody players. exploding with in equities, up from 50%.
Brazilian retail and corporate banking
But the next few years could be the
real platform for growth. Unlike previous
opportunities for is dominated by Santander, the state
crises, solid domestic fundamentals,
including the fact that some major
asset safekeeping, owned Banco de Brasil, Bradesco and
Itaú Unibanco, formed from the merger
banks remained state owned, gave the
Government some room for manoeuvre
finds Anthony of the second and third largest Brazilian
owned private banks (Itaú and Unibanco).
and keep credit flowing, according to
Credit Suisse Brazil’s country manager
Harrington. According to The Banker, the new entity
is the first Latin American bank with truly
Antonio Quintella. foreign investors. global prospects and some USD26 billion
The Brazilian central bank ran down Brazil’s life industry and pensions in Tier 1 capital.
some of its reserves to keep liquidity industry have both opened up in recent BBVA is also pushing hard and not just
flowing and cut interest rates hard. years. By 2004 there were in excess of 350 in Brazil. Vicente Rodero, head of BBVA
Employment in Brazil has been very private pension funds in Brazil, with assets South America claims that it has the best
resilient. China now accounts for some equivalent to around 11% of GDP. A study market position of all the banks in South
14% of Brazil’s exports and the People’s by the Brazilian central bank showed America, with some 27 million clients.
Republic’s 8% average growth post- that at least three million medium-to- HSBC is also a formidable force in
dowturn has helped keep trade with its high wage Brazilians remain without any the region. It won the best sub-custodian
fellow BRIC steady. pension, providing a fertile ground for operator prize in Brazil and operates
All of this has meant that demand by the country’s emerging private pensions custody services in several Latin American
global investors for Brazilian securities industry to market itself. This is fertile countries including Argentina.
remains high and its equity market ground for custodians as the country’s Roberto Cortese, head of custodial
has climbed some 20% since the crash. fund management industry thrives. services for HSBC Brazil, points out
Local and global custody players have At the end of September 2009, Brazil’s that custody services in Brazil are split
no shortage of customers, both in terms National Monetary Council, which keeps between domestic and foreign investment
of providing services to local mutual, a fairly tight control of the country’s custody activity. Citigroup is the biggest
insurance and pension funds, and to pensions industry, decided that henceforth player in the latter, with a market share of

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some 51%, with HSBC in second place, The new freedoms given by the CVM space, though this is not through lack of
with around 22% of market share. Itaú of allowing more pension fund holdings interest. Fund managers are well aware of
Unibanco is in third place with 9% of the to be based in equities makes the Brazilian the phenomenal performance of the BRIC
foreign services custody market in Brazil market particularly exciting, he says. From countries and Brazilian securities are seen
and Santander is fourth with about 4.5%. there, the logical next step will be for them as highly attractive.
“On the domestic side, which means to start buying Brazilian fund of funds, Ed Oliver, global head of consulting
providing services to the Brazilian pension and after that, they can be expected to start at Data Explorers points out, the rules of
fund sector, which dominates the Brazilian moving into overseas securities. the game in Brazil mean that all securities
fund industry, the custody business is in Commenting on Mexico, Kalavritinos lending has to be through the central
the hands largely of the big local banks. says that post the crash there has been a depository, an adjunct of the exchange,
Banco Bradesco is number 1, with Itaú huge flight of Mexican fund capital out of which then becomes the counterparty for
Unibanco in second position, followed by US assets and back to Mexican assets. The the borrower.
Banco de Brazil, and HSBC is in fourth largest sub custodians in Mexico are the The central depository, standing in
position.” Mexican banks, virtually all of which have the middle of the trade, both restricts fine
Mike Kalavritinos, managing director been acquired by major foreign banks, tuning of the collateral by either party and
of Bank of New York Mellon’s Latin with BBVA and Santander being major it means that the lender’s clients are fully
American Asset Servicing Group, points players along with Citigroup. exposed to the exchange. If it goes down,
out that the total funds market in Brazil Hugo Arbat, head of custody and their money is gone.
is worth around 1.2 trillion Brazilian real, clearing at HSBC Argentina, says that “The Brazilian authorities know that
about USD600 billion. Kalvitrinos says while the securities market in the country this system is hugely unpopular with
that 2009 net inflows of funds by foreign has only 110 stocks, the exchange has the securities lending industry and they
investors into Brazilian securities have
been high, and will probably reach around “Some borrowers are showing some signs of being willing
to listen. However, what it essentially
USD20 billion.
He points out that CVM, the Brazilian who really want means is that some borrowers who really
want Brazilian securities will double
regulator, has enacted several significant
changes to the rules governing investment Brazilian securities collateralise. They will collateralise in local
currency or Brazilian treasuries, which
funds in Brazil over the last two years. It
has cleared a two-way path: the entrance will double are held locally by the central depository.
Then they will put up another subset of
of foreign investment and the overseas
investment of domestic funds.
collateralise” collateral outside of Brazil. This essentially
treats the Brazilian collateral as valueless,
He adds that prior to the global crash, which makes very little sense.”
the high interest rates and high returns Thus, if you are a lending agent wanting
enjoyed by domestic investors in Brazil
made it seem unnecessary for domestic
Ed Oliver, to promote new trading opportunities
for a client, you would need to put up a
fund managers to look abroad for high
rates of return. However, plunging real
Data Explorers tremendously convincing case and give
them a vast amount of information about
interest rates have turned that on its head. what you wanted to do in Brazil before you
“Brazilian pension funds are mandated more than 100 years of history behind it, would have a chance of signing them up.
to earn 6% above inflation. Interest rates and many US companies are dual listed in Securities lending as far as custodians
are currently 8.75% and with inflation Argentina, with a number of Argentinean is concerned is completely different. The
forecast for 4.4% for 2010, it is clear that companies dual listing on US and successive reforms of the Mexican financial
fund managers will not achieve these European exchanges. system mean that the practice there follows
returns without looking abroad. The CVM The Argentinean pension funds were European and US best practice.
had a long standing limit of just 3% on the biggest institutional investors in the Mexico, the other Latin American
the amount of assets pension funds could market, but their nationalisation in 2008 heavyweight, has benefited hugely from
invest abroad. It raised this to 10% two in a shock “grab” by the Argentinean being open to foreign players since its
years ago and the current situation is likely government has raised huge question disastrous economic crisis in 1994.
to push investors to use the additional marks over their future activities. This Andrés Borrego, country head at Credit
slack the CVM has extended to them.” leaves the insurance companies and Suisse, points out that foreign banks
At the same time, the CVM raised the institutional funds as the major investors have invested heavily in the Mexican
limits on foreign holdings for Brazilian today. A recent regulatory change means financial market over the last few years
hedge funds to 20% and, according that all local insurance companies have to and have brought fresh expertise and new
to HSBC’s Roberto Cortese, the local have their assets under custody with a local financial products to the market, including
insurance commission has now created custodian. HSBC, he says, is one of the consumer loans, mortgages and “micro-
a special class of local fund that has been major custody providers for local investors. finance”. Credit Suisse’s history in Mexico
authorised to invest up to 100% of its There is no securities lending market goes back three decades. The bank was the
portfolio in overseas securities. in Argentina because the regulators will pioneer behind Mexico’s first sovereign
BNY Mellon, though it outsources only allow banks to lend directly, not to act bond issues and custodial services are well
local custody, is the eighth largest fund as an agent between two parties, a lender established with a number of local and
administrator for Brazilian clients buying and a borrower. Brazil and Mexico are the global players. n
Brazilian and foreign assets. only markets worth highlighting in this


14-19 ISJ43.indd 18 07/10/2009 13:38

ISJ Investor Services Journal Custody

ECB is lending help Analyse

Those still on the
fence about stock
But the ECB has caught itself in a
bind: it argues that a centralised securities
lending facility, such as Brazil tries to
operate, can be an efficient mechanism
loans may be to reduce settlement failures, but it
acknowledges that bilateral, often agent-
convinced by the led securities lending processes, are
likely to be hugely more cost effective.
endorsement by the It also wants client assets to only be How has the Chinese
used with their explicit consent, which
central bank, writes aims to eleimate the surprise factor of sub-custody market
participation through pooled funds.
Anthony Harrington. One imagines that entry to these expanded? Andy Ng,
schemes will require trustees to specifically
Despite its emergence into the financial
spotlight, the understanding and benefits
give their consent, with perhaps some
preparing a comprehensive trustee board
head of HSBC Securi-
of securities lending is still far from
educational programme on the subject.
The ECB also wants “supervisors
ties Services, China
In the wake of the Lehman Brothers’
failure and the 2008 financial crash, some
and overseers to have policies in Sub-custody has gained increased
place to ensure that risks stemming recognition in China over the past decade
trustees and fund managers viewed the
from securities lending activities are as the country’s securities markets rapidly
activity at best as an unwanted (and
appropriately managed by entities subject developed. Foreign banks introduced
unnecessary) source of counterparty risk;
to their oversight”. In practice, of course, the concept in the early 1990s, when
at worst, an active contributor to the crash
the whole market is now very alive the B-share market was established for
due to its facility to short selling.
to counterparty risk - reflected in the foreign participation. To mitigate risk in
A number of US pension fund trustees,
collateral management programmes. settlement and clearing and ensure asset
in particular – such as CalPERS and
In recent times, where failed trades security, domestic institutional investors
Hermes - became highly uncomfortable
have become an acknowledged source demanded the role of sub-custodians also
with their fund managers’ securities
of risk, the ECB reminds us that stock be introduced in the A-share market. In
lending programmes. They suspended
loans “generally improves the functioning turn, local banks also started custodial
their lending programmes while they
of securities markets by allowing sellers operations in 1998.
pondered value at risk, the ethical issues
ready access to securities needed to settle Custodian banks took every
and the value of the returns.
transactions where those securities are not opportunity to explain sub-custody to
Smaller schemes who discovered that
held in inventory; by offering an efficient regulators and to urge them to introduce
their stock was out on loan through their
means of financing securities.” the role into the markets’ infrastructure.
passive index tracking fund managers
Again, “the existence of liquid The securities market has since
started jumping up and down and
securities lending markets reduces the introduced more investment products and
demanding explanations. The securities
risk of failed settlement because market welcomed increased participation both
lending industry suddenly had to provide a
participants with an obligation to deliver locally and from abroad. The importance
full justification of its existence, and a full
securities that they have failed to receive of sub-custody is widely acknowledged and
education to trustees and fund managers.
and do not hold in inventory, can borrow there is now always a role for custodians
A useful defence of securities lending
these securities and complete delivery.” to play in new investment products
– as well as an exploration of its benefits
That is what we call a “join-the-dots” and schemes, including those covering
- can be found in the European Central
argument for beginners. Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors
Bank’s 2004 report, “Standards for
The ECB also makes a more subtle (QFIIs), Qualified Domestic Institutional
securities clearing and settlement in the
point: “Securities lending markets Investors (QDIIs) and overseas securities
European Union”*.
also enable market participants to investment funds.
The ECB categorically states that
cover transactions that have already For foreign investors, whether B-share
securities lending “should be encouraged
failed, thereby avoiding any negative investors or QFIIs, their appointed sub-
as a method for avoiding settlement
repercussions from the failure. In cross- custodian in China is effectively their
failures and expediting the settlement of
border transactions, particularly back-to- bridge into the country – interpreting the
securities. Barriers that inhibit the practice
back transactions, it is often more efficient market and educating them about local
of lending securities for this purpose
and cost-effective for a market participant rules and regulations.
should be removed. The arrangements for
to borrow a security for the delivery than Sub-custodians also represent
securities lending should be sound, safe
to deal with the risk and costs associated investors’ interests before regulators.
and efficient,” the report says.
with a settlement failure.” For regulators, sub-custodians bring an
You can’t get clearer than this.
We’ll leave the anti-short selling international perspective, best practices
The ECB directs “the relevant public
argument – which translates for some to and recommendations aimed at improving
authorities” (take note, Brazil) to
an anti securities lending argument - this market infrastructure.
“remove any impediments (e.g. legal,
time round, since it has been hammered With China at the centre of attention,
tax and accounting frameworks) to the
development and functioning of securities sufficiently. n its securities market is expected to widen
lending.” and deepen in terms of scope and the
* complexity of available products. n


14-19 ISJ43.indd 19 07/10/2009 13:38

Custody ISJ Investor Services Journal
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Meeting client needs in Germany

Bundled or tailored? That is the choice often facing institutional
investors as they seek the best custodial model in the German market.
see an increase in the standard age of
Within Depotbanks, servicing the
needs of a wide variety of clients is
a challenge that must be constantly
met. The size and needs of each client
is frequently different, so the actual
composition of services – whether
a number of services are ‘bundled’
together or a client needs a specific
service – can alter greatly.
Ostwald says: “In such a mature
market it is difficult to differentiate
yourself against others by core
products, but at the same time it’s such
an important market our clients are
looking for the absolute best, most
efficient quality, flexibility and personal
In the market generally, smaller
clients tend to look for full custody
and administration, and Germany has
been as much a hub for the boom in
outsourcing middle and back office
workload as its European peers.
Larger firms and funds that require
custody may spread servicing sources
over two or more providers, often
depending on the specialism of the
service provider.
For foreign investors, the choice
around the breadth of services is linked
with the decision to access the market
through their global custodian, or
to receive direct service from a local
BHF Asset Servicing is an example
Germany has seen one of the most IT sector that fuels the banks’ operations. of the latter, and has an interesting
impressive recoveries from the financial Maturity creates sophistication, raised setup that has undergone recent
crisis in the last quarter. The resurgence standards, wider service ranges and evolution.
of many sectors, including banking, has constant innovation, and the country The financial services arm of
re-established the underlying strength and regularly scores highly on global surveys of BHF-BANK, BHF Asset Servicing
size of the market in a global setting and customer satisfaction. provides safekeeping, over-the-counter
vindicated the tight and cogent regulation. The pension industry is especially settlement, corporate actions and tax
For custodian ‘Depotbanks’ in the advanced in its development and is reclaims services. Fund administration
country, it remains a competitive market. built on three elements: social security, is offered via its affiliate Frankfurter
Though regulation requires institutional occupational pensions and individual Service KAG. Certain additional
investors such as pension funds and retirement investments. services are provided via its parent
insurance funds to hire a safekeeping bank, The first of these is the dominant and company BHF-BANK, including
the race for mandates is as strong as ever. longest running, a mandatory scheme that securities lending, foreign exchange
Moritz Ostwald of BHF Asset Servicing has come under pressure in recent years and cash services.
reminds ISJ that the country is one of the due to – like Italy and Japan – an ageing Ostwald says BHF Asset Servicing is
most mature in Europe – including the population, though the country is set to not even a year old as a seperate entity,

20-23 ISJ43.indd 20 19/10/2009 10:53

ISJ Investor Services Journal Custody

though there remains a seamless link business.”

between it and BHF-BANK as an overall Flexibility is related to the speed and
service to the client. efficiency an asset servicer can meet each
He adds that Germany is one of the client’s new requirements. Sometimes
major markets in Europe that clients are it is possible to add new services to the
looking to exclude from their service original mandate, but sometimes the
requirements from their global custodians. custodian itself needs to develop new
Instead, more foreign clients are seeking capabilities.
a specific service for this country, which There are two key elements to
often benefits local providers. consider: firstly, is the additional service
“Potential clients – global custodians, demanded by the client worth developing
banks, broker dealers – in turn have clients to offer for future clients; secondly, if it
around the world invested in German will be developed, how long will it take?
securities. If you are a bank domiciled “If you look at the request, develop
in US and Asia with just a small local the capability and make clear that it may
business in Germany it might make sense take x months [to implement], then I
to have a global custodian.
“However, I see an increasing demand
think this is far more effective and client-
focused, than waiting for other clients “Clients are
of banks considering excluding the
German market from their existing
requesting the same before starting to
analyse things.” requesting us to
agreement from their global custodian as Flexibility – and capacity – is also vital
regarding corporate actions. With class
lobby into our own
Germany has been actions emerging in Europe and the US
on the back of financial losses (as covered
market. That’s
as much a hub for in ISJ, July/August issue), and the drive
for third party fund administration,
where a local market
for the boom in shareholder rights is a central topic as
the markets exit the downturn. It means
specialist comes into
outsourcing middle they may ask for more detail as to the play”
nature of their representation in global
and back office boardrooms.

Moritz Ostwald,
“A few years ago there was less
workload as its emphasis on voting. Now people

European peers
know they have to take care of their
voting rights, demanding not only the BHF Asset Servicing
instructions but specific reporting for
every vote they had.
they need the best service possible and so “For example, we send a detailed
go directly into the market.” report to clients in those very rare cases
Local knowledge, the capacity to where a voting agent did not follow and fiscal developments.
‘tailor’ services, and the speed to react to 100% the voting instructions given by “On the other hand, when talking
market changes are three key benefits of our clients, thus ensuring a high level of about regulation, clients are requesting
local service. Still, however, institutional transparency nowadays demanded by us to lobby into our own market. That’s
investors have two additional concerns: their auditors.” where a local market specialist comes into
cost and flexibility. Ostwald adds that the speed of play: although not the largest in size, BHF
There are occasional cost-savings from corporate actions service, including Asset Servicing is well connected within
using one provider. But Ostwald points processing votes right up until deadline, the German financial services industry
out that with the default of Lehman is another strength of a local provider. and is perceived as a specialist institution
Brothers’ still fresh a year on, there is less Further, an investor may also consider for custody in the market, which is also
appetite for the investor to put “all their during its request for proposal (RFP) how important for its customers: to have a
eggs in one basket”. This creates a tough effectively a provider can lobby for his presence through their sub-custodian.”
decision for clients in choosing between own ideas. Beyond the size and domiciliation of
diversification and costs. “It has become Legal expertise is another service investors entering the German market,
more important to spread the risk and increasing in importance and relevance. there is no “best solution”, says Ostwald.
have a ‘back up’ custodian in place to share Though a Depotbank is not technically The selection of securities services by a
the responsibilities. an adviser, the custodian needs to be fully client can vary from fellow clients, but
“In the downturn it might become versed in new or upcoming national and over time too. This is where the flexibility,
more expensive. Price is important but on international rules. It’s a two-way street, knowledge and track record makes
the other hand it’s more important to have says Ostwald: “On the one hand you need the difference between providers in a
the quality for the price; the third pillar is certain experience in your own group to competitive environment – particularly as
credit rating as well as commitment to the inform your client adequately on legal Germany continues its global resurgence.n

20-23 ISJ43.indd 21 19/10/2009 10:53

Panel Debate ISJ Investor Services Journal
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Panel: Risk management today

Risk management
has been a central
issue during the
financial crisis, and
as banks return to
profits investors will
Professor Ingo Wal- Maureen Miskovic is chief Bob McDowell is research want to know that
ter holds the Seymour risk officer, State Street. director for Europe at
Milstein professorship
of finance, corporate
She has significant experi- Tower Group. The topics
he covers include the
systemic improvements
ence in this area, including
governance and ethics and
serves as the vice dean of
a previous role as chief risk
officer at Lehman Brothers
principal challenges and
opportunities in the
continue. ISJ gains
faculty at the Stern School
of Business, New York
as well as head of risk
management at
European banking, se-
curities and investment trenchant insight from
University. management markets.
S.G. Warburg.
this month’s panellists.
1.How much would tighter regu- their senior management group. regulation may lead to more ex-
lation lead to an improvement Increased regulation is also tensive documentation about the 2.Do you foresee a growth in
of the risk management func- impacting how risk management rationale behind the formation the amount of external consult-
tion and investment in financial is viewed; it is no longer seen and setting of risk policies and ing in the assessment of risk
firms – and do you foresee more as just quantitative, but rather procedures. parameters and the process and
proactivity on the part of firms as qualitative as well. Since Financial regulators will take use of its reporting?
to produce more regular up- the notion of self-regulation is a forensic auditing approach to
dates and transparent reports currently being looked at with tracing the steps in taking risk WALTER: No. I think regulators
as to their risk methodology? apprehension, the regulatory from policy formation to practical and shareholders will increas-
environment will continue to be- application. ingly insist on a do-it-yourself
WALTER: Clearly there will be a come more challenging, making In a rules- based regulatory ju- approach in light of what has
boost in capital requirements, happened, so that they first
which will hit both financial ef-
ficiency and profitability.
“Regulators and shareholders themselves ‘own’ and understand
the key issues. That does not
There will also be some type
of action on compensation and
will increasingly insist on a do- mean that consultants cannot be
useful in this process, but I don’t
derivatives trading platforms.
These will be imposed on firms so
it-yourself approach... so that think outsourcing significant
parts of the risk management
proactivity on risk management
won’t do much good.
they first themselves ‘own’ and value chain to them is likely to
be more important in the future
But it may on ‘prompt corrective
action’ on winding-up systemic
understand the key issues” – certainly not among systemic
financial firms.
firms, where the debate seems
to be focusing on ‘living wills’. MISKOVIC: Yes, given the height-
Firms will have to have prepack-
aged termination and liquidation
Professor Ingo Walter ened focus on risk, large compa-
nies will likely look to external
plans on the shelf, and these consultants to assist in their
will be easier to develop with a the need to proactively commu- risdiction, the risk methodology in-house efforts to assess risk
more proactive and transparent nicate risk management efforts is likely to be highly influenced parameters and facilitate report-
approach to risk management. of the utmost importance. and constrained by the rules ing. Smaller companies will likely
governing risk methodologies, rely on external consultants
MISKOVIC: Tighter regulation has McDOWELL: Tighter regulation processes and procedures gov- exclusively to meet these needs.
and will continue to significantly will lead to firms producing more erning its management control
elevate the role of risk manage- regular updates and transparent and reporting. This in turn leads 3.SimCorp Strategy Lab, in a
ment, with an increasing number reports of their methodologies. to more regular updates and study commissioned to The
of companies positioning their In a principles-based regulatory transparent reports on their risk Nielson Group, found that 76%
chief risk officer (CRO) within regime, such as the UK, tighter methodology. of market respondents believed


20-23 ISJ43.indd 22 19/10/2009 10:53

ISJ Investor Services Journal Panel Debate

an increase in the ‘strategic

influence’ of the risk function “Few chief risk managers can singlehandedly
would improve risk manage-
ment. How might this come set the tone for risk taking. Instead, risk must
about in practical terms for a
financial institution? be undertaken at the highest levels of an
WALTER: Risk management organisation”
needs to be concentrated at the
business line level where risk is
engaged, and simultaneously ag-
gregated at the firm level where Maureen Miskovic, State Street
portfolio-effects and risk-toler-
ance levels can be applied. companies’ business culture, in approach toward technology
of risk capital to the lines-of-
This conduit has to function both a top-down and bottom-up solutions for portfolio and risk
business and asset classes. The
much better than it has in the approach, in order for them to be management, many asset man-
risk managers must, therefore,
past, and upstream executives successful. agers and owners didn’t typically
work closely alongside the e line-
have to understand downstream use a consistent platform across
of-business team but they must
risk engagement and risk special- McDOWELL: Unless ultimate risk a portfolio to measure and moni-
retain a separate reporting line
ists at the business level have management experience and tor risk. This led to incomplete
and be financially rewarded on a
to understand the strategic representation legally resides assumptions about risk expo-
different basis.
perspective. with the board of directors, sures.
It may be that risk generalists the company opens itself to By contrast, today, thinking
4.Some believe the ultimate
will develop in some firms to prospective additional legal and about the necessity of technol-
risk management experience
make this conduit work, together regulatory sanctions in the event ogy has reversed. High-quality,
and representation should
with transparent, visibly rational of failures in their risk manage- timely data provide risk manag-
reside among the board of
criteria applied at the center ment systems and controls. While ers with a solid foundation for
directors. Others believe senior
which cannot be easily end-run senior management is certainly having tough, but necessary,
management level, instead,
by revenue-producers. better positioned on a day-to- conversations with business
is better positioned to influ-
ence the actual workings of a day basis to influence the actual partners. Those who succeed
MISKOVIC: Financial institutions workings of a financial institu- going forward will have made a
financial institution. Where do
must be able to not only set and tion, their personal financial consistent investment and com-
you think the answer lies – and
understand their own unique risk incentive packages should not be mitment to technology.
what might be the other consid-
appetite, but also fully integrate able to influence the overall risk
risk management into their management. McDOWELL: The systems are not
corporate DNA. good enough. A key area, where
WALTER: I believe strongly that
Few chief risk managers can 5.What areas of internal internal technology will improve
boards should supervise and
singlehandedly set the tone technology (ie, risk analysing/ risk management operations,
managers should manage. This
for risk-taking in a financial reporting functions) might is improved data management.
means that boards should have
institution. Instead, risk must be improve the risk management New, additional regulatory
the expertise to understand key
undertaken at the highest levels operations – or are the systems requirements demand that larger
issues at the general board level
of an organisation by its manage- good enough? volumes of data are available and
and in committees specifically
ment committee. subject to analysis internally as
charges with risk issues. They
It is then up to the chief risk WALTER: It seems to me the well as externally by regulators
should be able to discuss
officer (CRO) to facilitate the technology underlying risk and other agencies.
exposures, the sources of risk,
conversation about how much management, while not perfect, The capability of an institution
risk tolerance etc. with senior
risk a firm wants to take, what its has the fewest weaknesses in to move and manage its data
management and risk managers
risk appetite should look like and the value chain. The platforms dynamically across the enter-
and ask penetrating questions.
what shareholder returns can be are generally pretty efficient and prise is essential for making risk
Although widely criticised,
expected for that risk. robust, so the tools are there – decision. Data must fulfil acces-
Sarbanes-Oxley already has a
For this process to work best, and vendors are always prepared sibility, immediacy and availabil-
governance blueprint that makes
the CRO must have direct access to adapt them. There are more ity criteria across the financial
some sense when applied to risk
to the chief executive and other problems on the user side than in institution. n
senior managers. This structure the tech platforms.
functions most effectively when
MISKOVIC: Risk management
it is positioned as both a proac- MISKOVIC: Keeping up with tech-
should become part of any
tive and reactive strategy for the nology is a costly enterprise for
company’s corporate identity
that is implemented at the senior
management level and pushed
any company.
Unfortunately, when markets
Next issue
McDOWELL: Strategic influence
of the risk functions will improve
out through all facets of the
organization. Certainly, the
were benign prior to the crisis,
tasks such as gathering portfolio
risk management in practical
terms for the risk manager.
board must play a role in ensur-
ing that this implementation
data, ensuring its accuracy and
using the data to gain multiple
Custody in
However, only when they are part
of the team that determines and
occurs; however, responsibility
cannot lie solely there. Instead,
views of risk, often seemed un-
periodically reviews allocation As a result of this general
risk has to be interwoven into


20-23 ISJ43.indd 23 19/10/2009 10:53

Services ISJISJInvestor

ISJ Directory of Services

Asset Servicing

T: +44 (0) 208 760 7130

Goal is widely-acknowledged in the financial services sector for its innovative and C: Stephen Everard or
creative solutions to highly-specialized niche processes. Saghar Bigwood
Goal’s research has shown that in excess of USD8 billion of withholding tax remains A: 7th Floor, 69 Park Lane,
unclaimed each year by the rightful owners and beneficiaries and that over USD12 Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1BG
billion is lost because rightful beneficiaries are not participating in class actions, E: or
bankruptcies and disgorgements. or


SMA Financial is the UK’s premier provider of SWIFT services and a long standing Simon Murby
business partner of SWIFT. SMA’s vast experience in the banking and securities Managing Director
industry has provided high quality provision of SWIFT related consultancy, training, SMA Financial Limited
system care and bureau services which is second to none. SMA prides itself on their Telephone : +44 (0)20 7940 4200
in-depth and highly experienced team of consultants chosen from the banking and Bramah House,
securities industry. The introduction of the SWIFT bureau service has witnessed much 65-71 Bermondsey Street,
success by providing cost effective and quality hosted connectivity services to many London. SE1 3XF
satisfied clients. Website:

Custody & Clearing

BHF Asset Servicing GmbH comprises the custody, depotbanking and securities services
of BHF-BANK Aktiengesellschaft. With around 250 members of staff, approx. EUR 270 Strahlenbergerstraße 45; 63067
billion in assets under administration and a depotbanking volume of EUR 85 billion, Offenbach a.M. Germany
BHF Asset Servicing GmbH is one of Germany’s leading specialists in depotbanking •Contact: Moritz Ostwald
and custody business. It develops innovative and high-class services for investment •Phone:+49 69 667744 838
companies, institutional investors and foreign banks, and excels at tailoring solutions to •Email: moritz.ostwald@
the individual needs of its clientele.

Assets under Administration: EUR 270 bn

No of funds: 478

DnB NOR is the leading provider of Custody, Clearing and Remote Member Service in T: +47 22 94 92 95
Norway. DnB NOR offers a full range of securities settlement, Corporate Action and cash F: +47 22 48 28 46
management services for both foreign and domestic institutional clients. The bank Contact: Bente I. Hoem, Head of Global
has a strong commitment to the Custody business in Norway and the staff is highly Relations & Network
knowledgeable and experienced. In addition, DnB NOR provides a wide range of value- E:
added services for foreign clients such as Securities Lending, Income Collection, Proxy
Voting, Tax Reclaim, and MIS reporting.
As the largest commercial bank in Norway, DnB NOR offers clients full services in
securities trading, registration, foreign exchange and Money Market.

Banking Securities Services provides award winning local and regional custody services
for investment professionals. We are proud to be the largest custodian provider in
terms of assets and number of foreign clients in Central & Eastern Europe. ING has For further information please contact
been providing Securities Services in CEE since 1994 and we will continue our ongoing Lilla Juranyi, Global Head Custody
pursuit of excellence through new technology. Innovation and client focus are the key at + 31 20 7979 435
drivers to service our clients the best way. or contact her by email:
Other activities of ING Wholesale Banking Securities Services are Paying Agency
Services and web-based management of employee stock option & share plans.
ING is your local partner in: Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland,
Romania, Russia, Slovak Republic and Ukraine.


Directory ISJ43.indd 24 09/10/2009 11:17

ISJ Investor
ISJ Investor Services
Services Journal
Journal ISJDirectory
ISJ DirectoryofofServices

Intesa Sanpaolo’s Transaction Services include : Piazza della Scala 6

• Sub Custody, Derivatives and Remote Membership Clearing
20121 Milan, Italy
• Global Custody and Depository Bank for mutual funds, pension funds, real
T: +39 02 8794 2466
estate funds, private equity funds and hedge funds
• Fund Administration for mutual funds, pension funds, real estate funds, F: +39 02 8794 1519
private equity funds and hedge funds W:
• Paying Agent for foreign funds and sicavs C: Riccardo Lamanna
• Cash and Payment services like swift to checks, mass payments, checks and E: riccardo.lamanna@
cash letters

Nordea is the leading financial services group in the Nordic and Baltic region and operates
through three business areas: Nordic Banking, Private Banking and Institutional &
International Banking. Nordea is the leading custody services provider in the region. Nordea
provides high quality, tailor-made custody services for local and foreign investors dealing with Contact:
Nordic and Baltic securities. Due to the unique history of being formed from four established Nina Groth
banks, Nordea is the only Nordic custody provider with strong local presence and expertise in all Head of Sub-custody and Clearing
four markets. Nordea combines Nordic competence with local expertise, and has proven ability Tel: +45 3333 6124
to deliver high quality services that meet both clients’ and each local market’s requirements. E-mail:
Leading Nordic custodian: Critical mass and resources available; deep local experience and
active involvement in each Nordic market; Complete operational capabilities and best-fit
systems developed in each Nordic market; Proven ability to deliver high-quality service in all
Nordic markets; Excellent connection with key players in all Nordic Markets; Extensive product
and service offering; Your single point of entry to the whole Nordic region.

Santander is Spain’s leading financial institution and the largest bank in the euro zone
by market capitalization. Our commitment and contribution to the securities industry is
T: Europe: (34) 91 2893932 / 28
well established after more than a century of providing services in this field.
T: USA: (1212) 350 39 02
Santander’s cutting edge technology enables it to offer a comprehensive array of
innovative services in a broad range of markets. Santander currently has full local
E: globalsecurities@
capabilities in Iberian and Latin American markets along with a franchised presence in
many others. Santander`s experience and product range ensures that every aspect of
the securities business is fully contemplated.

Financial Asset Services is the custody and investments-servicing division of Standard

Bank, providing a unique suite of services to sophisticated investors in South Africa and A:Standard Bank
eight sub-Saharan markets. Investor Services
Securities Lending Department
Standard Bank has assets under custody to the value of ZAR1.56 trillion and an overall 25 Sauer Street
market share of approximately 40%. 2nd Floor, Entrance 3
Johannesburg 2001
Standard Bank’s unique selling point lies in its consultative approach to South Africa
relationships combined with the bank’s commitment to custody and investment T: +2711 636 6615
administration services.

SEB is the leading provider of securities services in the Nordic and Baltic area. We
are committed to custody and clearing processes for the wholesale market. We hold
T: +46 8 763 53 04
securities worth over 560 bn EUR and provide services in more that 75 markets, 10 of
F: +46 8 763 69 30
them under the SEB name (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Luxembourg, Germany,
C: Goran Fors, Global Head
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine).
of Custody Services
We offer a full range of securities services including corporate action and information
services, securities lending and services to remote members of the Nordic and Baltic
stock exchanges. We continuously develop new products in connection with clients and
partners to ensure we deliver the high-quality products our clients demand. We always
strive to make the processes more efficient. With a history of over 150 years in the
securities industry; we know the market and our clients well.

Société Générale Securities Services offers institutional investors, asset managers and Sébastien Danloy
financial intermediaries a comprehensive range of financial securities services: custody, Global Head of Sales,
clearing & trustee services, fund administration, asset servicing and transfer agency. Investor Services
SGSS currently ranks 3rd European custodian and 9th worldwide custodian (Source: Société Générale Securities Services with EUR 2,580* billion in assets held and valuates 4,354* funds T: +33 (0)1 41 42 98 65
representing assets of EUR 405* billion (as of June 2007). E:


Directory ISJ43.indd 25 09/10/2009 11:17

ISJ Directory of Services ISJISJInvestor

With an extensive network that spans over 70 countries, well-positioned in the emerging trade and
investment corridors across Asia, Africa and the Middle East, Standard Chartered’s Wholesale Banking
business combines global capabilities with local expertise to develop innovative products and services C: Giles Elliott, Global Head, Securities
to meet the diverse needs of our corporate and institutional clients in some of the world’s most dynamic Services
markets. Building on a rich banking heritage, Standard Chartered is noted for a client-focused approach P: +65 6517 0134
to business, unmatched on-the-ground expertise and a solid track record of innovative, award-winning E:
financial services solutions, reflecting our continued commitment to power our clients’ ambitions. As W:
one of Asia’s leading custodians, Standard Chartered serves global, regional and local custodians and
broker-dealers, as well as local and regional fund managers. The Bank plays a key role in promoting the
development of these markets and keeping the international investor community informed of industry
developments across the region.

Swedbank provides client-focused custody services to domestic and international

securities lending (including auto-borrow facilities), derivative clearing services, proxy
voting, full corporate actions and income service. Flexibility is an important aspect of
Swedbanks products and services. Our dedicated Client Relations Managers and Account T: +46 8 5859 1800
Managers are focused on personalized processing and reporting solutions. F: +46 8 7237 147
Other Features: C: Neal Meacham, Head of Custody
• ISO9001:2000 quality certification. E:
• Swedbank Markets Online (SMO) internet information and reporting tool for A: Stockholm SE 105 34 Sweden
Custody and Securities Lending.
• Nordic Custody alliance with DnB NOR (Norway), OKO Bank (Finland) and
Amagerbanken (Denmark) to offer regional custody product.
Institutional Assets under Custody: USD 70 billion

Data Services

Market Data & Analytics provides high-value real-time market data, indices and back Avox
office services. Information from diverse sources are provided to its customers, tailored Redwither Tower
to their specific information needs. Accuracy and reliability are ensured by collecting Redwither Business Park
the data from the Group’s own trading platforms, such as Xetra® and Eurex® and Wrexham, LL13 9XT
cooperation partners like STOXX Ltd. and the Irish Stock Exchange. Avox®, a majority- United Kingdom
owned subsidiary, validates, corrects, enriches and maintains business entity data. With
an operational model, unique in the industry, Avox® enables clients to comply with T: +44 (1978) 661 813
regulatory requirements and to achieve a holistic view of the risk exposure towards F: +44 (1978) 661 668
a client. W:

Interactive Data Corporation (NYSE: IDC) is a leading global provider of financial market
data, analytics and related services to financial institutions, active traders and individual T: 020 7825 7800
investors. The Company’s businesses supply real-time market data, time-sensitive F: 020 7608 3514
pricing, evaluations and reference data for millions of securities traded around the Brendan Beith
world, including hard-to-value instruments. Many of the world’s best-known financial European Sales Director
service and software companies subscribe to the Company’s services in support of their
trading, analysis, portfolio management and valuation activities. Through its businesses, Fitzroy House
Interactive Data Pricing and Reference Data, Interactive Data Real-Time Services, 13-17 Epworth Street
Interactive Data Fixed Income Analytics, and eSignal, the Company has approximately London EC2A 4DL UK
2,300 employees in offices located throughout North America, Europe, Asia and

SmartCo is a leading provider of data management solutions for the financial industry. For further information:
SmartCo’s software, Smart Financial Data Hub, covers all the data area, including or
financial instruments, market data, third parties, funds, transactions, and provides full
connectivity, a powerful and user friendly front-end, traceability, quality control, data SmartCo
enrichment and customisable workflow. 37 rue de Liège
Our solutions are based on SmartPlanet, an innovative technology focused on data 75008 Paris
management, and able to meet evolving business requirements. France
SmartCo offers to its customers the ability to respond in the fastest way to regulatory and T: + 33 1 58 22 29 60
business changes. E:

Fund Administration

With more than 35 years’ industry experience, Capita Financial Group provides fund
managers with fast and cost effective third-party administration services, enabling Leah Cox
you to free up your day to focus on growing your funds and business. Our main focus is +44 (0) 207 954 9559
to provide a ‘Best in Class’ administration service, we work in partnership with you to
innovate, increase efficiency and provide the high level of customer service that you and
your clients expect. With our UK and offshore centres (Jersey, Guernsey, Ireland and
Gibraltar), we offer a bespoke service to our clients and each area’s unique regulatory


Directory ISJ43.indd 26 09/10/2009 11:17

ISJ Investor
ISJ Investor Services
Services Journal
Journal ISJDirectory
ISJ DirectoryofofServices

For more information visit our website:

Established in 2002, IMFC Fund Services B.V. is a boutique hedge fund administrator
and a trustee with its offices in Amsterdam and Sydney. IMFC offers third parties
administration and related services to all type of onshore and offshore funds combining
high quality, independency, technology, timely calculation with flexibility, experience, t +31.20.644.4558
f +31.20.644.2735
custom-made solutions and competitive rates. Our services include: fund set-up and
Mrs. Consuelo Nardon
corporate services, NAV calculation and other accounting services, R&T agent and other
investors and compliance services.
Rivierstaete Building, Amsteldijk 166,
1079 LH Amsterdam, Netherlands

Intesa Sanpaolo’s Transaction Services include : Piazza della Scala 6

• Sub Custody, Derivatives and Remote Membership Clearing 20121 Milan, Italy
• Global Custody and Depository Bank for mutual funds, pension funds, real T: +39 02 8794 2466
estate funds, private equity funds and hedge funds
F: +39 02 8794 1519
• Fund Administration for mutual funds, pension funds, real estate funds,
private equity funds and hedge funds
• Paying Agent for foreign funds and sicavs C: Riccardo Lamanna
• Cash and Payment services like swift to checks, mass payments, checks and E: riccardo.lamanna@
cash letters

Société Générale Securities Services offers institutional investors, asset

managers and financial intermediaries a comprehensive range of financial securities Sébastien Danloy
services: Clearing, Liquidity Management, Custody and Trustee, Fund Administration, Global Head of Sales
Asset Servicing, Fund Distribution Services and Issuer Services. SGSS currently ranks 3rd Société Générale Securities Services
European custodian and 7th worldwide T: +33 (0)1 41 42 98 65
custodian (Source: with EUR 2,731* billion in assets held and valuates E:
5,158* funds representing assets of EUR 499* billion (at end March 2008). W:

Swiss Financial Services

Drawing upon an extensive track record of proficiency, dependability and (Ireland) Ltd.
responsiveness, Swiss Financial Services acts as administrator as well as registrar and Block 4B,Cleaboy Business Park,
transfer agent of funds investing in a broad range of financial instruments. These Old Kilmeaden Road,
include futures, foreign exchange, equities, options, bonds and other funds. Waterford, Ireland
T: +353 51 351180
We perform accounting and administration services for diverse fund types domiciled F: +353 51 871595
in, but not limited to, the United States, Bahamas, Cayman Islands, B.V.I. and Ireland.
Adrian Maher

Luxembourg: Jean-Paul Gennari,

Fund Services is a dedicated fund administrator providing customized and flexible services for tel. +352-44-1010 1
traditional and alternative investments. Switzerland: Markus Steiner,
Our comprehensive range of services for investment funds includes fund set-up, registration and tel. +41-61-288 4910
support around the world, fund accounting, NAV calculation, risk control and reporting. We have W:
practical experience with registering funds in 28 jurisdictions. C: Andre Valente
We provide a flexible offering from the full range of services, including Private Labelling, to selected T: + 41 61 288 6269
functions. Through our leading fund administration architecture, multi-source pricing and powerful E:
compliance tools, we offer a tailored, cost effective service. A:UBS Global Asset Management -
Fund Services, Brunngässlein 12,
PO Box CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland

Hedge Fund Administration

Apex Fund Services Ltd is a global hedge fund administration solution for hedge funds
and private equity clients located in 12 separate jurisdictions across the globe. The C: Peter Hughes
company uses the software solution, PFS PAXUS, which is a fully integrated hedge fund Group Managing Director
accounting system combined with web-based reporting to allow clients and investors T: +1 441-292-2739
to access their information 24/7 securely online. We will tailor all solutions to meet F:+1 441-292-1884
your needs and our continuing focus on the quality of service and the relationship with E:
each and individual client ensures that we retain our ethos of providing a personalized John Bohan
service rather than a generic solution. Group Manager of Operations
Highly qualified and experienced staff, mirrored with top tier technology and T: +353 21 4633366
competitive fee structures make Apex Fund Services Ltd the clear choice for your fund F: +353 21 4633377
administration needs. E:


Directory ISJ43.indd 27 09/10/2009 11:17

ISJ Directory of Services ISJISJInvestor

Custom House Administration &

Custom House, which is one of the world’s largest independent alternative investment and
Corporate Services Limited
hedge fund administrators, was awarded a SAS 70 Type I in May 2007 and a SAS 70 Type II in
A: 25 Eden Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland
December 2007.
T: +(353) 1 878 0807
Custom House offers a round-the-world, round-the-clock service from its office in Dublin and F: +(353) 1 878 0827
representative offices in Chicago and Singapore, enabling it to provide, not only complete C: dermot.butler@
global administration services, but also the ability to produce daily dealing NAVs.
Custom House is authorised by the Irish Financial Regulator under Section 10 of the C: david.blair@
Investment Intermediaries Act, 1995, which authorisation does not extend to the Chicago
and Singapore representative offices.

Fund Services holds a leading position in the area of hedge fund administration Cayman Islands: Darren Stainrod,
with specialized teams around the world. We offer a complete range of services tel. +1-345-914 1076
Eire: Don McClean, T: +353-1-436 3636
including accounting, NAV calculation, shareholder services, banking and credit
US: Concetta Mastrangelo,
facilities. tel. +1-212-882 5523
With specialist expertise in both single manager and fund of hedge fund W:
administration, services can be provided for both onshore and offshore funds. C: Darren Stainrod, T: ++1-345-914 1076
Through our comprehensive range of services and products, leading edge E:
technology platforms and superior client service, we work in partnership to offer A: UBS Fund Services (Cayman) Ltd, PO
the solutions you need. Box 852 GT, Grand Cayman, Cayman Is

International Finance Centres

The British Virgin Islands has created a progressive and transparent environment for the
establishment and regulation of mutual/hedge funds and their functionaries. By the end British Virgin Islands
of Q3 2006 the BVI had recognised or registered more than 4,000 funds, and licensed International Finance Centre
some 700 managers and administrators, making the BVI a leading domicile of choice for Haycraft Building
investment business. Benefits of conducting investment business in the BVI include: 1 Pasea Estate
• Fast-track registration and licensing system - funds can be registered in a few days. Road Town
• Presence of qualified, experienced legal, accounting & administration practitioners. Tortola
• A well-developed corporate professional infrastructure. British Virgin Islands
• Modern, robust and cost-effective regulatory and corporate regimes. T: +1 284 494 1509
• BVI private and professional funds fall outside the scope of EU Savings taxation Directive. F: +1 284 494 1260
• Segregated Portfolio Companies - also known as Protected Cell Companies - can now be W:
formed as mutual funds under the BVI Business Companies Act 2004.

Payments & Settlements

VocaLink is the payment transaction specialist. Trusted by the world’s top banks VocaLink
our automated payment system processes over 90 million transactions per day. The Drake House
VocaLink switching platform powers the world’s busiest ATM network and provides Homestead Road
end-to-end management of Europe’s largest ATM estate, while the Real-Time Rickmansworth
Payments platform provides the central infrastructure for the UK Faster Payments Hertfordshire
service. The VocaLink EuroCSM delivers reach for our clients throughout the SEPA WD3 1FX
and beyond with a range of value-added services that leverage our know-how and
technical capabilities. VocaLink is the partner of choice internationally, working T: +44(0)870 1650019
with BGC to process Sweden’s automated payments. F:
Find out how we can help your business at W:

Prime Brokerage
Newedge Global Prime Brokerage Group is a global, multi-disciplinary, solution-
providing team dedicated to delivering superior services to alternative investment Philippe Teilhard de Chardin,
industry participants including hedge funds, commodity trading advisors (CTAs), Global Head of Prime Brokerage
fund of hedge funds, family offices, and institutional investors (insurance companies, T +44 20 7676 8536
banks and pension funds). The Newedge prime brokerage team offers a global range Vincent Tournant, Head of Business
of brokerage services covering a wide range of asset classes including equities, Development T +44 20 7676 8171
bonds, currencies, commodities, and their related listed and OTC derivative products. Duncan Crawford, Head of Capital
We also offer an innovative portfolio-based cross-margining solution, a dedicated Introductions T +44 20 7676 8504
account management desk, hedge fund start up services, quantitative information on E:
the hedge fund industry, capital introductions services, and recently prime brokerage
services to Sharia compliant hedge funds. Newedge is wholly owned by Calyon and
Société Générale, with both companies having 50% ownership.

Securities Lending

Data Explorers (, based in New York and London, is the UK: 2 Seething Lane, London, EC3N 4AT
world’s most complete resource for data, analysis and insight into securities T +44 (0) 20 7264 7600,
lending and short selling. The company’s proprietary data gives an unrivalled, F +44 (0)20 7392 4004
comprehensive view on share lending and short-selling activity. With data sourced US: 75 Rockefeller Plaza, 19th Floor
directly from securities lending desks of over 100 of the top lending firms and New York, 10019, USA
representing most of the global securities lending market, Data Explorers has built T +1 212 710 2210 F + 1 212 710 2212
a reputation with leading financial institutions as the source for short intelligence Julian Pittam T +44 (0) 207 264 7616
that informs their decision-making and their coverage of market sectors and
companies. Please visit our Blog:, Twitter, New York: Ken Read T +212 710 2210
dataexplorers, Video and LinkedIn linkedin. E:
com/companies/data-explorers sites.


Directory ISJ43.indd 28 09/10/2009 11:17

ISJ Investor
ISJ Investor Services
Services Journal
Journal ISJDirectory
ISJ DirectoryofofServices
EquiLend is a leading provider of trading services for the securities finance EquiLend Europe Ltd.
industry. EquiLend facilitates straight-through processing by using a common 14 Devonshire Square
standards-based protocol and infrastructure, which automates formerly manual London, EC2M 4TE
trading processes. Used by borrowers and lenders throughout the world, the +44 (0) 207 426 4426
EquiLend platform allows for greater efficiency and enables firms to scale their T: UK- +44 (0)20 7743 9510
C: Michelle Lindenberger
business globally. Using EquiLend’s complete end-to-end services, including pre- E:
and post-trade, reduces the risk of potential errors. The platform eliminates the A: 17 State Street, 9th Floor
need to maintain costly point-to-point connections while allowing firms to drive New York, NY, 10004
down unit costs, allowing firms to expand business, move into different markets, T: US- +1 212 901 2224
increase trading volumes, all without additional spend. This makes the EquiLend C: Michelle Lindenberger
platform a cost-efficient choice for all institutions, regardless of size. W:

eSecLending is a full service securities lending agent and administrator of

customized securities lending programs. Their program has been adopted by many of
the world’s largest and most sophisticated asset gatherers including pension funds, T: US- +1 617 204 4500
mutual funds, investment managers and insurance companies. They are a third party T: UK- +44 (0)20 7469 6000
industry specialist providing lenders with customized programs, high touch client C: Christopher Jaynes
service, comprehensive risk management, and superior risk adjusted returns. The E:
firm takes a highly consultative approach with their clients by structuring separate, W:
non-pooled programs and utilizing a competitive auction to determine the optimal A: 175 Federal Street, 11th FL, Boston, MA
route to market for their clients’ lendable assets. Having built their business to 02110, US
incorporate investment practices such as the use of specialists, multiple-managers,
A: 1st Floor, 10 King William Street,
unbundling, price transparency, and competition, their approach ensures best
London EC4N 7TW, UK
execution and also provides clients with greater control over their programs, allowing
them to more effectively monitor and mitigate risks and counterparty relationships.

Eurex is one of the largest derivatives exchanges and the leading clearing house
in Europe. Wherever you are located, we provide you with access to the benchmark
futures and options market for European derivatives. Eurex also offers short term
funding products, such as Eurex Repo. Eurex Repo is among the forerunners in
providing integrated trading and clearing for repo transactions. Eurex’s latest W:
innovative marketplace is called Eurex SecLend. T: +41 58 854 2066
Eurex SecLend. Europe’s leading investment banks participate as borrowers F: +41 58 854 2455
in the Eurex SecLend marketplace, acting as principal brokers, dealers and E:
intermediaries. They all benefit from Eurex’s leading state-of-the-art trading and Eurex Zurich Ltd., Selnaustrasse
processing services. For Eurex, service and technology innovation is not just a 30, 8021 Zurich, Switzerland
buzzword. New trends are being transformed into inventions through the adoption
of advanced trading practices. Find out more on

FINACE® is the only fully integrated solution today which supports the future T: +41 (0)44 298 92 00
business model within the area of Securities Finance and Collateral Management. F: +41 (0)44 298 93 00
The architecture of FINACE® is based on a stable, leading edge technology A: COMIT AG, Pflanzschulstrasse 7,
platform, which was developed with performance and robustness as the focus of CH-8004 Zürich, Switzerland
design. With flexibility at its core, customer-driven extensions and modifications W:
can be quickly and easily applied to the standard component set.

JPMorgan’s Securities Lending program is unparalleled due in no small part to New York: William Smith
the Firm’s breadth of capability, financial strength, professional expertise and T: 212-623-5664
seamless operations. Our program enables investors to access a broad spectrum of E:
lending markets, with a diverse borrower base, offering a broad indemnification London: Michael Fox
against borrower default, while achieving very competitive bids for their T: 44 207 742 0256
securities - all of this in an environment designed not to compromise the activities E:
of their fund managers. As one of the founding members of EquiLend, a global Sydney: David Brown
T: (61-2)92504606
automated platform for borrowers and lenders, JPMorgan is at the forefront
of technology and is ideally placed given its integrated lending, custody and
accounting platforms.

Santander is the only Spanish financial institution with a team exclusively

dedicated to securities finance & with the purchase of Abbey in 2004 has W:
expanded its capacity on a Global basis with trading teams in London (UK) & T: (3491) 289 39 42/54
Connecticut (USA). E: securitieslending@
Santander’s leading local capabilities in Spain, Portugal, UK, USA & Latin
America, along with its solid balance sheet & combined with the state-of-the-art
technology, provides its clients with the broadest range of solutions in securities
lending & financing, including availability across all assets classes, as well as
access to uncommon emerging markets.


Directory ISJ43.indd 29 09/10/2009 11:17

ISJ Directory of Services ISJISJInvestor

Around the world, securities financing is managed on SunGard’s Email:

proven solutions for international and U.S. domestic securities lending and
repo for over 250 clients. Through our Loanet, Global One, Martini and Astec Contact:
Analytics products and services, we provide comprehensive business solutions EMEA: +44 (0) 20 8081 2779
and information with worldwide reach for equities or fixed income securities America’s: +1 (646) 445-1179
financing. These solutions – all in an integrated, exception-based processing Asia Pacific: + 62276400
architecture – includes order routing, pre-trade analytics, trading, position Visit:
management, operations, accounting, settlement and reconciliation. securitiesfinance

BI-SAM is a leading provider of analytics software, client reporting and data
management solutions to the investment management community.
Our integrated and innovative solutions have already been adopted by many A: BI-SAM Ltd
renowned asset managers in France, Belgium, Luxembourg, UK, Hong Kong and 1 Cornhill
London EC3V 3ND
Singapore who have assets under management ranging from 10 to 450 billion Euros.
T: +44 (0)20 3008 5834
The B-One suite of products covers: performance measurement, performance
F: + 44 (0)20 3008 5831
attribution (equities, balanced and fixed income), risk attribution (ex-post and ex-
ante), as well as multi-lingual client reporting and factsheets. This suite of products W:
can be used either as stand-alone applications or ASP hosted solutions.
The Company has approximately 45 employees in offices located in Europe (Paris,
London, Luxembourg). Offices in Asia and North America are under consideration.
The Company is headquartered in Paris.

DST International is the world’s premier vendor of technology solutions to the global investment T: UK +44 (0)20 8390 5000
management community with over 700 clients in 55 countries, and 1500 employees in 19 of the Boston +1 617 482 8800
world’s leading financial centres. Our wide range of asset management solutions meet the needs of Hong Kong +85 225 812 880
fund managers, dealers, settlement staff, custodians and record keepers operating as international F: +44 (0)20 8390 7000
asset managers; from front office simulation, opinion management and modelling functions, E:
through data management, dealing and settlement to custody and corporate actions. The suite of A: DST House, St Mark’s Hill, Surbiton,
products can be used either as stand-alone applications or brought together in flexible combinations Surrey, KT6 4QD
according to specific needs. W:

Eagle Investment Systems LLC is a global provider of financial services technology,

serving the world’s leading financial institutions. Eagle’s Web-based systems support W:
the complex requirements of firms of any size including institutional investment T: +44 (0) 20 7163 5700
managers, mutual funds, hedge funds, brokers, public funds, plan sponsors, and F: +44 (0) 20 7163 5701
insurance companies. Eagle is committed to providing enterprise-wide, leading-edge A: The Bank of New York Mellon
technology and professional services for investment accounting, data management, and Financial Centre
performance measurement. Eagle’s product suite is offered as an installed application or 160 Queen Victoria Street
can be hosted via Eagle ACCESS, Eagle’s application service provider. Eagle Investment London EC4V 4LA
Systems LLC is a division of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation. To learn more
about Eagle’s solutions, contact or visit

Financial Tradeware provides integrated solutions for medium to small sized Investment
Management firms, Fund Managers and Hedge Funds, covering the full trade life cycle. W:
It is part of the Dharma Group of companies and benefits from the joint contributions T: +44 (0)20 7493 2773
and experiences within the group of market traders, business analysts, financial services F: +44 (0)20 7495 4858
professionals and skilled Microsoft Certified programmers. The company has developed a C: Graham Bright
suite of applications that integrate and Straight Through Process (STP) real-time trading, E:
back office administration, accounting and compliance.®, S-Messenger® and A: 31 Dover Street
H-Fund® arwe the company’s flagship products all based on Microsoft.NET infrastructure. London W1S 4ND UK
The company also offers a Member Concentrator for hosted SWIFT connectivity and Member
Administered Closed User Group (MA-CUG) services for Corporates and Hedge funds.

Isis Financial Systems provides mission critical investment management software and
services to many large and small companies. Our customers perform a broad range of
functions including fund accounting, derivative and hedge funds, wealth management, Contact:
and pension and endowments, etc…. Our integrated solution services the front, middle, Isis Financial Systems
and back offices of these companies with software that accommodates most any security 14 Felton Street
type. Built on a contemporary three tiered architecture our application helps financial Waltham, MA 02453
companies improve operating efficiencies, increase accuracy and reliability and improve
customer service. (00-1) 781-209-0262
IsisFS has the experience and IMS has the tools to improve your operations and save you


Directory ISJ43.indd 30 09/10/2009 11:17

ISJ Investor
ISJ Investor Services
Services Journal
Journal ISJDirectory
ISJ DirectoryofofServices

A:IGEFI Group Sàrl - 7, Rue des

IGEFI is the foremost provider of software solutions for international fund promoters, Primeurs,
third-party service providers and fund managers. Its prestigious client-base is testimony L-2361 Strassen
to our commitment, service and quality with more than 200 expert staff supporting T: +352 26 44 211
clients from seven offices worldwide including Bangalore, Boston, Frankfurt, Geneva, F: +352 26 44 21 44
London, Luxembourg and Paris. MultiFonds is operational in more than 20 countries E:
worldwide and support investment funds assets in excess of US$ 2 trillion. MultiFonds W:
Fund Accounting and MultiFonds Transfer Agency are developed on a “one system-one C: Mr. Jesper Steiness - Head of
database” philosophy and provide significant advantages including reduced overhead Business Development
and IT support costs and single look and feel reporting for global clients. Europe & Asia

For more information on Information

Mosaic, please visit our website at
Information Mosaic is a global provider of advanced custody, corporate actions and wealth
management solutions to the global securities industry. Information Mosaic’s business Global:
professionals leverage decades of financial industry expertise and technical knowledge,
to deliver complex projects on time and within budget. Since inception, the company US:
has utilized the most modern technology to develop solutions to run on a scalable,
single platform. Today, Information Mosaic supports clients from offices in Boston, Europe:
Dublin, London, Luxembourg, New York and Singapore. Currently, six of the top 10 global
custodians deploy Information Mosaic solutions worldwide. Asia:
General Enquires:

For more than a decade, administrators, managers, and advisors have relied
on KOGER for dependable software tools backed by extensive industry T: 001-201-291-7747
experience and expertise. Now, for those who want to reduce costs and streamline F: 001-201-291-7808
business processes, Koger offers Fully Integrated Fund C: Mr Ras Sipko
Administrator, a vertically integrated suite serving the back-office software needs of the E:
fund industry. KOGER USA
Fully Integrated Fund Administrator consists of three core programs: 12 Route 17 North
~ NTAS, the New Transfer-agency System Suite 111
~ E*TAS, Electronic Transfer Agency System Paramus
~ GRID, Global Reach Interface Daemon New Jersey, NJ 07652, USA
Other programs, such as PTAS, KIT, and KORS available separately, complement the core W:
competency of Fully Integrated Fund Administrator.

Misys provides integrated, comprehensive solutions that deliver significant results to

over 1,200 financial institutions globally. Our buyside solutions help asset servicers,
asset managers and hedge funds handle the latest complex products, streamline
processes, reduce costs and improve STP. Misys Summit is our award winning,
multi-asset class solution that boasts 18 years OTC derivatives market expertise.
With extensive OTC buyside coverage and the market leading structured products
module, Misys Summit delivers the solution you need for handling the end to end
process for OTC. We also provide a customisable ASP service for fast implementation
and lower costs.

Building on over twenty years of experience in capital markets and cross-asset software
solutions, Murex introduces Mx Asset Manager - a unique cross currency, cross asset fund C: Hélène Desbiez
management solution capable of handling the full range of products, from plain vanilla to Business Development Manager
the most complex derivative products. T: +33 1 44 05 32 00
Coupled with a high degree of flexibility and customization, Mx Asset Manager E:
features a multifaceted design catering to the needs of both service providers W:
(prime brokers, administrators, asset servicing providers) and direct clients (portfolio
managers for mutual, pension or hedge funds, insurance companies).
With so many new challenges presented to buy-side managers when integrating
increasingly-complex derivatives into their portfolios and funds, Mx Asset Manager
represents a strong and reliable ally for dynamic position keeping and multi-dimensional
risk management in a thriving market.

Odyssey Financial Technologies is an industry leader in the global provision of wealth

and asset management solutions and services to the Private Banking, Mass Affluent and London Office:
Retail Banks as well as Institutional and Fund Managers. Over 200 financial institutions Martin House
in more than 30 countries have chosen Odyssey solutions. Odyssey focuses on providing 5 Martin Lane
a comprehensive range of components for portfolio management (PMS), advisory London EC4R 0DP U.K.
process, customer relationship (CRM), compliance, risk, analytics and Enterprise Data
Management (EDM). The components are deployed on a single scalable wealth and asset T: +44 (0)20 7621 5800
management platform, facilitating the enterprise-wide implementation of solutions F: +44 (0)20 7621 5899
and data management. Founded in Luxembourg in 1995, Odyssey today has offices in
the key financial centers, including London, New York, Singapore, Zurich, Frankfurt, E:
Brussels, Geneva, Madrid, Toronto and Tokyo. Odyssey’s operational head office and main W:
development centre is located in Lausanne, Switzerland. Throughout this knowledgeable
network Odyssey employs over 600 professionals.


Directory ISJ43.indd 31 09/10/2009 11:17

ISJ Directory of Services ISJISJInvestor

peterevans is a leading provider of front to back office solutions for the financial services
sector. With 23 years experience peterevans takes a sophisticated and dynamic approach
to assist customers in reducing costs and witnessing an increase in margins by seamlessly New Broad Street House
replacing costly and restricting legacy platforms. peterevans works in a collaborative 35 New Broad Street
manner and sees clients as partners to help meet all the demands in today’s marketplace. London EC2M 1NH
The xanite product suite offers a highly configurable, flexible and fully integrated, browser T: +44 (0) 29 20 402200
based, comprehensive front to back solution that complies with message standardization E:
and settlement harmonization. Deployed as a single application or integrated as W:
components into your existing platform. Each of the xanite modules can be delivered via an
ASP or self-hosted. Covering: wealth management, custody corporate actions clearing and
settlement private client and on-line stock broking.

Pirum provides a full suite of automated reconciliation and straight through processing
(STP) services supporting Operations within the global securities finance industry. The T: +44 20 7220 0961
company’s on-line SBLREX service encompasses daily contract F: +44 20 7220 0977
compare, monthly billing comparison, mark-to-market & exposure processing, pending C: Rupert Perry
trade comparison, income claims processing and E:
custody reconciliation. A: Pirum Systems Limited
Subscribers to Pirum’s services significantly increase their operational efficiency and 37-39 Lime Street
reduce their risk by using Pirum’s solutions, as staff are able to focus on fixing the London, EC3M 7AY
exceptions instead of using their time to check and process routine business. These W:
automated processes are more scalable and risk controlled too, allowing
significantly higher volumes to be managed without corresponding increases in
operations headcount.

Princeton Financial Systems (PFS), a 100% subsidiary of State Street Corporation, is a leading
provider of portfolio management and accounting systems, investment compliance, data For more information, visit Princeton
management, and reporting solutions to the global investment industry. Our solutions are
used worldwide by over 430 leading investment managers, custodians, insurance companies, Financial’s website at or
pension funds, hedge funds, and banks, which manage combined total assets of over $5
trillion in more than 40 countries.These include ABP, AEGON, AIG, Allianz Global Investors, T: +1 609-987-2400
BNP Paribas, CaIPERS, CACEIS Investor Services, Citi, Commerzbank, Credit Suisse, HSBC F: +1 609-987-9320
Insurance, Metropolitan Life Insurance, Nationwide, Northwestern Mutual, Prudential, RBS, C: Lorne Whitmore, Vice President,
Société Générale Securities Services, and State Street. MIG21, PFS’s award-winning investment Global Sales & Product Management
compliance and risk monitoring solution, optimizes pre-trade and post-trade compliance E:
checking, the administration of regulatory, prospectus, and internal investment guidelines A: 600 College Road East,
along with the consequent resolution workflows. PFS, headquartered in Princeton (NJ), has Princeton, NJ 08540, USA
offices located throughout the United States, Canada, Australia, Singapore, and China as well W:,
as in United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Germany, and Switzerland.

Netik’s team have spent the past 25 years perfecting the art of bringing For more information please
together market, reference, portfolio accounting, performance and risk data visit:
from disparate sources into a single version of the truth (SVOTTTM). The result or email:
is a highly scalable and sophisticated business data model that has been
designed to process all securities and offers a complete model for traditional
and alternative markets.

SimCorp Dimension is a powerful, comprehensive and truly seamless investment

management system. It can handle NAV and other calculations, with complete related
accounting, for a huge variety of fund structures and product types, including regional
T: +44 (0)20 7260 1900
F: +44 (0)20 7260 1911
SimCorp Dimension has been designed from scratch as an enterprise-wide system, C: Elizabeth Gee, sales director
handling all aspects of the investment management process and related administration of SimCorp Dimension
functions, consistently. Data is recorded once into a core database so that reporting is E:
made easy, there is no reconciliation of data and no duplication of procedures. W:
-By cutting latency in securities processing, our clients are recognising new efficiencies, A: SimCorp, 100 Wood Street,
reducing costs and increasing throughput London EC2V 7AN
-By streamlining their customer on-boarding processes, our clients are gaining faster
access to fees, increasing customer satisfaction, gaining greater cross-sell opportunities.

SunGard is one of the world’s leading software and IT services companies. SunGard serves SunGard Global Trading
25 Canada Square, London E14 5LQ
more than 25,000 customers in more than 70 countries, including the world’s 25 largest
financial services companies.
Tel +44 (0)20 8081 2000
Dedicated to post trade securities operations, GL RIMS is your comprehensive real time Fax +44 (0)20 8081 3399
securities post execution processing solution, covering middle office, settlement and
accounting requirements. Its wide use of automation enables global capital markets
organisation to achieve maximum STP. It is a flexible, highly scalable and easy to install
platform with a new Service Oriented Architecture feature that allows smooth and Email:
efficient connections with other third parties within a company.


Directory ISJ43.indd 32 09/10/2009 11:17

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