Hbec 2503
Hbec 2503
Hbec 2503
INTRODUCTION The story about The Roads Of Life written by Karen Blixen (Isak Dinese, 1937), tell us about a little child named Karen who remembered that she had been told about a story of a man who had woken up one night by the sound of a terrible noise. To find the source of the noise that woke him up, he then followed the road to the pond near his house. There were a lot of obstacles he must overcome to get there and the meandering route he took, he finally arrived and fixed the leak in the dam, that was the source of the noise. Then, when the next morning when he woke up, he saw a stork out in the pond and he glad to see that stork. Form the story of the roads of life, that is an allegory for determination and hard work. It is about the diligence to achieve in the life. A lot of obstacles that we must to face in order to achieve in life. Related to the story about the roads of life, it can be a good story to tell the children about the values in life. By the way, it is not so easy to teach the children in English especially in related with the story that I have read. So, I have been focusing in four language focus that are: 1. Listening, 2. Speaking, 3. Reading and 4. Writing.
Activities and worksheet had been done to make sure they (children) understand the story. Before that, I have made a web focused on the four languages focus stated. The web is used by the teacher especially to make them easier to know what to teach the students. In other hand, the web is also can be called as a content of the study. Teacher used the web to make sure that they teach the student all the content they want. So, all the focus can be covered by the teacher by using the web as a guide. The next subtopic of this assignment is the web that I used as a guide to teach the children related to the story entitled The Roads Of Life written by Karen Blixen. Next to them is the activities and the worksheets created by myself for each of the language focus that stated above.
READING WRITING (BI 4.2) Writing skills (BI 4.2.1) Copy letters of the alphabet correctly in the neat legible print. Activities : Children copy the alphabet in the worksheet given by the teacher correctly. Examples : p = pond, s = stork, n = noise. (BI 3.2) Read simple words with understanding (BI 3.2.1) Hear and pronounce simple Activities : Children hear the words read by the teacher and how to pronounce the words and then they read the words with the correct pronunciations loudly.
LISTENING (BI 1.2) Listen to and understand meaning of simple words. (BI 1.2.9) Listen to words said aloud and respond accordingly. Activities : Teacher reads words and then children act according to the words. Examples : run, walk, sleep, wake up.
SPEAKING (BI 1.3) Acquire and use simple phrases and statements. (BI 1.3.1) Talk about familiar things an experiences with guidance. Activities : Teacher guide the children to talk about the pictures given.
Children can often learn languages more easily and more quickly than adults. Kindergarten is a good time for children to learn English as a second language. If you are teaching children English as a second language in kindergarten, there are numerous activities that are enjoyable for the children and which will help them to learn English vocabulary and sentence structure. Teaching English to the children is not easy. A teacher must creative in doing the activities when teach the children. Therefore, plan must be done before teach the students well. The lesson plans must be in a creative way for the children to enjoy their learning. The activities can be done in many ways such as play game, watch movie, draw picture and many more. The children will enjoy these activities and at the same time they can learn the English well. Do not stress the children when learning the English because they might be stress and cannot learn English well. These are the examples of the lesson plans and the activities that can be done when teaching English for the children. The lesson plans will be completed with the worksheets to make sure the children do the exercise too.
Writing This is the lesson plan displayed the whole story in teaching the children related to the one of the language focus, writing skills. All the content standard and the learning standard stated in the lesson pelan are referred to the Kurikulum Standard Prasekolah (KSPK).
LESSON PLAN 1 - WRITING Content standard Learning standard : (BI 4.2) Writing skills : (BI 4.2.1) Copy letters of the alphabet correctly in the neat legible print. Learning objective : By the end of the lesson, the children should be able to: 1) Copy the letter h (house), p (pond) and s (stork) correctly by individual with teacher guidance.
Step / Time
Teaching And Learning Activities 1) Teacher enter the class with the
Remarks Children will learn about the name of the animal. stork Thinking skill: To make sequences.
stork puppets on her hand. 2) Teacher asks the students the name of the puppet (animal). 3) Children guess the name of the animal. 1) Teacher wears the stork puppet
and tell the children the story about the roads of life
2) Children then hear and enjoy the story. 3) Teacher then gives the meaning of a few words that cannot be understand by the children such as : pond, house, stork. 1) Teacher give each student
worksheet. 2) Teacher guide the students to do the worksheet given. 3) Children do the worksheet individually.
1) Teacher makes a conclusion Reflection Closure (5 minutes) with discussion about the letter that students write in the worksheet given. 2) Students submit the worksheets. h = house p = pond s = stork
Worksheet (writing) :
Name :________________________________
Date :____________________
Reading is the receptive skill in the written mode. It can develop independently of listening and speaking skills, but often develops along with them, especially in societies with a highly-developed literary tradition. Reading can help build vocabulary that helps listening comprehension at the later stages, particularly (SIL International, 1999). In order to teach the reading skill to the children especially children among 4 6 years old is very challenger than we expect. On this stage, children get their reading skill and children use this skill in their life especially when they study in the real school.
A small change in how teachers and parents read aloud to preschoolers may provide a big boost to their reading skills later on, a new study found.
Below is the lesson pelan to teach reading skill to the students. This lesson should be in 30 minutes in the English classes.
LESSON PLAN 2 - READING Content standard Learning standard Learning objective : (BI 3.2) Read simple words with understanding : (BI 3.2.1) Hear and pronounce simple : By the end of the lesson, the children should be able to: 1) Pronounce the simple words given by the teacher in the text (The Roads Of Life) in the right pronunciation of the words given by the teacher such as house, stork, pond, walk.
Step / Time
Contents Children sing the song title Lifes A Happy Song together with the teacher.
1) Teacher sing a song with students while they dance according to the music played. 2) Teacher then tell the students that today the teacher has a story to tell the story entitle The Roads Of Life. 3) Students hear the story.
Teacher starts the class with the song. The students will be fun and enjoy the class.
Thinking The story entitled The Roads Of Life (Appendix A) 1) Teacher wears the stork puppet and tell the children the story Step 1 Delivery (10 minutes) about the roads of life 2) Children then hear and enjoy the story. 3) Teacher then gives the meaning of a few words that cannot be understand by the children such as : pond, house, stork. Value : Never give up skill: To make sequences.
1) Teacher gives students one card Step 2 Play a game Do Not for each. 2) The card is written a word related to the story told by the teacher. 3) Teacher then create a game by Words: 1) Pond 2) House 3) Stork play the music and give a student a marker pen. 4) The student has to give the marker pen to another student besides Implementation Stop The Music (10 minutes)
until the music stop. 5) The student with the marker pen then come in front and read aloud the word written in the card loudly with the teacher guidance. 6) Teacher tell the students about the meaning of the words read by the students.
1) Teacher evaluate the students Closure (5 minutes) Reflection achievement in reading the words given with the pronunciation . 2) Students repeat the words they learnt today.
Worksheet (reading) :
Listening It is clearly stated that listening is the first skill acquire by the children especially if they have not yet learnt to read. When the children start to learn a foreign language, it is going in mainly through their ears and what they hear is their main source of the language. Below is the lesson plan to teach the children the one of the language focus that is listening skill. LESSON PLAN 3 LISTENING Content standard : (BI 1.2) Listen to and understand meaning of simple words. Learning standard : (BI 1.2.9) Listen to words said aloud and respond accordingly. Learning objective : Students can fill in the blank with the correct alphabet to perform the word said by the teacher correctly and pronounce the word loudly.
Step / Time
Flashcard with the Induction Set (5 minutes) picture of: 1) Stork 2) House 3) Pond
1) Teacher shows the flashcard and ask students about the flashcard shown. 2) Students guess the name of each flashcard shown. 3) Teacher tells students the learning contents for todays lesson.
Thinking The story entitled 1) Teacher do the simulation about the story The Roads Of Life. skill: To make
2) Teacher guide students to do the simulation. 3) Students enjoy and act the story based on the story (appendix A)
1) Worksheet is given to the Worksheet: Step 2 Fill in the blank with the children. 2) Teacher read the words loudly and students hear the words. 3) Students fill in the blanks with the correct alphabet to perform a word in the worksheet given.
Implementation correct alphabet to (10 minutes) perform a word recite by the teacher. Examples: 1) P_nd 2) Wa_k 3) R_n 4) Slee_ 5) Wa_e Up
1) Teacher makes a conclusion with discussion about the learning today. 2) Students submit the worksheets.
Worksheet (listening) :
It said that children can soak up a second language like a sponge. Teacher can help them to accelerate their acquisition of the English language through a few technique. These include engaging the child's aural, visual, and even kinesthetic or physical intelligences in order to enrich his vocabulary and encourage speaking practice. Kids love games, and games can help develop patterns of expression.
Below is the lesson pelan to teach the speaking skill to the children:
Content standard
Learning standard
Learning objective
: Students can talk about their daily experiences in daily life with teacher guidance.
Step / Time
1) Teacher show a video about Upin Induction Set (5 minutes) Video Upin and Ipin. and Ipin in the classroom. 2) Teacher then tell the students about the happiness life of Upin and Ipin. 3) Teacher ask students a few question about the students ambition.
Teacher starts the class with the video to get students attention.
1) Teacher wears the stork puppet and ask students what is the name
of the animal. 2) Teacher tells the children the story about the roads of life 3) Children then hear and enjoy the story. 4) Teacher then gives the meaning of a few words that cannot be understand by the children such as : pond, house, stork.
1) Teacher gives students one card for each. 2) The card is about the picture related to the story read before. 3) Teacher create a small competition by making a few small group. 4) Each group has to tell the story about the picture they got form the teacher. 5) Teacher gives them marks and then the winner will get the prizes.
Value: Brave
1) Teacher evaluate the students Closure (5 minutes) Reflection achievement in speaking skill.
Worksheet (speaking) :
Children are incredibly adapted to learning languages, and pick up new words, phrases and grammar structures easily. Meanwhile, kids have a lot of energy and a shorter attention span than adults, so teacher will struggle to get them to sit and study. However, as a teacher, we must to be creative when teaching students in the classroom. We can use the kids' energy for our advantage and engage them with games, songs and activities that will help them learn while having fun.
REFERENCES . BOOKS: Mastura Badzis (2012) . Teaching English To Young Learners (OUM Modul) 1st Edition. Wendy & Lisbeth. Teaching English To Young Children. Longman, London, New York.
http://www.whiterabbit.net/@port03/Dinesen/Stork/roads_of_life.htm access on 10th November 2012. http://www.ebay.com/itm/BIG-COOL-VINTAGE-BLACK-WHITE-STORK-HANDPUPPET-PLUSH-STUFFED-ANIMAL-BIRD-TOY-/110918619263 access on 10th November 2012. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/04/120417080106.htm access on 11th November 2012. http://www.sil.org/lingualinks/languagelearning/otherresources/gudlnsfralnggandcltrlrnngprg rm/ReadingSkill.htm access on 11th November 2012. http://www.jessicadiary.com/abc-worksheets access on 13th November 2012. http://resources.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/interactive/literacy.html access on 13th November 2012. http://www.livestrong.com/article/252830-how-to-teach-children-to-speak-english/ access on 14th November 2012. http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/articles/listening-young-learners access on 14th November 2012.
When I was a child I was shown a picture, -- a kind of moving picture inasmuch as it was created
before your eyes and while the artist was telling the story of it. This story was told, every time, in the same words. In a little round house with a round window and a little triangular garden in front there lived a man. Not far from the house there was a pond with a lot of fish in it. One night the man was woken up by a terrible noise, and set out in the dark to find the cause of it. He took the road to the pond. Here the story-teller began to draw, as upon a map of the movements of an army, a plan of the roads taken by the man. He first ran to the South. Here he stumbled over a big stone in the middle of the road, and a little farther he fell into a ditch, got up, fell into a ditch, got up, fell into a third ditch and got out of that. Then he saw that he had been mistaken, and ran back to the North. But here again the noise seemed to him to come from the South, and he again ran back there He first stumbled over a big stone in the middle of the road, then a little later he fell into a ditch, got up, fell into another ditch, got up, fell into a third ditch, and got out of that.
He now distinctly hear that the noise came from the end of the pond. He rushed to the place, and say that a big leakage had been made in the dam, and the water was running out with all the fish in it. He set to work and stopped the hole, and only when this had been done did he go back to bed. When now the next morning the man looked out of his little round window, -- thus the take was finished, as dramatically as possible,-- what did he see?-A stork! I am glad that I have been told this story and I shall remember it in the hour of need. The man in the story was cruelly deceived, and had obstacles put in his way. He must have thought: "What ups and downs! What a run of bad luck!" He must have
wondered what was the idea of all his trials, he could not know that it was a stork. But through them all he kept his purpose in view, nothing made him turn round and go home, he finished his course, he kept his faith. That man had his reward. In the morning he saw the stork. He must have laughed out loud then. The tight place, the dark pit in which I am now lying, of what bird is it the talon? When the design of my life is complete, shall I, shall other people see a stork? Infandum, Regina, jubes renovare dolarem. Troy in flames, seven years of exile, thirteen good ships lost. What is to come out of it? "Unsurpassed elegance, majestic stateliness, and sweet tenderness."
from Out of Africa (From an Immigrant's Notebook) First published by Random House in 1937