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audioTester V2.2
(c) Ulrich Müller
2 audioTester V2.2

1 General

The 2D diagram

1. Adjust of the Y-axis (symmetrical) for the time diagram

2. Adjust of the X-axis values for the time diagram /ms
3. Adjust of the Y-axis values, you see the Y-axis groups A+B separately ( see curve dialog )
4. Curve buttons, you see two selected curves, that means, curves receiving measurement values
and they are visible.
The characters in the buttons sets the group of the Y-axis scroller. If you change the scroller of, for
example, group A, then change all of the curve, which are part of group A. Example see below
5. Is the button lowered, then is the curve visible and receives no measurement values, it is not
With the curve dialog it is possible to select and show/hide the curves.
The curve dialog is reachable, if click on the curve name beside the button.
The curves (buttons) are movable, including its properties, with Drag'n Drop to another curve
Example see below
6. Is the button greyed, so the curve is invisible and deselected
7. Adjust of the X-axis values via numerical input ( only frequency diagram )
8. Adjust of the X-axis values via scroller /Hz

Moving and Addition of curves

Via drag'n drop it is possible to move a curve from one of the 8 places to one of the eight others.
Therefore you click on a curve button and drag it to an other button and drop it. All the properties are

(c) Ulrich Müller

General 3

copy except the curve color.

If you hold the Ctrl Key while dropping the curve, they will be added. The addition is calculated with the
phase, which is stored within the curve properties.

Example for selection of curves

In the figure above, you see the curves of the channels 1-4 visible, the channel named unknown is
invisible. The channels 2+3 are selected, they are ready to show the actual values. Channel 1+4
belongs to the Y-axis group A and channel 2+3 to group B.

With the menu point Presets you can load and store presets.
The presets have the extension *.atp ( audioTester Presets )
Save: Select Presets/Save Preset and store the actual settings with a file name of your choise.
Load: Select Presets/Load Preset and load a stored preset.

Predefined presets:
std2Dfft.atp : Standard 2D spectrums analyse with 1kHz sine
IM60_7k.atp: Measurement of intermodulation distortions with a interfere signal of
60Hz/-3dB and a main tone of 7kHz/-15db @ IEC 268 Part 3
MLS14RefFFT16k.atp: Frequency measurement with a MSL 14 order and a 16k FFT
AsyncWob50s.atp: Asynchronous sweep with a duration of 50 sec

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4 audioTester V2.2

Function diagram audiotester software

(c) Ulrich Müller

General 5

Phone jack

(c) Ulrich Müller

6 audioTester V2.2

Program breaks !
Please send me a screen shot of the error message. I will try to fix the error, please tell me also the
version and build number of your audioTester (You wil found it in the Info Dialog). Most errors, except
programming errors of me, are old sound card drivers. In this case please try to update the driver via

Sound output, Sound input interrupted, hacked !

Please see that there is no Interrupt-Sharing between any PCI-Cards is.
Check this with the windows control panel.
Change this with the BIOS Setup.

Program shows not all details, and works in a strange manner !

Here goes something wrong, please delete the file aud20d.ini in c:\program files\audioTester\audioT
Version 2.2c please delete aud22c.ini in c:\documents and settings\user\applications data
\audiotester22c\ ('user' is your user name)

Calibration doesn't work !

Over is enabled, if the level reached the last bit, at 16Bit resolution that is 0x7FFF and 0xFFFF. Some
sound driver doesn't reach this values and stop before. Please don't increase the level in this case,
read out the value and calibrate it.

Problems with the registration !

Like any other software authors I must protect me for illegal using of my program too:
Therefore every customer get a key-file: The key-file has 256 Bytes and contains the name of the
customer and same cryptic data, no program code or virus.
The key-file, it comes via Email normally and named key.xuz, you must copy into the directory:
x:\program files\audioTester\common . x means the drive where your program directory is, normally c:

In the headline is SharewareVersion ! displayed ?

1. If the audioTester is running while copying the key file, then close it and start it again
2. You use the wrong directory, please try it again.

Harddisk damaged, Key-File was gone ?

No Problem, send a mail - new key-file is coming.

Program shows 'cracked version' ?

Either the key-file is not made by me ( then don't mail me ),
but if You are a real customer, please send me a mail, I will send You a new key-file.

What is the license-key ?

A huge part of my program is selling with the help of the shareware-provider . After
You have buy a license you immediately get ( since august 2003 ) a license-key in form of a string .
This string ( i.e.
823D90 )
copy (while audioTester is running) via Copy and Paste into a dialog box. This dialog box You will find
in the menu help\Enter temp....
Your audioTester runs now 30 Days without any shareware breaks.
If I get your order from, I will send You the personal key-file (key.xuz)
Further proceeding with the key-file, see above.
The time between purchasing and getting of the key-file is normally 1 day
In my holidays it could be longer, therefore I have installed this procedure with the license-key.

(c) Ulrich Müller

First Start 7

2 First Start
Read this first, it answered some questions for licensed user

In audioTester V2.2c the settings and the key-file are stored in

c:\documents and settings\user\applications data\audiotester22c\ ('user' is your user name)
The advantage is, you can read and write in this folder without any admin rights (Virus Protection!).

While starting for the first time, audiotester tries to copy the key-file from the old folder:
c:\programs\audiotester\common into the new one.
If that doens't work, you can copy it by drag'n drop the key file 'key.xuz' to the main window
of the audioTester. The program copies the key-file then to the correct folder.

3 Full version

4 2D Spectrumanalyzer

· FFT points: 64 - 32768
· FFT-Windows: none, Blackman, Hamming, Rife-Vince ...
· Averaging
· wave generator 1Hz - 1/2 max. sample frequency ( 1Hz-96kHz @ SF 192kHz )
· wave forms: sine, square, triangle, white and pink noise ...
· switchable signal paths via schematic in main window

1. Start/Stop sound output
2. Setup sound output

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8 audioTester V2.2

3. Start/Stop spectrum analyzer

4. Setup spectrum analyzer
5. Count of the averages
6. Signal form, adjust by clicking the symbol ( also by setup )
7. Channel on/off ( also with sound parameter )
8. Adjustable In/Out level, only if mixer support = on
9. Switchable signal reversing ( also with sound parameter )
10. Flip channels, mono via mouse click ( also with sound parameter )
11. Display for the analyse parameter
12. Switchable sound parameter (SF, Data width ..) by double click ( also via menu/options )

(c) Ulrich Müller

2D Spectrumanalyzer 9

Connection to the test device

Analyse Dialog

1. Frequency low
That means the lower bound of the frequency while you calculate the noise component.

1. Frequency high

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10 audioTester V2.2

That means the upper bound of the frequency while you calculate the noise.

2. Filter
You apply these following filters, if you do the level measurement

3. Applies the filter additional to the diagram

4. Fundamental Wave manual

If you don't select the Fundamental Wave automatically, you can edit the fundamental frequency here.

5. Threshold value for fundamental wave detection

Level value, for searching the Fundamental Wave automatically.

6. THD selects all harmonics ( faster handle )

7.Selection of several harmonics H2 .. H9

Please notice the measurement bounds for the harmonics.
Valid H2 measurement only up to SF/4 ( eg. 11kHz at SF 44.1kHz )
Valid H3 measurement only up to SF/6
Valid H4 measurement only up to SF/8

8. Additional measurement of noise

9. Fundamental Wave automatically

The fundamental wave is automatically determine, if you are doing the THD+N measurement.

10. The distortions are scaled in % Units, this is only valid for the scales in distortion sweep mode.

With the THD Analyses dialog you can determine the parameters of the THD+N and the level
measurement. THD+N means Total Harmonic Distortion plus Noise.

The `Rife-Vinc 3` window should be selected at 4096 points, if you do level and THD+N
measurements and desire the best accuracy.

Measurement method THD+N

The fundamental wave is removed from the frequency spectrum, then have the effective voltage value
over harmonics d2 thru dn and the noise between the frequencies 'low' and 'high' are summed. Then
this value is divide by the total effective voltage value ( that means with the fundamental wave and
without any frequency spurs ) now you get the THD+N.

Measurement method Intermodulations Distortions

Please select in the sound dialog Dual Sine and enter at freq/Hz the main frequency ( eg. 7kHz )
and at Second frequency the interfere frequency
( eg. 60Hz ). The IEC 268 Part 3 says that the interfere frequency should be 12db louder than the main
Eg. dig Level = -15dB second dig. Level = -3dB

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2D Spectrumanalyzer 11

With the radio buttons add, multiply and Le/Ri you able to change tone modulation
add: the sine waves will be added (see Intermodulations Distortions)
multiply: the sine waves will be multiplied
Li/Ri: the first sine wave is applied to the left channel and the secundary sine wave is applied to the
right channel

Please take care that the addition of the level (de logarithm) never reach the 0dB value ( eg. -12dB
and 0dB don't work ). The result is the quadruple sum of the intermodulations products (2. and 3. order
at IEC 258 Part 3 ) and will be displayed in dB and %. Select here a 16384 Points FFT. At the diagram
select a linear representation around the main signal. See example below.
For a predefined preset see here

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12 audioTester V2.2

Measurement method Level

The effective voltage level is produced by the frequencies between 'high' and 'low'.
You can apply weighting filters to the measure values.


Distortion measurement of a sound card

With the menu Analyze/Level Units you select the displayed absolute Level Units:

Level refers to digital Full scale
-135/127 at 8 Bits
-32768/32767 at 16 Bits

dbV *
Level refers to 1V 0dbV = 1V

dbu *
Level refers to 0.775V 0dbu = 775mV, this normally is 1mW across 600 ohms

dbm *
Level refers to 1mV at 600 Ohm = 775mV

* System must be calibrated in order for these values to be accurate (see Calibration )

(c) Ulrich Müller

2D Spectrumanalyzer 13

5 3D Spectrumanalyzer

· FFT with 64 up to 32768 Points Bullet.Bmp FFT-Windows: none, Blackman, Hamming, Rife-Vince ...
· Up to 64 time ribbons
· Free rotation of the diagram
· Wave generator 1Hz to 1/2 max. sample frequency ( 1Hz-96kHz @ SF 192kHz )
· Wave forms: sine, square, triangle, white/pink noise ...
· Switchable signal paths via the schematic in main window

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14 audioTester V2.2

1. Start/Stop sound output
2. Setup sound output
3. Start/Stop spectrum analyzer
4. Setup spectrum analyse
5. Button for the 3D spectrum analyse
6. Wave form, adjustable via mouse click ( also via Setup (2) )
7. Switchable output channels ( also via via sound parameter )
8. Input/Output level adjustable, only if mixer support is on
9. Switchable signal negation ( also via sound parameter )
10. Channel flipping, Mono via mouse click ( also via sound parameter )
11. Display for the analyse parameter
12. Switchable sound parameter (SF, Data width ..) via double click ( also via Menu/Options )
13. 3D-Diagram, diagram-options with a right mouse click
14. Splitter to move the time and the 3D window
15. Selectors to rotate the diagram in the window
16. Diagram for the time domain

Connection to the test device

6 Sweepgenerator

More themes in this topic:

Asynchrone sweep

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Sweepgenerator 15

With the Sweep-Generator you are able to measure frequency responses. Therefore a sliding
sine-wave is applied to the measure object, and the read out level is shown in the diagram over the
frequency. There is the possibility to use one channel as a reference, so you can eliminate non linear
frequency responses of the sound card. With the reference measurement you are also able to
measure phase shifting between in- and output.

The tone generation begins at 0.1Hz upto the sample frequency divide by 2. (SF/2)
The lowest Freq. of 0.1Hz is for normal soundcard not reachable, but for special rebuild cards an
intresting feature.
The measuring time for such low frequencies is max. 100sec.
Please use for measuring of low frequencies low sample rates.
For the measuring of one tone the system try to use 25 full waves, this is limited by the max.
measuring time of 100sec.
The min. measuring time is 100ms, so, for example, a measuring freq.of 10kHz use 1000 full waves to
determine the level

It is not possible to store the sweep into a wave file by using the soundFile.DLL.
Please use therefore my programm 'waveGen' .

We have two modes of measurements - synchronous and asynchronous.

Synchronous measurement: the audioTester applied the sliding sine to the measurement object.
Asynchronous measurement: an extern device applies the signal. Example: frequency response of a
CD-Player with a measurement-CD or a MP3 Player with a right file.

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16 audioTester V2.2

1. Button to select the Sweep-Generator.

2. Display the actual frequency and level. Adjust the level to get values from 0.1 to < 1.
Red levels indicates over driven signals
3. Start of measurement
4. Sweep Setup ( see here )
5. Schematic with switching areas

Tips, Tricks
Often there are indistinctness if cables are correct or are the channels flipped or are the setups ok and
so on ...
Then there is a small circuit and the correct diagram therefore a good help.
This Double-T-Filter

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Sweepgenerator 17

C = 0.47µF
R = 1.5kOhm
makes this diagram:

Asyncron Measurement
You must use the asynchrone measurement, when the signal comes from the device under test
itself. For example a CD-Player with a measurement CD and a sweep from 20Hz til 20kHz.
You can choose between a sweep with or without a 1kHz pilot signal.

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18 audioTester V2.2

Measurement without pilot tone: During the selected time ( default 50sec. ) every frequency value,
which have a distortion value under -6dB, will sorted stored and displayed immediately.

Measurement with pilot signal (see fig.): The obligate frequency measurement works with a
threshold value of -50dB (default see fig.) It works with a state machine ->

(c) Ulrich Müller

Sweepgenerator 19

At start ( Start-Button ) it will gone from state 0 to 1, if the signal is 1kHz.

It will gone from state 1 to state 2, if the signal has more then 3sec. a frequency of 1kHz.
It will gone from state 2 the the begin of the measurement if the frequency is not 1kHz.
Please start the measurement with the Start-Button of the audioTester and start the the device
under test ( e.g. the CD-Player ). A test signal you will find on every good Test-CD. As measuring
time you must select the time of the sweep signal without the 1kHz pilot signal

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20 audioTester V2.2

7 Impedance magnitude

Impedance magnitude
With this measuring mode you are able to determine impedances vs. frequencies ( e.g.a speaker
impedance ). The use is similar to the use of the sweep generator. You must enter the reference
resistor value ( here 33 Ohm ) in the schematic. The reference resistor should have a similarly value
as the impedance. In the setup dialog are some settings disabled, otherwise its like the sweep dialog (
see here).

(c) Ulrich Müller

Impedance magnitude 21

8 2D impulse measurement

Also on this page measurement of delays and measurement with limiters

With this measure mode you are able to measure impulse responses of loudspeakers and filter
systems. As a stimulus you can select a dirac impulse, a MLS-Impulse ( Maximum Length Sequence )
or a sine wave burst. To select, click the setup button on the left, it opens the Sound-Setup.( see here )
New in Version V2.2b is, that you can apply the impulse also from external via CD for example. In
Setup Dialog you can select it with extern Impulse. With the fader you can adjust the trigger level to
catch the impulse. The VU meter helps you.

In the example ( see below ), you see the measurement of a subwoofer via microphone in a distance
of 1 m. Stimulus is a dirac impulse with a width of 14 samples. At a sample frequency of 44.1kHz and
a width of 14 samples the measurement is ok till 1,5kHz, good enough for a subwoofer. With the
averaging of more then one impulses you can increase the Signal to Noise Ratio. Each doubling of the
count of measurements gives you an improvement of 3dB ( 2 Meas. =3dB 4 Meas. =6dB 8 Meas.
=9dB ....)

Measure example:

1. Impulse response in time domain

2. Measurement window at a FFT with 8192 points ( FFT Window: none)

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22 audioTester V2.2

3. Impulse response in frequency domain

4. Manuel marked echo point ( see also here ) (normally not so far away ;-) If you marked an echo
point, so you must trigger a new calculation with the Manuel button. The FFT is execute till the echo
point, with the renunciation of some FFT lines. (see fig.)

(c) Ulrich Müller

2D impulse measurement 23

Measurement schematic

Important hints:
Input (right) is only necessary if you use the reference measurement. Effect of the reference
measurement see here
Please pay attention to the maximum input voltage of the used sound card.
Perhaps use a attenuator before the reference input.
Please increase output level slowly.
Do not use a bridged power amplifier.
The left and the right output of the sound card is equally.

Time Diagram Options

With a mouse click in the time diagram a popup-menu will be opened. In the menu you be able to
select some settings of the time domain diagram.

diagram begin New begin of the time diagram at the clicked position ( here at 1.38 ms )
diagram end New end of the time diagram at the clicked position ( here at 1.38ms )
around ips The displayed time range is set to new values, which makes it possible to see
the environment around the impulse.
echo point Setting of an echo point while impulse measurement, only till this point the

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24 audioTester V2.2

FFT works ( shown by a red, vertical line)

diagram y max New Y-scale at the clicked position, here Ymax = 0.0326 FS and
Ymin=-0.0326 FS
trigger level Threshold for an automatic impulse recognition -> automatic setting of the
FFT begin
diagram default reset of all parameters, clears the echo point

If you click the first row ( This point ... ), you will leave the menu without any changes!

Sound setup

1. Selection of the wave form

2. Adjust of the digital signal level. Dirac and MLS have a level of -9dBFS. In the case of Dirac and
MLS the the level will be set to -9dBFS .
3. Selection dependents from the selected wave form, here you adjust the width of the dirac impulse
4. Display of some calculated values, it dependents of the selected wave form, here the max.
reasonable frequency range up to 1.5kHz
For the Dirac impulse is fg = SF[Hz] / ( Width[count of samples] * 2 )
e.g.SF =48kHz, Dirac width = 1sample -> 48kHz/ (1*2) -> fg = 24kHz
For the MLS impulse you see the duration of the impulse:
MLS Duration = 2^MLSorder / SF
e.g. MLS Order = 15 SF = 44.1kHz -> 2^15 / 44.1 = 743ms

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2D impulse measurement 25

Reference measurement of piece of 'wire'

red graph: originate frequency response of the 'wire'

green graph: signal reference input ( R )

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26 audioTester V2.2

Echo point example

The blue line is calculated with the echo point ( see red line in time domain diagram ) and a click on
the manuel button.
You see the missing low frequencies, depend on the decrease of the FFT-lines. The red and green
line are calculated without an echo point, but with the same real echo. You see the strange
frequency responses below 150 Hz.

Measurement of delays

With the delay measurement you are able to determine delays in audio devices. See the wiring
diagram below to connect the audio device, it looks like the wiring of a reference measurement. But
you don't select in the setup dialog the the reference measurement !

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2D impulse measurement 27

We use the time domain diagram, which is now extend to 2 curves. The audio device is stimulated
with a dirac impulse, we see then the undelayed and the delayed impulse in the diagram. In the
picture below you see a delay from 4 meter = 12ms of a digital frequency crossover.

Limiter measurement
With the limiter measurement you are able to determine attack and release time of limiter of audio
devices. See the wiring diagram below to connect the audio device, it looks like the wiring of a
reference measurement. But you don't select in the setup dialog the the reference measurement !

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28 audioTester V2.2

We use the time domain diagram, which is now extend to 2 curves. The audio device is stimulated
with a burst impulse (!), we see then the attack and release progression in the time domain
In the picture below you see the release time of a limiter in a frequency crossover.

9 3D waterfall plot

With this measuring mode you are able to measure impulse responses of loudspeakers and filter
systems and its disintegration over the time. As a stimulus you can select between a dirac impulse or a
MLS-Impulse ( Maximum Length Sequence ). To select, please click the setup button on the left, it's
opens the Sound-Setup.( see here )

Example: Impulse response of a tweeter

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3D waterfall plot 29

1. Impulse response in the time domain. parameter for the time diagram see here
2. FFT-Window, further parameters see here
3. Space for your comments and remarks.
4. Impulse response in the frequency domain, parameter for the waterfall plot see here

Measurement schematic

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30 audioTester V2.2

Important hints:
Reference input (right) only necessary if you use reference measurement.
Please pay attention to the maximum input voltage of the used sound card.
Ever use a attenuator before the reference input.
Please increase output level slowly.
Do not use a bridged power amplifier.
The left and the right output of the sound card is equally.

3D FFT Dialog

1. FFT-Windows, here better none.

2. Count of FFT-Points, from 64 till 32768. See below for the steps in Hz, which depends on the
sample frequency and the FFT-Points
3. Steps of the frequency ribbons. The step size depends on the sample frequency
4. Choice between single or continuous measurement
5. Measurement with reference channel. Schematic - see above
6. Count of samples before impulse, this is the begin of the FFT

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3D waterfall plot 31

10 Distortion Measurement

Distortion Measurement in frequency domain

With the Version 2.0.c and later you can also measure the distortions over the frequency.Therefore we

have a new tool button distortion measurement . The manner is like the normal sweep
measurement, but You only can use a stereo measurement (see below). In the sweep dialog are the
buttons (12) added.

With the button FFT Parameter (12) you call the known FFT-Dialog . The FFT-Points should be
greater than 4096. The FFT-Windows should be Rife-Vince 3.
With the button Distortion Parameter (12) you call the extended Analyze Dialog .

You do not use the asynchron measurement ( foreign sweep, see Sweep Dialog p.t. 7 above ), it
doesn't work here..

11 Sound adjustments

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32 audioTester V2.2

Menu Options

In the menu point Options you are able to reach the dialogs to adjust the sound card parameter, to
switch on/off the mixer support and get the calibrations dialog.

The selection of the sound card and the sound properties are also reachable with a double click
on the panels at the bottom of the main window

Selection of the sound card

You can select a different sound card for sound in and sound out.

Changing of output sound parameter

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Sound adjustments 33

In the matrix you can select the possible samplerate/datawidth pairs

The latency time must be less then possible, but without any buzzing in sound.
A good value is 60ms, this value is preselected. The value depends on the computer performance, the
sound card and the quality of the card driver.

With 'use WDM' you select the WDM-sound card driver (WDM = Windows-Driver-Model). This may
be necessary to select higher data width as 16 Bit. WDM-Driver are available since Windows ME.

Changing of input sound parameter

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34 audioTester V2.2

In the matrix you can select the possible samplerate/datawidth pairs

The latency time must be less then possible, but without any interruptions in the time domain
A good value is 60ms, this value is preselected. The value depends on the computer performance, the
sound card and the quality of the card driver.

With 'use WDM' you select the WDM-sound card driver (WDM = Windows-Driver-Model). This may
be necessary to select higher data width as 16 Bit. WDM-Driver are available since Windows ME.

For data sampling there some more parameter available.

Both stereo channel are switchable separately OnL / OnR
Both stereo channel you can inverted inv Phase R/L
The channel can flipped flip channels
With the mono selection both channels are added

The selection above, you can also switch with a mouse click on the symbols in the main window.

Mixer Support
Mixer Support On -> the controller on the main window are linked to the Windows Mixer. The
controlled input channel is selectable at the menu point Wave In Channel . The controlled output
channel is always the Volume Control, at which only the channel Wave is selected.
Mixer Support Off -> the controller on the main window are disabled, the adjustment must be made by
High quality sound card have often own mixers, select 'Mixer Support Off'

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Sound adjustments 35

12 Diagram Dialog
Diagram Dialog Box
You enter this dialog box with a right mouse click into the diagram.

1. With a click on the buttons you starts the color dialog for the diagram margin, the grid and the
diagram surface.
2. If you click the clear curves button in the diagram, you can clear all curves and/or reset all
selections, that means the first two curves are now selected and visible.

3. You switch between a linear and a log. X-axis. Apply a pink noise filter to linearize a curve
measured with pink noise signal. Switch on/off auto gradation.

4. The scaling of the curves you can raise to 0dB. This is selectable for 0dB at 1kHz and 0dB at max.
The first curve of an Y-axis group sets the Y-Offset value. The values are set for each Y-axis group

5. A click with the left mouse button you are able to measure levels, frequency and the slope of the

13 Curve Dialog

Curve Dialog

You can set some properties of the corresponding curve.

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36 audioTester V2.2

1. With the file open dialog you can load a curve. The disk symbol saves the actual curve.

2. Dialog for the curve color.

3. Selection of the line mode, solid, dashed, dotted etc.

4. Selection of the line width ( 1 - 20 pixel )

5. In the edit field Unit you set the unit text of the Y-axis.
It will be overwritten by the following measuring process and works for the document generation only.

6. In the dropbox Display Filter you select the curve filter. You can select between a none , a smooth
1/4 , a smooth 1/2 and a terce ( 1/3 octave ) filter. The filter are only Display Filter. The filter have no
influence to numerical measuring values.

7. The text field Name names the curve. The name is displayed in the diagram on the right side of the

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Curve Dialog 37

8. In the text field Comment you can enter a comment.

9. A curve can be visible or invisible. An invisible curve is also deselected.

10. A curve can be selected or deselected. Selected means, the curve is ready to receive
measurement values. At the same time it is possible for max. 2 curve to receive measurement values.
If there are more than 2 curves selected, only the upper both of them are receiving values.

11. A curve belongs to one of 8 Y-axis groups (A-I ). Each group has its own Y-axis, which is shown at
the left margin of the diagram. The color of the scale is the color of the first curve of this group.

12. Set the y-axis to a logarithmic scale, to measure voltages or resistances in a wide range

13. Measure, default selection, curve take the measure values. Also possible curve show the peak
value of another curve or the sum or difference of two other curves.It is calculate a complex operation,
with the phase value. See picture below

curve x show the peak level curve x shows the sum of

of curve 1 curve 1 and 2

14 Miscellaneous Dialog
Miscellaneous Dialog
In this dialog are several settings, in the main thing saving as text file properties

If saving a diagram into a text file, the frequency and the levels are separated with a text separator,

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38 audioTester V2.2

normally this is a comma. You can change it here.

The output format of the frequency and the level can be justified with the width and the precision
The first digit (in the example 5) is the width, its includes the sign, the decimal point and the precision.
The second digit ( in the example 2 ) is the precision, the digits after the decimal point.

The line count is the count of lines in the text file. Are there more or less measurement values as line
count, so the frequency and the level are interpolated the line count values. Only visible values in the
diagram are written. That means, if you decrease the diagram bounds, only the visible values are
written. If at the lower and the upper diagram bounds are no measurement values ( possible at sweep
measurement) so the new boundaries are the valid upper and lower values.

If you select Line count like measured points the text file is filled with the count of the measured
points (e.g. 2048 lines at a FFT with 4048 Points)
There is no interpolation necessary by the program. If at the lower and the upper diagram bounds are
no measurement values ( possible at sweep measurement) so the new boundaries are the valid upper
and lower values.

Frame resolution is the time which the 2DFFT/3DFFT diagrams are displayed

15 FFT Dialog

Setup FFT

FFT win Selection of the FFT-Window ( None, Hamming, Blackman, Rife.Vince ...)
FFT Points Count of the FFT-Points ( 64 - 256k )
extern Ips Impulse is not produced by the audioTester, but the impulse comes from a CD or
so. How to make an impulse CD see here at Soundfile.dll
Ips auto reco... Recognized at external Ips automaticly the MLS size or a Dirac Impuls
New Curve ... If new curve/measurement is selected, then there will be shown a new curve at
each new measurement (Start-Button).
This is useable for compared measurement.
Continuous Continuous measurement
Reference. Reference Measurement
2Ips Channels Two Channels selected, only for impulse measurement. No function here at the 2D
spectrum analyzer .
2 curve is phase The second curve is the FFT-Phase
FFT begins Samples before, for impulse measurement with Dirac-Impulse. No function here at
the 2D spectrum analyzer .

(c) Ulrich Müller

FFT Dialog 39

16 Sound Setup

Setup Sound

1. Select the signal form

2. Digital level of the signal. Unit is dbFS ( dB Full Scale )
3. Frequency in Hertz ( except white/pink noise, Dirac, MLS )
4. Special parameter:
at Burst -> Count of the full waves
at Dirac-Impulse -> Impulse width in count of samples
at MLS-Impulse -> Order (12 - 16 )
5. repeat time, at the output of Sine-Burst, Dirac- and MLS Impulse you are able to set the repeat time.
Only useful in case of (6) conti
6. conti, in case of the output of Sine-Bursts, Dirac- und MLS Impulses you are able to force a
continuously output.

With the radio buttons add, multiply and Le/Ri you able to change tone modulation
add: the sine waves will be added (see Intermodulations Distortions)
multiply: the sine waves will be multiplied
Li/Ri: the first sine wave is applied to the left channel and the secundary sine wave is applied to the
right channel

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40 audioTester V2.2

17 Analyze Dialog

Analyse Dialog

1. Frequency low
That means the lower bound of the frequency while you calculate the noise component.

1. Frequency high
That means the upper bound of the frequency while you calculate the noise.

2. Filter
You apply these following filters, if you do the level measurement

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Analyze Dialog 41

3. Applies the filter additional to the diagram

4. Fundamental Wave manual

If you don't select the Fundamental Wave automatically, you can edit the fundamental frequency here.

5. Threshold value for fundamental wave detection

Level value, for searching the Fundamental Wave automatically.

6. THD selects all harmonics ( faster handle )

7. Selection of several harmonics H2 .. H9

Please notice the measurement bounds for the harmonics.
Valid H2 measurement only up to SF/4 ( eg. 11kHz at SF 44.1kHz )
Valid H3 measurement only up to SF/6
Valid H4 measurement only up to SF/8

8. Additional measurement of noise

9. Fundamental Wave automatically

The fundamental wave is automatically determine, if you are doing the THD+N measurement.

10. The distortions are scaled in % Units, this is only valid for the scales in distortion sweep mode.

With the THD Analyses dialog you can determine the parameters of the THD+N and the level
measurement. THD+N means Total Harmonic Distortion plus Noise.

The `Rife-Vinc 3` window should be selected at 4096 points, if you do level and THD+N
measurements and desire the best accuracy.

11. Result text: Here you can format the text of the measurement results.
With the scroller you can enlarge the font size of the result string.

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42 audioTester V2.2

Left channel with details Left channel

without details

12. Measurement selection before Version V2.2c was part of the menu 'analays', now the selection is
inside the analys dialog

(c) Ulrich Müller

Analyze Dialog 43

Measurement method THD+N

The fundamental wave is removed from the frequency spectrum, then have the effective voltage value
over harmonics d2 thru dn and the noise between the frequencies 'low' and 'high' are summed. Then
this value is divide by the total effective voltage value ( that means with the fundamental wave and
without any frequency spurs ) now you get the THD+N.

Measurement method Intermodulations Distortions

Please select in the sound dialog Dual Sine and enter at freq/Hz the main frequency ( eg. 7kHz )
and at Second frequency the interfere frequency
( eg. 60Hz ). The IEC 268 Part 3 says that the interfere frequency should be 12db louder than the main
Eg. dig Level = -15dB second dig. Level = -3dB

18 3D Diagram Dialog
3D-Diagram Dialog

1. Limits of the x-axis - frequency in Hz

2. Limits of the y-axis - level in dB
3. Selection of the diagram colors, window background, the lines, the grid, the plains, the text and the
diagram background
4. Count of the time ribbons
5. Visualization of the time ribbons as grid model, plains or as surface
6. Pushing the y-axis to 0dB
7. Selection of the Display Filters

19 Sweep Adjustments

Sweep Setup

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44 audioTester V2.2

1. Count of the frequency steps

2. The digital level of the measurement signal in dBFS ( Full scale )
3. Stepping of the measurement output signal: linear or logarithmic
4. Frequency range of the measurement output signal. Range from 0.1Hz upto SF/2
5. Measurement modes:
Mono ( + phase ) with right or left channel as reference
Compensates nonlinear frequencies of the sound card.
Stereo measurement ( with any phase measurement )
6. Selection of the phase measurement, with input of the phase ranges ( at the moment no function
7. Selection of continuous measurement ( see also point 8 )
Selection synchronous mode: audioTester applies the measurement signal
Asynchronous mode: measurement signal is applied from an extern source. Max. measurement
tine see point 11.
8. Only cont. measurement - pause after each turn, e.g. to set parameters at the measurement
9. Only cont. measurement - new pair of curves after each measurement.
10. Button to recall the default parameter
11. Adjustment of the measure delay and display of the max. measure time at each measure step.
Max. Time 100sec. depends of SF and tone freq. .
At the asynchronous measurement: Display of the whole measure time

Asynchronous measurement: Please select the total duration time of your external sweep signal
Example: external sweep duration is 60sec. Select 60sec
Measurement witj pilot tone: Only the duration of the sweep ( without the duration of the pilot tone

(c) Ulrich Müller

Sweep Adjustments 45

20 TSP Adjustments

Setup the parameter of the TSP measurement

21 Thiele Small Parameter

Measuring Thiele-Small Parameters

Thiele-Small parameters are an industry norm, they were developed in the 1970's. They are used to
assist in the design of low frequency loudspeaker-enclosures systems, including both sealed and
vented types. While most manufacturers will list the Thiele-Small parameters of drivers in their data
sheets, older drivers may not have values available. It is therefore useful to know how to derive these
parameters. The process of measuring the parameters is relatively simple and requires two step.

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46 audioTester V2.2

With this measuring mode of the audioTester you are able to determine the TSP .

The Thiele-Small-Parameter:

determind by audioTester
Measurement circuit:

Important Hints:
Dependent on the sound card it is possible to apply an amplifier at the sound card outlet.
Please check the max. possible input level of your soundcard, the input are plugged to amplifier
Use a rectifier network to decrease the voltage level.
Place the load speaker on a soften underground, so you prevent vibrations at div. resonances.
Use wires with a good cross section.
Please remove protector grid from the speaker (see here).
Do not use bad cables! (see here).
The extra mass (modeling clay or so) must fastened secure at the chassis. Not correct fastened extra
mass (see here)

First setup the parameter of the TSP measurement

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Thiele Small Parameter 47

1.Measurement: Determine of fs, Zmax, Rdc, Qms, Qel, Qts

Apply speaker like described above and the start measurement.

After the measurement drag the Free Air Impedance curve (in the example the blue one ) to the panel
'1.Measurement' (see picture below).
The values fs=48.4Hz, Zmax=19.2Ohm are immediately determined.

If an error occurred, a message appears below the measurement values:

Please repeat the measurement 3 or 4 times, until you are sure that the measurement is uninfluenced
from any malfunctions and effects from outside. If the first measurement is good, then switch the
curves for the second measurement (see below)

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48 audioTester V2.2

In the picture you see that the phase response at the resonance frequency goes through the zero line.

2.Measurement: Determine of Mmd, CMS und Vas

To determine of Mmd, CMS und Vas the speaker must build into a test cabinet or an extra mass (20g
modeling clay) must fastened at the speaker.
For a chassis of 200-250mm (8"-10") use a 30 liter closed cabinet.
For a chassis of 250-300mm (10"-12") use a 60 liter closed cabinet.
In general the size of the test cabinet should be chosen, that the resonance frequency is 50% higher
than the free air measurement resonance frequency.
Determine Vas over the extra mass measurement is much difficult as with an extra cabinet, but even
The values are influenced from the temperature, moisture and so on. Make the decision for the
measurement with a cabinet,
choose 'Vas via cabinet' in the Setup dialog.
After the measurement drag the free air impedance curve (in the picture the red one) to
2.Measurement panel and drop it here.
The calculated values are shown.

At Measurement with extra mass the resonance freq. is lower than the free air resonance.
At Measurement with test cabinet the resonance freq. is higher than the free air resonance.

Error messages:
The summary is, that the TSP measurement reacted very sensitive on parameter changing in
measurement wiring and environment.That a look on same cables and same speaker positions while
comparing different speakers.

With the button List/Print the determined values are listed for further use.

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Thiele Small Parameter 49

The speakers without and with an extra mass

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50 audioTester V2.2

Examples for measurement errors:

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Thiele Small Parameter 51

A speaker grid influence the measurement

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52 audioTester V2.2

Not correct fastened extra mass

(c) Ulrich Müller

Thiele Small Parameter 53

This cables are bad


Attention: Membrane to the bottom side - only for this photos, Membrane always to the upside while

Thiele-Small print out

(c) Ulrich Müller

54 audioTester V2.2

22 FFT Dialog 3D Measurement

3D FFT Dialog

1. FFT-Windows, here better none.

2. Count of FFT-Points, from 64 till 32768. See below for the steps in Hz, which depends on the
sample frequency and the FFT-Points
3. Steps of the frequency ribbons. The step size depends on the sample frequency
4. Choice between single or continuous measurement
5. Measurement with reference channel. Schematic - see above
6. Count of samples before impulse, this is the begin of the FFT

(c) Ulrich Müller

Power THD Dialog 55

23 Power THD Dialog

Power Thd Dialog

24 Distortion vs. Power

Distortion measurement vs. Power

With the version 2.2 , you able to measure distortions vs. power.

Therefore we have new tool button Power Distortion Measurement.

The procedure is a little bit other than the distortion measurement vs. frequency.

Please notice all the hints in the following text, at this measurement you could be damage your
sound card, the computer and the measurement object (the amplifier)! Please read the text
below and notice the hints for the test construction.

First Hint:
The sine level for the measurement is generated digitally, so if you use only a 16Bit sound card, it is
possible that you measure self produced distortions instead of the distortions of the measurement
For example: you must produce a output level from -40,5 to -0,5dB for a measurement from 1mW to
10W.You use only 9-10Bit for sine generating at low levels and that makes the signal not even better.
Therefore, use a 24Bit sound card for best results.

The measurement:
First, output of a test tone, with an adjustable level (default -30dBFS) and an adjustable frequency
(default 1kHz).
Measurement of the voltage behind the amplifier.

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56 audioTester V2.2

With the load resistor we calculate the test power.

With this result, we are able to calculate the test tone level range.
You see the procedure, if you open the debug window.
For example :
Selected is a measurement from 1mW till 10W, test tone level is -30dBFS

Debug output:
1. 16:12:53 Expected voltage:0,0894427V - 8,9442719V @ 0,001W - 10,000W / 8,00Ohm
2. 16:12:53 Expected Input Level: -40,5dBFS to -0,5dBFS
3. 16:12:55 Determined power( L,R): 0,0253300W 0,0249249W @ -30,0dBFS Test Out level
4. Chosen Out Level for the selected power range: -44,0dBFS / -4,0dBFS

1. line: With the formula P=U² / R we calculate the expected voltage at the input.
Here it is possible that you receive an error message:
The input voltage transcends the calibrations voltage of the sound card. The sound card is overloaded
and will be damaged !
The measurement breaks immediately.
This is clear, if you see that the max. input voltage of a sound card is around 1V .
With 1V the measured power is P=1²/8 = 0.125W.
So use a resistor divider and put it before the sound card input and recalibrate the audioTester.
You never use the windows mixer in this case to reduce the input level !
2. line: Here is shown the expected input level in dBFS with the results of (1) and the stored calibration
3. line: The test tone is evaluated. With the -30dBfs test tone the power level is 0,025 W and so ...
4. line: the digital test level must be -44dBFS to -4dBFS for the selected power range.
Here it is possible that an error message appears:
The digital test level never can be greater than 0dBFS.
The measurement breaks immediately.
What can we do? The test tone level can be increased with the windows mixer, with the
mixer delivered with the sound card or via increase of the gain of the measure object.

Now the measurement begins.

Measurement schematic:

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Distortion vs. Power 57

With this measurement schematic you can measured without any risk even a bridged amplifier.
Avoid in any cases to connect the ground plug of the sound card input with any amplifier outlet!
If your measurement object is a bridged amplifier, please activated the corresponding check box in the
Power distortion dialog.

The resistor divider depends on the expected voltage at the sound card input:
Example: The input sensitivity is 1V the max. power of the amplifier is (P) 100W at (R) 8Ohm.
Max. voltage from the amp. is U=sqrt(PxR)= 28.3V The voltage must be divide down to 1V.
Therefore we choose R1 with 3.3kOhm and R2=120Ohm and get a ratio from 28.5
The input resistor of the resistor divider is 3.42kOhm || 50kOhm (of the sound card) = 3.2kOhm
this is no problem to measure at an amplifier output.

Now the sound card with the resistor divider must be recalibrated!

Power Thd Dialog

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58 audioTester V2.2

Example: measurement with debug window

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Distortion vs. Power 59

25 DC Offset

Some sound cards have a DC-Offset in its AD-Converter. You can see that in the left picture. You are
able to compensate this with the scroller or automatically, see the right picture..

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60 audioTester V2.2

26 Calibration

Before working with the audioTester, the Line - Input should be calibrated. To calibrate the Line -
Input you need a multi meter with an AC Range of 2 Vac and a AC signal source, which has a sine
waveform, for example the sine wave generator of the audioTester.
Please use a low frequency ( like 50-60Hz ) on the sine wave generator, because this is where the
multi meter is most accurate.

The signal has to be wired to both the right and left channel of the Line - Input. After that adjust the pot
for a voltage level of about 100mV . Then push the Line-Input Fader ( Windows-Mixer ) to the
maximum . After calibration this is the ONLY POINT that is actually calibrated. This is indicated by-
Level calibrated.

(c) Ulrich Müller

Calibration 61

In the menu options you have to choose the item calibration.

A moment later a red percent value ( 1 ) is represented, but don't concern yourself with this number, it
is used internally by the program as a calibration constant.
Next increase the voltage with the pot until you see the text OVER. OVER means, that the A to D
Converter of the sound card is overdriven ( Beyond the maximum signal it can handle). The digits
after OVER shows the number of overdriven samples. Please don't increase the level to much, better
look for a reason why the values don't increase.
When the display changes between the percent values and OVER, make note the value on your
voltmeter. Next write down the value you noticed in the input field ( in mV). For example, a
Soundblaster AWE 32 has a value of 260mV. ( Soundblaster Live! around 490mV )

Over is enabled, if the level reached the last bit, at 16Bit resolution that if 0x7FFF and 0xFFFF. Some
sound driver doesn't reach this values and stop before.
Please don't increase the level in this case, better is if you see that the percent values doesn't change.

Clicking the OK-Button will store the calibration value ( also in the .INI file). The calibration value will
be restored every time you start audioTester.

You have to put in the rms value, which is shown by the voltmeter. Do not measure the voltage with a
oscilloscope which will be peak to peak. It is also important that you do not measure a rectangular
voltage with a voltmeter because unless the meter is true rms the value will be wrong

You are able to input the microphone sensitivity ( 2 ) in the unit mV/Pa or dB, you take the value form
your microphone data sheet.
At ( 3 ) you must input the gain of the microphone pre amplifier. If you have no amplifier applied the
value ( 3 ) is 0 dB

Both declaration are needed, if you will measure absolute sound pressure - dBSPL ( SPL = sound

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62 audioTester V2.2

pressure level )
0 dBSPL corresponds to 2x10-5 N/m²= 20µPa (Pascal) - 20Pa corresponds to 120dBSPL that very

Internally calculates the audioTester as follows:

PreAmpGain (dB) + 20xlog(INP (mV) / MicSens (mV/Pa) / 2x10^-5 (Pa) )

27 Correction Files

Correction Files
With the help of the correction files you can correct errors in the frequency response of the sound card
(and any external devices). But you have to distinguish between the Input and the Output correction.
There is also only one input or output correction file available at the same time.
The correction file affects the frequency domain response.
It is active after the FFT Analysis in the spectrum analyzer.
It is only active in sine outputs for the output correction file.

The output correction is switched out, if there is a rectangle, a white/pink noise or User Wave Data,
however the input correction can remain active.

If you switch the level higher while the Output correction is active, you have to decrease the digital
level controllers to the maximal adapted level. This is important for the digital level controller of the
sweep-generator in the Setup-dialog. It is also important for both of the digital level controllers of the

The correction files are normal text files, where the values are entered in pairs. The data should have
the extension *.cor. One line of the correction data consists of a frequency-value (Hz) that is separated
by the text separator and followed by a level-value (dB).
You can change the text seperator in the menu point /options/miscellaneous dialog (text separator).
Comment-lines are NOT allowed.
For example:
100 -4
200 -3
500 -1
1000 0
2000 -1
5000 -2
20000 -3
The correction values are applied like the values you find on your i.e. microphone measuring data
sheet. The adjusted data values are a mirror image for the errors your device has. For example if your
mic is –3 dB at 10000Hz the correction value would be 10000 -3. The actual data you view will be
raised by the correct amount thereby producing a flat response. You can use up to 200 correction
values pairs. You can load , enable/disable, edit and test correction data with the help of the menu
Begin with the lowest and end with the highest frequency you will measure.

How to load a correction data:

You must distinguish between the loading of an Input or an Output correction data file. With the
corresponding menu you have the option to load a correction file. The extension *.cor is already
automatically added. After loading of a correction file it is immediately active, this is shown by the
menu Input/Output correction active. It is also possible to switch a loaded correction file on and off with
the help of this menu.

With the help of the menu Edit Input / Edit Output correction you can work with a correction file. If there
is already a correction file loaded, it is edited. If the correction file is not loaded, the file dialog opens

(c) Ulrich Müller

Correction Files 63

automatically. The edited correction file is then made active. If you are done with your work, you can
test the correction file on the diagram, if you click the point Save & Test in the editor. The data is saved
first then the correction factors are shown. Any data on the screen are overwritten.

How to test a correction data:

If you have loaded and activated the In/Output data, you can see the correction lines in the diagram,
with the help of the menu Test correction file you can see these correction lines that are produced with
the help of the corrections and Spline-Interpolation. The input correction file is presented in the color of
the left channel; the Output correction file is presented in the color of the right channel. If you do a
second editing or loading you have the option to do changes in a very easy way.

See the Diagram to the following input correction file.

10 -8
100 -4
200 -3
500 -1
1000 0
2000 -1
5000 -2
20000 -3
22000 -4

It is important to know that the output level can only be corrected by up to 10 dB. So the lowest value in
the Output correction data has to be -10dB. Areas of the curve (different frequencies) with the same
level (for example 0dB) have to be assigned values because of the Cubical-Spline-Interpolation will
create errors in the correction curve if only a few points are present. The exact degree of error will be
shown when you test the correction.

(c) Ulrich Müller

64 audioTester V2.2

28 Soundcard selection
Selection of the sound card

You can select a different sound card for sound in and sound out.

29 Sound Out Parameter

Changing of output sound parameter

In the matrix you can select the possible samplerate/datawidth pairs

The latency time must be less then possible, but without any buzzing in sound.
A good value is 60ms, this value is preselected. The value depends on the computer performance, the
sound card and the quality of the card driver.

With 'use WDM' you select the WDM-sound card driver (WDM = Windows-Driver-Model). This may
be necessary to select higher data width as 16 Bit. WDM-Driver are available since Windows ME.

(c) Ulrich Müller

Sound In Parameter 65

30 Sound In Parameter
Changing of input sound parameter

In the matrix you can select the possible samplerate/datawidth pairs

The latency time must be less then possible, but without any interruptions in the time domain
A good value is 60ms, this value is preselected. The value depends on the computer performance, the
sound card and the quality of the card driver.

With 'use WDM' you select the WDM-sound card driver (WDM = Windows-Driver-Model). This may
be necessary to select higher data width as 16 Bit. WDM-Driver are available since Windows ME.

For data sampling there some more parameter available.

Both stereo channel are switchable separately OnL / OnR
Both stereo channel you can inverted inv Phase R/L
The channel can flipped flip channels
With the mono selection both channels are added

31 SoundFile.DLL
The SoundFile.DLL writes the tones or impulses into a wave file and not to the soundcard.
The wave file format (sample freq, data width) is adjustable with the normal options/audio-out-
parameter dialog.
This is very interesting to produce a CD for the asyncrone impulse measurement.
The tone you choose normaly with the Sound Setup Button and click onto the Sound on Button, then
the following dialog opens:

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66 audioTester V2.2

Via a File Dialog choose the file name of the wave file
The size of the wave file is adjustable over the time in seconds (max. 300sec.) or over the size in
kBytes (max. 50Mbyte) .
With a click on OK the sound will be written into the wave file.

(c) Ulrich Müller

Index 67

Index -D-
Data width 32, 64
-0- dB treshhold automatic 9, 40
DC Offset / engl. 59
0dB@1kHz 35 Delay 26
0dB@max.Value 35 Diagram color 35
Diagram measurement of frequency 35
Diagram measurement of level 35
-2- Diagram measurement of slope 35
dig. level 39
2D FFT Diagram 2
Display filter 36
Distortion Measurement in frequency domain 31
-3- Distortion vs. Power 55
Double-T-Filter 16
3D colors 43
3D Diagram dialog 43
3D FFT dialog / engl. 30, 54 -F-
3D surface model 43
FFT points 38
3D wire model 43
FFT Setup 38
FFT window 38
-A- Filter level measurement 9, 40
Function diagram 4
Analyse dialog 9, 40 Fundamental automatic 9, 40
Asyncron Measurement 17

-C- -G-
Grid color 35
Calibration 60
Correction Files 62
Curve color 35 -I-
Curve comment 35
Impedance magnitude 20
Curve dialog 35
Impulse measurement Echo point 26
Curve display filter 35
Impulse measurement reference measurement 25
Curve file name 35
Impulse measurement sound out dialog 24
Curve line mode 35
Impulse measurement time domain options 23
Curve line width 35
Curve name 35
Curve operation 35
Curve selected 35
Curve visible 35 Limiter 27
Curve y-axis group 35
Curve y-axis log./lin. 35
Margin color 35
Measurement schematic for distotion vs. power 56
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68 audioTester V2.2

Menu Options / engl. 32

Miscellaneous Dialog
Mixer Support / engl.
34 -X-
X-Diagram lin./log. 35
Phone jack 5 -Y-
Pink noise correction 35
y-gradation 35
Power Thd Dialog 55, 57
Presets eng. 3

Sample frequency 32, 64
Samples before / eng 38
Selection of curves 3
Setup sound out 39
sine burst 39
sine wave 39
Sound card selection 32
Sound card selection 2 32, 64
Sound out parameter 32, 64
square wave 39
Sweep Mode 43
Sweep Setup 43
Sweep Tips 16
Switch Areas 34

Text file Line count 37
Text file numeric precision 37
Text separator 37
THD + Noise 9, 40
Thiele-Small 45
Thiele-Small Parameter 45, 46
Time Domain Diagram 2
Troubleshooting 6
TSP 45
TSP Error 1 51
TSP Error 2 52
TSP extra mass 49
TSP measurement 20
TSP Print out 53
TSP Speaker connection 53
TS-Parameter 45, 46

(c) Ulrich Müller

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