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Wedding Policy 2012

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Mayfair United Church Saskatoon, SK Wedding Policy Mayfair United Church joins you in your excitement as you plan

for your wedding day and we are delighted that you are considering Mayfair United for your Celebration of Marriage ceremony. t Mayfair United Church and in the United Church of Canada we belie!e human relationship to be one of the many gifts from "od. #ith "od, we gi!e thanks that you ha!e found a relationship which affirms, nurtures and sustains each of you. $his is indeed a blessing% ll of our relationships, our most public and our most intimate, are informed and nurtured by our faith !alues. #e understand that these !alues call us into relationships that are mutual, just, generous, respectful and life&gi!ing. s Christians we see these 'ualities expressed most fully in the life of (esus, the Christ, who teaches that we are to lo!e one another as "od lo!es us. s a worshipping community we at Mayfair United belie!e that our relationship with "od can be enriched by the experience of "od found in community. $herefore, our most personal relationship with a chosen spouse will benefit from rituals that allow us to profess our lo!e for the other within community. )n a public ceremony, as we enter a co!enant relationship with each other we also ask "od to enter fully into our relationship, to guide and to bless us on our journey together. Consistent with our Mission Statement* and in thanksgi!ing for "od+s abundant lo!e as witnessed in an intimate relationship between spouses, Mayfair United Church is open to celebrating marriage ceremonies for all people. )n our continued desire to ser!e the community around us Mayfair United does not re'uire couples to be members of our congregation or the United Church of Canada nor are there restrictions on the marriage of people who are di!orced or those currently li!ing together. )t is re'uired that at least one member of the couple be Christian and that the couple do wish to enter into a co!enant relationship with each other and with "od, and that the ceremony be consistent with United Church practice. ,ormally one of the ministers at Mayfair United will preside o!er the wedding ceremony. -n rare occasions and with the permission of our ministry staff you may invite another minister to preside.** #e hope that you will choose to hold your wedding ceremony in our church. howe!er, depending on the circumstances, our ministers may pro!ide leadership in other locations .** Our sanctuary can hold up to 200 people and can be expanded into the foyer in order to seat 3 0. #e also ha!e a lounge which can be transformed into a chapel for smaller weddings.

Mo!ing $oward the Celebration $he first step is for couples to choose a date in consultation with the church and one of our ministers. /)t is best to do this before making arrangements for receptions and other e!ents.0 -nce a date is agreed upon a ! 0 deposit must be made. $his deposit ensures that the church is set aside for the time you ha!e chosen and is refundable only under special circumstances. $he deposit is not a guarantee that you will be married at Mayfair United. $hat decision will be made through con!ersation and !isits with the Minister. "ouples are re#uired to meet with one of the ministers to discuss their plans and expectations and to wor$ with the %inister in shaping the service. &fter the first meeting' the %inister will determine whether or not to proceed with the ceremony at %ayfair (nited. Couples are re'uired to attend a marriage preparation class' or classes' or see$ professional pre)marital counselling. $he Minister will be pleased to recommend appropriate courses or counselling a!ailable in Saskatoon. rehearsal for all wedding ceremonies is re'uired and will occur during the week preceding the wedding at the con!enience of the Minister who is leading the celebration. Music Mayfair United is blessed by the gifts of our ccomplished Church 1ianist. -ur hope is that couples will make use of this person during their ceremony. )f, howe!er, couples do not wish to use our 1ianist, then they may secure other music ser!ices for their ceremony and are also welcome to use the C2 player attached to our Sanctuary Sound System. Please note* +t is the responsibility of the wedding couple to contact the "hurch %usician in order to coordinate your musical needs. 1hotographs and 2ecorations #edding Ceremonies are an act of worship. )n our experience cameras can be a great distraction to the bride and groom, and disrupt the sense of worship. 1hotography is permitted only during the signing of the register, and when the couple enters and lea!es the sanctuary. "uests are asked to refrain from taking photographs during all other times in the ceremony. professional photographer will be allowed to take photographs during the whole of the ser!ice except during times of prayer and the sharing of !ows. ll photographers are re'uired to consult with the presiding Minister before the ceremony. 3ideotaping is permitted from a single camera set on a tripod and placed in the location designated by the Minister. $win candelabra are a!ailable for your use. 4ows or other decorations may be hung on the pews5chairs along the center aisle. 6lower arrangements or plants may be brought in if desired. $he throwing of confetti, rice, rose petals, or other material is not permitted in the church or on church property. 7egality Couples being married at Mayfair United re'uire a Marriage 7icense from the 1ro!ince of Saskatchewan which must be obtained within 89 days before a wedding, and no later than :;

hours before the ser!ice. )t is necessary that the church office at Mayfair United recei!e your marriage license at least < days before the wedding. 6ee schedule $he total rate for a wedding at Mayfair United conducted by one of our ministers is =>99.99 *** $his includes? Use of building =<99.99 Custodian @9.99 -ffice paperwork ;@.99 Minister A@9.99 -rganist :@.99 6or weddings done by another church5minister, the total rate is =@99.99. $his includes? Use of 4uilding =<;@.99 Custodian :@.99 -rganist /optional0 A99.99 6or weddings performed by one of our ministers somewhere other than Mayfair United the cost is =;@9.99 plus tra!el reimbursement /mileage cost0 to be negotiated with the ministers. che'ue for the total fees /less deposit0, payable to Mayfair United Church, must be brought to the Church -ffice no later than AB days before the wedding. #e accept cash payments as well. We do not accept debit or credit cards. * ** *** please see attached Mission Statement please note a change in the fees in such circumstances. these fees were current as of ,o!ember ;998 and are subject to change

$his policy was adopted by the congregation on (une @, ;99@ and re!ised in ,o!ember, ;998

***************************************************************************** * ,or your convenience' here is a chec$ list of -to do. items* Call the church office for a!ailable dates for your wedding. Check your date with the minister. Make a deposit of =@9 to hold the date. Make an appointment to meet with the minister at least @ months before the wedding date. o Consult with the organist re? wedding music. o $ake a marriage preparation class or counselling sessions o 4uy a wedding license within 89 days of the wedding. o o o o

o 1ay balance of wedding fee and bring license to church office at least AB days before the wedding.

MAYFAIR UNITED CHURCH %+//+O0 /1&12%201 We are a "hristian community' welcoming all who wish to be a part. We are searching out 3od4s will for us as a congregation' as we strive to5 & worship' study and grow in mind and spirit & be inclusive of all people

) develop leadership in our midst & see$ a balance as we nurture and serve our congregation and the wider community & address issues if in6ustice in our & community and the world.

+n all we do' we see$ to proclaim 3od4s presence and vision in our world.

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