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The Legend of Sedudo

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: 8 Kelas : IV A


Ladies and Gentlemen: Do you know Sedudo waterfall? I think among of you knew it well. Because It is the famous one in east a!a. It is the highest waterfall in our country. But not many "eo"le know a#out the legend of Sedudo waterfall. Ladies and gentleman: I would like to tell you a#out Sedudo waterfall. $nce u"on a time% li!ed a young man and a young woman as a family in resident Ber#ek. &e is handsome and #eautiful woman. 'hey were rich cou"le #ut unha""y family. 'hey had difficult "ro#lem a#out the "rinci"le of life. &er hus#and thought ( 'he life is from the G$D will #ack to the G$D. )!erything is for the G$D. *ro"erties and goods are not im"ortance for him. But his wife thought : 'he li!e is for ha""y % rich and "ro"erties is !ery im"ortance e!ery things is for herself. 'hey couldn+t sol!e those "ro#lem. 'hey came to a great man in ,uncir and suggested to do the #est% work hard without thinking a#out the result. 'hey #ack and did them all. 'ime #y time a month change years% 'hey #ecame !ery rich. &is wife !ery ha""y e!eryday she is "roud talks and thinks a#out her riches. She forgot her hus#and and the G$D. It made her hus#and more sad and angry. &e left his wife and went to a holly man in -gliman. &e learned much a#out Islam. &e like staying in .uiet "lace and had meditation under a waterfall. &e did it for many days e!ent month. &e forgot his wife. $ne day he woke u" and wanted to see his wife at home. But he was not find her. 'here was only an old woman with angry face. Go away / 'his is mine. She shouted. 0ho are you an old woman? &e re"layed. 'he old woman !ery 1

angry to him and said many #ad words. &e was sad and confuse. 0here my wife is ? 0ho the old woman is ? 0hy she !ery angry to me ? &e though and though #ut there was no answer so he decided to stay under the waterfall for his li!e as a widower. &e did know that the women was his wife. She was old. &is wife stayed alone at home% no hus#and no child and no friend. She got old and weak. &er face was not #eautiful. )!eryone didn+t like her anymore. She was !ery sad and un ha""y. She decided to left the life and went far away. She didn+t want to see her hus#and and so li!ed at home. She stayed on the mountain under a waterfall as a widow for all her li!e. She is a trial widow. Ladies and gentleman: 2 0idower mean S)D3D$% so we call those waterfall with S)D3D$ 02')452LL. 0idow mean 4$-D$% in trial mean 6$B22-% so we call those waterfall with 6$B2- 4$-D$. Ladies and gentleman: *eo"le #elie!e the "eo"le who has ritual #ath under the sedudo water fall in month Suro they will stay young fore!er. So -gan uk regency has ritual #ath for the:0aranggono e!ery year. 5or young man and girl% I suggest don+t come to Sedudo in a cou"le 7with your #oy friend8girl friend9 :ou will get a hard "ro#lem in the ne;t time with him8her. Belie!e or not u" to you. think the time is u". I say sorry for my mistakes and thanks for your attention. Bye< #ye.

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