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LEISURE (By William Davies) : Naveed Notes

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LEISURE (By William Davies)

There are many simple delights; we miss in our rushed life. We are greedy and
selfsh, so, we cannot enjoy happiness. Modern man is slave of time. We also miss
devotion, care and sincerity of others.
Modern man is passing his life in machinery. So, he cannot fnd time for nature.
He cannot mae visits. He cannot enjoy greenery !ecause he has short time. "eople are
running after wealth !ut wealth is not real happiness. #s a student, $ also miss many
simple delights. $ miss early rise, star shine, moonlight and stream water. #s a man $
miss happy days, games festivals and picnics.
%ven that modern man has no fast of !eauty. He is senseless. He cannot enjoy
nature. He cannot give time to his friends overall !eauty has lost its real meaning in
this modern society. We are passing dull life, !ecause we have no time, for rest for
friends and for nature.
REBEL (By D.J Enright)
Q No.1. What is the ehavior o! the reel "hy #oes reel also$
#ctually, re!el is a simple person who does everything against society while
society has no interest with the re!els. #lthough the re!el is serious looing, !ut he has
no value in society. He is neglected !y all. So he wants to show his value. When we
were simple dress, the re!el wears !right dress.
When we all taling, the re!el eeps silent when we go for a wal, the re!el
stays at home. When we welcome rain the re!el needs sunlight.
When we says yes the re!el says no. &ur society neglects them, naturally,
every action has reaction. So, the re!el does every thing against society. He wants to
win others he is simple man, he is all time angry.
# hungry man is an angry man. 'ut society should also tae care of the
re!els. The re!el needs our care; he also wants to mi( with society. So, we shall give
them chance to live with us. &therwise the re!el can destroy the society.
%&'RI(' IN'( 'R&I'(R (By Roert Bro"ning)
Q No. Dis)*ss this +oem as a #ramati) monolog*e$
The leader of this poem is very sensitive leader. &nce he was very popular
!ut now he is near to his death. 'ecause, he is called traitor he is ready for death. So,
here he tells his past.
Naveed Notes.
)irst the people lied him. The pu!lic was his fan *owers were thrown is his
way. "eople came only to see him. "eople o!eyed him. He was heart favorite.
He gave very good services. He help the poor people his friends and is
relatives. He was in favour of his !est friends !ut they !ecame his enemy. They created
tensions for him.
So, pu!lic !ecame his opponent. He was prosecuted. He was clean handed
!ut his friends had decided to hang him. So, he was arrested dragged and h was
punished with stone. )inally, he as hanged. 'ut he was innocent. He had no fault !ut he
wanted to help his nation.
',E ,UN'S -&N (By E#"ar# Lo"*ry)

The Huntsman is hunted !y cruel fate !ecause he is talative and fool and
he misjudges every situation. He saw a sull in the forest, he pu++led and he ased
from the sull. How did you come here, The sull answered, -Taling !rought me here..
He should !e careful, he should not go to the /ing or he should provide
clear proof.
'ut the sull was silent. When /agwa was with guards. So, the guards illed
him !ecause it was his punishment, for not giving proof.
He was hunted !y the sull fate. He was also hunted !y cruel. He depended
on the sull totally. 'ut it was too late. 0ow irony was playing its role so, naturally,
agwa was helpless. He implored the sull !ut his death was decided !y the sull.
He was illed. The sull was reason of his death. The fate was also reason
of his death. 'ut he himself created that situation, and he gave chance to fate to come
to him and fnally, agwa was illed. He ignored the message.
-Silence is gold..
(NE &R' (By Eli.aeth Bisho+)
Q. What is irony h*mo*r an# satire in this +oem$
#ns. $n this poem, the poetess says that we can !ecome the master of
everything, if we face any ind of loss. $f we cannot face loss, we are very coward. So,
the poetess is very !rave !ecause she lost many things in life. She lost eys, watch and
lovely houses. She missed her houses, !ut she has lost everything. 0ow, she has
nothing. So, she says that she can still lose everything.
There is one ind of irony, that she is frustrated, that1s why she is facing
every loss, !ecause there is no option she could never see any pleasure. She has great
courage even she is ready to leave her lover !ecause she is dejected. So, she calls it
funny to leave lover.
Naveed Notes.
She says that she has no tension a!out lost things, !ut she remem!ers all
those things again and again. So, there is satire. She says us to !ecome normal, !ut
she herself is remem!ering her loss again and again. $t is also irony of fate that she
missed her old things and old relations again and again. She remem!ers all !ut no!ody
remem!ers her. So, she says to face every loss of life.
',E S(LI'&R/ RE&%ER (By William Wor#s"orth)
Q. What "ere re)olle)tions o! the +oet$
&ns. The poet is so sensitive; that he can never, forget sweet songs of that girl,
who was singing in the feld. &nce, the poet was passing through felds, and there he
was standing, !ecause he saw a singing girl, who was also !usy in cutting crops. So,
the poet felt that she was singing sad song !ecause, there was tragedy in her style and
The poet was spelled, !ecause there was magic in her song. Her voice was
lie that of the cucoo or nightingale. There was a strange ind of rest and peace in her
sound while her style was very tragic. The poet could not understand her Scotish song,
!ut tune was magical.
)inally, the poet guessed that she was singing a!out her past love and old
memories of her love. That1s why, her song was touching the wires of hear of the poet
and he was totally attracted to her song. He was spelled under magical sound, !ut the
girl never saw him, !ecause she was !usy. She was hard woring girl of mountain area
and she was the daughter of great valleys. So, at the end, the poet left that place, !ut
he could never forget her song.
&LL ',E Worl#0s S'&1E (By William Sha2es+eare)
#ll the world is stage and all we are actors, in this world !ecause a man has
seven stages. #t frst, man is !a!y, he comes to the world, drins mil and he cannot
drin over, !ecause he has no capacity. While in school age, he is la+y lie snail,
!ecause he hates school wor, he wants freedom !ut he is not free. While as a lover, he
is free.
He is poet for !eloved and writes a poem daily for his !eloved. He waits for
!eloved, if she is late, he is very angry and writes a sudden poem in which, he shows
his angry feelings, !ut he is limited to love.
He lies his !eloved and he cannot share in love, !ecause he is so angry
and he is ready to scarify his life. He is not a man of practical, !ecause he is all time
!usy in poetry and love. $ agree that a lover is fool, !ecause he is just thining for his
!eloved and he is a true poet.
Naveed Notes.
'ut in practical youth stage, he is strong man. He decides to do jo!. He is
very aimful in life and he decides to get his aim and in ffth stage, he is head of his
family. Here, he is corrupt, !ecause, he has to feed his children. $n si(th stage, he is
funny. He has no importance and fnally in seventh stage, he is on his death !ed,
!ecause, his time is over. His game is fnished.
S&/ ',IS 3I'/ ,&S 'EN -ILLI(N S(ULS (By W., &*#en)
The poet was a 2ew and he tells us a!out the migration situation of 2ew
from 3ermany in Hitler rule.
He is also addressing his son and he says that there are ten million people
in the city. They are very rich. They live !ig houses !ut there is not a single room for
He says that their village was !etter than city !ecause in the village they
were free and easy !ut in the city they have not passport and that they are not allowed
to live in the city.
They want to tae room in the city and they go to the town committee !ut
the o4cers neglect him and he as to return helpless.
%very citi+en is against the villagers. 5iti+en thin that villagers get low
wages and destroy la!our rates. There is every facility for the citi+en !ut the 2ews were
the worst creatures. So, the army people were trying to search the 2ews to ill !ecause
it was the strict order of Hitler.
4UBL& 4,&N (By S.'. 3oleri#ge)
Q. What "as imagination o! +oet at the #ome o! 4*la 4han$
&ns. The poet hand many many imaginations there. He went to the dome of
/u!la /han. That was a magical scene. %verywhere there was magic. He was surprised.
The dome was rivers #lph. $t was lie $celand.
The poet went into dreams. $t was alluring dream. $n dream, the poet saw
that the ing was alive. That the court was present. That the ing was ruling. That the
ing was grand. That the ing was royal ing. That he was ing of ings. That the ing
was full of youth. The ing was drining honey. The ing was enjoying music. The ing
was in pleasure6dome. The ing was evergreen. The ing was very strict.
The girls were dancing. They were #frican girls they were singing songs.
They were singing magical. $t was starry night. )ountains were *owing. 5ool !ree+ was
Naveed Notes.
!lowing. $ was dri++ling. $t was a magical scene the poet was ama+ed. He was in
fairyland he was in dreams. 'ut, !y chance, he come !ac we was again in dome he
could never !elieve that.
Was it a dream,
&r was it not,
'ut overall, he was fan of /u!la /han. He lied royal status of the great ing
/u!la /han. The ing was dead. 'ut in poet1s view, the ing was still alive in pleasure6
LI1,'S (U' (By E#"ar# 'homas)
Q. What0s the +o"er o! slee+$
#ns. Sleep is the most powerful element of human sleep is just lie shadow, that
gives no chance. $f sleep comes, then it taes to the road of rest and peace.
The poet says that, sleep is the sweetest thing, and it is lie a forest, where
we always lose our way. We come to sleep as a guest and our sleep welcomes us daily.
$n sleep, we cannot lie good faces, good !oos, and good ideas. While we
forget every !itter reality of life in sleep. 'ecause, sleep is waling daily.
#s we cannot fnd way in the forest, in the same style, we cannot runaway
from forest of sleep. 'ecause, we are totally helpless, !efore sleep while sleep also
gives us of perfect life.
W,EN I ,&5E 6E&RS (B/ John 4eats)
Q. What are the !ears o! the +oet$
&ns. The poet was a patient of T.' and he was all time on his death !ed. He was
very near the death, so, he had fears in his heart.
He had a fear, that he could never show his mind feelings. There were
millions of feelings in his mind. He was deprived of love, care and friendship.
He wanted to get more and more nowledge, !ut he had very short time.
He was very poor and he could not get education, while he was very sensitive. He
wanted to show his heart feelings, !ut there was no!ody to share his feelings.
Naveed Notes.
He wanted to create something, !ut he had lost his love, !ecause his
fanc7e had left him. So, he wanted to face death lonely. 'ecause he was in one sided
love. While, he was very wea to face death. #las8 0o!ody could share his feelings.
W(-&N W(R4 (By -aya &ngelo*)
Q. What are #*ties an# #esires o! a "oman in o*r so)iety$
&ns. She has to wor for her family. She has to prepare the !a!ies. She is the
representative of the house hold woman in a traditional society where, all the time a
woman is !usy in house hold wor. /itchen wor, washing and cleaning the house are
her special responsi!ilities at all the levels.
She has to do all the wor very carefully and there is no holiday for the
woman. 'ut, she has got some desires in her heart to enjoy nature. She is wishful to
enjoy rain, sunshine, dewdrops, fresh air, snow falling, star shine, moonlight and
natural greenery.
She is very tired woman and she is of the view to enjoy life easily and also
of the view to enjoy wor. That1s why she calls mountain, sea and leaves of trees her
natural friends. She calls them her own. She wants the shelter in the lap of nature.
&verall, "aistani women are very !usy. They have to do a lot of wor at
home and even that they have no rela(ation at home. They prepare !reafast for all
the family mem!ers. They are always !usy in itchen. They !ecome dull and very soon
they !ecome very old in life. They serve their family all the life. They don1t tae care of
their personality and good. "aistan depends on such !rave and active women.
',E SN&4E (B/ D., L&WREN3E)
The writer was standing near water tap. He saw that a snae came there to
drin water, !ecause it was very hot season. The snae came from the !owls of the
earth. The snae was very !eautiful and the same snae was looing the ing of the
snaes. The writer was very impressed and then he gave way to the snae to drin
water. The writer went aside for the snae. The grace of the snae had a9ected the
heart of the writer and snae was moving in grace. The writer was not fearing from the
'y chance, a voice came in the heart of writer that snae was enemy of
man. So, the writer !ecame fury man and he too a log of wood. He was full prejudice.
So, he decided to attac. 'ut the snae was drining water gracefully. 0ow the writer
was mad with anger. He was jealous. He threw the log on snae. 'ut the snae was
saved. The snae looed at the writer with a ga+e and ran away. 0ow the writer was
very ashamed !ecause, he had attaced a graceful guest. He was ashamed on human
Naveed Notes.
'&R'&R/ (By Walter De La -are)
Q. Dis)*ss the +oem as a #reamlan#. What are the )olor a7e)ts the
#ns. The poet is a dreamy person he was happy live in the dreamland. The poet
wanted to !e a royal ing, he wanted to tae rest on a royal chair. He was of the view
that there should !e elephant teeth royal chair and there would !e peacocs, tigers and
great fshes in his dream land Tartary. #ctually, the poet wanted to !e the real ing in
his time. He just imagined himself as a man of royal status.
He wanted to eat tasty food. He was great fan of wine and honey. He
wanted to enjoy music of *ute. He was great fan of songs. He was great fan of sweet
The poet wanted to wear golden dress. The dress was full of pearls. There
would !e green and white pearls on his royal dress. He would get up early in the
morning and he would visit green valleys of the forest.
He wanted !e the lord of gardens, rivers, laes, streams and valleys of
Tartary. He lies the happy !irds that sit in the citron trees. He would lie to enjoy
purple valley.
BE3&USE I 3(ULD N(' S'(% 6(R DE&', (By. Emily Di)2inson)

Q. Dis)*ss her 8o*rney !rom li!e to #eath$
&ns. #ctually, the poetess imagines that she was died, !ut in reality she was
alive. 'ut her journey to death is very real. :eath comes, !ut she was !usy. So, she
welcomes death and leaves her all the wor, !ecause death came to tae her. The
poetess was seeing everything for the last time on this earth. She was seeing the sun,
the crops and the playing !oys. She new that these were the last chances to see these
Her funeral procession was on the way and there was full frost. Her dead
!ody was near the death place that was grave. So, she also descri!es her grave. Her
grave was deep, dar and without rest she new that was her permanent house and
she could never come !ac !ut fnally, she had to wait for her fnal result that was must
for every!ody. She wants to live a pure and no!le life.
DE%&R'URE &ND &RRI5&L (By. '.S. Eliot.)

Q91. What "as mission o! the +oet$
Q9:. What0s Eliot0s enth*siasm in this +oem$
Naveed Notes.
Q9;. What0s im+ortan)e o! %oetry is a love o! !eelings o! +o"er!*l
#ns. The poet had only one aim that he wanted to help good people. He wanted
to die with good people, whether their aim was completed or incompleted. The poet
lied life of challenges. That1s why, the poet showed his lava feelings in this poem and
he decided to do a !ig wor in life. The poet wanted to do the wor of one century only
in one year of time.
)or this, he would complete past wor, great duties, incomplete missions
!ut he would not waste time, !ecause, already the poet had wasted a lot of time, in his
past life, with aimless people, in useless wor. 'ut now, the poet was even ready to
accept death without any tension.
He just wanted to do wor only for the good. He wanted to erect the *ag of
victory on a high place. )or this, he was even ready for death all the time. He did not
lie to tae any reward or any pri+e or any proft. 'ut he would do wor only for his
Naveed Notes.

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