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Hidden Manna

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(He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it Rev. 2:17.)

Introduction This article is developed by His Royal Highness, Apostle Rommel Emenike solely by inspiration and in dept spiritual revelations from the Holy Spirit who has come to teach and bring man to the accurate knowledge of the truth as promised by our Lord Jesus Christ, and to unravel to the world the journey of God and His Son to Africa for the purpose of establishing His promised kingdom on earth. Daniel 2:44. This is borne out of love for humanity and the desire to see that no man perishes out of ignorance because the prince of darkness have taken advantage of the weakness of man to confine him to perpetual spiritual blindness and bondage. Furthermore, it is also to give an answer to the mystery of the appearance of Leader Olumba Olumba Obu and His Christ His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu in the Swiss sky (Google strange image in Swiss sky) last year which has thrown the people of Switzerland and other parts of the world into confusion because they see the images as strange.

I, His Majesty Apostle Romel Emenike is not a pastor and does not have a church of my own but this is the product of the inspiration which I got as a result of the encounter I had with Leader Olumba Obu while on a trip in

Ghana in the year 1997. I am an astute businessman who is into the business of marine engineering and equipment leasing. I do not have theological training. This is the final report of the result of many years of investigation and spiritual revelations which I got as a result of the encounter and I was encouraged to publish this by the advice and inspiring reactions I got from leaders and people I had met across Africa which includes Dr. Kenneth Kaunda - former President of Zambia, Mr. Michael Sata the current President of Zambia, Professor Evans Atta-Mills of Ghana, Professor Kofi Awoonor, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo - former President of Nigeria, The Chief Imam of Ghana, Chief Alex Ekweme former Vice President of Nigeria, Osei Nana Tutu King of Ashanti in Ghana, King Goodwill Zwelithini of KwaZulu-Natal South Africa and many more.

In this article there are three entities mentioned prominently. They are the lamb (Holy Spirit in Africa,) the beast (marine spirit G8) and the dragon (witch craft - the Europe and British monarch). These are prophetic ways of referring to the aforementioned spiritual entities. They are forces suffering violence in the spirit, which is the reason the entire earth has been devoid of peace, prosperity, harmony, unity etc

Whosoever reads this article should have King James Version of the Holy Bible by his side for references as the entire article and revelations herein are based on biblical records and prophesy.

The Journey of God from Israel to Africa Parts of Nigeria are Jews who through Trans-Sahara trade migrated from Israel beyond River Jordan through Egypt and settled in the land of Edom Africa. They are the Ibos, the Yorubas, Benin kingdom, some settlements around the middle belt, north central of Nigeria, the Zulus in South Africa, the Ga and Ashantis in Ghana; Ghana being the first Son of Edom (Africa) as revealed by Leader Olumba Olumba Obu. The first set of people who migrated to Africa from Middle East in the days of King David was known as the Edomites. These are the descendants of Esau who first settled between Israel and Egypt cutting across entire coastal area of River Nile and Jordan on the side of Middle East as their original ancestral home whom King David called the gentiles (unbelievers) because they refused to believe in the God of Israel, being originally not Israelites, but Edomites.

The Yoruba people were integral part of the Israelites in the middle belt and north central part of Nigeria. They later migrated to the west coast of the Atlantic through Kwara State axis. An ancient family out of them from a royal linage with the inextinguishable spirit of the throne of David diverted their way to Niger Delta region who are today known as Benin, Urhobo and Itsekiri people. History has it that the Benin Monarch lorded over most of the empires in the region including that of the Yoruba kingdom.

In the same vein, through migration in the later days, the Israelites who settled in southeast of Nigeria (the Ibos) spilled into the core Niger Delta

areas such as the Ikwerres, Etches, Opobos, Ogbas, Ahoadas, Ogonis in Rivers State; the Anangs, Efiks and Ibibios in Akwa Ibom State. The Odis, entire kolokoma Opokuma, and Nembes are predominantly Edomites, while the Ogbias, the Ekeremos, Adabiris in Bayelsa State are Jews. Some of Auchi people are Fulanis (Arabs) while the entire Edo people are Jews.

The Ogoni people are originally armies of David who first settled in Ashanti land in Ghana until in the later days when King Jaja of Opobo brought them out to where they presently occupy in Rivers State for the purpose of waging war against the Colonial masters. They and the Zulu people who are also from the linage of some army generals of David vacated the Middle East when Babylon trampled on Jerusalem and prevailed over it. As great warriors, they bravely refused to be subjected to the rule of Babylon hence they migrated across River Jordan to Africa the Galilee of the Gentiles.

These sets of people mentioned above who had forgotten their identities as Israelites who migrated from the Middle East, mingled with the Edomites (the dark Africans), the original occupants of the land. To buttress these facts many monarchs across these areas in Nigeria especially the Benin monarchs and their council members dress in white apparel while in council, unconsciously, but inspired by the spirit of the linage of David. The Jews who settled in the core South-eastern Nigeria like the Ebonyis, some parts of Abia, Anambra, Enugu and Imo who are closer to Biakpan the birth place of Olumba are all situated on

mountainous and dry soil lending credence to the record in Isaiah 53:1-4 of a righteous but highly stigmatized and despised individual who lacks beauty, splendour and sophistication of man, who shall come as a root out of a dry ground (Eastern Nigeria). Monarchs around the Niger delta had their individual roots from the Ibo land.

Edomites fled their ancestral home which was situated between Egypt and Israel as a result of the jihad war unleashed on them by King David for not believing in the God of Israel. They migrated across Egypt to the land known as Sudan today. Some nations in Africa who are Edomites are South Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Congo, Central Africa, Cameroun, Burkina Faso, Gabon, some part of Ghana etc. They are originally farmers and fishermen who will always, for fishing and farming purposes, migrate to the coastal and vegetation areas having moved away from their original coastal area of abode (by River Jordan between Israel and Egypt) as a result of attack on them by armies of David. The remnants living close to Egypt today are the South Sudanese.

In the same manner, through trans-Sahara trade the Arabs migrated into Africa. They are today the Northern Sudan and are Muslims, while the Southerners are Christians predominantly. Some families who are of the same culture and tradition migrated hundreds of years later to the coastal region of west, east and southern Africa. Similarly, in fulfilment of Gods declarations that his sceptre of judgement and rulership shall not depart from the tribe of Judea, the root of David, Behold the days cometh saith the Lord that l will raise unto David a righteous branch and a king shall

reign and prosper and shall execute judgement and justice in the earth Jeremiah 23:1-5. Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise; thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies; thy fathers children shall bow down before thee. Judah is a lions whelp from prey, my son, thou art gone up; he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion who shall rouse him up. The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor lawgiving from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be. Binding the foal unto the vine, and his asss colt unto the choice vine, he washed his garment in wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes. Genesis 49:8-11. Behold me, behold me unto a nation that was not called by my name Isaiah 65:1, God of Israel as was formerly called in the days of old, now chose Africa-Nigeria in the land of Edom. The Ishmaelites who are the children of Ishmael the Arabs from the Middle East through Egypt to Northern Sudan, Libya, Niger Republic, Mali (representing the Fulanis) migrated down wards to the sub-Sahara, the land of Africa which Prophet Isaiah saw in his revelation - Isaiah 9:16 and called the Galilee of the nations, a convergence and harmonious place of the promised chosen families and tribes out of the three cardinal human family which God through Abraham established on earth. Genesis 16:1-12 reveals about Ishmael and talked precisely about how his children will be violent against his brothers on earth - And thou shall dwell in all part of the earth and shall be wild man and shall be against every man and every man shall be against thee - exactly what is happening today, while Genesis 25:20-34 reveals about Esau (who was renamed Edom) and

Jacob. Its also deducible from there that each of them was destined to generate a nation. Three of them cumulatively formed the three different breeds of human race. Ishmaelites are the Arabs - Fulanis who are predominantly Muslims by religion. The Israelites are the Westerners and the remnants of them in the Middle East are Christians and Jews. Some of us here in Africa from our different ancient families and tribes scattered across west coast are Christians. The Edomites are the dark Africans who occupies the east, central Africa, some dotted parts of the west and southern Africans. Those Africans wear a natural look of south Sudanese. They were originally pagans which they inherited from Abraham through Isaac to Esau their ancestral fathers. The early Christians from Europe converted most of them into Christianity.

Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladesh etc are descendants of Abraham whom he sent away from Isaac into the Far East. They are children of Ketura the concubine he lived with in his last days. As you can see the names Sheba, Zimran, Ketura, Ishbak, Shua, Dedan are synonymous with today Indian names. Genesis 25:1-7.

The inter marriage between the Arabs (Fulanis), Edomites (the Dark Africans) and the Jews, generated the chocolate and light complexion breeds of people saturating the Nigerian society, thereby reducing the original white colours the migrants came with from the middle east

thousands of years before present (i.e the Jews and the Arabs).

The purpose of God inspiring all these migrations as at when Israel and that part of middle east became very saturated, contentious, and congested was to fulfil the promise he made to Esau Edom through Isaac his father - And when Esau heard the words of his father, he cried with a great and exceeding bitter cry, and said unto his father, Bless me, even me also, O my father. And he said, Thy brother came with subtlety, and hath taken away thy blessing. And he said, Is not he rightly named Jacob? for he hath supplanted me these two times: he took away my birthright; and, behold, now he hath taken away my blessing. And he said, Hast thou not reserved a blessing for me? And Isaac answered and said unto Esau, Behold, I have made him thy lord, and all his brethren have I given to him for servants; and with corn and wine have I sustained him: and what shall I do now unto thee, my son? And Esau said unto his father, Hast thou but one blessing, my father? Bless me, even me also, O my father. And Esau lifted up his voice, and wept. And Isaac his father answered and said unto him, Behold, thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of heaven from above (i.e abundant natural resources and fertile land); And by thy sword shall thou live, and shall serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shall have the dominion, that thou shall break his yoke from off thy neck. Gen 27:34-40. It is the land upon which we all now dwell, named Africa by the colonial masters. God chose to establish his kingdom in this virgin land full of milk and honey (natural resources) not saturated with the unholy influences and products of the west, in fulfilment of the promise made to Esau.

God followed the root of David who are sojourned in Africa who had lost their identity as Jews while in Africa and manifested in Nigeria in a land called Biakpan, which means city of the first son of God, in order to uplift the generationally oppressed Edomites with his great light in fulfilment of the prophecy of Isaiah 63:1-5 (who is this that cometh from Edom with red apparel). This prophesy reveals a man, an incarnate of God, an African (Edomite) dressed in red in the generation of judgement, which is in conformity with the geographical location of the messiah which Isaiah saw across River Jordan, (and his garment rolled in blood but this shall be with burning and fuel of fire. For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder and he shall be called the prince of peace Isaiah 9:1-6). This explains the manifestation of Father and Son dressed in red in Africa, when the entire earth shall be burning unquenchably and peace will be most needed as confusion shall rock the government and the entire inhabitants of the earth; then shall this Messiah and His Son appear. Isaiah was an Israelite and Israel is situated in the Middle East and the boundary between the Middle East and Africa is River Jordan. Therefore this father and son as revealed by Isaiah, whom the world are confused about are Olumba Olumba Obu and His Son who has inherited His throne, name and all powers in heaven and on earth with which He will address the issue of insecurity, lack of peace and prosperity in the world in fulfilment of His destiny as the Prince of Peace.

Biakpan (the new Bethlehem) which is in Biase Local Government Area of Cross Rivers State is geographically situated within the Ibo communities between Abia and Ebonyi States of Nigeria respectively.

Judging by the boundary adjustment act of Nigeria which makes water a natural boundary, Biakpan which is located across Y oil River which demarcates Cross River State, Abia and Ebonyi States respectively, should have been integrated with either Ebonyi or Abia state, but instead they were politically integrated with Cross Rivers State which is at the opposite side of the river. In this case the boundary adjustment policy of the Federal Government of Nigeria was not applied. This brought to fruition, through divine arrangement, Gods declaration that He will depart from the Jews (Ibos) due to unbelief and blasphemy, and go to the gentiles [Cross River State], the same people whom King David also called gentiles and chased away from their original land in the Middle East by attempting to extinct them through war during his reign because of their unbelief in his God. Leader Olumba Olumba Obu chose to dwell in Calabar, Cross River State who are Edomites that migrated from Central Africa region through Cameroun to Nigeria), proving that He has departed from his original people the Ibos (Jews). Both nations having migrated some thousands of years ago at different times and generations settled by cohabitation here in Nigeria and since his declaration did not fulfil in their cohabitation thousands of years ago in the Middle East it therefore has fulfilled in their new settlement here in Nigeria. Olumba speaks Ibo and all the languages of the world fluently. Biakpan language consists of fragments of all the languages of the world. In the 14th century, the European explorers traced the light of God to Calabar Nigeria and were inspired to establish the first 12 provinces as a result of the spiritual status of Nigeria as new Israel, and that government

was led by Grand Master Lord Lugard as the first Governor-General and Calabar was made the headquarters. Later on, the beast used democracy to disorganize that arrangement by the creation of regions and subsequently, states. Meanwhile democracy is on transition and shall in less than no time give way for the Unified Theocratic Government of God and of course Nigeria shall return to 12 tribes.

Olumba Olumba Obu established what is known as Ibo love feast which is celebrated annually in different parts of the world. It is meant to bring about reconciliation between our Lord Jesus Christ and his beloved people who despised him two thousand years ago and are still despising him today, because the Ibos are yet to recognise him which is in fulfilment of that which is written, I came to my own and they knew me not.

Research and revelations has established that the name Hebrew, many generations ago, was mispronounced Ibo. All of these prophecies, revelations and manifestation of prophesied events are in conformity with the reports of many Jewish researchers, historians and clergymen. Most recently, in 2010 the founder of an Israeli religion Raybash- ministries which is published in You-tube http/ and buttressed the facts that families out of the Jews in Africa migrated and scattered around the west coast of Africa as aforementioned. He talked about the similarities in culture between Israel in the Middle East and those by migration in Africa.


Spiritual and Physical Conspiracy against the Manifestation of God in Africa Between fifteenth and seventeenth centuries there was an invasion by the orthodox churches priests and nuns from Europe to dominate communities around the south eastern Nigeria especially a community called Aro-chukwu which was made a hub for the in-flock of priests and nuns on a search mission due to its proximity to Biakpan, the birth land of Leader Olumba Olumba Obu, fulfilling the Dragon which stood before the woman ready to devour her child as soon as he is born as recorded in (Rev. 12:1-17). Before this time in the fifteenth century when a heavenly Being (Rev. 12:1) revealed to the three Catholic nuns (Lucy, Francisca and Jessica) in 1917 that Christ shall be born in Africa (Eastern Nigeria), Rome sent Mary Slessor to Calabar in a bid to search and bring the child to Europe. In order to justify her sojourn, the earth (kingdom of darkness) contrived the killing of children (twins) in Calabar, as she claimed she came to stop the killings of twins which were prevailing then. She lived, died and was eventually buried there without being able to find the child because God hid the time of fulfilment of the prophesy from them. The Roman Catholic Church which was the prominent church at that time had the privilege of this revelation but they hid it from the world because it was not to the advantage of the Papacy. Because of this, they preferred to plunge man into these disasters that are befalling humanity which would have been avoided had they revealed the message to the world to aid them in seeking for God. Even when Pope John Paul 11 attempted to reveal the message, they arranged an assassination for him in a village in Italy which failed but eventually the Pope died and the message remained unrevealed

even though many of the Catholic Cardinals and Bishops are aware of it now. To buttress this further, similar revelation was given by the Jehovah Witness Church that Christ shall return to earth between 1917 and 1918 and as usual when He eventually returned, they were not able to identify Him. More so what is further fulfilled in vs. 15 of revelation chapter 12 and the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman that the woman and her child may be carried away, is the influenza which ravaged the entire Nigerian society between 1917 and 1918. The earth which helped the woman to swallow the flood as recorded in the same biblical passage is hundreds of thousands of Nigerian children who lost their lives during the influenza attack in dragons attempt to kill baby Olumba and his mother, having failed to locate Him after the vigorous search. The one thousand two hundred and three score days spoken of, in the same chapter of revelation 12 being the time of horror and destruction which the earth experienced as a result of the fulfilment of the birth of the child corresponds with the three years and six months which the First World War lasted and it was during this period that Olumba was born.

After the one thousand years of the reign of Christ, Rome hijacked Christianity and spiritually enslaved a whole lot of ignorant priests across Africa who didnt know the secrets of what they were called to serve, but were misled into believing that it is service rendered to God Almighty especially those of them with the light of heaven. All the priests who first came to Africa from Europe were used to establish the temples and

thrones of Greek gods which are worshiped across Europe, and through Holy Communion spread witchcraft by whose energy and influence the world was darkened and the inhabitant of the earth prevented from identifying their true God. This was also how Greek in conjunction with other European grand masters who had earlier realised powerful earthly gods, and through their witchcraft Mythology, in their quest to pre-empt the arrival of Gods kingdom and subsequent judgement by his son and the dominion of his kingdom and glory, orchestrated the establishment of the global imperial dynasty of witchcraft in Britain [the British monarch] with their religious wing in Rome (Vatican City) for about one thousand year ago. This enabled them to darken the world in an attempt to prevent man from realising the dynasty of God so that it does not prevail on arrival, which is in fulfilment of what was written - the dragon and beast shall prevail over the lamb and his chosen once for a time and season.

The perpetual allegiance which world powers pay to Greek is as a result of their ancient roles of capturing the imaginations of the inhabitants of the earth by casting spell of darkness [bondage and spiritual ignorance] upon them thereby limiting their consciousness to ordinary carnality which makes it possible for world powers to continue their spiritual manipulation of the souls of men who are vulnerable and the entire human society to their evil advantage. In furtherance of their manipulation towards keeping man seriously engrossed in earthly endeavours which certainly would make it impossible to realise the truth, grand master Alexander from Greek who originally reigned in Egypt as an emperor invented the first university in Egypt through inspirations from ancient

Egyptian gods of the pyramids from where they got knowledge of science and introduced it as a subject in the educational system in order to wipe out spiritual knowledge and its essence away from man knowing that man is a spiritual being who should be universal in knowledge. One thing we must know very importantly is that everything that exists in the physical, good or evil, animate or inanimate all emanates from the spiritual.

The World War 1 brought devastation to UK economy and that of the entire commonwealth. Then the United States proffered solution and support for recovery which gave them upper hand in the global affairs and UK perpetual allegiance. That was how it came to fulfilment of what is written in the book of Rev Chapter 13 vs. 2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard and his feet like feet of bear and his mouth as the mouth of a lion. And the Dragon gave him his power and his seat and great authority. This is Witchcraft, which is said to be represented by Europe, her throne situated in Britain (British Monarch) in the days of King George father of Queen Elizabeth. The British Monarch which has centuries ago controlled the affairs of the earth with her power and great authority relinquished same to America (The BEAST) having received such a support that enabled them survive and subsequently recover fully.

Now the beast has in our time manifested himself in United States of America and his other branches (heads) manifested in other G8 member nations.


God of Babylon (beast) was in Egypt during the reign of King Pharaoh and later in Iraq in the time of Nebuchadnezzar. Later Greek on behalf of the kingdoms of the world took charge of the spiritual Government of the world with the influence and power of the dragon [witchcraft] and that of the beast [marine spirit] which manifested then as the Roman Empire and now in America and has enlarged his power, strength and dominion and as written has succeeded in deceiving multitude of inhabitants of the earth. His spiritual abode is Bermuda Triangle. Every July, leaders, presidents, scientists, inventors, professors, many great men and women all over the world gather in the U.S for two weeks (rendezvous) at Bohemian Grove in California 20601 Bohemian Montero, CA 95462, USA to worship and give praises to an owl made of gold and subsequently make human sacrifices, especially with babies. It is where world leaders manipulate events around the world [goggle it and see for yourself]. They have used economy, technology and other distractive earthly endeavours to sway man away from the reality of the manifestation of God in flesh in Nigeria, to fulfil all that is written in the scriptures concerning the coming of His kingdom and the judgment by His Son. In Nigeria there are millions of churches with different names and corrupt doctrines flooding the cities and villages and all of them opposing Olumba because they are possessed with the spirit of the beast. They made their members believe that BCS does not use Holy Bible and does not proclaim the name of our Lord Jesus Christ because they want the younger generation to inherit the hatred against Olumba. If they had their way, they would have driven Olumba and his followers from the


country because they believe by so doing they are rendering great service to God. George W. Bush is the incarnate of Grand Master George Washington the founder of democracy and first American president, as acknowledged by his son George Bush junior on the day his portrait was unveiled by President Barack Obama at the white house and thats the reason the Bushs family is enjoying the greatest political dynasty in the U.S till date. When the Prince of Heaven, His Holiness King Olumba Olumba Obu was enthroned in the year 2000 the prince of darkness also enthroned George Bush junior to fight the Prince of Heaven directly. Since his father cannot come back to power, it became the responsibility of his son to accomplish all the destruction that happened during his time in power just as his father did at the time of his presidency. The clash led to the destruction of world trade centre and other devastating occurrences around the globe.

In the same vein, Obama have been chosen to further drive the principles and agenda of the beast by proposing such policies that will bring to bear the general inscription of the mark of the beast 666 on those whom their master [the beast] have enslaved through technology, economy, politics and religion, all geared towards attempting to rubbish the glory of God as already demonstrated in the support of same sex marriage. Many see Obama as an anti-christ but this is not true. He was chosen for the role he is playing having been trained and groomed in new Babylon [America] for this purpose because he is a child of God and from Africa, the chosen

people of God. Mother earth came to Africa and took him to sit on the evil throne, to substitute darkness with light because it is in her nature to always upturn the will of God. Since darkness is unproductive, they have to manipulate ignorant souls of light in order to use the energy radiating from them to achieve their goal of rubbishing God with His very own. It could have been anybody. Queen Elizabeth of England falls within this category. I was particularly moved when I watched the documentary of Nigerian Independence where she decided to leave open the roof of the car conveying her in the independence procession to be soaked under the rain with the other less privileged. I have written to her explaining all these for the world to be correctly guided.

This is a clear reason for the overwhelming cluster of churches in Nigeria spiritually manipulated by the government of the world through the initiation into secret cults headed by grand masters from Greek and other G8 nations who Satan uses to establish his covenant and principles with the inhabitants of the earth, in their quest to suppress the truth.

Churches with their material consciousness and glory hungry leaders preach immorality and materialism thereby entrenching falsehood, performing conspired and manipulated miracles, magic, with the name of Jesus Christ knowing that it is the name many people will be glad to associated with given the relevance and antecedent in His previous incarnation in Israel, thereby causing the entire Nigerian society and beyond to hate and blaspheme God unknowingly. I had personally contacted the Pentecostal church leaders in Nigeria. Several efforts have

been made to meet with these billionaire pastors (God barons) on how we can unanimously help governments and people around the world to proffer spiritual solution in order to help the ignorant Governments and the people of the world to collectively and individually run to this Being who came from above with the power to judge and to save as many that will believe in him. My intention for approaching them was to sensitise them of these prophecies about our country and the time, especially now that our country Nigeria is at a cross road and needs divine intervention from God who has manifested in our midst. I later discovered that they are not interested in my proposal as their priorities, were different from mine. Their interest solely lies in affluence, honour, respect and praises from men as so called men of God. Revelation 13:11 reveals the beast which shall arise from the earth with two horns like a lamb but speak like a dragon, which explains the recent domination by Pentecostal churches who by appearance look religious and Christ like but the noise they generate during worship and prayers reveals them as agents of the dragon. Verse 12 says and he exercised the powers and authority of the first beast which have seven heads and ten horns [G8] and shall course the inhabitants of the earth to worship him and the dragon who gave him her seat and authority. By those miracles which they perform before their congregation they cause the inhabitants of the earth to worship marine spirits represented largely by G8 and witchcraft. While witchcraft bring afflictions upon the earth and its inhabitants, marine spirit comes to proffer solution either as governments or church due to its supremacy over witchcraft as a result of his abode [water] which energy is higher than other forces of darkness.

Through this spiritual partnership between witchcraft and marine spirit, significant percentage of the dweller of this world especially Christians are caged in outer darkness which these evil entities brought into the world through churches and their leadership. Revelation 16 also revealed that these false prophets shall emanate from the dragon and the beast to work miracles before their congregations and deceive those who will believe them into serving evil spirits in place of God unknowingly.

Initiation into Illuminati, Freemason and other secret cults brought about the limitation of the understanding of the mysteries and knowledge of God. That is why the pastors of today like scribes of old limit their preaching to mundane things which is the product and culture of their masters the G8, who are influencing them with the ultimate desire to keep their souls encaged for them not to identify the King of kings who has the power and mandate of heaven to judge and set free as many as will believe in Him and His Father, as it is written you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32. These souls especially in Nigeria, who are by reason of Gods manifestation in their midst are supposed to disseminate the good news to others, have by this process been caged in outer darkness and has remained ignorant of Him, lending credence to the statement that a prophet is without honour among his people. Whenever God chooses to manifest Himself in a nation, the marine spirits and witchcraft will be highly interested in such a nation to manipulate them in opposition to God.


It has been revealed to me that the Pentecostal church leaders and some of their members are souls which had ancient covenant with the beast. The two horns mentioned in Revelation 13 are Pentecostal churches who are under the anointing of the dragon and the beast to convey blasphemy against God and His tabernacle in the physical so that even with their shallow teachings, the peoples soul will be engaged in carnal knowledge, material consciousness and are prevented from realizing God in their mist. Many young men were taken to America in the 60s when Pentecostal concept first sprang up in Nigeria and were given special purpose orientation and supported with a lot of funds and resources and instructed on what to preach.

World powers being used by forces of darkness have been for generations ago fighting Africa spiritually, and in the recent times had narrowed their battle to Nigeria through many strategies which include churches, politicians and government. He uses them to strongly oppose light of God whenever He manifests either as prophet or God himself in any generation. First they were with the beast in Egypt in the days of Pharaoh as those magicians who opposed the light of God in Moses. They were the thousands of wise men of Babylon in the days of Nebuchadnezzar who also in that advent of the beast opposed Daniel and others and later they manifested with him in the days of Roman Empire. That time the beast inspired their manifestation in Israel as the Pharisee and Scribes where he knows that Christ will be born, in order to overwhelmingly oppose Him so much that it would greatly attract hatred and stigmatisation upon Him and His followers.

The son of God has always been with God. Because He is God, His glory first came after His Father pronounced let there be light and He illuminated the universe with His energy, and with it everything was created. He first existed as a man - Adam after creation and was enthroned as the first king earth ever experienced. He was saddled with the responsibility of naming and assigning duties to His Fathers creation and was later dethroned due to the manipulation of the prince of darkness and darkness herself as His Father divine will may have it. That was how evil (witchcraft) hijacked the earth till date.

G8 is the beast. Revelation 17:1-18 talked about the woman seated on a red coloured beast which has seven heads and ten horns. The woman is mother earth who is physically represented by the British monarch. The beast that carried her is prince of darkness [America] whose role on earth is to, out of the marine spiritual treasure put out all the mundane things to make their kingdom generally loved and accepted by the inhabitants of the earth. The seven heads are seven great nations which are Britain, Germany, Japan, Russia, France, ltaly, Canada, with America as the head. The same chapter revealed the five of those nations in Europe that are among the G8, to have fallen. They are Britain who fell after the First World War, France in the days of King Napoleon, Italy during the days of the Roman Empire, Russia during their economic crisis which subsequently resulted in political disintegration of the Soviet Union, and Germany in the days of Adolphus Hitler. Among the remaining three, one was, which is Japan who was in existence as the time the said five nations around Europe were rising and falling. The other out of the remaining two

is Canada who was not in existence but is to come with the United States of America at the same time. The ten horns are ten kings that did not receive a kingdom from the beast but received power from him within a given time. These are the ten Arab league leaders who received authorities during the dominion of American empire but did not receive their democracy which is the kingdom established and sustained by the beast through America. Chapter 18 talked about the destruction of Babylon (World powers) which is eminent and must soon take place as the ceremony that is required for everything that was not planted by God to give way for his righteous government to take dominion world over has already taken place.

After the death of Christ, His apostles and men of God reigned on earth in those early days as people of God who saw His light and represented him adequately and there were no longer ambiguity about the way to God, for 1000 years. Then many people around the world walked in the light of God by believing in our lord Jesus Christ through the works of his apostles. He died so that righteousness may be established and entrenched here on earth. In the preceding 1000 years when the beast submerged and his kingdom destroyed [Roman Empire], the beast was released again out of the bottomless pit to manipulate and deceive the entire world, especially those souls who are in ancient covenant with him. Hundreds of years to the end of that generation of two thousand years which ended in 1999, there became massive migration from Europe across the Atlantic, which led to the discovery of America. Grand Master Christopher Columbus from Greek who was a descendant of Olympus, the Greek god

worshiped by Europeans lived in Spain. His voyage mission represented the conveyance of the seat of anti-Christ to America from Europe which the beast had already accomplished in the spirit which of course, ignited the said migration because what happens in the spirit will always inevitably, have a way of manifesting in the physical. To buttress this point, Mr. Columbus happened to be the only man in history who navigated across Bermuda Triangle freely without sinking like the other sailors who at different times submerged while attempting to cross. He later died and reincarnated as George Washington. The beast manifested in seven other nations which are France. Russia, Germany, Japan, Italy, Canada and the democratic seat of Britain as the imperial dynasty of mother earth [witchcraft].

The war which the horns is to make against the harlots as written in Rev. 17:16-17 is Sodomy and materialistic influence, which the spirits of G8 nations radiate upon the inhabitants of the earth to possess many men and women which makes it impossible for them to realise God and understand his mysteries, especially as it relates to our time. It is the religious war of supremacy going on between the west and the offsprings of the Arab world (Genesis 16:11-12) who represents the ten horns revealed above. It is fulfilling in form of the unabated attacks on the West and Christians by ALQUADA, ALSHABAB and BOKO HARAM. Verses 16 and 17 of the same chapter says and the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her naked and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire. For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will and to agree and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the

words of God shall be fulfilled. This explains OSAMA BIN LADINs claim that he has Gods mandate to attack and destroy the West and Christianity. Marine spirits which is termed the beast which the book of Rev.17 said was, and is not which will arise in our generation, actually was in Egypt in the days of Pharaohs and later Babylon (lraq). In another generation he came as Roman Empire and now America with the intention of entrenching his government using the G8. The spirit of G8 having emanated from the marine world to dominate the earth with his government (Democracy) is in conformity with the report of some Rosicrucian researchers which has it that we are in the Aquarian age (marine government).

The Arab spring is the fulfilment of the agreement of the ten Arab kings (the ten horns on the head of the beast) to give their nations to the beast which aftermath, is teething towards establishment and entrenchment of democracy in the ten Arab nations that represent the ten horns which had no kingdoms. Rev. 13 reveals further about one of the head of the beast being wounded and his deadly wound was healed and the inhabitants of the earth wondered about him. That is Russian political disintegration and devastating economic crisis and subsequent recovery in the economic aspect which fulfilled the healing of the wound.

The entire earth at different times had always been ruled by marine spirits. In any generation of his advent he comes with a lot of noise on earth and when he submerges at the end of his assignment, witchcraft takes over the earth to sustain it until the beast reappears. The beast (marine spirit) is the

prince of darkness whose spiritual abode is in Bermuda Triangle which is where centuries ago, technologies and infrastructural development are spiritually gotten; which is also where Illuminati and freemason symbol of triangle came from.

After the beast (marine spirit) has reigned on earth as Roman Empire, it submerged and thousands of years later, when Europe became saturated and congested for further development, the beast from Europe went across Atlantic Ocean and emerged as America. The migration of the beast from Europe to America was represented by the Voyage mission embarked upon by grand master Christopher Columbus and his crew about seven hundred years to the end of the generation our Lord Jesus Christ was born and crucified which is precisely 17th century when America got independent at the time of George Washington a grand master having been destined by Satan to be instrumental in the establishment of the seat of anti-Christ - democracy.

The so called world powers unanimously manipulated to bring about the proliferation of evil churches on earth overwhelmingly, with the instrument of witchcraft (dragon from Europe and marine spirits from Japan, Canada and United States). Greece are the inventors of witchcraft through mythology and inspirations from their numerous evil gods. Ultimately, the father of all of them is Olympus, through whose energy and influence the entire world was darkened by the early explorers and Orthodox Church missionaries through what they called Holy Communion. America and Canada came with great powers and influences

over the earth from the marine world (BARMUDA TRIANGLE) and were able to put in place technologies and mundane things to offer the inhabitants of the earth which made his government and product generally acceptable by other kingdoms and nations originally prevailing on earth.

Statue of Liberty is an ancient god of Babylon. An architect named Patrick Bathody the grand master of Paris grand lodge, had the revelation of the image of the beast which have seven horns on the head, and with French students in the U.S, they designed the image which is ruling the world using America and other G8 nation with its location in New York

Togo is the new Nineveh where Jonah was sent to preach; a nation close to Israel which faces the sea like Israel at the south west part of it, just as Nigeria is the new Israel facing the sea at the western part close to Togo. Togo triangle which is situated in the west coast of the Atlantic, is an extension of the Bermuda triangle where the beast had by proxy established his link to the chosen people of the new Israel (Nigeria, Ghana and all the dotted settlement of the migrated Jew from the root of David along the west coast of Atlantic). It is the abode of the beast which has spiritual root to Bermuda triangle.

The beast had operated initially around this area by carting away spiritual blessings meant for the development of our people and human resources which enabled him build his kingdom (America) through slavery. All the slaveries and atrocities committed against the African Jews around the Atlantic Ocean were inspired by the marine spirit whose abode is in the

Togo triangle. In this latter days, the beast through Togo triangle has in conspiracy with some grand masters of different cults in Nigeria precisely as a focal nation given its spiritual relevance as a nation chosen by God, manipulated several rituals for blood donation through series of accidents - aeroplane crash and manmade disaster such as agitations by different militant groups against government and the Nigerian society resulting in loss of hundreds of thousands of lives, for political control and economic well being of few Nigerians who had realised and owed perpetual allegiance to the world power through initiation into these cults. They are concentrating their ritual activities on Nigeria because of the highly valuable gene of God with the content of greater light which is traceable to Nigerians. This also enables the so called world powers carry out their wonderful inventions and infrastructural development of their empires, due to vibrancy and abundant spiritual resources in the blood of Nigerians and other children of God across West Africa where was made slave hub.

Other smaller Counties around Africa, who are not as viable as Nigeria in economy and in other ramification, have no cases of incessant air crash and other major accidents which claims thousands of lives annually as it is in Nigeria. The inability of Nigerias successive governments to adequately utilize all the resources God has endowed the country with, resulting in lack of electricity and other infrastructures, unemployment, poverty etc are the resultant effect of the battle made against Nigeria by this marine spirits through manipulations with the said grand masters in Nigeria who had earlier realized Him. He uses them to manipulate in order to keep Nigeria in perpetual darkness.

The issue of crimes such as drug and human trafficking, fraud, ritual killings, corruption in public sector, evil and unproductive governance are manipulations of the marine spirits just to show to the outside world that indeed no good thing can ever be found in Nigeria, as it was in the case of Nazareth a chosen people of old. The same entity dwelling in Togo triangle controls and manipulates governments, economy and the entire people of the nations around the west coast of Atlantic on behalf of America, with Nigeria as its focal nation knowing that it is the dwelling place of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords who ultimately is the personality they are trying to hide from the knowledge of Nigerians by those manipulations that brought about perpetual darkness in Nigeria irrespective of all the natural and human resources the country is naturally endowed with by God.

The said marine spirit inspired the manifestations of white garment churches around the south west Nigeria (Yoruba land) who burn incense and candles and do a lot of fetish and diabolical activities with their white garments looking dirty in the public. This understanding also reveals why in home videos in Nigeria, they use white garment churches when they want to present an evil church, but use Pentecostal church to represent an example of a perfect church. In the eyes of the ignorant members of the public, white garment is regarded with disdain since churches who wear them especially in Nigeria are seen as people who are in darkness. In the same vain BCS which also wear white garment with the similar actions of those set of children of darkness which the beast infiltrated into the kingdom to do all the spiritual works like their colleagues in other white

garment churches; have by their unrighteous practise which is not in line with the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ and that of Olumba, created a high and irreparable stigmatisation in Nigerian society and beyond against white garment and churches who wear them. But indeed, white garment is the dress code of the new heaven and new earth - the civilization of the new kingdom of God that all and sundry must embrace in no distant time, since it is one of the traditions of the celestial kingdom of God. Revelation 7:9, 19:11-14.

The dominion of the beast in Togo triangle is the reason Nigeria have never benefited from democracy right from when the capital city of Nigeria was in Lagos till date and cannot benefit from such form of government which emanates from the kingdom of darkness given our position as the host of the celestial kingdom of God which came down from heaven. Revelation 22:1-end. The early explorers who came to Nigeria and realised the presence of the marine spirit in Victory Island due to its dominion in that axis before amalgamation of the North and South of Nigeria in 1914, established the seat of the marine government (democracy) in Lagos. The influence of the said beast upon the people of Nigeria is the reason politicians, business men, pop musicians in Lagos, men and women of different endeavours in Lagos and other states around it are subjected to initiation into secret cults where they perform rituals and human sacrifices, to make them successful.

After the bombing of Japan by US during the Second World War, Japan got spiritual and economic support from them having agreed to accept

democracy. Together they have used economy, politics, technologies to distract man away from the reality of the coming of Gods kingdom and the kingship of His Son, thereby leaving the ignorant man vulnerable to destruction that will come upon him as a result of his unawareness of these facts which would have made him believe in Him who is seated on the throne of God and be saved. Their actions are targeted towards mopping up multitudes that would go into extinction being conscious of their evil deeds centuries ago. In the mid 19th century was when the knowledge of how to manufacture nuclear and atomic bomb was muted in preparation for the destruction of man and that is what is playing out now with all these crises that are looming. At that time Adolph Hitler was chosen to carry it out. All these conspiracy was initiated by Greek because it was through them that all abominable things were ushered into the world. Greek, Spain and traces of other nations who are suffering crises today are as a result of their conspiracy against God.

In the year 2000 AD, the world through revelations by many religious and spiritual leaders envisaged the end of mans existence on earth but that was not to be. Rather, what took place was the revelation and subsequent coronation of the King of kings and Lord of lords, His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu in 2001 AD by his father, Leader Olumba Olumba Obu. This event which was nominated in the book of Daniel chapter 7:13-14 thus: I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they

brought him near before him. And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed, was witnessed by millions of members and non members of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star and it marked the beginning of War of Armageddon war between the Son of Man (light) and prince of darkness (G8) which terminated this year through the ultimate judgment of the beast dragon on the 7th of April, 2012. and

The event of 2001 AD as mentioned above marked the end of the dominion of the dragon and that of the beast who because of the ignorance and emptiness of man has used him to fight against God for mans ultimate destruction because the they know that they have but a short time as nominated in the book of Revelation chapter 12:12 thus: Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhibiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

Meanwhile, those who predicted the end of the world by the year 2000 AD has gone to sleep because it did not manifest as predicted and did not deem it necessary to follow or monitor the fulfilment of bible prophesies that has unfolded since then .

The prince of darkness is still manipulating and is poised to continue the fight against light until it is ultimately destroyed. Many leaders who are

coming back today into mainstream politics has outlived their usefulness but the beast having his own agenda of one world government under his control is influencing this. Leaders like Pautin of Russia, Netanyahu of Israel for the purpose of driving the war between Israel and Iran, the North Korean President haven been fed with evil to unleash terror against the South and US by his father, the Syrian President, Japan and China dispute over an island are all in the ploy. All these are attempts aimed at giving America the chance to drive its agenda of one government and one currency in opposition to God own agenda.

Parables Heralding the coming of the Kingdom of God on Earth Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is the fulfilment of certain parables spoken by our Lord Jesus Christ on how the kingdom of God will come and all that will happen therein. He likened the kingdom to a fisherman who cast his net into the sea, gathered a lot of things out of the bottom of the sea into the boat and began his selection by separating what he needed from the things he considered useless and cast the ones he didnt need back into the sea Matt. 13:47-50. He narrated the parable of the king who organized a wedding feast in honour of his son and sent his servants to go and invite the guests who were bidden for it and they went inviting those people who were in position to be in the gathering by mans reckoning but eventually, the invited guest declined the invitation based on what they perceive to be the mans low standard of life which does not equate their standard of life. It further stated, that at some point the king became worried and sent his servants a second time and said to them my son is ready to come out to the wedding venue to receive his honour and

glory and the place is scanty. Therefore go to the highway and to the streets and gather unto me the crowd irrespective of who they are, low or high class, good or bad, educated or illiterate, rich or poor, all that matters is for there to be sufficient crowd so that I may reward my son with the glory which I promised him and it is recorded that they went and actually gathered good and bad unto him. When his son eventually came out to see the guest, he saw a lot of people who were not dressed in the required garments and commanded the servants to cast them away Matt. 22:2-14. These sets of people are children of darkness (witches) whose conduct does not glorify Him and His father. This parable fulfilled in the year 2000 when the first Son of Leader Olumba Olumba Obu was to inherit His Fathers throne, kingdom of darkness and her agents who overwhelmed the kingdom rebelled against him, which forced His Father to expunge them out of the kingdom. They constituted about forty percent of the membership of the kingdom. That brought to fulfilment the removal from the wedding arena, those who were invited but does not have the wedding garment which the son will accomplish as spoken in the parable.

In another parable, a man went out in the morning to hire labourers. He hired a set in the morning, another in the afternoon and some others in the evening and paid all of them equal wages, and those he hired in the morning grumbled Matt. 20:1-16. These sets of people who rebelled are children of darkness whom Olumba (the Comforter) gathered in the cause of the establishment of the kingdom of God here on earth. He used them to traverse the nooks and crannies of the world announcing the arrival of

the kingdom and establishing bethels (place of worship). They went to all the temples of other religions especially Rosicrucian, Freemason, Eckankar, in California to bear witness of the fact that the Holy Spirit has come to reign and His kingdom has been established, therefore He is extending invitation to them who are bidden (meaning those who claim to be searching for the truth).

When the Son emerged He came with one hundred and forty four thousand virgin souls from heaven who constitute the entire citizenry of heaven (Revelation 14:1-5), who are to work with him in His fathers kingdom on earth, to illuminate and expunge all elements of darkness and bring clarity to the inhabitants of the earth on what the organization truly represents as against the ungodly activities of those who came before him. The things which were ambiguous concerning the kingdom will be His responsibility and that of His elects who had His light from above to clarify. On arrival of the Son into the throne and the commencement of His work which must go side by side with the seeds of light in the kingdom, the people who originally started the work with the Father in the kingdom rebelled and were thrown out of the kingdom. These are different ways all the parables spoken by our Lord Jesus Christ came to fulfilment in the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star.

In another parable He spoke about how the kingdom will come as a mustard seed which would be planted in one remote corner of the earth and it will grow into a mighty tree and its branches shall cover all parts of the earth (Matt. 13:31-32). This explains an organization with an

insignificant beginning in one remote village of Africa which will grow rapidly and have branches all over the world in the face of overwhelming opposition, starting from the indigenes of the land of his manifestation (Nigeria).

Another parable spoken by Him was the vineyard which was let out to strangers who refused to pay rent to the owner and he sent his servants at different times and they were killed. A time came when he sent his son, the rightful owner of the vineyard, to demand for his fathers rent. The inhabitants of the vineyard conspired and said to themselves; if we kill him we will own the vineyard permanently and eventually they killed him. Later on the man came by himself and destroyed all who refused him his rent. And he raised his son and those whom he sent that were killed before his son and they possessed the vineyard forever Matt. 21:33-40. This explained the prophets and our Lord Jesus Christ who in the time passed had been on planet earth at different times to demand that allegiance, honour, glory and sincere worship be given to the creator by man and they were all mysteriously. The owner of the vineyard who is to destroy the disobedient occupants of the vineyard (earth) is the Comforter (God the Father), which has fulfilled today in the manifestation of Leader Olumba Olumba Obu who has come as the Supreme Spirit of the universe. Since He manifested and commenced his works as written of him, the entire earth has witnessed unusual devastation.

Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is that pebble from an invisible hand that struck the mighty image in King Nebuchadnezzars dream. The

revelation explains the incarnation of God who is to come as the Comforter, first to establish Gods kingdom on earth and teach men whom He will gather out of the world unto His organization (Kingdom) about Gods standards and kingdom practices. In the process of His work while on earth, which includes leading the believers to salvation, the prince of darkness shall infiltrate multitude of his agents into the kingdom to perpetrate ungodly acts by way of rendering some spiritual exercises which are very parallel to His teachings and these shall make the kingdom appear before men as evil and a place of darkness. BCS is the physical fulfilment of all the parables spoken by our Lord Jesus Christ; Olumba Olumba Obu is that Comforter who is destined to establish the kingdom and His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu - the Son, is the One who shall reign as the King of kings and Lord of lords and execute judgment upon man.

It is wrong for people to mistake the invisible Holy Spirit that came upon the apostles on the day of Pentecost, as the coming of the comforter. The pronoun used to describe the power of the Holy Spirit which came upon the apostles is it, which is inanimate - Acts of the apostle 2:1-12 And I heard a sound like a rushing mighty wind and it filled the house were they where and there appeared on their fore head a gloving tongues like fire and it sat on their fore heads. Obviously, it cannot be used to describe a human being. When Christ spoke about another Comforter who was to come and establish the kingdom and teach man everything about God especially those ambiguous things concerning the scripture, the pronoun used was he which denotes a man. The first Comforter (Jesus Christ)

came as a man thereby accomplished all the assignment that has to do with the day to day hobnobbing and interactions with man. Therefore another Comforter that was promised cannot come in any form other than in human form (St John 14:16-19, St John 15:25-27, St John 16:7-15). Christ even called Him the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it seeth Him not nether do they know Him, but His followers shall know Him because He dwelleth with them physically and shall be in them spiritually. Manner of Gods Manifestation on Earth (Reincarnation) The actualization of the expected return of Christ is based on reincarnation. Since man is a spirit being, a soul leaving the body therefore emanates from the spiritual and must be characterised in that manner. Thats the reason why when a man dies, the spirit and soul which are invisible goes into the spiritual while the body goes into the mud. There is no way a soul that departed the earth either by death or through ascension into the cloud as was in the case of Elijah and our Lord Jesus Christ, will come back through the sky. Melchezedek in his own case varnished. All of these different methods of physical departure of souls from the earth had been witnessed by man, but there is no time any of them or some other soul came from another planet through the sky: That indeed is practically impossible. Gods science has it that every soul, great and small, even God himself is subject to natural process of incarnation, should there be a need for Him to physically visit the earth for one assignment or the other. The believe that Christ or any other being will come through the sky is carnal interpretation of prophetic words

which was orchestrated purposely to confuse man and make him not to be aware of how and when Christ will return to earth.

The books of Hebrews 1:1-8, Matthew 25:32-46, Revelation 19:11-16, Daniel 7: 9-14, Isaiah 62:1-4, establishes that the King of kings and Lord of lords will through reincarnation return to the earth, first to seat by His fathers right hand and face all the blasphemies and overwhelming oppositions which will bring social stigmatization to Him, His kingdom and followers (Revelation 13:1-18) in the country of manifest (Nigeria) and thereafter by inheritance, inherit His Fathers Holy and most excellent name and throne, with which He will unleash His wrath on those who has perpetually hated Him and His Father. Revelation 11:15 reveals thus the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdom of Jehovah God and his Christ for they shall reign forever and ever. It expressly reveals the incarnation of God and His Son with the members of His universal family, who He consulted during creation by saying; let us create man in our image and after our likeness . Reincarnation is the only process through which souls return to planet earth physically for one purpose or the other, after having existed previously on earth. Most people believe that God cannot be seen by any man but contrary to that, Revelation 21:1-27, 22:1-21, St John 16:25-27 buttresses the fact that in this generation of fulfilments of all events (end time), man shall see God and God shall teach him plainly not in parables anymore and abbreviation of his holy new name O.O.O which is His seal, shall be on their forehead. He will dwell with them and they shall see his face.

Nebuchadnezzar had a revelation concerning the coming of Gods kingdom and the destruction of the worldly kingdoms by this great kingdom which shall rule over the earth. Nebuchadnezzar reincarnated as Saddam Hussein the military king just as he was before. He has unconsciously witnessed what was written of him and the entire world about our time.

Elijah who existed in a particular generation at the termination of his assignment as saddled on him by God, ascended to the cloud to reveal Gods glory to the then inhabitants of the earth not becaus e there is any community up there in the sky where he went to inhabit. It is written in the book of prophecies that Elijah will return physically to planet earth to reveal the Christ to Israelites - Malachi 4:5-6. When Elijah actually came as John the Baptist through reincarnation, the Israelites did not know him neither did they believe he was Elijah, Mathew 11:10-15, 17:10-13. Today they are still waiting for Elijah and the coming of Christ. The prophetic terminology for resurrection is re-incarnation since it is the Soul that re-incarnates and flesh which is mortal goes to the mud. During the celebration of the ultimate judgment on the 7 th of April 2012, the twelve apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ who had come back were represented as the twelve elders who sat with the King of kings and surrendered their crowns to Him. Prior to this time, King Davids throne was the first time the throne of light (Mount Zion) was established in Israel and his son King Solomon represented the Light of Heaven thats why the Temple was built by his household that retains the sceptre of

authority and judgment to illuminate Israel with the knowledge which his warrior father didnt have. In the days of our Lord Jesus Christ, King Solomon came as Peter and his wealth was entrapped in the spirit but he had the wisdom as in the days of Solomon. This was because the assignment at that time did not require wealth. Up till the manifestation of Leader O. O. Obu and His Son, David and Solomon (Peter) were still retaining Gods sceptre in fulfilment of Gen. 49:8 -14. Because Solomon built the Temple that is the reason why in his generation as Peter Christ told him you are the rock upon which I will build my church. Whoever he is now will also take the responsibility of building Gods temple as is written of him. More so, he will radiate such a knowledge that will be very illuminating and with it he shall reveal his master. This present time, all the apostles are back to assume their thrones with wealth in million fold as promised by our Lord Jesus Christ. As sceptre bearer, Peter in this present time will speak for God with the authority which he inherited from King David and he is doing that till date as was promised him by Christ in Matthew 16:18 And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter and upon this rock (wisdom) I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Noah the custodian of the covenant of the previous 2000 years came back in the next generation as Abraham, to represent God and operate with his authority. The three sons he had in his previous incarnation as Noah came back with him as Ishmael and Isaac his covenant child brought the remaining two being Esau and Jacob. Therefore, Ishmael, Esau and Jacob were the manifestation of the children of Noah. Joshua the warrior who

was good with his sword reincarnated Elijah in another generation and with his sword he beheaded 400 prophets of barl as God own warrior. Two thousand years ago he came back as John the Baptist and at the termination of his assignments, the then prevailing law of Moses caught up with him and he was also beheaded, which explains the reason behind the refusal of our lord Jesus Christ to attend to his release as at when he sent for him through his disciples. In fact he deliberately allowed all his people to die the horribly way they did so that his light in them can be used to brighten other soul on earth who are his people who may highly required that heavenly illumination to prosper spiritually. Secondly, is the fact that their sinful souls as they all were, are being subjected to such nature of death while in his service so that their ancient sins are forgiven, which is one of the reasons they are in the kingdom today by his grace.

King David was on earth before as Sampson who with his bare hands pushed down the great temple of the Palestine. Life is in continuum. God created every soul the period he created Adam and Eve and left each soul with a possession and talent which we have always manifested on earth with, to glorify him. Sampson in another life as little David killed mighty Goliath. Sampson was conquered due to his love and weakness for women and as David, the greatest embarrassment he ever got in the days of his reign was with women. These ancient men and women of God had at different times visited the world to accomplish one assignment or the other on behalf of heaven. You can only know a soul if you are spiritually minded and by his talents and character. Now happens to be that long


expected time and age by which every soul must give account of his or her life before his Creator and His righteous Son.

There are certain declarations Christ made in His days which solely require the knowledge of reincarnation to establish their fulfilment, such as Father I have accomplished the work thou has assigned me to do; therefore glorify thou me with that glory which we both had from the beginning of the world. This explains the glory Adam had with God the Father as the son who named and assigned duties to all creatures created by his father using his light. He happened to be the first king ever to visit the planet earth. Luke 3: 23-24. It was therein established that Adam was the first son of God. In another occasion Christ said before Abraham I was. For a Being as spiritually conscious as our Lord Jesus Christ to say He was before Abraham who existed physically on earth, it therefore means that He has existed as Adam.

He made a promise to His disciples, saying in the regeneration when the son of man shall sit on His Fathers throne of glory ye shall sit on twelve thrones and judge the twelve tribes of Israel. He further promised that all the material things they forsook for his sake in that generation shall be received in this generation of reward, in a million fold. Mathew 19: 21-30. Furthermore, He said there are some of you standing here with me who will not taste of death until you see the kingdom day. It is indeed obvious that all the twelve apostles who worked with him two thousand years ago died one after the other. Does it mean that He lied? No He didnt. It is rather misunderstanding of spiritual knowledge on the side of man that

makes it seem that way. Actually, He was referring to their reincarnation towards the end of that generation which is nineteenth century when the Comforter (His Father the Godhead) would have established the kingdom on earth and then He will incarnate as the first son of His fathers universal family. The twelve of the judges who will also judge with Him from different families across the earth will also incarnate. The spirit of the kingdom will arrest them one after the other and bring them to their kingdom and at the right time enthrone them, through revelation and inspiration of the Holy Spirit. They shall know Him and He too will know them, and it shall come to pass further that indeed no matter the nature or duration of illness they must have been afflicted with by the kingdom of darkness, they will not see death till they see the kingdom revelation day. Thats how such ancient promises made to So uls by God, which are meant for the future can be brought to fruition directly to their benefit.

Having established the existence of reincarnation, you will agree that the conducts of these set of souls working miracles everywhere in Nigeria are incarnations of the Pharisees and Scribes who unknowingly at this time of judgment, has for over fifty years been fighting Almighty God who has come in our midst. They have been deceiving Government and innocent seekers of God with their little magical powers which they acquired from their different cults.


The Deity of Olumba Olumba Obu and His Organization Brotherhood of the Cross and Star Leader Olumba Olumba Obu was born in 1918 in Biakpan, Biase Local Government Area of Cross River State. Seven years before Olumbas birth, there was neither death nor birth in the land of Biakpan. The people vacated their land and sojourned in nearby communities until they were given spiritual revelation by a prophetess who also was from Biakpan, that God want them back in their land because He [God] was to incarnate there. Biakpan comprises of twelve tribes and His birth brought to fulfilment the child, who is to seat on the throne of God here on earth as recorded in Revelation 12:1-17.

He started His work at a very tender age and instructed His earthly parents to call Him teacher. In earnest, He began His teaching at number 8 Eton Street, Calabar from where He led the first set of followers who were arrayed in white apparel (soutane) for the very first time, on a procession to 26 Mbukpa Street, Calabar in 1958 when there was growth in His followership and the need for a bigger place of worship; and later He moved from there to 34, Ambo Street, Calabar which is presently the world headquarters. Meanwhile Ambo means pulpit, stage or podium which is evident that the colonial masters knew why they were in Calabar in the first place because they actually named most of the streets of there. Apparently they must have identified it as Gods court, podium or pulpit of judgement in this our time.


The essence of God returning to the earth, first as a comforter, is to teach the few He gathered out of the world, by practical example about the civilization of his kingdom which our Lord Jesus Christ said is not of this world. Therefore the heavenly traditions and ways of life therein as expected here on earth, require the comforter, God himself in human form to accomplish those teachings required of man to know about the kingdom (St John 14:16, 15:25-27, 16:7-16) thereby preparing them for the emergence of his Son (The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords who paid the supreme prize on Romans cross of Calvary for human race to be saved), who is destined to judge the universe as is written, The Father judgeth no man but committed judgment onto the son. St John 5:22.

Upon his birth, a blind woman from birth in the same community touched him and received her sight. Olumba from the age of five started raising the dead and has been performing many miracles and healings just as Christ did, including influencing women to conceive out of immaculate conceptions and bearing children (virgin wombs) by spoken words. These miracles which He still performs till date are not given media hype like the miracles performed by the fake pastors in Nigeria because of the stigma attached to the name of Olumba. Even when attempts are made to give them media attention, they are always edited out by the senior media officials. Moreover, Leader Olumba do not delight in such media noise because He does them not to attract crowd or attention to Himself but only doing His work as is written of Him.


Olumba Olumba Obu does not travel physically for crusade, meetings, business etc. but He is seen everywhere around the world by those He wishes to reveal Himself to and by those with pure heart (Rev. 3:12). He is Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient. He visits members and non members across the earth depending on the purpose for which the physical appearance is required. He is simple and is not interested in worldly glories. Olumba has never been taught by any man on earth but have taught millions of people of different knowledge and disciplines around the world. Olumba teaches, from His childhood till old age, love and the Ten Commandments as well as the return of Christ, by practical example thereby establishing Himself as the most perfect man that has ever visited planet earth.

Olumba has been seen in the sun, moon and other planets and planes where its naturally impossible for any mortal to be, and testimonies abound from grand masters and spiritual leaders around the world. Many of them from Mecca, India, America, Egypt etc had regularly paid Olumba obeisance here in Nigeria after one form of encounter or the other, even men and women of God around the world especially from America. Many people all over the world who are not BCS members and masters of other consciousness are all of the opinion that Olumba indeed is the Sole Spiritual Head of the Universe.

Olumba does not get angry. In a bid to reveal His inexhaustible patience and endurance of mans character, He challenged the entire world publicly, Nigeria in particular, that whoever succeeds in getting Him

angry should come for a handsome reward. Since the early 60s when this declaration was made, churches, politicians and the entire Nigerian society went haywire in blasphemy against Olumba Olumba Obu and He still calls them His children and this culminated in the celebration of seventy one (71) years of victory over anger on February 14, 2013. The reason is that God is universal. In Him consists darkness and light Isaiah 45 vs. 7. He cannot get angry because He is the one doing everything. God has an integral part which is darkness that is destined to perish the moment the heavenly illumination arises on earth who is in the person of the Son His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu, the first son of Leader Olumba Olumba Obu.

Reports from many people around the world have it that Olumba is the incarnate of God who is to come as the promised comforter to teach man the way of His new kingdom and subsequently glorify His Son by enthroning and proclaiming Him the King of kings and Lord of lords. Information such as this should not be dismissed by whoever is privileged to hear it but rather, it calls for investigation.

The title, King of kings and Lord of lords is a title reserved for God and no man can claim it and live but this Great Being has borne this title as is written of Him in the book of Revelation chapter 19:11-16 saying And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS, dressed in red apparel and followed by multitude arrayed in fine linen, white and clean having a name which no man knows except Himself which also explains His name Olumba

Olumba Obu which the world is confused about because they know not except those He reveals it to. Rev. 2:17. That was the name that John the prophet saw which he could not pronounce because it wasnt in Hebrew language. Anybody who is, or may be of the opinion that Olumba is an impostor for bearing the title king of kings and Lord of lord let such a person address the press and proclaim himself or herself as such and be worshiped as we worship Olumba Olumba Obu. This is a thing am sure nobody can do and if nobody can actually challenge this divine authority of the son of God and God himself, I therefore urge all and sundry to come out of their individual pride and as a matter of necessity be responsible enough to receive most gratefully, what our Creator and Sustainer in his wisdom has established for man as prophesied and written in the holy book which we all trust in, otherwise who ever does not recognise this kingdom and its kingship must have himself or herself to blame in no distance time. Christ cannot tarry forever.

All the events around the world which obviously makes it devoid of peace are clear indications that He is somewhere on earth doing his work because those are the expected events as written to buttress the fact that he is physically at work. Mankind is unconsciously waiting for the day His Father will seize the world and its government which is what is regarded as the so called end of the world. Just as it is written nobody knows that day precisely except the Father who has brought the kingdom and has enthroned the Son.


In order to make the authority of the Son very effective, the Father retired into His holiest of holies where nobody is worthy to go and see or talk to him except the Son who only is worthy as it is written. All the things spoken about Father and Son are things that man must witness here on earth as they happen by the day. It remains obligatory of those who are privileged to witness it happening by his grace, to convey it to other people around the world. Earth remains the only plane of manifest where all spiritual events must manifest physically.

Some words spoken by him that has come to pass are; the disintegration of Soviet Union, the American black president (Obama), the destruction of Berlin Wall, oil and gas and abundant mineral resources all over Africa. That is the reason why on assumption of His throne by His Son (Light of Heaven) in the year 2000, rapid discoveries of oil and gas was witnessed in African countries such as Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Uganda etc. He does not undertake any other form of spiritual exercise except the use of water and natural oil made of honey by Him and ultimately, spoken word to accomplish His work. He sternly warned those who are involved in the burning of incense and candles and other ritual acts that are fetish or diabolical to desist from them. Whenever Olumba speaks based on His divine authority as the Sole Spiritual Head of the universe, all spirits obey. Testimonies abound around the world about marvellous works done by Olumba using spoken word.

Members of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star pray with the name of Olumba Olumba Obu individually and collectively and they are answered

automatically. The prompt response we get whenever we pray in His name reveals the potency in Gods new name in which He has incarnated with in this last advent, in His universal kingship as nominated in the books of Isaiah 62:1-5, Rev. 3:12, 19:11-21. Thus as nominated in Revelation 2:17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it, I therefore urge whoever reads this article to test the potency of the name Olumba Olumba Obu and His ability to respond rapidly whenever the name is mentioned in prayer.

In the year 1961 the government of United State of America sent two grand masters to bring Olumba to their country. The men came to Nigeria and promised Olumba that they were going to reveal Him to the whole world promptly, if only He will follow them back to America since they obviously have all the resources, influence and ability to achieve that. Olumba declined their offer, saying that it is indeed time for Africa (Edom) that is why the heavenly light which they saw attracted them to Africa. He also advised them to tell the American government to join hands with other developed nations to ensure that Africa is rapidly developed because it has become Gods chosen land in this generation. They did not heed His advice but rather instigated evil manipulations which brought about proliferation of churches of American fashion (Pentecostal) which has distracted the people of the New Jerusalem away from Christ in this glorious advent. In a short time from now, all will see

the beginning of their destruction with the world powers who are their spiritual sponsors.

We in BCS has over fifty years of association with Olumba Obu enjoyed spiritual benefits such as good health, peace of mind, protection that is impregnable and impenetrable by opposing negative forces prevailing on planet earth. We believe in water baptism because that is the way of infusing into a mans soul the Holy Spirit which will make him understand Gods mysteries. It also gives maximum protection which no other spirit can possibly give. BCS does not compromise water baptism because it serves as initiation into Gods kingdom and reconciliation between man and God. In order to reveal His power and might, He has declared those that believe in Him indestructible and that is the reason the world, especially Nigeria hate His followers. People can tolerate juju worshipers and occult members but when it has to do with Olumba, they get unnecessarily angry and agitated and throw up unfounded criticism. Just as Christ two thousand years ago suffered in the hands of the Jews, same thing is happening today to Olumba, which further reveals that it is indeed the same spirit in a new body. A rejected man whose conduct will continue to gear towards ensuring that man is saved as against the opinion of Satan whom man by his conduct choose to remain with by rejecting Olumba Obu - Isaiah 53:1-7. Even the politicians and other members of Nigerian society who in one way or the other has benefited from Olumbas spiritual powers cannot come out to proclaim or talk about Him boldly in public.


The white throne revealed to John the divine in Revelation 20:11 thus And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them is the throne of Olumba (which is white) whose occupant is overwhelmingly rejected and stigmatised in Nigeria and the hidden manna spoken of in revelation 2:17 is the hidden knowledge which Olumba has brought to man from above, revealing the new name and the kingdom of God. Revelation chapter 4:1-6 reveals further the look and nature of the throne as established here on earth by describing it as being decorated with Rainbow and sea of glass like an emerald, which is the chandelier lights that reflects many colours like rainbow around His throne, because as at two thousand years ago when the throne was revealed to John, electricity was not in existence. Therefore John used rainbow to describe the reflection of many colours around the throne. The sea of glass which John saw is the wall of glass used to demarcate from the congregation, Leader Olumbas throne and that of His Son which is situated on His right hand as the Prince of heaven.

Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is the New Jerusalem dressed in white as a bride adorned for her husband where God will dwell with man forever (Revelation 21:1-27). It manifested at the early part of nineteen century and has proliferated all over the world in less than seventy years of its physical establishment on planet earth

The spiritual workers who undertake certain spiritual incantations with items which are not in line with the teachings of Leader Olumba Obu are

the children of darkness who infiltrated the kingdom to fulfil the parable of Tares and Wheat Matt. 13:24-30. BCS being the kingdom of God on earth is a converging place for both children of darkness and children of light. Darkness has overwhelmed light and by their conduct, has battered the image of God who is in their midst. The ignorant eyes of the world see their ungodly activities and conclude that such organization is nowhere close to God because they think that BCS practices voodoo, and shall speak all manners of blasphemy against God and His righteous kingdom. It is written that when the son of man shall come on His throne of glory, there shall He send all His angels to remove all that work iniquity in His Fathers kingdom and cast them into everlasting punishment so that the children of the kingdom will shine.

My brothers and sisters, if you know yourself as a true child of God, you have to come quickly and claim your individual positions in the kingdom so that we may shine our Fathers light. The King of kings and Lord of lords has destroyed all those evil doers spiritually, that is why you can see numerous deaths in the kingdom immediately after the Abba Father celebration on the 7th of April 2012 (Gods judgment day) and this will continue till all of them whose conducts do not glorify Him are expunged. They are agents of the prince of darkness who infiltrated our heavenly kingdom which our lord Jesus Christ died for, just to rubbish Him by those evil works which they do.


His coming brought Grace to His Children Since perfection is absolute especially as it relates to the one that must judge the dead and the living, such a person must bring to total practicality all that it takes to perfectly fulfil the commandment of God, not excluding marriage and bearing of children and still remain faultless. That is the only way a man can be declared perfect. Because God is epitome of love and love constitutes of forgiveness and mercy, Olumba in His quest to save man stepped aside and manifested Himself in the capacity of the Son by reducing Himself to the level and nature of man for the spirit to remain in the throne when the spirit has resolved to commence judgement; And as the son of man who understands our predicament as men, He will invoke grace on His Fathers children even though they are sinners, by judging with His own standard instead of that of His Father in which no man will survive. This is what informs the mystery of Father and Son. By inheriting His Fathers throne, King Olumba sanctified Himself and is made perfect having lived like every other human being before His revelation.

Olumba Olumba Obu is that Supreme Spirit which every region talks about, who will come and introduce perpetual peace and unity when there will be much need in the world. But the distraction caused by the noise from the so called world powers has made man not to catch up with the spiritual trend as dispensational studies of events which would have enabled him discover His manifestation and align with His kingdom in order to be saved is ignored even as every prophecies of God concerning His kingdom are enshrined in the holy bible for man to be guided to know

the way and the truth to a reasonable extent since they are fulfilling on daily basis. It is inconsequential whether the entire world is conscious or not of these fulfilments. What matters to God is that a few mortal beings bears witness that there is no word of God which has failed to fulfil because many have made God a liar through their conducts and beliefs by sweeping under the carpet a lot of prophesies recorded in the scriptures.

Because it is necessary to invite the planets and their governors into the universal family of God to constitute the universal throne of judgment where all the stakeholders would manifest in flesh and blood to physically witness the verdict of Ancient of Days, Olumba through spoken word influenced immaculate conception of nine other beings from different planets with seven different spirits. The quagmire witnessed in BCS in the year 2000 was as a result of the rebellion of darkness (planet earth) having perceived the intention of Ancient of days to fulfil His promise to His first begotten son (The Lamb), where as the other planets and their spiritual entities was in agreement to be subject to the Lamb. However, the resistance and disagreement on the side of planet earth and its governors made her guilty of the judgment of the Son of God and God Himself. The King of kings and Lord of lords is the representative of man (Son of man), the Father Leader Olumba Olumba Obu is God Almighty - Father of darkness and light; the Holy Mother Elizabeth Obu - the woman who lived with Olumba and was used to bring to manifestation the seven different spirits including mother Earth, is the representative of the women spirit, in the position of the Holy Spirit due to her reproductive ability. This is the mystery of the Trinity God. They are divine entities

working in agreement with each other. The other seven spirits are the governors of the seven heavens with planet earth making them eight and when added to the trinity, it sums up to eleven personified entities which are members of Gods unified family here on earth, represented by Olumba Obus family.

By raising these nine beings that represents the spiritual entities which were with God before creation in one family under His fatherhood, and with a woman who gave birth to all of them, Olumba as a universal Father (God), having lived with His family like every other person in the world has demonstrated Gods standard of marriage and child bearing. Through this process, God has been involved in the practicalization of everything He has commanded man, and since it is reckoned that true and righteous leader is the one who leads by practical example, therefore, He brought his love for man by enthroning His son which is love and grace for man and of course His express image in the trinity God by incarnation (Hebrew 1:1-8) in order to illuminate the earth. (Daniel 7:13-14). In his wisdom and quest to save man, He who is perfect as proclaimed by His Son two thousand years ago, due to his love for man, refused to judge by his standard where no soul would have been saved (because He alone is qualified to judge having gone through stages of life and yet lived a perfect life) but committed judgment unto His son who while on His throne inherited from His Father, represents His glory and forgiveness, mercy, blessings and peace for man.


In 2008, His Holiness King Olumba Olumba Obu declared that 2007 is the last time that evil men will conduct election to put their stooges in power. He also declared that henceforth all corrupt leaders will be revealed and their loots shall be confiscated. He further stated that children of God will from 2011 take over positions of authority in Nigeria, across Africa and the world. These declarations are already manifesting both in economic growths, improved power supply and the performances recorded so far by some state governors such Godswill Akpabio of Akwa Ibom State, Rotimi Amaechi of Rivers State, Raji Fashola of Lagos State, many Ministers etc. More so, the election that brought President Goodluck Jonathan to power presently was universally accepted and adjudged as the freest and fairest in recent times.

Sometime ago, Professor Charles Soludo made a case for a one united government and currency in Africa in his publication. He was inspired by God to make that publication because it is in line with Gods agenda for Africa. God in His infinite wisdom has positioned His children intellectually and politically with high global recognitions such as Professor Soludo, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Professor Dora Akunyeli, Malam Sanusi Lamido, current Vice-President of Ghana, Sirleaf Ellen Johnson, the president of Malawi, Kenneth Kauda and many other Africa men and women of good will to drive his agenda which is to foster Africa unity and economic well being and that of the entire world whom he chooses to save.


Consequences of Mans disobedience to God The numerous crises across the earth and the insecurity in Nigeria will remain unabated until the kingdom, and the King who is already in our mist, is given due recognition, acceptance and total allegiance by all and sundry. On the 12th of August 2012, the righteous judge His Holiness King Olumba Olumba Obu pronounced judgement on the churches. Consequently, churches founded on evil and falsehood whose leaders are members of secret cults and whose conducts do not glorify God shall be exposed. Their temples, Cathedral and evil works shall be exposed and destroyed in fulfilment of the declaration of our Lord Jesus Christ 2012 years ago in the book of Mathew 24:1-2. Likewise all organizations, institutions, nations and businesses that thrive in evil shall witness quick destruction and extinction subsequently, in line with the declaration by His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu in his judgement. Pilgrimage from Nigeria to Israel will soon begin to witness disaster. That is the only way the world will know and believe that our Lord Jesus Christ is the one seated on the throne of His Father in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, the new kingdom of God on earth, where people of all religion across the earth should visit for pilgrimage as the new Jerusalem and not the old one which is devoid of peace. It is written Oh Jerusalem Jerusalem thou that killeth the prophets, ......... behold your house is left unto you desolate. For I say unto you ye shall not see me hence forth till ye shall say blessed is he that commeth in the name of the Lord. Jerusalem is cursed and cannot yield any spiritual benefit to any individual or nation. As a matter

of fact, Israel does not believe till date, in the first coming of our Lord Jesus Christ let alone believe in the second coming. They dont believe in God of creativity and the priests who conduct rituals in grooves are Israelis and Greeks. God Himself made it so in order to show His power and might. The government and people of Israel are only interested in the economic value by way of revenue derivable from Africa through several pilgrimages because they are members of freemason, illuminati and other cults which are the reason for their strong tie with America.

My brothers and sister, we can confirm to you authoritatively that all the witches and wizards, grand masters of different cults and their members, religious leaders of higher consciousness have all seen Olumba Olumba Obu and His Son universally and as a matter of fact they are permanently in the sky. Since the beginning of 2011 when the strange images appeared in the Swiss sky, many people with evil eyes around the world see it but do not know how to explain it to their neighbours and because they are evil, they chose to live in apprehension. Just as Christ said many men in those days shall live in fears, these set of human beings are so many and overwhelming on earth and they live pretentious lives. They dont and will never love Olumba and His Son because they know how far Olumba and His Son have destroyed their evil kingdom and powers. They have indeed been rendered impotent because, Olumba is the one presiding over their meetings and gatherings in the spiritual world. They have time given to them to come out of their pride and honour Olumba, who is the Supreme Judge and His Son who is on His throne administering the affairs of the universe which they are conscious about and attract their

mercy. We can also confirm to you that the given time is running out. This is that time for all that is written about those who will not honour the messiah to be killed as it is in fulfilment of that which was spoken by God bring all who forbid me to rule over them and slain them . Men and women in this world who knows, through any means (evil or good) that Olumba and His Son and their kingdom represents the supreme authority and dynasty of God on earth and had hidden it in their hearts should begin to confess now or face condemnation.

Leader Olumba and His Son has fulfilled all that is written in the scripture especially all the deep mysteries surrounding the coming of the kingdom and the kingship of the first begotten Son. Consequently the subsequent events based on prophecies of books of revelation which churches and the entirety of the inhabitants of the earth have abandoned are prophetic messages concerning our time. Hence they have rejected the Comforter; the spirit of truth who has the heavenly mandate to unravel this truth, they lack the required influence of the Holy Spirit which would have enabled them to understand the deep mysteries in the books of revelation.

There shall be unprecedented earthquake which will remove some significant parts of the earth and there shall be three days darkness. The dark planet which is presently reported by the media to be migrating inbetween the sun and the earth, in the nearby future shall cover the radiance of the sun for seventy two hours which shall results in three days darkness. All these are explicitly recorded in Revelation chapter 6:12-17,


Rev. 8:12-13, Rev 16:17-21, Isaiah 13:9-13, Isaiah 66:1- 24 and Amos 5:18.

We members and non members of BCS can attest to the fact that Olumba has before now been warning about the disasters ravaging the earth for the past eleven years. So, they are no new stories to us and He assured us of our individual and collective safety. He also warned seriously about the disasters which shall erupt beginning from later part of 2012 and beyond. It is the final battle between His angels and the kingdom of darkness which indeed will usher in His New Heaven and New Earth (revelation of the kingdom to all and sundry). At the end of the three days darkness Olumba and His son will appear in the sky just as they did in Switzerland and all who would be save by His grace shall behold them.

Destruction of world trade centre, several earthquakes around the world, oil spillage in the Gulf of Mexico which has proximity to Bermuda triangle where the battle was made, which of course resulted into the unprecedented spillage, the fukushama power plant in Japan, and a lot of manmade and natural disaster that has since the year 2000 ravaged the earth including global warming which is called warm wood in the book of Revelation chapter 8:10-11 are all consequences of mans disobedience. All these disasters which have occurred and the expected greater ones are the resultant effect of the war of supremacy which the light of heaven Olumba Olumba Obu and His angels are waging against the principalities who govern the earth and their evil powers.


The stagnancy in governance, economy and the changing weather conditions, several crisis around the world at some point in the nearest future shall overwhelm the entire earth because it is a process in which God has chosen to send into extinction evil men and women of this world including those who are members of His kingdom who do evil spiritual works that are not in line with His teachings and witches and wizards who will continue in evil even though they know He is God. God is the universe and the Son is light thats why Hes called the first begotten. Every two thousand years, which is a generation, He manifest to re-enact His covenant and ordinances with man and prince of darkness. First He manifested Himself as Adam who by the manipulation of mother earth was dethroned and darkness took over and enslaved the children of God. It was in the light of this that Cain the first son of Adam killed Abel his brother. After that, He manifested as Noah and Noah had three sons Shem, Ham and Japheth. Then again through the manipulation of mother earth, the first son was cursed for mocking his father while the second was blessed. Thereafter He manifested as Abraham who had two sons Ishmael and Isaac. Isaac further begot Esau and Jacob who also through the manipulation of mother earth made the elder Esau to serve the younger brother Jacob. All these goes further to buttress the fact that from origin darkness had never ceased to fight light.

The events of the preceding eleven years marking the enthronement of the Divine Monarch consequently involved the removal of the seven seals by His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu as recorded in Revelation 5:1-10. This

has launched Him into one Supreme Universal Monarch and the seizure of the world economy, weather and government in the spirit is what is gradually playing out in the physical and this shall be intensified progressively in the years ahead.

To hasten the judgment process after the revelation and coronation of the King of kings and Lord of lords, the following events were celebrated to mark the removal of the seven seals.

The first was the Eternal Dominion of Jehovah God and His Christ on the 10th of April 2004. This established the dominion of light over darkness. It was the enthronement of Light over all principalities and powers. This was followed by Eternal Redeeming Covenant between God and man in 26th March 2005. This event renewed physically the covenant between God and His children (the new Israel) and redeemed them unto Himself. During the celebration, the judgment equipments which includes: the Ark of Salvation, a Scale, a Sword, Holy Bible, a Crown, a Red and Black Garment and a Staff of Authority was displayed to the world. It was also about this time that the 14 nation tsunami took place. On 15 th April 2006, the Universal Talents Revelation was celebrated to reveal talents of the children of God who are to use same to support His will on earth. It was to give back to His children their talents which have been entrapped in the spirit by the manipulation of the dragon and the beast. This was followed by the Seal of the Living God in April 2007 which marked the sealing of the children of God unto salvation and the children of disobedience unto damnation. With this the activities of man was made bare before God and

the identity which is the abbreviation of His new name OOO was sealed on the forehead of His children. The March of the Redeemed followed next in 2008. This was the march across Jordan and it represented the march from cross (tribulation) to star (glory). It was the celebration of the march from 8 Eton Street where Brotherhood of the Cross and Star was physically revealed in 1958, to 26 Mbukpa Street, Calabar by the redeemed children of God.

After the celebration of the removal of the fifth seal in 2008, it was suspended and five other events which were the product of the removal of the five seals were celebrated. After these, the immortality of God was established in the celebration of the sixth seal My Redeemer Liveth in 2011. This revealed the immortal God and His Christ in the cloud as is discernable by those with spiritual eyes and the physical manifestation took place in Switzerland. In a very short while their appearance in the sky shall be beheld by all and sundry in all parts of the world. The last of the seal took place on the 7th of April 2012 which culminated in the ultimate judgment of man and evil and all that does not bring glory to Him. In the judgment He condemned evil and the government of the world and all that work iniquity.

It is the resultant consequences of the war between the Lamb of God and the Beast whose dominion had hitherto prevailed in the world that is manifesting in the disasters being witnessed the world over as His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu has pronounced His judgment upon the dragon and the beast on the 7th of April 2012 who consequently has

directed his wrath upon the world and its inhabitants. As also nominated in the book of revelation chapter 16:1-21, man shall witness unprecedented disasters as is already playing out in oil spillage in the Gulf of Mexico, the attack on the world trade centre, earth quakes, the destruction of nuclear power plants which is causing skin infections in Japan, the tsunamis and so on, because of mans disobedience to God and His tabernacle. This will cause some parts of United Kingdom, United States of America and Asia to be extinct from the earth plane.

Confusion is still raging about the personalities that appeared in the Swiss sky in 2011 and non have been able to provide the answer, but we the followers of Leader Olumba Olumba Obu know that He and His Son His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu are the ones who had appeared as a warning to the world of the imminent judgement which is represented by the black soutane worn by the Godhead Leader Olumba Olumba Obu and red soutane by the risen Christ His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu whose responsibility it is to judge the world as this publication have been able to clarify.

Although China is presently witnessing boom in its economy in contrast to the recession in Europe and America and other G-8 countries, this shall be short-lived because they are just holding brief for Nigeria, Ghana and South Africa and later other parts of Africa who shall rise up as the worlds economic powers as ordained by God Almighty and in furtherance of His divine agenda. The Chinese, some century ago worshiped Almighty God of Father and Son as monarch and God of their

empire who forbade them to do evil. They praised Him as their God and His Son as the Prince of Heaven because they led them through the part of justice and uprightness. In that generation they became the strongest and most formidable empire on earth, until there became a time when a disobedient emperor emerged whose conduct became unacceptable by their God which eventually left the empire destroyed. This is a generation of reward by the same God of Father, Son and Holy Spirit now on earth and because it is written that a man can receive nothing except it comes from above, therefore the favour which China has in this generation for speedy building a very large economy in a very short time came is an inspiration to them because it is the same light which has earlier illuminated them in those days. In order for the economy of the world to remain a bit intact due to the ongoing Armageddon between the Lamb and the beast (G8), God pre-empted this economic uncertainty by swapping the economic strongest base of the world from America and other G8 nations to china by proxy. Because they have failed to realize Him in order to give Him honour and glory but instead giving their allegiance publicly to the dragon (witchcraft), their booming economy shall go down.

Conclusion and Assertions This is the year given from above that all opposers of truth which Olumba represents in this generation, including the evil ones in BCS shall perish on daily basis in their numbers through disastrous means. It was as a result of their conducts that Our Lord Jesus Christ pronounced woe upon them in His days of judgment. He referred to them as hypocrites who do

not merit his kingdom. He knows they have been to many families and individuals around the world engaging in practices which can be judged as occultic, fetish and diabolical and by so doing darkening Olumbas glory which entails teaching and practicing of righteousness unto perfection of mankind.

Leader Olumba Olumba Obu gave power to millions of prophets around the world to heal all manners of sicknesses and afflictions including those declared incurable by medical scientists but warned them not to charge fees for whatever spiritual work rendered in His name and power yet some of this set of people go performing magic and all sorts of evil practices thereby making man think that Olumba is evil. Olumba loves man so much that He does not pronounce evil on man. Everything written in the bible about the second coming of Christ, Olumba has fulfilled all. What is remaining now is the massive death of all evil world leaders, evil doers, fake religious leaders who are members of secret cults and have continued to lie with the name of God, the destruction of their empires and nations, which shall be unleashed on them by the legion of angels hanging in the atmosphere waiting for the time and command from Olumba. Also all those who do not believe in Leader Olumba Olumba Obu and His Christ His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu shall be visited by the legion of angels (to fulfil the scripture which says bring those my enemies who forbid that I rule over them and kill them before me as recorded in Luke 19:27), so that the entire earth for once will experience peace, harmony, unity, collective prosperity and unwavering and indivisible religious ideology that comes directly from God Himself. All

these will happen in fulfilment of the book of Revelation chapter 16:12-21 and Rev. 18:1-24, which is also in consonance with His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu pronouncement during His great judgment of 7 th April 2012 in the presence of over three million people including world leaders, traditional rulers, captains of industries, members and non members of BCS.

Christians should pray harder because there is great manipulation in the spirit by the prince of darkness. This is the time for all to come together and pray fervently in unity and for a common course because the beast is not relenting. It is no time for unnecessary bickering and unfounded criticism. In consonance with His declaration on the 7th of April 2012 in which He amongst other things mandated His children to speak in His authority and it shall come to pass, I hereby make these declarations through His spiritual directives.

All churches built on falsehood, whose founders are members of secret cults and donate blood for power and prosperity and who has excelled through other powers other than the power of Almighty God, and by so doing have deceived many through their signs and wonders shall begin to collapse on the pastors and the children of perdition unless they confess their deeds to their congregations. But the children of God who has diligently sought Him, He has provided a way of escape. Also, any Pastor who

speaks blasphemy against Olumba Olumba Obu on the pulpit shall instantly become insane.

Every business which has thrived through the manipulation and confiscation of the common resources of the children of God by way of their bond in secret societies shall henceforth be brought down to naught.

America and the G-8 countries who have manipulated the world with their mystical powers in Freemason and Illuminati and through their allegiance to the Greek god Olympus from where they have derived their enormous wealth with which they control the world shall be submerged through devastating earthquakes which shall reduce the churches and skyscrapers to rubbles and make them extinct from the face of the earth as stated in the book of Mathew chapter 24:2. The earthquake that happened in Northern Italy last month in which churches and factories were submerged is just a danger signal to the world of what is to come. More so, for trying to challenge God and His authority this great year of the Lord by converging in London to once again pay homage to their god Olympus through the Olympic Games, Europe shall be visited with great disasters.

Witches and wizards who through their powers derived from the dragon, has confined the children of God to perpetual darkness, manipulated their destinies and has prevented them from knowing

their Father, is henceforth rendered powerless and sent into extinction. In the same vein, all of them that have infiltrated churches and the Kingdom of God on earth as recognised in the parable of wheat and tares in Mathew chapter 13: 24-30, whereby they have perpetrated evils and has made people to misconstrue Brotherhood of the Cross and Star as kingdom of darkness and an occult organization, henceforth shall cease to exist.

All those who have through diabolism continued to benefit from different endeavours, be it business, marriage etc shall be visited with instant death except they confess and forsake such life. More so, all those who has continued in idolatry and has been using it to do evil and suppress the children of God shall face the consequence of instant death.

Brotherhood of the Cross and Star has over the years been acknowledged by over thirty million people around the world as the kingdom of God which our collective prayers as directed in our Lords prayer brought to be and has recognised Olumba Olumba Obu as God. Therefore, any person, pastor or organization who shall henceforth speak blasphemy against Brotherhood of the Cross and Star and its leadership as recognised in the book of revelation chapter 13:6 thus: And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven , shall be spiritually electrocuted. Furthermore, and as pronounced by the righteous Judge Himself, I know that the upcoming shake-up

in the world will elicit conspiracy so that they will begin to attack Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, but whoever does that shall be visited with instant death.

Finally, for all His children who has diligently followed Him, whom through the manipulation of the powers of darkness have been relegated and has suffered distorted destinies; today He has restored all unto you and has conquered the world for your sake as you all will witness tremendous prosperity in health and wealth. Also, for all that will confess and forsake their evil ways and recognizes He that is seated on the throne, His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu, His blessings and grace shall overwhelm you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, now and forever more, amen.

Please after reading this article, confess your sins, fast and pray fervently calling on our Lord Jesus Christ to reveal His new name to you. Now is that time when mankind will see God face to face and deal with Him directly without intermediaries.

His Holiness King Olumba Olumba Obu has declared that no soul shall perish no matter the magnitude of their sins (including those who are caged in their occult organizations and are looking for way of escape) as long as they realize themselves and come back to Him. Therefore what is required of man is very simple forsake your evil ways, recognize Him and accept His baptism (the Holy Ghost baptism) and you shall be saved

from the impending doom. A stroke of the can is sufficient unto the wise. He who has an ear let him hear.

Enquiries concerning Brotherhood of the Cross and Star divine dialogue mission should be directed to or call +233-548880281, 234-8164205002, and more information obtained from BCS official website and More so, do not discard this after reading but make copies and share to families and friends and retain a copy for record.



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