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MG 2351 Principles of Management: Two Marks Questions and Answers

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1. What is Management Management is the p !"ess !# gi$ing %i e"ti!n an% "!nt !&&ing the $a i!'s a"ti$ities !# the pe!p&e t! a"hie$e the !()e"ti$es !# an ! ganisati!n* !. De"ine Management. A""! %ing t! +n!!t, - .eih i"h /management is the p !"ess !# %esigning an% maintaining !# an en$i !nment in 0hi"h in%i$i%'a&s 0! +ing t!gethe in g !'ps e##i"ient&1 a""!mp&ishe% se&e"te% aims2* #. W$ite s%me &ha$a&te$isti&s %" Management. 13 Management is a "!ntin'!'s p !"ess* 23 Manage s 'se the es!' "es !# the ! ganisati!n (!th ph1si"a& as 0e&& as h'man t! a"hie$e the g!a&s 43 Management aims a"t a"hie$ing the ! ganisati!n g!a&s (1 ens' ing e##e"ti$e 'se !# es!' "es* '. What a$e the $%(es %" management in %$ganisati%n 13 Managements he&p in %ete minati!n !# the !()e"ti$es !# an ! ganisati!n* 23 5"!n!mi"s an% s!"ia& %e$e&!pment ta+es p&a"e th !'gh management ). W$ite an* t+% ,%ints "a-%.$ "%$ management as a s&ien&e. 13 Management p in"ip&es sh!'&% (e $e i#ia(&e 23 Re&ia(&e (asis #! p e%i"ting #'t' e* /. W$ite an* t+% ,%ints "a-%.$ "%$ management as an a$t. 13 Management is " eati$e* 23 Management in"&'%es the 'se !# p a"ti"a& +n!0&e%ge an% pe s!na& s+i&&* 0. What is Time st.1* The m!$ements 0hi"h ta+es minim'm time is the (est !ne * 2. What is m%ti%n st.1* Ta1&! s'ggeste% that e&iminating 0aste#'& m!$ements an% pe #! ming !n&1 ne"essa 1 m!$ements* 3. W$ite "a*%(4s "%.$teen ,$in&i,(es %" management. 13 Di$isi!n !# 0! +* 23 A'th! it1 an% Resp!nsi(i&it1* 43 Dis"ip&ine 43 Unit1 !# "!mman% 63 Unit1 !# %i e"ti!n 63 In%i$i%'a& inte est t! gene a& inte est* 73 Rem'ne ati!n*

83 Cent a&isati!n 93 :"a&a "hain 103 ; %e 113 5<'a&it1* 123 :ta(i&it1 143 Initiati$e 143 5sp it %e "! ps 15. What is$it* It is the p!0e gi$en t! a pe s!n t! get 0! + # !m his s'(! %inates* 11. What is $es,%nsi6i(it* It is the am!'nt !# 0! + e=pe"te% !# #! ma man (1 his s'pe i! * 1!. C%mment7 Management is 6%th 8 A s&ien&e an1 an a$t. Management is a s"ien"e (e"a'se it "!ntains gene a& p in"ip&es* It is a&s! an a t (e"a'se it e<'i es "e tain pe s!na& s+i&&s t! a"hie$e %esi e% es'&t* 1#. What is &ent$a(i9ati%n The ! ganisati!n is "ent a&i,e% 0hen the p!0e is "!n"ent ate% 0ith !ne pe s!n* 1'. What is 1e&ent$a(i9ati%n I# the p!0e is #'&&1 %ist i('te% t! the s'(! %inates !# the ! ganisati!n* 1). What is s&a(a$ &hain The inst '"ti!n an% ! %e s sh!'&% (e sent # !m the t!p management t! the &!0e management* 1/. What a$e management (e-e(s 1: T!p>&e$e& management* !: Mi%%&e &e$e& management #: L!0e &e$e& management 10. W$ite s%me im,%$tant ".n&ti%ns %" t%, management* 1: T! #! m'&ate g!a&s an% p!&i"ies !# the "!mpan1* !: T! #! m'&ate ('%gets #: T! app!int t!p e=e"'ti$es 12. W$ite an* t+% ".n&ti%ns %" mi11(e (e-e( management. 1: T! t ain? m!ti$ate an% %e$e&!p s'pe $is! 1 &e$e&* !: T! m!nit! an% "!nt !& the !pe ati!ns pe #! man"e* 13. What a$e essentia( s;i((s nee1s "%$ the manage$ 1: Te"hni"a& s+i&&* !: H'man s+i&& #: C!n"ept'a& s+i&&

!5. W$ite the ".n&ti%n %" management. 1: P&anning !: ; ganising #: :ta##ing ': C!! %inating ): C!nt !&&ing !1. What is Unit* %" C%mman1 In ! %e t! a$!i% an1 p!ssi(&e "!n#'si!n an% "!n#&i"t? ea"h mem(e ! gani,ati!n m'st e"ei$e% ! %e s an% inst '"ti!ns !n&1 # !m !ne s'pe i! @(!ss3* !# an

!!. What a$e the -a$i%.s $%(es %" manage$s a3 Inte pe s!na& R!&e Aig' e hea%? Lea%e ? Liais!n (3 In#! mati!na& R!&e M!nit! ? Disseminat! ? :p!+espe s!n "3 De"isi!na& R!&e 5nt ep ene' ? Beg!tiat! ? Res!' "e A&&!"at! ? Dist' (an"e Han%&e !#. What is S&ienti"i& Management !'. W$ite a6%.t S*stem A,,$%a&h t% management. !). State the meaning %" 6ea.$%&$a&*. !/. List the -a$i%.s t*,es %" 6.siness %$gani9ati%ns. !0. De"ine <%int St%&; C%m,an* !2. What a$e &%-%,e$ati-e s%&ieties !3. List the -a$i%.s en-i$%nmenta( "a&t%$s that a""e&t the 6.siness. #5. What a$e the -a$i%.s st$ategies "%$ inte$nati%na( 6.siness.

1. What is ,(anning P&anning is the p !"ess !# se&e"ting the !()e"ti$es an% %ete mining the "!' se !# a"ti!n e<'i e% a"hie$ing these !()e"ti$es* !. State the im,%$tant %6se$-ati%ns s.ggeste1 a6%.t ,(anning. P&anning is !'t&ining a #'t' e "!' se !# a"ti!n in ! %e t! a"hie$e !n !()e"ti$e* P&anning is &!!+ing ahea%* P&anning is getting ea%1 t! %! s!mething t!m! !0* P&an is a t ap &ai% %!0n t! "apt' e the #'t' e* #. List %.t the "eat.$es %" ,(anning. P&anning a p ima 1 #'n"ti!n P&anning > a %1nami" p !"ess P&anning (ase% !n !()e"ti$es an% p!&i"ies P&anning a se&e"ti$e p !"ess P&anning an inte&&e"t'a& p !"ess P&anning is (ase% !n #a"ts '. C(assi"* -a$i%.s ,(ans. PLANS STANDIN= PLANS Missi!n p' p!se ;()e"ti$es :t ategies P!&i"ies P !"e%' es R'&es an% SIN=LE USE PLANS P !g ammes C'%gets :"he%'&es Meth!%s P !)e"ts

). De"ine missi%n Missi!n ma1 (e %e#ine% as a statement 0hi"h %e#ines the !&e that an ! ganisati!n p&a1s in the s!"iet1* /. State the im,%$tant >.esti%ns t% ans+e$ 6* a g%%1 missi%n. 1* .hat is !' ('sinessD 2* .hat sh!'&% it (eD 0. De"ine %6?e&ti-es. The te ms !()e"ti$es ! g!a&s a e !#ten 'se% inte "hangea(&1* ;()e"ti$es a e the en% es'&ts t!0a %s 0hi"h the a"ti$ities !# #i m a e aime% ! %i e"te%* 2. What is meant 6* st$ategies :t ateg1 !# an ! ganisati!n is the p !g ammes !# a"ti!n an% %ep&!1ment !# es!' "es t! attain its !()e"ti$es* 3. De"ine ,%(i&ies. P!&i"ies a e gene a& statement ! 'n%e stan%ings? 0hi"h p !$i%e g'i%an"e in %e"isi!n ma+ing t! $a i!'s manage s* 15. What is ,$%&e1.$e A p !"e%' e is a "h !n!&!gi"a& ! %e !# a"ti!ns e<'i e% t! imp&ement a p!&i"1 an% t! a"hie$e an !()e"ti$es* 11. Name an* t+% im,%$tant ,$%&e1.$es in %$ganisati%n. P !"e%' es #! p&a"ing ! %e s #! mate ia& an% e<'ipment* P !"e%' es #! san"ti!ning %i##e ent t1pes !# emp&!1eeEs &ea$e* 1!. De"ine 6.1gets. A ('%get is a statement !# e=pe"te% es'&ts in n'me i"a& te ms an% the e#! e it ma1 (e e#e e% as a n'me i"a& p !g amme*






1'. What a$e the a1-antages an1 (imitati%ns %" ,(anning A1-antages He&p in a"hie$ing !()e"ti$esF Cette 'ti&isati!n !# es!' "esF 5"!n!m1 in !pe ati!nF Imp !$es "!mpetiti$e st ength Limitati%ns. La"+ !# a""' ate in#! mati!n Time an% "!st In#&e=i(&it1 De&a1 %' ing emetgen"1 pe i!%

1). What is %6?e&ti-e ;()e"ti$es a e the aims? p' p!ses ! g!a&s that an ! gani,ati!n 0ants t! a"hie$e !$e $a 1ing pe i!%s !# time* 1/. State the t+% a,,$%a&hes %" %6?e&ti-es. i* T!p %!0n app !a"h* ii* C!tt!m 'p app !a"h* 10. What is M@O MC; is a p !"ess 0he e(1? the s'pe i! an% the s'(! %inate manage s !# an ente p ise )!int&1 i%enti#1 its "!mm!n g!a&s? %e#ine ea"h in%i$i%'a&Es ma)! a eas !# esp!nsi(i&it1 in te ms !# es'&ts e=pe"te% !# him? an% 'se these meas' es as g'i%es #! !pe ating the 'nit an% assessing the "!nt i('ti!n !# its mem(e s* 12. Menti%n the "eat.$es %" M@O. i* MC; #!"'ses attenti!n !n 0hat m'st (e a""!mp&ishe% an% n!t h!0 t! a""!mp&ish the !()e"ti$es *it is a g!a& ! iente% athe than 0! +>! iente% app !a"h* ii* MC; t ies t! "!m(ine the &!ng ange g!a&s !# ! ganisati!n 0ith sh! t ange !# ! ganisati!n* iii* A high %eg ee !# m!ti$ati!n an% satis#a"ti!n is a$ai&a(&e t! emp&!1ees th !'gh MC;* 13. What a$e the ma?%$ ;in1s %" st$ategies an1 ,%(i&ies i* G !0th* ii* Ainan"e iii* ; ganisati!n i$* Pe s!na& $* P !%'"ts ! se $i"es $i* Ma +et !5. C(assi"* ,%(i&ies. i* A! m'&ate% p!&i"ies ii* App ea&e% p!&i"1 iii* p!&i"ies

Imp!se% p!&i"1 i$*

. itten p!&i"ies $*


!1. What is ,(anning ,$emises The ass'mpti!ns a(!'t #'t' e %e i$e% # !m #! e"asting an% 'se% in p&anning a e +n!0n as p&anning p emises*

!!. State the &(assi"i&ati%n %" ,(anning ,$emises. i* Inte na& an% 5=te na&* ii* Tangi(&e an% intangi(&e iii* C!nt !&&a(&e an% 'n"!nt !&&a(&e !#. De"ine 1e&isi%n-ma;ing ,$%&ess. De"isi!n ma+ing is %e#ine% as the p !"ess !# "h!!sing a "!' se !# a"ti!n # !m am!ng a&te nati$es t! a"hie$e a %esi e% g!a&* It is !ne !# the #'n"ti!ns !# management an% a&s! a "! e p !"ess !# p&anning* !'. What a$e the te&hni>.es .se".( +hi(e e-a(.ating a(te$nati-es i* G'antitati$e an% G'a&itati$e ana&1sis ii* Ma gina& ana&1sis iii* C!st e##e"ti$eness ana&1sis !). C(assi"* 1e&isi%ns. i* P !g amme% an% n!n>p !g amme% %e"isi!ns ii* pe s!na& %e"isi!ns ; gani,ati!na& an%


1. De"ine %$gani9ing. ; ganising is the p !"ess !# i%enti#1ing an% g !'ping !# a"ti$ities e<'i e% t! attain the !()e"ti$es? %e&egating a'th! it1? " eating esp!nsi(i&it1 an% esta(&ishing e&ati!nships #! the pe!p&e t! 0! + e##e"ti$e&1* !. Menti%n an* "%.$ &ha$a&te$isti&s %" an %$gani9ati%n. C!mm!n !()e"ti$es :pe"ia&isati!n ! Di$isi!n !# &a(!' A'th! it1 !# st '"t' e G !'p !# pe s!ns #. State the a1-antages %" %$gani9ati%n. Aa"i&itate a%minist ati!n In" eases the e##i"ien"1 !# management Aa"i&itates g !0th an% %i$e si#i"ati!n 5ns' es !ptim'm 'se !# man an% mate ia& es!' "es '. List %.t the ste,s in-%(-e1 in %$gani9ati%n ,$%&ess. Dete minati!n !# a"ti$ities G !'ping !# a"ti$ities Assignment !# D'ties De&egati!n !# a'th! it1 ). Menti%n the th$ee &ateg%$ies %" s,an %" management. Di e"t sing&e e&ati!nship Di e"t g !'p e&ati!nships C !ss e&ati!n /. What a$e the t*,es %" 1e,a$tmentati%n Depa tmentati!n (1 n'm(e s Depa tmentati!n (1 time Depa tmentati!n (1 5nte p ise #'n"ti!n Depa tmentati!n (1 Te it! 1 ! Ge!g aph1 Depa tmentati!n (1 "'st!me s Depa tmentati!n (1 5<'ipment ! p !"ess Depa tmentati!n (1 P !%'"t ! se $i"e

0. =i-e a n%te 1e,a$tmentati%n 6* &.st%me$s. This t1pe !# %epa tmentati!n is p e#e e% 0hen the nee%s !# "'st!me s a e %i##e ent in nat' e* :!me (ig ! ganisati!n is p !$i%ing spe"ia& se $i"es t! %i##e ent !# "'st!me * 2. De"ine$it*. A'th! it1 is the ight t! gi$e ! %e s an% the p!0e t! e=a"t !(e%ien"e* 3. List %.t the s%.$&es %"$it*. A! ma& a'th! it1 the! 1 A""eptan"e a'th! it1 the! 1 C!mpeten"e the! 1 15. What is (ine$it* Line a'th! it1 is the %i e"t a'th! it1 0hi"h a s'pe i! e=e "ises !$e a n'm(e !# s'(! %inates t! "a 1 !'t ! %e s an% inst '"ti!ns* In ! ganisati!n p !"ess? a'th! it1 is %e&egate% t! the in%i$i%'a&s t! pe #! m the a"ti$ities* 11. What is sta""$it* The e&ati!nship (et0een a sta## manage an% the &ine manage 0ith 0h!m he 0! +s %epen%s in pa t !n the sta## %'ties* 1!. List the ste,s in-%(-e1 in ,$%&ess %" 1e(egati%n. Dete minati!n !# es'&t e=pe"te% Assignment !# %'ties De&egati!n !# a'th! it1 C eati!n !# !(&igati!n ! a""!'nta(i&it1 1#. What a$e the ste,s t% 6e "%((%+e1 in ma;ing sta"" +%$;s e""e&ti-e Un%e stan%ing a'th! it1 e&ati!nship Ma+ing &ine &isten t! sta## Keeping sta## in#! me% Re<'i ing "!mp&ete% sta## 0! + Ma+ing sta## 0! + a 0a1 !# ! ganisati!na& &i#e 1'. State the ;in1s %" %$gani9ati%na( &ha$ts. Ve ti"a& "ha t H! i,!nta& "ha t ! &e#t t! ight "ha t Ci "'&a "ha t ! "!n"ent i" "ha t 1). De"ine sta""ing. :ta##ing is the pa t !# the management p !"ess 0hi"h is "!n"e ne% 0ith the p !"' ement 'ti&i,ati!n? maintenan"e an% %e$e&!pment !# a &a ge satis#ie% 0! + #! "e !n the ! ganisati!n*

1/. W$ite an* t+% $%(es %" sta""ing. 5##e"ti$e 'ti&i,ati!n !# s+i&&s an% p!tentia& !# the 0! + #! "e De$e&!pment an% maintenan"e !# <'a&it1 !# 0! + &i#e

10. What is ?%6 ana(*sis H!( ana&1sis is a %etai&e% st'%1 !# a )!( t! i%enti#1 the s+i&&s? e=pe ien"e an% aptit'%e e<'i e% #! the )!(* 12. What is ?%6 1esign The )!( %esign is 's'a&&1 ( !a% en!'gh t! a""!mm!%ate pe!p&eEs nee% an% %esi es* 13. What is ?%6 $%tati%n H!( !tati!n e#e s in the m!$ement !# an emp&!1ee # !m the )!( t! an!the * !5. De"ine $e&$.itment. C*A&ipp! %e#ine% e" 'itment as /the p !"ess !# sea "hing #! p !spe"ti$e emp&!1ees an% sim'&ating t! app&1 #! )!(s in the ! ganisati!n* !1. What is se(e&ti%n :e&e"ti!n is the p !"ess !# #in%ing !'t the m!st s'ita(&e "an%i%ate t! the )!( !'t !# the "an%i%ates att a"te%* !!. W$ite 1%+n the tests .se1 in se(e&ti%n ,$%&ess. Aptit'%e test Inte&&igen"e test Ps1"h!m!t! test Pe s!na&it1 test !#. What is %$ientati%n ; ientati!n e#e s t! the a"ti$ities in$!&$e% in int !%'"ing the ne0 emp&!1ees t! the ! ganisati!n an% its p!&i"ies? p !"e%' es? '&es? an% eg'&ati!ns* !'. What is ,e$"%$man&e a,,$aisa( Pe #! man"e app aisa& e$a&'ates the pe #! man"e !# 0! +e a&s! his p!tentia& #! %e$e&!pment* !). What a$e $%(es %" manage$ Inte >pe s!na& !&e In#! mati!n !&e De"isi!na& !&e

1. De"ine m.(ti,(i&it* %" $%(es. In%i$i%'a&s n!t !n&1 the p !%'"ti$e #a"t! in managementEs p&ans* The1 a e mem(e s !# s!"ia& s1stem !# man1 ! gani,ati!ns* !. Menti%n the im,%$tan&e %" m%ti-ati%n. P !pe 'ti&i,ati!n !# h'man es!' "es p!ssi(&e sin"e it inspi es emp&!1ees t! ma+e (est p!ssi(&e 'se !# %i##e ent #a"t! s !# p !%'"ti!n* P !pe m!ti$ati!n imp !$es the e##i"ien"1 !# !pe ati!n* M!ti$ati!n " eates a 0i&&ingness !n the pa t !# 0! +e s t! %! the 0! + in a (ette 0a1* #. Name the ste,s in-%(-e1 in m%ti-ati%n ,$%&ess. Ana&1sis !# sit'ati!n P epa ing? se&e"ting an% app&1ing a set !# app !p iate m!ti$ating t!!&s* A!&&!0 'p* '. What a$e the t*,es %" m%ti-ati%n P!siti$e m!ti$ati!n Begati$e m!ti$ati!n 5=t insi" m!ti$ati!n Int insi" m!ti$ati!n ). List %.t the 6asi& nee1s in a hie$a$&h*. Ph1si!&!gi"a& nee%s :a#et1 nee%s :!"ia& nee%s 5steem nee%s :e&#>a"t'a&isati!n nee%s /. What is ?%6 en$i&hment H!( en i"hment is the e#! e (ase% !n the ass'mpti!n that in ! %e t! m!ti$ate pe s!nne&? the )!( itse&# m'st p !$i%e !pp! t'nities #! a"hie$ement? e"!gniti!n? esp!nsi(i&it1? a%$an"ement an% g !0th* 0. Wh% is (ea1e$ Lea%e is !ne 0h! ma+es his s'(! %inates t! %! 0i&&ing&1 0hat he 0ants* 2. De"ine (ea1e$shi,. Lea%e ship is the p !"ess !# in#&'en"ing the (eha$i!' !# !the s t!0a %s the a""!mp&ishment !# g!a&s in a gi$en sit'ati!n*

3. What is & C!mm'ni"ati!n is passing !# in#! mati!n # !m !ne pe s!n t! an!the pe s!n* 15. State the nee1 "%$ & T! esta(&ish an% sp ea% g!a&s !# an ente p ise 0i%e&1* T! %e$e&!p p&ans #! #' the a"hie$ement* T! ! gani,e h'man an% !the es!' "es in the m!st e##e"ti$e an% e##i"ient 0a1* T! se&e"t? %e$e&!p an% app ise mem(e s !# the ! ganisati!n* 11. List the 1i""e$ent t*,es %" & "(%+. D!0n0a % "!mm'ni"ati!n Up0a % "!mm'ni"ati!n H! i,!nta& ! &ate a& "!mm'ni"ati!n 1!. N%te 1%+n the -a$i%.s & net+%$;s. :imp&e "hain .hee& Ci "'&a A ee #&!0 In$e te% V 1#. State the a1-antages %" 1em%&$ati& (ea1e$shi,. The s'(! %inates a e m!ti$ate% (1 pa ti"ipati!n in %e"isi!n>ma+ing p !"ess* This 0i&& in" ease )!( satis#a"ti!n* A(sen"e !# &ea%e %!es n!t a##e"t !'tp't* La(!' a(senteeism an% t' n>!$e 0i&& (e minim'm* The <'a&it1 !# %e"isi!n is imp !$e%* 1'. What a$e the 6a$$ie$s in-%(-e1 in e""e&ti-e & Ph1si"a& (a ie s :!"i!>ps1"h!&!gi"a& ! pe s!na& (a ie s* ; ganisati!na& (a ie s* :emanti" (a ie s* Me"hani"a& (a ie s* 1). List %.t the e""e&ti-e me1ia in & A &a ge (an+ s'pp&ies ha %0a e an% s!#t0a e t! its "'st!me s* :e$e a& (an+s n!0 ma+e (an+>(1>ph!ne se $i"es a$ai&a(&e e$en t! in%i$i%'a&s* 5>mai& se $i"e ma+ing eas1 %e&i$e 1 !# %!"'ments* 1/. What a$e the im,%$tant ass.m,ti%ns ma1e in B the%$* The a$e age h'man %is&i+es t! 0! +* He 0i&& a$!i% 0! + i# it is p!ssi(&e* The e#! e pe!p&e m'st (e "!nt !&&e%? %i e"te% an% th eatene% 0ith p'nishment

t! ma+e them 0! +* 10. Menti%n the -a$i%.s "a&t%$s in-%(-e1 in .sing m%ti-ati%na( te&hni>.es. M!ne1 Pa ti"ipati!n G'a&it1 !# 0! +ing &i#e 12. Menti%n the im,%$tant %" (ea1e$shi,. M!ti$ating emp&!1ees Lea%e %e$e&!ps team 0! + C'i&%ing m! a&e Maintaining %is"ip&ine 13. Name the -a$i%.s (ea1e$shi, st*(es. A't!" ati" ! %i"tat! ia& &ea%e ship* Pa ti"ipati$e ! %em!" ati" &ea%e ship* Laisse,>#ai e ! # ee ein &ea%e ship* !5. What is Laisse9-"ai$e C!mp&ete # ee%!m is gi$en t! the s'(! %inates s! that the1 p&an? m!ti$ate? "!nt !&? an% !the 0ise (e esp!nsi(&e #! thei !0n a"ti!ns*

1. De"ine &%nt$%(. A""! %ing t! K!!nt, /C!nt !&&ing t! the meas' ement an% "! e"ti!n !# pe #! man"e in ! %e t! ma+e s' e that ente p ise !()e"ti$es an% the p&ans %e$ise% t! attain them a e a""!mp&ishe%2* !. What a$e the &ha$a&te$isti&s %" C!nt !& p !"ess is 'ni$e sa& &%nt$%( C!nt !& is "!ntin'!'s p !"ess C!nt !& is a"ti!n (ase% C!nt !& is #! 0a % &!!+ing* #. What a$e the 1isa1-antages %" &%nt$%( C!nt !& is e=pensi$e an% time>"!ns'ming p !"ess* H'man (eha$i!' an% emp&!1ee m! a&e a&s! "ann!t (e meas' e%* '. =i-e s%me &$iti&a( ,%int stan1a$1s %" &%nt$%( C!st stan%a %s Re$en'e stan%a %s G!a&s stan%a %s P !g am stan%a %s* ). What a$e the t*,es %" &%nt$%( Aee%(a"+ "!nt !& C!n"' ent "!nt !& Aee% #! 0a % "!nt !& /. What is "ee16a&; &%nt$%( Aee%(a"+ "!nt !& is the p !"ess !# a%)'sting #'t' e a"ti!n !n (asis !# in#! mati!n a(!'t past pe #! man"e* 0. What a$e the $e>.i$ements "%$ e""e&ti-e &%nt$%( The "!nt !& sh!'&% (e e"!n!mi"a& It m'st (e simp&e It sh!'&% (e #&e=i(&e It sh!'&% (e "&ea !()e"ti$es 2. What a$e the m%1e$n te&hni>.es %" &%nt$%( Management a'%it Ret' n !n in$estment P5RT an% CPM

3. De"ine 6.1geta$* &%nt$%( A""! %ing t! H*Catt1 /a s1stem 0hi"h 'ses ('%gets as a means !# p&anning an% "!nt !&&ing a&& aspe"ts !# p !%'"ing an% ! se&&ing "!mm!%ities an% se $i"es2* 15. De"ine 6.1get A""! %ing t! H* A e% Mest!n /a ('%get is the e=p essi!n !# a #i ms p&an is #inan"ia& #! m #! a pe i!% !# time in t! the #'t' e2* 11. What a$e the (imitati%ns %" @.1geting Ina""' a"1 5=pen%it' e Dist! ti!n !# g!a&s 1!. What is Ce$% @ase @.1gets Initia&&1 the ('%get is %esigne% # !m a Ie ! (ase the main e&ement is ICC is #'t' e !()e"ti$e ! ientati!n* 1#. What a$e the ste,s in-%(-es in C@@ De"isi!n pa"+age Ran+ing A&&!"ati!n !# es!' "es 1'. What is Inte$na( A.1it Inte na& a'%it is %!ne (1 an inte na& a'%it! 0h! is an emp&!1ee !# the ! ganisati!n* He e=amines the !()e"ti$es? p!&i"ies? p&ans? p !"e%' es an% pe #! man"e !# the management* 1). De"ine MIS A s1stem !# !(taining a(st a"ting? st! ing an% ana&1sing %ata t! p !%'"ti!ns in#! mati!n #! 'se in p&anning? "!nt !&&ing an% %e"isi!n ma+ing (1 manage s at the time the1 "an m!st e##e"ti$e&1 'se it2 1/. What a$e MIS Res%.$&es T! p !$i%e the in#! mati!n 'p t! %ate T! ta+e e##e"ti$e %e"isi!n ma+ing T! p !$i%e the ight in#! mati!n a$ai&a(&e in the ight #! m at the ight time 10. De"ine P$%1.&ti-it* P !%'"ti$it1 is a meas' e !# h!0 m'"h inp't is e<'i e% t! p !%'"e a gi$en !'tp't the ati! is "a&&e% p !%'"ti$it1* 12. What a$e the "a&t%$s a""e&ting ,$%1.&ti-it* Te"hn!&!g1 H'man es!' "es G!$e nment p!&i"1 Ma"hine 1 an% e<'ipment :+i&& !# the 0! +e

13. What is OR ;R is an app&ie% %e"isi!n the! 1? 0hi"h 'ses s"ienti#i"? mathemati"a& an% &!gi"a& means t! ta+e %e"isi!ns* !5. De"ine M.(tinati%na( C%$,%$ati%ns. An ente p ise 0hi"h !0n ! "!nt !& p !%'"ti!n ! se $i"e #a"i&ities !'tsi%e the "!'nt 1 in 0hi"h the1 a e (ase%* !1. W$ite s%me a1-antages %" MNC. MBC "an p !m!te <'a&it1 p !%'"t at &!0e "!st* MBC &ea%s t! in" ease in p !%'"ti!n agg egate emp&!1ment? e=p! ts an% imp! ts !# the e<'i e% inp'ts* MBC is pa1ing ta=es thei !pe ati!ns in" ease g!$e nment e$en'es* !!. What a$e g(%6a( the%$* %" management :it'ati!na& an% "!ntingen"1 app !a"h* M!ti$ati!n an% &ea%e ship the! 1* ; ganisati!na& (eha$i!' * !#. W$ite s%me &ha$a&te$isti&s %" <a,anese management. Hapanese management p e#e t! h'man es!' "es than it #inan"ia& es!' "es* Hapanese management #a$!' s )!( se"' it1* Hapanese a e m! e #a$!' t! "!!pe ati!n an% team0! +* Hapanese management en"!' age the &!0e &e$e& emp&!1eesE pa ti"ipati!n. !'. W$ite s%me (imitati%ns %" <a,anese management. De"isi!n ma+ing p !"ess is time>"!ns'ming p !"ess* P !m!ti!n p!&i"1 is n!t en"!' age !'tstan%ing 1!'nge emp&!1ee* !). W$ite s%me &ha$a&te$isti&s %" =e$man management. Ge man management is a't!" ati"* La(!' s'ggesti!ns a&s! a""epte%* Manage ia& %e"isi!ns a e ta+en (1 the e=e"'ti$e "!mmittee "!ns'&tati!n 0ith &a(!' %i e"ti!n*

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