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Wedding Music - Byzantine

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Orthodox Wedding Music

St. Anthony's Greek Orthodox Monastery

Byzantine Notation Version
March 2007

This book is available online for free

in both Byzantine and Western notation.

Recordings of this music chanted by the monks

of our monastery are also available online at:

St. Anthony’s Greek Orthodox Monastery

4784 N. St. Joseph’s Way
Florence, AZ 85232 USA
Tel. (520) 868-3188
Fax (520) 868-3088

Text © 2007 Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA

© 2007 St. Anthony’s Greek Orthodox Monastery

Permission to copy is granted for liturgical use.
Awed by the Beauty, brief version ........................................................................................ 1
Awed by the Beauty, long version ......................................................................................... 3
It is Truly Right, second mode ............................................................................................... 5
Lord Have Mercy ....................................................................................................................... 7
Apolytikion of Sts. Constantine and Helen ............................................................................... 16
Kontakion of Sts. Constantine and Helen .................................................................................. 17
Glory to Thee ............................................................................................................................. 19
O Lord our God ......................................................................................................................... 20
Prokeimenon .............................................................................................................................. 21
Alleluia ....................................................................................................................................... 22
Glory to Thee, O Lord ............................................................................................................... 23
Communion Hymn .................................................................................................................... 25
Dance, O Isaiah .......................................................................................................................... 30
O Holy Martyrs .......................................................................................................................... 31
Glory to Thee, O Christ God ..................................................................................................... 32
Dogmatic Theotokion, first mode .......................................................................................... 33
Dogmatic Theotokion, plagal first mode ............................................................................... 35
Awed by the Beauty*
Third Mode


adapted from traditional melody Duration: 1:00

Intonation: #8

Th;n wJraiovthta

  ƒƒby 
ƒwed   ƒƒthe ƒbeau  - 
- ƒƒƒty______  ƒƒvir
ƒof thy - - 
 -ƒƒƒgin ƒi -    
ƒƒty and

thē    
ƒex - ƒƒceed-ing ra - 
- ƒdiance 
of ƒthy
 - - 
pu  ƒƒƒri - 
ty,  
ƒƒGa - ƒƒ- 
bri - 

* Instead of playing Wagner's "Bridal Chorus" ("Here Comes the Bride") as a processional, it is more appro-
priate at an Orthodox wedding to chant an Orthodox hymn. According to some local traditions "It is truly
right" is chanted in second mode (see page 5) as a processional. Another troparion that is chanted in some
places as a processional is "Awed by the beauty." On this page is the heirmological (brief) version, and on
page 3 is the sticheraric (long) version.
2 Wedding - Awed by the Beauty

 
thee, 
ƒO 
The - 
ƒo - 
to -- ƒkos:
ƒƒcalled ƒƒout ƒƒun - - ƒto   ƒƒƒWhat__Ì
   ƒƒwor -   
ƒthy ƒhymn of

 ƒƒcan
praise___  of -  
I  ƒƒ- 
 ƒ- 
ƒfer ƒun -   ƒthee?   
to    
ƒAnd ƒƒƒƒwhat__Ì ƒshall  
I ƒƒname_

ƒ_____   
 ƒƒthee? ƒƒI  
ƒƒam 
ƒƒin   ƒƒƒand____ÌÌÌÌstand
ƒdoubt________    in     
awe. ƒWhere-fore, as

  -- ƒed,
comƒƒ-ƒmand  ƒI 
cry 
ƒƒto  
thee:_ÌÌÌÌ  
Re -ƒƒƒƒjoice, ƒO  
ƒƒƒƒFull___Ì  

  
  
Awed by the Beauty
Sticheraric (Long) Version

Third Mode
Duration: 2:15

adapted from traditional melody Intonation: #8

Th;n wJraiovthta

   
ƒƒƒwed_____ ƒby  
the___ÌÌ beau -
- - -    
ty_________________Ì ƒof_Ì

 
ƒƒ______Ì  
thy__ÌÌÌ ƒƒvir 
- - 
ƒgin - 
- 
- - 
- -  - ƒƒi -  
-      
ƒƒty____________ ƒand

ƒƒthē  
 ex - - -ƒƒceed
- - 
- - 
- 
-    
ƒƒing______Ì - 
ƒra - -   - 
- 
di -

       ƒpu - 
ƒƒƒƒance________ of____
thy_ÌÌÌ - -  ƒƒri -  
- - -  -    
4 Wedding - Awed by the Beauty - Long Version

 
ƒGa -
 el called___________________
- ƒbri -        ƒƒƒƒout  
un -   
ƒƒƒƒto___  

 
O____Ì ƒƒThe - 
- - 
- ƒƒƒo - 
- - 
to  - -
- -  -  -  
ƒƒkos:___ÌÌ 

   
ƒƒ___________Ì ƒƒwor -    ƒƒhymn_________________ÌÌ
ƒthy______Ì         
of______ÌÌ  

  ƒƒƒcan__Ì
ƒƒ_______     I 
ƒƒof - 
- 
- -   
ƒƒƒƒfer__Ì -  -
ƒun -   - 
- - - -

    

ƒƒthee?__________Ì    
ƒAnd___̃ƒƒƒwhat   
shall_____Ì       
ƒƒI_________̃ƒƒname________ ƒƒthee?_

I  
  ƒam           
ƒƒ__       
in____________ƒƒdoubt_ and___Ì ƒƒƒƒstand___ ƒƒƒƒin____Ì awe.___Ì

   
 as  com mand  
 -  - ed,      
ƒƒI_____________   
cry___________Ì  thee:__Ì
to___ÌÌ   

      
Re - ƒƒjoice,______________________ÌÌ   
ƒO____Ì       
ƒFull___________________________ ƒof_Ì

        

ƒ_______̃ƒGrace.____________________________  
It is Truly Right
Second Mode
adapted from the ancient melody
according to the oral tradition of the Holy Mountain

   

i t  
 ƒis 
ƒtru -   
- ƒly____̃ƒright ƒto    
ƒƒcall_______Ì   
ƒthee_______ 

__ 
O 
ƒƒThe - 
- -  - 
o - - 
to - - - 
ƒkos, 
thē 
ƒev -  -- 
- er 
bless -

- -
-   
ed,  ƒthou___  
ƒwho___     
ƒƒart_________Ìmost____    and__Ì
ƒpure______Ì   
all 

ƒim - 
ƒƒmac - -  -
u- 
- 
-        
- late___________ÌÌ   
ƒand______  ƒƒMoth
ƒƒthe______Ì   
- -

- 
- 
- 
ƒƒer  
ƒof       
our____________________         
ƒGod.___________More_____Ì hon -

ƒƒour 
- 
- - 
ƒƒa -   than
ble___________  
ƒthe 
ƒChe - - - 
ru - 
- -     
- bim,__ÌÌ
Wedding - It is Truly Right 6

____Ì    
and___________Ì ƒbe -  -    
yond________ÌÌ    ƒmore_____Ì
ƒƒcomƒƒ-ƒƒpare__________ÌÌ   

ƒglo - 
ri -   
ous_____ÌÌ ƒthan  
the 
Se - - 
- ra - 
- - 
-  
phim,  
ƒwho 
with -

 -  -
ƒƒout___ƒƒcor - 
ƒƒrup - -   
 didst
- ƒƒtion___Ì give  ƒto  
ƒbirth 
  

        
the________________̃ƒWord, the  
ƒƒver - -
-    
- ƒy_________Ì - 
The -  -

 ƒto - 
ƒƒo -
 kos, 
-   
ƒƒthee ƒƒdo we 
mag - -  -
ni - 
- -      
- fy.____________

Lord Have Mercy

Plagal Fourth Mode
adapted from Constantine Pringos (1892-1964)
the Protopsaltis of the Patriarchate of Constantinople (1939-1960)


 

   
ƒƒord,___  
have__ mer - 
- - 
ƒcy.  

ƒLord,  
2   
ƒhave__ÌÌ ƒmer -- 
cy. 

ƒLord, 
3    
have_____ mer -
- 
ƒcy.  

4    
ƒLord,___  
ƒƒhave_Ì mer - - 
ƒcy. 

5    
ƒLord,___  
have_Ì ƒmer -- 
ƒcy. 
8 Wedding - Lord Have Mercy

 Plagal Fourth Mode

adapted from John Pallasis (d. 1942)

 

L      
ord,______Ì̃have_ ƒmer - 
-     
- -ƒƒcy.

2    ƒƒhave___Ì
Lord,____ÌÌ    ƒƒƒmer - 
- - 
cy. 

3  
Lord,____Ì 
ƒhave___ mer -
- - 
ƒcy.   

4     
Lord,_̃ƒhave__ ƒmer -  - ƒƒcy. 
- 

5     
Lord,_̃have__Ì mer - 
-    
- ƒcy.

6     
Lord,__ƒhave__Ì - -  
mer -   cy.  

7     
Lord,_̃have__Ì ƒmer - 
- - 
- - cy. 
Wedding - Lord Have Mercy 9

 Plagal Fourth Mode

adapted from Iakovos Nafpliotis (1864-1942)
the Protopsaltis of the Patriarchate of Constantinople (1911-1939)

  

L     
ƒƒord,_______Ì̃have__Ì mer
- 
- -
cy.  

2 
ƒƒLord,  
ƒƒhave___ mer 
- 
- ƒcy.  

3    
Lord,ƒƒhaveÌÌ mer -  -- 
ƒƒcy.   

4 
ƒLord,     
have_________ÌÌ ƒmer - 
-  
-ƒƒcy. 

5    
Lord,__Ì  
ƒhave__ ƒƒmer
- 
- -
cy.  

6     
Lord,_̃have__Ì mer
- 
- -
ƒcy. 

7    O Lord.
ƒƒTo Thee,   

ƒA - 
8  ƒmen. 
10 Wedding - Lord Have Mercy

 Plagal Fourth Mode

adapted from Thrasyvoulos Stanitsas (1910-1987)
the Protopsaltis of the Patriarchate of Constantinople (1960-1964)

   

L    
ƒord,__ÌÌ  
have_ÌÌ ƒmer -
- 
ƒƒcy.  

2    
Lord,__Ì  
have_ÌÌ mer - - 
cy. 

3    
Lord,__ÌÌ  
ƒƒhave_Ì ƒmer -- 
ƒcy.  

4  
Lord,ƒƒhave_ mer
- - 
ƒcy. 

5      
Lord,ƒƒhave_ƒƒmer - -
ƒƒcy.  

ƒmer - 
6  
Lord,__ÌÌ  
ƒhave___ - -  
- - 
ƒcy.  

7     ƒThee,
ƒƒTo______Ì_____Ì     
O Lord.

ƒƒA -  
8  ƒƒ- ƒƒ-   
ƒƒ- ƒƒ-ƒmen.
Wedding - Lord Have Mercy 11

 Plagal Fourth Mode

adapted from Hieromonk Hierotheos
of Philotheou Monastery

 

L ord,  
  
have_Ì mer -- 
- ƒcy.  

2      
Lord,_____Ì̃ƒhave_ ƒmer -- 
- ƒcy. 

3      
Lord,______ƒƒhave_ ƒmer 
- 
- cy.  

4      
Lord,__ƒƒƒƒhave___Ì ƒmer -  
- ƒcy. 

5     
Lord,____̃have__Ì ƒƒmer 
- 
- ƒƒcy.  

6 
Most 
ho - 
ƒly 
ƒThe -
ƒƒo - 
ƒƒto -
ƒkos,   
ƒsave____ÌÌ us. 

7   
ƒƒƒTo______Ì ƒThee,    
ƒƒO Lord.

8 ƒA  -
ƒmen. 
12 Wedding - Lord Have Mercy

 Plagal Fourth Mode

adapted from Michael Hatziathanasiou (d. 1948)

 

L    
ord,__ÌÌ  
ƒhave___Ì mer --
cy.  

cy.  
2  
Lord,__  
ƒƒhave___ mer - - 

3  
Lord,__  
ƒƒhave___ mer - - 
cy.  

4   
Lord,__  
ƒƒhave___ mer - - 
cy.  

cy. 
5   
Lord,__  
ƒƒhave___ mer - - 

6  
Lord,__  
ƒƒhave___ mer - - 
cy.  

7  
Lord,__  
ƒƒhave___ mer - - 
cy. 

8  
Lord,__  
ƒƒhave___ mer - - 
cy.  
Wedding - Lord Have Mercy 13

9      
Lord,__̃ƒhave_Ì mer -- 

ƒƒcy.  
10    
Lord,__ÌÌ  
ƒƒhave_Ì mer -- 

11     mer
Lord,ƒƒhave_Ì  
- - 
- cy. 

To  
12  Thee,    
O ƒƒLord.
14 Wedding - Lord Have Mercy

Plagal Fourth Mode 

adapted from Kyriazis Nicoleris

 

L  
ƒord,ƒƒhave_ mer- 
- cy. 

ƒƒLord, 
2   
have__ÌÌ mer - 
- 
- - 
cy. 

ƒƒLord, 
3   
ƒhave___Ì mer -- 
ƒcy. 

4     
Lord,ƒƒhave_ mer
- 
- --  
cy. 

5  
Lord,_̃ƒhave__Ì mer - 
- 
- - 
cy. 

6     
Lord,ƒƒhave_ mer
- 
- --  
cy.  

7      
Lord,_̃have_Ì̃mer - --  
-ƒcy.  

  O  ƒLord.
  
8 
To  Thee,
9 
A -  
men. 
Wedding - Lord Have Mercy 15

Plagal Fourth Mode

adapted from Hieromonk Hierotheos 

 

L     mer
ord,ƒƒhave_  
- - 
-  
ƒƒcy. 

2  have_Ì
ƒLord,_____ ƒmer - 
- cy. 

3      
Lord,________Ìhave_ÌÌÌÌ mer - 
- - - 
cy. 

4    
Lord,___  
have_ÌÌ ƒmer -- 
- ƒƒcy. 

cy. 
5     
Lord,____̃have__Ì mer - 
- 
- - 

Most 
6  ƒho -
ly 
ƒThe -
ƒƒo - 
 - - - 
to -  ƒkos,    
save_____ÌÌ us. 

7 
ƒƒTo_________  
  ƒƒThee,  
ƒO ƒLord.

8 ƒA  -
ƒƒmen. 
Apolytikion of Saints
Constantine and Helen*

Fourth Mode 150

Intonation: #10

Tou' staurou' to;n tuvpon

av - 
ƒing 
ƒseen 
ƒthē  
ƒimƒ-ƒƒage  Cross
of Thy    
ƒƒin Heav - - 

ƒen, 

ƒand,   ƒƒƒhavƒ-ƒing
like ƒƒƒPaul,    
ƒre - ceived 
the call  
ƒƒnot ƒfrom  
ƒmen,  ƒThine ƒƒa - 
ƒƒƒpos - 

                
ƒƒa-mong ƒkings ƒƒen - ƒtrustƒ-ƒƒed ƒthe ƒcom-mon-wealth to Thy hand, O ƒLord.  ƒƒKeep ƒus

                

ƒƒal - ways ƒƒin ƒƒƒƒpeace, ƒƒby thē ƒin - ter - ƒces -ƒƒƒƒsions of the The - ƒo - ƒto - ƒkos,

 on - 
O   
ƒƒly Friend of 
ƒman. 

* In some places, this Apolytikion is chanted immediately after "Blessed is our God" in the beginning of the
service of betrothal.
Kontakion of Saints
Constantine and Helen*


Third Mode Duration: 1:00

  
Intonation: #8

Kwnstantivnou shvmeron

               
ƒn 
ƒƒthis 
ƒƒday ƒSaint Con - - stan-tineƒƒƒand ƒbless - ed Helƒ-ƒen, his

      ƒthe  

- 
- -
ƒer, ƒƒhave ƒƒre - 
ƒvealed    ƒthe
Cross,__  Wood
  
wor - 
ƒƒƒthy 
ƒƒof all

 a - -
ven - ƒƒer -   
- ƒƒƒtion.  ƒƒJews,
For______̃ƒthe  
ƒƒit 
is  
ƒdis - ƒƒhon - ƒ- 
ƒ- ƒ-

     
 ƒhave__ÌÌ   
ƒƒƒƒrul 
- 
- -
ers  
our; but faith - ful ƒƒit 
as  
a ƒƒweap - ƒon 

their 
op - 
ƒpo -    
- - ƒnents. ƒƒFor 
ƒour  
ƒsakes ƒhath ƒƒit    
ƒbeen shown_ÌÌÌ ƒforth  

* In some places, this Kontakion is chanted immediately after "Blessed is the Kingdom" in the beginning of
the service of crowning.
18 Wedding - Kontakion

ƒƒƒƒas   
ƒa ƒƒƒƒgreat  dread
ƒenƒ-ƒƒƒsign,    
and most   
    
ƒƒwar.__________ÌÌ 
Glory to Thee

Grave Mode 180

Dovxa soi oJ Qeov" hJmw'n

lo -  
G  ry 
ƒƒto   God,_ÌÌ
Thee,ƒƒƒour   ƒglo - 
- - ƒry   
ƒto ƒƒThee.
(repeated for
each verse)

After the final verse:

G 
lo -  
ƒry   our
ƒƒto ƒƒThee,  God,
   
glo -ƒƒry     
ƒƒto ƒƒThee.__________Ì


Blessed are all they that fear the Lord, that walk in His ways.
Thou shalt eat the fruit of thy labours;
Blessed art thou, and well shall it be with thee.
Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine on the sides of thy house,
Thy sons like young olive trees round about thy table.
Behold, so shall the man be blessed that feareth the Lord.
The Lord bless thee out of Sion, and mayest thou see the good things of Jerusalem all the
days of thy life.
And mayest thou see thy children's children; peace be upon Israel.
O Lord our God

Grave Mode 140

Intonation: #21

Kuvrie oJ Qeov" hJmw'n

O Lord
 ƒour    
God,ƒƒƒwith ƒglo -
- ry 
ƒƒand 
hon -    ƒƒthem.
ƒour ƒƒcrown____ÌÌ  

O ƒƒƒƒLord
 God,
  with 
glo -   hon-our
ƒry and   crown__      
  them.________Ì

From the beginning of creation God made them male and female.

For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother,

and cleave to his wife; and they twain

shall be one flesh.

Mark 10:6-7
of the Epistle*

Plagal Fourth Mode 88

Intonation: #26

[Eqhka" ejpi; th;n kefalhvn

      
hou___________Ì    
hast____________ ƒset 
ƒup - 
ƒon    ƒheads
their__ÌÌÌ  

    
pre -  - 
crowns__ ƒof__Ì - 
- - 
- - -     ƒƒstones.
- ƒƒcious__________Ì  

* In most traditions, the prokeimenon of the epistle is simply intoned rather than chanted to a sticheraric
melody such as this one.
(after the epistle)

Plagal First Mode 96
by Hieromonk Hierotheos

Intonation: #14


l - - 
ƒƒle - -
lu - - 
ƒi - - -  ƒƒAl  -  - - 
a.   le - - 
lu -

- 
- 
- 
-  
- ƒi - - 
- 
- 
-ƒƒa.  
Al - 
-  - -  
ƒle -  - lu - -
- - 

- - 
ƒi -  -
-     
-ƒa.________________ÌÌ 

It is not good that the man should be alone;

I will make him an help meet for him.

Genesis 2:18
Glory to Thee, O Lord
(After the Gospel)

Plagal Fourth Mode

adapted from Athanasios Karamanis

  

Dovxa soi oJ Qeov"

lo - 
ry 
ƒto 
ƒƒThee, 
O__Lord, glo-
ry 
ƒto      

Alternate Version 88

 
adapted from Hieromonk Hierotheos

G    ry 
lo -  ƒto   
ƒThee,_______  ƒLord,
ƒ O_______Ì ƒƒglo - -  -
  
ƒry____ to 

     

24 Glory to Thee, O Lord

Another Version

 

adapted from Hieromonk Hierotheos

G 
lo - 
-  
- ry______ 
to____ 
ƒThee,_______ 
ƒƒO____ 

    
________________ ƒglo -
-  
ry____ ƒƒto         

I Will Take the
Cup of Salvation
Communion Hymn*
adapted from Hieromonk Gregory

of Simonos Petras Monastery 76

First Mode Intonation: #1

 
Pothvrion swthrivou

I      
_________________ÌÌ 
    
ƒtake_____ÌÌ ƒƒthe    
ƒcup___Ì 

sal - 
- 
- - 
va - 
- -  
ƒƒtion,   
and___Ì ƒƒI   
ƒƒwill___ ƒƒcall 
ƒup - 
  

* Several melodies for this communion hymn are provided on the following pages, but only one of them is to
be chanted at a time.
26 Wedding - Communion Hymn

ƒthe          
ƒƒname________________________   
of_______     
ƒƒthe____________ÌÌ 

    
____________ƒ Al - 
ƒƒle - 
ƒlu  -  - - 
- i- 
- -  
- - 
-   
- ƒa.____

The Seven Maccabee Children, Solomone Their Mother,

and Elezar Their Teacher
Wedding - Communion Hymn 27

Third Mode Intonation: #8

Pothvrion swthrivou

 

I         
    
ƒtake_____ÌÌ  
ƒƒthe___ÌÌ   

ƒof  
sal - - 
ƒva - -  -    
ƒƒtion,___ 
ƒand___ÌÌ    call
I__________ƒwill___  
ƒƒup -

- 
-        
on the_____name_______ÌÌ   
of___Ì ƒthe    
ƒLord.___ ƒAl -
ƒle - 
lu -  
- -

- - 
ƒƒi - -
- -   
ƒƒa._______ 

Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine on the sides of thy house,

thy sons like young olive trees

round about thy table.

Psalm 127:3-4
28 Wedding - Communion Hymn

Fourth Mode "Agia" Intonation: #11

Pothvrion swthrivou

 

I    
ƒƒ______Ì will_____ÌÌ  
 ƒƒtake 
ƒƒthe___ÌÌ ƒcup   
of____Ì sal - - 
ƒva - -  -

__Ì    
ƒand___ÌÌ will_Ì
ƒI_______Ì   
call 
ƒƒup - -    
ƒƒon ƒƒthe__Ì  
ƒƒname___ 

  the__________Ì
_____               
Lord.________________________ÌÌ ƒƒAl 
- le - 
ƒƒlu -  
- - 

- 
-  
- i -  
- 
- - 
- 
- a.  
Wedding - Communion Hymn 29

Plagal First Mode Intonation: #14 or #15

Pothvrion swthrivou

 

I         will__________Ì

____________________________ÌÌ          

- -
____Ì              ƒsal - - 
ƒof  va - 

the____ cup______________________________Ì

 - -  
-  ƒtion,______________Ì    
     and_______ÌÌ  
ƒI_____   
will______Ì    
ƒƒcall______ up -

-     
ƒon ƒthe________Ì     
ƒname_____________     
ƒof_______̃ƒthe_________  

      
____________________ÌÌ ƒAl -  lu -  - 
ƒƒle -  - 
- - 
i - 
- -   

They are no more twain, but one flesh.

What therefore God hath joined together

let not man put asunder.

Matthew 19:6

Dance, O Isaiah
Plagal First Mode


Intonation: #13

!Hsai?a covreue

   
ance,__Ì O 
ƒƒI - 
ƒƒsai - -
ah; 
ƒƒƒthe  
ƒVir -ƒƒgin  
E - ƒƒsai - - ƒƒƒas;

ƒand 
ƒƒhath 
ƒgiv -    ƒƒƒƒto
ƒen birth__  ƒa 
ƒSon, 
Em - 
ƒman 
- ƒu -   
ƒƒel, Who is 

ƒƒGod ƒƒand   
 man; ƒƒO -   
riƒ-ƒent ƒis    
ƒƒƒHis ƒƒƒƒname. ƒIn ƒƒƒmagƒ-ƒni
   - ƒƒfy -   
ƒing ƒƒHim, we 

ƒƒƒƒthe 
ƒVir -    
ƒƒgin___ÌÌ ƒblest. 

O Holy Martyrs
Grave Mode

Intonation: #21

{Agioi mavrture"

  
ƒƒƒho - ƒƒƒly mar -    ƒƒƒƒcon
tyrs, ƒwhoƒƒƒhave - 
ƒtest - 
ƒƒed   ƒhave
well ƒand  been

  
crowned:ƒƒIn -    ƒƒ 
ƒterƒƒ-ƒƒcede_Ì̃ƒye ƒwith  
ƒthe  
Lord that He  - 
have ƒƒƒƒmer ƒcy  

  ƒƒƒsouls.
 
Glory to Thee,
O Christ God
Grave Mode

 Dovxa soi Criste; oJ Qeov"

ƒlo -  
 ry   
toƒƒƒThee,  ƒƒGod,ƒƒƒƒthe
O ƒƒChrist____ÌÌÌ  ƒƒƒƒboast
 ƒƒƒof
 thē
  - 
ƒA -ƒƒƒƒpos -

ƒtles,   
   ƒthe
ƒƒthe ƒƒƒjoy ƒƒƒof ƒƒƒƒmar
- - -
tyrs, 
ƒwho   
pro-claimed   -ƒƒstan
the con-sub - tial

         

Trin - ƒ- i - - ƒty.__________Ì 
Matthew 19:6
Dogmatic Theotokion
First Mode

 

  Th;n pagkovsmion dovxan

he  
u- 
ƒni - 
ƒverƒƒ- 
sal 
glo - 
ƒƒry 
ƒƒborn    
of__̃men, who 
ƒƒhath 
ƒƒgiv - 

        
ƒter,  
ƒƒthe 
heav - 
ƒbirth ƒun - ƒƒto_________ƒƒthe___Ì Mas -- - 
- - - 
- ƒen -

-    
- ƒƒly________ÌÌ gate, ƒ 
let   
ƒƒus praise_Ì Mar 
- 
-  
-ƒƒy  the__
  Vir - -

- - 
-  
ƒƒgin,  
the ƒƒsong
 ƒƒof 
the 
ƒƒbod - -  
- ƒi -  
less___Ì hosts, 
ƒand 
ƒthē 
ƒa -

  
dornƒƒ-ƒƒment ƒƒof 
ƒthe   - -  
ƒfaith - - - 
- - - 
- - - 
- -   - -
34 Wedding - Recessional

ful.   For
   
ƒƒshe   
was ƒshown 
to___ ƒbe 
a 
ƒHeav -- 
- -
 and 
ƒen  ƒa 
tem -

- 
ƒple ƒƒof__ÌÌ
    God
ƒthe___________  - 
- 
- 
head;      
ƒde - stroy-ing the 
ƒƒwall 

enƒƒ-ƒƒmi ty,    
 -   she ƒush -   
- ƒƒered   ƒpeace_Ì
ƒin__Ì    ƒand
  
o - ƒpened ƒthe 

- -  - 
ƒdom.    
Pos -    
ƒsessƒ-ƒƒing, there  
- ƒƒfore, this 
ƒƒan - -   
- chor  
ƒƒof____ faith,  

ƒƒwe 
have  
as ƒƒcham - - 
pi - 
- on     
the Lord_____________Ì̃Who_Ì  

 
ƒborn______   
of_________Ì ƒher.   
Take ƒcour
 - -  
age, 
ƒƒthere - 
- 
ƒfore,  

   O 
cour-ƒage, ye 
peo -   
- ƒƒple 
ƒƒof___ÌÌ God;     He  
for  ƒƒshall   ƒthine_Ì
ƒfight___ 

ƒen -  
 ƒe - - since
ƒmies,___  ƒHe 
is 
ƒƒthē  
ƒAl - ƒmight - 
- -
  -    

   


Dogmatic Theotokion

Plagal First Mode

 

  
!En th'/ !Eruqra'/ Qalavssh/

n ƒthe    
Red___________     
ƒSea ƒthere__ƒƒwas___ƒƒonce ƒƒde --
ƒpict -  -

- - 
-    
ed  ƒƒan ƒƒim -   
- age    
ƒƒof______________ÌÌ 
thē___ un - ƒ- 
ƒwed -
- 

    ƒƒBride.

- - ƒded_________   There,__Ì
     
ƒƒMos -ƒƒes ƒdi - ƒvid - 
ƒƒ- 
ƒed   
ƒthe___Ì ƒƒwa -  -

  here,_Ì
ƒter;    ƒGa - 
- - bri - -    
ƒel ƒƒdoth_ ƒmin - 
- 
- ƒis -  
ƒter___ÌÌ the 

- -  - 
ƒder.    deep
ƒThen the  ƒƒwas  
trod-ƒden  
ƒdryƒƒ-ƒƒshod  
ƒby___ Is - 
- -
- 

ƒra 
 -  el;   
- -  -  ƒƒnow Christ     
is born_Ì 
seed-less - -  of  
ly   
36 Wedding - Recessional

ƒVir - -  -    
ƒgin.___Ì ƒƒThe sea,  
af - ƒter ƒthe 
pas - 
ƒsage 
ƒof 
ƒƒIs -  
ra -

el,      
ƒre - mained_________________ un - - 
ƒtrod - 
- - -  
ƒden;     -
ƒƒthe blame

ƒ- - 
- - 
- - - -     
ƒless__________Ì  
ƒthe ƒblame - 
-    
  

         

 ƒƒter 
af - ƒƒthe ƒƒbirth   
ƒƒof ƒEm

- ƒƒman -

- -
ƒƒu - 
- 
- el,      
re -  mained___________Ì un - - 
-ƒƒde - 
-  filed.  
- 

ƒO ƒThou  ƒƒWho___Ì
      
ƒart, ƒand__ÌÌ ev - - 
ƒer 
ƒbe --    
ƒƒfore___________ÌÌ 

ƒ_Ì ex - 
-  -ƒist,   ƒand
-  ƒƒhast   
ƒƒapƒƒ-ƒpeared  
as__ÌÌ   
ƒman,____  
ƒO__ÌÌ ƒGod:   

ƒƒmer -
 - 
-  ƒcy 
-   
ƒon___           

 "Yoke them in oneness of mind;

crown them into one flesh;

grant them the fruit of the womb,

the joy of children."

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