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Orbiting The Son: Love For All

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Orbiting the Son

Volume 8, Issue 2 October 2009

Savannah Christian Church MOPS, Henderson Campus

Love For All: A Note from the Coordinator

While at the 2009 MOPS knows what its like to be
Did you know convention at the end of us. But, Naomi said she
the following September, I was able to heard God speaking to her,
once again here the words urging her to say to all
about pumpkins? of the new MOPS president those moms at convention
Naomi Overton. I first this, “Tell them I love
Pumpkins: heard her speak at the them….tell them I love ALL
 are a fruit. 2009 Summit in the Spring of them.” I wanted to
 are 90% water. and felt like she was talk- bring this message home
ing directly to me – like her to you all. No matter what
 originated in Central
feelings and passion about kind of day we are having,
MOPS were the same as no matter what our family
 range in size from “Tell them I love them….tell
mine! At convention, sur- situation or how our mar-
under 1 pound to them I love ALL of them.”
rounded by thousands of riage is doing, we are
over 1000 pounds.
MOPS Moms from all over loved unconditionally by
 were recommended
the country, we were in- theme, besides “Life on God. I hope this brings you
at one time for re-
spired and motivated by Planet Mom,” was “No Mom some comfort. You are not
moving freckles and
many speakers. However, Alone.” MOPS wants to alone on this Planet Mom,
curing snake bites.
Naomi Overton had a spe- spread love to all moms, we are here for you and
 in colonial times, cial message that she said because we can at times as God is always here for
were used as an in- a few times and I want to moms feel isolated – like you….no matter what.
gredient for the pie share it with you. The con- we are going through the
crust not the filling. vention’s overriding motions, like no one else Love, Kristan
Source: http://

Constellations: Getting Perspective on Motherhood

When asked “what’s the  Loving my children and  Experiencing the world
best thing about being a knowing that they love through their eyes
Inside this issue: mom,” here’s what you me unconditionally, no
said:  All the hugs and kisses
What’s Happening 2 matter what
 Getting to take care of,
 Always being “the best”  Cuddling with my kids
love and hold my little girl
Recipe 2
 Spending time with  Hearing them say “I love  Hearing “You’re the best
these little people you”
Who’s That Girl? 3 mommy in the world!”
 Watching my son show  Holding them  Leaving a legacy and in-
Halloween Events 4 good character that I’ve  Finally having someone vesting in a lifetime
tried to teach him to live for
Poll Results 4  Watching her get so ex-
 The laughter  Seeing their smiling cited when she’s figured
Births & Birthdays 5  Watching my child play faces in the morning out something new
and grow  Having my little one  The love I have for my kids
Prayer & Care 5  The love I feel from my love, admire and rely on
 Having someone to thank
kids me more than anyone
God for
else in the world
 Just being a mom  How life has changed
 Having someone who
 All the love! thinks I know everything  EVERYTHING!
Orbiting the Son Page 2

Galaxy Guide: What’s Happening

MOPS Event: Moms’ Night Out at 6:30 p.m. at The Link, Hender- First Saturday for Kids at the Jepson
6:30 p.m. Thursday, October 15; son Campus; Register (Oct. 12 Center: monthly program for young
movie night deadline): Jake at 912-629-4721 people includes musically-inspired
studio art workshops (now drop in,
MOPS Event: Military Date Night Tools for your Marriage: Marriage until capacity) for ages 3-9, story-
6:30—9:00p.m. For Military moms, Enrichment Adult Bible Fellowship telling, and activities for young
drop off your kids with your fellow Class. Learn how to communicate children in ArtZeum. Saturdays
MOPS moms and enjoy a night out with your spouse, that differences 10:00 am - 1:00 pm; free. 207 W
by yourself or with your hubby! are okay, and how to extend grace. York St.
Looking for volunteers. Sundays, Nov. 1, 8, and 15 at 11
a.m. in Room 110, Henderson Oatland Island Toddler Tuesdays
MOPS Event: Family Farm Day: Campus Info: Nancy at 912-629- program for youngsters to come
Saturday October 31, 10 to 12:30 4776 discover the wonder of Oatland
at Kristan Fretwell’s family farm. Island with their parents. 10:30 -
Parenting Seminar Presented by 11:15 am. Check in at Oatland Is-
The new Southside Chatham Library LifeCHANGE Christian Counseling land Wildlife Center's Ticket Booth.
branch opens Tuesday, October 20. Center: parenting tips and insight free with regular Oatland Island
dealing with raising healthy and admission.
Adoption Forum: Get information secure children. Friday, Nov. 6 from
from local resources and organiza- 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Habersham Monthly Story time at the Round-
tions who want to help place chil- YMCA, 6400 Habersham St. Cost: house: hear stories about Thanks-
dren in loving homes. Speakers $5 for parents; includes food (plus giving and make a turkey magnet.
include an adoption attorney, social free childcare and pizza for the November 11 at 11am; Phone:
workers from the Christian adop- kids!) You must pre-register by 912.651.6823; Admission: $4 for
tion agency Covenant Care, and the Monday, Nov. 2. Call 912-354- children, site admission for adults;
Department of Family and Chil- 6223 Location: Roundhouse Railroad
dren’s Services. Thursday, Oct. 15 Museum, 601 W. Harris.

Out of this World Recipe: Apple Raisin French Toast Strata

Ingredients: Directions:
1 (1 pound) loaf cinnamon raisin bread, 1. Coat a 9x13 inch baking dish with cooking spray.
cubed Arrange 1/2 of the cubed raisin bread in the bottom
1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, of the dish. Sprinkle the cream cheese evenly over the
diced bread, and top with the apples. If you like extra rai-
1 cup diced peeled apples sins, add them now. Top with remaining bread.
8 eggs 2. In a large bowl, beat the eggs with the cream, butter,
2 1/2 cups half-and-half cream and maple syrup. Pour over the bread mixture.
6 tablespoons butter, melted 3. Cover with plastic wrap, and press down so that all
"A simple but elegant way
1/4 cup maple syrup bread pieces are soaked.
to make breakfast fast. Put
Raisins, if desired 4. Refrigerate at least 2 hours.
together the night before, 5. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Bake 45 minutes in
and bake while you're in the preheated oven. Let stand for 10 minutes before
the shower. Serve with lots serving.
of extra maple syrup!” Recipe from:

Take your family on a musical journey and…

Make A Joyful Noise

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Art by Thomas Kinkade, painter of light 211 W. Saint Julian Street, Savannah
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Happy Harvest! Page 3

How to be the Neighbor You Always Wanted

Who’s That Girl??
by Carol G. Stratton, Contributor at Here's a challenge for this year: Set a goal
to turn your neighborhood on its ears as How well do you know your fellow
As we dash around in you serve them. Become the one who al- MOPS Moms? Can you guess who
our Errand-mobile to ways has the cup of sugar when someone these ladies are? Maybe one is at
ferry kids to their vari- runs out and is knee deep in cookies, or your table!
ous activities, we often the neighbor who drops by for a couple of
forget we live in a seconds just to see if a young mom needs
neighborhood. In our something at the grocery store. How about Mom # 1:
car, we create a world offering to remove the boxes for the She is a huge WWE (wrestling) fan; is
within our neighbor- newly-relocated family down the block? related to President John Adams; and
hood. We meet friends Could you be the neighbor who shares her met her husband at the “Deja-Groove”
from church at a cof- extra fern plants to the neighbors across night club.
fee shop, have a pedi- the street who built a new home? Even an
cure at a local spa and shop for groceries offer to walk the dog for an overwhelmed
at a shop several miles away. Are we ever woman opens doors for friendship. Mom #2:
at home? She has interviewed Debbie Rey-
Newcomers fresh from a relocation will nolds, Gregory Hines, Patrick Warbur-
Years ago, few families had second cars; relish your visit. Don’t stay long but drop ton and others; has always known how
women stayed at home a lot. Their world off a roster of the names and ages of the to shoot guns; and her dad’s family
was smaller and more intimate. They families on your street, and keep in fre- grew up next to Sam Walton (“and
knew every house on the block and the quent contact. What you can offer is a con- we’re still poor,” she says).
names of all the kids. They knew which nection to the town. Be a GPS for local
children fought a lot and which were best places and a sympathetic ear as they un-
friends. Fun moms would probably feed pack and rearrange their new life. Mom #3:
lunch to a good portion of those kids on a She has a black belt in Tae Kwon
hot summer day. You don’t have to teach a weekly two hour Do; is an identical twin; and is about
Bible study or host a five course dinner two semesters away from a B.S. in
It can be challenging to enter into the party to be hospitable. Just show up occa- Mechanical Engineering.
neighborhood life. If you work outside of sionally with something in your hand. Call
the home, your time is scarce. If you with kindness on your heart, (“I saw your
homeschool, you might have every minute kids out building a snowman; they looked See the answers on page 4
planned inside the house, teaching your so cute.”). It’s all about paying attention.
little ones. New moms nurse babies and You may be surprised how God cracks
corral preschoolers, and count it as an open the opportunities as you become the
accomplishment to get dinner on the ta- neighbor you always wanted.

“My two year old is potty training and in order to go, he What can I do?
brings his action figures. I have to sit on the side of the
tub and hold them up one at a time for him to name. Then Do prep-work and set up
he throws them back into the tub for next time.”
for craft activities!
“I got a plum out of the fridge for my three year old, he Talk to your DGL to help!
announced, ‘Momma, it has a butt!’”

Thirty-One Savannah Squares

Elisa Baker 
Independent Consultant  Beautiful hand-painted
912.201.1098  frames for any occasion  Great for gifts!
Custom orders available 
Home parties • Purses •Totes
Orbiting the Son Page 4

Seasonal Events for Halloween and Autumn Poll Results

How many kids do we moms have?
15th Annual Fall Festival at SCC’s Patchville: For families
the Bamboo Farm & Coastal with toddlers to elementary- 45% have only one child
Gardens Saturday October 24 age children. Wear your cos- 33% have two children
from 9am to 4pm; Arts & tume and come for a night of 12% have three children
Crafts Vendors; Face Paint- fantastic fun and games.
6% have four children
ing; Pony Rides; Hay Ride; Wednesday, Oct. 28, 6-9 4% have four or more children
Sea Animal Touch Tank Pet- p.m. Henderson Campus
ting Zoo; US Hwy 17 south of For more information about Boy, Girl or some of each?
Abercorn/Rt. 204; 921- this family experience, visit
5460. Admission is free. 31% have only girls
Parking $2. 38% have only boys
SCC’s Country Carnival: 31% have a mix of boys & girls
Savannah's Family Friendly Kids, wear your costumes
Ghost Walk: Enjoy Savan- (nothing scary, please) and What is your favorite season?
nah's ghost stories in a fam- come for games, rides, and
ily friendly environment. prizes; Saturday, Oct. 24; 5-7 10% Summer
Family rates available. Octo- p.m. at East Campus – Hesse 55% Fall
ber 2 – 31; Phone: 912-655- Elementary School, Info: 912- 2% Winter
9896; Admission: $10; Loca- 629-7449
12% Spring
tion: Wright Square 21% All of the Above
Poppell family farm: 10-
Spooky Splash at Chatham acre labyrinth, hayrides, a *Results compiled from surveys returned at
Aquatic Center: Free food & cow train, corn box, petting September 22 meeting. If you missed it, see
drinks; cupcake walk; trick- farm, steer roping and more, Kristin G to get in the next poll!
or-treating; pumpkin games; open Sat. Oct. 3- Nov 1;
face painting; 4-6 PM Oct. 31 1765 Hyma Poppell Loop,
(from 4-5 PM swimming; Odum (about six miles from
from 5-6 PM Halloween Jesup). Discounts for groups
games); Admission: $1 per and military personnel. For Cool website:
child. For children 3 and info or to make reservations,
older; 7240 Sallie Mood call 912-586-2215. For “Attack spaghetti, barbecue, or ketchup stains with a
Drive, 912.652.6793 families with young children white distilled vinegar and water solution.
or religious concerns the
Haunted Aquarium at UGA’s Corn Maze will not be Remove perspiration odor and stains on clothing, as well
Marine Extension Service haunted on October 3, 9, 10, as those left by deodorants, by spraying full-strength
Aquarium on Skidaway Island 16 and 17.
white distilled vinegar on underarm and collar areas be-
October 31 from 10am to
5pm. Dress up for Halloween
fore tossing them into the washing machine.
and join the staff for a
ghoulish good time with Who are those girls? Forgot that you left wet laundry in the machine and it now
treats, scares and marine smells moldy? Pour a few cups of white distilled vinegar in
animals. 30 Ocean Science Mom #1: Abby Davisson the machine and wash the clothes in hot water. Then run
Circle. (912) 598-2337 Mom #2: Autumn Brown a normal cycle with detergent.”
Mom #3: Jill Cunrod

Mom of four just starting her

photography business; has a
heart for taking pictures of spe-
cial needs children; will be your
personal photographer for spe-
cial family occasions (birthday
parties, baptisms, reunions) as
well as family portraits.
(912) 224-9362
Savannah Christian Church MOPS, Henderson Campus

“Serve one another with whatever gift each

of you has received.” 1 Peter 4:10 Cosmic Celebrations:
Happy birthday to:
Oct 7 Donna Cartwright
Oct 22 Jaime Briggs
Oct 22 Sarah Crowe
Oct 28 Stacey Knofczynski

Discovering New Stars: Welcome our newest MOPPETS!

SCC MOPS Aili Speilberger (Mom: Erin) born Sept. 4; measuring 8lbs 3 oz and 20.5
Savannah Christian Church, Henderson Campus inches
Meetings: 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month
From 9:30 a.m. to noon, Childcare provided Sofia Scheerer (Mom: Sabrina) born on September 24, meas-
uring 7 lbs 11 oz and 20.5 inches
RSVP for Garrison Macatee (Mom: Amy) born September 25, measuring
Newsletter content: 8 lbs 3 oz and 20.25 inches

Become our fan on Facebook! Alydah Bonnena (Mom: Emily) born October 1, measuring
9lbs 7 oz

Your Oxygen Tank: Prayer & Care Corner

Opening Up by Krista Tatlock

A few weeks ago we were having some I sometimes feel that opening up is diffi- with me, and the peace of God which
issues in our home, what exactly I can’t cult. I don’t want my friends to think that comes with knowing that someone else is
remember, but my husband Jason looked I’m not a good mother because I can’t get taking your request to the Lord on your
at me and said “Let’s pray about this”. My my child to stop crying at night or for behalf is like nothing else I’ve experienced.
inner self rolled its eyes and said everyone to think that I’m not capable of
“whatever,” but my outside self returned handling Prayer and Care because I roll I want to thank all of you who have been
his look with a smile and said “ok.” my inner eyes at my husband’s request to submitting prayer requests. A wonderful
Yeesh…here I am in charge of Prayer and pray. group of ladies has joined with me to pray
Care and I didn’t want to pray ? for you faithfully and we have seen our
But still I open up, share my issues and Father answer some of the requests with
I know we all feel like this sometimes. ask for prayer. Why? Because Jesus in- positive outcomes. As for the other re-
And I think there are a lot of reasons why structed us to pray together. Think of quests, we are dedicated to praying about
we don’t feel like praying with others, let the Lord’s Prayer “Our father who is in them, waiting to see the Lord’s plans.
alone by ourselves. When we pray with heaven….give us this day our daily
someone else, we share our concerns and bread….forgive us our debts as we also But now the next step is this: seek me out,
needs, revealing to others that we might have forgiven our debtors….lead us not your DGL, someone on the Steering Team,
not have it all together. into temptation, but deliver us from or even your closest friend and ask them to
evil...” Jesus gave this prayer to encour- pray with you, then enjoy the wonderful
Let’s face it: We like to show up at MOPS, age the group to pray, not just for people feeling that comes with it. If you are un-
makeup and hair done, pretty clothes on, to pray on their own. certain about what to pray, that is fine,
looking as if we haven’t had a morning because God wants us to be in spiritual
where everything went wrong. Or we say I enjoy having people pray for me. Some fellowship with one another and He has
nice things about our spouses to those at of the time, it’s because I’ve had a crazy promised that when two or more of us
our table, not wanting to let on that we day and I want a moment to refocus my gather together in His name, then He will
had a huge fight the night before. Or thoughts on the Lord, and not my situa- be with us (Matthew 18:20).
how about feeling like all you do is talk tion. Some of the time I’m just seeking
about your problems, so you close your guidance on an issue and I want someone Don’t forget, you can email me at
mouth and stop asking for prayer or else to pray on my behalf. I’ve so en-, or call me at 713-
help? joyed the times I asked someone to pray 6206.
Meeting Notes:

Things to Remember:

Advertise your business!

Cost: Door prize donation

See Laura Stone for more information

Or email (I can scan

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