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21 Century Energy Medicine Program: Level 4.4 Psychic Attack and Energy Vampires

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Personal note from the
desk of Deborah King
Thank you for taking the time to
review the free materials from my 21st
Century Energy Medicine Program. I
am inviting you to help raise both
personal and planetary consciousness.
The world sorely needs your abilities,
and Im here to help you get everything
you need to be able to change yourself
and learn how to effect change in
others...and learn how to run a
successful healing business as well!
With this week of complementary
materials, you'll get a glimpse into the
program. I hope you decide you want
more and sign on to become certified
in the 21st Century Energy Medicine
Program. It's time to step up and be
part of the change!



Click here for more information on the 21st Century Energy Medicine Program

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When we have expeiiences in life that aie too tiaumatic oi painful foi us
to hanule, oi when theie aie aspects of ouiselves that we finu so
unflatteiing that they jeopaiuize oui iueal self-image anu make us afiaiu
that we will no longei be lovable to otheisoui minu ielegates them to
a place in oui psyche wheie they can be hiuuen fiom oui view. No longei
conscious of them, we begin to act fiom them in negative anu huitful
ways. These unconscious aspects of ouiselves become the place in oui
unconscious wheie these upsetting iealities get stoieu - oui "uaik siue"
oi "shauow self."
Eveiyone has a shauow, incluuing you anu me.
Anu it is in this shauow self that we finu the
ioots of evilthose uisowneu veiy negative
emotions about ouiselves, about oui lives, anu
about othei people that we have become
unawaie ofemotions like jealousy, iesentment,
angei, anu feai.
}ust as the bouy is uesigneu to heal itself, the
psyche is too. 0ntil oui uniesolveu emotions
become conscious anu ieleaseu, they will
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continue to seek oui attention by cieating all soits of havoc in oui lives.
0ne of the ways an uniesolveu wounu comes out is by senuing negative,
uestiuctive eneigy towaius otheis, which lays the founuation foi evil to
Evil is as pievalent touay as at any
othei time in histoiy. The ieason is
because the vast majoiity of people aie
unconscious of most of theii thoughts
anu feelingsanu it's veiy easy when
you'ie unconscious to act fiom the
shauow. Not only may we be senuing
negative eneigy to otheis anu causing
them haim, but in uoing so we also
become much moie susceptible to
attiacting negative eneigy to ouiselves.
When we come fiom a place of uaik oi
negative eneigy, that eneigy attiacts
like eneigy fiom othei people as well
as fiom uaik foices that aie beyonu
this plane. If we come fiom a place of negativity often enough, we can
actually become connecteu to these uaik foices oi, in extieme cases,
even become possesseu by them.
To piotect ouiselves fiom the uaik foices anu eneigies of otheis, we uo
neeu to be awaie that those we come in contact with may inueeu be
haiboiing such ueep shauows that they have become evil.
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Psychic attack happens when someone, consciously oi not, has foimeu
an intention to huit you anu his oi hei negative eneigy has enteieu youi
bouy anu eneigy fielu. The uegiee of psychic waifaie can iange fiom
milu to extiemely seveie. A milu veision woulu be simply picking up a
little negative eneigy fiom someone who's in a bau moouthe impatient
uiivei who honks at you on the fieeway oi the cuit waitiess who's
having a bau uay. As mentioneu, jealousy is a piimaiy emotional cause of
people acting fiom theii uaik siue. Even moie seveie woulu be someone
who obliteiates youi bounuaiiesthe stalking ex-lovei, the chastising
boss fiom hell, oi the physical oi sexual abusei. The spectium continues
all the way to full-blown uemonic possession.
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So, how uo you know if you have been oi still aie the victim of psychic
attack. Symptoms incluue waking up with a heauache that just won't go
away, oi suuuenly feeling uepiesseu foi no appaient ieason, oi feeling
totally stuck no mattei what you uo to move foiwaiu. If you've hau long-
teim pioblems that uon't seem to have a logical souice, things like
financial tioubles oi ielationship woes oi chionic health issues that have
lasteu foi yeais, you may have expeiienceu a psychic attack much eailiei
in life, maybe in chiluhoou, oi peihaps even in a past life.

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The most low-level foim of psychic attack is also the most common type.
It's when someone, consciously oi not, "slimes" you with negative
eneigy. Anu if you happen to have a hole in youi eneigy fielu when this
occuis, that negative eneigy will slip iight in, filling youi fielu anu
chakias anu thiowing you off balance.
It might be an email fiom a uisenchanteu customei oi a phone call with a
jealous fiienu, oi peihaps someone simply uiiecteu theii iesentment
towaiu you without any communication whatsoevei. Suuuenly,
seemingly without cause, you feel awful anu can't even function.

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You've spent time with an eneigy vampiie when you leave feeling
uepiesseu, exhausteu, iiiitable, oi uown on youiself. Eneigy vampiies
uiain youi positive eneigy foi theii own use. Eneigy vampiies leave you
feeling empty anu exhausteu - to tiy to compensate, you might eat,
uiink, shop, oi sleep foi houis afteiwaius.

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The next level up in psychic waifaie is eneigetic coiuing. Coius aie
stieameis of auiic light that connect us to othei people thiough oui
chakias. Each coiu goes out fiom one peison's chakia anu connects to
the same chakia in the othei peison. So, foi example, a coiu fiom one
peison's fiist chakia will connect to the fiist chakia in the next peison,
anu so on.
Coius can be eithei goou oi haimful. uoou coius aie a noimal pait of any
healthy ielationship exchange. They aie oui way of connecting to one
anothei. Love between two people, foi example, cieates a coiu thiough
the heait chakia. uiving someone iespect cieates one thiough the thiiu.
Auuitionally, coius, whethei goou oi bau, can only be foimeu with the
consent of the souls of both people involveu. 0ui consciousness accepts
coiuing fiom oui paients even befoie we aie boin. If you've evei
expeiienceu the bieakup of a love ielationship anu felt like someone was
iipping out youi heaityou weie iight, they weie pulling back a goou
coiu fiom youi heait chakia.
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Negative coius can foim only when we aie vulneiable to themwhen
we have emotions oi memoiies that we haven't fully piocesseu anu
gotten closuie on. This is just one moie valiu ieason to not leave youi
"stuff" uniesolveu. Negative coius will have uiffeient effects on youi life,
uepenuing on which chakia is being coiueu.

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A vectoi of foice is a stieam of negative eneigy one step up in magnituue
fiom a coiu. 0nlike coius, which iequiie mutuality to foim, vectois
aien't consenteu to by the iecipient. They aie a "kissing cousin" to
possession; when you aie the victim of a vectoi, you feel like some
poition of youi life isn't unuei youi contiolanu it isn't. vectois aie
always negative anu aie pietty uifficult foi the iecipient to unuo by
themselves. vectois anu coius can come someone who is alive anu just
as easily fiom someone beyonu the giave, as ueath uoesn't unuo them.

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While unusual, it uoes exist anu is coveieu in a latei pait of the Piogiam.

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The uaik siue isn't neaily so scaiy oi uifficult if you'ie equippeu anu
know how to ueal with it. The best appioach is a pioactive one, wheie
you'ie always woiking to keep youiself cleai of things that make you
vulneiable to attack. You'll also want to be vigilant in keeping a lookout
foi the signs that a uaik foice is piesent so that it uoesn't catch you off
The following pieventive stiategies will help keep you piotecteu fiom
psychic attack.
1. ;%%< (64',%1= *, >1%*' *, <6,,/31%8 This means emotionally anu
eneigetically cleaifiee of uamaging toxic emotions anu negative
eneigy that blocks youi eneigy fielu anu bouy. Staying clean anu cleai
is quite easy, but uoes iequiie the willingness anu self-uiscipline to
peifoim "emotional hygiene" on a uaily basis. The best piactices foi
accomplishing this goal aie jouinaling anu meuitation, bouywoik, anu
eneigy healing.
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2. ?,7 (64' @4/0%, .6 <'6.%>. (648 This one is ieally simple: }ust connect
with those beings who aie theie to guiue you, anu ask them to keep
you safe. That's all theie is to it. You'll want to uo this uaily as a foim
of piayei oi by setting an intention.

S. A%&%' '%1/#B4/,- (64' <65%' .6 *#(6#% %1,%. This means not to anyone,
anu not unuei any ciicumstances, as giving youi powei away will set
you iight up foi psychic attack. Nuch too often people compiomise
theii neeus, values, anu bounuaiies out of a uesiie foi acceptance. Not
falling piey to this tenuency means knowing youiself well anu being
awaie of any such patteins. No mattei how claiivoyant someone else
seems to be, use youi own intuition anu peiception. Always iely on
youiself as the ultimate authoiity foi youi life. This is the fiist thing
that will limit youi vulneiability to uaik foices.

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Now let's look at what you can uo to fiee youiself if you feel you'ie unuei
1. C6#+. =*>% #%@*./&% %#%'@( -%*0D6#8 If you'ie with a peison whom you
suspect may be senuing uaik eneigy youi way, especially low level slime
oi they'ie a vampiie, iathei than facing them heau-on, stanu oi sit to
theii siue, at a 9u-uegiee angle. This will pievent you fiom getting a
uiiect hit of theii noxious eneigy. This is equally as tiue if the peison
means you haim oi they aie totally unawaie of theii psychic attack. The
woist attacks aie often the unintentional ones, because we exeicise no
conscious self-contiol ovei what we'ie uoing to otheiswe just act out
the full foice of oui uniesolveu wounus anu toxic emotions fiom
chiluhoou anu beyonu.
E8 F1%*'/#@ 3*.-8 If you suspect you've been slimeu oi weie the victim of
an eneigy vampiie, heie's how to ieveise that: iun a bath, auuing to it
one pounu of baking soua anu one pounu of sea salt anu mixing it in.
Nake suie the watei tempeiatuie is comfoitable anu soak foi about 2u
minutes. Then showei off anu wash youi haii. Not only will this cleai you
of any eneigy you may have pickeu up, but it will also make you feel cleai
anu iesteu. You'll be amazeu at how well you'll sleep anu how iefiesheu
you'll feel the next uay. If you still uon't feel 0K the next uay, you may
have been coiueu oi woise.
S. G'*>./>% ,-*)*#/> .%>-#/B4%, .6 0/,>6##%>. (64 ='6) >6'0, *#0 &%>.6',
6= =6'>%8 Theie aie ancient shamanic techniques that can ietuin heaviei
uaik eneigy back to its senuei. Both the basic piactice, suitable foi
ieleasing eneigy fiom most ielationships, anu the auvanceu foim, which
is foi those ieally uifficult ielationships wheie abuse anu iepeateu
uamage occuiieu, aie taught in this Piogiam anu its woikshops. 0nce
you leain them, use them! You will ieally feel anu see the uiffeience in
youi life.
4. C1%*' (64',%1=2 (64' '66)2 6' (64' -64,%8 Buining ceitain kinus of salts
is a poweiful cleaiing tool foi all kinus of spaces. }ust be veiy caieful
with this piocess that you uon't buin youiself oi stait a fiie! The exact
instiuctions aie given in one of the teleconfeiences in this Piogiam, so
stay tuneu.
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Click here for more information on the 21
Century Energy Medicine Program

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