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Dead Walk Again 3.03

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Version 3.03, 2010

Created by Jrgen Bengtsson, Eric Laurent-Nauguet, Patrick Weaver & Staffan Raupach

Illustrations Hannah Engqvist Sophian Cholet

Copyright Planned Movement Production, 2007-2010 Copyright : drawings are the property of SOLEIL MC Productions Sophian CHOLET No part from this rulebok may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher or the authors.


There shall be a time of anguish, such as has never occurred since nations first came into existence. But at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone who is found written in the book. Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. (Daniel 12:1-13) And I was dead, and see, I am living for ever, and I have the keys of death and of Hell. (Apocalypse 1:18) Reverend John Davis quoting the Bible to a group of survivors.

Welcome to the world of the living dead, a fictional future where human kind is on the verge of extinction. In this dark future humans live in small groups, trying to survive. They struggle to find food and supplies while having to fight off the hordes of the living dead at the same time. It is not an easy way of life so players should not expect their characters to survive for very long in this harsh world. Since its such a hard game it should be played with a morbid sense of humour where the survival of a few characters comes as a huge surprise and where the common norm is that characters go down with a bang, usually in a gruelling fashion. Dead walk Again is a simple skirmish action miniatures game where a few characters are placed against hordes of zombies. The game can be played in any way you like, from a stealth game where characters try to sneak around, to mega large shootouts between soldiers and hordes of zombies. Its limits are your own and if the rules dont fit your vision, change them! These rules are designed to be played in a cooperative fashion, which means that the players will try to fight together against hordes of auto-generated zombies. They allow for both solo games and multiplayer games with no limit to the number of players. The most recent version of the rules, 3.03, is very similar to the last version, 2.05. They build upon the success of that version with minor corrections to game play and balance. We hope you will enjoy them as much as we do. Happy zombie hunting!


A game between such unequal forces such as humans and zombies is hard to balance any day of the week. Dead walk Again is hard to get right and it needs some practice before you get the right formula for the type of game you like to play. The main problem that arises how do you control the zombies? It can be done either through the rules or by a game master (aka GM). Having a player playing the zombies is quite difficult since zombies in their normal state are not that creative in tactical and strategic actions. If you make them smart zombies by letting them use weapons, utilize cover and attack with a general strategy, then you dont have zombies anymore, at least not from the classic George Romero shambling zombie point of view. Still, how you use them is up to you!


PM-Production is a small group (two or maybe/sometimes three people) of hard-core gamers in Sweden, located around the Gothenburg area, who love to play any type of games. We play a variety of games from around the world, both commercial and free ones. But for the most part we play our own games, more so when we have to play test, but also just for the fun of it.
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DEAD WALK AGAIN Over the years we have created a couple of games, some that have never been shown to anyone, others that we have shown during conventions in Sweden and two (to date) that you can try out yourself. These two are Dead walk Again and Beneath the Waves, both of which you can find in the download section at our website: And as always we have a ton of new ideas and games that we would like to show you. But as usual there is only that much time to be divided between work, sleep, children, household chores and so on. It is hard to find the time in between for the few gaming sessions we do have so we have to wait and see what we can come up with. So check our website to see what we have come up with and let us know what you think or if you just want to say hi!

4. Eric Laurent-Nauguet
He is not a Viking like us! Eric is from Cheese country: France. He contacted us a long time ago and offered to modify the existing rules. He created new rules and supplements for this game. Of course we couldnt meet because of the distance between France and Sweden but we keep in touch to improve the rules and play-test new ideas. We are still trying to make them better and publish new supplements to get a fast and intense zombie game. If you have any question regarding the rules you can contact him at this email address: Visit our Yahoo group at this address to share ideas, battle reports, photos, new rules:

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................... 2 PLAYING THE GAME ...................................................................................................................................................... 2 PLANNED MOVEMENT PRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 2 Eric Laurent-Nauguet .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 INDEX................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 WHAT YOU NEED ............................................................................................................................................................ 5 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 7. Figures ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Measurement Device ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 Dice ............................................................................................................................................................................... 6

GAME TURN...................................................................................................................................................................... 6 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. FEAR test, Zombiefication test and Wound test ............................................................................................................ 6 Human Actions .............................................................................................................................................................. 6 Zombie Actions ............................................................................................................................................................. 6


ACTION POINTS (AP)....................................................................................................................................................... 6 8.1. Actions ........................................................................................................................................................................... 7


Wounds ................................................................................................................................................................................ 8 9.1. Wounds ............................................................................................................................................................................... 8 9.2. Zombiefication (optional rule) ....................................................................................................................................... 8

10. 11.

MOVEMENT ...................................................................................................................................................................... 8 RANGED COMBAT........................................................................................................................................................... 9 11.1. 11.2. 11.3. 11.4. Ranged Combat Weapons ........................................................................................................................................ 9 Shooting ................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Special Weapons .................................................................................................................................................... 13 Weapon Jam (optional) .......................................................................................................................................... 15


CLOSE COMBAT............................................................................................................................................................. 16 12.1. 12.2. 12.3. 12.4. Weapons ................................................................................................................................................................ 16 Firing While In Close Combat ............................................................................................................................... 16 Attacking in Close Combat .................................................................................................................................... 16 Breaking Close Combat ......................................................................................................................................... 17


FEAR ................................................................................................................................................................................. 18 13.1. 13.2. Base Morale Value................................................................................................................................................. 18 Survival of the Fittest ............................................................................................................................................. 18


Example of play ................................................................................................................................................................. 18 14.1. 14.2. 14.3. 14.4. Example of Game Turn, Action Points and Movement [Sections 7, 8, and 10] ..................................................... 18 Example of Ranged Combat [Section 11] .............................................................................................................. 19 Example of Close Combat [Section 12] ................................................................................................................. 19 Example of Wounds and Zombiefication [Sections 9.1, 9.2] ................................................................................. 20


ZOMBIES ......................................................................................................................................................................... 20 15.1. 15.2. 15.3. 15.4. 15.6. Basic Zombie Rules ............................................................................................................................................... 20 Starting Number of Zombies .................................................................................................................................. 20 Zombie Action Points ............................................................................................................................................ 21 Zombie Movement ................................................................................................................................................. 21 Fallen Zombies ...................................................................................................................................................... 23


ADVANCED RULES ....................................................................................................................................................... 23 16.1. 16.2. 16.3. Searching buildings ................................................................................................................................................ 24 Card System ........................................................................................................................................................... 26 Vehicles ................................................................................................................................................................. 27 Page 4


16.4. 16.5. 16.6. 16.7. 16.8. 16.9. Human Characters and Archetypes ........................................................................................................................ 28 Campaign and Experience...................................................................................................................................... 30 Skills ...................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Quirks .................................................................................................................................................................... 34 Trauma Points ........................................................................................................................................................ 35 Psychosis ............................................................................................................................................................... 35


6.1. Figures Any type of figures can be used and with whatever weaponry they have, just make sure that everybody knows what each figure is carrying. All zombie figures should be very clearly marked. The game is written with 25-28mm miniatures (or heroic 28mm scale miniatures) in mind but could be equally well played with 15mm or 40mm figures. You just need to change the distance for movement and weapons ranges if you wish (i.e. divide by 2 for 15mm miniatures). You can buy some good 28mm zombies or survivors miniatures from the following manufacturers (in alphabetical order) but there are many others available: 15mm zombies from: 40mm zombies from: If you need cheap hordes of modern zombies you can also buy Bags o Zombies (made for the Zombies board game created by Twilight Creations) or zombie plastic sprues from Wargames Factory: The above sites are only examples but for more ideas and a review of some miniatures you can visit the following website. Please note that the last update was from 2006 and new miniature manufacturers have surfaced since then. However new manufacturers have produced zombie miniatures since it was created and updated:
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DEAD WALK AGAIN 6.2. Measurement All measurements are done in centimeters (cm) but could be changed to inches if you like. For an easy conversion 1 inch equals 2.5cm. The game is best played on a 120cm x 120cm or 120cm x180cm table depending on the number of players. 6.3. Dice 6 sided and 20 sided dice and a scatter die of some sort. If you don't have a scatter die handy, the facets of a 10 sided die are sufficiently arrow-shaped enough to use as a substitute. Dice are referred as D6 or D20 in the rules.

The game is played as a series of turns until someone wins according to some predetermined victory conditions (such as killing all zombies, exiting a table edge, finding a specific item, etc). Each turn is made up of three phases, and each phase is completed before the next one begins. 1. FEAR test, Zombiefication test and Wound test 2. Human Actions (move, fire ranged weapon, manipulate objects, etc) 3. Zombie Actions 7.1. FEAR test, Zombiefication test and Wound test All humans take none, some or all of the tests depending on their situation before they take their actions in the following phase. All effects of the tests are carried out immediately. 7.2. Human Actions All humans take actions according to the Action Points system (see Section 8 below). The players agree on who takes the first action each turn as there are no initiative rolls. Each human must end all of its actions before another human can begin. 7.3. Zombie Actions Zombies take their actions in the same way as humans. However being zombies prevents them from most actions except moving, combat and eating their victims!


This game uses an Action Points (AP) system to regulate movement and attacks for both humans and zombies. On each turn, all figures in play receive a certain number of AP. These points can't be saved or transferred between turns. They may or may not be spent within that turn. Points not spent are lost. An action can't be started in one turn and finished in the next turn. All actions must be completed within a turn. All humans receive 4 AP per turn and zombies receive 2 AP per turn.
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DEAD WALK AGAIN Here is a list of actions and their AP costs. The list is fairly definitive but by no means complete as we cannot list all possible actions players twisted minds could imagine. After all this is a game of survival! Besides, you must be a human and not a zombie if you are able to read these rules so feel free to invent new actions and costs and change anything that doesnt seem right to your style of play. However ensure each new action is discussed and its cost is agreed upon before the game begins. 8.1. Actions Movement Movement 5cm Move over obstacles Climb 5cm Jump 5 cm Take cover/laying down Stand up from prone Fancy move (optional) Manipulate Open door/hatch Pick up/give object Switch weapons Heal Search a room/a vehicle Hotwire a car Activate generator Weapons Fire weapon 1AP +1AP per obstacle crossed 2AP 3AP* 1AP 2AP +1AP 2AP 2AP 2AP 4AP 4AP 4AP 4AP See each weapon for firing cost; see Section 10.1.2 4AP +2AP 2AP 4AP 4AP 3AP 2AP 1AP 2AP

Fire machinegun Aim (+1 To Hit) Reload Reload Machinegun Brace Machinegun Clear jam Other Attacks Close Combat attack Prime Grenade/Light Molotov Cocktail Throw Grenade/ Molotov Cocktail

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* jumping more than 5 cm (from one building to another for instance): it takes 4 AP to jump from 6 cm up to 10 cm (maximum). Roll 1D6: on a score of 1 or 2 you fall on the ground taking 1 point of damage for each 5 cm distance you fall.

9. Wounds
9.1. Wounds Every character can absorb so much punishment before they succumb to their injuries. The most lethal wounds from zombies are their bites, but as they attempt to get a hold of you they can twist arms, bend legs and knock heads. In fact, many injuries are self inflicted as survivors attempt to get away from being a happy meal! Each character in DwA starts the game with 7 Wounds. Wounds are cumulative as characters take damage throughout the game. As survivors get injured their odds of collapsing to the wounds increases. Each turn one or more wounds are received roll a die, if the result is equal to or higher than the accumulative number of wounds nothing happens. If the roll is lower than the number of wounds remaining the human collapses from injury and exhaustion and is eliminated from the game. 9.2. Zombiefication (optional rule) Zombies make new zombies by biting humans. No one knows whether it is viral, chemical, radiation or just Mother Nature deciding our time is done, but zombie saliva carries the curse. On each turn roll a die for each human that has been eliminated so far in the game. Make this test after FEAR tests (see Section 13.0). If the score is below the number of wounds the human had taken before his Elimination plus the number of turns since being eliminated, the human turns into a zombie. Just because you survive does not mean you were not bitten. Every character must check for Zombiefication after each game. For each wound a character had taken during the previous game, roll a die. If any dice have a result of a 6 then you have been bitten and will turn into one of the Undead. Whether you are shot by your friends or you wander off to die, this character no longer plays a part in the game and should be considered killed.

All movement is measured in centimetres and 5cm of movement cost 1AP. Any number of turns and/or direction changes can be made by a miniature in the same turn. Direction changes do not count as movement and are free. When moving over obstacles the cost is added to the distance cost. During any part of the movement, weapons can be fired in any direction. The only restriction is that a figure must have enough AP to complete a movement or action. Miniatures dont have any facing and are considered to have a 360 field of vision. Zombies block movement but friendly characters do not. 10.1. Fancy Moves (optional rule)

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DEAD WALK AGAIN Desperate situations call for desperate measures. If a character tries to do something during the movement step that is not covered by the Actions Table (Section 8.1), we call this a Fancy Move. This might be something like trying to jump off a ladder into a moving vehicle. Since this may be more than 5cm due to free falling, this rule represents the character is going to hesitate just enough to time it just right.


11.1. Ranged Combat Weapons Such weapons are divided into different types, e.g. Pistol, Shotgun, Bow, etc according to the type of ammunition used. 11.1.1. Ammunition Each weapon uses specific ammunitions. They are divided into different categories for game purposes: Bullets : Shells : Belt: Grenades: Arrows/Bolts: Hand thrown weapons: Pistol, Revolver, Sub machine gun, Rifle, Carbine, Sniper rifle, Assault rifle. Pump shotgun, Double barrel Shotgun, Sawn-off Shotgun. Machine gun. Grenade, Grenade launcher. Bow, Crossbow. Such as Knife, Axe, etc

All characters start with 1D3 clips (or 2D6 arrows or bolts) for each weapon they carry (roll on the weapons table to see which weapons they start with). As most weapons require two hands, models can carry up to two weapons. These weapons must then be chosen in different categories: ranged combat and close combat.
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DEAD WALK AGAIN However, the characters can also carry one additional Pistol (or Revolver) or an additional one handed melee weapon (such as a Hammer, a hand Axe, a Knife, etc). Example: a character can carry a Rifle and a Baseball Bat. He is then allowed to carry a Pistol or a Knife. He would not be allowed to carry a Rifle and a Shotgun. This limitation is put into place to avoid heavily armed characters. Though humans could feasibly carry many weapons, they become much more clumsy and prone to being eaten when doing so. If a character chooses two pistols or revolvers (or one pistol and one revolver) he could not carry a rifle but he would be allowed to carry a two handed axe. A character equipped with two pistols or revolvers can fire both of them simultaneously as explained below. (See Section 11.2.4) 11.1.2. Weapons Table The following weapons are available to humans and if you'd like, zombies (which is a very bad idea!): Mag Pistol Revolver Pump Shotgun Double barrel Shotgun Sawn-off Shotgun Rifle/Carbine Sniper rifle Assault rifle Sub machinegun Machine gun Grenade launcher Bow Crossbow Hand thrown
** See 0 au-dessousbelow

RoF 1 1 1 2** 2** 1 1 5* 5* 10*** 1 1 1 1

Cost 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 2 2 4 4 2 3 2

R 20 20 template template template 90 150 90 60 90 30 50 50 10

CQM Fall Elim 3+ 3+ 5+ 5+ 4+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 4+ 4-5 4-5 6 6

12 6 6 2 2 10 5 6 4 20 1 1 1 -

special ** special ** special ** 4 3-4 4 special special 5 4 5 6 5-6 6 5-6 3-6 5-6 5-6

* Can fire Automatic and/or Sustained Automatic Fire (See 0 au-dessousbelow). *** See 0 au-dessousbelow

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DEAD WALK AGAIN Each weapon has the following characteristics: Mag RoF Cost R CQM Fall Elim Magazine, the number of bursts a weapon can fire without being reloaded. Check an ammo box each time you fire. Rate of Fire, the number of rounds in a Burst that is fired when pulling the trigger. Number of AP to pull the trigger once and to fire a burst according to the RoF. Range in centimetres. The maximum range a weapon can be effectively used. Close Quarter Manoeuvre (See 12.2below) The result needed on a die to make the target fall down Eliminate, or put the target out of action.

11.1.3. Rate of Fire [RoF] The number of rounds fired in each Burst by the weapon. For each round fired a D6 is rolled to check the effect on the target.

11.2. Shooting
Normal procedure when firing weapons is done according to the following steps: 1. Select target or targets if firing Sustained/Automatic Fire 2. Decide the number of Bursts to be fired at the target/targets 3. For each Burst fired roll as many dice as indicated by the weapons RoF 4. For each Burst fired reduce the weapons Magazine by one 5. Check result and mark targets as fallen or remove from play if eliminated A target can be fired upon any number of times in a turn as long as the models firing have AP to do so. The player must declare which target or targets he is firing at before rolling the die and spend the required Action Points. 11.2.1. Range The maximum range a weapon can effectively be used. Modify the To Hit roll with the following Range Modifiers: Point Blank Range Long Range Range is equal or less than 10cm from target Range is equal to or more than 20cm from target +1 -1

The Range Modifier doesn't apply to weapons using a template. The worst condition applies for all targets when firing Automatic and Sustained Automatic Fire.

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DEAD WALK AGAIN 11.2.2. Aiming Characters can Aim at an additional cost of +2AP and then add +1 to the "To Hit" die roll. The Aiming Modifier is applied to all Bursts fired in the same turn against the same target, except for weapons firing Automatic or Sustained Automatic fire, then only one die is modified for Aiming (roll this die before the others, or use a different colored die). The Aiming Modifier is not carried over between turns. Weapons using templates don't benefit from Aiming. 11.2.3. Cover Targets that are obscured by terrain or another model may be considered to be In Cover. If a model is obscured in such a way that less than half of the model is visible when drawing line of sight to it, then a -1 To Hit modifier is applied to all Bursts fired from that shooter to that target. 11.2.4. Moving and Firing / Firing Two Pistols If the firer used at least 1AP for movement before he/she fires all To Hit dice are modified with -1. If the firer uses two pistols and/or revolvers (one in each hand) all To Hit dice are modified with -1. These modifiers are cumulative so a model that moves and shoots with two pistols has a -2 To Hit modifier. 11.2.5. Firing At Targets In Close Combat If firing against targets in close combat with a friendly character the dice are modified with -2 To Hit modifier. Please note that this is cumulative with other modifiers to hit such as Range, Movement, and using two Pistols. If you score a hit (eliminate or fall result), the zombie is hit. If you fail to score a hit on the zombie, the friendly character is hit. Example: Eric has 2 Pistols and is rushing across the street to save his trusty sidekick Patrick, who has been surprise by a zombie (unlucky that one!). Since he had to move to get into a range of less than 10cm and Patrick is in Close Combat with a zombie, Eric has a -3 modifier on his To Hit roll with one Pistol on the zombie he has targeted. If he had been blazing away with both pistols he would of had a -4 on his To Hit roll! 11.2.6. Automatic And Sustained Automatic fire Weapons with Automatic Fire are able to hit more than one target with a single Burst. The Burst has the potential to hit any number of targets (the maximum number of targets is the weapons RoF) within a 10cm wide corridor of fire. The attacking player declares a target and each figure within 5cm of it will be subject to a hit. The number of hits is randomized among all targets (use a die: D6, D8, D10...). The firer can keep pulling the trigger and fire another Burst in the same direction at an additional cost of 1AP per Burst (it has to be at the same targets, so the option to fire
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DEAD WALK AGAIN in Sustained Fire mode must be declared before the dice are rolled). Automatic weapons cannot fire single shots. 11.2.7. Shooting at Fallen Targets When a zombie goes down they become easy targets, as long as they do not have 10 other friends chasing after you! If you shoot at a fallen target thats in base to base contact, the target is automatically eliminated. You just cannot miss something at your feet! If shooting at a fallen target within 20cm add +1 on the To Hit roll (this rule doesnt apply to template weapons). Shooting at any Fallen Target at a range longer than 20cm does not offer any modifiers to the To Hit roll. 11.2.8. Zombies with Guns (optional rule) If you have zombie figures with weapons then feel free to use them for Zombiefied survivors. A zombie armed with a firearm with ammunition remaining and not in Close Combat will fire one burst at the end of its turn at the closest figure, zombie or human. This burst counts as the zombies free attack. Roll a die and on a score of 6 the zombie hits the intended target, causing a Fall result on it. If the target is a zombie, it falls over as normal. A human receives a wound and then falls over. After firing a burst, mark off the ammunition used.

11.3. Special Weapons

11.3.1. Shotguns All Shotguns use templates to check the number of targets hit by a burst. All targets that are at least half covered by the template and not fully behind cover (a building, a tree, another target and so on) are diced for. The distance from the firer determines the effect on the target. Roll one die for each viable target. When firing with a Shotgun the firing model is allowed to see the effect of the burst before deciding to fire another one. A Double Barrel or Sawn Off Shotgun can fire two Bursts(shells) at the same targets for a cost of 1AP or two Bursts at different targets for a cost of 2AP (1AP for each target). AP can't be spent on Aiming in order to improve the effect. Pump Shotguns and Double Barrel Shotguns Template: Cone, 15 cm long, 5cm wide at the end, 5cm intervals.

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DEAD WALK AGAIN Sawn Off Shotguns Template: Cone, 10 cm long, 10 cm wide at the end, 5 cm intervals.

11.3.2. Machine gun Place the template on targets, the front edge of the template being in line of sight, not covered by other targets. Each target at least half covered by the template and not fully behind solid cover can be hit by the burst. Targets don't cover each other. When firing, the player rolls 10 dice and divides the hits among the targets. On a score of 4, a target falls and on 5 and 6, a target is eliminated. If the Machine gunner braces the weapon he can fire twice in a single turn for the same cost, each Burst is resolved before the next one. The template can be moved up to 20cm between Bursts. Machine guns mounted on tripods or vehicles use the same template but the gun itself cannot be moved (these are considered fixed weapons). Template diameter: 10cm. 11.3.3. Grenades / Molotov Cocktails A Grenade can be thrown up to 15cm or fired with a Grenade Launcher up to 30cm. Both types are resolved the same way. The target point must be in line of sight. Roll one die, on a score of 6 the Grenade hits the target, landing right where you wanted it to go, on 4-5 the Grenade bounces 1xD6cm in a random direction, on a 2-3 the Grenade lands 2D6cm in a random direction and on a 1 the Grenade deviates 3xD6cm in a random direction. Place the blast template (circle with 4cm radius) where the Grenade lands. For each target covered by more than half of the template roll a die using the Grenade type in the table below: Stun Fall Concussion/Fragmentation Grenade* Molotov cocktail/Incendiary Grenade Flash-bang Grenade*** 3-4 2-4 5-6 Elim 5-6 5-6** -

* If used in a confined space such as a room add +1 on the die roll. ** Add +2 on the die for each consecutive turn the target is on fire. If the target is in base contact with another target, the fire will spread on 4+. Roll once for each target and turn. Humans receive one automatic hit (wound) each turn he/she is on fire.
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*** When used in the open add -1 on the die roll and use the normal blast template. If used in a normal sized room it will affect everyone in the room including humans.

Template diameter: 8 cm 11.3.4. Flamethrower Use the Flamethrower template. All targets covered or touched by the template are considered to be On Fire. For each target On Fire, roll once per turn according to the table below. If the die falls in the specified range the target is eliminated. First turn Second turn Third turn 5-6 3-6 1-6

Roll the effect on each target immediately when they are first hit. On a roll of 1, re-roll the die, and on 1 or 2 the Flamethrower runs out of fuel. If a person carrying a Flamethrower is hit, roll a D6: on a score of 1 or 2 the Flamethrower explodes, the wearer catches fire and the surrounding are is affected like an Incendiary Grenade explosion. Fire will spread between targets in base-to-base contact on a roll of a 4-6. Roll once for each target each turn they are in base to base contact with a model that is on fire. Any human On Fire will automatically receive one hit (wound) each turn. The only way to extinguish a human on fire is to use a fire extinguisher or to jump in a pool, a pond, or other body of water.

11.4. Weapon Jam (optional) For all weapons (except revolvers (which never jam) Flamethrowers and Machineguns which are treated differently) re-roll any die coming up with 1. On an additional score of 1-2 the weapon jams. A Grenade will explode in the throwers hand on an additional score of 1. The Grenade Launcher jams on an additional roll of 1-3, 2-3 its a dud and on 1 it explodes before its launched. The Machinegun jams when three or more dice come up with 1. Clearing a Weapon Jam costs 3AP.

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Close Combat occurs when two or more models are in base-to-base contact with each other. When in close combat a human can either attack or try to break from combat, no other actions are allowed. Humans can attack in different ways using a bludgeoning weapon, an edged weapon or even rifle-butt to strike the target, or even by firing their weapon in close combat. 12.1. Weapons Bludgeoning weapons: these are any blunt weapons such as a Baseball Bat, Rifle Butt, Hockey Stick, Golf Club, Crowbar, Hammer, etc Edged weapons are sharp weapons such as a Sword, a Kitchen Knife, a Machete, a Katana, an Axe, a Scythe, etc... Such weapons can be one handed or two handed weapons. A character using a Pistol in one hand could also use a Hammer or a Knife in the other hand. If he carries a two handed weapon such as a Rifle and wants to use a two handed close combat weapon such as a Katana, he will have to switch weapons to fight, spending 2AP to do so. Fighting in Close Combat costs 2AP per attack roll made. 12.2. Firing While In Close Combat Firing while in close combat is done the same as the Ranged Combat procedure, except that the die is rolled against the weapons CQM (Close Quarter Manoeuvre) value. If a score is rolled the target is eliminated. Example: a character trying to fire with a Rifle while in close combat will have to roll 6 or more on a die (CQM 6+). You cant reload a firearm in close combat. When you run out of ammunition the only option is to flee or strike the opponent with the weapon itself! 12.3. Attacking in Close Combat Attacking in close combat costs 2AP per attack made. Roll a die for each attack. The score needed depends on the type of weapon, see table below: Fall Elim Note Bludgeoning weapons (one handed) Bludgeoning weapons (two handed) 4-6 Roll 1D6. If striking a fallen target it is Eliminated unless you score 1 Swing : you can hit up to 2 zombies in base to base contact for the same cost of 2AP (no additional cost) 4-5 6 Roll 1D6. If striking a fallen target it is Eliminated
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Roll 1D6. If striking a fallen target it is Eliminated unless you score 1

Edged weapons

DEAD WALK AGAIN (one handed) Edged weapons (two handed) 4-5 6 unless you score 1 Roll 1D6. If striking a fallen target it is Eliminated unless you score 1 Swing : you can hit up to 2 zombies in base to base contact for the same cost of 2AP (no additionnal cost) Chainsaw 3-6 On a score of 6 another target in close combat can be attacked at no extra cost. On a score of 1 re-roll using the following table: 1 The chainsaw user hurts himself (2 hits) 2-4 The chainsaw stalls (restart spending 3AP) 5-6 The chainsaw runs out of gas

Bonus modifier: Even though models have a 360 degree LOS, they still can only be looking in on direction at a time. If a model moves into base contact with a zombies back facing side, defined by the side of the base where the models actual back side is facing, they receive a +1 on To Hit rolls in Close Combat. Does not apply to CQM (see Section 12.2). A human can never attack a zombie in Close Combat with bare hands (i.e. without either a weapon or an improvised weapon) as zombies are far stronger than humans. The only exception to this is the Martial Arts Expert skill (Section 15.1). 12.4. Breaking Close Combat When zombies lock onto their prey, they attack in hordes and when too many get in close, its time to turn tail and ensure you can see the next sunrise. When outnumbered in Close Combat, a model can attempt to leave by Breaking Close Combat. You must declare your intention to do so at the start of the turn. The character must have a free path away from all opponents in base to base contact. This can be determined by making sure there is enough space for the models base to fit. The player then rolls a die and must score a result that is greater than the amount of opponents in base to base contact with their model. The break attempt costs 1AP in addition to any AP spent on other actions such as movement. If the die roll fails, the model can do nothing more for the rest of that turn. They spend that entire turn attempting to get free.. A human surrounded by 6 or more zombies wont be able to break combat (as you cannot roll more than 6 on a six sided die). Example: Eric is surrounded by 3 zombies. He has to roll 4 or more to Break Close Combat. If he rolls 1, 2 or 3 he cannot flee and he loses all his remaining AP for that turn. Perhaps another survivor can save him...

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13. FEAR
Even if they get used to the smell, the moaning, and fighting them, humans fear zombies. No one wants to torn apart and then come back for their friends. At the beginning of each turn, all humans that have one or more zombies within 10cmmust make a FEAR test. Roll 2D6 and the result must be under or equal to 10, also called the Base Morale Value (see Section 12.1). This roll can be modified by the following: +1 for each team member within 10cm -1 -1 for each zombie within 10cm for each wound the model has

If the test fails, all Action costs are doubled for the duration of the turn. Test FEAR on each turn as long as zombies are in range. 13.1. Base Morale Value All humans start with a Base Morale Value (aka BMV) of 10. This value will be permanently changed during a game by the following events: -2 for each killed team member -1 (additional) for each team member Zombiefied (optional) -2 if a non player character is killed (i.e. not a team member) During campaign play, at the end of each game, the character regains 1 point of Base Morale Value for every 5 zombies he eliminated during the game. 13.2. Survival of the Fittest When a group loses all its members except one, the Base Morale Value for this human is restored to 10. All further FEAR tests are taken as normal with normal modifiers but without the permanent reductions.

14. Example of play

14.1. Example of Game Turn, Action Points and Movement [Sections 7, 8, and 10] Sgt. Lawless and Private Dawson are moving down a street in a nameless city searching for supplies. They have encountered three stinkers. Two of the stinkers have surprised them and are now within 10cm from Sgt Dawson. They have to start their turn making a FEAR test. FEAR The Basic Morale Value, or BMV, is 10 but their original team was made up of four survivors so their current morale value is 6 (10 - 4 (two killed team members)). Both Lawless and Dawson are within 10 cm from each other (+1 to BMV for each) and Lawless has one zombie within 10cm (-1 BMV) while Dawson has two (-2 BMV). Lawless makes his FEAR test against 6 (BMV 6, -1 for the zombie, +1 for Dawson), he rolls 5 on 2D6 and passes the test. Dawson needing a 5 (BMV 6, -2 for zombies, +1 for Lawless) on the other hand rolls an 8 and fails : all actions cost are doubled for him this turn.
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DEAD WALK AGAIN They don't need to do any Zombiefication or Wound tests since they haven't received any wounds (yet). Now its their time to act! They receive 4AP each and Dawson decides to go first and begins and ends his action phase before Lawless gets to act. Since Dawson is currently in FEAR mode, he just wants to get away from the zombies. He decides to move away like a coward. He spends 2AP to move just 5cm, as all actions costs are doubled for him this turn. He will use his last 2AP to fire at the closest zombie. 14.2. Example of Ranged Combat [Section 11] Dawson is equipped with a Pistol, but with the double AP cost for the turn (see above), he needs 2AP to pull the trigger once as opposed to the normal cost of 1AP. To hit the closest zombie, 15cm away, he normally would have needed to roll 4 or 5 to make it Fall down, or 6 to get a head shot and remove it from the game. But since he moved with at least 1AP he gets a -1 modifier on the die. He needs at least a 5 and can't score an Elimination result. The Pistol has a RoF of 1 (rate of fire) so he rolls one die. He rolls a 4 and misses, damn! Let's say that Dawson was a little bit cooler and stayed within 10cm firing before moving. First he wouldn't have the negative modifier and would have instead a +1 modifier for Point Blank Range (10cm or less). So he would make the zombie fall on 3 or 4 and kill on 5 or 6. Much better odds! Seeing that Dawson missed the zombie, Lawless whips up his Sub machinegun and rips away! He sets his sight at one of the zombies and opts for automatic fire. By doing this he can hit multiple targets within a 5cm radius of his original target. A second zombie is within 5cm of the first one, the one Dawson missed. The Sub machinegun has a RoF of 5 so he gets to roll 5 dice. One zombie is within 10cm but the other is just outside so NO modifier for Point Blank range can be applied. Any die scoring a 4 will make a zombie Fall and 5 or 6 will Eliminate a zombie. All hits are randomly divided between all targets. Lawless rolls 1, 3, 3, 4 and a 6. Terrible luck which may have serious consequences. And when dicing for damage, both hits (the 4 and 6) are randomly rolled on the same zombie which ends up Eliminated due to the 6. That was Lawless first 2AP (the cost to squeeze the trigger once with a Sub Machinegun) and he still has 2AP left. Since Lawless didn't declare Sustained Automatic fire he can't fire again at the zombie he missed. He decides to move out of movement range from the remaining zombies. He moves 10cm with his two remaining AP. 14.3. Example of Close Combat [Section 12] After the humans turn, its the zombies chance to get into the action. There are two zombies that receive 2AP each. The closest zombie is within 10cm from Dawson, so it moves directly into base-to-base contact hungry for an easy meal. The other zombie is 14cm from Dawson but he is still the closest human, so the zombie must move towards the easiest prey. Since the Lurch rule (see Section 15.4.4) is being used a die is rolled to see if the zombie is hungry enough to reach Dawson. A 5 is rolled and the zombie lurches into base-to-base contact! Poor Dawson All zombies have been moved, and now they will attack. Dawson now has two zombies attacking him because of the unlucky Lurch. Zombies have one free attack per turn, so even though the two zombies moved they can still attack, tearing at
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DEAD WALK AGAIN Dawson. Normally a zombie makes a successful attack on 6+. But there are two zombies so both zombies get a +1 to hit now needing a5+. To make matters worse, one of the zombies carries a knife so that zombies attack is successful on 4+. Beginning with the zombie needing a 5+, a 6 is rolled and then a 4 is rolled for the knife wielding zombie. Two hits on poor Dawson. 14.4. Example of Wounds and Zombiefication [Sections 9.1, 9.2] Dawson receives two wounds, his first two of the game. At the beginning of the next turn he needs to make a Wound test, rolling a die and needing a result equal to or higher than the total number of wounds to continue the fight. Dawson at the end of a series of bad throws rolls a 1 and dies from his wounds, never standing a chance to survive the zombie infestation. But fate has something in store for poor Dawson. After 3 turns and a couple of missed Zombiefication rolls, Dawson once again stands up and slowly shuffles towards Sgt Lawless who is still fighting off zombies. The Zombiefication roll that wakes up Dawson again was taken against 5 (2 wounds + 3 turns). The roll was less so Dawson turned into a zombie.

15.1. Basic Zombie Rules These are the basic rules for all zombies in the game. These rules are written with the shambling zombie in mind. They are slow, shuffling, not very coordinated and are VERY hungry. Feel free to experiment and use some of your own homemade rules to represent your favourite type of zombies. 15.2. Starting Number of Zombies The total number of zombies placed on the table at the beginning of the game should not be more than ten times the number of characters starting the game. But this could of course be altered depending on the type of game you want to play, where the game takes place, the type and number of weapons used by the humans, the amount of ammunition available. Place the zombies at random around the playing area. If you play with a large number of zombies, you can make small groups of up to 5 zombies for ease of placement and game play. This will also give the game a more horde like feel to it. 15.2.1. Zombies Entering the Game (Zombies Spawning) Zombies can enter the game in the following ways: A. Place the zombies on the tabletop at random at the beginning of the game. (Section 14.1.1) B. At the beginning of each turn roll two dice. Each score of a 6 will spawn a zombie that will enter play at a randomly selected table edge. These newly
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DEAD WALK AGAIN spawned zombies move their full 10cm from the board edge following all zombie movement rules (see Section 14.3 and 15.4) C. Whenever a human enters a room that is unexplored roll a die and on a score of 5 or 6, 1D6 zombies are in the room. They will react as normal the next zombie turn. D. Each time a human fires a weapon its like ringing the dinner bell. The noise may summon one or more new zombies to the combat area. They are placed near or behind an obstacle, out of line of sight in a random direction from the source of the noise. They must be placed at least at 20cm from the firing model. Zombies dont pop up from the ground!!! The character will only trigger one roll per AP spent. Roll 1D6 1 No zombie 2-3 1 zombie 4-5 2 zombies 6+ 3 zombies E. Each time a human uses a grenade, a chainsaw or Sustained Fire, follow the same procedure as in point D above but add +2 to the die roll. 15.3. Zombie Action Points Each zombie has 2AP per turn that they can use for movement. Their attacks are always considered free. (see Section 15.5) 15.4. Zombie Movement A zombie will move up to 10cm each turn unless it is in close combat. It can move through other zombies but not through humans. All zombies are moved towards the closest human they can see, smell or hear. Zombies can smell humans at a distance of 20cm and can see them at a distance of 40cm. Zombies can hear sounds when a human makes a loud sound like firing a gun or using a grenade at any distance and will move towards the source of the sound. Zombies will then move according to the following rules: I. Zombies will always move towards the closest human they can smell (20cm). II. Zombies will always move towards the closest human they can see (40cm) unless they smell one. III. Zombies will always move towards the source of a sound (tabletop) unless they can see a human or smell one. If humans are clever enough, they will try to flee after they make some sort of noise as zombies will move towards the source of the sound. Mark the spot with some sort of marker or token to remember where the sound was generated. Of course, the zombies will always move towards the newest source of noise so can be lead from one area to another unless they can see or smell their prey. Zombies are already deadly opponents (no pun intended!) with 2 AP and a total of 10cm movement per turn but if you wish to use running zombies (aka Sprinters) such
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DEAD WALK AGAIN as those seen in movies like Dawn of the Dead (2004), 28 Days Later or 28 Weeks Later, you can allow the zombies 15cm of movement per turn (1AP = 7.5cm or 3 inches in this case). Sprinters should only run when they find a human according to the above rules. Otherwise they keep walking and wandering at the 10 cm rate of movement. 15.4.1. Moaning (optional rule) Zombies can call other zombies by moaning if they see, smell or hear a human. The other zombies will come to the moaning zombie as if they had seen the human themselves. Zombies can call all other zombies within a distance of 40 cm. 15.4.2. Doors and Windows In an attempt to get meal, zombies can smash down doors and windows with continued smashing. At least two zombies must be able to make the attack, spending all their AP for a certain number of turns. If two or three zombies work together pounding at the entrance they need at least two turns to break through. Four or more zombies need at least one turn. After the minimum number of turns required, roll one die for each zombie attacking the entrance. Any die scoring a 6 is a success and the zombies break through the window/door/barricade. For each additional turn of attacks add an additional die to the total number of dice rolled representing the zombies weakening the structure to be broken. If additional zombies join the attack, add their die as normal. Example: Some survivors are hiding in a countryside house. Suddenly the house is swarmed by a horde of zombies. They attack the boarded up windows and the barricaded door. Two zombies go for a window, spending two full turns banging away. At the end of the second turn they get to roll two dice. If they fail and they spend another turn banging away, they would get to roll three dice. If a third zombie would have joined them on the third turn they would have gotten four dice. If four zombies had gone for the door, they would have gotten to roll 4 dice after the first turn. 15.4.3. Nowhere to Go When zombies cant be moved towards any human according to Section 15.4, they will move in a straight line (randomly selected with a scatter dice) until they smell, see or hear any human. If zombies reach the table edge, they exit the table and come back on next turn on a randomly selected table edge. If the zombie cant reach a human for some reason it will move around the obstacle blocking its movement, using the shortest way towards the human. If the zombie cant move into close combat because there are already too many zombies in the way, it will move towards the next closest human it can smell, see or hear. Use common sense for any awkward situations. Optional rule: zombies can climb over obstacles as humans do, spending AP to do so.

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DEAD WALK AGAIN 15.4.4. Lurch (optional rule) When a zombie ends its move within 5cm of a human, roll a die and on a score of 5 or 6 the zombie moves immediately into close combat and makes its free close combat attack per Section 15.5. This Lurch movement is free and does not cost any AP to use.

15.5. Zombies in Close Combat Zombies have rotten nails and an infectious bite. In combat their sole purpose is to eat their opponent. They will grapple their prey until they can get a bite. Normally, attacking in close combat costs 2 AP but zombies have one free close combat attack per turn. They can move their full distance and attack once in a turn or attack twice if already in base-to-base contact at the beginning of a turn. Roll a D6 for each attack. If the result is 6+ the target receives a wound. Add +1 if the zombie has a weapon (e.g. knife, club, stick) and if more than one zombie is attacking the model at the same time, add +1 for each additional zombie attacking. If 6 or more zombies are attacking they all hit on rolls of 1+! (Automatic success unless other modifiers are being applied) 15.6. Fallen Zombies Zombies are either killed or pushed back when hit by weapons. Of course when a zombie is Eliminated it is removed from the game. On a Fall result, place the zombie model on its back. In the zombies turn, the zombie will stand up, using its 2AP to do so. If the standing zombie is not in base to base contact with a human it cannot do anything else this turn., However if it does stand up into base to base contact he gets his normal free attack. Zombies that are standing up cannot lurch in the same round.


These Advanced Rules should be considered optional for normal game play. If you want something more from your games then you can try any or all of them as long as all players are aware of which ones you plan to use before starting the game. The following rules are very helpful if you wanted to play a Campaign game, where you use the same character in multiple games, trying to survive as long as you can in the post apocalyptic zombie world.
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16.1. Searching buildings Searching the terrain features in the game gives your character the needed supplies and equipment to survive in a world infested with the living dead. You have two options when searching buildings or vehicles: the basic rules where you use a table system, and the advanced cards rule. It costs 4 AP to search a vehicle or a building in both cases. You can search only once per human, per floor or vehicle. In larger buildings such as office buildings or warehouses you could make it once per room. Be sure all players are aware if this is how you choose to play as it can make large buildings an easy place to find that one piece of equipment you need. It also allows zombies to fight in close quarters and close combat can become much more lethal. 16.1.1. Basic Rules (Alternative): The Search Tables These are the basic rules to search buildings or vehicles in order to find weapons, ammunition, items or survivors who could join your team if you dont want to use the cards system. Whenever you search a building floor or a vehicle, roll one die (it doesnt apply to cars but does for large vehicles such as trucks, buses, train cars etc). On a result of 4-6 there are 1D6 zombies in the building floor (1D3 in a vehicle). Place the zombies in the building at the opposite end form the characters entrance. Each time you roll for zombies you also roll one die to see what is found. 1-2 Nothing 3 4-5 6 Survivor Item Weapon

Add +1 to the die roll when you search buildings where you would be more likely to find weapons such as an armoury, a military base, a police building, etc Subtract -1 from the die roll when you search buildings where you are more likely to find health items such as a hospital, a fire station, etc According to the die result, roll on the appropriate table below: Roll 2D6 SURVIVORS TABLE 2 1 military forces man 3 1 law enforcement man 4 1 civilian teenager man 5 1 civilian man 6 1 civilian woman 7 1 civilian man 8 1 civilian woman
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DEAD WALK AGAIN 9 1 civilian man 10 1 civilian teenager woman 11 1 law enforcement woman 12 1 military forces woman Roll on the Weapons table to see which weapon the survivor is carrying. Roll 2D6 ITEMS TABLE 2 Antiseptic: negates Zombiefication result (used before Zombiefication on a dead character). 3 Fire extinguisher (extinguish fire by rolling 2-6). Used once.* 4 Radio (attracts zombies when turned on) 5 Large First aid kit: heals 3 wounds 6 Small First aid kit: heals 1 wound 7 Medium First aid kit: heals 2 wounds 8 Small First aid kit: heals 1 wound 9 Gas can: used either to refuel a vehicle or a chainsaw* 10 Car battery* 11 Fire extinguisher (extinguish fire by rolling 2-6). Used once.* 12 Car keys (you can use them on the nearest car from the building) * when you carry such cumbersome items you can only move but you can use them as two handed
bludgeoning weapons. You will have to drop them if you want to fire with a range weapon and you can pick them up at a cost of 2AP.

Roll 2D20 WEAPONS TABLE 2 Chainsaw 3 1 Machinegun belt (200 rounds) 4 Sniper rifle with 1D6 clips 5 Shovel 6 Arrows 3D6 7 Crossbow with 2D6 arrows 8 Guitar 9 Shells 3D6 10 Assault rifle with 1D6 clips 11 Hammer 12 Hockey Stick 13 Carbine with 1D6 clips
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DEAD WALK AGAIN 14 Baseball bat 15 Arrows 2D6 16 Rifle with 1D6 clips 17 Hand thrown weapon (knife, one handed axe) 18 Bullets 1D6 clips 19 Hockey stick 20 Carbine with 1D6 clips 21 Baseball bat 22 Arrows 2D6 23 Bullets 1D6 clips 24 Double handed axe 25 Double barrel shotgun with 2D6 shells 26 Katana 27 Bow with 2D6 arrows 28 Revolver with 1D6 clips 29 Crowbar 30 Pistol with 1D6 clips with silencer (makes no noise when used) 31 Sub machinegun with 1D6 clips 32 Golf club 33 Sawn off shotgun with 2D6 shells 34 Machete 35 Molotov cocktails 1D6 36 Flash bang grenades 1D6 37 Fragmentation grenades 1D6 38 Grenade launcher with 1D6 grenades 39 Machine gun with one belt (200 rounds) 40 Flamethrower 16.2. Card System DwA 3.xx introduces a new card system already found in many board games. You will find a series of cards you can print at the end of the rulebook. They consist of two types: Items and Weapons Cards (including Nothing Cards) and Zombies Cards. Place the items and weapons cards in one deck and the zombies cards in another deck. Shuffle the cards and place the two decks on the gaming table. Place zombies on the table as in the basic rules before starting the game (Section 14.1.1). At the beginning of each turn before taking FEAR tests (see Sequence of play Section 7.0), draw a Zombie Card from the zombies deck and spawn zombies at a random table edge instead of rolling dice.
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DEAD WALK AGAIN Each time you search a building or a vehicle, draw an Items/Weapons Card AND a Zombie Card instead of rolling a die. Pick up the weapon or the item and place the zombies in the building. If you dont want to keep the item or weapon found you can drop it on the floor of the building for another survivor. If no one picks up the item or weapon before the end of the turn, the card is discarded into the appropriate Discard Pile. If you draw a weapon that you cannot carry (see Section 10.1.1) you must drop something in order to keep it. Once played, the Zombie Card is placed in its discard pile. When one of the decks is empty, reshuffle the cards from its discard pile and make a new deck. Each time a human fires a weapon or uses a grenade, one or more new zombies may appear and are placed near or behind an obstacle in a random direction as stated in the basic rules (see Section, at least at 20cm from the shooting model. The character will only trigger one roll per action. You dont to draw cards for this action. 16.3. Vehicles As the zombie threat grows, finding a working vehicle will become a rare commodity. Fuel and parts will become highly sought after. Driving vehicles should be an exception in the game. These rules should only be used in specific scenarios. In order to drive a vehicle you can use Keys which can be found as a piece of gear during the game. If you have Keys you can start up and prep to drive the vehicle for 1AP. The other way to start a vehicle and drive it is to attempt to Hotwire it. This takes 4AP to perform and allows the character to roll a die. On a 5+ the vehicle starts right up. If you fail you can try again next turn. Then roll 1D6. On a 1 result, the battery is dead or almost dead. You can try again to start the car or change the battery. On a result of a 2 it is out of gasoline and you need to refuel it. On a 3-6 result, it starts normally. Depending how far along your campaign had progressed, you can modify the roll by -1 or -2, representing the scarcity of an operational vehicle months after the outbreak. Characters use all of their 4AP to operate a vehicle and can do nothing else while driving. 16.3.1. Speed Vehicles may be driven at slow or fast speed. At slow speed they move up to 20cm per turn. At fast speed they move between 20cm up to 40cm per turn. Vehicle acceleration: 1AP for 5cm Vehicle deceleration: 1AP for 5cm Brake: 1AP for 10cm 16.3.2. Turning Turning at slow speed is easy and no die roll is needed. When you turn at fast speed, roll 1D6 : on a result of 1 or 2 the vehicle goes out of control and slides 2D6 centimetres on the left (1) or on the right (2). If it crashes into an obstacle the vehicle is out of order and each passenger takes 1D6 wounds.
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DEAD WALK AGAIN Passengers may fire from vehicles (except the driver) with no modifier at slow speed and a +1 modifier at fast speed. 16.3.3. Ramming You can try to ram zombies with a vehicle. Roll one die. At slow speed: 1: vehicle stalls. You will have to start it again. 2-4: zombies are thrown 5 cm away and fall. 5-6: zombies killed At fast speed: 1: vehicle stalls and you may lose control. Roll another die and on a 1-2 you slide to the left or right as with Turning (16.3.2.) above. You will have to start the vehicle again. 2-3: zombies are thrown 10 cm away and fall. 4-6: zombies killed 16.4. Human Characters and Archetypes Characters will add a new dimension to the game. Instead of being just a bunch of magazines and ammo clips the players will have characters with a background history, skills and problems, other than the zombies! We suggest using characters within a campaign or at least over a series of scenarios. Characters can be used in a stand alone game but they will come to into their own in a campaign. Characters can be pre-made based on your favourite zombie movie/video game heroes or generated per the rules below (Section 15.1.1) depending on the time you have and the effort you like to put into your game experience A character is made up of the following attributes: Archetype, Experience Points, Level, Fear, Skills & Quirks, Psychosis, Weapons, Wounds and Trauma Points. Each of these will be explained in more detail below. During play, characters will earn XP (Experience points) for killing zombies, completing scenario goals and/or just surviving the scenarios to live on another day. After each game XP are used to advance in Level. Each Level increase makes the character better through new skills gained. Skills are then used during play to give characters better chances to survive. Imagine as your character fights zombies, survives attacks, finds new equipment and practices with it that they learn new things that will help them the next time he has to search for supplies. That is what your Level represents. 16.4.1. Archetypes Archetypes form the background history of a character, the "occupation" the character had before the zombies violently spread around the world (or has if the scenario is set at the outbreak of the infection). There are three main Archetypes that all characters fall into: Military, Law Enforcement, and Civilian. For more distinction within each archetype there are various subtypes available. The main usage of Archetypes is for FEAR tests, skill and weapon restrictions and weapon modifiers. The subtypes are more for flavour
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DEAD WALK AGAIN allowing a role-play element to the game. It also allows for creative game play as you may allow a Civilian Criminal the ability to hotwire a vehicle or a Military National Guardsman may know security code to the local Guard station so he can raid the weapon locker. There are too many subtypes to be listed here but the following table shows some possibilities. Its up to you to make up more: Military Law Enforcement Civilian USMC, National guard, Navy Seal, Policemen, FBI agent, SWAT team, DEA agent, Family father, Criminal, Gang member, Priest,

16.4.2. General Modifiers for archetypes Military Law Enforcement Civilian -1 on the die result for all FEAR tests Use normal FEAR rules and no modifiers for weapons -1 modifier when using military style weapons (assault rifles, submachine guns, machineguns, grenades, flamethrowers) +1 on the die result for all FEAR tests 16.4.3. Archetypes Skill and Weapon Restrictions There could be many different skill and weapon restrictions depending on the Archetypes you allow but we think that it should be up to you to make the restrictions based on the way you want your game to play. We only offer suggestions on how it could be done, so please feel free to change or add to them as you see fit. Military All Military archetypes can learn any Combat skill at any level except those related to Pump action Shotguns and unconventional weapons like chainsaws Can learn all Combat skills at any level except those related to Machine guns and other Military styled weapons Can only learn Combat skills that can be used with Pistol and Revolvers

Law Enforcement Civilians

More specific restrictions based on subtypes can be used as well. Military/Grunt Military/Sniper Military/Officer Military/Anti-terrorist unit And so on Assault Rifles, Grenade Launchers and Machine Guns, Killer, Gunner, Brace Sniper Rifles, Pistol and Revolver, Sniper, Sharpshooter, Eagle Eye Pistol and Revolver, Fast Reload Sub machineguns, Double tap, Combat Expert, Martial Arts Expert

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DEAD WALK AGAIN 16.5. Campaign and Experience The campaign system for DwA is based on the idea that the character learns new abilities and skills the longer he survives. The experience system allows humans to earn XP (experience points) while playing scenarios. The XP gained is based on the outcome of the scenario and on the "kill count" for each specific character. These XP are then used to increase the characters level. As your character gains levels they can purchase new skills giving him a better chance to stay alive. These skills allow the characters to do new things during the game. (see Skills in Section 15.6) 16.5.1. Experience Points The following table is the amount of XP a character earns from surviving a scenario: For every fifth zombie killed 1XP

Survived a major "hero" victory scenario 2XP Survived a minor "hero" victory scenario 1XP Survived a minor zombie victory scenario 2XP Survived a major zombie victory scenario 3XP Lone survivor 16.5.2. Level Each character starts the game at Level 1. XP are accumulative so when a character reaches a certain value they will increase their Level. Refer to the chart below to see how much XP is needed to reach the next Level. After Level 6 you will need 13XP to reach Level 7, then 14 XP to reach level 8, etc. As you can see as you gain XP it becomes harder to advance. This can only be done in between scenarios. Level 1 2(+6) 3(+9) 4(+10) 5(+11) 6(+12) And so on ... Whenever a character increases their Level that character receives a new Skill. Some Skills can't be used until a character reaches a certain Level. The character also increases his FEAR value with one for each Level (for FEAR value see below). At the end of the game, the character regains 1 point of Base Morale Value for every 5 zombies killed by him.
XP Needed to reach this Level


0 6 15 25 36 48

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DEAD WALK AGAIN 16.6. Skills As characters survive the wasteland that was society, they adapt and will learn new methods to stay alive. These learned abilities are referred to as Skills. Skills enhance the performance of a character during play through die modifications such as bonuses on To Hit rolls and the ability to re-roll a die roll you do not want. A new skill is learned when a character gains a Level. A character can have a maximum of 5 skills. Each skill has a level, a character can only choose skills with a level equal or less then the characters own level. 16.6.1. Skill Usage Skills can only be used once per turn and only one Skill can be used in each turn. Some Skills listed have an AP cost associated with them. 16.6.2. General Skills Cool Desc: Temporarily adds 1 to the characters FEAR value when making the Fear test. Level: 1 Desc: Does not need to pay Action Points to cross obstacles. Level: 1 Desc: Modify your search die roll result by +1 or 1 at players choice / draw 2 cards and keep one, shuffling the other back into the deck. Level: 1 Desc: Can ignore the models first FEAR test in the game. Level: 1 Desc: Don't need to spend Action Points to jump or climb 5cm. Level: 2 Desc: The character subtracts 2 from their FEAR test roll. Level: 2 Desc : Character knows how to Hotwire a car on a 4+ Cost: 2AP (normally 4AP). Level : 2 Desc: Can remove one wound on a D6 roll of 5+ . Cost: 4AP. Level: 3 Desc: Can ignore any result of a 6 on any Zombiefication roll required at the end of a game on a roll of 5-6. See Section 9.2. Level: 3 Desc: All characters within 10cm of the character receive +1 on their FEAR value when making a FEAR test. Cannot affect self. Level: 3 Desc: Can "give" a Re-roll to a character within 20cm. Cannot affect self. Level: 4 Desc: Can spend 1 AP to reroll a die roll just made.
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Fancy Move Lucky

Nerves of Steel Agile Fearless Mechanic

First Aid





DEAD WALK AGAIN Level: 4 Snappy Desc: Receives an extra AP to be used for anything except on movement Level: 4 Desc: Receives an additional 5cm of movement when using 4 Action Points on movement Level: 4 Desc: Get a free 5cm move when a zombie enters close combat, Automatically disengage from the zombie, no test needed (once per turn) Level: 5 Desc: Gains 1 additional Action Point Level : 5 Desc: Any successful zombie hit on the model must be re-rolled. Second result must be accepted. Level: 5



Hero Lucky Bastard

16.6.3. Combat Skills Without being trained on how to use a specific weapon, its as good as a club in a civilians hands. With continued use the weapon becomes more deadly, even for trained personnel such as soldiers. Each weapon type is in itself a Skill to chosen. Without that particular Skill the character cannot handle that weapon type without injuring themselves or those allies around them. A more generalized approach can be made since many weapons are similar in the way they function. All Level 1 Weapon Skills are to be considered Basic Skills. This are Skills that can be chosen when creating the character, based on their Archetype (see Section 15.4.1) General Weapon skills Handguns Shotgun Used: Pistol and Revolver Level: 1 Used: Pump Shotgun, Double Barrel Shotgun and Sawn Off Shotgun Level: 1 Used: Rifle, Carbine and Sniper rifle Level: 1 Used: Assault Rifle and Sub Machinegun Level: 1 Used: Machinegun Level: 1 Used: Grenade Launcher Level: 1 Used: Bow and Crossbow Level: 1

Rifle Automatic Machine gun Grenade launcher Bows

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DEAD WALK AGAIN Specific Combat Skills Aggressive Brace Desc: Re-roll a failed close combat roll Level: 2 Used: Machinegun Desc: Used to boost the effect of a Machinegun. The Machinegun can fire two Bursts for 4AP. Skill Exception: cannot be used with the Gunner skill. Level: 2 Used: All weapons Desc: By paying 1 AP the character can use the rest of their remaining AP to fire weapons during the zombies movement phase. Can't move or reload while using this skill. Level: 2 Desc: Ignore Long Range modifiers Level: 2 Used: All weapons Desc: Reload a weapon at half the AP cost, rounding up Level: 2 Desc: Ignore Soft Cover modifier Level: 2 Used: Pump Shotgun Desc: Enable character to fire four times in a turn with the Pump Shotgun. Level: 2


Eagle Eye Fast Reload

Sharpshooter Unload

Ambidextrous Used: Pistols and Revolvers Desc: Use two Pistols or Revolvers to fire at the same target (costs 1 AP to each pistol once). Cannot use Aim rule. Level: 3 Deep Pockets Desc: If the character runs out of ammo they can roll 1D6: on a score of 6 they will find a magazine on them with D6 rounds. Level: 3 Frantic Desc: If the character hits with Close Combat attack, the character can make one extra Close Combat attack immediately with no AP cost Level: 3 Used: Machinegun Desc: Roll of a 4+ eliminates target instead of 5+. Skill exception: Cannot be used with the Brace skill. Level: 3 Desc: Can make Close Combat attacks against zombies with bare hands. Scores a hit on a 6. Level: 3 Used: Close Combat Desc: Can make two Close Combat attacks for the cost of 2AP. Level: 4 Desc: Get one free CQM or Close Combat attack when a zombie enters Close Combat with you during the zombies turn.
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Martial Arts Expert Combat Expert


DEAD WALK AGAIN Level: 4 Tough Chainsaw Maniac Desc: Re-roll "Wound Test" when attacked by a zombie Level: 4 Used : Chainsaw Desc : the character cant hurt himself with the chainsaw. Kills zombies on a score of 2+. Automatically out of gas on a score of 1. Level : 4 Used: All weapons except Shotgun Desc: Fire a second time for +1 AP and get Elimination even on a Fall result. Cannot be aimed. Level: 5 Used: Automatic weapons Desc: Use 4AP and a full magazine to fire a Submachine Gun or Assault Rifle like a Machinegun. Skill Exception: Can't use Brace Skill! Level: 5 Used: Assault and normal Rifles Desc: Fires and receives Elimination on 2 or more. Level: 5 Desc: A hit in Close Combat gives an Elimination result. Cannot be used when using CQM. Level: 5

Double Tap




16.7. Quirks Some Skills are called Quirks and they work in a different way than normal Skills. A Quirk can give a character a negative effect in some situations and/or affect other characters. A Quirk is always in use, they cannot be turned on or off.. Whenever a situation arises that triggers a Quirk, that Quirk takes effect. It does not depend on how many times or when it was last used. Quirks can be given to a character when he/she is created. A character can have a maximum of 2 quirks. Roll 2D6 on the following table: Quirks Table 2 - Clumsy Desc: Roll Fall test when one or more AP is used for movement. On a result of 1 or 2 the character falls on the first movement action. Desc: Must shoot any Law-enforcement character within 10cm Used: All firearms Desc: Always -1 ToHit modifier when firing a weapon Desc: Roll 1D6 before each characters turn. On a 1, the characters can spend only 2 AP Note: on a failed fear test the character has only one AP. Desc: Always attack zombies within LOS with ranged combat.
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3 - Criminal 4 - Flinch 5 - Indecisive

6 - Macho

7 - Psycho 8 - Relative 9 - Scary-pants 10 - Sexy

DEAD WALK AGAIN Desc: Distracts all characters within 10cm, gives -1 to any die roll Desc: When firing, roll 1D6 : on 1-2 he/she spots a relative amongst the zombies and refuses to shoot or attack for the turn Desc: Must always keep zombies in LOS more than 10cm away or freeze on a 1-3 roll Desc: Distracts all male characters within 10cm, gives -1 on every die roll Note: Except on Fear tests Desc: Always engage zombies within 10cm in close combat Note: May never disengage from combat Desc: Not so bright, must roll 3+ or only receive 3AP per turn

11 - Stupid 12 - Thick

16.8. Trauma Points Each character starts the game/campaign with zero Trauma Points. Each time a character has to roll a FEAR Test and fails the test they receive 1 Trauma Point. The Trauma Points are accumulative during the game and are carried over from game to game in a campaign. When a character receives his sixth Trauma Point they develop a Psychosis. When the character receives the Psychosis the characters Trauma Points total is reset to zero. If a character receives enough points during a game to reach six Trauma Points, they receive a Psychosis immediately as normal and continue the game with zero Trauma Points. 16.9. Psychosis A Psychosis is a Quirk that has a negative effect on the game. When a character develops a Psychosis the player can either choose one or roll dice on the table below.. When a character receives their fifth Psychosis it will automatically be the Despair Psychosis. Roll 2D6 on the following table: Psychosis Table 2 -Berserk 3 - Charge Desc: Can't distinguish friend from foe. When firing roll die, on 1 or 2 must fire on closest target. Desc: Must spend at least 1 AP to move into contact with the closest zombie. The zombie suffers a Fall result automatically. Can't be combined with an attempt to Break Close Combat. Desc: The character can either shoot or move but cant perform both actions in the same turn. Desc: Can't move towards zombies within both LOS and 30cm. Note: Never attacks zombies in Close Combat. Desc: The character is so sad that he/she cant stop crying: -2 to each shooting test. Used: All firearms. Desc: Must shoot any friendly within 10cm. Desc: If, there are any zombies within 10cm at the start of a
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4 Mental Block 5 Terrified 6 Depressive 7 - Paranoid 8 - Scared

DEAD WALK AGAIN turn, the character must use all of his APs to move towards the nearest friendly character. Note: If engaged in Close Combat, the character must try to break from Close Combat or do nothing else. 9 - Schizophrenic 10 - Hallucinate Desc: Roll 1D6 at the beginning of each turn: on a 1 the character doesnt perform any action. Used: Close Combat weapons. Desc: The character sees zombies everywhere. Must attack any friendly character within 10cm. Used: All firearms. Desc: Always fires all the bullets/shells at zombies in one turn which empties the magazine. Note : Roll hits as normal according to RoF of the firearm. The other bullets miss the target. Desc: Roll 1D6 at the beginning of each turn: on a result of a 1 the character shoots one bullet in his/her brain, no Zombiefication Test is needed.

11 - Rage

12 - Despair


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