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San Soo Brown Belt

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Brown Belt Lessons

Brown Belt Lessons

1.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 2.) Left crosstep behind your right foot, block-and-hold with LUW. Grab to his right shoulder as you jump up and scissor with your legs (right leg across diaphragm, left leg into the back of the legs) to knock him back to the ground. Right hammer to his groin. Right back claw to his eyes.

Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left semi-crosstep inside the punch and block with LUW. Right step through his legs as you double Palms up into his jaw with your thumbs raking his eyes. Jump up; double stomping DOWN into his hips and double chopping down into the base of his neck, driving him to the ground. Right heel stomp to the groin.


Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left semi-crosstep outside the punch, LUW block-and-wrap over his arm and hold. Right grab to his back hair as you hook up into his groin with your right foot, pulling him back to a sitting position. Hinge kick back into his face with your left heel. Back heel stomp to groin with your right foot.


Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left step outside the punch, LUW block-and-wrap over his arm and hold. Right step around behind him as your right arm wraps over his right arm and grabs his left elbow. Right step back around and drop to your left knee, driving his face into the ground. Retaining left wrap, right hammer to the back of his neck.


Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Right step towards the punch and right crossblock. Turning left, step back behind him with your left foot as you left back elbow to his right ribs and fall back to the ground, taking him down. Left down hammer to his groin.


Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Left step outside the Punch, block-and-hold with LUW. Right kick to his ribs and... Step under his arm in front of him and right grab to his right wrist. Lay back, driving both feet up under his ribcage and flipping him over you. Right down elbow to his nose.


Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left semi-crosstep to his centerline and left opening block. Double chops to his gram nerves and grab behind his neck, pulling him over. Swing your right leg over his right arm and set inside his left leg, sitting on his shoulders (forcing him to a sitting position). Roll over to your back and hinge kick back into his face with your left heel.


Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) Left semi-crosstep inside the punch and block with LUW. Right palm to his nose as You right knee to his groin.


Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left step outside the punch, block-and-hold with RUW. Right kick to his ribs. Roll forward over your left shoulder, creating an outside wrist leverage and dropping him. Kick to his face with your left foot.

10.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left semi-crosstep outside the punch, block-and-hold with LUW. Shoot a right instep kick to the back of his left knee. Left step back around, then strike with your right forearm across his diaphragm as your right leg sets into the back of his right leg, knocking him down. Drop and left punch to the groin.

11.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Left step inside the Punch and block with LUW. In one motion, right step in and right four-knuckle uppercut under his chin and left down hammer to the groin as your left foot sets back between his legs. Left back heel kick to the solar plexus.

12.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Shoot a right instep kick to his right knee as you LUW block-and-hold. Pivot left, reaching up and wrapping your right arm around his neck, and fall back down to the ground, throwing him over you. Right four-knuckle Punch down to his nose. Right kick with the ball of your foot down into the groin.

13.) Opponent throws a left Punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Left step inside the Punch, block-and-hold with RDW. Draw and right sidekick to his left ribs. Grabbing around his neck with your right arm, turn left and lay out, throwing him to the ground. Retaining hold, left back elbow down into the groin. Left Palm/claw to his face.

14.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Left step outside the Punch and block with LUW. Reach around and right grab his right shoulder and pull, spinning him back around and bending him backwards as you shift into a left horse. Right "toe" kick to the base of his skull.

15.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left semi-crosstep outside the punch and block with RDW. Right step around and right down hammer to his groin. Left grab inside his left knee and pull as you right palm his right knee out, dropping him. Right backhand to the groin.

16.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Left step outside the punch and block with LUW. Right step around behind him and right grab the back of his right hand. Step back around with your left foot as you bring his arm over your head, reaching up with your right hand to grab his thumb. Pull down on his thumb as you drop to your right knee, flipping him with thumb leverage. Kick to his face with your right foot.

17.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Left semi-crosstep outside the Punch, block-and-semi-hold with RDW. Left open backhand to his left gram and reach over and grab his right collar. With left arm pushing on the back of his neck, pull to turn him over as you right step behind him, then... Left step back and drop to your knee, pulling him down onto your right knee as your right arm hooks (palm up) behind his right knee. As he bounces off your knee, throw his right leg over to your left, flipping him back over to his face.

18.) Opponent throws a right Punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left step outside the Punch and block with RUW. Extending your right leg, pivot and drop to your right hip as your left arm wraps over his right knee, taking his balance. Immediately sweep his left leg forward with a left shin kick to the back of his left leg, dropping him. Left backhand to his groin.

19.) Opponent throws a right Punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left semi-crosstep to his centerline as you block-and-hold with LUW. Right open hand to his throat. Bringing his arm (palm up) down in front of you, right " scoop" grab to his fingers and force them up, raising him to his toes. Release leverage and right knee to groin as he drops.

20.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Left step outside the punch, block-and-hold with RUW. Right roundhouse kick to his right ribs and step down, facing his ride. Bring your left arm up inside his right elbow and grab the back of his neck. Right palm to his chin and roll your arm over his head, pulling his chin towards you as your left hand grabs your right wrist. Flex both arms to break his neck.

21.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Short left step outside the punch, block-and-hold with LUW. Turn right and right step back under his arm to bring his arm up into a hammerlock. Right grab to the back of his left hand and force it up his back, using wrist leverage to create shoulder leverage and flipping him for-ward.

22.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Right step towards the punch, block-and-hold with RDW. As you apply inside wrist leverage, step around with your left foot and... Bring your left arm up inside of his right arm (bending his elbow) left grab over his fingers. Pull in and turn with both hands, leveraging against and breaking his wrist.

23.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Right step inside the punch, block-and-hold with RUW. Left palm to his nose. Left step forward under his arm and right step back behind him, turning his arm up into a hammerlock. Switching his arm to your left hand, right backhand grab over his left shoulder to his chin. Pull him back into a right knee to his kidney and breaking the shoulder.

24.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left step inside the punch, blocking with RDW and... Left open backhand to his left gram and grab his hair. Lay out in front of him sweeping your right leg back into his right shin as your right arm hooks inside of his left leg, throwing him over you. Retaining hair grab, right four-knuckle Punch down to the bridge of his nose.

25.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) Short left step inside the punch, blocking with RDW and immediately... Right step to his centerline and right backhand up into his throat, then... Right down hammer to his groin. Drop down to your hands and right hip, hooking your left foot inside of his left foot and pull his foot out. Turning over to your hands and left knee, right back kick to his left inside thigh, knocking him down. Following through from the kick, raise up, stepping with your right foot over to his left side, and do a right backhand under his chin as you left grab to his groin.

26.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left semi-crosstep inside the Punch, block-and-hold with LUW. Right piston kick to his solar plexus and Step through his legs, dropping to your left knee as you double palms down into his liver/spleen. Grabbing his hips with both hands, strike up into his groin with the back of your neck as you sit back onto your right heel, throwing him back over you.

27.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Left step inside the punch, block-and-hold with LUW. Right semi-roundhouse kick to the solar plexus and... Step towards his right arm as you strike to his triceps with a right down elbow, forcing him to bend over. Reach under and right grab to his groin as you lay out with your right leg, flipping him forward. Right hammer to his nose.

28.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Right step outside the Punch, block-and-hold with LUW, bringing his arm up and out behind him. Right "scoop" grab to his inside fingers, forcing them towards his wrist and bending him over. Right kick to his jaw.

29.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Deep left step outside the Punch, block-and-hold with LUW. Right step around behind him and reach up under his right arm and grab the back of his neck with your right hand, setting him down. Left step back around and sweep his right leg forward with your right leg as you push down on his head, taking him down. Right kick to his face.

30.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Left semi-crosstep to his centerline and left opening block. Double chops to his gram nerves, grabbing his back hair. Pull his head back and head butt to his throat. Right knee up into his groin. Sweep his left leg forward from the inside with your right leg as you throw his head straight down.

31.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Deep right step outside the Punch, block-and-hold with RUW. As you left step around behind him (towards his LEFT side), force his arm up into a hammerlock and... Left backhand grab to the back of his neck as you set your right leg over his left hip and back between his legs, sitting him back and breaking his shoulder Left hammer to the back of his neck. Left knee to his face.

32.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Left semi-crosstep to his centerline and block with LUW. Right straight claw to his eyes as you right knee to his groin. Left open backhand to his left gram and grab his back hair. Lay your right leg out across his front and as you fall hook inside his left leg with your right arm, throwing him over you Retaining hair grab, right ball kick to the ribs or down into the groin.

33.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Hop in to your left, evading the punch, and, covering with your left hand, right grab (over his left shoulder) to his back hair, then... Right step back around and drop to your knee, pulling him back down to the ground. Shifting to your left knee, left straight claw to his eyes. Shift back to your right knee and right four-knuckle punch to the bridge of the nose.

34.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Deep left step outside the Punch, block-and-hold with LUW. Push his arm in front of you as you right step around behind him, then... Left step into his right inside leg as You continue to push his arm across his back, causing him to fall. Right step up and right backhand under his chin.

35.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) Deep left step outside the Punch, block-and-hold with LUW. Force his arm back as You right step around behind him, and right grab to his right wrist. Step back with right foot, pulling him back to a sitting, position and ripping the deltoid muscles. Right stomp between his shoulder blades to the lungs. Right step straight back and shift into a right horse, releasing his right hand as he falls back to the ground. Left stomp to his face.

36.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Right step outside the Punch, RDW block and force his arm out behind him as you left backhand grab around the out-side of his left elbow, forcing his arm up into a hammerlock. Sweep his left leg back with your right leg. Right knee to his jaw. Swing your right leg over his head and sit on the back of his neck as you pull his arm to your left hip with both hands, breaking the shoulder as he flips over to a sitting position in front of you. Right backhand to his left temple.

37.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Right step outside the Punch, block-and-hold with LDW. Apply inside leverage to control him. Right step under his arm as you reach up with your right arm and grab him in a chokehold. Left step back next to your right foot while applying wrist leverage and throw him over your back. Right punch with proximal knuckle of middle finger between his eyes.

38.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Left semi-crosstep inside the punch and block with LUW as you right heel kick to his solar plexus. Set your left leg around into the back of his right knee as you left roundhouse grab to his back hair, setting him down. Right four-knuckle uppercut to his throat or solar Plexus.

39.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Left step towards the punch, LUW block-and-hold, bringing his arm up in front of you. Right grab the back of his hand and force his fingers down outside the wrist, dropping him. Kick to his face with your right foot.

40.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Deep left step outside the punch, LUW block-and-wrap, grabbing the back of the shoulder. Right step around behind him as your right arm wraps over and under his right arm, grabbing the back of the shoulder and forcing him to squat. Swing your right leg over his right hip and Plant in front of him, then swing your left leg over his left hip and sit, dislocating both shoulders and both hips.

41.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Short left step outside the Punch, block-and-hold with LUW. Right roundhouse kick to either kidney, stepping down just outside his left foot. Pivot left and left forward elbow to his throat as you sweep his left leg forward with your left leg, knocking him down. Pivot-and-drop and right hammer to his groin.

42.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Right step and evade under the punch. Left step behind him and left open backhand to his kidney. Dropping to your left hip, hook your right arm into the inside of his left leg and pull out as you right sidekick to his right inside ankle, dropping him on his face. Right kick to his tailbone.

43.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Deep left step inside the punch as you do a left opening block. As you Palm/grab to his back hair with your left hand, right Palm to his face (thumb up). Plant your right leg over his left hip as you right hammer down into the base of his left neck, knocking him down. Left four-knuckle punch to solar plexus.

44.) Opponent throws a right Punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Block LUW and block as you shoot a right instep kick to his right knee. Left step across in front of him, Pivot right, bringing his arm over your head, and... Strike up to his inside elbow with your right arm and grab his forearm. Right step back, pulling with both hands on his lower arm and breaking his shoulder.

45.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left step back around (moving back just beyond the reach of his Punch) and block with RDW, drawing him into... Left heel kick to his left ribs. Set your left leg down into the back of his left leg as you double grab to his head (gouging your thumbs into his eyes) and jam him straight down. As he falls, right knee to his right back ribs.

46.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Left step outside the Punch, LUW block-and-hold on his tricep to pull him off balance. Right step around behind him as You reach up under his right arm to right grab the back of his neck, forcing his arm up into a half-nelson. Pull him slightly to you to shift his weight, then step back across to his left with right foot, Pivot, and start to throw him backwards over your back. Halfway through the throw release him, causing him to land on his head.

47.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Slip the punch by stepping deep with your left foot outside, block-and-hold with LUW. Swing your right leg over his right hip to plant in front of him as you jam your first two fingers down into the transverse nerve (just above the collarbone), making him collapse. Left side kick to his face.

48.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Right semi-crosstep into his centerline, block-and-hold with RUW, pulling him into... Left straight palm to his forehead and grab his top/front hair. As you pivot out of your semi-crosstep, strike with right open hand (palm up) UP into his throat (raising him to his toes) and... Immediately right step back between his legs and drop to your knee, throwing him over you. Follow up by driving your right fingers down into his throat.

49.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left step inside the Punch, block-and-hold with RDW. Fold you right elbow over his arm and pull him into a left open backhand to his left gram and hold. Bring your right shin up across his chest and fall back, throwing him over you to your left. Right roundhouse kick to his right side ribs.

50.) Opponent throws a left punch. (Variation on #49) 1.) 2.) 3.) Left step inside the punch, block-and-hold with RDW. Fold your elbow over his arm to hold, then... Turn right, reach up under his head to grab in a left chokehold, and lay out with your left leg, throwing him over you to your right.

51.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Left step inside the Punch, block-and-semi-hold with RDW. As you clear his arm out to your right, left roundhouse grab to his back hair, bending him over into... Right four-knuckle uppercut to his nose. Right sidestomp to his left inside knee to the ground. Toekick to his groin with right foot.

52.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Right step outside the punch, block-and-hold with RUW. Left step around and left roundhouse grab to his top/back hair, pulling his head down. Swing your right leg over his body and STRIKE down into his throat with your calf. Pivot and drop your left shin across his throat as you left four-knuckle punch to his nose.

53.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Left semi-crosstep outside the punch, block-and-hold with RDW. Pivot out as you left open backhand to his left gram and grab his back hair. Right backhand grab (over your left arm) to his left-side jaw, turning his head right and bending him back into... Right knee to his right side jaw. Step back with right foot, throwing him to the ground.

54.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Deep left step outside the punch and block with LUW. Swing your right leg around the outside of his right leg, hooking your heel into his groin and... Shift into a left horse as you right open hand to his throat, knocking him back to the ground.

55.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Right step hand up to Swing your you double Right knee inside the punch and block with LDW as you bring your right cover. right leg around and set into the back of his right leg as backhand claw out across his face. to groin.

56.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Deep left step outside the punch and block with LUW. Right roundhouse kick to his right kidney and... Step through his legs as you double hammer DOWN into the trapezoid muscles, driving him face down to the ground. Left step towards his left side, dropping your right knee on his tailbone, and... As he raises his head, right knee to the base of the skull.

57.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left step outside the punch and block with LUW. Right step around behind him and grab him in a right choke hold as you grab over his head to his eyes with your left hand. Left step back around and throw him over your right hip. Right or left stomp to the back of his head.

58.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left step inside the Punch, LDW block-and-wrap to grab his shoulder. Pivot left as you right chop to his left gram and hold the back of his neck. Put your right foot into his solar plexus and fall back, throwing him back over you. Reach back and right claw up his face.

59.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Left semi-crosstep inside the Punch, block-and-hold with LUW. Right stiff-legged kick UP into his groin. Swinging your right leg to your left, hop up and sit with the back of your right thigh on his right thigh, knocking him down. Left roundhouse kick to his right side ribs, then... Step over him and drop, hammering down into the groin with your right hand.

60.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Left step outside the Punch, LUW block-and-wrap to grab the shoulder Right step around and right grab over his head to his eyes, pulling his head back down. Left knee up to his left back ribs, and... Left stomp behind his left knee to the ground, creating shoulder leverage. Right down elbow to his nose.

61.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Begin a left semi-crosstep into his centerline with a left opening block, then Crossing your arms (right over left) complete the step between his legs as you double strike into his throat and grab the lapels. Pull his head down into a right knee to the face. Right side stomp inside his left knee to the ground, choking him out.

62.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) Left step outside the Punch, block-and-hold with RUW. Right roundhouse kick to his right front ribs. Right hinge kick to his right kidney. Left roundhouse instep kick to his left kidney, and... Step behind him as You left backhand grab under his chin to set his head back. Right hammer across his throat.

63.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left step inside the punch, RUW block-and-hold as you left backhand palm (thumb down) into his throat. Right step around in front of him, bringing his arm over your head as you turn left to face him, grabbing with your left hand to his wrist as your right hand slides over to the back of his left hand. Step deep through his legs, pushing on the back of his hand (causing wrist leverage) to force his left elbow to strike into his solar Plexus, knocking him down. Left hop-stomp to his groin.

64.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Left step inside the punch, RDW block-and-hold, Pulling him down off balance. Right hinge kick to his right jaw/neck. Left spinning outside crescent kick to his face.

65.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) Step straight back with your right foot, moving with the punch, as You block-and-hold with RUW, pulling him off balance. 2.) Shifting your weight forward to your left foot, hop up and right stomp down to his right hip, driving him down to the ground. 3.) Hop stomp to his throat with your right foot. 66.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Tight left semi-crosstep outside the punch, LUW block-and-hold, pulling him down off balance. Right knee up into the throat. Right hinge kick up into his groin. with the back of your right thigh, sit on his left leg (just above the knee), knocking him down.

67.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) With a left semi-crosstep motion, hop into a right inside crescent kick to his bicep to block. Immediately, right sidekick to his diaphragm. Left back heel kick to his groin.

68.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Shifting your weight to your right foot, hop into a left outside crescent kick to block, followed by... Right hop roundhouse kick to his jaw, then... Drive a left spinning back sidekick THROUGH his diaphragm.

69.) Opponent throws a right punch. Right step inside the Punch, block-and-hold with LUW. Draw and left Piston kick to the groin. Drop down and, diving through his legs, grab the front of his left leg with both arms, locking out his knee and taking him down. 4.) Right backhand to his groin. 70.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Deep left step outside the punch, block-and-hold with LUW. Right roundhouse knee to his tailbone and step down. Stepping back behind him with your left foot, grab him in a right chokehold as you left grab over his head to his eyes. As you start to drop to your left knee, roll over to your left, forcing his face into the ground, and... Continue to roll over him to your back, pulling him up into a chokehold. 1.) 2.) 3.)

71.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) Left semi-crosstep outside the Punch, blocking with a right down elbow and wrap, grabbing his shoulder as you... Left open backhand to his left gram and grab his back hair. Wrap around and sit into his inside left leg with your right leg, causing shoulder leverage. Retaining left hair grab, right hammer to his left gram. Right back elbow to his left collarbone, knocking him back to the ground. Right backhand to the groin.

72.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 73.) Left step outside and slipping the Punch as you left pushblock and... Immediately right step behind him and right open backhand to his left kidney. Wrapping your right arm around the outside of his left leg, roll into the back of his legs, forcing him face down to the ground. Continue to roll and left down elbow to his tailbone.

Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Shift right Right Right your weight to your left foot to slip the Punch and shoot a instep kick to his right shin as you blockand-hold with RUW. roundhouse instep kick to his left gram nerve. hinge kick into his right kidney.

74.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left semi-crosstep inside the punch and left opening block. Left grab to his back hair as you right palm to his nose, jabbing your thumb into his right eye, and hold his face. Right knee to his groin. Set into his left inside leg with your right leg as you throw his head DOWN into the ground.

75.) Opponent throws a right Punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) With a left semi-crosstep movement to his centerline, evade the punch by dropping to the ground and... Sweep his right leg OUT with your right arm as your right leg sweeps his left leg forward and roll into him, knocking him back down to the ground. Continue to roll into a left back elbow down into the groin.

76.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 77.) Right step outside the punch and blocking with RDW... Left backhand grab over his arm to the inside of his elbow, reversing your right hand and forcing his arm up into a hammerlock. Wrap your right leg around and sit to the inside of his left leg. Left grab over to his left hand, reach under his left arm with your right arm, and pull his elbow up, breaking his shoulder.

Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Right step inside and evading the punch and right backhand chop to his throat. Left step around and left roundhouse grab to his back hair, forcing his head down into... Right knee to his face. Left sidestomp into his bladder, driving him down and... Right hop-stomp to his groin.


Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Left semi-crosstep to the inside of the punch and block with a left up elbow and wrap, immediately... Right hammer to his left gram and grab his head. Pull him down into a right knee to the solar plexus. Set your right leg around the outside and into the back of his right leg as you throw his head to the ground and As he falls, right grab to your left wrist and pull up, breaking his elbow.

79.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Deep left step inside the punch, block-and-hold with LUW, pulling his weight to his right foot, and... Immediately right step behind him into a full horse and right hammer to his left ribs, throwing him over your hip. Grabbing his right wrist with both hands, lean your left knee into the back of the elbow (forcing him onto his left side, then... Right step over him and sit on his right side ribs, breaking them.

80.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) Pivot left dropping under the punch and hop, sitting into his right thigh with the back of your right thigh and driving him to the ground. Hop-stomp to his throat with your left foot.

81.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Left semi-crosstep inside the Punch and block with a right rolling crossblock. As you Pivot out, right open backhand to his right gram and grab the back of his neck, pulling him down into... Right knee to his face. Sit with the back of your right thigh just above his right knee, jamming him DOWN into the ground (so he lands on his tailbone). Left roundhouse kick to his right jaw.

82.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Right step inside the punch, RDW block-and-hold, pulling him down off balance. Hop right knee to his face and... Scrape down his left shin with the knife-edge of your right foot.

83.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left semi-crosstep inside the Punch, LUW block-and-grab his upper triceps. As you swing your right leg around to set into the back of his left knee, right hammer across his throat to set him Left palm/claw to his face, knocking him down. Left toe-kick into the groin.

84.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left step outside the punch, RUW block-and-hold, bringing his arm in front of you as you... Left scoop grab to the back of his hand, pulling it into you, then... Fall back to the ground, flipping him forward with wrist/ shoulder leverage and - hooking his right foot with your right foot -kicking his leg over. Right backhand to his nose/jaw.

85.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Shoot a right instep kick to his right knee as you LUW block-and-hold. Step in and right backhand chop to his right gram and hold the back of the neck. With your left leg, sweep into his right inside leg, moving his leg back and out. Pivot left and right knee to the solar plexus.

86.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Curl inside the punch with a left semi-crosstep, blocking-and-holding with a right crossblock as you right sidekick to his diaphragm. Right step back, turning left, and fall back into him, striking into his knees with double back elbows and knocking him down. Roll over his left leg into a three-point stance and spin into a right roundhouse kick to his left jaw.

87.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Shoot a right sidekick to his left knee to stop the Punch, then... Draw and right sidekick up into his throat and Crosstep back just in front of your left foot, Pivot left and left sidestomp to his left knee, driving him to the ground. Left hop-stomp to his groin.

88.) Opponent throws a left Punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Left step inside and evade the punch as you right two finger jab to his left eye. Immediately shift right and left four-knuckle punch down into his bladder. Left open backhand to his left gram and hold as you right grab up to his chin. Apply neck leverage, flipping him over as you right step back across to your left and drop to your right knee, dropping his back across your left knee. Left hammer across his throat.

89.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Right step outside the Punch, block-and-hold with RUW. Left step around behind him and left down elbow to the back of his elbow, squatting him, then... Reaching down with your left hand, grab the back of his right knee and lift, dropping him on his back. Right back stomp to his head.

90.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Beginning a left semi-crosstep to his centerline, left opening block and... As your left foot hits the ground, double Palms to his liver/spleen, staggering him. Forward roll over your right shoulder into a right kick to his groin and... With your right leg, sweep his left leg forward, dropping him. Roll over to your back and double stomp into his groin.

91.) Opponent throws a right Punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Right step inside the Punch and block with LDW. Hook around into the back of his right knee with your left leg as you left open backhand to his left gram and hold to set him. Right knee to his groin. Right down elbow to the base of his neck.

92.) Opponent throws a right Punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Left step deep inside the Punch, block-and-hold with LUW. As you right step past his left side, grab his bicep with your right hand and... Drop to your left knee, forcing him to fall back with his elbow landing
across your right knee, breaking it.

93.) Opponent throws a right Punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left semi-crosstep into his centerline and block with LUW. Right step through his legs, driving your right shoulder into his solar plexus as you double grab behind both his knees, dropping him on his head. Holding his legs tight to your body, right step over him to flip him over to his stomach and... Sit to his back, breaking his back.

94.) Opponent throws a right Punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Right step inside the Punch and left opening block. Left grab to his back hair, Pulling him into a right for--ward elbow to his nose. Sweep his right leg back and out with your left leg as you left push his face straight down into the ground. Right palm to the back of his head. Right heel stomp to his tailbone.

95.) Opponent throws a left Punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) Left step inside the Punch, RUW block-and-hold, pulling him into... Left comb-grab to his front hair to... Right four-knuckle Punch straight into his throat. Right knee to his groin. Right grab up to his throat and as you fall back, kick with your right shin up into his groin, throwing him over you. Retaining hair, right four-knuckle Punch down to his nose. Right roundhouse kick to his right jaw.

96.) Opponent throws a left Punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Left step inside the Punch, block-and-hold with RDW. Draw and right sidekick down into his bladder. "Draw" and right sidekick up into his throat.

97.) Opponent throws a left Punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left step inside the Punch, block-and-hold with RDW. Draw and right Piston kick to his groin. Hinge kick with your right heel to his left inside knee, moving it out. Then... Push down on his left inside thigh with your right shin, driving him to the ground.

98.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Curl inside the punch by pivoting on your left foot, bringing up your right knee as you right crossblock and... Right sidekick to his diaphragm, then... Crosstep back just in front of your-left foot and left spinning outside crescent kick to his face.

99.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Right step outside the punch, block-and-hold with LDW. Apply inside wrist leverage to bend him over, then... Swing your right leg over his back and sit on his triceps, driving his face into the ground. Still sitting on his arm, right grab to his top hair and, pull to retain.

100.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) Draw your left foot back around into a right kickstance as you LUW block-and-hold and... Shoot a right two-finger jab over his arm to his left eye. Releasing left hold, right step to his centerline as you right backhand UP into his throat and immediately... Right down hammer to his groin. Right grab up under his throat to his back hair as you left backhand grab to his back hair and throw him forward. Retaining both grabs, roll your hands up to lift his head and right knee to the base of the skull.

101.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Left semi-crosstep curling inside the Punch and block with RDW. Right back elbow to his right gram, wrapping your arm over his neck and reaching up under his left arm to grab his back, then... Right step outside his right leg and throw him over your hip. Right roundhouse kick to his face. Right back stomp to his throat.

102.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Right step outside the punch and block with RDW. Left palm/grab to his groin. Left hinge kick with your heel to his kidney and... Set into the back of his left leg as you shoot a left forearm across his throat, knocking him down.

103.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Left semi-crosstep inside the punch. block with a left down elbow and wrap. Right chop to his left gram and grab his back hair. Right knee up under his ribs to the diaphragm. Place your left shin up across his chest and fall back, throwing him over you, Retaining right hair grab, left grab to his head, turning it sideways and left knee to his face.

104.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left step inside the punch and right opening block. Right grab to his back hair, pulling him into a left grab to the throat, then... Draw and right sidestomp his left inside knee to the ground. Pivot your right foot off his leg and left knee to his face.

105.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Pivot your body outside the punch with a left semi-crosstep as you RDW block-and-hold and... Lay down to your right side (retaining his arm) and shoot a right instep kick to just above his left outside ankle, breaking his ankle and knocking him to the ground. Left roundhouse kick under his chin.

106.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Left step deep inside the Punch, block-and-hold with LUW. Grab around his waist with your right arm and right hinge kick up into his groin with your heel from behind him. With your right leg, hook behind his right leg and lift, dropping him on his head.

107.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Left step outside the punch and left crossblock as you strike to his biceps with the four medial knuckles of your right hand. Clear out his right arm as you right backhand chop to his lower right gram and... Immediately left Palm (thumb down) to the point of his jaw. Reach down, double grabbing his right ankle, and lift over to your left, throwing him onto his back. Right step over to his left side and right backhand under his chin.

108.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left step inside the Punch, block-and-hold with LUW. Right semi-roundhouse kick to the groin and step down in front of him. Left step across in front of him bringing his arm over your head, and... Right side stomp to his right inside ankle (to pin him) as you Pivot left, bringing his elbow across your upper right arm and breaking the elbow.

109.) Opponent throws a left Punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Left step inside the Punch, block-and-hold with RDW. Rolling your arm over his, Pull his elbow into your side as you do a forward roll over your left shoulder in front of him, throwing him over you. Right backhand to his jaw.

110.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Right step to his centerline as you do a right rolling crossblock. Right backhand palm (thumb down) to his right jaw/cheekbone. Immediately left Palm up under his right jaw. Right grab to his groin.

111.) Opponent throws a right/left combination. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Right step to his centerline as you do a right rolling crossblock. RUW block-and-hold to the left punch. Left palm to his nose. Right grab to his groin.

141.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Evade inside the Punch with a right crosstep and right open backhand to his throat. Set between his legs with your left foot into a reverse horse and left down hammer to his groin. Pivot left and straight right palm/claw to his face.

112.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Left step inside the punch and right crossblock. Right backhand with the heel of your palm to the right side of his nose and... Shifting into a right horse, immediately left Palm up under his right jaw. (1-2)

113.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left step inside the Punch, blocking-and-holding with RDW and immediately... Left open backhand to his left gram and grab his back hair. Right step in front of him and right down elbow to the back of the neck into a right grab to his chin. Pushing-and-pulling, crank his neck to force him to raise up slightly and flip over as you move your left foot back and drop to your knee, causing his back to land across your right knee.

114.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Right step outside the Punch, block-and-hold with LDW. Apply inside wrist leverage, forcing him to bend forward as you right grab to the back of his left shoulder. Sweep his left leg back with your right leg while pushing down on his shoulder, forcing him face down to the ground. Keeping his arm locked out with downward pressure on the back of his left hand, right grab to the left fingers and turn them counterclockwise as you swing your right leg over his back and... Right back stomp to his head.

115.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left step into the punch, block-and-hold with LDW. As you apply inside wrist leverage, wrap your right arm over his upper arm to grab your left wrist, then... Lay out your right leg in front of your left, rolling-into his arm to force his face and left shoulder down into the ground. Left back elbow down into the back of his neck.

116.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Right step inside the punch and right rolling crossblock. Left step past his right leg as you shoot a left straight forearm across the throat. Right forward elbow to the solar plexus. Right knee to his groin.

117.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left semi-crosstep inside the punch and block with LUW. As you drop to your right knee, right palm-slap (with outside edge of your palm) down to the groin, then... Right palm up under his chin, and... Rise up and left four-knuckle punch to his throat.

118.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Evade to the inside of the punch with a left step and right grab to his throat, then immediately... Shifting into a right horse, left roundhouse grab to his back hair and left knee to the groin. Retaining both grabs, left step back, pivot-and-drop to your right knee, jamming his head straight down into the ground. Right heel kick under the chin.

119.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Left step inside the punch, RDW block-and-wrap to grab the shoulder. Left open backhand to his left gram and grab his back hair, pulling him down into... Right knee to his face. Switch hair grab to your right hand as your right leg sets around into the inside of his left leg to set him and... Left four-knuckle punch to his throat.

120.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Deep left step inside the punch and left opening block. Left grab to his back hair as you jab your right thumb into his left eye (with fingers grabbing his head), then... Right knee to his groin and... Set into the back of his right leg as you throw his head down into the ground.

121.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Tight left semi-crosstep inside the punch, blocking with RDW and... Left backhand grab to his back hair. Right step in front of him and right forward elbow to the back of his neck. Right hinge kick up into the groin and... Set your right shin on his right inside thigh as your right forearm pushes down on his neck, knocking him down.

122.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Right step outside the Punch, Pivoting into RUW block-and-wrap, grabbing the back of his shoulder. Left backhand grab to his chin and Pull him back over into a left knee to the small of his back. Retaining shoulder leverage, swing your left leg over his head and down into his throat, breaking his shoulder.

123.) Opponent throws a left Punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Left step in to the outside of the punch, blocking with RDW as you... Left comb-grab to his left side hair. Right step around behind him a right comb-grab to his right side hair, turning up both hands to force him up to his toes. Left step back around and drop to your knee, throwing him over your left shoulder to smash his head/face into the ground. Sit back on your left heel and pull back on his chin with both hands, pulling the muscles and tendons in the neck.

124.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Tight left semi-crosstep outside the punch, block with RDW and immediately... Right step around and right roundhouse four-knuckle punch to the point of his left jaw. In one motion, left backhand grab to the back of his neck and pull down as you right strike/grab up into his groin, flipping him forward.

125.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Left step inside the punch and block with LUW. Right step in and right four-knuckle punch (thumb up) to his heart, turning his body. Right side kick to his right inside ankle, sliding the foot out, then... Drop to your hands and right knee, swinging your left calf back into his left hip, knocking him down. Roll over to your left side and right down palm (with heel of hand) to the groin.

126.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left semi-crosstep inside the punch and left opening block. Double chops to the mastoid process of the neck and grab the back of his collar, forcing him to bend over. Swing your right leg over his left arm and set into the inside of his left leg, setting him for... Left knee into his right collarbone.

127.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Left step back around into a right kickstance as you RDW block-and-hold, then... Left grab to the arm, pulling him into Right backhand to his right side jaw. (1-2-3)

128.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Right step inside the punch and block with RDW. Right backhand to his right gram and hold the back of his neck as you lay out your right leg in front of you, pulling his head down into... Right piston kick up into the throat. Still retaining hold on the back of his neck, sweep his left leg forward with your right leg, knocking him back down. Right kick into his groin.

129.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Left semi-crosstep to his centerline and left opening block. Double Palm/slap to his ears and double grab his back hair, setting his head back. "Wrap" your right leg around and into his left inside knee (moving his knee out) as you pull down on his hair with both hands, forcing him to a sitting position. Left knee into his throat, knocking him back down, and... Left stomp to the groin.

130.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left step inside the punch and block with LUW. Draw your right foot into a low kickstance as your right four-knuckle punch down into the groin. From the inside, right hinge kick to the back of his right leg sweeping the leg forward and knocking him down. Pivot left and left sidestomp up under his ribs to his diaphragm.

131.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Deep right step into the Punch as You block-and-hold with RUW. Left step forward under his arm and Pivot right, pulling his arm up into a hammerlock. Reach across over your right arm and left grab (thumb up) to his right wrist, then... Pull both of his hands to your left as you sweep into the back of his left leg with the back of your right leg, making him fall on his left shoulder/face.

132.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Right step outside the punch, block-and-hold with LDW. Apply inside wrist leverage, making him bend over. Swing your right leg over his left shoulder, hooking your foot under his chin, and... Fall back to the ground, leveraging against his chin with your leg (while maintaining wrist leverage) to slam his head into the ground. Retaining wrist and neck leverage, left stomp into his left side ribs.

133.) Opponent throws a left OR right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Pivot left dropping under the punch and right sidekick into his bladder. Diving between his legs, hook behind his right leg with your right arm and pull it out as your right leg sweeps his left leg forward, knocking him down. Continue rolling into a left back elbow down into the groin/ solar plexus.

134.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Left step to his centerline, evading the punch, and left backhand grab to the back of his neck/hair, then... Pivot left and fall back to the ground as you right grab up into the groin, throwing him over you to your left. Retaining hair grab, right Punch or kick to whatever is open.

135.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Left step inside the punch, block-and-hold with LUW. Straight right palm-and-grab to the front of his right deltoid and... Pull him forward into a right forward elbow to his face. Right knee to the groin, stand down, and... Left step back around, using your forward elbow motion (as you are pulling with your hand) across his throat to throw him to the ground.

136.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Right step evading under the punch to the outside and... Drawing your left foot in, dive through his legs from behind, turning over to your back to hook your left arm into the back of his right knee (forcing the knee forward, which makes his body lean back) and... Right hammer to the groin, knocking him back down to the ground.

137.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left step inside the punch as you RDW block-and-wrap, forcing his arm up into a hammerlock and bending him over. Right knee to his face, then... Right step behind and past his right leg, shifting his weight to his right foot, and... Shift into left horse, using shoulder leverage to throw him to your left.

138.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left step inside the punch, block with RDW and... Left open backhand to his left gram and hold the back of his neck. Draw your right foot to your center as you strike up into his throat with your right forearm and wrap into a chokehold, then... Sit back into his legs as you pull his head forward (as if you were going to throw him), breaking his neck.

139.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Right step outside the punch, block-and-hold with RDW. Start to apply an outside wrist leverage, as your left hand grabs to assist, then bring his arm back across to your left, setting him. Retain leverage with your left hand and right four-knuckle uppercut to his left side ribs.

140.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Left step to the inside of the Punch, block-and-hold with RDW and... Left open backhand to his left gram and grab his back hair, forcing him to bend over. Right down elbow to the back of his neck and wrap over to grab his chin. Push-and-pull, applying leverage against his neck to turn his head 90*, and right knee to his left jaw, then Step straight back, cranking leverage to break his neck.

141.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 142.) Deep left step inside the Punch, block-and-hold with LUW. Right down palm (with heel of hand) to his right collarbone and grab the back of his shoulder. Right pull him forward into a right forward elbow to his throat. Sweep his right leg forward with your right leg as you use your forward elbow motion across his throat (while retaining both holds) to knock him back to a "sitting" position. Right knee to his face.

Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) Short right step outside the Punch, block-and-semi-hold with RDW. Clear his arm out as you left step outside his left foot and left sweeping claw across his eyes. Pivot right and right back heel kick into his groin (pushing his hips back) and... Turning right, sit on his left thigh with your right thigh, knocking him down. Left "toe" kick into his groin, then... Step over to his right side, Pivot-and-drop as you right roundhouse four-knuckle punch to his left jaw, and... Right sidestomp to his throat.

143.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Deep left step outside, slipping the punch, and with LUW motion grab over his head to his front hair. Right step across towards his right side, pulling his head back down, and as you complete your step into a left horse, right roundhouse four-knuckle punch to the point of his right jaw, dropping him. Right step over his body and drop, clawing to his eyes with your left hand as you right grab to his groin.

144.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Deep left step inside the punch and left opening block. Left grab to his back hair as right hand grabs his head (your thumb is on the right side of his nose and your fingers grab behind his left jaw). Pull straight down with both hands to set him for right knee to the throat. Right piston kick to the groin.

145.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left step outside the punch, and with LUW motion grab the back of his shoulder and Pull (turning his back to you) into... RDW motion to backhand grab to his back hair. Draw your right foot and (retaining hair grab) right sidekick to the small of his back, driving him face down to the ground. Right hop-stomp to the back of his head.

146.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Right step inside the Punch, block-and-hold with RDW, continuing the motion to... Push his arm across his front as you left grab over your right arm to the wrist, following with... Left step under his arm and pull to your left shoulder, bringing his elbow across your right shoulder and breaking it.

147.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Short left step outside the punch, block-and-hold with LUW. Pivot right, bringing his arm over your head as you switch grab to your right hand and pull up into a hammerlock. Wrap your right leg around the front of his left leg to the inside of the knee (moving the knee out) and set into a left horse, pinning him. Left knee to his face.

148.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Deep left step outside the punch, blocking with LUW to turn his back to you. As you right step straight back behind him, right grab (thumb down) to the front of his right leg @ the ankle, pulling and lifting to make him bend forward to his hands. Holding his leg up, right knee to his groin.

149.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Left step outside the punch, block-and-hold with LDW. Clear his arm out as you right hinge kick (with heel) to his right inside "charley" and... Step down as you right forward elbow to his face.

150.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Left step outside the punch, block-and-hold with LUW. Shift into a right horse, bringing his arm over your head, and right backhand to his left front ribs. Right grab to his triceps, locking out his elbow and bending him over. Swing your right leg over his back and sit on his triceps, driving his face into the ground.

151.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Moving with the Punch, draw your left foot in front of your a pivot motion (to turn your body sideways), block-and-hold as you right two-finger jab over his arm to his left eye. Wrap your right arm over his arm to place your forearm over triceps, then... Left grab your right wrist, left step back and shift into a horse, locking out his elbow to pull his head forward. Right backhand to his jaw. right into with LUW his left

152.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Deep left step outside the punch and block with LUW. As you right step straight back behind him, hook inside his left thigh in a striking motion with your right arm to lift and move his leg out. Swing your right leg over and hinge kick into the front of his right hip, shifting into a left horse as soon as your foot plants to knock him down. Drop your right knee into his groin and... Immediately right heel kick under his chin.

153.) Opponent throws a right punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Right step inside the Punch, block with RDW and Right backhand grab to his right side hair. Retaining hair, fold your arm up over his head and, shifting into a right horse (pulling his head around to your right), do a left open hand to his throat as You Pivot-and-drop your left knee, with your weight (and arm locked out) landing on his throat.

154.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Short left step outside the Punch, block-and-hold with LUW and... Pivot into a right roundhouse kick to his left kidney. Step down and reach around to right grab his right front hip and Pull, spinning him around to face you. Right side stomp down into his bladder, driving him down to the ground.

155.) Opponent throws a right Punch. 1.) 2.) Left inside crescent kick to his right triceps, stepping down next to your right foot to... Right spinning back side kick UP into his right front ribs.

156.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Deep left step outside, slipping the Punch, and block with LUW. Right step around behind him and grab with your right middle finger (over his right shoulder) to his right eye. Pull-and-push on his eye, turning him to face you, then... Left sidekick to his diaphragm (bending him over) and Right spinning back hook kick to his right jaw.

157.) Opponent throws a right Punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Left semi-crosstep to his centerline, blocking with LUW as you right four-knuckle Punch (thumb up) to his solar plexus. As you dive through his legs, hook your right arm (striking) into his right inside knee (moving knee out) and... Swing your left leg back into the front of his left hip, knocking him down. Continue rolling motion into him. and. with LUW motion, push his right leg out (Pulling the groin muscles) and... Right hammer to his groin.

158.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Short left step outside the punch, block-and-hold with LUW. Right roundhouse kick to the small of his back. Standing down behind his left side, left backhand grab to his right side hair, pulling-and-pushing to turn him to face you. Right piston kick to the groin as you right straight claw to his eyes.

159.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) Short left step inside the punch and block with RDW. Right step in front of him and right forward elbow into his left jaw. As you drop to your left knee, left backhand grab to the back of his neck and (with RDW motion) palm/grab UP into his groin, throwing him over your back.

160.) Opponent throws a left punch. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) Tight left semi-crosstep outside the punch, block-and-hold with LUW. Right four-knuckle uppercut (under his arm) under his left side jaw. Right step past his left leg and right backhand to the diaphragm. Left knee into his front left ribs. Still retaining hold on arm, right hammer to the back of his neck (bending him forward) and... Left knee into his face.

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