ADV - Will in The Way
ADV - Will in The Way
ADV - Will in The Way
Daniel Bell
Joe Adams • J. Patrick McDonald
Andy Staples • Neil Thompson
Richard Luschek • Matthias Janssen (heraldry)
Thomas Shook • Jeremy Baker
Kerry Mould • Daniel Bell
Dave Bell • Neil Hepple
Neil Thompson • Dave Wilkinson
Sara Bell • John Sgammato
N. Robin Crossby • Columbia Games Inc
Goffin, Henewes & Will in the Way are set in Nelafayn Hundred.
Visit the Nelafayn Hundred Project website at: for detailed manors and other articles.
To Matthias Janssen (aka Matthias Janßen)
For showing the Hârn community with "Carved in Stone" that publishing
a professional, complete adventure was possible and wanted by many.
Nelafayn Hundred is a commercial center of agri- Abriel Abbey is the seat of the Laranian diocese of
culture in northwest Kaldor. The Kald River borders it to Nurez and the site of the Nelafayn Hundred Moot. It was
the east, the Hemurin River borders it to the south and the founded by Sanric II, King of Nurelia, in 170. The abbey is
Caliprast Stream borders it to the north. To the west lies an important theological center for the church in Kaldor
wilderness. The hundred has 33 villages along with a and is quite wealthy. In 714 Ilor Hadan was named Rekela
quarry, a tin and a salt mine. Abriel Abbey holds land in (Bishop). He is 49, idealistic, and piously concerned with
the center of the hundred. Other major landholders are spiritual matters. The Rekela scorns temporal duties leav-
the Sheriff of Meselyneshire and the Earls of Neph, Osel ing much to Abriel’s Serolan (Abbot) and focuses instead
and Vemion through vassal lords. on a theology, which advocates against church held mar-
Olokand Castle is the third largest settlement in Kal- tial force. His views and policies have greatly weakened
dor and the seat of the Sheriff of Meselyne, Sir Maldan Laranian military strength and readiness in Meselyneshire.
Harabor, the eldest unacknowledged bastard son of the Iversen Chapterhouse is a roomy hostel manor of
King and one of the most powerful nobles in the realm. It the Laranian fighting order, the Lady of Paladins. The
is the ancestral seat of the Earls of Olokand and Kings of chapter lies just north of Abriel. It is understaffed, as a no-
Kaldor, since Clan Elendsa took the throne at the end of torious brigand, Telin the Red, has killed two Melana
the Baronial Revolt. The Royal Chelebin Tournament of (Knights) and several Meken (Common Soldiers). Sir Kjer,
Chivalry is held here every summer. Iversen’s Reblena (Knight Commander), is waiting for re-
placements and has privately asked for reinforcements to
hunt down this killer.
Roleplaying Opportunities
If the PCs have finished the canon adventure, 100
Bushels of Rye, Edric will instruct Toris to change his re-
cruiting pitch if the PCs seem to be loyal to Sheriff
Harabor. This variation includes that Toris has learned
that Telin the Red has been using Henewes as a base of
operations and that setting fire to the village (without
The Plan harming the serfs) will smoke the bandits out of hiding.
The Lord of Goffin, Sir Edric, seeks a group of armed If the party has completed Iversen’s All the King’s Men
men that can appear to be brigands and ruffians yet can and Telin the Red’s identity has been revealed or he has
be trusted to forge a legal document and still not be asso- been brought to justice, Toris will claim that the “real” Te-
ciated with him. He wants them to obtain a forged will lin is still at large and that the bandit still threatens
which grants Henewes to him and pose as Telin the Red’s Henewes (or uses it as a base).
outlaws to attack Henewes without harming the village’s If they have used Abriel’s Bats in the Belfry hook, Toris
inhabitants themselves. He must know of the timing of the will know if they are friends or foes of the church, but will
raid so that he can ride in to the villagers’ rescue. Sir Edric strongly urge them to hide their identity, since their faces
wants this to serve as proof that the church cannot protect will be known in Abriel.
its hamlets from the threat of brigands and that he would If any of the characters have already gone through the
be a better lord. Goffin’s lord then intends to appeal to the fanon adventure Trial & Error set in Cyre, or if they have
king’s son, Sheriff Maldan Harabor, to look into overturn- visited Medarsin Manor, either lord may send the PCs on
ing the will and ratify the forged will. to their relative, Sir Edric, to check up on him. Once in
Goffin, Toris may contact them.
Bringing in the Players
Ideally, Sir Edric is looking for literate strangers of low
or middle birth (such as yeomen or mercenaries) that do
not hail from Meselyneshire (perhaps the PCs). Sir Edric
wants loyal individuals who can minimize bloodshed and Toris of Jarat
keep his identity secret. He plans on using Toris of Jarat,
Goffin’s teamster, as a middleman in order to keep his pa-
tronage deniable.
By choosing a member of his household as the go be-
tween, Edric’s plan is however naïve enough to later con-
nect him with the PCs. Toris will likely try to recruit the
PCs in Olokand while they are there in Larane for the
Royal Chelebin Tournament of Chivalry or when the Fur
Road caravans pass through. This is likely a chance en-
counter in town for the PCs. Sir Edric tells his teamster,
Toris of Jarat, to meet the PCs in secret in the stables of
the Kald & Castle Inn. During this meeting, Toris will tell
the PCs the background, hint at the plan, loan them Sir
GMs should feel free to choose their own encounters or
randomly roll. This table has been modified to represent
eastern Nelafayn Hundred. The numbers in the square
brackets after each entry indicate sub-tables in the Cam-
paign Section of HârnMaster Core or HârnMaster 3.
Partial Success Missing Brother. Sir Arlin Quarne, the Lord of Gof-
If the PCs did reveal their faces but fled the hundred fin’s hot-headed younger brother, is an Erana (Wandering
in time to avoid capture, they may be able to return to Knight) of the Lady of Paladins. Arlin wed Keriela Lasvarn
Goffin clandestinely at night to check in with Toris some- just this year. Unfortunately, the newlyweds’ marriage has
time after they have lain low. Even if the hamlet is not re- been a series of arguments, and Arlin wished to join the
turned to Clan Quarne, Toris feels that Sir Edric is likely crusade against the Solori, either to get away from Keriela
pleased at causing trouble for the abbey. Maldan may be- or to fill his wanderlust. Last month, Arlin failed to meet
come very curious about the PCs if he figures out that his contact at Nebulan for the journey to Cundras in
they really were not Telin’s men as this to some extent Melderyn and Keriela fears for him. She asks the PCs to
unknowingly plots them against the sheriff’s conflicting journey south to the chapterhouse, searching all the way.
interests in the shire.
Cuckold Husband. Keriela, age 18, is the younger
more attractive sister to Sir Edric’s wife Denerelle and is
Total Failure wed to his younger brother, Sir Arlin Quarne. Before Sir
If the authorities catch the PCs they could be liable for Arlin’s departure, Keriela ran off in the heat of an argu-
arson, battery, conspiracy, larceny, poaching and possibly ment one night, after having drunk several cups of
murder. Punishment will likely be uncomfortable and Melderyni brandy. Sir Arlin and his brother searched op-
could result in the deaths of their characters. Certain of posite ends of the fief, and Sir Edric cornered her in Goffin
Kaldor’s more intriguing nobles may discreetly inquire Wood. The inebriated Keriela mistakenly confided and
about the character’s skills in the creation of last will and then comforted him. From this occasion Keriela is now
testament forgeries before justice is carried out. pregnant and will soon begin to show. She may call on the
PCs and take a liking to one of them. Will she tell her sis-
Transition ter to whom she has divulged about everything in the
Assuming the PCs have done some service to Sir past? Or name a PC as the father?
Edric, if the PC’s identities remain unknown a GM can
easily involve them in one of the additional adventure Treason! Sir Edric is politically naïve and on occa-
hooks. (Alternately, they could have occurred before or sion will speak his mind to his own detriment. While in
during the adventure.) Olokand one day, Sir Edric sees Sir Mirald Harabor, the
sheriff’s eldest son, and captain of the castle garrison. Sir
ADDITIONAL ADVENTURE HOOKS Mirald epitomizes the worst of feudal aristocracy and
Beside the many hooks in the location articles themselves, picks on Sir Edric as a “weakling woman of a jouster.” Sir
GMs should feel free to add any of these hooks to the ma- Edric in his pride might insult Mirald back or plot to back
jor NPCs to spice up the adventure: another claimant to Kaldor’s throne if he cannot count on
Maldan returning Henewes.
Falling Horse. Sir Edric Quarne is not as robust as
he once was. While he is still a fair rider, his jousting days Refinancing. If forced into paying off his debt early,
are realistically at an end, even if he does not yet know it. Sir Edric may have to barrow from Tashal’s Querene of
Following a light rain, Edric is practicing at riding with a Valain, a usurer who is known for her discretion lending to
lance when his warhorse slips and falls. Thankfully the the nobility. This would unknowingly bring him to the at-
animal is unhurt except for a passing sprain. However the tention of Lady Cheselyne the Elder through her involve-
charger falls on Edric’s right leg and breaks it clean in two. ment with Querene.
The PCs must get him medical attention and see that the
break heals.