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Will in the Way

A Hârnic Adventure Module


Inside Front Cover
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Will in the Way
A Hârnic Adventure Module

Daniel Bell
Joe Adams • J. Patrick McDonald
Andy Staples • Neil Thompson
Richard Luschek • Matthias Janssen (heraldry)
Thomas Shook • Jeremy Baker
Kerry Mould • Daniel Bell
Dave Bell • Neil Hepple
Neil Thompson • Dave Wilkinson

Sara Bell • John Sgammato
N. Robin Crossby • Columbia Games Inc

Goffin, Henewes & Will in the Way are set in Nelafayn Hundred.
Visit the Nelafayn Hundred Project website at: for detailed manors and other articles.
To Matthias Janssen (aka Matthias Janßen)
For showing the Hârn community with "Carved in Stone" that publishing
a professional, complete adventure was possible and wanted by many.

A Hârn Writers’ Guild Book, 2007

Self-published by Hârn Writers’ Guild.
Available for download free at

This work, created by Daniel I. Bell, is a derivative work of copyrighted material

published by Columbia Games Inc. and is released for free distribution and personal
use by Daniel I. Bell without the permission or endorsement of N. Robin Crossby or
Columbia Games Inc. No modification of said work may be made without the
explicit written permission of the author, Daniel I. Bell. Hârn, HârnWorld and
HârnMaster are trademarks of Columbia Games Inc. Use of these or other
trademarks are not intended as a challenge of the status of said trademarks. All
distribution must keep this copyright and trademark notice intact.

Copyright © 2007, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc.

All rights reserved.
A Hârnic Adventure This adventure is designed to fit with several lead-ins
Difficulty: Moderate from published materials or with new characters. The
easiest transition is to utilize the Royal Chelebin Tourna-
ment of Chivalry in Olokand as a way for PCs to meet Sir
INTRODUCTION Edric Quarne and other key NPCs from the local area.
The basic economic unit of Hârn and the middle ages Characters can also be drawn in from the use of family
is the manorial fief, or manor. It is a parcel of land held by ties or the adventure hooks from Olokand, Cyre, Medar-
a feudal lord’s trusted vassal and is an important and es- sin, Iversen, Abriel, or indirectly from Stybrin or Loban.
sential part of feudal life. It provides a fighting man with GMs wishing to use new characters should refer to the
enough resources to afford expensive weapons, armour, pre-game information in HârnMaster or use published
and other supplies in order for him to fight. Knights are pre-generated characters.
elite well-armoured fighting men and hold most manors in
Hârn’s feudal kingdoms. Often manors are sized as a SETTING
knight’s fee, this being the amount of land needed to sup- This adventure takes place in the kingdom of Kaldor
port the knight as well as provide for a warhorse. Every on Hârn, to the southwest of Olokand. It directly involves
non-noble owes fealty to the fiefholder, whether they are a the fiefs of Goffin and Henewes. Indirectly, the adventure
noble, a knight or are a religious institution. involves the fiefs of Abriel and Iversen, along with indi-
Local politics often hold sway more so than national viduals from Medarsin, Cyre, Stybrin, and Olokand. It is
ones, and the lords of these fiefs were often at odds with meant to be an adventure with a lot of local flavour and
each other. Nelafayn Hundred in northwest Kaldor is one information gathering, some combat & subterfuge, and
such place. moderate amounts of political intrigue, with the potential
Goffin, a medium sized knight’s fee a league away to become greater per the GM’s wish. Events can happen
from Olokand, is the domain of Sir Edric Quarne, a re- in any season of the year. They are however less likely to
spected and caring knight of mediocre fighting skill. With occur during summer while the king is in residence at
the king’s permission, Sir Edric’s father willed one third of Olokand. The players would likely be introduced to some
the Clan Quarne fiefdom to the nearby wealthy Laranian of the major NPCs during Olokand’s Royal Chelebin Tour-
abbey as a sign of devotion. This gift included a hamlet nament of Chivalry in Larane, but the close scrutiny of the
and almost 600 acres of property, which the abbey added nearby monarch will likely stay the protagonist’s hand un-
to its large tracts of land. The abbey itself is the Hundred til fall or winter. The ideas behind this adventure may be
Moot for the hundred, and its chief clergyman is the Bailiff adapted for other feudal kingdoms, with the GM choosing
of the Hundred, the crown’s representative and a key lieu- two lords and tension over the grant of land from one to
tenant to the sheriff of the shire. The church’s stewardship another.
of the hamlet and the stress of Sir Edric’s economic situa-
tion have begun to chafe Goffin’s lord over the unfairness REFERENCES
of the situation. He is in need of some help. Hârn’s two trademarks are detail and consistency.
This adventure utilizes articles produced online by other
OBJECTIVE HârnFans (fanon) and printed material published by Co-
The goal of this adventure is to involve the PCs lumbia Games Inc and/or Kelestia Productions (canon). In
(player characters) in a political pissing contest between particular, this article ties in with the fanon articles of:
two feudal lords or patrons over a tangible object such as Goffin, Henewes, Abriel, Iversen, Cyre, Medarsin, and
property. Individual GMs (Gamemasters) can play it out Stybrin, Lady of Paladins, and the canon articles of Kaldor,
as they see fit, with it as a full escapade in and of itself or Tashal and Olokand. HârnMaster NPC stats and Hârn-
as a lead in to another such adventure based in the area Manor data on the fiefs are given but can easily be
(100 Bushels of Rye, All the King’s Men, Trial & Error, or the changed to fit any rule system. Much more can be found
scenarios in CGI’s Olokand article). The PCs’ skills and on and and
character types as well as their position in society will also the author invites readers to use this outstanding material
affect the adventure. PCs with fighting, reading and writ- for their own settings and adventures.
ing skills are especially important. GMs should feel free to
change the details and flow of the events to better fit their
own campaign.

© 2007, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc. HârnWorld


Nelafayn Hundred is a commercial center of agri- Abriel Abbey is the seat of the Laranian diocese of
culture in northwest Kaldor. The Kald River borders it to Nurez and the site of the Nelafayn Hundred Moot. It was
the east, the Hemurin River borders it to the south and the founded by Sanric II, King of Nurelia, in 170. The abbey is
Caliprast Stream borders it to the north. To the west lies an important theological center for the church in Kaldor
wilderness. The hundred has 33 villages along with a and is quite wealthy. In 714 Ilor Hadan was named Rekela
quarry, a tin and a salt mine. Abriel Abbey holds land in (Bishop). He is 49, idealistic, and piously concerned with
the center of the hundred. Other major landholders are spiritual matters. The Rekela scorns temporal duties leav-
the Sheriff of Meselyneshire and the Earls of Neph, Osel ing much to Abriel’s Serolan (Abbot) and focuses instead
and Vemion through vassal lords. on a theology, which advocates against church held mar-
Olokand Castle is the third largest settlement in Kal- tial force. His views and policies have greatly weakened
dor and the seat of the Sheriff of Meselyne, Sir Maldan Laranian military strength and readiness in Meselyneshire.
Harabor, the eldest unacknowledged bastard son of the Iversen Chapterhouse is a roomy hostel manor of
King and one of the most powerful nobles in the realm. It the Laranian fighting order, the Lady of Paladins. The
is the ancestral seat of the Earls of Olokand and Kings of chapter lies just north of Abriel. It is understaffed, as a no-
Kaldor, since Clan Elendsa took the throne at the end of torious brigand, Telin the Red, has killed two Melana
the Baronial Revolt. The Royal Chelebin Tournament of (Knights) and several Meken (Common Soldiers). Sir Kjer,
Chivalry is held here every summer. Iversen’s Reblena (Knight Commander), is waiting for re-
placements and has privately asked for reinforcements to
hunt down this killer.

HârnWorld © 2007, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc.

Elwen Village is a small satellite village to the south Medarsin Manor is a quiet, medium sized manor on
of Abriel. It is one of four hamlets held by the abbey. the Kald River. It lies on the west side of the river on the
Gedan Village is a seemingly dull and ordinary sub- opposite side of the Heru Road. The fief is held by Sir
ordinate hamlet to the northwest of Abriel. It lies north of Morek Lasvarn from Olokand. Sir Morek’s clan has sev-
the hundred’s only quarry. eral marriage ties to other Nelafayn landholding clans.
Henewes Village is a satellite hamlet of Abriel Ab- Cyre Manor is a smaller knight’s fee on the northern
bey. It is governed by Abriel’s Reeve on behalf of the edge of Nelafayn Hundred along the banks of the Caliprast
Rekela. The village was once held by Clan Quarne of Gof- Stream. Sir Rald Ertanar holds it from Sir Ercamber
fin but was willed to the abbey as a sign of devotion upon Odasart, the wealthy lord of Hesby. Sir Rald is noted in
the death of Sir Edren Quarne eight years ago. the hundred for his black temper.
Minziles Village is a subordinate village held from Sangara Manor is a fertile farming manor adjacent
Abriel Abbey. The road from Henewes to the abbey runs to Olokand. Much of its harvest goes to support the castle
through the village. town. The manor is governed by a bailiff for the sheriff.
Goffin Manor is a generous single knight’s fee held Stybrin Manor is a double knight’s fee held by Sir
by Sir Edric Quarne. The fief lies close to less than a Cedfer Yalcuthy from the Earl of Vemion through the
league due south from the castle at Olokand, but except Constable of Baseta Keep. Sir Cedfer is a vigorous man in
for local traffic, the road is little used as most travellers his early 60’s. His son, Sir Felis, is an energetic 39 years
between Olokand and Abriel usually take the more direct old. The fief’s impressively built manor house is Sir Ced-
route through Iversen. fer’s pride and joy.

© 2007, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc. HârnWorld

This article contains the core of the adventure mod-
The Will
The original will of Sir Edren Quarne dates from 711
ule. The GM should be comfortable with the various loca-
and is written in Khruni script. It was written in tripli-
tions mentioned in the map key. Many of these have
cate and the three identical copies were cut from a
fanon or canon location articles associated with them. In
sheet of vellum and passed out to the executors. One
particular more information is found in’s
copy is in Sir Edric’s possession and would be provided
fanon articles of: Goffin, Henewes, Abriel, Iversen, Cyre,
to the PCs at the start of the adventure. Another copy is
Medarsin and Stybrin and’s ar-
stored in the cellar level archives of Abriel Abbey, the
ticles of Kaldor, Tashal and Olokand. The GM should also
Hundred Moot of Nelafayn Hundred. The will can be
review the adventure hooks and flow of the module to fit
found in an unlocked chest on the east side of the
the PCs into the situation using existing characters or via
room. A locked door protects access to the under-
a pre-game for new characters.
ground room itself. The Suloran (Master of Archives),
Serolan (Abbot) and the Adjunct of the Rekela all have
Part I: Background keys. The third copy is in the possession of Sir Morek
Around eight years ago, Sir Edren Quarne, the knight Lasvarn in his manor house room at Medarsin.
holding the fiefs of Goffin and Henewes died. With King
Miginath’s permission, Edren bequeathed the hamlet of
Henewes to Abriel Abbey in his will. While Sir Edren was In the name of the goddess Larani, Shield Maiden of the
a pious lord, the contents of the will that was drafted nine Worthy Cause, Guardian of Dolithor, Protector of the
months before his death came as a shock when read at the Brave, Lady of Paladins, The Unwilling Warrior; I, Edren,
Hundred Moot. The size of his generous gift and its timing the firstborn and only child of Arlin Quarne, knight of Gof-
had tongues wagging. Adding to the suspicion was the fin, and his lady wife, Aharyna, on this 15th day of Nolus
fact that Abriel Abbey is the Hundred Moot and the Bailiff 711 have set out my testament in the following manner. I
of the Hundred; the Rekela (Bishop) was one of the key wish to be buried in the Abriel Abbey cemetery on the east
beneficiaries. While the will itself appeared authentic, the side of my aunt Myleria’s plot, next the crypt of my father
document had been stored at the Hundred Moot for many there. With his majesty’s permission, I leave my manor of
months, and the Serolan (Abbot) of Abriel was one of its Goffin and its 14 and 3/4th hides of land to my firstborn son
executors. and heir. For the good of my soul I bequeath the village of
Sir Edric Quarne, Edren’s heir, has publicly set the Henewes and its attached 5 hides of land and all its incomes
loss of a third of his clan’s fief behind him, but privately and duties to the abbey of Abriel, along with 180d for the
nurses a grudge against the will and the abbey. Following Wine of Saint Paralyne, and 280d for linen for the Rekela’s
his father’s death, Sir Edric was an irresponsible lord, vestments. I bequeath £8 to the chapterhouse of the Lady of
more concerned with jousting and tournaments than the Paladins at Iversen. I bequeath 850d to Sir Shiram Abrion,
well-being of his fief and clan. Now, Sir Edric is fast antici- a full brother of that order, for his necessaries. I bequeath £5
pating the end of his jousting carrier. His own old tourney for my funeral expenses. I bequeath £8 to the temple of La-
debts and the abbey’s burdens on those bound to the land rani in Tashal to be given for prayers for the sake of the soul
have made him wish to see his clan’s former holding re- of my lady wife Eleia, now departed. I bequeath £5 to my
stored. He has concocted a plan. son Arlin, an Atalana of the Lady of Paladins. I bequeath to
my daughter Aharyn her mother’s jewellery and effects. To
Faced with an executed, binding will that appears my sons Edan and Kered, I leave 980d each. The residue is
valid and was supported by the crown and its representa- left to Edric my firstborn son and I make him, Lorald of Ba-
tives, Sir Edric knows he must rely on subterfuge in order nadar, the Serolan of Abriel, and Morek Lasvarn, Knight of
to attain his goals. Privately, Sir Edric has convinced him- Medarsin, my executors.
self that he is doing the right thing, and that his father was
duped and would not have willed part of Clan Quarne’s
lands had he known how events would play out. Early this Signed Sir Edren Quarne, Knight of Goffin
year Edric saw his chance when a local bandit named Te-
lin the Red began gaining notoriety for menacing the area.
Edric knew he had an ally in Goffin’s teamster, Toris of
Jarat, who was once cornered by masterless men who
then fled when they heard Edric approaching on horse-

HârnWorld © 2007, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc.

Edric’s ‘stolen’ copy of the will, give them instructions to
find the buried cache in the clearing and remind them that
Toris’ involvement must remain secret.
Sir Edric Quarne
Unless they are meeting in private, the PCs should act
as if they do not know Toris or anyone connected to him.
What the PCs do not know is that Toris’ secret patron Sir
Edric is a landed knight. Unless the PCs are equal rank or
have a powerful benefactor, Edric can deny the party’s
claims of the meeting as slander against one of his house-
hold (or their possession of the will as theft) and will likely
be initially believed.

Roleplaying Opportunities
If the PCs have finished the canon adventure, 100
Bushels of Rye, Edric will instruct Toris to change his re-
cruiting pitch if the PCs seem to be loyal to Sheriff
Harabor. This variation includes that Toris has learned
that Telin the Red has been using Henewes as a base of
operations and that setting fire to the village (without
The Plan harming the serfs) will smoke the bandits out of hiding.
The Lord of Goffin, Sir Edric, seeks a group of armed If the party has completed Iversen’s All the King’s Men
men that can appear to be brigands and ruffians yet can and Telin the Red’s identity has been revealed or he has
be trusted to forge a legal document and still not be asso- been brought to justice, Toris will claim that the “real” Te-
ciated with him. He wants them to obtain a forged will lin is still at large and that the bandit still threatens
which grants Henewes to him and pose as Telin the Red’s Henewes (or uses it as a base).
outlaws to attack Henewes without harming the village’s If they have used Abriel’s Bats in the Belfry hook, Toris
inhabitants themselves. He must know of the timing of the will know if they are friends or foes of the church, but will
raid so that he can ride in to the villagers’ rescue. Sir Edric strongly urge them to hide their identity, since their faces
wants this to serve as proof that the church cannot protect will be known in Abriel.
its hamlets from the threat of brigands and that he would If any of the characters have already gone through the
be a better lord. Goffin’s lord then intends to appeal to the fanon adventure Trial & Error set in Cyre, or if they have
king’s son, Sheriff Maldan Harabor, to look into overturn- visited Medarsin Manor, either lord may send the PCs on
ing the will and ratify the forged will. to their relative, Sir Edric, to check up on him. Once in
Goffin, Toris may contact them.
Bringing in the Players
Ideally, Sir Edric is looking for literate strangers of low
or middle birth (such as yeomen or mercenaries) that do
not hail from Meselyneshire (perhaps the PCs). Sir Edric
wants loyal individuals who can minimize bloodshed and Toris of Jarat
keep his identity secret. He plans on using Toris of Jarat,
Goffin’s teamster, as a middleman in order to keep his pa-
tronage deniable.
By choosing a member of his household as the go be-
tween, Edric’s plan is however naïve enough to later con-
nect him with the PCs. Toris will likely try to recruit the
PCs in Olokand while they are there in Larane for the
Royal Chelebin Tournament of Chivalry or when the Fur
Road caravans pass through. This is likely a chance en-
counter in town for the PCs. Sir Edric tells his teamster,
Toris of Jarat, to meet the PCs in secret in the stables of
the Kald & Castle Inn. During this meeting, Toris will tell
the PCs the background, hint at the plan, loan them Sir

© 2007, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc. HârnWorld

The will should appear at least eight
Goffin and Henewes years old. Clever PCs should use old
Manor Lands in 720TR vellum that has been scraped of existing
writing rather than recently soaked,
limed and stretched animal skin. PCs
need not create a replica of a seal since
originally the will was unsealed and had
only Sir Edren's signature to authenti-
cate it.

Hiding the Will

After the document has been cre-
ated, the PCs must hide the document.
It should be hidden somewhere Sir
Edric can chance upon it. Toris may
suggest hiding it in Honelon of Udibis’
office, the local litigant in Olokand who
is a pompous man of later years. One
spot is in a stack of trade agreements
and contracts, of the type of work the
high-priced Honelon frequently prac-
tices. GMs should roll to see if the PCs
succeed in diverting the attention of the
litigant or his three apprentices. Due to
the fact that Honelon and the sheriff dis-
like each other, Toris feels this would
counter any denials made by the liti-
PART II: IMPLEMENTING THE PLAN gant. When the document has been hidden, PCs should
clandestinely contact Toris. During this meeting Toris will
Forging the Will inform them that they should prepare for staging a raid on
During the PCs’ secret meeting with Toris the team- Henewes in two days time.
ster, they will be tasked with forging the will. The forgery
must be dated after the existing one (15th of Nolus 711) Discovery
but before Sir Edren’s death on the 4th of Nuzyael 712 and The day after the will is forged and hidden; Sir Edric
should be similar but not include the gift of Henewes to finds it and makes a big, public deal out of its discovery.
the Abbey. Goffin’s lord lets it be known to the sheriff, Sir Maldan
Forgery might be best done in Olokand or Tashal, Harabor, and informs Maldan that he will visit Abriel the
where there are lexigraphers that have the supplies following day to meet with the Serolan (Abbot) to sort out
needed to create a document. GMs should roll for a his father’s true last will and testament.
scribe’s skill when drafting the document and adjust the Toris has told the PCs that they should lay low
outcome of later inspections and chance of discovery ac- somewhere around the woods near Shotren in the south-
cordingly. ern part of Goffin, and will instruct the PCs to find and use
Like many lexigraphers, Olokand’s Releyne of Lerik a clearing where a secret cache was buried for them. Us-
will undertake special commissions for a fee, but wiser ing what is in the buried cache, particularly the masks, he
PCs would forge the will on their own with vellum and ink will want the PCs to stage the raid on the village in the
purchased from Releyne, rather than chance such a risky daytime to coincide with Sir Edric’s trip to Abriel. The
venture. Supplies can also be bought from one of Tashal’s clearing lies within attacking distance of Henewes and lies
four lexigraphers, other nearby lexigraphers, travelling on the edge of Goffin’s land. The campsite should be used
merchants or from chandlers who operate general stores. with caution. No fire is to be lit and a warning sentry
PCs with Lia-Kavair connections may seek out Tashal’s should be posted to chase off animals or warn of people.
Halime of Falesh or Tenaar of Shetag at Olokand’s Amber To avoid PC’s suspicions, Toris will not broadcast the fact
Inn. that Sir Edric plans to ride to Henewes’ rescue.

HârnWorld © 2007, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc.

game birds, hares, wild cats, fox, deer, boar, and to a
lesser extent, an occasional bear or wolf. Aside from
Iversen Wood’s many tales of mysterious creatures and a
widespread tale of a resident ogre, reports of Ivashu are

GMs should feel free to choose their own encounters or
randomly roll. This table has been modified to represent
eastern Nelafayn Hundred. The numbers in the square
brackets after each entry indicate sub-tables in the Cam-
paign Section of HârnMaster Core or HârnMaster 3.

Nelafayn Woodland Encounter Table

Day Night Encounter
01-20 01-15 Tracks/Spoor/Sound (Reroll)
21 16 Local Lord/escort [1/8/10]
22-29 17-24 Farmer/etc. [6]
30-35 25-35 Poacher/Hunter [1]
36-39 36-39 Brigand/Highwayman [1]
SHOTREN WOODLAND 40-45 40-45 Other Human Adventurer [10]
To the south of Goffin, there is a narrow wood that 46-47 46-48 Wild Dog/wolf/etc.
weaves its way through seven fiefs. The eastern third of 48-49 49-51 Wild Cat/etc.
this wood curves around the western arm of Shotren’s 50-51 52-53 Ursine: Bear
lands. This part is dense woodland, and is shaped like a 52-54 54-55 Stag/Deer/Hind/etc.
lowercase “n” with an elongated foot. It borders the lands 55-59 56-60 Stray Cattle/etc. [11]
held under Goffin, Shotren Village, and Minziles Village. 60-68 61-69 Stray Sheep/goats/etc. [11]
Located in this strip of dense foliage is a small clearing 69-81 70-83 Wild/Stray Boar/pig/etc. [11]
that would be ideal for a campsite for a party of would be 82 84 Avian: hawk/falcon/etc. [11]
brigands. 83 85 Equine [11/12]
84-85 86-87 Reptile [13/11]
Toris, Sir Edric’s teamster, will instruct the PCs to find
86 88 Ivashu [15/11]
this clearing when he meets with the party. This dense
87 89 Gargun (Wandering Band) [1/10]
woodlot has been mostly left untouched as a buffer to
88 90 Khuzdul Adventurer [10]
Goffin, Shotren, and Minziles, which have been held by
89 91 Sindarin Adventurer [10]
different lords for generations. Clan Quarne holds Goffin,
90 92-93 One/more of party gets lost
Shotren is held from Terendra and Minziles is held by the
91-92 94 Spoilage/Loss of food/etc.
Church of Larani through Abriel Abbey. The trees also
93-94 95 Lame Horse/Equipment Loss/etc.
touch the southeast border of Henewes’ fields, and Toris
95-96 96-97 Sickness/Food Poisoning/etc.
suggests that it would be a good place for the PCs to
97-98 98 Mutiny/Dissent/Argument/etc.
camp due to the lack of a road through it and the fact it
99 99 Plant Hazard (poison ivy/etc.)
lies within striking distance of the hamlet.
100 100 Slime/Mold/Fungus [14]

Fauna and Flora

Most of Nelafayn Hundred has been settled continu- LOCAL MAP – Shotren Wood (over)
ally for hundreds of years. While brigands, barbarians, and
1. Fields. Along the woods this area is left fallow.
occasionally Gargun threaten the western part of the hun-
dred, the eastern part is relatively quiet. Hârnic Oak, ash, 2. Clearing. Located in what would be the left hand
Sorkin Pine, Shava Maple and occasional firs are the most side of the “n” of dense woodland that curves around the
common trees in the woods. Bracken, gorse, mistletoe, western arm of Shotren’s lands, this small glade would be
and sedge can all be found here amongst the branches. a good location for a brigand encampment. The forest
The wooded areas of the hundred are home to a variety of here is under an eighth of a league wide.

© 2007, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc. HârnWorld


HârnWorld © 2007, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc.


© 2007, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc. HârnWorld



1. Clearing. The weed-filled clearing is about 60 feet 4. Boar’s Foraging. Along the south part of the clear-
wide. Oak and ash trees surround it and it is partially ing are signs of a wild boar foraging for grubs and fungi.
overgrown with gorse, bracken and other plants. Tusk marks rake the ground along with overturned stones
and exposed roots. These marks are older than the hidden
2. Firepit. In the middle are the remnants of a small cache/shallow looking grave [3].
fire. It is cold but reveals that others know of the site.
5. Homura. There are two tempting looking red-capped
3. Hidden Cache. On the west edge of the clearing, be- Homura growing here. The fungi are harmless unless
neath an oak tree, is what appears to be a fresh shallow eaten. Each contains a sweet tasting fluid that becomes a
grave. Patches of dirty and ragged cloth lie partially bur- lethal poison when added to stomach acids. The subject
ied. On Sir Edric’s instructions, his teamster has buried experiences severe gas, then drowsiness (within 30 min-
some items for the PCs to use if they plan to pose as ban- utes) then coma with death by asphyxiation 150 minutes
dits. Unless they stumble on the clearing accidentally the after ingesting the Homura. Allow PCs to roll intelligence
party will likely know that this is the hidden cache. or herblore before eating.

HârnWorld © 2007, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc.


© 2007, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc. HârnWorld

HIDDEN CACHE Chain hauberk. This rusted and patched chain hau-
The depression appears as a grave to those who score berk has a patch of blackish gunk covering the upper right
a CF on a roll against intelligence. Toris of Jarat, Sir side. The gunk is in fact, encrusted blood on the mail. PCs
Edric’s teamster, has buried all but one of these items may want to scour the mail before use. It is worth 950d.
wrapped up in an undyed roughspun tunic in a shallow WT: 32.5 lbs.
hole. The bundle is roughly three feet by four feet across Broadsword. One of the cross guards has been bro-
and weighs around 50 lbs. The cloth can be seen sticking ken off this pitted and damaged plain sword. It is worth
out on an awareness check MS or CS once in the clearing. 90d now, but 140d if repaired. The blade itself has a WQ
Tunic. This undyed roughspun shirt holds the below of 11. If a player uses the cross guard to block another’s
items. It is soiled by dirt but is otherwise in good shape. A sword, roll to determine whether to ignore the block (50%
five-foot length of hempen rope that is knotted and chance).
wrapped around once holds the bundle together. Shortsword. This rusted and nicked shortsword is
Red & Brown Masks. These cloths (one red, four dull with disuse and neglect. It is heavily ornamented with
brown) can cover a person’s face when worn with a half- tarnished Thardic copper highlights but is otherwise un-
helm. Each has two eyeholes cut a few inches apart and remarkable. It has a WQ of 9 and is worth only 70d.
twine knotted to the corners, which can be tied around a Dagger. The buried dagger is sharp and clean of dirt
person’s head. Wearing these masks slightly impairs vi- and rust. The handle is wrapped tightly with blackened
sion; characters incur a temporary -2 penalty to EYE while hide. It is a functional but more or less average looking
they are worn. weapon with a WQ of 11; it is worth 24d.
Plate half-helms. These three metal helms are un- Spearheads. Two spearheads were originally thrown
adorned but sturdy and adequately made. Two of them fit in the bundle, but one has fallen out and lies to the side of
average sized men, while another is bigger and could fit a the roughspun package. Test awareness to see if it is over-
larger head. They are not especially noteworthy besides a looked. (CS/MS No, MF/CF Yes). Both spearheads have
few dings and are worth 95d each. WT: 1.6 lbs each. rotted wooden handles attached to them, which need to
be cleaned out before they can be affixed to shafts. PCs
will need to cut branches to make shafts as none were
provided. WQ 11, worth 60d with shafts. (GM Option:
One of these spearheads has a razor sharp edge and
is a WQ 14 weapon made by a long lost Jmorvi
smith and is worth 150d.)

HârnWorld © 2007, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc.

PART III: CONFRONTATION well they are armed, if they are surprised and if villagers
are protecting loved ones from threat. If the attack occurs
Travel to Abriel during the day, most of the villagers will be outside in the
Toris has hired the party to attack Henewes as Telin fields. If the attack occurs at night, everyone will be in
the Red’s men. Assuming they have found the hidden their crofts (cottages). HârnMaster NPC stats can be found
cache in the clearing and are armed with its equipment, at the back of this module for Henewes’ yeoman and av-
the PCs should make convincing brigands, depending on erage serf militia. Note that the militia won’t have weap-
their character background and actions. (GMs should feel ons but may have farm implements that can inflict dam-
free to add modifiers if need, and gauge how authentic age. (See HârnMaster Combat 3 for weapon data on:
each PC appears as a brigand.) knife, stick, club, sickle, maul, hatchet, grainflail.)
The party should be cautious when they attack and
carry off their plunder. Since they will be tracked, they Timing
should attack from a different direction as their camp, and It is important for the GM to track the time spent on
cover their tracks by doubling back when possible. The the village raid. Unless the PCs are careful at preventing
best direction for an attack would be from the light wood the spread of news of the raid, (Sir Edric wants news of
just west of Henewes Village. This wood lies between the raid to reach Abriel) one of the villagers will bring
Abriel and Minziles and PCs would be in the open field for word to the neighboring abbey. The direct route across
only a short time. Intelligent PCs would then flee north the fields and woods is 3/4ths of a league and could be
(away from their camp) to Iversen Wood following the at- accomplished in about 25-30 minutes. Sir Edric (ahorse),
tack and quietly leave the shire for a time. his two men-at-arms and Goffin’s two yeomen (on foot)
will depart as soon as news reaches them at Abriel. The
The Raid on the Village Lady of Paladins shield chapter at Abriel consists of a half-
Toris wants Henewes attacked and the villagers squadron (5) of Melana (Knights), headed by Sir Golian
scared. He suggests that a few buildings be put to the Bireth. Due to the Rekela’s forbiddance of cheering and
torch and that the PCs should steal some portable items of swordplay, these five knights will likely be glad of the
value, such as livestock, tools and any offerings on the chance for combat and will likely send three of their num-
Peonian shrine. This booty the PCs are free to keep as ber, leaving one or two behind at Abriel to guard the
payment for the job. Each PC should roll once every Rekela. Sir Golian will likely send a messenger to Iversen’s
round on the below “Loot Treasure Table” for results. Reblema, Sir Kjer Aphren, to inform him of the situation.
Toris tells the PCs he would rather no one get hurt, espe- Having taken the direct route, it is likely that Sir Edric
cially the unfree tenants. (Note: most livestock are marked (on horse) and his four men (on foot) could see Henewes
with a symbol of red ochre pigment made from clay. PCs Village within 50 to 90 minutes after the beginning of the
wishing to resell animals should change or remove this raid. Abriel’s Lady of Paladins knights likely arrive on
marking or their theft will be discovered.) horseback anywhere from 60-90 minutes after the begin-
The PCs should play out combat as adjusted by the ning of the raid. Sir Kjer will likely arrive around 90 to 120
GM. The PCs will likely win the fight. Most of Henewes’ minutes after the beginning of the raid with Iversen’s
54 people are non-combatants and will run away. Besides Melana. GMs should also roll to determine if any travelers
Henewes’ resident yeoman, only a few others (around four on the road pass by. Assume a 2% chance every ten min-
to eight depending on difficultly) will give battle. Numbers utes. See the below “Highway Encounter Table” for re-
of opponents also depend on the numbers of the PCs, how sults.

Loot Treasure Table Highway Encounter Table

Day Night Treasure Day Night Encounter
01-40 01-40 Portable Livestock (Live chickens/swine) 01-30 01-60 Reroll as Wilderness/ Rural
41-50 41-44 Dried/salted foodstuffs 31-38 61-63 Reroll as Urban
51-59 45-48 Clothing 39-59 64-67 Journeyman/Peddler [3b/1]
60-73 49-65 Tools/knife/sickle/etc. (See HM stats) 60-63 68 Caravan with Escort
74-75 66-69 Tinderbox/lantern/waterskin 64-68 69-70 Cleric/etc. [4]
76-81 70-74 Ale/mead/water/etc. 69-74 71-80 Manor Woodward [1]
82-88 75-94 Blankets (In use at night) 75-85 81-92 Brigands/Highwayman [1]
89-94 95-97 Pots/pans/cooking items 86-90 93-95 Military [8]
95-99 98 Salt/dried herbs/spices 91-95 96-97 Personage/Official [7/9]
00 99-00 Hidden silver/Kargele Loaves/GM choice 96-00 98-00 Adventurer [10]

© 2007, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc. HârnWorld

The Knight Saves the Day treatment of the unfree tenants, though he knows that this
Following the beginning of the raid on Henewes, Sir fact will be overlooked by many lords. While Abriel’s
Edric, Goffin’s lord, plans to ride in with his men-at-arms Serolan is thankful for Edric’s assistance, the abbey cannot
and rescue Henewes from the PC brigands. Edric (via so easily part with land it has a claim to. The parties will
Toris) will want to know when the party had planned to likely not come to terms and will have to go to court.
attack, and will have informed the sheriff of his intention While Edric is a sympathetic lord he has no clue
to visit Abriel to present this newly discovered will to the about real-politick. He intends to appeal this matter to
Serolan to try to come to an amicable settlement with the Sheriff Harabor, to restore Henewes back to his fiefdom as
church. If the attack occurs another day, Edric’s backup it was ‘wrongly’ transferred and as the church can’t seem
alibi is weaker: that he is journeying to visit Sir Cedfer to protect it. Edric hopes that local noble gossip portray-
Yalcuthy, Lord of Stybrin Manor to raise the subject of ing the sheriff as no friend to some of the kingdom’s
taking Cedfer’s eldest grandson (age 14) to squire. In ei- clergy indicates that Maldan will overturn the executed
ther case, Edric will bring his two men-at-arms with him old will and ratify the (forged) new one. He does not real-
and possibly Goffin’s two yeomen. The yeomen and men- ize such a favour would forever indebt him to the sheriff.
at-arms will walk alongside Edric’s warhorse and palfrey.
All will be armed and armoured, as it is over a two-league The Legal Process
trip each way. Even with the sheriff’s help, Sir Edric will have to go
When news of the raid arrives at Abriel (as Sir Edric through a significant legal hassle to get the will over-
hopes it will), he immediately leads his men to Henewes’ turned. Normally, when dealing with claims to land, a
rescue. Depending on the GM’s opinion of the situation, landholding noble petitioner would get a writ, explaining
Sir Edric may instruct his men to try to capture the PCs his case against another landholding noble. The plaintiff
alive, give a half-hearted pursuit, chase them off, or kill would then have the writ heard at the Hundred Moot
them in order to prevent the PCs from informing the au- where he would attempt to convince the Bailiff of the
thorities of his plan. The two men-at-arms likely do not Hundred. However, since Sir Edric’s grievance lies against
know of the PC’s understanding with Edric’s teamster the Bailiff of the Hundred for failing to execute his father’s
Toris. Sir Edric will make the effort of returning to “true” last will and testament and due to the Hundred
Henewes quickly to see if anyone is hurt and to report the Moot’s direct profit from it, Edric would take his suit to
infamy to the king’s authorities (the sheriff at Olokand). the local sheriff and the Shire Moot at Olokand.
This includes commanding the villagers to send messen- If his involvement has not been revealed, following
gers to Olokand and seeing that any wounded are tended the raid on the village Sir Edric purchases a writ in Olo-
to, fires put out and that any stray livestock are rounded kand. The knight then personally argues his case in front
up. of Sheriff Harabor and Abriel’s Serolan at the next Shire
Moot. Since the will required the king’s permission, the
PART IV: RESOLUTION Serolan can argue that returning the land is contravening
Assuming the raid on Henewes goes as planned, the the king’s decision and that the Serolan has no authority.
PCs will become hunted individuals. The king’s son, Sher- Maldan’s loathing of others questioning his authority and
iff Maldan Harabor, will task his own men to investigate his personal dislike of many in the Laranian clergy may
and will organize a manhunt the following day. This make him find in favour of Sir Edric.
search will include at least twenty men and several Either way the matter will likely be appealed to the
knights and last a few days. The party’s Shotren Wood- king’s justice through the Rekela or some other church
land campsite will likely be discovered and GMs should channel. The case would then go to Caer Elend in Tashal
determine if the PCs avoid capture. Accurate descriptions where Maldan’s decision could be upheld or where it
of the party may or may not be known to the authorities. could be heard by the Lord Chancellor or King Miginath
himself. The church’s financial resources will come into
Conclusion play to either stretch proceedings out or get some her-
Ideally, Sir Edric wants the attack and his defence of alds/litigants to have the case dismissed on some techni-
the village to serve as an example of the church’s bad cality. Maldan might be convinced to help Edric fight the
stewardship of Henewes. Not only does he have a legal Laranian juggernaut, ensuring that Edric becomes inextri-
document claiming the fief, he has demonstrated the will- cably entangled in Maldan’s plots from here on out. These
ingness to be a good lord. The bandits serve as proof that might include Edric meeting local nobility, passing letters
the church cannot protect its hamlets. He will also use this and recruiting landless knights during local tournaments
incident to try to showcase the church’s heavy-handed and fairs.

HârnWorld © 2007, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc.

Total Success My Fiefdom for a Horse! If Sir Edric is permanently
Due to the danger involved, ideally Sir Edric will injured or attainted in some way, Clan Quarne will have to
avoid meeting the PCs for some time (if ever). If they pre- provide for its feudal obligations to the king through the
formed well he will send Toris of Jarat, his teamster, with Sheriff of Meselynshire somehow or risk forfeiting its fief.
his verbal message of thanks and a small sack of silver This yearly obligation is 60 days of service of one heavy
coin. The party might also be given information to look for horse and three light foot to Olokand. Another clan mem-
Edric’s missing brother, Sir Arlin Quarne, or further work ber would have to stand in for the heavy horse or arrange
away from northwest Kaldor. with Sheriff Harabor for a substitution or scutage.

Partial Success Missing Brother. Sir Arlin Quarne, the Lord of Gof-
If the PCs did reveal their faces but fled the hundred fin’s hot-headed younger brother, is an Erana (Wandering
in time to avoid capture, they may be able to return to Knight) of the Lady of Paladins. Arlin wed Keriela Lasvarn
Goffin clandestinely at night to check in with Toris some- just this year. Unfortunately, the newlyweds’ marriage has
time after they have lain low. Even if the hamlet is not re- been a series of arguments, and Arlin wished to join the
turned to Clan Quarne, Toris feels that Sir Edric is likely crusade against the Solori, either to get away from Keriela
pleased at causing trouble for the abbey. Maldan may be- or to fill his wanderlust. Last month, Arlin failed to meet
come very curious about the PCs if he figures out that his contact at Nebulan for the journey to Cundras in
they really were not Telin’s men as this to some extent Melderyn and Keriela fears for him. She asks the PCs to
unknowingly plots them against the sheriff’s conflicting journey south to the chapterhouse, searching all the way.
interests in the shire.
Cuckold Husband. Keriela, age 18, is the younger
more attractive sister to Sir Edric’s wife Denerelle and is
Total Failure wed to his younger brother, Sir Arlin Quarne. Before Sir
If the authorities catch the PCs they could be liable for Arlin’s departure, Keriela ran off in the heat of an argu-
arson, battery, conspiracy, larceny, poaching and possibly ment one night, after having drunk several cups of
murder. Punishment will likely be uncomfortable and Melderyni brandy. Sir Arlin and his brother searched op-
could result in the deaths of their characters. Certain of posite ends of the fief, and Sir Edric cornered her in Goffin
Kaldor’s more intriguing nobles may discreetly inquire Wood. The inebriated Keriela mistakenly confided and
about the character’s skills in the creation of last will and then comforted him. From this occasion Keriela is now
testament forgeries before justice is carried out. pregnant and will soon begin to show. She may call on the
PCs and take a liking to one of them. Will she tell her sis-
Transition ter to whom she has divulged about everything in the
Assuming the PCs have done some service to Sir past? Or name a PC as the father?
Edric, if the PC’s identities remain unknown a GM can
easily involve them in one of the additional adventure Treason! Sir Edric is politically naïve and on occa-
hooks. (Alternately, they could have occurred before or sion will speak his mind to his own detriment. While in
during the adventure.) Olokand one day, Sir Edric sees Sir Mirald Harabor, the
sheriff’s eldest son, and captain of the castle garrison. Sir
ADDITIONAL ADVENTURE HOOKS Mirald epitomizes the worst of feudal aristocracy and
Beside the many hooks in the location articles themselves, picks on Sir Edric as a “weakling woman of a jouster.” Sir
GMs should feel free to add any of these hooks to the ma- Edric in his pride might insult Mirald back or plot to back
jor NPCs to spice up the adventure: another claimant to Kaldor’s throne if he cannot count on
Maldan returning Henewes.
Falling Horse. Sir Edric Quarne is not as robust as
he once was. While he is still a fair rider, his jousting days Refinancing. If forced into paying off his debt early,
are realistically at an end, even if he does not yet know it. Sir Edric may have to barrow from Tashal’s Querene of
Following a light rain, Edric is practicing at riding with a Valain, a usurer who is known for her discretion lending to
lance when his warhorse slips and falls. Thankfully the the nobility. This would unknowingly bring him to the at-
animal is unhurt except for a passing sprain. However the tention of Lady Cheselyne the Elder through her involve-
charger falls on Edric’s right leg and breaks it clean in two. ment with Querene.
The PCs must get him medical attention and see that the
break heals.

© 2007, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc. HârnWorld

Landed Knight – Born 12 Savor 688 (Tai) Lady of Paladins Knight – Medium Horse
Str 11 Agl 09 Sml 08 Wil 10 Cml 12 Str 13 Agl 13 Sml 12 Wil 13 Cml 12
Sta 08 Eye 08 Voi 09 Aur 12 End 10 Sta 13 Eye 12 Voi 12 Aur 12 End 13
Dex 08 Hrg 10 Int 12 Mor 12 Mov 09 Dex 13 Hrg 12 Int 12 Mor 12 Mov 13
Physical Skills: Climbing 44, Condition 60, Dancing 44, Jumping 48, Physical Skills: Climbing 52, Condition 65, Dancing 26, Jumping 52,
Riding 39, Stealth 40, Throwing 42. Riding 78, Stealth 39, Throwing 52.
Communication Skills: Awareness 42, Intrigue 40, Oratory 29, Rheto- Communication Skills: Awareness 48, Intrigue 36, Oratory 24, Rheto-
ric 37, Singing 31; Languages: Harnic 81; Scripts: Lakise 80. ric 36, Singing 36; Languages: Harnic 82; Scripts: none.
Religion: Ritual: Larani 18; Piety: 21 Religion: Ritual: Larani 24; Piety: 33
Combat Skills: Initiative 70, Unarmed 39, Dodge 45, Axe (Hand) 67, Combat Skills: Initiative 78, Unarmed 52, Dodge 65, Club (Mace) 65,
Dagger 52, Polearm (Lance) 71, Shield (Knight) 64, Sword (Broad) 59. Dagger 65, Polearm (Lance) 78, Shield (Kite) 78, Sword (Broad) 78.
Craft Skills: Agriculture 42, Foraging 56, Heraldry (Kaldor) 33, Animal- Craft Skills: Animalcraft (Horse) 26, Foraging 48, Heraldry 39, Physician
craft (Horse) 44, Law 43, Physician 38, Survival 60, Tracking 22, 24, Survival 52, Weaponcraft 26.
Weaponcraft 40. Armour / Weapons: Leather shoes & gloves, quilt gambeson & leg-
Daily Armour / Weapons: Fine cloth tunic and leggings, cloak with gings, mail hauberk & leggings, cloth surcoat, plate ¾ helm. Kite
hood; Leather calf boots; Broadsword and dagger. shield, broadsword, mace and dagger. Add lance and medium war-
Combat Armour / Weapons: Quilt cowl & gambeson; Chain mail cowl horse as appropriate.
& hauberk; Plate breastplate, great helm; Leather gauntlets, leggings, &
calf boots; Broadsword, hand axe, lance, dagger & knight shield.


Goffin Men-at-Arms – Hirin / Tarael Henewes Yeoman, Medium Foot – Tai
Str 13 Agl 11 Sml 04 Wil 17 Cml 12 Str 15 Agl 14 Sml 04 Wil 06 Cml 12
Sta 15 Eye 17 Voi 05 Aur 16 End 15 Sta 10 Eye 10 Voi 10 Aur 12 End 10
Dex 15 Hrg 06 Int 08 Mor 10 Mov 11 Dex 09 Hrg 10 Int 10 Mor 11 Mov 14
Physical Skills: Climbing 52, Condition 75, Jumping 56, Riding 46, Physical Skills: Climbing 52, Condition 50, Jumping 56, Stealth 36,
Stealth 39, Throwing 68. Throwing 48.
Communication Skills: Awareness 44, Intrigue 45, Oratory 18, Rhetoric Communication Skills: Awareness 32, Intrigue 30, Oratory 22, Rhetoric
33, Singing 15; Languages: Harnic 70; Scripts: none. 30, Singing 30; Languages: Harnic 72; Scripts: none.
Religion: Ritual: Larani 21; Piety: 17 Religion: Ritual: Peoni 16; Piety: 2
Combat Skills: Initiative 88, Unarmed 52, Dodge 55, Dagger 90, Shield Combat Skills: Initiative 71, Unarmed 49, Dodge 70, Dagger 69, Shield
(Round) 81, Spear 96, Sword (Falchion) 83. (Round) 65, Spear 65, Sword (Falchion) 61.
Craft Skills: Foraging 62, Heraldry 50, Physician 45, Survival 62, Craft Skills: Foraging 63, Heraldry 43, Physician 46, Survival 56,
Weaponcraft 55. Weaponcraft 46.
Armour / Weapons: Cloth leggings; leather tunic & calf boots; plate Armour / Weapons: Cloth surcoat & leggings; leather cowl; plate half-
half-helm & scale hauberk; spear, falchion and round shield. helm & chain hauberk; spear & round shield.


Goffin Beadle, Medium Foot – Tai Goffin Teamster – Feniri
Str 15 Agl 14 Sml 04 Wil 06 Cml 12 Str 10 Agl 08 Sml 06 Wil 10 Cml 12
Sta 10 Eye 10 Voi 10 Aur 12 End 10 Sta 06 Eye 13 Voi 13 Aur 10 End 09
Dex 09 Hrg 10 Int 10 Mor 14 Mov 14 Dex 06 Hrg 09 Int 09 Mor 10 Mov 08
Physical Skills: Climbing 52, Condition 50, Jumping 56, Stealth 36, Physical Skills: Climbing 32, Condition 45, Jumping 36, Stealth 27,
Throwing 44. Throwing 40.
Communication Skills: Awareness 32, Intrigue 30, Oratory 22, Rhetoric Communication Skills: Awareness 36, Intrigue 30, Oratory 22, Rhetoric
30, Singing 30; Languages: Harnic 72; Scripts: none. 33, Singing 36; Languages: Harnic 67; Scripts: none.
Religion: Ritual: Peoni 16; Piety: 2 Religion: Ritual: Peoni 14; Piety: 25
Combat Skills: Initiative 71, Unarmed 49, Dodge 90, Dagger 69, Shield Combat Skills: Initiative 48, Unarmed 36, Dodge 40.
(Round) 65, Spear 65, Sword (Falchion) 61. Craft Skills: Agriculture 74, Animalcraft (Horses) 36, Folklore 36, Sur-
Craft Skills: Foraging 63, Heraldry 43, Physician 46, Survival 56, vival 27, Weatherlore 30.
Weaponcraft 46. Armour / Weapons: Cloth cap, tunic & leggings; leather vest & shoes;
Armour / Weapons: Cloth surcoat & leggings; leather cowl; plate half- choice of knife, stick, club, sickle, maul, hatchet, grain flail or none.
helm & scale hauberk; spear, falchion & round shield.


Goffin Yeoman, Light Foot – Angberelius Goffin / Henewes Serfs
Str 12 Agl 12 Sml 04 Wil 12 Cml 12 Str 11 Agl 08 Sml 05 Wil 12 Cml 12
Sta 12 Eye 15 Voi 14 Aur 14 End 12 Sta 06 Eye 17 Voi 17 Aur 10 End 10
Dex 12 Hrg 04 Int 09 Mor 15 Mov 12 Dex 06 Hrg 06 Int 09 Mor 13 Mov 08
Physical Skills: Climbing 48, Condition 60, Jumping 48, Stealth 27, Physical Skills: Climbing 32, Condition 50, Jumping 36, Stealth 27,
Throwing 52. Throwing 44.
Communication Skills: Awareness 32, Intrigue 36, Oratory 24, Rhetoric Communication Skills: Awareness 36, Intrigue 30, Oratory 26, Rhetoric
36, Singing 33; Languages: Harnic 72; Scripts: none. 39, Singing 39; Languages: Harnic 67; Scripts: none.
Religion: Ritual: Peoni 14; Piety: 20 Religion: Ritual: Peoni 14; Piety: 22
Combat Skills: Initiative 60, Unarmed 44, Dodge 60, Dagger 75, Shield Combat Skills: Initiative 48, Unarmed 36, Dodge 40, Shield (Round) 32,
(Round) 55, Spear 60, Sword (Falchion) 70. Spear 36.
Craft Skills: Foraging 44, Heraldry 26, Physician 24, Survival 40, Craft Skills: Agriculture 74, Animalcraft (Horses) 36, Folklore 36, Sur-
Weaponcraft 24. vival 27, Weatherlore 30.
Armour / Weapons: Quilt tunic, cloth leggings; leather cap, vest & calf Armour / Weapons: Cloth cap, tunic & leggings; leather vest & shoes;
boots; spear, falchion & round shield. choice of knife, stick, club, sickle, maul, hatchet, grain flail or none.

HârnWorld © 2007, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc.

Inside Back Cover
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Will in the Way
A Hârnic Adventure Module


Will in the Way is a HârnWorld

adventure module for HârnMaster, but is
WRITER generic enough for other rule systems and
Daniel Bell can be fit in other game worlds. The
adventure is set in northwestern Kaldor, a
CONTRIBUTORS feudal kingdom in eastern Hârn and
Joe Adams • J. Patrick McDonald involves the manor of Goffin and the hamlet
Andy Staples • Neil Thompson of Henewes southwest of Olokand.
ARTISTS Most of Hârn’s common people toil in
Richard Luschek • Matthias Janssen the soil on manorial fiefs, and their lords
often have differences with each other. The
MAPS Lord of Goffin, Sir Edric Quarne, is a caring
Thomas Shook • Jeremy Baker knight of mediocre fighting skill. Eight years
LAYOUT ago the local nobility was surprised when Sir
Kerry Mould • Daniel Bell Edric’s father granted a subordinate hamlet
to the powerful Church of Larani as a sign
Designed for use with of his piety.
HârnWorld and HârnMaster, Now plots have ripened as someone is
available from: concerning themselves with the Church’s
management of Henewes and the burdens
that they have inflicted on the hamlet’s
PO BOX 3457, Blaine, WA 98231
serfs. They are looking for some loyal
(360) 366-2228
people of character. Can there be an end to
the Will in the Way?
This module is intended to be used with
the Goffin, Henewes, Abriel, Iversen, Cyre,
Medarsin, Stybrin and Olokand articles
available separately.

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