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7610 Model: Digitel Mobile Philippines Inc

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Nokia Handset Settings for

7610 Model
(Cell Broadcast, MMS, Email, WAP and Internet Settings)

Prepared by HTiczon 2/20/2014

Page 1


Nokia Handset Settings

Nokia 7610 Cell Broadcast

From standby / idle mode: Press Select Press Select Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Select Press Press Press Select Select Enter Enter Press Press Select Press Press Press Menu Key Messaging Options Open Options Cell broadcast Options Settings Reception Options Change On OK Language Options Change All OK Topic detection Options Change On OK Back Options Topic Add manually Sun Flash 51 OK Options Subscribe Exit Exit Exit



Topic detection:

Topic name: Topic number:

Prepared by HTiczon 2/20/2014

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Nokia Handset Settings

Nokia 7610 MMS over GPRS

From standby / idle mode: Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Select Select Press Select Type Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Type Press Select Press Select Leave Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Leave Press Select Press Select Menu key Settings Options Open Connection Options Open Access points Options Open Options New access point Use default settings Connection name Options Change Sun MMS OK Data bearer Options Change GPRS OK Access point name Options Change mms OK User name Options Change <Blank> OK Prompt password Options Change No OK Password Options Change <Blank> OK Authentication Options Change Page 3

Connection name:

Data bearer:

Access point name:

User name:

Prompt password:


Prepared by HTiczon 2/20/2014

Select Press Select Press Select Enter Press Press Select Select Press Select Enter Press Select Press Select Enter Press Press Press Press Press Press Select Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Select Press Select Select Press Select Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Press



Proxy serv. Address:

Proxy port number:

Access point in use:

Multimedia reception:

On receiving msg.:

Allow anon. Messages:

Normal OK Homepage Options Change OK Options Advanced settings Proxy serv. Address Options Change OK Proxy port number Options Change 8080 OK Back Back Back Back Exit Messaging Options Open Options Settings Multimedia message Options Open Access point in use Options Change Sun MMS Options Select Multimedia reception Options Change Always on OK On receiving msg. Options Change Retr. Immediately OK Allow anon. messages Options Change Yes OK Receive adverts Options Page 4

Prepared by HTiczon 2/20/2014

Select Select Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Select Press Press Press Press Press

Receive adverts:

Receive report:

Deny report sending:

Message validity:

Image size:

Change Yes OK Receive report Options Change No OK Deny report sending Options Change No OK Message validity Options Change Maximum time OK Image size Options Change Small OK Back Back Exit Exit

Prepared by HTiczon 2/20/2014

Page 5


Nokia Handset Settings

Nokia 7610 Email Settings

From standby / idle mode: Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Select Select Press Select Enter Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Enter Press Select Press Select Leave Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Leave Press Menu Key Settings Options Open Connection Options Open Access points Options Open Options New access point Use default settings Connection name Options Change Sun INTERNET OK Data bearer Options Change GPRS OK Access point name Options Change minternet OK User name Options Change <Blank> OK Prompt password Options Change No OK Password Options Change <Blank> OK

Connection name:

Access point name:

User name:


Prepared by HTiczon 2/20/2014

Page 6

Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Leave Press Press Select Select Press Select Leave Press Select Press Select Leave Press Press Press Press Press Press Select Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Enter Press Select Press Select Press Select Select Press



Proxy serv. Address:

Proxy port number:

Mailbox name:

Default access point:

Authentication Options Change Normal OK Homepage Options Change <None> OK Options Advanced settings Proxy serv. Address Options Change <None> OK Proxy port number Options Change <None> OK Back Back Back Back Exit Messaging Options Open Options Settings E-mail Options Open Mailboxes Options Open Options New mailbox Mailbox name Options Change <Your Mailbox Name> OK Access point in use Options Change Options Sun INTERNET My e-mail address Options

Prepared by HTiczon 2/20/2014

Page 7

Select Enter Press Select Press Select Enter Options Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Enter Press Select Press Select Enter Press Select Press Select Enter Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Select

My e-mail address:

Outgoing mail server:

Send message:

Send copy to self:

Include signature:

User name:


Incoming mail server:

Mailbox type:


APOP secure login:

Change <Your E-mail address> OK Outgoing mail server Options Change <Server address to be provided by your ISP> OK Send message Options Change Immediately OK Send copy to self Options Change Yes OK Include signature Options Change No OK User name Options Change <Your user name> OK Password Options Change <Your password> OK Incoming mail server Options Change <Server address to be provided by your ISP> OK Mailbox type Options Change POP3 OK Security Options Change Off OK APOP secure login Options Change Off

Prepared by HTiczon 2/20/2014

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Press Press Press Press Press Select Press Select Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Press Press Press

Retrieve e-mail:

OK Back Back Back Back Mailbox <Your Mailbox> Options Connect Options Open Options Retrieve e-mail All Options Disconnect Back Exit Exit Exit

Prepared by HTiczon 2/20/2014

Page 9


Nokia Handset Settings

Nokia 7610 WAP over GPRS

From standby / idle mode: Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Select Select Press Select Type Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Type Press Select Press Select Leave Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Leave Press Menu key Settings Options Open Connection Options Open Access points Options Open Options New access point Use default settings Connection name Options Change Sun WAP GPRS OK Data bearer Options Change GPRS OK Access point name Options Change wap OK User name Options Change <Blank> OK Prompt password Options Change No OK Password Options Change <Blank> OK

Connection name:

Data bearer:

Access point name:

User name:

Prompt password:


Prepared by HTiczon 2/20/2014

Page 10

Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Type Press Press Select Select Press Select Enter Press Select Press Select Enter Press Press Press Press Press Press Select Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Select Press Select Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Select



Proxy serv. Address:

Proxy port number:

Default access point:

Show images:

Font size:

Default encoding:

Authentication Options Change Normal OK Homepage Options Change OK Options Advanced settings Proxy serv. Address Options Change OK Proxy port number Options Change 8080 OK Back Back Back Back Exit Web Options Open Options Settings Default access point Options Change Sun WAP GPRS Options Select Show images Options Change Yes OK Font size Options Change Normal OK Default encoding Options Change Automatic

Prepared by HTiczon 2/20/2014

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Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Select Press Select Press Select Select Press Press Press Press

Automatic bookmarks:

Screen size:



Security warnings:

Conf. DTMF sending:


OK Automatic bookmarks Options Change On OK Screen size Options Change Full screen OK Rendering Options Change By speed OK Cookies Options Change Allow OK Security warnings Options Change Show OK Conf. DTMF sending Options Change Always OK Wallet Options Change Off OK Back Exit Exit

Prepared by HTiczon 2/20/2014

Page 12

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