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Weather To Claim

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Weather to Claim

Insurers position concerning insurance claims involving damage

from natural hazards under household and commercial policies
By Malcolm Johnson ACII, Chartered Insurance Practitioner, FCILA, FIFAA,
Fellow of The Royal Meteorological Society


Being a keen weather enthusiast and having spent all of my working

life within the insurance profession, where I have encountered some
strange decisions concerning weather related claims, I considered
that some benefit would be derived from producing a booklet
relating to the subject.

I must express my thanks to the Directors of my current employer,

Stuart Neal Chartered Loss Adjusters, Iain Macgregor and Derek
Cummings for their input, Roy Foulsham, now retired and tragically
blind, but a Chartered Engineer and Chartered Building Surveyor, for
his assistance insofar as buildings claims are concerned and Ian
Currie of Frosted Earth for his technical input on weather aspects.


The vast majority of weather related insurance claims relate to loss

or damage as a result of storm or tempest. The latter can be clearly
defined as being exceptional storms, such as those which affected
the UK on 16th October 1987 (the famous non-hurricane of Michael
Fish) and 25th January 1990 (the Burns Day storm). However, the
definition of Storm has been modified over the years leading to
some confusion.

It was initially defined in Oddy v Phoenix Assurance Company Ltd

1966 , a case heard at Cornwall Assizes relating to a retaining wall
which collapsed onto the plaintiffs bungalow. The facts were that
the insured had purchased a plot of land surrounded by a 12 feet
high retaining wall. In 1961, cracks had appeared in the wall and
the householder then purchased a buildings insurance policy
covering the bungalow, which had just been erected, against
various perils including loss or damage by storm or tempest, but
excluding flood, subsidence or landslip. In early November 1963,
there had been heavy rain and high winds, but no damage occurred.
However, by 19th November the wind had dropped and the rain
ceased by 11am, but at 1.40pm the top of the wall collapsed and
shortly, afterwards the whole wall collapsed onto the bungalow
Following consideration of the evidence (which included that of a
builder, a Mr Crapp from Looe, who confirmed that the wall had
previously been damaged and was in a poor state of repair) the
judge concluded that a storm means storm and to me it connotes
some sort of violent wind usually accompanied by rain, hail or snow.
It does not mean persistent bad weather, nor does it mean heavy
rain or persistent rain by itself. I do not think that any violent wind
caused any part of this wall to fall. It fell for the reasons stated and
finally because of the build-up of pressure from the percolation of water
through the cracks. He went on to say that had it been necessary to
make any ruling on the point he would have held that the fall was a
landslip, which he defined as A rapid downward movement under the
influence of gravity of a mass of rock or earth on a slope.

The next case involving storm was S&M Hotels Ltd v Legal and General
Assurance Society Ltd (1972) which related to a hotel building which
collapsed during the course of conversion work in 1968 and a claim was
submitted under the storm peril for the damage sustained. It was held
that the building collapsed for some reason, but not because a storm was
the concurrent or contributing or proximate cause of the damage. The
judge did however express some thoughts on the meaning of Storm which
he considered must be something more prolonged and widespread than a
gust of wind. One swallow does not make a summer and one may have a
gust without a storm although during a storm there will almost certainly
be gusts.

He approached the question was there a storm in the period leading up to

the collapse?, by imagining himself in the place in question at the
material time and trying to reconstruct what he would have observed from
the evidence provided, especially from the meteorological records as
interpreted as well as witness statements.

In Glasgow Training Group (Motor Trade) Ltd v Lombard\ Continental plc

(1982), of which more anon, the Judge referred to the definition of storm in
the Shorter Oxford Dictionary in which it is defined as a violent
disturbance of the atmosphere manifested by high winds often
accompanied by heavy falls of rain, hail or snow, by thunder and lightning
and at sea by turbulence of the waves; hence sometimes applied to a
heavy fall of rain, hail or snow or to a violent outbreak of thunder and

Finally, in William Nimmo & Co Ltd v Russell Construction (1995), damage

occurred during conditions of torrential rain which had been preceded by
winds of around 31/32 knots but gusting to 41.2 knots, which were held to
constitute a storm by an expert witness from the Meteorological Office.
The damage was to the roofing underfelt on a building where the tiling had
been stripped off for renewal, thus making it more susceptible to the
effects of wind, hence the low wind speed involved.


In a paper published by the Building Research Establishment in the 1990s

it was stated that buildings in Britain had to be designed to withstand gust
wind speeds which range from 85mph in Southern Britain to over 120mph

in the far North of Scotland. This contrasts with research undertaken
following widespread storms in Sheffield in February 1962, when it was
found that damage to roofs occurred at gust speeds as low as 40 mph.
That particular storm affected almost two-thirds of the citys entire
housing stock, with one hundred completely destroyed, including a
number of pre-fabs. Clearly, there have been improvements in
construction and maintenance standards over the past fifty years and the
speeds at which one can reasonably expect a building in a reasonable
state of repair to sustain storm damage are now much higher that they
were in 1962.

Reference to the Beaufort Scale for land use (See table on Page 32),
indicates that slight structural damage (chimney pots and slates removed)
occurs at a mean speed of 47-54 mph (Force 9 Strong Gale).

Damage occurs during gusts, which are much higher than the mean wind
speed. A typical ratio of gust speed to average (or mean) wind speed is
approximately 1.7, so that in other words a wind of 10 mph will be
accompanied by occasional gusts of up to 17 mph.

Applying this ratio to the data for a Strong Gale above implies that gusts
could be expected of about 80 mph. This is the most likely scenario
inland but on the coast, because the sea surface is relatively smooth, the
friction effect will be much less but more constant in character so the
gust ratio will be about 1.3 times the average speed, making a gust in a
Force 9 wind, 61mph. Given the complications involved in using different
ratios in various parts of the country, it is probably best to use this ratio
(1.3 times) in considering the gust speed for Storm claims.

The Financial Ombudsman Service has stated that if the policy terms fail
to provide a definition of Storm (and most of them dont) they would
consider their approach to storm conditions on the basis of their past
experience and would reflect upon the factors that need to be present for
a claim to be successful, which are that a storm must involve violent
winds and would generally be accompanied by rain, hail or snow. It is not
enough for there to merely be heavy rain and, similarly, high winds are not
sufficient to indicate that there has been a storm.

The Ombudsman has also considered that, where the policyholder asserts
that there has been a storm, there are three issues that need to be

Has the policyholder shown, on the balance of probabilities, that
storm conditions prevailed on or around the date upon which the
damage is alleged to have occurred?
Is the nature of the damage consistent with storm?
Were the storm conditions the prevailing or dominant cause of the
damage that has occurred?

If each question cannot be answered as YES then the claim is likely to


On the basis of the foregoing, we can set out a definition of Storm to suit
all cases, as follows:-

Damage occurring to the external envelope of the building as the result of

a violence disturbance of the atmosphere manifested by severe winds
accompanied by heavy falls of rain, snow or hail or by thunder and

One problem which can manifest itself during high winds is the loss of
rendering from the walls of a house. This does not normally arise from a
storm, but rather from general decay and the effects of frost so that
unless there is evidence that the storm was the last straw, such claims
can be repudiated.

Flat roofs are the bane of an adjusters life, for the fact that water enters a
property during heavy rain or a thunderstorm suggests to a policyholder
that the roof has been damaged by a storm and that the claim should be

The first thing for an adjuster to do in such circumstances is to find out

about the roofs history by seeking answers to the following questions:-

1. How old is the roof covering?

2. Has the covering been renewed before?
3. For how long has the roof been defective?
4. If the roof is leaking, does it leak during or immediately after
rainfall? Or a few days later?

5. Does water pond on the roof?
6. What is the room below used for? (Flat roofs above kitchens, utility
rooms or bathrooms are more vulnerable to condensation problems
than those above living rooms or garages)
7. Is the roof used as a balcony or terrace
8. Is the contractor who installed the roof still trading if not why not?

If the roof has been repaired in the past in the same place, then that is an
indication that the work has been done poorly, while if there is evidence of
flowing, rippling, cracking or crazing, this indicates old age particularly
where mastic asphalt is concerned. Blisters are an indication of
entrapped water or condensation, while excessive deflection or sagging
may affect the flow of water off the roof resulting in ponding and
additional loading on the structure and is caused by undersized joists,
inadequate strutting or blocking, weakening of the joists by decay, wood-
boring insect attack, decay or deterioration of the decking or softness
between joints. Other potential causes are corroded connections,
collapsed or rotted insulation or poor original construction.

Older types of built-up bitumen felt can suffer from splitting due to thermal
movement in the deck or insulation below, cracking or crazing due to
exposure to sunlight, or mechanical damage from heavy objects on the
surface or penetration by ivy.

Perimeter upstands are often poorly protected, with inadequate or non-

existent flashings allowing water penetration to occur, while faults in
drainage are a frequent problem usually because there is an incorrect fall
it should be between 1 in 40 and 1 in 80.

Condensation is the likely cause of internal damage if damp staining is

general on the ceiling or walls or is concentrated in external corners,
probably accompanied by mould growth.

Parapet walls are a common source of problems and inspections will often
reveal that the walls are cracked, out of plumb or not straight, while some
parts may be loose or have detached, with a lack of weathering detail or
signs of spalling concrete, rust staining or movement at joints

Coverings to flat roofs are very rarely damaged by high winds, but instead
are affected by the problems referred to above although they can be
struck and impaled by falling tiles. All but the last of these are outside the

scope of policy cover, but if a tile is dislodged during a storm, then the
damage that it causes should be covered by most policies under the Storm

The resultant internal damage to the ceiling and decorations could be

accepted by insurers under the Accidental Damage extension to the
Buildings policy, assuming that it does not exclude ingress of water and
provided that the proximate cause (qv) of the damage is the operation of
the storm peril. Flat roofs can be torn off due to their eaves overhang
being lifted by wind and the felted surfaces being lifted and torn by
aerofoil action.

The adjusters tasks in such cases is to consider the proximate cause of

the damage, which has been defined as the active and efficient cause
that sets in motion a train of events which brings about a result, without
the intervention of any force started and working actively from a new and
independent source. (Pawsey v Scottish Union and National Insurance
Co., 1908).

Retaining walls, such as that in Oddy v Phoenix (qv) are often brought
down by the pressure of the saturated, retained earth behind them
frequently failing because of the fact that the wall has no weepholes,
which are designed to permit the retained water to escape.

If they have weepholes, but these are inadequate or blocked, then the
wall could well collapse and the doctrine of proximate cause may come
into play in order to determine whether a claim exists under the terms of
the policy.

The position is clear from the following table in which the insured event is
denoted by and any other peril (excepted or otherwise) by.

The happening of Where the loss is caused Where there is an

the insured peril without an excepted peril excepted peril involved
may be being involved

A single cause or the last of Where the single or last cause is the The position depends on the policy
a series of causes, ie insured peril, there is a valid claim. It terms, eg,if the contract excludes loss
or is unnecessary to enquire into directly or indirectly caused by a
preceding causes where the peril was certain peril, there is no valid claim
not brought into operation by an where there are preceding causes
excepted cause. which include an excepted peril

A concurrent cause The loss is then caused as much by If the loss is caused by the insured
t the insured peril, then the others may separated, there is liability for the
be disregarded latter. If inseparable ,then no
liability at all

In a direct chain of events Where each cause in the sequence is If the excepted peril precedes the
ie. consecutive in unbroken the reasonable and probable consequence happening of the insured peril, the
sequence: directly and naturally resulting from the latter being the reasonable and
either or preceding cause, the insured peril is the and probable consequence directly
cause of the loss (The cause proximate in and naturally resulting from the
efficiency, but not necessarily in time) excepted peril, there is no claim.
If the insured peril is followed by an
excepted peril, the latter being merely
a link in the chain of causation so that
it is a reasonable and probable
consequence of the former, a valid
claim arises.

In an interrupted chain of If there is a new and independent cause If the excepted peril is followed by the
events, ie, consecutive in (novus actus interveniens), then it is not happening of the insured peril as a
broken sequence: the reasonable and probable consequence a new and independent cause, there
either directly and naturally resulting from the is a valid claim therefor.
or preceding cause. If the new cause is an If the insured peril is followed by the
insured peril, there is liability, but there is no happening of an excepted peril as a
liability for loss or damage by the preceding or new and independent cause, there is a
subsequent causes when the sequence is a claim excluding loss or damage
broken caused by the excepted peril.


Earlier, I mentioned Glasgow Training Group (Motor Trade) Ltd v Lombard

Continental Plc (1989), the circumstances of which were that, over a
period of two days snow slowly accumulated to a total depth of 8 inches
on a flat roof which resulted in its collapse. The winds were no more than
Force 5 on the Beaufort Scale, but the Judge decided that the conditions
constituted storm within the meaning of the insurance policy and that is a

person of average common sense described the conditions as a storm
then there had been one. The conditions did not constitute a storm within
any of the cases mentioned above and could have prevailed on any day of
the year, while the amount of snow involved was infrequent but not

It was a decision that strongly upset the expert witness for Lombard, the
late Arthur Blackham of Noble Denton, who mentioned it whenever he saw
me at Royal Meteorological Society events from then on and he
considered that the judges decision was somewhat perverse.

In the end, in order to give policyholders cover without dispute, the Storm
peril was extended to include weight of snow. Unfortunately for insurers
this extension to cover could be a licence to print money for there are
many situations in which it will not be possible to measure the depth of
the snow, while if allowed to remain in situ for several days it can become
self-compacted and the lower part of the lying snow can turn to ice -due to
thawing and refreezing- when against a warmer substrate such as the roof
of an underlying habitable room, with the ice being many times heavier
than the equivalent thickness of snow. Certainly, the structure should be
capable of withstanding the weight imposed unless the roof is exhibiting
signs of deterioration to its structure.

My own view is that insurers expect there to have been a present or

imminent danger of collapse of the roof due to the weight of snow for this
peril to operate.

To consider such cases, the insurer will need to know the type,
construction and age of the roof, its maintenance history, the depth of the
snow, how long it had lain on the roof, the minimum temperature
experienced over the period and the nature and extent of the damage

In severe wintry weather, claims for damage caused during snowy

conditions frequently arise, but most are attributable to water penetration
caused by thermal movement affecting the lead flashings, which contract
in very cold weather creating cracks which enable water penetration to

occur. Whilst the resultant water damage might be considered by insurers
if the policy includes accidental damage cover, the repairs to the flashings
fall outside the scope of policy cover. The same situation arises in
summer, when the flashings can expand with the heat.

One other type of incident that would fall for consideration under
the weight of snow peril is AVALANCHE, which one might be
forgiven for thinking would only occur in the UK in Scotland. In fact,
there have been at least three instances of damage to property
property and/ or death caused by avalanches in England and Wales,
two of which occurred in upland areas, but the most serious and
significant occurred on the South Downs at Lewes, East Sussex on
27th December 1836.

Snow had started falling over on Christmas Eve and there was a
furious blizzard on Christmas Day, with these conditions continuing
into Boxing Day resulting in snowdrifts up to 15m (50ft) high, cutting
the town off completely. A particularly menacing snowdrift built up
on the cliff to the east of the town and formed a hanging shelf of
snow towering over a row of terraced cottages below. When cracks
appeared in the snow overhang the residents below were urged to
evacuate their homes but most ignored the warning thinking it was
a joke. The snow toppled on the brink and slid down the hill with
tremendous force completely burying the seven end houses. 9
people died as a result of either suffocation or being crushed under
the weight of snow, but there were six survivors.

The site is marked by a public house bearing the name The

Snowdrop Inn


Firstly, a plea to you all to ensure that the word is spelled correctly
and not as in the opposite to darkening, with an extra en in the

When lightning strikes, radial currents spread out from the location
of the strike and, in the case of buildings, may result in current
passing through metal pipes and electrical wiring, which can mean
that someone touching a radiator, light switch or telephone can
receive a shock and, in the case of numerous items being plugged in
to an electrical circuit, all of the devices concerned can blow unless
they are earthed, resulting in expensive claims for damage to
electrical equipment and in some cases fire damage to the building
itself. Television aerials are not effective lightning conductors and
church spires can be similarly ineffective. This was the case in a
lightning claim which occurred during a thunderstorm at Leigh Park,
near Havant, Hampshire in June 2001 and which resulted in the
Church being destroyed by fire.

In 1993, I dealt with a claim at Salfords in Surrey, where the

policyholder was just about to sit down to watch the European Cup
Final on television, when there was a loud bang and the electrical
supply went dead. On venturing outside, he found that a large
tree that grew in the front garden had suddenly shrunk in size and
that large chunks of it were on the roof of his bungalow the tree
had been struck by lightning and exploded causing extensive
damage to the roof tiling.


There are three phenomena that could loosely be described as hail.

In the first, the precipitation particles are beautifully white but can
be easily crushed between the fingers these are snow pellets. The
second consists of particles of quite moderate size, composed of
clear ice and sometimes conical in shape these are ice pellets.
True hail is whitish in appearance and varies greatly in size true
hail. If you cut through a hailstone you may notice a layered
structure showing that the hailstone has grown through a series of

Large hailstones fall from a deep cumulonimbus cloud, much of

which will be composed of supercooled water droplets. As the
hailstone falls it will collect tiny water droplets which flow around
its surface before freezing. If no air is trapped this frozen water will
form a layer of clear ice. The hailstone may then get caught in a
vigorous updraught and as it is carried upward it will collect more
minute water or ice particles but this time some warm air will be
trapped during the process and an opaque layer is formed. Thus
layers build up on the hailstone and the cycle may be repeated until
finally the stone is so big that it falls to earth. Unlike raindrops
which have an upper size limit beyond which they can break up
under air resistance, there is no such aerodynamic limit for hail as a
result of which they can grow large enough to dent cars, shatter
greenhouses and injure people.

The largest hailstones to fall in the United Kingdom fell at Horsham,

West Sussex on 5th September 1958, measured 80mm in diameter
and weighed 190g which is greater than a cricket ball. The storm
destroyed buildings and orchards as well as damaging aircraft at
nearby Gatwick Airport while lawns were left pitted along this part
of the south.

Hail can cause extensive damage to crops (it is a specific peril in
agricultural policies) and can also damage flat roofs and Perspex
roof panels, as well as cars.


High winds can cause healthy trees to blow down or to have

branches blown from them this was the cause of much damage
during the Great Storm on 15/16th October 1987 but diseased trees,
especially those suffering from Honey Fungus, can be damaged at
lower wind speeds and can also be affected during periods of
drought when the dry condition of the soil can limit make it difficult
for the roots to hold the tree upright.

Extreme heat can cause trees or their branches to fall by bringing

about stress to the tree as happened during the very hot and dry
summer weather in 2003, culminating in the hottest day on record
on 10th August of that year.

Remember that the policy will generally not pay for the removal of
the tree or any branches unless it is necessary to clear building
debris buried under the remains of the tree as it fell.

It would seem from case law, that if a branch or tree falls as a

result of cracking or disease that would either not have been visible
on careful or casual inspection, the owner is not liable for any injury
or damage sustained (McLellan v Forestry Commission (2005) Q.B.D.
(TTC) Bristol unreported; Corker v Wilson (2006) unreported), but if
the tree had not been inspected the owner would be liable (Caminer
v Northern & London Investment Trust Ltd (1951) A.C.88). These
are useful cases to bear in mind when recoveries are being

The writer can recall a claim which arose during the Burns Day
Storm when the bifurcated trunk of a 60 ft tall mature beech tree
growing on public land split, one limb of the trunk from the other
close to the base bifurcation, with the massive trunk being uprooted
and toppling due to the loss of stability. It was demonstrated that
the decay in the crutch of the bifurcation close to ground level

could, and indeed should, have been observed many years before
had there been regular inspection of the tree and a successful claim
was made against the Council concerned.


The generally accepted definition of the term has been flooding or

inundation of areas not normally underwater by the escape of water from
the normal confines of any natural or artificial water course (other than
water tanks, apparatus or pipes) or lake, reservoir, canal or dam.
Inundation from the sea is also included. However, following the
decisions in Computer and Systems Engineering Plc v John Lelliot
(London) Ltd & Another (1980) and Rohan Investments v
Cunningham,1998, neither of which related to water escaping from rivers
or similar sources indicate that the definition which will be considered by
the Courts is now much wider.

Indeed, in the first of these two cases the definition was revised to the

An invasion from outside the property by a large volume of water caused

by a rapid accumulation from an outside source such as an unusually
heavy downpour of rain.

This now becomes the standard definition of FLOOD.

A rising water table can result in the penetration of water into basements
and cellars which are not properly tanked. The leading case on the
subject is Young v Sun Alliance & London Insurance Co Ltd (1978) which
involved gradual seepage into and the flooding of, a room resulting from
the natural diversion of an underground water course. The insured
maintained that Insurers were responsible for the cost of repairing the
underground floor and walls together with the cost of having them re-
tanked. It was the conclusion of the Courts that even though the water

came from a natural water course, it was not caused by flood which
meant a large and temporary movement of water. On appeal, it was
further held that the word flood was used in the policy in the sense of
having an element of violence and suddenness, whilst it was the essence
of a flood that there was some abnormal situation and that seepage of
water was not violent or abnormal.

Contrast this however, with the decision in Rohan Investments v

Cunningham (1998), where water entered the property following 0.50
inches of rain as a result of problem with roof drainage which may have
become blocked, causing water to lie in the property to a depth of 3 to 4

The Court of Appeal gave a very short judgment which concluded that a
flood could arise from an accumulation of water which was not in absolute
terms large but it was necessary to consider the size of the premises. The
accumulation did not have to be rapid to be abnormal but there was no
basis for confining a flood to ingress of water originating from a natural
phenomenon. It had to be looked at from the point of view of a
householder and, as far as the insured was concerned, the fact that a
blocked outlet caused the ingress did not prevent that ingress from being
a flood.

Such claims were all too familiar in the Autumn of 2000, when for example
on the 15th September heavy rainfall in Southsea and this, coupled with
the local pumping station being out of action for maintenance, resulted in
flooding to a large number of properties, while just over a month later,
Lewes and large areas of the country were similarly affected to a depth of
well over 150mm. Some of the losses involved water overflowing from
water courses, but others related to water escaping from drainage pipes
that could not cope with the volume of water involved.

The fact that the Rohan Investments case involved roof drainage means
that if rainwater collects within the building and could be termed a
flood, then the claim for damage falls under the flood peril and the same
arises where a road gulley cannot cope with the volume of rain, resulting
in a manhole cover being blown off, or a drain backsurging and water
entering the premises.

Basements can cause problems when they become flooded for they
should be tanked (ie provided with some impervious membrane to
prevent dampness getting in). The writer can recall one claim, where on
stripping back the soggy, brown wallpaper it revealed that it had not been
affixed to a plastered wall but merely stiff London Clay. Many cellars
were either designed for the storage of things that did not need to be kept
dry or were in fact designed to flood and have since been altered to be
used as bedrooms or for storage purposes.

What is insurers position in respect of the flooding of basements?

Provided that the basement is properly tanked, and that water penetration
into the basement does not occur every winter, with the event being a
one-off and thus constituting flood within the definition referred to
earlier, insurers should pick up claims for internal damage both to
decorations and contents. Generally speaking, if the tanking has been
properly installed, it should be capable of withstanding the hydrostatic
pressure exerted by a one-off event. Failure is likely to be due to the
cumulative effect of the high water table breaking down the tanking
material or poor workmanship involved in its installation, or to the failure
of the submersible pump that is often installed in such situations.

It should be noted that policies now exclude losses directly arising from
an increase in the level of the water table

One final aspect to consider is that of recovery of insurers outlay in cases

where culverts have failed to take away the water that has been
discharged into them.

In Bybrook Barn Garden Centre v Kent County Council (The Times 5th
January 2001) which went to the Court of Appeal, the claimants garden
centre was flooded in such circumstances. The Defendants were
successors of the Authority which built the culvert. It was not a nuisance
when constructed and was not expected to become a nuisance. However,
as the area developed, the culver became inadequate in times of heavy
rain. It was held that the Defendants as Highway Authority were liable.
They did not have a strict liability to abate the nuisance but they had a
duty to take reasonable action. To widen the culvert would have cost
money, but would have been a relatively simple solution and they should
have done it.


The only aspect of frost damage that is covered under a material damage
policy is damage caused by the escape of water from pipes or other water
apparatus as a result of bursting due to freezing, while cover is often
provided under household policies in respect of the repairs necessary to
the plumbing as a result of frost causing the burst.

Energy conservation measures have required roof spaces to be insulated

to minimise heat loss, but the effect of this has been to create a roof
space which has a temperature not very different from that of the outside
air and, even with the water apparatus being lagged, pipes can still freeze
if the temperature drops low enough.

Temperatures of less than -5C which persist for more than 24 hours freeze
unprotected water pipes and temperatures of -10C those that are lagged.
It is therefore essential that pipes are lagged and that in extreme
conditions heat is allowed to enter the roof space, either by means of a
heater placed directly below the open hatch, or by means of a suitable
heater placed in the loft itself (indeed some modern houses have one built
in for this purpose). In the case of heaters within the loft space, the risk
of fire needs to be carefully considered so such heaters must be kept
away from any items stored in the loft.

The majority of claims for escape of water due to frost arise when the
insured is away at a time when freezing conditions exist and, to save
money, the decision is taken to either turn off the central heating or to
maintain it at a very low temperature, which is insufficient for the system
to function effectively if the temperature falls dramatically outside.

What then can be done to reduce the risks involved? There are three main
1 Maintain the central heating at a temperature of 21C and run it for at
four hours each morning and evening as well as for a couple of hours
in the middle of the night.
2 Flush the toilet and run a tap each day for a brief period.

3 Open the loft hatch to allow heat to get into the roof space, making
sure that in doing so condensation does not arise in the roof space.

Such weather conditions arose in December 2010 causing widespread

damage to properties and the writer dealt with a number of cases
involving properties which had been let to tenants whose attitude seemed
generally to be to turn off the heating when going away, ignoring the
consequences of their actions. Other cases involved properties where the
owner occupier had gone into a care home or who had passed away and
those left behind had decided to keep the heating on but unforunately at
far too low a temperature for it to have any effect. Following the advice
given in the previous paragraph would probably have saved the day.

Most policies include conditions which apply when the property is

unoccupied and the wording must be carefully scrutinised before the
adjuster attends in order that the terms can be checked for compliance.

In May 2011, I received a claim for damage to a solar panel which had
been damaged during the very cold weather in December 2010. Reference
to the weather conditions revealed that at Yeovil, where this incident
occurred, the minimum temperature was below zero for a number of nights
with the lowest minimum being minus 9.3C .

There are two types of solar panel, the photovoltaic cell and the solar
panel collector. The former are designed to withstand heat, cold, rain and
hail for many years and I have not dealt with any weather related claims
for them, but the latter consist either of plastic flat plates or vacuum tube
collectors which are filled with a mixture of water and propylene glycol
which is used as heat change fluid to protect against frost. However, in
the weather conditions experienced in December 2010, the plastic pipes
split resulting in an escape of water, meaning that the hot water heating
system failed.

Given that the solar collector was part of the water apparatus for the
house it was linked to a water cylinder located in the roof space the
loss fell for consideration by the insurers concerned.

Frost and snow create slippery road conditions and the duty of the
Highway Authority to clear it was considered in Goodes v East Sussex CC,

2000 (The Times, 16th June 2000). In this case, the Highway Authority had
a good warning system and dispatched gritters on the morning in
question, but they had not arrived by the time the accident involving the
plaintiff occurred. It was held that the Duty owed under the Highways
Act, 1980 and earlier statutes had not included clearance of snow and ice
and therefore the case was dismissed. This would be worth bearing in
mind in the event of an impact damage claim arising in such
circumstances and the question of recovery needing to be addressed.


Subsidence is defined as the downward movement of a site on which

buildings stand from causes unconnected with loading from that building.

One of the major causes is clay shrinkage as a result of a period of dry

weather, often exacerbated by the leeching effect of tree roots, which
results in cracking occurring to walls and ceilings. Subsidence is a peril
that was added to policies in the 1970s and claims are best dealt with by
a loss adjuster with building surveying expertise.

Cracking does not necessarily arise from subsidence, but can be brought
about as a result of thermal movement, although in such cases the cracks
are generally straight and of even width. One of the areas frequently
affected by such cracking is the ceiling where cracks can occur at wall
and ceiling junctions. Such damage is outside the scope of cover provided
under the terms of the Accidental damage to Buildings peril.

The numbers of subsidence claims varies dependent, it would appear, on

the weather conditions experienced during July/ August/ September each

If the weather conditions are dry and perhaps hot in areas where the soil
is clay-based, during most, or all of this period, there will be a surge in the
number of subsidence claims presented to insurers.

Sometimes, subsidence damage can be sudden and dramatic. I can recall

a claim that I dealt with in North London in 1989 which I visited in
company with the insureds surveyor who had attended for the first time a
couple of days earlier. At the time of my meeting, he handed me the
schedule of damage that he had compiled following this earlier visit and
we walked around the house checking that it was accurate. In almost
every room the cracks to the walls had widened and multiplied in number,
with one crack having been heard forming by the occupants as they sat
watching television the previous evening, but the biggest shock for him
was when we went into the back garden to inspect the rear elevation,
which he assured me was undamaged when he looked at it days earlier.

There were cracks more than one inch in width and we had to make
urgent arrangements for the rear of the house to be shored up. The
problem had been caused by the dry weather that summer, coupled with
the leeching effect of a large tree growing in the garden about 20 feet
from the rear elevation.
Heave is the reverse of subsidence and can arise as a result of an
increase in the water table on a clay subsoil. It can also be experienced
on sub-soils consisting of fissured chalk, which can expand in frost

Landslip was, as mentioned earlier, defined inOddy v Phoenix Assurance

Ltd 1965 as a rapid downward movement under the influence of gravity of
a mass of rock or earth on a slope.

Heat can result in the temperature in the roof space rising to a figure of
more than 100F, which can result in plastic water supply pipes springing
apart at the joints causing water to cascade down through the house.
Summer heat can cause other problems, some of them more unexpected.
On 3rd August 1990, the temperature reached 36C and I dealt with one
claim where the insured came home from work in the early afternoon and
opened the sliding patio door to the lounge, which faced south. She
received a shock when the double glazed door fell from its track and
landed on the patio, smashing the glass. The door was of UPVC
construction and the day in question was the hottest of the century. I
noticed that the door track had distorted and it was clear that this had
been caused by the heat so that when the door was pulled it had simply
fallen out of its track. All insurers could do, under the terms of the policy,
was to pay for the re-glazing of the doors.

Another claim that I dealt with was on 14th August 2003 for a fallen lath
and plaster ceiling on a staircase, which had a large fixed glass light and
it was clear that the heat generated by the sun, in a period when the
highest temperature in Britain occurred (on 10th August, when 37.9C was
recorded at Brogdale, Kent about 5 miles away from this particular claim)
had built up on the enclosed staircase and caused the lath and plaster to
dry out and crumble. This had to be excluded under the terms of the
accidental damage to buildings peril.


There are a number of weather related defects which are not covered
under insurance policies such as:
Rain, which can penetrate porous materials with expansion and
contraction breaking the surface
Wind, if not of such severity as to constitute storm can nevertheless
loosen materials such as cement fillets
Frost causes moisture within saturated materials to freeze and expand
Sunlight assist the drying-out process, but rapid drying may cause too
rapid a shrinkage at the material surface. This may affect the structure,
the colour of the finish of the material
Other non-porous materials may be affected by sunlight in different ways.
A material may soften, melt or expand, processes which must be guarded
against or allowed for. Examples include double glazed windows, plastic
guttering or fascias.

The durability of organic materials such as paints, plastics, asphalt, felt

etc is also affected by sunlight due to the removal of natural oils. This
may cause drying out, brittleness, breakdown of surface coatings or the
bleeding of coloured pigments which then appear to have faded or
The water soluble salts in clays are mainly sulphates which, in moist
conditions, dissolve to form solutions which are absorbed into materials
by capillary action and travel towards the surface where the moisture
evaporates leaving concentrations of drying salts. On the surface, this is
efflorescence but beneath the surface is cryptoflorescence. Expansion of
such materials can exert pressure that may cause surface erosion.

Ivy, mosses and lichens can cause deterioration of material surface and

Lead, especially flashings, are subject to thermal movement, cracking and

curling and creep which are exhibited when, due to its own weight, it is
unable to return to its original position on cooling/warming.
Chemical reactions can bring about corrosion by oxidation or electrolytic
action as well as sulphate attack.

Atmospheric pollution can create acid rain causing deterioration of
components of both stone and metal.
These problems can bring about damage which only tends to manifest
itself following periods of heavy rainfall and high winds. For example, loss
of rendering (moisture penetration/frost), leaking flat roofs (sunlight/
moisture/chemical reaction/biological effects), failure of lead
flashings(thermal movement/creep/biological effects/atmospheric
pollution), slippage of roof tiles/slates(chemical/biological/atmospheric
pollution) and leaning chimneys (chemical reaction).

These are matters that fall outside the scope of cover, but the
Ombudsman has stated that normally it would expect an insurer to make
some payment if the damaged item which has previously shown no sign of
being defective fails in conditions that constitute a claim within one of the
insured perils.

In this country, a storm can be quickly followed by another and the

question of multiple application of the policy excess may need to be

In such cases, the insurer needs to pose the question

Would it have been possible for the repairs that were needed following
the initial storm to have been completed prior to the second storm taking

If the answer is no then only one excess should be deducted.


Earthquakes occur more frequently in this country than one might

expect. Indeed, there are usually 20 to 30 per year, although very
few cause any significant damage.

The 1931 earthquake which was centred off the Dogger Bank in the
North Sea did cause damage on land and in 1884 one occurred in
Colchester, resulting in damage to about 1,200 buildings.

The most significant earthquake in more recent times was at

Folkestone, Kent on 28th April 2007. It measured 4.3 on the Richter
Scale and 6 on the European Macroseismic Scale. This caused
widespread damage mostly in the form of cracking to the fabric of
buildings and dislodged/loosened some chimney stacks, but unlike
those that has occurred in the past in this country or elsewhere in
the world, the damage did not cause buildings to collapse and thus
it was difficult to determine whether the damage had been solely
brought about as a result of the earthquake or whether it had been
caused, or contributed to, by lack of maintenance or thermal
movement. A rough guide was to examine cracks to determine
whether they appeared to have been very recent in origin, but of
course some cracks may have been in existence beforehand and
increased in length and/or width by the earthquake.

The generally accepted approach was to treat each claim as being

due to the earthquake unless there was clear evidence that wear
and tear, lack of maintenance or some other cause was to blame.


Much depends upon what has happened, but the first step is to
undertake a close inspection of the building, both internally and
externally, remembering that whatever has caused the damage
might be repeated a few days later.

Have roof tiles/slates been dislodged or has water got into the
building? Take photographs to illustrate the damage and then get
tarpaulins fitted to the roof to prevent further bad weather
penetrating the structure. If water has got in, has it reached the
level of the power circuits if so, turn off the power and contact an
electrician to check that the circuits are safe and, if not, to get
them dried, made safe and repaired. The policyholder should also
deal with the gas and water supplies in the same way.

Having surveyed the damage, the policy holder should contact their
insurance company and explain to them what has happened and
what the nature and extent of the damage is, as well as reaching a
decision as to whether the house is inhabitable. The insurance
company should guide the policyholder from this point onwards.

The first thing that needs to be considered is the source of the

water is it clean (from a water pipe), grey (from surface drains or
washing machines etc) or black (from an external source such as

Water must be drained away from the house, remembering that it

can collect in nooks and crannies below ground or basement floors,
before cleaning and drying works can commence. Loose floor
coverings and carpets may need to be carefully lifted, along with
some of the floorboards near to walls, with wallpaper (especially
heavy vinyls) stripped off and moist plaster may need to be hacked
off to assist drying, before dehumidifiers are installed and the
central heating switched on. Remember that drying equipment is

very thirsty in terms of electricity usage and meter readings should
be taken at the outset as the cost of the power used can be claimed
under the policy.

Loft insulation will need to be removed if it has been affected and it

must be remembered that wood suffers dimensional change very
quickly so that extreme care is needed when the humidity level is
reduced so that this needs to be done slowly to enable the moisture
within the wood to adjust to that of its surroundings. If it changes
quickly, the wood will soak up free water and will suffer if the
humidity remains high for any length of time.

Dense materials, such, as engineering bricks, concrete and some

plaster, take a long time to dry and it may be necessary to hack of
plaster to a height of about 1 metre above floor level.

The drying of concrete slabs when covered by thermoplastic floor

tiles can be a problem and it is necessary to check whether the
source of the flood was ever likely to have caused damage beneath
the thermoplastic tiles. Location, volume of water, dwell time, the
presence or otherwise of a vapour barrier and pre-existing building
conditions have to be investigated in order to reach a conclusion.
The general rule in such cases is to replace those floor tiles that
have become unbounded from the floor.

A major set-back in the restoration process is the time taken to dry

out buildings prior to starting remedial building work. There are
potentially hundreds of litres of water that remain hidden within the
buildings structure. As a result, buildings can remain unfit for use
or occupation for many months during which time high internal
humidity levels can cause secondary damage and increase the risk
of dangerous mould growths.

Whilst the drying rate of a material will vary according to its
porosity and density, it is also determined by the ability of moisture
to evaporate into the surrounding air. Drying rates are greatly
improved by lowering relative humidity, adding heat and increasing
air movement.

Ideal drying conditions of 35 to 55% relative humidity (RH) can only

be maintained if the dehumidifier capacity is greater than the rate
at which moisture is being evaporated.

When dehumidifiers are used it is imperative that the building is

effectively sealed by closing windows, extractors, vents etc. If this
causes the internal relative humidity to rise uncontrollably (for
example, condensation on external walls) it is clear that the
dehumidifier is far too small.

There are two types of dehumidifier in use refrigeration and


The primary benefit of a refrigeration type dehumidifier is that it

performs well when used in a warm humid environment. Moisture
extraction rates will deteriorate rapidly as both temperature and
humidity is reduced. It is generally accepted that refrigerant
dehumidifiers should not be used when the dew point is below 10C.

A desiccant dehumidifier operates on a totally different principle to

a refrigerant type. The main benefit is that it performs
exceptionally well when used in cooler climates, or when lower dew
points are required. As there is no water produced during the drying
process, these units work effectively at sub-zero temperatures.

Air leaving a desiccant dehumidifier is warm, very dry and at high

velocity, thereby providing the three essential ingredients
necessary for fast and effective drying. The dry air can be easily
ducted to where drying is needed most, whether it is under a floor,
into a wall cavity or simply distributed to serve multiple areas.

In summer, particularly during the day, drying is best achieved by
introducing as much warm, fresh air as possible using fans to blow
air across damp surfaces to speed up evaporation rates. This
method is simple and cost effective. Heating or dehumidification
should not be used during this time.

In winter, although the outside RH is high, because it is also cold

the air actually contains very little moisture. Effective drying can
be achieved using a combination of heating (18C 20C) and air
circulation; the internal RH can be reduced by increasing fresh air

At other times, when the outside air is cool and humid, it is

necessary to maintain an internal temperature of 20C to 23C and to
ensure that there is sufficient ventilation to prevent the RH rising
above 65% OR to use a commercial dehumidifier, but not both.

The number of dehumidifiers required will, as a rule of thumb,

depend on the property size as well as the existence of available
heating within the property which can be used to supplement their

Once drying out has been completed, a schedule of repairs can be

compiled and estimates obtained from reputable local contractors
for the works that are required before repairs can be put in hand.

The various flood-damaged areas of the property and the ideal

repair solutions depending on the degree of damaged sustained as a
result of flood occurring within the property can be summarised as


Vinyl floor tiles Replace

Vinyl sheet flooring Replace

Quarry-tiled flooring Clean in situ

Solid concrete floor Clean and allow to dry

Suspended chipboard floor Replace chipboard and any

warped and rotten timber

Suspended timber (chipboard) Remove and replace all

floor with tongued and grooved timber components (joists, if
floorboards damaged beyond repair,
floorboards,skirting etc)

Joists Seal the floor void, blow in

hot, dry air to dry and treat
timbers with preservative

External wall brickwork with Clean

cement mortar joints

External wall rendered/pebbledash Clean


Internal wall painted/ papered Paint/paper

Internal wall ceramic tiled/ Replace tiles/wood veneer

wood veneered

Internal wall with gypsum plaster Replaster


Internal block wall with cement/ Clean the plaster

sand mix and 1mm skim

Internal block wall with lime/ox hair Replaster

mix and a lime putty finish

Internal timber partition wall Replace all plasterboard

Internal metal-framed partition Replace metal components

wall and plasterboard

Softwood front door Replace

Double glazed hardwood patio Dry, assess damage and

replace glazing units if seals
have perished

Hollow cellular type infill door Replace

UPVC Door Clean

Wooden window frames Allow to dry, then assess

damage and replace glazing
units if seals have perished

Steel radiators Dry, clean/sanitise/repaint

Gas fired heater Replace

Gas meter Refer to gas supplier

Wall-hung gas/electric fire Replace

Electrical circuits Replace the installation

Timber skirtings Replace

Timber Staircase Replace timber components

that have been in contact
with floodwater

Built-in wall cupboards Replace those affected

Fitted kitchen submerged above Replace the damaged units

plinth level

The whole process can take some time to complete so the

watchword is PATIENCE, but dont allow things to become
unnecessarily protracted.


If domestic premises become uninhabitable as a result of the

operation of an insured peril, the policy holder is entitled to
alternative accommodation of a comparable standard. Remember
that the operative word is uninhabitable and not merely
uncomfortable for living before cover is operable.

In considering the position the insurer can sometimes be placed

between a rock and a hard place, for much will depend upon the
length of time that the policy holder will be affected.

Hotel accommodation should be avoided if at all possible, except

for short-term accommodation, owing to the expense that will be
incurred, whilst renting of a flat or house will normally be subject to
an assured short-hold tenancy agreement with a minimum rental
period of 6 months, which often far exceeds the period actually
required by the policyholder for the property to become inhabitable

The policy wording must be checked for some policies cover
alternative accommodation while others cover additional living
expenses, while cover will also be subject to a monetary limit.

Alternative accommodation cover covers the cost of

accommodation for the policyholder and his family, but if for
example, they were staying in hotel accommodation, it would not
cover the meals. If however, cover is provided in respect of
additional living expenses it would include the additional meal
charges after allowance has been made for normal expenditure
incurred by the household on food when living at home. Savings in
normal expenditure (for example gas, electricity and community
charge bills if a rebate is granted) should be taken into account

If the policyholder is a building owner with a tenant, the policy may

be expected to cover loss of rent, but on occasions the period
claimed can be shown to be excessive and it should be pointed out
that cover only applies whilst the property is actually uninhabitable.
Once building repairs have been completed, there is nothing to stop
the owner from seeking a new tenants and it is at that point that
liability for loss of rent ceases. If it takes the policyholder time to
find the right tenant, that is his problem, not that of his insurers.
Each case has to be decided on its merits and it may be possible for
the policyholder to purchase a mobile home and place it on his
property for the duration of the repairs selling it at the end of the
repairs with the insurer obtaining the proceeds of the sale; there are
also companies that can rent mobile homes or caravans for the
insured to reside in on site during the period of the repair contract,
which can have advantages as the insured can keep an eye on
progress of the work and make sure that it is proceeding

The question often arises as to whether cover is provided in respect

of accommodation for the policyholders pets while the property is

uninhabitable. Some policies do provide such cover and the policy
wording needs to be checked in each case.




Average Limits Average Limits

0 Calm Calm; smoke 0 <1 0 <1 Calm

rises vertically
1 Light Air Direction of 2 1-3 2 1-3 Light
wind by smoke
drift, but not by
wind vanes
2 Light breeze Wind felt on face; 5 4-6 5 4-7 Light
leaves rustle;
ordinary vane
moved by wind
3 Gentle breeze Leaves and 9 7-10 10 8-12 Light
small twigs in
constant motion;
wind extends
light flag
4 Moderate breeze Raises dust 13 11-16 15 13-18 Moderate
and loose paper;
small branches
are moved
5 Fresh breeze Small trees in 19 17-21 21 19-24 Fresh
leaf begin to
sway; crested
wavelets form on inland waters
6 Strong breeze Large branches 24 22-27 28 25-31 Strong
in motion; whistling
heard in telegraph
wires umbrellas used with difficulty
7 Near gale Whole trees in 30 28-33 35 32-38 Strong
inconvenience felt
when walking against against wind
8 Gale Breaks off twigs 37 34-40 42 39-46 Gale
generally impedes progress
9 Strong gale Slight structural 44 41-47 50 47-54 Severe gale
damage occurs;
(chimney pots and slates removed)
10 Storm Seldom experienced 52 48-55 59 55-63 Storm
inland; trees
uprooted; much structural damage
11 Violent Storm very rarely 60 56-63 68 64-72 Violent Strom
Widespread damage
12 Hurricane >64 >73 Hurricane



H0 HARD HAIL 5MM No damage

DAMAGING 5-15 slight general damage

H2 SIGNIFICANT 10-20 Significant damage

to fruit, crops,
H3 SEVERE 3 21-30 Severe damage to Walnut
fruit & crops, damage
to glass and plastic
structures, paint & wood
H4 SEVERE 4 31-40 Widespread glass Pigeons
Damage, vehicle egg >
bodywork damage squash ball
H5 DESTRUCTIVE 5 41-50 Wholesale destruction golf ball
of glass, damage to pullets egg
tiled roofs, significant
risk of injurie
H6 DESTRUCTIVE 6 51-60 Bodywork of grounded Hens egg
aircraft dented; brick
walls pitted
H7 DESTRUCTIVE 7 61-75 Severe roof damage; Tennis ball
Risk of serious injury Cricket ball
H8 DESTRUCTIVE 8 75-90 Severe damage to Large
Aircraft bodywork orange >
Soft ball
H9 SUPER HAILSTORMS 9 91-100 Extensive structural Grapefruit
damage. Risk of severe
injury to persons in
the open
H10 SUPER HAILSTORMS 10 >100 Extensive structural Melon
damage; Risk of severe
or even fatal injuries to
persons in the open



I Not felt Not felt

II Scarcely felt Felt only by very few individual people at rest in houses

III Weak Felt indoors by a few people. People at rest feel a swaying or
light trembling

IV Largely observed Felt indoors by many people, outdoors by very few, a few
people are awakened. Windows, doors and dishes rattle

V Strong Felt indoors by most. Outdoors by few. Many sleeping people

Awake. A few are frightened. Buildings tremble throughout.
Hanging objects swing considerable. Small objects are
shifted. Doors and windows swing open or shut

VI Slightly damaging Many people are frightened and run outdoors. Some objects
fall. Many houses suffer slight non-structural damage like
hairline cracks and fall of small pieces of plaster

VII Damaging Most people are frightened and run outdoors. Furniture is
shifted and objects fall from shelves in large numbers. Many
well-built ordinary buildings suffer moderate damage; small
cracks in walls, fall of plaster, parts of chimneys fall down;
older buildings may show large cracks in walls and failure of
fill-in walls

VIII Heavily damaging Many people find it difficult to stand. Many houses have
large cracks in walls. A few well-built ordinary buildings
show serious failure of walls, while weak older structures
may collapse

IX Destructive General panic. Many weak constructions collapse. Even

well- built ordinary buildings show very heavy damage:
serious failure of walls and partial structural failure

X Very destructive Many ordinary well-built buildings collapse

XI Devasting Most ordinary well-built buildings collapse, even some with

good earthquake resistant design are destroyed

XII Completely Almost all buildings are destroyed



Since Records Began by Paul Simons, published by Harper Collins2008

The Wrong Kind of Snow, by Antony Woodward & Robert Penn, published
by Hodder & Stoughton, 2007

Storm Force by Michael Fish, Ian McCaskill & Paul Hudson published by
Great Northern Books 2007

Britains Weather its workings, lore and forecasting by David Bowen

published by David & Charles 1969

The Surrey Weather Book and The Sussex Weather Book both by Mark
Davison and Ian Currie and published by Frosted Earth

Weather Watch by Dick File published by Guardian Books 1990

Newsletters of the Climatological Observers Link

Flood Damaged Property by David Proverbs & Robby Soetanto published

by Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2004

The website of the Tornado and Storm Research Organisation

United Kingdom Earthquakes


Malcolm Johnson has had a keen interest in the weather since childhood,
and was heightened by a holiday in 1956 which took him to Lynmouth,
scene of a severe flood in 1953, the dry summer of 1959 and the smog and
snow of 1962/63.

Upon leaving school, he worked for Eagle Star from 1967 until 1972, the
insurance department of Trafalgar House Investments from 1973 until
1980, where he spent much of his time knee deep in mud on construction
sites dealing with claims and in 1980 he became a loss adjuster initially
with Malcolm Sheppard & Co Ltd. He left Malcolm Sheppard in 1985 and
joined Preston, Hawes and Walker in 1985, rejoining Sheppards in 1987.
He remained with that firm and its successor companies, (Fishers, Miller
and Miller Pycraft, before joining The Claims People Group in 2003 and
then Stuart Neal & Co Ltd in 2006, where he is currently employed.

He was Secretary of the Insurance Institute of Croydon from1985 until

1990 and then became Secretary of the Southampton Institute in 1993
until 2004. He served as President of the Institute of Southampton in

He is an Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute, a Chartered

Insurance Practitioner, Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters,
Fellow of the Federation of Adjusting Associations and a member of the
Association of Insurance Surveyors, as well as being a Fellow of the Royal
Meteorological Society.

In his interest as a weather enthusiast he is also a member of the

Climatological Observers Link and The Weather Club. He was also for
several years the weather presenter for Angel Radio, a volunteer run radio
station in Havant, Hampshire.


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