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(BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION) Company Law and Secretarial Practice

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Com (Part-II) Examination, 2011 (10+2+3 Patterns) (Faculty of Commerce)

(BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION) Company Law and Secretarial Practice
Time: One Hour Max. Marks: 40

Attempt All Questions 1. Answer each of the following questions in not more than 20 words. Each question carries two marks. (i) What is Perpetual Succession in relation to Joint Stock Companies? (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) What is meant by a Holding Company? Who can be a Promoter? Which companies are compulsorily required to frame Articles of Association? What is share warrant? What is contract relating to Directors Interest? State maximum limit of managerial remuneration.

(viii) Who is a liquidator? (ix) (x) What is meant by company director? Define minutes.


Answer each of the following questions in not more than 50 words. Each question carries four marks. (i) Give any four points of difference between private and public company. (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Write meaning of Constructive Notice. Distinguish between the transfer and transmission of shares. Distinguish between the ordinary and special resolution. What are the contents of Memorandum of Association?

Time: Two Hours Max. Marks: 60

Attempt three questions in all, Selection at least one question from each Section. All questions carry equal marks of 20 each. Each question has internal choice in the form of either/or.


Section A Define a Private Company. Describe legal privileges and concessions or exemptions enjoyed by a Private Company. or Who are members of a company? Distinguish between a member and a shareholder. Section B


What are the provisions of Company Act, 1956 regarding prevention of oppression and mismanagement? or What do you understand by voluntary winding up? Describe the circumstances and effects of voluntary winding up of a company.

Section C 5. Define Company Secretary. Discuss the rights and duties of a Company Secretary..

or What is annual general meeting? Why it is called? What business is transacted at the annual general meeting?

B. Com (Part-II) Examination, 2010

(BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION) Company Law and Secretarial Practice
Time: One Hour Max. Marks: 40

Attempt All Questions 1. Answer each of the following questions in not more than 20 words. Each question carries two marks. (i) Define company (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) Why a private company cannot issue prospectus? Define Share Capital. What is offer for sale? What is balance ticket? What is extraordinary general meeting? What is transmission of shares?

(viii) How many members of company may apply to the Central Government of investigation a company? (ix) What do you mean by Memorandum of Association? (x) Write the period of notice of company meeting.


Answer each of the following questions in not more than 50 words. Each question carries four marks. (i) What do you mean by Lifting or Piercing the Corporate Veil? (ii) Write any four important differences between Articles of Association and memorandum of Association. (iii) (iv) (v) What is Agenda of the meeting? State main distinction between equity and preference share. Distinguish between ordinary and special resolution.

Time: Two Hours Max. Marks: 60

Attempt three questions in all, Selection at least one question from each Section. All questions carry equal marks of 20 each. Each question has internal choice in the form of either/or.

Section A 3. Write short notes on the following: (i) (ii) Various stages of incorporation of company. Distinguish between Private and Public Limited Company. or What do you understand by prospectus of a company? What particulars are given company prospectus? Section B 4. Explain the provision of companies Act with regard to the managerial remuneration. in

or What do you understand by winding up of a company? Describe briefly the different modes of winding up.

Section C 5. "While the directors are the brains of the company, the Secretary is the ears, eyes, hands and mouth". Explain. Discuss the position of company Secretary in the light of the above statement. or What is statutory meeting? What are the duties of company Secretary regarding statutory meeting?

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