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Pussy Playbook: How To Get A Girlfriend FAST!

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The document discusses getting a girlfriend quickly and easily by building attraction through doing less. It also talks about having multiple girlfriends rather than settling down with one. However, the content seems overly focused on physical intimacy.

The document mentions that a common mistake is trying to be the boyfriend too quickly rather than initially just focusing on being physically intimate. It suggests focusing first on intimacy before commitment.

Meeting girls in person by approaching them was mentioned as one option. Using online dating sites like POF or OKCupid was also suggested as a way to widen options. Facebook dating was also briefly mentioned.


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his is really just going to be the most basic guide you need to get a girlfriend; I go into far
more detail in the Primer Pack though.
This is what youd call The Lazy Mans Way to Pussy, aka
getting a girlfriend fast. But getting a girlfriend is over-rated. Over
the years Ive found that the only reason guys I work with want a
girlfriend is because they cant get any girl in the frst place.
So they just want ONE girl to become their girlfriend, so they
can just relax, fuck her, and go back to playing video games.
But if you were fucking 2 or more girls at any given time, you
wouldnt want to settle into a monogamous relationship right away?
Only an insane guy in my opinion would want to stop having
sex with multiple girls to only have sex with one girl. Of course this does happen, once you
decide to settle. But, my point is most guys and maybe you just want a girlfriend. But
following this guide will allow you for fuck more than one girl at a time.
To get the type of girlfriend that you want, youre going to have to build a huge amount of
attraction per say. You can really build attraction like a carpenter builds cabinets, but Ill show
you how to slap on some sexy attraction in your interaction with a girl immediately.
Im going to show you a way where you do less work and have more attraction with any
given girl youre interacting with.
Think of it this way - the less you do, the more attraction you build.
Primer Pack

WITHOUT her permission!
Like sticking your dick in a girls ass
Huge Mistake Guys Make
A HUGE mistake guys make when trying to get a girlfriend,
is that they try to be the boyfriend right away instead of just
trying to fuck the girl frst.
In the Day90Delivered Primer Pack, I show you how to meet a girl on the street, than
bring her back to your apartment to fuck sometimes even the same day!
Now dont think the approach I teach is going to work on every girl. Because youd be a
FOOL to believe that. Nothing works 100% of the time. But the approach I teach in the Primer
Pack will allow you to fuck up to 10 NEW girls a month. I really think this is the most effective
way of meeting girls that Ive ever used - Ive tried a lot of things!
You cant make a girl your girlfriend without fucking her frst. Well, you can, but those
relationships are always a disaster. Who wants to go on a bunch of blue-balled dates, to
potentially end up with nothing.
I will show you how to fuck a girl - usually on the frst date - with a little secret that gets her
to come back with you to your house. Sometimes the girl will show a little resistance, but as
long as you use this secret, shell follow along.
Is like emotionally hanging yourself
Being Emotional Attached
Now once youre fucking the girl a few times, if you really want to you can make her your
girlfriend. But lets get into the rest of this guide frst
Another huge thing guys fall victim to is becoming attached to a certain girl. This attachment
actually ruins your attraction she may have for you. So its key to keep your emotions in check,
and of course Ill show you how to do that too.
Dont worry for now, Im going to show you every step you need to go from never meeting
the girl, to having her in your bed, then fnally, make her your girlfriend. This is going to be your
Pussy Playbook, giving you everything you need to be successful with the opposite sex aka
humans that have vaginas aka hot girls you want to cum on their faces.
Pretend it was an accident!

Its believed that you need to be really good looking, or have a lot of money, and Im sure
youve heard that is bullshit.
Its just a sad excuse some guys use to not try, they think they arent the most attractive guy
in the world so they throw in the towel - theres a reason its called AVERAGE.
Or, they believe that every hot girl is just a gold digger, so theyll never fuck the type of girl
they want because they only make $60K a year....
You obviously want to fnd a girl that is completely into you as a person, and not your
possessions. So its very important to make that distinction when fnding a girlfriend. But I
would assume if youre reading this youre not good looking or wealthy, youre average.
This is actually an advantage, because at the end of this Im going to show you how to not
only get the type of girlfriend you want, but how to improve your appearance so girls are
attracted to you because youre now a good looking guy. And, how to become wealthy I
know thats a bold claim but making money is easier than you think!
Look, I just want to help guys like YOU improve all areas of their life, and I know most guys
just want a girlfriend. And, if its a girlfriend youre after, its a girlfriend youll get. But you have
to know how to fuck her frst, only then will she be yours.
Get A Girl To Like You
This is a common question I get from guys all the time. Guys think that they need a girl to
like them in the frst place in order to get her to be a girlfriend.
This is a common MYTH. You cant make a girl like you, want to be with you, or have sex
with you. Again, youd be a fool to fall for this in the frst place.
Girls liking you for you, starts with you. You need to like yourself frst, before anyone else
can. Otherwise if youre insecure the only kind of girl youll eventually fnd is another insecure
girl. Now some guys say that a lot of hot girls are insecure but that doesnt mean theyre easier
to get. Everyone has insecurities, hot or not.
Hot girls know theyre hot and fucking rock it. Average girls and ugly girls on the other hand
are the ones that are insecure with low self-esteem.
You dont want to be fucking an ugly girl do you?
A girl that has pimples on her ass and in between her legs. Those pimples rub against your
face while she lays on top of you and has you perform cunnilingus, because she saw a new sex
position in a tantric sex book at the local book store...

You want a girlfriend thats hot, so hot you
get hard just thinking about her. A girlfriend
thats cool, she never gets jealous, she likes to
party, and do all the fucked up things you like to
do in bed.
Those are the type of girls to have as your
girlfriend. And, soon youll know exactly how to
get a girlfriend just like that.
So I told you that all you have to do is just be yourself, and I know what youre thinking...
Thats such shitty advice, being as though youve been yourself your entire life and never
gotten to stick your dick inside the type of girl you fantasize about.
Well the reason I tell you to just be yourself, is because you want to fnd girls that actually
want to be with you, for you. All you need to do is put yourself in front of more girls from
either approaching them or through - free - online dating websites. Then youll be fucking
more girls than you can handle.
First, you need to delevop the mindset that youre an attractive guy, that attractive girls
want to fuck you. Otherwise, youll never have the kind of success youre looking for. But how
do you get that mindset? That unshakable confdence every guy wishes he was born with?
How you live your life day to day is whats going to predict your
mindset. Your mindset is just your confdence and self-esteem
with some beliefs sprinkled in. If youre confdent and have
no anxiety youll be able to walk up to girls effortlessly and talk
to them. Flirt with them, then ask them out. If your confdence is
high enough youll be able to skip the bullshit and get straight to
the part where you both hook up. But that takes time, that takes
a guy that oozes confdence and sexuality everywhere he goes.
Getting a girlfriend is just learning to be the right guy for her. What this book is, is a shortcut
to become the right guy. The truth is there is no right guy theres just a guy that happens to
show up at the right time, that she likes and wants to fuck.
Can you be that guy? Can you show up at the right time?
I know you can, but youll have to do the opposite of everything youve done so far to
achieve this goal.
In a few pages, Im
going to show you the
Triple Breath Trigger
that WILL get rid of all
your anxiety!
The Quick Anxiety Fix

Girls are going to be begging to be your girlfriend by the time you APPLY everything Im
teaching here. Thats right, apply.
Dont think you can just read this and youll be fuckin Don Juan with the ladies. You have to
take action on what Im teaching you, or youll stay in fantasy land FORVER!
Getting your head straight
Step 01
Its important that you have the right mindset when trying to get a hot girl in your life so you
can obviously get her into your bed than fuck her. Without thinking that youre an attractive
guy and that you deserve to be with a hot girl youll never be able to keep her long enough or
worse not able to get a hot girlfriend in the frst place.
Nothing worse than having to settle for a girl youre not even attracted to just because you
want to stick your dick in something warm. Or, you have to eat her pussy every so often and it
has a funky odor not fun - weve all been there, dont lie.
This frst step is very basic and it usually takes time to change your mindset. Its commonly
believed that you can create a habit in 21 days, but unfortunately that never really works. But
if you just give yourself 90 days than you can change your beliefs permanently.
Im going to show you a method that you can use every morning that will change your
beliefs, in just a minute...
And, girls just dont like me!
Im A Total Loser...
Thats great to hear, Im glad youre doing so well with video games
Youre not a loser, you just need to change the way you live your life. Im not saying you have
to give up all the things you enjoy doing. You just need to start doing things differently. As
corny as this sounds, you are perfect just the way you are. But you need to understand female
attraction in its raw form.
If you gave me 90 days, thats right, just 90 days I could turn you into a guy that would fuck
a new girl everywhere he went.

Coffee shops, malls, dildo stores, clubs, bars, anywhere you would go, you would have the
ability to meet a girl that youd be able to take back to your place and fuck!
You noticed I said ability. Everything you see on the internet is total BULLSHIT.
3 questions to fuck any girl bullshit.
Some gold fsh will get you laid reallty you belived that? - bullshit.
All these techniques, codes, females dating coaches (huge fuckin joke). Are all a GIANT lie!
They dont give a shit about you actually achieving your goals or not.
Do you know why?
Because dating advice like ftness is some of the hardest advice to to give anywhere. Its
the hardest advice to give, because majority of guys - maybe you - want a magic pill. You want
something that doesnt exist to fx all of your problems. And, when you hear real advice that
works, you think its too much work.
That s the catch. You want endless tasty pussy, you want effortless cash, and you want to
sit on your ass and build muscle.
So, maybe you search the wonderful internet to fnd some magical techniques or scientifc
bullshit that is supposed to make all these pussies wet, but thats not reality. You know, and I
know, yet you still have a little bit of hope that its out there...
Im sorry, Im getting off topic. I just get upset when guys get scammed.
01 Mindset Magnifier
Your subconscious is the most acceptable to
suggestions right when you wake up and right
before bed. So I want you to use this to your
advantage. Im going to show you how I changed
my beliefs that allowed me to become more
confdent and sexual everywhere I went. It was
almost like I was walking around with this aura
that would grab womens attention.
I want you to start by writing out 5-10
affrmations that you want to believe, become or have happen to you. Then once you have
the affrmations I want you to craft them into an easy to remember story. It should be less
than a minute.

I am sexy and I love myself. Women love me. Everywhere I go I ooze confdence and sexuality,
so much that women notice it and are always checking me out. I even get approached by women
throughout the day. Some women are so aggressive they instantly start touching, and demand I
come with them back to their house for sex. I love my life. Women want to fuck me everywhere I
go. Im so good in bed, every woman I fuck always wants more sex from me. My phone is constantly
ringing from all the text messages I receive from hot women.
You can see that theres a bunch of affrmations into one little paragraph, and I just
weave it together to make it more memorable. The more detail the better, but again, dont
make it too long.
But that is just a starting point. I want you to sit down, and come up with all the things that
you envision your perfect life having. This shouldnt just be about getting pussy, thats so
Think of 3 goals that are really important to you. If I was to guess, Id bet your 3 goals are
probably going to be something related to health, wealth, and pussy. But, make sure all your
goals and affrmations are weaved into a little story.
Next youre going to stand in front of a mirror, preferably a full body mirror for 10 minutes
every morning. Youre going to look into your right eye, state your affrmations, then switch
the left eye. Or, if youd like you can spend 5 minutes on the left eye, then 5 minutes on the
right. You can even do this for as long as you want, but I think anything over 20 minutes is a
waste - I have too much stuff to do!
In a way youre reprogramming your brain. I have a more effective way of changing your
beliefs in the Primer Pack than this, but I cant reveal it to the public, its too powerful. I only
give it to my private clients.
If I gave this to every guy, women would be confused as to who to go after. It alters the mind
of women that are in your presence, youll be able to develop an aura so strong that attracts
women wherever you go!
Now to make this even more powerful, youre going to want to write your story down. Every
morning right after your mirror exercise, and before bed.
If you do this for just a few days youll notice your confdence increasing, and more women
becoming interested in you.
Its quite amazing, to say the least!

02 How To Really Talk To Women
You were probably taught that you have to act like someone youre not when you frst meet
a woman. You have to jump through all these hoops like shes a more valuable human being
than you. Yet, shes probably taking it up the ass from some other guy who isnt as attractive
as you.
Women want you to cut the bullshit, just as much as you do. But society really fucks things
up. Society tells you that you have to be nice and you have to make small talk with a woman
to get her pussy. That couldnt be further from the truth, and thats actually very counter-
You need to start thinking completely different than way youve previously thought before.
Just because youve never seen it with your own two eyes, doesnt make it impossible. This
World is a very fucked up place, and theres a lot of women that look innocent but trust me,
they are the freakiest women youd ever meet.
But how do you cut the bullshit and get straight to the truth with a woman youre talking to.
Be honest with the woman youre talking to, Im not saying you have to tell her that
you want to fuck her in the ass, then watch her suck the brown juice off your cock
thats a little extreme.
Just be direct and honest with the women you meet. Tell them right away how you feel
about them, tell them if youre attracted to them. Because this will get rid of the women
that are not interested in you really fast, and keep the ones that are interested in you
around. Its a win-win situation, and youd be an idiot to play games with women and not be
honest with them.
There are effective ways of being direct and there are ineffective ways -thats something
you learn in the Primer Pack.
03 Stop Giving A Shit
Guys are constantly on the hunt for pussy, they think that they have to be the ones that
need to try and show the girl that theyre this amazing guy. Yet, the complete opposite is true.
You need to stop caring what women think - youre a man - you need to go into the
interaction completely care free. Just go in and say Hi, whatever happens, happens.

Who gives a shit.
Within the frst few seconds she knows if she wants to suck your dick or not. Youre
not going to fuck it up, you dont have to be perfect. All you have to do is say Hi, and the
rest is history.
Can you say Hi?
Retorical question, dont answer.
Being a guy who is truly indifferent towards the outcome is easier said than done. I know
it took me a long time to fnally stop giving a shit. Its all part of the process youre about to
The quick anxiety fx
triple breath trigger
Sometimes no matter what you do you just cant get one foot in front of the other. Youre
paralyzed by the anxiety you feel when you want to go talk to a female. With this youll be
about to trigger fearlessness inside you, and whip away the anxiety you feel.
The best part about this is that no one will know youre doing it. You can lean against a
wall clutching your drink if youre in a club, or you can walk around if youre meeting females
in the day.
Lets get into the Triple Breath Trigger
Inhale so your lungs are a quarter full. Sometimes I feel this takes too long Im
impatient so I exhale completely, pushing all the air out of my lungs. Making my
lungs completely empty.
Hold your breath for as long as possible. You want to get to the point where its
so uncomfortable youre suffocating.
Once you get the point where its too painful, SLOWLY release your breath and
SLOWLY exhale again. Dont start inhaling and exhaling in a rapid fashion.
You should either feel relaxed, or euphoric, but in general youll feel really good.
Take a 1-2 minute break and repeat the process 3-5 times.

Improving your appearance
Step 02
There are only two ways to improve your appearance when
it comes to fucking hot girls in general and turning those hot
girls into your girlfriend - cock implants dont count.
Improving your style.
Improving your body.
Theres no point in me going into these 2 categories already because if youre reading this it
means you already have both the Architects of Style and Fitness Energizer.
Improving both your style and body is going to have more girls that will want to jump on
your dick than any other thing you can do in life. Having money doesnt count, because the
girls you attract with money just want to distract you to get to your wallet.
Guys think that improving their style is too expensive, too hard, or fat out just looks gay.
But Im here to tell you that looking good is easy and cheap to
do, and you dont have to wear wrist bands, rings, or layer your
clothes like someone with a vagina would do.
The other part is getting a good body. Guys just arent
motivated enough to eat and train properly. Going to the gym
sucks when you have all those big guys on steroids there and
the gym is packed. Certain DVD home workout programs got
popular because you can get a great body at home its genius.
Thats why youll want to start doing the PLP routine I show
you in the Fitness Energizer. It will build enough muscle to
increase your confdence, and how women see you.
Fitness Energizer
Architects of Style
If youd like you can imagine a situation that brings you anxiety such as approaching an
attractive female. Just think of the situation, hold the image in your head, and going through
the TBT.
If you use this every day for a couple days youll have a grasp on your anxiety, and be able to
approach endless amounts of females at your choosing.

Fucking her, then making her yours
Step 03
Youve got your head in check, and your appearance is now sexualized.
Time to get laid!
This is the fun part, this is where you get to start meeting hot girls and get them to suck
your dick. You wont have to be searching free porn sites for your favorite fetishes. Youll have
these girls doing all the nasty things you like to you.
Theres two ways to meet girls here as well
In person.
Walking up to a girl, and getting her number is very scary for most guys. I would bet you
dont have the balls to do it and thats why youre reading this, right?
But thats ok, thats why I put together the Approach Action Plan for you. Its designed to
destroy all fear you have when it comes to approaching and talking to girls. In less than 30
days, youll start to feel fearless and having girls eat out of the palm of your hand.
Not literally of course, thatd be kind of weird, and a little bit sexy if youre into that.
Next, Im going to have you go and setup an online dating profle. Online dating is incredibly
easy, despite what you may currently think, girls on there just want to fuck. They obviously
dont say that because then theyd have every scum bag messaging them. And, believe me,
they do anyway.
Lets start with where to meet girls
Then when youre ready, you get to follow the exact workouts I use at the gym, that had me
put on a ton of lean muscle, and fuck even more pussy.
But I am rambling here, this is just a starting guide. Open up the Fitness Energizer and turn
your body into a pussy wetting physique!

01 Where To Find Your Girlfriend
I get asked this question quite a bit, and its kind of a stupid question. Girls are girls, it
doesnt matter where you go. There isnt going to be a higher % of girls that want your dick
in a certain area where you live. All you have to do is go to a place where theres a lot of girls.
The mall, downtown, a university campus, a brothel. And, then use everything I teach in the
Primer Pack to get her number and setup a date.
This is also why you want to setup an online dating profle on a free dating site like POF
or OKcupid. This will widen your chances to meet a girl you fnd attractive. Setting up your
profle is really quick and easy. This goes back to the dont try at all, get more attraction. You
dont want to have a very detailed profle you want to keep it short and sweet.
Its good to have 2-3 of your best pictures and 2-3 sentences just saying a little bit about
you. Now I know this is very vague but this is just a starting guide remember? Bitsex Banger
is going to give you all the information you need to setup your profle.
It even has a mobile dating site that will connect you with girls via Facebook. You dont need
any bullshit profle information, it only uses your Facebook profle pictures.
Bitsex Banger
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you sexy book you?
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Again, this is just a starting guide to getting a girlfriend. Day90Delivered is where I give
you everything you need to know. Just click the eBook or the link below to fnd out more!

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