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Kitchen Knowledge

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KITCHEN KNOWLEDGE KITCHEN DEFINITON A place and part of building hotel or restaurant hich acti!ities to coo" and pro!ide food and be!erage# GOOD CONDITIONS OF KITCHEN

La$ out of "itchen not too far fro% the outlet There is dish ashing area There is dish ashing %achine There are rubbish area There is e&haust fan There are fan Insect trap '%o"e detector Good drainage Hot ater facilities Water h$drant (ac"s to place) large e*uip%ent+ %echanical e*uip%ent+ "itchen utencil+ glass are+ china are Wal",in refrigerator General store to place) perishable store+ groceries store+ dair$ product -ire tub


Kitchen 'atelite E%plo$ee Kitchen .ain Kitchen

KLASIFIKASI DAPUR Dapur dapat di"lasifi"asi"an dala% / %aca% sesuai dengan u"uran fungsi dan ruang ling"up pe"er0aann$a sedang"an "lasifi"asi dapur adalah sbb)

Con!entional Kitchen

1ada u%u%n$a terdapat di perusahaan 0asa pela$anan %a"anan dala% u"uran "ecil# -ungsi dan ruang ling"up pe"er0aan dapur ini han$a %en$iap"an 0enis %enu tetap 2table d3hote4 dan %enu ban*uet dala% 0u%lah "ecil# 'e%ua %a"anan panas disa0i"an pada suatu te%pat di dapur $ang biasa disenut counter#

Co%bine 1reparation and -inishing Kitchen

Dipersiap"an untu" perusahaan 0asa pela$anan %a"anan dala% u"uran %enengah# 1ada prinsipn$a pe%bagian ruangan dapur %erupa"an penggabungan antara preparation and finishing# Dapur tipe ini dibagi dala% 5 blo") hot "itchen 2"husus %a"anan panas4 seperti $ang dila"u"an oleh !egetable coo"+ sauce coo" dan cold "itchen 2"husus %a"anan dingin4 seperti $ang dila"u"an oleh larder coo"+ butcher#

'eparated 1reparation dan -inishing Kitchen

'iste% ini sangat coco" untu" 0asa pela$anan %a"anan s"ala besar# 1e%bagian ruangan dapur)
o o

6agian pengolahan %a"anan dingin 2larder4 6agian pengolahan sa$ur,sa$uran 2!egetable4

Khusus %en$iap"an %a"anan panas seperti "aldu putih 2sapi+ a$a%+ i"an+ atau bouillon4+ sup encer 2bouillon dan conso%%74+ sup "ental 2crea% soup+ !eloute4+ national soup+ special soup+ dll#

6agian pengolahan sauce 2saucier4

Khusus %e%asa" %a"anan $ang terbuat dari daging,dagingan 2seafood+ a$a%+ babi+ "a%bing4 %e%buat sauce penda%ping seperti sauce co"lat 2de%iglace4+ saus putih 2!eloute+ b7cha%el4+ hollandaise8b7arnaise sauce+ saus to%at+ dll#

6agian "ue roti 2patisserie4

Khusus "ue+ roti+ ice crea%+ dan dessert#

Con!enience Kitchen

Dipa"ai oleh 0asa pela$anan %a"anan 0adi dengan peralatan) free9er8chiller+ %icro a!e o!en+ con!ention o!en+ deep fat fr$er+ se0u%lah sto!e dengan peralatan %asa" $ang tida" terlalu ban$a"# FOOD COMMODITIES

Herbs and 'pices :egetable .eat and poultr$ -ish and shellfish .il" and cheese 1asta Eggs Cereals and rice


Half 6oiled Egg -rench -ried 1otato .ashed 1otato Ho%e -ried 1otato O36rien 1otato L$anaise 1otato Hard 6ro n 1otato Chips 1otato 6a"ed 1otato ith ;ac"ets



To gratinate %eans to coo" ith radiant heat fro% abo!e# <suall$ done in sala%ander+ hich are designed to accept standard,si9e pan# Gratinating can also be done on a rac" under the heat source#


To coo" food in ater or seasoned and fla!or li*uid that is bubbling rapidl$ at =>>c at sea le!el+ no %atter ho high the burner is turned+ the te%perature of the li*uid ill go no higher# , In cold ater ith co!er? To allo food to absorb ater and coo" e!enl$ and to pre!ent toughness and hardness on e&terior surface? 6oil) potatoes+ dried !egetables+ and bones# , In cold ater ithout co!er? Coo"ing at te%perature under the boiling point ill pre!ent cloudiness? Do not boil) clear stoc"+ clear broth+ %eat 0ellies#

, In boiling ater ith co!er? food coo"s %ore *uic"l$ and %ore !ita%ins %inerals and color are retained? 6oil) !egetables# , In rapidl$ boiling ater ithout co!er? 'tarch on e&terior of pasta gelatini9es and "eeps pieces fro% adhering to each other? 6oil rapidl$) pasta and rice# , In boiling ater ithout co!er? To control si%%ering+ first allo bubbling to close the pores# (educe te%perature and si%%er gentl$? 6oil at beginning) blanched %eat and poultr$#

Deep -r$ing

To deep,fr$ %eans to coo" a food sub%erged in hot fat# @ualit$ in a deep,fried product is characteri9ed b$ the follo ing properties) =# .ini%u% fat absorption 5# .ini%u% %oisture loss A# Attracti!e golden color

/# Crisp surface or coating .an$ food are dipped in a breading or batter before fr$ing Guidelines for deep,fr$ing) =# 5# A# /# B# D# -r$ at proper te%peratures Don3t o!erload the bas"ets <se good *ualit$ fat (eplace about =B to 5>C of the fat ith fresh after each dail$ use A!oid fr$ing strong and %ild fla!or foods in the sa%e fat+ it possible -r$ as close to ser!ice as possible 7. 1rotect fat fro% its ene%ies) heat + o&$gen+ ater+ salt+ food particles+ detergent#



To coo" in a %oderate a%ount of fat or oil in a pan o!er %oderate heat # The %ethod is used for larger pieces of food+ such as chops and chic"en pieces# Ite%s are not tossed b$ flipping the pan as the$ often are in saut7ing# Is usuall$ done o!er lo er heat than saut7ing+ because of the larger pieces being coo"ed# The a%ount of fat depends on the food being coo"ed# .ost foods %ust be turned at least once for e!en coo"ing


To stea% %eans to coo" foods b$ e&posing the% directl$ to stea%# =# <suall$ done in special stea% coo"ers+ hich are design to accept standard, si9e pans# 'tea%ing can also be done on a rac" abo!e boiling ater# 5# 'tea%ing also refers to coo"ing an ite% tightl$ rapped or in co!ered pan+ so that it coo"s in the stea% for%ed b$ its o n %oisture# A# 'tea% at nor%al pressure is =>>c 25=5f4 the sa%e boiling ater# Ho e!er+ it carries %uch %ore heat than boiling ater and coo"s !er$ rapidl$# Coo"ing ti%es %ust be carefull$ controlled to a!oid o!er coo"ing# /# 'tea%ing is idel$ used for !egetables# It coo"s the% rapidl$ and %ini%i9es the dissol!ing a a$ of nutrient that occurs hen !egetables are boiled#

'te ing

'aut7 the food in s%all a%ount fat and add s%all a%ount of li*uid# Co!er the food and ste o!er !er$ a lo heat# It is necessar$ to chec" the consistenc$ of the ste ed ite%+ if too %uch li*uid reduce+ if not sufficient add additional stoc" or ater# The li*uid is usuall$ ser!ed ith the food as a sauce# <ses for fish+ s%all pieces of %eat+ !egetables+ and fruits#

Note) so%e foods ha!e sufficient ater content alread$ and it is not necessar$ to add li*uid for the ste ing process#


To coo" in a li*uid+ usuall$ a s%all a%ount+ that is hot but not actuall$ bubbling+ te%perature E>,F>c# poaching is used to coo" delicate foods such as fish and eggs of the shell# In stoc" ithout co!er? te%perature E>,F>c? fish co!ered ith alu%inu% foil# In ater ithout co!er? te%perature E>,F>c? du%plings+ !ariet$ of %eats# In ater bath ithout stirring? te%perature DB,F>c? in bea"ers and %oulds+ pudding+ ti%bales+ ro$al# In ater bath ith stirring? te%perature DB,F>c? crea%s+sauces

(oasting and 6a"ing

To roast and to ba"e %eans to coo" foods b$ surrounding the% ith hot+ dr$ air usuall$ in an o!en# Coo"ing on a spit in front of an open fire %a$ also be considered roasting# , (oasting usuall$ applies pri%aril$ to %eats and poultr$#

, 6a"ing applies to breads+ pastries+ !egetables+ and fish# It is %ore general ter% than roasting# Coo"ing unco!ered is essential to roasting# .eat is usuall$ roasted on a rac"# When roasting in a con!entional o!en+ the coo" should allo for une!en te%peratures b$ occasionall$ changing the position of the product# A con!ection o!en ill pre!ent this for% happening#


To braise %eans to coo" in s%all a%ount of li*uid+ usuall$ after preli%inar$ bro ning# In al%ost all cases+ the li*uid is ser!ed ith the product as a sauce# =# 6raised %eats are usuall$ bro ned first+ such as pan fr$ing# 5# 6raising also refers to coo"ing so%e !egetables+ such as lettuce or cabbage+ at lo te%perature in s%all a%ount of li*uid+ ithout first bro ning in fat+ or ith onl$ a light preli%inar$ saut7ing# A# -oods being braised are usuall$ not co%pletel$ co!ered b$ the coo"ing li*uid# The top of the product is actuall$ coo"ed b$ the stea% held in the co!ered pot#

/# 6raising %a$ be done on the range or in the o!en# O!en braising has three ad!antages) , <nifor% coo"ing# The heat stri"es the braising pot on all sides+ not 0ust the botto%# , Less attention re*uired# -oods braise at a lo + stead$ te%perature+ ithout ha!ing to be chec"ed constantl$# ,

(ange space is free for other purposes# Grilling86roiling8Griddling

To barbe*ue %eans to coo" ith dr$ heat created b$ the burning of hard ood or b$ the hot coals of this ood# In other ords+ barbecuing is a roasting or grilling techni*ue traditionall$ re*uiring a ood fire# The ter%s broiling+ grilling+ and girdling are so%eti%es confused+ broiling is done in a broiler+ grilling on a grill+ griddling on a griddle#
1. 6roiling is a rapid+ high heat coo"ing %ethod that is usuall$ used onl$ for

tender %eats+ poultr$+ and fish and for a fe 5# Note the follo ing rules of broiling)

!egetable ite%s#

, Coo"ing te%perature is regulated b$ %o!ing the rac" nearer to or farther fro% the heat source# , <se lo er heat fir larger+ thic"er ite%s+ and for ite%s to be coo"ed ell done# <se higher heat for thinner pieces and for ite%s to be coo"ed rare# , ,

1reheat the broiler# -oods %a$ be dipped in oil to pre!ent stic"ing and to %ini%i9e dr$ing# (adiating

METHODS OF COOKERY There are A %ethods of coo"er$)

.oist G heat %ethods

Are those in hich the heat is conducted to the food product b$ ater 2including stoc"+ sauces+etc#4 or b$ stea%# 2boiling+ poaching+ braising+ ste ing+ stea%ing4

Dr$ G heat %ethods

Are those in hich the heat is conducted ithout %oisture+ that is+ b$ hot air+ hot %etal+ or b$ radiation# 2roasting+ ba"ing+ broiling+ gratinating4

Coo"ing ith oil or fat %ethods

Are those in hich the heat is conducted to food product b$ oil or fat# 2deep fr$ing+ shallo fr$ing8saut7ing4 WHY DO WE COOK FOOD? There are certain dishes hen so%e or all of the ingredients are eaten uncoo"ed# Ho e!er the %a0orit$ of food are coo"ed or reheated fro% a coo"ed condition prior to ser!ice# I%portant reasons for coo"ing food are to destro$)

.an$ of the food spoilage %icro,organis%# Disease,producing pathogenic %icro,organis%# 1arasites that ere naturall$8originall$ present#

The che%ical and ph$sical changes that occur during coo"ing operations are !er$ co%ple& and be$ond the scope of this te&t but %a$ be !ie ed as)

1h$sical changes in te&ture# Che%ical changes in fla!or and odour# Che%ical changes in color# Che%ical changes in nutriti!e !alue#

Generall$ food is coo"ed hen heat is transferred fro% a heat source+ 2e#g# sto!e4 through to the e&terior of food stuffs b$ one or %ore of the follo ing %echanis%)

Conduction Con!ection (adiation

ISTILAH-ISTILAH BAHAN BAHASA Wortel Kentang Labu sia% Tauge ;a%ur 6eng"uang Te%pe Co%brang LANGUAGE Carrot 1otato Gurd 6ean sprout .ushroo% Ha%bie% 6ean ca"e Articho"e BAHASA To%at Ke%bang "ol Terong glati" 'a i hi0au ;agung Ti%un suri Leng"uas 6a ang daun LANGUAGE To%ato Caul$ flo er Egg plant Green cabbage Corn 1assion fruit Galling ale Lee"

6a ang %erah Ti%un Kol8"ubis Labu "uning (ebung ;a%ur %erang 'u"un ;ahe 6a ang 6o%ba$ 6a ang goreng 6unga pala Lada hita% ;inten ;eru" bali 'e%ang"a air Duren Talas <bi 0alar Kur%a Kacang %ede .ie hun Tepung roti Gula %erah Kecap asin

'hallot Cucu%ber Cabbage 1u%p"in 6a%boo shoot Cultifateur %ush# 6read fruit Ginger Onion -ried shallot .ace 6lac" pepper Carda%o% seed Grapefruit Water %elon Durio Taro ' eet potato Date Cashe nut

Ka$u %anis Loba" 6uncis Terong sa$ur 'a i putih ;agung se%i Tahu Kun$it 6a ang putih 1ala Ceng"eh 'eledri Kencur ;eru" garut 'e%ang"a hi0au 'ala" ;a%bu batu Anggur Kacang tanah Kenari 'oun Kuning telur Tebu Kecap %anis

Cinna%on Turnip 'tring bean .arro Chinese cabbage 6ab$ corn 6ean curd Tur%eric Garlic Nut%eg Clo!e Celer$ Aro%atic ginger Tangerine .elon Iallaca Gua!a Grape Ground peanut Al%ond Tapioca noodle Egg $ol" 'ugar cane 'o$a bean s eet

(ice noodle 6read cru%b 1al% sugar 'o$a bean salted sc

Terasi udang Has dala% 6ebe" :etsin 6elut Asa% 0a a Cabe papri"a Ketu%bar 'ala% ;eru" nipis Keru" sun"is Nanas 'a o Leng"eng Alpu"at Kacang polong Kacang bogor Kan0i 1utih telur Kelapa <dang "ecil Tang"il Kal"un 6a$a%

'hri%p paste -illet Duc" .onosodiu% glu# Ell Ta%arind ' eet pepper Coriander 6a$ leaf Li%e Orange 1ineapple Chico Lechee A!ocado Green peas 6a%bara Tapioca White egg Coconut 1ra n Gnetu% Tur"e$ 'pinach

Kerupu" udang Has luar Angsa Daun "e%angi Lele 1aria Kacang "edele Lada putih 'ereh ;eru" nipis ;eru" purut 1isang 6eli%bing <bi "a$u Kis%is Kacang hi0au .ie telur Terigu Gula 'antan <dang Daging giling 6urung dara Kang"ung

'hri%p crac"er 'irloin ' an 6asil leaf Catfish 6utter cucu%ber 'o$a bean White pepper Le%on grass Le%on Kafir li%e 6anana Cara%bola Cassa!a (aisin Green bean Egg noodle -lour 'ugar Coconut %il" 'hri%p .inced %eat 1igeon ' a% spinach

Kepiting I"an tong"ol Cabe %erah Ke%iri

Crab Tuna fish (ed pepper Candle nut

Cu%i 6andeng Cabe ra it

'*uid Herring Ca$enne pepper

BASIC VEGETABLE CUTTING Choffinade8sred) shredd ;ulienne8%atch shape) %atchstic" shape 2Ac% & =%% & =%%4 6runoise8s%all dice) s%all dishes 2= %% s*uares4 ;ardiniJre8finger cut) baton8balo" shape 25c% & =c% & =c%4 6atonette) baton shape 25c% & =c% & =c%4 -inger cut) cut into finger si9e .acedoine8dice) cube si9e =c% s*uares 1a$sanne) rectangular thin slice 2=c% & =c% & =%%4 Losagne) dia%ond shape 2=c% & =c% & =%%4 1arisienne8round shape) round s%all shape Oli!ette) oli!e shape Turning) barrel shape+ nature+ chateau Chop) %inced into !er$ s%all shape 'ection) cut into K+ L+ =8D+ =8F+etc -rench cut) cut into slice ith the angle of /Bo BASIC MEAT CUTTING

Escalope) ide thin slice .edaillon) round flat shape E%ince) thin finger shape .inced) ground %eat Chop8cote) rib bone ith bone .ignon


-illet) flesh of fish ithout bones nor s"in 'upre%e) ta"en fro% fillet cut into ide Darne) cut across the hole round fish Gou0on) finger cut across the fillet of round fish Troncon) angle cut fro% fillet of flat fish+ to pro!ide large cut En paupiete) rolled fish fillet 6utterfl$


A listed of prepared dishes a!ailable to a custo%er A %enu or a bill of fare is a list of prepared dishes of food+ hich are to a custo%er


6$ the ser!ing ti%e of food or %eal ti%es 6$ the %ethod of selling food 6$ the particular condition of people

SPECIAL PARTYS MENU These are %enu for ban*uets and parties of all "inds# The person of the hotel in charge of ta"ing the guests ishes and %enu suggestions+ has to be able to consult the guest as the guests ishes are so%eti%e not practicable# He has to consider the capabilit$ of "itchen and ser!ice staff+ as ell as si9e of the "itchen and restaurant# The guest li"es to be ad!ised+ but the ishes+ e&tents and !arieties can be such+ that the chef of e!en the longest e&perience %a$be called upon to create a %enu de%anding ne approach# It %a$ be the featuring of !arious foods or courses of so%e particular range of ines# ADDITIONAL PAYMENT

-loral decoration 'pecial %enu printing Orchestra In!itation cards 1lace,na%e cards Table plan Hire roo%s 'pecial decorations+ etc#

COURSES OF MENU (FRAME) '"eleton %enu

-ourteen courses Thirteen courses .odern %enu 'i& courses -i!e corses -our courses SIX COURSES MODERN MENU

Cold appeti9er 'oup Entr7e .ain course ' eet Dessert


Appeti9er 'oup .ain course) %eat+ fish+ or poultr$+ potatoes dishes and !egetable Dessert

CONSIDERATION IN COMPILING MENU No repetition :ariet$) %aterial+ color+ preparation 'eason 1ricing of %enus Nationalit$ and "ind of guests The right garnishing to the right dish The capabilities of "itchen staff+ si9e+ and e*uip%ent of "itchen The capabilities of "itchen staff+ si9e+ and e*uip%ent of dining roo% Te&ture of courses+ ording of %enus (ecipes and calculation) costs+ profits


6rea"fast %enu) Continental 2European4+ English+ A%erican+ Indonesian+ etc# Luncheon %enu) nor%all$ A to / course Tea %enus) bread+ butter+ 0a%+ hone$+ pastries+ fruit salad+ tea+ ice crea% Dinner %enus) %ain %eals A to => courses 'upper %enus) lighter dishes than for luncheon and dinner 6an*uet %enus and functions) depends on the ishes of the custo%er Light buffet and coc"tail part$) canap7s+ finger toast+ snac"s+ and sausages# -ull buffet) large cold !ariet$ ith 5 or A ar% dishes


'oup) 1uree+ CrJ%e+ 1otage -ruit coc"tails+ -ruits+ -ruit 0uice+ 'hellfish+ 'hellfish Coc"tail+ Hors d3oeu!re '%o"ed+ Hors d3oeu!re -arinaceous Eggs -ish Entrees) .eat ga%e or poultr$ hich is not grilled or roasted (oasts Grills Cold buffet) 'al%on+ lobster+ crab+ etc# :egetables+ potatoes ' eets 'a!ories Cheese Dessert) fresh fruit of all "ind and nuts


Coc"tail+ -ruit+ Delicacies 2Ca!iar+ O$sters+ 'nails+ 1ra n4

'%o"ed 2'al%on+ Trout+ Ha%+ 'ala%i+ 'ausages4 Hors d3oeu!re

'oup) clear+ cold -ish Entr7e (ele!e 2this is usuall$ a 0oint hich is car!ed and coo"ed b$ !egetables potatoes4 'orbet) this is lightl$ fro9en ater ice fla!ored ith a li*ueur cha%pagne and ser!ed ith a afer# (ussian cigarettes are often during this course# (oast Cold dish ' eet 'a!or$ Cheese Dessert) fresh fruit of all "inds


Clear 'oup 26ouillon+ Conso%%e4

6ouillon) beef bones+ %irepoi&+ bris"et+ bro ned onion+ ater Conso%%7 %eat) ground beef+ %irepoi&+ egg hite

Thic" 'oup 2:eloute+ Crea%+ 1uree :egetable+ Cut :egetable4

:eloute) butter+ hite stoc"+ blond rou&+ crea% !egetable Crea%) butter+ !egetables+ thic"ening agent 2tepung M susu4+ hite stoc"+ liaison 2crea% M egg $ol"4 1uree !egetables) stoc"+ thic"ening agent+ !egetables itself Cut !egetables) pa$sanne soup+ broth

'pecial 'oup

'oup $ang dibuat dengan %etode "husus dan %engguna"an %etode $ang "husus pula+ contoh) bis*ue+ bouillabaise

National 'oup ) 'oto A$a% 1a%e"asan .adura ) .inistrone ) 6ouillabaise 2E seafood4+ .atelote 2fresh ater fish4 ) 'u"i$a"i ) .ull$gata an$


.enurut teori sup %e%pun$ai arti) -ood in li*uid fro%+ containing the e&traction of %an$ !ariet$ of food+ both ani%al and !egetable originated# 'up dapat berte"stur "ental ataupun encer# <ntu" sup "ental %e%a"ai bahan pengental dengan "lasifi"asi 9at pengental seperti di ba ah ini)


Ca%puran dari tepung dan le%a" 2butter+ %argarine+ le%a" a$a%+ %in$a"4 $ang di%asa"# Tipe rou& ada A)

=# White rou& 5# 6lond rou& A# 6ro n rou&

6eurreu %anie

Deguna"an sebagai 9at pengental $ang cepat prosesn$a $aitu dengan %enca%pur"an butter luna" / bagian dengan tepung terigu A bagian+ diuleni hingga %en0adi adonan $ang terca%pur dengan bai"# Dibentu" u"uran sebesar "elereng# 'lurr$8 hite ash Ca%puran antara tepung terigu dengan air8anggur# ;a$9ee Ca%puran 9at pati 2starch4 seperti %ai9ena+ arro dengan air dingin# Liason Ca%puran crea% dengan telur# 'up dapat disa0i"an sebagai %a"anan uta%a apabila isin$a ban$a" dan %engandung daging# Ada beberapa te"ni" dala% pe%buatan sup $ang bai") Tida" boleh %e%beri %erica pada a al proses pe%asa"an "arena a"an %enga"ibat"an "aldu %en0adi "eruh dan aro%a $ang pedas dan bau $ang tida" ena"# Hati,hati apabila %e%beri"an gara% di a al proses pe%asa"an "arena sup a"an susut sehingga apabila "eban$a"an a"an %enghasil"an sup $ang asin# Guna"an bahan $ang segar# Tida" boleh di%asa" secara %endidih# Dapat %engguna"an bahan $ang sisa untu" %e%buat puree sup agar e"ono%is# TUGAS DAN TANGGUNG JAWAB CHIE- COOK8ENEC<TI:E CHE-8 CHE- DE C<I'INE 1e"er0aan seorang chef lebih ban$a" bersifat ad%inistrasi# 1ada perusahaan "ecil+ seorang chef %asih dituntut untu" turun tangan# -ungsi seorang chef antara lain)

root+ tepung beras+ tapioca

.engelola dapur $ang %en0adi tanggung 0a abn$a .en$usun %enu .e%buat per%intaan8order bahan,bahan "eperluan dapur

.e%buat forecasting dala% hal budget .e%buat catatan,catatan %engenai infor%asi $ang didapat dari ta%u 2co%plaint+ co%pli%ent+ dll#4 serta %e%bahasn$a dengan ana" buahn$a .e%pertahan"an food cost agar ada pada "isaran budget $ang sudah ditetap"an# .enga asi se%ua "egiatan %ulai dari peneri%aan barang+ pen$i%panan+ pengeluaran+ pengolahan+ pen$a0ian+ "ebersihan dapur+ "erapuhan dapur+ agar dapur ber0alan dengan efe"tif dan efisien# 'egala "egiatan $ang %engha%bur"an bahan dan a"tu dihilang"an# .e%bina hubungan bai" di antara sesa%a "ar$a an dapur "hususn$a dan hotel u%u%n$a#

'O<' CHE

.engganti"an posisi chef apabila berhalangan8libur .e%beri"an persetu0uan atas per%intaan barang 2re*uisition4 dari CD1 6ertugas untu" acara ban*uet .e%buat 0ad al "er0a


.enga asi se%ua "egiatan di se"si $ang %en0adi tanggung 0a abn$a# .engorganisasi dan %e%bagi pe"er0aan "epada ba ahann$a# .e%buat per%intaan barang 2food re*uisition4 .enga asi pe%buatan produ"si $ang sesuai dengan standar perusahaan $ang sudah ditetap"an

SECTION-SECTION DI KITCHEN 1antr$ 1astr$ Larder 2garde%anger4 Entre%etier (otisseur 'oucier 6utcher PANTRY SECTION

Indonesian 6rea"fast

'uch as) fried rice+ chic"en porridge+ soft rice+ tur%eric rice+ tea+ coffee+ fresh %il"

Continental 6rea"fast

'uch as) plain bread or toast+ butter+ !ariet$ of 0a% 2stra berr$+ pineapple+ %ar%alade4+ tea+ coffee+ fresh %il"#

A%erican brea"fast

'uch as) plain bread or toast+ butter+ !ariet$ of 0a%+ !ariet$ of fresh fruits 2slice of papa$a+ slice of pineapple+ slice of banana4+ !ariet$ of 0uices 2orange+ pineapple+ to%ato+ papa$a+ grapefruit4+ egg dishes 2sunn$ side up+ o!er eas$+ turn o!er+ plain o%elette+ scra%bled egg+ poached egg+ boiled egg4+ sereal 2oat %ill+ rice crispies+ corn fla"e4+ %eat 2slice of s%o"e bacon+ slice of s%o"e ha%+ slice of sausage4+ be!erages 2tea ith crea%+ coffee ith crea%+ o!altine+ Nescafe4 PASTRY SECTION

6read) plain bread+ bro n bread+ -rench bread+ rolled bread+ croissant Ca"es) fruit ca"e+ edding ca"e+ blac" forest ca"e 1ies) apple+ pineapple 1i99as Ice crea%) chocolate+ !anilla+ stra berr$

LARDER SECTION 6ertugas) .e%buat saus dingin seperti %a$onnaise+ -rench dressing+ tartar sauce .en$iap"an salad sebagai appeti9er8penda%ping %a"anan .e%buat appeti9er dan %en$a0i"ann$a seindah %ung"in .e%buat hiasan,hiasan dari sa$uran atau buah,buahan untu" buffet atau "eperluan lain .en$iap"an %a"anan "ecil untu" "eperluan coc"tail part$+ seperti canap7+ sand iches .en$i%pan %a"anan $ang sudah %atang "arena a"an dibuat selan0utn$a ataupun sisa %a"anan dari suatu %enu .enghias dan %ende"or %a"anan untu" "eperluan buffet seperti %e%buat galantine+ pate+ dll#

Cold salad Cold appeti9er Cold sauce 2%a$onnaise+ !inaigrette4 Cold soup Canap7s

-ruit car!ing :egetables car!ing 6utter car!ing Ice car!ing

LARDER COOKERY Larder adalah salah satu bagian di dapur $ang %en$i%pan dan %endistribusi"an %a"anan+ bertugas %e%buat)

'alad dan berbagai %aca% saus dingin $ang terbuat dari %a$onnaise dan -rench dressing !inaigrette 1engolahan daging,dagingan untu" "eperluan sause section atau bagian lain $ang %e%butuh"an daging .e%buat hiasan,hiasan untu" "eperluan buffet dan ban*uet seperti) !egetable fruit car!ing+ ice car!ing+ aspic+ 0ell$+ chaudfroid+ galantine+ pates+ cold pies# 1en$usunan buffet8ban*uet displa$# .e%buat dan %en$a0i"an fruit bas"et dan cheese board# .e%buat "eperluan coc"tail part$ seperti canap7+ sand ich+ filling untu" bouchees# .e%buat appeti9er atau special appeti9er seperti) s%o"ed sal%on+ foie grass

:ariasi dari %a$onnaise)

.ousseline sauce

= lt %a$onnaise dica%pur dengan K lt hipped crea%

Chantill$ sauce

= lt %a$onnaise dica%pur dengan 5 dl hipped crea%

Green sauce8sauce !erte

= lt %a$onnaise dica%pur dengan =5B gr ba$a% $ang dihalus"an+ B> gr chopped parsle$ dan 5> gr tarragon#

Curr$ sauce

= lt %a$onnaise dica%pur dengan A> gr curr$ po der

Coc"tail8cal$pso sauce

= lt %a$onnaise dica%pur dengan 5 dl to%ato "etchup+ sedi"it brand$ dan sedi"it Tabasco#

(e%oulade sauce

= lt %a$onnaise dica%pur dengan B> gr chopped parsle$+ B> gr chopped gher"in+ A> gr chopped capers+ dan A> gr chopped ancho!$# ENTREMETIER SECTION 2VEGETABLE COOK) 6ertugas) =# .e%buat berbagai 0enis "aldu 5# .engolah %a"anan $ang terbuat dari sa$uran+ pasta $ang diguna"an untu" side dishes# A# .e%buat berbagai %aca% soup /# .en$iap"an "eperluan brea"fast

:egetable) carrot+ string bean+ caul$ flo er + green peas+ broccoli+ potato dishes -ish dishes .ain dishes

VEGETABLE COOKERY 'TOCK8KALD< .enurut teori stoc" %e%pun$ai arti) Li*uid containing so%e of the solulable nutrients and fla!or hich are e&tracted fro% the bones+ !egetable and spices+ b$ prolonged and gentle si%%ering# Di ba ah ini ada => lang"ah dala% pe%buatan "aldu agar bai")

Tulang dan sa$uran serta bahan lainn$a %engguna"an bahan $ang segar dan bersih# Guna"an tulang $ang tida" %engandung le%a"# <ntu" %enghasil"an aro%a $ang opti%al dari tulang %asa" dala% 0ang"a a"tu $ang cu"up# Tulang harus dipotong,potong untu" %enghasil"an sari $ang sangat bai"# <ntu" %enghasil"an "aldu $ang 0ernih+ ang"at "otoran $ang ti%bul pada per%u"aan "aldu secepatn$a# .asa" dengan %etode si%%ering+ 0angan diadu",adu" "arena apabila diadu" %en$ebab"an "aldu %en0adi "eruh# Guna"an tulang+ sa$uran dan bahan lainn$a dala% proporsi $ang tepat# Karena "aldu ini a"an diguna"an dala% ban$a" hal %a"a bu%bui dengan gara% atau bu%bu lain dengan 0u%lah sedi"it# Apabila "aldu a"an diguna"an untu" gla9e+ %a"a penggunaan gara% harus dihindari "arena apabila dipa"ai a"an %en$ebab"an gla9e %en0adi asin# Kaldu $ang sudah disaring harus segera didingin"an dengan cara %erenda% te%pat $ang dipa"ai %ena%pung "aldu "e dala% air dingin %engalir# Apabila di atas "aldu terdapat buih 2bai" dala% proses pe%anasan %aupun dala% "eadaan pendinginan4 %a"a "aldu tersebut harus segera dibuang#

1rosedur pe%buatan hite stoc")

6ones 2cut into s%all pieces4 6lanching (efreshing Coo"ing 2bring to boil4 then si%%er 'training 2use ta%%$ cloth4

1rosedur pe%buatan bro n stoc")

6ones 2cut into s%all pieces4 6ro ning Degla9ing Coo"ing 2bring to boil4 then si%%er 'training 2use ta%%$ cloth4

1rosedur pe%buatan "aldu)

Ca%pur"an tulang dengan air# 1anas"an hingga %endidih# Ang"at dari api lalu cuci bersih# Leta""an tulang $ang sudah dicuci tadi dala% panci baru+ $ang bersih lalu penuhi dengan air# .asu""an %irepoi& dan bu%bu lain dengan ta"aran $ang tepat# .asa" dengan %etode si%%ering sa%pai "aldu terbentu" dengan bai"# 'aring dengan %engguna"an "ain# Guna"an segera8dingin"an dan si%pan di le%ari es#

Kaldu dapat di"ata"an bai" apabila)

Aro%a) segar+ sei%bang+ dan netral# Warna) "eldu putih harus %e%pun$ai arna $ang terang dna %en0adi transparan apabila dala% "eadaan dingin# Ke0ernihan) se%ua "aldu harus 0ernih bai" dala% "eadaan panas %aupun dingin serta tida" ada "andungan le%a"n$a#

Dala% pe%buatan "aldu selalu dipa"ai sa$uran $ang beraro%a 2aro%atic !egetable4 $ang di"enal sebagi beri"ut)

.irepoi& adalah ca%puran dari ortel+ ba ang 6o%ba$ dan seledri8ba ang daun bagian putihn$a sa0a# .atignon adalah %irepoi& $ang dapat disa0i"an8di%a"an langsung sebagai pen$erta hidangan# 6aou*uet garni adalah ca%puran dari sa$uran beraro%a dan bu%bu,bu%bu Eropa 2herbs4 $ang segar dan dii"at %en0adi satu bundle# 'achet de3epices 2bag of spices4) terdiri dari batang parsle$+ th$%e "ering+ ba$ leaf "ering dan pepper corn $ang dibung"us dala% "antung# Oignon pi*ue) dibuat dengan cara %enancap"an ceng"eh dan ba$ leaf pada ba ang 6o%ba$#

Oignon brule adalah ba ang 6o%ba$ $ang dico"lat"an guna %e%buat bouillon atau conso%%7 untu" %enghasil"an arna $ang "eco"latan seperti arna teh#


Grill chic"en8roast chic"en Grill beef) sirloin stea"+ t,bone stea" Grill la%b) roast leg of la%b+ "a%bing guling+ la%b chop Grill por") por" chop

SOUCIER SECTION (SAUCE COOK) 6ertugas) .engolah %a"anan $ang terbuat dari daging,dagingan dan seafood# .e%buat segala 0enis saus panas untu "eperluan bagian lain atau "eperluan sendiri#

Hot sauces) de%i glace+ hollandaise sauce+ b7arnaise sauce

SAUCE COOKERY 'auce section adalah salah satu bagian di dapur $ang bertugas %e%buat ber%aca%,%aca% saus panas8hangat dan %a"anan uta%a $ang terbuat dari daging sapi+ a$a%+ "a%bing+ seafood+ dsb# Ha%per se%ua dasar pe%buatan saus berasal dari "aldu $ang bai" alaupun ada saus $ang tida" %engguna"an "aldu seperti hollandaise dan b7arnaise# Istilah saus secara teori adalah) 'auce are li*uid or se%i li*uid %i&tures hich are added to %eats+ poultr$+ fish+ !egetable and dessert to gi!e %oisture or richness+ to garnish+ to enhance the appearance+ and in so%e cases to add nutritional !alue# 6ut as are used to add a contras in taste to another food# A sauce should ha!e a s%ooth te&ture and a fla!or and consistenc$ that co%pli%ents the food it acco%panies+ it should ne!er %as" the fla!or of the food# 'aus dapat di"lasifi"asi"an "e dala% beberapa cara+ $aitu)

'uhu pen$a0ian) hangat 2 ar%4 atau dingin 2cold4 Aro%a) le%but 2blandness4 atau pedas 2pi*uanc$4 (asa) %anis 2s eet4 atau asa% 2sour4 Warna) putih 2 hite4+ co"lat 2bro n4+ pirang 2blonde4 Dasar) netral atau daging

'aus panas biasan$a dibagi "elo%po" "ecil berdasar"an arna $aitu)

6(OWN 'A<CE ATA< 'A<CE E'1AGNOLA ATA< DE.IGLACE 'aus ini paling u%u% diguna"an untu" %enu $ang terbuat dari daging,dagingan sehingga penggunaann$a sangat luas de%i"ian 0uga turunan dari saus ini sangatlah ban$a"# <ntu" %e%buat turunan dari saus pada u%u%n$a dibuat reduction $ang terbuat dari ine+ chopped shallot+ pepper+ th$%e+ dan ba$ leaf "e%udian dita%bah"an dengan de%i glace dan bahan lain sehingga bisa %e%bentu" saus baru dengan na%a baru pula# Contoh turunan dari saus de%iglace antara lain)

6igarade sauce 2de%iglace M reduction M orange e&tract4 6oredelaise sauce 2de%iglace M reduction G red ine M beef %arro 4 De!ille sauce8diable 2de%iglace M reduction M !inegar M ca$enne pepper4 Chasseur sauce8hunter 2reduction M %ushroo% M de%iglace4 (obert sauce 2de%iglace M reduction M le%on 0uice M English %ustard4 .adeira sauce 2de%iglace M .adeira ine4 1epper sauce 2de%iglace M reduction M blac" pepper corn4 (oeunnaise sauce 2de%iglace M reduction M puree duc" li!er4

6LONDE 'A<CE 'aus putih $ang terbuat dari "aldu putih 2a$a%+ i"an4 $ang di"ental"an dengan blonde rou&# Ca%puran ini disebut !eloute# Contoh dari turunan saus ini antara lain) 'upre%e sauce 2"aldu a$a% M crea%4 Tarragon .ushroo% Alle%ande 2"aldu sapi %uda M egg $ol" M crea%4 =# 5# A# /# B# D# E# F# O#

Caper Chaud,froid Chi!e Curr$ .ushroo% Ancho!$ 6erc$ 2reduction M "aldu i"an M beurre %anie4 Cardinal 2fish !eloute M crea% M lobster butter M ca$enne M chopped truffles4 Nor%and$ 2!eloute of fish M crea% M egg $ol" M butter4 White ine sauce 2"aldu i"an M egg $ol" M crea%4


'aus putih $ang %e%pun$ai arna lebih putih dari blonde8!eloute sauce terbuat dari "aldu8susu $ang di"ental"an dengan hite rou&# Ca%puran ini biasa disebut b7cha%el# Contoh turunan dari saus ini antara lain)

Aurora 2!eloute M to%ato paste8puree4 Chantil$ 2supre%e M hipped crea%4 Crea% .orna$ 2b7cha%el M cheese4 Natua 2b7cha%el M puree cra$fish4

TO.ATO 'A<CE Adalah sauce $ang terbuat dari to%at sehingga arnan$a pun %erah to%at# Contoh turunan dari saus ini adalah)

;a%bala$a sauce ' eet and sour sauce

BUTCHER SECTION 1ada hotel s"ala "ecil bagian ini ter%asu" "e dala% larder section# 6ertugas untu" %en$iap"an se%ua "eperluan daging,dagingan 2a$a%+ sapi+ "a%bing+ babi+ seafood4 bai" dala% bentu" potongan ataupun "eperluan untu" %anggang 2roast4# 6eef) sirloin+ t,bone+ ground8%inced %eat+ fillet %ignon+ chateau briand+ slices of s%o"ed beef :eal) !eal escalop+ cordon bleu+ iener schnit9el Chic"en) chic"en .ar$land+ chic"en cutlet+ chic"en "ie!+ chic"en in the bas"et+ roast chic"en+ sate a$a% La%b) roast leg of la%b+ sate "a%bing+ la%b chop 1or") slice of s%o"e bacon+ slice of s%o"e ha%+ por" chop 'eafood) lobster ther%ider PERSIAPAN BAHAN DASAR 6erdasar"an perencanaan %enu dan resep,resep $ang ada %a"a persiapan se%ua bahan dasar $ang diperlu"an itu %utla" harus ada sehingga hal ini %erupa"an persiapan rutin bagi se%ua bagian $ang ada di dapur# Keuntungan $ang diperoleh dari setiap persiapan $ang leng"ap dapat dengan %udahn$a %enanggulangi seandain$a ada food order $ang datangn$a %endada"#

6ahan dasar $ang harus dipersiap"an a"an tergantung pada bagian,bagian $ang ada di dapur dan tipe dapur itu sendiri# 1ada u%u%n$a 0enis bahan dasar $ang diperlu"an oleh %asing,%asing bagian sebelu% produ"si antara lain) Chopped onion+ peeled onion+ chopped shallot+ parsle$ sprig+ chopped parsle$+ peeled garlic+ eggs+ butter+ %argarine+ oil+ !inegar+ %ustard+ red and hite ine+ cognac+ herbPspices+ salt+ pepper+ and flour# Aro%atic !egetable seperti) %irepoi&+ bou*uet garni+ spice sachet+ and %atignon Tic"ening agent seperti) beurre %anie+ rou&+ slurr$+ dan liaison 'toc"s seperti) hite stoc" 2chic"en+ beef+ fish4+ bro n stoc" 'auce seperti) de%iglace+ b7cha%el+ hollandaise dan berbagai sauce $ang disesuai"an dengan "ebutuhan %enu :egetable cut $ang diguna"an sebagai garnish soup %aupun pen$erta %ain course $ang 0uga a"an tergantung pada %enu $ang ada seperti) 0ulienne+ brunoise+ pa$sanne+ turning+ 0ardiniJre+ losagne+ slice+ and shred# Dengan leng"apn$a persiapan $ang ada %a"a "egiatan selan0utn$a adalah %engolah bahan tersebut sehingga %en0adi %a"anan $ang diingin"an dengan %udah bisa di"er0a"an# HERBS

Har0ora% Tarragon Angelica Th$%e Chi!es 6a$ leaf .int


Clo!es Ginger Corriander Tur%eric Candle nut Chilies Green pepper (ed pepper 1apri"a Ta%arind


1orsin$a sedi"it Dala% segi rasa ada) sedi"it asin+ sedi"it asa%+ sedi"it pedas+ sedi"it %anis 2rasa tida" terlalu berlebihan4 1ena%pilan harus %enari" 2E$e appealing4 1e%a"aian bahan 0angan $ang cepat %e%buat perut "en$ang <ntu" 0enis sa$uran sebai"n$a %e%a"ai $ang %asih segar dan bai" "ualitasn$a "arena biasan$a ban$a" $ang di%a"an %entah


Cold appeti9er Hot appeti9er Ia"us"i Canap7s 2hot8cold4


Harus terasa dingin (en$ah bila di"un$ah Warnan$a hi0au segar


Al%ond) dipanggang+ diiris+ diparut Anghou$) utuh+ irisan 2untu" garnish sa0a4 Apple tida" di"upas+ dipotong %acedoine80ulienne A!ocado) dipotong dice8round Carrot) diiris tipis Cheese) dipotong round+ dice Cucu%ber) pic"led+ sliced+ thin slice Crab%eat+ shri%p Grape Chic"en %eat+ ha% slice+ s%o"ed beef slices


:eloute M Crea% Half 6echa%el M Half 1uree :egetable 1uree 'oup M Crea%8%il"


Crouton) potongan dadu dari roti $ang digoreng+ untu" puree soup+ to%ato soup Cheese toast) roti dilapisi "e0u+ dipotong segi e%pat+ diba"ar atasn$a di sala%ander+ %is) untu" -rench Onion 'oup ;ulienne) potongan 0ulienne dari !egetables+ untu" conso%%7 6runois) potongan brunois dari !egetables

1rofiteroles) ber%aca% bentu" sebesar "acang polong diba"ar dala% o!en+ untu" conso%%7

STOCKS Is a li*uid containing so%e of the soluble nutrients and fla!ors of food hich are e&tracted b$ prolonged and gentle si%%ering 2e&ception of fish stoc" onl$ 5> %inutes4 Are the foundation of %an$ i%portant "itchen preparation+ such as)

-or soup of crea% -or sauces -or gra!ies

5 unsur penting pe%buatan stoc"s )

Aro%atic Ingredients)

6ou*uet Garni) lee"+ parsle$+ tarragon+ rose%ar$+ peppercorn .irepoi&) carrot+ onion+ celer$ Nutritious Ingredients) =# 5# A# /# B# D# 6eef bones :eal bones Chic"en bones .utton bones -ish bones Ga%e bones

5 0enis stoc")

White stoc" 6ro n stoc"

Adalah "aldu $ang dibuat dengan cara tulang dan sa$uran $ang beraro%a dico"lat"an terlebih dahulu# Ke%udian diolah seperti %engolah "aldu biasa# Kaldu dapat dibuat dari tulang sapi+ "a%bing+ i"an+ a$a%+ babi+ dsb# RUMUS MENGHITUNG COST -ood Cost Labour Cost O!erhead Cost ) />C ) 5BC ) 5>C

Net 1rofit Total ;i"a food cost Q />C

) =BC ) =>>C

Kesalahan ad%inistrasi 1e%belian barang tida" %elalui supplier In!entor$ bulanan8%ingguan tida" ber0alan 1e%borosan Ke"eliruan


Ala carte %enu

'usunan %enu dengan satu harga pada setiap %a"anan

Table d3hote %enu

'usunan %enu leng"ap %ulai dari appeti9er sa%pai dessert dengan satu harga

Toda$ special %enu

;enis %enu $ang dita%pil"an se a"tu, a"tu8setiap hari+ %is) %enu special ultah

Chef suggestion %enu

.enu $ang dibuat chef dengan tu0uan untu" %e%perguna"an bahan,bahan $ang sudah tersi%pan la%a8ha%pir "adaluarsa

6an*uet special %enu

.enu $ang "husus dicipta"an untu" function SYARAT PENUSUNAN MENU

;enis %a"anan harus berane"a raga%+ ber!ariasi supa$a tida" %e%bosan"an .a"anan $ang di0ual harus disesuai"an dengan selera ta%u $ang diharap"an datang# Dala% susunan %enu 0angan ada pengulangan dari bahan %entahn$a8dala% "o%posisi arna $ang sa%a# Cara %enulis %enu harus 0elas+ %udah dibaca dan di%engerti Tida" boleh ada coretan8tulisan dengan tangan Daftar %enu harus di0aga "ebersihann$a# 'ebai"n$a pen$usunan %enu berdasar"an %enu s"eleton $aitu %ulai appeti9er sa%pai be!erage Dapat 0uga di"o%binasi"an dengan daftar %inu%an#

Daftar harga harus 0elas tertera 2"ecuali untu" ban*uet %enu4# Dapat dipa"ai sebagai %edia pro%osi perusahaan# Diusaha"an han$a %encantu%"an 0enis %a"anan $ang bahan %entahn$a %udah di dapat di pasaran 1en$usunan %enu secara terpisah sesuai dengan a"tu %a"ann$a+ %is) brea"fast+ lunch+ dinner# 1e%buatan daftar %enu dibuat sede%i"ian rupa sehingga %enari" dan dihias seindah %ung"in# 1erubahan dala% %enu 0angan serba %endada"8dinai""an hargan$a se a"tu, a"tu tanpa %e%perhitung"an resi"o "eluhan dari pelanggan#


'hri%p Coc"tail 'hri%p a!ocado coc"tail (oll ha% asparagus '%o"ed beef ith papa$a Tuna fish salad 'ea food coc"tail -oie grass Canapes Cole sla 'tuffed egg Hu9ar in salad A!ocado pear coc"tail Chic"en ing Cheese finger .eat ball 6utter ballen 1angsit goreng 'io%a$ 1astel goreng 1otato fritter Corn fritter Lu%pia goreng 1e%pe" (u0a" uleg Asinan 0a"arta Karedo"


Conso%%7 Clear %i&ed !egetable soup Clear spinach soup Clear caul$ flo er soup Clear string bean soup Clear green peas soup Crea% chic"en soup

Crea% %ushroo% soup Crea% green peas soup Crea% s eet corn soup Crea% asparagus Crea% o&tail soup .inestrone soup (ed bean soup 6eef sausages soup Green bean soup Chic"en noodle soup -rench onion soup .utton broth .i&ed !egetable soup To%ato crea% soup 6ouile baise soup Goulash soup Chic"en broth

SAUCE 'uatu cairan $ang "ental dengan rasa $ang tepat le%but dan halus rupan$a# Diperguna"an sebagai peleng"ap rasa dari %aca%,%aca% stea"+ 0uga untu" %e%perindah per%u"aan daging dari stea" sehingga %ena%bah selera $ang %elihatn$a# ;ENI' 'A<CE)

Hot Cold


(ou& 2flour M butter4 Corn flour Kneaded butter Egg $ol"

-<NG'I 'A<CE)

1ena%bah aro%a stea" 1ena%bah gi9i .e%perindah hidangan 2e$e appealing4

6ECHA.EL8WHITE 'A<CE+ adalah basic sauce untu")

Ancho!$ sauce) untu" poached egg+ fish+ fried fish Egg sauce) untu" poached dan boiled fish Cheese sauce 2.orna$ sauce4) untu" fish dan !egetables Onion sauce) untu" roast %utton

Crea% sauce) untu" poached fish+ boiled !egetables

:ELO<TE+ adalah basic sauce untu")

Caper sauce) untu" boiled leg of %utton 2!eloute M %utton stoc" M caper sauce4 'upre%e sauce) untu" boiled chic"en 2!eloute M chic"en stoc" M %ushroo%4 Aurora sauce) untu" boiled chic"en+ poached egg 2!eloute M chic"en stoc" M to%ato4 .ushroo% sauce) untu" boiled chic"en

DE.IGLACE+ adalah basic sauce untu")

6ordelaise sauce) untu" stea" 2de%iglace M red ine4 Chasseur sauce) untu" stea"+ chic"en


'D. 1eralatan dapur 1engadaan bahan dasar %a"anan 1e%belian 2dail$+ ee"l$+ %onthl$ purchase4 1eneri%aan 1ersiapan 1engolahan 1en$a0ian Keuangan pe%asaran 1e%eliharaan


Large .echanical '%all8utencils

KRITERIA MUTU MAKANAN H$giene and sanitation Appearance Taste -la!or Te%perature Nutrition

Colour 1ortion 1rice SEJARAH MENU .ulai di"ena" tahun =DBD+ .%e La Chanceliere %e%per"enal"an %enu ban*uet untu" perta%a "ali "epada Louis NI:# 'ebelu% abad N:III single %enu disebut RE&ritauS# A al abad =F+ .# 6oulangere pada tahun =EDB %e%bu"a restoran baru di 1aris dengan %e%asang poster %enu di depan restorann$a+ $ang tercantu% u%u%n$a adalah soup# Dari data diatas itulah din$ata"an sebagai Tala carte %enu di dunia $ang perta%aS# FORMULA PERBANDINGAN KITCHEN DAN RESTAURANT KITCHEN ) />C


(an"+ duties+ structure+ function ;ob description ;ob specification (ecruit%ent ;ob assign%ent 1erfor%ance+ e!aluation Tea% or"+ e!aluation


Lo"asi <"uran T$pe -lo of or" La$out


;enis dan fungsi 'pesifi"asi -isi","uantitatif Instalasi 1enggunaan 1e%eliharaan


.as$ara"at .one$ Willingness to spent


T$pe of restaurant E&tend of %enu .enu pricing T$pe of ser!ice Lo"asi


(ecipe and dish costing 'elling price Cost of total food 'tandard food cost 'tore re*uisition Direct purchasing Cost of food consu%ed In!entor$ Ad0ust%ent Cost of food sold -ood sales Cost ratio


@ualit$ and *uantit$ of food co%%odit$ (ecei!ing sheet G credit %e%o 1urchase re*uisition order 'tandard purchase specification 'tandard $ield test

PRODUCT @ualit$ of food E$e+ nose+ %outh .enu anal$sis .eal reportation @uantit$ of food Custo%er count

'lip order Guest slip 'tandard recipe 'tandard portion .enu STANDARD RECIPE

<nifor%it$ of ingredients <nifor%it$ of %easuring <nifor%it$ of coo"ing e*uip%ent <nifor%it$ of cost <nifor%it$ of portions <nifor%it$ of garnish


Good en!iron%ent 2internal P e&ternal4 Good ser!ice Good f P b products Good !alue Good %anage%ent control

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