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IEEE 1999 International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems, PEDS'99, July 1999, Hong Kong.

Fast Simulation of PWM Inverters using MATLAB

L. K. Wong
Frank H. F. Leung Peter K. S. Tam Department of Electronic and Information Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Abstract This paper presents simulations of PWM inverters using MATLAB. Since MATLAB has the necessary numerical tools to solve non-linear differential equations, simulations can be carried out by developing system differential equations of the PWM inverters. More importantly, due to the CAD tools available in the MATLAB environment, a CAD package for regulated inverters can easily be developed. It is shown that the accuracy of the simulation results by using MATLAB is high as compared with that by using PSPICE. However, the simulation speed of MATLAB is much faster. Examples using resistive load, inductive load and non-linear load are shown.

switching frequency. The load in Fig. 1 is a resistor of resistance RL = 10R in this section. It is assumed that the bidirectional switches SI and S2 are ideal. When S I is turned on, S t is turned off such that v, is equal to V,. On the other hand, when SI is turned off, S 2 is turned on such that v, is equal to -V,. Let tI,, and tlfl be the turn-on and turn-off time of SI respectively, we define a duty cycle d as follows:

d = -

t , n -tlfl
t , n +tlfl


PWM inverters [3] are widely used in uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) and driving motors. It converts a DC voltage into an AC sinusoidal one under various kinds of load, including resistive loads, inductive loads and non-linear loads. Simulations of PWM inverters can be carried out by using PSPICE. However, such simulations usually take long time. This will become a significant problem when many similar simulations are required to reach an optimal design by fine-tuning parameters. Moreover, PSPICE may sometimes suffer from the convergence problem. Due to these weaknesses, we propose to simulate PWM inverters using MATLAB. There are many advantages on using MATLAB to simulate PWM inverters. First, the simulation speed can be much faster than that using PSPICE. Second, there are a lot of available tools that can be used in the MATLAB environment to design and optimize the performance of the open-loop and closed-loop PWM inverter system easily [ 1, 21. In this paper, we show how to model inverters under different loads as differential equations. Then, by applying "ode23", a MATLAB function which can solve a system of ordinary non-linear differential equations using numerical method, the responses of PWM inverters can be simulated. We present three examples to illustrate the modelling and simulation of PWM inverters under different kinds of load. Section I1 and I11 detail the simulations of PWM inverters under a resistive and an inductive load respectively. In section IV, a non-linear phase-controlled load will be used in the simulation. The results obtained by MATLAB will be compared with those obtained from PSPICE.

where t , , + tlfl is the switching period which is constant. It should be noted that the value of d is ranged from -1 to 1. Assume the switching frequency is much higher than the bandwidth of the LC filter, by applying the time-averaging technique, the value of v, is effectively equal to
(2) ton +'<r/j = dV,. Then a system differential equation with d as the control input and v , as the output can be written as follows:

t , n v , + t,f/

t-v, )

d PL,


The parameters in (3) are listed in Table 1. A MATLAB mfile [ 11 describing (3) is shown in Appendix I. In this m-file, the control input is a sinusoidal wave of amplitude 0.9 and frequency 500Hz. The open-loop response of iLfand vcf can be obtained from the following command [2]':
[t, yl = o d e 2 3 ( ' i n v r ' , 0, 0.01,

[O; 0 1 ) ;


A half-bridge PWM inverter is shown in Fig. 1. It consists ,' of an LC filter formed by an inductor Lfand a capacitor C with series resistance R L ~ and , Rc, respectively. The bandwidth of this filter is designed to be much lower than the

where t and y are the returned time vector and state vector respectively of the function ode23. The arguments of ode23 is the file name of the m-file used, the simulation starting time and ending time, and the initial state vector respectively. The response of v , can be obtained based on (4). To verify the accuracy of the simulation using This command is used when MATLAB version 5 is used:
[t, y1 = o d e 2 3 ( ' i n v r ' , [ O , 0.011,


0-7803-5769-8/99/$10.000 1999IEEE


Authorized licensed use limited to: Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Downloaded on July 7, 2009 at 04:08 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Fig. 1 A PWM inverter

MATLAB, a PWM inverter with the same set of parameters, but with the ideal switch replaced by a MOSFET IRF730 and an anti-parallel diode MUR460, is simulated using PSPICE. The switching frequency is 20kHz. The simulated responses of v,, and iL, are shown in Fig. 2 and 3 respectively. The small discrepancies in the waveforms given by MATLAB and PSPICE are due to the power loss of the non-ideal switch and diode used in PSPICE. It should be noted that although only the open-loop responses are shown here, the closed-loop responses based on certain controller design can readily be analysed in the MATLAB environment through modifying the sinusoidal d function as another external control function. With the CAD tool available in MATLAB, a CAD package for regulated PWM inverter can easily be developed.

50 I








In this section, the load in Fig. 1 is changed to a resistor of resistance RL = SQ in series with an inductor of inductance LL = lOOOpH. Since the system now is one order higher than that in the previous section, the system differential equation is modified as follows:

Fig. 2 Simulated responses of v,, under resistive load


2 1


-- 1
L, 0










Fig. 3 Simulated responses of i 4 under resistive load


Authorized licensed use limited to: Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Downloaded on July 7, 2009 at 04:08 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.


- RLi



5ov 500pH 0.152 1OpF 0.0552

Table 1. List of parameters

-60' 0






Fig. 6 Simulated responses of v,, under phase-controlled load

-501 0






Fig. 4 Simulated responses of v,, under inductive load


8 6









Fig. 7 Simulated responses of iw under phase-controlled load







0 . 0 1

Fig. 5 Simulated responses of iyunder inductive load


A MATLAB m-file describing (5) is shown in Appendix 11. The control input and switching frequency are the same as those in section 11. The open-loop response of iLf, vc, and i,, can be obtained from the following command:
[t, y1 = ode23('invl', 0, 0.01, [ O ; 0; 01);

In this section, a non-linear phase-controlled load is used [3]. The non-linear load is effectively a resistor of 10R when the phase of the sine wave is from 72" to 360". Otherwise, the load draws only a little leakage current, and is effectively a resistor of IMR. The system differential equation is the same as that of (2) and (3) with the load RL switches between 1MR and 10R with respect to the phase. The m-file of this system is shown in Appendix 111. It can be seen that such a non-linear load can be easily simulated using MATLAB. The simulated responses of v , and iLf are shown in Fig. 6 and 7 respectively.

and the response of v,, can be obtained based on (6). The simulated responses of v , and iL,are shown in Fig. 4 and 5 respectively.

Simulation of PWM inverters using MATLAB is proposed in this paper. By modelling inverters as differential equations and making use of the MATLAB function "ode23",the responses of PWM inverters can be obtained accurately and


Authorized licensed use limited to: Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Downloaded on July 7, 2009 at 04:08 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

fast. Examples corresponding to a resistive load, an inductive load and a non-linear load have been shown to illustrate the simulations using MATLAB. The simulated responses obtained by PSPICE are also obtained for comparison purpose. The simulation results from MATLAB are found to be accurate. The small differences in the waveforms given by MATLAB and PSPICE are due to the power loss of the non-ideal switche and diode used in PSPICE. The simulation time of the three examples using MATLAB and PSPICE based on a Pentium I1 300 system is listed in Table 2. It is found that the simulation time for PWM inverters using MATLAB is more than a hundred time shorter than that using PSPICE.

Resistive load Inductive load Non-linear load

0.49s 1.76s
Table 2. Simulation time

201.64s 195.43s 205.75s

function yp = InvL(t, y)
% Mathematical model for a P W M % Output load is inductive % y ( l ) is inductor current % y(2) is output voltage % y ( 3 ) is output load inductor


[ 11




MATLAB User's Guide, The Mathworks, Inc., August 1992. F. H. F. Leung, T. C . T. Ng, L. K. Wong, and P. K. S . Tam, "A CAD package for fast simulation of regulated dc-dc converters in large signal," in Proc. IECON '97, New Orleans, USA, November 1997, vol. 2, pp. 755-758. Naser M. Abdel-Rahim and John E. Quaicoe, "Analysis and design of a multiple feedback loop control strategy for single-phase voltage-source UPS inverter," IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, vol. 11, no. 4, July 1996.

1 = 500e-6; rl = 0.1; c = 10e-6; rc = 0.05; r = 5; lr = 1000e-6; vsource = 50; d = 0.9 * sin(2 * pi * 500 * t); d = max(-0.9, min(0.9.d)); vi = vsource * d; Acl = [-(rc+rl)/l -1/1 rc/l; l/c 0 -l/c; rc/lr l/lr - (r+rc) /lrl ; yp = Acl * y + [l/l; 0; 01 * vi;

The work described in this paper was substantially supported by a grant from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Project No. A-PA54).

function yp

InvNonl (t, y)

function yp = InvR(t, y)
% % % %

Mathematical model for a P W M inverter 8 Output load is non-linear % y ( l ) is inductor current % y(2) is output voltage 1 = 500e-6; rl = 0.1; c = 10e-6; rc = 0.05; vsource = 50; sin(2 * pi * 500 * tl; d = 0.9 d = max(-0.9, min(0.9.d)); vi = vsource * d: nlin = square(2 if nlin == 1 r = le6; else r = 10; end pi * 500 * t, 20);

Mathematical model for a PWM inverter Output load is pure resistive y(1) is inductor current y(2) is output voltage

1 = 500e-6; rl = 0.1; c = 10e-6; rc = 0.05; r = 10; vsource = 50; d = 0.9 * sin(2 * pi * 500 * t); d = max(-0.9, min(0.9,d)); vi = vsource d; rrc = r + rc; yp = [-rl/l - r*rc/l/rrc -l/c/rrcl -r/l/rrc; l/c y + [l/l; 01 * vi;


rrc = r + rc; yp = [-rl/l - r*rc/l/rrc -r/l/rrc; l/c - rc/c/rrc -l/c/rrcl * y + [l/l; 01 * vi;


Authorized licensed use limited to: Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Downloaded on July 7, 2009 at 04:08 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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