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Exposing An RSA Private Key Given A Small Fraction of Bits

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Exposing an RSA Private Key Given a Small Fra

tion of its Bits

Dan Boneh

Stanford University

Glenn Durfeey

Stanford University

Yair Frankel

yfrankel ryptographers. om
Te hTegrity LLC

Abstra t
We show that for low publi exponent rsa, given a quarter of the bits of the private key
an adversary an re over the entire private key. Similar results (though not as strong) are
obtained for larger values of e. For instan e, when e is a prime in the range [N 1=4 ; N 1=2,
half the bits of the private key su e to re onstru t the entire private key. Our results point
out the danger of partial key exposure in the rsa publi key system.

Introdu tion

Let N = pq be an rsa modulus and let e; d be en ryption/de ryption exponents, i.e., ed 

1 mod (N ). We study the following question: how many bits of d does an adversary require
in order to re onstru t all of d? Surprisingly, we show that for low publi exponent rsa, given
only a quarter of the least signi ant bits of d, an adversary an e iently re over all of d. We
obtain similar results, summarized in the next subse tion, for larger values of e as well. Our
results show that rsa, and parti ularly low publi exponent rsa, are vulnerable to partial key
exposure. We refer to this lass of atta ks as partial key exposure atta ks.
To motivate this problem onsider a omputer system whi h has an rsa private key stored
on it. An adversary may attempt to atta k the system in a variety of ways in order to obtain the
private key. Some atta ks (e.g. a timing atta k [13) are able to reveal some bits of the key, but
may fail to reveal the entire key [8. Our results show that atta ks, su h as the timing atta k
on rsa, need only be arried out until a quarter of the least signi ant bits of d are exposed.
On e these bits are revealed the adversary an e iently ompute all of d. Another s enario
where partial key exposure omes up is in the presen e of overt hannels. Su h hannels are
often slow or have a bounded apa ity. Our results show that as long as a fra tion of the private
exponent bits an be leaked, the remaining bits an be re onstru ted.
It is natural to ask the analogous question in the ontext of dis rete log s hemes. For
instan e, given a fra tion of the bits of the private key in the ElGamal publi key system [11,
an one e iently re over the entire key? There is no known method for doing so. Furthermore,
the ommon belief is that no su h e ient algorithm exists. This resistan e to partial key
exposure is an interesting distin tion between rsa and dis rete log s hemes.
Let N = pq be an n-bit rsa modulus. Throughout the paper we view the private exponent

y Supported

by darpa ontra t #F30602-97-C-0326.

by a NSF Graduate Resear h Fellowship and a Stanford Graduate Fellowship.

as an n-bit string. When referring to the t most signi ant bits of d we refer to the t leftmost
bits of d when viewed anoni ally as an n-bit string. For instan e, it is possible that the t most
signi ant bits of d are all zero, for some t. Similarly, a quarter of the bits of d always refers to
n=4 bits.


Summary of Results

We summarize our results in the following two theorems. The proofs are given in the body of
the paper. The rst theorem applies to low publi exponent rsa. Thep se ond applies toplarger
values of e. Throughout we assume N = pq is an rsa modulus with N =2 < q < p < 2 N .
Theorem 1.1 Let N = pq be an n-bit rsa modulus with N = 3 mod 4. Let 1  e; d  (N )
satisfy ed  1 mod (N ) and e < 2 n=
. Then there is an algorithm that given hN; ei and
the n=4 least signi ant bits of d omputes all of d in polynomial time in n and e.
As we shall see, the running time of the atta k algorithm in the above theorem is in fa t
linear in e log e. Consequently, as long as e is not \too large" the atta k an be e iently
mounted. For a very small value of e su h as e = 3 we will show in Se tion 5 that the atta k
runs in a reasonable amount of time. For larger values, su h as e = 65537, the atta k is still
feasible, though learly takes mu h longer.
Theorem 1.2 Let N = pq be an n-bit rsa modulus. Let 1  e; d  (N ) satisfy ed 
1 mod (N ).
1. Suppose e is a prime in the range f2t ; : : : ; 2t g with n=4  t  n=2. Then given the t



most signi ant bits of

there is a polynomial time (in n) algorithm to ompute all of d.

2. More generally, suppose e 2 f2t ; : : : ; 2t+1 g is the produ t of at most r distin t primes with
n=4  t  n=2. Then given the fa torization of e and the t most signi ant bits of d there
is an algorithm to ompute all of d in time polynomial in n and 2r .
3. When the fa torization of e is unknown, we obtain a weaker result. Suppose e is in the
range f2t ; : : : ; 2t+1 g with t 2 0 : : : n=2. Further, suppose d > N for some  > 0. Then
there is a polynomial time (in n and 1=) algorithm that given the n t most signi ant
bits of d, omputes all of d.

Theorem 1.2 applies to publi exponents e in the range 2n=  e  2n= . Unlike the previous
theorem, Theorem 1.2 makes use of the most signi ant bits of d. When e is prime, at most half
the bits of d are required to mount the atta k. Fewer bits are needed when e is smaller. Indeed,
if e is lose to N = only a quarter of the msb bits of d are required. The same result holds
when e is not prime, as long as we are given the fa torization of e and e does not have too many
distin t prime fa tors. The last part of the theorem applies to e < N = when the fa torization
of e is not known. To mount the atta k, at least half the msb bits of d are required. More
bits are ne essary, the smaller e is. The atta k algorithm works for most e, but may fail if d is
signi antly smaller than N .
One may re ne Theorem 1.2 in many ways. It is possible to obtain other results along these
lines for publi exponents e < N = . For instan e, onsider the ase when the fa torization
of e is unknown. If the adversary is given half the most signi ant bits of d and a quarter

1 4

1 2

1 2

of the least signi ant bits then we show the adversary an re over all of d. When e < N =
this is better than the results of Theorem 1.2 part (3). However, we view atta ks that require
non- onse utive bits of d as arti ial. We brie y sket h these variants in Se tion 4.3.
1 4


Related Work

We note that Wiener [24 showed that rsa is inse ure whenever the private exponent
d is less
than N = (the bound was re ently improved by Boneh and Durfee [3 to N =  N : ).
In other words, Wiener's bound shows that when the 3=4 most signi ant bits of d are zero
an adversary an e iently re over the remaining quarter. These results do not apply to our
problem: Wiener's ontinued fra tions approa h, as well as the method used by Boneh and
Durfee, does not work e iently when the most signi ant bits of d are given to the adversary
but they are non-zero.
Maurer [17 studies the problem of fa toring an rsa modulus N with the help of an (in nitely
powerful) ora le that answers arbitrary yes/no questions. He shows that n queries su e to
fa tor N in probabilisiti polynomial time with failure probability at most N = . One may
view our results as a method for fa toring N using between n=4 and 3n=4 queries of an ora le,
but one based on a weaker (and seemingly more natural) assumption. Namely, when viewed in
this way, our atta ks use an ora le that is restri ted to revealing ertain bits of an rsa private
There has been re ent work on prote ting against partial key exposure using exposure resilient ryptography. Initial progress was made several years ago by Chor et al. [5, who develop
the notion of t-resilient fun tions and dis uss an appli ation to prote tion against partially
leaked ryptographi keys. More re ent work has fo used on exposure resilient fun tions, introdu ed by Canetti et al. [4, whi h an be used to prote t against partial key exposure for
a variety of ryptographi primitives. These ideas were later re ned by Dodis [9 and Dodis,
Sahai, and Smith [10. For the rsa publi key ryptosystem, Steinfeld and Zheng [23 have
shown that by arefully hoosing p and q (instead of sele ting them at random as is typi al in
pra ti e) the low publi exponent partial key exposure atta ks presented in this paper an be
1 4



0 292



Throughout the paper we let Np= pq denote an n-bit rsa modulus. We assume the primes p
and q are distin t and lose to N . More pre isely, we assume
4 < N =2 < q < p < 2 N
Our results also apply to rsa moduli N = pq where p is mu h larger than q, but we do not give
the details here.
Noti e that equation (1) implies p + q < 3 N . For onvenien e, throughout the paper we
s := p + q:

Under the assumption p > q this implies:

p = (s + s
4N ):
Furthermore, it follows by equation (1) that
N=2 < N
4 N < (N ) < N;
where (N ) = N p q + 1 is the Euler totient fun tion.
Let 1  e; d  (N ) be en ryption/de ryption exponents. Then ed  1 (mod (N )).
Throughout the paper we denote by k the unique integer su h that:
ed k(N ) = ed k (N
s + 1) = 1:
Sin e (N ) > d we know that k < e.

Finding Small Solutions to Bivariate Polynomials

Our results make heavy use of seminal results due to Coppersmith. Using the latti e basis
redu tion algorithm of Lenstra, Lenstra, and Lovasz [14, Coppersmith [6 shows how to nd
small solutions (x ; y ) to a bivariate polynomial f (x; y), provided appropriate bounds on x
and y are known in advan e.
Theorem 2.1 (Coppersmith[6) Let f (x; y ) be a polynomial in two variables over Z, of maximum degree in ea h variable separately, and assume the oe ients of f are relatively prime
as a set. Let X , Y be bounds on the desired solutions x , y . De ne f~(x; y) := f (Xx; Y y) and
let D be the absolute value of the largest oe ient of f~. If XY < D = , then in time polynomial in log D and 2 , we an nd all integer pairs (x ; y ) with p(x ; y ) = 0; jx j < X; jy j < Y .
We make use of an immediate onsequen e of this theorem, whi h is a slight generalization
of a result in [6.
Corollary 2.2 Let N = pq be an n-bit rsa modulus. Let r  2n= be given and suppose
p := p mod r is known. Then it is possible to fa tor N in time polynomial in n. (We denote
this running time TC (n)).
Proof Without loss of generality, assume p and r are relatively prime (otherwise the problem
is trivial). Then, p and r are also relatively prime. From p := p mod r we may nd q :=
q  N=p mod r . We seek a solution (x ; y ) to f (x; y ) = (rx + p )(ry + q )
N , where
0  x < X = 2 =r (similarly y < Y = 2 =r). Noti e, however, that the greatest
ommon divisor of the oe ients of the polynomial f (x; y) is r, so to use Theorem 2.1, we
must divide through by r to get a new polynomial g(x; y) = f (x; y)=r. Now noti e that the
largest oe ient of g~(x; y) = g(Xx; Y y) is at least 2n =r. So, to use Theorem 2.1 we require
XY = r 2n < (2n =r ) = ;
whi h is satis ed whenever r > 2 n = . By exhaustive sear h on the rst two bits of x and
y this an be redu ed to r  2n= .

2 (3 )





( +2) 4


2 3

Throughout the remainder of the paper, we denote by TC (n) the running time of the algorithm of Corollary 2.2. We remark that TC (n) =
(n ), so the running time of this algorithm
dominates other arithmeti operations in our atta ks.

Partial key exposure atta k on low exponent RSA

In this se tion we onsider atta ks on the rsa ryptosystem with a \small" exponent e. For
our purposes, \small" implies that exhaustive sear h on all values less than e is feasible. In
parti ular, sin e k  e holds, our atta k algorithm an exhaustively sear h all possible andidates k0 for k (re all that k is the unique integer satisfying de k(N ) = 1). We an now prove
Theorem 1.1, restated more pre isely as follows.
Theorem 3.1 With the notation as in Se tion 1.3, suppose N  3 mod 4 and e  2 n=
Then given the n=4 least signi ant bits of d, we an fa tor N in time O(TC (n)  e log e).
Proof Suppose we are given the least-signi ant n=4-bit blo k of d; that is, we know some d
su h that d  d mod 2n= . Redu ing equation (4) modulo 2n= and substituting s = p + N=p,
we see that p mod 2n= is a solution for x in the equation
ed  1 + k (N
x N=x + 1) (mod 2n= ):
This leads to the following quadrati equation in x:
kx + (ed
k (N + 1) 1)x + kN  0 (mod 2n= ):
The atta k works as follows: for every andidate value k0 for k in the range f1; : : : ; eg do:
1. Use the algorithm outlined below to ompute all solutions for x mod 2n= to the equation
k 0 x + (ed
k 0 (N + 1) 1)x + k 0 N  0 (mod 2n= ):
2. For ea h solution x mod 2n= so obtained use the algorithm of Corollary 2.2 to attempt to
fa tor N . Sin e one of these solutions will satisfy x  p mod 2n= the atta k will su eed in
fa toring N .
To omplete the des ription of this atta k we must des ribe the algorithm to obtain solutions
to equation (6) and we must bound the total number of solutions as k0 ranges over all andidates
for k. Consider rst the ase k0 = k. Noti e that k divides the oe ients of the quadrati
term and the onstant term of equation (5); to see that k divides the oe ient of the linear
term, observe ed k(N + 1) 1 = k(p + q). Suppose k = 2tk m for some integer tk and odd
integer m. Then every solution x to equation (5) satis es
m(p + q )x + mN  0 (mod 2 n= tk ):
Furthermore, m is odd so m mod 2 n= tk is well-de ned, thus every su h solution x satis es
(p + q)x + N  0 (mod 2 n= tk ):
We may omplete the square to obtain
(x (p + q)=2)  ((p q)=2) (mod 2 n= tk ):






We note that the fra tions in this expression represent divison over the integers, whi h is well-de ned sin e

p  q mod 2.

D. Redmond [20 des ribes an algorithm to nd a solutions to equations of the form y 

mod 2u, when  1 mod 8 and u  3. Sin e N  3 mod 4, we have p 6 q mod 4, and it follows
that ((p q)=2)  1 mod 8. Furthermore, tk  log e  (n=4) 3, so (n=4) tk  3. Thus
equation (8) is in pre isely the required form. For ompleteness, we summarize this algorithm
in Lemma A.1 in Appendix A.
The above produ es one solution to equation (7). Lemma A.3 in Appendix A shows that
there are exa tly four solutions to this equation and that given one of these solutions the other
three are easy to obtain. Call these four solutions fx ; x ; x ; x g. It follows that the solutions
to equation (5) are xi + j 2 n= tk for i 2 f1; 2; 3; 4g and j 2 f0; : : : ; 2tk 1g. Thus, there are
2 tk solutions to equation (5).
In summary, when k0 = k, we expe t equation (6) to have at most 2 tk solutions. Suppose
k is an arbitrary andidate for k , and let tk0 be the largest integer su h that 2tk0 divides k 0 . If
the atta ker nds any of the required onditions to use the aforementioned approa h violated
(for instan e, that the number of solutions to equation (6) is greater than 2 tk0 ), then it may
immediately on lude that k0 6= k, and pro eed to the next andidate k0 . So 2 tk0 is an upper
bound on the number of solutions that need to be he ked for any andidate k0.
From the above dis ussion we may on lude that when k0 is odd, there are at most four
solutions to equation (6) to he k; if k0  2 mod 4, then there are at most eight solutions
to he k, and so on. Sin e k0 is exhaustively sear hed in the range f0, : : :, eg, this implies
that at most 4edlog ee solutions to equation (6) will be tested before the orre t value of
x  p mod 2n= is obtained, exposing the fa torization of N . Ea h solution is tested using one
run of the algorithm of Corollary 2.2; sin e TC (n) dominates the running time of the other
arithmeti operations (in luding root- nding and use of Lemma A.1), this leads to a total
running time that is O(TC (n)  e log e).






The ase N  1 mod 4 requires areful analysis, and R. Steinfeld and Y. Zheng
show that a modi ation of the above atta k has an expe ted running time of O(TC (n)  n 
e log e) over random hoi e of n=2-bit primes p and q [23. They go on to des ribe how to
hoose p and q to resist the above partial key exposure atta k; this is a hieved by for ing p  q
mod 2u for large values of u.

Remark 1.

We did not employ the full generality of Corollary 2.2, as mod r bits ould have been used
for any r  2n= . This will be used in the next se tion where we onsider more sophisti ated
key exposure atta ks.
One may wonder whether a similar partial key exposure atta k is possible using the most
signi ant bits of d. The answer is no. The reason is that low publi exponent rsa leaks half
the most signi ant bits of d. In other words, the adversary may obtain half the most signi ant
bits of d from e and N alone. Consequently, revealing the most signi ant bits of d does not
help the adversary in exposing the rest of d. This is stated more pre isely in the following fa t.

Fa t 3.2 With the notation as in Se tion 1.3, suppose

the n= msb bits of d dis overs all of d in time t n .
breaks rsa in time et n .



there exists an algorithm A that given

Then there exists an algorithm B that


Observe that by equation (4), we have d = (1 + k(N + 1

1 + k(N + 1)
d~ =

)) . Let d~ be

q =e


0  d~ d  k(p + q)=e  3k N =e < 3 N
It follows that d~ mat hes d on the n=2 most signi ant bits of d. Hen e, on e k is known, the
half most signi ant bits of d are exposed. With this observation, algorithm B an work as
follows: try all possible values k0 for k in the range f1; : : : ; eg. For ea h andidate k0, ompute
the orresponding value d~ using k0 as a guess for k. Run algorithm A giving it half the most
signi ant bits of d~. On e the k0 = k, the entire private key is exposed.

Fa t 3.2 demonstrates that omputing the exponentiation asso iated with the
half high-order bits of d an be performed by an untrusted server. This may be of use in
server-aided rsa systems where te hniques using the Chinese Remainder Theorem annot be
employed. For instan e, in threshold rsa [12, the fa torization of the modulus is not known to
any party, so Chinese Remainder te hniques are of no help in a elerating omputation. Fa t
3.2 suggests that the half high-order bits of d an be revealed to the server with no additional
ompromise in se urity, allowing a elerated omputation by o -loading that portion of the
exponentiation operation.
Remark 2.

Fa t 3.2 explains why for low exponent rsa one annot mount a partial key re overy atta k
given the most signi ant bits of d. It is natural to ask whether one an expose all of d given
a quarter of the low order bits of d that are not ne essarily the least signi ant ones. For
instan e, the following atta k uses n=4 bits of d in bit positions n=4 to n=2, outlined below as
Theorem 3.3. Is it possible to generalize this result to every subsequen e of n=4 bits from the
n=2 low-order bits of d? At the moment this is an open question.
Theorem 3.3 With the notation as in Se tion 1.3, suppose jp q j  2 n=
and e  2 n=
Then given n=4 bits of d in positions n=4 to n=2, we an fa tor N in time O(TC (n)  e ).
Proof Using the approximation d~ developed in Fa t 3.2 and small exhaustive sear h, we may
ompute bits n=2 to n of d. We now know bits n=4 to n of d; we denote this by d , so that
jd d j < 2n= . The atta k tries every andidate value k0 for k in the range f1; : : : ; eg. De ne
s := 1 + N



Let us onsider the ase k0 = k. We have

js sj = ke (d

Equation (2) suggests we take



:= 12 (s +



2 n=

4)+log 2

4N );



as an approximation to p. It turns out that this is a very good approximation, so that

jp pj  2 n=
This is proved as Lemma B.1 in Appendix B. So in at most 32e steps, exhaustive sear h on
the high-order bits of p will dis over p su h that jp pj  2n= . Ea h andidate for p is run
through the algorithm of Corollary 2.2 to attempt to fa tor N .
In summary, on e k0 = k, the atta k algorithm will dis over the fa torization of N . The
testing of ea h andidate k0 runs in time 32eTC (n); there are at most e andidates to test, so
the total running time is O(TC (n)  e ).

4)+5+log 2

Partial key exposure atta k on medium exponent rsa

We des ribe several atta ks on the rsa system that an be employed when the publi key e is
in the range 2n= to 2n= . Unlike the previous se tion, these atta ks require the most signi ant
bits of d to be given. We mount the atta k by arefully studying equation (4):
ed k (N
s + 1) = 1
Re all that s = p + q.
The key to mounting these atta ks is in nding k. Sear hing for k by brute for e is infeasible,
sin e k is an arbitrary element in the range f1; : : : ; eg. Fortunately, given su iently many msb's
of d, we may ompute k dire tly, eliminating it as an unknown from equation (4). On e k is
revealed, we are left with two unknowns, d and s whi h we re over using various methods. The
mainptool for dis overing k is presented in the following theorem. It shows that as long as
e < N we an nd k given only log e msb bits of d. The theorem produ es a small onstant
size interval ontaining k. As always, we try all possible values of k in the interval until our
atta k algorithm su eeds.
Theorem 4.1 With the notation as in Se tion 1.3, let t be an integer in the range f0; : : : ; n=2g.
Suppose 2t < e < 2t and we know the t most signi ant bits of d. Then we an e iently


ompute the unique

satisfying equation (4) up to a onstant additive error.

The proof of Theorem 4.1 relies on the following lemma, whi h provides general onditions
under whi h k an be dedu ed by rounding.
Lemma 4.2


(i) e d




is given su h that the following two onditions hold:

)j < N , and

(ii) ed0 < 2 N 3=2 .

Then the unique

satisfying ed k(N )
and  = 2(8 2 + 2 1 ).

= 1 is an integer in the range [k~ ; k~ +  where

~ = (ed 1)=N
~ = (ed 1)=N . Then
Proof Let k
1 + e(d d )
~ k = (ed 1) 1
(N )
(N )

< 2 N =

3 2

( ) + N
(N )N
(N )


Sin e N

( ) 4

and (N ) > N=2 it follows that

~ k < 8 + 2 :
Consequently, k is an integer in the range fk~ ; : : : ; k~ + g as required.
 N <

We are now prepared to prove Theorem 4.1.

Proof of Theorem 4.1

The most signi ant bits of d enable us to onstru t an integer d satisfying jd d j < 2n t .
We use Lemma 4.2 to ompute k. By the restri tion on e, ondition (i) is satis ed with = 2.
Sin e d < N , ondition (ii) holds with = 2. Hen e k is an integer in a known interval of
width 40.


Prime publi key

We are now ready to prove part (1) of Theorem 1.2. Theorem 4.1 enables us to nd k. On e
is found we redu e equation (4) modulo e. This removes d from the equation. We an then
solve for s mod e. Given s mod e we are able to fa tor the modulus.
Theorem 4.3 With the notation of Se tion 1.3, let t be an integer in the range n=4  t  n=2.
Suppose e is a prime in the range f2t ; : : : ; 2t g. Furthermore suppose we are given the t most
signi ant bits of d. Then we an fa tor N in time O(TC (n)).
Proof The assumptions of the theorem satisfy the onditions of Theorem 4.1. Consequently,
k is known to be an integer in a onstant size range. We try all andidate values k 0 for k . For
ea h one we do the following:
1. Compute s0  N + 1 k0 (mod e). This is well-de ned sin e g d(e; k0 ) = 1.
2. Compute a root p0 mod e for x in the quadrati
s0 x + N  0 (mod e)
This an be done e iently (in probabilisti polynomial time) sin e e is prime. Indeed,
on e s0  s  p + q mod e, then p0  p mod e.
3. Use Corollary 2.2 to nd p given p mod e. This is possible sin e e  2n= .
On e the orre t andidate k0 = k is found (after a onstant number of attempts) the
fa torization of N is exposed. Ea h attempt runs the algorithm of Corollary 2.2 on e, leading
to a total running time that is O(TC (n)).


A surprising onsequen e of this theorem is that, when e is prime and is roughly = 2n= ,
only the rst n=4 msb's of d are needed to mount the atta k. This atta k is as strong as the
one on low publi exponent rsa. In any ase, for prime e 2 f2n= ; : : : ; 2n= g, the rst n=2 most
signi ant bits of d always su e.

The proof shows that it is not ne essary for e to be prime. As long as we an solve the
quadrati in step (2) the proof an be made to work. In order to solve the quadrati we must be
given the fa torization of e. Unfortunately, modulo a omposite, the quadrati may have many
roots. We must try them all. If e has r distin t prime fa tors, there are at most 2r solutions
to onsider. As a result, we must also bound the number of prime fa tors of e. We obtain part
(2) of Theorem 1.2.
Corollary 4.4 As in Theorem 4.3 suppose e is an integer in the range f2t ; : : : ; 2t g. If e has
at most r distin t prime fa tors, and its fa torization is known, then given the t most signi ant
bits of d we an fa tor time O(TC (n)  2r ).
We point out that when e is lose to 2n= the same atta k an be mounted even if the
fa torization of e is unknown. In other words, for all e su iently lose to 2n= , half the msb's
of d are su ient to re onstru t all of d. Indeed, the range f1; : : : ; d2n= =eeg an be sear hed
exhaustively to nd ds=ee. Given the value of ds=ee we an obtain s (sin e s mod e is already
known.) Sin e s is now known in the integers, we an dire tly nd p using equation (2).



Publi key with unknown fa torization

We now turn to proving part (3) of Theorem 1.2. We onsider the ase when e is in the range
f2t ; : : : ; 2t g with 0  t  n=2. The fa torization of e is unknown. The following result
establishes that we an still nd all of d, given some of its msb's. Our atta k works as long
as k is not signi antly smaller than e. At the end of the se tion we note that the atta k
heuristi ally works for almost all e in the range f2t ; : : : ; 2t g.
Theorem 4.5 With the notation as in Se tion 1.3, let t be an integer in the range f0; : : : ; n=2g.
Suppose e is in the range f2t ; : : : ; 2t g. Further suppose k >   e for some  > 0. Then there
is an algorithm that given the n t most signi ant bits of d nds all of d. The algorithm runs
in time O(n =).
Proof Given the n t most signi ant bits of d we an onstru t a d su h that 0  d d < 2t .
Sin e e < 2n= we an use d and Theorem 4.1 to limit k to a onstant size interval. For ea h
andidate k0 for k we do the following:
1. Compute d  e mod k0 . This is possible sin e e and k are relatively prime, so only
andidates k0 relatively prime to e are worth onsidering. Sin e ed k(n) = 1 we know
that d  d mod k0 when k0 = k.
2. By assumption k0 > 2t . Note that at this point we know d mod k0 as well as the n t
msb's of d. We determine the rest of the bits by an exhaustive sear h. More pre isely,
d = k0 d + d
Then d = d =k0 +(d d )=k0 d =k0 . The only unknown term in this sum is v = (d d )=k0 .
Sin e k0 > 2t we know that v = (d d )=k0 < 1=. To nd v, we try all possible
andidates v0 in the range f0; : : : ; 1=g. For ea h pair (k0 ; v0 ) of andidates we ompute
the orresponding value of d and test it.
3. On e the orre t values v0 = v and k0 = k are found, d is exposed. Testing ea h pair
(k0 ; v0 ) of andidates takes O(n ) time, and there are O(1=) andidate pairs to test.




Theorem 4.5 works without having to know the fa torization of e. Unfortunately, the results
are not as strong as in the previous se tion. When e is lose to N = , Theorem 4.5 implies that
3=4 of the bits of d are needed to re onstru t d. This is mu h worse than the orresponding
bound a hieved in the previous se tion, where only 1=4 the bits were required. When e is lose
to N = the theorem produ es results similar to the previous se tion.
Theorem 4.5 an only be applied when k >   e. Intuitively, k behaves roughly as a random
integer in the range f1; : : : ; eg. As su h, we should have k > e=10 for about 90% of the
e 2 f2t ; : : : ; 2t g. Hen e, heuristi ally the atta k works e iently for almost all e.
1 4

1 2



Further Results

What if the fa torization of e is unknown and e was not randomly hosen? Although it may be
omputationally infeasible, it is possible for e; d to be spe i ally hosen as fa tors of 1+ k(N )
for very small k, violating the onditions of Theorem 4.5. We stress that this is parti ularly
unlikely, as not only would the rather large value of 1 + k(N ) would need to be fa tored
into ed, but a fa tor e in the range f2n= ; : : : ; 2n= g would need to be obtained, and one that
itself annot easily be fa tored (making it vulnerable to Corollary 4.4). However, under these
ir umstan es, the above atta ks would not apply. We on lude with the following general
result whi h holds for all e < 2n= . Unfortunately, the result requires non- onse utive bits of d.
Theorem 4.6 With the notation as in Se tion 1.3, let t be an integer in f1; : : : ; n=2g and e in
f2t ; : : : ; 2t g. Suppose we are given the t most signi ant bits of d and the n=4 least signi ant
bits of d. Then we an fa tor N in time O(TC (n)).
Proof Sket h Using Theorem 4.1 we may ompute a onstant size interval I ontaining k .
Observe that the proof of Theorem 3.1 applies for all e, as long as k and the n=4 least signi ant
bits of d are known. To re over d, run the algorithm of Theorem 3.1 on all andidate values of
k in I .



To test the e e tiveness of our atta ks, we implemented them using the C++ programming
language with the Number Theory Library pa kage by V. Shoup [22. The algorithm of Corollary 2.2 dominates the running time of our atta ks (all other steps are e ient arithmeti
operations), so its running time is the primary obje t of dis ussion in this se tion.
It turns out that the most e ient way to implement Corollary 2.2 is not to use the te hnique
of Coppersmith to nd solutions to bivariate polynomials (as in Theorem 2.1), but instead to use
the Latti e Fa toring Method developed by Boneh, Durfee, and Howgrave-Graham for fa toring
integers of the form p q. [2. We observe that a slight extension of the Latti e Fa toring Method,
des ribed brie y here, an be used when we are given least signi ant bits of one of the fa tors
of an rsa modulus N = pq. (See [2, Lemma 3.3.) Suppose we are given p su h that p  p
modulo 2 n= . We seek a solution x for x in the equation
2 n= x + p  0 (mod p):




If we set A := (2 n=

) mod N , then solutions to equation (10) are solutions to

A(2 n= x + p )  x + Ap  0 (mod p);
where jx j < N = . This equation is in the form required by the LFM algorithm.
Following the proof of Theorem 3.1, we see that knowing k and the n=4 least signi ant bits
of d allows us to ompute two andidates p ; p , one of whi h is equal to p mod 2 n= and
the other of whi h is equal to q mod 2 n= . Sin e the LFM requires n=4 + known bits of
p (or q ), this implies an exhaustive sear h of size 2
is required to use the Latti e Fa toring
Method. This sear h an be easily parallelized in the obvious way. In pra ti e, we found that
an be very small, say  6.
The running time of the Latti e Fa toring Method is essentially that of the LLL algorithm
on a latti e of dimension  with basis oordinates of size no larger than log N ; for this
appli ation,   30 usually su es. Su h latti es an be redu ed by LLL in a matter of
minutes on a typi al workstation. We give a few examples below for e = 3. Note that in ths
ase, k is for ed to be 2, so the total atta k time is equal to TC (n) times exhaustive sear h of
size less than 2 ; our measurements re e t the running time for those steps only. For larger
e, these times would be multiplied by approximately 4e log e.



1 4

4) 1




512 bits
768 bits
1024 bits

bits of d exposed latti e dim.  LLL runtime ( TC (n)) observed total runtime
128 bits
13 se onds
11 minutes
192 bits
6:3 minutes
2:8 hours
256 bits
26:8 minutes
21 hours

These experiments were run on a 500MHz Intel Pentium III pro essor running Solaris.
Further optimization is possible if additional bits of d beyond the least n=4 are exposed:
ea h additional bit of d redu es by one, halving the exhaustive sear h required; on e = 0,
additional bits of d bene t the algorithm by giving loser approximations to p, allowing a
de rease in the size of the latti e.
For medium publi exponent e, where e is prime, the atta k pro eeds similarly: with the
right guess for k, the value p mod e an be determined, whi h (unless e is very lose to 2n= )
will reveal enough information to run the above algorithm with = 0. Thus, the running time
of an atta k on medium, prime publi exponent e will be equal to TC (n) in the table above
times the number of andidates for k that must be he ked, whi h is always less than or equal
to 40. With e of known fa torization and r fa tors, there is a multipli ative in rease of 2r in
running time to ompute and he k the distin t solutions to equation (9).
When the fa tors of e are unknown and the n log e bits of d are given, the atta k is
immediate { the algorithm suggested in Theorem 4.5 involves only a few simple arithmeti
operations and a very small sear h.

Con lusions

We study rsa's vulnerability to partial key exposure. We showed that for low exponent rsa,
a quarter of the least signi ant bits of d are su ient for e iently re onstu ting all of d. We

p similar results for larger values of e as long as e < N . For instan e, when e is lose to
N , half the most signi ant bits of d su e.
The results presented demonstrate the danger of leaking a fra tion of the bits of d. We note
that dis rete log s hemes (e.g. DSS, ElGamal) do not seem vulnerable to partial key exposure.
A fra tion of the bits of the private key in a dis rete log based system does not seem to enable
the adversary to e iently break the system.
There are a number of related open problems:
 Does there exist a polynomial time algorithm
p whi h enables one to break the rsa system
for values of e substantially larger than N , given only a subset of the bits of d?
 Our strongest result with respe t to the fewest bits of d required to break the system is
for an e in the range fN = ; : : : ; N = g with known fa torization. For an e with unknown
fa toriziation and in the same range, does there exist a polynomial time algorithm whi h
provides as strong a result?
1 4

1 2

A knowledgements

The authors would like to thank Phong Nguyen, Ron Steinfeld, Yuliang Zheng, and Mi hael
Jason Hinek for several helpful suggestions regarding the preliminary version of this paper.
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Appendix A: Solutions to Modular Quadrati Equations

This appendix onsiders the problem of nding solutions for y in equations of the form
y  (mod 2u );
where u  3 and  1 mod 8.
We begin with an algorithm to nd a solution to this equation presented in the following lemma. The proof appears in [20, p. 184. For onvenien e we rst de ne the following
polynomial (with oe ients in Q ):

P (z ) :=
( 1) i 4i (2i1 1) 2ii zi :
Lemma A.1 Suppose u  3 and  1 mod 8. Then y := Pu ( 1) is an integer whi h
satis es (y )  mod 2u .
This provides one solution to equation (11). The following shows how to onvert any solution
to equation (11) into any other solution. We provide a proof di erent from what appears in [20.
Lemma A.2 Assume y ; y are in the range f0; : : : ; 2u 1g, and suppose y is a solution for



in equation (11). Then


is a solution to (11) if and only if

 y +  2u (mod 2u)
for some  2 f 1; 1g and  2 f0; 1g.
Proof Let  2 f 1; 1g and  2 f0; 1g be arbitrary, and let y be any solution to equation (11).

If we de ne y := y +  2u then we see
(y )   (y ) +  2uy +  2 u (mod 2u):
Sin e u  3, we have 2u 2  u, so redu ing modulo 2u yields
(y )   (y ) +  2u y +  2 u :   (y )  (y )  (mod 2u );
so y is a solution for y in equation (11).
Now suppose that y and y are arbitrary soultions to equation (11). Sin e  1 mod 8,
it follows that y  y  1 mod 4. So y  y mod 4, where  2 f 1; 1g. Thus there exists
some integer v su h that y = y + 4v. From equation (11) we see
y  (y + 4v )  y + 8y v + 16v  (mod 2u );



2 2

2 2




implying 8y v + 16v  0 mod 2u. So 2u divides 8y v + 16v = 8v(y + 2v ). Now, 2v is
even and y is odd (re all y  1 mod 8), so it must be the ase that 2u divides v. Hen e,
y = y + 4v = y + 2u  . Sin e we are interested in solutions modulo 2u , all hoi es of 
are equivalent to either  = 0 or  = 1.


We are now ready to prove the main result of the Appendix.

There are exa tly four solutions for

be omputed in time O(u3 ).
Lemma A.3

in equation (11), and these solutions an

The proof of the rst lause is an immediate onsequen e of Lemmas A.1 and A.2. The
running time analysis follows from the des ription of Lemma A.1. Note that it is espe ially
e ient to evaluate Pu ( 1) when only its result modulo 2u is desired.

Appendix B: Approximate Square Roots

This appendix onsiders the problem of bounding the error of the square roots of approximated
values. The main tool is the following lemma, needed for Theorem 3.3.
Lemma B.1 With the notation as in Se tion 1.3, suppose jp q j  2 n=
and e  2 n=
Furthermore suppose the quantities d ; s ; p satisfy jd dj < 2 ,
js sj  2 n=
p = (s + s
4N ):




4)+log 2


j  2 n=


4)+5+log 2


The proof of this lemma follows a suggestion made by P. Nguyen [18.

Proof Without loss of generality, assume s  s, so that p  p. Observe
1 (s s) + 1 ( s 4N s 4N )
p =
= 2 (s s) + 2( s(s +4Ns)(+s ps s) 4N ) :



Sin e s  s we have s 4N  s 4N = (p q) , and we know (p

bound on e tells us s  2s, so that
s  2s = 2(p + q )  4p  2 n= :
Using these fa ts we may derive the following bound:
1 (s s) + (s + s)(s s)
4(p q)
e + (6p)(2
 2 n=
e + 2 n=
 2 n=
 2 n=



1+log 2


1+log 2

4)+5+log 2



4)+log 2

4)+4+log 2

)  2 n=


. The

as desired.


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