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RPT Math F4 2013

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Students will e a le to: 1. round off positi!e num ers to a gi!en num er of significant figures when the num ers are:

2 2/1-10/1/2013

Chapter 1: Standard Form


Understand and use the concept of significant figure

greater than 1 less than 1 perform operations of addition" su traction" multiplication and di!ision" in!ol!ing a few num ers and state the answer in specific significant figures sol!e pro lems significant figure in!ol!ing


conte#tual wor$ing out mentall% finding all possi le solutions identif%ing relations




state positi!e num ers in standard form when the num ers are:

wor$ing mentall%


and use the concept of

1. 2. standard form to sol!e pro lem

greater than or e&ual to 10 less than 1 con!ert num ers in standard form to single num ers perform operations of addition" su traction" multiplication and di!ision" in!ol!ing an% two num ers and state the answers in standard form sol!e pro lems in!ol!ing num ers in standard form classif%ing arranging se&uentiall% translating

identif%ing relations

124 21/12'/1/2013

Chapter 2: 2.1 Understand the (uadratic concept of (uadratic )#pressions and )#pression )&uations

1. 2.

*dentif% &uadratic e#pressions Form &uadratic e#pressions % multipl%ing an% two linear e#pressions 3. Form &uadratic e#pressions ased on specific situations

i Factorise &uadratic e#pressions of the form

2.2 Factori+ation &uadratic e#pression

a#2,bx,c-0" where b- 0 or c- 0 ii Factorise &uadratic e#pressions of the form px2 . q" p

and q are the perfect s&uares

3 24"1 225"1"11

CUTI TAHUN BARU CINA 10"124"2 iii Factorise &uadratic e#pressions of the form a#2, bx ,

arranging se&uentiall%

c" where a" b and c not e&ual to +ero i! Factorise &uadratic e#pressions

containing coefficients with common factors

4 //2/-0/2/2013 2.3 Understand the concept of (uadratic )&uation


*dentif% &uadratic e&uations with one un$nown 2. 1rite &uadratic e&uations in general form i.e. a#2 , bx , c - 0 3.

arranging se&uentiall% classif%ing translating

Form &uadratic e&uations ased on specific situations determine the solutions &uadratic e&uations %: 3. trial and error method 4. factori+ation for

6 10"2214"2 concept of 2oots of &uadratic e&uations


comparing differentiating

iii. sol!e pro lems in!ol!ing &uadratic e&uation

finding all possi le solutions

1. 2.

sort gi!en o 7ects into groups define sets % 3. descriptions 4. using set notation

iii identif% whether a gi!en o 7ect is an element of a set 7 17/216/2/2013 Chapter 3: Sets 3.1 Understand the concept of Set

ma$ing generali+ations wor$ing out mentall% classif%ing

and use the s%m ol or i!. represent sets % using 8enn diagrams

!. list the elements and state the num er of -comparing elements of a set differentiating !i. determine whether a set is an empt% set !ii. determine whether two sets are e&ual


3.2 Understand and use the concept of Su set"

determine whether a gi!en set is a su set of a specific set and use the

classif%ing finding all

s%m ol or . represent su set

% using 8enn


uni!ersal set and the complement of a set

diagram list the su sets for a specific set illustrate the relationship etween set and uni!ersal set using 8enn diagram determine the complement of a gi!en set determine the relationship etween set" su set" uni!ersal set and the complement of a set

possi le solutions drawing diagrams identif%ing relations interpreting

5 24"2227"2

3.3 9erform :perations on set 1. 2.

determine the intersection of two sets three sets

and use the s%m ol

comparing and differentiating drawing diagrams identif%ing relations interpreting

represent the intersection of sets

using 8enn diagram state the relationship etween and A and B determine the complement of the intersection of sets sol!e pro lems in!ol!ing the intersection of sets. determine the union of two sets three sets

translating ma$ing generali+ation

1. 2.

1. 2.

and use the s%m ol represent the union of sets using 8enn diagram state the relationship etween and A and B determine the complement of the

1. 2.

union of sets sol!e pro lems in!ol!ing the union of sets determine the outcome of com ined operations on sets

#ii. sol!e pro lems in!ol!ing com ined operations on set



11 10/3-

Chapter ;: <athematical 2easoning

;.1 Understand the concept of Statement

determine whether a gi!en sentence is a statement determine whether a gi!en statement is true or false3

Classif%ing 1or$ing out mentall% =ranslating


construct true or false statement using gi!en num ers and mathematical s%m ols construct statements using &uantifier all some determine whether a statement that contains the &uantifier >all? is true or false determine whether a statement can e generali+ed to co!er all cases % using the &uantifier >all? construct a true statement using the &uantifier >all? or >some? gi!en an o 7ect and a propert%? change the truth !alue of a gi!en statement % placing the word >not? into the original statement identif% two statements from a compound statement that contains the word >and? form a compound statement %


12 16"1 8 15"1"12 ;.2 Understand the concept of (uantifiers >all? and >some?

1or$ing mentall% *dentif%ing relations



;.3 9erform :perations *n!ol!ing the words >not? or ? no? statements

wor$ing mentall% classif%ing




com ining two gi!en statements using the word >and? identif% two statement from a compound statement that contains the word >or? form a compound statement % com ining two gi!en statements using the word >or? determine the truth !alue of a compound statement which is the com ination of two statements with the word >and? determine the truth !alue of a compound statement which is the com ination of two statements with the word >or?

CUTI PENGGAL PERTAMA 22"1210"1 13 ;.; Understand the







conse&uent of an implication >if p" then q>

write two implications from a compound statement containing >if and onl% if? construct mathematical statements in the form of implication: *f p" then q p if and onl% if q determine the con!erse of a gi!en implication determine whether the con!erse of an implication is true or false

mentall% classif%ing


concept of *mplication

1. 2.

11 2/;-3/;

;./ Understand the concept of 3rgument


identif% the premise and conclusion of a gi!en simple argument 2. ma$e a conclusion ased on two gi!en premises for: 3. 3rgument Form * 4. 3rgument Form ** C. 3rgument Form *** 3. complete an argument gi!en a

Classif%ing <a$ing inferences

premise and the conclusion determine whether a conclusion is made through: 3. reasoning % deduction 4. reasoning % induction 2. ma$e a conclusion for a specific ;.' Understand and use case ased on a gi!en general the concept of @eduction statement" % deduction and *nduction 3. ma$e a generali+ation ased on the pattern of a numerical se&uence" % induction ;. use deduction and induction in pro lem sol!ing determine the !ertical and hori+ontal distances etween two gi!en points on a straight line 1.

13 4/4-6/4

classif%ing ma$ing inferences ma$ing generali+ation loo$ing for patterns ma$ing analog%

1. 14 7/4-11/4 Chapter /: =he Straight Aine

/.l Understant the concept of gradient of a straight ii. determine the ratio of !ertical distance to line hori+ontal distance



/.2 Understant the concept of gradient of a


deri!e the formula for the gradient of a straight line




straight line in Cartesian coordinates

calculate the gradient of a straight line passing through two points 3. determine the relationship etween the !alue of the gradient and the: 3. steepness 4. direction of inclination of a straight line


14 1.

determine the x-intercept and the y-


/.3 Understand the concept of intercept

intercept of a straight line 2. deri!e the formula for the gradient of a straight line in terms of the x intercept and the y-intercept 3. perform calculations in!ol!ing gradient x-intercept and y-intercept



/.;Understand and use the 1. draw the graph gi!en an e&uation of the form y = mx , c concept of )&uation of a straight line 2. determine whether a gi!en point lies on a specific straight line 3. write the e&uation of the straight

drawing diagrams comparing and differentiating

line gi!en the gradient and y-intercept ;. determine the gradient and yintercept of the straight line which e&uation is of the form: aB y = mx , c B ax , by - c /. find the e&uation of the straight line which: 3. is parallel to the x-a#is 4. is parallel to the y-a#is C.

20/; -2//

wor$ing mentall%


passes through a gi!en point and has a specific gradient @. passes through two gi!en points '. find the point of the intersection of two straight lines %: 3. drawing the two straight lines 4. sol!ing e&uations simultaneous


17 3"325"3"2012 /./ Understand and use the concept of 9arallel line

!erif% that two parallel lines ha!e the same gradient and !ice !ersa 2. determine from the gi!en e&uations whether two straight lines are parallel 3. find the e&uation of the straight line which passes through a gi!en point and is parallel to another straight line ;. sol!e pro lems in!ol!ing e&uations of straight lines

comparing and differentiating

PEPERIKSAAN PENGGAL 1 (WEEK 19-20) 12/5-22/5


Chapter ':

'.1 Understand the


complete the class inter!al for a set



Statistics 2'//- 30///13

concept of class *nter!al

of data gi!en one of the class inter!als 2. determine: 3. the upper limit an lower limit 4. the upper oundar% and lower oundar% of a class in a group data

mentall% classif%ing ma$ing inferences


calculate the si+e of a class inter!al

CU=* 9)2=)CD3E3C =3EUC 31//-1;/'

22 1//' .


determine the class inter!al" gi!en a set of data and the num ers of classes 2. determine a suita le class inter!al for a gi!en set of data



construct a fre&uenc% ta le for gi!en set of data

21 23"4 8 26"4"11

i. determine the modal class from the fre&uenc% ta le of grouped data 1. calculate the midpoint of a class 2. !erif% the formula for the mean of '.2Understand and use the grouped data concept of <ode and 3. calculate the mean from the mean of grouped data fre&uenc% ta le of grouped data ;. discuss the effect of the si+e of class inter!al on the accurac% of the mean for a specific set of grouped data

*nterpreting 1or$ing out mentall% <a$ing inferences *dentif%ing relations

24 30/' 24"6"11

draw a histogram ased on the fre&uenc% ta le of a grouped data '.3 represent and interpret 2. interpret information from gi!en data in histograms with histogram class inter!als 3. sol!e pro lems in!ol!ing histograms


drawing diagrams interpreting

1. 23 6"6 211"6"11 on: 3. 4.

draw the fre&uenc% pol%gon ased

a histogram '.;2epresent and interpret a fre&uenc% ta le data in Fre&uenc% 2. interpret information from a gi!en pol%gons to sol!e pro lem fre&uenc% pol%gon 3. sol!e pro lems in!ol!ing fre&uenc% pol%gon

drawing diagrams interpreting


'./ Understand the concept of Cumulati!e fre&uenc%

construct the cumulati!e fre&uenc% ta le for: 3. ungrouped data 4. grouped data 2. draw the ogi!e for:

wor$ing mentall% drawing diagrams


ungrouped data grouped data determine the range of a set data determine: the median the first &uartile the third &uartile

1;/F -10/F/2013

'.'Understand and use the concept of <easures of dispersion 1. 2.

interpreting identif%ing relations

the inter&uartile range

from the ogi!e 1. 2. interpret information from an ogi!e sol!e pro lems in!ol!ing data representations and measures of dispersion determine whether an outcome is a possi le outcome of an e#periment list all the possi le outcomes of an e#periment: from acti!ities % reasoning

26 216222"6
Chapter F: 9ro a ilit% *

1. F.1Understand the concept 2. of Sample space

iii determine the sample space of an e#periment i! write the sample space notations % using set

Finding all possi le solutions


23/F 2//F/2013 F.2 Understand the concept of )!ents

identif% the elements of a sample space which satisf% gi!en conditions 2. list all the elements of a sample which satisf% certain conditions using set notations

iii determine whether an e!ent is possi le for a sample space

Finding all possi le solutions

28 30/7-1/8

F.3Understand and use the 1. find the ratio of the num er of times concept of 9ro a ilit% of an e!ent occurs to the num er of trials an e!ent 2. find the pro a ilit% of an e!ent from a ig enough of trials iii calculate the e#pected num er of times an e!ent will occur" gi!en the pro a ilit% of the use e!ent and num er of trials 1. sol!e pro lems in!ol!ing pro a ilit% 2. predict the occurrence of an outcome and ma$e a decision ased on

identif%ing relations

$nown information G 2F-20/F CU=* E32* 23H3 UI*3C 4UA3C :D:S 29 ;/0-0/0

30 11/0-1'/0

Chapter 0: Circles ***

0.1 Understand and use 1. identif% tangents to a circle the concept of =angents of 2. ma$e inference that the tangent to a a circle circle is a straight line perpendicular to the radius that passes through the contact point

1or$ing mentall% @rawing diagrams *dentif%ing relations


iii construct the tangent to a circle passing through a point: 1. 2. on the circumference of the circle outside the circle

i!. determine the properties related to two tangents to a circle from a gi!en point

outside the circle !. sol!e pro lems in!ol!ing tangents to a circle


11 10/0 . 22"7"11 0.2 Understand and use the properties of 3ngle etween tangent and chord

identif% the angle in the alternate segment which is su tended % the chord through the contact point of the tangent 2. !erif% the relationship etween the angle formed % the tangent and the chord with the angle in the alternate segment which is su tended % the chord 3. perform calculations in!ol!ing the angle in alternate segment ;. sol!e pro lems in!ol!ing tangent to a circle and angle in alternate segment

identif%ing relations


0.3 Understand and use 1. determine the num er of common the properties of common tangents which can e drawn to two tangents to sol!e pro lem circles which:

comparing and differentiating Finding all


intersect at two points intersect onl% at one point do not intersect 2. determine the properties related to the common tangent to two circles which: 3. intersect at two points 4. intersect onl% at one point C. do not intersect 3. sol!e pro lems in!ol!ing common tangents to two circles ;. sol!e pro lems in!ol!ing tangents and common tangent

3. 4. C.

possi le solutions *dentif%ing relations

33 1/9-2/9

Chapter 6: =rigonometr% **

6.1 8alues of sin " cos 1. and tan .

identif% the &uadrants and angles in the unit circle 2. determine: 3. the !alue of y-coordinate 4. the !alue of x-coordinate C. the ratio of y-coordinate to x-coordinate of se!eral points on the circumference of

wor$ing out mentall% interpreting identif%ing relations

the unit circle 1. !erif% that" for an angle in &uadrant * of the unit circle: A. B. 11 1. 1. determine the !alue of: 3. sine 4. cosine C. tangent


of an angle in &uadrant * of the unit circle 1. determine the !alues of: A. sin B. cos C. tan

for 1. determine whether the !alues of: 3. sine 4. cosine C. tangent

of an angle in a specific &uadrant is positi!e or negati!e 1. determine the !alues of sine" cosine and tangent for special angles 2. determine the !alues of the angles in &uadrant * which correspond to the !alues of the angles in other &uadrants


State the relationships etween the !alues of: 3. sine 4. cosine" and C. tangent

of angles in &uadrant **" *** and *8 with their respecti!e !alues of the corresponding angle in &uadrant * 1. Find the !alues of sine" cosine and tangent of the angles etween 60J and 3'0J 2. Find the angles etween 0J and 3'0J" gi!en the !alues of sine" cosine and tangent 3. Sol!e pro lems in!ol!ing sine" cosine and tangent

14 0/6 -12/6/2012

6.2@raw and use Draphs 1. draw the graphs of sine" cosine and of sine" cosine and tangent tangent for angles etween 0J and 3'0J 2. compare the graphs of sine" cosine and tangent for angles etween 0J and 3'0J 3. sol!e pro lems in!ol!ing graphs of sine" cosine and tangent

drawing diagrams comparing and differentiating interpreting

CUTI PENGGAL KE DUA 13/9-21/9 1. 13 22/6 -23/6 identif%: 3. the hori+ontal line 4. the angle of ele!ation C. the angle of depression 2. represent a particular situation in!ol!ing 3. the angle of ele!ation 4. the angle of depression" using diagrams 3. sol!e pro lems in!ol!ing the angle of ele!ation and the angle of depression Comparing and differentiating 1or$ing out mentall% *dentif%ing relations

Chapter 10: 3ngles of )le!ation and @epression

10.1Understand and use the concept of 3ngle of ele!ation and angle of depression

wor$ing mentall% drawing diagrams identif%ing relations


13 24"5224"5

Chapter 11: Aines 11.1Understand and use 1. identif% planes and 9lanes in 3- the concept of 3ngle 2. identif% hori+ontal planes" !ertical dimensions etween lines and planes planes and inclined planes 3. s$etch a three dimensional shape and identif% the specific planes ;. identif% /. identif% normals to a gi!en plane '. determine the orthogonal pro7ection

of a line on a plane F. draw and name the orthogonal pro7ection of line on plane 0. determine the angle etween a line and a plane sol!e pro lems in!ol!ing etween a line and a plane the angle

14 25"521"10

identif% the line of intersection etween two planes 2. draw a line on each plane which is perpendicular to the line of intersection 11.2Understand and the of the two planes at a point on the line concept of 3ngle etween of intersection two planes 3. determine the angle etween two planes on a model and a gi!en diagram 1. sol!e pro lems in!ol!ing lines and planes in 3-dimensional shapes


wor$ing mentall% drawing diagrams identif%ing relations






17215 11"102 22"10"2011




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