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A Brief but Candid Discourse of the Matter and Manner of Preparing the Liquor Alkahest of Helmont, the great Hilech of Paracelsus, the Sal Circulatum Minus of Ludovicus de Comitibus: or our Fiery Spirit of the Four Elements.

With its se in Preparing Magisteries! Arcana"s #uintessences! and other secret Medicines of the Adepts from the Animal! $egitable or Mineral %ingdoms.


Cleidophorus Mystagogus
the Altar turned

&. Maccab. ch.'.(. '). to the &*+ The Fire o into thick !ater"
2. Esdra. ch" 14.v. 39. And behold, he reached me a

ull Cup, !hich !as ull as it !ere !ith !ater, but the Colour !as like Fire"

Produced by RAMS 1982 AN



#arious have been the $pinions %Courteous &eader' concernin( the )asis and Foundation o this (eneral *issolvent, commonl+ kno!n b+ the name o the Liquor Alkahest, some ima(inin( it to be Mercur+ Prepared, others, that -tis in .rine, )lood and the like, !hich has been the reason o so man+ and di icult labours made use o , and all in vain, or that the Liquor remains at this da+ as (reat a secret in the !orld as ever, and -tis like so to continue !hile Chemical Authors deliver the sub/ect in such Tropes and Metaphors, !hich horrible and ine0tricable lab+rinth the +oun( T+ro-s are so entan(led in, that it must be b+ more than an ordinar+ Providence, that he can be disentan(led and set ree" $n this account it ma+ be properl+ said, that these Chemical 1riters had as (ood to have been silent, na+, 2t!ou3d have been better or then so man+ !ould not have en(a(ed in a search, !here so little likel+hood o obtainin( !as seen !hereb+ a (reat deal o Precious Time and Mone+ mi(ht have been saved, and that Perple0it+ o mind !hich ollo!es vain Chemical Processes mi(ht have been Prevented, or this &eason it is but /ust in Authores in all their discourses, tendin( to the instruction o others, to direct to that Sub/ect !hich is the true $b/ect o that discourse, and tho4 5 must ackno!led(e that 2tis not it to be delivered or disclosed so plainl+, as that ever+ Ho( that ma+ come to the Hone+ Pot, +et 5 sa+ that it ma+ be Clothed !ith sach a decent habit, as to prevent it Abstruse enou(h, +et b+ this a certain and harmonious Concord to be seen, as or e0ample, the $b/ect o this discourse is the Alkahest" Man and all creatures have it, or there is no bein( in 6ature, that is ri(htl+ and (enuinel+ dissolved, but !hat ma+ properl+ and trul+ be said to be done b+ this Liquor, but particularl+ in man a ter a more evident manner in all Ch+li ications i !hatever, but in this Act Man sucks the 7uintessence o all thin(s so dissolved or his o!n 6utrition and bein( Transmuted into Human Species, the &ecrements are cast o b+ the common 8munctories, ar more (rosse and 5mper ect, than the Species themselves !ere in their irst &eception, consequentl+ the+ are o no it ob/ect to (round the discourse o so pure and 5mmortal a dissolvent on, nor indeed Man himsel , tho4 !e (rant that it is plenti ull+ in him, but 2tis that Salt or Li e in him !hich Concentrates all other Salts in his o!n 8ssence as a Catholick Fountain or all the &ivulets to be supplied rom" So that there is no takin( o it rom him but b+ a violent breakin( o the 9lass and a Transplantin( o the Fountain back a(ain to that 5ne0haustible

$cean rom !hence it irst received its bein(" There ore, man cannot be the $b/ect o an+ discourse appertainin( to demonstrate the Sub/ect o this *issolvent, or the pure in him, as alread+ said, cannot be obtained !ithout *eath, !hich is abominable even to think on, but i it !ere obtained, it !ould not ans!er the end, or !hat is su icient to dissolve in the #e(etable :in(dom is too !eak or the Animal, and that !hich is stron( enou(h in the Animal is too !eak or the Minerals" There ore, seek it in that and rom that, !hich is the Fountain, that suppl+es all Creatures and bein(s !ith it, or had it not a Source, 6ature !ould soon cease, or as she e0hausteth b+ the Acts o Motion and A(itation o Parts in 9eneration, so is she on the other hand 5mmediatel+ Suppl+ed, not onl+ in the 9reat 1orld, but also in ever+ 5ndividual Part !here Li e is: &eceivin( the same throu(h the Air, as the true #ehicle, consequentl+ this Catholick Fountain is the &i(ht ob/ect to (round this discourse on, as the true Sub/ect o the said dissolvin( Liquor, this is a standin( Truth, 2t!as Truth in the be(innin(, and !ill remain so to the end o Time" The &eason and Philosoph+ o it 5 can b+ Mechanical *emonstration make clear to a person !orth+ o such inspection: there ore b+ all Clouds, dark vails and Metaphors, 5 (enuinel+ declare that the matter o this dissolvent is one and the same in essence !ith that matter rom !hence all the !ise Antients obtained the .niversal Medicine one bein( the 1ork o Art, the other 6ature" $ne (entle, the other violent: so that b+ the di erence o $peration the+ are brou(ht to di erent e ects"

ii 6o! there ore the Sub/ect o this discourse bein( the Liquor Alkahest, the ob/ect must be the .niversal spirit, or -tis rom this (rand ountain o nature that our chaos doth proceed, there ore thrice happ+ is he, that kno!s those ma(nets that attract and make a species o this (eneral 9enus: or be assured that there is somethin( more than elements in all created bein(s, even an incorruptible and quintessential spirit, !hich is the ver+ li e o elements themselves, !hich bein( taken appears in mist, vapor or !ater, even that out o !hich the Antients sa+ all thin(s !ere (enerated, Ho!ever, the ri(ht kno!led(e o this matter is su icientl+ abtruse, and the operations thereo +et more abtruse, or 5 !ith man+ others kno! b+ e0perience, that the matter ma+ be kno!n and man+ doe kno! it, +et are !holl+ to seek in the matter and modus o operatin( thereon, and !hatever some oppish and conceited ones ma+ think, vi;" that i the+ had the kno!led(e o the true matter all di icult+ is over, this ma+ prove a (rand mistake, or 5 have been intimatel+ acquainted !ith some, that have had a true kno!led(e o the matter, and have !rou(ht thereon, +et to the da+ o their death, have been to seek o the ma(ister+"

These di iculties have been those sharp stones that have hindered m+ le(al pro(ression in t!ent+ +ears travel to!ards the mount helicon o art, so that m+ labor o bod+ has been e0cessive, and that o the mind much more" 5 have passed throu(h the drou(ht and scorchin( heat o the da+, and also throu(h the cold and chillin( rosts o the ni(ht throu(h a multitude o !ants and di iculties even o ten to the ha;ard o li e itsel " Ho! eas+ soever such, as a oresaid, ma+ think it: 5 have had no other door to come in at, but hard labour and (reat e0pense, or coals and (lasses have been m+ interpreters, and shall be so to ever+ true son o art to the end o time" So that or conscience<sake, 5-ll !rite the truth as !ell kno!in( that there are too man+ sophisticated and alse proceses in the !orld, !hich !ill not bear the touch<stone o e0perience, but vanishes like a reprobate metal upon the test" )ut passin( b+ all this, and much more that mi(ht be said o the like nature, 5 shall no! address m+sel to the desireres o

iii 1isdom, and let them kno!, that 5 have, as in a 9lass, sho!ed them the true manner, in !hich and b+ !hich this *issolvent is to be obtained" 5 shall no! come to speak concernin( its .se, and .< tilit+ !hen obtain4d !hich !ill abundtandl+ re!ard the Possessor or all his costs and paines besto!ed about it, or as it hath been deliver-d, that the sub/ect o this menstruum is universal, so are the acts o it the same !hen prepared, !hich plainl+ demonstrates rom !hat ountain it mi(ht lo!" This liquor, as an universal ire, dissolves and opens the te0tures o all bein(s, in the ve(etable, animal and mineral kin(doms, into their nearest matter, !hich is saline, sulphureous, aqueous and potable, di usive in an+ liquor, and so comes immediatel+ to nature-s relie , and b+ the speci ick virtue mani ested rom po!er into act, diseases tho- never so deplorable, ma+ be overcome and cut do!n, as (rass or !eeds !ith a sc+the in the hand o a mo!er, especiall+ b+ those o the mineral kin(dom, !hich ma+ be /ustl+ esteemed the ph+sician-s cro!n and philosophers diadem" This is the liquors virtue in (eneral" 5n particular, as it universall+ acts !ithout limitation on all sub/ects in the !orld, so in this action there is somethin( remarkable to be observed in ever+ sub/ect, or it i0es volatile spirits, and volati;es i0ed ones" 5t makes salts sulphureous, and sulphurs saline" 6a+ it macerates the (ummosities o resinous and (umm+ thin(s, !hich the erment o our stomachs could never do, or it bein( distilled rom amber and terpentine %see .rbi(erus

=Circul" Minus= H16' leaves them in a salt o e0cellect virtue: rom the latter 5 have observed it almost as s!eet as hone+, and a po!er ul speci ick in the stone, there ore b+ the help o this liquor o ire a e! medicines bein( prepated !ill ans!er in deplorable cases all that the patient can hope or and the true ph+sician e0pected to per orm" For instance, terpentine, so dissolved, or the stone ludus" 5n allibl+ cures the stone in the bladder, amber and hellebore h+steric its, h+pochrondiack, melanchol+ and madness" Cinamonm .nicorn-s horn and the liver o an eel, or the speed+ deliver+ o !omen in childbirth, the sulphur o #enus is an .niversal 6epenthes, !ithout opium in all diseases: the lill+ o antimon+ or dropsies and all a(ues, the ma(ister+ o (old or mali(nant

iv Fevers Pestilential Palsies and pla(ues: as also the (lori ied sulphur o the metallus masculus, b+ Paracelsus called #inum #itae and Membrorum 8ssentia, !hich also cures consumption, i0t Mercur+ or the arcanum coralinum and hori;ontal (old in leprosies, (out, pals+, epileps+, cancers, !olves, scorbite, :in(s evil, all sorts o the venereal disease !ithout salivation or detainin( the patient rom business, -t!ould be too lon( to enumerate all those medicines prepared b+ this ire or liquor, there ore ket these su ice, and the re!ard that ma+ accre! here rom, because b+ this !a+ o practice, the ph+sitian ma+ /ustl+ and conscientiousl+ (ain honor and riches, and the patients be reed rom all those cruel barbarities, !hich are the Adoequate parts o common practice, as i the pain and terror o death !ere not enou(h, but there must be an additional cruelt+, vi;" o blisterin(, !hich to some ma+ e0ceed the ormer" Thus havin( (iven +ou a short Scheme o the &ise, Prepara<tion and .se o this Liquor, 5 shall Conclude this Pre ace in Consid< eration o a Person ri(htl+ quali ied or the Possession hereo : the irst and most necessar+ 7uali ication is to be ri(htl+ 5n< ormed in &eli(ious thin(4s so as to kno! 9od or themselves sav< in(l+, b+ passin( throu(h the Hol+ &iver o &e(eneration, or to !alk in the ne!ness o the Spirit, !hich *ivine (i t o the Hol+ 9host enables ever+ true Christian to !alk !ith that Circumspec< tion, as to be acceptable in the si(ht o 9od, to such it is a sure 9uide and sa e Conductor in this 1orld to!ards the desired Haven o rest" 5t is also to them a mouth and !isdom, and that b+ !hich their Ton(ues are bridled and the !hole Man Sealed to the *a+ o his &edemption, (ivin( an earnest opinion <the 8ternal 5nheritance, and a ter!ard4s a dull Possession, !hen our Mortal shall put on 5mmortalit+, this bein( the Fountain, all others that

are true, ollo! as &ivulets rom it, and 2so (ive a ri(ht 7uali ication or the kno!led(e o nature and natural thin(s as also a constanc+ o mind to !ork upon the one thin( alone, and an industrious hand to e ect the same" Here a blessin( and success ma+ be hoped or, and those incredible re!ards or all such as !ander in the circum erence, and have never been admitted to the center o thin(s, but

$ to the vi(ilent hidden thin(s, even those hid rom the oundation o the 1orld, shall be reveal-d: and that this ma+ be the portion o ever+ true Laboror in Art is the sincere desires o him, !ho !ishes the 9eneral Prosperit+ o Mankind ever+ !a+"

Cleidophorus M+sta(o(us


C,AP-E. /
Concerning the Mista0e of those 1ho ha(e sought this 2i3uor in 1rong Sub4ects and by 1rong 1ays.



5f the true Sub4ect matter of this Dissol(ent.



-he true 1ay and manner of preparing the 2i3uor Al0ahest.



-he Difference bet1een this 2i3uor and the Mercury of the Philosophers.


-he se of the 2i3uor Al0ahest! Circulatum Minus or 6reat ,ilech of ,elmont and Paracelsus.



/t is a Saying 1orthy of 5bser(ation! that the /ndustrious ,and ma0es .ich7 so is it in all manner of -rades and Con(ers in the World7 so is it in Art7 but this /ndustry must be upon a tight Foundation! and! in the Chymical Art! from a Fore80no1ledge of Ade3uate Causes7 unto 1hich it is impossible to attain 1ithout 1e are enlightened by that Wisdom! 1hich comes from abo(e! as a .ay from the ,oly ,ea(ens and -hrone of the Di(ine 6lory7 for 9tis she! that must Conduct us in all our 2abours to ma0e them Acceptable to the 6reat 6od7 1ell therefore might the 1ise Man esteem of her before .iches! and Pri:e nderstanding abo(e the Merchandise of Sil(er! 6old! and Precious Stones! because she is the true Conductor to the 1ays of Peace and Pleasantness7 nay e(en to that -ree of 2ife! 1here Substance is to be /nherited+ For that she opens the Door of Entrance to all Mysteries Di(ine and ;atural7 and conse3uently 1ithout her Men grope! as it 1ere! in the dar0! e(en as a Blind Man does at ;oon8day7 for ;ature 6od<s ,and8maid 1as Created by him! and =ob says! that 6od by his Spirit has garnished the ,ea(ens! his ,and has formed the croo0ed Serpent7 and tho< there is a Spirit in Man! yet 9tis the

>'> /nspiration of the Almighty that gi(es nderstanding! 1hence 1e may readily Concei(e! that ,uman .eason is too short to Comprehend the Dignity of any true Mystery 1ithout the Md of 6od<s Spirit. -his great Defect is too e(idently apparent from the deplorable Case of the Chymical Searchers! concerning the Sub4ect Matter of this Discourse7 seeing they 0no1 not 1here to ground or fi? their

/ntensions in the choice of a proper Sub4ect! but frames each to himself a different Basis! and so ma0e an /nnumerable ;umber of Errors concerning the same+ -his /mmaginary Matter! 1hich Phansy only has gi(en Birth to! they defend 1ith all the eagerness imaginable! concluding it to be the 6enuine 5ffspring of -ruth7 1hen! alas 9tis but a Bastard Brat of their o1n 1andring /maginations and ungrounded -houghts! as in the Conclusion pro(es too E(ident+ -his is an Absurdity so great! so common! that amongst the many Pretenders! / ha(e ne(er met 1ith more than three that ha(e escaped it+ ,o1 then can it possibly be e?pected! that such should e(er Arri(e at the 1ished for ,a(en of .est! 1hen /gnorant both of the 1ay and means by 1hich they must come thither7 for the Door of Entrance must not only be 0no1n! but also the %ey 1hich opens the same! 1ithout 1hich they may ne(er e?pect Admittance into ;ature<s -reasury+ -herefore conse3uently must still remain in the horrible Mist of Errors7 the most principal that ha(e come Ath1art me / shall here lay do1n and rec0on up for Con(incing of the 6iddy ,eaded and .ash Searcher! but more Principally for the Edifying and Building up of a Son of Art. / shall begin first 1ith an Error! 1hich is almost ni(ersally recei(ed! (i: @ that Mercury $ulgar is the Foundation or Basis of this 2i3uor7 this is an Error that the Authors of some E?positors are guilty of! 1hich the /gnorant Searcher has not been a1are of! but hath gone to 1or0 as confidently on Mercury for the obtaining of the 2i3uor AA' 0ahest! as others ha(e done for the ma0ing the Mercury of the Philosophers! by se(eral and (arious Preparations! as endea(ouring to brea0 its Body by Spittle! May De1 ! $inegar! and such li0e soppish Proceedings7 also by Sublimation 1ith Salts! and Distillation! and other such li0e 5perations! endea(ouring to ma0e it run peB deli3 .to obtain an Airy and ni(ersal ;ature and radical dissolution! e(en that they call the Magnetic Salt! or Foliated Earth! and Mercurial Chalybs7 but all in (ain7 for that Mercury so prepared is still all one 1ith >&> common Mercury+ And so li0e1ise is that! prepared by .Cgulus of Antimony ! Sil(er! and for $ulgar Mercury is unripe Fruit fallen too soon from the -ree! therefore it must return to its First Fountain or Catholic0 Mercury to be dissol(ed its self7 conse3uently is not the Sub4ect of this 2i3uor7 for the Philosophers /ntroduce Fire! not Water! into Mercury! to ma0e her Medicinal! both in the Particular! and also in the 6eneral7 by 1hich 9tis brought to be for e(er /rreducible to Mercury. Another Error is in those! 1ho see0 for this Dissol(ent in De1 and .ain Water! not considering! that this 1as designed only as ;ourishment for the $egetable! ha(ing but such a Portion of the ni(ersal Fire in it! as might ser(e to dissol(e the Salt ;itre of the Earth! and then the $egetable Seed in order to a ne1 Production7 this Fire or dissol(er being far remiss to that of

Animals! as that of Animals is to Minerals! cannot be the Philosophers Sub4ect of this Dissol(ent! for 2ife 1ould be too short to e?tract it. Another Error is that many allo1 the Matter to be ni(ersal! but is dra1n by certain Magical Magnets at select times in the Dear7 but this is a grand Error! for the Matter is to be found Plentifully at all Seasons of the Dear! especially in such places! as are mostly enriched by Mineral Fumes! and the manner of its Attraction is rather for the ;ecessity of ,uman 2ife! than any Point in Art7 so that the Artist must not be too curious in endea(ouring to perform that 1hich ;ature hath already done to his ,and. Another Error is in those that see0 for this Dissol(ent by attracting the Air 1ith Al0ali:ated Salts! as -artar! and not considering! that all Al0a:ated Salts do only attract a Saline A3uosity! 1hich by often Cohobations may be turned 1holly into an Elementary Water! 1hereas the true Philosopher Eas already saidF does by his Magnets attract a Fire! nay a Fiery Spirit stronger than any Fire in the World+ 9tis true Al0ali:ated Salts are noble Sub4ects! and deser(edly claim Preheminency! being Contradistinct to all Acids! and therefore ma0e a Dissol(ent ne?t to the great 2i3uor7 but these can ne(er be $olati:ed 1ithout the ni(ersal Medium! or Philosophers Diploma! together 1ith Essential 5yls and $inous Spirits! and being so $olatili:ed! they become noble Spirits! yet do not1ithstanding spend their $irtue in Dissol(ing Bodies! and Coagulate upon them into a Salt! retaining their $olatility7 so that conse3uently these are e?cluded from being the Sub4ect of this /mmortal Dissol(ent. >*> Another Error is in see0ing for the Matter of this 2i3uor in the Animal %ingdom! (i:! in Man7 and indeed a greater in those! 1ho assume to teach others! by their Assertions! that it is there7 but ha(ing already detected such Writers Ein the PrefaceF and also clearly she1n! that from Man! the Sub4ect Matter of this 2i3uor can ne(er be attained! altho< / 0no1 that this my Assertion does much th1art the general recei(ed 5pinion! that rine is the Basis! and8that $an ,elmont!Philalethes! Star0ey and C. ha(e in their Writings asserted the same! so that / do Contradict the -estimony of these Worthies+ /nstance ,elmont! 1here he spea0s of the dissolution of the Stone 2udus! seems to Assert that it is performed by a Second dra1n. from rine+ and Philalethes! in his -reatise e?tant! has grounded the basis of the /mmortal Dissol(ent on rine and Blood7 and 6eorge Star0ey in his -reatise of this 2i3uor seems to ground the thereof on rine7 nay! an /ntimate Ac3uaintance of his did affirm the (ery Process to me! 1hich he made use of! (i: @ the rine of sound Men! unfermented! 1hich! as soon as it 1as made! 1as by E(aporation brought to a Consistence! in order to unite the t1o Salts! $olatile and Fi?ed! and so by Distillation and Cohobation till the 1hole 1as brought o(er! and then being digested and deulegmed the Al0ahest is prepared. Dr. Bacon 1as! as / ha(e been told! much of this 5pinion7 but all

these are short of nderstanding the -ruth of the Sub4ect! or of the Authors before mentioned7 for it is easy to be collected from ,elmont! Philalethes and that they ne(er depended upon ,uman rine as the Sub4ect of this /mmortal Dissol(entlor then they 1ould not ha(e directed you to the Chaos of the Ancients7 as the true Sub4ect! describing it Figurati(ely! and Analogi:ing it 1ith Man7 because Man Subsists by and from the ni(ersal Spirit! 1hich is the true Sub4ect of this Dissol(ent 1hich they for some secret .easons 1ould not be so Candid to deli(er+ the li0e has Alipili in his Boo0 /ntituled! Centrum ;aturas Concentratum! 1hich (ery -itle she1s! that it is not Man there meant! but the ni(ersal Spirit that being the (ery 2ife and Centre of all Centers+ -herefore 1ho e(er shall assert! that Man is the Basis from 1hence this 2i3uor is obtained! let him be respected of En(y or /gnorance7 because there is no Sub4ect to be dra1n from Man! that 1ill act on Minerals fi(e hundred or a thousand -imes! and retain the same $irtue! 3uantity and 3uality! as if it had not acted at all+

8A8 -herefore / regard not such Fops or such others! that dote upon highly rectified Spirit of rine! mi?ed 1ith the true Spirit of Wine! until both Coagulate into a Salt! 1hich is Distilled and Sublimed by the Addition of fresh Spirit of Wine! until they come o(er in Form of a Fiery 2i3uor+ -here are others also that dote on the strong Spirit of rine united 1ith the Spirit of $inegar! and Distilled into a ;eutral Spirit+ but E?perience the Mistress of all true Art she1s that these are all greatly mista0en! and many others! too long here to Enumerate+ -herefore shall pass them by! and only /nsist on some fe1 others that remain. -hose are also mista0en! that depend on Acid Spirits! as the Sub4ect of this 2i3uor! as ;itre! $itriol! common Salt! Salt 6en! or the Mother 2i3uors of any of these! or any other Salts gro1ing in or e?tracted from the Earth7 for all of them! none e?cepted! 1ill by Distillation yield an Acid Spirit! and our 2i3uor being no Acid! but Contradistinct thereunto! these of Course are all to be re4ected! and ought so to be in the se of the 2i3uor 1hen prepared+ others! that thin0 themsel(es more prudent dote much on the Spirit of $erdigrease! and more especially if it is First often dissol(ed in Spirit of $inegar! and made transparently Pure! and then shot in Spirit of Wine and so Distilled! they then put as great a Price or $alue on it! as in .eason can be set upon the /mmortal Disaol(entits self7 but this Men B8truurn being Published by G1elfer! and long before by ,3sil $alentine! 1hom / ta0e to be the right and true Author of it! and being easy to be prepared! it follo1s! that the 2i3uor A ' 0a he st 1ould be no uncommon or un8 0no1n Secret7 but that remaining still as the greatest of Secrets! plainly demonstrates! that these are not the Sub4ect! 1hence that

is obtained. -hey are also misled! 1ho depend on Mineral Sulphers! or the $itriols of Metals or that of $enus! described by PHlemHBnus7 because there<s none of these! but 1hat are sluggish in themsel(es! and unacti(e Beings! and can<t be radically opened and separated from their Mercury<s! 1ithout the 2i3uors help! and then they become Passi(e Medicines not an Acti(e Menstruum ! so of Course are to be e?cluded from being the Sub4ect Matter of this . Another great Mista0e and grand Error is in those! that depend upon the Esstneial 5yls! as Worm1ood! Mint! -ime7 or the 5yls of 6ums! as Amber! >I> Ben4amin! -urpentine! and these being Chaos<d do1n and de(oured by Corrosi(es! as 5yl of $itriol! A3uafortis! and being again re(i(ed! then be coming Eas they sayF the .egenerated Spirit of Wine of the Philosophers7 1hich being Distilled from -artar! Sal Armoniac and Mercury! each distinctly! till their Bodies are brought o(er! they are then the Magi"s three ni(ersal Menstruums! (i:. Minimurn! Minus and Ma4us+ But this mista0e has pro(ed too e(idently false! to the great E?pence and Disappointment of many 1orthy Persons in this %ingdom! and indeed no better can be e?pected from such ,eterogeneous and unnatural Mi?tures! as being farther Alienated from the ni(ersal Spirit! than some others already ;amed! and conse3uently the more remote from being the Sub4ect of this 2i3uor. -o be short! / do on an E?perimental 6round E?clude Animals! $egetables and Minerals in all and e(ery particular Classic and part thereof from being the Sub4ect of this 2i3uor7 therefore shall omit any farther Discourse of this 0ind and come nearer to the Matter in ,and! 1hich is to detect the Errors of those! 1ho confound this 2i3uor 1ith the Mercury of Philosophers! saying they are the same in 8the Sub4ect Matter! /dentity and 5peration7 9tis true! the Mercury of the Philosophers is a natural Dissol(ent! but it dissol(es in the 1ay of 6eneration! 1hen as this Circulated Salt or Al0ahest dissol(es it by 1ay of separation and destruction7 so that they differ in 5peration! as much as 2o(e and Wrath7 the one in 2o(e preser(ed! the other in Wrath destroys the 2ife and Motion. -here are also other /gnorant Boasters! 1ho confound them together! yet 0no1 neither the one nor the other! yet say! they are both the same in Composition and Digestion! but near the Birth of the .oyal Babe! the Matter di(ides its self into t1o distinct Parts! the one a Body Permanent! the other a Menstruous 2i3uor or Blood! 1hich being Distilled is the Al0ahest! this she1s their great /gnorance! for the same that is a Body is a Spirit! and the Blood is ,omogeneous 1ith both the Mercury of the Philosophers and 2i3uor Al0ahest7 for 8the Mercury can ne(er be prepared 1ithout

its Aid! as being one of the three Springs7 neither can the Spirit of the Body Subsist 1ithout the Blood! as e(ery true Philosopher does! 1ith me! 0no1! and that at this State there is no di(ision to be admitted! 1ithout a Death to the 1hole Compound7 for the 1hole Matter in the Production of each being di(ersly >J> 1rought on produces the different Effect7 the one is a Mercury ,omogeneous! the other a Ponderous Saline 2i3uor and in the Production of both there are superflous 5yls seperated! 1hich tho< Medicinal! are not in the least ,omogeneous to either7 1hich clearly E(inces their /gnorance in the Process of ;ature! 1hich is to ma0e Bodies Spirits! and Spirits Bodies again! and that this Menstruous 2i3uor or Blood is the 2ife 1hich is so1n in his o1n Womb of Mercury for the E?altation of both7 for there the ,eterogeneous Faeces are cast off! and so 9tis 3ualified and united 1ith the Spirit in order to .edeem the Body7 and so is a principal /ngredient of the Stone! 1hen as the Al0ahest is not+ /t 1ould be too long to enumerate the (ain and false Conceptions of Men concerning this /mmortal 2i3uor! and seeing these distinctions do better become 8that Chapter! 1here the difference is she1s bet1een the 2i3uor Al0ahest and Mercury of Philosophers! / shall omit spea0ing of it any farther in this! and come to she1 the Sub4ect of the Dissol(ent in the ne?t Chapter! and so Conclude this.

>K> C,AP-E. // 5F -,E -. E S B=EC- MA--E. 5F -,/S D/SS52$E;-

/n the former Chapter! / ha(e laid do1n the Mista0es concerning the Matter of this /mmortal Dissol(ent! 1hich ,elmont Describes in the Word 2ate?! 1hich properly /mports an hidden Source or Fountain! so hidden indeed! that he himself says! 1hen this 1as found .eligion stood ama:ed! and 1ell may the .eligious Man be so indeed! 1hen their Descriptions are so 5ccult7 for from the Word 2ate?! 1hich in $ulgar .eception signified 2i3uors! 1hich may be properly concei(ed to be A3ueous and Spiritual! he presently comes to tell you! that the Master8piece at 1hich Art is 2e(elled! is to find out a Body7 1hich may play 1ith us in such a Symphony or consenting ,armony! by .eason of its e?3uisit Purity! that no Corrupti(e Principle can find in it any ,eterogenities by 1hich to 1or0 in it a Dissipation of Parts7 here he immediately calls it a Body7 hence 1e must for certain Conclude that this Source or Fountain! tho< li3uid! does contain a Body in it! or else it 1ould ha(e been (ain in him to ha(e directed us to such a Body for the 5b4ect! and that so Circumspectly and diligently! as to find it by hard 2abour and /ndus 8try! saying you must be careful! or sedulously /ndustrious about finding out such a Body! 1hich by E?amen and Proof is (ery difficult to be found! because the Words import! that there is no such Body in all ;atural Beings! that does Ans1er 1hat this great Philosopher describes of his! therefore 1e must Conclude! that these Words also import Art7 for that /ndustry is also recommended! 1hich is as much as if he had said you must see0 for the hidden Source or Fountain of ;ature! and ni(ersal Spirit! 1hich Art must form into a Body7 but this Son of Wisdom doubtless 1as afraid to spea0 after this plain blunt manner! as a -yro does! for fear of e?posing the Secret too plain7 but 9tis clear! that this 1as the meaning! because nothing is so hidden in ;ature as the Source of this ni(ersal Fountain! and nothing in ;ature has Po1er to reduce Bodies by Symphony or consenting

>L> ,armony but 1hat does arise here from7 for in these latter Words he also describes the ;ature and #uality of the Matter to ha(e t1o Faces7 for that 1ithout there had been a Composition! the 1ord ,armony needed not to ha(e been used7 so that in these Words abundance of Matter is couched in little room! e(ery 1ord being a

full Sentence7 ho1 lightly or slightly soe(er the .eader may pass them o(er+ 9-is true Star0ey does (ery 2earnedly stri0e the Mar0 in his E?position upon them! yet his Comment is so 1isely .egu8 lated as to be 0ept as obscure! as the -e?t it self7 by this means and method / find! that the Basis of this 2i3uor 1as by this Philosopher designed to remain a Secret to the end of time+ -herefore or the Benefit of the true desires of Art! / shall deli(er the Sub4ect Matter of this /mmortal 2i3uor 1ith much clearness and Candidness! yet hope! that my Stile and Words 1ill be such! as to cloath it by such a Medium! as that it may gi(e 2ight to the chosen Sons of Wisdom! yet at the same time cast a Mist before the Eyes of the n1orthy+ -his Method being agreeable to di(ine Wisdom its self7 for 1e find! that 1hat 1as a 2ight to the ,osts to the Children of /srael! 1as a Cloud of Dar0ness of that of the Egyptians. -hese -hings being Stated! / shall no1 come to the Consideration and lustration of that Sub4ect Matter they Point forth! ( i :! the hidden Fountain must be of a double ;ature! or 1hat if / should say it must be a Body of Salt appearing under t1o Faces! 1hich being united ma0es Symphony or Consenting ,armony7 the .eason of 1hich is she1s7 for then it is a 2i3uor of that e?cellent Purity! as to admit of no di(ision of Parts7 therefore as / said before! 2abour couched in ,elmont"s Words+ -he Business of ;ature in affording such an uni(ersal Fountain to the Artist! that is the Basis of the said /mmortal 2i3uor7 and the Business of Art is to 0no1 ho1 to ma0e it Corporal! and 1hen so Corporified to contain t1o Faces! 1hich Faces Philalethes figures forth by rine and Blood7 the first Face is a Body! yet ne(ertheless may be distilled into a Spirit! nay so ,omogeneous as not to lea(e one 6rain of fi?edness or Salt behind it! 1hich he describes to Distil o(er in $eins li0e Spirit of Wine! and spea0ing (ery great of its Acti(e #ualities in dissol(ing Bodies7 the #uery is put! 1hether it is not the Al0ahest! the Ans1er is in the ;egati(e! saying! it could not Subsist 1ithout Blood! and then presently comes to the Affirmati(e concerning the Sub4ect8Matters of the Al0ahest!

>)8 and says! it is Contained in Blood and rine7 these things may grabble and amuse the -houghts of the n1ary concerning the .eallity and Possibility of these Assertions! yet ne(ertheless they are as clear and Perspicuous to the Eye of the Wise! as the Sun in his 2ustre upon the Meridien7 for the ni(ersal Spirit being Concreted becomes a Mis t! $apor or Chaos! or rather an nctious and $iscous Water! 1hich is the true Matter of all the AncientPhilosophers! concerning 1hich ChaHasl ha(e 1ritten largely in Mercury 9s Caduce and ha(e there she1n! that in its Womb is contained the first Essence of all Forms! yet unspecificated! and so conse3uently it contains these t1o of rine and Blood 1hich indeed are the rine and Blood of the great World! and not of Man7

but more noble7 1hich my Eyes ha(e seen and my hands ha(e handled made Corporal7 therefore / 1ould not ha(e you spend your time in (ain! ga:ing on ,us0s or the outside Shell of things but Press for the %ernel! or that e?cellent S1eetness 1hich is placed in the Centre of Beings! 1hich can<t be e?tracted but by profound Meditation! and hard 2abours! 1hich must be 8thy /nterpreters7 for 9tis not re3uisit! that Matters should be disco(ered more plainly! it is but 4ust and fitting that 6od should be the sole Dispenser of it! till the fulness of time! 1hen according to the Promise! hidden things shall be made manifest e(en such as ha(e layn hidden from the Foundation of the World+ -herefore! M Son of ArtN thou must pray to 6od! but use the means! and put thy ,and to the Plo1! not loo0ing bac07 then these /nstructions 1ill be as Fundamental .ules to begin thy 2abours by to obtain this ;oble Secret! 1hich is not so much a Product of ;ature but of Art+ For / ha(e in these Sheets endea(oured to clear up the Matter! so as to 3ualify thee 1ith -heory! thence to =udge of Sophistical Authors! and the better to enable thee to 1ithdra1 thy Mind from their Entanglement! that thou mightst build upon that sure .oc0! 1hich 1ill remain in the Storm of -ryals7 this / ha(e done in Bo1els of 2o(e as 1ell 0no1ing the great 6rief and -orture of Mind undergone in my un1earied Search after this Secret! e(en 1hen the true Sub4ect Matter 1as 0no1n7 1hich said Matter is also the Matter of the 6rand Secret of the Antients7 but di(ersified into different ;atures by the different 5perations! and so far distinct the one from the other! that an Artist may be Master of the one! and not of the other! and therefore he that is a Compleat Master of both! is properly s8tiled Adeptus Duplicatus.

8 'M 8 -o the -ruth of this my Affirmation! / ha(e not only E?perience! but also the Concurring -estimony of that reno1ned Philosopher 2udo(icus de Comite 1ho says that the Matter of the 2i3uor Al0ahest and Philosophers Mercury do both proceed from the same Chaos! but by different 5perations are brought to different Effects7 therefore before thou proceed to the Preparation of this 2i3uor! thou must learn to understand this general Matter! Mass or rude Chaos! 1hich is the Source or Fountain of so many Mysteries7 for this 2i3uor does not only proceed from it! but also 9tis the Wellspring of the Mineral 2ife! and 1hile this World hath a being! 1ill be an /ne?haustible Fountain to all those Mysteries! so hiddenly deli(ered by the Ancients7 for once again / say! that not only the Stone! the great Eli?ir!but also this hidden Fire does proceed therefrom+ But here you must nderstand the first Chaos! before the Philosophical Mercury is produced therefrom. -herefore a Body and not Bodies must be sought for! 1hich being found is the Centre of the ni(ersal /nfluences Concentrated and the Blood of the said Body to be one in Essence 1ith the Body! though it appears to Sight in a t1ofold di(ersity! yet distinct in

Wuality or Complection! but agrees so Fundamentally! 1hich being nited by the ,and of an Artist 1ill ma0e the Symphony or Consenting ,armony before spo0en of7 for in this Case it may be said of it! as in another place is spo0en of8the Mercury of Philosophers! that 1hich is abo(e is as that 1hich is beneath! and so $ice $ersa7 for that the Essence and 2ife of the Blood can<t be obtained 1ithout the Fermentati(e Spirit of the Earth! or Saturn"s rine7 neither can this Spirit of the Earth be ,omogeneous and /mmortal! 1ithout it e?tracts the 2ife of the Blood+ 6eorge Star0ey a Disciple of ;ature does in his -reatise of the said 2i3uor in a Parabolical 1ay deli(er himself concerning these t1o Faces! thus! that most Acute! Subtil and Penetrating Spirit of Mans rine by the help of another Medium! not of di(ers Ferment to its self! but Centrally one 1ith it! must be nited 1ith an Acid! not Corrosi(e! sed ;aturae suae 6ratissimum this Acid must be e3ually $olatile 1ith the Salt of rine before it can be Married or nited /ntimately 1ith it7 then by often Circulations it attains that height of Purityto be Entitled Ens Salium Summum alium et Felicissium! ;o1 that 1hich is Centrally one 1ith this Philosophical rine is Blood7 for the Blood is the ni(ersal Form! as the Body is the ni(ersal Matter! but > '' > these being nited by Force is called a $iolent 1ay7 for 9tis a different thing to so1 6old in his o1n Matri? of ni(ersal Mercury! and so ferment it and bring it into Spirit7 for then it becomes unfit for the 1or0 of Multiplication! the Seminal $irtue being then totally Destroyed and Annthilated! 1hich is the (ery Matter and Case of the Difference of the Mercury of Phi losophers and Al0ahest. / ha(e she1n you not only the Matter! but also the Manner and Apparition of the Matter in the ,and of the Artist7 / shall no1 come to she1 you the ;ature and /nternal Property of the same! 1hen the %no1ledge thereof is obtained+ / say 9tis 1holy of a Salinie ;ature! 1hich is a middle property held up in the Arms of ;ature! and is contradistinct to either Acid or Al0aly so that neither of those! as already she1n in the former! ha(e any right to be the Matter or Foundation of this Dissol(ent! but this Saline #uality is the Central one! so that conse3uently this pure Spirit hath some 6arment or a Shell! by 1hich it is Co(ered and in 1hich it is hatched and brought to Maturation7 and to spea0 plain! Candidly and ,onestly 9tis a Combust Sulphur! so 1holy Combust! that the Spirit being dra1n from the Earth the Faeces 1ill burn 1ithout the least Smoa0! 1hich she1s that there is neither any Mercurial or Saline part remaining7 this is a .eduction of the Pure from the /mpure! or a Clean from an nclean! by the Serpents de(ouring himself! and then reno(ating into that! o(er 1hich Death has no Po1er+ 5bser(e! he first begins by biting his o1n -ail! and so by Degrees de(ours himself! and last of all his ,ead! 1hich she1s that the Earth or -ail is first to be Dissol(ed! 1hich then

Dissol(es 8the ,ead or Blood7 and that these are the t1o Principles spo0en of by Philalathes is (ery plain7 for in Pag. &I. of his Secrets .e(ealed! he calls it the first Ens of Salts! saying the true Philosophers re4ected all Salts! one Salt only e?cepted! 1hich is the first Ens of all Salts! 1hich dissol(es all Metals! and by the same Wor0 Coagulates Mercury7 but this is not done but by a $iolent 1ay and therefore that 0ind of Agent is again separated both entirely in its 1eight and $ertue from the thing it is put to+ And in his E?position upon .ipley"s Epistle! spea0ing Separation of the Sulphur from the Mercury of Bodies! 9tis performed by the help of a 2i3uor dra1n from the Salts7 and ,elmont and Star0ey say as much calling it Summum Salium Felicissimum 1hich is of the he says! first Ens of Ens Salium!

> '& > the (ery same! that / do here assert of it+ What shall / say! must / in e(ery 1ord -ransgress the Silence of Pythagoras 7 ;o+ Be than0ful for this! for it had ne(er come to thy ,and! had / not made a Solemn .esolution in the time of my hard 2abours! S1eats and Agony of Body and Spirit! that if e(er the Almighty Being should bless me 1ith the %no1ledge of this 2i3uor! / 1ould then deli(er it so Candid! as that my Writings should be a sure 2and8 mar0 to the undaunted Coaster in his /ntended $oyage to the ,a(en of .est7 1hich promise / ha(e here fully Accomplished in she1ing the ni(ersal Source or Fountain! from 1hence this 2i3uor and the great Eli?er doe arise! is one! so that more needs not to be said as to this Point! therefore shall Conclude this Chapter.

> '* > C,AP-E. /// -,E -. E WAD A;D MA;;E. 5F P.EPA./;6 -,E 2/# 5. A2%A,ES-

-he Mista0es and also the true Matter being she1n! / shall no1 come to she1 the true manner of the Preparation of this great Dissol(ent 1hich is (ery difficult7 for as Philalethes in his E?position on .ip leys 6ates! Pag. &K). says. the 2i3uor Al0ahest is lMM times more difficult to Prepare than the great Eli?ir7 and that upon good 6round has this 1orthy Author thus deli(ered it7 for the Eli?ir is a 1or0 of ;ature! and the Mercurial Po1er doth Purge off the Dregs ;aturally! and it is called Eli?ir! so long as it is Water! for as Count -re(isan says! A:oth is dra1n out of the Eli?ir! as 5yl out of Water7 therefore as the Eli?ir is ;atural! the 2i3uor Al0ahest is Artificial! and as 2udo(icus de Comit! says! (ery difficult to be searched into7 for it may be (ariously thought of! being Artificial7 for the Sub4ect as it tends to 6eneration and Corruption in order to a more E?cellent Birth! is then (ile and mutable! Proteus li0e puts on all Shapes7 and 1hat 1e search for must be pure and clear! and abo(e all things /mmutable7 so that here is Chymical Faith re3uired to belie(e before8hand and after sight 1ill Astonish .eason to Contemplate it! crying out 1ith an ,oly Admiration! M 2ordN ho1 1onderfull art thou in all thy Wor0s. .eadyN /f you 1ould Consider the 1or0 of Creation 9t1as the (ery same7 for out of the rude Mass or Chaos 1as not only Produced the most despicable 5b4ect 1e behold! but also the most 6lorious Creature that e(er 1as Created! not only Paradise! but also the -ranscendent 6lorious Angels! so that from this the difficulties do arise! ho1 to proceed by Art in separation of this Chaos! as also the due 1ay and manner of =oyning due Agents and Patients by the separating of things ad4oyned! for 9tis not sufficient to understand the A3ua $itae of the Wise! but you must also 0no1! ho1 to preser(e it from its Compeer or Water7 for being separated from the strict -ye it had in the

8 'A 8 Elements! it 1ould rather pass o(er than come again to Coagulation+ Again! 9tis easy to be destroyed! if you ta0e it unripe! by the (iolent Fire of Separation+ -hese Difficulties did so Amuse and Pu::le me as to 0eep me bac0 from the Possession of the said 2i3uor many Dears! 1hich %no1ledge / then (ained abundantly more than the Possession of great -reasures7 but ho1e(er blessed be 6od / ha(e great .eason to say! that one Secret seldom disco(ers it self alone! for the %no1ledge of one is a large step of Entrance into the other7 for that in this Sub4ect both of them lye! in(isibly hidden! as it 1ere! under the strong folds of a Mine ra ' Ens !1hich the /ndustrious hand must labour to ma0e Manifest7 1hich being Effected! his time 1ill be little enough! to Comtemplate and Admire at the sight of the 5peration its 1onderful Effects. 5bser(e! in the Manifestation 9tis reduced to the smallest Attoms immaginable! through 1hich it arises to the Eminent Dignity spo0en of7 for as ,elmont and Star0ey ha(e it! Ad minimos reductus Atomos in ;atura possibiles! and c. dignius de Corpus non reperiens cui ;uberet7 -his 2ate?! 1hich is $ile and Contemptible! is ad(anced to the transcendent height of Purity and Perfection! 1hich Words! says the 2atter! are soon said! but not so soon understood! and hardest of all to be done7 1hich is the .eason of the many difficulties mentioned in this Chapter! concerning its Preparation. 9-is true! this 5peration is in fe1 Words taught by Parace8 lsus! 1here he says in his -reatise! De (iribus Membrorum Cap. de ,epate! the Process of the Al0ahest is E t a Coagulatione sua resol(atur! ac deinde Coaguletur in Formam transmutatum! sicut Processus Coagulandi et .esol(endi docet!F Which short Process is the greatest 2ight that acute Philosopher gi(es concerning this Mistery7 no mar(el then if the Doctrine of its Preparation remains so obscure in the World7 for Star0ey allo1s! that ,e'8mont<s Doctrine is e3ually as obscure! as that of Paracelsus! and / say that Star0ey"s is as obscure as either of them! and indeed that of 2udo(icus de Comit. not much clearer7 for that of Solution and /nter(ening Coagulation is the greatest 2ight! that any of the Philosophers ha(e gi(en concerning the Preparation of this 2i3uor7 for there is this .eason of such an

> 'I > 5bscuration! the Process by them gi(en is 6eneral! and common and ali0e to most or all Chimycal Maisteries7 but more especially to

the t1o 6rand Arcana<s! (i: the 2i3uor Al0ahest and the Philosophers Eli?er. But the manner of Solution and Coagulation is 3uite different! the one is ;atural! as already said! the other Artificial! and therefore (ery difficult! because it is not easily searched out! and that it may be (ariously concei(ed of7 but that 1hich has been hitherto 0no1n and demonstrated by all true Artists is Solution and Coagulation7 1e shall a little consider the difference and manner of this Solution in both these Magisteries. -he Dissolution re3uisit in order to obtain the Al0ahest is a dissol(ing of the Body into a Spirit that 1ill ne(er Coagulate into a Body again! but the Dissolution in order obtain the Mercury of Philosophers is a Dissolution! 1herein the Essence of the Body is so Congealed! as to become a Ferment to the Mercury! to Congeal upon the Body again7 for as the Worthy -re(isan says concerning the Preparation of the Mercury of Philosophers! the same Matter must abide that the same Form may follo1! and that nothing is to be added to it! nor ta0en from it! but a Superfluous Flegm and red Earth7 for 1hen Bodies are to be .eno(ated it must be done by things in 0ind7 therefore -re(isan ma0es it a great Error to alter Mercury from its Metallic Species7 1e may ground! that the 6reat Wor0 is performed by a dissolution of the Body and Congelation of the Spirit! but the 1or0 of the Circulated Salt is a Solution into Secondary Principles! but not into Elements7 for nothing of Profit can be e?pected from thence! yet this Solution ought not to be into e(ery distinct Principle! but into one Saline 2i3uor! ,omogeneous and /mmortal. ,ere this Body of t1o Faces! or that of old Saturn"s rine and the Blood of the 6reat World are reduced to one! and that you may 0no1 it 1hen so reduced! it is a Fire! yet in form of Water7 9tis an Air! yet Condensed7 9tis no Corrosi(e! yet the most sharp and perpetual Corrosi(e7 9tis not Medicinal yet the Cro1n of all true Medicine! being a Cleanser and Purifier in ;ature! a Destroyer and Con3ueror of Bodies7 9tis called the Fire of ,ell! because the Spirit that comes from the Centre is nited to the Blood 1ithout the /ntermediation of the ,ea(enly .ays of Mercury ! yet Acts 1ith that Purity! as that it finds no Body more noble than its self to 4oyn 1ithal! therefore is not Commiscible 1ith any Ferment! and so not capable of -ransmutation. > 'J > -hese -hings being considered / shall no1 come to gi(e you a short Scheme of 1hat ,elmont says concerning this 2i3uor! the first is 1hat the Artist desires! and is Comprehended in these Words! Art is Solicitous in finding out a Body! 1hich may play 1ith us in such a Symphony or consenting ,armony by reason of its e?3uisit Purity! that no Corrupti(e Principle can find in it any ,eterogenities! by 1hich to 1or0 in it a Dissipation of Parts+ -his is the Sum of 1hat the Artist 1ould attain! and is the Chief of all 1hich can be by Art sought for. -he Second is! 1hat Art by /ndustry doth find! Comprehended in these Words! .eligion then

stood ama:ed! the 2ate? being found! 1hich being reduced to the smallest Attoms possible in ;ature despises the Wedloc0 of e(ery Ferment! in (ain therefore is its -ransmutation sought for! not finding a Body more 1orthy than its self 1hereunto it may be 4oyned. -he -hird disco(ers the Anomaly of this Production! in these Words7 But the Art or 2abour of Philosophy hath brought forth an Anomalous Product in ;ature! 1hich too0 its being 1ithout Mi?ture of any Ferment! di(ers or ,eterogeneous to its self and the fourth contains a short Adumbration of the Process! the Serpent bit himself! re(i(ed from the Poyson into a pure Essence! o(er 1hich Death hath no Po1er. All 1hich to a Son of Wisdom / ha(e 1ith much Candidness already e?plained7 but for the benefit of -yro"s / shall no1 come to gi(e a farther illustration by 1ay of Mecanic Demonstration. /f Art 1ill from the 2ate? obtain a Body! it must be begun 1ith Coagulation! and 1ith such Magnetical Earth! as Attracts the Celestial .aies and ni(ersal Spirit! and Concentrates them in the Centre! for that in the Centre the pure Parts of the Starry Fire is digested! and in the Centre all the /nfluences meet! and from the Centre does the li(ing Ferch proceed7 for 9tis the Central Archaeus that Sublimes the Mineral $apour or those pure Spirits that are of a dissol(ing ;ature7 this is the Body 1hich Art is /ndustrious about and desirous to 0no1! e(en the Body of the ni(ersal Salt and Sulphur of the great World7 for in the Mecanical Demonstration from thence proceeds such a Spirit 1hich in all ;ature has not its Compeer7 but before 9tis brought to that ,armony! as to admit of no Dissipation of parts! it must ha(e time to maturate! and to form to its self some pure 6arments or a Compleat Coagulation! 1hich is done by Successi(e Animations! so as to bring the Spirit of the Earth to permanency before it is ta0en out of its ;est! and that is done by successi(e .etrogradations! > 'K > or repeated Coagulations to bring this -rans(erse Wor0 of the Earth the nearer to its purity! for then only it is! that it admits no dissipation of Parts. -he Body being found and thus purified! and its Spirit produced from the small /n(isible Putrified Attoms of the same doth cause a .eligious Astonishment7 that from so dry a Body as the Earth should proceed the Central 2ate? or the most hidden .i(ulet of the great 5cean its self! nothing in the World being so pure it despises to Contract Wedloc0 1ith e(ery specificated Form 1hatsoe(er! and so its -ransmutation is impossible! and indeed the oftner this ni(ersal Spirit passes through the Entrals of the Elements! the greater is its Purity and the fitter for Action7 for on the other hand Matter could not Subsist! but by the continual additional .ays of its ni(ersality7 therefore! .eader! .etain thy Amusement for a time! and thou shalt hear the Philosophical -rumpet calling thee to behold a 1onderful rarity! e(en the /ndian Brachman"s Famous Water Wor0s! Contradistinct to all others! as it

is a 1ell compacted Body of Fire burning in Water! and in full 2ustre and not e?tinguished7 for in the Decoction the Blood and rine is Centrally one! but in the Coagulation they appear under t1o Faces7 Philalethes says as much! spea0ing of the ne?t Matter of the Al0ahest! says 9tis a Salt and the Fire surrounds the Salt! and the Water s1allo1s up the Fire! and yet o(ercomes it not! and so is made the Philosophers Fire! of 1hich they spea0! the $ulgar burn 1ith Fire! and 1e 1ith Water+ it being so transcendently pure then scorns to be 4oyned 1ith any Compeer! so admits of no Wedloc0. ,erein Consists the E?cellency of this 2i3uor that Art and 2abour conspire together to produce this Ens or being 1ithout any mi?ture of any ferment Di(erse or ,eterogeneous to its self7 for indeed its Composition is 1holly from ni(ersal Principles! or $irgin Elements! and /n(isible ones too! for the Earth and the Water of this Fountain is as /n(isible to the Eye of the $ulgar as the Fire and Air! but being made Manifest to the Artist do Conspire together to bring forth one Anomalous Birth7 therefore be assured! from these Words this 6reat Philosopher 1ould point forth! that this 2i3uor is not Compounded of t1o things of different ;atures! for then it 1ould be Sub4ect to Death! but of one thing alone e(en the most ni(ersal Salt of

8 'L 8 ;ature! 1hich is di(ided into t1o! and returns to one again! so conse3uently is one in ;ature and Essence. But no1 the Adumbration of the Process doth also she1 the ni(ersality and ncompoundedness of this Ens! it is represented by a Serpent biting himself and re(i(ing from the Poyson into a pure Essence! o(er 1hich Death has no Po1er7 obser(e the Antient Egyptians al1ays by a Serpent understood this ni(ersal Spirit7 because of the Subtilty of its Parts! and that Creature of all others is the most Subtil! and therefore 1ell may it figure forth by the holding its -ail in its Mouth ;atures Circulation from one ni(ersal Element to another! till all the Elementary #ualities are unbanded! and the pure Essence of all e?tracted! 1hich mo(es upon an /mmortal ,inge and therefore 1ill admit of no Dissipation of Parts or E(aporation of Moisture7 for as it is ,omogene! 9tis of an e3ual $olatility! and being the Celestial Fire made -errestial by its o1n Po1er can<t be destroyed by any specificated Body 1hate(er! therefore 1ell might ,e lmont say! as there is but one Fire in the World! so there is but one 2i3uor! none other parta0ing in #uality 1ith it! as the Adepti do 0no1 and can testifie+ Which 2i3uor is that 1hich 1ill! Sampson li0e! ma0e sport for the Artist! and do more than e(er the 2ords of the Philistines could ha(e e?pected from him! pluc0ing do1n and des8 troying as he did not ,ouses! but the most Compact and Solid Bodies of Minerals! and li0e a $aliant Con3ueror maintains his

6round against all 8opposing Enemies+ but fe1 are the %ings! 2ords or ;obles! that ha(e been so happy to see the Battle fought by this Anomalous Combatant! not only for the .easons afore rendered! but also for the tediousness of the Preparation! 1hich 1e shall no1 come to spea0 of and so Conclude this Chapter. As to the time of preparing this 2i3uor 9tis long and tedious! 1hich ,elmont also Complains of! but Star0ey e?plains this to be more upon the Account of the Stin0 in the first Preparation! than of the tediousness or length of time7 for he 2imits it to a fe1 certain Days! 1hich / 0no1 is impossible to be Effected! unless he begins to Calculate from the time that the Body is ripe and fit to be bro0e by $iolence! and to be distilled o(er into a Spirit! then to nite the Blood or other Face may be accomplished in his time+ But for my part / do comprehend from ,elmont 1hat E?perience she1s! (i: that the time is long and tedious! and attended 1ith many difficulties! 1hich ,elmont also > ') > 0ne1! or else he 1ould not a Complained so much for the loss of his Bottle7 Crying out! M that / had remo(ed my .ecei(er7 from 1hence 1e may readily Concei(e! that he suffered 2oss+2udo(icus de Comitibus puts the #uestion beyond doubt concerning the tediousness of the time 1here spea0s of the .eduction and .etrogradation saying! it can<t be performed by common 2abour7 but re3uires both Art and -ime! 1hich! he says! is long and therefore 1hoe(er thin0s to obtain it by $iolence and in a short time shall find himself much decei(ed! for he can ne(er bring it to any final Complement! and conse3uently 1ill ne(er be able to 0no1 1hat $ertue 9tis /mpo1ered 1ithal! e(en that Fiery and $ital one7 for that it is destroyed by force by his Compeer! 1hich ,elmont and Star0ey do allo1! but tell not 1hat that Compeer is7 but that e?cellent Son of Art 2udo(icus aforesaid! says ttis Water! there8 fore /<ll attribute to him the Praise! his Writings gi(ing me the first 2ight of disco(ery! 1hat this Compeer 1as. M .eader! thou must of necessity allo1 that it is a time of -ediousness as 1ell as difficulty to Concentrate the Benignent Spirit of the World! to ma0e such a strong Sulphureous and Saline 2i3uor of it! as 1ill dissol(e the hardest Metals! e(en those! that oppose Common Fire! are by this 2i3uor radically opened! it being as 1e may call it! the (ery Essence of the Elements ,ea(enly and Earthly7 and 1hat -ypifies the Fire of the last =udgment! 1hich is permanent o(er the Elements in a #uintessential ;ature! so that the Degrees of its purity are not to be 1ondered at7 the Artist hath great Cause to Bless and Praise the 2ord his 6od! 1ho hath made him an /nstrument to produce a clean thing out of an unclean! 1hich that 6ood Man =ob so much #uestioned saying! 1ho can bring a Clean thing out of an nclean! surely none but 6od alone7 so that 1e see the best of Men spea0 but according to that 0no1ledge! 1hich the Almighty thin0s fit to re(eal unto them7 for he disposes of %no1ledge as of .i(ers! communicating it for the

use of all+ -herefore Paul"s Ad(ice 1as Sound and Candid! =udge not ignorantly of things thou understandest not+ For indeed if 1e loo0 upon the thing aright 9tis properly the Wor0 of 6od7 for as -re(isan says concerning the E?altation of the Wor0 in the great Eli?ir! 9tis done Christi 6ratia! /mporting that Man can<t alter the ordained Course of ;ature! but as an /nstrument in the ,and of 6od stands still to see a mighty deli(erance7

8 &M 8 but 1e are spea0ing of that 1here Art must lend her help! because ;ature is altered from her usual Course! and a Clean thing is also re3uired7 but this is a -alent not Committed to e(ery one<s -rust. ;o1 this clean thing can ne(er be Produced but by a .adical nion of the foresaid Principles! not only by a bare Association or Apposition of Parts! so that the same may be said of this! as is of that nion of Sulphur and Mercury in the 6reat Wor0! (i:! they can ne(er more be separated! neither in 2o(e nor Woe! this .adical nion is as Principally re3uired in this 2i3uor! as it is in A:oth! 1hich is a $olatile -ender Spirit for Whitening Eaton+ ;o1 this being separated from many ,eterogenities hath no Eminent smell! but is a Ponderous! subtil 2i3uor! 1hich 1ill not stifl o(er but in a considerable Degree of ,eat in Sand! (i:! the third Degree! and admits of its Flegm to be distilled off first! as other Ponderous Spirits do+ Philalethes spea0ing of the Substance and Preparation of this 2i3uor deli(ers himself thus7 9-is a ;oble Circulated Salt prepared 1ith 1onderful Art! till it ans1ers the desires of an /ngenious Artist7 yet 9tis not any Corporeal Salt made li3uid by a bare Solution! but is a Saline Spirit! 1hich ,eat cannot Coagulate by e(aporation of the Moisture! but is of a Spiritual niform Substance! $olatile7 1hich in a gentle ,eat 1ill Distil o(er! lea(ing nothing behind7 that is to be understood in a .e3uisit ,eat of Sand7 so is there an E?altation made far abo(e 1hat ;ature 1as e(er able to perform. -hus / ha(e deli(ered the difficulties and also touched at the Fire and gi(en you the right 1ay of its Preparation from Point to Point! / ha(e declared the -ruth 1ithout Defect or Ambiguity of Words7 and ha(e as formerly mentioned! she1es you that no strange Ferments are used! the Principles being Centrally contained in the 5riginal Chaos! 1hich being separated and brought again to an /ndisoluble nion! is! the Serpents de(ouring his o1n -ail and so reno(ating into that! upon 1hich Death can ha(e no Po1er+ but this cannot be performed! but by the help of Fires of di(ers sorts! Con(enient $essels! fit Furnaces and 6lasses! and a considerable time to boot! 1ithout all 1hich it 1ill be impossible for the Artist to obtain his desired end! being as / ha(e deli(ered! much easier to 0no1 the Matter! than to find out the true manner of its

Preparation! 1hich is chiefly and principally to be sought for at the ,and of the Almighty7 these are Secrets 1hich belong >&' > to the Di(ine -reasury! and therefore the Aid or free lea(e of the -riune Po1er must be implored! to open the Door of Entrance! 1hich may other1ise for e(er remain shut to thee. Det / ha(e not been 1anting in these Sheets to Communicate my E?perience! and Candidly to she1 the Preparation of this /mmortal 2i3uor! so far as 1as la1ful for me 1ithout e?posing it to the ,ands of debauched Persons and /mpostors! and he that can<t gather it from 1hat is here deli(ered 1ill scarcely obtain it from the $oluminous Circumlocutions of other Writers7 1ho ha(e so /ntermi?t the Preparation and intangled it 1ith the Philosophical Mercury! that the Artist stands in need of Ariadne"s Cle1 to lead him out of that 2abyrinth7 in 1hich Ma:e that the /ngenious may be no longer be1ildred! / shall in the follo1ing Chapter distinctly and clearly disco(er the difference bet1een the 2i3uor Al0ahest and Mercury of the Philosophers.

> && > C,AP-E. /$

-,E D/FFE.E;CE BE-WEE; -,/S 2/# 5. A;D -,E ME.C .D 5F -,E P,/25S5P,E.S

-he 2abour of the Candid and honest hearted is to untie those difficult %nots! 1hich the en(ious ha(e al1ays been endea(ouring to tye! and to bring the /ndustrious out of that 2abyrinth! 1here they ha(e been entangled and be1ildered! so as to loose the .ight Path! and for this end / am 1illing to lend my ,and to conduct the searcher through this Wood 1here many an honest hearted and laborious Man / am 1ell satisfied ha(e lost their Way! as not being able to distinguish the different Path of the 2i3uor Al0ahest and Mercury of Philosophers! designing this Chapter as a Plain and 0no1ing Pilot in this Case. / hope that nothing but /gnorance it self 1ill 3uestion the $erity of 1hat / ha(e here deli(ered concerning the Foundation of the Al0ahest and Mercury of Philosopher to be one! seeing / ha(e on my side not only E?perience! but also the -estimony of 1orthy Sons of Art! that they do both proceed from the first Chaos! before Art hath underta0en to 1or0 upon it+ But here the difference comes! one is prepared in a 1ay agreable to ;ature! the other Artificial7 and conse3uently really di(ested from the 6enerati(e Po1er! being dra1n beyond the Predestination of its ;atural Seed7 the e?act E?ample of 1hich may be seen in a 6rain of Wheat! 1hen 9tis so1n in its proper Matri?! in order to Multiplication by 6eneration7 or 1hen it is Artificially Prepared and Fermented! and so dra1n into Spirit! in 1hich Wor0 the Seminal and 6enerati(e $irtue is 1holly destroyed+ For here there is made an Artificial Solution of the Seed not into Elements but Secundary Principles7 and by this (iolent 1ay of Dissolution 9tis di(ested of its Metallic Seed! and Conse3uently made unfit for the Act of 6eneration! as 1as she1ed 4ust no1 in the E?ample of the 6rain of Wheat+ so by conse3uence must bring a consi8

> &* > derable difference at their .especti(e Ends. Det ne(ertheless both these as they arise from one ni(ersal Fountain there may be some li0eness in them and for this .eason the Description does in some Sence resemble both the one and the other! that fe1 ha(e been able to distinguish the true difference! and the more by the shifting Speeches of Writers! 1ho confound the one 1ith the other! that so the Artist may be easily entangled! because they ha(e not so much as differenced them in ;ame! ;ature

or 5peration7 for $an ,elmont says! that the 2i3uor Al0ahest dissol(es e(ery $isible and -angible Matter into the first Ens! preser(ing its Po1er! 1hich Words preser(ing its Po1er is also attributed to the. Mercury of Philosophers7 other Philosophers say! 9tis a fiery Water! and 2ightsom! and -urba Philos. and Senior say! our Water is a Fire! and stronger than any Fire for it reduces the Body of 6old into a meer Spirit! 1hich the Common Fire could ne(er be able to do7 the li0e also says Artephius7 the (ery same thing is by others attributed to the Al0ahest+ ,elmont says that as there is but one Fire in the World! so there is but one 2i3uor in the World! no other parta0ing in #uality 1ith it7 and 6eber says! the most high hath gi(en us the %no1ledge of this Water! 1hich lights the Candle gi(es 2ight to ,ouses and yields abundance of .iches+ /t 1ould be too tedious to enumerate the Parallels of this 0ind concerning the Al0ahest and Mercury of Philosopher+ so that 9tis (ery difficult for the uns0ilful and un1ary to distinguish their true difference! 1hich is mostly to be Comprehended from those Words! 1here 9tis said! the one is a 1or0 of ;ature! the other of Art7 so are they different in appearance! for as a late Author says! that / may pre(ent a Common Error! (i:! the confounding our ;atural Dissol(ent 1ith our Circulated Salt or Al0ahest some /gnorant Boasters 1ho neither 0no1 the one! nor the other! ha(ing taught that they are both the same! / shall so far she1 the Difference! that no -yro but may effectually distinguish them in his -heory. %no1 therefore! and ;ote 1ell this short distinction! there is no Affinity bet1een them either in Matter or 5peration+ -hey differ in Matter! as much as one Species doth from another! the one being Metal linA the other Saline+ -hey differ in their 5perations! as much as 2o(e and Wrath7 the one in 2o(e Preser(ing! the other in Wrath Destroying! 2ife and Motion. -his Author by his good lea(e spea0s right in the 5peration! but strains 8 &A 8 the String too far concerning the Matter! as too many .eformers do! and so cause Errors on the other ,and! e3ual to those they 1ould .eform! thereby ma0ing many to grope for the Door of Entrance! or middle 1ay! 1hich leads directly to the Path of -ruth+ For be sure as they proceed from one Matter! both ni(ersal! there is something of Assimilation in them7 for as much as they are both performed by 1ay of Solution and Coagulation! both tedious and difficult in searching out7 and the Sub4ect Matter so far e?alted from its former State! as that it becomes a Wor0 of Wonder7 and for certain they must ha(e something of li0eness! or else those Artists 1ere (ery /gnorant! 1ho ga(e them one Denomination! calling them by the li0e ;ame! as Fiery Water and Watry Fire! /mmortal and ,omogeneous Essences! A'0ahest! 1hich is all 6host or Spirit! the first Ens of Salts! and ha(e attribu8 ted Supernatural $ertue to both7 and from these and such li0e ni(ersal -erms and ;ames! 9tis (ery easy for the Searcher to be decei(ed.

Wherefore / shall no1 come to gi(e you a clear and general Account! 1herein they agree! and 1herein they disagree! and then she1 you the .eason! 1hy they are thus described! then gi(e you the true and proper signification of the 1ord Al0ahest! and 1hy ,elmont ga(e the 2i3uor this ;ame7 for / ha(e ta0en some pains after the /n3uiry thereof! so that / am able to render a Satisfactory .eason+ First of all / shall /nstance in some particulars! 1herein they agree+ First! the Mercury of the Philosophers and this Circulated Salt agrees! in that they are both ni(ersal! one for the 6raduation and E?altation of Metals! the other for Dissol(ing all Bodies+ Secondly! -hey agree in this! that as one preser(ed the Seed in order to Multiplication by 6eneration! so the other preser(es the Crasia and Medicinal $ertue of Species in order to healing7 for in the Dissolution it admits of ;othing to fly a1ay in Fume+ -hirdly! -hey agree in this! the one is the Emblem of Man<s .egeneration and eternal Sal(ation! the other of Man<s Dissolution and Destruction7 for in the Preparation they are both to be seen+ Fourthly! -hey both agree in the Penetration of Bodies7 the one enters to the (ery Central 2ife of them in order to the Multiplication! the other pierces to their (ery Centre in order to their Separation and Di(ision7 for it separates bet1een their Central Mercury and Sulphur+ Fifthly! -hey agree in the Matter and Manner of Pre8 > &I > paration! as to the Matter they both Proceed from the first Ens of Salts! and as to the manner! 9tin by Solution and /nter(ening Coagulation! till brought to an e?alted Perfection+ Si?thly and 2astly! -hey agree in that they are both made from the ni(ersal Chaos! as also in the manner of their Composition7 for the Mercury of the Philosophers is Compounded of Sulphur and Mercury7 but the 2i3uor Al0ahest of Salt and Fire and Blood7 and both brought to such an /ndissoluble Bond of 2o(e and nity! as ne(er to be separated either in 2o(e or Woe7 both ,omogeneous and /mmortal! and both ni(ersal Dissol(ents+ ,a(ing she1n 1herein they agree! / shall no1 come to spea0 of that 1herein they disagree. First! -hey differ in this! 1hereas the Wor0 of the Philosophers Mercury is purely ;atural! so the Process of the /mmortal Dissol(ent is meerly Artificial+ For as in this Wor0 the Sulphur or 6old is e?alted to the highest Pitch and Degree of Perfection so in the preparation of the great ,i lech of Paracelsus! it is reduced from a ;atural to a Contranatural State. Secondly! -hey disagree in this! 1here the Mercury of the Philosophers is an ,omogeneous Metallic Ens Co8essential in all its parts! true Mercury! of a middle Substance clear li0e pure Sil(er! being bright Celestial and Shining! and not so Essential to any thing as 6old! it being its ni(ersal Mother does radically

congeal upon it7 therefore as -re(isan says! no Menstruum is profitable in the Philosophic Wor0! but that 1hich dissol(es the Body in a 6enerati(e 1ay! and then recongeals upon the Body dissol(ed! so the Philosophers Solution of the Body is a Congelation of the Spirit7 and upon this Account they ha(e re4ected all those Solutions! as Sophistical! 1here the Dissol(ent and Dissol(ed remain not Permanent together+ Whereas the Al0aheat or Sal Circulatumis a Saline 2i3uor!! and therefore by Paracelsus sometimes called the 2i3uor of Salts and doth Dissol(e Bodies! but remains not 1ith them! being as easy separable from them! as the Spirit of Sulphuris from 5yl. -hirdly! -here is a Disagreement bet1een the Mercury of the Philosophers and 2i3uor Al0ahest in the manner of their 5peration and Action on Bodies! for the Mercury dissol(es 6old and all Precious Stones and Pearls by 1ay of 6eneration! and E?altation! for the 2ife and $er8 tue is Multiplied! and they may be reduced to their first Form in greater $ertue and Beauty! and of more $alue to the Metallurgist and =e1eller! but the

> &J > 2i3uor Al0ahest dissol(es not only 6old! but also all the other Metals! by 1ay of Destruction! so that the 6enerati(e $irtue is defaced and 1holy obliterated! and in this .eduction into their first Matter it gi(es a certain -estimony of their Di(ersity! as Metals into Sulphur and Mercury! Stones into a Saline 2i3uor! and Pearles into a Mil0y =uice. Fourthly! -hey disagree in this! the Mercury of Philosophers at the end of its Preparation 1ill become fi?t and Permanent abiding all the fiery -ryals! in form of a Cai?! yet as fusible as Wa? Penetrating. Mercury! and other $olatile Bodies before their Flight and fi?es them7 1hereas the 2i3uor Al0ahest at its respecti(e end of Preparation is a Ponderous Saline 2i3uor in form of Water! 1hich 1ill moysten the ,and and e(ery thing else! and as it is 1holy Saline and $olatile 9t1ill not endure the Fire! but 1ill remain in its form Distilling o(er in a Saline 2i3uor being altogether /ncapable of Coagulation! and by that means dissol(es all fi?t Bodies 1hatsoe(er! not into Elements but into more simple Parts. Fifthly! -heir Difference consists in this! 1hereas the Mercury of Philosophers is made by a remiss Fire of 6eneration! e(en the Aireal 2ife and 2unar Fire being the Medium in perfecting it by gentle Decoction from Point to Point! 1hich .egimen of the Fire has been carefully bid by all Artists! in that 9tis called the $essel of ;ature! or Mercurial $essel! Pondus ;aturae7 Whereas the 2i3uor Al0ahest is made by the most (iolent Fire of separation! for the Spirit is by $iolence not only Distilled from the Earth in Fiery form7 but that is nited to the Blood! 1hich produces that ,ellish Fire that brings all /mperfect Metals to a greater /mperfectness! though not8 1ithstanding it ma0es them the more Po1erful and Efficacious for the e?pelling and rooting out of Diseases and /nfirmities! for being brought to their first Ens they dissol(e and circulate 1ith

our =uyces! as being then thin and Spirituous! and so perform that in the curing Diseases! 1hich in their hard and gross ;atures could ne(er be e?pected from them. Si?thly and 2astly! -he Philosophers Mercury and 2i3uor Al0ahest differ in this! the one may be brought to an ni(ersal Medicine! the other has no Medicinal $ertues in it+ For as Philalethes says! this Mercury thus reno(ate or ne1 born! may by the Philosopher be di(ersly handled7 for he may ta0e it from the Fire! and Circulate and Cohobate this Mercury by a Peculiar 5peration! 1hich is partly Mechanical! till he ha(e a most admirable! pure! subtil Spirit! in 1hich he

> &K > may dissol(e Pearls and all 6ems! and Multiply them or his .ed Stone! before it be united 1ith a Metal in Pro4ection! for the ma0ing of Aurum Potabile+ and in this Mercury! thus Circulated! is doubtless the Mystery of the ne(er fading 2ight! 1hich / ha(e actually seen! but yet not Practically made. /n a 1ord! e(ery one 1ho hath this e?uberate Mercury bath indeed at Command the sub4ect of Wonders! 1hich he may imploy himself in many 1ays! both admirably and pleasantly. And certainly! he that hath this! needs no /nformation from another7 himself no1 standing in the Center! he may easily (ie1 the Circumference! and then 5peration 1ill be! ne?t the Spirit of 6od the best 6uide+ So that the Mercury of Philosopher! being brought to fi?ity! may be made an ni(ersal Medicine! for the Curing all Diseases! and .eno(ating and .estoring to Douthful strength and $igour7 1hereas the 2i3uor Al0ahest! be it ne(er so highly multiplied or E?alted! cannot properly be said to be a Medicine! but a Menstruum! 1hich is a Proper help or Medium to prepare Medicines by! and in it self still remains unchangeable! being as Star0ey8 says! endued 1ith these #ualities7 $i: 9-is a Ponderous 2i3uor! being indeed all Salt! 1ithout any Watry Flegm7 it is all $olatile being 1holly a Spirit! 1ithout any Corporeity left in it! of no eminent 5dour! for all things 1hich send out an odour considerable! are for the most part of a (ery $olatile ;ature! or consist of many ,eterogenities. /t is not therefore $olatile after the manner of Spirit of Wine! rine! or the li0e! 1hich fly 1ith the smallest degree of heat! but Eli0e unto a ponderous Spirit! 1hich yeilds its Flegm in the first placeF this 1hen it bath dissol(ed any $egetable Concrete! and made it $olatile! 1ill suffer the same by a gentle heat of Balneum Maria! to be all separated from its self! and c. From 1hat has been here said! concerning the Agreement and Disagreement of these t1o! / hope! the diligent /n3uirer after Art 1ill recei(e good satisfaction! and for the future be freed from those doubts and Errors! 1hich might before occasion much -rouble and Perple?ity of mind+ -his 1as the end / proposed to my self! throughout the 1hole of my discourse7 this therefore may suffice

as to this Point7 / shall no1 proceed to spea0 of the Proper ;ames of this Dissol(ent. But by the 1ay E.eaderF obser(e! that the /n(ention of this 2i3uor! in these Parts of the World is o1ing to Paracelsus7 thus Philalethes! and also

> &L > adds! that among the Moors and Arabians! it bath been! and is at this day! commonly 0no1n to the Acuter sort of Chymists! then conse3uently 1e must depend! that Paracelsus did gi(e the most significant and Proper ;ames to it! and 9tis plain from ,e lmonts o1n Writings! that he diligently Studied and -raced his Wor0s! and at length through 2abour came to understand them! and amongst other things! obtained the %no1ledge of such a dissol(ing Menstruum! as Paracelsus often 1rites of7 and seeing this 2i3uor to contain an homogeneous ;ature! spiritually acting! and after almost innumerable Actions still remaining the same! ESpirits being immortalF and this 2i3uor pro(ing so! be therefore not improperly called it! Al0ahest7 although! as / shall she1 by and by! this ;ame doth more properly belong tM the Mercury of Philosopher! and that! this 1as the design of Paracelsus in it7 ho1e(er by the 1ay! / shall e?amin the deri(ation or .oot! of this Word! 1hich is from the Belgic or rather ,igh Dutch. 2anguage7 in ,olland or Flanders! 1here $an ,elmont li(ed! E6eestF is as much as to say in English ESpiritF and in the 6erman -ongue! 9tis much higher and 6uttural! being e?pressed EAlchahestF 1hich signifies EAll Spirits or all Spiritual+F 1hich Word EAlcahestF Paracelsus ma0es mention of in the -enth Boo0 of his Archido?es. Chap. Jth. 1here treating of the $irtue of the Members! says that the 2i3uor Alchahest! has a great po1er of Conser(ing and Comforting the 2i(er! and conse3uently of Preser(ing it from the Dropsie! and all such as arise from the defect of the 2i(er! and if the 2i(er is dissol(ed or bro0en! it stands in the Place of a ne1 2i(er+ -he Process thereof is this! it must be resol(ed from its Coagulated state! and Coagulated again into a -ransmuted Form! as the Process! of Coagulation and Dissolution -eaches. -his Passage is the only Place! 1herein Paracelsus has made use of this ;ame! it being not to be found else1here in all his Writings! so that 9tis plain to us that Belmont has borro1ed this ;ame from him! therefore 1e must according to .eason and E?perience consider! 1hether Paracelsus meant this 2i3uor or not7 because the Process set do1n! (i:t @ Solution and Coagulation is ali0e and Common! Eas hath been already touched at!F not only to the Preparation of both these but li0e1ise to most Chymical Magisteries. ;o1 the 2i(er is the Fountain of the Blood! and is the seat of 2ife ne?t

> &) > the heart! the Blood being there Prepared for a further Elaboration and Purification! in order tO gi(e the Body! its ;ourishment for the Production of Seed! and Conse3uently for the maintaining of 2ife! and c. And 9tis plain by e?perience7 that this 2i3uor 1ill by greater length of time! dissol(e all mi?t Beings by its Acti(e! -hin! Spirituous Penetrati(e! Dissol(ing and ,omogeneous ;ature! in a ;atural degree of ,eat e3ual to that of the 2i(er! and separate them into their distinct Substances! suffering not any thing to fly a1ay in Air or Fume7 so that to me here arises the difficulty to thin0! ho1 this should 1or0 that different Effect! of healing and restoring the 2i(er! and not rather dissol(e it! as it does other mi?t beings+ -he doubt is beyond my reason at present to gi(e an Ans1er to! and / suppose 1ill so remain for e(er! for / do not so much as once intend to an E?periment! to try its $irtues in this Case7 ha(ing! besides 1hat is already offered! t1o Substantial .easons against it7 the First is! that this 2i3uor being difficult to be prepared! 1ould be too costly to be administered by 1ay of Medicine7 for a .easonable Practise 1ould soon diminish a considerable #uantity! so that this great -reasure 1ould in little time! be e?hausted and come to nothing! if gi(en by 1ay of Medicine! 1hereas 9tis perpetual by 1ay of Menstruum+ -he Second is! that the Philosophers gi(e no directions for the E?hibition of the White Stone in1ardly! but in Epilepsies and Palsies ! and other Diseases of the Brain! 1hich is under the dominion of the Moon! much less its White 5yl but for E?ternals! as 2eprosies! Scabs! $irulent lcers! Fistulas.! Cancers! ;oli me -angere! etc! and the li0e7 ho1 they should then dare to e?hibit a Spirit so Acti(e and Fiery! yet much more Crude than these! / 0no1 not7 neither indeed can / be made to belie(e! that e(er ,elmont or any other of the Adepts ! did e(er once so much as ma0e use of it by 1ay of Medicine! and Conse3uently could not be this 2i3uor ! 1hich Paracelsus meant! 1here he spea0s of the Cure of the 2i(er! but rather of the 6rand Eli?er. But 9tis abundantly more probable! that they ser(ed themsel(es there1ith in the Preparations! of Drugs and all 0ind of species! in order to bring them to Magisteries! Arcana<s! Essences! and #uintessences! 1hich ha(e a superlati(e $ertue! especially from the Metalline and Mineral %ingdom7 be 8cause 1hat is resol(ed by it retains their healing Faculty7 so from these

> *M 8 Considerations / can<t Concei(e that Paracelsus! 1here he spea0s of the .estoring of the 2i(er! that he meant the Circulatum Minus. or this 2i3uor ! so that 9tis altogether undemonstrable! that this single Dissol(ing Menstruum should be a safe and good Medicine! and Conse3uently should Cure the Dropsie as is easy to be gathered

from the foregoing Words of Paracelsus! that his Al0ahest really 1as Medicinal7 for he e?pressly says! if the 2i(er 1ere bro0en or destroyed! it 1ould be in place of a ne1 2i(er7 no1 from the foregoing Considerations! this 2i3uor can<t be said to be a safe and good Medicine! 9tis therefore abundantly more probable that Paracelsus by the Word Alchahest meant the great Eli?er! that being all Spirits! a #uintessence! di(ested of all the Elements! and conse3uently of all Earthly and Corporal #ualities7 for if the 6rand Eli?er 1ere not Spiritual 9t1ould ne(er -ransmute7 for by this Spiritual Act! it 1or0s three Effects! first Penetration and Dilatation7 secondly by Fermentation and Contraction7 thirdly by the Acts of the t1o former! the combustible Sulphurs are separated! the pure ones manifested 1ith additional -incture and Permanency so ,elmont finding his dissol(ing Menstruum Spiritual might easily mista0e the Words of Paracelsus! and call it Alchahest! and indeed the ;ame is no 1ays /mproper! although not used for this 2i3uor by Paracelsus ! unless Paracelsus 1as guilty of spea0ing one thing and meaning another! as ,elmont himself sometimes is7 as / can pro(e from these follo1ing Words. -he 2i3uor Alchahest Esays heF .educes all sensible and -angible Bodies into their first matter! Preser(ing the Po1er of their Seed7 1hich as you ha(e all along heard it doth not7 but their Medicinal $ertue7 the Property of Preser(ing the seed belongs to A:oth or Philosophical Mercury7 So that if he 1ere not guilty here! he 1as for certain beside the matter7 but / am apt to belie(e he 1as! seeing he has not in all his Writings gi(en account of the Medicinal $ertue of his Alcahest! as Paracelsus does of his. From hence it may be clearly Concei(ed! 1hat / ha(e inserted in my former Doctrine! that the Philosophers 1ere many of them guilty of inter1ea(ing these secrets together! and calling them! by one ;ame! for 9tis clear! that ,elmont called this dissol(ing Menstruum the 2i3uor Alchahest! yet says it preser(es the seminal $ertue! 1hen as Paracelsus by this Passage meant the 6rand Eli?ier7 and the more e(ident in this! in that

> *' 8 he has gi(en other ;ames to this dissol(ing Menstruum! and those mostly used by him are the great ,ilech and Sal Circulatum7 for these are generally to be traced through his Writings! and 9tis easy to be discerned! that he puts a great distinction bet1een this dissol(ing 2i3uor and the Mercury of Philosophers 7for the 2i3uor! he calls Circulatum Minus and Mercury of Philosophers Circulatum Ma4us as is plainly to be Pro(ed from the Process gi(en! 1here be saith! thou must e?tract the first Ens of Mercury by Spirit of Wine! and it 1ill come o(er in a 2i3uid substance 1hich Esays heF is called by the Philosophers a most sharp Metalline Ace turn! and by us in our Archido?es

Circulatum Ma4us. Archido? 2ib 'M. Chapter the Ath. -his Distinction and Process cannot be rightly understood by any! but an Adeptus Duplicatus for to the obtaining of this Spirit of Wine the Wor0 is one! and is Performed by the concurring help of an Assistant7 other1ise tt1ill be impossible to be obtained but being gotten! the difference Consists in the Forcible 1ay of dissol(ing the Body and the ;atural by the Spirit of Wine! to e?tract the first Ens of Mercury!! in 1hich the Blood is united and Cleansed! and so brought to the gentle or Benignent Fire of ;ature! 1hich is one 1ith Central Salt ;itre and also the Magical Sol7 for it unites to the Center 1ith a 1onderful Fermentati(e Po1er+ ;o1 this Spirit of Mercury! or Mercurial Fire and 5yl! is by Artephius not improperly called the $inegar of Mountains! and by Paracelsus the most sharp Metalline Acetum7 for it performs that 1hich common Fire could ne(er do! (i:t. dissol(es the Body in Preser(ation of the Form! and brings it to a Spirit! to be e?alted aloft in the Air! 1here Celestial Purity! and the strengthening Multiplicati(e $ertue is7 that Spirit! 1ill again return to and unite 1ith the Body! 1hich Circulation is continued till the ni(ersal Mercury! has e?tracted the uni(ersal Sulphur! and then is it truly and properly called the Circulatum Ma4us! or Alchahest as thou pleaseth! the ;ame being proper to the Eli?er it self! as may be plainly discerned from the foregoing Passage of the said Author! 1here he tells you! that 1hen it has o(ercome its 2i0e! it becomes a Medicine for the 2i(er! e?celling all other Medicines7 and to1ards the end Adds! $erily should the 2i(er it self be bro0en or dissol(ed yet this stands in the place of the 1hole 2i(er! no other1ise

> *& > than if it had ne(er been bro0en or dissol(ed as aforehinted+ So that the Medicine Efrom the Authors o1n Words!F by 1hich the 2i(er is cured is no other than Mercury Prepared! Sublimed! $i(ified into a ne1 2ife7 and ha(ing passed the gates of Death comes to be united into a t1ofold 2ife! -errestrial and Celestial! and so becomes that Medicinal -incture! 1hich is a true Emblem of Man<s Spiritual .estoration! and is in a far higher degree of Perfection than this Circulated Salt can be concei(ed to be7 seeing it may be so highly e?alted! as to be brought to an Eli?er of Spirits! 1hich in a Minute penetrates the Center of Bodies! being a Perfect Concatination of an /ncombustible fire and light! 1hich 1ill admit of an endless Multiplication! being each time ad(anced in $ertue! Po1er and Spirituality7 so that it becomes a Medicine not only for Man! but also for Metals! ma0ing them both Perfect and Permanent! the 1hich this 1rathful 2i3uor cannot perform. For this great Magistery hath in it the E?alted $ertue and ni(ersality of 2ight! a #uintessence or Medicine of the highest

Purity in the three %ingdoms of ;ature! Animal! $egetable or Mineral7 therefore may be properly said to be a Medicine for the 2i(er! this being a Member or Part7 1hich so much Concerns the 2ife of man+ ;o1 this 1ill manifest it self here a Medicine abo(e all Medicines in order to restore firm Sanity+ And that it may be yet more plainly concei(ed! that Paracelsus spo0e concerning the Philosophers -incture.! / 1ill 3uote the Words of the famous Arabian Prince 6eber in his Ath Boo0 Chap ten '. -here is a Medicine Esays heF of a t1ofold ;ature of the third order! yet but one in Essence and manner of 1or0ing Eafter1ards cunningly addingF there is not1ithstanding an Addition of a Citrine Coloured Sulphur! 1hich is perfected by a most clean substance of fi?ed Sulphur+ Behold ho1 its li0e is o(ercome after the first Preparation -his plainly she1s that the li0e! 1hich is to be o(ercome! is the (ery same! that Paracelsus spo0e of! as / ha(e e?perimental .eason to belie(e+ -his from the -estimony of Don8 naeus and 2udo(icus de Comitus! is also confirmed to be that of the great Eli?er. Concerning its Spirituality! / shall add a Passage or t1o more for the greater Confirmation of 1hat is here said+ Basil $alentine! Ein his last Will and -estament and Allegorical E?pressions EPage. *AK.F bet1een the ,oly -rinity and the Philosophers Stone!F Compares his Mercury to > ** > 6od the Father! as being a Spiritual Body7 and the Philosophers Sulphur or 6old to 6od the Son! 1ho is 6od and Man! 1hich Sulphur must dye and rise again for its Brothers and Sisters sa0e! being then a glorious Body! redeeming and -inging them to Eternal 2ife+ and 1hen these t1o come together saith he! they are called Mercury Duplicate7 from 1hence proceeds our third Substance! 1hich is our 6lorified and fi?ed Sol! the Philosophers Stone! or Spiritual Essence of the Philosophers! called the -riune Stone! proceeding from -1o! Water and Spirit! Animal and $egetable in the Mercury and the Mineral li(ing Sulphur of Sol ! 1hich are -hree! -1o! and yet but 5ne. ;o1 obser(e! this Authors Mercury Duplicate is the same E2i0e!F 1ith that of 6eber and Paracelsus! 1hich the Mercury 1ill o(ercome! and then it becomes the Medicine or Alchahest spo0en of. -hus ha(ing gi(en you some Account and .eason! of the ;ames imposed by Authors on this 2i3uor! / shall no1 come to gi(e you some .eason for our Additional ;ame! (i:. -rifertes Sagani! 1hich is as Proper a ;ame! for this 2i3uor! as any gi(en by the Adepts! it being Spirits born in and Predominant o(er the fire! nay it inhabits the fire! e(en that fire that hath Po1er to dissol(e the four Elements and .educe them to its o1n ;ature of ni(ersality. ;o1 this 2i3uor being thus Prepared is a Compleat %ey to the Medicinal Art! and doth open the -reasury of Medicines in the three %ingdoms of ;ature! in a 1ay succedeanous to nothing but the

great Eli?er. But seeing the use of this 2i3uor is manifold and (arious and 1ill re3uire a 1hole Chapter! / shall omit spea0ing of it here and refer you to the ne?t7 1here its (ertues are fully she1n7 and come a little to consider the E?ercise of a laborious Searcher! 1hich he meets 1ithal in his search+ -he first E?ercise is to come to the 0no1ledge of a true Sub4ect Matter 1hich is (ery difficult+ for the Philosophers Words concerning /t are so obscure and hidden! and the Matter /n(ol(ed in such -ropes and Metaphors ! that it re3uires a more than ordinary help to come to a right understanding to dis 8tinguish rightly and truly and genuinly 1hat the Matter is! 1hich beyond all Controle is candidly done in these Sheets. -he second Difficulty that the 2abourer meets 1ithal! is to distinguish bet1een true Boo0s and those 1hich are false and Sophistically Written! 1hich indeed is a 2abyrinth! e3ually as difficult as the former concerning 8 *A 8 the Matter7 For a false Author is li0e a 1rong 6uide upon a =ourney! for if in the beginning of the same! ,e goes but a fe1 steps in a 1rong Path! and then follo1s the same! may in the Conclusion be led clear contrary to his designed end! and indeed it is of greater Conse3uence in search! because there is fe1 or none to be met 1ith in all our Course! that can direct to the right 1ay+ ;o1 there is in Scripture a Curse pronounced on all those! 1ho put the Blind out of his 1ay! 1hich Curse 1ill ta0e hold on all those Sophistical Writers! /n that there is no Blindness greater than the Spiritual Blindness! 1hether in things ;atural or Di(ine! and therefore 9tis a (ery great difficulty to distinguish them asunder! 1hich being done the false are to be shuned as much as the De(il himself! 1ho is the Author of all /mposture. A -hird Difficulty is after you distinguish Authors! to come to some 0no1ledge and nderstanding of the true! concerning the Scope and /ntention of their Writing! both as to -heory and Practice7 1hich indeed is a Difficulty surmounting the former! former for these .easons+ -he first is their Circumlacutions and large Descriptions of things 1hen as indeed it may be comprehended in little Compass7 the second is their Multiplicity of .epetitions of one and the same thing! only 1ith some (ariation of Words! only to amuse the .eader+ -he third is by such (oluminous Writings they ha(e the more room and 2iberty to Confound their 5perations! spea0ing of one thing 1here they ought to spea0 of another7 by 1hich Preposterous manner of Writing the Searcher can<t fail of being be1ildred7 this is not a Fault about the 5perations only! but also about the time of the 5peration! 1hich causes Abundance of difficult -houghts in the 5perator! and ma0es him many times thin0 those things concerning -ime! 1hich are neither Probable in

;ature! nor possible for Art to perform+ For 1hat is to be gathered from the most concurring Writings of them all is! that the Matter can<t pass the first Dissolution in less than fi(e Month and the riper and higher Matters are carried! the sooner and shorter 1ill an 5peration be! for in Conclusion it may be brought to the Wor0 of a Months! then of a Wee0! and lastly of a day! 1hich 5perations being misplaced cause this Error7 for there is great difference bet1een that 5peration! 1here there is ripe ferment and that 1here there is not7 for 9tis (ery difficult to bring bread to rise 1ithout Deast. ;o1 the last and most Principal difficulty of all is! the 1ant of Substance > *I > or Money of your o1n to carry on your search and 2abours7 for though you ha(e ne(er so much %no1ledge and ha(e o(ercome all the other difficulties! yet 1ithout money to build Furnaces! buy 6lasses and Con(enient (essels! and Coals! you can<t go for1ard 1ith your 5perations7 / ma0e no doubt but this 1as the state of the Cleine Boer! and of that Worthy and famous Count Bernard Earl of -re(isan! to detain him three years from the Possession of the Magistery after he had the true %no1ledge of it! and it hath been the Case of many a Worthy Artist! / am sure it hath been (ery often mine! 1hich is the most difficult and deplorable Case of all! ha(ing a large Family and their subsisting 1hile you are in search! for it re3uires the 1hole man! and so ta0es him from all other business! and if he ma0es a Friend! he is obtained 1ith the greatest of all difficulties7 for you must first disco(er your Sub4ect7 secondly your 5perations7 -hirdly the -ime! as to the t1o former! let him be ne(er so ignorant! he must be the =udge! and if he does not li0e it! you then loose both your Friend and your Art to boot7 and indeed tis (ery difficult 1hen a man goes about such a thing to 0no1 1ho is #ualified for it! or 1hat use he 1ill ma0e of it 1hen obtained+ And as to the time! he is (ery nice in it! if he do e?cept of your Proposals! and to ha(e an 5peration performed to e(ery Punctilio7 and if it is not you must e?pect .eprimands! and sometimes the loss of your Friend7 1ho! lying as it 1ere! on a Bed of ease! little 0no1s the hardship! Fatigues! 2abours! 2osses and Dissappointment! 1hich the Artist sustained and is sub4ect to7 neither indeed dares he to open the same for fear left they should become his Enemies7 these things being rightly Consedered may be reason sufficient to deterr many a Worthy 2abourer from his Search! to the great loss and Detriment of Art+ -hat none of these! or such li0e difficulties may be thy Portion! M .eaderN is the desire of him! 1ho shall Conclude this Chapter 1ith his Well8 1ishes to e(ery Sincere Searcher after Art.

> *J > C,AP-E. $ -,E SE 5F -,E 2/# 5. A2%A,ES-! C/.C 2A- M M/; S 5. 6.EA- ,/2EC, 5F BE2M5;- A;D PA.ACE2S S.

/n this Chapter! / shall come to she1 you the se of the Circulatum Minus! 2i3uor Alchahest! or Sal Circulatum of Belmont and Paracelsus in dissol(ing ni(ersally all sublunary Concretes into their first Matter! none e?cepted! for nothing opposes it! but its Compeer or Water! and the Central heart! of Mercury7 the one destroys! it! and the other remains untouched by its Acti(ity7 for all other Beings are so Essentially dissol(ed! as that they may be brought o(er the ,elm! in their true Essences7 nay by Cohobation they may be reduced to an Elementary Water7 therefore for the good and Benefit of Man0ind! / could be heartily glad that the e?cellency and itlity of this Menstruum! 1ere better 0no1n! since ,elmont! Paracelsus and Star0ey! put such ;oble Encomiums on it+ for as the first of these says! /n ;ature there is but one Fire! 1hich is our consuming $ulcan! none other parta0ing in $irtue and #uality 1ith it! all the true Adepti ha(e an undeniable Proof of! 1hich indeed is far more po1erful than any Common Fire! for 1hat 1ill remain there! as uncon3uerable! is by this 2i3uor destroyed and Altered radically and fundamentally7 the Mechanical Practise 1ith it is thus. 2et this 2i3uor or Fire be distilled from any Metal soft and /mperfect! and it doth at first or second time lea(e them in a fusible Substance li0e Wa?! of 1hich the Sulphur or -incture is dissol(able in the best Spirit of Wine! and from the residue Ebeing 0ept three days in a (aporating heatF Mercury 3uic0 and running may be separated! the same may be done in harder Metals! yea! in Perfect Metals! in a longer time! by oftner reiterated Cohobations.

> *K > But this Fire being once distilled from Mercury $ulgar! it lea(es it Coagulated and Fi?ed! so the it 1ill endure the -est of Saturn+ /t<s left spungious li0e to a Pumice8stone but hea(y li0e -urbith Minerale! brittle and therefore 1ithout difficulty Pul(erisable! 1hich then Cohobated 1ith Water! distilled from Whites of Eggs it causes that distilled Water to stin0! but becomes of the Colour of the best Coral! 1hence its denominated Arcanum Coralinurn. -his Fire if it be distilled from any 6em or Stone subtilly Pul(erised! it turns into a meer Salt of e3ual Weight to the 6em or Stone7 Pearls it resol(es into a Mil0! 1hich is their first Ens7 so also Crabs Eyes Eas they are $ulgarly called! being other1ise no Eyes! but Stones found in the head of the Crab!F and all $egetable Stones! as Peach8stones! Date8stones! or the li0e. /n a Word! this Fire or 2i3uor resol(es all $egetables! Animals and Minerals! into their first Ens! and in such Concretes as Contain in them ,eterogenities! it doth disco(er and se(er Ethat it ma0es separableF the same. But obser(e! this dissolution is not performed li0e that! 1hich is made 1ith the Mercury of Philosophers for that dissol(es Bodies by 1ay of 6eneration! but this by 1ay of Destruction! in that it seperates bet1een the Central Mercury! and Sulphur of Bodies! and although they are (ery pre(alent as to Medicines! yet are they totally berea(ed and di(ested from any generati(e Po1er7 so that 9t1ill be in (ain for any to e?pect! 6eneration therefrom! seeing the 2i3uor it self is prepared by the 1ay of Wrath7 and so it dissol(es Bodies7 therefore called /gnis 6ehennae7 the Fire of ,ell7 but the Medicines prepared by it surpassing others! / shall gi(e you some Particular E?amples of it! first of such! as are of an /nferior .an0! as to Preparation! and then of those more difficult and ;oble. ;o1 for small E?periments and for the more ready use of the Aichahest! 9tis good to pro(ide your self of Con(enient $essels! as small as Egg8glasses! thin0 and strong! 1ith short ;ec0s! 1ide mouths! and 6round stoppers e?actly fitted7 also small .etorts 1ith 6round stoppers! 1hich may ser(e both for digestion and Distillation7 but for great E?periments and larger 3uantities / adB(ise you to use my hard Metal =ugs made si:able 1ith (ery long ;ec0s! 1ell > *L > tryed 1hich is by putting them into a Pail or -ub of Water 1ithin t1o /nches up to the mouth then blo1 your Breath! if there be any Air hole! the Water 1ill bubble! then not fit for use7 -hese ser(e for Digestion! Dissolution! and also Distillation! because you may 1or0 them either standing upright! or lying do1n! as your occasion shall re3uire7 being thus pro(ided 1ith $essels you may begin your

Solutions first on $egetables7 1hich it does .esol(e into their first li3uid Matter! distinguishing in them all the ,eterogenities by se(eral Colours! and distinct places! one abo(e another7 in 1hich .esolution there al1ays seats it self in a Distinct place a small 2i3uor! Eminently distinguishable from the rest in Colour! in 1hich the Crasis of the 1hole ,earb! -ree or Seed! doth reside+ in 1hich .etrogradation of the Concrete! by this 1ay of Dissolution! there is no less of $ertue! but an E?alting of the same by many degrees only 1hate(er (irulency is in the Crude Concrete! by this 5peration is 1holly e?tinct! 1ith a Preser(ation not1ithstanding of all the specific0 $ertue! appertaining to the Concrete in its simplicity. And furthermore 9tis to be obser(ed! you may dissol(e all ,erbs into their Principles! li3uid 1ithout Sediment! of 1hich part 1ill be unctious and fat! especially in -rees! 6ums! Seeds and many .oots7 and part A3ueous in 1hich the $olatile Salt of the Concrete 1ill appear to the tast! the 2i3uor 1ith its o1n 5yl you may Circulate into an Essential Salt! 1hich is indeed the first Ens of the Concrete7 but if you 1ould ha(e things done in a lesser time! ma0e your Dissolutions in a stronger heat! and distill o(er your 2i3uor 1ith the dissol(ed Body in a due fire! so 1ill the 5yliness be 1holly turned into a Saline Spirit! 1hich in a distillation by Bath 1ill come o(er in (arious Colours the Crasis separating it self from the Flegme Eboth by Colour! -ast and Smell! as also by its -ime of Coming o(er the ,elm distinguishableF and your 2i3uor left behind at bottom! as much in 3uantity! and as Effectual in (irtue! as before7 as for e?ample! -his Wor0 does happily succeed 1ith Ba1m! or any other (egetable 1hich is better dry than 6reenF 1hich being only Macerated some hours in a gentle 1armth! you 1ill see it so dissol(ed in such a 1onderful manner! that you cannot sufficiently admire the Effect7 the Al0ahest being separated from it Eor brought o(er according to the former directionF out of Ba1m you ha(e a ;oble Cordial for the heart+ and thus out of ,elebore you may obtain a ;oble specific0 against the 6out! ,ypocondniac0 Melancholy > *) > Calenture! and Deleria<s in Fe(ers + out of Colocynthida an e?cel8 lent Febrifuge 7 and out of Caedar an Ens for long life+ For 1hich ta0e the Wood Caedar iii4 of the Dissol(ent an e3ual Proportion and digest t1enty four ,ours! and it 1ill be 1holly dissol(ed in the Conser(ation of e(en the (ery same odour! the 2i3uor being separated! it 1ill freely dissol(e in Spirit of Wine! or if you first dissol(e them in Spirit of Wine! the 2i3uor 1ill dissol(e 1ith it7 digest and dra1 off the Spirit of Wine! and then you may distil off the Al0ahest 1ith the Essence of the Concrete! and separate them! as you ha(e been directed+ 5bser(e the Dissolution of this for long 2ife! must be in a gentle heat li0e that of the Sun in the Spring and after that digested in a li0e heat till the 5yl and Water be united into an Essential Salt+ / should ad(ise all $egetables to be prepared in the li0e ;ature! if you desire!

to ha(e their Eminent $ertue! 1ithout losing those peculiar E?cellencies! 1hich depend on the $ita ltima of the Concrete! other1ise a speedier Preparation ma0es the Medicine no less Effectual for Curing Diseases! though less po1erful as to long 2ife+ out of Myrrh! Aloes and Safron! an E?cellent Antihectical Medicine! as also against 2ypothymy"s Deli3uia"s! Con(ulsions! and Palsies @ -hus much for $egetables! / shall no1 gi(e you a short Sur(ey of Stones! Pearl and Coral! and lastly of Minerals+ -hough / must confess by the 1ay! that if your 2i3uor does radically dissol(e a charcoal! it is as certain a sign! that it is true! as if it did dissol(e 6old it self7 for according to Belmont! the Wor0 succeeds 1ell upon Charcoal7 but 9tis admirable to see ho1 the 5perations 1ill be changed and (aried according to the Degree of Fire! and diuturnity of digestion. -a0e of the Stone 2udus! in Subtil Po1der! and of the Dissol(ent ana! # $! digest t1enty four hours then distill! and 9t1ill be con(erted 1holly into a Salt! 1hich being Calcined 1ill in a cold Moist Air easily run p. deli3+ 1hich 1ill certainly Cure the Stone 1ith all its Attendants. -a0e of Pearl! 1hat 3uantity you please7 and of the 2i3uor! e3ual Proportion! 1hich being therein /mmerged! 9t1ill dissol(e into a Mucilage Ea gentle Maceration of some hours precedingF .esol(able in Spirits of Wine. -he same may be done on Crabs Eyes! but sooner+ 9-is an e?cellent Medicine! for comforting the heart! gi(ing strength to the (ery Marro1 and Bones+

8 AM 8 Coral so dissol(ed is a Medicine that restores sense to those berea(ed of it! Comforts the Brain! Memory and ,eart! e?pelling sadness and Melancholly! and ma0ing a chearful and healthy Constitution. 5bser(e 1ith this 2i3uor you must use no acid Spirit! or Salt! or Corrosi(e of 1hat sort soe(er. For 1here e(er such things are used! as Mediums 1hether for Mercury! or any other! they must be 1ell 1ashed off and made s1eet before the Al0ahest is put on7 therefore in Sulphur fine Flo1ers are the best+ 5f these ta0e 1hat 3uantity you please! of 2i3uor E3ual Proportion Digest for the space of t1o days! and after1ards Cohobate t1ice or thrice! they 1ill come o(er the ,elm in form of a (ery .ed 5yl! separable from the 2i3uor by a separating 6lass+ E?cellent in the Consumption! Coughs ! and the li0e7 us not only a Preser(ati(e of Man<s body but also of Beer! Wines and other 2i3uors. /f you Abstract this 2i3uor from the Cal? of 2ead! t1enty four hours digestion being premised7 you 1ill ha(e the 2ead so .eserated unloc0ed or opened! as that in Spirit of Wine! 9t1ill easily let go its Sanguineous and s1eet -incture+ 1hich is the

Magistery of 2ead! and an E?cellent Medicine for all burnings and /nflammations 1hatsoe(er. -a0e of the Flo1ers of Antimony! sublimed 1ith Sal Ammoniac0 and dulcified! or of the Alcohol of Antimony! 1hich is better! one 5unce of the 2i3uor Al0ahest! three 5unces! put them into a .etort! and digest si? hours! at furthest then still off the Dissol(ent! and you 1ill ha(e a true Medicine! 1hich /nfallibly Cures the Dropsie. -a0e of Precipitate (ery 1ell edulcorated! made after 1hat manner you please! one 5unce! of the Dissol(ent t1o 5unces! and ha(ing been digested &A hours Distil! and you<ll ha(e a fi?ed Pricipitate! 1or0ing by stool! s1eat and rine! a certain .emedy for the 2eprosy! Scur(y! %ing"s E(il! 6out! and Po?. -a0e of the Cal? of 6old one 5unce! of the 2i3uor t1o 5unces7 digest in a $iol 1ith a long ;ec0 Eor one of the Egg8glasses! before described 1hich is betterF for three days! or until it 1ill gi(e forth no more -incture7 then pour off all that is dissol(ed into a .etort! and 1ith a gentle Fire dra1 off the 2i3uor! and you<ll find the 6old dissol(ed in the Bottom of the .etort! 1hich you may either dissol(e in Spirit of Wine! or let run in the Air per 8 8 A' 8 deli3.7 and you ha(e a true Aurum Potabile+ -he same Process is to be obser(ed in Sil(er. Another7 -a0e 6old Calcined into fine Atoms! or 2aminated into thin 2ea(es! one 5unce! of the 2i3uor Al0ahest! three 5unces put them into a .etort 1ith a ground stopper! and let them remain in the heat of a gentle Bath a fe1 daies! or until the 6old be dissol(es 1ithout Sediment! the 2i3uor then being distilled from it! lea(es it in the form of a Salt fusible 1hich Cohobated often 1ith the 2i3uor! is made $olatile! and comes o(er in t1o 2i3uors! White and .ed7 the .ed is the ,ema tine -incture! and the White may be reduced into a White Mercurial Body! after the dissol(ing 2i3uor is separated from the same+ -hus 6old the %ing of Metals! of ;ature most fi?ed in Corrosi(es! -est and Cuppel enduring all 0ind of Martyrdomes 1ithout the least diminution! e(en the most e?3uisite -ryal of $ulcan is by this 2i3uor or Fire! 1holly mastered and Con3uered so as to be brought into its Mineral Ens! 1hich is the highest Preparation of 6old! that can be made by means of this 2i3uor! being its Fifth Essence! and is of Po1er to cure the most deplorable Diseases! to 1hich the ;ature of Man is sub4ect7 but the Magistery of 6old! 1hich is the first Preparation of it! by means of this 2i3uor ! is a most eminent Medicine against all Malignant Fea(ers the Pestilence! Palsies! the Plague ! and C. /n the li0e manner you Prepare the Fifth Essence of Sil(er7 but this follo1ing Medicine! is e3ual if not superior to either. -he S1eet 5yl of $enus -a0e of the best Dan:ic0 or .omin $it8

rol! and Calcine it till it be thoroughly 1asted in the Fire 1hat 1ill 1ast7 then dulcifie the Colcothar 1ith distilled .ain Water and dry it (ery 1ell! to the $itriol thus prepared! add of the Fire or 2i3uor ! e3ual Parts for it 1ill be dissol(ed easily and Friendly! distil off your 2i3uor ! and pour it bac0 again7 and thus Cohobate it at the least '& or 'I times! so 1ill all the Body of the Colcothar be brought o(er the ,elm! in form of a 6reen 2i3uor7 digest this same in the gentle heat of a Bath! for about a Month and then distil it in a slo1 Fire! so 1ill the 1hole Metalline substance of the $enus! come o(er! lea(ing the 2i3uor belo1 in the .etort! in its entire Pondus and $irtue+ -o this 2i3uor or Spirit put an e3ual 3uantity of Sal Armoniac0! dissol(ed in as much Water as 1ill dissol(e it! so shall you separate the 6reen

8 A& 8 2i3uor from a White Sediment! 1hich White Sediment! 1ill gi(e a White Metal! as fi?ed as Sil(er and 1ill abide the -est of Saturn! but yet formally distinct from Sil(er 1hich thou Eif a PhilosopherF shalt easily percei(e ho1e(er as good to a Metalurgist as the best Sil(er7 the green 2i3uor dry up in a $iol 6lass! by e(aporating all the Moysture! for its the Sulphur of $enuL mi?ed 1ith the Sal Armoniac0! by 1hich E;ote thatF it is fi?ed so that it 1ill abide all Fire! this Sulphur e?tract 1ith the most pure Spirit of Wine! 1hich 1ill dissol(e it! lea(ing the Sal Armoniac07 distil a1ay then from it Ethus dissol(edF your Spirit of Wine! and you ha(e left a (ery fragrant green 5yl of $enus! 1hich is Sulphur Essensisicated! by these 5perations! as s1eet to tast as the best ,oney! than 1hich ;ature hath not a more So(eraign .emedy for most Enot to say allF Diseases+ this is the true ;epenthe of Philosophers! causing certain .est! and ass1aging all Paines! but e(er after sleep lea(ing the Party either sensibly amended Ein more (iolent and diuturnal DiseasesF or 3uite 1ell in the less rigid Maladies+ -hus also from 2apis ,ematitis and Spelter may be had ;oble Medicaments! also from the Sulphur of Antimony! and more especially from Common Mercury7 for if you Cohobate the 2i3uor so long till its body is brought o(er and pro8 ceed in all things as in the Sulphur of $enus! you ha(e a Medicine that 1ill effect 1hate(er can be desired by either Patient or Doctor! -hus ha(ing gi(en you a short 2ands0ip Eas it 1ereF of this 2i3uor! / shall here pass it by at present! and Conclude.


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