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/ubu editions

Linear C & The I and the You Jean Day

Linear C originally appeared as Tuumba Chapbook 43 in January 1983. The poem The I and the You originally appeared as the final sequence in the book The I and the You, published by Potes and Poets Press in 1992. Reprinted with kind permission of the author.

Revised edition 2004 /ubu editions Cover imageby Adolf Wlfli. The full series can be viewed in UbuWebs Ethnopoetics section,

/ubu editions /ubu editions series editor: Brian Kim Stefans




/ubu editions


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


Walk this way, mudra. A glance. Separation of events: pads, breeze. Distend or refract in the act of holding back. After the first mile there is no other. Take it away take it away bob. It tears up to see. Once. Oh yes, Russia. They made say that. Swan Lake. Inchoate curtain. Just that lonely as a kid. What to do to make fog light. Dont understand passing in this unreadable fashion. Mounting another production of Orphee. Though harder, the second more interesting than the first. Always subtract. Thats not sound, thats not woody guthrie. Run limbs straight, sic transit arc. To prove this finite and unstoppable fever, find a place to sit, sit. Little sister put your blue dress on, that everyone should leave. First in one direction, then opposite. Fold cups. Watch out joe. A patch of censorship. The heart of park central. It is dark of day. Must with, with must. This way before, now slit, slitting. To go straight. Learn what it means to receive syllables.

Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


We came to the landing place with buck knives and whale grease for the job. The garbage had yet to be put out. Barges up and down the rivers intersected long treeless vistas of acquisition. Sugar in the pan was pornography in the minds of men. That intimacy saved for green grass. Your flow. A product said, Hit me with a club. We were about the world, high above apartment houses. You couldnt cross the channel necking on the bridge. After the waldorf salad came virgilian fortitude. I thought I wanted to intend and to determine. The pickup was full of handsome strangers. Marrying the daughters off was arranged by Cats Cradle. She wrote her dear friend immediately on coming away. A girl clatters in scared circles on Wagon Train. If you got the busy signal, your only course was to turn to the unfolding mode. The first faucets gave dubious water. We were going along minding our own business and wham, came diseases. Thundering eyes. We sashayed through a creamy wilderness. She prided herself on never showing her ugliness, petulance or greed. Leaving the dark of indoors for a second, everything was changed. We could not make back enough money to pay off the company store. They owned the kids notebooks and the paper inside them. I was aging fast. Wheels sang. He came to me at night. You could hear the bombing in a nearby city. It occurred to her to mount a campaign against foulness. They were surrounded only by those of their own generation. Flouride was introduced to the water. What had been left at the dump sites would never be known, forever experienced. It was gold. Looking on her intended, she tried to gauge the difference between pangs and his injury. Now he would never own a horse, a clod of turf, marry her. We came to a grove of cottonwoods and were persuaded to rest the animals. There was a brutish stench in the air; could we go on ravaging a previously established status quo, however dark? At the exit, hitchhikers had written how long and which drugs between rides. We said good-bye on the brow of the last hill leading to the sea, and proceeded with guns on our backs along avenues of shut-up houses. Then we began to eat each

Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

other. One of our party was elected to do the job. The workers were striking the brewery. Wooden implements. Her final decision was to become a nobody in bluejeans; after that none complained. The following was written on the almost obliterated signpost: MOLE VALLEY your luck has turned begin Chinese

Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


Thats innocence if descending notes in a canyon attract what have you, For tension, condensation. Levels every 20 minutes or so askew. Freight noise. How long. Who uses the statistics. A friend of Ninas. Any hour of the day. Stand by and observe, sibling useful of tongue. In the rewrite. Part two. Again together scheming definitions of Edge. Soon the rest of the pack call me Thrill-To-The-Name. Youve got to pick up every stitch, for the master markers numberingThe days of the ensemble hieroglyphic. The processional truly wet with The happiness of symmetry, the overriding all-over effect. The privileged In their park. Part three. We have considering kiss-it-off In Oakland. The birds eye infected so it cant see To eat. Then whats this food Im standing in? Air without quality is no Surround and it cant join us. Now try the tires. TIme ride embellished With feverish suitability in the rewrite. It was a warni sunny it Through the day.

Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


Canned fun is up to this letter at least unscheduled with echos to empty the heads. Someones insides owns pants and departs of loud rock. Commercial attractions feets made of clay, like guys. Crazed in back of a hanged man, one knows nothing to do but call out grand sentences. Stand up you dust. Report this to Rick. Stop dip and throb for a drugged note, nicely separated under the tress. Skim lip feeds. Numbers. Another. I sees bags fill.

Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

There is no need to feel better than another. Though existence is in question, lightholes give rise to data. One and one and one, rays from certain hot bodies says Mister Blondlot. And he was right, these girls really can sell your product. Cruising onto 14th, sick-skinned in a Cutlass. He has a certain name for wit, Thane of Cawdor. A short sleep is short for Napoleon, plain or striped. One who narrates is beginning to exist morally to include a host both trim and filthy. It is only natural. The unregenerated soul stages a mock naval battle. The father, once boss, now axed, consults the Coast Pilot. Designated for the lowest tides. Free from admixture or adulteration. The pointed or narrow end of a thing or the constricted part of an organ, or an isthmus or a cape indicates application. Hence anything causing oblivion. Not ever. At no time. The bed or receptacle was prepared but no nominee quite fit the bill, a story of our lives anyway. All ways.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


After this conversation have another hill, high meadow, stream there. Then squat in a chair, this V a vector to that smoke across from the Chevron station. Where there is pause, rush in. If a taxi gives kosher jelly, schmaltz. Your friend belongs to a reactionary party. Even so, without sticking your head out the window sound is. Its possible to go from A to B and not get trapped. Try being a moorhen or Jane Austen. Think how it will look when you are really more. When traffic resumes, its not night anywhere. Okay a minute. I have a motto. The unit is a comet of meaning, as is gas, a glass of milk. Slow as this instrument is, the labor of parts makes matter apart from us and money. The number 13. Swallow a ball of wax to see how important you are. For the first few hours the air seems perfumed. Then utterance throws in, where the modern lake should have been.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


O vile nights away from home under your blond rooves The greasy plain vastly stretches closer To the drop I step in for O to be 16, mean, and belligerent as a servant Of the people, driving the herd down To Omaha to get unfed, and burnt like a mother again O my brothers and your kids, faking it on inner tubes You make me make it making you Like a long cool glass a water, unlisted, unlimited! O baby sticking out of your great great clothes I found it particular in you to have pre-dawn Dressed for school, as if such were the trips taken To ready places. I comprehend a maplike cynicism In the romance of certain offspring Rushing to the vet on wet asphalt of a night O holes in the sky like grease! You accept me For leaving us out and out


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


I say mud for category. Deposit familiar. To sell stamps and then recover. Rotor lowers ceiling. Polyester resin. I saw snagged pants in a vacant lot. Parked nearby. Insurance fires. Ills list. Tip over in a burning boat. I saw the symbol for off the air, a double coil. Two birds in one square. Headphones for the head. A kid knows which head to exit. Why come you to Carter Hall. I think you go with get the name. Cereal. Saltines. Rider down. And fear not newt, I am your fathers babe so turn off the knight, hes getting naked. Turn him to a tree. Turn my arms, circle round the barrel with a hat on. Adjacent but not made. At Sandwich, the Cape Cod Canal. Baby alligators are more like dogs, but snakes are raw script. I say wet, often a mistake. Bone. The dialectic between work and contemplation leaves you kind of nude. The mirage of having been you. Apply once and repeat. You have always recoiled from the crude. See this as I say acid rain. Simultaneous underground. Everyone must. A future dissolve. We continue to kill animals to prove we own these knives and forks. I saw the swap meet from far off. Say piece. The companions sunk in alpha watching revolutionary soap-opera. Knock now! Move eclectic. Spirit parts, natural, exquisite.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


ing horses with riders on beaches to side this town, druggists singularly hooked to job lot scripted in for re ism sucked up to and glorified perso identify as neuter taking simplified ace when on the island we could lie boat. Stealing away blocks similarity of conduct among herds, duck flocks achine of the continent grinding for defined by meals and pictures. A gir in every port and love em and leave ate peak expectation of 80% women & keen to be written of by those wit hose trees come down to water to dri


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


What occurs are falling conventions, the label dispenser among them; even this is borrowed length. The figure In-The-Garden is here in the garden and like you, sunk to the hoe, the pick, and precipitation. Born to abstraction, customizing alterations to the human. Ass-backward is the devotion to form: you in back of you full of salt. Now I know the Greeks came before the Romans and how to submit to black. Even if nothing gets down all day but flyweight ideas, you know proscription; setting out alone again and again into the dirt and glamour, thinking it will be dunes along the way. But thats just a familiar spot in a rhythm, going and getting to work, not only for love and school, but in the interest of plot. Influence can be taken as light as knot; DNA is no railroad, nor does my mom (Rosemary, though youve met) know your pop.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


Thinking closed I was clumsy eagerness walking in reflex a depth of brags like an aquarium which is famous only faster . . .

Accumulation gave an added sense of yesterday as the squeeze I go dead to the negative message . . .

Showed up to deal discipline nervously were the rapists & ax murderers just as I marched series in bed again


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

A scabbard was proud like empty tin cans

. . .

Blue almost red was I white with untroubled fundamentals lost in a rarity heavily blocking such a trap coming to miss the best headway enactment

. . .

Complicated by reading hours later uncorrectable viscous dark gripes on extreme it called life


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

Plugged the democratic double bed dreams epigraph: early years - snow - Rodehenko

. . .

Sylvie was crying to evacuate the problem

. . .

Damp, dark, herself writer diffident to background works to clean up economizing unity of next over time


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

Bugled logic gross to its ideas as in a duel I get up when I end in mind

. . .

Trigger heads imputed high control to a realm existing without support on the first horizon

. . .

Voluntarily reliving Daughter of Vigor I scare myself to fit prompted reading:


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

Napoleon got sensitive having used drink all night to be emotionally thinking to get more serious or make protected mistakes

. . .

Idealism acts disappear on a spiral in a winter visiting his arms I see images completion autonomies subject to name

. . .

See tiny staff maintain didactic clouds command sentimental reasons drooping, deliberate


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

In the midst of economic collapse her analysis stands coincident with a great chord that wracks me making a piece of art

. . .

Gas station attendants push carload tires into STORMS LASH

. . .

Drawing squares its chaos where this one meets the monuments already in the process of thoughtful repair


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

Blowing in late is huge in her waking in myth breezy & sun

. . .

Gaps in education run into miles solid doses

. . .

The machine that replicates moment equations comes from the past to stand for me


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

Duke Star she rules the waves near and how far the individual qua somebody substances are

. . .

Arch brio glorifies demons dactylology I only like cookies

. . .

A room intermittent now that I go out


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


An oak outside pins providence to habit to see firmly a vocabulary erupt from crying rules dignity presently fosters. The heart focuses there too, being instructed similarly in force of habit, the angling city with one punctual gull overheadgulls being standard in the progress of tears ending in being. To have almost scorched the rules dignifies the gull, building the souffle of real eating among the calling-up, the thinking, the cheating, and the meaning-well. A sad thing it is when a gull flies against the plane making habit look silly next to progress. Picture the oak standing up in the heat, vocabulary falling down like socks, the listening and subordinate tears in abatement waiting for provender to slide. This is for what the city waits. Lining up for the lining up of crusts after the souffle has puffed. The tears dont wake the oak, gull, or plane during the familiar lurid waning, but they posit the end anyway. To get out of this dignified stationary! Baffling giddiness seems to instruct the continuing vocabulary of thinking, therefore writing, not perhaps as prudent means, personally habitual and not devoid of dignity. The souffle is already cold but representative nonetheless of sheer atomic progress upward into a cloudiness of neutral tears, i.e., straight-ahead believable levels of heart. Some mocking is in order, but that too is a habit of the schematic city; the oak doesnt mind the emotional plane. In the end, what vocabulary leaves is just socks.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

Any serious rule should want to know what feeds it. Not much else happens, in Little Rhody. The progess of tn-city vocabulary as it comes to a slow boil wont hurt the hearth, at least not if habit stands by the trusty oak, a thing of pastness and deep drinking which satisfies not only in reading but in scrambling around outside too. The bird is definitely not lonely in this gulley; planes criss-cross like happy boomerangs, dropping crusts of versicles on the city until lightning jars off the rest.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

I see the Great Smoky Mountains, fringe characters in the Panamints, Drusilla Ice. Would she spell out the future for them in numbers and dollars? Would she sit on the ground? Expatriot and pregnant, the sister-effect yokes facts. Mimesis just isnt practical, too many hens and chickens. Misguided birds flap in the hot advance of an afternoon spring storm. Inside, he must have been watching me, listening to Wozzeck in music class while the dull trees bloomed just beyond, and I thought on world trade. Drive out of the city and the earth is still. Resemble two people or replicate the family ideal, whichever you think will benefit your neighbors on White Street in Ogalala the most. The human community is either alive or dead; yours is sometimes columns, irreducible. When I see a word in your mouth I want to have it too. You must not be wanted or youd be down in the sewers with the effluvia. A,B,A,B,B. Rude girls know they are. Was his insight devoid of will? I imagine a scale from 1 to 10. I swear my tongue was one of such, a boy in ten pants He watched television to discover the name of his baby.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


Bright equal air is mine made mass, plant, you, estimable option. When I sing I look straight over the crowd to the apex of trainheads beyond visioning your doting constructions again. Cicadas are glad to be articulate and soon dead; I almost wish we were this close forming our bind, our plait or matter in solid lights. If I ride in this or that vehicle, you have tools to deconstruct that chain. I personally will be doing the same, forming sheer sides for all my friends fit. If however I am still and not relying on machines, it will be due to conjugation of another type. Our formality understates the crush. The duration of streets, speeches, our musics is how able their movers are.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


If you leave your body von will live in the hall. I cant shoot from far away. This is an easy ring of caution toxin. From welfare to this insistent hazard. Im king of exits; youre hiring railroads. Can you do it mirror? Wake thinking haw and hawing. You node get up. We drank hard lines; saw the clock and drinked. I recall your beverage napkin.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

Impact marker, I get you in town, upside, sewn. Once enamored of feathers, now marks. Dear you, I have been meaning these many late winter days. Smell of rained-on wood, marlin or twine. Resolve to primary: open window, cars pull up out front, her aspect, dark and metallic. Going through gore to become snakes, her sheep by way of her intellect. I dont mind suggesting in the least; my name is Pitch, I stick to what I say. Fear = discipline Corn = sex Milk = gas = work Three youths hijack schoolbus. Gorgeous appears at the door, chimes strict shores. This dear friend has come to me now that Im laid up with fever, bringing something to read before sleep, a mountain. Way down south in the yankety-yank, once, were windows on our fidgety debs... I read until a speck or spot gets caught in my eye and the page turns linty or invisible. Im on my way when I smell oil and look across chasms like Tallulah Gorge. A wet sheet and a flowing sea! Down by the crackers called Marie. Script fits a price I can print. These books, throughout the academic world, this excellent piney fragrance!


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


I dont want to die in a spree, go with rocks to cut off, no! Normatic is the family group; paint is also some terrain. Im not hiding; I dont say love I you, do I? Reiterate place to power of advance, swingtime. These items are more. Here is sun and food to go through. The formidable accomplishment of and having parts. Struggling in primitive so less is served up captioned.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

We hit the pit to clean up in, the slam shack. I ask if there is anything but your greedy eyes to help the police make marks on us, but soon we are safe again in fake rags heading west of that. Oh Popeye, I cant wait any longer for my pay. That is what you say with a tree standing through you. Stand back, the elan is about to become a nail. We beg for the restrictions of the past to sit on since the new ones are so hard; its a question of guessing how to act in the middle. I think you can think at the same time youre hauling ass, so demand compensation! A pun makes time. You missed some of that grayish stuff over there but so did I. If you will drop dead Ill know you mean it; then we will be alive and dead together. Youre coming in very clearly now. I work. My apple. Nuts.



Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

for JR, WB

Not only for us are twigs made exceptional to the branch, the body antic tenant of the hills on which a city lapses. In our world, others, sailors. Everyone sees what culture did and our patois (literally, stream) enrolled in which, light neither ponders nor ignores its good direction overtaking time, the ten days grace between installs. Manifestly art you and me, fingered, figured, poised, and shown; frisky first and then deposed.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


Beginning with as exigent my life stumped in forgettal

of buzzwords, their answer crying on the floor at eight at night Lets argue. The most I could manage was place, a here all cruel and happy.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

for IK

Outside metaphors stubbed handling put to bed its mother of unusual depth in dreaming, her brilliance carries over indexically as the bird is the fact hearing you are one uneconomic yet exceptional.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

for EC

Having no choice but use of others language spy shorts on doll to the tune of a rake that is progress to fly from the scene full to the top with unexpended currency.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

for KR

I. I live on the street where you live TIL TWO You make the mockingbirds speech on a wire (donned in this phase) (its pain and confusion) float all the way up from City Hall. Thus, sounds the depth, in the middle of all this right, life...


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


My new eyes hurt one after the other and repeat. I have outworn a path in the selfsame place. No words equal music. Only sense ate. Our formula for the everyday towers sinkward. Still, the sky is possible.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


In public the aria I always assume that you might clamber upside with a certain mobility posse that you might take this leadership through the dream and now my neighbor


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

for LL

And now my neighbor begins to bite to clear the path for nuns singing omni animali, exotic but wearing street clothes on the square. We desire consistency but crave texture. Between us, who will braid the rope? Oh hell, its mutiny and tonic.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


Deferred. I think I did when you adored the thing of it but not the pang of idyll.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

for EB

Everybody listen!

I am white and you are red. On earth another planet names the one conceived by me. At length then it was volcanic, pretty, but horrible to look at: the perfect, read world. See idea slip from sense already stiff with sentiment? What did one Mandela say to the other, Emma understands.

Why were you in the cage so long?


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


That I might propose the will unstill to comprehend your omnibus to know where you go against compliance masking a disturbance what you say absolutely cannot interest me because I I am perfect.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

for LH PR, BD

Damned if the eagle didnt dive right down and bite me. (Youll recognize him from TV.) And in the lots filled acre upon mile with this memento... single the young holed in a tree up which the snake may not


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

for LL

Square pegs in already decentered neighborhood we sit in state. I note this melancholy as a lack of bosom and cannot flatten what verticality calls the rain. Through a film as if relevant awaken, memory the girls downstairs, giggling...


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


Often in need of one more line because thought, and states, and planets are sloppy (happy) the infinite addendum you may accomplish accomplishes you (sleeping) though the fit doesnt.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

for RD

I wish the world or argument resolved itself amongst to whom I wish and then relate. The per and haps situate preliminary being to occasion, what else is ground to sky toward which I come alone doctrine, daughter, ornament?


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


Exactly this experiment: a blue room filled with transrational color, known now as happiness for which she may, the sky. What would have been responsible posses up but we agree and enter green. Even this, the experience of time as space I fill beginning to end a privilege.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


Light is traditional and more so in its age. My good and ample things. One moment, and not untouched by rain, there in the opening, graffiti by two women calling themselves the true, the real and we have not yet even come by our title. Idle fat and tidal measure still in time unparted pose and begin to pose our questions.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

for JR. JF, JS

The incredible general enlightens swarm undergraduate enthusiasms, perpetuitys headlong storm movement weather bodies forth where gray only fleshes out blue and those clouds exact the same as these commonplaces, to be here and rub (though I know this cannot move you)


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

for KK

Grass and that group. Im having a wall built so climb aboard personal friends harp and all, at this moment do we topple? Direct mail, I But you have slept in mercys thunder under toe; can I? Bright middleage no word for that in her. Mail her.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


Sound: you drive away. Longer listened more than thought. Being, we might say, is not a noun; on the phone I thought this a syntactical situation: you running after her (the pronoun) to preclude what had already darkened pages and I followed categorical, the city circular and the famous forms faces hadnt seen you changing but inexhaustible.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


Unready too early. New after not this. Tears (the things themselves) remit prioritys agenda to birds not song but data. Hysteria explains alarm when resisting spring you change your mind (a filmic bit) being, we might say the others posit you (make use of us) having nothing to say about why we are they, or this many.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

for IK

I accept this language squall that is in fact not that which sees or what is disappearing instead the conflict of natures situationsyour indicative beard brushes what is certainly sculptural while patter displaces truth (some other trouble) Skinheads vs. a disturbance in the distance (like writing) our popular thought of the body unmoved yet always, motions.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

for BD

Road closed for newt migration.

Waiting for nature I cannibalize thought imagining you in the parade though this the path when only wet weather prevailed. The rest is yet to think, a movement of silhouettes which may include us doing business carrying in the world, wind and swallow next, next the sound of spectacle a form of address: It is I.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


My products embody power; in making I am made, an activist. If bored on the job, paint a picture of me on the side of the wall. Dark fun will be its captain, an intermittent tough whose limit describes the hours. In them, the consolation of persons, the soul of a mark on the dock whose authors gone fishing.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

for EH, NK

If I see, I divide. Once social, now cactus. The mothers have organized and begun the work the rest will undertake. I watch you think necessarily producing an animal (yourself) from contraries and from a wood, woods.

A womans name absorbs the imperishably true artist but contrary herself in the middle of a pose (his posse) a circular park the sides of which locally protest, protracted. We walk there as anywhere, unprotected.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


A matter of grace your condom falls on my boot. Walking out, is how you feel a function of former stars? Or the actual lever switched in sex to allow the rest to happen. A breeze unconscious of whose hair and here rowdy skin extensive as time, that book. Bird, rain, thought a further philosophical spin, visual for your consumption whose eyes delimit the all of in. Whose grace not thought but being, having been.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

for RD

But these are not opposed. For example: lets get your mother aboard being she might say not a relation of objects but conversation, a profile whose coin is the land because of its involvement with action and bodies not nouns, not the excuse of birds as speakers for people. With great tact and ease but some labor born to a name, hers, well into the next sentence. All of it after us.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

for JR

What is the literal mind? A circle in a social town. Its objects point as umbrellas ask simply to be upon. Positioned in a timeless moment your head shops, head in orbit suddenly asks for directions where can I get something to eat? The bell rings but not for the town marking the exquisite experience of objects these we collect as he calls the universe lumpy or you, the body


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


What is the literal mind? The person next to you in line hears an incomplete version, senses self as continuous but you only a stop a sufficient condition of movement producing time. You are the customer of continuous experiment as the baby born to the tabloid necessarily has two heads. This baby needs a blanket says the postman as he handles me (a bundle). Only you (thought) can navigate the polynomial lag of these projections. I have sunned myself in their benefit, come home blinking.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

for ED

I am going to make you some hot fish but only as high as a house is wanton as milk in a wagon and only after the neighbor is calmed. I am making you human while placing myself on top. For locomotion undoes time and this alone continuous by bringing near and then removing what are now called Eurocentric chocolate fish. Assigned as homework then, this one study, as all the other mots flow under the bridge and on to the next meetinghouse.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

for PH, DE

In my solitude youll find me greatly changed but is it I or things? The rent makes the tree house social no matter how many wires attack. With smokestack, that too a body of the past. My beard conceals this lack of place while current pain rehearses universal paths around unfriendly hot spots. The earth is flat and the body full of boo-boos.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


Women and animals, on the other hand, take along a lunch. The active mind veers off left on purpose woken by its nemesis in a repetitive boring dream. Myself is left alone the sort, namely, that is bound to rain relieved in light of its incompletable thinking.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


The dream is blue. And this I learned in high school.

Given, going, hence I challenge your name for me while

enjoying your visit regularly. Pride of place is home

now. Lets have breakfast.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

for LL, ED

Idiomatically matter is speaking. Is the answer to Whats the matter? Must I accompany you further? To see how curiosity slaves? Of course, after great pain the landscape listens as your eyes lay over mine. Things havent changed. It is bound to rain to return ourselves abstinent to words revealed in things for they do incur responsibility in their makers. Where you are necessary I cohere.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


Women think things must be obvious to the man but he has other uses for the brain. Left to those I matter somewhere other and outfit. His truck is time mine the sun in ones opinion.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


I relinquish control over physical space, not that I have ever seen it. Where do I go then? The street a conscious therapy the topic tilts the fare forward where moon governs happenstance to me the need to vote in this country


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


On me the rhyme nothing in the world can govern. Should I wear white socks for this discourse down the block gunshot Lets get inside. You recover me to it and exit. Say the song instead of dance it our chance to duck and cover. I discharge songs of jury hoping revolt comes sooner in our other (use of) history


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


If anything. But you go on and do. All at once in the universe of articulate space I look I find I see you. But what is it comes and goes?


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


For locomotion starts who panoramically says this is now the poem. Capitated is how the grass appeared to me in summer among others in dayg1o outfits (not me) not working. A bunker by the sea says better give me head, bitch. Hope she didnt (kept hers) self-constituted by that most animate of acts, ducks quack the only familiar sound in conversation.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

for LZ, LW

Pity the flower unmoved by her who likes the lover, then undoes him with her lecture

This being said, proximal sets the night of nature never (quite) vanquished or aloneyou say no can do is done as sun on liveforever. Capitular is neither bird nor flower


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

for BP

Next I will include the you, natural, and wearing socks. The smell returns me to the human t-shirt plowing through its subjects... phylum, peplum, valance If we ever felt that fun free territory shouldnt it have been great to be going to be and reading? The inability to speak or difficulty rhymes with great and gusty oddity


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

for RB, CC, BW

More: Breeded together are the facile camped-in days whose planets seven subjects return from pointless wars whose worlds words witnesses call a life. What you think only tangentially relates to someone else on top their other situation established in armor (tin)may I know you later on? (outside of that) ours includes all subjects testimony, tortures xs welded in


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

for KF

The problem was the built-in saddle. Was it antitraditional? I had not had one intellectual thought since daybreak yet felt aroused and languid. The cave made something erotic of my own elongation, and the light, shy as birds, me and them, end of story. Later, my own is the beach, smooth-stoned and local; that was my family but this is my poem. The music was allowed to orgasm.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

for FH

Another world waxes whole as a mood turns away, as gray turns or foregrounds blue. A shopping cart rolls unrehearsed along the street voicing the amorous, pleading cries of the expelled. Look up, the world, once heads extension now provision of itself a limb with some body on it or two physiognomies who tolerate the strange whose pleasure it is to pay us for the trouble. But why this should be our job one does not know.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


Holding the tail of your shirt I am about myself. Premier and rare, after rain, spring. You pretend never a dull moment but, speaking must evince intelligence, character and good wit. Will, lit I did it. We like those who resemble us, provided this terrible thing is possible.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

for JE

I lunch with the hustler not knowing who (am I saying outside of me is crime?) dares the pot to put to bed the done for. I say, love only makes things more complex for her who is already numerous.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions


Unlike her a fragile visible trace of soul stuns your mated eyes, which coloring turn His axis spins the door now wild card simple, religious, here: our place. Her majesty unsettled, until all the words and all the light used are made to order.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

for ES

Thrown back, the imagined to its fearsome object It was like hearing a voice between my legs only painful resembling you. One of one word in ten thousand what a racket the thought I feel. Imagine us hotly stated against this modulation (blood relation) working there, sealed from objects reach. promise or predication, I yell across the office floor please finish us returning later on to what there was to overcome Then, if nailed by sun I look up is it to understand?


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

for LH

But like others, we thought we were beyond the world. True enough though not a fact of any object. The intermediate term many times I believed I belonged to it then sound, hundreds of feet beyond the edges of my body where moods of our own evaporate, nuanced against hours of political mouth with us absorbed in bending intelligence. The trees, whose bountiful principle


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

for AW

Blue, like you are the sensitive young lovers set upon in the station. Thus between two points its the world that fails and this post we inhabit after bedrock and before the spade is tight (Are you asking to be not only sexual but prior?) I never did acquire the secret code... The day was excellent and moody for their ride, their conversation, their return to an unpsychological idyll but that was never true. It was work.


Linear C / The I and the You

Jean Day

/ubu editions

for JR

I relent, wet and written. If here I shed the mania for understanding brief still spells a picture remains of you deeply into matters country (though buried in a book) and when I look up there you are still, spell so wrung from choice. All day long I live brief to see my own mistakes. Institutions right and left never one on top. One little island, how many feet would fit here, spading up a parcel? A circle makes you poignant and I a mode no farther in the struggle of our tongue to travel. As though being two, we stood in all those places


/ubu editions

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