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Water Resources in Vietnam

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Prepared for:
The Office of the National Water Resources Council on behalf of the Government
of Viet Nam, and a number of international development partners led by the Asian
Development Bank
PO Box 789
0980 Manila, Philippines

Prepared by:
Kellogg Brown & Root Pty Ltd
in association with VICA Consultants
ABN 91 007 660 317
186 Greenhill Road, Parkside, South Australia 5063
Telephone +61 8 8301 1234, Facsimile +61 8 8301 1244

29 April 2008

EEW702-SCR-RPT-001-Rev. 0
 Kellogg Brown & Root Pty Ltd, 2008


The Water Sector Review is a joint project of the Government of Viet Nam and a number of international development partners. The
implementation of the project is taking place under the Office of the National Water Resources Council, which is located within the
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. The international input is being led by the Asian Development Bank, with co-
financing from the governments of the Netherlands, Australia and Denmark.

Limitations Statement

The sole purpose of this report and the associated services performed by Kellogg Brown & Root Pty Ltd (KBR) is to set out the
current status of the water sector in Viet Nam, and to identify the major issues for the sector, in accordance with the scope of services
set out in the contract between KBR and the Asian Development Bank (‘the Client’). That scope of services was defined by the
requests of the Client, by the time and budgetary constraints imposed by the Client, and by the availability of access to the site.

KBR prepared this report primarily based on assessments of existing reports and information sets, discussion with key ministries and
visits to selected provinces. As well a survey was undertaken of provinces (to which 39 provinces responded) and a survey of
international development partners. The passage of time may require re-evaluation of the findings, proposals and conclusions
expressed in this report.

In preparing this report, KBR has relied upon and presumed accurate certain assumptions relative to availability of information (or
absence thereof) and levels of cooperation provided by government officials and authorities, the Client and others identified herein.
Except as otherwise stated in the report, KBR has not attempted to verify the accuracy or completeness of any such assumptions.

No warranty or guarantee, whether express or implied, is made with respect to the information reported or to the findings,
observations and conclusions expressed in this report. Further, such information, findings, observations and conclusions are based
solely upon information in existence at the time of report preparation.

This report has been prepared on behalf of and for the exclusive use of the Client, and is subject to and issued in connection with the
provisions of the agreement between KBR and the Client. KBR accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever for or in respect of
any use of or reliance upon this report by any third party.

Revision History

Revision Date Comment Originated Checked Approved
by by by
0 29-04-08 DC VOK

Date: 29 April 2008

ADB Asian Development Bank

AFD Agence Française de Développement
AusAID Australian Agency for International Development
BOD Biological Oxygen Demand
CBDRM Community-Based Disaster Risk Management
CC Climate Change
CCFSC Central Committee for Flood and Storm Control
CDM Cleaner Development Mechanisms
CERWASS Centre for Rural Clean Water and Environmental Sanitation
CMMND Centre for Management and Mitigation of Natural Disasters
CPIM Centre for Participatory Irrigation Management
DANI DIPECHO Advocacy Network Initiative
DANIDA Danish International Development Agency
DARD Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
DGCS-MAE Government of Italy Donor Agency
DoNRE Provincial Department of Natural resources and Environment
DVCL Double Vault Composting Latrines
DWRM Department of Water Resources Management (MoNRE)
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EMADEW Environmental Monitoring and Disease Early Warning system
EPZ Export Processing Zones
ERAV Electricity Regulatory Authority of Viet Nam
ESI Environmental Sustainability Index
EVN Electricity Viet Nam
FL The Fisheries Law (2003)
GC General Corporations
GCM Global Circulation Models
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GIS Geographical Information System
GSO Government Statistics Office
GTF Government Task Force
HACCP Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point system
HCS Hanoi Core Statement
HMS Hydro-Meteorology Service
I&DSS Irrigation and Drainage Sub-Sector
ICEM International Centre for Environmental Management
ICZM Integrated Coastal Zone Management
IDMC Irrigation and Drainage Management Companies
IMC Irrigation Management Company
IMT Irrigation Management Transfer
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
ISF Irrigation Service Fees
ISPONRE Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and
IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management
IWRP Institute of Water Resources Planning
JICA Japanese International Cooperation Agency
LWR Law on Water resources
MARD Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
MOC Ministry of Construction

Date: 29 April 2008
MOET Ministry of Education and Training
MOF Ministry of Finance
MOFI Ministry of Fisheries (now merged into MARD)
MOH Ministry of Health
MoI Ministry of Industry
MoNRE Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
MoST Ministry of Science and Technology
MoT Ministry of Transport
MPI Ministry of Planning and Investment
MRC Mekong River Commission
NADAREP National Department of Aquatic Resources and Exploitation and
NDRMP (World Bank) Natural Disaster Risk Management Project
NGO Non-Government Organisation
NHMS National Hydro-Meteorological Service
NHP National Hydro-Power
NRWS National Water Resources Strategy
NRWSSS National Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Strategy
NTP National Target Program (Climate Change)
NTP I or II National Target Program I and II, NRWSSS
NWRC National Water Resources Council
NWRS National Water Resources Strategy
ODA Official Development Assistance
ONRC Office of the National Water Resources Council
PIM Participatory Irrigation Management
PPC Provincial Peoples Committee
RNE Royal Netherlands Embassy
RWSS Rural Water Supply and Sanitation
SEDP Socio-Economic Development Plan
SFE State Fishery Enterprises
SPP Stakeholder Participation Plan
SUF Special Use Forests
TA Technical Assistance
TPBS Targeted Programme Budget Support
TSS Total Suspended Solids
UNESCO United Nation’s Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organization
UNFCCC United Nation’s Framework Convention on Climate Change
USAID United States Agency for International Development
VIWA Viet Nam Inland Waterway Administration
VNMC Viet Nam National Mekong Committee
WSR Water Sector Review
WTO World Trade Organisation
WUA Water User Associations
WUO Water Users Organisations

Date: 29 April 2008

A. INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................................1
B. HOW WELL DOES VIET NAM MEET INTERNATIONAL PRINCIPLES FOR IWRM ...........................................2
1. Integrated approach to water resources management ........................................................................2
2. Water resources assessment .................................................................................................................4
3. Protection of water resources, water quality and aquatic ecosystems ................................................4
4. Drinking water supply and sanitation ....................................................................................................5
5. Impacts of climate change on water resources .....................................................................................5
6. Key Conclusions .....................................................................................................................................6
C. WATER RESOURCES STATUS: MAJOR ISSUES .............................................................................................7
1. Surface water ........................................................................................................................................7
2. Groundwater .........................................................................................................................................9
3. Water quality and water related environments ..................................................................................11
D. WATER SERVICES: MAJOR ISSUES BY SUB-SECTOR ..................................................................................15
1. Urban water supply .............................................................................................................................15
2. Flooding and natural disasters ............................................................................................................20
3. Navigation............................................................................................................................................24
E. WATER FOR PRODUCTION: MAJOR ISSUES BY SUB-SECTOR....................................................................26
1. Industrial development .......................................................................................................................26
2. Hydropower .........................................................................................................................................30
3. Irrigation .............................................................................................................................................. 33
4. Fisheries and aquaculture ...................................................................................................................35
G. SUMMARY OF MAJOR WATER SECTOR ISSUES ........................................................................................40
1. Cross cutting water sector issues ........................................................................................................40
2. Summary by basin ...............................................................................................................................43


Appendix A: Snapshot Indicators

Appendix B: Maps

Date: 29 April 2008




1. Viet Nam has made enormous gains over the past few decades, achieving food
security, and lifting much of the population out of poverty. Over the past 10 years the
economy has grown rapidly, and significant industrialisation has occurred. One of the
fundamental ingredients of this success has been the development and use of the nation’s
water resources.

2. Until very recently, Viet Nam’s water resources were considered limitless, and an
assumption was made, and is still being made by many, that the natural systems will
continue to provide adequate supplies of good quality water. Evidence suggests, however,
that this is not the case. There is growing competition for both surface water and
groundwater in the dry season, and the quality of these is deteriorating rapidly as a result of
a vast range of both land and water based developments and activities. The natural
systems that depend of water, and in many cases keep rivers and groundwater systems in a
healthy state, are being increasingly affected by development activities, and by pollution and
changes to the natural hydrology. Viet Nam today is asking a lot of its water resources.

3. This report provides an assessment of the status of the water sector in Viet Nam,
and a strategic analysis of the policy, regulatory, and institutional framework for
management of water resources and related sub-sectors, including progress toward
achieving IWRM. It also identifies issues and challenges for the sector into the future. This
is a draft report and its aim is to stimulate debate on the issues it raises. It will be used at
workshops to enable the participation of as many stakeholders as possible in the
identification of the key issues for the future of the water sector and its management.

4. This draft report has been based on data and information collected and analysed by
the project consultants working in close cooperation with Vietnamese counterparts at all
levels. Site visits to selected locations in some provinces were held and two surveys were
undertaken – one of the provinces and one of the major international development partners -
to collect supporting information. An analysis of the bio-physical and socio-economic
aspects of water sector status was undertaken on a river basin basis. The report also
presents a strategic analysis of the policy, regulatory, and institutional framework for water
resources management, and a comparison to best practice IWRM.

5. A snapshot of the water sector has been prepared to show key physical, social,
economic, and environmental aspects of the sector in Viet Nam, based on existing available
information. This has used a set of core indicators covering Water Resources (13
indicators), Groundwater (3), Social (15), Economic (12), and Environment (15). The
indicators are listed in detail in Appendix A and were prepared for 16 major river basins (Map
W1). These cover 91% of the country and include the group of rivers in the provinces of
Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan, Binh Thuan and Ba Ria – Vung Tau, termed the South East Rivers
Cluster (SERC). Maps referred to in the report are contained in Appendix B.

6. The following few paragraphs describe in brief the social and economic context for
water sector activities and management in the 16 river basins.

Date: 29 April 2008

7. Nearly 82 million people live in these major river basins1 (Chart 18). About a third
live in the Red - Thai Binh basin, 21% in the Cuu Long and 16% in the Dong Nai. The Cuu
Long has the greatest population density (466 people per square km – Chart 20). About half
the river basins have a rural population of about 80% or more. In contrast, 55% of the
people of the Dong Nai live in urban areas, and 39% for the SERC (Chart 21 and Map S1).

8. 97% of the population of the Bang Giang-Ky Cung and the Se San River basins are
of an ethnic minority group (Chart 22). A more typical percentage is between 10% and 25%.
The Red-Thai Binh, Ma and the Cuu Long have by far the greatest numbers of poverty
affected people compared to other basins, and together represent almost 65% of the total.
The Ma has the greatest proportion of poverty affected households (Chart 23 and Map S2).

9. The GDP generated in the basins amounts to about 470,000 billion VND2. Three
basins account for over 70% of Viet Nam’s GDP and form the economic hub of the nation -
the Red-Thai Binh (25%), the Cuu Long (17%), and the Dong Nai (28%) – Chart 32. 7
basins each contribute less than 1% to national GDP (Map ED2). The SERC had the
highest 2005 GDP per capita (Chart 33) at over 40 million VND per person3. Only this basin
and the Dong Nai basin have indicator values greater than that considered low by
international standards. The GDP growth rate is remarkably consistent across the basins,
ranging from a low of almost 9% a year for the Thach Han basin, to a high of over 13% a
year for the Dong Nai (Chart 34).

10. Agriculture is the dominant sector (as a percentage of basin GDP) in the Sre Pok
(53%), Se San (50%), Cuu Long (46%), Ba (45%), Bang Giang – Ky Kung (42%), and Kone
(38%) basins (Chart 35 and Map ED2). The industrial sector is dominant in the SERC (73%)
and the Dong Nai (46%). The GDP contribution from the services sector is fairly constant
across basins (30% to 40%). Seven basins have at least 70% of people working in the
agriculture sector. Only four basins have less that 50% of employment in that sector (Chart
24). These basins have a much greater percentage of people working in the industrial
sector (typically around 20% or more), and the services sector (typically around 30%).


11. Based on Chapter 18 of Agenda 21, which concerns freshwater resources, a number
of principles for good IWRM practice have been identified, and an analysis of how well
current water resources management in Viet Nam meets these principles has been

1. Integrated approach to water resources management

12. In general, however, Viet Nam performs poorly against the principles of integration as
defined in Agenda 21 mainly because:

(i) The concept of integration in relation to water resources management is not generally
practiced in Viet Nam. Ministries tend to have their own projects, and treat them as
such. Other Ministries do not generally participate, even if their interests may be

2006 figures.
Using a 1994 baseline.
This includes Ba Ria Vung Tau, and its associated petroleum industry. With this removed, the SERC GDP per
capita falls dramatically to just over 10 million VND per person.

Date: 29 April 2008

affected by the project or initiative, unless there is a direct incentive to do so. Perhaps
the rural water supply and sanitation NTP II is an example where some initial progress
on integrated action is being made.
(ii) The concept of water as an integral part of an ecosystem is not a feature of water
management - water is seen as a resource to be exploited for social and economic
purposes. Viet Nam has recognised the importance of economic instruments in water
management and the various legal frameworks have been created for their application.
However, water is not yet considered an economic good, and water services are
currently well under-priced - the State budget meets virtually all costs. The recent
decision by the Government to abolish the collection of irrigation service fees is a
major step backwards from IWRM, and runs counter to internationally recognised
principles for sound water sector management.
(iii) Rights to water are assumed by all developers to be created by their development.
Current uses of water have generally evolved to serve local or sectoral interests and a
narrow range of objectives. Despite emerging problems of water scarcity in the long
dry season, rational water sharing arrangements are not in place - water is generally
just taken. While a water extraction licensing legal framework has been created, its
application is in its infancy, and very few licences have been issued. Water licensing
is not seen as part of the development process.
(iv) The National Water Resources Strategy (NWRS) recognises the problem of poor
linkages between land use and water system impacts. Currently there is little
integration of socio-economic, land, water, and environment planning and no clear
process where water resource issues can be considered from the early stages of the
development of major projects. The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process.
was significantly strengthened in the recent revisions to the Law on Environmental
Protection, but its effective application is still being developed.
(v) The LWR does not allow the introduction of the full range of IWRM concepts. Its
revision has been on the MoNRE work program for some years, but without progress.
(vi) The establishment of MoNRE was a critical step for economic reform in Viet Nam,
separating resource management agencies from operational agencies. However, this
has not been effectively implemented. MoNRE was established to undertake a range
of new, vital and complex water related responsibilities, but to date it has received few
resources to do so. Most of the water ‘capacity’ remains at MARD, with a rural
development focus.
(vii) There has been considerable confusion over the respective roles of MoNRE and
MARD in river basin management, and progress in this area has been stalled.
However, recent Government decisions have assigned state water resources
management in river basins to MoNRE. Standing Vice Prime Minister Nguyen Sinh
Hung announced in 2007 that State management of river basins will in the future be
the responsibility of MoNRE, and during 2006, the Government also requested
MoNRE to prepare plans for the water resources in major river basins and for key
economic zones. These decisions and actions are consistent with good international
practice for role separation in the water sector. It is hoped that they will allow
Viet Nam to progress on this critically important part of IWRM. The challenge now is to
support and strengthen the capacity of MoNRE and the provincial DoNRE’s to
meaningfully undertake the enormous amount of work required in this area.
(viii) Water service providers have little autonomy from government with limited ability to
propose tariff reform towards financial sustainability. Viet Nam lacks a clear and

Date: 29 April 2008

accountable regime in which the service providers can develop and become more
efficient. This is an essential pre-requisite for the encouragement of private sector
(ix) Public or water user participation in water decisions and implementation has been
ineffective in all but a very few circumstances, despite the strong framework for
consultation and involvement provided by the Government. As well, many
development processes fail to adequately take into account impacts on people
affected by a project, particularly ethnic minorities.
(x) Viet Nam is heavily dependent on international river basins. At present, co-operation
under the Mekong River Agreement is well established. However, the mechanism
needs to be strengthened, and for many other international basins, in particular the
Red river basin shared with China, there are no formal co-operative mechanisms.

2. Water resources assessment

13. Viet Nam performs poorly against the principles of water resource assessment as
defined in Agenda 21, mainly because:

(i) The current observation network has been set up for the construction of reservoirs and
flood protection works, not to implement IWRM. Groundwater data and information is
extremely limited, and regular monitoring of water ecosystem health does not occur.
Financial resources rely heavily on external short-term funds.
(ii) Water resources data and information management is a major impediment to the
application of IWRM approaches. Water data are inaccurate, and not integrated or
unified. It is very difficult to obtain clear and consistent data and information on water
resources as a basis for planning and investment. Water data is not shared but
treated as an economic good, an attitude that makes the achievement of IWRM almost
impossible. A master plan on “water monitoring network to the year 2020” was
approved by the Prime Minister in 2007. The challenge for MoNRE will be to secure
sufficient funds to implement this plan in such a way that reliable data is freely and
readily available.

3. Protection of water resources, water quality and aquatic ecosystems

14. Viet Nam performs poorly against the ecosystem protection principles as defined in
Agenda 21, mainly because:

(i) Viet Nam is one the most biologically diverse countries in the world - its natural
ecosystems together support nearly 10% of the global total of mammal and bird
species and many species are unique to this country. Viet Nam is moving to recognise
and protect its natural biodiversity and a new law is being prepared. However, it will
take considerable effort to change and overcome many existing practices that threaten
biodiversity conservation.
(ii) Forest cover, critically important for water processes, is estimated at 37% of the total
land area and increasing. However, only 7 percent of the remaining forest is “primary”
forest. Rapid conversion of wetlands continues; remaining areas are under intensive
use and development pressure. Mangrove forests remain under threat.
(iii) Poor and deteriorating water quality, and the lack of positive actions to deal with it, is
probably the greatest challenge for the sustainability of water resources. A strong

Date: 29 April 2008

legal framework to protect water sources had been established for many years.
Currently actions to pollute waters – even to levels that represent a very grave danger
to human health - are common practice, and parts of some rivers are so badly polluted
they are considered dead rivers – unable to support any life.
(iv) The governments plan for thoroughly handling establishments which cause serious
pollution (Decision No. 64/2003) has only been partially implemented. At the end of
Stage 1, only around 63% of the seriously polluting establishments have been
(v) Permits and licences for wastewater discharge are being slowly applied – less than
10% of the establishments that require a licence currently have one.
(vi) Aquifers that are used for drinking water supplies are not given special protection
against contamination, and there is little, if any, consideration of the impacts of
activities on the quality of these valuable water supplies. In some localities water
levels are seriously dropping threatening the sustainability of supply for water use (in
both Hanoi and HCMC).

4. Drinking water supply and sanitation

15. Viet Nam performs reasonably well against the water supply and sanitation principles
as defined in Agenda 21 because:

(i) Achieving universal coverage of rural water supply and sanitation is a clear
Government priority, and NTP I has increased the coverage of clean water supply and
hygienic latrines in rural areas. NTP II is now being implemented through ‘Targeted
Programme Budget Support (TPBS)’, consistent with the principles established by the
Hanoi Core Statement on Aid Effectiveness.
(ii) However, today over 20 million people in rural areas still have little option but to use
polluted water for their basic everyday requirements. Many city people also do not
have access to clean water. Very little domestic, hospital or industrial wastewater is
treated before it is discharged to rivers, and significant pollution levels are a common
feature of rivers, lakes and canals. Groundwater resources, critical for domestic clean
water supplies, are not protected from contamination. Regular use of polluted water is
directly affecting people’s health.
(iii) By the end of 2005, the national coverage of hygienic latrines in rural areas was
estimated at approximately 50% using traditional MARD standards. However, using
the MoH standards, 25% to 30% of rural people have clean water available in their
homes and most basins have between 30% and 45% of people with access to
sanitation. There are stark differences between income groups in term of access to
both clean water and sanitation. The contrasts are particularly true for sanitation
coverage - only about 2% of poor people (the poorest 20%) having access to hygienic
latrines. Coverage is low even among middle-income groups.

5. Impacts of climate change on water resources

16. It is well recognised that the location and topography of Viet Nam, and the location of
about 50% of its population on the coast, make it one of the most disaster-prone countries in
the world. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was
approved by Viet Nam in 1995. The Netherlands is providing assistance to apply the
methodology developed by the Interdepartmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to

Date: 29 April 2008

prepare a systematic global inventory on vulnerability of coasts and deltas, in line with
Agenda 21 of the UNCED Climate Change Convention. This assistance included the
conduct of the Viet Nam Vulnerability Assessment in 1996, which set the framework for
identification of a long-term program of assistance to the coastal zone.

17. In December 2007, MoNRE was assigned to collaborate with other Ministries and
Sectors to develop a National Target Program (NTP) on Climate Change Adaptation and
submit to the Prime Minister. MARD has a major role to play in NTP and is preparing an
Action Plan on Adaptations to Climate Change in the agriculture and rural development
sector. Later in 2008 an overall national action plan on climate change is expected. The
action plan will focus on information systems; training and capacity strengthening;
establishment of a Climate Change Archives Centre; studies and research on impacts and
adaptations; applications of modern technologies for sustainable forest, land and water
resources; new and appropriate technical standards; coordination mechanisms; planning
efforts; and international cooperation.

6. Key Conclusions
18. Clearly Viet Nam has a long way to go in its progress to implement IWRM principles
in a practical way. It has taken important steps in many areas and in most there is a strong
legal framework to take action. However, it is in the application of that framework, and the
development of clear policy positions and approaches to assist good management, that Viet
Nam struggles. The greatest challenges are in the areas of:

(i) Legal reform and greatly increased capacity to apply IWRM approaches at all levels;
(ii) Protection of water sources, water quality and aquatic ecosystems, particularly through
the development process;
(iii) Establishment of river basin approaches;
(iv) Establishment of processes to better manage groundwater;
(v) Provision of consistent and accurate data and information to all water managers;
(vi) Resolving competition and conflicts over access to scarce water;
(vii) Provision of basic water services efficiently and effectively;
(viii) Valuing water properly and introducing sound financial practices;
(ix) Strengthening international relationships for water management; and
(x) Involving all stakeholders in decision making.

19. Viet Nam will have to quickly adopt good IWRM practices if it is to be deal with all of
these issues in a sustainable manner and achieve the Government’s economic, social and
environmental targets in an integrated way. This will not be easy, and will require
considerable changes to the way in which water is currently managed. The concepts of the
past, and present, will be inadequate for the required future.

Date: 29 April 2008


1. Surface water
20. The total average annual surface water discharge in Viet Nam4 is about 830 billion
m (Chart 1). Nearly 57% of this flows in the Cuu Long (Delta) river basin, more than 16% in
the Red - Thai Binh basin, and more than 4% in the Dong Nai basinViet Nam. More than
60% of water is generated outside the country. Six basins depend on water inflows from
other countries - in the Cuu Long over 95% of average annual surface water flows are
generated external to Viet Nam in the upstream Mekong River countries (Chart 3). Nearly
40% of the Red - Thai Binh basin surface water originates in China, 30% of the Ma basin
flows, and 22% of the Ca basin flows, come from Lao PDR, and almost 17% of Dong Nai
basin flows come from Cambodia. The Bang Giang-Ky Cung flows from China through
Viet Nam, and back to China. The Se San and Sre Pok basins also contribute significant
flows to Cambodia.

21. Consideration of the total yearly river flows hides the dry season impact in most
basins and leads to perceptions that Viet Nam has plenty of water. Nationally, and based on
the total surface water discharge in Viet Nam, the surface water resources equate to
9,856m3 per person a year. The international standard for having adequate water per
person is 1,700m3 a year5, with the possibility remaining of having irregular or local water
shortages with water availability of between 1,700m3 and 4,000m3. According to this
standard, on an average yearly basis the Dong Nai and the SERC basins both run the risk of
irregular or local water shortages at current population levels, and the Ma and Kone basins
are approaching this level (Chart 5). However, a very different picture emerges if dry season
surface water availability per capita is examined (Chart 6). The dry season varies in length
from 6 to 9 months (Chart 4). Even with storages and inter-basin transfers included, many
river basins across the country are likely to experience irregular or local water shortages.
During the dry season 4 basins have adequate water to support their communities (Cuu
Long, Se San, Thu Bon & Vu Gia and Gianh), and, based on the standard, another 2 (the
Huong and Ba basins) are unlikely to experience water shortages. In the remaining basins,
all but the SERC and Dong Nai basins could have irregular or local water shortages. In the
SERC and Dong Nai basins, however, according to the standard, water shortages are likely
to be more regular and severe.

22. The international standard for “water exploitation stress” is that moderate stress
begins at a value of 20% (if more than 20% of the discharge is extracted), and high water
stress occurs for values above 40%. The surface water exploitation situation is more critical
during the dry season. Assuming the full use of basin storages and dry season inter-basin
transfers, 6 of the 16 basins are classified ‘moderately stressed’ in the dry season, and a
further 4 are classified as being ‘highly stressed’ (Chart 8). The most severely stressed
systems are the SERC basins (with 75% of the dry season flows extracted), and the Ma
basin (almost 80% extracted).

23. Nationally, over 80% of total surface water use is for irrigation, 11% is for
aquaculture, 5% for industry and 3% for urban (Chart 10 and Map W4). In 3 river basins,

4 3
The basins covered by this report have a total average annual discharge of over 800 billion m , or more than
96% of the total.

Based on the Falkenmark Water Stress Indicators

Date: 29 April 2008

irrigation makes up over 90% of the total water use. Industry makes up 14% of total water
use in the Dong Nai, 13% in the Gianh, and 11% in the SERC basins.

24. The total reservoir volume is about 37,000 million m3, with 45% located in the Red -
Thai Binh basin, and 22% in the Dong Nai basin (Chart 11). Only 3 river basins have
reservoirs with a flood mitigation component. In the Dong Nai Basin, the active storage
volume is 23% of the total average annual discharge of the basin, meaning that river flows
are already relatively highly controlled by dams (Chart 12). In all other basins indicator
values are less that 20%, with 12 basins below 10%.

25. MoNRE has primary responsibility for administration of the LWR, with the main tasks
falling to the Department of Water Resource Management (DWRM), with a staff of about 100
people. The National Hydro-Meteorological Service (NHMS) under MoNRE is largely
decentralised with about 3,000 staff. MoNRE is now leading the preparation of plans for the
management of water resources in major river basins and a draft basin plan for the Dong Nai
basin is currently under review.

26. In 2003 there were 235 national surface water monitoring stations (Map W2). A
master plan on a national “water monitoring network to the year 2020” was approved by the
Prime Minister in 2007. A water licensing framework is in place, but very few licences have
been issued. In a survey of provinces for this project (39 responded), a total of 178 surface
water extraction licences had been issued. This was estimated at only 7% of the

27. Viet Nam’s has in place arrangements for participation in the management of the
shared resources of the Mekong River. Chairmanship of Viet Nam National Mekong
Committee (VNMC) is soon to be transferred to MoNRE.

28. Major surface water issues are as follows:

(i) International inter-dependencies. Viet Nam cannot effectively plan for management
and distribution of its water resources if it has no medium to long term clarity about
water inflows from upstream countries. This is a significant risk to supply, and
therefore economic and social security in the medium to long term. Just as Viet Nam
is affected by upstream exploitation and use, so are downstream countries affected by
exploitation and use in Viet Nam. Navigation issues on shared rivers are also
important to achieving an efficient transport system in Viet Nam.
(ii) Dry season water availability. According to international standards, most river basins
are likely to experience local or irregular ‘water shortages’ during the dry season, with
shortages in the Dong Nai and SERC basins being more regular and severe. Strong
population growth will make dry season surface water availability and rational sharing
an increasingly critical issue in many parts of Viet Nam.
(iii) Sustainable levels of extraction. With 11 of the 16 river basins classified as stressed in
the dry season, there is now an urgent need to define the sustainable limits of water
extraction in each basin, and to manage total extractions to within those limits.
(iv) Exploitation issues. There are a number of issues associated with managing
exploitation - planning for new and existing exploitation and use at a river basin scale,
rational processes for water sharing, the effects of in-river structures, and managing
extractions/diversions to sustainable levels.

Date: 29 April 2008

(v) River basin planning. A suitable model for integrated river basin management that
provides a mechanism for dealing with issues of water allocation (sharing) and
sustainability (both extraction limits and environmental flows), has not yet been
(vi) Saline intrusion works. The true costs and benefits and the environmental implications
of barriers to prevent sea water intrusion are not fully considered.
(vii) River bed and bank management. There are currently poor mechanisms to deal with
river bed and bank degradation. Little attention is paid to land use in riparian zones or
the use of natural processes in mitigating impacts.
(viii) Awareness. At all levels there is generally very poor appreciation of water resource
management issues, in particular the need to integrate consideration of these into
assessment of development proposals.
(ix) State water management capacity. State water management capacity is currently very
limited. The DWRM in MoNRE is far too small in number and capacity to effectively
undertake the significant tasks assigned to it. The situation in the provinces is even
(x) Financing state water activities. Water services are currently well under-priced with
state subsidies the norm. As well, the pricing policy is neither efficient nor equitable.
(xi) Monitoring the resource & extractions. Current water data management is proving a
major impediment to decision making and is seriously impeding the application of
IWRM. Without monitoring information, Viet Nam cannot plan for future development,
and cannot protect existing environmental, social and economic values.
(xii) Climate change – Climate change is likely to have significant impacts on resource
availability generally, and on the pattern of surface water flows. Adapting to climate
change will further highlight the need for a robust water sharing framework.

2. Groundwater
29. Viet Nam has an estimated total ‘groundwater potential’ of almost 63,000 million m3
per year6 (Map G4). The distribution of groundwater potential ranges from 3,770
m3/cap/year in the North-west, to as low as 84 m3/cap year in the Mekong Delta. Although
there are large volumes of groundwater available in the North-west and North-east, much of
this is in sandstones and clay stones, providing generally small groundwater yields, making
these areas less suitable for extractions if high yields are required. The unconsolidated
alluvial or aolian sediments, mainly in the Red River, South-east and Mekong areas, and on
all the coastal plains, are the high yielding aquifers. The basalt formations of the central
highlands and the higher areas of the South-east can also be high yielding. Most
groundwater extraction occurs from these aquifers, corresponding to the large demands for
domestic and industrial uses in and around Hanoi and HCMC, and significant irrigation of
trees (mostly coffee) in the South Central Coast and Central Highlands.

30. Overall, groundwater resources are not over-exploited. However, in local areas of
concentrated extraction water levels are falling – for example, in Hanoi by more than one

For the purpose of the project ‘groundwater potential’ is the dynamic reserve (or recharge) to the nation’s
aquifers. It does not include any groundwater storage component which, if extracted, would result in the
unsustainable mining of groundwater over time.

Date: 29 April 2008

meter per year, and in parts of the central highlands where water levels are declining at over
2.5 meters per year. Water level declines are also causing increased concentrations of
arsenic in the deeper aquifers from which the public water supply is drawn (being drawn into
these from the shallow aquifers).

31. The 2004 Living Standards Survey showed that groundwater provided the domestic
water supply for almost 55% of people. 34% of the urban population is dependent on
groundwater, and almost 65% of the rural population. In the dry season, more than 85% of
surface water (river) base flows in all areas - other than the Red River delta and Mekong
Delta - are derived from groundwater.

32. MoNRE has primary responsibility for groundwater management, and this is
undertaken by the Groundwater Bureau within the DWRM of MoNRE, which comprises five
civil servants and two officials. The Department of Geology (MoNRE) has three units
undertaking groundwater investigations and mapping. Each unit has about 400 staff. In
most provincial authorities there are no groundwater professionals.

33. Only a very small proportion of the country’s groundwater has been assessed in any
detail (Chart 16, and Map G2, and Map G1 shows the groundwater monitoring network).
Only in the Red River and Mekong deltas have there been any substantial assessment, and
even in these regions the proportions of estimated potential assessed in detail are low.
Groundwater extractions are not directly measured. In the 39 provinces that responded to a
survey for the WSR, 2,335 licences have been issued for groundwater exploitation (about
half of the estimated requirement). Many provinces have not issued any licences. No
licences are issued for existing urban water supply schemes (although new bore fields are
being licensed), and very few existing industrial supplies are licensed. It is estimated that
only 50% of new industrial supplies are being licensed.

34. Major groundwater issues are as follows:

(i) Water availability/sustainable levels of extraction at a aquifer scale. There is now an

urgent need to define the sustainable limits of groundwater extraction at local (aquifer)
levels, and to manage total extractions within those limits.
(ii) Integrating groundwater considerations into broad socio-economic development
planning. Groundwater resource availability and vulnerability to pollution is not being
considered in the socio-economic development planning resulting in potential
investment in unsustainable development.
(iii) Groundwater exploitation issues include proper consideration of groundwater impacts
from individual developments, rational water sharing, and water scarcity for domestic
use in mountainous areas.
(iv) Groundwater quality protection issues include contamination of groundwater by land
use activities, bore construction and abandonment, salinity intrusion and arsenic
(v) Groundwater planning. A suitable model for integrated groundwater management
planning that addresses the issues discussed above on a system (aquifer or group of
aquifers) basis, including extraction limits, water sharing, water level management,
management of impacts on rivers and other dependent ecosystems, and water quality
protection, has not yet been developed.

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(vi) Monitoring of groundwater: The current poor level of groundwater survey is proving a
major impediment to decision making and is seriously impeding the application of
IWRM approaches to groundwater management. Groundwater status and water
extractions and data management issues include characterisation of resources,
monitoring groundwater status and behaviour, monitoring of extractions and data
(vii) Awareness. At both the central government and provincial levels, there is generally
very poor appreciation of groundwater management issues, in particular the need to
consider groundwater in socio-economic development. At the community level, there
is even less awareness of the need to conserve groundwater resources and of the
impacts people’s activities have on groundwater.
(viii) Strengthening legal/administrative frameworks. The legal and administrative
frameworks are currently poorly developed and are not generally well understood.
(ix) State water management capacity. State groundwater management capacity is
currently very limited. The groundwater bureau within DWRM is far too small in
number and capacity to undertake the significant tasks assigned to it. The provincial
groundwater resource management capacity is very low in all provinces with some
perhaps exceptions (Binh Duong, Dong Nai, Tien Giang, Long An provinces and Ho
Chi Minh City).

3. Water quality and water related environments

35. In terms of aquatic biodiversity, Viet Nam’s freshwater and marine biodiversity is
relatively high but threatened by domestic and industrial water pollution, dam and
infrastructure construction, dredging, destructive fisheries techniques, aquaculture and over-
fishing. Viet Nam’s environmental performance is poor - the SEDP acknowledges that
Viet Nam’s Environment Sustainability Index (ESI) in 2005 was 42.3 - ranking 8th among
ASEAN countries, behind even Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia. The ESI benchmarks the
ability of nations to protect the environment into the future. Of the 146 countries in the
assessment, Viet Nam ranked 127th overall well below some of its near neighbours.
Viet Nam

36. Environmental assets, including wetlands, mangroves, national parks, nature

reserves, species/habitat protected areas, landscape protected areas and cultural and
historical sites, provide significant environmental and water resource benefit, as well as
social and economic benefits to the people of Viet Nam. Many of these benefits have not
been explicitly recognised.

37. The freshwaters of Viet Nam are typically rich in flora and fauna biodiversity. The
number of fauna and flora species listed in the Red Book found in river basins mostly vary
from 25 to 60 (total) – Chart 46. However the numbers are much higher in Gianh (106),
Huong (103), Dong Nai (93) and Ca (88). Viet Nam is rich in freshwater and marine
wetlands, particularly in the Red River and the Mekong River Deltas and along the coastline.
Current estimates are that there are 1 million hectares of wetlands, and the Directory of
Asian Wetlands lists over 25 wetland sites in Viet Nam that meet the criteria of “Wetlands of
International Importance”. Despite this, only two wetlands are recognised as RAMSAR sites
– the Xuan Thuy in the Red River Delta and the newly established Bau Sau in Cat Tien
National Park. Can Gio mangrove forest is Viet Nam's first protected area and was
designated a Man and Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO (2000). Over the last 50 years of

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development, Viet Nam has lost more than 80% of its mangrove forest, mostly due to the
surge in shrimp farming.

38. Map EV1 shows the land use by river basin. There are about 126 approved special-
use forests, comprising 59 nature reserves and 39 landscape-protected areas, with a total
area of over 2.5 million ha. Not all of the sites are under conservation management.
Nevertheless, the number of SUFs with established management boards is increasing and
has more than doubled over the last decade. More than 18% of the country’s conservation
area is in the Gianh basin (Chart 47). Other basins with high areas include the Sre Pok
(12%) and the Ca (11%). These large conservation areas represent large environmental
assets and values in these basins. 2 basins have no assessed conservation areas.

39. Typically a river basin has about 40% to 50% of forest area, 20% to 30% of
agricultural area, and less than 3% residential area (Chart 44 and Map EV1). As a
proportion of basin area, forest cover is highest in the Gianh, Se San, and Bang Giang- Ky
Cung basins. The Cuu Long and Dong Nai have the lowest forest cover. 12 of the river
basins have more than a third of the basin area as native forests, with the Gianh, Se San,
Ba, and the Sre Pok having the highest proportion. The Cuu Long has by far the lowest
proportion of native forests – only 1% of the basin area. The Red – Thai Binh has the
greatest absolute area of native forest, representing 28% of the total native forest nationally.

40. Three of the indicators assist in considering the impacts of water developments on
river health. The proportion of the flow that is extracted from a river indicates the stress level
of a river (Indicator WRI-7, Charts 7 and 8), as discussed in paragraph 22. It is generally
unsustainable for extraction levels to continue at such a high level during the dry season.
Indicator EI-6 (Chart 49, and Map EV2) shows the degree to which surface flows in the
catchments and sub-catchments of the basin are not impacted by dams. Three basins have
index values at about 80% or more – the Gianh, Bang Giang – Ky Cung and Thu Bon,
indicating that flows are likely to be relative “natural” in timing and variability. The basin with
the lowest index value (that is, the least natural flowing rivers) is the Ba. EVI-8 (Chart 50)
shows the proportion of the length of major rivers in a basin that are upstream of a fixed
blockage across the river (eg dam, weir or barrage). A high number indicates long lengths of
river above a fixed blockage. This will restrict movement of aquatic fish/animals and also
reduce navigation passage. The major rivers of the Huong and Ba basins have indicator
values of almost 100%, meaning that the river networks are blocked by structures close to
the mouths, having a significant effect on the navigability of the river, and on fish passage
and spawning.

41. Surface water in all river basins does not meet the requirements for drinking water in
term of organic pollution (Chart 51). The average concentration of BOD5 exceeds TCVN
standard, class A, in most river sections, varying from 1.4 to 2 times the standard. Higher
values are seen in the Tra Khuc, Gianh, Dong Nai, Hong-Thai Binh and Cuu Long. There
are also some hot spots where the average BOD5 concentrations reach a value 12.5 times
higher than the A Class standard. Organic pollution is generally within the B Class standard
(except in the hot spots). Heavy metals are not monitored in almost all of the local
monitoring programmes. There are few data for determining pollution levels, however the
limited monitoring results show that the surface water in all river basins generally meets the
heavy metal standards for drinking and other purposes.

42. MoNRE has primary responsibility for environmental management on behalf of the
Government and people of Viet Nam. MoNRE administers the Law on Environmental
Protection (LEP), the LWR, the Land Law (LL), and will also be responsible for the

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forthcoming Law on Biodiversity. The Provincial governments also administer these Acts,
under delegation. Although these laws provide a sound basis for water and environmental
management, the application and enforcement of the Laws is still limited and under
development. Currently, very few enterprises comply with the provisions of the legal
documents. The LEP provides a comprehensive basis for managing environmental quality.
However, it is a relatively new Law and guidelines for its implementation will take time to be
developed. As well, the LEP is not well known or understood in the community. The LWR
requires the licensing of point source wastewater discharge to water resources, in theory
including both surface waters and groundwater. In the 39 provinces that responded to a
MoNRE survey, 198 licences have been issued for wastewater discharge to water sources
under the LWR. Many provinces have not issued any such licences. In total these
provinces estimate that in excess of another 2,700 wastewater discharge licences are
required. This is likely to be an underestimation of the requirement.

43. Prime Minister’s Decision No. 64/2003 approved the plan for thoroughly handling
establishments which cause serious environmental pollution. The Decision identified 4,295
polluting establishments, with the worst of these, 439 in total, to be dealt with in Stage 1
(2003–2007). However at the end of Stage I, only around 63% of the listed black spots have
been resolved.

44. Decree No. 67/2003 seeks to use pollutions charges to limit the environmental
pollution caused by wastewater, to use clean water economically and to create a funding
source for the Environmental Protection Fund. Within bounds set at central level, the
People's Councils decides on the specific rates of the environmental protection charges for
domestic wastewater. The Finance Ministry coordinates with MoNRE in prescribing the
charge rate for each pollutant in industrial wastewater. However, the fee is not applied
uniformly, and not all provinces apply the fee. For example, in 2005 provinces/cities in the
Dong Nai River basin and the Cau and Day/Nhue sub-basins collected over VND 132 billion,
from which the industrial wastewater fee was around 10% and the domestic component
nearly 90%. This is far less would have been collected had the provisions of the Decree
been comprehensively implemented.

45. The existing information and reporting system in Viet Nam comprises a national
network of environmental monitoring stations, as well as provincial level environmental
monitoring. However then network is grossly inadequate – it is not extensive and monitoring
is infrequent. Water quality monitoring is sporadic and any biological monitoring is extremely
limited and localised.

46. Two wetlands are recognised as RAMSAR sites – the Xuan Thuy in the Red River
Delta and the newly established Bau Sau in Cat Tien National Park.

47. Major water quality and environmental issues are as follows:

(i) Water quality deterioration is probably the greatest single environmental issue facing
Viet Nam – pollution is commonplace in most sections of river near urban and
industrial areas. The human health and livelihood impacts of pollution of surface
waters and groundwater are significant but poorly understood. Once polluted, waters
are extremely difficult and costly to clean up, and the impacts will be felt for a long
time, particularly by poor and vulnerable communities.
(ii) Inadequate, inaccurate and incomprehensive information and data on environment
and water resources, and constraints on information sharing, is a major issue that is

Date: 29 April 2008

seriously impeding management progress. The current environmental condition of

national water and related resources has not been fully assessed, and the data are
not reliable and comprehensive, nor readily shared. Data comes at a price. Water
quality, ecology and groundwater information are particularly absent.
(iii) River basin planning. A suitable model for integrated river basin management, that
can deal with the quality of water resources and also such issues as the protection of
water dependent environments and ecological assets, has not been established.
(iv) Environmental impact assessment and regulation remains inadequate from a water
resource and related environments perspective. The impacts of developments and
activities are not adequately quantified, particularly early in the planning process, and
the capacity to assess EIAs is low. The impacts of activities on groundwater
resources (upon which so much of the population depends) are rarely considered.
(v) Integrating environment into development planning. Despite the requirements of the
Law on Environmental protection, strategic environmental assessment of sector and
provincial development plans is not formally undertaken, and consideration of the
impacts of these on water resources and related environments is generally poor.
(vi) Forest systems. The continued loss of native forests is a concern particularly where
the forests are in significant upland catchment areas.
(vii) Conflicts between water use and environmental protection. There are many
examples of conflicts between water development and use and environmental
protection in Viet Nam, reflecting the lack of integrated planning that currently exists.
(viii) Changes in the hydrological regime of river systems due to construction of dams and
other control works for irrigation, hydropower, and other purposes causes loss of
migrating routes for many fish species.
(ix) Environmental flows. Viet Nam is currently undertaking critical first steps towards the
realisation of environmental flows in its river systems, but more sophisticated
approaches need to be developed and taken. The degree of ‘good health’ at which a
river will be sustained is, however, a societal judgment that will vary from country to
country and region to region.
(x) Freshwater wetlands: Rapid loss of wetlands continues. River ecosystems suffer
from industrial and domestic pollution, dredging, damming, destructive fishing
practices, and the clearance of fringing habitats. The remaining wetlands are under
intense human pressure, and many may be lost if present trends continue.
(xi) Freshwater biodiversity is being damaged by domestic and industrial water pollution,
dam and road construction, dredging, destructive fisheries techniques, aquaculture
and over-fishing.
(xii) Coastal and marine ecosystems. Over the last 50 years of development, Viet Nam
has lost more than 80% of mangrove forest. The loss of mangrove forest area is
largest in the Mekong (Cuu Long) Delta, Quang Ninh and Hai Phong provinces.
(xiii) Protected Areas (Natural Parks, Nature Reserves, Wetlands): Encroachment of local
communities onto forest land and clearance of land for shifting cultivation has
affected biodiversity and river water downstream.
(xiv) Unsustainable tourism development represents a further threat to biodiversity at
Nature Reserves/Nature Parks.

Date: 29 April 2008

(xv) Administrative reforms at the central level have not yet progressed down to the
provincial level where there have been only very limited moves toward IWRM and
there is a severe lack of direction and capacity for water resource and environmental


1. Urban water supply

48. Over the last 20 years of socio-economic development, rapid urbanisation has been
a strong feature. By 2005, there were 689 towns with almost 23 million people, representing
over 27% of the total population. ODA loans (70% of total investment) have created
opportunities for applying modern technologies and experiences.

49. At 2006 the yearly urban population growth was 2.18% compared to 0.93% in rural
areas (Chart 19). The urban population with access to clean water was over 14 million -
about 62% of the urban population (Chart 26 and Map S4). The river basin with the greatest
access is the Huong (70% of people in the cities and towns under provincial control and 28%
in cities and towns under district control).

50. There are 240 water supply plants, with a design capacity of 3.73 million m3/day, but
an operating capacity at about 3 million m3/day (about 80%). By 2005 the average urban
water supply was about 80-90 litres per person per day; and in large cities 120-130 litres per
person per day (the national target is 120-150). Water sources are surface water,
accounting for about 70% (mainly from rivers and reservoirs) and groundwater
(approximately 1.1 million m3 per day). Many cities and towns depend solely on

51. Between 1991 and 2005, the Government invested 18,567 billion VND in water
supply schemes, of which the foreign investment share was 15,020 billion VND (81%). This
investment provided an increased supply capacity of 1,250,000 m3 per day. The investment
ratio for the period 1991-2000 was 4,236 million VND per m3 water and 6,174 million VND per m3
water for 2001-2005. The higher ratio was due to greater use of ODA for capacity development.

52. The urban population is estimated to reach more than 30 million by 2010 and the
daily capacity will need to be 8 to 9 million m³/day, assuming that the demand for industrial
production is also met (but not including system losses).

53. Unit operation costs for every m3 sold ranges from 577 VND to 2,474 VND. The
working ratio for water provision (the ratio of operational expenses - in this case excluding
depreciation, interest and debt service - over operational revenues) was 0.64, better than the
average performance of the top 25% of utilities in developing countries. In 2002 all water
supply was based on volumetric charging, with one company charging a small minimum
fixed charge, and 45% of companies using increasing block tariffs. The minimum and
maximum residential tariff rates per m3 charged in 2001 were 1,000 VND and 4,000 VND/m3

54. The average level of metering of urban water use was 96% in 2000. Viet Nam
therefore possesses one of the essential ingredients for improved commercial management
of the sub-sector.

Date: 29 April 2008

55. In 2001, the total length of the urban water distribution systems was 12,465 km and
over 40% of the network had been built within the previous five years. However,
investments have mainly focused on water generation, with only 10%-15% of the capital
used for the main pipes to the existing distribution networks, with little else upgraded. The
average level of unaccounted for water in 2002, mostly leakage, was approximately 38% -
with a range from 13.6% to 75.7%.

56. In areas near to the supply source water consumption is typically very high while the
consumption at the end of the distribution system is far less and at times no water is
available. Most companies ensure operations for 14 to 20 hours and 3 or 4 cities are only
able to operate for 8-10 hours per day. Pressure variations also affect supply and can
decrease water quality. Currently only about 50% of distribution networks meet the quality

57. The coverage of reticulated sanitation and drainage systems in urban areas has not
been investigated. However, it is estimated to be lower than that of water supply services, at
about 40-50%. More than 97% of all households in cities under provincial control that
receive reticulated water supply also have access to hygienic latrines (Map S5). For towns
under district control, 70% to 80% of households that receive reticulated water supply also
have access to sanitation services in the home (Chart 28). 11 out of the 16 basins have no
domestic wastewater treatment at all (Chart 52). The treatment of domestic wastewater in
the remaining basins is also extremely low. Presently, only Da Lat and Ban Me Thuot cities
have wastewater treatment plants; however, the collection rate is only about 40-60% of the
total wastewater quantity. Three cities have primary wastewater treatment systems and four
river basins have secondary treatment – most basin have no treatment and this polluted
waste is discharged directly to various water sources.

58. 60% of hospitals have wastewater treatment plants but only 18% are properly
operated. Most river basins have a 50:50 split between primary and secondary hospital
wastewater treatment (Chart 53). However, many treatment plants are not fully effective and
most wastewater from hospitals is discharged directly into public sewerage systems.
Factories in urban areas also do not treat wastewater and this is discharged directly into the
public sewerage systems.

59. Existing drainage systems in towns Class IV and higher cover stormwater and
wastewater. However, many sewerage systems were constructed in the past without an
urban master plan; therefore, many sewers are now inappropriate. In the smaller Class V
towns there are no combined drainage systems. In small towns, the rate of households with
hygiene latrines is very low, and the use of bucket-toilets and open defecation is very

60. Urban areas may impose water drainage fees by levying 10% of the clean water
prices, before value added tax. However, while fee collection is by water supply companies
funds raised are provided to the budget of the provinces or cities. Urban wastewater
collection and treatment is costly - the total costs for wastewater collection and treatment is
expected to increase to 2,800 million USD by 2010 and nearly double that by 2020.

61. Increased coverage of RWSS is a major priority for the Government and is a crucial
part of the fight against poverty. At 2005, over 60 million people lived in rural areas. Access
to water and sanitation is mainly a problem of the rural poor in Viet Nam. Of he poorest 20%
of people, only have 22% have access to clean water compared to 78% for the richest 20%.

Date: 29 April 2008

For sanitation, the poorest 20% only have 2% access compared to an access level for the
rich of 20%.

62. By the end of 2005 the total investment for NTPI was 6,492 billion VND - nearly 40%
of this was from the local community and 22% from the state budget. The national coverage
of clean water in rural areas (using the traditional MARD standard) was estimated at
approximately 66% and hygienic latrines at 50%; about 70% of all schools, kindergartens
and nurseries, 58% of commune clinics and 17% of markets in rural areas had access to
clean water and hygienic latrines; many hygienic livestock pens were upgraded and built; 28
border stations and more than 80,000 residents in their adjacent areas had access to clean
water. Using the MoH standards, however, 25% to 30% of rural people have clean water
available in their homes (Chart 27 and Map S4), and most basins have between 30% and
45% of people with access to sanitation (Chart 29 and Map S5).

63. Most rural households use traditional hand-dug wells for their primary drinking water
source, particularly lower income families. Drilled wells are the second most common model
– by an estimated 22% of rural households. Only 4% to 6% of the rural population has
access to piped water supply, including both access to both private household taps and
public taps. 12% of households nationwide use unprotected surface water for drinking and
cooking. 11% to 19% of households rely on rainwater for direct consumption, but many
suffer water shortages. Less than 1% of the rural population buys water.

64. The majority of the population uses traditional dry latrine models, including simple pit
latrines, single vault latrines, and double vault composting latrines. Only the double vault
composting latrines (DVCL) are currently accepted by MOH as sanitary and hygienic. The
Cuu Long has one of the highest rates of open defecation nationwide - some 60 to 75% of
households were using fishpond latrines in 2002, and as many as 23% had no latrines at all.
Identifying alternative latrine models suitable for low-lying and flood-prone local conditions
has proved difficult. There have been a number of successful ecological sanitation pilot
schemes but these have not been followed up. Low rates of latrine ownership occur in
provinces in remote areas.

65. Schools and other public institutions are a high priority for water supply and
sanitation improvements. In 2003, 70% of schools had access to clean water and 42% had
hygienic latrines.

66. By end of 2006, there were 21.7 million people with no or inadequate water supply
and sanitation services. RWSS NTPII is now underway with strong international support. It
reflects the need for a greater focus on sanitation and hygiene, the need for better targeting
of subsidies for the poor, greater emphasis on sustainability, improved operation and
maintenance and further decentralisation of implementation. The expected outcome is that
some 7.4 million additional people will be served with water and 10,000 school latrines will
have been built - some 1.3 million households will have hygienic latrines. The projected
NTPII budget is 22,600,000 million VND, comprising about 40% for water supplies; 21% for
sanitation; 30% for livestock waste treatment; and 9% for IEC, management and monitoring.
The State share is 14%, local government about 10%, community contributions about 36%,
preferential loans about 25%, and donor support about 15%.

67. Each year an estimated 15 million tonnes of solid waste is generated - about 80%
from households, restaurants, markets and commercial areas. The total solid waste from
industrial production zones is about 2.7 million tonnes a year. About 160,000 tonnes a year
(about 1% of the total) is hazardous waste. Typically 60% to 80% of the solid waste from

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Level 1 cities and towns is collected, an estimated 25% in major provincial and district urban
centres, down to 2% in some areas (Chart 54). In rural areas the collection rate is estimated
at between 10 and 15%. The generation of solid waste is expected to increase significantly
in the future. By 2010, the urban population is forecast to be about 30 or more million;
production and consumption will increase remarkably. Many dump sites and landfills are
currently considered a danger in terms of environmental impacts on nearby residents.
Under Decision No. 64 there are 49 open solid waste landfill sites with improper operation.
However, solving these environmental problems has proved difficult and expensive.

68. For management purposes, clean water supply is divided into 2 groups: urban areas
(including for industrial production and services) of Class V towns and higher; and rural
areas (from small towns with the population of 2,000 to 4,000). Management arrangements
are as follows:

(i) Water supply to urban areas is under the management of MOC, including
development planning, technology, regulations on standards and criteria, and
quality of construction.
(ii) Rural water supply is managed by MARD (see paragraph 72).
(iii) Water resources and water source protection is under the management of
(iv) Quality criteria and standards for clean water are managed by the MoH.
(v) Investment decisions are made by MPI, in association with ministries,
departments and PPCs, to summit to the Prime Minister or to the PPC for
(vi) The determination of the prices of clean water is guided by MOC and MOF. The
decisions on water prices are taken by PPCs, based on the consensus of the
Provincial People’s Council.
69. The main policy and development plan is the “National Orientations on Development
of Urban Water Supply to 2020”. The objectives of the policy are to achieve 100% of the
urban population having access to safe water of 120-150 litres/capita/day by 2020, reform
the sector (including financial policy) and modernise technology, equipment and human
capacity. MoC has prepared a Master Plan for water supply in the three main economic
regions. A draft is now with the Government for approval. This plan provides the
requirements for water supply in terms of targets for litres/cap/day, % populations served,
industrial parks served and unaccounted for water. Total water requirements are estimated
at over 7 million m3 a day at 2010 and over 12 million m3 a day at 2020. The cost of works
required to meed these targets is estimated at 30,275 billion VND at 2010 and at 37,500
billion VND at 2020.

70. Generally, water supply companies are responsible for water production and
distribution for towns Class IV and higher. These companies are state-owned economic
entities and employ 13,442 people for water production, operation and management of the
systems. The ratio of staff per 1000 connections is nearly two and half times higher than the
level considered as best practices in developing country (5 staff per 1000 connections).

71. Urban drainage companies have many varieties. 76 companies provide water
drainage services, of which 49 are provincial and central cities companies, 23 companies at

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Class IV towns, and 4 companies at district level. Because drainage projects require large
amounts of capital and their product is not sold directly to customers, it is not attractive to
private investors.

72. The institutional structure of the RWSS sector is complex. A National Steering
Committee and standing office and similar structures at provincial levels provide rudimentary
coordination of the NTP. Provincial steering committees report to the National Steering
Committee. The national standing office for NTPII is based in MARD, which has delegated
programme responsibility for the NTPII to the Centre for Rural Clean Water and
Environmental Sanitation (CERWASS). PPCs are responsible for managing resources and
coordinating the delivery of the NTP on the ground. MOH uses the healthcare network to
ensure sanitation in rural areas and is responsible for standards for clean drinking water,
washing water, sanitary toilets and regulations on use of human excrement for fertiliser, and
monitoring implementation. Provision of sector support under NTPII is a significant change
in approach for donors involved and is aimed at a desire to promote donor harmonisation
and alignment and reduce transaction costs, consistent with the Hanoi Core Statement on
Aid Effectiveness (HCS).

73. Major urban and rural water supply and sanitation issues are as follows:

(i) Operations of urban water supply companies. The standard of service remains low -
networks are degraded; the ratio of workers per 1000 connections is well above the
norm; unaccounted for water ranges from 14% to 76%; many companies only supply
for 14 to 20 hours per day (or less); these are water pressure issues; and only about
50% of distribution networks meet the clean water standards. Companies are not
financially independent - water tariffs are regulated by PPCs and the rates are
insufficient for operations. The rights of ownership of company assets are not defined
clearly. Key management and operating decisions still require government approval.
Companies do not have ownership rights over water resources or public land usage.
This is not a good environment for private sector participation.

(ii) Urban water supply infrastructure is not keeping pace with economic development.
The capacity of urban water supply systems is still limited – supply targets are not
achieved. Achieving these by 2010 will require about an additional 4,000 million m3 a
day for a cost of approximately US$4,000 million.

(iii) Urban sewerage and drainage infrastructure seriously lags behind economic
development. Most towns are not sewered; most wastewater from hospitals is
discharged directly into public sewerage systems and factories in urban areas do not
treat wastewater. The cost of urban wastewater collection and treatment is expected
to increase to US$2,800 million by 2010 and to US$4,025 million by 2020.

(iv) Towns under district control appear to have much less access to basic water services.
In urban areas under direct control of the central or provincial governments, around
50% to 60% of people in most basins have access to clean water and, for households
with a reticulated water supply, sanitation services are also provided to 98% or 99% of
households. For urban areas under the direct control of the districts, between only
15% and 22% have clean water access and 70% to 90% of households with a
reticulated water supply also have access to a sanitary latrine.

(v) The water tariff is not aligned to business needs. MOF sets a range for the tariff,
which is determined by each PPC. The tariffs do not account for the norms on labour,

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costs of fuel and energy and materials in the operation of the sector and cannot cover
the costs.

(vi) Collecting wastewater fees provides no incentives. Fee collection for sewerage
services is by water supply companies but the revenue is given to provinces or cities
and not returned to the company providing the services.

(vii) There are no clear mechanisms for determining the price of assets and consistent
regulations on asset management.

(viii) Water supply and drainage enterprises are being hampered by poor and inconsistence
policies and unclear organisational arrangements. These obstruct the promotion of
supply ability, water quality, service quality and financial autonomy of enterprises. The
JICA “Study on sewerage sector policy issues in Vietnam” (2006) outlines a range of
policy and governance issues for the sanitation sub-sector.

(ix) There are many practical water supply problems. In flood season, large quantities of
sand and alluvium wear out pumps and causes other problems. Urban water intakes
from lakes and irrigation reservoirs and canals often face water shortages in dry times.

(x) The over-exploitation of groundwater at some drilled wells can cause a decrease in the
flow of wells, reduce the groundwater level, and increase the cost of water supply.
This can also lead to problems of land subsidence and the groundwater under threat of
pollution by wastewater.

(xi) RWSS has received a lot of attention and NTPII is now underway with strong
international support. The biggest challenge will be to achieve the targets by 2010,
particularly ensuring that consumers can provide a greater proportion of the funding in
a socially acceptable way, and involving private sector participation. The targets for
environmental sanitation will prove most challenging. A decision also needs to be
made on mobilising the assistance for IWRM as this remains a vital part of the NTP.

(xii) RWSS needs more focussed planning: Poor coordination between ministries, and from
central to provincial/district/commune levels in formulating the program/plans means
that the program/plans are not built using a bottom-up approach - the program‘s
efficiency and quality are still low.

(xiii) Dealing with the disposal of solid wastes. There is an enormous range of social,
health and environmental problems in dealing with solid waste – even where there is a
formal disposal system – and these will only increase. Solving these problems has
proved difficult and expensive, and remains a fundamental challenge.

(xiv) Capacity building: Because urban drainage companies provide many other services,
the number of technical, managerial staff and workers in the sector has not been
identified. There is a lack of highly skilled workers to operate advanced technologies -
most of the current workers have no official training and rely on experience gained
through practical work in the sector.

2. Flooding and natural disasters

74. The location and topography of Viet Nam make it one of the most disaster-prone
countries in the world. The fact that about 50% of its population lives on the coast

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compounds the problem. Viet Nam suffers from typhoons, tropical storms, floods, drought,
seawater intrusions, landslides and forest fires. The impacts are seen in loss of life, damage
to property, constraints on people moving out of the poverty cycle and reduction in economic
development. More than 80% of the population live at risk of direct impacts from natural
disasters. In 10 years from 1997 to 2006, natural disasters caused over 5,000 deaths, and
destroyed more than 6,000 fishing boats, nearly 300,000 houses, 4 million ha of paddy rice,
with a total damage cost of over 50,000 billion VND.

75. There are unacceptable deaths and damages occurring across the country and
particularly in the Central Coast Region and the Cuu Long Delta. The central river basins
are regularly hit each year by numerous cyclones, and bear the brunt of the damages - the
Huong River has by far the largest loss of life with 36 people per million residents killed on
average each year: the Tra Khuc Thu Bon & Vu Gia and the Kone basins from 22 to 24; and
the SERC, Thach Han and Giang 13 to 15 (Chart 30 and Map S6).. Flooding in the region
from the Gianh to SERC is characterised by rapid rise and widespread floodplain flooding.
The average yearly natural disaster related damage cost in each basin is also dominated by
the river basins in central Viet Nam, particularly the Thach Han, the Thu Bon & Vu Gia and
the Huong basins where annual losses are from 6 to 8.4% of basin GDP.

76. The average annual planted area of paddy field damaged by flood was adopted as a
means to indicate the proportion of each basin that is regularly subjected to flooding. On
average per year, the paddy lost to floods is greatest for the river basins from the Ca to the
Tra Khuc (Chart 14). This indicates the nature of flooding in these basins where very wide
flood plains, short times to rise and complex and constrained outlets minimise structural
protection opportunities.

77. For most basins, structural measures cannot be implemented comprehensively.

Viet Nam has been less able to implement non-structural measures to manage natural
disaster risk and this is seen as a major failing. An integrated approach to disaster risk
management involves structural and non-structural measures across sectors, development
planning for disasters with considerations of Community-Based Disaster Risk Management
(CBDRM). A recent project in disaster-prone Quang Ngai province (Tra Khuc Basin) has
demonstrated this approach, and both data since implementation and peer reviews have
recommended this as a model for other disaster prone areas of Viet Nam.

78. Flash flooding killed 453 people in a ten year period, approximately 10% of the total
deaths in natural disasters. Addressing this problem is extremely difficult and depends more
on land use management, warning and community preparedness than on any possible
structural measure.

79. Viet Nam’s coastline is particularly vulnerable – as seen by the string of natural
disasters in 2007. Fishing vessels have been particularly vulnerable to natural disasters. In
the 10 years to 2006, 6,298 vessels were destroyed and 5,065 damaged. Such losses place
extremely high burdens on fishing families. As economic development progresses, little
attention has been paid to the long-term stability of coastal areas subjected to natural
disasters. The impact of vegetation removal, in particular mangrove removals, is well
known, Extensive river sand extraction for development is also reducing the natural
processes of sand supply to the coast and decreasing the capacity of coastlines to resist
erosion forces. A planning and technically based approach looking at the relationships
between river sediment movement and coastal processes is required.

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80. Climate change will intensify the impacts of natural disasters and focus more
attention on non-structural solutions. Conversely addressing natural disaster risks in this
way will achieve many climate change adaptation goals.

81. The flood, storm control and disaster mitigation network of Viet Nam provides a
strong political and social structure, under the leadership of MARD. This network is closely
structured from the Central to the local and community level. However, most personnel have
flood and storm control responsibilities as an addition to their normal role - no specific facility
exists to support the activities, which are mostly reactive. At the provincial level, the same
issues exist. Under MONRE, the HMS provides forecasts and warnings on natural
phenomena to the CCFSC, the National Committee for Search and Rescue, and the
concerned local authorities and agencies, so that these bodies can organise and guide the
people’s efforts of preparedness and responses. Every province has a hydro-meteorological
forecasting centre.

82. The statistical systems of the CCFSC and the General Statistics Office (GSO) are
used for the state management of efforts of flood, storm control and disaster mitigation. The
GSO’s network, including use of forms that have been standardised for data recording and
storage, is thorough and consistent with full time and professional statistical workers doing
information collection, processing and reporting. This is a distinct advantage.

83. On 16 November 2007, the Prime Minister issued the Decision No. 172/2007
approving the National Strategy for Natural Disaster Prevention, Response and Mitigation to
2020. MARD and CCFSC are leading the implementation of the Strategy. MPI, in
coordination with MOF, the National Committee for Search and Rescue, and other ministries
and agencies are to arrange annual investment funds for effective implementation of the

84. Major natural disaster issues are as follows:

(i) Resources: Management of natural disasters in Viet Nam is critical to socioeconomic

development. The National Strategy to 2020 sets appropriate and ambitious goals.
The difficulty and challenge in the short term will be to allocate sufficient resources and
strengthen institutional arrangements to achieve those goals.

(ii) Importance of non-structural responses: Viet Nam has shown a strong ability to
address natural disasters through structural works. A willingness and ability to
embrace non-structural measures is much less obvious but just as important.
Responsible agencies, and MARD as a prime agency for disaster management, are
not orientated for non-structural applications and their institutional arrangements
appear inadequate for implementation of such measures.

(iii) Greater use of flood storage in reservoirs: Reservoir flood storage is a structural
measure not used to a great extent across Viet Nam. This consideration would
improve benefits calculated in cost benefit assessments of such proposals.

(iv) Integrity of structural works is an important issue for disaster risk management and the
exposure of Viet Nam in this regard is not defined. The safety of all major dams in
Viet Nam should be assessed and appropriate action implemented. Other existing
works, including the dyke system, are often old and not properly maintained.

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(v) Greater risk management, particularly in the Central Region: Death and damage
statistics over the recent 10 years highlights the critical need for vastly improved risk
management in the Central Region where exposure, speed of disaster onset and
topographic features of wide floodplains and multiple coastal inlets combine to
highlight vulnerability. Non-structural measures are paramount, but it appears to need
some specific institutional development to deliver change in this regard.

(vi) Land use planning must recognise disaster vulnerability: Viet Nam is experiencing
beneficial growth but the consequential industrial and commercial development is
encouraging land development and filling in the areas where flooding and coastal
waters spread during natural disasters. Provincial land use planning and development
approval must take into account natural disaster issues so that development can occur
in a manner that better manages the risks of disasters. Information to underpin this
planning process, such as flood extent and vulnerability assessments will be critical.

(vii) Better coastal zone management: Coastal issues have tended to be overlooked in the
past but have emerged strongly in recent years. Losses to fishing communities have
been major. Inappropriate aquaculture development can aggravate the potential
problem. Coastal sand erosion is emerging as a critical issue and impacting on
development and hazard management costs. Coastal zone management, including
consideration of climate change, is a critical issue for disaster management.

(viii) River basin planning. Flood management must be considered in a river basin context.
A suitable model for integrated river basin management that can deal with risk
assessment, and issues such as balancing structural and non-structural measures to
minimise the impacts of water-related disasters has not been developed.

(ix) As discussed, extensive river sand extraction for development is also reducing the
natural processes of sand supply to the coast and decreasing the capacity of
coastlines to resist erosion forces. A planning and technically based approach looking
at the relationships between river sediment movement and coastal processes is

(x) Preparedness for extreme risks: The Red River Delta, the Cuu Long and some other
basins have extensive structural measures in place to manage disasters. Risk
management measures must be in place for the extreme events or unexpected
structural failure and preparedness includes simulation of extreme events and
simulated disaster planning exercises. Such simulations are not yet undertaken in
Viet Nam and would be a product of greater emphasis on disaster planning.

(xi) Flash flooding: Losses due to flash floods are very serious causing about 10% of
deaths. The problem is exaggerated by the random nature of its occurrence and
widespread occurrence of human activities that heighten the exposure risk. The issue
needs to be addressed at Central and provincial levels.

(xii) Institutional modes for disaster response: Natural disaster management was well
founded decades ago on the CCFSC model. The structural basis is still sound but it
appears that national and provincial resources are not being applied in sufficient
amounts to enable dedicated personnel appointments and facilities to achieve the
required step change in disaster risk management. The optimum disaster
management model would involve all agencies as required and the Viet Nam system
needs enhancement to deliver greater coordination and involvement of relevant

Date: 29 April 2008

agencies. The new National Strategy_2007 provides the guidance but implementation
at the national and provincial level requires urgent attention

(xiii) Adequate warning and community preparedness: A well prepared community familiar
with risk management strategies are the prime means for saving lives in natural
disasters. MONRE has responsibility for much of the monitoring and warning network.
There appears to be many opportunities for improved interfaces with natural disaster
managers at the provincial level.

(xiv) Community-Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM). CBDRM offers high value
returns in lives saved and damages minimised. Currently there appears to be no
central or provincial agency with prime interest or responsibility in guiding
implementation, This deficiency needs to be addressed to obtain most value from
community involvement in disaster preparedness and response.

(xv) Climate Change. This is now accepted as an outcome that is occurring and associated
changes will worsen natural disasters. Managing the risks of disasters also helps to
manage the worsening risks due to climate change. A positive outcome of current
climate change considerations will be encouragement for the adoption of non-
structural risk management (eg planning measures) to aid disaster risk management.

3. Navigation
85. Transport of cargo on inland waterways accounts for almost 20% of the total cargo
transported in Viet Nam. In 2006, inland waterways transported 68 million tonnes of cargo.
Cargo transport has more than doubled between 1995 and 2004, and the inland waterway
proportion of this has remained about 20% during this time, with a growth rate 2001-2006 of
7%. In addition to cargo transport, inland waterways contribute to the nation’s passenger
transport. In 2006, passengers took about 179 million trips over some 3,600 million
kilometres in total on inland waterways, representing about 13% of the passenger transport
in Viet Nam. In 2006, total cargo vessels numbered 73,131 with a total weight of 5.18 million
tonnes. The average age of cargo vessels is 11 years. Passenger vessels totalled 14,475,
with total capacity of 751,214 seats, and an average age of 9 years. Inland waterway
transport has the advantage of being low cost relative to other transport modes, and it can
carry oversized and over weight cargo over long distances. It has the disadvantages of
being slower, dependent on natural weather and hydrologic condition, and does not provided
door to door service.

86. The total value of inland waterway transport in 2004 was almost 7,730 billion VND,
with the greatest contribution from the Dong Nai (43%), followed by the Red - Thai Binh
(32%), then the Cuu Long (17%). The highest calculated economic value of inland
navigation based on the total length of navigable channel are Dong Nai (1,076 million
VND/km), the Red-Thai Binh River Basin, and the Cuu Long Basin. The Bang Giang – Ky
Cung, Se San and Sre Pok have no navigation industries (Chart 41 and Map ED1).

87. Map ED1 shows the main navigable channels in river basins. Inland waterway
transport in the Dong Nai basin is via more than 3,000 km of navigable channels, and
supports the Dong Nai, Binh Phuoc, Binh Duong industrial zones. The main cargo
transported is construction materials, agriculture products, fishery products, fuel, and
household supplies. There are 9 ports and handling facilities. The Red - Thai Binh inland
waterway transport supports the Hanoi – Hai Phong – Quang Ninh economic triangle, with
3,400km of navigable reaches. There are 15 ports with handing facilities mostly handling

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coal, cement and construction materials. The Cuu Long is the key skeleton for cross border
transport between Viet Nam and Cambodia (via the Mekong and Bassac rivers with about
2,000km of navigable reaches). There are 14 ports and handling facilities conveying a
variety of forestry and agricultural products, as well as construction materials and fuels, and
other general cargo.

88. The upper reaches of most other rivers, are unsuitable for any significant
transportation activities. However, many local populations, particularly ethnic people, rely on
these wateways for their livelihoods. In the lower reaches of other rivers bridges are often
low, and in many of these rivers, reservoirs, weirs and barrages for salinity control cause
significant navigation obstructions. There are port facilities in the lower reaches of the Ma,
Ca, Gianh, Thach Han, and Thu Bon – Vu Gia rivers.

89. Future projections for inland waterways envisage cargo transport of 87 million tonnes
by 2010 and 172 million tonnes by 2020 – a growth rate of around 7%. Passenger trips are
projected as 239 million by 2010, and 533 million by 2020, with a growth rate between 2011
and 2020 of 8.3% per year.

90. There were 223 accidents on inland waterways in 2006, less than the average of 354
per year from 2000 to 2005. Most of the 2006 accidents occurred in the Red – Thai Binh
basin, and resulted in the sinking of 195 vessels, 213 deaths, and 14 injuries.

91. The main legal document for inland waterway management is the Inland Waterway
Law, which is supported by six decrees and 31 decisions. The Viet Nam Inland Waterway
Administration (VIWA), within the Department of Transport, is responsible for State
management of inland navigation and it has a staff of approximately 3,500, including 75 at
the central level. Some provinces also have inland waterway management staff (about 950
in total).

92. A ‘Master Plan for Inland Waterways Development to 2020’ was approved in 2007.
Implementation of the plan would require 48,839 billion VND to be invested in canals and
significant upgrading of existing works. Priority works in the master plan require 10,236
billion VND.

93. Inland waterway and river port planning and development is not effective with many
illegal sites and low government investment. The market share for inland waterways
infrastructure from 2001-2006 was 1,554 B VND which is only 1.97% of total transport
investment. Annual budgets for managing, operating and maintaining inland waterway
systems are sought by VIWA from the MoT and the Ministry of Finance. Provincial Peoples
Committees also seek funding annually for carrying out their inland waterway function.

94. The navigation warning system applied in Viet Nam, the Inland Waterway aids to
navigation system No 22 TCN–269–2000, has been adopted by the Mekong River
Commission as the Lower Mekong warning system.

95. Major navigation issues are as follows:

(i) Integrated management and coordination. There is little planning or coordination

between the navigation sector and other sectors. This leads to unintended, un-costed
and unmitigated impacts both of other sectors on inland waterway navigation, and of
navigation activities on other sector development and activities.

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(ii) Level of investment. Compared with other transport sectors, inland waterways receive
low infrastructure investment (2% of total transport investment from 2001-06).
(iii) International cooperation. Further policy and technical work needs to be undertaken to
improve cross border inland waterway transportation with Cambodia, Laos and China.
Viet Nam should continue to be support the Mekong River Commission navigation
management activities.
(iv) Navigation obstacles and barriers. There are many structures and activities that cause
major obstacles or barriers to navigation. These, in some cases, make navigation
impossible, and in many other cases, pose serious risks to navigation, increasing the
likelihood of accidents, and/or increasing time and costs of inland waterway
(v) Impacts of sand exploitation. In recent years, the increased demand for construction
materials has led to increased illegal sand exploitation in several inland waterway
routes. This has caused changes in flow patterns, in turn affecting navigation, and
increasing conflicts among vessels. Lack of monitoring, integrated planning for sand
exploitation, and licensing and compliance effort mean that these issues are not being
actively managed.
(vi) Impacts of aquaculture developments. Aquaculture developments can cause adverse
impacts on navigation in terms of restrictions and safety.
(vii) Environmental impacts of navigation. There are a number of environmental impacts
associated with inland waterway navigation which are not fully considered in the
management, planning, and operations in the sector. These include accidents and
spills (in particular oil spills), passenger waste, shipyard and port waste, bank erosion
and turbidity, and dredging materials.
(viii) Management shortcomings include national coverage (there is no active management
of inland waterway navigation in the Tra Khuc, Kone, Ba, SERC, Se San and Sre Pok
basins), regulatory environment (a comprehensive legal framework for inland
waterway navigation management is lacking), poor participatory mechanisms, and an
inadequate communications and warning response system (which is critical for safety
and search and rescue operations).
(ix) Capacity and financing. The inland waterway navigation operating budget (excluding
salaries) is significantly less than that required for the state management functions, as
well as the management and maintenance of more than 40 ports, more than 20 river
stations, almost 150 river sub-stations, and thousands of kilometres of navigable
channels. At this stage, there are no navigation fees levied on the industry to cover
such costs.
(x) Awareness. Awareness of navigation issues is deficient within other central and
provincial government sectors, and the regulatory environment is not well understood
by vessel operators and navigation companies.


1. Industrial development
The fundamental structural shift away from agricultural, forestry, and fisheries towards
industry, and the concentration of the population and economic activity in a few geographical
areas, has been a strong feature of the Viet Nam economy, and this trend is expected to
intensify. In 2006, industrial activities accounted for over 41% of national GDP and is

Date: 29 April 2008

expected to reach 45% by 2010. Over the past 7 years the industrial sector has achieved an
average annual growth rate of 17.3%, with the GDP doubling between 2002 and 2006.
Manufacturing accounts for around 84% of industrial output value and grew at a rate of
19.3% over the period 2002 to 2006. In 2007, the fastest growth rate of 20.9% was for the
private sector

96. The ‘food and beverage’, ‘wearing apparel’, ‘tanning and dressing leather’, ‘wood and
wood products’, ‘fabricated metal products and ‘furniture’ are the most economically
significant sub-sectors, with 65% of all industrial employment and 57% of all industrial firms.
Industrial activities are being increasingly concentrated in the Red – Thai Binh basin, and the
SREC (Ba Ria - Vung Tau) and Dong Nai basins, which together accounts for nearly 80% of
the industrial output value but only 13.8% of the total number of enterprises. The Central
river basins together provide a very small contribution to industrial GDP..

97. At 2007, there are 154 industrial estates, (excluded the Provincial industrial parks
and local clusters) with 97 zones in the Red – Thai Binh, Dong Nai and the SERB. Between
2000 and 2005, industrial production at industrial estates increased in value from 13.7% to
26.4% of the total, and continues to expand rapidly. 35% of all manufacturing enterprises
will be located within industrial estates by 2010, most in Southern Viet Nam.

98. Due to the lack of measured water use information, water demands for industry have
been calculated based on the norms for producing industrial output. The total water use by
industry is estimated at around 3,760 million m3 a year, with nearly half of that for the Red –
Thai Binh basin. 25% of industrial water use occurs in the Dong Nai, 7% in the SERC and
10% in the Cuu Long. It is estimated that the use of groundwater for industry is significant -
57% of enterprises in HCMC use groundwater. By 2015, industrial water use will be more
than double the 2006 volume. The greatest increase is projected to occur in basins where
there is already a significant industrial base – the Red R, the Dong Nai, SERC, Cuu Long,
and Thu Bon & Vu Ga.

99. The economic returns for the use of water in industry are relatively high. The SERC
has an economic return of 441,000 VND/m3 of water use and the Dong Nai 393,000 VND/m3
(Chart 36 and Map ED3). These returns for water use are greater than those for other
purposes (e.g. irrigation). However, by international standards the productivity of industrial
water use is not high. This national average value (USD13.3/m3) is a low figure compared to
other countries. The SEDS 2006-2010 found that the speed of technological renovation in
almost every industrial branch is still slow.

100. Wastewater from industry has a major water impact, bringing a range of pollutants to
water sources. The most polluting sub-sectors for water are the ‘fertilizers and nitrogen
compounds’, ‘pulp, paper and paperboard’, and the ‘basic chemicals, except fertilizers and
nitrogen compounds’. Although there are 154 industrial parks and export processing zone
nationally, there are only 43 centralised wastewater treatment plants. These can meet the
treatment requirements only because most parks and zones are currently at only about 70%
capacity. In coming years when 100% of land will be used, only 31% of wastewater will be
treated and the rest of discharged without treatment. In a survey of provinces for the WSR
(30 provinces responded), 442 industrial zones were identified and only 13% of these has
adequate treatment of wastewater. About half of the non-state owned enterprises were
located outside of industrial zones, presumably with little or no wastewater treatment.

101. It is estimated that in 2006 there were 2,803 industrial enterprises nationally,
discharging about 155 million m3 a year of wastewater - or 850,000 m3 a day. This

Date: 29 April 2008

represents about 340 Olympic swimming pools of wastewater discharged every day. The
‘manufacture of steel and metal products’ uses much less water than other industries, and
shows a far higher financial turnover per m3 of wastewater discharge. In contrast the ‘paper
manufacturing’ enterprises discharge much larger wastewater volumes and have a much
smaller financial turnover per m3 of wastewater discharged to the environment. Of the total
water use for craft villages, ‘food processing’ uses most water – 37% of the total estimated
craft village use nationally.

102. The craft village industry has witnessed phenomenal growth, especially in the Red –
Thai Binh basin, where 60% of craft industries are located. Craft villages are seen as an
important measure for promoting rural economic development, where 75% of Viet Nam’s
population still reside. Average income per capita in craft villages is up to 5 times higher
than in villages devoted to agriculture. The number of craft villages was assessed at over
2,000 in 2002, accounting for 2.5% of the total number of villages, and providing more than
10 million jobs, 29% of the rural workforce. An estimated 40,500 enterprises are in craft
villages, around 80% being family businesses with 1 to 3 employees.

103. Craft villages are areas with high occupational health risk and exposure to pollution,
particularly in small-scale industries with no pollution control technology and worker
protection and no wastewater treatment. Almost all village households use their houses and
gardens as a production place, with waste discharged directly into the surrounding
environment of residential areas. This directly affects not only surface water (community’s
canal, lakes, ponds, rivers), but also groundwater, impacting on the drinking water for the
villages where most people use drilled wells with very simple primary treatment. Water
pollution from industry and craft villages is a serious and growing problem.

104. The direct management of much of the industrial establishments is in the hands of
the Government. Between 2001 and 2005, some 3,183 SOEs were restructured, including
2,056 equitised (and 181 liquidated or declared bankrupt).7 However, despite continuous
efforts to reform state-owned enterprises, the state sector continues to play an important
economic role, contributing to approximately 40% of Vietnam’s GDP. Equitisation and
modernisation has been especially difficult for line ministries with a significant number of
SOEs in large general corporations (GC). Many line ministries are owners and managers of
industries which are among the most polluting in the country.

105. Despite the rapid growth rate, the quality and efficiency of industries have not been
much improved. In the five years 2001-2005, the industrial production value increased at an
average rate of 15.7% per year; however, the value added is only 10.3%. The processing
industry accounts for 50-60% of total production value, but it is the industry of highest
material costs, which leads to low value added. These can generate high production values,
yet the highest costs are due to the importation of raw materials. Technological renovation
Viet Nam is at a much slower level than in neighbouring countries.

106. Several policies that encourage the development of the non-State economic sectors
are slow to take effect. In reality, there are signs of discrimination and unfair treatment that
discourage these economic sectors from investing their capital in business and production

Report of the Central Economic Committee on “The Implementation of the Central Party’s, Resolution No.3 and
the Central Committee’s Resolution No. 9 of the IX Term on SOE Restructuring, Renovation and Effectiveness

Date: 29 April 2008

development. A level playing field for both domestic and foreign investments has not been
created, and private sector participation is at times discouraged.

107. The Prime Minister’s Decision No. 64/2003, approved the plan for thoroughly
handling establishments which cause serious environmental pollution. However, at the end
of Stage 1 only around 63% of the listed black spots have been resolved. Most production
sites do not implement, or incorrectly implement, the approved procedures and wastewater
exceeds the national standards for many parameters.

108. The government has acknowledged the role and importance of economic measures
in environment protection. Decree No. 67/2003 seeks to use pollutions charges to limit the
environmental pollution caused by wastewater, to use clean water economically and to
create a funding source for the Environmental Protection Fund. However, the fees is not
being uniformly applied and not all provinces participate. The process for establishment of
the fee is not realistic.

109. Major industrial issues are as follows:

(i) Industry is growing: The rapid and continuing development of industrial estates is a
key policy in Vietnam’s industrialisation process. This will lead to the need for
additional water supply, often is areas already stressed, and will generate substantial
(ii) Industry is concentrated: most industry is highly concentrated in a few areas which
creates environmental problems, but also opportunities in terms of focused
management. The growth of industrial zones and craft villages is creating new and
significant small decentralised nodes of production and pollution.
(iii) Populations are growing and concentrating: population density and numbers around
those industrial centres will continue to increase dramatically over the next decade.
(iv) Industrial pollution will continue to increase as industry grows: while technological
innovation is happening in new industry, the greater proportion of plants operating now
will continue to do so over the next five years with little or no innovation. Therefore
continued increases in the total pollution load can be expected.
(v) The toxicity and complexity of pollution will increase as industry grows: the number
and quantity of toxic chemicals and metals in pollution is expected to increase rapidly
as manufacturing processes diversify and grow in volume.
(vi) The production at craft villages is causing serious environmental pollution: Almost all
households use their homes and gardens as a production place so that pollution
sources directly affect the surrounding environment of residential areas and surface
water and underground water.
(vii) Performance of the State Enterprises is a major issue for the sector – they are
inefficient operators with a very poor environmental performance, particularly for
wastewater management. They have not been inclined to invest in pollution control.
Equitisation has been slow. Many of the most polluting enterprises are both owned
and regulated by government
(viii) Water use and wastewater discharge monitoring: Data and information on water
volume use for industrial production and on pollutant loading and discharge are not

Date: 29 April 2008

(ix) Environmental protection processes are inadequate to deal with the booming
development: Viet Nam’s regulators, and those concerned about environmental health,
have inadequate capacity to manage current developments, and will struggle with this
development boom; the EIA process is inadequate to ensure development will be
sustainable; and the wastewater licensing process will not be able to assist in the short
term at least.
(x) Poor application of the environmental protection fee: Provisions for the application of
this economic instrument is in place. However, it is not being effectively nor fairly
(xi) Lack of enforcement and inspectorate: The reasons for this are the lack of quantity and
quality of personnel, insufficient funds and poor coordination between sectors of the

2. Hydropower
110. An adequate and reliable energy sector is a foundation pillar of any economy. The
current estimated electricity demand growth is 15% a year, based on to Vietnam’s rapidly
growing economy and rising standards of living. Currently, the industrial sector accounts for
44% of electricity demand, and around 50% of this is in the south.

111. From 1995 to 2005, the capacity for electricity production almost tripled with an
average growth rate of 12.7% per year. However, this has not met the demand and today
regular outages of electricity, even in the major cities, is common. Hydropower by 2010 will
provide 42% of the total national power capacity - coal provides 25% and gas 28%. The unit
cost of hydropower is less than other types of the power generation, making it a very
attractive option for further development The total hydropower capacity in Viet Nam by 2010
will be just over 10,000 MW8. The three most significant river basins for hydropower
capacity are the Red-Thai Binh, Dong Nai, and Se San. Hydropower in the Red-Thai Binh
and Dong Nai systems will account for roughly 11% and 9% respectively of all energy
capacity in Vietnam in 20109 (of more than 26,000 MW), and 28% and 23% respectively of
the nation’s internal hydropower capacity (Chart 39). The Se San will contribute almost 6%
of total energy capacity, and 14% of national hydropower capacity. Small hydropower
generating facilities account for 11% of the total capacity.

112. The total projected national power capacity for 2025 is 181,754 MW, including 18%
from hydropower, 67% from thermal (coal) power 8% from gas turbine power, 6% from
nuclear power, and 1% from diesel power. The 2025 total projected internal hydropower
capacity is almost 28,000 MW 1. Socio-economic and environmental considerations may
limit this total potential substantially. While the proportion of national power provided by
internally generated hydropower will decrease to about 15%, in absolute terms hydropower
generation will more than triple. The major increases in internal hydropower generation
capacity will occur in the Red-Thai Binh basin, which will increase production more than four
fold. The SERC will contribute almost 16% of all internal hydropower capacity in the future,
with an inter-basin transfer from the Dong Nai (Chart 40). More basins will be making
hydropower contributions in 2025. Small hydropower developments across the country are
expect to account for almost 15% of the total national hydropower generation capacity in

This does not include hydropower imported from China and Lao PDR.
Including imported power

Date: 29 April 2008

113. Cooperation with other countries is important for meeting energy demand forecasts
and hydropower developments in Lao, Cambodia and China are expected to contribute
substantially. Viet Nam is expected to import almost 6,000 MW of hydropower by 2025.

114. MoTI is responsible for the overall management and development of the electricity
sector. The Electricity Regulatory Authority of Vietnam (ERAV) has been established under
MoTI to licence operators, regulate the competitive power market, set electricity rates, and
appraise Provincial Power Development Plans. Electricity Viet Nam (EVN) is a state-owned
corporation of MoTI undertaking the generation, transmission/distribution and sales of
electricity. Seven companies sell electricity to the customers, three regional, and four for
major cities (Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Hai Phong, and Dong Nai). EVN has a further five
entities that function as consulting arms. EVN develops most of the major power projects,
although private sector involvement is possible.

115. EVN formulates the national power development plans - Master Plan VI aims to
satisfy demands to 2006 to 2015. To inform the Plan, a National Hydropower Development
Plan Study was undertaken and completed in 2005 which prepared and prioritised a number
of future hydropower development strategies, with some consideration of environmental and
social factors. Provincial governments also plan for smaller scale hydropower
developments. Such plans are approved by PPCs, after appraisal by ERAV, and investors
sought for the design, construction and operation. The operation of all hydropower
operations that feed into the grid are subject to the control of a board within EVN.

116. At the project level, environmental impact assessment is undertaken, and comments
are sought from Ministries or provincial departments of potentially affected sectors.
Depending on the scale of the project, either the MoTI recommends project to the
Government for approval, or PPCs approve smaller projects themselves.

117. Major hydropower issues are as follows:

(i) Integrated management and coordination. There is little planning or coordination

between the hydropower sector and other sectors. This leads to unintended and un-
costed impacts of hydropower developments on other sectors and activities, and
potentially of other sector developments on hydropower.
(ii) Multi-purpose use of reservoirs and regulatory controls. Currently there is little
consideration of the potential for multi-purpose use of reservoirs, which require
significant public sector investment. There is at this stage no process for considering,
and providing for, multiple benefits.
(iii) International cooperation. Historically, Viet Nam has encountered some problems with
hydropower developments on international rivers (Se San and Sre Pok). Recently,
Viet Nam, Cambodia and Laos established a forum to discuss socio-economic
development issues (in particular hydropower developments) in the boundary areas.
China is also planning many hydropower projects in the catchment areas of the Red
River, but there is little consultation with Viet Nam on these proposals or their impacts.
(iv) Basin capacity to provide hydropower potential. The potential hydropower capacity
increases in particular basins appear to have been determined without full assessment
of the ability of the basin to provide the necessary water volumes with no or limited
detriment to other water users and uses. Water resource planning needs to be
comprehensive across sectors for those basins where substantial expansion of
hydropower is expected.

Date: 29 April 2008

(v) Inter-basin water transfers. There are several inter-basin transfers for hydropower
generation existing and planned, including from the Dong Nai basin. These transfers
have not adequately considered the impacts on the donor basin, nor do they
adequately consider the environmental impacts on the supplying basin. For example,
further reduction in the overall flows in the Dong Nai basin through inter-basin transfers
will make an extremely stressed river even further stressed and increasingly unable to
meet the full range of community needs.
(vi) Reservoir design and operation. There are a number of adverse impacts associated
with hydropower design and operation. These include the fact that hydropower
structures are rarely designed to cater for downstream water needs making any
subsequent releases impossible without major structural modification; even recently
built works have not accommodated fish movement; during the filling of reservoirs,
flows down-river are generally stopped; operating rules for hydropower reservoirs are
not generally devised prior to the design phase; dam safety monitoring equipment and
flood prediction equipment are not adequate in most cases; floods caused by high
rainfall downstream of the reservoir can be exacerbated by hydropower releases; and
some dams are experiencing substantial sediment problems which should be
addressed at the design stage.
(vii) Regulatory environment. The problems associated with a single use focus
development approach are likely to become more acute with the increasing
involvement of the private sector, and increasing competition in the electricity market.
The Government is slowly separating its functions of operator and regulator. However,
a strong regulatory environment, with clear, well communicated processes and rules
that apply to all both government and non-government operators, is missing.
(viii) Assessment of hydropower projects and plans. Full impact assessment of hydropower
development plan is not currently undertaken. As happens in other sectors, the
environmental impact assessment of projects appears to occur too late in the
development process, after most of the decisions about design and location have been
(ix) Promotion of small hydropower projects. Current constraints on small
hydrodevelopment need to be overcome to use this potential.
(x) Social impacts. In the past, the social impacts of hydropower development in Viet
Nam have not been fully considered. Such impacts include those on ethnic minorities
(physical and social dislocation, loss of traditional food sources, and often loss of water
supply/decline in quality), and those on downstream communities. Social impacts,
positive and negative, need to be comprehensively addressed.
(xi) Environmental impacts: include those on sediment transport and disruption of natural
geomorphic processes, aquatic biodiversity and fisheries, and significant changes to
hydrology including the creation of dead river sections. Mitigating measures for the
water and terrestrial environment need to determined and implemented.
(xii) Benefit sharing. More discussion needs to be promoted on sharing the benefits of
hydropower development projects with a draft decree scheduled for promulgation in
(xiii) Participatory mechanisms. With the increase of private sector operators comes a more
urgent need for more formal consultative mechanisms.
(xiv) Awareness. Awareness of the impacts of hydropower, as well as of impact mitigation
options, is deficient and the interactions between sectors are poorly understood.

Date: 29 April 2008

3. Irrigation
118. Water use for agriculture has been an essential component that has led to food
security and lifted millions out of poverty. By 1991 Viet Nam had transformed from a net rice
importer to one of the world’s largest rice exporters. While the proportion of national GDP
from the agricultural sector will decline, the sector is projected to continue to grow at a
modest rate and provide a significant source of employment. Water resources infrastructure
has been extensively developed to support the growth of agriculture.

119. Irrigation is the largest user of water - irrigation withdrawals exceed 66,000 million m3
per year, being over 80% of the total estimated water use. The Cuu Long and Red – Thai
Binh basins account for almost 70% of that use. The Cuu Long has the greatest irrigation
water use per capita at over 1,600 m3 per person per year. Most basins have a figure of
much less than 1,000 m3 per person per year. The total irrigated area was 8.34 million ha in
2007 out of a cultivated area of 9.7 million hectares. Paddy field rice was the dominant crop,
accounting for 82% of the irrigated area. Of this area, 44% of the spring paddy was grown in
IMCs, 38% of the summer paddy and 53 % of the winter paddy. The remaining area was in
local districts. The relatively strong growth in irrigated rice area that has occurred over the
past 14 years has resulted largely from a process of intensification. There has been little
investment in new irrigation capacity or in rehabilitation of facilities.

120. In most river basins, the agricultural sector’s contribution to GDP has dropped from
80-90% to 30-50%, although it remains a significant economic activity (Chart 35). This
decline does not suggest the agriculture sector is shrinking in absolute terms. Employment
in agriculture ranges from a low of 32% in the Huong basin (which also has a low agricultural
GDP but a relatively high water use), to a high of 82% in the Bang Giang – Ky Kung basin
(Chart 24).

121. The economic returns from irrigation production activities for each unit of water used
as input, including both surface water and groundwater, are not high (Chart 37 and Map).
The Gianh basin returns 1,000 VND/m3 used while the Se San basin is at 14,000 VND/m3.
The Trach Han and the Dong Nai have high returns, while the Ma, Thu Bon – Vu Gia, the
Cuu Long and the Ba have relatively low values. A low return for water input would suggest
a low level of irrigation efficiency, or very low value irrigated crops.

122. Agricultural chemical are used by a high proportion of the population and on large
land areas. A study on chemical use found that most pesticides used were of high toxicity,
levels of exposure were unnecessarily high, costs of chemical use were high, but the
efficiency was low. Most farmers had little awareness of propers pesticide use and many
were suffering from pesticide poisoning problems.

123. In the Day/Nhue River, a study of the impacts of using contaminated water for
irrigation was undertaken. This concluded that using heavily polluted water can save some
fertiliser costs, but reduces the income from rice production.

124. MARD has the primary responsibility for irrigation management. The water
department within MARD (with a staff of about 60), and its associated institutes (including
the Institute for Water Resources Planning with a staff of about 200) lead the planning and
development for major agricultural infrastructure and development. The Plant Protection
Department approves herbicide and pesticide use. MARD controls 12 general corporations
with the total of 317 companies. The number of state-owned businesses in the sector has

Date: 29 April 2008

remained about the same over the period 2000 to 2003. These enterprises are
characterised as having low efficiency.

125. At present there are 110 IDMCs, employing over 22,500 people. Three of these are
under the direct control of MARD (the Bac Hung Hai, Bac Nam Ha, and Dau Tieng IMCs),
with the remaining under the control of the Provinces. In terms of the number of staff per
thousand of hectares irrigated, the ratio varies from 0.2 in the Cuu Long to 10.5 in the Red
River delta. The delta also has the highest number of staff per IDMC suggesting inefficient
service delivery. The lowest number of staff per IDMC is 118 in the Central highlands.

126. Local level participation through PIM and water-user groups is seen as vital to ensure
service quality and the efficient use of water resources in irrigation schemes. PIM pilots
have demonstrated that it can bring significant improvement in the effectiveness of water
management. However, its application has been slow for reasons concerning governance at
all levels and water user awareness and ability. The participatory process is in essence an
institutional and organisational change process, and its progress will most likely take
considerably more time than foreseen.

127. Until very recently, individual farmers paid ‘irrigation service fees’ (ISF) to cover at
least a proportion of the operation and maintenance costs associated with irrigation water
delivery by both IDMCs and WUAs. Although not adequate to meet operation and
maintenance requirements, these fees provided a substantial proportion of the budget for
IDMCs. In 2006, 935.3 billion VND were collected in ISF of which 68% was for IDMCs and
32% for WUA. The Red River Delta accounted for the biggest share (45% of the total).
Collected fees are reported to cover 70-80% of IDMC running costs10. However, this figure
does not account for major works or refurbishment. In 2008, this fee was abolished due to
the cost burden on agricultural households that have already comparatively low incomes and
rising costs.

128. Major irrigation issues are as follows:

(i) Irrigation water supply. There may be justification for some new irrigation water
infrastructure in some basins. Planners would also need to look at whether the
efficiency of existing infrastructure and development could be improved before
planning new developments, and whether agricultural expansion is the most
appropriate development path for the basin community.
(ii) Many hydraulic works are now 30-40 years old, and little significant rehabilitation or
refurbishment has been undertaken. This poses dam safety issues, and results in
inefficient water delivery systems. Several causes of operation and maintenance
inefficiencies have been identified.
(iii) Financing irrigation management. One of the main reasons for the degraded state of
irrigation infrastructure is the lack of any sustainable financing. State budgets are
insufficient to satisfy major refurbishment demands, and provincial budgets are even
less capable of such allocations. The abolition of the ISF has removed significant
income from IDMCs and WUAs.

Le Duc Nam, Director Water resource Department MARD, report to NARBO

Date: 29 April 2008

(iv) Under use of design areas: On average, only 68 percent of total irrigation design area
is actually serviced.
(v) Water quality. Not only does poor water quality pose a public health risk within
irrigation schemes, particularly the use of polluted water for irrigating food products,
but crop yields have been reduced in highly polluted areas.
(vi) Fertilisers and pesticides are a common feature of cultivation activities, providing a
non-point pollution source throughout the country. The inappropriate and excess use
of pesticides, herbicides and fertilisers, particularly those of high toxicity has caused
harmful impacts on the health of the community and the environment, and will affect
the sustainability of agricultural production and rural development.
(vii) Multi-purpose use of irrigation reservoirs: Most reservoirs have been designed solely
for irrigation water supply. The structures have not been designed to pass any
significant flows, and now pose major barriers to fair water sharing, meeting
downstream social and economic values, and environmental health.
(viii) Institutional, legal and policy frameworks: suffers form gaps and overlaps,
inconsistencies and duplications. The regulatory environment creates uncertainties in
mandates and functions, and promotes both inaction and territorial disputes.
(i) Clarity of management function for water resources. The lines remain blurred between
state management of water resources and state management of irrigation and
(ii) State management of irrigation. To date there has been a very supply driven
“command and control” approach to irrigation infrastructure and management. PIM
models have shown success but implementation has been slow.
(iii) Irrigation scheme management. Communication and coordination is poor within the
IDMCs, between the Board of Directors, technical/water management and
financial/administration departments, and the field stations.
(iv) Irrigation management capacity. A shift in irrigation management philosophy and
practice will require substantial changes to the mix of skills at the state, provincial,
IDMC and WUA levels.
(v) Climate change. The more frequent drought and floods that are predicted to result
from climate change will place greater stress on irrigation and drainage structures and
their operation and management.

4. Fisheries and aquaculture

129. The fisheries sector in Viet Nam has been growing considerably, strongly promoted
by the government for hunger and poverty reduction. The sector provides about half of the
supply of animal protein to the human diet. Total earnings make it the third most important
export-oriented sector. More than three million people are directly employed and nearly 10%
of the population derive its main income from fisheries.

130. Inshore fisheries are now over-exploited and there is great pressure on these
resources. Inland fisheries provide an important source of aquatic products for nutrition and
seasonal income. Aquaculture has grown significantly in recent years, averaging over 12%
annual growth since 1990, contributing more than 40% of total fishery production with a
value in 2003 of 15,400 billion VND. In terms of aquaculture production, the freshwater sub-

Date: 29 April 2008

sector remains dominant at approximately 65-70%. Brackish water aquaculture - mainly

shrimp - contributes more than 40%.

131. The household remains dominant for both capture fishing and aquaculture, and in
2001 these represented the main business of 4.3% of households and the primary
employment of 5.1% of the national labor force. Levels were highest in South Central Coast
and the Mekong Delta. Most fishers and those involved in aquaculture are small-scale
producers – 77% of households conducting aquaculture have under 0.1 ha of pond area and
another 7% between 0.1 ha to 0.2 ha. More recently some cooperatives have been
established. The biggest source of fishing and aquaculture income is generated within the
Mekong Delta, where between 60% and 70% of households are involved in some form of
aquaculture, involving employment for over 600,000 workers. Shrimp aquaculture accounts
for more than half of this.

132. The value of production of aquaculture in river basins varies considerably – from
15,300 VND/m3 of water used in the Kone basin and 12,400 VND/m3 in the Gianh, to a low
of 3,800 VND/m3 of water used in the Cuu Long (Chart 42). In terms of returns per areas of
aquaculture, the Tra Khuc has the highest value at 198 million VND/ha and the Cuu Long
(93 million VND/ ha) – Chart 43.

133. By the end of 2005, there were 439 enterprises for aquatic product processing, more
than double the 2000 number, and there were 320 enterprises for frozen food products. In
2005, the total export turn-over was US$2.65 billion. A feature of this growth has been the
increase in the number of large modern and privately owned facilities. Of some 400
registered processing plants, about 80% are in the south, 12% in the central region, and 8%
in the north.

134. The emergence of food safety requirements as barriers to accessing international

markets has significantly shaped the industry structure. The United States and the
European Union rules are increasingly strict and producers have to quickly adapt.

135. The targets for fisheries and aquaculture show that significantly greater export
income (50% increase) is expected to be generated from only a small increase in total
fisheries exploitation, in line with the focus on efficiency and effectiveness of the sector. The
area under aquaculture is expected to almost double over the five years to 2010, which is
expected to generate about a 50% increase in production.

136. The Fisheries Law (2003) (FL) covers the use and preservation of fishery resources,
as well as businesses operating in the sector. An integrated planning approach to
aquaculture is required, with local planning consistent with aquaculture planning nationwide.
Environmental protection is to be strictly regulated. In a bid to protect and develop the
fisheries resources, the government has introduced a financial fund for the enhancement of
the resources including a ‘Fund for Rehabilitation of Fisheries Resources’.

137. Management of all fisheries activities lies with MARD, which is responsible for
defining total allowable catch and fishing capacity; protection measures relating to the
marine environment and aquatic living resources; zoning, monitoring and research; and
managing fishing permits. It has 11 Departments and a system of institutes, and state-
owned enterprises specialising in both fishing and aquaculture. Staff numbers are about 222
(excluding institutes) with an current annual operating budget in 2005 of almost 9 billion
VND. The Department of Science and Technology is responsible for national scale aquatic
products factories, and the National Department of Aquatic Resources and Exploitation and

Date: 29 April 2008

Protection for managing the natural environment (marine and inland natural conservation
areas). The National Fisheries Quality Assurance and Veterinary Directorate was
established in response to the EU/US health standards and is the national authority for
fisheries food safety assurance and quality control. An environmental monitoring and
disease early warning system for the fisheries sector is operating.

138. In coastal provinces, local fisheries administration authorities are the Provincial
Fisheries Departments. In inland provinces, the fisheries administration units are included in
the Provincial DARDs.

139. The number of State Fishery Enterprises (SFEs) in the sector has decreased
steadily. In 2002, there were 41, three as large state-owned general corporations, managed
centrally by MARD; and the rest managed by PPCs. There are three public sector
aquaculture enterprises. Most coastal provinces own one or more state enterprises in the
fisheries sector. SFEs are characterised as having low efficiency and are often unprofitable.
Establishing systems that meet international food hygiene standards is capital intensive and
has been limited to the State Owned Enterprises (SOEs).

140. While there are many water related threats arising from activities within the fisheries
sub-sector, it is aquaculture and the fisheries processing industries that contribute to
significant water source degradation through water use and pollution. Major fisheries and
aquaculture issues are as follows:

(i) Water quality and pollution from fisheries processing: Wastewater from aquatic
processing factories is one of the greatest environmental problems in food processing.
Monitoring results of wastewater from 77 factories investigated by MOFI in 2004, found
that BOD, COD, SS, total Nitrogen, total Phosphorus, lipid and coliform were
significantly above the national standard. As well, pH and oil were a concern at
specific localities and for specific enterprises.
(ii) Water quality and pollution from aquaculture can be severe - the levels of BOD,
coliform, total N, total P and H2S in some areas near aquaculture zones are higher
than the national standard from between two to twenty times. However, the most
common production in Viet Nam is family sized and sparse.
(iii) Water quality can threaten aquaculture. Poor water quality in source water, or a
sudden change of water quality, can cause major loss of aquaculture animals.
(iv) Loss of mangrove forests. Aquaculture development has decreased the mangrove
forest area, which is a precious ecosystem for various sea and aquatic species, as well
as playing a vital role in estuary processes. In 1943, Viet Nam had the second largest
mangrove forest in the world, behind the Amazon River. By 2001 only 150,000 ha of
mangrove forest remained.
(v) Performance of the State Fisheries Enterprises is a major issue for the sector – they
are inefficient operators providing relatively small return for their investment. As well,
they have very poor environmental performance, particularly for wastewater
management. Equitisation has been slow and most equitised enterprises are small.
(vi) Institutional issues are also significant. There is somewhat of a conflict in terms of the
natural resources issues as both fish exploitation and conservation are both functions
of one organisation. A further issue is the relationship with MONRE which is the
independent regulator for environmental protection and natural resource use.

Date: 29 April 2008

(vii) Information, research and capacity building: The subjects of environment management
and conservation of fisheries resources is not well understood. Vocational training is a
major limitation, a factor contributing to the lack of skilled local level workers and poor
quality of services to the aquaculture sector.



141. All international development partners were asked by the Project to complete a
simple survey that identifies the focus of their current and future investments. The analysis
of these surveys forms the basis of this section of the report.

142. Completed surveys were received from ADB, AFD (Government of France), AusAid
(Government of Australia), Government of Belgium, DANIDA (Government of Denmark),
DGCS-MAE (Government of Italy), JICA (Government of Japan), RNE (Government of the
Netherlands), UNICEF, USAid (Government of the United States) and the World Bank. The
surveys covered projects that were being solely funded by individual donors as well as
projects for which there were multiple partners. While the respondents represent a good
coverage of the major water sector supporters, this response cannot be considered as

143. The total value of all the projects is equivalent to about USD 1,740 million, of which
54% were for projects solely funded by individual donors. It is clear that some donors have
a current preference for solely funding projects while others have a preference for multiple
donor projects. The support provided by the donors also covers a considerable time span.
However, the vast majority of projects start from about 2006/07 and run to 2013. There are
also 2 regional projects for which Viet Nam is a beneficiary.

144. Around 62% of the international support consists entirely of loans. There are also
many projects that were a combination of TA and loans (the loans component could be at
around the 80% level). Direct budget support comprised 9% of the investments.

145. MARD is nominated as the sole benefitting Ministry for 47% of investments, although
many of these also specify benefitting provinces. MARD is also a partial beneficiary of
another 14% of investments. MoNRE is nominated as the sole benefitting Ministry for 0.4%
of investments and is the partial beneficiary of another 5.2%. EVN receives 11% of
investments (one loan project from the ADB) and MOC 10%. MOF/MPI is nominated as the
benefitting Ministry for 6% of investments. The PPC of a City or provinces is nominated as
the benefiting body for 10% of investments. 54 provinces were nominated as benefitting
from the international investments. These projects are clearly related to either rural poverty
and social improvement, or to urban improvements in larger cities.

146. To facilitate the assessment of the current situation within the water sector and the
more strategic structuring of future investments, a logical framework (logframe) is being
used. The basic structure of the logframe has been prepared based on the logframes
developed for the Five-Year Plan 2006- 2010 for the Natural Resources and Environment
Sector, prepared by MoNRE, and the logframe prepared by MARD for its Five-Year Plan.

147. The water sector logframe includes 5 Components as follows:

(i) Component 1: The system of legislation, policies, and strategies on water

resources developed. This component covers unified laws/sub-laws, National

Date: 29 April 2008

strategies, and national policy positions that provide a basis for IWRM management,
actions and decisions at regional, river basin or provincial levels.

(ii) Component 2: Improve the social environment and living conditions for people,
especially the poor (including social empowerment of the poor). This component
covers food security, providing opportunities for women and minority groups, ensuring
basic water infrastructure for the poor (including the NTP for rural water supply and
sanitation), pro-poor infrastructure, and early warning forecast systems for vulnerable
communities on natural disasters.

(iii) Component 3: Effective management and sustainable use of water resources.

This component will provide the framework within which decisions can be taken on
how sectors, businesses, individuals, etc. can develop and use water resources for
economic development. It includes water resource information, preparing plans (on a
river basin basis) for the development and use of water resources, developing
infrastructure (urban and rural), issuing licences and permits, setting fees and charges,
and ensuring compliance.

(iv) Component 4: Water related biodiversity conserved, pollution prevented and

environmental quality improved. This component is about protecting the
environmental health of water resources – protecting water related biodiversity;
preventing pollution; protecting important water related environmental assets; and
restoring degraded areas.

(v) Component 5: Institutional capacity strengthening. This is about strengthening the

ability of the government organisations to carry out their water activities more
effectively and efficiently, and building the capacity of the community to participate.

148. Each project nominated in the surveys was assigned to one Component Output
within the logframe, based on the core objective and main focus of the project - secondary
benefits to other components were ignored. On this basis Component 1 received 0.05% of
the investments, Component 2 received 15%, Component 3 received 73%, Component 4
received 8% and Component 5 received 4%. Within Component 3, there is zero investment
in data and information, 0.08% in river basin plans, 64% in water development works and
measures, 24% in urban works and measures, 12% in flood protection and zero in IWRM
tools. 15% of all investments are for Component 2, dealing with social and living conditions
for people, all of which covers rural infrastructure for the poor (NTP II). All of the
investments under Component 4 are for works to improve the environment (mostly urban).
In Component 5, nearly 90% of the investments are for institutional capacity development,
with 11% for strengthening the involvement of water users.

149. Conclusions: The relationship between the international partners and the
Government is in a transition phase as both seek to implement the Hanoi Core Statement.
In terms of the benefitting Government organisations, the striking conclusion is the lack of
support for MoNRE. MoNRE is a new Ministry with state responsibilities to implement
IWRM, yet its direct support from the donors is less that 1% of the total. Current
international investments reflect a strong development focus with an emphasis on works and
measures. This level of support for these projects may be quite appropriate. However, it is
of concern that many areas of water sector management have very minor or zero
investments. The lack of investment in IWRM area is apparent, in areas such as legal
reform, policy and strategy development, data and information, river basin planning, tools
such as licensing and pricing, protection of environmental assets, water quality management

Date: 29 April 2008

and mobilisation of communities to get involved. These tools are essential if the water
sector in Viet Nam is to operate on a sustainable basis.


150. Chapter VII of the report brings together the major issues that have been raised
through the other chapters. This summary focuses on cross cutting issues and on river
basin issues.

1. Cross cutting water sector issues

151. There are, not surprisingly, a number of issues that are posing challenges across all
of the water-subsectors, and to the broader sector in general. Unless there is work towards
resolution of these fundamental thematic issues, it is likely that both water resources and
dependent ecosystems, and the sub-sectors themselves will suffer, with inefficient, wasted
or unsustainable investment, and suboptimal social and economic outcomes.

152. Institutional and legal arrangements: Inevitably with a cross cutting sector like water
there are many gray areas and lack of clarity in terms of institutional arrangements. Roles of
different institutions are not clearly specified leading to confusion and at times conflicting
messages to stakeholders. This is not only confined to lack of clear responsibilities between
MoNRE and MARD, but more generally to the relationship between Ministries and
Departments, and the hierarchy of Laws ands other legal documents governing activities of
both the public and private participants. There is also considerable work required, and major
changes in thinking, to properly implement institutional arrangements based on the
separation of resource manager/regulator from the operators.

153. Conflicting/uncoordinated uses. There is little planning or coordination between the

sectors. This leads to unintended, un-costed and unmitigated impacts of one sector on
another, such as barriers to navigation and fish passage, and environmental impacts which
have consequent social and economic impacts. There is currently no formal requirement for
strategic assessment of the impacts of sector and provincial development plans on water
resources and related environments, on the social and economic values that these support,
or on other sectors, and little is undertaken in practice.

154. River Basin Coordination. Despite the international recognition of river basin
planning as a mechanism to coordinating activities that use, and impact upon, water
resources and water related environments, Viet Nam has found it difficult to embrace he
approach in a meaningful and practical way. There is perhaps some confusion about the
nature and function of river basin planning, and its relationship to other development
planning, and to project development in a basin. Lack of clarity over the respective roles of
MoNRE and MARD has also hindered progress. However, this appears to have been
resolved. River basin planning, in setting the framework and context within which sectors
and provinces must operate, not only allows impacts between sectors, and between sectors
and the environment to be managed, but provides opportunities for optimising the use of
(most often) public funded infrastructure to meet various needs.

155. The lack of water sharing policies at a river basin scale is becoming increasingly
problematic in Viet Nam. There is serious competition for dry season flows in some areas,
and single purpose infrastructure development are resulting in major impacts between
sectors, and on the environment and the social and economic values that rely on this. No
limits to the amount of water that can be extracted from surface water or groundwater

Date: 29 April 2008

systems have been established. Without the coordination of development facilitated by river
basin planning there is no certainty for the sectors, or for private investment, and the risks to
existing development are unknown. This in itself is likely to lead to inefficient and
unsustainable investment and development.

156. Impact assessment of projects. Currently the assessment of the water resource and
environmental impacts of projects is poor. The environmental impact assessment of
individual development projects appears to occur too late in the process, after most of the
decisions about design, technology use, and location have been made. Other sectoral
interests, and the impacts on flows and other water uses, are not fully considered in the
process from conception.

157. Regulatory environments. The problems associated with the single use development
approach are likely to become more acute with the increasing involvement of the private
sector, and increasing competition for scarce water resources. Conflicts between sectors
will become more apparent as the operation of large reservoirs (such as Hoa Binh, Son La,
and Tuyen Quang) is further remove from government control. Without a clear regulatory
environment that looks to optimise the benefits of water infrastructure, and provides for the
environment and downstream uses, the impacts of development may well outweigh the
benefits they appear to provide. The private sector is becoming increasingly involved in all
sectors, and Government will slowly transform its functions from one of operator to that of
regulator. To provide for this, a strong regulatory environment, with clear, well
communicated processes and rules that apply to all both government and non-government
operators, is required. At this stage, this regulatory framework is not in place in any water
subsector. Roles and functions are often unclear and conflicting, there are few
environmental safeguards built into sector policies, laws, and supporting documents, and
monitoring and compliance activities are largely absent.

158. Performance of the State Enterprises is a major issue for the sector and for the sub-
sectors that are engaged in commercial production. On the one hand some state owned
enterprises need far greater autonomy from government interference. For example those in
the urban supply business should be provided with business flexibility within a regulatory
environment that protects communities, customers and the environment. This will allow
them to concentrate on efficient and low cost service delivery. However, other SEs are
involved in production activities of a commercial nature in areas generally undertaken by the
private sector in developed countries. Typically these SEs are inefficient operators with a
very poor environmental performance, particularly for wastewater management. They have
not been inclined to invest in pollution control. Equitisation has been slow. Many of the
worst polluters in the country are in fact owned by government.

159. Water licensing. There is little meaningful coverage of water extraction licensing in
accordance with the LWR for surface water or groundwater, nor for wastewater discharge.
Currently licensing is seen as an end in itself, rather than a tool to achieve water resource
management, sharing and protection objectives and outcomes. This is hindered by a lack of
clarity about what those objectives are, insufficient policy and technical capacity at central or
provincial levels to translate those objectives into licence conditions, and to enforce
compliance with those conditions. Licensing is a key tool to establish rights for efficient
business investment, and also to protect the environment, the public interest, and existing
and future uses and values associated with Viet Nam’s water resources. However, there is
a lack of acceptance of the need for licensing by most sectors, and developments simply
progress without this important management tool. It is not only the central and provincial
governments, but also international donors, that are not aware of, or fail to recognise the

Date: 29 April 2008

importance of, licensing of water resource exploitation and use, and of wastewater

160. Participation. With the increase of private sector operators in many sectors comes a
more urgent need for more formal consultative mechanisms. Such mechanisms allow
Government to respond to the need of the sector, and promote awareness of the regulatory
environment. At this stage, there are few such mechanisms in Viet Nam. This is particularly
important in sectors where safety is an issue (such as in navigation), and where
empowerment of end users and their integration into the management process is being
pursued (such as in the irrigation sector, where both male and female farmers should be
actively involved in management, and the setting of water-delivery schedules). Viet Nam,
aided by the international community, is just now tentatively testing these participatory
approaches. A significant cultural shift will be required, both within government and outside,
if these approaches are to succeed and the benefits to the sectors and governments are to
be realised.

161. Capacity and awareness. Awareness of water resource management issues, and
water sub-sector issues, their interaction with other sub-sectors, and the regulatory
environment, is deficient in both Ministries, and provincial governments and departments.
The agencies themselves have little understanding of, or practical training in, integrated
approaches to resource allocation, development and protection. The capacity within
agencies to critically review development plans and environmental impact assessments of
projects from water resource management, environmental and social perspectives is poor.
As the government role slowly changes from one of developer and operator, to one of
planner and regulatory, a different skill set will be required within government agencies, both
centrally and at the provincial level. Capacity building is urgently required, and potentially a
re-distribution of human resources.

162. Financing. As in many countries, water and water services are currently well under-
priced in Viet Nam. As well the pricing policy is neither efficient nor equitable. In a
backward step by the Government, irrigation fees have been removed. Where water supply
is apparently plentiful, the current pricing policy results in inefficient use by those who have
had access to cheap water, for instance in agriculture, and in households and industries. It
has also led to a dearth of financial resources where the water sector has not been self-
financing, but has lived from subsidies. Therefore, more investment in the water sector, be it
from public or private sources, must go hand in hand with the recognition that water pricing
is an essential instrument to enhance the sustainability of the resource, expand services,
including operation and maintenance of water utilities and irrigation systems, and maintain
water resources management functions, etc. Most improvements in the water related
sectors will not occur if governments do not consider developing socially acceptable pricing
and tariff policies. Moving forward on this issue must also recognises that in a number of
situations, full cost recovery may not be achievable at all due to social considerations or
because of previous inefficient decisions on capital infrastructure. There may be clear
justification to provide water to some sections of the community at less than full cost, and
this is perfectly legitimate and a function of water supply in most countries. However, such
costs should be clearly agreed and disclosed as a transparent subsidy.

163. Knowledge improvement. Good information is paramount in all integrated water

resources management decisions. Poor information creates uncertainty and leads to poor
operational, management and policy decisions and inefficient investment decisions.
Therefore, it is essential the government recognise the importance of having adequate
mechanisms to address specific and basin wide problems. Freely available and reliable

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information is paramount; yet it is probably one of the greatest problems for IWRM in the
immediate future in Viet Nam. Existing information systems are grossly deficient for making
sound decisions. Tools for making such decision in a data-poor environment are urgently

164. Climate change. Obviously climate change itself is a critical issue for Vietnam. The
potential impacts are devastating. However it should also be stressed that resilience to
climate change will also be improved through addressing other issues identified in this Water
Sector Review. Climate change highlights such need. Enhanced measures to address
natural disaster risks of floods, typhoons, coastal attack and drought are particularly relevant
in this regard. While some adaptation can only be achieved with structural measures, the
majority of adaptation will require implementation of non-structural measures. These are
very likely to be beneficial for the future security and sustainability of socio-economic
development regardless of the eventual extent of climate change. However there will be
some unpopular decisions to be made in this regard if long-term planning considerations
direct development away from more convenient locations. The science and engineering will
need to be comprehensive in order to satisfy critical scrutiny. Structural adaptive measures
to address sea level rise will be extremely difficult and costly given the coastline exposure
and the high proportion of relatively low flood plain land. In time, options in this regard will
become major national considerations. With heightened and responsive attention to climate
change by the government, international support will be requested and forthcoming.
Coordination of support programs will be critically important to avoid overlap, inefficiencies
and wasted effort and potentially a distraction from other major issues needing to be
addressed, including many issues raised in this review. Coordination in the past in different
sectors has evidenced some failings and this issue has the potential to be exaggerated
under the banner of climate change which covers many sectors and many interests.

2. Summary by basin
165. Table 1 shows the rankings of each basin for a number of selected indicators. The
indicators were selected either because it is a critical indicator for IWRM or because it is
providing a strong picture of an issue or problem. The red coloured cells indicate that the
basin scores poorly on this indicator relative to other basins (in the lowest five of all basins)
and the blue indicates a high score relative to other basins (in the top 5). No colour indicates
a moderate score. Generally, a low score (red) means that the basin is relatively stressed in
terms of that indicator - for example it has a high population density, or low dry season water
availability, or low sanitation provision, or a high number of deaths from disaster. The
exception is the ethnic minority ranking. A low ranking here indicates a high proportion of
ethnic minorities in the population. The rankings should be read in conjunction with the
absolute numbers discussed in this report. For some indicators, a blue ranking is still
problematic from an absolute sense. A good example of this is clean water provision at the
district level, where the range across basins is 21-34% of households serviced – a poor
result in all basins. The converse may also be true, with all basins having good absolute

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Table 1. Summary of selected indicators for river basins

Bang Giang – Ky Cung

Thu Bon & Vu Gia

Red – Thai Binh

Thach Han

Cuu Long
Dong Nai
Tra Khuc

Sre Pok
Se San



Water indicators
% of national water 5 15 11 13 4 1 2 12 7 3 8 14 6 9 10 16
Annual water availability per
capita 9 5 3 7 14 11 6 13 12 4 8 1 2 15 10 16
Dry season water availability
per capita 5 6 3 9 13 8 11 14 10 4 12 2 1 16 7 15
Annual water exploitation (%
available) 13 6 1 8 16 14 3 10 9 7 5 4 2 15 12 11
Dry season water exploitation
(% available) 13 6 1 10 15 14 3 11 9 7 5 4 2 16 12 8
Annual water exploitation per
capita 14 7 4 10 16 15 2 5 9 8 3 11 6 13 12 1
Storage (% basin discharge) 3 12 8 11 4 9 13 10 2 7 14 16 5 15 15 1
Social indicators
Population density 14 5 7 9 12 8 3 11 6 2 15 4 10 16 13 1
Ethic minority 1 8 5 10 12 11 15 7 3 16 4 14 13 2 6 9
% households in poverty 4 12 1 2 5 9 11 10 7 13 8 16 15 3 6 14
No. people in poverty 9 1 3 6 13 16 15 8 10 14 11 4 12 7 5 2
Urban clean water (central,
provincial) 1 5 12 7 2 9 16 11 3 9 7 13 15 4 6 14
Urban clean water (district) 1 8 15 5 9 2 16 6 3 11 7 13 13 4 12 10
Rural clean water (in home) 5 13 11 16 14 8 1 9 3 14 6 10 7 2 4 12
Urban sanitation (district) 16 15 11 12 13 6 14 10 1 8 2 9 7 2 5 4
Rural sanitation 1 8 12 16 13 9 13 10 3 4 5 15 11 2 7 6
Disaster human lives/mill.
people 11 14 16 10 7 6 1 3 2 4 9 15 5 13 12 8
Disaster cost (% GDP) 14 15 12 9 5 1 3 2 6 8 4 16 13 10 11 7
Economic indicators
GDP per capita (1994 VND) 6 14 3 8 12 5 9 11 4 10 2 15 16 7 1 13
Irrigation value/m3 taken 12 9 3 13 1 15 2 4 7 8 6 11 10 16 14 5
Industry value/m3 taken 2 4 5 3 9 1 10 6 14 12 8 15 16 7 13 11
Environmental indicators
Native forst cover (% basin) 11 6 8 4 16 7 10 12 3 9 13 2 5 15 14 1
Conservation area (% total
conservation area) 3 16 12 13 9 1 5 7 1 4 6 15 10 11 14 8
Natural flow 15 11 6 9 16 7 13 14 8 4 2 3 5 12 10 NA
BOD 8 4 7 6 2 NA 11 10 1 14 12 3 9 NA 13 5

166. The Bang Bang Giang – Ky Cung is characterised by surface water resources that
are in still in a relatively natural condition, and are not very developed, due to relatively low
population density, the inaccessibility of the terrain, and its unsuitability for large scale
irrigation development. Dry season water availability is considered adequate by international
standards, but local or irregular water shortages may occur. Ethnic minorities make up a
very high proportion of a sparse population that is amongst the poorest in the country, and
they are poorly serviced in terms of water supply and sanitation. The basin includes

Date: 29 April 2008

terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems but, particularly below 1,000 m, shows extensive forest
clearing and severely reduced biodiversity. The rivers of this basin both flow from and to
China, making it susceptible to changes in water management across the border.

167. The Red - Thai Binh receives almost 40% of its water from China, so is vulnerable to
changes in upstream water management. The basin has a very high proportion of the
nation’s water, its GDP, its hydropower development, and its irrigation development. This
irrigation development is, however, relatively inefficient and low value, being mainly for
paddy. The basin accounts for about a quarter of the nation’s water use. Despite an
apparent water richness, it has a third of the country’s population, with a high population
density, and the annual water availability per capita is low compared with other parts of the
country. Dry season water availability is considered adequate by international standards,
but local or irregular water shortages may occur. The concentration of urban populations,
large areas of irrigation, and high concentrations of some of the most significant industrial
developments in the country, including most craft villages, are resulting in serious water
quality deterioration in some areas, both surface water and groundwater. Given the major
urban population centres, it is fairly well serviced in terms of water supply and sanitation,
except in towns under the control of district authorities. Navigation is important in the Red –
Thai Binh, particularly for transport to the industrial areas of heavy construction and plant
materials that are difficult to transport by other means. The coastal zone of the Red River
Delta supports a great diversity of wildlife, but with the high population and intensified
aquaculture production, the delta is most at risk of losing the natural and semi-natural
wetland habitats and the essential functions they provide. Groundwater is a significant
resource in the basin for urban, rural and industrial uses. There are major concerns about
the sustainability of current extractions in some areas, and water levels have dropped by up
to 30 meters in parts of Hanoi. Groundwater quality is also being impacted by land use
activities, posing significant risks to users.

168. The Ma basin has significant issues with water supply, suffering very high hydrologic
stress in terms of proportion of flows extracted. Dry season water availability is less than is
considered adequate by international standards. There is a large amount of low value
irrigation from fairly inefficient schemes. It has the highest proportion of poor households of
any basin, and a large ethnic minority population, with low GDP per capita, and relative poor
environmental quality. It is, however, relative well serviced in terms of water supply and
sanitation, except in towns under the control of district authorities.

169. The Ca basin appears to be not as water stressed as the Ma, with less irrigation
development, and therefore a greater volume of available water per capita. A large
proportion of households remain in poverty, and the supply of clean water at the district level
is amongst the worst in the country. Rich forest still covers a long strip of the Truong Son
Range, near the Lao border.

170. The Gianh basin is naturally relatively water scare, but it has a relatively low
population density, and the water resources are not substantially developed, so the
availability of water per capita is adequate. Irrigation development in the basin is of very low
value in terms of returns per unit of water use. The basin has a high number of important
species, significant conservation areas, and the flows are largely unregulated by dams.
Aquaculture has developed on the back of these relatively natural flows. A large proportion
of substantially rural households have, however, been assessed as living in poverty, and
unemployment rates are high. Provision of clean water services is poor in urban areas
controlled by both the province and district authorities, and sanitation services are available
in less than half of district town households. Water quality appears to have suffered as a

Date: 29 April 2008

result of this, and perhaps aquaculture practices. Disasters have a significant impact on the
people of the basin, with more than 12 per million dying each year as a result.

171. The Thach Han basin is the smallest in the country in terms of natural water
availability. However, the water resources are not very developed, and while dry season
water availability per capita is adequate by international standards, local or irregular water
shortages may occur. Given the low levels of development, GDP per capita is low compared
to other basins. Supply of urban clean water at the district level is poor, as is the supply of
clean water to rural households - the case for much of the country. Disasters take a huge
toll on this basin, with 15 people per million killed on average each year, and damage costs
equivalent to more than 8% of the basin GDP per year.

172. The Huong basin naturally has a small proportion of the nation’s water resources.
The basin is largely unregulated by major dams, and has a high number of important native
species. The rivers are, however, highly stressed in terms of the proportion of water that is
extracted. The basin has a high population density, and dry season water availability per
capita is considered just adequate by international standards. Current dry season extraction
puts the river into the high stress category, which in turn will affect river health and the social
and economic values that depend on this. The basin has a relatively low GDP per capita,
and ranks the lowest in terms of provision of clean water to rural households. By far the
greatest issue in the basin is the impact of natural disasters. On average, more than 36
people per million die each year as a result of natural disasters, and damage costs are
equivalent to about 6% of the basin GDP per year.

173. The Thu Bon & Vu Gia basin is relatively well endowed with water, but the water use
appears to be very inefficient, and the value of irrigation production per cubic meter of water
use is low. In the dry season, as a result of extraction, the rivers of the basin are creeping
up to the moderate stress level by international standards. Again, the impacts of disasters
on this central provinces basin are high, with 23 people per million killed on average each
year, and damage costs equivalent to about 7% of the basin GDP per year.

174. The Tra Khuc basin has a relative small catchment area and total available water is
quite limited. Dry season flows are moderately stressed by international standards. Ethnic
minorities make up a high proportion of the population that has the second lowest GDP per
capita of any basin in the country. The basin is poorly serviced in terms of water supply and
sanitation, and has significant areas of aquaculture development, and consequently seems
to have significant water quality problems. The impacts of disasters on this basin are high,
with 24 people per million killed on average each year, and damage costs equivalent to more
than 1% of the basin GDP per year.

175. The Kone basin is also a small coastal system and total available water is quite
limited. As a result according to international standards, local or irregular water shortages
may occur. It suffers from moderate dry season water stress in terms of extractions
compared with flows. The population density is high and rural sanitation is poor. There are
significant areas of aquaculture in the basin. Again, disasters play a significant role in the
lives of people in the basin, with more than 22 people per million killed on average each
year, and damage costs equivalent to about 1% of the basin GDP per year.

176. The Ba basin is moderately sized, and both annual and dry season water availability
per capita appear to be adequate by international standards. However, both the annual and
dry season water exploitation as a proportion of available surface water flows are quite high,
with the basin categorised as of high hydrological stress in the dry season. Ethnic minorities

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make up a significant proportion of the population, and the GDP per capita is low. The basin
appears to be highly regulated by dams, but the value of irrigation per cubic meter of use is
low. Water supply and sanitation services are generally relatively poor, and relative to GDP,
the average annual disaster-related costs are high.

177. The Dong Nai basin is the home to HCMC, and significant industrial development,
and contributes almost 30% of the national GDP. Annual water availability per capita is
considered adequate by international standards, but local or irregular water shortages may
occur In the dry season, the picture is much more dramatic, with water availability per capita
classed as almost ‘water short’. Water is transferred out of the Dong Nai for hydropower
generation in the SERC basins. Although it has a high population density, water use per
capita is also low, as agriculture plays a smaller role than in other basins. The rivers are,
however, classed as of high hydrologic stress in the dry season. The basin is comparatively
well serviced in terms of water supply and sanitation, but the high population density and
concentration of industrial activities are causing significant water quality problems. The
basin is highly regulated by dams for generation of almost a quarter of the nation’s
hydropower. The hydrology has, therefore been significantly altered, with consequent
impacts on river health. Navigation is important in the Dong Nai, particularly for transport to
the industrial zones of heavy construction and plant materials that are difficult to transport by
other means. Groundwater is a significant resource in the basin for urban, rural and
industrial uses. There are major concerns about the sustainability of current groundwater
extractions in some areas, and water levels have dropped by up to 30 meters in Ho Chi Minh
City. Groundwater quality is also being impacted by land use activities, posing significant
risks to users.

178. The SERC basins are one of the 2 most hydrologically stressed in the country, with
as much as 75% of the dry season flows being extracted – a very high stress classification.
Even on an annual basis, the basins would be classed as moderately stressed. Including
the inter-basin transfers in from the Dong Nai, dry season water availability per capita is the
lowest in the country, classed as ‘water short’ by international standards. The urban
population has relatively good clean water and sanitation services, but the same cannot be
said for the rural areas. With a large industrial sector, the GDP per capita is the highest in
the country. This figure is, however, significantly reduced if the economic activity associated
with oil development of Ba Ria-Vung Tau is removed. There is a significant amount of
aquaculture development in these basins. Disasters also have a significant impact on these
basins, with more than 15 people per million killed on average each year.

179. The Se San basin is developed for hydropower - it accounts for about 16% of the
nation’s hydropower generating capacity. Other surface water development is not extensive,
and the rivers are not considered stressed from the perspective of extractions as a
proportion of flow. Water availability per capita is also high. Flow patterns have, however,
been changed as a result of the hydropower generation. The largely ethnic population does
not appear to have shared in the benefits of hydropower development in the basin, and there
has been significant dislocation of communities. The basin has a large proportion of
households assessed as being in poverty, and the mountainous region is poorly serviced in
terms of water supply and sanitation. Water used for irrigation provides a high return per
cubic meter used, being for high value crops such as tea and coffee. Over 70% of the water
in the Se San flows to Cambodia, and there have been, and will continue to be, significant
trans-boundary issues associated with this basin. Groundwater is used extensively in this
basin, both for domestic supplies and irrigation. There is increasing competition for the
groundwater, and extraction appears to be unsustainable in some areas, with water levels

Date: 29 April 2008

declining, and access becoming more difficult during the dry season. This in turn will have
an impact groundwater flows to rivers in the dry season.

180. The Sre Pok basin will also contribute to the nation’s hydropower generating
capacity. It is also a relatively poor mountainous area that is poorly serviced in terms of
water supply and sanitation. About 50% of the surface water in the Sre Pok flows to
Cambodia, and there is currently no formal bilateral agreement on water management.

181. The Cuu Long basin receives 95% of its water from upstream countries, and is
vulnerable to the water use and management arrangements that exist or are proposed in
these. Development in China remains a significant issue for the entire Mekong, and
Viet Nam’s continuing support for, and strengthening of, the Mekong River Council and
Commission will be critical in this regard. Having said that, the Cuu Long has nearly 60% of
Viet Nam’s water resources, and both annual and dry season water availability per capita
are more than adequate. The river does, however, fall into the moderate stress category in
terms of proportion of flows extracted during the dry season. Almost 45% of the country’s
irrigation water use occurs in the densely populated Cuu Long, almost exclusively for paddy.
The basin also hosts over 65% of the country’s aquaculture, although the economic return
for this per cubic meter of water used appears to be very low compared to other areas.
Groundwater is also used extensively in the Mekong Delta, and the sustainability of current
extractions in some areas is being questioned. Water levels are declining, and there is
some evidence of intrusion of salt water into the fresh groundwater as a result of extractions.
Rural and urban sanitation at the district level is poor. This, and the high concentration of
aquaculture activities, is causing unacceptable water quality deterioration.

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