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Minor Project Shreya Mehrotra

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Business process outsourcing (BPO) is a broad term referring to outsourcing in all fields. A BPO differentiates itself by either putting in new technology or applying existing technology in a new way to improve a process. Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is the delegation of one or more ITintensive business processes to an external provider that in turn owns administers and manages the selected process based on defined and measurable performance criteria. Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is one of the fastest growing segments of the Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) industry. Few of the motivation factors as to why BPO is gaining ground are:

Factor Cost Advantage Economy of Scale Business Risk Mitigation Superior Competency Utilization Improvement

Generally outsourcing can be defined as - An organization entering into a contract with another organization to operate and manage one or more of its business processes.

Different Types of Services Being Offered By BPO's

1. Customer Support Services


2. Technical Support Services 3. Telemarketing Services, Services 4. Insurance Processing 5. Data Entry Services / Data Processing Services 6. Data Conversion Services 7. Scanning, OCR with Editing & Indexing Services 8. Book Keeping and Accounting Services 9. Form Processing Services 10.Internet / Online / Web Research

Challenges for a HR Professional in BPO

1. Brand equity: People still consider BPO to be "low brow", thus making it difficult to attract the best talent. 2. Standard pre-job training: Again, due to the wide variety of the jobs, lack of general clarity on skill sets, etc, there is no standard curriculum, which could be designed and followed. 3. Benchmarks: There are hardly any benchmarks for compensation and benefits, performance or HR policies. Everyone is charting their own course. 4. Customer-companies tend to demand better results from outsourcing partners than what they could actually expect from their own departments. "When the job is being done 10,000 miles away, demands on parameters such as quality, turn around timeliness, information security, business continuity and disaster recovery, etc, are far higher than at home. So, how to be more efficient than the original? 5. Lack of focused training and certifications: Given this background, the recruiting and compensation challenges of HR departments are only understandable.


Key To success
The key to success in ramping up talent in a BPO environment is a rapid training module. The training component has to be seen as an important subprocess, requiring constant re-engineering.

Business Process Outsourcing: The Top Rankers

1. Genpact India Pvt. Ltd. 2. Tata Consultancy Services BPO 3. WNS Global Services (P) Ltd 4. Aegis Ltd 5. Wipro BPO

Few Employee Benefits Provided By Majority of the BPO Companies

Recreation, Cafeteria, ATM and Concierge facilities: The recreation facilities include pool tables, chess tables and coffee bars. Companies also have well equipped gyms, personal trainers and showers at facilities Cellular Phone / Laptop: Cellular phone and / or Laptop is provided to the employees on the basis of business need. The employee is responsible for the maintenance and safeguarding of the asset. Performance based incentives: In many BPO companies they have plans for , performance based incentive scheme. The parameters for calculation are process performance i.e. speed, accuracy and productivity of each process. The Pay for Performance can be as much as 22% of the salary. Flexi-time: The main objective of the flextime policy is to provide Opportunity to employees to work with flexible work schedules and set out conditions for availing this provision.


Wedding Day Gift: Employee is given a gift voucher of Rs. 2000/- to Rs. 7000/- based on their level in the organization.

Why people prefer to join BPO's?

In general a person with any graduation can join any of the BPO. Some BPO's like to take people with MBA but then again the specialization are of an individual hardly makes any difference. Again, this is the industry; where there is no reference checks and very often people don't even specify there exact age. Some of the reasons as why people prefer to join a BPO 1. Did not get a better job. 2. Find nothing better to do. 3. Education level doesn't matter 4. Good work environment 5. Good Benefits 6. Flexibility of time 7. Attractive life style 8. Transport facility

Why people leave the BPO's?

When there are so many benefits associated with BPO industry. When there are so many privileges for the BPO employees than what makes them to change the company/industry?? Is it only MONEY that matters or anything else as well?? Here are some of the reasons for a BPO professional to change his/her job. 1. No growth opportunity/lack of promotion 2. For higher Salary


3. For Higher education 4. Policies and procedures are not conducive 5. No personal life

6. Physical strains INTRODUCTION TO TOPIC RECRUITMENT refers to the process of attracting, screening, and selecting
qualified people for a job at an organization or firm. Recruitment includes sourcing candidates by advertising or other methods, and screening and selecting potential candidates using tests or interviews.

SELECTION involves the series of steps by which the candidates are screened
for choosing the most suitable persons for vacant posts. Selection results in a contract of service between the employer and the selected employee. Meeting the demands of todays changing business environment requires building an efficient staff. For high growth organizations, attracting, hiring and retaining the right candidate is critical. By adding the right players to the team it will have a source of competitive advantage. Attracting the wrong candidate will have difficulty in meeting the strategic goals and objectives. The first challenge is to generate a labour pool that is large enough for the company to draw on when searching for top talent. The second is to develop an effective process for screening and selecting the best candidates for different jobs. But finding and retaining quality employees can pose a challenge. It is difficult for the companies to find a large number of efficient candidates and attract them to apply for jobs. Recruitment and selection is the process of identifying the need for a job, defining the requirements of the position and the job holder, advertising the


position and choosing the most appropriate person for the job. Undertaking this process is one of the main objectives of management. Indeed, the success of any business depends to a large extent on the quality of its staff. Recruiting employees with the correct skills can add value to a business and recruiting workers at a wage or salary that the business can afford, will reduce costs. Employees should therefore be carefully selected, managed and retained, just like any other resource


There are a number of possible reasons as to why a business may have to recruit more employees:

Business is expanding due to: Increasing sales of existing products Developing new products Entering new markets Existing employees leaving to work with competitors or other local employers

Existing employees leaving due to factors such as retirement, sick leave, maternity leave

Business needs employees with new skills Business is relocating and not all the existing workforce wants to move to the new location

In each of these circumstances a business will normally carry out Workforce Planning to find out how many workers and what types of workers are required. The workforce plan will establish what vacancies exist and managers then need to draw up a job description and job specification for each post. A job description is a detailed explanation of the roles and responsibilities of the post advertised. Most applicants will ask for this before applying for the job. It refers to the post available rather than the person. A job specification is drawn up by the business and sets out the kind of qualifications, skills, experience and personal attributes a successful candidate should possess. It is a vital tool in assessing the suitability of job applicants and refers to the person rather than the post.


These documents are an important part of the recruitment and selection process and provide the basis as to where the job may be advertised and whether an applicant is suitable for the post. They also help provide a framework for questions to be asked at an interview.

Job Analysis is a systematic exploration, study and recording the responsibilities, duties, skills, accountabilities, work environment and ability requirements of a specific job. It also involves determining the relative importance of the duties, responsibilities and physical and emotional skills for a given job. All these factors identify what a job demands and what an employee must possess to perform a job productively.

The methods of recruitment open to a business are often categorized into:. 1. Internal Recruitment - is a recruitment which takes place within the concern or organization. Internal sources of recruitment are readily available to an organization. Internal sources are primarily three Transfers, promotions and Re-employment of ex-employees. Reemployment of ex-employees is one of the internal sources of recruitment in which employees can be invited and appointed to fill vacancies in the concern. There are situations when ex-employees provide unsolicited applications also.

External Recruitment - External sources of recruitment have to be solicited from outside the organization. External sources are external to


a concern. But it involves lot of time and money. The external sources of recruitment include Employment at factory gate, advertisements, employment exchanges, employment agencies, educational institutes, labour contractors, recommendations etc.

Advantages Internal Recruitment People already familiar with the business and how it operates Provides opportunities for promotion with in the business can be motivating Business already knows the strengths and weaknesses of candidates External Recruitment Outside people bring in new ideas Larger pool of workers from which to find the best candidate Cheaper and quicker to recruit

Disadvantages Limits the number of potential applicants No new ideas can be introduced from outside the business May cause resentment amongst candidates not appointed

Creates another vacancy which needs to be filled

Longer process More expensive process due to advertisements and interviews required

People have a wider range of experience

Selection process may not be effective enough to reveal the


best candidate

Employee Selection is the process of putting right men on right job. It is a procedure of matching organizational requirements with the skills and qualifications of people. Effective selection can be done only when there is effective matching. By selecting best candidate for the required job, the organization will get quality performance of employees. Moreover, organization will face less of absenteeism and employee turnover problems. By selecting right candidate for the required job, organization will also save time and money. Proper screening of candidates takes place during selection procedure. All the potential candidates who apply for the given job are tested. The Employee selection Process takes place in following order1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Preliminary Interviews Application blanks Written Tests Employment Interviews Medical examination Appointment Letter Job applications

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For many jobs, a business will ask applicants to provide Curriculum Vitae (CV). This is a document that the applicant designs providing the details such as: Personal details Educational history Name, address, date of birth, nationality Including examination results, schools/universities attended, professional qualifications Previous employment history Names of employers, position held, main achievements, remuneration package, reasons for leaving Suitability and reasons for applying for the job Names of referees Often recent employer or people who know applicant well and are ideally independent Sometimes job applicants are asked to fill in a firms own application form. This is different from a CV in that the employer designs it and sends it to applicants, but it will still ask for much of the same information. It has the benefit over a CV in that a business is able to tailor it to their exact needs and ask specific questions. Once a business has received all the applications, they need to be analyzed and the most appropriate form of selection decided upon. When analyzing applications, a business will normally split the applications into three categories. Those to reject Candidates may be rejected because they may not meet the standards set out in the job specification such as A chance for applicants to sell themselves

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wrong qualifications or insufficient experience or they may not have completed the application form to a satisfactory standard Those to place on a short list Those to place on a long list Often comprises 3-10 of the best candidates who are asked to interview A business will not normally reject all other candidates immediately but keep some on a long list in case those on the short list drop out or do not appear suitable during interview. The business would not want to incur costs putting them through the selection process, such as interviews, unless they have to

An interview is the most common form of selection and it serves a very useful purpose for both employer and job candidate. The main benefits of an interview include: For the Employer:

Information that cannot be obtained on paper from a CV or application form

Conversational ability - often known as people skills Natural enthusiasm or manner of applicant See how applicant reacts under pressure Queries or extra details missing from CV or application form For the Candidate

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Whether job or business is right for them What the culture of company is like Exact details of job

There are though other forms of selection tests that can be used in addition to an interview to help select the best applicant. The basic interview can be unreliable as applicants can perform well at interview but not have the qualities or skills needed for the job. Other selection tests can increase the chances of choosing the best applicant and so minimize the high costs of recruiting the wrong people. Examples of these tests are aptitude tests, intelligence tests and psychometric tests (to reveal the personality of a candidate). Once the best candidate has been selected and agreed to take up the post, the new employee must be given an employment contract. This is an important legal document that describes the obligations of the employee and employer to each other (terms and conditions) as well as the initial remuneration package and a number of other important details. Factors Affecting Recruitment

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Gratitude India is an ISO 9001:2008 certified premier recruitment firm in the ITES/Aviation/BPO industry founded in the year 2004 by Mr Akhil Ahluwalia. We have a total of 9 years of recruitment experience especially in the Recruitment industry. We have an excellent database of trained professionals & are well-equipped to cater to vast range of manpower requirements of our partners. Gratitude India is the biggest consultancy in BPO Space having 6 branches and tie-ups with more than 10 Recruitment Consultancies who source on behalf of Gratitude India. We are the only national level consultancy doing BPO Recruitments in India. We have also diversified our recruitment expertise into banking, aviation, health & fitness industry. Gratitude Has Been Rated By CARE (Credit Rating Agency) where it has received outstanding rating for Se 2a. We have placed more than 50000 Candidates across India in all major BPO's, Insurance, Airlines & E-commerce. We specialize in mass hiring and cater to every major international BPO in all cities of India (They cater to 31 different International BPOs). Gratitude India has its offices across India in metro cities like Bangalore, Pune, Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad with its head quarters at Mumbai.

DIRECTOR : Akhil Ahluwalia (, MBA Welingkar). HR MANAGER (BDM): Anoop Sharma (, MBA) CLIENT SERVICING MANAGER : Sumeet Dubey (MBA) HUMAN RESOURCES: Jahanvi Mehta (BA, PGDHRM) FINANCE: Charudutta Pawaskar (BCom,Mcom)

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To empower clients by recruiting exceptionally superior personnel with passion and professional rigour and in turn enhance the net worth of our clients human capital and unleash their human potential to the maximum

To achieve client delight by focusing on value adding activities throughout our value chain To be the preferred recruitment partner for our partner companies. To be the destination of choice for prospective candidates. To provide a one-stop-shop for all our client requirements.

Leadership: The courage to shape a better future. Integrity: Be real. Accountability: If it is to be, it's up to me. Passion: Committed in heart and mind. Quality: What we do, we do well. Excellence: Whatever we do, we do the best.

Recruitment experience of 9 years. State-of-the art infrastructure.

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Experience in mass recruitments. Highly qualified & trained professionals Timely Service delivery. Passion & attitude


Lead Generation





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Recruitment Procedure
We understand that your employees are your most valuable investment, and feel honored being entrusted with such a significant responsibility. Gratitude India, therefore, will go to any extent necessary, to uphold the confidence that you, our clients, place in us. We follow a stringent recruitment procedure to ensure that your human capital investment is well preserved. The result focused process from start to finish, is comprehensive, methodical and organized.

In-depth assessment of clients needs: This, we consider among the most important steps that determine our eventual performance. Our HR experts take a proactive approach for an in-depth analysis of the employers exact needs. Besides the skills being sought, understanding the role and responsibilities that the candidate would be accountable for, is a significant part of our client requirement analysis. We do a detailed review of all aspects of the company; including the components of its business activities, work-culture and industry practices, to make our candidate selection full proof.

Search/Hunt for the Ideal candidate(s): Our search executive team takes over at this step. This team is detailed and clarified on the talent that is being sought, by the HR team. They scan our extensive talent database besides probing other resources (local and national), to shortlist potential candidates. These are then screened through preliminary interviews, to discover their qualifications, skills, level of competence,

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work ethics, experience and past references. We leave no stone unturned for headhunting the right candidates.

Selection: This step involves a point by point check to ensure a perfect match between the professional and the job profile. The candidates who pass the pre-screening are more rigorously interviewed by our team of HR and industry-specific experts, which make the final selections. They re-examine the candidates skills and levels of competency; and verify the claimed qualifications and experience. Feedback is also obtained from their previous employers through the provided references. In fact, several of our candidates hold experience of overseas employment, because of their prior recruitment through us, for our other clients.

Presentation to the employer: This step encompasses presenting our client with details of this final selection so they can take their picks. This is mostly done via electronic communication (phone, email, video conferencing); while employers are also welcome to visit us in our office for the same. Once the employers have made their choice(s), our negotiators get involved, to ensure that the professionals are recruited at the most competitive pay scales. As a matter of fact, we boast of clients who feel needless to go through the credibility of our final selection. Most of our clients are instilled with high confidence, in our state-of-the-art techniques, after our very first pact with them.

Recruitment: This step involves the final agreement and the issuance of conditional offer, following which our pre-departure associates assist the recruited professionals with the necessary formalities. They help the

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Candidates through the required documentation including medical and visa/emigration clearances; and flight arrangements (ticketing) for their departure. The candidates arrival at the overseas destination and their first reporting on-site, are also coordinated by our officers.

Connecting People and Purpose

We recognize in this growth market, that value can be hard to find. You want results; a shortlist of a few talented people who are right for your business, within your timeframes. We understand your challenges and are committed to achieving your objectives. Gratitude India is an Agency of recruitment specialists. We partner with clients to deliver guaranteed outcomes. Our diverse clients value the advice provided by our recruitment consultants, because of their experience in individual market-sectors. Our specialist industry focus ensures that only well-qualified talent is recommended. We customize our services to suit your business. Insight: Insight tells you something you didnt know, or knew intuitively. We develop an insight into your business when we are both analyzing all current knowledge then applying our judgment and deep experience to form a clear vision of your companys needs. We guarantee that we deliver the best talent needed to help you achieve your goals. Boldness: Boldness is defined as the ability to speak up clearly and confidently, even when in an uncomfortable situation. We apply Boldness in our advice to you. We will ensure you have clarity of the issues and quality of advice throughout our work, and we aggressively pursue the best candidates to ensure your success.

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Commitment: Commitment ignites action, with a steadfast fixity of purpose. We are singularly focused on serving our clients and we look for opportunities to go the extra mile to make them successful.


The function of the operations department in a company is to take inputs and fashion them into outputs for customer use. Inputs can be concrete physical objects, data driven, or service driven. The outputs can be intended for consumer use or for business use. The goal of operations is to create an end service in the most economic and efficient way possible. Creation

The foundation of every operations department is the creation of services.

Customer Service In many companies, the operations department contains the customerfacing customer service department that addresses the needs of the customer after the purchase of goods or services. The support function usually is served through phone, online or mail based support. Profit

The main function of the production and operations department is to produce a service that creates profit and revenue for the company.

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Actualization of profit requires close monitoring of expenses, production methodology and cost of inputs. Evaluation

Every production and operations department must function as selfevaluating entity that monitors the quality, quantity, and cost of goods produced. Analysis usually takes the form of statistical metrics, production evaluation and routine reporting.


Common task functions in the operation department include forecasting, scheduling, people management, skill hunting, conducting interview, flow analysis and reporting.


Operations department typically functions as a fulfilment entity that ensures the timely delivery of the output to the customers.


Standard analysis functions in an operations department include critical path analysis, utilization analysis, capacity analysis, just-in-time analysis of inputs, quality metrics analysis and break-even analysis.

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The role of Human resource department is in charge of recruiting, training, and the dismissal of employees in an organization.

Recruitment and selection Training programmes

Training programs are held by the HRD to improve the employees skills, as well as to motivate them. There are three main types of training: 1. Induction training 2. on-the- job training 3. Off-the-job training

Manpower Planning

The HR department needs to think ahead and establish the number and skills of the workforce required by the business in the future. Failure to do this could lead to too few or too many staff or staff with inappropriate needs.

Dismissal and Redundancy (retrenchment)

Dismissal is where a worker is told to leave their job due to unsatisfactory work or behaviour. Redundancy is when the business needs to reduce the number of employees either because it is closing down a branch or needs to reduce costs due to falling profits. It may also be due to technological improvements, and the workers are no longer needed.

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Marketing department
These are the main section of the market departments:

Sales department is responsible for the sales and distribution of the products to the different regions.

Research & Department is responsible for market research and testing new products to make sure that they are suitable to be sold.

Promotion department decides on the type of promotion method for the products, arranges advertisements and the advertising media used.

Distribution department transports the products to the market.

Finance Department

Book keeping procedures keeping records of the purchases and sales made by a business as well as capital spending.

Preparing Final Accounts Profit and loss account and Balance Sheets

Providing management information Managers require ongoing financial information to enable them to make better decisions.

Management of wages the wages section of the finance department will be responsible for calculating the wages and salaries of employees and organizing the collection of income tax and national insurance for the Inland Revenue.

Raising Finance The finance department will also be responsible for the technical details of how a business raises finance e.g. through loans, and the repayment

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of interest on that finance. In addition it will supervise the payment of dividends to shareholders.


Corporate communications departments play a key role in how investors, employees and the general public perceive a company. They often report directly to a companys chief executive officer and serve as advisers in managing a companys reputation. They help leaders prepare for media interviews, develop messages to deliver to investors and employees and suggest new initiatives to keep companies on the cutting edge of communication with their stakeholders. Media Relations This may be the function for which corporate communication managers are best known. Media relations work includes writing and distributing news releases and responding to media inquiries. Corporate communicators oversee all planning for news conferences, including selecting the site for an event, arranging for banners and other graphics to be displayed at the event, preparing packets of information to distribute to the media and preparing executives to speak at news conferences. Media relations also involve arranging for spokespersons to appear on local television and radio programs. Corporate communicators monitor newspapers, television news broadcasts and other outlets to see what the media is saying about the company and to devise strategies to address misinformation.

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Public Relations Building relationships with customers and responding to inquiries from the public fall under the public relations function of corporate communications. Duties in this area include producing newsletters, brochures and other printed materials designed for the general public. Corporate communicators also manage a companys website and social media presence, which includes monitoring what customers and clients are saying about the company on social networking websites and responding to inaccurate posts or requests for information. Communication professionals may respond directly to calls and emails from citizens and customers with questions about a companys plans or activities. They arrange for speakers from the company to make presentations to local community groups and may facilitate group tours of a companys operations. Crisis Communication When an event occurs that threatens public safety or a companys reputation, corporate communicators function as advisers to CEOs and senior leaders in managing the crisis. Special training in the issues unique to crisis communication helps corporate communicators prepare for events such as chemical spills, violence in the workplace, an accidental death on the job, layoff announcements and allegations of company wrongdoing. They often work with staff throughout their organizations to develop crisis communication plans before disaster strikes. A crisis may require communications staff to work with attorneys, government regulators, political officials, emergency response personnel and communications staff from other companies when developing crisis messages.

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Employee Communications In addition to conveying a companys messages to external audiences, corporate communicators may also be called on to function as employee communications managers, which include designing printed publications and writing emails to announce company news, benefits information and training opportunities. Corporate communicators may facilitate focus groups to learn what issues matter most to front-line employees. They advise senior leaders on how to improve relationships with their staff and gain support for their initiatives. The corporate communications staff may also manage a companys Intranet and internal blogs. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEPARTEMENT Information technology (IT) and Telecommunications (Telecom) has become a vital and integral part of every business plan. From multi-national corporations who maintain mainframe systems and databases to small businesses that own a single computer, IT and telecom play a role. The reasons for the omnipresent use of computer technology in business can best be determined by looking at how it is being used across the business world. Communication For many companies, email is the principal means of communication between employees, suppliers and customers. Email was one of the early drivers of the Internet, providing a simple and inexpensive means to communicate. Over the years, a number of other communications tools have also evolved, allowing staff to communicate using live chat systems, online meeting tools and videoconferencing systems. Voice over internet protocol (VOIP) telephones and smart-phones offer even more high-tech ways for employees to communicate.

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Inventory Management When it comes to managing inventory, organizations need to maintain enough stock to meet demand without investing in more than they require. Inventory management systems track the quantity of each item a company maintains, triggering an order of additional stock when the quantities fall below a predetermined amount. These systems are best used when the inventory management system is connected to the point-of-sale (POS) system. The POS system ensures that each time an item is sold, one of the items is removed from the inventory count, creating a closed information loop between all departments. Data Management The days of large file rooms, rows of filing cabinets and the mailing of documents is fading fast. Today, most companies store digital versions of documents on servers and storage devices. These documents become instantly available to everyone in the company, regardless of their geographical location. Companies are able to store and maintain a tremendous amount of historical data economically, and employees benefit from immediate access to the documents they need. Management Information Systems Storing data is only a benefit if that data can be used effectively. Progressive companies use that data as part of their strategic planning process as well as the tactical execution of that strategy. Management Information Systems (MIS) enable companies to track sales data, expenses and productivity levels. The information can be used to track profitability over time, maximize return on

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investment and identify areas of improvement. Managers can track sales on a daily basis, allowing them to immediately react to lower-than-expected numbers by boosting employee productivity or reducing the cost of an item. Customer Relationship Management Companies are using IT and telecom to improve the way they design and manage customer relationships. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems capture every interaction a company has with a customer, so that a more enriching experience is possible. If a customer calls a call center with an issue, the customer support representative will be able to see what the customer has purchased, view shipping information, call up the training manual for that item and effectively respond to the issue. The entire interaction is stored in the CRM system, ready to be recalled if the customer calls again. The customer has a better, more focused experience and the company benefits from improved productivity

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Our Services
Because every client is unique, our solutions often vary by client yet the results never do. Regardless of whether we are providing individual recruitment support services or a fully outsourced recruitment process, we offer the best possible candidates with our personal guarantee. We are so confident that you will get the right person that we guarantee to replace the candidate if he or she leaves within 6 months of appointment.

Our Candidates
We match accomplished candidates with the right employers who appreciate their talent and experience. We treat every candidate with respect and dignity, communicating every step of the way to make the experience stress-free. We use behavioural interviews for our discussions and thoroughly check references and academic qualifications.

Value and Commitment

On Talent has gained a reputation for listening to our clients challenges and customising creative and practical solutions for their business needs.

Our customised approach ensures value and results. Our commitment is to provide you with a limited number of highly qualified candidates, and advise both parties to ensure a successful outcome.

In addition, when retained, we provide a six month guarantee that the employees placed by OnTalent will make long-lasting contributions to your company, or we will replace them with no charge for our services.

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Employee 1 Finance head Employee 2

Employee 1 Marketting head Director Bussiness operation head Employee 2

Recruitment & Selection head

Personnel Department Human resource head Training and Development head

Administration head

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Strong Management Highly skilled, English-speaking workforce. Abundant manpower Cheaper workforce than their Western counterparts. According to Nasscom, The wage difference is as high as 70-80 percent when compared to their Western counterparts.

Lower attrition rates than the counterparts. Dedicated workforce aiming at making a long-term career in the field. Round-the-clock advantage for Western companies due to the huge time difference.

Lower response time with efficient and effective service. Operational excellence Conducive business environment


Online Presence Time Management Limited Diversification Local Infrastructure Political opposition from developed countries


Online market Emerging Markets New Service

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International Expansion


Intense Competition Volatile costs Regulatory Nightmares Losing Competitive Advantage


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JP morgon Indigo 3g Intelenet WNS Sutherland IBM Convergys Zenta Streams HDFC Life Insurance Kotak Life Insurance TATA AIG TCS. HDFC. Religare Kingfisher Airlines Axis Bank. Star CJ Alive

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Accenture. Snap Deal Firstsource

Mumbai: 303, Platinum Mall, Near BMC Office, Opp Ghatkoper Station, Ghatkopar (E). Delhi: Gratitude India, C-4, Malaviya Nagar, Main Market, Near Sagar Ratna Restaurant, Opp New Moti sweet store, Delhi. Bangalore: 505, Barton Center, 5Th Floor, MG Road, Shivaji Nagar, Near MG Road Metro Station, Bangalore.

Awarded the Platinum Partner status by clients like TCS, Firstsource, Fitness First, and JP. Rated as one of the topmost recruitment firm in the BPO/Aviation space in terms of delivery, infrastructure & HR professionals. Ranked as the NO# 1 Consultancy by Intelenet Global Services.

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The study is conducted on Recruitment and Selection process in the company. Detailed report is prepared on the basis of records available in the company on the recruitment and selection of the employees. A survey conducted to understand the perception of the employees on the recruitment and selection process in the company and also analyze the effectiveness of the recruitment process. TITLE: An organizational study of Gratitude India with reference to recruitment and selection process



Exploratory type of research was followed and the questionnaire method (systematic method of gathering information) was used.

Recruitment and selection is a challenging job in every organization that Selecting the right candidate, at a right time, for a right job. Which leads problematic some time when the candidate in not productive to the organization. The criteria used for recruitment has to be effective otherwise it is difficult to fulfill the objective of recruitment and place right man on right job at a right time. Hence the study is taken to understand the existing practices of recruitment and find out the effectiveness of recruitment and selection. Here we try to analyze whether the present Recruitment and Selection process is satisfactory or not. In todays competitive world recruiting potential

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candidate is tough enough recruiting wrong people will become liability to the organization. Organization should avoid such situation. Hence the effectiveness of Recruitment and Selection process will help the management to avoid such situation with the view in mind the project was undertaken.


To identify the most effective source of recruitment in the company.


Primary Data: The primary data is collected through the personal interview with the HR manager and the other employees of the HR circle. Observations are made on the recruitments that will be conducted at the time of the study through questionnaires and interview. Secondary Data: The secondary data is collected through the reference of the company website, company literatures, magazines, journals and books on
the topic.


Sampling method: convenience sampling technique is used. Sampling size: the sample size selected here is 50. Which is 10 percent of the total employees in the organization? The targeted respondents are middle level and low level employees.


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Recruitment and selection process both are seems to be easy at process but very difficult tasks when comes to implementation and work in reality. Both recruitment and selection procedure are interdependent one leads to another success. The successful recruitment process ends selection process very easily and effectively.

Recruitment and selection both are two faces of one coin.

This study helps in understanding how the recruitment and selection process takes place in the HR department often in hiring the suitable employees

Limitations of study
I. The collected data using the questionnaire cannot gather more information. II. Bias of the respondents is another problem as they did not reveal their real feelings. III. The busy schedule of the management staff and was operatives another reason which hampered data collection. IV. Time constraints being one of the major limitations.

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4.1 Table Showing age of the respondents.

Age 18-25 26-35 36-45 Above 45 Total No of respondents 25 20 5 0 50 % of the respondents 50 40 10 0 100

Analysis : From the above table we infer that most of them i.e 50% of the
respondents were of the age group 18-25, 40% of them were 26-35, 10%were 36-45 and none of them were above 45.

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graph showing age of the respondents




30 age froup of respondents 20


0 18-25 26-35 36-45 above 45

INTERPRETATION: From the above graph we can conclude that 50% that is
the majority of the respondents age lies between 18-25.

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Table containing stages involved in selecting

the candidate.

Stages involved in selection 1 step 2 steps 3 steps 4 steps More Total

No. of respondents

% of respondents

5 10 25 5 5 50

10 20 50 10 10 100

ANALYSIS: How many stages are involved in selecting the candidate? Out of 50 respondents for the stages involved in selection, only 10% have chosen step 1 , 20% have chosen 2 steps ,50% has chosen 3 steps , and 4 steps and more have 10% each.

- 44 -

4.2 graph showing Stages involved in selecting

the candidate





stages involved in selecting the candidate



0 1step 2 steps 3 steps 4 steps more

INTERPRETATION: From the above graph we can conclude that majority of

the respondents go with step 3. Thus 3 steps are more effective.

- 45 -


Table containing tests adapted during the

process of recruitment. Tests adapted written aptitude Group discussion Personal interview Psychometric test others total No. of respondents 8 15 5 20 2 0 50 % of respondents 16 13 10 40 4 0 100

ANALYSIS: what is the most effective test adapted during the process of
recruitment? Out of 50 respondents for the stages involved in selection, only 16% have chosen written test , 13% have chosen aptitude test ,10% has chosen GD, and 40% have chosen personal interview and 4% for psychometric test.

- 46 -

4.3 graph showing tests adapted during recruitment process

45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 tests adapted during process

INTERPRETATION: from the above graph we can conclude that majority of

the respondents go with personal interview. Hence personal interview is the most effective test adapted in the process of recruitment.

- 47 -


Table containing important quality the

organisation looks for in a candidate.

Important qualities Knowledge Past Experience

No of respondents 15 5

%of respondents 30 10

Optimistic Nature


Discipline Team Work Ability others

10 10 5

20 20 10

ANALYSIS: which important quality does the org look for in a candidate?
Out of 50 respondents for the stages involved in selection, 30% have chosen knowledge, 10% have chosen past experience and 10 % have also chosen optimistic nature, discipline and teamwork ability both have 20% each, and 10% have chosen other qualities .

- 48 -

4.4 graph showing the most important quality the organisation looks for in a candidate
35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Important quality in a candidate

INTERPRETATION: from the above graph we can conclude that majority of

the respondents feel knowledge is the most important quality the organization looks for in a candidate.

- 49 -


Table showing if job advertisements attract

most talented candidates according to the respondents point of view.

Point of view about job No of respondents advertisements Always True Sometimes Very rarely False Total 35 14 1 0 50

% of respondents

70 28 2 0 100

ANALYSIS: from the above table it shows that 70% of the respondents say
that it is always true that job advertisements of the company attracts talented candidates, 28%say that this is sometimes true and 2%think this case is very rare.

- 50 -

4.5 graph showing if job advertisements attracts candidates.

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Always True Sometimes Very rarely False job adverisements attract candidates.

INTERPRETATION: from the above graph we can conclude that 70% that is
the majority of the respondents feel that job advertisements really attract talented candidates.

- 51 -


Table showing recruitment in gratitude

India is free from discrimination on the basis of caste /religion /linguistic backgrounds.

Discrimination Always true sometimes Very rarely false Total

No of respondents 38 8 3 1 50

% of respondents 76 16 6 2 100

ANALYSIS: the above table shows that 76% odd the respondents agree that
gratitude India is free from this kind of discrimination, 16 % think sometimes, and 6% feel this happens very rarely, and 2% feel there is discrimination.

- 52 -

4.6 Graph showing recruitment is free from discrimination

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Always true sometimes Very rarely FALSE free from discrimination

INTERPRETATION: from the above graph we can conclude that the majority
of the respondents (76%)feel there is no discrimination in gratitude India based on caste religion or any linguistic boundaries.

- 53 -


Table showing that gratitude India has given

adequate information about the company at the time of the interview.

Gratitude india information yes No Partially total

No of respondents

% of respondents

40 0 10 50

80 0 20 100

ANALYSIS: from the above table we infer that 80% of the respondents
agree that gratitude gives adequate information about the company during interviews, and 20% feel partial information is given. So the company can be more specific before the interviews to increase trust between company and employee

- 54 -

4.7 graph showing if information about the company is given during interview.

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 yes no partially information about gratitude

INTERPRETATION: from the above graph we can conclude that majority of

the respondents that is 80% of them say yes and agree that adequate information about the company is given at the time of the interview.

- 55 -


Basic qualification required for a job title

qualifications graduate Post graduate Work experience others total

No of respondents 27 0 10 13 50

% of respondents 54 0 20 26 100

ANALYSIS: from the above table we can infer that 54% respondents say only
graduates can get a job title, 20% say its based on work experience and 26% say its influenced by other factors as well.

- 56 -

4.8 graph showing basic qualification for job title








0 graduate Post graduate Work experience others

INTERPRETATION: From the above graph we can conclude that the basic
qualification in order to get a job is you must be a graduate, since Majority of the respondents that is 54%of them have chosen it.

- 57 -


Table showing what makes the respondents

hold on to their job in gratitude India

Reason Flexi hours Work culture Employee benefits All of the above Total

No of respondents 4 4 16 26 50

%of respondents 8 8 32 52 100

ANALYSIS : from the above table we infer that 8% feel that flexi hours and
work culture each is the reason for them to hold on to their jobs, where as 32% feel its due to the employee benefits , 52% go with all of the above saying all the factors above make them more work bound.

- 58 -

4.9 graphs showing the reason for the respondents to hold on to their jobs.

60 50 40 30 reason to hold on to the job 20 10 0 Flexi hours Work culture Employee benefits All of the above

INTERPRETATION : from the above graph we can conclude that the main
reason for the employees of gratitude India to hold on to their jobs are flexi hours , work culture and the employee benefits since majority of the respondents that is 52% of them feel All the above factors influence them to hold on to their jobs.

- 59 -

4.10 Table showing of the present recruitment

and selection process is helpful in achieving the goals of the company.

Helpful in achieving goals yes no total

No of respondents

% of respondents

45 5 50

90 10 100

ANALYSIS: from the above table we can infer that 90% of the respondents
say yes and agree that the processes they use are helpful for the company to reach their goals whereas 10% of the respondents disagree with the above statement.

- 60 -

4.10 graph showing present recruitment and selection process is helpful in achieving the goals of the company.

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 yes no helpful in achieving goals of the company

INTERPRETATION: from the above graph we can conclude that

majority of the respondents i.e. 90% of them feel the process used by the company is helpful to achieve their goals.

- 61 -

Most effective sources of recruitment in the company are

Internal sources deliver the most hires: Internal sources produced more hires (58 percent) compared to external sources (42 percent)

External sources deliver the most interviews: External sources provided the majority of interviews (56 percent) as opposed to internal sources (44 percent)

External sources are growing more valuable: External sources generated roughly six percent more interviews and hires .

Online sources are growing more valuable: Online sources (both internal and external) provided are growing rapidly

The main reason for the employees of gratitude India to hold on to their jobs are flexi hours , work culture and the employee benefits since majority of the respondents feel All the above factors influence them to hold on to their jobs. Nearly most of the employees are of the belief that the recruitment process they use here helps the company achieve its goals. Majority of the age group of the people working in Gratitude India belong to 26-35. The employees of gratitude India believe that the personal interview is the most effective test adapted while selecting a candidate Gratitude India gives adequate information about the company during interviews

- 62 -


Decreasing the waiting time for the operations round of interview can enhance the brand image of the company.

Strict adherence to the quality of candidates is suggested so as to increase the overall effectiveness of the organization.

Increasing the calling agents salaries would decrease employee turnover.

Recruitment should not only be done based on qualification but it should also consider the skill of the candidate

Interpersonal skills must be implemented Innovative teqniques should be adopted in order to reduce time and cost factors

Tie up with more & more consultants Create winning impression even on those who are not selected. For this, there must a proper coordination of the interview of the candidate and greater degree of professionalism.

A candidate when invited for an interview must be attended as soon as possible and should not be made to wait for hours together. Interviews conducted on a scheduled time leave a good impression on the candidate

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This project A STUDY ON RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS was done in a company called GRATITUDE INDIA. In the 35days of my internship there, I was able to study how an organization works and the key functions are to enable successful functioning of the company.

The project began with an introduction of what the project is about and the related industry profile , next was looking for a research problem and working on the same, which in this case was to check if the present Recruitment and Selection process is satisfactory or not . the research problem was tackled with the exploratory research , using questionnaires which were distributed to fifty employees of gratitude India The responses were later scrutinized analyzed and interpreted which are all detailed in the project. Over all it can be concluded that the methods used by gratitude India are satisfactory.

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