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Building Design For Sustainable Architecture

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Guidelines for Commercial Buildings

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS These Guidelines have been developed by Council staff with assistance from local experts and industry groups. In developing this document, we have drawn on the extensive work undertaken by several other organisations and would like to acknowledge their work in this area. In particular we would like to acknowledge the Green Building Council of Australia, CoolMob, the Your Home Technical Manual and Ecospecier Global. We would also like to thank the Tropical Green Building Network and members of Councils Urban Design Advisory Board for reviewing this document.

PHOTOGRapHY CREDITS Troppo Architects Total Project Group Architects Arup WSP Group Studio Mango Tropical Architecture and Planning Kym Joseph, Photography 4 Real Estate MGF Consultants NQ City of Melbourne Department of Public Works, Queensland COVER IMaGE Tyto Wetlands Cultural Centre, Ingham. Building designed by Troppo Architects, illustration by Hot Croc.

DISCLaIMER Please note that while every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained within this report is correct and up to date, Cairns Regional Council (CRC) and all persons acting on their behalf preparing this report accept no liability for the accuracy or inferences from the material contained in this publication, orfor any action as a result of any persons or groups interpretations deductions or conclusions relying on this material. CRCaccepts no liability for any loss, damage or injury (including consequential loss, damage or injury) from the use of this information. This document has been produced by Cairns Regional Council who owns the copyright for this document. Published December 2011.

This document is printed on 100% recycled paper.

Sustainable Tropical Building Design


1. INTRODUCTION..............................................................4 1.1 Sustainable Tropical Building Design Principles........5 4. INDOOR ENVIRONMENT QUALITY............................25 2. ENERGY AND EMISSIONS.............................................6 2.1 Passive design...........................................................6 Orientation for minimal solar heat gain...............8 Orientation to maximise air ow..........................8 Designing for mixed-mode use.....................10 Roof ventilation..................................................10 2.1.1 Orientation...........................................................6 4.1 Air quality.................................................................25 4.2 Light quality and views to outside...........................26 4.3 Temperature control................................................26 4.4 Noise........................................................................26 4.5 Low toxicity indoor environment.............................26

4.5.1 Paints.................................................................27 4.5.2 Flooring..............................................................28 4.5.3 Formaldehyde emissions...................................29 4.5.4 PVC....................................................................29 4.5.5 Pest treatment...................................................29 5. WASTE AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS...............30 5.1 Reducing waste........................................................30 5.1.1 Reuse and recycling of construction waste........30 5.1.2 Reducing and recycling operational waste........31 5.2 Selecting low impact construction materials...........31 5.2.1 Sustainable timber.............................................32 5.2.2 Embodied energy..............................................33 6. LOCAL ENVIRONMENT...............................................35 6.1 Minimising ecological impacts.................................35 6.2 Habitat restoration...................................................35 6.3 Community gardens................................................36 6.4 Landscaping.............................................................36

2.1.2 Passive ventilation................................................9

2.1.3 Landscaping for a cool building........................11 2.1.4 Thermal mass.....................................................12 2.1.5 Insulation............................................................13 2.1.6 Windows............................................................14 2.1.7 Natural lighting..................................................15 Skylights.............................................................15 Atria...................................................................15 Light shelves......................................................15 Clerestory windows............................................16 Light tubes.........................................................16

2.2 Energy efcient systems and appliances.................17 Design of air conditioned spaces......................17 Selecting an efcient air-conditioning system...18 Lighting control..................................................19 Solar lighting......................................................19

2.2.1 Efcient air-conditioning....................................17

6.4.1 Selecting plant species for landscaping............36 6.4.2 Landscaping to slow water runoff......................36 6.4.3 Protecting and retaining topsoil........................36 7. GREEN BuILDING CaSE STuDIES...............................37 7.1 C  ase study 1 William McCormack Place Stage 2, Cairns..............37 7.2 C  ase study 2 TAFE Sustainability Precinct, Cairns ........................38 7.3 C  ase study 3 Council House 2 (CH2), Melbourne ........................39 8. RESOURCES...................................................................42 Appendix 1 Sustainable design checklist........................43 Appendix 2 Legislative context.......................................46

2.2.2 Efcient lighting.................................................19

2.2.3 Hot water...........................................................20 2.2.4 Monitoring energy use.......................................20 2.3 Renewable energy...................................................20 2.4 Transport..................................................................20

3. WATER AND WASTEWATER........................................21 3.1 Water efciency.......................................................21 3.2 Rainwater tanks........................................................21 3.3 Recycled water.........................................................22 3.4 Managing stormwater..............................................22


Sustainable Tropical Building Design

This document has been prepared by Cairns Regional Council to assist in meeting the requirements of the Sustainable Building Design Policy when designing, constructing and renovating Council buildings. These guidelines are also intended as a general reference guide for sustainable design and construction of commercial buildings in the tropics.
How we design and construct buildings can affect the natural environment, both directly byplacing buildings and paved surfaces on previously vegetated areas, and indirectly through extracting resources to create building materials; emitting greenhouse gases in the manufacturing and transportation of materials to the site; and through using energy sources such as electricity once the building is operating. Sustainable building design is about reducing these impacts by designing and constructing buildings that are appropriate for the climate, have minimal environmental impacts, and are healthy and comfortable for building users. Sustainable building design for the tropics differs considerably from sustainable building design for temperate areas. The majority of available information on sustainable design has been produced for temperate climates and is not applicable in the tropics. Theseguidelines have been developed specically for the wet tropical climate of the Cairns region, andprovide information on the key sustainable building design elements for the tropics. They can be used in conjunction with Councils Sustainable Design Checklist to plan the design and construction of sustainable buildings in tropical climates.

Sustainable Tropical Building Design



Council is committed to implementing the below sustainable building design principles.

Energy and emissions

1.  Incorporate passive design measures to maximise the use of natural ventilation, cooling and lighting. 2.  Maximise energy efciency and surpass minimum statutory requirements for energy efciency. 3.  Strive for long-term sustainability and energy security by installing renewable energy generation systems. 4.  Maximise opportunities for public and active transport access to the building.

Water and wastewater

5.  Maximise water efciency and surpass minimum statutory requirements for water efciency. 6.  Access alternative water sources to reduce consumption of potable water. 7.  Phase out use of potable water in landscaping.

Indoor environment quality

8.  Incorporate materials and ttings that are not harmful to the health, safety and well being of building users. 9.  Use air-handling and temperature control systems that provide a comfortable and healthy indoor environment. 10.  Ensure work areas have access to natural light and external views.

Waste and construction materials

11.  Select materials with the lower embodied energy and environmental impacts. 12.  Maximise reuse and recycling of construction and demolition waste. 13.  Allow adequate space for recycling, waste storage and composting by building occupants.

Local environment
14.  Restore habitat and improve community spaces surrounding buildings. 15.   Minimise the impact during and post development on biodiversity, water and soil quality, soil erosion and visual amenity.


Sustainable Tropical Building Design


Related sustainable design principles:
1.  Incorporate passive design measures to maximise the use of natural ventilation, cooling and lighting. 2.  Maximise energy efciency and surpass minimum statutory requirements for energy efciency. 3.  Strive for long-term sustainability and energy security by installing renewable energy generation systems. 4.  Maximise opportunities for public and active transport access to the building.


Passive design is design that works with the environment to exclude unwanted heat or cold and take advantage of sun and breezes, therefore avoiding or minimising the need for mechanical heating or cooling. Passive design in the tropics means designing a building to make the most of natural light and cooling breezes, and using shading, orientation and appropriate building materials to reduce heat gain and storage. The use of passive design principles in the tropics results in a building that is comfortable, energy efcient and results in substantial savings in running costs of both cooling and lighting.
The main principles of passive design for buildings in the tropics are summarised below. Avoid heat gain O  rient the building to reduce exposure to midday sun, particularly summer sun.  Use materials with low thermal mass (as a general rule).  Shade walls and windows, particularly any walls with high thermal mass.  Use glazing on windows that cannot be effectively shaded.  Use insulation, light colours and heat reective surfaces. Create cool outdoor areas U  se verandahs and deep balconies to shade and cool incoming air. U  se landscaping to provide shade without blocking cooling breezes and use planting to reduce ground temperature and minimise reected heat.

The elements to consider for implementing these principles are orientation, thermal mass, insulation, ventilation and lighting. These are outlined below in more detail.

2.1.1 Orientation
Understanding the daily and seasonal movements of the sun and the wind assists in orientating a building for optimal efciency and comfort. Orientation concerns the position of the building on the site as well as the arrangement of the rooms within it. In the tropics, a building should be oriented so that the majority of walls and windows can easily be shaded from direct sun, while allowing maximum airow and input of natural light (see Figure 1).

Encourage natural ventilation  Orient the building and windows towards prevailing easterly winds.  Include operable windows and ceiling vents that enable the building to naturally ventilate.

Make use of natural light Install shaded windows.  Install shaded skylights, light tubes and other natural lighting devices.

Sustainable Tropical Building Design


Figure 1. Passive Ventilation (cross-section)

Vents or louvres at the highest point allow hot air to leave the building

Windows and louvres aligned to facilitate airflow

Raised building allows air to flow underneath, cooling the floor


Sustainable Tropical Building Design


Orientation for minimal solar heat gain

The path of the sun changes gradually throughout the year between summer and winter. See Figure 2 for a sun path diagram for the Cairns Region. Generally the best approach in the tropics is to design so that all walls are shaded from the sun all year round. Depending on the building use, it may be desirable to admit some northern (mid-day) sun in the period May-July, which can be done by planning the width of eaves and awnings as shown in Figure 5B. It is also important to remember that in the Cairns region the sun is in the south during summer months and so shading is also needed on the south of buildings.

Orientation to maximise air ow

In Cairns, prevailing winds are southeasterly in the winter months and north to north-easterly during the summer months. Stronger breezes typically occur around April and October. Thelack of breeze during the hottest days can pose challenges for achieving effective natural ventilation, and designing to encourage convection ow is very effective at these times. Referto the Passive Ventilation section (2.1.2) for more information.

Figure 2. Sun path diagram for the Cairns Region

To use this sun path: 1.  Find the black square at the centre of the diagram. This symbolises the building, shown from above. 2.  To nd where the sun will be at 7am in summer, locate 7am on the diagram. 3.  Follow the curved line down until it meets the solid line (the summer path). 4.  Next draw an imaginary line from this point to the building, and this is the compass direction for where the sun will be at that time in summer.

Sustainable Tropical Building Design


2.1.2 Passive Ventilation

Designing a building in a way that maximises natural ventilation will greatly reduce the need for energy-intensive air conditioning. Airmovement over the body, even if the air is not much cooler, creates a feeling of cool due to the evaporation of moisture from the skin. The following methods of passive ventilation are most effective in thetropics. Maximising breezes  Orient the building to make the most of prevailing winds. A  lign vents, windows and doors to allow air ow through the building these should be aligned in a reasonably straight line for maximum effectiveness.  Minimise internal obstacles or blockages such as internal walls in major ow through areas to allow for unimpeded ventilation.  Raise the building off the ground to catch breezes. Removing hot air  Design for convection air ow to remove hot air from the building. Convection air ow is created by hot air rising and exiting at the highest point, which naturally draws in cool air from outside. Thisnatural cycling of air can be created by placing low window openings across a space from high window openings. This will be even more effective at cooling if incoming air is being drawn from a shaded area where plants are growing (see section 2.1.3).

Figure 3. Convection Air Flow



Sustainable Tropical Building Design


Designing for mixed-mode use

In Cairns it is feasible to design a mixed-mode building that relies on passive, natural ventilation in cooler months and energy efcient air conditioning in hotter months. Lowthermal mass materials are particularly suitable for mixed mode design, provided the building is well-insulated. Ideally passive and mechanical cooling systems should be controlled so that they cannot be in use simultaneously to avoid energy wastage. For example, the use of Reed Switches connected to air-conditioning controls or a building management system can prevent the air-conditioning system from operating while doors or windows are open.

Roof ventilation
Ventilating the ceiling cavity of a building is an effective way of replacing accumulated hot air with cool air from outside using convection. It also reduces heat radiated from the ceiling cavity to the inner parts of the building. Controls can be installed to stop ventilation during the cooler months if necessary. Examples of roof ventilation systems include spinning vents placed on the roof top which draw hot air out of the ceiling cavity by their spinning motion. Another type is a ridge vent, a non-moving vent that can be placed at the highest ridge point of the roof. Theridge vent allows hot air, which collects at the highest point, toowout.

Both of these examples operate most effectively when vents are installed in building eaves or in ceilings to allow cooler air to be drawn in through the eave vents, promoting greater ow of air through the roofvent.

Figure 4. Roof Cavity Ventilation

Ridge vents allow hot air out

Eave vents let cool air in

Sustainable Tropical Building Design



2.1.3 Landscaping for a cool building

The hard surfaces of streets, driveways, parking areas and paving around buildings, absorb heat and then re-radiate it, creating a hotter microclimate. The combined effect of hard surfaces in our cities is known as the urban heat island effect. It is responsible for noticeable increases in temperature in cities compared to surrounding areas. Reducing the extent of paving and other hard surfaces that reect and/ or store heat and replacing these with vegetation will result in a cooler building and more enjoyable outdoor areas. Planting areas around the building creates a cooler environment due to a plants ability to transpire, or lose moisture, which cools the air. External temperatures can be reduced by over 5C by using ground cover or lawn instead of paving. Planting areas with dense vegetation and creating shaded areas will achieve even greater temperature reductions. Air that is drawn into buildings via planted areas can have signicant cooling benet (see Figure 5). For more information see the Landscaping section (6.4).

Figure 5A. Shading and Landscaping

Orient dwelling for breeze access

Landscape to channel cooling breezes

Figure 5B. Shading and Landscaping

Summer and Winter sun excluded

Tall spreading trees provide shade

Plants selected for breeze filtering rather than blocking



Sustainable Tropical Building Design


2.1.4 Thermal mass

Thermal mass refers to the ability of building materials to absorb, store and release heat. In tropical climates, the use of lightweight construction materials with low thermal mass is preferable, particularly on walls that are exposed to the sun. This is because lightweight construction materials such as timber, respond quickly to cooling breezes allowing the building to cool faster. These materials still require insulation to prevent direct heat transfer and to improve the efciency of mechanical cooling if used. High thermal mass materials work best in temperate climates where there is a signicant change in temperature between night and day. During summer, the heat stored in thermal mass during the day is ushed out by the cooler night temperatures, andthe cool stored in the mass over night is released into the building during theday. Warm nights in the tropics mean that heat is not ushed from the thermal mass and instead radiates back into the building. Use of high thermal mass construction materials is therefore generally not recommended in the tropics. If high thermal mass materials are used, the building should be well shaded to avoid heat gain and insulated internally to reduce heat transfer. Recent research has shown that innovative, well insulated and shaded thermal mass designs have been able to lower night time temperatures by 3 to 4C in tropical areas with a low level of temperature uctuation between day and night.1

Figure 6. Diurnal temperature range and response of low and high thermal mass materials

Time of day Outdoor temperature Light timber-framed building Heavy building with external insulation Heavy building set into and partially covered with earth

Figure from

Sustainable Tropical Building Design



2.1.5 Insulation
Insulation is one of the most effective ways to reduce heat input to a building and can be installed in the roof, ceiling and walls of the building. Insulation controls the rate at which a building loses or gains heat, keeping warmer air in during winter and excluding external heat in summer. There are generally two types of insulation: bulk insulation and reective insulation. In the tropics, reective insulation installed under roof sheeting is highly effective as it does not trap heat inside the building. However bulk insulation is more effective at preventing loss of cool air from the building and so improves the efciency of air-conditioning. Insulation that absorbs moisture should be avoided as this will become mouldy in the tropical environment. Ventilating the ceiling cavity can also help to dry the area out, reducing the chances of mould growth.

R values
Insulation materials are given an R value, which rates the materials resistance to heat ow and therefore indicates its effectiveness. The higher the R value the greater the insulating effect. However an R value is not a measure of reectivity and so is less effective as a measure of the capacity of insulation to reect external heat. The Queensland Governments Climate Smart website recommends a minimum of R 2.5 insulation in naturally ventilated house ceilings, and a minimum of R 3.5 insulation in ceilings and walls of air conditioned houses in the tropics.2

Insulation types
Bulk insulation in effect acts as thermal mass and resists the transfer of conducted and convected heat by relying on pockets of trapped air within its structure. Its thermal resistance is essentially the same regardless of the direction of heat ow through (i.e. in or out of the building). Bulk insulation includes materials such as glasswool, wool, cellulose bre, polyester and polystyrene. The R value of the products varies according to material and thickness. Reective insulation mainly resists radiant heat ow due to its high reectivity and low ability to re-radiate heat and is more effective when installed with an air layer next to the shiny surface. Because it works via reection, the thermal resistance of reective insulation varies with the direction of heat ow through it unless it is designed to be reective on both sides. Reective insulation is usually shiny aluminium foil laminated onto paper or plastic and is available as sheets (sarking), concertina-type batts and multi-cell batts. Concertina batts and multi-cell batts also have a small resistive capacity and therefore have a higher R value than sarking.



Sustainable Tropical Building Design


2.1.6 Windows
Encouraging natural air ow is integral to passive design in the tropics. Windows are an important way to encourage and direct air ow into a building. For many commercial buildings, air-conditioning will be used throughout the year, however buildings can be designed to operate without air-conditioning in cooler months. Thisallows for greater exibility in catering to the needs of building users, and will save energy and money by switching air-conditioning off for part of the year. Louvres and casement style windows allow building users to control how much natural air enters the building. Well-placed louvres or windows, atoor level and at the highest point of the room, create convection air ow which draws air into the building and creates breezes to cool occupants. See the Passive Ventilation section (2.1.2) for more information. In a tropical climate, windows should ideally be shaded from direct sunlight all year round and should open to allow air ow. Where effective shading cannot be achieved, insulating windows against heat transfer can reduce cooling costs. The following measures can help reduce heat input through glass:

Advanced glazing technologies

Glass can be treated to reduce the amount of solar energy transmitted through it. This can be an alternative method of preventing summer heat gain where external shading devices are inappropriate, such as western facing windows that are difcult to shade.

Tinted glass
Tinted glass has a tint applied to the glass during manufacture, to reduce the amount of heat transmitted through it.

Reective coatings
Reective coatings are thin lms of metal or metal oxide that are applied to standard glass. They stop greater amounts of heat gain than some toned glass, however, they have the potential to create glare problems for neighbouring properties, and can signicantly reduce the quantity of light admitted through the glass.

Sustainable Tropical Building Design



2.1.7 Natural lighting

Buildings should be designed to maximise the amount of natural light that enters the building, particularly workplaces. This can lead to signicant energy savings by reducing the need for articial lighting and has been shown to improve productivity.3 In a naturally well lit space, articial lighting should not be required for general activities during daylight hours. In larger buildings, task lighting may be required at work areas not directly near a window, as windows are only effective for letting natural light into a building up to a distance of 4-5 metres. It is therefore recommended that light switching be designed to allow perimeter lights to be adjusted separately from other lighting so that the benets of natural light can berealised. The effectiveness of natural light can be improved by using light colours on walls, oors and horizontal surfaces, and by aligning internal walls and ceilings to maximise light reection from light sources. The benets of natural light must be balanced with strategies to manage glare and heat gain. For this reason, all glass should be shaded from direct sun or incorporate glazing technologies that reduce heat transfer. In addition to windows, natural light access can be obtained through skylights, light reectors and similar installations. Common solutions are described below.

Skylights can provide good quality light to work spaces that are away from windows. As mentioned above, they need to be shaded and glazed to prevent heat transfer. Some skylights are also vented to allow hot air toescape.

An atrium is a large open space, often several stories high and having a glazed roof and/or large windows. Atria are popular in commercial spaces because they give a sense of spaciousness and allow natural light to enter the building. The benet of an atrium is that hot air can be vented at the top rather than accumulating near the building users.

Light shelves
A light shelf is an architectural element that allows daylight to penetrate deeper into a building. A light shelf is a horizontal light-reecting overhang which is placed above eye-level and has a high-reectance upper surface. This surface is then used to reect daylight onto the ceiling and deeper into a space. In the tropics, light shelves may be most effective on the north side of the building to exclude summer sun, and awning width should be designed to exclude unwanted sun.

Fisk, J.W. (2000) Health and productivity gains from better indoor environments and their relationship with building energy efciency. Annual Review of Energy and the Environment, Vol. 25: 537-566



Sustainable Tropical Building Design


Figure 7. Diagram showing clerestory windows and light shelves

Adapted from John C. Clem Building a Better, Greener Home

North facing celestory windows allow light to enter the building. The awning excludes midday sun, allowing just some Winter sun to enter the building

Light shelves deflect light on to the ceiling, helping to soften and diffuse light

Clerestory windows
Another important element in natural lighting is the use of clerestory windows. These are high, verticallyplaced windows that are ideally north facing. The benet of clerestory windows can be enhanced by using light-coloured interior walls to further reect light into interior areas. Clerestory windows can be a good source of diffuse light, and can also be useful in allowing hot air to leave the building. In the tropics, north facing clerestory windows will work most effectively, as they will exclude summer sun. As with light shelves, awning width should be designed to exclude unwanted sun. East or west facing clerestories are not recommended as they cannot be effectively shaded.

Light tubes
Solar tubes, light tubes or light pipes are used for transporting or distributing natural or articial light. Installed between the roof and interior ceiling, solar tubes capture daylight, refract and reect it through a tube, and disperse the light to an interior space using a diffuser. Theconcept was originally developed by the ancient Egyptians. The exposed portion of the light tube consists of a dome that collects and refracts as much sunlight as possible from as many different directions as possible. The tube itself is lined with a highly reective material to help light travel through with minimal loss. At the other end of the tube, the light passes through a diffuser that disperses it throughout the interior space.

Sustainable Tropical Building Design




In tting out the building, efforts should be made to install the most energy efcient systems and appliances available to reduce operating costs of the building. Air-conditioning, lighting and hot water systems will have particularly signicant implications for reducing a buildings energy requirement.

Design of air conditioned spaces

As mentioned in section 2.1.2, the design features for an entirely mechanically cooled building are typically different to those of an entirely passively cooled building. Below are some examples of building design features that will help to improve the efciency of mechanical cooling.  High insulation levels in walls, ceiling and oors.  Glass is shaded and glazed/treated for reduced heat exchange.  Total volume of air space is reduced (e.g. low ceilings).  Cracks and gaps are sealed to minimise external air inltration. Design of a mixed mode building needs to include intelligent solutions to achieve these conditions when the building is operating in mechanical cooling mode. For example, using doors and windows that seal effectively when closed is important.

Some additional factors that can be considered to increase the energy efciency of air-conditioning systems are included below.  Use advanced control systems, sensors and timers to reduce total operating hours.  Set thermostats to warmest setting that still achieves comfort and include ceiling fans to improve personal comfort.  Avoid air-conditioning rooms that have high level indoor outdoor trafc or use air-locks to minimise hot air inltration.  Ensure that rooms not requiring mechanical cooling have maximum passive cooling as described above and use them as a thermal buffer to cooled spaces.  Use heat recovery systems to extract heat from waste air and use this to reduce the cooling load on fresh air.  Investigate energy efcient heat exchange options including heat exchange to ground or water.

2.2.1 Efficient air-conditioning

Wherever possible air-conditioning systems should incorporate zoning controls which enable the system to be adjusted to different heat loads in different parts of the building and to be shut off when areas are not in use. This reduces the amount of energy used in cooling or heating air unnecessarily and improves the comfort of building users. It is recommended that airconditioning supply to contained spaces, for example meeting rooms, be tted with user operated timed controls to reduce use of the system when spaces are not in use. It is also recommended that air-conditioning ducting is insulated to at least R1.5 and that any refrigerant lines are insulated with at least 20mm of foam insulation. This will minimise the potential for heat gain between the air conditioning unit and targeted areas.



Sustainable Tropical Building Design


Selecting an efcient air-conditioning system

The energy requirements for airconditioning can be greatly reduced by use of passive design. There are some options for mechanised cooling systems that are more energy efcient and generate less carbon emissions. Solar air-conditioning Reliable, efcient solar air-conditioning systems are now becoming available on the commercial market. These systems run almost entirely on solar energy, with only a small amount of additional mains power needed to run the control system, pumps, valves and other devices. The basic operating principle of these solar air-conditioning systems is that water is heated by the sun in vacuum tube solar collectors (similar to solar hot water system tubes); this hot water is fed into a thermally driven solar chiller, which is used to cool the water which then in turn cools the air inside the building. The higher the water temperature supplied to the solar chiller, the more efciently the cooling system will perform. This means that the system will function most effectively on the hottest days. Gas air-conditioning Gas air-conditioning systems are generally fairly efcient and have the added benets of not contributing to the problem of peak electricity demand and being less vulnerable to rising electricity prices. The gas motor is also extremely quiet and easy to maintain.

Chilled water plant with thermal storage Chilled water plants are systems where water is chilled and stored in a large, insulated tank. This chilled water is then used throughout the day to cool the building. The chiller can operate off-peak during the night to cool water that is held in a thermal energy storage tank for later use. Using off-peak tariffs results in cost savings and reduced contribution to peak demand.

Theenvironmental benets of using this system may be minimal depending on the efciency of the system. A costbenet analysis should be done before investing in this type of system. Split system air-conditioning When purchasing smaller, split system air-conditioning units priority should be given to those with high energy efciency. A minimum energy efciency rating of ve stars is recommended. More information is available on the energy ratings website.4

Sustainable Tropical Building Design



2.2.2 Efficient lighting

Lighting is directly responsible for around 20% of commercialsector greenhouse gas emissions. Asdiscussed in the Natural Lighting section (2.1.7), the most efcient way to reduce lighting in a building is to maximise the use of natural light. Use of lighting zones and switching, efcient bulbs, and automatic shut off systems can all help to further reduce lighting energy use and costs. An efcient and effective lighting system will:  Provide a high level of visual comfort; Make use of natural light; Provide the best light for the task; Provide controls for exibility; Produce less waste heat; and Have low energy requirements. and automatic shut-down systems should be installed where appropriate to improve energy efciency. Where possible, lighting control zones should be no larger than 100m2, allowing zones within a larger area to be switched off when unoccupied. Solar lighting Solar-powered lighting systems may also be considered. Even in suburban areas, they can be cost-effective where they avoid the cost of running electrical cable to barbecue shelters, pathways or other points where relatively small amounts of electricity are required.

Using an efcient light type

The evolution of ultra efcient lamps and luminaires means that required lighting levels can be met with fewer watts per square metre. Table 1 shows the efciency of different lamp types. Lighting control Locating switches at exits to rooms is a simple way of encouraging occupants to switch lights off when the room is not in use. Dimmers, motion detectors

Table 1. Lamp characteristics and efficiency

Characteristics INcaNdEscENt Light Globes Installation cost Efcacy* (Lumens/Watt) Normal Wattage Range Running Cost Lamp Life (Hours) Replacement Costs Colour Rendering Best Applications Low Low (8-17) up to 1,500W Highest Shortest (less than 1,000) Low Excellent (100) Areas where lighting is on for short periods. Task lighting for rotating machinery, or in areas where colour rendering is important. Quartz Hallogen Low Low (20-30) up to 1,000W Highest Short (2,0003,000) Medium Excellent (100) Small reector lamps can be used for spot lighting displays. High wattage linear lamps can be used for security lighting if controlled by a movement sensor. INcaNdEscENt Flourescent Tube Low Moderate to High (60-100) 8-120W Moderate to Low Moderate (6,000-8,000) Low Medium to Good (50-98) Areas where lighting is on for long periods, and ceiling height is below 5 metres. Exterior lighting for small areas. Compact Flourescent Low Moderate to High (40-65) 7-20W Moderate to Low Moderate (6,000-8,000) Medium Medium to Good (50-80) To replace light globes in suitable ttings. Uplighting and lighting small rooms in areas where lights are on for long periods. Mercury Vapour Moderate Low to High (15-70) 40-10,000W High to Moderate Moderate to Long (6,00024,000) Low Poor (15-50) Exterior lighting, and lighting factories and warehouses where colour rendering is not important. High pressure sodium is usually a better choice. High INtENsitY DischargE Metal Halide Moderate to High High (60-100) 70-200W Moderate to Low Moderate (8,000-10,000) High Medium to Good (60-90) Lobby lighting, lighting in ofces and shops where ceiling height is greater than 4 metres. High Pressure Moderate to High High 60-120) 35-1,000W Low Long (14,00024,000) High Poor (17-25) Exterior lighting, continuous security lighting, and lighting in factories and warehouses where colour rendering is not important, and ceiling height is greater than 4 metres.

* Includes power consumption of control gear, or ballast, as well as power consumption of the lights



Sustainable Tropical Building Design


2.2.3 Hot water

Supplying hot water in large facilities can be expensive and energyintensive. The type of water heater used, where the unit is installed, and how the water is used all affect the costs and emissions associated with supplying hot water. Far north Queensland has an excellent climate for solar hot water, which is a good way to can save money and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Solar hot water systems generally have the lowest greenhouse gas emissions of available system types. Hot water storage systems should be located as close as possible to the point of water use. This helps to keep pipe lengths short, which minimises heat loss from pipes, reduces installation costs, and reduces water wastage as users wait for water to heat up at the outlet. Hot water pipes should also be insulated to minimise heat loss from pipes as hot water travels to the taps.


In the current context of rising electricity prices and the ongoing issue of energy security, investing in renewable energy generation systems is increasingly appealing. Thesesystems help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy security. If possible, incorporate considerations for solar panel installation at the design stage, as this ensures that roof aspect and slope angle can be designed for maximum power generation. When designing a building for solar power generation it is important to consider solar access for the panels and the slope of the roof. The ideal angle for solar panels in the Cairns region is 38 and within 15 degrees of North. If a roof is designed to pitch at this angle, solar panels will not need to be elevated from the roof surface and will be less noticeable.

A sustainable building is designed to encourage public transport use and active transport (walking, cycling, etc) by building users. This helps to reduce the carbon footprint of the building and its workers and visitors, and also encourages a healthy lifestyle. The elements of designing a building for low- or zero-carbon transport by building users are listed below.  Situate the building close to public transport routes. P  rovide safe, user-friendly walking and cycling access to the building.  Provide showers and lockers to encourage cycling or walking to work.  Provide bike parking facilities for staff and visitors.

2.2.4 Monitoring energy use

The ability to monitor energy use assists in reducing energy waste and assessing the effectiveness of energy efciency measures. Smart meters can be installed to keep track of energy used in a building. They record consumption in intervals of an hour or less and communicate that information at least daily back to the utility (or information system) for monitoring and billing purposes. Smart meters enable two-way communication between the meter and the central system. Unlikehome energy monitors, smart meters can gather data for remote reporting.

Further resources
Clean Energy Council Living Green, Federal Government information on renewable energy installation and rebates Ofce of the Renewable Energy Regulator

Sustainable Tropical Building Design




Related sustainable design principles:
5. Maximise water efciency and surpass minimum statutory requirements for water efciency. 6. Access alternative water sources to reduce consumption of potable water. 7. Phase out use of potable water in landscaping.

Treating and pumping water uses substantial amounts of electricity. Over 50% of Councils annual electricity consumption is used by water pumping stations and water and wastewater treatment plants. Reducing the amount of potable water used, and reducing the amount of wastewater going to treatment plants will reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as reducing Councils electricity costs. The water that comes out of our taps has undergone a high level of treatment and disinfection to render it suitable for human consumption. This level of treatment is not required for the majority of water uses associated with a building. Thoughtful building design can greatly reduce demands on potable (drinking) water sources. Water consumption can be reduced within buildings through a combination of water efciency, rainwater capture and storage and water reuse. These are outlined below.


All xtures and ttings should be highly water efcient, with at least a 5 star rating. The Water Efciency Labelling and Standards (WELS) scheme is a government initiative which aims to ensure that products are clearly labelled with information about their water efciency. The WELS scheme gives a water efciency rating of between 1 and 6 stars for each product, with more stars meaning the product is more water-efcient. Products can be compared online on the water ratings website.6 Tank maintenance in north Queensland requires some special measures. Firstush diversion devices should be tted to divert dust, bird droppings and other contaminants that have accumulated in gutters and on the roof surface between rain events. The overow from the tank should be directed so that it does not adversely affect adjoining land areas or buildings. When possible, the overow should be connected to the stormwater system or an on-site ltration system. Meshshould be placed over all openings to prevent mosquitoes from breeding in the tank.


Rainwater can be collected for indoor and outdoor use depending on the building location and roof condition. It is now mandatory for commercial buildings in Queensland to collect rainwater for toilet ushing within the building. Consider exceeding these requirements and connecting tanks to supply external taps for irrigation also.

Water Ratings Website



Sustainable Tropical Building Design



Recycled water can be used instead of drinking quality water for nonpotable uses such as irrigation, air-cooling towers and toilet ushing. Installing a recycled water supply is therefore an effective method for reducing potable water consumption and reducing environmental impacts. Greywater (waste water from xtures such as showers, basins and taps) can be treated on site and used for toilet ushing and for the irrigation of landscaped areas. In some areas reticulated recycled water is available. Over time, the amount of reticulated recycled water available in the region will increase.

For more information

Queensland Development Code Part 4.2 Water Saving Targets Queensland Development Code Part 4.3 Alternative Water Sources Commercial Buildings Water saving targets For councils, plumbers, builders and developers: A guide to the Queensland Development Code part MP 4.2, Effective August 2008 Alternative water sources commercial buildings For councils, plumbers, builders and developers: A guide to understanding the Queensland Development Code part MP 4.3, Effective August 2008 Alternative Technology Association


The average annual rainfall of Cairns is around 1990mm. The region experiences periods of heavy rainfall during the wet season, with large volumes of water falling on urban areas. The rainforests in the area are adapted to this high level of rainfall and rainforest plants and soils absorb large volumes of water relatively quickly. This natural absorption and ltration means that native vegetation in these catchments acts as a sponge which slows water ow, catches sediment and removes nutrients before the water reaches the sea. In urban areas we have replaced vegetation with non-porous surfaces such as concrete and metal. The majority of rain falling on urban areas cannot soak into the soil and is instead diverted into stormwater drainage systems which speed up the ow of the water and do not allow for sediments and nutrients to be removed. Reducing stormwater runoff by capturing this water for use, or by ltering it through vegetation and soil, improves reef health and also decreases our dependence on the mains watersupply. To most effectively manage stormwater on site, efforts should be made to minimise the amount of impervious (non-porous) surfaces and maximise the potential for ltration, storage and inltration, so that the least amount of water ows off-site into the stormwater system. Retaining stormwater onsite temporarily stores surface runoff and releases it at a reduced rate to receiving waters. This reduces peak storm ows through natural drainage systems and minimises ooding potential. The following design principles can be incorporated to reduce stormwater runoff and limit a buildings impact on water quality. Avoid changes to topography, vegetation and landforms Most disturbances to a site, and removal or disturbance of vegetation, will compact soils and increase stormwater ows by reducing the ability of soils to absorb water. Preserving the original topography and drainage channels is generally recommended. However if changes are unavoidable, re-contouring the land, if carefully planned and executed, canalso slow water runoff and improve inltration in some cases. Minimise impervious areas The negative effects of impervious surfaces on a site can be minimised by:  Limiting the clearance of vegetated areas;  Installing porous pavements (e.g. gravel or permeable paving) on low trafc areas such as driveways, car parks and footpaths;  Reducing the sealed area to the minimum required to accommodate an activity  Building pedestrian surfaces, such as walkways and patios, with loose aggregate, wooden decks, or wellspaced paving stones;  Separating impervious surfaces with turf, gravel or vegetation to increase inltration between the areas; and  Redirecting runoff from impervious surfaces on to vegetated areas or gardens designed for water capture.

Sustainable Tropical Building Design



Install rainwater tanks (see section 3.2) Use Green Walls and Green Roofs A green roof is a vegetated roof system consisting of an impermeable membrane, insulation, gravel, soil and plants. Typically, green roofs range from 5cm to 15cm in soil depth and are planted with a variety of lowgrowing ground cover plants. Vegetated green roofs on conventional buildings such of ofces now account for 20% of the new roofs in Germany, and Tokyo has mandated them on all new commercial buildings over 1000m2.

Green roofs are also increasingly popular in Singapore, which has a similar tropical climate to Cairns, where research is being conducted into effective green roofs for the tropics. Green roofs result in signicant energy savings by providing insulation as well as reducing water runoff by retaining and slowly releasing water. They are attractive natural features that also help to reduce the urban heat island effect in larger cities (re-radiated heat from concrete and other building materials that creates a hotter environment in heavily built-up areas).

Use Water Sensitive Urban Design Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) is an approach to stormwater management that replaces in-ground stormwater pipes with drains, swales and detention areas that mimic natural processes. The purpose of WSUD is to improve absorption of rainwater into the soil and to slow and lter any water which is not absorbed so that high quality water leaves the site. Key components of WSUD include inltration trenches, swales and bioretention systems. They are each described below. Inltration Trenches An inltration trench is a shallow trench lled with gravel, rock or porous material, which is placed to collect stormwater runoff. Stormwater slowly lters from the trench through the surrounding soil, while particulate and some dissolved pollutants are retained in the trench. The trench discharges the treated stormwater into a conventional pipe system. The trench is lined with a layer of geotextile fabric, to prevent soil migration into the rock or gravel ll. The top surface of the ll is also covered with a layer of bre fabric, then nished with a shallow layer of topsoil. The trenches can increase the soil water levels, groundwater ow rates and can reduce stormwater ow velocities.

Figure 8. Workings of the infiltration trench

Based on a diagram from Melbourne Water

Geotextile fabric Gravel/cobbles Observation pipe





Sustainable Tropical Building Design


Swales Swales are deliberately formed undulating terrain creating raised banks and open channels that are designed to slow water ow and allow plants growing in the channels to take up nutrients and lter the water. Soil micro-organisms also help to remove some pollutants from the water. Swalesalso help with the screening or removal of gross pollutants, such as litter and coarse sediment, from stormwater runoff. Swales may be used as an alternative to the conventional street nature strip or in central median strips of roads, through to runoff collection points in car park areas. Hydraulically swales can reduce run-off volumes and peak ows.7 Current designs involve the use of grass or other vegetation (such as rushes) to carry out this function.8

Bio-retention systems Bio-retention systems combine various WSUD treatment types in one system. They are designed to carry out primary and/or secondary treatment of stormwater and to slow ows. The current types of treatments used include grassed swales (primary treatment) in combination with inltration trenches (secondary treatment). Reducing velocities and retarding water reduces the ow of stormwater during the inltrationprocess.

Create rain gardens Rain gardens are designed to retain runoff from the site and can be used in conjunction with WSUD or as a stand-alone design response. Theymay be container gardens, or sunken pits that are lled with gravel, sand, soil and appropriate plants. Depending on the amount of water entering, these gardens may need to be tted with a low ow outlet and an overow device for high ows. Rain gardens will require periodic maintenance to remove sediment that has built up in the gravel and plants need to be cut back to encourage newgrowth.

7 8

Horner R.R., Skupien J.J., Livingston E.H. & Shaver H.E., 1994, Fundamentals of Urban Runoff Management Melbourne Water What is Water Sensitive Urban Design, from

Sustainable Tropical Building Design




Related sustainable design principles:
8. Incorporate materials and ttings that are not harmful to the health, safety and well being of building users. 9. Use air-handling and temperature control systems that provide a comfortable and healthy indoor environment. 10. Ensure work areas have access to natural light and external views.

There is an increasing body of evidence to support that idea that creating an enjoyable and comfortable work environment will create a healthier and more productive workforce.9 The existing literature contains strong evidence that characteristics of buildings and indoor environments signicantly inuence rates of respiratory disease, allergy and asthma symptoms, sick building symptoms, and worker performance.10 11 Poor indoor environmental quality is considered to be the main cause of Sick Building Syndrome, which a NSW government report estimated to costs the Australian economy over $125 million per year through absenteeism and reduced productivity.12 A healthy indoor environment incorporates good air and light quality, views to outside, comfortable temperatures, minimal noise pollution and a low-toxicity environment.


It is important that air inside the building is of a high quality, and free of indoor air pollutants such as Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs seesection 4.5) and ozone. Someoptions for ensuring good air quality in the building are:  Allowing adequate intake of fresh air through operable windows or high rates of fresh air supply through mechanical air handling systems.  Isolating printers from work stations as they release ozone which is harmful in high concentrations.  Avoiding the use of materials that include VOCs and formaldehydes.  Placing plants indoors or installing breathing walls.

Indoor plants and breathing walls

From Ecospecier Global Studies in Norway and the Netherlands have shown that health complaints at work can be signicantly reduced by the presence of plants. Whether these effects are physical or psychological (or a combination of the two) is uncertain. What is clear, though, is that symptoms associated with Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) can be dramatically reduced by the addition of good plant displays. Another effective plant based air improvement is the breathing wall. Inthis system, air is drawn through a porous wall kept constantly wet and covered with mosses and ferns, removing low levels of indoor air pollutants.

500 Collins Productivity Report, Sustainability Victoria  William J. Fisk and Arthur H. Rosenfeld (1997) Estimates of Improved Productivity and Health from Better Indoor Environments. Indoor Air, Volume 7, Issue 3, pages 158172  Fisk, J.W. (2000) Health and productivity gains from better indoor environments and their relationship with building energy efciency. Annual Review of Energy and the Environment, Vol. 25: 537-566  Sick Building Syndrome, Standing Committee on Public Works, April 2001, 6AA80007541D Accessed February 2011






Sustainable Tropical Building Design



Indoor light levels in the work environment need to be of a quality that provides an environment in which it is easy to see so that tasks can be safely performed without eye strain. Windows can assist in avoiding or reducing eyestrain by allowing an individual to focus on distant objects rather than prolonged viewing of close objects such as computer screens. Ingeneral, evidence suggests that most people prefer to work by natural light and have access to views.13 The most effective way to improve light quality and visual amenity for building users is to maximise the input of natural light (incorporating measures to reduce glare and heat input) and aim for the highest possible proportion of workspaces with views to outdoors. In addition, the installation of task lighting allows individuals to adjust the light needed for their work and means unoccupied areas do not need to be fully lit.


Many studies have revealed that the optimal comfort range for ofce work is 22-25C.14 Buildings should be designed to operate within this temperature range (ideally without articial cooling for at least part of the year, see section 2.1.2). Where possible, individuals should have the ability to regulate or request changes to the temperature in their work area.

4.4 NOIsE
Noise can interfere with concentration and conversation and cause fatigue, irritability, headaches and stress. It is important to minimise noise in order to create a workable and pleasant work place. Thoughtful building design can reduce the impact of noise and improve the quality of our living environment. It is usually easier and cheaper to integrate noise reduction and acoustic control components into a building at the design stage than it is to make changes once the building is complete. Therefore, building designers should be fully informed of the intended use of the building and the acoustic impact of these activities.


Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted by many of the paints, nishes and other products that are used inside buildings, and are toxic to humans. To create a low toxicity indoor environment, the best option is to select products that emit less VOCs. Products that are low in VOCs are now readily available and clearly labelled. Table 3 indicates the maximum acceptable VOC content for common products, as outlined in Councils Sustainable Building Design Checklist (see Appendix 1).

13 14

B  rown, Stephen K (2006) High quality indoor environments for ofce buildings. In: Clients Driving Innovation: Moving Ideas into Practice, 12-14 March 2006 S  eppanen, Olli, Fisk, William J., & Faulkner, David. (2004). Control of temperature for health and productivity in ofces. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Retrieved from:

Sustainable Tropical Building Design



4.5.1 Paints
The VOCs in paints are generally emitted most quickly as the paint dries, but paints may continue to release VOCs for some time after application. VOCs from paint include benzene, formaldehyde, kerosene, ammonia, toluene, and xylene, all of which are known carcinogens and neurotoxins. There is mounting evidence that exposure to VOCs can worsen asthma symptoms and cause nose, skin, and eye irritation; headaches, nausea, convulsions, and dizziness; respiratory problems; nerve damage; and, in some cases, liver and kidney disease. Due to increased awareness of the impacts of these VOCs on human health, almost all major paint manufacturers now produce low VOC products. There is also a growing range of natural paint products produced from plant derived or clay-based ingredients with very low VOCcontent. In addition to this, heavy metals such as cadmium, chromium and mercury are still used in the manufacture of synthetic paints and nishes. A range of other restricted substances are also used in many conventional paint products including resins, binders, preservatives, driers, fungicides and odour suppressants. These toxins may be carcinogenic or result in a variety of adverse health conditions including nose and throat irritation, lung damage and kidney dysfunction. The presence of heavy metals in paint products can also result in long term environmental impacts such as sediment contamination and poisoning throughout the food chain if incorrectly disposed of down stormwater drains or sewers. As a result, natural paints are widely regarded as the healthiest option for both humans and the environment as they are manufactured from ingredients of plant and mineralorigin. More information on low toxicity paint products is available on the Good Environment Choice Australia15 or Ecospecier Global16 websites. Theonline product registers developed by these companies provide details on specic paint products that meet established performance criteria.

15 16



Sustainable Tropical Building Design


4.5.2 Flooring
Many ooring products contain high levels of VOCs which can affect respiratory health. The underlays, glues and adhesives used to install ooring may also contain VOCs. Seek out low VOC ooring products such as linoleum, recycled rag carpet underlays, and wool carpets that are not latex backed. Clear oor nishes and stains may also include VOCs, and low VOC products based on natural oils or water based products are preferred. Alternative oorings you may wish to consider include wood, cork, bamboo, linoleum, and 100% wool carpets and wool carpet tiles.

Table 2. Maximum Total VOC content for paints, finishes, adhesives and sealants
From Green Star Ofce Design and Ofce As Built Version 3, 2008

Product type/Sub Category

Maximum acceptable Total VOC content (g/l of ready to use product)

Paints and nishes Walls and ceilings interior semi gloss Walls and ceilings interior low sheen Walls and ceilings interior at washable Ceilings interior at Trim gloss, semi-gloss, satin, varnishes and wood stains Timber and binding primers Latex primer for galvanized iron and zincalume Interior latex undercoat Interior sealer One and two pack performance coatings for oors Any solvent-based coatings whose purpose is not covered in table Adhesives and sealants Indoor carpet adhesive Carpet pad adhesive Wood ooring and Laminate adhesive Rubber ooring adhesive Sub-oor adhesive Ceramic tile adhesive Cove base adhesive Dry Wall and Panel adhesive Multipurpose construction adhesive Structural glazing adhesive Architectural sealants 50 50 100 60 50 65 50 50 70 70 250 16 16 16 14 75 30 60 65 65 140 200

Sustainable Tropical Building Design



4.5.3 Formaldehyde emissions

Formaldehyde is an important chemical used widely by industry to manufacture building materials and numerous household products. Formaldehyde is used as a component of glues and adhesives, and as a preservative in some paints and coating products. Formaldehyde emissions can be harmful to humanhealth. In buildings, the most signicant sources of formaldehyde are likely to be pressed wood products made using adhesives that contain ureaformaldehyde (UF) resins, including particleboard; hardwood plywood panelling; and medium density berboard. Many manufacturers now offer no or low formaldehyde products. These are labelled as E0 and E1 and should be specied for interior uses. For more information visit the Australian Green Procurement Database17 or Good Environmental Choice Australia.18

4.5.4 PVC
During the manufacture of the fundamental ingredients of PVC (such as vinyl chloride monomer), dioxin and other persistent pollutants are emitted into the air. These pollutants both present acute and chronic health hazards for humans. During use, PVC products can leach toxic additives. Forexample, ooring can release softeners called phthalates which can affect humans by disrupting the endocrine system. When PVC reaches the end of its useful life, itcan be either disposed of in landll, where it releases harmful chemicals, orincinerated, again emitting dioxin and heavy metals. PVC is used in such products as pipelines, wiring, siding, ooring and wallpaper. It is possible to reduce the use of PVC by replacement with other materials. For example, polyethylene and terracotta pipes can be used instead of PVC pipes and linoleum oor covers can be used instead ofvinyl. Use of certied PVC can reduce the impacts of using this material. A comprehensive database listing alternatives to PVC can be found on the Healthy Building and Greenpeace websites.19

4.5.5 Pest treatment

Chemical pest treatments use toxic substances to manage termites and other pests. To avoid or reduce the need for these treatments, structural pest management measures need to be considered at the design stage of the building process. Australian Standards AS 36601.1:1995 species physical barriers that can be used to prevent termite intrusion include steel mesh, stone and concrete barriers.20

17 18 19 20, Australian Standards AS 36601.1:1995 Protection of Buildings from Subterranean Termites: Part 1 New Buildings 



Sustainable Tropical Building Design


Related sustainable design principles:
11. Select materials with the lower embodied energy and environmental impacts. 12. Maximise reuse and recycling of construction and demolition waste. 13. Allow adequate space for recycling, waste storage and composting by building occupants.


Waste from the building can be divided into two categories waste generated during construction and waste generated during subsequent operation or habitation of the building. It is important to reduce the amount of waste going to landll as this reduces the need for more landll sites; also the production of new materials consumes natural resources and produces greenhouse gas emissions. Reducing, reusing and recycling waste materials is therefore the most sustainable option.

5.1.1 Reuse and recycling of construction waste

Construction and demolition waste accounted for 38% of Australias total waste to landll in 2006-2007.21 Many of the waste materials from construction sites could have been reused or recycled. Reducing the amount of construction waste going to landll not only eases the pressure on landll and reduces greenhouse gas emissions, it also reduces waste disposal costs for the builder and can create local business opportunities as products can be re-sold. Unwanted materials should be sorted on site for reuse or recycling, and only materials that are not suitable for either reuse or recycling should go to landll. A directory of local companies dealing with reuse and recycling of construction waste is included below.

Table 3. Directory of local companies dealing with recycling and reuse of building materials
Company Antons Demolitions Pty Ltd Newport Recycling Group NQ Recycling Agents OneSteel Recycling Phone 4055 9461 Service Sells recycled building materials and xtures and accepts reusable materials Accepts all metals for recycling Address 62 Tucker Street, Machans Beach

0418 779 635

13 Marsh Street, Woree

4051 6679

Accept brass, copper and aluminium for recycling

27 Federation Street, Bungalow

13 63 82

Accepts all metals plus car batteries for recycling (most scrap metal is purchased for set price based on weight) Online display yard of local recycled building materials available for purchase Sells recycled building materials and xtures and accepts reusable materials


4053 1274

Down to Earth Demolitions

4035 2555

Please note: This is not a denitive list of service providers. If you would like to add your business to this list please contact Councils Sustainability Ofcer on 4044 3044.


Environmental Protection and Heritage Council (EPHC) National Waste Overview 2009

Sustainable Tropical Building Design



Simple steps you can take to minimise waste from the building site during construction are listed below: Reuse or recycle as many of the unwanted materials as possible. Use building designs that are designed to minimise off cuts. Avoid over ordering and materials being damaged onsite. Return over-supplied quantities to the supplier. Create an area within the site for the storage and removal of different waste types. Ensure waste is clearly separated into recoverable and non-recoverable streams. Keeps records of movement of waste and recovered waste materials on and off site. Store off-cuts that are of a reasonable size and condition for use in maintenance. Organise with suppliers for pallets to be returned with follow on deliveries. Crush large quantities of concrete, bricks and hard materials and use for road base, retaining walls, drainage etc. Design and select materials for ease of deconstruction, reuse and recycling, either upon major ret or demolition.

5.1.2 Reducing and recycling operational waste

It is possible to inuence the waste disposal habits of building users during the design phase of a building. Somemethods for reducing operational waste are listed below.  Provide bins and adequate space for general recycling, paper recycling and general waste.  Provide public place recycling bins outside building.  Locate recycling containers or space for containers near the point of use.  Allow for composting of food and garden waste.  Install worm farms, which are an effective method of processing food scraps.  Mulch green garden waste. Thisprovides an excellent ground cover material for landscaped areas, helping to conserve soil moisture, reduce weed growth, and improve soil condition.


Careful choice of building materials can greatly improve energy efciency, increase the comfort and health of building users, and reduce overall environmental impacts of a building. For best environmental outcomes, construction materials that have the below characteristics should be prioritised. Sustainable construction materials are:  Manufactured from renewable or recycled resources.  Energy efcient and have low embodied energy. Non-polluting. Manufactured using environmentally acceptable production methods.  Durable and have low maintenance requirements (painting, re-treatment, waterproong etc), or whose maintenance will have minimal environmental effects. Recyclable.



Sustainable Tropical Building Design


5.2.1 Sustainable timber

Cairns Regional Council does not support the use of illegally or unsustainably logged timbers. Timberextraction from native forests has the potential to cause habitat loss, species extinctions and to displace indigenous peoples from their lands. Careful selection of timber products is required to minimise environmental and social impacts. At the global level, the proportion of the worlds wood products sourced from illegal logging is estimated to be between 20% and 40%.22 A2005 report commissioned by the Australian government estimated that around $400 million worth of illegally logged timber imports enter Australia and are sold to consumers each year.23 Thesetimbers are from unsustainably logged forests in places such as Indonesia, Borneo and Papua New Guinea, where habitat is being destroyed at a fast rate and many species face the risk of extinction. Inareas of South East Asia, rainforest is being cleared at a rate of ve million hectares per year, and once an intact rainforest has been clear-fell logged, itwill not recover for many hundreds of years. The timber products that produce the best environmental and social outcomes are recycled timbers and plantation timbers from within Australia. Imported plantation timbers with certication are also acceptable, but buying Australian timber is preferable as transport emissions will be lower. As a last resort, in situations where recycled or plantation timber will not sufce, FSC or Ecotimber certied products should be used. Refer to Table 4 for recommended plantation and certied timbers and timbers not recommended for use.
22 23 24

Table 4. Sustainable timber directory

For further information visit

RatiNg FIRST CHOICE Recycled timbers Australian softwood and hardwood plantation timbers certied by Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)24 An ideal way to reduce waste and make use of used materials There are many softwood and hardwood plantation timbers available from Australian plantation sources CommENts

SECOND CHOICE Non-certied Australian plantation timbers FSC certied Australian native forest timbers FSC certied timbers from other countries While considerable effort has gone into ensuring the integrity of these certication schemes, some doubts have been raised both in Australia and overseas about the effectiveness of this scheme

TIMBERS TO AVOID All native Australian timbers unless plantationgrown or certied by FSC Logging of old-growth forests in Australia is responsible for species loss and severe habitat degradation

Imported timbers without FSC certication Commonly imported South East Asian rainforest timbers to avoid include: Meranti used for all mouldings, dowels, architraves Merbau used for skirting, joinery Ramin mostly used for picture frames and ne joinery Pacic Maple all mouldings, dowels, architraves Philippine Mahogany, Calantas Pretend red cedar replaces, stairs, furniture Keruing, Naytoh, Narra, Kapur used for joinery Teak outdoor furniture, carved beams, cabinet work Jelutong joinery, carved work, toys Motoa, Merawan, Batu house posts

WWF, 2008, Illegal wood for the European market Poyry Forest Industry, 2005, Overview of illegal logging, DAFF Forest Stewardship Council International website and Australian website

Sustainable Tropical Building Design



5.2.2 Embodied energy

All materials have embodied energy and emissions. The embodied energy is the energy used in the extraction and processing of raw materials to make building materials and transport and processing of those building materials. The embodied energy per unit mass of materials used in building varies enormously, from about two gigajoules per tonne for concrete to hundreds of gigajoules per tonne for aluminium. However, other factors also affect environmental impact, such as differing lifetimes of materials, differing quantities required to perform the same task and different design requirements. Selecting materials with low embodied energy greatly reduces the greenhouse gas emissions associated with a building project. Refer to Table 6 for approximate embodied energy values of different building materials. These gures are estimates only, and do not include transport emissions. Therefore these materials used at sites near production will have lower embodied energy than the same materials used at sites further away. Recycled materials generally have much lower embodied energy levels. For example, aluminium from a recycled source will contain less than ten per cent of the embodied energy of aluminium manufactured from rawmaterials. While it is important to strive for the lowest possible embodied energy materials, in some cases, a higher embodied energy level can be justied. For example, a material with higher embodied energy may be the best choice if the material:  contributes to lower operating energy requirements;  can more easily be reused in new buildings after demolition;  will signicantly extend the buildings life; or is recycled. More information on embodied energy is available on the Your Home website. The majority of these problems are associated with the production of cement, a component of concrete. Cement is among the most energy-intensive materials used in the construction industry and is responsible for about 1% of Australias greenhouse gas emissions. The environmental impacts of concreting can be reduced by giving preference to concretes which substitute a proportion of the cement binder for alternative cementing agents such as y ash or ground blast furnace slag. This not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions but can help deal with industrial waste problems as well. Steel has high embodied energy, dueto the energy-intensive mining and rening processes. It is however, a strong and durable material that can extend the life of a building. Using steel sparingly in the design and using recycled steel are some options for reduce the embodied energy of the building.

Case studies
Two examples of building materials commonly used in large quantities are concrete and steel. While these are important building materials, their use should be minimised where possible and alternatives such as recycled or partially recycled products should be considered. Concrete is a vital component in building construction. Concrete has many advantages including durability and longevity, but the production of concrete emits greenhouse gases and causes many environmental problems.



Sustainable Tropical Building Design


Table 5. Embodied energy of building materials

This table is an indication only. It is important to remember that the weight of a product, rather than its usefulness, will affect its Mj/kg rating. In addition, energy used to transport products is not considered in this table.
MATERIAL Kiln dried sawn softwood Kiln dried sawn hardwood Air dried sawn hardwood Hardboard Particleboard MDF Plywood Glue-laminated timber Laminated veneer lumber Plastics general PVC Synthetic rubber Acrylic paint Stabilised earth Imported dimension granite Local dimension granite Gypsum plaster Plasterboard Fibre cement Cement Insitu Concrete Precast steam-cured concrete Precast tilt-up concrete Clay bricks Concrete blocks AAC Glass Aluminium Copper Glavanised steel PER EMBODIED ENERGY MJ/kg 3.4 2.0 0.5 24.2 8.0 11.3 10.4 11.0 11.0 90 80.0 110.0 61.5 0.7 13.9 5.9 2.9 4.4 4.8* 5.6 1.9 2.0 1.9 2.5 1.5 3.6 12.7 170 100 38

Source: Lawson Buildings, Materials, Energy and the Environment (1996); * bre cement gure updated from earlier version and endorsed by Dr. Lawson

Sustainable Tropical Building Design



Related sustainable design principles:
14. Restore habitat and improve community spaces surrounding buildings. 15.  Minimise the impact during and post development on biodiversity, water and soil quality, soil erosion and visual amenity.

The level of impact that a construction project has on the natural environment can be greatly reduced by adopting simple measures such as locating the building away from ecologically sensitive areas, protecting topsoil, landscaping with local native plants, revegetating areas of the site to create habitat, minimising soil runoff during construction, and landscaping to slow water ow across the site. Social and visual amenity can also be improved by allocating space for community gardens if the site is appropriate. Effective landscaping can also inuence the indoor environment by channelling cool breezes into the building and shading sun-exposed walls.


Constructing a building will inevitably have some level of impact on the local environment. The level of impact will depend on the condition of the site before construction. Forexample, building and landscaping on a degraded, weed-infested site could increase the quantity and quality of habitat available to local species. The level of impact also depends on how the building is designed and constructed and how landscaping and earthworks are conducted on the site. Below are some simple steps that can help to reduce the localised ecological impacts of a building project.  Survey the site for native plant and animal species and plan to minimise impacts on the most sensitive areas.  Locate the building in the least sensitive area of the site where possible, working around established native trees rather then removing them.

 Protect waterways and locate the building away from creeks and wetlands.  Avoid light pollution of the night sky (which is detrimental to fauna) by designing outdoor lighting that shines down rather than out or up.


Even small patches of native vegetation provide important habitat for local plant and animal species. Landscaped areas around a building provide an excellent opportunity to create habitat for birds and insects. Native gardens are attractive, low-maintenance, suited to local climatic conditions and attract wildlife into thearea. The quality of habitat can be enhanced by selecting a variety of plants that provide favoured shelter or food for local animals. See section 6.4.1 for more information about selecting native plants. If the site is large, consider setting aside an area for a larger revegetation planting. Wetlands and waterways are particularly good places to start with revegetation, as native vegetation on the waters edge helps to improve water quality, slow water ow and reduce erosion (see section 3.4). Connectivity of habitat is particularly important, as it allows for dispersal of species and individuals between patches of intact vegetation. Habitat corridors, strips of vegetation that connect larger habitat areas, are of high value. If the building site lies between two habitat areas, consider planting a habitat corridor.



Sustainable Tropical Building Design



Allocating space for community food gardens on site is an excellent way to make use of space that may otherwise be unoccupied or place a burden on ground maintenance staff. Community gardens are developed and maintained by community members, who use the area to grow food or other plants that are harvested by those involved. These gardens provide a service to the community, build community cohesion and are productive, colourful and attractive.

Further information
The Australian City Farms and Community Gardens Network

Well planned landscaping can enhance the amenity and aesthetics of a building, while promoting biodiversity, ltering stormwater runoff and providing habitat for native species. Landscaping can reduce the articial cooling requirements of a building by providing shade and channelling cool breezes through the building. Well planned landscaping can help to lower temperatures in the vicinity of a building, reduce the ground temperatures around a building, and can be used to cool incoming air. Seethe Landscaping for a Cool Building section (2.1.3) for more information.

6.4.1 Selecting plant species for landscaping

Plant species that are indigenous to the area are best suited to the local climate and are therefore the most water efcient choice. They also provide the best habitat for local wildlife. Planting local species should eliminate the need for fertilisers and minimise the need for watering once plants are established. In the Cairns region, plants for landscaping around buildings should:  Be suited to local climate, water availability and soils. Not shade solar panels.  Not require pesticide or fertiliser application.  Provide food and habitat for native wildlife. Not create a cyclone hazard.  Not hold pools of water that provide breeding grounds for mosquitoes.  Cover soil to prevent soil runoff during heavy rainfall.  Not adversely affect the structure of the building or underground infrastructure.  Not interfere with overhead powerlines.  Not compromise public safety of the area.

Local native plant species are available from the following Council nurseries:
Stratford Nursery Phone 4044 3971 Mossman Nursery Phone 4098 2619

6.4.2 Landscaping to slow water runoff

Ideally a building and its surrounding area of landscaping will be designed to slow water movement across the site and encourage ltration through the soil rather than diversion into stormwater drains. Porous surfaces and gardens designed for water capture and ltration will help to reduce stormwater ow off the site (see section 3.4).

6.4.3 Protecting and retaining topsoil

Where possible, topsoil removed during construction should be reused onsite. Topsoil is usually high in organic matter which provides a good source of nutrients to new vegetation. Topsoil also has a much higher capacity to retain water. Topsoil should not be left without vegetation cover for any length as it will be washed away by rainfall events and pollute waterways.

Sustainable Tropical Building Design




7.1 CAsE STUDy 1 William McCormack Place Stage 2, Cairns
William McCormack Place Stage 2 is a Queensland Government ofce building that was completed in 2010. This stage involved the construction of a new 9,400m ofce building that incorporates a number of energy efciency and energy generation measures, including the installation of a 64 kilowatt solar photovoltaic array and a chilled water thermal storagesystem. The building achieved a 6 Star Green Star Ofce Design rating and has set new standards for commercial property development in Cairns, signicantly exceeding design requirements for a sustainable and effective ofce building with low lifecycle costs. Thetotal project cost was around $79.5 million. The buildings energy-saving initiatives are expected to deliver cost savings of approximately $450,000 per year. Specic sustainability outcomes include a 60% (1,000 tonnes per year) reduction in CO emissions (compared to a median 2.5 Star building), a 40% reduction in whole-building demand on the electricity grid, and a 75% (17ML/y) reduction in potable water use, (compared to a median 2.5 Star building).27 Local expertise was used in the design and construction of the building. Throughout this process, local builders, sub-contractors and suppliers have also discovered the benets of sustainable design and in some cases raised their performance to help the project succeed.


ARUP website



Sustainable Tropical Building Design


7.2 CAsE STUDy 2 TAFE Sustainability Precinct, Cairns28

The Sustainability Precinct (J Block) at the Tropical North Queensland Institute of TAFE received a ve star Green Star rating under the Green Star Education v1 tool developed by the Green Building Council of Australia. This $8.5 million project was the rst educational building to achieve a 5 star rating in a tropical or hot humid zone. The building design incorporates the following sustainable design features.  Passive ventilation through louvres at ground level.  A building management system to maximise the efciency of lighting and cooling and integrate passive and mechanical cooling.  Solar hot water and solar photovoltaic panels for producing energy. Efcient gas air-conditioning.  Water efcient appliances, rainwater tanks and on-site stormwater treatment. Low-impact construction materials.


Information courtesy of Total Project Group Architects

Sustainable Tropical Building Design



7.3 CAsE STUDy 3 Council House 2 (CH2), Melbourne29

The Council House 2 (CH2) building provides ofce accommodation for the City of Melbourne. The City of Melbourne constructed a Green Star rated ofce building because they are committed to promoting the health and well being of staff and to meeting the key performance indicator of zero net emissions by 2020. They also aim to inuence the market and act as a leader in sustainable development. The following sustainable technologies are incorporated into this 10-storey development:  a water-mining plant in the basement; phase-change materials for cooling; automatic night-purge windows; wavy concrete ceilings; and  a faade of louvres (powered by photovoltaic cells) that track thesun. The building is estimated to have:  reduced electricity consumption by 85%; reduced gas consumption by 87%;  produced only 13% of the emissions; and  reduced water mains supply by 72%.


Green Building Council of Australia, 2006 Edition. The dollars and sense of green buildings: Building the Business Case for Green Commercial Buildings in Australia



Sustainable Tropical Building Design


Description of project
City of Melbourne ofce building Gross oor area: 12,536sqm (mixed Council ofce space and commercial space for letting).

A cross section of the CH2 building showing sustainable design features, by day. Source: DesignInc

Figure 9A

Project cost
$77.14 million, CH2 building Costs include: $29.9 million for the base building.  $11.3 million for sustainability features.  $2.8 million on education and demonstration process.  $7.1 million on requirements specic to Council.

It is estimated that sustainability features added 22% to the construction cost. One of the reasons cited for the high cost was the inclusion of risk management additions such as the back up mechanical plant (chillers) and the Co-generational plant and commissioning for plant and equipment and environmental systems.

The City of Melbourne took a conservative estimate of an 11 year payback time for the sustainability features to pay for themselves. However, they believe the payback period will be more in the realm of 8 years.

Sustainable Tropical Building Design



Figure 9B

A cross section of the CH2 building showing sustainable design features, by night. Source: DesignInc



Sustainable Tropical Building Design


Green Building Council of Australia World Green Building Council Ecospecier Global CoolMob Greenhouse Friendly Design for the Tropics Available from Your Home Technical Manual

Sustainable Tropical Building Design



APPENDIX 1 Sustainable Design Checklist

The following is an overview of Councils Sustainable Building Design Checklist. To download the complete version visit Councils website
PErformaNcE critEria Energy and emissions Average lighting power density is 10% lower than requirements of the BCA Section J for building class. All enclosed spaces are individually switched, and lighting zones (areas controlled by one switch) do not exceed 100m2. Lights are tted with movement detection and timed automatic shut off switching throughout, except in areas where security/safety requires xed lighting arrangements. At least 50% of useable oor area is within 8 metres of a window, skylight, or other natural light input. The building includes the following: (i) roof overhangs with a minimum width of 45cm or 7.5% of the wall height, whichever is greater; and (ii)  north and south facing glazing (windows/other glass) is shaded from midday sun by eaves, awnings and other shading; and (iii) east and west facing glazing is effectively shaded to protect from low angle sun; and (iv) dark colours are not used on roofs and walls exposed to the sun; (v) highly reective ground surfaces are not used externally, or are fully shaded from high angle sun to reduce glare; and (vi) landscaping provides shade to exposed western walls, car parks and other solid surfaces. Buildings are designed to operate in natural ventilation mode including use of operable windows, ceiling fans and ceiling vents. Buildings are tted with read switches or other automated controls that prevent air-conditioning units operating when the building is in natural vent mode. All work and meeting areas are tted with ceiling fans AND air-conditioning units have a higher set temperature in summer which is assisted by the use of ceiling fans. Air conditioning units are tted with timer switches programmed to switch the system off outside usual hours of building occupancy. For buildings with gross oor area of 500m2 or more: Air-conditioning systems are designed to achieve a) 10% improvement on MEPS Energy Efciency Ratio requirements for air-conditioners and heat pumps; and b) 10% improvement on current BCA requirements for Maximum Pump Power (W/m2); and c) 10% improvement on current BCA requirements for Minimum Energy Efciency Ratio for Packaged Air Conditioning Equipment (Wr/Winput power); and d) 10% improvement on current BCA requirements for Minimum Energy Efciency Ratio for Refrigerant Chillers (Wr/Winput power). For buildings with gross oor area of less than 500m2: Air conditioning units have a minimum energy efciency rating of ve stars. Hot water supply systems, excluding instantaneous tea/coffee boilers are: a) a solar hot water system; or b) a gas hot water system with an energy rating of at least ve stars; or c) a heat pump system: or d) a heat recovery system. Instantaneous tea/coffee boilers are tted with auto shut-off and sleep mode. Smart (electricity) meters are installed on buildings with a gross oor area of 500m2 or over, are connected to all circuits and connected to electricity use displays in staff/public areas. Photovoltaic (solar panel) systems are installed (where solar access and roof surface permit), with system capacity in accordance with the guidelines in Table 1. Car parking does not exceed minimum planning scheme requirements by more than 10%. There are spaces dedicated for motorbikes and/or mopeds, with the number of spaces being at least equal to 10% of the available car parking spaces. Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory


Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory

Mandatory Mandatory

Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory

Continued over page



Sustainable Tropical Building Design


There is a continuous, fully accessible and well-lit path connecting the building to the nearest bus stop/ route (only applies to sites within 800m of a bus route). Secure, under cover and well-lit bicycle storage is provided for regular building occupants and visitors, and surpasses the minimum bicycle parking provision rates recommended by Austroads (see Table 2) by 5%. Showers, change rooms and lockers are provided for staff at the rate of 1 locker per staff bike parking space and 1 shower per 10 lockers. Water and wastewater Toilets have dual-ush cisterns with maximum 4 litre full ush (when calculated in accordance with Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 6400:2003) All taps are minimum 5 star rated (WELS rating system) Shower roses are a minimum 4 star (WELS rating system) Urinals are minimum 5 star (WELS rating system) Rainwater tanks are installed and connected to the roof drainage system, with a capacity exceeding the minimum stipulated in the QDC by 20%. The tank is connected to the external irrigation system and/or the toilets for ushing. The building is plumbed with dual water supply to allow future use of recycled water for non-potable uses. Black and grey water pipes are plumbed separately and pipes are easily accessible to facilitate future on-site treatment and reuse of greywater and blackwater. Only recycled or tank water will be used for landscape irrigation OR a xeriscape (minimal water requiring) garden has been installed. The development does not increase peak stormwater ows for rainfall events of up to a 1-in-2 year storm; AND All stormwater leaving the site, at any time up to a 1-in-20 year storm event, is treated or ltered in accordance with either: Urban Stormwater Best Practice Environmental Management Guidelines (CSIRO 1999) OR Australia and New Zealand Environment Conservation Council (ANZECC)s Guidelines for Urban Stormwater Management Indoor environment quality At least 60% of oor area used for permanent work spaces (excluding meeting rooms) is within 8m of an external window that provides an unobstructed view. 95% of all paints, clear nishes, adhesives, sealants and carpets used inside the building are low VOC in accordance with the guidelines set out in Table 3. All composite timber products used in the building are low formaldehyde (EO or E1 in accordance with the values from Good Environmental Choice Australia Standard No:GECA 04-2007; 41-2007 & GECA Guidance Note October 2007 Formaldehyde Testing v0.1 Table 1) Provision is made for indoor plants (minimum one plant per 5 workspaces) Waste and materials A Waste Minimisation Plan is developed for all building projects and: - For new works at least 40% of construction waste (by weight) is reused or recycled - For retrots and renovation at least 60% of construction waste (by weight) is reused or recycled Bins and adequate space provided for general recycling, paper recycling and general waste storage according to guidelines set out in Table 4. Public place recycling bins are installed outside the building in areas of high public use Composting is encouraged by providing outdoor space for worm farms or other composting systems The total value of materials with recycled content is at least 10% of the cost of materials used in the project. (This includes materials with partial recycled content). The total value of materials extracted, harvested or manufactured locally (within an 800km radius of the project site) is at least 10% of total project cost.

Optional Mandatory

Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory

Optional Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory

Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory

Mandatory Mandatory

Mandatory Mandatory Optional Mandatory Optional

Sustainable Tropical Building Design



At least 60% of PVC (by cost) is from recycled sources or is produced according to Green Building Council of Australia best practice guidelines (refer to guidelines by following the link in the more information section). No uncertied rainforest timber is used and 80% of all timber used is either recycled, certied plantation timber or, failing that, certied sustainably logged timber (see Table 5). Cement use is reduced by substituting it with industrial waste products or oversized aggregate as follows: 30% for insitu concrete, 20% for pre-cast concrete and 15% for stressed concrete. 60% of all steel (by weight) has greater than 50% recycled content or is salvaged. Environment No remnant vegetation will be cleared to construct the building. The site is not prime agricultural land. Native vegetation clearance is avoided. Where vegetation is cleared, vegetation offsets will be planted and maintained according to Council policy. Topsoil remains on site and is protected from degradation and erosion. Topsoil is kept separate from ll and construction waste, and is re-used in landscaping works on completion. For sites abutting protected areas, remnant eco-systems, wetlands or waterways, a revegetation buffer is created at boundaries adjoining the land with natural values. The area of the buffer has a minimum width of 5m along those boundary(ies) or 10% of the site, whichever is greater. At least 80% of plants species (and at least 80% of total number of plants) selected for landscaping are local native species (excluding projects focusing on food gardens or community gardens) A green roof, vertical garden/green wall, community garden or food garden is included in the design.


Mandatory Optional Mandatory Mandatory Optional Mandatory Optional Mandatory

Mandatory Optional



Sustainable Tropical Building Design

APPENDIX 2 - Legislative Context

Schedule 1 of the Building Act 1975 details the parts of the Queensland Development Code (QDC) that have legislative effect. All other parts of the Queensland Development Code are advisory standards only.

Mandatory sections of the QDC

 ueensland Development Code Part Q 4.1 Sustainable Buildings.  ueensland Development Code Part Q 4.2 Water Saving Targets. Queensland Development Code Part 4.3 Alternative Water Sources Commercial Buildings.  uideline Queensland Development G Code Mandatory Part 4.1 Sustainable buildings, 2009.  ater saving targets for councils, W plumbers, builders and developers: Aguide to the Queensland Development Code part MP 4.2, Effective August 2008.  lternative water sources A commercial buildings For councils, plumbers, builders and developers: A guide to understanding the Queensland Development Code part MP 4.3, Effective August 2008.

Relationship with the Building Code of Australia

The Building Code of Australia also provides a nationally uniform set of technical building standards. However, it currently contains numerous additional provisions specic to Queensland. As the number of these provisions increases, it is not practical to include them in the national code. For example, new mandatory standards for Queensland, such as Fire safety in budget accommodation, are included in the Queensland Development Code rather than the Building Code of Australia. Some of the Queensland variations to the Building Code of Australia are inserted into the Queensland Development Code. The application of these standards is mandatory and is enforceable by building certiers. If there is an inconsistency between the Building Code of Australia and the Queensland Development Code, the Queensland Development Codeprevails.

Building Code of Australia

A set of national requirements for the use in the design, construction, alteration or demolition of buildings, setting out procedures, acceptable methods or material and minimum or maximum values. Each state has its own variations to the national document.

PHOTO CREDITS Page 4 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Tyto Wetlands Cultural Centre, Troppo Architects Troppo Architects Tyto Wetlands, Troppo Architects Port Douglas, Cairns Regional Council Cairns Regional Council Below left: Troppo Architects Above right: Troppo Architects

Page 11 Above right: William McCormack Place, Cairns, Arup Page 12 Above left: Studio Mango Architects/Kym Joseph, Photography 4 Real Estate Below: Port Douglas Community Hall, Cairns Regional Council Page 13 Corrugated iron roof Page 14 Top right: James Cook University Cairns Campus, Arup Middle: Tyto Wetlands Cultural Centre, Troppo Architects Bottom: Port Douglas Community Hall, Total Project Group Architects Page 15 Above: Council House 2, City of Melbourne Left: Port Douglas Community Hall, Total Project Group Architects Right: Atrium Page 17 William McCormack Place, Cairns, Arup Page 18 Chilled water storage tank at the William McCormack Place building in Cairns, Arup Page 20 Rooftop wind turbines at the Council House 2 building in Melbourne, City of Melbourne Page 21 Rainwater tank Page 23 Green roof on the School of Art, Design and Media at Namyang University, Singapore Page 24 Bioretention swales at the Tropical North Queensland Institute of TAFE in Cairns, Arup Page 25 Council House 2, City of Melbourne Page 26 Above: Troppo Architects Below: Council House 2, City of Melbourne. Page 27 Tropical North Queensland Institute of TAFE Health and Sustainability Precinct in Cairns, Arup. Page 29 Council House 2, City of Melbourne. Page 31 Left and right: Studio Mango Architects/Kym Joseph, Photography 4 Real Estate Page 34 Troppo Architects Page 35 Cattana Wetlands, Cairns Regional Council Page 36 Northey Street Community Allotments, Brisbane Page 37 William McCormack Place, Cairns, Queensland Department of Public Works Page 38 Tropical North Queensland Institute of TAFE, Cairns, WSP Group and Total Project Group Architects Page 39 Council House 2, City of Melbourne Page 42 Clarke Quay, Arup Photographer Darren Soh Page 45 Solar panel installation at the Cairns Botanic Gardens Visitor Centre, Cairns Regional Council

Design by Hot Croc Advertising 2011

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