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A Project Study Presented to

the Faculty of the Department of Civil Engineering
College of Engineering and Architecture
University of the Cordilleras

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

Somera, Karen Consolacion S.
Sta. Marina, Jonas D.
Tamondong, Joy G.
Tillo, Pol Hendrix V.

March 27, 2019


University of the Cordilleras

College of Engineering and Architecture
Department of Civil Engineering

HENDRIX VILLANUEVA TILLO in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL
ENGINEERING, has been examined and is recommended for acceptance
and approval for oral examination.


Date Signed:_______________

Approved by the TECHNICAL PANEL for Oral Examination on March 27,

2019 with a rating of ____.


Member, Technical Panel
Date Signed:_________


Member, Technical Panel Member, Technical Panel
Date Signed:_________ Date Signed:___________

Accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering.


Department Head, CE OIC-DEAN, CEA
Date Signed:_________ Date Signed:___________


Landslide has been major problem during rainy seasons in

mountainous areas. In finding appropriate ways to address it,

several studies have been undertaken. Some built cantilever

retaining wall to resist the lateral pressure of soil but was

damaged by the typhoons that passed by. In finding the most

appropriate type of retaining structure to be used on a particular

location, a uniform geotechnical property and theory was used to

check the factors of safety against sliding, overturning, and

bearing capacity failure of different types of retaining

structures. Results were compared to determine most appropriate

retaining structure and then compared to the existing cantilever

retaining wall with respect to their external stabilities. This

leads to a particular retaining structure that will be sufficient

and efficient enough to hold the material and save more money for

the construction.

Keywords: Landslide, Cantilever Retaining Wall, Geotechnical

Property, Factor of Safety, Sliding, Overturning, Bearing Capacity

Failure, Retaining Structure



This study would not have been a success if it were not for

the efforts of the researchers together with the help, support,

and assistance of many people who had contributed to its production

and completion. Hence, the researchers would whole-heartedly want

to express their utmost gratitude and respect to those who became

part in this success and those who made this research study


To the officers of the Department of Public Works and Highways

whose assistance were acquired by the researchers to conduct the


To Engr. Jan Nicholas S. Baldo for his guidance and commitment

to the researchers.

To the family of the researchers, for their love, moral, and

financial support that motivated the researchers to finish this


Above all, to Almighty God for providing strength, knowledge,

and wisdom to all the participants in this research.


TITLE PAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
APPROVAL SHEET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
LIST OF FIGURE/S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
LIST OF EQUATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Background of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Conceptual/Theoretical Framework . . . . . . 11
Research Paradigm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Significance of the Study . . . . . . . . . . 25
Statement of the Problem. . . . . . . . . . . 26
Scope, Limitation and Delimitation. . . . . . 27
Research Design and Methodology . . . . . . . 28
Sources of Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Population and Locale of the Study. . . . . . 34
Geotechnical Properties at Camp 8, Kennon 35
Road Baguio City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
External Stabilities of the Retaining Wall. . 40
Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
REFERENCES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

A Cantilever Retaining Wall . . . . . . . . . . 48
B Counterfort Retaining Wall. . . . . . . . . . 52
C Geogrid Retaining Wall. . . . . . . . . . . . 56
D Gabion Gravity Retaining Wall . . . . . . . . 58
E Geotechnical Properties from DPWH . . . . . . 61
F Letter to DPWH-Baguio City District 62
Engineering Office. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
G Letter to Mines and Geosciences Bureau-CAR. . 63

Table No. Table Title Page
1 Data Gathered from Department of Public Works 35
and Highways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Trial Dimensions for Cantilever Retaining 36
Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Typical Dimensions of Counterfort Retaining 37
Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Typical Dimensions of Geogrid Retaining Wall 38
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Typical Dimensions of Gabion Gravity 39
Retaining Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Factor of Safety of the Cantilever Retaining
6 Wall and Counterfort Retaining Wall Using the 40
DPWH design data . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Factor of Safety of the Cantilever Retaining
7 Wall and Geogrid Retaining Wall Using the 40
DPWH design data . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Factor of Safety of the Cantilever Retaining
8 Wall and Gabion Gravity Retaining Wall Using 41
the DPWH design data . . . . . . . . . . . .

Figure Figure Title Page
1 Satellite Location of the Project Study Area. 3
2 Existing Damaged Retaining Wall. . . . . . . 10
3 Conceptual Framework Diagram 11
4 Theoretical Framework Diagram. . . . . . . . 12
5 Active Earth Pressure for Granular Soil. . . 13
6 Generalized Case for Rankine Active Pressure. 14
7 Location of Force Pa for Pure Sand . . . . . 16
8 Failure of the Structure Against Sliding . . 18
9 Failure of the Structure Against Overturning 20
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10 Failure of the Structure Against Bearing 22
Capacity Failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11 Research Paradigm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
12 Schematic Diagram of Cantilever Retaining 36
Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13 Schematic Diagram of Counterfort Retaining 37
Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14 Schematic Diagram of Geogrid Retaining Wall 38
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
15 Gabion Gravity Retaining Wall Schematic 39
Diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Equation Equation Title Page
1 Active Pressure Coefficient. . . . . . . . . 13
2 Active Earth Pressure Force General Cases 15
for Granular Soil Only . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Active Pressure Coefficient General Cases 15
for Granular Soil Only . . . . . . . . . . .
4a Active Earth Horizontal Pressure Force . . . 15
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4b Active Earth Vertical Pressure Force . . . . 15
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Active Earth Pressure Force General Cases 16
for Pure Sand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Active Pressure Coefficient General Cases 16
for Pure Sand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 Passive Pressure Coefficient . . . . . . . . 17
8 Factor of Safety Against Sliding . . . . . . 18
9 Passive Earth Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . 18
10 Active Earth Pressure. . . . . . . . . . . . 18
11 Surcharge Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
12 Factor of Safety against Overturning . . . . 20
13 Resisting Moment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
14 Overturning Moment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
13 Factor of Safety against Bearing Capacity. . 23
14 Pressure Distribution at Base . . . . . . . 23
The Problem 1

Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Landslide is a particularly serious problem worldwide

(Boardman, 2006; Manzatto et al., 2002; Orimoogunje, 2014). It is

accelerated by a marked landscape slope, removal of vegetation to

create agricultural land, drought, soil tillage, wind, or water,

but erosion by water is the most widespread and serious. This is

because the force of gravity on water and ice may lower the shear

strength of landscape slopes, making soils behave like plastics

or, under very moist conditions, like fluids (Abrahams, 1986;

Brunsden, 1988; Clague and Robert, 2012; Goudie and Viles, 1997;

Kanungo and Sharma, 2014; Selby, 1993).

Landslide is a major hazard in most mountainous and hilly

regions as well as in steep river banks and coastlines. Their

impact depends largely on their size and speed, the elements at

risk in their path and the vulnerability of these elements. Every

year landslides cause fatalities and result in large damage to

infrastructure (roads, railways, pipelines, artificial reservoirs,

etc.) and property (buildings, agricultural land).

This has been a problem in many countries especially during

rainy seasons and Philippines is not a stranger to this problem.

This usually happens in Cordillera Administrative Region because

The Problem 2

of its prominent geological features. Some of the deadliest

landslides happened days after Tropical Storm Ondoy (Ketsana) left

the country, Typhoon Pepeng (Parma) battered the mountainous

Cordillera region with intense rain, causing multiple landslides

in the region in early October 2009. Approximately about 120 people

died in Benguet province, 25 in Baguio City, and 23 in Mountain

Province, according to authorities. And recently, the one that

occurred at a mining town in Itogon, Benguet on September 15, 2018.

As of September 21, 2018, at least 58 people have been reported

dead and 31 of whom lived in Barangay Ucab where the biggest

landslide happened.

One of the major victims of this natural disaster is Baguio

City which experiences such disaster almost every time strong

typhoon occurs. Several measures have been considered to mitigate

the problem in landslide here in Baguio City. The Department of

Public Works and Highways is constructing different kinds of slope

protections including installation of hazard at different parts of

the roads. For the damages caused by several typhoon including the

worst typhoon experience here in Baguio City, typhoon Ompong which

causes loss of life’s and damages to different properties.

According to mayor Mauricio Domogan “The City Government Disaster

Risk Reduction Management Council has done their best to prepare

for any calamity. But we cannot really estimate what calamity will

come so we can be in prayer and cooperation”. The mayor also urged

The Problem 3

citizens to inspect mountains above them because of the possibility

of a landslide during weather disturbances. He also said that he

is eyeing to put canals for communities who live in mountainous

areas to prevent landslides. According to the Department of Public

Works and Highways Secretary Mark Villar who was the guest of honor

and speaker in the 14th National Annual Convention of the District

Engineers League of the Philippines in Baguio City said measures

will now be implemented to ensure that such incident would not

happen again to other facilities of the department. “We will be

using the hazard map and at this point, we have sent out a memo to

review existing infrastructures and to be even more vigilant with

our new structures to make sure that nothing will be compromised

in anyway specially on safety”.

Figure 1. Satellite Location of the Project Study Area

The Problem 4

As shown in Figure 1, it is one of the critical areas that is

highly susceptible to landslide and that is the reason that it is

never new for us to hear that Camp 8, Kennon Road is closed during

rainy seasons. It is because this place is one of the areas where

almost every time a strong typhoon occurs, landslide happens due

to its weak type of soil and has insufficient retaining structures

in some areas. As a matter of fact, a cantilevered concrete

retaining wall has been built on a particular area but was damaged

by soil erosion due to the too much rainfall caused by the strong

typhoon Ompong last 2018 as shown in Figure 2 and it is still left

unrepaired. A cantilever retaining wall is one that consists of a

wall which is connected to foundation. A cantilever wall holds

back a significant amount of soil, so it must be well engineered.

They are the most common type used as retaining walls. Cantilever

wall rest on a slab foundation. This slab foundation is also loaded

by back-fill and thus the weight of the back-fill and surcharge

also stabilizes the wall against overturning and sliding. The

damaged cantilever retaining wall along Camp 8, Kennon Road was

designed and put up by the Department of Public Works and Highways.

As said, it is still left untouched and unrepaired for unknown

reasons. Retaining wall are to retain the materials that it is

expected to keep and not fail but since worst case has happened,

investigation and repair must be done to avoid future unwanted

disaster. Inadequacy of the existing retaining structure might be

The Problem 5

one of the reasons that it failed and it is not supposed to be the

one that was built. As part of this study, it includes the

evaluation of the existing cantilever retaining wall with regards

to its external stability based on the design given by the

Department of Public Works and Highways. Also, it includes

evaluation of various types of retaining structures that is

considered as more effective.

Counterfort retaining walls are cantilever walls strengthened

with counter forts monolithic with the back of the wall slab and

base slab. The counter-forts act as tension stiffeners and connect

the wall slab and the base to reduce the bending and shearing

stresses. To reduce the bending moments in vertical walls of great

height, counterforts are used, spaced at distances from each other

equal to or slightly larger than one-half of the height Counter

forts are used for high walls with heights greater than 6 to 12 m.

The advantages of counterfort walls are the large effective

depth for the cantilever reinforcement and concrete efficiently

concentrated in the counterfort. For very tall walls, where an

alternative cantilever wall would require greater thickness and

larger quantities of reinforcing steel and concrete, the savings

in material will exceed the additional cost of forming the

counterforts. Accurate design is necessary for economy in

important projects involving large quantities of material and

The Problem 6

requires refinement of the simple assumptions in the definition of

counterfort walls. The analysis becomes complex for determination

of the division of the load between one-way horizontal slab and

vertical cantilever action. (Merritt, 2003)

A counterfort R.C.C. retaining wall was constructed in the

year 2002-2003.The length of the wall is about 310 meters no of

counterforts at the backfill side. The height of the wall was 5

meters above the foundation level. The wall is located near Sangli

City in Maharashta state of India. The purpose of the wall was to

retain earth on the side for 5 meters’ height. The type of soil to

be retained was B.C. soil. Also, there is a road along the wall on

the retained earth where two lane traffic was expected. (Padhye,


A geogrid is defined as a geosynthetic material consisting of

connected parallel sets of tensile ribs with apertures of

sufficient size to allow strike-through of surrounding soil,

stone, or other geotechnical material (Koerner, 1999). Geogrid is

a flexible mesh that is used to create a reinforced coherent mass

behind the retaining wall by stabilizing the soil.  The geogrid

system is more flexible in nature. The retaining wall with the

geogrid system has the higher adapting ability with the deformation

of the foundation, when compared with traditional construction,

which is very stiffer in nature. More flexibility implies they

The Problem 7

behave well as earthquake resistant. This construction can be made

more economical, compared to traditional method. The landfill can

be made steeper, which shows a cost reduction. More height in wall

and steepness are created with the help of reinforced soil system.

The onboard Geogrid arrangement has afforestation protection. This

brings environmental benefits, which is an important parameter in

sustainable construction. The Geogrid retaining wall construction

guaranty quality and reduced cost of construction. This helps in

rapid and convenient construction. With time the geogrid

reinforcing retaining wall construction and its advantages have

earned appreciation, which had made its demand to increase in the

construction in highways, railways, dams, ports, planning city and

projects focusing on the environment. The stability of the soil

depends greatly on the friction angle it contains. The friction

angle is often referred to as the shear strength of the soil. Shear

is the force that is applied when using a pair of scissors. In

soil, the friction angle is the maximum shear force between

particles of soil as they try to pass each other.  Segmental

retaining wall height is restricted due to stability issues, but

the height can be increased with the help of using woven synthetic

sheet or in another term geogrids as successive layers at the back

face of the wall. Layers are positioned and anchored into the

facing result in creating reinforced earth unit mass that acts

against overturning and sliding actions. The geogrid segmental

The Problem 8

retaining walls can be constructed for height more than 12m. There

are various types of geogrids with different tensile strength that

produced by manufacturers. Generally, Geogrids are 3.65 m wide and

the length is depending on design requirements. Ultimate strength

of geogrids is determined by test as per either ASTM or

Geosynthetic Research Institute (GRI). Moreover, long term design

strength is calculated from ultimate tensile strength by using a

safety factor to take detrimental effects to considerations, such

as long term degradation, damages during construction, material

deficiency. Geogrids are commonly anchored into the facing wall

joints at one end and in-situ soil beyond the backfill to achieve

effective utilization of geogrids. Resistance against pullout is

consist of friction coefficient at block joint and any engagement

technique that is employed for example pins through geogrid

interstices, folding geogrids over a lip in the block.

Gabions are cylinders or boxes that are filled with earth or

stones, which are used in the building structures such as dams,

retaining walls, and dikes. Gabions have been used for several

millennia in Egypt and China. Prior to 1879 gabions were

constructed withplant materials, which severely limited their

useful life. In about 1879 a company in Italy isthought to have

first used wire mesh in the construction of gabion baskets.

(Freeman, 2000). This is possibly the first use of the modern

wire mesh baskets as used today. Gabions are now usedthroughout

The Problem 9

the world for bank stabilization, retaining walls, slope

stability, hydraulicstructures, channel linings, weirs for

erosion, and numerous other purposes (Kuo-Hung, 2009). The

advantages of gabion include very porous, flexible, strong,

durable,reliable, easily constructed, and ecological properties.

Gabions come in three basic forms, thegabion basket, gabion

mattress, and sack gabion. Gabion baskets can be made from

eitherwelded or woven wire mesh. The welded wire is normally

galvanizedto reduce corrosion but may be coated with plastic or

other material to prevent corrosionandlor damage to the wire

mesh containing the rock. Gabion fill is normally graded filI

ofbetween 100mm to 200mm in diameter with a nominal 60% smaller or

larger, the more angularthe fill, the better interlock and the

less deformation of the face occurs. The fill normally consists of

rock material but other materials such as bricks, crushed concrete

and blocky or flatquarried stone have been used to fill the baskets

(Chai et al., 2010). Utilized PFC numerical simulation to study

the influence of reinforcement on the earth stress of gabion

retaining wall. It was found that the eafth pressure behind the

wall reached passive state at a depth of 5 m andappeared active

state at a depth of 2 m which were corresponding to results of

fieldmeasurements. Hence, the purpose of this study presents first

to investigate the mechanicalbehavior of soil confined with geo-

textiles by a series of tri-axial compression tests, and second to

The Problem 10

analyze the failed case of soil gabion retaining wall by a

numerical method undervarious conditions of river level changed.

Figure 2. Existing Damaged Retaining Wall

The Problem 11

Conceptual and Theoretical Framework

Conceptual Framework

In this figure it shows the concept of the study that will be

use determine the external stability of an effective retaining


Existing Evaluation
Damaged of Different Effective
Retaining Type of Retaining
Wall Due to Retaining Structure
Soil Erosion Structures

Figure 3. Conceptual Framework

The main objective of the study is to determine the external

stabilities of different retaining structures using the data of

the Department of Public Works and Highways on site. To be

specific, the evaluation of the different types of retaining

structures with respect to their factors of safety against siding,

overturning, and bearing capacity failure. After which, results of

different types of retaining structures will be compared to the

existing retaining structure which is the cantilever retaining

wall to determine the most effective retaining structure to be

used at the location.

The Problem 12

Theoretical Framework

In this figure it consists the list of theoretical method

that will be used in the study.  

Properties at
the site


Rankine Method

Factor of Safety Factor of Safety

Factor of Safety
Against Against Bearing
Against Sliding
Overturning Capacity Failure

Coefficient Resisting
of Friction Moment

Weight of Maximum
the Pressure at
Structure Base



Figure 4. Theoretical Framework Diagram 

The Problem 13

Rankine Active Lateral Earth Pressure Method

This theory is based mainly on the assumption of neglecting

friction between the soil and the wall, so no shear forces are

developed on soil particles. The soil in this case pushes the wall

far away. The transformation factor of vertical pressure to

horizontal pressure in this case is "Ka" and the lateral earth

force is termed by "Pa"

Firstly, the value of Ka can be calculated as following:

Ka = tan2(45-Ø/2) eqn’(1)

There are different cases:

In case of granular soil (pure sand):

Figure 5. Active Earth Pressure for Granular Soil

The Problem 14

Generalized Case for Rankine Active Pressure:

This will calculate the lateral earth pressure for general

case (inclined wall and inclined backfill).

For Granular soil only (pure sand):

Figure 6. Generalized Case for Rankine Active Pressure


α = inclination of backfill with horizontal

θ = inclination of wall with vertical

The Problem 15

β = inclination of Pa with the normal to the wall

From trigonometry, the angle between the normal to the wall and

horizontal is θ.

Calculation of Pa:

Pa = 1/2ɣH2Ka eqn’(2)

Where: area of vertical pressure diagram = 1/2γH2

The value of Ka in this case is calculated from the following


cos ∝-θ 1+sin2∅-2sin∅cosφa

Ka = eqn’(3)
cos2θ cos2∝+√sin2∅-sin2α


φa = sin-1(sinα/sin∅)

β = tan-1(sin∅sinφa/1-sin∅cosφa)

The location of Pa is H/3 from base as shown in figure. For the

computation of horizontal and vertical components of Pa:

Pah = Pacos(β+θ) eqn’(4a)

Pav = Pasin(β+θ) eqn’(4b)

The Problem 16

For Pure Sand:

Figure 7. Location of Force Pa for Pure Sand

Pa is inclined with angle α with horizontal and Effective

vertical pressure = γH

Pa = 1/2γH2Ka eqn’(5)

Ka in this case is calculated from the following equation:

Ka = cos∝ eqn’(6)
The Problem 17

Rankine Passive Lateral Earth Pressure

The wall in this case pushed into the soil. The transformation

factor of vertical pressure to horizontal pressure in this case is

"Kp" and the lateral earth force is termed by "Pp"

Kp = tan2(45+Ø/2) eqn’(7)

The only difference between passive and active is in the formula

of calculating K.

Factor of Safety against Sliding (FSsliding)

Retaining walls are structures designed to bound soils

between two different elevations, therefore they are mainly

exposed to lateral pressures from the retained soil plus any other

surcharge. Retaining walls may be sensitive to sliding problems,

particularly if founded on poor soils. The horizontal pressures on

the backfill side will push the wall outward, which will tend to

slide on its footing. The driving force from the applied loads

must be resisted by an opposite friction force at the interface of

the footing base and the underlying soil, produced by the bearing

pressure against the base. In addition, the passive pressure

against the front face of the wall and footing may be considered

as well. It is unlikely that the natural soil will remain

undisturbed during the construction, therefore it’s a common

practice to conservatively ignore the top portion of the soil cover

for the passive force calculation. When the friction plus passive

forces are not high enough to counteract the pushing force, a shear
The Problem 18

key can be designed under the wall footing. This structural element

will bear laterally against the soil, allowing to extend the

passive pressure diagram deeper, as shown in the image above. This

is a very efficient way to increase the sliding resistance of a

retaining wall. The factor of safety against sliding is defined as

the resisting forces (friction + passive) divided by the driving

lateral force, and the minimum value should be greater than or

equal to 1.5.

Figure 8. Failure of the Structure Against Sliding

FSsliding = ≥ 1.5 eqn’(8)
Fa +Fq

Fp = γ k H2 eqn’(9)
2 s p
Fa = γ k H2 eqn’(10)
2 s a
The Problem 19

Fq = qka H eqn’(11)


µ = Coefficient of friction

∑W = Total weight of the structures

Fp = Passive Earth Pressure

Fa = Active Earth Pressure

Fq = Surcharge Pressure

q = Surcharge

ka = coefficient of active earth pressure

kp = coefficient of passive earth pressure

H = Total height of backfill

Factor of Safety against Overturning (FSOT)

The safety factor of wall stability against overturning is

defined as the ratio between the sum of resisting moments and the

sum of overturning moments. In evaluating these moments, the

vertical component of the active thrust on the wall may be

considered in two different ways: as decreasing the overturning

moment, or increasing the resisting one. This technical note shows

that both these definitions are false because the safety factor

value depends on the thrust surface being arbitrarily assumed in

the analysis. Wall stability against overturning can, however, be

The Problem 20

assessed using the position of the resultant force on the base,

which is unaffected by the assumed thrust surface. Contrary to

overturning, safety factors against sliding and bearing capacity

are unaffected by the assumed thrust surface. The horizontal

pressures on the backfill side will push the wall outward, which

will tend to overturn around the end of the toe, as shown at the

right. The overturning moment from the applied forces must be

resisted by an opposite moment produced by the vertical forces,

including the wall self-weight and the weight of the backfill over

the heel. The factor of safety against overturning is defined as

the resisting moment divided by the overturning moment, and the

minimum value should be greater than or equal to 1.50. 

Figure 9. Failure of the Structure Against Overturning

The Problem 21
FSOT = ≥ 1.5 eqn’(12)
RM = ∑Wi Xi + Fp h eqn’(13)
1 1
OM = Fa H +Fq H eqn’(14)
3 2


RM = Resisting Moment

OM = Overturning Moment

Wi = Weight of Strucuture

Xi = Moment Arm About toe

h = height of passive earth pressure

H = total height of backfill

Factor of Safety against Bearing Capacity Failure (FSBC)

The vertical pressure as transmitted to the soil by the base

slab of the retaining wall should be checked against the ultimate

bearing capacity of the soil. The nature of variation of the

vertical pressure transmitted by the base slab into the soil. Note

that qtoe and qheel are the maximum and the minimum pressures

occurring at the ends of the toe and heel sections, respectively.

The magnitudes of qtoe and qheel can be determined through solving.

Generally, a factor of safety of 3 is required. It is noted that

the ultimate bearing capacity of shallow foundations occurs at a

The Problem 22

settlement of about 10% of the foundation width. In the case of

retaining walls, the width B is large. Hence the ultimate load qu

will occur at a fairly large foundation settlement. A factor of

safety of 3 against bearing capacity failure may not ensure, in

all cases, that settlement of the structure will be within the

tolerable limit. Thus, this situation needs further investigation.

Note that ∑V includes the soil weight and that, when the value of

the eccentricity, e, becomes greater than B/6, qmin becomes

negative. Thus, there will be some tensile stress at the end of

the heel section. This stress is not desirable because the tensile

strength of soil is very small. If the analysis of a design shows

that e > B/6, the design should be re-proportioned and calculations


Figure 10. Failure of the Structure Against Bearing Capacity

The Problem 23
FSBC = ≥ 2.0 eqn’(15)

∑W 6e
Qmax = 1+ eqn’(16)


Qall = Allowable Bearing Capacity

Qmax = Maximum Pressure Distribution at Base

∑W = Total Weight of Structure

B = Base of Structure

e = eccentricity
The Problem 24

Research Paradigm

This study involves the determination of different types of

retaining structures with respect to their external stabilities

using a particular theory. After the calculation of the factors

of safety against sliding, overturning and bearing capacity

failure, compare to see if which of the retaining structures is

the most effective to be used at the location.


• Geotechnical • Determination of Lateral • External

Properties at Earth Pressure using Stability of
Camp 8, Rankine Method Existing
Kennon Road, 1−sin∅ Cantilever
Baguio City • Ka = Retaining
Benguet 1+sin∅ Wall
• Unit Weight • Kp = • External
of Soil • Calculation of Existing Stability of
• Angle of Cantilever Retaining Wall Counterfort
Friction μ∑W+Fp Retaining
• Unit Weight • FSsliding = Wall
of Materials RM • External
• Coefficient • FSOT = Stability of
of friction Q Geogrid
• FSBC = all Retaining
• Allowable Qmax
Bearing • Proportioning the
Capacity dimensions of Various • External
Retaining Structures Stability of
• Cohesion Gabion
• Surcharge • Height Gravity Wall
• Base
• Schematic • Thickness
Diagram of • Calculation of Various
Cantilever Retaining Structures
Retaining μ∑W+Fp
Wall • FSsliding =
• Hazardous RM
Map of Baguio • FSOT =
City, Benguet Q
• FSBC = all

Figure 11. Research Paradigm

The Problem 25

Significance of the Study

Since landslide is common in some part of Baguio City and due

to the climate change that we are facing right now, it is expected

to experience the worst scenario as time passes by like having

more rain fall or even stronger earthquakes which may cause the

problem to arise that may damage properties and even cause the

loss of life of people who live in Baguio City. This study will

help the Department of Public Works and Highways to check which

type of retaining wall is the most effective to be used on the

area that will be sufficient enough to hold the material save more

money for the construction. This way, further effects of landslide

is avoided and saves lives and properties. In addition to this,

this study can help other people who is willing to build a

retaining structure where this study can help them to adopt which

is the most effective and more unique by any means.

The Problem 26

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study is to evaluate different

types of retaining structures using the DPWH geotechnical data

through Rankine method. The study intends to answer the

following questions:

1. What are the factors of safety with respect to the following

retaining wall?

a. Cantilever Retaining Wall

b. Counterfort Retaining Wall

c. Geogrid Retaining Wall

d. Gabion Gravity Wall

2. What is the most efficient retaining structure based on their

factors of safety?
The Problem 27

Scope, Limitation and Delimitation of the Study

This study focuses on the comparison of the existing retaining

structure and other types of retaining structure by determining

its external stability using the gathered design data from the

Department of Public Works and Highways.

This study is limited to the gathered design data from the

DPWH. For the most effective retaining structure, determination of

the different limiting values for the factors of safety against

sliding, overturning, and bearing capacity failure are only

considered. Also, the method that will use in this is only one

which is Rankine’s Theory.

This study does not include the determination of the internal

stability of existing retaining structure in the site and the total

cost of the project since the study area is a public highway

wherein projects or proposals are government funded.

Design and Methodology 28

Chapter 2


This chapter discusses the methods used in order to come up

with the necessary results in the evaluation of various retaining

walls for barangay Camp 8, Baguio City. The research methodology,

source of data, and population and locale of the study are also

discussed in this chapter.

Research Methodology

The researchers made used of descriptive research

methodology. The descriptive research was used in gathering the

scientific theories about the specifications and procedures needed

in the analysis of the project. In order to determine the most

efficient retaining wall to be used on the given site, four

different types of retaining wall were evaluated to checked the

external stability of the various retaining wall which are:

Cantilever retaining wall, Counterfort retaining wall, Geogrid

retaining wall and Gabion retaining wall.

Proportioning Retaining Walls, when designing retaining

walls, an engineer must assume some of the dimensions, called

proportioning, which allows the engineer to check trial sections

for stability. If the stability checks yield undesirable results,

the section can be changed and rechecked.

Design and Methodology 29

Determining the Coefficient of Active Earth Pressure, the

first step is to calculate the coefficient of active earth

pressure, Ka, using Rankine theory. When the backfill profile is

horizontal behind the retaining wall, the Rankine equation for

calculating the coefficient of active earth pressure is

simplified. Then, the coefficient of active earth pressure is equal

to one minus the sine of the angle of internal friction divided by

one plus the sine of the angle of internal friction.

Rankine theory (1857) considered the equilibrium of a soil

element at any depth in the backfill behind a retaining wall and

determined the active earth pressure. The assumptions made in

Rankine’s theory of earth pressure is summarized as follows:

 The backfill is homogeneous and semi-infinite.

 The backfill is dry and cohesion less.

 The surface of the backfill is plane and horizontal.

 The back of the retaining wall is vertical and smooth so that

there is no friction between the wall and the backfill when

the wall moves away from the backfill.

 The shear strength of the backfill is governed by Coulomb’s


 The wall moves sufficiently away from the backfill so that

Mohr’ circle touches the failure envelope and the backfill

Design and Methodology 30

attains a state of plastic equilibrium so that lateral earth

pressure becomes minimum equal to active earth pressure.

 The position and direction of the resultant or total active

earth pressure are known. The resultant active pressure acts

parallel to the surface of the backfill through the centroid

of the pressure diagram.

Determining the Lateral Force Resultant, the second step is to

compute the lateral force resultant, Pa, due to the active earth

pressure. The active earth pressure along the depth of the

retaining wall must be known. The active earth pressure is equal

to vertical soil pressure times the coefficient of active earth

pressure minus two times the soil cohesion times the square root

of the coefficient of active earth pressure. When the backfill

soil is cohesion less, the active earth pressure along the depth

of the retaining wall is reduced to the vertical soil pressure

multiplied by the coefficient of active earth pressure. The

vertical soil pressure at any depth along the retaining wall is

equal to the unit weight of the backfill soil multiplied by the

vertical distance from the top of the backfill to the location of

interest resulting in a triangular pressure distribution. To

calculate the lateral force resultant, the area of the triangle is

found and multiplied by the coefficient of active earth pressure.

Then, the lateral force resultant is equal to total retaining wall

Design and Methodology 31

height squared times one-half times the unit weight of the backfill

soil times the coefficient of active earth pressure.

Determining the Overturning Moment, the third step is to find

the overturning moment, Mo, caused by the lateral force resultant

due to the active earth pressure. It is equal to the lateral force

resultant multiplied by the moment arm of the resultant force. The

moment arm is equal to the perpendicular distance from the toe of

the retaining wall to the centroid of the lateral pressure

distribution due to the active earth pressure. Since the lateral

pressure distribution is triangular, the distance from the toe of

the retaining wall to the centroid is simply the total height of

the retaining wall divided by the three.

Determining the Resisting Moment, the fourth step is to

determine the balancing moment that is responsible for resisting

the overturning moment on the retaining wall. The weights and

centroids of both the retaining wall and backfill soil must be

known. But in most cases, the retaining wall and soil are broken

up into simpler geometric components, and the weights and centroids

of these components are found individually. After finding the self-

weights and centroids of the retaining wall and soil, the moments

their self-weights exert about the toe of the retaining wall are

tabulated and added together to arrive at the final balancing

moment quantity.
Design and Methodology 32

Determining of Factor of Safety Against Overturning, the fifth

step is calculating the factor of safety against overturning. It

is equal to the balancing moment divided by the overturning moment

and should be greater than or equal to two.

For external stability of a retaining wall it should satisfy

the following conditions:

 The wall should be stable against sliding. The factor of

safety against sliding shall have a minimum value of 1.5.

 The wall should be stable against overturning. For granular

backfill, the factor of safety against overturning shall have

a minimum value of 1.5. For cohesive backfill, the factor of

safety against overturning shall have a minimum value of 2.

 The base of the wall should be stable against bearing capacity

failure. For granular backfill, the factor of safety against

bearing capacity failure shall have a minimum value of 2. For

cohesive backfill, the factor of safety against bearing

capacity failure shall have a minimum value of 3.

 The resultant of all the forces should fall within the middle

third of the base.

Determining of Factor of Safety Against Sliding, the sixth step

is to find the factor of safety against sliding. It is equal to

the coefficient of friction between the concrete and soil times

the total weight of the retaining wall and soil divided by the
Design and Methodology 33

lateral force resultant due to the active earth pressure. When

ignoring the effects of the passive earth pressure, a minimum

required factor of safety against sliding of 1.5 is acceptable

otherwise, a factor of 2.0 is typically accepted.

Determining of Factor of Safety Against Bearing Capacity, the

seventh step is to find the factor of safety against bearing

capacity. It is equal to the allowable soil bearing capacity

divided by the maximum pressure distribution at base. The computed

value should be greater than two.

Sources of Data

The researchers gathered the geotechnical properties of the

given site and was obtained from the written reports and records

of Department of Public Works and Highways(DPWH)-CAR.

For the evaluation of various retaining wall, the researchers

gathered information regarding different theories to be used from

books, journals, and literatures regarding the design parameters

to be used in the study.

Design and Methodology 34

Population and Locale of the Study

Barangay Camp 8, Kennon Road, Baguio City is generally

characterized by irregular terrains and steep slopes. It has a

latitude and longitude of 16°23’59” N and 120°36’1” E respectively,

and has a population of approximately 2155. It is located at a

mountainous area where slopes are present and soil erosion is high

due to soil’s soft nature and can result to road closure which

will delay the transportation of resources, goods and people. The

roadway from Baguio General Hospital going to barangay Camp 8 is

located on a mountainous side. Houses and trees can be found above

and access road below the given site. The length of the roadway

was 8 meters with an existing retaining structure with an

approximately 390 meters long however, a part of this retaining

wall was damaged due to strong typhoon Ompong last year 2018.
Results and Discussions 35


This chapter shows the tabulated data gathered in the study

with their corresponding figures, analysis, and interpretation.

Geotechnical Properties at Camp 8, Kennon Road, Baguio City

The geotechnical properties were determined by gathering data

from Department of Public Works and Highways and this will be used

to compute the external stabilities of various retaining


Table 1. Data Gathered from Department of Public Works and Highways

Symbol Description Values Unit

γconcrete Unit Weight of Concrete 24 kN/m3
γsoil Unit Weight of Soil 19 kN/m3
q Surcharge 9.8 kPa
Ø Angle of friction of soil 35 º
δ Angle of friction bet. Soil/wall 0 º
α Backfill slope angle 0 º
θ Slope of Wall 0 º
fc' Compressive Strength of Concrete 20.7 mPa
Ec Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete 21520 mPa
fs Min. Yield Strength of RSB (Grade 40) 276 mPa
fs Min. Yield Strength of RSB (Grade 60) 415 mPa
Es Modulus of Elasticity of RSB 200000 mPa
qa Allowable Soil Bearing Capacity 294 kPa
bw Considered Strip of Masonry 1 m
β Seismic Coefficient (Kh/1-Kv) 21.8
Kh Horizonal Acceleration coefficient = A 0.4
Kv Vertical Acceleration Coefficient 0
µ Coefficient of Base Friction 0.55
Results and Discussions 36
Table shows the geotechnical properties at Camp 8, Kennon

Road, Baguio City.

Table 2. Trial Dimensions for Cantilever Retaining Wall

Symbol Description Values Unit

H Height of active soil pressure 7.00 m
b1 Top stem thickness 0.30 m
b2 = d Bottom Stem thickness 1.20 m
D Thickness of Footing 0.80 m
B Width of Footing 4.20 m
a Length of Toe 2.70 m
c Length of Heel 0.30 m
h Height of passive soil pressure 2.30 m
1 meter strip of Reinforced Concrete Ret.
bw Wall 1.00 m

Figure 12. Schematic Diagram of Cantilever Retaining Wall(NTS)

Results and Discussions 37
Table 3. Typical Dimensions of Counterfort Retaining Wall(NTS)

Symbol Description Values Unit

H Height of active soil pressure 7.00 m
b1 Top stem thickness 0.30 m
b2 = d Bottom Stem thickness 1.20 m
D Thickness of Footing 0.50 m
B Width of Footing 4.20 m
a Length of Toe 1.40 m
c Length of Heel 2.50 m
h Height of passive soil pressure 2.30 m
1 meter strip of Reinforced Concrete Ret.
bw Wall 1.00 m
bc Assume width of Counterfort 0.30 m
Spacing of Counterforts from center to
L center 3.50 m

Figure 13. Schematic Diagram of Counterfort Retaining Wall (NTS)

Results and Discussions 38
Table 4. Typical Dimensions of Geogrid Retaining Wall

Symbol Description Values Unit

H Height of active soil pressure 7.00 m
B Base of Geogrid 4.20 m

Table shows the typical dimensions of geogrid retaining wall

compared from the dimensions of DPWH design data.

Figure 14. Schematic Diagram of Geogrid Retaining Wall (NTS)

Results and Discussions 39

Table 5. Typical Dimensions of Gabion Gravity Retaining Wall

Symbol Description Values Unit

H Height of active soil pressure 7.00 m
B Base width of Gabion 4.20 m
t Thickness of Gabion per layer 1.00 m
tr Space of Gabion per layer 0.3 m
h Height of passive soil pressure 2.30 m

Table shows the typical dimensions of gabion gravity

retaining wall compared from the dimensions of DPWH design data.

Figure 15. Gabion Gravity Retaining Wall Schematic Diagram (NTS)

Results and Discussions 40
External Stability of the Retaining Wall

The computed factor of safety of various types of retaining

walls are compared to each other to come up with the most efficient

type of retaining wall to be used at the given site.

Table 6. Factor of Safety of the Cantilever Retaining Wall and

Counterfort Retaining Wall Using the DPWH design data

Factor of Safety Cantilever Retaining Counterfort

Against Wall Retaining Wall
Sliding 2.27 > 1.5 SAFE 2.87 > 1.5 SAFE
Overturning 2.17 > 1.5 SAFE 5.17 > 1.5 SAFE
Bearing Capacity
Failure 2.31 > 1.5 SAFE 2.69 > 2.0 SAFE

Table 6 shows the compared external stability of cantilever

retaining wall from DPWH and counterfort retaining wall from

researchers. The computed factors of safety are all safe.

Table 7. Factor of Safety of the Cantilever Retaining Wall and

Geogrid Retaining Wall Using the DPWH design data

Factor of Safety Cantilever Retaining Geogrid Retaining

Against Wall Wall
Sliding 2.27 > 1.5 SAFE 1.80 > 1.5 SAFE
Overturning 2.17 > 1.5 SAFE 3.26 > 1.5 SAFE
Bearing Capacity 1.471 < 2.0 NOT
Failure 2.31 > 1.5 SAFE SAFE

Table 7 shows the compared external stability of cantilever

retaining wall from DPWH and geogrid retaining wall from

researchers. The computed factor of safety against bearing

capacity in geogrid retaining wall is not safe.

Results and Discussions 41
Table 8. Factor of Safety of the Cantilever Retaining Wall and
Gabion Gravity Retaining Wall Using the DPWH design data

Factor of Safety Cantilever Gabion Gravity

Against Retaining Wall Retaining Wall
Sliding 2.27 > 1.5 SAFE 2.66 > 1.5 SAFE
Overturning 2.17 > 1.5 SAFE 2.92 > 1.5 SAFE
Bearing Capacity
Failure 2.31 > 1.5 SAFE 2.64 > 2.0 SAFE

Table 8 shows the compared external stability of cantilever

retaining wall from DPWH and gabion gravity retaining wall from

researchers. The computed factors of safety are all safe.

Conclusions and Recommendations 42

Chapter 4


This chapter presents conclusions and recommendations based

on the findings of the project study.


Using the geotechnical data of Department of Public Works and

Highways, the result of external stability for the existing

cantilever retaining wall passed all the limiting values for the

factors of safety and compared to the other types of retaining

structures that were computed, the limiting values for factors of

safety also passed except for geogrid retaining wall, the result

shows that this retaining wall is critical for bearing capacity


Based from the results that were undertaken, the most

efficient retaining structure based on their factors of safety is

the counterfort retaining wall compare to the other types of

retaining structures it is more stable.

Conclusions and Recommendations 43


The researcher’s recommendation to further improve the study

are as follows.

1. Use other theories to check the external stability of the

retaining structures because the researchers only used

Rankine’s theory.

2. Check the wall stability of other types of retaining

structures that were not checked on this study using the same


3. Study on the design of a Counterfort retaining wall to be

used at the given location.

References 44


Bowles, J.E. (1982), Foundation Analysis and Design.

Das, B.M. (2008), Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering.

Indelicato, A. (September 2015). Landslides in the

Philippines: Assessing The Role of Bioengineering as an effective

Alternative Mitigation Technique. Retrieved from



Sunstar. (July 2018). Mayor sets reminders for weather safety.

Retrieved from

Prashant, A. (January 2007). Rankine’s Earth Pressure Theory for

Nonlinear Failure Envelopes. Retrieved from


Chaliawa, Y. (December, 2015). Comparative Study of Cantilever

and Counterfort Retaining Wall. Retrieved from


Bakr, H. Counterfort Retaining Wall MCN. Retrieved from

References 45

Syed, U. Design of Counterfort Retaining Wall. Retrieved from


Kasilingam, S. Behavior of Cantilever and Counterfort

Retaining Wall Subjected to Lateral Earth Pressure from



Chowdhury, I. Counterfort retaining walls under earthquake

force from


Merritt, F.S. Counterfort Retaining Walls (Building Design

and Construction) from


Padhye, R. D. Case Study of Failure of a R.C.C. Counterfort

Retaining Wall from


MacGinley, T.J. (2006), Reinforced Concrete Design, Design

Theory and Examples.

Al-Agha, A.S. Foundation Engineering from

References 46

Almadhoun, Y.M. Civil Engineering Department: Foundation

Engineering (ECIV 4052) from

Mawlood, Y. Analytical Study for Stability of Gabion Walls



Rahul, G. Retaining Walls from https://www.slide


Mizal-Azzmi N. Jamaludin N. Mohd-Noor N. (December 2011).

Geotechnical Approaches for Slope Stabilization in Residential

Area from /271637658



Das, B.J. (2011). Principles of Foundation Engineering from




Hamakareem M.I. Retaining Wall Types, Materials, Economy, and

Applications from


References 47

Murthy, V.N.S Geotechnical Engineering Principles and

Practices of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering from


Mandal, J.N. Geosynthetics Engineering: In Theory and

Practice from


Brooks, H. Nielsen, J.P. (1992) Basics of Retaining Wall

Design 10th Edition.

Appendices 48

Appendices A – Cantilever Retaining Wall

fc’ = 20.7 N/mm2

fy = 415 N/mm2

γs = 19 kN/m3

γc = 24 kN/m3

μ = 0.55

QALL = 294 kN/m2

Ø = 35°

C = 0

ka = tan2(45-Ø/2) = tan2(45-35/2) = 0.271

kp = 1/ka = 1/0.271 = 3.690

Figure 1A. Dimensions Components of the Wall(NTS)

Appendices 49

A. Proportioning of Wall Components

H = Height of active soil pressure = 7m

b1 = Top stem thickness = 0.30m

b2 = d = Bottom stem thickness = 1.20m

D = Thickness of footing = 0.80m

B = Width of footing = 4.20m

a = length of toe = 2.70m

c = Length of Heel = 0.30m

h = Height of passive soil pressure = 2.30m

bw = 1-meter strip of R.C Ret. Wall = 1.0m

Figure 2A. Cantilever Retaining Wall Schematic Diagram (NTS)

Appendices 50

B. Check Stability of the Wall

 Against Overturning

W1 = 24(0.30)(0.3)(1m)= 2.16 Kn

W2 = 24(1/2)(1.2-0.3)(7-0.80)(1m)= 66.96 Kn

W3 = 24(4.2)(0.8)(1m)= 80.64 Kn

W4 = 19(0.3)(7-0.80)(1m)= 35.34 Kn

W5 = 19(2.7)(1.5)(1m)= 76.95 Kn

W6 = 9.80(0.3)= 2.94

∑W = 264.99 Kn

Fa = 1/2kaɣ(H+h’)2

Fa = 1/2(0.271)(19)(7)2 = 126.151 kN

Fp = 1/2kpɣh2

Fp = 1/2(3.69)(19)(2.3)2 = 185.441 kN

At 1m strip surcharge, fq = 9.8(7.52) = 19.972 Kn

RM = 2.16(3.75)+66.96(2/3(0.9)+2.7)+80.64(4.2/2)+35.34(0.3/2+3.9)

+76.95(1.35)+9.8(1/2(0.3)+2.7+1.2)= 685.115

OM = Fa(1/3)(7.52)

OM = 126.105(1/3(7.52)) = 316.217

FSOT = RM/OM = 685.115/316.217 = 2.17 > 1.5 SAFE!

 Against Sliding

FSSL = µ∑W/(Fa+fq)

FSSL = 0.55(262.05)/126.151+19.972 = 2.27 > 1.5 SAFE!

Appendices 51

 Against Bearing Capacity

Q = (∑W/b)+(1±6e/b)

QMAX= (264.99/4.2 + 6(0.71)/4.2) = 127.09 kPa < Qa okay!

QMIN = (264.99/4.2-6(0.71)/4.2) = -90.90 kPa < Qa okay!

FSBC = QALL/QMAX = 294/127.09 = 2.31 > 1.5 SAFE!

Appendices 52

Appendices B – Counterfort Retaining Wall

fc’ = 20.7 N/mm2

fy = 415 N/mm2

γs = 19 kN/m3

γc = 24 kN/m3

μ = 0.55

PALL = 294 kN/m2

Ø = 35°

C = 0

ka = = 0.271
kp = = 3.690

A. Proportioning of Wall Components

H = 4.7+2.30 = 7m

b = 0.4H to 0.7H = 0.6H = 4.2m

Toe projection = b/3 to b/4 = 4.2/3 = 1.4m

Assume thickness of vertical wall = 300mm

Thickness of base slab = H/14 to H/12 = 500mm

Clear spacing between counterforts is given by:

L = 0.3-0.6H = 3.5 m

provide counterforts at 3.5 m c/c.

Assume width of counterfort = 300 mm

clear spacing provided = L = 3.5-0.3 = 3.2m

Appendices 53

Figure 1B. Trial Dimension Components of the Wall(NTS)

B. Check Stability of Wall

 Against Overturning

Distance of Moment about

Sr. Description of Loads in Kn c.g. from Toe in
No. loads Toe in m kN-m
Weight of stem 24 x 0.3 x (7-0.5) 1.4 + 0.3/2
1 72.54
W1 = 46.8 = 1.55
Weight of base slab 24 x 4.2 x 0.5
2 4.2/2 = 2.1 105.84
W2 = 50.40
Weight of earth 19 x 2.5 x (7-0.5) (2.5/2)+1.4
3 910.81
over heel slab W3 = 308.75 +0.3 = 2.95
Weight of [(24-19) x 2.50 x 1.4 + 0.3 +
4 Counterfort W4 (7-0.5)/2]/3.5 2.5/2 34.241
using (ɣc-ɣs) = 11.607 = 2.95
Total ΣW = 417.557 ΣM=1123.431
Appendices 54

Figure 2B. Counterfort Retaining Wall Schematic Diagram(NTS)

γH2ka 19x(7)2(0.271)
Pah = = = 126.15 kN
2 2

Plh = LLxkaxH= 9.81x0.271x7 = 18.610 kN

PH = Pah + Plh = 144.76 kN

M0 = (Pahx )+(Plhx )-(Pphx )
3 2 3
Appendices 55

7 7 2.3
M0 = (126.15x )+(18.610x )-(185.44x ) = 217.31 kN
3 2 3
∑M .
F.SO = = = 5.17 > 1.5 SAFE!
MO 217.31

 Against Sliding Php

∑µ.W + Php = (0.55 x 417.557)+ 185.44 = 415.096 kN

F.SSL= ∑µ.W/PH = 415.096/144.76 = 2.87 > 1.5 SAFE!

 Bearing Capacity

x= (∑M-MO)/∑W = (1123.431-217.31)/417.557 = 2.17m

e = b/2 – x = 4.2/2 – 2.17 = -0.07m

b/6 = 4.2/6 = 0.7 ; e shall be ≤ b/6 to ignore tension stress

∑W 6e
P= (1± )
b b

417.557 6X-0.07
PA= 1+ = 89.477 kN/m2 < PALL (294 kN/m2) SAFE!
4.2 4.2

417.557 6X-0.07
PD = 1- = 109.37kN/m2 < PALL (294 kN/m2) SAFE!
4.2 4.2
PB = 89.447+(109.37-89.447)X = 102.729 kN/m2
PC =89.447+(109.37-89.447)X = 101.305 kN/m2

PE = 89.447+(109.37-89.447)X = 91.487 kN/m2
Pall 294
F.SBC = = = 2.69 > 2 SAFE!
Pmax 109.37
Appendices 56

Appendices C – Geogrid Retaining Wall

fc’ = 20.7 N/mm2

fy = 415 N/mm2

γs = 19 kN/m3

γc = 24 kN/m3

μ = 0.55

QALL = 294 kN/m2

Ø = 35°

C = 0

ka = = 0.271
kp = = 3.690

Figure 1C. Geogrid Retaining Wall Schematic Diagram (NTS)

Appendices 57

B. Check Stability of the Wall

 Pressure Distribution

Fa = 1/2ɣH2ka

Fa = 1/2(19)(0.271)(7)2= 126.151 kN

Fq = 9.81(0.271)(7) = 18.591 kN

FT = 126.151+18.591 = 144.742 kN

 Against Sliding (neglecting effect of surcharge)

W = 19(4.20)(7)tan25 = 260.479 kN

FSSL = W/FT = 260.479/144.742 = 1.80 > 1.5 SAFE!

 Against Overturning Moment

RM = W(L/2)= 19(7)(4.20)(4.20/2) = 1173.06 kN-m

OM = Fa(7/3)+(Fq)(7/2)

OM = 126.151(7/3)+18.591(7/2) = 359.421

FSOT = RM/OM = 1173.06/359.421 = 3.26 > 2.0 SAFE!

 Against Bearing Capacity

e = OM/W+Fq(L)

e = 359.421/19(7)(4.20)+9.8(4.20) = 0.599m < 4.2/6 = 0.700m

Effective Length = L-2e = 4.20-2(0.599) = 3.002

Bearing Pressure = [19(7)+9.8](4.2/3.002)= 199.801 kPa

FSBC = 294/199.801 = 1.471 < 2.0 NOT SAFE!

Appendices 58

Appendices D - Gabion Gravity Retaining Wall

fc’ = 20.7 N/mm2

fy = 415 N/mm2

γs = 19 kN/m3

γc = 24 kN/m3

μ = 0.55

PALL = 294 kN/m2

Ø = 35°

C = 0

ka = = 0.271
kp = = 3.690

Figure 1D. Gabion Gravity Retaining Wall Schematic Diagram (NTS)

Appendices 59

A. Check Stability of the Wall

Fa = 1/2ɣH2ka

Fa = 1/2(19)(0.271)(7)2= 126.151 kN

Fq = 9.81(0.271)(7) = 18.591 kN

Fp = 1/2kpɣh2

Fp = 1/2(3.69)(19)(2.3)2 = 185.441 kN

Wg = 100lb/ft2 x 3.283/1m x 1/2.2

Wg = 15.735 kN/m3
dg =

dg = 57.645/23.1 = 2.4955m

Wg =[(4.2)(1)+(3.9)(1)+3.6(1)+3.3(1)+3(1)+2.7(1)+2.4(1)](15.735)

Wg = 363.4785 kN

 Against Sliding

FSSL = µWg/Fa

FSSL = [0.55(363.4785)+185.441]/126.151+19.591

FSSL = 2.66 > 1.5 SAFE!

 Against Overturning Moment

1 7 7
FSOT = 363.4785(2.4955)+185.441 (2.3) / 126.151 +18.597
3 3 2

FSOT = 2.92 > 1.5 SAFE!

 Against Bearing Capacity

x = RM-OM/Rv

x = [1049.232-359.421]/363.4785

x = 1.898m
Appendices 60

e = B/2-x = 4.2/2-1.898 = 0.202m

QMAX = 363.4785/4.2[1+6(0.593)/4.2]

QMAX = 111.516 kPa < QALL = 294 kPa SAFE!

QMIN = 363.4785/4.2[1-6(0.593)/4.2]

QMIN = 61.569 kPa < QALL = 294 kPa SAFE!

FSBC = QALL/QMAX = 294/111.516 = 2.64 > 2.0 SAFE!

Appendices 61

Appendices – E Geotechnical Properties from DPWH

Appendices 62

Appendices – F Letter to DPWH-Baguio City District Engineering

Appendices 63

Appendices – G Letter to Mines and Geosciences Bureau-CAR

Gibraltar, Baguio City, Philippines
Mobile No.: (+63) 9480330114
E-mail Address:

I am looking for an opportunity in a reputed engineering firm
where I can contribute my knowledge and integrated skills in


 Capable of using AutoCAD, STAAD, ETABS and 2D Matrix

 Knowledgeable in Microsoft Applications
Date of Birth: September 8, 1996
Place of Birth: Tagudin, Ilocos Sur
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic

Tertiary Saint Louis College
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Lingsat, San Fernando City, La Union
June 2013 – October 2016

University of the Cordilleras

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Gov. Pack Road, Baguio City, Benguet
January 2017 – Present

Secondary Tagudin National High School

Quirino, Tagudin, Ilocos Sur
June 2009 – April 2013

Primary San Miguel Primary School

Salvacion, Tagudin, Ilocos Sur
June 2003 – April 2006
Tagudin Central School
Del Pilar, Tagudin, Ilocos Sur
June 2006 – April 2009


Engr. Nelson Notarte

University of the Cordilleras

Engr. Alma Aguilar

CEA Department Head/ Instructor
University of the Cordilleras

I hereby certify that the above information is true and

#75 Valenzuela St. 2nd Rd. Salud Mitra,
Baguio City, Philippines
To work in an environment in which I can utilize my
abilities and knowledge learned with hard work, perseverance and
dedication by providing the best of my efforts into
professionally managed organization.

Age: 26
Height: 168 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Birthday: July 7, 1992
Birthplace: Tarlac
Father’s Name: Francisco Sta. Marina
Mother’s Maiden Name: Leonidez Dela Cruz
Religion: Catholic
Civil Status: Single


On-the-job trainee, A.P.0 general construction

UP Baguio (May to July, 2018)

Member, Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE)

(S.Y. 2015-2019)
Tertiary University of the Cordilleras
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Gov. Pack Road, Baguio City, Benguet
September 2014 – Present

Secondary Gerona Junior College

Poblacion 3, Gerona, Tarlac

Primary Gerona North Central Elementary School

Poblacion 3, Gerona, Tarlac


Engr. Nelson Notarte

University of the Cordilleras

Engr. Alma Aguilar

CEA Department Head/ Instructor
University of the Cordilleras

I hereby certify that the above information is true and

Hilltop, Baguio City, Philippines
Mobile No.: (+63)9958343194
E-mail Address:

Looking for positions of responsibility within Operations
area in construction industry that will greatly utilize my
skills and performance from my past experiences in school and in
the actual job training.

 Capable of performing structural analysis and calculations

 Familiarity with NSCP 2001, NSCP 2015
 Capable of using AutoCAD, STAAD, and 2D Matrix
Date of Birth: October 23, 1996
Place of Birth: Pozorrubio, Pangasinan
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic

Tertiary University of the Cordilleras
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Gov. Pack Road, Baguio City, Benguet
June 2012 – Present

Secondary St. Philomena’s Academy

Pozorrubio, Pangasinan
June 2009 – April 2012

Primary Buneg Elementary School

Buneg, Pozorrubio, Pangasinan
June 2003 – April 2009

Engr. Nelson Notarte Engr. Jan Nicholas Baldo

CEA Dean CEA Instructor
University of the Cordilleras University of the Cordilleras

Engr. Alma Aguilar

CEA Department Head/ Instructor
University of the Cordilleras

I hereby certify that the above information is true and

#17-C Purok 6 Bakakeng Norte,
Baguio City, Philippines, 2600 Philippines
Mobile No.: +639150218065
E-mail Address:

Seeking an entry-level position as a civil engineer where I
can use my comprehensive, analytical, and calculative skills for
implementing construction plans and preparing accurate report


Age: 20
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 65 kg
Birthdate: May 12, 1998
Birthplace: Olongapo City, Zambales
Father’s Name: Leopoldo A. Tillo
Mother’s Maiden Name: Ailyn P. Villanueva
Religion: Roman Catholic
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino


Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE)

Member, S.Y. 2014 – 2018

 AutoCAD
 Knowledgeable in using Microsoft Office
 Microsoft Word
 Microsoft Excel
 Microsoft PowerPoint
 Has a good communication and interpersonal skill
 Good Learner


Tertiary: University of the Cordilleras

Governor Pack Road, Baguio City
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
2014 – Present

Secondary: Saint Anne Academy

Block 1 Federico St. Long Rd., Olongapo City
2012 – 2014
Saint Joseph College Inc.
Elicano Street, Olongapo City
2010 – 2012

Elementary: Saint Anne Academy

Block 1 Federico St. Long Rd., Olongapo City
2007 – 2010
Balic-Balic Elementary School
Balic-Balic Sta.Rita, Olongapo City
2004 – 2007

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct

to the rest of my knowledge.

Pol Hendrix V. Tillo

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