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Approach: by Road and Rail. Stay: Stay Arrangements Can Be Done With The Numerous Hotels and in The OTDC Guest House

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Sambalpur, the gateway to the bewitching western zone of Orissa abounding in lush green forests, colourful wild life,

captivating waterfalls; rich tribal culture, folk songs and dances and a variety of monuments finds mention in the works of Ptolemy (2nd century !"!# as $Sambalaka$! ssociated with the celebrated name of its ruler %ndrabhuti , the teacher&propounder of the 'a(rayana )uddhism, Sambalpur has earned a place in the cultural history of %ndia! *ere, one can visit the temples of Samaleswari, Patneswari, )udha +a(a, )rahmapura and the ,opal(ee monastery! Approach : )y road and rail! Stay : Stay arrangements can be done with the numerous hotels and in the O-". ,uest *ouse (Panthanivas#, Sambalpur! Handicrafts of the Region : .enter of internationally famous *andloom -e/tiles popularly known as $Sambalpuri -e/tiles$!

Name Hotel Sheela Towers Hotel Uphar Palace Hotel Saket Hotel Uphar Hotel Sujata

Telephone 2403111 2400519 2402345 2403078 2400403

Fairs / Festivals Dhanu atra 'aha S()aratr( +rus(#ha ,hatur-ash( S(talasasth( /(swakar#a Puja

Place !ar"arh Hu#a +rus(#hanath Sa#$alpur. !arpal( H(raku-

Period Dece#$er % &anuar *e$ruar % 'arch 'a % &une 'a % &une Septe#$er

Hirakud 0ne o1 the lon"est Da# (n the worl-. H(raku- stan-s (n (ts lone #ajest across the "reat r()er Dam(16 km)* 'ahana-( wh(ch -ra(ns an area o1 1.33.090 S23 k# #ore than tw(ce the area o1 Sr(4anka3 The $ulk o1 th(s Da# conta(ns earth. concrete an- #asonr #ater(als. 5su11(c(ent to #ake a roa- 8 #etres w(-e

an- pa)e (t 1ro# 6an aku#ar( to 6ash#(r an- 7#r(tsar to D($ru"arh (n 7ssa#3 *ro# hor(8on to hor(8on the reser)o(r 1or#s the lar"est art(1(c(al lake (n 7s(a w(th an area o1 749 S23k# ha)(n" a shore l(ne o)er 940 k#3 7 twent %one k(lo#etres -r()e on the - ke a11or-s a un(2ue e:per(ence o1 cal# seren(t an- #ajest o1 nature3 0ne can enjo the s("ht o1 the #("ht H(raku- Da# an- the 1antast(c e:panse o1 water 1ro# the top o1 the re)ol)(n" #(naret calle- ;an-h( '(nar on the north en- anco#1orta$l sta at 7shok +()as.a lu:ur ;uest House a-jo(n(n" the +ehru '(nar at the other en- o1 the Da#3 7s the lar"est #ult(purpose r()er )alle project o1 the worl-. (t (s a real "(1t to the nat(on%5all 1or happ(ness an- prosper(t 53 The 1a#e- w(l-l(1e sanctuar at !a-ra#a has alrea- "a(ne- pro#(nence a#on" the (nternat(onal tour(sts as a place o1 -est(nat(onal tour3 7#on" )ar(ous 1auna o1 trop(cal 1orests. the sanctuar preser)es elephant. t("er."$ar. $lack%panther.-eer. w(l- $oar an- #an other spec(es3 0ne coul- ha)e a s("ht o1 these an(#als 1ro# the watch towers near the sal(ne tank or the water<holes3 0ne coul- as well -r()e alon" the 1orest roa-s an- watch the#3 Ushakoth( (s on the +3H3+o3937 1orest rest house at !a-ra#a =3 6#> pro)(-es acco##o-at(on whose reser)at(on author(t (s D3*303.!a#ra.-(str(ct Sa#$alpur3 The place has "a(ne- pro#(nence as the secon- H -ro%?lectr(c Project o1 the H(raku- Da#3 7 natural 1all o1 80 1t3 =24339 #etres> h("h (n the r()er 'ahana-( (s #a-e use 1or "enerat(n" electr(c(t 3 The place (s #ostl (nha$(te- $ 1(sher#en whose -e(t @;hantle(A (s )er popular (n the ne("h$or(n" areas3 The State 4()e Stock !ree-(n" *ar# an- an 7"r(cultural *ar# are locate- here3

Ushakothi ( ! km)*

"hiplima (#6 km)*

The te#ple o1 /(-ala%+rus(#ha stan-s at the 1oot o1 the p(ctures2ue ;an-ha#ar-an h(lls3 0n the other slope o1 th(s h(ll are the 1a#ous Har(sankar te#ple an- the capt()at(n" water1alls3 Bt "a(ne- a place (n h(stor (n the earl part o1 ,hr(st(an ?ra $e(n" 1a#ous as @HaranapapaA =-estro er o1 S(ns> a#on" the anc(ent p(l"r(#s3 Bn h(s account H(uen TAsan" re1erre- to th(s place as Po%lo%#o%lo%k(%l( or Par(#ala"(r( Nrusimhanath wh(ch was a renowne- seat o1 !u--h(st culture3 The ru(ns 1oun- on the plateau at the h(ll<top. a$out (16$ km)* s(:teen k# lon". speak )olu#es (n #ute )o(ce3 4ocal tra-(t(ons ascr($e that th(s (s a part o1 ;an-ha#ar-an H(ll wh(ch Hanu#an carr(e- on h(s shoul-ers 1ro# H(#ala as to sa)e the l(1e o1 4a:#ana3 The h(ll (s also r(ch (n #e-(c(nal her$s an- the ent(re surroun-(n" (s )er pleasant (n su##er3 Th(s place (s 100 6# 1ro# !ar"arh3 7 Panthashala =Tel3 +o3 2439> here pro)(-es acco##o-at(on to the tour(sts3 *a#ous as the a$o-e o1 4or- S()a. Hu#a conta(ns the lone lean(n" te#ple o1 0r(ssa an- also 1a#ous as a scen(c spot o1 "reat e:cellence3 The r()er 'ahana-( 1low(n" close $ a$oun-s (n 1(sh =6u-o 1(sh> wh(ch are ne)er cau"ht3 The popular $el(e1 (s that the $elon" to 4or- /(#aleswar3 *ac(l(t 1or cru(s(n" (n the r()er $ countr $oat (s a)a(la$le 1or a no#(nal pr(ce3 To the west o1 &harsu"u-a Ca(lwa Stat(on. (t (s a ca)e conta(n(n" P(cto"raph(c Bnscr(pt(on =1.500 !3,3 or e)en earl(er> o1 "reat ant(2u(t 3 Th(s pre%h(stor(c 1(n- (s o1 re#arka$le (#portance an- (s et to $e -ec(phere-3 The plaster%cast o1 the (nscr(pt(on can also $e seen (n the 0r(ssa State 'useu# at !hu$aneswar3 /(kra#khol (s 88 k# $ roa- wh(ch (s un#etalle-3 The Pra-hanpat h(ll w(th (ts p(ctures2ue water1alls o11ers a rare scen(c $eaut 3 These 1alls are close to Deo"arh town wh(ch (s attract()el s(tuate- w(th the $ack"roun- o1 woo-e- h(lls3 Two $eaut(1ul "uest houses na#e- !asanta +()as an- 4al(ta !asanta ha)e $een constructe- $ the e:%rulers o1 !a#ra anare now un-er the #ana"e#ent o1 the Dorks Depart#ent. pro)(-e acco##o-at(on3 Ceser)at(ons are #a-e $ the ?:ecut()e ?n"(neer. +at(onal H("hwa D()(s(on. Sa#$alpur3 There are a nu#$er o1 te#ples (n the town o1 Deo"arh nota$le a#on" wh(ch are o1 ;op(nath. &a"annath an- ;okarneswara3 Deo"arh (s 99 6# 1ro# Sa#$alpur on +3H3+o393

Huma (#% km)*

&ikramkhol (%6 km)*

Pradhanpat ('6 km)*

!(laspur (s known 1or (ts kosa s(lk an- the 2ual(t o1 (ts r(ce3 Bt (s the secon- lar"est c(t (n ,hhatt(s"arh. an- ho#e to (ts H("h ,ourt 3 The c(t (s appro:(#atel 400 ears ol-3 The na#e (s -er()e- 1ro# bilasa . the na#e 1or 1(sherwo#en3

(atanpur 0nce the cap(tal o1 ,hhatt(s"arh. Catanpur (s s(tuate- a$out 25 k# 1ro# !(laspur on the 6at"hora Coa-3 7ccor-(n" to the locals. (t was (#portant (n all the 4 yugs =a"es> o1 H(n-u(s# E Sat u". Treta u". Dwaapar u" an- 6al u"3 There are the ru(ns o1 an ol- 1ort here3 Th(s has an attract()e stone sculpture o)er the 1ra#e o1 the ;anesh "ate3 The entrance has Sh()aFs Tandav Dance an- statues o1 4or- !ra#ha an- 4or- /(shnu3 Bns(-e. there are the S(tchoura( an- &a"arnath te#ples3 7n 11 th centur te#ple. -e-(cate- to the ;o--ess 'aha#a a. was $u(lt -ur(n" the re("n o1 ,altur( the k(n" o1 Caja Catna-e)3 There are pon-s near the te#ple3 Bn 1ront o1 the (s a te#ple o1 6ant(-e)al o1 'aratha Per(o-3 Th(s has $een reno)ate- $ the arch(tecture -epart#ent3 !e1ore the palace o1 Catanpur (s a te#ple o1 !a$a !a(ra)nath. w(th a n(ne 1oot tall (-ol3 7t the palace o1 Ca#tekr( there (s a te#ple o1 Ca# Pancha at3 7t the 1oot o1 a h(ll (s the !hu--eshwar Sh() Te#ple #a-e #a-e $ !h(#$haj( !hosle3 7t the top o1 the h(ll (s the 4a:#( Te#ple. also calle- ?k$(ra Te#ple3 There (s also the Catneswar 'aha-e) Te#ple3 The Dar"ah o1 'usekhan (s (n the town o1 &una. near$ 3 )allhar (*aravpur) 7 1or#er cap(tal. th(s (s a$out 14 k# 1ro# !(laspur3 Bt has re#a(ns 1ro# 1.000 !, onwar-s3 10th an11th centur te#ples can $e seen here3 The Pataleswar 6e-ar Te#ple (s one o1 the# E the ;o#ukh( shivling (s the #a(n attract(on here3 The D(-neswar( Te#ple. $elon"(n" to the 6alchur( re"(#e. (s also worth )(s(t(n"3 The Deor Te#ple has art(st(c (-ols3 There (s a #useu#. #ana"e- $ the ,entral ;o)ern#ent. wh(ch ha- a "oo- collect(on o1 ol- sculpture3 Tala"ra# Tala"ra#. a$out 25 k# 1ro# !(laspur. (s known 1or (ts 5Deoran(%&ethan(5 te#ple3 Th(s has a hu"e 7 1oot h("h statue. thatFs 4 1eet w(-e an- we("hs 8 tons3 +uta,hat Dam 7$out 10 k# 1ro# Catanpur. th(s (s surroun-e- $ 1orest an- h(lls. an- (s a popular p(cn(c spot3 There (s a rest house near the -a#3 -elpan Bs known 1or (ts kund =$(" pon-> an- samadhi 3 +hadia Dam

7$out 85 k# 1ro# !(laspur. (ts (s known 1or (ts $eaut 3 "ho.utara Th(s (s known as the place o1 "reat sa(nts3 Bt (s near ;ourella. a$out 41 k# 1ro# !(laspur3

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