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Proforma of General Power of Attorney (NRI Financing)

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Do hereby Appoint an !on"tit#te Mr/M" Re"i ent o$ %here in a$ter !a&&e 'ATTORNEY() to be *y &a+$#& attorney, in *y na*e an on *y beha&$, to o, e,e!#te, per$or* any one or a&& o$ the $o&&o+in- a!t", ee " an thin-" na*e&y . /0 To app&y $or a Loan/" #n er the 1ario#" "!he*e" o$ PNB HO2SIN3 4INAN5E LIMITED %PNBH4) ha1in- it" re-i"tere o$$i!e at 6 th $&oor, Antri7"h Bha+an, 88 K030 Mar-, Ne+ De&hi, an one o$ it" bran!he" at or a itiona& &oan/" to PNBH4 $or "#!h a*o#nt a" the attorney *ay ee* $it an $or that p#rpo"e to pay the pro!e""in- $ee/" an "i-n the &oan app&i!ation" an to $#rni"h a&& etai&" an in$or*ation re9#ire by PNBH4 an to -i1e any "tate*ent, &etter, !&ari$i!ation or any other +irin- re9#ire or ne!e""ary $or a1ai&in- o$ the "ai &oan/" $ro* PNBH4 an $ro* ti*e to ti*e to $o&&o+ #p the "ai &oan app&i!ation/" an o "#!h thin-" an ee " a" *ay be ne!e""ary in re&ation thereto0 80 To e,e!#te any &oan a-ree*ent"/a-ree*ent, Pro*i""ory note", Letter/" o$ e!&aration an in e*nity or "#!h other o!#*ent" a" *ay be re9#ire by PNBH4 in re"pe!t o$ the "ai &oan/"0 :0 To a!!ept the &oan o$$er &etter/" an "i-n the a!!eptan!e/" thereo$ in to7en o$ *y a!!eptan!e o$ the ter*" an !on ition" !ontaine an to pay the a *ini"trati1e $ee" an any other !har-e" in!&# in- !o**it*ent !har-e" &e1iab&e in re"pe!t o$ the "ai &oan"0 ;0 To re9#e"t PNBH4 or a-ree +ith PNBH4 $or any !han-e or *o i$i!ation in the &oan a*o#nt, rate/" o$ intere"t, perio o$ pay*ent o$ Loan/" or any other ter*" an !on ition" in re&ation to the &oan/" at any ti*e or $ro* ti*e to ti*e0 <0 To re!ei1e the i"b#r"e*ent o$ the "ai &oan/" an /or -i1e in"tr#!tion" a" to i"b#r"e*ent an $or that p#rpo"e -i1e e$$e!t#a& i"!har-e/re!eipt an -i1e

a&& the ne!e""ary in$or*ation an o!#*ent" to a""i"t the Te!hni!a& an Le-a& Apprai"a& o$ the Property/ie" p#r!ha"e to be p#r!ha"e o#t o$ the &oan/"0 =0 To *ort-a-e any propertie" he *ay boo7/p#r!ha"e or !on"tr#!t on *y beha&$ or +hi!h I ha1e boo7e /p#r!ha"e or !on"tr#!te %+hether +ith or +itho#t PNBH4, $inan!ia& a""i"tan!e) etai&" o$ +hi!h are -i1en in "!he #&e hereto +ith PNBH4 by epo"it o$ Tit&e ee " a" "e!#rity $or the repay*ent o$ the &oan/" -rante /to be -rante by PNBH4 to *e0 >0 To epo"it the o!#*ent" o$ tit&e an to "tate to any o$$i!er o$ PNBH4 that the "ai o!#*ent" are bein- epo"ite $or !reatin- a "e!#rity on the "ai property/ie" by +ay o$ e9#itab&e *ort-a-e" o$ repay*ent o$ the "ai &oan/"0 ?0 To *a7e "tate*ent" an !on1ey intention" to !reate "e!#rity on *y "ai an other Property/ie"0 60 To *a7e any other "tate*ent" ne!e""ary to !o*p&ete !reation o$ *ort-a-e by epo"it o$ tit&e ee " an a&"o to e,e!#te any +ritin-", #n erta7in-", in e*nitie" et!0 in re"pe!t o$ *ort-a-e o$ the "ai an other property/ie" to "e!#re the repay*ent o$ the "ai &oan"/&oan any other +ritin-" +hat"oe1er re9#ire in re"pe!t o$ the "ai tran"a!tion" o$ the &oan/" -rante /to be -rante to *e or !reation o$ the "ai "e!#rity0 /@0 To e,e!#te in $a1o#r o$ PNBH4 an irre1o!ab&e Po+er o$ Attorney a#thoriAinPNBH4 to e,e!#te in it" o+n $a1o#r or any other per"on, a" PNBH4 in it" "o&e i"!retion *ay e!i e, &e-a& *ort-a-e in any $or* in!&# in- in the En-&i"h $or* o$ the Property/ie"0 //0 To a!7no+&e -e *y &iabi&ity/ ebit in re"pe!t o$ the &oan/"0 /80 To p&e -e +ith PNBH4 any "hare !erti$i!ate", ebent#re", bon ", #nit" i""#e by 2nit Tr#"t O$ In ia, Nationa& Sa1in-" 5erti$i!ate", $i,e epo"it", a""i-n LI5 po&i!ie" in *y na*e or any other "e!#rity o+ne by *e in $a1o#r o$ PNBH4 by +ay o$ Se!#rity $or the "ai &oan/" an to "i-n any o!#*ent", tran"$er $or*" or paper" that *ay be re9#ire by PNBH4 in !onne!tion there+ith0 /:0 To boo7 a $&at/" re"i entia& #nit/" an to e,e!#te A-ree*ent/" $or "a&e $or the "a*e +ith any b#i& er/Se&&er an *a7e pay*ent" to hi* there$ore an to pre"ent "#!h a-ree*ent/" $or re-i"tration be$ore the appropriate Re-i"trar/S#bBRe-i"trar o$ A""#ran!e or any other a#thority at any p&a!e or p&a!e" in In ia a" *ay be ne!e""ary an a&"o to obtain po""e""ion o$ the $&at%")/ #nit" a" an +hen the "a*e i" rea y $or o!!#pation0

/;0 To "i-n $or*", o!#*ent" an paper" re9#ire $or the p#rpo"e o$ re-i"tration o$ 5oBoperati1e Ho#"in- So!iety or a &i*ite !o*pany or an A""o!iation o$ Apart*ent o+ner" an be!o*e *e*ber thereo$ parti!ipatin- in a&& the *eetin-" an pro!ee in-" $ro* ti*e to ti*e, obtain "hare 5erti$i!ate" an or other o!#*ent" i""#e in *y na*e an ho& the "a*e a" *y attorney an obtain po""e""ion o$ the $&at%")0 /<0 To open an or operate Ban7 A!!o#nt in any Ban7 in In ia in *y na*e both re"i ent a" +e&& a" nonBre"i ent0 The A!!o#nt *ay be operate in In ian !#rren!y or $orei-n !#rren!y to be re*itte by *e $ro* ti*e to ti*e0 an /=0 To o a&& "#!h a!t", ee " an thin-" in!&# in- "i-ninpaper"/ o!#*ent" a" are ne!e""ary an in!i enta& to the abo1e0 any

I a-ree to !on$ir* an re!ti$y any a!t or "tate*ent or +ritin- o$ *y "ai Attorney in p#r"#an!e hereto0

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