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Simulation of Energy Efficiency Improvements On Commuter Railways PDF

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G.J. Hull *, C. Roberts , S. Hillmansen

* Birmingham Centre for Railway Research and Education, EECE, The University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK Keywords: Railway; simulation; modelling; regeneration; driver performance Rails [4] forecast of an increase in railway traffic due to increased passenger loading and freight traffic. Any increase in railway traffic will inevitably increase CO2 emissions in the sector. The majority of British electric railways are powered by gas and coal power stations [5]. Therefore, in order to reduce the emission of pollutants and have a sustainable energy source, the ratio of electricity generation should increase to favour nuclear, regenerative, or environmentally friendly energy sources [6]. Research into developing technologies that improve the energy efficiency of railways include hybrid systems [7,8], Energy Storage Systems (ESS) [9,10,11], and driving style [12,13,14]. However, there has not been extensive research into the proficiency of these energy efficient schemes to improve railways, nor into the quantification of their effect when used together. This paper describes the creation of a simulator, the Merseyrail Simulator (MERS). It has been used to simulate the Merseyrail network as a case study to test the potential of improving energy efficiency using the various efficiency schemes available. The work assesses the potential of meeting the objectives set by ERRAC and CCC. The results also indicate the potential operational savings that Merseyrail would have from the adoption of energy saving strategies. The findings of this paper suggest that networks similar to Merseyrail, such as Southern Region, Docklands Light Railway (DLR), London Underground, and Glasgow Subway have the potential to improve their energy efficiency.

Railway networks consume large amounts of energy and, as a result, are the cause of a significant amount of CO2 and other harmful gas emissions. British railways strive to comply with objectives set by the European Rail Research Advisory Council and the Committee on Climate Change. Improvements in the operation of railway networks through the use of energy efficiency regimes can decrease the operational costs and CO2 emissions. Existing and industry proven methods include regeneration, coasting allowances and driver training. The use of a simulator allows railway organisations to understand and quantify the benefits of the various methods for their particular rolling stock and networks. This paper describes the development of a multitrain simulator for the Merseyrail network. The simulator is based on a pre-existing single train simulator. Results from the simulator show that a combination of regeneration, introduction of coasting points and improved driving style have the potential to provide up to a 50% increase in energy efficiency. In particular, the study shows that a 23% reduction in energy consumption through regeneration; a 22% energy reduction with the strategic placement of coasting points; and a 4% reduction in energy when an improved driving style is adopted, are possible. These improvements have the potential to eliminate 8 kilotonnes of CO2 emissions from Merseyrail per year.

1 Introduction
It is well known that railway transport is the most environmentally friendly mass transportation system available. Nonetheless, as recently reported by the European Union [1], British railway emissions amounted to 2.4 megatonnes of CO2 equivalent. Many previous research projects have provided methods to improve the energy efficiency of railways, primarily to reduce carbon emissions. There are two environmental objectives set by international organisations that influence British policy in this area. The first is a proposed 50% energy efficiency improvement between 2001 and 2020 from the European Rail Research Advisory Council (ERRAC) [2]. The second is a 42% reduction in CO2 and other pollutant gases from the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) in the UK from 1990 to 2020 [3]. The objectives set by ERRAC and CCC are important, particularly given Network

2 Approach to modelling Merseyrail

2.1 Background The MERS models the traction equipment of the C507/8 and multiple train operations over the Merseyrail network to estimate the energy consumption. These include geographical, operational, and electrical properties. Chymera [15] designed a multi-tram simulator using nodal analysis. The equivalent circuit diagram for the power network included parallel trams and a pair of series connected trams in parallel with another pair of series connected trams. The equivalent circuit modelled the network in a modular format, where each module could be connected to form an entire network. The energy consumption estimation was computed with a time step between the movement of the tram and available power on the conductors. The simulator could be

used to analyse the power quality of a railway network. Jong [16] designed a single train simulator that estimates the energy consumption with a model of the traction equipment, auxiliary load, and regenerative braking. Two methods of designing the simulator were used; power based and movement based calculations. Both required a time step to simultaneously calculate the power available for the traction equipment and the rate of acceleration. Yu [17] described the simulation process of the Cegelec Projects Limited Multi-train Simulator (CPL MTS). This calculates the energy consumption with detail of the power electronic converter and stray currents. The traction equipment is input as a set of data, which can either be recorded or given. Yu explained that AC and DC motors can be simulated using this approach. Goodman [18] identifies the two methods for simulation of the power network as either at the same time (synchronous) or after the movement calculation (asynchronous). Synchronous simulation is important if the traction equipment demands power greater than that available on the conductors. In this case, the motor would smoothly decelerate [18]. Many simulation projects use nodal analysis to calculate the power flow, which Goodman suggests is easier to use for large interconnected networks. In comparison, the current mesh analysis method for railway simulation design is less common, as used by the MERS. In addition, a model of a camshaft driven rheostat is seldom designed. In this paper, the power flow around the network is modelled with an equivalent planar circuit diagram of parallel trains operating between substations. The equivalent circuit is solved using current mesh analysis to form bilinear quadratic equations. Current mesh analysis in comparison to nodal voltage analysis benefits from fewer equations and computational demand. In addition, the traction equipment and power electronics of the C507/8 are modelled and integrated with the movement calculation. Such a model was previously unavailable. 2.2 Design and development of train simulator Based on the original Single Train Simulator (STS) design, the MERS integrates two new models, which are used to calculate the energy consumption in one time frame. The design of the MERS is specific for C507/8 rolling stock operating over the Merseyrail network. The two supplementary programming files are a network power flow (NPF) model and traction equipment (TEm) model. The NPF model calculates the power flow from the current collector, to the camshaft driven rheostat speed controller of the motor, to the DC machine, and finally to the return path via the earth brush. The TEm model required a small step size of either distance or time. However, the simulation time increases when a high degree of accuracy is required using a decreased step in distance. Using modern day computers, the simulation of the entire Merseyrail network using the MERS takes 8 minutes. The MERS calculates the power demand from the DC machines required to move C507/8s around the Merseyrail network. It then tests whether the train has sufficient power on

the distribution network and calculates the power flow. The interaction of the models within the MERS requires inputs of gradient, station location and speed limit for a given route. The TEm and movement calculation then outputs data of tractive effort and displacement with respect to time. This route is reversed and a second train operates in the opposite direction, storing the data into a single matrix based on distance. The NPF model reads this matrix and tests the magnitude of the demanded power from the tractive effort against the substation distribution. The program will return control to the user if the demanded power exceeds the power on the conductors, producing the error Train has stalled. After establishing that substations provide adequate power for the trains, the mesh currents, voltage and power are calculated and stored in matrices. These processes continue until all routes on the Merseyrail network have been simulated and stored. The circuit diagram in Figure 1 is a planar equivalent circuit diagram of two parallel trains between substations. This is equivalent to the physical configuration of two trains travelling in opposite direction between substations. Train 1 is travelling between substations 1 and 2 represented on the diagram as voltage sources V1 and V2. Train 2 is travelling in the opposite direction.

Figure 1: Two trains (M) in opposite direction between substations (V1 and V2) The solution to the interaction of these current meshes can be solved using a technique called current mesh analysis, resulting in four quadratic equations and one linear equation from five meshes. When the trains are next to the substation, the observed currents I1 and I4 are large and I2 and I3 are small. This is because there is a small resistance between the trains and sending substations, and a large resistance between the trains and receiving substations. Merseyrail and Angel Trains supplied data sheets and graphs on the traction equipment. The given graph of current versus

speed and notching current, was analysed and modelled in the TEm model. This involved a curve-fitting technique using the motor constant as a variable. The result is shown in Figure 2. The solid lines represent the series region, where resistors connected in series with the armature are sequentially switched off to increase the terminal voltage. After all resistors are switched off, further speed increases are possible

when two pairs of motors are connected in parallel, which doubles the terminal voltage for each motor. In the parallel region (see dashed lines in Figure 2) a similar operation occurs compared to the series region, where series resistors are sequentially turned off. The last stage is the field weakening region (see dotted lines in Figure 2). This is where current is diverted from the armature using parallel resistors.

Figure 2: Motoring curves for C507/8 with operating ranges of series (solid, A sequentially to K), parallel (dashed, L sequentially to Q) and field weakening (dotted, R sequentially to T) The tractive effort versus current graph was digitised and a group of 2nd order polynomial trend lines were fitted to extract the tractive effort equations as a function of current. This depends on the angular speed , which is /r times greater than the linear speed, where is the gear ratio and r is the radius of the wheels. The initial model developed used a constant torque supplied to the acceleration equation; later improvements to this model included a derivation of torque for all regions of field weakening. The camshaft moves between positions Q to T for 100% field force (FF), 75% FF, 58% FF and 46% FF respectively. One method to model the tractive effort versus current curve from the Merseyrail data sheet was to digitise it. The plot was analysed and a 2 nd order polynomial trend line was fitted to extract equations for the tractive effort, see Figure 3. The initial C507/8 MATLAB model used differential equations with respect to speed, which excluded a time or distance variable. However, later improvements in the MATLAB model included time and distance based simulations.

4500 4000 3500 3000

Tractive Effort vs. Current

y = 0.0035x2 + 7.3857x - 502.04 y = 0.0041x2 + 6.2786x - 496.09 y = 0.0048x2 + 5.121x - 476.63 y = 0.0043x2 + 4.6001x - 502 T, Q (lbf) T, R (lbf) T, S (lbf) T, T (lbf) Poly. (T, Q (lbf)) Poly. (T, R (lbf)) Poly. (T, S (lbf)) Poly. (T, T (lbf))

Tractive Effort (lbf)

2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Current (A) 350 400 450 500 550

Figure 3: Digitised tractive effort versus current curve indicating field weakening percentages, trend-line, and equation of trendline The traction equipment of the C507/8 has been modelled with the use of well known equations, an approximated motor constant from a curve-fitting exercise and equations of trend lines that were fitted to a digitised plot. The differential equations were solved using an improved Eulers Method, with a time step size chosen to give a stable solution. The model was able to approximate a C507/8 running over the Merseyrail network, with results for its motion and power. in both major energy expenditure and CO2 emissions for the railway industry. Regeneration, coasting points and improving the performance of drivers are three energy efficiency schemes. The MERS evaluates their potential contribution in reducing the energy consumption of Merseyrail. However, the optimal solution is likely to be a combination of these three schemes. 3.1 Energy efficiency schemes Traditionally, DC electric trains are braked using friction disc brakes or regenerative braking. Both methods commonly dissipate the braking energy as heat. However, regenerative braking energy can be reused if the train has a DC-DC converter. For the C507/8 a buck converter would be suitable to replace the rheostat for speed control, thus the entire series and parallel regions of speed operation would have an energy efficiency improvement. Using regenerative braking is more useful for journeys with regular stops, such as on a commuter railway. For onboard storage this is because the duty-ratio between each recharge is small and for off-board because the receptivity is high. Aikbas [10] and many other research projects identify that the recuperation rate of regeneration is 40%. In this scenario a C507/8 that is rated at 656 kW, and is travelling at 70 kmh-1 taking 50 s to stop, using a constant deceleration will get 3.64 kWh (see Equation(2)). This can be stored with 36 Maxwell (BMOD0063-P125-B21) Ultracapacitors, each having 102 Wh of available energy, and would require 36 modules in total weighing 2 tonnes, taking up 4.7 m3 of space. 656 103 40% (50 / 3600) = 3.64 kWh (2)

3 Methods to improve the energy efficiency of Merseyrail

The purpose of the MERS is to provide a test bed for evaluating the effectiveness of energy efficiency initiatives on the Merseyrail power network. ERRAC and CCC have set energy efficiency improvement targets and environmentally friendly guidelines. An operating commuter railway requires enough energy to transport passengers safely between stations within the constraints of the timetable. Some operators have traction equipment capable of regenerating electric energy, which reduces the energy consumption of their networks. The energy efficiency () of a railway power network in general is given by Equation(1): = (WA + WP - WR) / WS (1)

where WA is the energy to accelerate the train, WP is the energy of the passenger facilities, WR is the energy of regeneration, and WS is the energy from the substations. There are several sources of energy loss in the system. Such sources include the resistance of the conductors, geometric track layout and driving technique. These energy losses result

When a train is coasting, there is no tractive effort (pulling force) from the motor or brake. There will be acceleration when travelling on a negative gradient and deceleration on a positive gradient. There would also be deceleration from the friction of the drive train and resistance to motion [13]. When the train is operating flat-out, it takes the minimum amount of time to travel between stations. Upon arriving at the station, there is an operator defined dwell time that allows passengers to board and disembark. The operating timetable is designed to be suitable for passengers, the timetable limits the available time a train has to travel between stations. Rus [19] identified that passengers prefer a fast journey. This indicates that a suitable time allowance should be determined when considering coasting points. For instance, between Liverpool Central and Liverpool Lime Street there is a scheduled run time of 1 min 30 s and a 30 s dwell time. A coasting allowance of 10% of the total time is 12 s, which could be accounted for by decreasing the dwell time to 18 s. The inclusion of a coasting allowance in the timetable defines the range of available positions for allocating a coasting point. The coasting allowance is limited by the required time for a journey between stations. The greater the coasting allowance, the smaller will be the energy consumption [12]. Several coasting algorithms can determine the coasting point with a trade-off between time and energy. The algorithm finds the solution after iterations within the solution space, where the first solution is midway between stations [13]. A driver will accelerate the train until it has reached the maximum permissible speed set by the operator. The traction equipment and the driver limit the rate of acceleration. Generally, using maximum acceleration will consume less energy than using a slower rate [20]. An experienced driver should know the route well enough to determine gradient changes. The appropriate use of tractive effort to counter the gradient changes could further improve energy efficiency. The train driver has varying levels of performance depending on cognitive ability, agility and quality of training. There has been a lack of research into how much the performance of the driver affects the proficiency of using a coasting point and regenerative braking.

Other research projects have identified methods for finding the ideal coasting point in terms of energy-time and number of iterations. However, they did not assess the effect of coasting on the recuperation of braking energy. This paper shows how the use of coasting points affects the proficiency of regeneration. In addition, this paper simulates the performance of the driver with a variation of the drivers efficient operation, while testing energy efficient schemes. It is hypothesised that the three schemes can be implemented on the Merseyrail network to improve energy efficiency by 50% or greater.

4 Development schemes





The energy efficient schemes are tested individually and in collaboration as regards their proficiency in improving the energy efficiency of Merseyrail. The results of the simulator were compared between the total network energy consumption and the operational time throughout the Merseyrail network. 4.1 Estimation of operational energy consumption of Merseyrail The simulated energy consumption used drivers that operate the trains flat-out, which is different compared to how Merseyrail drivers would operate the trains. The flat-out driving style is the operation of the train with maximum tractive effort until a speed limit, where the train travels at constant speed until the speed limit changes or the train is required to brake for the next station. On Merseyrail, the driver might consume more power by exceeding the speed limit or by using a slower rate of acceleration. Alternatively, the driver might decrease energy consumption by keeping the speed of the train below the speed limit, similar to the proportional, and proportional and notched driving styles of the MERS.

Over a year, the weather conditions and payload dynamics affect the average power of the train. The simulator assumes no effect from these variables and the energy deviation can be seen from the comparison of annual consumption data and simulation results. Therefore, to exclude the deviation, the efficiency improvement and difference in time, the schemes are compared with the simulated flat-out case. Flat-out Total running time for one run over all routes (hours) 15.67 6 Total Energy (10 kWh/year) 32.57 6 Energy consumption of Merseyrail (2004 - 2005) (10 kWh/year) 53.00 Difference (%) 38.54 Table 1: Flat-out case scenario for a C507/8 operating over the Merseyrail network The flat-out case simulates the shortest possible time for the train to complete its journey. Merseyrail drivers attempt to drive flat-out, however for each driver there will be a different level of performance. This may affect energy consumption because the train could be operated with a decreased acceleration rate or the speed limit could be exceeded. The simulated flat-out case is the C507/8 with a camshaft driven rheostat controlling the DC motors, where all trains have an unladen weight and trains travel in all directions that have been specified according to the timetable. As shown in Table

1, the flat-out case has a difference of 39% compared to the recorded energy consumption by Network Rail between 2004 and 2005. The energy consumption and running time of the flat-out case will be used to compare with the other simulation results because these are comparable. 4.2 Implementation of energy efficiency schemes The simulation of a coasting point in this paper is at a predefined location outside the initial acceleration boundary between every station. The percentage of a coasting allowance is from 10 to 100%, where 10% is coasting just after the train departs from a station and 100% is when the train has arrived at the next station, i.e. no coasting points. Figure 4 shows the
80 70

effect of a coasting allowance on the duration of the C507/8 trains between stations and the amount of energy that is saved over the Merseyrail network. This shows that for a 10% energy consumption decrease, coasting points should be placed at 49% between stations. This energy saving results in a 5 s increase in running time between stations for each train. The Merseytravel timetable has a dwell time of 30 s. Decreasing this gives less time for passengers to board and disembark. Other commuter railway operators have dwell times of 20 s. Decreasing the dwell time of Merseyrail to 20 s would give 10 s for a coasting allowance. With coasting points at 37%, this would give an energy efficiency increase of 22%.

Coasting Allowance vs. Time Increase

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 100 Time Energy

Time Increase Per Train Interstation (s)

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30

Coasting Position (%)







Figure 4: Simulation results of C507/8 with coasting points showing the decrease in energy consumption and increase of time A railway capable of regeneration could have either onboard storage equipment, or off-board in the form of wayside ESS. The difference in energy consumption is greater for onboard storage, due to the decreased storage capacity and increased train mass. However, transmission losses are evident for offboard storage. Both storage solutions would require a boost converter. The converter called HVI 500R Series is suitable for this application, weighing 2.2 kg this is more than twice the equivalent to the per unit weight of a rheostat of 1 kg. This could replace the rheostat power control and is considerably lighter than the mass of the batteries. Neglecting the extra mass and storage capacity, the regeneration of the braking force with an efficiency of 40% is simulated on Merseyrail. In the simulator, the traction equipment is retrofitted with a boost converter, and with a rheostat to control the speed of the DC motors. Another simulation test is done with the inclusion of a buck converter for speed control of the DC motors. This should increase the energy efficiency because it replaces the rheostat controller, which has major power losses. The final test is when the buck and boost converters are both retrofitted onto the C507/8 and regeneration and coasting points are implemented.

Energy Consumption Decrease (%)

Coasting Allowance vs. Time Increase

80 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 100 Time Energy

Time Increase Per Train Interstation (s)

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30

Coasting Position (%)







Figure 5: Simulation results of C507/8 with boost converter, regeneration and coasting points showing the decrease in energy consumption and increase of run time The MERS results from the C507/8 with a boost converter that regenerates braking energy into off-board storage is shown in Figure 5. When no coasting points are used on the network, the regenerated energy saves 23% compared to the C507/8 operating flat-out. When coasting points are used, the energy efficiency increases further. However, as the percentage of
80 70

energy saved from coasting increases, the percentage from regeneration decreases. The increase in run time of 10 s allows the energy efficiency to be increased by 40% and requires a coasting point at 36% between stations. Using regeneration with a coasting allowance of 10 s improves the energy efficiency further by 18%.
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 100 Time Energy

Coasting Allowance vs. Time Increase

Time Increase Per Train Interstation (s)

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Coasting Position (%)

Figure 6: Simulation results of C507/8 with buck converter and coasting points showing the decrease in energy consumption and increase of time compared to the C507/8 travelling flat-out The results from the rheostat controlled C507/8 are shown in Figure 4 and the results from the buck converters controlling the C507/8 in Figure 6. This shows that when no coasting points are used (Coasting Position 100%), the buck converter saves 9% energy compared to the rheostat controller. The buck converter gives a smooth increase of current when accelerating, whereas the rheostat creates a ripple in the acceleration waveform. This ripple gives an average acceleration that is slightly lower than the buck converter, which results in the C507/8 with a buck converter having a decrease in run time between stations of 2 s. The C507/8 with a buck converter will always have a 9% energy efficiency improvement compared to the rheostat controlled C507/8. When a coasting allowance of 10 s is simulated the energy consumption decreases by 38%. This retrofitted C507/8 is capable of achieving 50% energy efficiency improvement when the coasting allowance is increased to 19 s and coasting points are placed at 26% between each interstation. However, this would require a dwell time of 11 s, which may not be enough time for the passengers to comfortably disembark and board the train. Alternatively, the time could be increased on the timetable for each station, which may be equally undesirable.

Energy Consumption Decrease (%)

Energy Consumption Decrease (%)

80 70

Coasting Allowance vs. Time Increase

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 100

Time Energy

Time Increase Per Train Interstation (s)

50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 0 10 20 30

Coasting Position (%)







Figure 7: Simulation results of C507/8 with buck and boost converters, regeneration, and coasting points showing the energy consumption decrease and time increase The retrofitting of a C507/8 with buck and boost converters enables it to regenerate energy into an ESS. This scenario was simulated in the MERS and the results are shown in Figure 7. Without any coasting points used (Coasting Position 100%) there is 31% energy efficiency improvement, this is a combined 9% from retrofitting with a buck converter and 22% from regeneration with a boost converter. Similar to other simulation tests, when coasting points are used the energy efficiency increases; however, the percentage of regenerated energy decreases. For a 10 s coasting allowance, coasting points are required at 35% between stations, which gives an energy efficiency improvement of 51%. This is 9% from the buck converter, 12% from regeneration, and 30% from coasting. has the greatest energy savings. However, this is only beneficial for off-board storage; onboard storage would increase the running time due to the weight of the battery.

The ERRAC objective to improve energy efficiency and reduce pollutants for railway networks by 50% was achieved by using various methods. The cheapest method would be to use coasting points without retrofitting the C507/8, but this increases the run time by 33 s. Another cheap method is to retrofit the C507/8 with a buck converter and to use coasting points, but this increases the running time by 18 s. To stay within the limits of a reasonable coasting allowance, and to achieve 50% energy efficiency improvement, it is necessary to retrofit the C507/8 with buck and boost converters, place ESS at strategic positions on the network and coast at 35.5% With consideration of the effect on operational time, between stations (see regeneration with a C507/8 retrofitted with buck and boost Table 2). This reduces the energy consumption by converters is better compared to all other energy efficiency 16 million kWh/year and requires an average 9 s increase in schemes. It has a very small increase in operational time and running time between stations. Coasting 35.5%, & Regeneration with Buck and Boost Average time increase per interstation (s) 8.91 6 Total Energy (10 kWh/year) 16.27 Energy Efficiency Increase (%) 50.06 Table 2: Combination of three energy efficient techniques for the C507/8 with buck and boost converters The configuration in Table 2 is the best combination of schemes to achieve a 50% energy efficiency improvement with minimal increase in time. This energy efficiency improvement of 50% completes the most demanding objective set by ERRAC, and meets the target set by the CCC. The extra time would be acceptable if Merseyrail decreased the dwell time over all station stops by an average 9 s. Each individual station stop requires more or less than 9 s decrease in the dwell time.

5 Conclusion and further work

The objectives of this paper were to test the hypothesis that a combination of regeneration, coasting points, and driving style could improve the energy efficiency substantially. The target of 50% improvement, with minimal increase in operational time has been achieved using all three energy efficiency schemes. These also satisfy the objectives set by ERRAC and CCC. The result is an annual energy consumption decrease of 16 million kWh and 8 kilotonnes of CO2 emissions. This solution increases the total operational

Energy Consumption Decrease (%)


run time by 7%, but is compromised with a reasonable decrease in dwell time. Regeneration alone increases energy efficiency by 23%, which has a negligible effect on the operational time. This was using a 40% recuperation rate of the braking energy. A DC machine with a higher rated power would give a higher braking power and hence give a greater energy efficiency improvement. The cost and the effect of the extra weight if using onboard storage from the batteries are the main drawbacks of using this energy efficient scheme. Factors such as battery degradation, harmonic distortions and receptivity could be considered for further work. Coasting was simulated at a fixed distance between stations. A coasting point can be ideal for one position between two stations, but that coasting point is not necessarily ideal for every interstation. To further improve the proficiency of coasting points on the Merseyrail network, an ideal coasting point should be chosen for each interstation throughout the network. Coasting algorithms calculate the coasting point for each inter-station spacing iteratively, which for further work could be programmed into the MERS to find ideal coasting points for each interstation. The driver controls of the C507/8 increase the difficulty of speed control, resulting in an increase in energy consumption. The improvement of the controls improves the energy efficiency, but decreases the operational time. This happens because the driver does not reach the speed limit. When driver performance is improved, the run time decreases and energy efficiency decreases. The results showed it is better to have a faster run time with greater driver accuracy because coasting points are a better utilisation of the available time

[4] [5]











I would like to thank Dr Clive Roberts for the support he has given as supervisor during the time to complete this project. I would also like to thank Dr Stuart Hillmansen for providing support on understanding the STS and also for supervision. The project has been helped by information provided by Angel Trains, ATKINS, CORUS, and GEC. The project has been supported by a Doctoral Training Account grant from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. Last, but not least, I am grateful for all the support I have received from my family and friends.



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