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A Technical Seminar Report On


Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of





Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

(Approved by AICTE, affiliated to JNTU, HYD and Accredited by NBA

And NAAC An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution)
V.N. PALLY, Gandipet, Hyderabad- 107

(Approved by AICTE, Affiliated to JNTUH and Accredited by NBA and NAAC
An ISO9001:2015 Certified Institution)
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


Certified that the seminar “MOBILE TRAIN RADIO COMMUNICATION” is the

bonafide work of MOCHI POOJITHA (19D25A0425) who carried out the seminar
under my supervision, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of
B.Tech. Electronics and Communication Engineering to Jawaharlal Nehru
Technological University, Hyderabad.

Co-ordinater Head of the

Dr. P. SUNEEL KUMAR Dr. A. Narmadha
Professor Professor
Department of ECE Department of ECE

I hereby declare that the work described in this report, entitled “MOBILE TRAIN
RADIO COMMUNICATION” which is being submitted by me in partial fulfillment
for the award of Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in the Dept. of ELECTRONICS
ENGINEERING COLLEGE, Affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological
Univerisity Hyderbad, T.S-500075. Accredited by NBA & NAAC. The work is
original and has not been submitted for any Degree/Diploma of this or any other



With great pleasure I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all the people
who helped in making this Technical Seminar work a grand success.
I am grateful to our Technical seminar coordinator Dr. P.SUNEEL KUMAR for his
valuable suggestions and guidance given during the execution of this technical seminar.
I would like to thank Dr. A.NARMADA, Head of the Department, Department of
Electronicsand Communication Engineering, for being moral support throughout the period
of my stude in Sridevi Women’s Engineering College.
I express my deep sense of gratitude Dr. B.MALLESWARI, Principal, SWEC, for
her constant guidance throughout my technical seminar.
I would like to thank the Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff of ECE Department for
sharing their knowledge with us.
Last but not the least I express my sincere thanks to the Management of Sridevi
Women’s Engineering College for their continuous care towards my achievements.



The Mobile Train Radio Communication system is a technologically

advanced and effective communication system. This system provides for an
instant and constant interaction of train crew with the station master as well
as the Control Centre. This system can connect the calls in 300
milliseconds which is the lowest time used by any other system. This
system has been introduced for the first time in India. MRTC also acts in a
similar way for the Air traffic control (ATC) for aircrafts. It has been
installed in the 105 rakes if the western railways. Presently, India has the
dubious distinction of recording an exponential number of train
accidents as compared to its other developed counterparts.
The Mobile Train Radio Communication (MTRC) system is a dynamic and
technologically avant-garde system based on the Global System for Mobile
Communication-Railways (GSM-R) technology and it can play an intrinsic
role in abbreviating train accidents by aiding effective communication.
Certificates II
Declaration III
Acknowledgement IV
Abstract V
List of figures IX
List of Tables X



2.1: Communication system in Railways 2
2.2: MTRC 3
2.3: MTRC in Indian Railways 3
3 Principle of operations 4
3.1: Mobile communication prinicples 4
3.2: Early Mobile Telephone System Architecture 5
3.3: Different types of communication system 5
3.4: Mobile communication evolution 6
3.4.1: Frist Generation 6
3.4.2: Second Generation 6
3.4.3: Third Generation 6
3.5: Evolution of 2-way radio platform 7
3.6: Mobile train radio system 8
3.6.1: Present day scenario 8
3.6.2: Present day requirements 8
3.7: Advantages 9
3.7.1: Communication Solution 9
3.9: Benefits 11
4 Open standard technologies 12
4.1: Comparision of various OST 12
4.1.1: MPT1327 system 12
4.1.2: TETRA system 13
4.1.3: GSM System 15
4.1.4: Main use 16
4.2: ASCI (Advanced speech call items) features 17
4.2.1: VBS (Voice Broadcast Service) 17
4.2.2: REC (Railway Emergency Call) 17
4.3: Multilevel Precedence & Pre-Emption Service (eMLPP) 17
4.3.1: Function Number Management 17
4.4: End call confirmation 18
4.5: Shunting Mode 18
4.6: Direct Mode 19
5 GSM-R markets 20
5.1: GSM-R Markets 20
6 Installing MTRC System to prevent train accidents 22
6.1: Background & Origin 24
6.2: CBTC & Moving blocks 26
6.3: Grades of automation 27
6.4: Main Application 27
6.5: Risks in CBTC/MTRC Systems 28
7 Architecture of MTRC/CBTC 29
7.1: Projects of MTRC System 32
7.2: Main features of CBTC/MTRC 33
8 Implementation
8.1: Working 34
8.2: How it started from 35
8.2.1:Western railway suburban systems 35
8.3: System Layout 35
8.4: Design of MTRC 36
8.5: Node functionality Layout 37
9 Results and Conclusions 38
9.1: Churchgate to Virar the system overview 38
9.2: Conclusion 39


Fig 3.1 Basic mobile telephone service 4

Fig 3.4 Mobile communication evolution 6
Fig 3.5 Evolution of 2-way Radio communication 7
Fig 3.8 TETRA based on DAMM tetra communication 10
Fig 4.1.1 MPT1327 12
Fig 4.1.2 TETRA System 13
Fig 4.3.1 GSM-R in MTRC 14
Fig 4.1.4 Mobile phone 15
Fig 4.2 GSM-R Cab Radio 16
Fig 4.2.1 Compact GSM Cab radio 16
Fig 4.3 Dual mode cab radio 17
Fig 4.4 Graphical GSM-R Cab radio 18
Fig 4.5 GSM-R user with colur display 18
Fig 6.1 Installed MTRC system 23
Fig 6.2 CBTC 25
Fig 6.2.1 San-Franscisco CBTC 25
Fig 7.1 CBTC & Moving Blocks 26
Fig 8.1 Architecture of MTRC 29
Fig 8.2.1 Underlined are into CBTC/MTRC operation 32
Fig 8.3 Network Schematic of MTRC system 34
Fig 8.5 Western Railway MTRC 35
Fig 8.5 Node Functionality Layout 37
Fig 9.2 MTRC 39


5.1 Currently implementing 20
5.2 Contracting 21
5.3 Feasibility Phase 21

MTRC uses the ―Global System for Mobile Communications-Railway

GSMR technology to facilitate an instant and constant interaction with the train crew with
the Control Centre and Station Master. It ensures safety of passengers by providing effective
communication between Driver and Control Room. The MTRC system can be used to warn
the drivers beforehand of the running trains as well as the concerned officials. In case
of any security problem, concerned staff can immediately intimate the concerned
security establishment. If any accident takes place, the MTRC system will facilitate
better post-disaster management.

As the world is getting technologically advanced, more complications have set in

regarding safety and security of passengers. The report of the High Level Safety Review
Committee of 2012 estimates that almost 15,000 number of persons gets killed every year in
train accidents. Apart from this, security in trains is also a major concern. Considering all
these necessities, the need of the hour is to develop an effective and a technologically
advanced communication system in the Indian Railways. In case of any security problem,
concerned staff can immediately intimate the concerned security establishment.

If any accident takes place, the MTRC system will facilitate better post-disaster
management. In the present day, Railways need not just effective voice transmission, but
also have the capability to analyze all the technical data to arrive at the correct decision to be
taken on the spot.


Mobile Train Radio Communication system is based on the Terrestrial Trunked

Radio TETRA Digital technology. The system will monitor, track and aid in
communication between the trains and the control room thereby ensuring smooth
movement of rakes as well as help in preventing adverse events.


GSM-R, Global System for Mobile Communications – Railway or GSM-Railway is a

wireless communications standard for railway communication and applications. As a
sub-system of European Rail Traffic Management System ERTMS , it is used for
communication between train and the track. Indian Railway has department for
Signalling and Telecommunication to provide and maintain signalling and
communication needs of Indian Railway.
Indian Railways facilitated by one of the following mediums:
1. Underground Copper Cables
2. Underground Optical Fibers
3. Overhead Copper Cables
4. Microwave Links
But these are just medium for communication. As most of the communication takes
place via telephones Indian Railway uses ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
Telephone Exchanges owned by Indian Railways and they are networked using
above mediums. Indian Railways uses SDH networks to link OFC cables forming
huge network throughout the nation which is maintained in collaboration with RCIL
Railtel Corporation
of India Limited.
It is a technically advanced communication system. It provides for instant
interactionbetween the train crew, the station master and the control center. The
calls can beconnected within 300 milliseconds once dialed. MTRC acts in a
similar way as Air Traffic Control (ARC) does for an aircraft. The system
monitors and tracks and aids incommunication to ensure smooth movements of
rakes This is for the first timesomething like this has been commissioned by the
Indian Railways.
2.3 Mobile Train Radio Communication System in Indian
Indian Railways has introduced Mobile Train Radio Communication (MTRC) system over
Indian Railways. The aim and objective for implementing MTRC is to establish direct voice
communication between Loco Pilot, Station Master, Controller and also to use it for Modern
Train Control System. The system has been provided over 3460 Route KM. Details of
MTRC provided are appended as under Status of Mobile Train Radio Communication

(MTRC) System based on GSM-R and TETRA over Indian


3.1 Mobile Communications Principles:

Each mobile uses a separate, temporary radio channel to talk to the cell site. The cell site
talks to many mobiles at once, using one channel per mobile. Channels use a pair of
frequencies for communication. One for transmitting from the cell site, the forward link, and
one frequency for the cell site to receive calls from the users, the reverse link.
Communication between mobile units can be either half-duplex or full-duplex. In case of
half-duplex, transmit and receive communications between the mobile units are not at the
same time, i.e. talking and listening cannot be done at the same time. In case of full-duplex
communication, transmit and receive communication is at the same time, i.e. one can talk
and listen at the same time. When communications between mobile units are within a cell,
and if the same is half-duplex, then itshall require only one pair of frequency. If the same is
full-duplex, then requirement of frequency pair shall be two. When a mobile unit is
communicating with a mobile unit outsidethe cell, then the requirement of frequency pair
shall be one per cell for both half-duplex and full-duplex communication. Hence the system
resources are utilized more if the mobile units communicate with each in full-duplex mode.

Figure 3.1 Basic Mobile Telephone Service Network

3.2 Early Mobile Telephone System Architecture:
Traditional mobile service was structured similar to television broadcasting. One very
powerful transmitter located at the highest spot in an area would broadcast in a radius of up
to fifty kilometers. The ―cellular concepts‖ structure the mobile telephone network in
a different way. Instead of using one powerful transmitter, many low-power transmitters
were placed throughout a coverage area. For example, by dividing a metropolitan region into
one hundred different areas (cells) with low-power transmitters using twelve conversations
(channels) each, the system capacity theoretically could be increased from twelve
conversations - or voice channels using one powerful transmitter- to twelve hundred
conversations (channels) using one hundred low-power transmitters.

3.3 Different Types Of Communication Systems:

The different types of communication systems available today can be broadly classified into
the following categories.

1. Land line System

2. Cellular System

3. Satellite System

The evolution of the above Systems had been broadly as a point to point system.

1.Two-Way Radio System

The evolution of the Two-way Systems has been both as a point to point and a point to
multipoint system.
3.4 Mobile Communication Evolution :

Fig 3.4 Mobile communication evolution

3.4.1 Frist Generation:

Use anolog frequency modulation for speech transmission. Spectrum is hared based
on FDMA.

3.4.2 Second Generation:

Uses didgital modulation formats and TDMA and CDMA multiple Access

3.4.3 Third Generation:

Global frequency band 2000MHz for all countries throughout the world. Internation
Mobile Telephone 2000.

1. CDMA = CDMA 2000

2.GSM, IS-136, PDC = W-CDMA (UMTS) Universal Mobile Telecommunication service.
3.5 Evolution of 2-Way Radio Platform :
A two-way radio is a radio that can both transmit and receive radio waves (a transceiver),
unlike a broadcast receiver which only receives content. It is an audio (sound) transceiver, a
transmitter and receiver in one unit, used for bidirectional person-to-person voice
communication with other users with similar radios. Two-way radios are available in
stationary (base station), mobile (installed in vehicles), and hand-held portable models.

Fig: 3.5 evolution of 2-way radio platform

More recently, with the adoption of digital two way radios, rail workers and managers can
benefit from radio equipment that can also send / receive data and with some radios even able
to stream video footage via a body cam, a powerful integrated tool for railway station staff
and train guards.

Utilising the internet, two way radio systems can easily expand, connecting one or more rail
locations with each other - particularly beneficial for railway engineering, maintenance and
logistics teams.

IP connectivity also allows for remote management of radios and integration with Internet of
Things devices opening up endless applications within the rail industry.

3.6.1 : Present Day Scenario:

A choice of mobile system for a set up is governed mainly by the following facts.

1. Coverage area

2. Number of subscriber to be catered

3. Frequency spectrum available

4. Nature of the terrain

5. Type of application i.e. voice of data or both

6. Integration with other systems

7. Future technological migration capability

8. Cost of the system

3.6.2 : Railways’ Present Day Requirements:

The Train Mobile System’s present day requirements are not just voice transmission, but also
along with voice the system shall be capable of handling data also. Typical applications for
the Modern Train Mobile System are as under.

1. Text and status message transmission.

2. Automatic Train operation’s critical alarms.

3. Train status and alarm information

4. Passenger information system control

5. Train passenger emergency system

6.Closed circuit TV system

1. Efficient and reliable train operation
2. Improve safety of operations during normal and emergency situations
3. Increase On time performance for trains
4. Improve headway in available tracks
5. Security of passengers

3.7.1 The communication solution is required to meet the following key

1. Coverage – provide reliable coverage across track sections and in depots etc.
2. Good audio quality – drivers suffer from high cabin and ambience noise and therefore the
radio system must be able to filter out maximum noise during transmission.
3. Instant communication – instant call setup for train driver communication to control
4. Functional addressing – Communication facilities using Train ID from TMS.
5. Integration to Onboard Public announcement systems – Ability to make a live PA
announcement from Dispatcher in OCC to any specific or group of trains.
3.8 TETRA MTRC based on DAMM Tetra Flex Communication facilities
1. Driver – Guard Communication

2. Train-Controller Communication

3. Cab to Cab Communication

4. Broadcast Call

5. Train PA Call from OCC

• Integrated MMI for Train Cab – Train Radio Control Panel suitable for rail application
providing driver with convenient and intuitive human machine interface.

• Data communication – Key alerts and alarms from train to control room.

• Functional Addressing – Dispatcher Workstations with Train ID mapping from TMS for
ease of dispatch operation.

6. Comprehensive network management

7. Voice and data recording system

8. Coverage across entire track section.

Fig 3.8 Tetra MTRC based on Damm Tetra communication

1. It enables single touch dialing to call any of the two section train controllers, Dy Train
Controller and EMU Controller.
2. MTRC system would also be beneficial in getting real time information of train operation
during monsoon period Auto Call Answer for taxis, cab radios for Motorman and Guards
to receive the audio message is enabled in this device.
3. Three controller's contact numbers are fed into the phonebook for easy access while
4. Motormen are allowed to directly communicate the defect of EMU to EMU Controllers
reducing detention of other trains.
5. Motormen and guards of trains can be simultaneously informed through broadcast calls
in case of any mishappening Also the passengers of trains can be informed through
announcements through this system.

Which Railway zone has Introduced MTRC System?

Western Railway zone

Indian Railways' Western Railway zone has introduced a mobile train radio
communication (MTRC) system to facilitate direct and continuous
communication between the train crew and the control center and station master.

4.1 Comparison of Various Open Standard Technologies Available Today:

4.1.1 MPT1327 System:
MPT1327 is an Open Standard for Analog trunked radio networks. A system based on
MPT1327generally comprises of several radio channels. At least one of these channels will
have been defined as the CC (Control Channel) and all the other channels are TCs (Traffic
Channel). Data messages between the mobiles and the networks are exchanged on the
Control Channel at 1200 bits/sec using FSK (Frequency Shift Keying).
Each subscriber in a trunked radio network has a unique call number. It consists of a prefix
(3digits), a fleet number (4 digits), and a subscriber number within the fleet (2 or 3 digits).
After it has been entered the call number will be converted in the mobile to a 20-bit address.
For the duration of the call a subscriber is exclusively allocated a traffic channel from the
available trunk. Western Railway has already opted for a MPT1327 system for the Motorman
and Controller communication in its Suburban Section in Mumbai Division. This system is
as a part of the TMS project between Churchgate and Virar Sections. M/s Tait New Zealand
has supplied the Mobile System.

Fig 4.1.1 MPT1327

4.1.2 : Tetra Systems :

TETRA stands for Terrestrial Trunked Radio, covering PMR (Professional Mobile Radio) as
well as PAMR (Private Access Mobile Radio) applications. As a trunked system, it is
designed to be the true follower of MPT1327. TETRA applies digital speech transmission
with TDMA(burst transmission), very fast call setup times, and may use powerful
encryption. TETRA is an Open Standard defined by ETSI (European Telecommunication
Standards Institute). TETRA applies a modulation format called pi/4 DQPSK, TDMA with 4
channels per carrier, and a carrier spacing of 25 KHz. TETRA does not have a fixed
frequency allocation as GSM. But the systems currently planned or installed in Europe
assumes frequencies in the range of 380..400MHz for public a safety communication, and
410..430 MHz for commercial systems.

Fig 4.1.2 Tetra systems

4.1.3 GSM System:

The GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) MoU Association, a Swissregistered
Corporation, is the principle body responsible for promoting and evolving the GSM wireless platform
worldwide. Today GSM is the most successful implementation of a global wireless standard using
digital technology for point to point operations.
Global System for Mobile Communications - Railway or GSM-Railway is an international
wireless communications standard for railway communication and applications. A sub-
of European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS), it is used for communication
train and railway regulation control centers. The system is based on GSM and EIRENE -
MORANE specifications which guarantee performance at speeds up to 500 km/h (310 mph),
without any communication loss.
GSM-R is a secure platform for voice and data communication between railway operational
staff, including drivers, dispatchers, shunting team members, train engineers, and station

Fig:4.3.1 GSM-R in MTRC

• Upper system:
GSM-R is one part of ERTMS (European Rail Traffic Management System) which is composed
1. ETCS (European Train Control System).
2. GSM-R.
• Frequency band:
In Europe, GSM-R uses a specific frequency band:
1. 876 MHz — 880 MHz: used for data transmission (uplink)
2. 921 MHz — 925 MHz: used for data reception (downlink)
4.1.4 Main use:
It is used to transmit data between trains and railway regulation centres with level 2 and 3 of
ETCS. When the train passes over a Eurobalise, it transmits its new position and its speed,
it receives back agreement (or disagreement) to enter the next track and its new maximum
In addition, trackside signals become redundant.
A GSM-R mobile phone used by the National Railway Company of Belgium
A modern GSM-R cab radio
Like other GSM devices, GSM-R equipment can transmit data and voice. New GSM-R
for mobile communication are based on GSM,
Call features are:
PtP Call: Point-to-Point Call, the same type of call as a normal GSM call
1. VGCS: Voice Group Call System, quite similar to walkie-talkie communication
2. VBS: Voice Broadcast System, like a VGCS but only the call initiator can speak
other are only listeners)
3. REC: Railways Emergency Call, it is a special VGCS with high priority dedicated
to emergencies.
4. Priority control of all the different calls (PtP, VGCS, VBS and REC calls)

Fig 4.1.4Mobile phone

4.2 ASCI (Advanced Speech Call Items) features:
 VGCS (Voice Group Call Service)

VGCS allows a great number of users to participate in the same call. This feature imitates

the analogue PMR (Private Mobile Radio) group call with the PTT key (Push-to-Talk).

Three kinds of users are defined: the Talker, the Listener and the Dispatcher. The talker can

become a listener by releasing the PTT key and a listener becomes a talker by pressing the

PTT key. Portable GSM-R Cab Radio system.

Fig 4.2 GSM-R Cab radio

One advantage of VGCS compared to multi-party calls (the GSM conference call feature) is

the spectrum efficiency. Indeed, when many users are in the same cell they will use only

one frequency for all listeners and two frequencies for the talker (as in point-to-point call).

In a multiparty call, one timeslot is dedicated to each user. The second advantage compared

to multi-party calls is that it is not necessary to know which mobiles are to take part in the


Fig 4.2.1 Compact GSM-R Cab Radio

4.2.1 VBS (Voice Broadcast Service)
VBS is a broadcast group call: this means that compared to VGCS, only the initiator of the
call can speak. The others who join the call can only be listeners. This kind of call is mainly
used to broadcast recorded messages or to make announcements.
4.2.2 REC (Railway Emergency Call)
REC is a group call, or VGCS, dedicated to urgency. It is a higher priority call (RECpriority
is level 0 — see below : eMLPP)

4.3 Multi-Level Precedence and Pre-emption Service (eMLPP)

This defines the user’s priority. The different priority levels are:
1. A and B: Highest priority levels (not used by GSM-R networks)
2. 0: Highest priority levels for ASCI and normal calls (mainly used for REC calls)
3. 1: Lower priority than level 0
4. 2: Lower priority than level 1
5. 3: Lower priority than level 2
6. 4: Lowest priority level (default priority, assigned to Point-to-Point calls)

Fig 4.3 Dual mode Cab Radio

4.3.1. Functional number management

1. Functional numbering
2. Allows to call an MS by its function: driver of the train.
4.4.End Call Confirmation:
End Call Confirmation feature is only available for highest priority (Priority level 0)
group calls (VGCS) and broadcast calls (VBS) (see eMLPP).
It consists of an end call report which sent by all MSs (mobile stations) which joined the
high priority call (initiator included). This report informs about:
1. Call type
2. Call duration
3. MS Identity
4. End call cause Normal, ended by user, MS power off by user, power off due to
low battery,)
If the report can't be sent (MS power off by user or power off due to low battery), the
MS will try again (several times if needed) to send the report at the next power on.

Fig 4.4 A graphical GSM-R cab radio interface - capable of displaying different languages

4.5 :Shunting mode:

Shunting mode is the term used to describe the application that will regulate and
control user access to shunting communications. A Link Assurance Signal (LAS)
is provided in order to give reassurance to the driver that the radio link is working.
GSM-R user interface with colour display.

Fig 4.5 GSM-R user interface with colour display

4.6 :Direct mode:

Direct mode is the walkie-talkie mode (mobiles station talking to each other without the

network) and has been proposed in Eirene, however it has never been in application since

being based on analogue radio. Sagem claims to have developed a GSM direct mode, not
currently recognised in the GSM-R specification, and has no frequency allocation.

5.1:GSM-R market groups:

Different groups make up the GSM-R market:

The network operators and the railway operators

Sweden BV SJ
Switzerland Siemens together with SBB Telecom SBB/CFF/FFS

Table 5.1 Contract awarded/ Currently implementing

Planning phase /
Network Railway
operator: operator(s):
Austria ÖBB-Infrastruktur ÖBB
Croatia (Pilot site) - HŽ
Slovakia (Pilot site) ŽSR ZSSK

Table 5.2 Planning Phase/ Contracting

Feasibility phase:
Network Railway
operator: operator(s):

China CR KNR
Denmark Banedanmark DSB
Hungary VPE MÁV
Republic of Ireland CIÉ IÉ
Northern Ireland - NIR
Luxembourg - CFL
Poland - PKP S.A.
Russia - RŽD
Slovenia AZP SŽ

Table 5.3Feasibility phase



Through effective communication, this technologically advanced system will help in averting
train accidents.

A senior railway official was quoted by Livemint as saying: ―This system uses the
lowest time to connect calls i.e. 300 milliseconds and it is the first time that MTRC is
commissioned in India.

―The MRTC acts in a similar way to that of air traffic control (ATC) for aircraft. The
system will monitor, track and aid in communication between the trains and the
control room thereby ensuring smooth movement of rakes, as well as help in preventing
adverse events.‖

This new communication system has already been deployed in 105 rakes, operating between
Churchgate to Virar over Mumbai’s suburban segment.

The current conventional VHF-based communication system, named Mobile and CUG, lacks
the capability of enabling interaction between the train crew and the controllers.

The new system can also provide real-time information on train operation during the
monsoon season.

With a two-year warranty and five years of annual maintenance charges (AMC), the new
digital MTRC system has been supplied at a cost of approximately $820,000.
This newly commissioned system will be integrated with the ongoing Train Management

The integration will allow controllers to connect with the driver and guard via train number
and cab number code.

Based on Terrestrial Trunk Radio (TETRA) technology, the system uses TDMA on air
interface and IP-based network architecture, along with Distributed Switching Architecture.

The technology also features single-touch dialling, as well as emergency and broadcast
calling capabilities.

Instances of trespassing and knockdowns can also be communicated instantly on notice,

which can save lives and regulate trains, thereby minimising detentions of other trains.

Fig 6.1 Installed MTRC system


The main aim of this MTRC system is to increase capacity by reducing the time interval
between train travelling along the line.
In Signal System based in the detection of the trains in discrete sections of the track called
Each block is protected by signals that prevent a train entering an occupied block.
Since every block is fixed by the infrastructure, these systems are referred to as fixed block
Now a days , Moving block is used. Unlike, traditional Fixed Block each block is not
traditionally defined by the infrastructure.
Besides, the train themselves are continuously communicating their exact postion to the
equipment in the track by means of a bidirectional link trough a Radio Communication.
Bombardier opened the world’s first radio-based CBTC system at San Frasncisco airport’s
Automated People Mover (APM) in February 2003.
Afew months later, in June 2003, Alstom introduced the railway application of its radio
technology the Singapore North East Line.
SFO Air Train, in San Francisco Airport, was the first radio- based CBTC system
deployment in the world.

Fig 6.1 CBTC(Communication based Train Control)

Communications-based train control (CBTC) is a railway signaling system that makes use of
telecommunications between the train and track equipment for traffic management and
infrastructure control. This results in a more efficient and safe way to manage railway traffic.

Fig 6.2 SanFranscisco-CBTC

6.2 : CBTC and moving blocks:
In a moving block system as shown in the second figure, the train position and its braking
curve is continuously calculated by the trains, and then communicated via radio to the
wayside equipment. Thus, the wayside equipment is able to establish protected areas, each
one called Limit of Movement Authority (LMA), up to the nearest obstacle (in the figure the
tail of the train in front). Movement Authority (MA) is the permission for a train to move to a
specific location within the constraints of the infrastructure and with supervision of speed.

End of Authority is the location to which the train is permitted to proceed and where target
speed is equal to zero. End of Movement is the location to which the train is permitted to
proceed according to an MA. When transmitting a MA, it is the end of the last section given
in the MA

It is important to mention that the occupancy calculated in these systems must include a
safety margin for location uncertainty (in yellow in the figure) added to the length of the
train. Both of them form what is usually called 'Footprint'. This safety margin depends on the
accuracy of the odometry system in the train.

CBTC systems based on moving block allows the reduction of the safety distance between
two consecutive trains. This distance is varying according to the continuous updates of the
train location and speed, maintaining the safety requirements. This results in a reduced
headway between consecutive trains and an increased transport capacity.

Fig:6.2.1 CBTC and moving blocks

6.3 : Grades of automation:
Modern CBTC systems allow different levels of automation or Grades of Automation (GoA),
as defined and classified in the IEC 62290-1. In fact, CBTC is not a synonym for "driverless"
or "automated trains" although it is considered as a basic enabler technology for this purpose.

The grades of automation available range from a manual protected operation, GoA 1 (usually
applied as a fallback operation mode) to the fully automated operation, GoA 4 (Unattended
Train Operation, UTO). Intermediate operation modes comprise semi-automated GoA 2
(Semi-automated Operation Mode, STO) or driverless GoA 3 (Driverless Train Operation,

The latter operates without a driver in the cabin, but requires an attendant to face degraded
modes of operation as well as guide the passengers in the case of emergencies. The higher
the GoA, the higher the safety, functionality and performance levels must be.

6.4 : Main applications:

CBTC systems allow optimal use of the railway infrastructure as well as achieving maximum
capacity and minimum headway between operating trains, while maintaining the safety
requirements. These systems are suitable for the new highly demanding urban lines, but also
to be overlaid on existing lines in order to improve their performance.

Of course, in the case of upgrading existing lines the design, installation, test and
commissioning stages are much more critical. This is mainly due to the challenge of
deploying the overlying system without disrupting the revenue service.

1. The primary risk of an electronic train control system is that if the communications link
between any of the trains is disrupted then all or part of the system might have to enter a
failsafe state until the problem is remedied.
2. Depending on the severity of the communication loss, this state can range from vehicles
temporarily reducing speed, coming to a halt or operating in a degraded mode until
communications are re-established.
3. If communication outage is permanent some sort of contingency operation must be
implemented which may consist of manual operation using absolute block or, in the worst
case, the substitution of an alternative form of transportation.
4. As a result, high availability of CBTC systems is crucial for proper operation, especially if
such systems are used to increase transport capacity and reduce headway.
5. System redundancy and recovery mechanisms must then be thoroughly checked to achieve
a high robustness in operation.
6. With the increased availability of the CBTC system, there is also a need for extensive
training and periodical refresh of system operators on the recovery procedures.
7. In fact, one of the major system hazards in CBTC systems is the probability of human
error and improper application of recovery procedures if the system becomes unavailable.

Fig:7.1 Architecture of MTRC system

The typical architecture of a modern CBTC system comprises the following main subsystems:

Wayside equipment, which includes the interlocking and the subsystems controlling every
zone in the line or network (typically containing the wayside ATP and ATO functionalities).
Depending on the suppliers, the architectures may be centralized or distributed. The control
of the system is performed from a central command ATS, though local control subsystems
may be also included as a fallback.
CBTC onboard equipment, including ATP and ATO subsystems in the
vehicles. Train to wayside communication subsystem, currently based on radio
Thus, although a CBTC architecture is always depending on the supplier and its technical
approach, the following logical components may be found generally in a typical CBTC

I. Onboard ETCS system:-This subsystem is in charge of the continuous control of the

train speed according to the safety profile, and applying the brake if it is necessary. It is
also in charge of the communication with the wayside ATP subsystem in order to
exchange the information needed for a safe operation (sending speed and braking
distance, and receiving the limit of movement authority for a safe operation).

II. Onboard ATO system:- It is responsible for the automatic control of the traction and
braking effort in order to keep the train under the threshold established by the ATP
subsystem. Its main task is either to facilitate the driver or attendant functions, or even to
operate the train in a fully automatic mode while maintaining the traffic regulation targets
and passenger comfort. It also allows the selection of different automatic driving
strategies to adapt the runtime or even reduce the power consumption.

III. Wayside ETCS system:- This subsystem undertakes the management of all the
communications with the trains in its area. Additionally, it calculates the limits of
movement authority that every train must respect while operating in the mentioned area.
This task is therefore critical for the operation safety.
IV. Wayside ATO system:- It is in charge of controlling the destination and regulation targets
of every train. The wayside ATO functionality provides all the trains in the system with their
destination as well as with other data such as the dwell time in the stations. Additionally, it may
also perform auxiliary and non-safety related tasks including for instance alarm/event
communication and management, or handling skip/hold station commands.

V. Communication system:- The CBTC systems integrate a digital networked radio system by
means of antennas or leaky feeder cable for the bi-directional communication between the track
equipment and the trains. The 2,4GHz band is commonly used in these systems (same as WiFi),
though other alternative frequencies such as 900 MHz (US), 5.8 GHz or other licensed bands
may be used as well.

VI. ATS system:- The ATS system is commonly integrated within most of the CBTC solutions.
Its main task is to act as the interface between the operator and the system, managing the traffic
according to the specific regulation criteria. Other tasks may include the event and alarm
management as well as acting as the interface with external systems.

V. Interlocking system:-When needed as an independent subsystem (for instance as a fallback

system), it will be in charge of the vital control of the trackside objects such as switches or
signals, as well as other related functionality. In the case of simpler networks or lines, the
functionality of the interlocking may be integrated into the wayside ATP system.
MTRC technology has been (and is being) successfully implemented for a variety of
applications as shown in the figure below (mid 2011). They range from some
implementations with short track, limited numbers of vehicles and few operating modes
(such as the airport APMs in San Francisco or Washington), to complex overlays on existing
railway networks carrying more than a million passengers each day and with more than 100
trains (such as lines 1 and 6 in Madrid Metro, line 3 in Shenzhen Metro, some lines in Paris
Metro, New York City Subway and Beijing Subway, or the Sub-Surface network in London

Fig 7.1 underlined are into CBTC operation

1. In the modern CBTC systems the trains continuously calculate and communicate their
status via radio to the wayside equipment distributed along the line.

2. This status includes, among other parameters, the exact position, speed, travel direction
and braking distance.

3. It also enables the wayside equipment to define the points on the line that must never be
define the points on the line that must never be passed by the other trains on the same


Fig 8.1 Network Schematic of MTRC System

MRTC acts in a similar way to that of Air traffic control (ARC) for aircrafts. The system will
monitor, track and aid in communication between the trains and the control room thereby
ensuring smooth movement of rakes as well as help in preventing adverse events.

Western Railway has gone for a mobile communication system in its suburban
section in Mumbai. This project is a part of the Train Management System,
which is commissioned in the suburban section of Mumbai Division. Basic
purpose of this communication system is to provide a continuous
communication between the Motorman and the controller. The system
consists of two base stations. One is installed at Mahalakshmi, and the other at
Borivili each transmitting 50 watts of power. The Regional Node is installed at
Mumbai Central. Mobile units are 25 watts full-duplex sets installed in the
Motorman and Guard compartment of the 75 EMU rakes of the Suburban
section of the Mumbai division. Together they cover the whole suburban
section between Churcgate and Virar, a distance of 60 Kms. The system works
on the principle of trunking, and is based on the MPT1327, MPT1343 protocols.
M/s Tait New Zealand has supplied the System.

Fig 8.2.1Western railway Churchgate to virar MTRC


Fig 8.3 System layout



The provision of the Digital MRTC system had an outlay of INR 5.98 crore which provided warranty
for 2 years and the annual maintenance charges for 5 years. The design was provided by IIT and the
approval to the new towers was provided by Western Railways headquarter.

Fig 8.5 Node Functionality Layout


The node layout defines how the attributes for the node are organized and displayed within
the user interface: The layout functionality is similar to the layout tools available in the Type
and Attribute Management utility. To modify the layout, the node must be in edit mode.
9.1 :Western Railway Churchgate to Virar
Mobile: The System (T1540) Overview:
The system consists of a number of radio sites, which are linked in groups to
―Regional Nodes‖(in the Western Railway System there are two radio sites, one at MX, and
the other at BVI). Regional Nodes may be linked together to form a wide area network.
Radio sites (base stations)are connected by fixed audio and data links (V.24 interface at
1200 bauds) in
―Star Configuration around the Regional Node‖. In case of wide area network the
interconnection between the Regional Nodes shall be with X.25/TCP IP (9600-baud link)
for data, and by an audio network consisting of fixed link bearers for audio signals.
PSTN & PABX interconnection is provided at the Regional Node now.
The expansion capability of the T1540 system is as under.
1.Each Regional Node can support upto 16 base stations connected in a star configuration.
2. Each base station can support upto 24 channels including the control channel (both the
base stations of W.R are configured for only 5 channels each).
3. Overall System can be configured for a maximum of 32 Regional Nodes.
The overall access for management of the system is provided by the Network Provider
Interface (NPI). The NPI provides an interface for external systems running applications (a
Network Provider Package (NPP)) using the following facility.
1. Statistic
2. System Configuration
3. Validation
4. Monitoring
Mobile Communication today is a fast growing field. No one can deny its role in Modern
Railway Operations. However there is a need of proper choice of technology looking into
Railways' Operational needs. It is beyond doubt that incorporation of Mobile
Communication into Railways will open new operational avenues, there by reducing
operational costs and increasing customer satisfaction by providing better services. This
shall not only help in increasing productivity, but also help in increasing safety of
operations. This is an age of communication. Indian Railways, which is a lifeline of the
nation, is also geared up to take the requirements of the new millennium, which is
knocking the door of this century.

Fig 9.2 MTRC


1. Railways in India, Wikipedia the Free

2. MTRC system, International Union of
Railways ;
3. GSM-R technology, Wikipedia;
4 ―Indian Train Accidents statistics‖;
5 Srinad Jha, Hindustan Times ―Killer Trains of
India‖; (Jul 30,2012)
6 ―Indian Railway network‖ ; Wikipedia the
Free Encyclopedia (
7 ―Mobile Train Radio Communication to
facilitate Railway passengers‖ ; TOI, 04/03/13
8 ―MTRC system across the world‖ ;
9 ―MTRC system in Singapore‖ ;
10 ―San Francisco’s Air Train‖ ;

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