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اسكيمات لتشخيص و علاج بعض أمراض الجلدية

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Diagnosis and treatment of fungal infection

1- Clinical presentation. 2- Direct microscopy + KOH drop 10-20% + Warming. 3- Culture on Sabouraod's agar ( 2- 4 weeks) 4- Wood's light: Corynebacterium minutissimum -> Coral red Microsporum canis -> Green P.ovale -> Golden yellow. 5- Biopsy for deep infection.

Treatment: 1- Systemic: a. Griseofulvin: 12.5 mg/kg/day 6-8 weeks in Tinea capitis. 2-4 weeks in Tinea corporis. 8-10 weeks in Favus. 6 months in finger nails onychomycosis 12 weeks in toe nails.

it's not effective in Candidiasis & Pityriasis versicolor. b. Broad specrum Antifungal : Ketoconazol, Itraconazole. 2- Topical: - Tincture Iodine 2- 5 %. - Whitefield Ointment = Salicylate 3 + Benzoate 6 + Lanoline 10 + Vaseline 100 - Topical BS antifungal : Clotrimazole, Ketoconazole,

Econazole, Fluconazole. - Aqueous solution of 20-25% Na Hyposulfite in pityriasis Versicolor 3- Candida : - Topical antifungal : Clotrimazole. - Systemic Broadspectrum antifungal : as b4 except Griseofulvin as it's not effective in candidaisis. Scabies Diagnosis : Clinical * Itching more at night. * More than one family member. * Characteristic distribution. Treatment: 1- Systemic: Ivermectin - Oral antihistaminics. 2- Topical: a. Sulfur 5-10 % in petroleum after hot bath with hard brush 4 successive nights. b. Gamma benzene hexachloride 1% ( lindaine) but avoid hot bath -> increase absorption -> CNS toxicity. It's washed after 8-12 hours. c. permethrin 2.5 - 5 % washed after 8 - 14 hours. d. Malathione 0.5% e. Crotamitone 10% once daily for 3 successive days without bathing. f. Benzyl Benzoate emulsion 25-33% N.B: in pregnant female use Sulfur and Permethrin only. Pediculous humanus Capitis 1- ttt of pyogenic infection : Systemic Antibiotic. 2- Antipediculous agents ( Permethrin, Malathione,

Gamma benzene hexachloride 1%, Benzyl benzoate emulsion 25%-33%). 3- Removal of nits by fine toothed comb. Pediculous humanus corporis 1- Ironing of clothes. 2- Antipediculous lotions Phthirus pubis Shaving + Malathione. Alopecia Areata 1- Topical: * Local irritant ( Tincture iodine, tincture capsicum, tincture cantharidis ) * Contact allergens ( DNCB ) * Topical and INTRALESIONAL steroids. 2- Phototherapy: PUVA, UVB. 3- Systemic corticosteroids. Androgenic Alopecia: * Topical minoxidil 2-5 % * Systemic antiandrogens in females. Acne Vulgaris ( 4 topical and 4 systemic) 1- Topical: * Peeling agent ( Salicylate 3% or Sulfur in calamine lotion 2% or 0.05% Retinoic acid) * Antibiotics ( Erythromycin, Clindamycin ) * Benzoyl Peroxide. * Topical Azaleic acid ( Keratolytic and Decrease sebum)

2- Systemic: * Antibiotics ( Tetracycline, Clindamycin, Minocycline, Doxycycline) in therapeutic doses they are bacteriostatic, in sub-therapeutic doses they are antilipase. * Antiandrogens: Cyproterone acetate. * Systemic Retinoids ( isotretinoin )0.5-1 mg/kg/day It's teratogenic so avoid in the 1st trimester, take OCP and stop 3 months before pregnancy. * Post acne scaring: Dermabrasion, Chemical beeling, Resurfacing by laser therapy. Psoriasis Diagnosis: 1- Clinical presentation. 2- Grattage test -> +ve Auspitz sign. 3- Histopathology ( Parakeratosis, Papillomatosis and elongated rete ridges, Acanthosis, Sterile pustules in stratum malpighii and Dilated tortuous capillaries) Treatment: 1- Topical : * Emolients. * Keratolytics -> Salicylic acid 3%. * Tar ( crude coal tar -> Antiproliferative ) * Anthraline -> Antimitosis. * Topical and Intralesional steroids. * Vit D3 analogues ( calcipotriol -> inhibit cell proliferation and stimulate keratinocyte differentiation ) * Topical Retinoids. 2- Systemic: * Methotrexate 0.2 - 0.4 mg/kg * Etretinate 1mg/kg/day. * Combined therapy -> Re-PUVA.

* Biological therapy -> TNF I. 3- Phototherapy: * PUVA - UVB ( Narow band - Broad band ). Pityriasis Rosea 1- Reassurance. 2- Soothing lotion. 3- Antihistaminics -> If itchy.

Lichen planus:

1- Topical : 3S * Steroids. * Intralesional steroids -> Hypertrophic lichen planus. * Sun screen ( Lichen planus actinicus ).

2- Systemic: * Antihistaminics. * Steroids. * Antimalarials -> Actinic lichen planus. * Tranquilizers.

Herpes simplex: 1- Topical : Gentian violet 2% paint + Acyclovir cream in 1st 48 hours. 2- Systemic : 200 mg Acyclovir 5/day for 5 days. Chicken Pox: 1- Topical: Gentian violet + Calamine lotion.

2- Systemic: Acyclovir + Antihistaminics. Herpes Zoster: 1- Topical : Gentian violet + Acyclovir cream. 2- Systemic : 800 mg Acyclovir 5/day for 7-10 days + Pain killers.

Viral warts: Self limiting. 1- Chemical cautery: * Glacial acetic acid. * Salicylic acid 10 - 60 %. * Salicylate + Lactic acid in felxible collodion. 2- Electric cautery. 3- Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen 196 degee celzius. 4- Carbon dioxide laser. 5- Topical keratolutic : Retinoic acid. 6- Genital warts: 25% podophylline in tincture benzoin - Topical imiquimod cream.

Molluscum contagiosum 1- Mechanical -> Expression by forceps of curettage + Conc. Phenol to the base. 2- Conc. phenol paint. 3- Electric cautery. 4- Cryotherapy and CO2 laser. Eczema 1- General : Antihistaminics, Antibiotics, Steroids.

2- Local: * Acute : K permanganate 1/8000, Lead subacetate 0.5% 1/10000, Corticosteroid cream. * Subacute : corticosteroid cream, Zinc oxide paste. * Chronic : Topical steroids. * Atopic dermatitis: Long term use of emollients.

3- Search for the cause and avoid it. Urticaria: 12345Adrenaline 1/1000 1cc SC. Antihistaminics lenofexidine. Ca++ gluconate 100% 10 cc slow IVI Systemic steroids. Find the cause and avoid it.

Papular urticaria


Avoid insect bite. Antihistaminics. Short term oral steroids. Antibiotics. Soothing lotion.

Erythema multiforme 1- ttt of the cause ( hypersensitivity) 2- Antibiotic for 2ry infection. 3- Systemic corticosteroids in severe cases. Fixed drug eruption

1- Stop the drug. 2- Emolients. 3- Topical steroids. Vitiligo

1- Topical: Steroids and PUVA. 2- Systemic: PUVA - 8 methoxy psoralen + UVA ( 320 - 400 nm ) 3- Narrow band UVB ( 311 - 313 nm ) Without systemic therapy. 4- Surgical : Micropigimetation , Autografting. Chloasma:

1- Avoid sun exposure + Sun screen. 2- Stop OCP. 3- Topical remedies that decrease melanocyte activity ( Azaleic acid, Hydroquinone ) 4- Chemical peeling : 35% trichloroacetic :

D.D in Dermatology
A. Viral infection

D.D of Herpes Simplex

impetigo Herpes Zoster

D.D of chicken pox Papular urticaria scabies D.D of verruca plantaris ( plantar wart ) is callus D.D of condyloma accuminata ( genital wart ) is syphilitic condyloma lata B. Parasitic infestation D.D of scabies impetigo papular urticaria insects bite contact & atopic dermatatis c. scaly scalp psoriasis impetigo seborrheic dermatitis discoid lupus erythematosis D. Pyogenic infection D.D of cellulitis erysipelas acute eczema

D.D of Erysipelas cellulitis acute eczema angioedema D.D of sycosis barbae pseudofolliculitis tinea barbae E. Allergic diseases D.D of pityriasis alba vitiligo leprosy pityriasis versicolor F. D.D of macerated toe web Dermatophytes candidiasis G -ve bacilli G. Erythematosquamous eruptions D.D of lichen planus lichenoid drug eruptions gold , antimalarias , streptomycin D.D of pityriasis rosea tinea circinata 2ry syphilitic rash pityriasis drug eruptions

H. Pigmentary disorders D.D of vitiligo pityriasis alba pityriasis versicolor tuberculoid leprosy albinism post inflammatory hypopigmentation navus anemicus I. Hair D.D of allopecia areata scaly ring worm

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