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Medical Translation

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Medical Terminology.

Ways of Medical Texts’

Course Paper of student Saurbekova

Renata Yevgenyevna. Group:TD-34.

Relevance of my coursework includes the importance of high-qualified medicine and medical

education in Kazakhstan. Still, we have a lack of translated medical textbooks which were written in
XXI century by British and American doctors and scientists (which medicine, nowadays, is one of the
best). Medical translation has a big specific (f.e. dealing with Latin medical terminology), the one
who does it must follow some direct instructions, to have the best equivalent that we can reach.

Aim of the coursework is to find the best ways how to make a good translation of medical text.
The first task is to give the proper explanation The second task is to emphasise the specific of
for the medical translation as one of the types of medical translation and its difficulties.
translation. The fourth task is using received knowledge in
The third task is to define best methods of practice, analysing the document Pandemic.
translation according to specific and difficulties Tracking contagious, from Cholera to Ebola and
of the type. beyond, and making a comparison between my
translation and translation that has been made
earlier, according to requirements about
equivalence of medical translation.
Practical value

The practical value of this work is the theoretical part and the practical results
which can be used by translators, interpreters, doctors and all the people in
medical sphere to improve their translation and interpretation skills.
Explanation of the Medical Translation and Its
Medical translation doesn’t play the biggest role in the medicine’s world, but it
certainly has an important place in knowledge mediation: sharing research
works and results, publicising in the medical community, marketing of
pharmaceutical drugs, medical products and devices and mostly, during the
work of international medical humanitarian institutions (for example,
International Committee of the Red Cross, Peace Corps and International
Voluntary Services).
Subject and Object.

The object of this research is pragmatical value of translation of medical texts.

The subject of this research is the ways of translation of medical texts.

Chapter I. Explanation of the Medical Translation and Its Pecularities………………5
Chapter II. Specifics - Communicative aspect of Medical Translation……………….8
Chapter III. Most suitable Ways of Translation Medical Texts…………………………
Chapter IV. Example - Translation of Medical Popular Science Book “Pandemic: Tracking
Contagions, from Cholera to Ebola and Beyond” by Sonya Shach…………..
Chapter I.
Medical translation doesn’t play the biggest role in the
medicine’s world, but it certainly has an important place in
knowledge mediation: sharing research works and results,
publicising in the medical community, marketing of
pharmaceutical drugs, medical products and devices and
mostly, during the work of international medical
humanitarian institutions (for example, International
Committee of the Red Cross, Peace Corps and International
Voluntary Services).
Chapter II.
The amount of communicative situations where medical
translations may be required is very broad, covering not
only communication among researchers but also any kind
of communications about health that includes doctors,
patients and other people.
Chapter III.
6. Medical texts in popular science books may include a lot
of synonims and dialectisms according to one or another
illness. Be attentive to the dialectal or time connotation in
the document (especially local, not international).

F.E. Lockjaw refers to the trismus - conditions when your

mouth held shut by a spasm in cause of tetanus.

Also that’s a name for one of the Marvel’s Superheroes.

Lockjaw and Lockjaw

Without the spread of medical scientific documents around the world,

according to Greek, Latin, Arabian, French and English translators we wouldn’t
have such high level of healthcare. A lot of illnesses, like leprosy and
poliomyelitis, wouldn’t be cured. There’s still a menace of cancer, AIDs, Ebola
virus disease, cholera, anthrax and a lot of more deadly dangerous diseases,
and only knowledge mediation between all the languages in the world can
stop that. Medical Translation is very difficult and i hope that i helped you with
my research to be more attentive to that branch of the special translation.

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