Organic Photochemistry: Prof. Dr. Burkhard König, Institut Für Organische Chemie, Universität Regensburg
Organic Photochemistry: Prof. Dr. Burkhard König, Institut Für Organische Chemie, Universität Regensburg
Organic Photochemistry: Prof. Dr. Burkhard König, Institut Für Organische Chemie, Universität Regensburg
Organic Photochemistry
Additional reading list: J. Mattay, A. G. Griesbeck: Photochemical Key Steps in Organic Synthesis, Wiley-VCH, 1994. F. A. Carey, R. J. Sundberg, Advanced Organic Chemistry, Plenum Publishing Corporation, 2000. N. J. Turro, Modern Molecular Photochemistry 1991, University Science Books, Mill-Valley, California. A. Gillbert, J. Baggott, Essentials of Molecular Photochemistry 1991, Blackwell Scientific Publications, London. M. Klessinger, J. Michl, Excited States and Photochemistry of Organic Molecules, WileyVCH, 1994, New York. B. Valeur, Molecular Fluorescence, Wiley-VCH, 2002, Weinheim.
Essential criteria for all photochemical reactions: Molecule must absorb light Radiation energy must match energy difference of ground and excited state Typical absorption range of some important classes of organic compounds: Simple alkene Acylic diene Cyclic diene Styrene Saturated ketones ,-Unsaturated ketones Aromatic ketones/aldehydes Aromatic compounds 190 - 200 nm 220 - 250 nm 250 - 270 nm 270 - 300 nm 270 - 280 nm 310 - 330 nm 280 - 300 nm 250 - 280 nm
Light is absorbed by a molecule what happens? The electronic configuration changes. The Franck-Condon principle says that the heavy atom nuclei do not change their positions. This leads to an initial geometry of the excited state which is usually not the energy minimum. During excitation the electron spin remains unchanged. Spin inversion during excitation is forbidden by quantum mechanics and therefor unlikely. Right after the excitation several things may happen. 1) Vibronic relaxation brings the molecule quickly into the new energy minimum structure for the excited state. Energy is released into the solvent. 2) Intersystem crossing leads to triplet states by spin inversion.
Again, the new energy minimum is reached by vibrational relaxation. 3) Emission of light and return to the ground state (luminescence, fluorescence, phosphorescence). 4) Quenching of the exited state: Energy is transferred to another molecule. Usually we observe diffusion controlled dynamic quenching by collision. Investigation of this is possible by the SternVollmer plot (1/quantum yield vs concentration of quencher). Gives a strait line for diffusion controlled quenching; large excess of quencher usually needed (1000 times excess). 5) Radiationless deactivation. Molecule goes back to ground state by vibrational (thermal) deactivation (no light emission). The energy goes to the solvent/environment of molecule.
Why are photochemical reactions interesting? 1) The excited states are rich in energy. Therefore reactions may occur that are highly endothermic in the ground state. Using the equation E = h x we can correlate light of a wavelength of 350 nm with an energy of 343 kJ/mol! 2) In the excited state antibonding orbitals are occupied. This may allow reactions which are not possible for electronic reasons in the ground state. 3) Photochemical reaction can include singlet and triplet states. Thermal reactions usually only show singlet states. In photochemical reaction intermediates may be formed which are not accessible at thermal conditions.
Some practical considerations: 1) Purity of starting materials is of importance! This prerequisite holds for many techniques in synthesis. While working with organometallic intermediates requires exclusion of air and moisture, photochemistry is very sensitive to colored or light absorbing impurities either in the starting materials or formed during reaction. Both may interfere with the photo processes and may kill the reaction.
2) UV spectra of substrates: A first hint Before starting a photochemical reaction a UV/vis spectrum of the photoactive compound is recorded. The photoactive compound is the molecule which should be electronically excited and undergo or initiate a reaction from its excited singlet or triplet state. From UV spectra recorded with different compound concentrations the extinction coefficients of all bands can be obtained, even for the weak absorptions which may be of importance. UV spectra of all reagents should be recorded to make sure that there is no or little interference in absorption with the photoactive compound. If available, a UV spectrum of the product should be recorded. UV spectra from the reaction mixture may help to identify ground state interactions of compounds or CT complexes, and guide the way to the best reaction conditions.
3) What solvent to use? Photochemical reactions can be performed in principle in the gas phase, in solid state or in solution. For practical reasons most photochemical reactions are done in solution, therefore the choice of the right solvent is critical. At normal concentrations of a photochemical reaction the concentration of the photoactive compound is only 100 1000 times larger than the concentration of the solvent. If the extinction coefficient of the photoactive compound is only 10 times higher than that of the solvent at the irradiation wavelength, we will observe a significant filter effect of the solvent. The reaction is much slower than it could be. Key selection criteria: Solvent must dissolve reactants (try) Solvent should be transparent at the irradiation wavelength (UC spectrum) Solvent must be free of impurities (analysis; add EDTA to complex trace metal ion content if necessary) If a reactive intermediate needs to be stabilized by the solvent, this has to be tried out until a solvent is found which matches all criteria.
4) Direct or sensitized photolysis? You have to find out! The absorption characteristics do not tell anything about the behavior of a molecule in the excited state. It may rapidly deactivate via fluorescence or radiationless, it may undergo intersystem crossing into the triplet manifold. If available, data on fluorescence, phosphorescence, lifetimes and quantum yield are very helpful to understand the processes. From these data we can learn if it is necessary to sensitize the formation of the triplet state for a reaction or if the triplet is rapidly formed without our help. Sometimes the solvent can be used as a sensitizer. Then it should adsorb at the irradiation wavelength and transfer the energy to the reactant. Acetone is a typical example of such a solvent (adsorbs up to 330 nm). Sensitizers and quenchers can help to investigate a photochemical reaction: 1) Pure singlet reactivity: No reaction in the presence of appropriate triplet sensitizers. 2) Pure triplet reactivity: enhanced product formation in the presence of appropriate sensitizers; no reaction in the presence of triplet quenchers. 3) Triplet as well as singlet reactivity: combination of methods 1) and 2) gives a product pattern corresponding to the specifically activated states.
5) Reaction control: Spectroscopy and chromatography In the course of the reaction more and more product is formed which competes with the starting material for light. If the product is available its UV spectrum gives information about possible competition. The increasing absorption of irradiation by the product may stop the reaction before complete conversion will be reached. Therefor it is important to follow the reaction by UV spectroscopy (see figure above of UV spectra during reaction). The formation of colored byproducts may stop a reaction before complete conversion, too. Chromatographic methods, such as TLC, GC or HPLC should be used to gain information about the course of the reaction. Is there only one (major) product or do we get several? What is the optimal time of the reaction with maximum conversion and minimal side product formation?
6) Side reactions can easily become the major track! Side reactions of photochemical reactions can in some cases become the major reaction pathway. Examples are photosensitizers, which are use in catalytic or stoichiometric amiunts to mediate the wanted photochemical process, but they may also act as photoinitiator of a radical chain reaction. If solvents or starting materials are present that are susceptible to a radical chain process, this reaction will become dominant. Another origin of severe side reaction may be the presence of oxygen. Photooxygenation may be the desired photoprocess, but if not, it may be a side reaction. Oxygen should be excluded to avoid this. Even if only small amounts of peroxides are formed during the reaction they may become hazardous upon work up. The use of inert gas is not necessary, if the essential excited state is not efficiently quenched by triplet oxygen (which is often the case for short living singlet states). Free radicals produced during the reaction may cause side reactions. Radical scavengers, such as phenols, are added to trap them.
7) Quantum yield and chemical yield While reactions of normal ground state chemistry are described by the chemical yield of the reaction as one major indicator (there are others, in particular when it comes to describe the technical efficiency of a chemical transformation), for the chemistry of excited molecules another parameter has to be considered: The quantum yield of the reaction. The quantum yield is the number of events (e.g. photochemical induced transformation) divided by the number of absorbed photons in a specific system. Quantum yields can range from 0 to 100 or higher; if smaller than 0.01 conversion is very slow (chemical yield may still be high); for photoinitiated chain reactions the quantum yield can be as high as 100.000.
How much light goes into my reaction? This question must be answered (beside determination of the amount of product formed) to calculate a quantum yield. A standard chemical procedure used since the 1920s is chemical actinometry. A compound that undergoes a defined photochemical transformation with known quantum yield is used to determine the light intensity. The concentration of the actinometric compound and the pathway of the exposure cell must be sufficiently high to make kinetics of the reaction approx. zero order. In this way the rate of the reaction is not concentration dependent. The reaction of 2nitrobenzaldehyde to 2-nitrosobenzaldehyd is a typical example. The quantum yield of the process is 0.5 for irradiation from 300 410 nm.
HO h
d[Act] dt
= Io f
8) Lamps, vessels and filters Typical light sources for preparative photochemistry: the sun (300 1400 nm), low-pressure mercury (Hg approx. 10-5 atm) lamp: 185 nm (5%); 254 (95%) (see a in figure), Rayonet lamps (specific emission wavelength from secondary fluorescence emission, coated; see c in figure for an example), medium pressure Hg (Hg vapor pressure 5 atm) lamps (distinct lines between 250 and 600 nm), high pressure Hg lamps (Hg vapor pressure approx. 100 atm; expensive, easily damaged) (emission 360 600 nm, broad), low- and high pressure sodium lamps (emission around 600 nm) High power light emitting diodes (available at low cost for 650 to 400 nm; very narrow and intensive emission, long lifetime; UV-LED are currently still expensive.
Many types of reactors for photochemical reactions are known. The most typical are: 1) Apparatus for external irradiation (simplest case is an irradiated flask) 2) Immersion-well reactor in which the lamp is surrounded by the reaction solution 3) Falling film apparatus 4) Photo microreactor (similar to falling film, but easier to handle) In all cases the lamp usually needs cooling to avoid its overheating and heating of the reaction solution. The material of the reactor depends on the irradiation wavelength necessary.
For irradiation at 254 nm quartz glass (expensive apparatus) is needed. for irradiation at 300 nm pyrex glass is needed, and for irradiation > 350 nm normal lab glass (window glass) is sufficient. The glass acts as a solid filter. Additional solid or liquid optical filters may be used to restrict the irradiation wavelength.
Irradiation. Low-pressure mercury lamps have their main output at 254 nm. This light severely damages cells, eyes and skin. Shield reactors; turn lamps off before checking the reaction. Never look into the beam of a high power LED; the lights very high intensity damage your eyes.
Ozone generation: Short wavelength light may generate ozone from oxygen. Perform reactions always in a well ventilated fume hood.
Lamps: Most lamps operate at high temperature and at high vapor pressure. Never move or touch lamps during operation. Never switch of the cooling right after switching of the lamp!
Photochemical reactions
1) Carbonyl compounds The absorption properties of ketones and aldehyds are convenient for irradiation around 300 nm (n* 330 - 280 nm). Triplet-singlet energy gap is small (20-70 kJ/mol); intersystem crossing rates are high. Lifetime of first excited singlet state is in the nanosecond region for aliphatic aldehydes and ketones; in the subnanosecond region for aromatic aldehydes and ketones. Singlet photochemistry can be detected with aliphatic aldehydes or ketones, while aromatic substrates, such as benzophenone or acetophenone, react exclusively from their corresponding triplet states and are excellent triplet sensitizers. Norrish Type I cleavage reaction (-cleavage reaction) This reaction type dominates gas phase photochemistry of many aldehydes and ketones. Less common in solution chemistry; only if no suitable C-H bonds are present to allow hydrogen atom abstraction. Examples: