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Nondestructive Testing On Concrete

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TAM 224/CEE 210


3. Nondestructive Testing
3.1. Objective
Six nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques will be demonstrated in this laboratory: (a) sound velocity measurements, (b) rebound hammer, (c) visual inspection of welds, (d) dye penetrant, (e) ultrasonic, (f) radiographic inspection. The first two techniques allow one to determine the strength of concrete; the last four permit the detection of internal or external discontinuities in metal structural elements. such information. However, there are many situations in which one cannot run destructive tests on the material in question or samples of it. In such circumstances, one needs nondestructive means of determining the strength or soundness of the material in a structure. In this laboratory, we will demonstrate several nondestructive test methods that allow the strength and soundness of concrete, structural steel and other construction materials to be determined both in the laboratory and in the field without the need to take a sample or to disturb the structure. Two common methods used in the nondestructive evaluation or nondestructive testing (NDE or NDT) of concrete are the surface-hardness measurement (Schmidt rebound hammer), and ultrasound-velocity measurement (the V-meter). These methods are commonly used as a means of estimating the strength of in-place concrete. The Schmidt hammer (Fig. 1) is often used to determine when it is safe to remove the forms from concrete during construction. The Vmeter can additionally be used to detect the presence of cracks and so is often used to assess the integrity of
Porosity Weld metal Base metal Incomplete fusion

3.2. Background
How can one know the strength of a construction material? Performing laboratory or field tests on samples of the material is a reasonably sure way, particularly if one appreciates the statistical nature of

Toe crack Lack of fusion Slag entrapment

Fig. 2. Discontinuities in a weldment.

old structures. Details of the two methods are given in the appended notes. Since neither method measures strength directly but a property that can be related to strength, both should be calibrated using concretes of different strengths. For most accurate results, the same kind of aggregate that will be found in the field concrete should be used in the calibration concrete.
Fig. 1. Schmidt rebound hammer test for compressive strength of concrete.

The strength of concrete and other porous construction materials is determined by the level of


Behavior of Engineering Materials

TAM 224/CEE 210

porosity or the distribution of the enormous number of flaws in the material. Structural metals contain far fewer flaws, but when these exceed a critical size they may drastically reduce the strength and ductility of the material and the component which it comprises. Structural metals do not usually contain large defects, but weldments can and often do contain discontinuities (such as those illustrated in Fig. 2) which can result in serious problems. (Undesirable or intolerable discontinuities are often termed defects or flaws.) Defects or discontinuities can be classified as being planar (crack-like) or volumetric (rounded), and internal or external. The first classification based on shape relates to the severity of the defect; the second relates to its location and the ease with which it may be detected.

sonic inspection, and radiographic inspection. Plot the location of defects seen using each method on the sheets provided (pages 3-6 and 3-7).

3.5. Analysis of Results

1. 2. Complete Tables 1 and 2. Excluding data from Mix 1, plot compressive strength versus ultrasound velocity. This will be Fig. 1 of your lab writeup. (We will pretend that we dont know the strength of Mix 1, that is, Mix 1 is the unknown mix.) Fit an appropriate line to the data. Graphically determine the strength of the unknown mix and compare this prediction with the measured value. Plot compressive strength versus average rebound hammer reading in Fig. 2 of your lab writeup. Indicate the range in values with an error bar through each of the plotted average values to indicate the amount of scatter in the rebound hammer data. Fit an appropriate line to the data. Graphically determine the strength of the unknown mix and compare this prediction with the measured value. Complete Fig. 3 of your lab writeup by sketching in the indications obtained using each of the nondestructive testing techniques. (See pages 3-6 and 3-7.)

3.3. Materials and Equipment

6 x 6 x 21-in standard concrete prisms from Lab 1 Structural steel weldment Ultrasonic pulse velocity measurement apparatus Schmidt rebound hammer Dye penetrant testing kit Ultrasound pulse-echo testing equipment X-ray radiography facility



3.4. Experiment
1. Calibration curves for both the Schmidt rebound hammer and the V-meter will be obtained by measuring the rebound number and the ultrasonic velocity of concrete prisms having known strengths. The two (companion) standard cylinders also cast in Lab 1 were tested earlier on the day of the lab and the results will be given to you in the lab. The V-meter readings should be taken across the length of the prisms. Enter the time-oftransit readings in Table 1. The Schmidt hammer readings should be taken from the sides of the prisms. The prisms should be resting on the floor for these measurements. Avoid greasy areas for the rebound hammer readings, and avoid taking hammer readings in the same location twice. Enter the rebound hammer readings in Table 2. Every lab member should try each of the two techniques at least once. The lab instructor will demonstrate examination of a dogbone-shaped welded steel plate using visual inspection, dye-penetrant inspection, ultra-

3.6. Topics for Discussion

Note.Your lab instructor will indicate which of the following questions are to be addressed in your report. 1. Discuss the physics of the dye-penetrant test on the weldment. What is the reason for the initial cleaning of the surface in terms of the physics of wetting and spreading? Why is the ink drawn into a surface defect? How is the defect made visible? Discuss the physics of the radiographic inspection of the weldment. Why does any sizable internal defect appear as a dark shadow on the radiograph? Discuss the physics of the ultrasonic inspection of the weldment. How is an internal defect detected in a weldment using this technique? Compare and contrast the type of defects which can be located in a metal component using visual, dye-penetrant, ultrasonic, and radiographic inspection.





TAM 224/CEE 210

Nondestructive Testing



Compare the level of operator skill required in using visual, dye-penetrant, radiographic, and ultrasonic nondestructive testing. Discuss the physical reasons for the observed correlation between rebound hammer number and the compressive strength of concrete. Discuss the proper test procedures to be used in performing the rebound hammer test to determine the compressive strength of concrete. Compare the significance of a single rebound hammer reading and a single ultrasonic wave velocity measurement as regards the determination of the mechanical properties of a concrete mix. Discuss the physics of the rebound hammer test. How is the development of cement microstructure reflected in the rebound hammer reading?

11. Discuss the physical reasons for the observed correlation between ultrasound wave velocity and the compressive strength of concrete. 12. Discuss the proper test methods to be used in performing the ultrasound wave-velocity test to determine the compressive strength of concrete. 13. Discuss the physics of the ultrasound wave velocity. How is the development of cement microstructure reflected in the ultrasound wave velocity?




3.7. References
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards: E273, E317, E428, E214, E588, E587, E164, E494 (ultrasound); E142, E390, E94, E592 (radiography); C597, C805 (concrete NDT). Callister Jr., W. D. 2000. Materials Science and EngineeringAn Introduction, 5th ed. New York: Wiley, 201. Mindess, S., and J. F. Young. 1981. Concrete. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 440449.


10. Is it reasonable to fit a straight line to the rebound hammer data, given the shape of the curves shown in Fig. A4 in the lab manual (page 3-11)? Can you suggest any physical reason or reasons for the shape of the curve shown in Fig. A4?



Behavior of Engineering Materials

TAM 224/CEE 210

Reference line

Fig. 3(a). Visual inspection of weldment.

Reference line

Fig. 3(b). Dye-penetrant inspection of weldment.

TAM 224/CEE 210

Nondestructive Testing


Reference line

Fig. 3(c). Ultrasonic inspection of weldment.

Reference line

Fig. 3(d). Radiographic inspection of weldment.


Behavior of Engineering Materials

TAM 224/CEE 210

Table 1Ultrasound wave velocity data

Mix # Description Prism length (mm) Time (sec) Time (sec) Velocity (m/s) Compressive strength (MPa) 1 Typical _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 2 Low w/c _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 3 High w/c _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 4 Air-entrained _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 5 Low w/c water reduced _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

Table 2Rebound hammer data

Mix # Description Reading #1 Reading #2 Reading #3 Reading #4 Reading #5 Average Compressive strength (MPa) 1 Typical _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 2 Low w/c _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 3 High w/c _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 4 Air-entrained _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 5 Low w/c water reduced _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

TAM 224/CEE 210

Nondestructive Testing


Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity
This method is based on the fact that the velocity V of sound in a material is related to the elastic modulus E by the expression
V = E

depend on several specific parameters of the test procedure and the material being tested:
0 17,000 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 (MPa)


4900 (m/s)

Pulse velocity

where is the density of the material. Since the pulse velocity depends only on the elastic properties of the material and not on the geometry, this is a very convenient technique for evaluating concrete quality. In essence, an apparatus such as that shown schematically in Fig. A1 is used to determine the pulse velocity through a known thickness of concrete, using
Transducer (transmitter) Transducer (receiver)




1:1.5:3 Rounded gravel 1:1.5:3 Crushed limestone 1:1.5:3 Crushed granite


Specimen Cathode-ray oscilloscope display unit

0 2 4 6 8 10 (ksi)

Cube compressive strength



Mixing circuit

Fig. A2. Correlation of pulse velocity with compressive strength. (Adapted from R. Jones, Non-destructive Testing of Concrete, Cambridge University Press, 1962.)

Fixed delay Time measuring circuit

Pulse generator

If the contact surfaces are not reasonably smooth, they should be ground smooth; a coupling medium such as grease must also be used to ensure good contact between the transducers and the concrete. The pulse velocity seems to depend on the path length, decreasing somewhat as the path length is increased. The pulse velocity is not sensitive to temperature in the range 5 to 30C. At higher temperatures, the pulse velocity is decreased, and at temperatures below freezing, it is increased. Pulse velocity increases with moisture content. The presence of steel bars will tend to increase the pulse velocity.


Fig. A1. Schematic diagram of pulse velocity testing circuit. (Adapted from ASTM C597.)


the procedure outlined in ASTM C597. A number of commercial devices are available which meet these requirements, with an accuracy of measurement of about 1% . Typical results are shown in Fig. A2. Accuracy of pulse-velocity measurements and the correlation between pulse velocity and strength

4. 5.


Behavior of Engineering Materials

TAM 224/CEE 210


For a given pulse velocity, the compressive strength is higher for older specimens.

6 Stand. dev. upper limit Stand. dev. lower limit

Rebound Hardness
Compressive strength (ksi)



Probably the most common nondestructive test is the rebound test, using a Schmidt rebound hammer. This device (Fig. A3) was developed in 1948, and is


Compression spring

Latching mechanism

Mean curve

Housing Hammer guide bar Hammer mass


20 15

25 20

30 25

35 30

40 35


Rebound readings on concrete, x

Window with scale Impact spring

Fig. A4. Calibration chart for concrete made with crushed limestone and natural sand aggregates. (Adapted from Mindess and Young (1981), after N. Zolders, Journal of the American Concrete Institute 54(2), 1957, 161-165.)

surface hardness method, that is, the results will be affected by:

Impact plunger Specimen


The surface finish of the concrete being tested; trowelled surfaces give higher values than formed surfaces, and ground and unground surfaces cannot be compared. The moisture content: dry concrete gives higher values than does wet concrete. Temperature: frozen concrete will give very high values, and must be thawed before testing; the temperature of the hammer will also affect the rebound number. The rigidity of the member being tested. The carbonation of the surface, which can increase the hardness values by as much as 50%. The direction of impact (upward, downward, horizontal).

2. 3.
Fig. A3. Schmidt rebound hammer. Longitudinal section of the Type N concrete test hammer (condition on impact). Adapted from Mindess and Young (1981).

4. 5. 6.

universally used because of its simplicity. The test measures the rebound of a hardened steel hammer impacted on the concrete by a spring. Again, although there is no theoretical relationship, empirical correlations between rebound hardness and strength can be obtained (Fig. A4). (In Fig. A4, five hundred standard 150 x 300 mm (6 x 12 in.) cylinders tested SSD at 28 days were used.) This method is described in detail in ASTM C805 (BS 4408: Part 4) and suffers from the same limitations as the

The general view held by many users of the Schmidt rebound hammer is that it is useful in checking the uniformity of concrete and in comparing one concrete against another, but that it can be used only as a rough indication of the concrete strength in absolute terms. Printed 1/1/02

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