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Riley Orton Foundation STRATEGIC PLAN 2015-2020: Project Name: Project Period

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Project Period: 2015 - 2020

Contact Persons: David Omondi Otieno

Director of Operations,
Tel: 0725 922 535
Erick Otieno Oduor
Chief Executive Officer,
Tel: 0715 595 629

C/o Riley Orton Foundation

P.O. Box 7466 KISUMU 40100


Akili Girls Preparatory School strives to provide underprivileged girls in Kisumu County with
affordable quality education that will help them to break the cycle of poverty.
The project goal is to generate sufficient income through focussing on horticulture, poultry, dairy
cows, and renewable energy systems so as to meet educational, nutritional and medical support
needs of the girls we support.
This project aims to support at least 200 orphans and vulnerable girls between 3 and 14 years by
the year 2020.

The primary target group are girls from the lowest income populations, particularly those who are
affected by the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in Obunga slum and Obambo village in Kisumu County.
We will enroll 5 fee paying students in every class to enable parents who are able to pay fees to
participate in the education of needy girls.

The strategy we have adopted to provide quality education to these girls is through the
establishment of a boarding school known as Akili Girls’ Preparatory School which will provide
holistic education that addresses both the physical and emotional needs of the girls while creating
dignity through self-reliance.

Our Mission Statement

Akili Girls’ Preparatory School exists to empower girls to reach their full potential by providing
sustainable, affordable and accessible quality Christian education to needy girls in Kisumu County,

Our Vision
Empower girls and women who can reach their full potential so that they are healthier, able to
make their own decisions and through their education, enable their families and communities to

Our Core Values

 Commitment to needy girls and women
 Partnerships
 Integrity and Discipline
 Teamwork
 Responsiveness
 Respect for People
 Encourage environmental soundness
 Promote people-centered development

Our Objectives
Specific objectives following are to:
 Support girls to break the cycle of poverty by providing quality education and life skills
 Promote income generating activities to sustain the school

Women struggle to raise their families in many slums and villages in Kisumu, Kenya. Lack of
food, water and proper sanitation facilities, school fees and high death rates from HIV/AIDS
coupled with the burden of raising orphaned children are some of the hardships these women face
every day.
Despite the governments’ initiative to make primary education free, many children especially girls
of school going age remain out of school due to inhibitory costs for tuition, buying stationery,
school uniforms and feeding the children.
It is on this foregoing background that we are building a boarding school for girls in Obambo
Village, about 30km from Kisumu town with the aim of:

1. Providing affordable and accessible quality Christian education to over 200 girls by the year
2020. The school currently has 85 girls from preschool to 3rd grade and will be adding 20 more
girls as the school gradually expands to the next class every year. The preschool classes will
remain in Obunga Slum. As the girls graduate from the preschool, they will join the boarding
school in Obambo village where they will board until they get to 8th grade.
2. Making the school self-sustaining by investing in agricultural and horticultural farming. In the
farm we grow tomatoes, kales, indigenous vegetables and keep poultry. We want to scale up
our farming activities by purchasing a piece of land in Obambo village where we will keep
dairy cows to provide milk for use by the students and for sale to the local community and to
provide biogas for cooking in the school kitchen. We will also add more green houses and
chicken to ensure that what we can produce can actually sustain the school.
3. Providing renewable energy at the school. We are looking forward to having renewable energy
systems installed at the school. As we work towards sustainability, we are looking at having the
school run on solar or wind power to reduce costs associated with paying electricity bills. We
also want to install a biogas digester at the school to ensure that the waste from dairy cows can
be used to generate biogas to be used for cooking for the girls (school feeding program) .
4. Creating jobs for women as teachers, caretakers, matrons and administrators thereby
empowering them to take care of their families. By 2020 we will create jobs for at least 20
women (11 teachers from preschool to 8th grade, cooks, matrons, coaches, admin)
5. Establishing fruitful relationship and collaboration with donors, Government and NGO,
churches with the view of extending their activities to the projects beneficiaries.

This project will be implemented by adopting the following strategy:

Criteria for selecting girls to Join Akili Girls’ Preparatory School

 Total Orphans and vulnerable girls will be considered
 Applications will be done in December every year to select students joining Akili Preschool
in Obunga Slum, Kisumu
 Akili Preschool graduates will be given first priority to join Akili Girls’ Preparatory School
in Obambo village, Kisumu.
 Students from Obambo village will also apply to join the school in December every year
 5 fee paying students will be admitted in every class and will pay fees that will be
determined by the school management from time to time
Service provision
 Formation of student recruitment/admissions committee (teachers, parents representatives
and ROF Admins)
 Linkages will be developed with local government/community administration (assistant
chief, community elders and church leaders) to help identify and refer bright and needy
students to the school
 The girls at Akili Preschool, Obunga will be provided with education at a nominal fee for 3
years. One free meal a day will be provided
 Girls at Akili Girls’ Preparatory School will get free education with 3 meals provided daily
 Caretakers and matrons will be employed at the school to look after the girls

Monitoring of individual child performance.

 The matrons will monitor the progress of the individual student in the boarding house
 Teachers will monitor individual student performance in the classrooms
 They will develop performance report on each child every month

Project Sustainability
 Income Generating Activities (IGAs) will be promoted to sustain the project
 This includes growing of tomatoes, kale and indigenous vegetables, poultry and dairy cows
 We will also invest in renewable energy sources like biogas and solar energy

The school plans to get materials, financial support and in kind donations to help meet its
objectives from individuals, companies, religious organizations, the business fraternity, friends ,
external donors, the government and other organizations.

Akili Girls’ Preparatory School’s immediate needs are mainly in making the new boarding school
ready for the girls by September 7th 2015 and these include:
a) Plastering the walls/floors, making ceiling, putting up glasses on doors/windows and
painting the first 4 classrooms possibly by the end of May 31st 2015
b) Construction of a boarding house to accommodate 80 girls by 31st August 2015
c) Digging a well to provide running water at the school and for sale to the community to
generate income for the school by August 2015 before relocating the girls to the new school
d) Construction of Kitchen, Toilets, Shower room, and fencing the compound
e) Installation of solar or wind energy (mainly for lighting) and biogas energy for cooking at
the school kitchen
f) Purchase of kitchen equipment, furniture/beds/bedding for dormitory, office furniture and
other equipment such as water tanks, gas cookers and utensils
g) Construction of Akili Library/Computer training center com life point church from January
h) Purchasing more land at Obambo village to scale up farming activities, keep dairy cows
i) Recruit sponsors for at least 60 girls by December 2015 to provide funding for the school
as we work towards sustainability.
j) Construction of the 2nd classroom block (5th to 8th grade)

 Akili Sustainable Farm: The school is growing Tomatoes, Vegetables and keeping chicken to
raise funds for its activities. 5 dairy cows will be bought by the end of 2015 to provide milk for
the students, biogas for school kitchen, and manure for the garden and sell surplus milk to the
local community to generate income.
 Water kiosk: As soon as a well is dug at the school, the plan is to sell the water to the local
community at an affordable fee to raise income for the school. A water kiosk will be built in the
school compound to serve the local community.
 Renewable energy: Solar or wind energy will be installed at the school to provide lighting for
both the classrooms and the dormitory. Biogas energy produced by the cows at Akili farm will
provide renewable energy for cooking at the school kitchen sustainably.
 Akili Library and Information Technology Center: The library which is currently located in
Obunga will be moved to Obambo by January 2016. The library will include MPESA (mobile
money transfer shop), a general goods shop, computer training center which offers copier and
printing services, and a social hall where soccer matches will be screened and small group
meetings held to generate income for the school. The library will provide homework assistance
for children in the community. One hall at the library will serve as the life point church where
students, staff and parents will fellowship at the school. The Akili family will grow spiritually
and serve GOD together in the community.
 Cost-Sharing: 5 students from well-off families will be admitted in each class to help defray
the project costs through cost-sharing. This translates to 40 fee paying students by 2020. With
each student paying $375 per year, $15,000 will be raised every year.

Expected project outputs and benefits to the communities we work with in Obunga slum and
Obambo village

1. Promotion of sponsorship system. Participation in international society by improving children’s

scholastic level as a result of protection of their rights to receive education.
2. Reduction of widespread phenomenon of abused girls who are a burden to social or economic
field of the country’s growth.
3. Promotion of gender development and growth.
4. Promotion of IT skills
5. Enhancement of community resource identification, mobilization or marshalling of the same
Eradication of poverty in slum and rural setting
6. Promotion of inter-agency collaboration in professional ideas and experience sharing.

Project future plans

1. Start/Construct Akili Girls Secondary School in 2021

2. Sponsorship of girls to colleges/universities.
3. Construct Teachers Training Centre/College
4. Integrated farming
5. Innovation of computer and IT skills.
6. Hire professional Personnel
7. Short income generating projects and production units to boost the centers income

Board of Directors

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Director of Operations Headmistress/Teacher

Deputy Head Teacher

Accountant Project Managers Volunteers

Head of Departments (HODs)

Teachers Computer Trainers Sports coaches/Cooks/Matrons


Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Construction of 4 X X X X X
Construction of X X X
Boarding House
Bringing water to the X X
site & Construction of
toilets & Water kiosk
Solar and Biogas X X X
Online Fundraising for X X
Fencing of the plot and X
gate construction
Kitchen and stores X
Purchase of kitchen X
&/beds/mattresses for
Employing matron & X
New school open to X
students for 3rd term
Purchase of X X X X
agricultural land for
Construction of dairy X X X X
shed and Purchase of
dairy cows
Growing more X X X X
veggies/tomatoes at
Fundraising for X X X X
construction of Akili
Library & setting up
training, copier and
printing business

DESCRIPTION FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020

Staff Salaries $ $ $ $ $
Teachers/staff salaries 48,560.00 54,240.00 62,380.00 65,905.00 69,430.00

Project needs
Feeding program 12,456.45 14,521.39 16,586.33 18,651.26 20,716.20
School supplies & medical needs 18,090.00 19,432.50 20,775.00 22,117.50 23,460.00
ICT & Internet 450.00 500.00 550.00 600.00 650.00
Electricity 900.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00
Telephone/Mobile/Post office 1,801.00 1,900.00 2,000.00 2,100.00 2,200.00
Staff capacity building in different 2,400.00 2,500.00 2,600.00 2,700.00 2,800.00
Office supplies/toners/papers 2,833.50 2,900.00 3,000.00 3,100.00 3,200.00
Staff medical needs 1,125.00 1,200.00 1,350.00 1,425.00 1,500.00
Bank charges/Audit fees 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00
Staff travel expenses 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,250.00
Vehicle maintenance/fuels/insurance 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00
Other administrative miscellaneous 650.00 650.00 650.00 650.00 650.00
Beds/mattresses/bed sheets 1,950.00 1,950.00 1,950.00 1,950.00 1,950.00
Grand Total 94,415.95 103,993.89 116,341.33 123,698.76 131,056.20


Construction of the first 4 classrooms: to be finished by May 2015 (Ali & Julianne's funds)
Construction of dormitory: to be finished by July 2015 (Claudia's funds, we will reach out to other
orgs too to chip in with painting and finishing work)
Solar or wind energy installation, toilets construction, digging water well: to be done by August
2015. Reaching out to orgs/partners like Deeper missions org who visited our school in January
2015, exploring possibility of partnership. We are hopeful that they will be able to help in any area as
we look out for other partners to help too. This is our top priority as without water and sanitation
facilities in place, we cannot move the girls to the new school. We hope to have these by August 31st
Purchasing beds, matresses, bedsheets, kitchen construction & utensils : this will cost about
$7,850. We have raised $1,500 on indiegogo to support feeding program for the girls when they join
the school in September. We are considering fundraising again on global giving challenge where we hope to raise at least $5,000 to purchase beds and bedding. The
challenge is in June 2015. We are also reaching out to other orgs and individuals to help furnish the
boarding house.
Purchase of Akili Farm at Obambo Village: We have identified a portion of land adjacent to the
school in Obambo. It could go for $5000. We are hoping to purchase it between September and
December 2015. We will construct a cow shed and keep 5 dairy cows in this parcel of land to
produce milk and generate biogas energy which we will use at the school kitchen. This portion of
land boarders the road and we are looking forward to building Akili library which will have a
church, shops and a social hall on part of the land bordering the road. We hope to raise funds to do
this through grants from different orgs. We are also planning two volunteer trips for January and July
2016 to help us do this work. We will also add more greenhouses and a chicken. Acquiring the farm
is our top priority given the impact the farm in Obunga has had on our school and girls. We used to
spend up to $25 every week on vegetables to feed the girls and this has drastically reduced to about
$6 by end of last semester and is expected to reduce further by start of 2nd semester/term in May
because we have increased the acreage under vegetables at the farm. We are confident that with the
2nd farm in Obambo, we will diversify our farming activities and meet the food demands of the
children we serve sustainably.
Construction of the 2nd 4- classroom block: we are writing a grant application to Classrooms for
Africa Org to fund construction of at least 2 classrooms from January 2016. We will reach out to
other partners in the course of the year to build the additional 2 classrooms. This 2nd block will
make the school fully fledged primary school with 8 classrooms.


1. Akili Sustainable Farm

Crop Projected weekly income monthly Yearly
Tomatoes 3,000.00 12,000.00 244,000.00
Veggies 1,000.00 4,000.00 48,000.00
TOTAL KES 4,000.00 16,000.00 292,000.00
TOTAL USD $50.00 $200.00 $3,650.00

2. Akili Poultry Project

Description Proposed weekly income Monthly Yearly
Sale of 10 chicken weekly 2,000.00 8,000.00 96,000.00
TOTAL KES 2,000.00 8,000.00 96,000.00
TOTAL USD $25.00 $100.00 $1,200.00

3. Akili Sponsorship Programme

Description Projected weekly income monthly Yearly
30 girls sponsored @ $25 monthly - 60,000.00 720,000.00
TOTAL KES - 60,000.00 720,000.00
TOTAL USD - $750.00 $9,000.00


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