Model Question Paper Class-XI Computer Science M.M.:70 Time:3 Hrs
Model Question Paper Class-XI Computer Science M.M.:70 Time:3 Hrs
Model Question Paper Class-XI Computer Science M.M.:70 Time:3 Hrs
Instructions: {1}All Question are compulsory. {2}Programming language :c++ Q.1 [A] Explain functional components of a Computer? [B] Write different between application software and system software. [C]Define Hybrid computer? [D]What function of operating system plays to manage memory. Q.2[A]Write differences between logical errors and syntax errors. [B]What do you mean by robustness of a program. [C]What is guard code. [D]What is the process of translation of the algorithm ,into a program,called? [E] What are the characteristics of a good program ? [F] Name two types of compilation errors ? Q.3[A]Name the header files to which the following belongs to : (i) getch( ) (ii) isdigit( ) (iii) sqrt( ) (iv) atoi( ) [B]write output for following code: int val,n=1000,; cin>>val; res=n+val>1500?100:200; cout<<res; i) If the input is 1000. ii) If the input is 200. [C] Write the equivalent c++ expressions(1) p=2(l+b) (2) z=2(p/q)2 (3) s=1/2mv2 (4) x=-b+(b2-4ac) /2a [D] Write difference between keyword and identifier. 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2
Time:3 hrs.
Q.4[A] Draw a flowchart that print the smallest of three given no. 2 [B] Rewrite the following program after removing syntactical errors,underline each 2 Correction.
# include<iostream.h> Void main( ) { const MAX = 0 ; int a, b; cin<<a>>b; if(a > b ) MAX = a; for(x=0;x<MAX; x++) cout<<x; } [C] Write a program in c++ to print Fibonacci series:0,1,1,2,3,5,8 . [D] Write a program in c++ to find out factorial of a given no. Q.5 [A] Write a program in c++ to replace every space in a string with hyphen. [B] Find the total no. of elements and total size of the following array: (i) int student[20] (ii) float A[4][5] [C] Rewrite the following program after removing syntactical errors,underline each Correction. #include<iostream.h> main() { int sum[2,4]; for(i=0;i<2;i++) for(j=0;j<=3;i++) { cout<<sum; } [D] Find out the output for the following program: #include<iostream.h> main() { int a[5]= {5,10,15,20,25}; int i, j,k=1,m; i = ++a[1] ; j= a[2]++; m= a[i++}; cout<<i<<j<<k<<m; } [E] Write a program in c++ to find row and column sum of a matrix . [F] Give the proper array declaration for the following :(i) Declare an integer array A which can hold 30 values. (ii) declare a two dimensional array called MIN ,4* 5 of integer.
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Q.6[A] What are the 3 steps using a function . [B] Find the output of the following program: #include<iosteam.h> void Execute (int& x,int y=200) { int temp = x + y; x+ = temp; if(y!=200) cout<<temp<<x<<y; } main( ) { int a = 50,b=20; Execute(a,b); cout<<a<<b; } [C] Write a function in C ++ having 2 parameters x and n of integer type with result type float to find the sum of following series :1 + x/2! + x2/ 3! +..+xn/n+1! [D] Write a program to calculate the sum of n natural numbers by using function. Q. 7[A] Convert the following into its binary equivalent codes. (i) (84)10 = (?)2 (ii) (2C9)16 = (?)10 (iii) (101010)2= (?)10 (iv) (3674)8 =(?)2 [B] Express -4 in 1s complement form. [C] What is the function of a bus . [D] Write two types of cache memory. [D] write difference between SRAM and DRAM.
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MARKING SCHEME Class- XI Sub: Computer Science Q.1[A] 1 mark for giving names of functional units(input/output/memory) 1 mark for explanation of the working of functional units. [B].2 marks for any 2 correct differences. [C].1 mark for correct definition of hybrid computer. [D]. 1 mark for correct answer (memory management system) Q.2[A]. 2 mark for any 2correct differences [B]. 2 mark for correct definition. [C]. 1 mark for correct definition. [D]. 1 mark for correct answer (coding). [E]. 2 marks for any 2 characteristics of good program with explanation. [F]. 2 marks for correct answer that are 1. Syntax error 2. Semantic error Q.3[A]. Name the header file for which the following belongs to :1. getch() conio.h 2. isdigit() ctype.h 3. sqrt() math.h 4. atoi() stdlib.h 1/2 Mark for each correct answer [B].Output will be 1. 100 2. 200 1 mark for each correct answer [C] Equivalent expressions are :a) p=2*(l+b); b) z=2*pow((p/q),2)) or 2*p/q*p/q; c) s=1/2*m*v*v; or s=1/2*m*pow(v,2); d) x=-b+sqrt(b*b-4*a*c)/2*a; or x=-b+sqrt(pow(b,2)-4*a*c)/2*a; 1/2 Mark for each correct answer [D] 2 marks for any 2 correct differences Q.4 [A]. 2 Marks for correct flowchart. Marks-70 Time-3hrs.
[B] void main() { const int MAX=0; int a,b; cin>>a>>b; if (a>b) MAX= a; for(x=0;x<MAX; x++) cout<<x; mark for each correction
// x is an undefined symbol
[C]. 3 marks for writing correct program ( mark for including correct header file mark for declaring variables mark for assigning values 1 mark for correct logic mark for print series ) [D]. 3 marks for writing correct program ( mark for including correct header file mark for declaring variables mark for enter variable/number mark for correct loop mark for correct logic mark to print factorial of given no. ) Q.5[A] ( mark for including correct header file mark for entering string 1 mark for correct logic & correct result [B] ) mark for each correct answer a) total no. of elements = 20 total size = 20*2 = 40 bytes b) total no. of elements =4*5=20 total size =4*4*5= 80 bytes 2 mark for writing correct program :-
main() { int sum[2][4]; for (int i=0; i<2; i++) { for (int j=0; j<=3 ; j++) } cout<<sum[i][j]; } mark for each correction [D] 1 mark for each correct answer 12,15,1,0 [E] 3 marks for writing correct program :( mark for including correct header files. mark for declaring variables mark for reading an array mark for calculating column sum mark for calculating row sum mark to print row sum & column sum ) [F] 1 marks for each correct declaration :(i) int A[30]; (ii)int MIN[4][5]; Q.6[A] 1 mark for each correct step: i)function declaration. ii)function definition. iii)function calling. [B] 1 mark for each correct answer (i) a= 120 (ii)b=20 [C] 3 marks should be given for correct definition of function mark for correct function header file mark for declaring variables. mark for correct logic for calculating factorial 1 mark for correct logic for calculating sum of terms mark for return sum.
[D] void total ( int n) { int i,sum ; sum =0; for(i =1;i<=n;i++ ) { sum =sum + i; } cout<<sum of natural numbers is<<sum; } 3 marks should be given for correct definition of function mark for correct function header file mark for declaring variables. mark for assign 0 to sum; 1 mark for correct logic for calculating sum mark for print sum
Q.7[A] 1 Mark for each correct answer : (i) (84)10 = (1010100)2 (ii) (2C9)16 = (713)10 (iii)(101010)2 = (42)10 (iv) (3674)8 =(11110111100)2 [B] 1 Mark for finding correct complement of number [C] 1 Mark for correct function of bus [D] 1 Mark for each correct type [E] 2 Mark for any 2 correct differences between SRAM and DRAM
Time:3 hrs.
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Q.4[A] Write differences between entry controlled loop and exit controlled loop 2 [B] Write a program to input a character and to print whether a given character is an 2 alphabet ,digit or any other character. [C] Give the output for the following program segment: 2 (i) for(int i=10;i>6;i=i-2) cout<<i<<endl; (ii) for(int i=-5;i>-7;i--) cout<<i+1<<endl; [D] Write a menu driven program to calculate area of a circle,a rectangle depending upon users choice. 3 Q.5[A] what is the difference between following two statements :1
(i) int sum[10]; (ii) int sum[10]= 20; [B] Rewrite the following program after removing the syntactical errors.underline each correction. 3 #include<iostream.h> main( ) { int x[5],y,z[5] for( i=0;i<5;i++ { x[i] = i; z = i+3; y=z; x=y; }} [C] Find the output of the following program: 2
#include<iostream.h> main( ) { int a[4],i; for( i=0;i<4;i++) a[i] = 5*i; for(i=0;i<4;i++) cout<<a[i]; } [D] Write a program to read a string and print how many words are stored in the string. 3 [E] Write a program to find the sum of array elements. Q.6[A] What do you mean by function prototype ? [B] What is meant by scope ? Name all kinds of scope is supported by C++. [C] Find the output of the following: #include<iostream.h> int max(int & x,int &y,int &z) { if(x>y && y>z) { y++; z++; return x; } else { 3 1 3 3
if(y>x) return y; else return z; } void main( ) { int a=10,b=13,c=8; A= max(a,b,c); cout<<a<<b<<c; B= max(a,b,c); cout<<++a<<++b<<++c<<endl; } [D] Write a complete C++ Program that reads a float array having 15 elements. The program uses a function reverse( ) to reverse this array. 4
[E] Write a C++ function having two parameters x of type float and n of type integer 4 With result type float to find the sum of following series :1 + x/2! +x2/4! +x3/6! +.+xn/2n! Q.7[A] Difference between online UPS and offline UPS. [B] Explain what are the two categories of printers ? [C] What is access time. [E] Convert the following into its binary equivalent number system :(i) (EB4A)16= (?)10 (ii) (84)10=(?)2 (iii)(B2F)16 = (?)8 [F] Find the eight bit ones complement form of the following: (i) -14 (ii) -49 2 2 1 3
MARKING SCHEME Class- XI Sub: Computer Science Q.1[A] 2 marks for any 2 correct differences. . [B].2 marks for correct definition. [C].1 mark for correct answer. [D]. 1/2 mark for each correct answer (PARAM,ANURAG) Q.2[A]. 2 mark for correct definition [B]. 2 mark for correct reason. [C]. 1 mark for each correct steps. [D]. 3 mark for correct algorithm. Q.3[A] Name the header file for which the following belongs to :1. exit( ) process.h 2. gets() stdio.h 3. tolower() ctype.h 4. malloc() stdlib.h [B] 1 mark for each correct answer . (i) 16 (ii) 8 (iii)14 (iv) 6 [C] 2 mark for correct definition [D] 2 marks for any 2 correct difference . Q.4[A] 2 Mark for any 2 correct difference [B] 2 Marks for writing correct program ( 1/2 mark for including correct header file 1/2 mark declaring variable 1/2 mark for check for alphabets 1/2 mark for check for digits and other characters ) [C] (i) 1 Mark for correct output 10,8 (ii) 1 Mark for correct output -4,-5 [D] 3 Marks for writing correct program Marks-70 Time-3hrs.
( 1/2 mark for including correct header file 1/2 mark declaring variable 1/2 mark for coding of designing menu 1/2 mark for use switch or if..else statement 1/2 mark for check for calculate area of circle 1/2 mark for check for calculate area of rectangle. ) Q.5[A] 1 mark for writing correct differences. [B] void main() { int x[5],y, z[5] ; for(int i =0;i<5;i++ ) { x[i] = i; z= i+3; y = z; x[i] = y; }} mark for each correct answer [C] Mark for each correct answer :- 0,5,10,15 [D] 3 Marks for writing correct program ( 1/2 mark for including correct header file 1/2 mark declaring variable 1/2 mark for enter a string 1 mark for correct logic mark for print total no. of words ) [E] 3 Marks for writing correct program
( 1/2 mark for including correct header file 1/2 mark declaring variable 1/2 mark for enter array elements 1 mark for correct logic to calculate sum. 1/2mark for print sum. ) Q.6[A] 1Mark for defining function prototype [B] 1 Mark for correct definition and 2 Mark for correct scope names. [C] mark for each correct answer. 13,13,8 14,9,9 [D] 4 Marks for writing correct program ( 1/2 mark for including correct header file
1/2 mark declaring variables 1/2 mark for declaration of function 1/2 mark for enter an array elements 1/2 mark for calling function 1 mark for correct definition of function 1/2 for print reverse array ) [E] 4 marks should be given for correct definition of function 1 mark for correct function header file mark for declaring variables. 1 mark for correct logic for calculating factorial 1 mark for correct logic for calculating sum of terms mark for return sum.
Q.7[A] 2 Marks for correct difference. [B] 2 Marks for correct answer{ 1. Impact 2. Non Impact} [C] 1 Mark for correct definition [D] 1 Mark for each correct answer (i) (EB4A)16 = (60234)10 (ii) (84) 10 = (1010100)2 (iii) (B2F)16 = (5457)8 [E] 1 Mark for each correct answer ************************************************************************
KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN Class- XI [Computer Science] Time Duration: 3 Hrs 70 General instruction: (i) All questions are compulsory (ii) Programming language : C++ SECTION A 1. Explain any 2 important features of an Operating System. 2 2. What is the difference between GUI and CUI? 2 3. Write down the steps or DOS command to move a file from one location to another 1 4. What is the difference between copying and moving a file. 1 SECTION B 1. Explain the following terms with an example of each. (2 marks each) a. Comments b. Identifiers 2.Write down the stages of program development process 2 3. What do you mean by Programming Errors? Explain all types of errors. 3 4. Explain the term LIVEWARE. 1 SECTION C 1. Write a program read a number from user and check whether the given no. is prime. 5 2. Write a function to calculate the following series 5 1 + X / X2 + 2X / X3 + 3X /X4 +.. + NX/X N 3. Evaluate the following C++ expressions where a, b, c are integers and d, f are floating point numbers. The Value of a=6, b=2, d=1.5 marks each) a) f= a+ b/a (2 M. M.
b) c= ( a++) * d + b c) c= a ( b++ ) * (--a) 4. Find out the errors, underline them and correct them 4 Void MAIN() { int a,b =2; cout>> Enter a Value cin<< a; floating f = a/ b; if ( a= < b) cout<<a << Greatest ; else cout<<b << Greatest; cout<<Values of f is : << f; f + = 13; cout << Now Value of f is << f; } 5. Write a program to find factorial of a given number. 4 6. Write a function to accept a String Str , a character Ch and an integer pos. Now in String Str character at position pos should be replaced with character Ch 4 7. Write a program to read a Matrix ant print the Transpose of that Matrix . 4 8. a. What are the types of selection statements available in C++?Give example of each type. 2
b Differentiate between system software and application software. 2 c. Differentiate between compiler and interpreter. 2 d. Explain unary, binary and ternary operators? Give example of each type. 3 e. What is the difference between break and continue? Give example. 3 SECTION D 1. What are memory devices? Discuss RAM and ROM in detail 4 2. Explain the following terms mark each) a. PORT b. REGISTER c. ALU d. NON-IMPACT PRINTER 3. What is the difference between online and offline UPS? 2 (1
KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN Class- XI [Computer Science] MARKING SCHEME SECTION A 1. 1 mark each for any 2 features of an Operating System 2. 1 mark each for any 2 differences between GUI and CUI 3. 1 mark for writing DOS command Move <file> <target path> OR 1 mark for writing correct steps to move a file in Windows environment 4. 1 mark for correct definition SECTION B 1. One mark each for correct definition and 1 mark each for correct example 2. mark each for mentioning correct Phases i.e. Analyze, Code, Debug, Test 3. 1 mark for correct definition. 2 marks (1/2 mark each) for mentioning correct types of errors i.e. Syntax, Run Time, Logical, Semantic 4. 1 mark for correct definition of LIVEWARE. Def: It is the term generally used for the people associated with and benefited from the computer System SECTION C 1. One mark for including correct header files 2 marks for correct logic 2 marks for no syntax errors 2. One mark for writing correct prototype of function 2 marks for correct logic 2 marks for no syntax errors 3. 2 marks for finding each correct output Output : a) 6 b) 8.5 c) -5 } 4. 1/2 mark for each identification and correction of error # include <iostream.h> void main() { int a,b =2; cout<< Enter a Value; cin>>a;
float f = a/ b; if ( a <= b) cout<<a << Greatest ; else cout<<b << Greatest; cout<<Values of f is : << f; f + = 13; cout << Now Value of f is << f; } 5. One mark for including correct header files and writing comment 2 marks for correct logic 2 marks for no syntax errors 6. One mark for writing correct prototype of function and writing comment 2 marks for correct logic 2 marks for no syntax errors 7. One mark for including correct header files and writing comment 2 marks for correct logic 2 marks for no syntax errors 8. a. Correct definition 1 mark Any 2 name 1 mark b. Any 2 difference 1 mark each c. Any 2 difference 1 mark each d. 1 mark for each operator with example e. 2 marks for difference and 1 mark for example SECTION D 1. Correct definition - 1 mark 2. 1 mark for each correct definition of a. PORT b. REGISTER c. ALU d. NON-IMPACT PRINTER 3. Correct difference b/w online and offline UPS - 2 mark