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HR Score Card

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Short Questions 1. Define the purpose of HR Scorecard.

The HR scorecard allows a business to: Manage HR as a strategic asset. Quantitatively demonstrate HRs contribution to the firms financial results and bottom-line profitability. c. Create and measure the degree of alignment between the strategy of the business and its HR architecture. a. b. 2. a. b. c. 3. a) b) c) d) 4. What are the three components or dimensions of HR architecture? HR function HR management system Strategic Employee behaviours What are the basic dimensions of a HR scorecard? HR deliverables High Performance Work System External HR System Alignment Measures HR Efficiency Measures Elaborate the Seven step model for using HR as a Strategic Business Asset.


What are the benefits of HR Scorcard?

a. b. c. d. e.

Focusing on leading indicators i.e. HR deliverables Encouraging Customers of HR to become more self-sufficient Providing Focus for HR and OD staff Identifying the differences between HR doables and HR deliverables Demonstrating HRs contribution to strategy implementation and to the organizations bottom line f. Helping HR managers focus on and manage their strategic responsibilities g. Encouraging HR flexibility and change 6. What are the factors a good strategic focus is dependent on? 1. An effective knowledge management system. 2. Alignment of the HR architecture. 3. A balanced performance measurement system 7. What are six core HR competencies? 1. Knowledge of the business. 2. Delivery of human resource services 3. Management of culture 4. Management of change 5. Personal credibility 6. Strategic HR performance management 8. What are the characteristics of a viable HR strategic measurement system? 1. Measures the correct HR performance drivers and enablers. 2. Chooses the correct measures for each deliverable.


1. a) b) c) d)

Which of the following statements is not true about an HR Audit? It establishes a benchmark for measuring the performance of the HR Department It is done by internal employees or external consultants It gathers data about people, processes, structures and policies It is a statutory requirement for an organization

2. Which of the following pieces of information is normally not considered for HR audit? a) Job specification and job description statement b) Hiring policies, procedures and practices c) Details about exit and other interviews d) None of the above

3. a) b) c) d)

HR Audit needs to be done at _______ levels of the organizations Two Three Four Five

4. When the efficiency of the HR Activity is to be measured in terms of organizational productivity and costs, it is called as _______ approach a) Internal b) External c) Self-directed team d) Task force 5. a) b) c) d) Which of the following conditions is essential for effective HR audit? Top managements commitment Clarity in HR audit objectives Regularity and continuity All the above

6. Which types of organizational knowledge are a source of competitive advantage? a) Explicit knowledge which is classified and formalised in a planned and systematic way b) Personal knowledge which is hard to communicate and formalise c) Customer database, market research reports, management reports d) Collective and shared experience accumulated through systems, routines and activities of sharing across the organisation 7. a) b) c) d) Which of the following is an examples of operative functions of HR Managers? Planning Organizing Procurement Controlling

8. ___________are the resources that provide utility value to all other resources a) Men b) Material c) Money

d) Machinery 9. The continuing search by HR for an identity and status represents, for some, an enduring paradox that, until resolved or explained will limit HR's contribution to organizational objectives. A paradox can be understood as: a) A structural feature of all organizations b) An inherently human conditions c) Something that seems difficult to understand and explain d) A feature of the way groups functions

10. The employment contract provides a set of rights, responsibilities and obligations that structure the behaviour of whom? a) Both parties b) Employer c) Employee d) Trade unions

11. _____________ work with line managers to help them reach their goals through effective strategy formulation and execution a) Centres of expertise b) Shared service centres

c) Strategic business partners

d) None of the above

12. _______________ is a process that involves the use of overarching approaches to the development of HR strategies a) Strategic HRM b) HRM c) Personnel Management d) None of the above 13. _________ is gradual adjustments of HR policy and practices that affect single activities or multiple functions. a. Transformational change b. Incremental change c. Transactional Change d. Both a&b e. Both a&c

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