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Rr312404 Design of Machine Elements

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Code No: RR312404 Set No.

III B.Tech. I Semester Supplementary Examinations, February -2007
(Automobile Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) What are the most important mechanical properties? Explain.

(b) Explain the Hole basis and shaft basis systems.
2. (a) A punch can withstand a safe compressive stress of 330 MPa. It is used for
punching holes of 20mm in material which has an ultimate shear stress of 150
MPa. Determine the maximum thickness of material through which a hole
can be punched.
(b) Explain the maximum shear stress theory of failure and discuss the limitations
of Rankine’s theory.
3. (a) Differentiate between geometrical stress concentration factor and Fatigue strength
reduction factor.
(b) A steel connecting rod is subjected to completely reversed axial load of 100 kN.
Determine the size of the rod using a factor of safety 2. The tensile strength
of the material is 1100 MPa and yield stength is 930 MPa. The load factor is
0.7, the size factor is 1.0, the surface finish factor is 0.5.
4. (a) Explain with the help of neat sketches any four types of Rivet heads.
(b) A locomotive boiler of 2m internal diameter is required to generate steam at
1.4 MPa. Design a longitudinal double strap butt joint. The allowable stresses
in tension, shear and compression are respectively 78 MPa, 60 MPa and 135
MPa. The Efficiency of the longitudinal joint is 84%.
5. (a) Differentiate between bolt and stud.
(b) Develop an expression for the maximum normal stress in all round circular
Fillet weld subjected to Bending.
6. Design a sleeve type of cotter joint to connect two rods of diameter 45mm and
50mm. The rods are subjected to a steady axial pull of 45 kN. The working stresses
in tension, shear and bearing are respectively 63 MPa, 42 MPa and 125 MPa. Draw
the sketch of the joint. Use standard proportions for the joint.
7. A machine shaft supported on bearings having their centres 750mm apart, transmits
185kW at 700 r.p.m. A gear of 200 mm and 200 pressure angle is located 250mm
to the right of the left hand bearing and a 450mm diameter pulley is mounted at
200mm to the right of left hand bearing. The gear is driven by a pinion with a
downward tangential force, while the pulley drives a horizontal belt having 1800
angle of contact. The pulley weighs 1 kN and tension ratio is 3. Find the diameter
of the shaft, if the allowable shear stress of the material is 65 MPa.

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Code No: RR312404 Set No.1
8. Design of muff coupling for transmitting 45 kW at a speed of 350 rev/min. The
muff is made of cast Iron and is used to connect two shafts. The coupling is required
to transmit 25 percent overload. The material of the key and shaft is same. The
allowable shear stress of shaft and key materials is 50 MPa. The allowable shear
stress for cast Iron muff is 15 MPa. The allowable crushing stress of key material
is 140 MPa.


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Code No: RR312404 Set No.2
III B.Tech. I Semester Supplementary Examinations, February -2007
(Automobile Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) What factors should be considered while selecting the material for the machine
component? Explain.
(b) Discuss with the help of examples the clearance Fit, Transition fit and the
Interference fit.

2. (a) A steel saw blade 1mm thick is bent into an arc of a circle of 500mm radius.
The width of the blade is 20mm and Youngs Modulus of elasticity of blade
material is 200 GPa. Determine the Flexural stress and the required Bending
(b) A shaft is subjected to twisting and Bending moments of 1500 Nm and 1000
Nm respectively. The yield strength of the material of the bar is 200 MPa.
Assuming a Factor of safety of 2 and applying maximum shear stress theory
of Failure, determine the diameter of the shaft.

3. (a) Explain the methods of reducing stress concentration.

(b) A shaft is subjected to a torque that varies from zero to 2 kN-m. Find the
diameter of the shaft by using the following data: Load factor is 0.6, size factor
is 0.85, surface finish fctor is 0.82, Fatigue strength reduction factor is 1.22,
Tensile strength of the material is 530 MPa, Endurance limit of the material
in shear is 220 MPa and the factor of safety is 2.0. The yield strength of the
material in shear is 300 MPa.

4. (a) Explain Caulking and fullering operation in Riveted Joints with the help of
neat sketches.
(b) Find the diameter of the rivet for the riveted joint shown in figure 1. The
allowable shear stress of rivet material is 60 MPa.

5. (a) With the help of neat sketches, explain the bolts of uniform strength.
(b) Develop an expression for the maximum shear stress induced in all around
circular fillet weld subjected to Torsion.

6. Design a socket and spigot type cotter joint to connect two rods subjected to a
steady axial pull of 50 kN. The working stresses in tension, shear and bearing are
respectively 60 MPa, 40 MPa and 120 MPa. Draw a free hand sketch of the joint
and use standard proportions for the joint.

7. A mild steel shaft transmits 15 kW at 120 rpm. It is supported in two bearings

750mm apart and has two gears keyed to it. The pinion having 24 teeth of 6mm

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Figure 1:

module is located 100 mm to the left of the right hand bearing and delivers power
horizontically to the right. The gear having 80 teeth of 6mm module is located
15mm to the right of the left hand bearing and receives power in a vertical direction
from below. Assuming an allowable shear stress 60 MPa and a combined shock and
fatigue factor of 1.5 in bending as well as in torsion, determine the diameter of the

8. Design a flange coupling for connecting the motor and centrifugal pump shafts.
The power transmitted is 18 kW at 1000 rev/min. The angle of twist in the shaft
is not to exceed 0.75 degrees in a length of 20 diameters. The allowable shear stress
of shaft material is 50 MPa. The allowable shear stress in the coupling bolts is 40
MPa. The allowable shear and crushing stresses in the key are respectively 50 MPa
and 120 MPa. The allowable shear stress of cast Iron material is 12 MPa.


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Code No: RR312404 Set No.3
III B.Tech. I Semester Supplementary Examinations, February -2007
(Automobile Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Discuss briefly the following Fabrication characteristics of metals:

i. Formability
ii. Machinability
iii. Castability
iv. Weldability
(b) Differentiate between Preferred Numbers and Rounding of Numbers.
2. (a) A Tie bar has to carry a load of 110 kN. The thickness of the bar is 12mm.
Allowable stress for the tie bar is 75 MPa. There is a rivet hole of 22 mm on
the bar cnetre line. Determine the width of the bar.
(b) Find the diameter of a solid round steel shaft to transmit 15kW at 60 Hz., if
the angular deflection is not to exceed 10 in a length of 30 diameters. (G=80
3. Determine the diameter of a shaft with the following data:
Torqye acting on the shaft varies from 300 N.m clockwise to 100 N.m anti clokwise.
Bending moment varies from 500 N.m to - 250 N.m
Su =560MPa; SY =420 MPa, Ssy =0.6Sy
Kf =Kf s =1.21; Ny =1.8
Load factor in Torsion = 0.6
Size factor in bending and torsion = 0.85
Surface Finish Factor=0.80
4. (a) What are the advantages of welding over riveting?
(b) Two 15mm thick plates are to be joined by a triple riveted double strap butt
joint. The rivet pitch is to be same in all the rows and chain riveting is to
be used. Determine the rivet diameter, rivet pitch, distance between rows
of rivets, strap thickness and efficiency of the joint. The allowable stress in
tension and shear are respectively 85 MPa and 65 MPa.
5. (a) Discuss briefly about Cap screws, Machine screws and set screws.
(b) Develop an expression for the combined shear stress for the welded joint shown
in figure 2.
6. Design a Knuckle joint to connect two rods to sustain a maximum pull of 48 kN.
The allowable stresses in tension, shear and bearing are respectively 70 MPa, 40
MPa and 120 MPa. Draw a free hand sketch of the joint. Use standard proportions
for the joint.

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Figure 2:

7. (a) Differentiate between shaft and axle.

(b) A marine propeller shaft is to transmit 75 kW at 120 rev/min without a
significant bending moment. The efficiency of the propeller is 70% at 10
knots. If L/K is less than 40, what should be the diameter? ( 1 knot = 1.85
km per hour)

8. Design a bushed pin type of flexible coupling for connecting the motor and pump
shafts. The power transmitted is 20 kW at 1000 rev/min. The diameters of motor
and pump shafts are 50mm and 45 mm respectively. The bearing pressure of rubber
bushing is 0.35 MPa. The working shear stress of pin material is 20 MPa. The
allowable shear and crushing stresses of key material is 15MPa and 200MPa.


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Code No: RR312404 Set No.4
III B.Tech. I Semester Supplementary Examinations, February -2007
(Automobile Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) What are the effects of the additions of the following in the alloy steel:
i. Chromium
ii. Tungsten
iii. Vanadium
iv. Molybdenum
(b) What are the values of Maximum clearance, hole tolerance and shaft tolerance
for the following dimensions of mated parts according to the basic hole system?
Hole: 34:000mm Shaft: 33.880mm
34.160mm 33.720mm

2. (a) A Cantilever member 40mm long having a rectangular cross section of 20mm
× 100mm supports a load of 5kN. What is the maximum shear stress and
where does it occur. (figure 3)
(b) Explain the Distortion Energy theory of Failure and compare Rankine, Tresca
and VonMises theories of Failure.

Figure 3:

3. Bending stress in a machine part fluctuates between 280MPa (Tensile) and 140MPa
(Compressive) what should be the minimum ultimate tensile stress to carry this
fluctuation indefinitely according to

(a) Gerber’s formula

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(b) Goodman’s formula
(c) Soderberg’s formula

The factor of safety may be assumed to be 1.75. Assume that the yield point stress
is equal to 55% of ultimate tensile strength.

4. (a) Discuss any four standard thread forms with the help of neat sketches.
(b) A boiler shell 2.4m in diameter is subjected to a steam pressure of 1MPa. The
efficiency of circumferential joint is 70%. The allowable stresses in tension,
shear and crushing are respectively 78MPa, 55MPa and 120MPa. Design a
circumferential joint.

5. (a) Draw the free hand sketches of any four types of locking devices for nuts.
(b) Two plates are joined by fillet welds as shown in figure 4 and subjected to a
tensile load of 400KN. What length of weld is required to resist the load? The
working stress in shear for the weld material is 80MPa. The size of the weld
is 10mm.

Figure 4:

6. (a) What are the advantages of a gib in a cotter joint?

(b) A gear transmits 40kW at 750r.p.m. It is rigidly fastened to a 45mm diameter
shaft made of steel having a yield strength of 540MPa. The yield strength of
key material is 400MPa. Adopt a factor of safety of 3. Using maximum shear
stress theory. design the key.

7. (a) What are the desirable properties of shaft materials? Explain.

(b) Determine the diameter of a hollow shaft with a ratio of di /do of 0.8, capable
of transmitting 300kW at 225rev/min, when subjected to a maximum bending
moment of 6KN.m. The load is suddenly applied with minor shocks for tor-
sional moment, the bending moment is steady and the allowable shear stress is

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60MPa. The combined shock and fatigue factors in bending as well as Torsion
is 1.5.

8. Design a split-muff coupling for connecting two shafts of diameter 50mm. The
torque transmitted by the coupling is 1500N.m. Assume the number of bolts used
to connect two halves is 4. The working stress of bolt material is 70MPa. The
coefficient of friction between shaft and sleeve material is 0.3. The allowable stresses
in shear and crushing of key material are respectively 50MPa and 150MPa.


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