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Computational Fluid Dynamics

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Engineering & Expertise Hydraulic modeling



Total solution engineering increases operational efciency

Understanding uid ow inside hydraulic structures is a critical factor in the design of pump stations. But intuition and experience are not always enough to develop optimized solutions or to communicate with customers about the advantages of the proposed design. Computational Fluid Dynamics, or CFD, is an excellent modeling tool that can be used in the design process to simulate various design alternatives, identify ow problems, develop solutions and evaluate operating strategies. As such, the CFD is a cost-effective alternative to physical modeling. Achieving lowest total cost of ownership

When providing pumping solutions, Flygt prefers to take the total cost of ownership into consideration.

Investment Unplanned



In this brochure, we will show how we use CFD to solve engineering problems related to pump station design for specic customer projects. But we also use CFD in developing generic designs for different types of pump stations or process applications, and last but not least, we use CFD in the design of pumps and mixers.

costs Costs associated with design, excavation, civil work, product purchases, installation and commissioning. costs Over time, energy usage and maintenance costs are often the major contributors to the overall costs along with the cost of labor required to run the system. costs When things go wrong, such as pump failures stemming from problematic station design, costs can sky rocket. Unexpected downtime can cause sewer backups, overows, basement ooding and untreated efuent. On top of that, you have to repair pumps and take corrective measures regarding the station design.




Engineering & Expertise Thanks to our engineering expertise, we can lower your total cost of ownership. We can analyze your system using state-of-the-art computational programs. We can test your pump station using scale models if required. We can also provide you with reference installations that are similar to your project. All of this together with our premium products provides you with an optimized design.



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Reference installations Engineering






What is CFD?

CFD is a sophisticated computer-based design and analysis technique. Using CFD, we can build a computational model that represents a system or a device that we want to study. We then apply the general uid ow equations to predict the ow eld and related physical phenomena. In general, CFD gives us the power to simulate turbulent uid ow, heat and mass transfer, multiphase ows, chemical reactions, uidstructure interaction and acoustics. The rst CFD codes were developed for the aerospace industry in the 1960s. Since then, the use of CFD has spread to all industries that deal with uid mechanics directly or indirectly. Today, other major industrial users of CFD include automotive, power, turbomachinery, chemical, environmental and many other industries. Almost all CFD codes are based on the NavierStokes equations, which arise from the application of Newtons second law to uid ows. These are general governing equations for any type of uid motion, but they can only be solved analytically for laminar ow or for a few very simple geometries in turbulent ow. Since most engineering problems involve turbulent ow and fairly complex geometries, the ow equations have to be solved numerically. The exact numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations for turbulent ow is extremely demanding because of the wide range of time and length scales involved in turbulent ow. In fact, the size of

the computational cells has to be smaller than the length scale of the smallest turbulent eddies for an exact solution, which in most cases is impractical. For this reason, the CFD codes use time-averaged equations such as the Reynolds-averaged NavierStokes equations (RANS) when modeling turbulent ows. With this approach, the turbulence is modeled for sub-grid scales. There are different turbulence models available depending on the ow characteristics.

Achieving lowest total cost of ownership When designing a pump station, our goal is to help our customers to achieve the lowest total cost of ownership. We always try to make the pump station as small as feasibly possible to minimize the investment cost. We analyze operating conditions and advise the best operating strategies to minimize the energy costs. We also address possible issues with sediment or oating debris to eliminate, or at least reduce, the costs related to cleaning and maintenance. CFD analysis is often a critical factor in achieving these objectives, as we explain throughout this brochure.


The process of CFD analysis CFD analysis is a fairly complex task that typically involves three stages: preprocessing, solving and postprocessing.

Preprocessing is building a computational ow model: Formulation of the flow problem for CFD analysis Modeling the geometry: Building or importing CAD geometry and adapting it for CFD Generation of a computational mesh: Subdividing the uid volume into a grid that typically consists of millions of discrete cells Defining fluid material properties, initial conditions and boundary conditions for the model Solving the ow equations may be the most time-consuming stage because the ow equations are being solved iteratively in all grid cells. To speed up the solution, calculations are done in parallel mode on multicore computer clusters: Selecting appropriate flow equations and numerical schemes Solving the flow equations until predetermined convergence criteria are met, typically thousands of iterations Compiling and exporting results for postprocessing Postprocessing is the nal step in CFD analysis. It involves organization, interpretation and presentation of the results. The following steps are involved: Production of CFD images and animations showing the ow eld and other relevant variables Calculation of integral parameters Analysis and interpretation of the results Reporting It is not unusual that the insight gained from the rst round of CFD analysis prompts another round aimed at making improvements to the model. Depending on the nature of changes, the whole process, or at least most of its steps, has to be repeated for each round.

Dening physical bounds.

Mesh generation.

Visualization of ow and vorticity.

Interpreting the CFD results For a novice, CFD is synonymous with colorful graphics. It is true that simulation results are often presented by many colorful plots, but they should not be taken as abstract art; all lines and colors have specic meanings. The most commonly used types of plots in our eld are those showing velocity and pressure. In a three-dimensional ow domain, the ow eld is characterized by a three-dimensional vector eld. Since there is no simple way of showing such a vector eld, several types of plots are used.

We initially used CFD for developing turbomachinery: pump impellers, volutes, mixers and other hydraulic parts. Currently we can model complete pumps with rotating impellers or more complex systems such as pump stations, mixing or aeration tanks. We promote the use of CFD in designing pump stations for customer projects for any non-standard conguration or any large pump station if the risks involved outweigh the costs of CFD modeling. At Flygt, we use three different top-ranked CFD codes: ANSYS Fluent, ANSYS CFX, and CFD++. We also use other state-of-the-art software for meshing and postprocessing. To ensure short turnaround time, most of calculations are done on our own computer clusters.

One type of plot uses streamlines, which are curves that are tangent to velocity vectors. They can be colored by velocity magnitude so they effectively convey both direction and magnitude of velocity in a three-dimensional space. Another way of showing the velocity eld is to use cross sections through the ow domain overlaid with contour maps of velocity magnitude or with velocity vectors. Usually, several cross-sectional plots are required to show the three-dimensional characteristics of the ow. Besides graphical results, integral parameters such as ow rates or pressure forces can also be calculated.
CFD at Flygt We pioneered the use of CFD in the pump industry in the 1980s. All our CFD engineers have solid background in uid mechanics and vast experience with real-world hydraulics. This type of expertise is essential in making accurate and reliable simulations. It helps throughout the entire modeling process, from selecting the limits of the model, through developing computational meshes, using correct numerical techniques to correctly interpreting the results. The expertise also comes in handy in nding effective solutions to any encountered problems.

CFD model of a complete pump with a rotating propeller (pump housing removed for clarity); colors indicate pressure on the blades and other internal surfaces.


Adverse hydraulic phenomena

To ensure the expected pump performance and long service intervals, it is important to design the pump sump to prevent adverse ow conditions.
Excessive pre-swirl Pre-swirl changes the ow conditions at the pump inlet, which results in a change in the relative impeller speed. This, in turn, causes a change in pump performance, which can lead to overloading the motor or reduced pump performance. Excessive pre-swirl can also result in bearing wear and cavitation across the impeller area. Pre-swirl usually

large variation results in an uneven load on the impeller and bearings. Unsteady ow causes the load on the impeller to uctuate, which leads to noise, vibration, bearing loads and increased risk of fatigue failures.
Vortices Unlike excessive pre-swirl, vortices appear locally with higher intensity and are a major hindrance to proper pump operation, resulting in cavitation, uneven load, noise and vibration. There are several different types of vortices.

The most commonly known type is the free surface vortex, which can have varying degrees of intensity from weak surface vortices to fully developed vortices with a continuous air core that extends from the surface into the pump. Less well known, but just as common is the vortex that originates under the surface from the sump bottom, walls or between two pumps, and extends to the pump inlet. This type of vortex can achieve high rotational speed with high subpressures and cavitations.

A non-uniform approach inow leads to pre-swirl.

originates from an asymmetric velocity distribution in the approach channel, which evolves into a pre-swirl at the pump inlet. The Hydraulic Institute recommends a pre-swirl angle that does not exceed 5, calculated from the ratio between the tangential velocity and the axial velocity.
Uneven velocity distribution at the pump intake Uneven velocity distribution can result from different types of phenomena and disturbances. While some unevenness in velocity distribution is inevitable and does not harm the pump, variations that are greater than 10% at the pump intake can have severe consequences and should be avoided. A

Strong surface vortex.

Strong submerged vortex.

Uneven velocity into the pump inlet.

A surface vortex enters a transparent pump in a test rig.

CaSe STudIeS

Optimizing pump station design through CFD

Computational modeling gives us a good understanding of pump station hydraulics. With this insight, we can evaluate intake conditions in pump stations, either existing or new ones. We can also develop improvements or design alternatives. The required time and cost for CFD analysis are usually much less than those required for physical modeling. We can therefore model more pump stations more frequently than when restricted to physical modeling alone. In general, the use of CFD has allowed us to generate smarter solutions and more optimized pump station designs than before. Ultimately, these improvements benet our customers through lower cost and reduced risk related to pump station construction and operation. We do CFD modeling at the design stage rather than after the pump stations are in operation. This way, we solve problems before they occur. For existing stations, CFD helps us troubleshoot by revealing existing ow conditions and identifying probable causes of problems. Improved understanding leads to effective solutions, better design and smarter operating strategies for the pump station.

Case study 1: New station design

Challenge This intake station to a treatment plant will be equipped with 23 large centrifugal Flygt pumps. Each pump delivers approximately 1 m/s (16,000 US gpm). In the original design, all pumps are located on the same level. The ow enters the pump station via 12 narrow ports. These ports create very high velocity jet streams, which result in a very nonuniform approach ow to the pumps, excessive preswirl and consequently unreliable installation.
| Solution

The alternative design proposed by Flygt has a bafe wall just downstream of the inlet ports. A well dimensioned bafe wall will dissipate the energy from the jet streams and distribute the incoming ow across the entire width of the basin. Another change in our design is to locate the pumps on two different levels, which reduces the interference between the pumps. CFD simulations of the new design conrm nearly uniform approach ow to the pumps with no adverse hydraulic phenomena.

Original design.

New two-level design.

Original design simulated with CFD.

New design simulated with CFD.

CaSe STudIeS

Case study 2: Design optimization

Challenge This stormwater pump station was designed with sharply diverging sidewalls giving rise to non-uniform ow distribution with a strong jet in the middle of the sump. This would in turn cause rough pump operation, vibrations and possibly cavitation.
| Solution

The solution proposed by us was to capture the ow with dividing walls before it could develop into a jet and uniformly distributed the ow among the pumps.

CFD simulation of original design.

CFD simulation of modied design.

Case study 3: Trouble shooting

Challenge This stormwater pump station was troubled by a high-energy vortex, which developed in the sump due to a sharp turn at the intake into the station. This vortex penetrated all the way into the pump causing noise, vibration and increased power consumption. The vortex was clearly visible as shown in the photo below.
| Solution

A Flygt Formed Suction Intake device solved this problem. It has a sloped ceiling that funnels the ow at the same time as it blocks surface air intake. In addition, it has a straightening vane that eliminates the swirl.
Problem vortex. Solution formed suction intake.

Original CFD simulation showing vortex. 8

CFD simulation of modied design with uniform ow.

RefeReNce INSTallaTIoNS

Proven worldwide
Flygt has supplied pumps to thousands of pump stations around the world where our engineers were involved in the design and commissioning. This experience is one of the foundations of our engineering expertise. Another one is hydraulic modeling of over a hundred pump stations around the world. On top of these, CFD has brought a new dimension to building this expertise. In addition to quickly pinpointing problems and solutions, the insight we are gaining from CFD has enormous educational impact that we pass on to our customers around the world. The two examples below illustrate how non-standard pump station designs could be successfully developed using CFD modeling.

United States: Large capacity circular wet well

Australia: Desalination plant

Challenge Very deep, large capacity and limited footprint: these are common demands by customers for their pump stations designs. Recently, two such pump stations were needed in the US. Solution The best solution from an investment and operational perspective in cases such as these is often to install submersible pumps in a circular wet well design. Flygt pioneered the installation of submersible pumps in large capacity circular wet wells and has gained a lot of experience in this area from model testing and proven installations. For these two stations, a similar design was used in both applications. One was more than 50 m (160 ft) deep and 20 m (64 ft) in diameter. It had 12 pumps with a capacity of 4.4 m/s (70,000 US gpm) each. We applied previous experience together with a CFD model to achieve safe and reliable inow conditions for the pumps.

Challenge One of Australias largest cities was running short of fresh water and needed a major expansion of its desalination facility. One hurdle was to transfer the seawater to the plant. A new pump station would be required. The challenge was the large number of pumps, 16 in all, required to do the job. This number is beyond the scope of handbook designs. Solution The consulting engineer for the city commissioned Flygt to help develop a problem-free design using CFD. The CFD study highlighted potential problems with sedimentation and was instrumental in developing appropriate solutions.


Engineering & Expertise

To ensure reliable and highly efcient operation, we offer comprehensive support and service for pump station design, system analysis, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance.

Theoretical analysis
Computational uid dynamics (CFD) can provide far more detailed information about the ow eld in a fraction of the time required to get the same information through physical hydraulic scale model testing. Using CFD in combination with computer-aided design (CAD) tools, it is possible to obtain a more efcient method of numerical simulation for pump station design. To obtain a reliable, energy-efcient pumping system, it is important to analyze all modes of operation. To analyze the transient effects at pump start and stop with respect to ow and head as well as the electrical parameters such as current and torque, it is also important to have an accurate mathematical description of the pump and motor, which is gained, in part, from extensive testing in our laboratories.

Design tools
When you design pump stations, we can offer advanced engineering tools to generate sump designs. Our design recommendations give you essential information regarding dimensions and layout. In short, we assist you every step of the way to make sure you optimize performance and achieve energy-efcient operations.


Physical testing
Physical hydraulic scale model testing can provide reliable, cost-effective solutions to complex hydraulic problems. This is particularly true for pump stations in which the geometry departs from recommended standards or where no prior experience with the application exists. Scale model testing can also be employed to identify solutions for existing installations and has proven to be a far less expensive way to determine the viability of possible solutions than through trial and error at full scale. When our standard design recommendations are not met, we can assist in determining the need for physical testing as well as planning and arranging the testing and evaluating the results.

Reference installations
We have conducted system analysis and designed pump stations for thousands of installations around the world. Engineering expertise and years of experience gained from the design and operation of these installations have been a critical success factor when analyzing, testing and commissioning new pump installations.

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Reference installations Engineering & Expertise

Model test photos courtesy of Hydrotec Consultants Ltd.


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Flygt is a brand of Xylem. For the latest version of this document and more information about Flygt products visit

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