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Soul Types

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Different Soul Types


Starlight Souls- Many have everything classified under

specific groups, but I do it differently, as they are not, even in
similarities the same. The blueprints and energies are totally
different. Starlight Souls, that were stars of 5D energy, and
burned out, sending the remaining portion of the light to
incarnate. All light branched from the heavens, it had to, as
creation formed. But Starlight Souls, are those who were an
actual star. An essence of intelligence, from one of the
smaller heavenly hosts. Now, many would say "The heavenly
host are angels, so that makes a starlight an angel". Not
necessarily. It all depends on whether the star was 6th
dimensional light or not. Angelic realm ends in 6D. So a 5th
dimensional star is not an angel. So, that soul itself would not
be angelic, unless... It was destined to ascend and return back
later at the higher 6D frequency, as a result of growing back
to it's original energy in ascension. Not everyone goes back to
where they came from. Some go on to take their own

Different Soul Types

positions in the heavens, whether in an environment, star, or

drifting in design. All things are made for a purpose. It all
depends on what the soul's journey will include and what
they are made for, their ultimate purpose. However, a
starlight soul, even at 5D, is like a messenger in its own right,
because they have much wisdom, of the ancient Universe on
however long they existed. They lose energy as they burn out
and descend, but still have the wisdom in what is left of their

Starseed- Starseed's are souls who have come from another

star system, but here is where it changes things. If the soul
came from a star or planet. Was the realm physical to them,
no matter their dimension? If the soul has been a part of an
environment, living in a governed realm, out there. Then it is
considered a Starseed if it has come from somewhere else in
the stars. The soul, that was existing in the star system,
coming here, is a starseed. There are billions of races.

Incarnated E.T- To be honest with you, anything not from

earth, is considered E.T. But what I am speaking on here, is if
a soul has lived in a physical environment out there for a long

Different Soul Types

time. In that case the soul is an E.T soul. Many species,

another article is needed for to describe appearances.

Elvan SI- The Elvan SI, are a group of intelligence, who reside
in the 4D layers of planets who are using 3D as an
atmosphere for growth. This race is full of purity, magic, and
alot of the ancient Universal teachings of matter in the 3D
planes, the 3D akasha. Sometimes, to experience what they
know firsthand. They incarnate from their existence in those
planes in the celestials, to the 3D planes in many worlds, all
over the Universe. These are mystical, pure, and
philosophical. Tall, pointed ears, and human looking, in their

Angelics- All planets have dimensions of their own. But the

angelic realm is a plane all its own, with it's own 8
dimensions. Earth's goes up to 7. 5D within the sphere, and
two more dimensions outside of it. It is in the planes of 8-6
that angels exist. It is from those higher planes, that they
observe all things known to the atmosphere they look after. It
all connects on those channels though. So, dimensions 6-8, all
run into one another somehow. It is form those planes of

Different Soul Types

existence, that angels can choose to visit, or incarnate. The

difference is, in visitation, they project a hologram of
themselves, or speak through a random person for that one
message. In incarnation, they have to lessen their vibration to
6, or if they were at 6, keep it at 6, to fit in an earthly body,
and be born here. They are born awake, powerful, and all
knowing. Different ranks bring different gifts, as do different
legions as well. Different purposes and missions. Every
message is different too. Pure, innocent, honest, loving, and
giving up their lives to service the planet. They live for the
creator, and give up their free will during the start of their
mission, to the finish. With many species of angels there are
quite a few energetic appearances, but in our world we look
elvan/feline looking.

Earth Angels- Now, like I said, Angels exist outside of the

confinements of the different planets. However, in earths
early history during a rebellion, as ancients called it, some
chose to lessen their vibration and reside in earth's matrix.
They did this to rule the realm, closer than the original angels
in the higher planes. As a result, they had closer access. Some
of them incarnate, or manifest physically since they are closer
to matter, to create bloodlines, or implant them into human

Different Soul Types

genetics, in order to have a body they can jump into to

use.These are fallen angels. Fallen as in, they lessened their
vibration. Earthbound angels, many who incarnate or spawn
bloodlines, will be obsessed with money, wealth and looks.

Fae and Elementals- These souls are souls who make up the
elements of earth, air, fire and water, or some of them are the
lesser souls in nature, and insects. They can also be souls who
work for the angels in higher position, to relay magic, wishes,
dreams, inspiration, motivation, love, and virtues. Close to
earth more, these souls are fun, free spirited, magical,
sometimes mischievous, spunky, comical, and full of

Angelic Humans- These are souls who are earthbound or

otherwise from dimensions 3-5, who incarnate as a human to
learn first hand, through observation, trial and error, contrast,
duality, and wisdom of the ages here, to take it with them to
eventually become an angelic later, when they ascend. It may
take a few other environments, and alot of wisdom first, but
ultimately they will ascend to 6D at some point and become
an angel. Mother Theresa is a good example of what an

Different Soul Types

angelic human would be doing to practice becoming an angel,

also a good example of what an incarnated angel should be
doing too.

Earthbound- Souls that are earthbound are souls who were

created here long ago, from just genetic consciousness,
without a soul to incarnate on top of it, like the otherworldly
souls I mentioned above. They started here, and grew
through the ages, through living human life. They are a part
of the design of earth and will be until earth's end. Also, any
one of the types of souls I listed above, who have been on
earth for a long, long time, become programmed to the
consciousness of earth, and thus become an earthbound spirit.
Those who are otherworldly or other dimensional, can always
grow back to their original state, but with the earth program
embedded, it will be hard. This is why some angels who came
here, ask why they were not awake all of this time, or why
they have a hard time awakening. It is because they are now
considered to be of the earth. Unlike incarnated angels, who
come and go in between every few lives, or only have a few
lives, so that this does not happen. They gather data, but do
not reincarnate too much. Earthbound otherworldly souls,
sometimes feel confused, lost, and like they do not know

Different Soul Types

where to belong, as they know they do not belong here, but

they do not resonate with their origins anymore. I had many
readings where I told someone who they were, and they said
"I do not resonate with that". Well after so many lives, I guess
not. Earthbounds who were created here are fine with things
as they are. Being programmed to the earth, they follow the
times. On earth, out of the billions of people here, there are
only 2 million otherworld souls here. Enoch is an accurate
account, and it states: The rest, earthbound, but as for the
spirits of the earth which were born upon the earth, on the
earth shall be their dwelling.] 11. And the spirits of the giants
afflict, oppress, destroy, attack, do battle, and work
destruction on the earth, and cause trouble: they take no food,
⌈but nevertheless hunger⌉ and thirst, and cause offences. And
these spirits shall rise up against the children of men and
against the women, because they have proceeded from them

Dark Souls- These could be, any one of the souls above who
were influenced by the other side too much, that they
conformed. They can be human souls who did so much
wrong, that entities of a darker force sucked energy from
them so much that they didn't have any more light left, as it
all turned dark. They join with their lost darkened energy,

Different Soul Types

after life, and either go on to reside in the lower realms of

darker nature, or they reincarnate as someone awful in their
personality, thinking and deeds. They can be the fallen
earthbound angels too. Many are deceptive, manipulative,
selfish, out for themselves, psychotic, narcissistic, or

Mermaid or Unicorn Mythological- Some from other worlds

altogether, some from this one. In the early days of earth,
there were many of the creatures now documented as myth.
Wise, and full of advice, magic, and intuition, they went to
the spiritual planes after the fall of earth, as their wisdom was
not wanted anymore. It would have interfered with the
"agenda". They incarnate to assist in fixing the earth or
helping people. Those still in spirit, inspire, and protect those
they choose. This includes dragon souls who were also wise.
They were beings of great wisdom, who left due to being
suppressed, as archons and humans treated them as animals.
This group includes Centaurs, Minotaur's, Unicorns,
Mermaids, Harpies, Brownies, Griffins, Phoenix, Satyrs,
Sirens, and many more.

Different Soul Types

Elohim- Many have this title misconstrued. There are two

forces of Elohim .The first force of Elohim. are all souls who
are from dimensions 9 who rule. In their huge consciousness
and vibrations, they help all planets and environments
created, from their homes, only seldomly ever incarnating.
The second set are the angels, and I already explained that
some incarnate. Deities and high ranking angels mainly make
up the Elohim, but anyone in the higher matrix of the
Universe 6D and up is considered a part of that family.

Cosmic Fairies - Just like there are faeries here on earth, there
are fairies who live in other star systems too, making them
cosmic fairies, as they come to earth incarnated to live in a
world not their own, to experience a physical life, and then
return. This way they do not have to have their own kind
seeing their physical experience. They seem to unlock the
powers of the magical forces in astral magic, astral travel,
dreams, and animal consciousness.

Wise Ones- Wise ones are angels who rule the fairy
kingdoms in the 4th dimensions of earth. They are angels
who dropped their vibration to reside in the 4th. Like I stated,

Different Soul Types

angels have elvan ears, with very slight feline attributes.

Lowering their vibration, they lose their wings, so this takes
them to just having the appearance of looking elvan, only
larger. They are like the governors of that realm, the teachers,
the counselors, and the spiritual parents of the fairies. All
fairies answer the Wise Ones. They incarnate as people who
are wise, have a wide variety of earthly knowledge, interests
in the supernatural, and paranormal. They sometimes have a
gloominess to them, only because as former angels, they
struggle with the lower vibration in their new domain, and as
a human. They incarnate with intuition, and strong instincts.
They are healers in more ways than one, sometimes even just
in their very presence. They have a fashion preference of
loose, flowing garments in their human lives, and an
attraction to Earth's medieval period, for they helped humans
a lot in that time, from their realm.

Sidhe- Sidhe are spirits of the 1st subplane of the Earth's

astral realm. It being that they are right there with humans
just on a lesser vibration, they have been said to be caretakers
of the underworld, and earthly matter, lesser lords of it. A
mysterious race, dark, and full of ancient earth wisdom, these
beings have their own book of rules, whereas many of the

Different Soul Types

others abide by the laws of the Universe, the Sidhe have their
own laws, of earthly casings. They incarnate as people who
have a deep interest in nature-based practices, old magical
teachings, and usually are very whimsical, but in a darker,
gypsy like way. Earth worship, and quite intelligent, you see
these people in Wicca, and living by the "Old Ways".

Banshee- Souls of women who have gotten lost in the spirit

worlds. They were confused at their own death, and so have
become anchored to the veil. Living halfway in this world,
and the other half in spirit, they cry whenever someone is
heading towards death. The lords of the veil have made them
the harbingers of death, so that everyone on the spirit side of
the veil will know someone is coming, so that the appropriate
spirit can meet them, to welcome them. After some time, they
do reincarnate, as a result of being so close to this realm. And
when they do so, these are people who do not do well with
loss. Usually they have crazy emotions, hypersensitivity to
grief, and are an emotional roller coaster. They fear death, in a
phobic way, as they know what it feels like to be lost to the

Different Soul Types

Jinn- Now many will say that Jinn cannot become human,
because they are right. They don't, but they can perform a
walk-in. When the spiritual and astral realms were opened at
the gates, they all flooded with many beings, like a huge
fishbowl of different types of beings all on a similar vibration,
not the same, but similar. It crossed good and bad spirits, as
the negative tried to over dominate the positive. This
included Jinn. Jinn always existed there though, as they were
made, in the beginning, to reside in that realm. The Archons
wanted to be able to send in any reinforcements into the
human world that they could, whether by spirit, or by
physical body. Jinn do not incarnate all of the time. It is a rare
occurrence, but they have, and they do. Jinn are entities made
of smoke like energy. They are lower vibrational beings made
of radioactive decay, geothermal energy, and they manifest
using their heat, to rise into the static within the astral realms
frequency. When doing this you will see them in orange, red,
and sometimes yellow. Even gray or black. When they are
around, or within, people get irritable, upset easily, panic like,
and very egotistical. They often stir up arguments, jealousy,
and contentions so that can fuel up on the negative energy.

Different Soul Types

Demons- Many will tell you that Demons are the same as
Fallen Angels. In truth, they are but aren't. Let me
explain..Fallen Angels and Jinn were always here. Like I
explained, when people submerge themselves in mistakes
and dark deeds, those entities suck their energy out of them.
Excess energy goes into the realms of the entities sapping
from them. It becomes a darker version of themselves, as their
light has now been slowly tapped out and transmitted into
dark energy. Therefore, they are now lower energy, as a result
of the negative energy they have now become. When they die,
they go right towards their dark energy, mini Me's so to
speak. They now are a part of the lower realms and vibrations
as a result of being consumed by their actions. Evil people in
other words, become dark energy, and take proper position in
those realms. Enoch: 15:9 Evil spirits have proceeded from
their bodies; because they are born from men, ⌈⌈and⌉⌉ from
the holy Watchers is their beginning and primal origin; ⌈they
shall be evil spirits on earth, and⌉ evil spirits shall they be
called. but as for the spirits of the earth which were born
upon the earth, on the earth shall be their dwelling.] 11. And
the spirits of the giants afflict, oppress, destroy, attack, do
battle, and work destruction on the earth, and cause trouble:
they take no food, ⌈but nevertheless hunger⌉ and thirst, and
cause offences. And these spirits shall rise up against the

Different Soul Types

children of men and against the women, because they have

proceeded ⌈from them⌉.) I refer to Enoch because alot of it is
accurate according to what I know in the context of the
Earth's history and shifts. Notice how it said spirits born of
the earth will be on earth as their dwelling? Go back to
earthbound spirit types if you need to re-read it.

Succubus/Incubus- These are hard to envision here. But they

do look very human like for the most part, and have some
distinct features of being different. Like, wings, horns and
other energetic attachments that they use to reach out with.
They are horrific and sexual beings, who incarnate to become
sex addicted people, who thrive on it. In spirit, they at times
rape or sexually violate people in their sleeping hours, and
even in astral form. They live on sexual energy, and many of
the rituals from Aleister Crowley were worship to
Succubus/Incubus,. The teachings were derived from Dr.
John Dee, when he stupidly tried to master Enoch's account.
Like I always say, you never know what you will get when
tapping into that realm, when you do not have access to read
blueprints. See? His channeler Edward Kelly, got an "Angel"
who gave truth, but in reality was a succubus who led them
to orgies. Any dark spirit will pretend it is a good one, and

Different Soul Types

give some truth, but later want a price. Your energy mainly
being the toll. In Dee, Crowley, and Kelly's case, it was sexual
energy. All of the psychics and channelers out there need to
be smarter when reading. That is all I got to say on that

Reptilian- First of all, half of the crap they have out there on
Reptilians is ridiculous. I have heard people naming them off
of TV shows Krylon, etc. It is hilarious. These people have no
utter clue about anything. They make videos of people having
rows of teeth, and strange eye malformations in the pupils.
Let me tell you, if you have common sense, you will know
that video and even photos are made out of radio waves, and
static. If a person moves too fast when a photo is being taken
it can drag the teeth, eyes, pupils, and other parts up or
downward. The same goes for video, as it is already in
motion, if you slow it down on ANYONE, you will see the
same. Real reptilians, the real ones' ladies and gentlemen are
far more disguised than something as simple as a small glitch
like that. These are souls from another star system, but who
have now joined the matrix of earth, in helping other
networks, like the fallen angels etc., in dominating the world.
They look a lot like the above photo and the only way to tell is

Different Soul Types

not by the pupil, but by the look of the eye. Incarnated angels
if they are seraphim, also have slit pupils, like me if you ever
caught that in my photos of videos. A true angelic knows how
eyes are feline like. But there is a difference here. Reptilian
slits are super thin, and seraphim or feline star races have a
wider slit.

Animal Souls- When animals are taught well, and observe

the human ways, behaviors, and intelligence, they can raise
their consciousness up a bit, to where they are big enough in
understanding to become a human in their next life. We are
meant to teach all things to ascend. Sadly many think
ascension is about disappearing due to the vibration rising
and going off in some other plane. Sure, that happens, but
only when you are above the spheres of Earth, so with earth
fitting into 7 of them, to the exterior layer, that means you can
raise your consciousness all you want up to 7, but it still
resonates with earth somehow, and you may be here still. It
isn't until you pass on, with a high vibration like that, that
you can decide to go into another place of that vibration, or
stay and become an ascended master. All of the life on earth is
meant to ascend at least one level. Animals, with a good
human teacher ,actually start to think they are human, act

Different Soul Types

human, and think like a human, and with like attracting like,
they will then go on into that form in the next life, if the
vibration fits. Or, they can be animal spirit guides, which is
beautiful too.

Vampires- Many have asked me on this one, like "Alura,

what do have to say about Vampires and Werewolves"? Well,
there are people out there that have blood lust, and even
some who drink it. Something we psychologists call
Porphyria. They have a blood disorder that causes them to
have the urge to drink it. And yes they are in the
reincarnation cycle too. So, whatever a soul's consciousness
has embedded in it, will go with it. Most of the time. These
soul types go on to be spiritual vampires too, psychically
sucking energy out of people like they would blood, but in
fact all entities of lower vibration do that too. So, it comes
down to those who are used to blood lust, and if they have
been drained of enough light that made their soul dark, and if
they gain enough rank in the spirit realms, then they can
manifest and try to do the same, just like succubus/incubus
spirits who you feel sexually, you will feel the suction of this
entity as well.

Different Soul Types

Werewolves are a rare commodity. These are wolves who

have been trained by Natives and who have developed a
consciousness close to humans, In spirit, the Natives used
them to exact vengeance on their enemies making them
negative too. They are spirits who do not if they wolf or
human due to the confused state and can shape shift in
between the two. In human form they also shape shift a little
in certain parts of their appearances.

Now, all of these can go on either side of the spectrum, all

except demons, jinn, vampires, and dark souls, fallen angels,
and reptilians. Those all have dark forces behind them.
However, they are positive and negative fairies, and Mystical
Souls, who can come from any place and position in the
cosmos or the earth. That is why people who claim to channel
need to be careful with any spirits for some of the dark ones
are very manipulative and deceptive. And some of the other
spirits on a negative light spectrum can be very mischievous.
It is a dangerous thing to step into these realms, any realms
without experience, without verification, and without
protection. Remember that to get to the higher realms, you
have to channel through the lower realms, and who knows
who you will bump into, that may try to pretend to be who
you are trying to reach.

Different Soul Types

I do not think people out there realize how dangerous a job

this can be, draining, time consuming, and how much
accuracy needs to go into it. I have so many people say, "I can
channel". But when I ask them what the energetic code of the
spirit is, they say "I don't know, I am just communicating". At
that, I say to myself, "Oh boy, this person is in a dangerous
position". It is fine though, it is their own chance they are
taking, but every channeler must recognize that they also
place their clients in danger too, as any trickster they channel
will not only follow them but their client as well.

Those are some of the soul types for now, by category. Some
of them can also be hybrids too, a mixture of a few types if
they had many changes in their vibrations or changed place
or realms. Souls have all sorts of experiences in their journey.
The one thing I must say though is a person must be happy
with their soul type no matter which it was, and work with it.
Those of a dark nature can try to expand their light, the
creator is always willing to try with them, many want one
soul type, some want another, but what it all comes down to
is being true to who you really are.


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