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2010 Sustainability Report

LG Electronics


LG Electronics Publishes its Fifth Sustainability Report This report details our sustainability management performance in 2010, and is meant to promote meaningful communication between our company and stakeholders. Features of the Report Key Progress and Performance LG Electronics introduced a Key Progress and Performance to better communicate with the stakeholders regarding sustainability management. The Key Progress and Performance shows factors such as the background, risks and opportunities, mid/long term goals and achievements, and future directions derived from the materiality analysis. These factors will be used as indicators of LGEs sustainability management activities and managed for improvements. Special Issue LG Electronics Union Social Responsibility (USR) is a unique initiative in Korea, acclaimed as best practice amongst its Korean peer companies. 2010 is the year during which USR activities ourished, hence declaring the social responsibility of the labor union. The special issue page outlines USR performance to help the stakeholder understanding. Enhanced Communication Starting this year, LG Electronics will release an e-book version of its sustainability report to enhance communication with stakeholders. The e-book report will allow stakeholders access to current issues and related sites with a simple click. The site also features video clips, which provides fast and easy access. Principles of the Report This report was written in accordance with the G3 guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and Accountability Principles Standard (AA1000APS). A primary goal of this report is to communicate important information related to the sustainability of our company and stakeholders using materiality analysis. We have dealt more systematically with material issues by consistently dividing their presentation into three areas: Approach, Performance and Future Direction. Report Preparation Process Preliminary data gathering was conducted to improve the reliability of the reports contents and materiality analysis, targeting internal and external stakeholders. The results were reported to management and a CSR Council brieng was organized with managers from related departments. The contents of the report submitted by the departments were reviewed by management and an external assurance provider. Scope and Period This report is written based on data for scal year 2010, which LGE denes as the period from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010, and also refers to signicant events occurring in the rst half of 2011. This report is intended to be comprehensive, and cover all LGE business sites in Korea and overseas. The currency of this report is the Korean won (KRW), which for convenience has been converted into US dollars (USD) at the 2010 average exchange rate of USD 1 = KRW 1,157. The currency rate as of December 31, 2010 was USD 1 = KRW 1,120. Assurance of the Report To improve the reliability of the report, LGE commissioned Two Tomorrows (Asia) Limited to undertake independent assurance of LG Electronics Sustainability Report. The assurance statement of Two Tomorrows is provided on pages 83-84.

Where to nd LG Electronics sustainability management activities


Environmental Report

CSR Group, LG Electronics Inc., LG Twin Towers, 20, Yeouido-dong, Seoul, Republic of Korea E-mail Tel 82-2-3777-3268 Fax 82-2-780-4172

Key Progress and Performance

Why is it Important?
Product safety
CEOs unfailing and uncompromising spirit towards quality  Product safety is the criterion on which customers and the community evaluate the product and decide whether or not the product is trustworthy

Opportunities and Risks

Opportunity Secure position in the global market by successfully expanding the voluntary protection program (VPP) and enhancing corporate social responsibility (CSR) Risk Increased risks from new technologies and reinforcement of regulations related to product safety

Mid to Long Term Objectives

Achieve World Best Product Safety within 3 years (by 2013)

Major Achievements in 2010

Declared Quality Vision Enhanced organization: Adoption of three-stage management mechanism, autonomous management by divisions; organization of product specifications committee and PL (Product Liability) committee Defined the Product Safety Spirit in the Product Safety Regulations Won 11 Green Technology Certification from Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology Concluded the Green Win-Win Growth MOU with suppliers

Future Direction
Develop employees awareness on product safety and responsibility Establish corporate culture that considers product safety as the top priority Establish internal test centers with stricter standards than official regulations

P 32
Developing greener products
Increased interest and requests for green products  Improvement of the customers quality of life, in such ways as reducing electricity bills and creating a healthier living environment  Expansion of product environmental regulations, including RoHS, REACH, WEEE and Energy Efficiency Regulations Opportunity Lead the market and raise brand image by meeting customers needs for greener products Risk Failure to respond proactively to regulations and customers needs may lead to business depression Reinforce greener products / green technologies Achieve a yearly total of over KRW 50 trillion in low-carbon purchasing by 2020 Gradually replace PVC and BFRs with different materials in accordance with the products characteristics by December 2014 Establish a global e-waste take-back and recycling system / extend take-back volume globally Develop technologies to improve recyclability Impact of regulations on product level greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to the business Opportunity Reduce energy consumption and increase operational productivity through voluntary GHG reduction Risk Failure to meet regulations may affect the production and harm LGEs reputation Opportunity Enhance competence based on energy efficient products; promote carbon footprint labeled products Risk Failure to meet minimum efficiency standards may affect the product sales In manufacturing, achieve a yearly GHG reduction of 150,000 tons in 2020, which is about 10% reduction compared to 2008 (Cumulative: 1 million tons of reduction by 2020)

Provide customers with information on product environmental performances Support suppliers to enhance green competence

Expanded voluntary replacement of PVC and BFRs

Gradually replace non-regulated hazardous materials such as PVC and BFRs Initiate R&D activities to improve product recyclability

P 37
Low-carbon green management

Collected 198,984 tons of e-waste globally

Reduction 160,000 tons of GHG emission compared to 2008

Expand and reinforce GHG reduction activities to achieve long-term goals even during growth of the business

I  mpact of higher product energy efficiency standard and customers increased demand of high-efficiency, low-carbon products to the business

In product usage, achieve a yearly reduction of 30 million tons by 2020, compared to 2007 (Cumulative: 200 million tons of reduction by 2020) Establish a system to manage GHG emissions and reductions throughout value chain, including logistics and suppliers until 2015

Contributed to the reduction of 12.75 million tons of GHG emission by selling more high energy efficient products compared to 2007 7 products acquired the Carbon Footprint Label from Korea Announced low-carbon purchase goal to support suppliers GHG reduction activities CDM business was approved by the Indian government for sales of high energy efficient refrigerators in India

Strengthen market competence through ongoing development of high energy efficient products Expand new green business, including solar cell and LED lighting etc. Strengthen execution in supporting suppliers GHG reduction Expand the scope of GHG management for logistics

The importance of the voluntary GHG reduction efforts is emphasized throughout the entire business processe and value chain

Opportunity Improve overall business efficiency; cost reduction Risk Failure to respond to the stakeholders requests may damage reputation

N  eed to strengthen LGEs competence to carry out enterprise-wide GHG reduction in response to increased corporate social responsibility (CSR) requests against climate change

Opportunity Build reputation through CSR activities Risk Failure to induce the participation of the employees may affect LGEs GHG reduction capability

Enhance internal participation and become the worlds best climate change leader by 2015

Conducted campaigns for GHG reduction throughout the employees daily activities  Participated in Korea Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and joined the Carbon Management Global Leaders Club (for two consecutive years)

Actively share best practices of GHG reduction with suppliers and local communities

P 43
Reducing environmental impacts in the manufacturing process
 Responsibility towards the environment is the basis for the survival and prosperity of mankind. Companies must contribute to sustainable growth by minimizing the environmental impact caused by its business activities. Opportunity Improve the operational efficiency and reduce environmental risks by reducing the use of raw materials, energy, water, etc. in the manufacturing process Risk Increased needs to manage overseas operations and suppliers environmental risks and reinforcement of environmental regulations Establish a system to support the suppliers high environmental-load processes until 2013 Improve overseas operations EESH management level to over 80% of Korean operations until 2013 Established EESH integrated certification system in Korea Established EESH audit system globally Established EESH risk management system Stabilize the EESH integrated management systems operation Support overseas operations and suppliers for building EESH management capacity

P 48
Promoting supply chain CSR
Improper management of CSR risks throughout supply chain may impact a company retroactively Rising social issues such as minerals from conflict regions and child labor Opportunity Differentiate and improve the corporate image through proactive supports of suppliers Risk Failure to manage suppliers may have a negative effect on the corporate image Set risk management based on Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) criteria - Conduct regular risk assessment/ corrective actions for suppliers - Conduct audit on 25% of high-risk major suppliers by 2013 Joined EICC Conducted pilot audits for outsourcing companies Published Supplier Code of Conduct Designed CSR risk management program for suppliers Expand the target for CSR risk assessment Establish effective tracking system for conflict minerals

P 56
Enhancing social contribution
Increasing requests from stakeholders to address social issues  As a global company, leadership is expected in proactive engagement for CSR issues Improving employees pride and self-esteem through contributions and volunteer activities Opportunity Can lead to new business opportunities, not just donations Risk Failure to fulfill social responsibilities may have a negative effect on the image as a corporate citizen Contribute to achieve UN MDGs Goal 1 (eliminating poverty) and Goal 7 (securing environmental sustainability) until 2015 Expanded activities for social contributions globally (LG Hope Family in Cambodia and Bangladesh & Lifes Green Class in India) Enhanced employee participation programs such as Lifes Good Volunteers Utilize LGEs technology for activities Create synergy by aligning social contribution strategies globally Expand employees contribution and volunteer opportunities

P 59
Corporate culture / Work-life balance
Good corporate culture constitutes the basis for a company to pursue its business activities Work-life balance based on creativity and autonomy is the driving force in improving the quality of life and productivity Opportunity Can contribute to the sustainable growth of company by motivated employees Risk Failure may adversely affect the employees quality of life, resulting in decreased performances Improve overall employees awareness and embodiment of LG Way globally (in 2010, overseas awareness is 87 % compared to Koreas index) More employees participated in various activities Diversified support programs for the employees and their families Create a working environment that fosters creativity and autonomy Enhance activities to promote employee satisfaction towards work-life balance

P 65
Labor rights protection
 The UN and ILO encourage to respect and protect the workers human rights  LGE complies with the management principle Respecting Human Dignity to protect the employees rights and interests Opportunity Motivate employees which consequently lead to improved quality and productivity as well as talent attraction Risk Failure can lead to not only financial loss but also consumers confidence loss Improve overseas subsidiaries level to over 90% of Korean operations by 2015 (based on EICC assessment tool) Established Global Labor Policy Established Supplier Code of Conduct Self-Assessment for 20 sites and on-site audit for 4 sites Improve global labor-management relationship management Improve suppliers labor rights protection

P 69



02 06 08 09 10 14 16 20 22 23 26

Report Overview/Key Progress and Performance CEO Message Top Management Messages Our Philosophy Corporate Overview and Economic Performance 2010 Highlights CSR Management USR (Union Social Responsibility) Stakeholder Engagement Stakeholder Consultation on CSR Materiality Analysis Customer

Special Issue Stakeholder Communication

Materiality Report
29 32 34

Communication with Customers Product Safety Consumer Satisfaction and After-Sales Services Environment

37 43 48

Greener Products Low-Carbon Green Management EESH Management Business Partner

53 56

Business Partners for Win-Win Growth Promoting Supply Chain CSR Community


Social Contribution Employee

65 67 68 69

Corporate Culture/Work-Life Balance Talent Management Fair Evaluation and Rewards Labor Rights Protection Corporate Governance Compliance Risk Management Jeong-Do Management Fair Trade Privacy Protection Economic Data Social Data Environmental Data Independent Assurance Statement Memberships/Award & Recognition GRI/UNGC Index

Management Report

71 72 73 74 75 76 78 80 83 85 86

Our Data


CEO Message

Back to basics to achieve sustainability management

What is your opinion of sustainability management?
The most important principle for a company to maintain its sustainability is essentially to secure competency in its eld through sincere commitment to the basics. For manufacturers like us, the most important and basic competency is quality. Quality is our promise to the customer and it cannot be compromised. A company that fails to remain faithful to this promise will inevitably cease to exist. In addition to customer engagement, commitment to stakeholders is also the companys fundamental role, a responsibility that is no less important than the companys obligation to guarantee the quality of its products.

What are the major achievements of 2010 in terms of sustainability management?

To successfully achieve sustainability management, it is crucial to establish a company-wide baseline. In 2010, we introduced a Global Labor Policy, establishing the companys baseline to over 110 worksites and ofces worldwide. At the same time, we established a Supplier Code of Conduct to encourage our partners and suppliers commitment to sustainability management. In addition, we have been holding consultation meetings with our stakeholders twice a year to better understand their opinions and interests concerning our business. It is our aim to quickly grasp the markets and the stakeholders sentiments and respond in a proactive manner. I believe that the Union Social Responsibility (USR) activities being led primarily by the LGE labor union since January 2010 opens a new chapter in labors commitment to society.

What is future direction for LG Electronics sustainability management?

It is essential for LGE to get back to the basics to achieve sustainability management. To neglect consistency and solely seek out the new and trendy is inconsistent with LGEs culture and business philosophy. We will continue to improve upon our competitiveness and conduct our activities based on the principle of building a sustainable company and harmonized community. At the same time, we will strive to promote a climate that values and respects LG Electronics Jeong-Do Management philosophy.

May, 2011 Bon Joon Koo, Vice Chairman and CEO


Top Management Messages

Woody Nam, Head of Business Innovation Ofce / President I believe the basis of sustainability management, and as well the fundamental purpose of the companys sustainable growth, is to enrich our customers lives through our products and services. LG Electronics strives to deliver on the most demanding expectations through reinforced quality management, enhanced production process efciency and innovative service. Based on our philosophy Jeong-Do Management, we will always promote mutual growth with our partners, and establish a healthy and competitive supply chain through the improvement of CSR management.

Skott Ahn, Chief Technology Ofcer (CTO) / President Green management is not just an indispensable element of corporate sustainability management; it is the core competitive edge of LG Electronics. LG Electronics is committed to achieving green management throughout its entire product lifecycle, from developing green products to proactively responding to environment changes. We will continue to make our best efforts in developing green technologies and solutions to enrich peoples lives for a healthy and clean environment.

Simon Kang, Head of Global Marketing Ofce / President The GMOs role is to support the communication, sales and distribution processes that follow product development and manufacturing. We endeavor to stretch our sustainability management to encompass not only product development but also the subsequent processes. By doing this, we contribute to the long term resolution of social and environmental issues. In turn, our performance will be shared with stakeholders to further reinforce our competitiveness and leadership.

Young Kee Kim, Chief Relations Ofcer (CRO) / Executive Vice President The key to sustainable management is open communication with stakeholders. If our communication is based on mutual trust, we can certainly nd a win-win solution to satisfy both parties. To this end, we will maintain various communication channels, including the current Stakeholder Consultation, and intensify our efforts to convey stakeholders expectations and demands to LGEs management.


Our Philosophy
The LG Way is LGs unique management philosophy. It has been with us since LG was founded, and has grown over our decades of experience. Every LG employee is guided by LG Way principles. Following these principles, we are condent that LG Electronics will continue to develop as a corporate entity that earns the respect of all stakeholders. Based on LG Way we established and declared a new slogan in 2011.

LG Way
The LG Way is our basis for attaining the vision of No.1 LG. We practice Jeong-Do Management in order to achieve our aims of Creating Value for Customers and Respecting Human Dignity.

Corporate Slogan

No. 1 LG Jeong-Do Management Creating Value for Customers

Code of Conduct

Management Philosophy

Respecting Human Dignity

No.1 LG
No.1 LG is the ultimate goal that all LG businesses strive to achieve. It means that we will be the leader in the global market by providing our customers with uniquely differentiated value.

Creating Value for Customers

Creating Value for Customers is the reason for our existence and our core principle. The key function of our management is to constantly increase existing service levels and product value, and to nd new ways to create value for our customers.

LGEs new slogan illustrates the strong will with which LGE will build a brighter future and realize LGEs vision of becoming No.1 LG. This will mean that LGE needs to approach new challenges and innovation from a different mindset. Accordingly, the slogan involves a new standard of behavior that LGE needs to follow to achieve this goal. The corporate slogan consists of three key parts, which are interconnected, and gives a direction to becoming No.1. Each of the three key parts comprises of three practices, creating 9 different practices in total.

Fast Preparation
Fast Preparation means establishing strategy that is differentiated from our competitors and setting challenging targets.

Respecting Human Dignity

LG supports the personal development of each employee and uses their abilities to the fullest extent, thereby making our workers a key part of LGs value creation. We encourage our people to sharpen their personal competitiveness and cultivate a spirit of challenge and passion for their work.

Innovation Risk Management attempt to achieve through check and prevent poinnovation before others tential risk beforehand

Strong Execution

Ownership think about and carry out work with a sense of ownership

Jeong-Do Management
To earn the trust of our customers and manage our business sustainably over the long term, LG is committed to Creating Value for Customers, Respecting Human Dignity and practicing Jeong-Do Management. This does not only mean that we implement ethical management it also embodies LGs unique actions to ensure fair competition and achieve tangible results based on ethical management.

Strong Execution means focusing individual passion on achieving our goals by any means.

Passion Finish every challenge I begin

Teamwork Join efforts to take on bigger challenges

Speed Start faster and nish earlier than others

Smart Working
Smart Working means focusing on work that creates real value from the customers perspective.

Selection & Concentration Focus on core tasks that create value

Customer Centric Make every decision from the perspective of customers

Work & Life Balance Work with enthusiasm and enhance my quality of life



Corporate Overview and Economic Performance

Overview of LG Electronics
As of December 31, 2010 () : Change in gures compared with the previous year Unit: KRW billion

Organization Name Location of Headquarters Industry

LG Electronics, Inc. LG Twin Towers, 20, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea Manufacturing

Total Assets Total Liabilities

22,975 (+831.8) 13,048.9 (+1,793.6) 29,238.5 (-1,274.9) (Domestic : 6,892 / Overseas : 22,346.5) 55,753.8 ( +262.6 ) (1,104.6 ) (-2,517.1) 176.5 (-2,504.2) AA (Domestic), Baa3 (Moodys), BBB (S&P) 141,711 161,833,806

Television, Home Theater System, Blue Ray Player, Mobile Phone, Laptop Computer, Refrigerator, Washing Machine, Cooking Appliance, Built-in System Kitchenware, Vacuum Cleaner, Health Care Appliance, Air Conditioner, Monitor, Security System and Commercial Display Bon Joon Koo October 1, 1958 90,578(+8,442) [Korea : 31,840 / Overseas : 58,738]


Consolidated Operating Prots Credit Rating No. of Shareholders No. of Shares Parent (Loss) Consolidated

Main Products

CEO Date of Establishment No. of Employees

* In 2010 LGE adopted Korean International Financial Reporting Standards (K-IFRS) in advance and applied it to the 2010 performance. The income statement of 2009 was recreated accordingly. The income statement of 2008 is based on Korean Business Accounting Standards.

LGE undertook corporate-wide organizational reform on December 1, 2010 to reect its division-oriented, autonomous decision-making structure. Focusing primarily on increased operational efciency, fast and timely decisions, and responsibility management, the reform aimed at boosting the company's readiness toward future changes. To reinforce business competency through innovative accelerated process, the Process Innovation Ofce was put directly under CEO supervision for management of quality, six sigma, service and pro-

curement, along with the Global Marketing Ofce. Business Solutions (BS) Company was removed, and the organization was restructured into four business companies. To increase the synergy effect, the divisions under the BS Company were transferred to the related business companies respectively. The Air Conditioning Company expanded its area to cover solar business, the next generation growth engine, and the LED lighting system business, and was renamed Air Conditioning & Energy Solution (AE) Company.

Organizational Chart
Home Entertainment Company (HE) Mobile Communications Company (MC) Home Appliance Company (HA) Air Conditioning & Energy Solution Company (AE)



Region Representatives

Business Global

America Region Representative Europe Region Representative Southeast Asia Region Representative Southwest Asia Region Representative


& Central America Region Representative Middle East & Africa Region Representative CIS Region Representative China Region Representative Korea Marketing Company

Innovation Ofce Marketing Ofce CTO (Technology) CFO (Financial) CRO (Relations) CHO (Human Resources) Corporate Design Center


Strategic Planning Team Corporate Business Planning Team Innovation Team Corporate Audit Team Production Engineering Research Institute


Business Unit Storage Business Unit Car Business Unit


Corporate Overview and Economic Performances


Since its establishment in 1958 under the name Goldstar, LG Electronics has grown to become the global leader in the digital industry with its innovative technology and unique products. To become a company built to last, LG Electronics put its best effort into providing differentiated values for customers, as well as preparing for the future without wavering in times of change and crisis.


LGE is organized into four business units: Home Entertainment, Mobile Communications, Home Appliance, and Air Conditioning & Energy Solution, each leading the global market through innovative consumer electronic products, mobile communication devices and home appliance technologies.

HE Company
- LCD / LED TV - PDP TV - Projector - Monitor - Audio & Video - Commercial Display & Security System

MC Company
- Mobile Phone - Smart Phone - Netbook - Network Infotainment

HA Company
- Washing Machine - Refrigerator - Kitchen Appliance - Vacuum Cleaner - Built-in Appliance - Health Care Appliance

AE Company
- Residential Air Conditioning - Commercial Air Conditioning - Solar Energy - Lighting - Network Solution

Sales By Company (2010)

Unit: KRW trillion

4.8 4.8 (8.5%) (8.5%) 10.7 (19%)

At the annual shareholders meeting on March 21, 2011, LGE passed a bill to extend corporate business in its charter
22.1 (39.3%)

to include business related to the environment, including energy audits, energy saving, and pollution prevention. LGE will double its efforts in pioneering new environmentHE Company MC Company HA Company AC Company BS Company

related business in the future.

13.8 (24.7%)

* Sales gures by business company include the internal transactions between the companies. A percentage of sales by company was calculated based on the organizational structure prior to the 2010 reform.

Domestic Subsidiaries
Company HiPlaza HiLogistics Hi-M Solutek HiTeleservice Innovation Investment KTV Tech Investment New Venture Investment Main Industries
Wholesale & Retail of Electronics Logistics Management / Service Other common machine and equipment repair Call center and telemarketing service New technology business investment New technology business investment New technology business investment

Unit: KRW 100 million

Capital (Percentage of Ownership)

372 (100%) 36 (100%) 17 (100%) 1.5 (100%) 300 (83.33%) 53.4 (99.83%) 52.0 (96.15%)

11,616 3,426 387 214 5 0 0

Transactional Relationships
Product Sales Logistics Service Service Service Investment Association Investment Association Investment Association




In the second half of 2010, business growth slowed resulting from reduced global consumption, higher raw material costs, and lower sales prices due to competitors market expansion. Although the sales of TVs and home appliances increased, the overall sales decreased by 4.2% compared to the previous year due to the drop in the exchange rate and lower mobile device sales price and quantity, to reach a total of KRW 29,238.5 billion. LG Electronics increased nancial contributions for its social activities while recording a signicant decrease in corporate tax payable due to its weakened protiability. LGE is fulllDividends
Category Net Income (KRW billion) Earnings Per Share (KRW) Total Dividends Paid (KRW billion) Dividend Payout Ratio (%) 2008
482.8 2,992 57.2 11.85
*LG Electronics adopted the K-IFRS standard for the performance report in 2010; the 2009 report was reproduced accordingly. The 2008 performance report was written in line with Korea business Accounting Standards.

ing its economic responsibility by sharing the value created through business activities with a variety of stakeholders, such as shareholders, business partners, employees and local communities. LGE strives to improve its business protability and secure new opportunities for growth to distribute more value to our stakeholders.

Economic Value Generated, Distributed and Retained

Unit: KRW billion

2052.8 12,740 282.7 13.77

-635.9 -3,929 33.1 -

Category Sales Financial Prots Economic Value Generated Operating Expenses Wages and Benets Capital Costs Taxes & Dues Social Contribution


30,513.4 2,115.1 32,628.5 29,100.9 2,079.5 472.5 230.8 15.6 31,899.3 729.2

29,238.5 2,046.9 31,285.4 30,343.1 2,173.5 178.0 51.3 21.4 32,767.3 -1,481.9

1,687.1 29,325.6 26,411.6 1,830.9 164.6 132.6 11.9 28,551.6 774.0

* In 2010 LGE adopted Korean International Financial Reporting Standards (K-IFRS) in advance and applied it to the 2010 performance. The income statement of 2008 and 2009 are based on Korean Business Accounting Standards.


Unit: KRW billion

Economic Value Distributed Economic Value Retained

12.8 23.5 Total

Rural Development Tax Corporate Tax Residence Tax Taxes and Dues

Financial Prot: The 2008 nancial prot represents the non-operating income. The 2009 and 2010 non-operating income are specied in the nancial prot category in accordance with the Korean International Financial Reporting Standards (K-IFRS). Operating expenses consist of sales costs and administrative expenses. Capital costs consist of interest expenses and dividends. Taxes & dues consist of corporate taxes, public dues, resident tax, and a special tax for rural development.


LG Electronics Flow of Economic Value (Parent, 2010)

Unit: KRW billion

21.4 144.9


Social Contribution






Taxes & Dues




Wages & Benets


Purchasing & Service Expenses

LG Electronics renamed its regional companies as region representative, and assigned the role of driving LGEs priority tasks and managing the organization. LGEs global operation consists of eight regional representatives with a total of 90,578 employees worldwide.
Employees by Country
31,840 (35.2%)
(As of December 31, 2010)

Current Status of Sales (Consolidated)

Unit: KRW trillion(USD billion)

17,234 (19%)

6,406 (7.1%)

5,173 (5.7%)

4,100 (4.5%)

2,529 (2.8%)

2,085 (2.3%)

21,211 (23.4%)

Sales Current Status of Sales (Parent)

Category Overall Sales Domestic Overseas Income before Tax Expenses (Loss) 2008
27,638.5 6,445.2 21,193.3 515.0
Unit: KRW billion

40.8 (USD 43.9)

49.3 (USD 44.7)

55.5 (USD 43.4)

55.8 (USD 48.2)

30,513.4 6,665.0 23,848.4 1,419

29,238.5 6,892.0 22,346.5 (1,077.0)
2007 2008



2.1 1.2 0.2



1 USD = 929 KRW (2007) / 1,103 KRW (2008) / 1,276 KRW (2009) / 1,157 KRW (2010)

Global Operations
Production/Sales Sales Others R&D Center 2 2 2 3

Korea China
Production Sales Others R&D Center 12 2 1 6 Production/Sales 6 R&D Center 30

North America
Production Sales Others R&D Center 2 5 1 5

Production Sales Others R&D Center 2 15 4 3

Sales R&D Center 1 1

Southwest Asia
Production/Sales 1 R&D Center 2

Middle East & Africa

Production Production/Sales Sales Others R&D Center 2 1 9 4 1

Southeast Asia
Production/Sales 3 Sales 4

South & Central America

Production/Sales Sales Others R&D Center 2 7 1 1

Global Revenues by Region

North America 11,545 (26%) Europe Korea South & Central America
5,273 (12%)

Unit: USD million

Middle East & Africa

4,057 (9%)

Southeast Asia
2,673 (6%)

Southwest Asia
2,385 (5%)




8,205 (18%)

5,956 (13%)

2,371 (5%)

2,258 (5%)

528 (1%)

* Exclusion: Headquarters' and manufacturing site's overseas direct sales didn't input in the overseas sales performance.



2010 Highlights

Towards Greenhouse Gas Reduction After announcing its goal to
reduce a total of 6.1 million tons of greenhouse gas(GHG) emissions in 2010 (7% increase compared to the previous year), LGE contributed to 12.75 million tons reduction of GHG in product usage level and 160,000 tons in production level. LGE is endeavoring to further reduce GHG emissions 30 million tons of GHG emissions from the BAU in 2020 (cumulative reduction from 2007 to 2020 in approx. 200 million tons).

LGE earned a total of 11 Green Technology Certifications from the

Korean government owing to its development of thin-layer (130 micron) high-efficiency crystalline silicone solar cell and LED flat screen backlight design technology.

LGE awarded the Best of Best Grand Prix in Red Dot Award: Com-

munication Design 2010s packaging category owing to its reusable eco-friendly packaging.

LGE introduced its smart grid technology, a next-generation pow-

Join Carbon Management Global Leaders Club

er grid system, and its geothermal, air-to-water, and air-to-air heat

LGE was nomi-

pump systems at the 2010 ASEM Forum (Seoul) under the green future technology theme. LGE also participated in the worlds biggest solar energy exhibition, Intersolar 2010 (Munich) to introduce its next-generation high-efficiency module and photovoltaic system.

nated by Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) Korea as a Carbon Management Global Leaders Club member (five companies with the best Low Carbon Green Management performance among the 200 largest Korean companies in terms of market capitalization).

LGE developed solar cell hybrid air conditioning using solar cell as

LGE signed an agreement on Carbon Footprint Label with Korea

secondary power (capable of producing up to 70 Wh).

Environmental Industry & Technology Institute to share low carbon products development technology and conduct a joint Green Consumption campaign.


Green Products and Technologies

LGEs LED LCD Monitor

Best Customer Information Protection Certication LGEs Korean website and mobile phone website earned the privacy protection mark (e-Privacy Mark) provided by Korea Association for ICT Promotion and sponsored by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy and the Korean Broadcasting Commission.

(2350V) awarded the worlds first Sustainable Product Certification (SPC) from Underwriters Laboratories (UL), the standard institute of U.S.

LGEs twelve LCD TV models earned Europes representative envi-

ronmental certification EU Eco Label. The respective models will bear the Eco Flower mark.

LGEs Lollipop 2 (LG-SU430) awarded Koreas first certification of

the Carbon Footprint Label, certified by the Korean Environmental Industry & Technology Institute and operated by the Korean Ministry of Environment, in the mobile phone category.



Green Education for Suppliers

To establish a green supply net-

Launching of Lifes Green Class in India

LGE launched the

work management system, LGE organized a green education program with the participation of 150 partner companies to share its green supply network management expertise and its low-carbon supply network plan.

Lifes Green Class in India, a mobile science education program on environment for young people, which has been operating in Korea since 2006. LGE signed a sponsorship agreement with Indias University of Pune to conduct the program in order to spread the importance of the en-

Establishment of Supplier Code of Conduct

LGE subscribed to

vironment through scientific principles to the 70 middle schools near Pune city annually.

the global electronic companies social responsibility organization Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC), and published its Supplier Code of Conduct to lead the social responsibilities in accordance with EICC Code for labor, ethics, environment and health & safety.

LG Hope Family in Asia with UN WFP

Following a poverty al-

leviation program in Africa, LGE concluded MOU with the United Nations World Food Programme (UN WFP) for the expansion of infrastructure and poverty alleviation in Asia's least developed countries,

Low-carbon Purchasing

LGE launched the Low-Carbon Purchas-

Cambodia and Bangladesh, for three years from 2011.

ing plan to purchase over KRW 50 trillion of components annually by the year 2020 from the companies conducting sustainable GHG reduction plans among the 1,500 partners selected based on energy consumption and purchase amount.

Union Social Responsibility (USR)

For the first time among Ko-

Organizational Restructuring To strengthen competence through

fast and timely decisions and responsibility management, LGEs new CEO, Bon Joon Koo conducted corporate-wide reform, reorganizing the five companies into four.

rean companies, LGEs labor union announced Union Social Responsibility (USR) to seek a growing partnership with the company and declared four practice guidelines.

Establishment of Global Labor Policy Based on LGEs philosophy

Respecting Human Dignity, LGE established and published Global Labor Policy to attribute equal dignity and value to all employees with respect to their work.



CSR Management
Pursuing sustainable growth through value creation for stakeholders is LG Electronics foremost mission. To meet this goal LG Electronics has established four strategic implementation tasks; CSR Governance, CSR Risk Management, Stakeholder Engagement and Strategic Social Contribution, and has been carrying them out to enhance its international competitiveness for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

LGE has been striving to create value for customers based on Respecting human dignity. To conduct more systematic CSR management on the entire value chain, LGE has established CSR policies related to labor, ethics and environment, adhering to the basic principles of CSR. In addition, LGE established the Supplier Code of Conduct for suppliers to engage their participation in CSR management.

tee, comprising of C-level ofcers, presidents of company and region representative, and chaired by the CEO. Subsequently in 2010, a strategic decision-making process was carried out for activities including membership of the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) and announcement of Global Labor Policy. The corporate CSR activity plan and cooperation issues are also being shared and discussed on a regular basis through global CSR council which is comprised of the CSR committee members. Following the accession to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) in 2009, LGE joined EICC in August,

LG Electronics CSR Policies

2010. EICC is an organization founded in 2004 by eight global electronic companies, including HP and IBM, with their declaration of the EICC Code to lead corporate social responsibility. Currently, over 60 companies worldwide including LGE have joined to share their efforts in resolving the common issues of todays global electronic industry. As one of plans to carry out the activity, LGE reinforced its policy to reAll LGE Business Sites

Creating Value for Customers Respecting Human Dignity

spect EICC Code in all of its Korean and overseas business sites, and published the Supplier Code of Conduct in October 2010 to provide guidelines for its suppliers to effectively fulll their respective social responsibilities.

Code of Ethics


Global Labor Policy Global EESH Policy Code of Conduct

LGE is conducting CSR risk management for its Korean and overseas business sites using ve criteria: labor, ethics, environment, health & safety, and management system, in accordance with the EICC Code of Conduct. To meet requirements, LGE conducted a Self-Assessment on 20 Korean and overseas business sites using the Electronics Tool for Accountable Supply Chain (E-TASC) in early 2010. EAll LGE Suppliers

TASC is an online self-assessment questionnaire system by the EICC designed for Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry members to analyze their CSR risk management status. In late 2010, LGE selected four from 20 Korean and overseas business sites to conduct an on-site audit. Although no severe risks were detected, additional consulting and periodic monitoring were deemed necessary to improve such weaknesses as supply chain manage-

Supplier Code of Conduct

LGE aims to build long-term collaborative relationships and to provide differentiated values for the stakeholders through not only connecting overall management system and the value chain with CSR, but also improving its technology and product quality.

ment. Starting in 2011, LGE will conduct periodic self-assessment, on-site audit, consulting and monitoring activities every year on all of its major suppliers as well as Korean and overseas manufacturing sites.


In 2009, LGE created the decision-making body, the CSR CommitLGE is actively responding to queries and interview requests from diverse variety of stakeholders, including customers and NGOs (38

CSR Management


cases in 2010). LGE is maintaining periodic communications with the academy, the industry and consulting agencies, and participating in various conferences on CSR management. To listen more closely to the expectations of stakeholders, LGE is holding stakeholder consultations with the aid of experts from the government, NGOs, international organizations, academia and the industry for specic subjects semi-annually since 2010. To improve employees CSR understanding and awareness, LGE is running a CSR training program every month for new employees regardless of work experience. LGE is planning to increase the number of employees to be trained in 2011. Since December 2010, CSR newsletters have been issued to department

leaders (biweekly) in order to share the global CSR trend and LGEs CSR activities.


LGE has also continued to provide diverse social contributions in 2010 focused on sustainable solutions to the environment, poverty, disease, and the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), put efforts into its poverty alleviating programs to include the Asia region, and sponsoring the Business for the Environment Global Summit. (See pages 59-63)

LG Electronics CSR Organization

Executive Governance

CSR Committee Establishment of CSR Strategy

Board of Directors

Report Approval



External Experts

Providing a guideline & training programs for CSR project

Global CSR Council - Corporate-wide CSR Manager Network - Exchange of Best-Practice - Corporate-wide implementation of CSR Strategy

Coordination and Management of CSR Strategy

Advice Feedback

CSR Group - CSR Management - CSR Communication



Region Representative

Stakeholder Consultation

Reporting & sharing of best-practices

Corporate-wide CSR Project




Target - 20 Korean/overseas business sites How to - Electronics Tool for Accountable Supply Chain (E-TASC) Overall evaluation - Of the 20 business sites, the average for Korean business sites is relatively higher than overseas business sites in all criteria (labor, ethics, environment, health & safety and management system) Strengths - Labor management system in the eld of all business sites - Improvement of employees moral awareness through Jeong-Do Management education and systematic whistle-blower system. - Generally systematic and higher standardized environment and health & safety management system Weaknesses - Need to establish a standard procedure for compliance with global standards (EICC Code) including performance evaluation and potential risk assessment etc. - Need to conduct CSR risk management and training program for suppliers. - CSR issues do not sufciently reect to strategic direction for each business site.


Implementation Task CSR Governance

1st Quarter 2010

2nd Quarter 2010

3rd Quarter 2010


Connecting management systems and the value chain with sustainability

program for global CSR Managers Putting CSR issue on the agenda of CSR Committee (Global social contribution program)


CSR issue on the agenda of Corporate management support team leaders meeting (CSR risk management) Participation in the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit 2010

T  raining

program for CSR Manager of each company P  utting CSR issues on the agenda of CSR Committee (Joining of EICC) J  oined Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) E  nacted and announced Global Labor Policy P  articipation in the EICC forum (Shenzhen, China)

Providing differentiated value with improved technology and product quality

CSR Risk Management




2010 CSR risk management plan

questionnaire for 20 business sites

O  n-site

Audit for 4 production sites - LGEPN(China) - LGEIN (Indonesia) - LGEMA (Poland) - LGEWR (Poland)

Stakeholder Engagement


training program for new employees (entry-level/ experienced) (monthly) CSR survey with employees/ external experts


Stakeholder Consultation (Topic: Overall CSR issues) Publication of 2009 Sustainability report (4th edition) Launching of USR Supporters; labor union presidents relief activities in Cambodia

G  lobal

CSR Forum (Topic: LGEs CSR activities) T  wo-way communication with the public through Social Network Service (SNS) e.g. Blog, Twitter, Facebook

Building relationships between stakeholders and the global community

Strategic Social Contribution


visit for alleviating poverty jointly conducted with United Nations World Food Programme (UN WFP) in Africa (Kenya, Ethiopia) Charity party for LG Group afliates executives : Fund for alleviating poverty in Africa


with International Vaccine Institute (IVI) for cholera vaccination in Ethiopia S  ponsorship for Business for the Environment Global Summit(B4E) and Champions of the Earth(COE) of United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP) 1st Global Volunteer Day


blood donation campaign with the public through SNS Launching of Lifes Green Class in India Participation in Korea Sharing Festival

CSR ManagEmEnt



CSR risk management system in compliance with global standards (EICC Code) - Establish a standard procedure and guideline for all criteria. -C  onduct self-assessment, on-site audit, consulting and monitoring the actual status of CSR risk management for all Korean and overseas production sites and major suppliers Build a capability of working-level staff Raise CSR awareness of employees and suppliers

4th Quarter 2010


and announced Supplier Code of Conduct Awarded the Prime Minister's Commendation of Grand Awards for Excellence in Sustainability Management (CRO) Selected in Asia-Pacic Index of Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI) 1st place in Korean Sustainability Conference (Leisure goods) by Korean Standards Association Awarded the best CSR company in Korea by Korea newspaper the Hankyoreh


of weak points for each production site Establishment of 2011 CSR risk management plan

41. 1st place in Korean Sustainability Conference

2. Training Program for global CSR Managers 3. CSR Newsletter for department leaders 4. Global Labor Policy


Stakeholder Consultation (Topic: Responding to climate change) CSR Newsletter for department leaders (biweekly)

Pursuing Sustainable Growth through Stakeholder Value Creation


with UN WFP for alleviating poverty in Asia (Cambodia, Bangladesh) Kimchi sharing event MOU with the Ministry of Employment and Labor, the Ministry of Environment, and LGEs Labor Union for Social Enterprises

1. 1st place in Korean Sustainability Conference 2. Training Program for global CSR Managers 3. CSR Newsletter for department leaders 4. Global Labor Policy



The LGE USR mark symbolizes the Labor Unions vision as an ecofriendly leader through harmony and equilibrium between humanity and the environment.


LGE is leading the advancement of labor-management relations by giving it a new denition where the workers and management do their part based on mutual respect and trust rather than confrontation and hierarchy. The LGE Labor Union declared Union Social Responsibility (USR) on January 28, 2010, based on a value creating win-win labor relations, and pledged to comply with the provisions of the USR. This social responsibility declaration by LGEs Labor Union signies responsible future-oriented action to ensure ethical and transparent union activities as the labor union of a major corporation. Such activities include efforts to promote the rights and compensation of union members, and to perform its obligations throughout all areas of society including

Special ssue

USR of LGE Labor Union

the economy, the community, and the environment as a responsible member of society. Through this unprecedented USR charter, LGEs Labor Union has pledged to seek a sustainable partnership with management, and pre-

Repay the customers love and fulll our corporate social responsibilities
LG Electronics Labor Union, currently making efforts to build an advanced win-win labor relations based on mutual trust between both parties, is striving to overcome the traditional labor campaign paradigm and create a new labor culture. To repay the customers love and to fulll our corporate social responsibilities, LGE Labor Union made the Union Social Responsibility charter declaration in January, 2010. This was the rst ever by any company in the world and this declaration was made to reiterate our social responsibility.

sented a new paradigm of labor culture in which the Labor Union leads efforts to create value for customers. In total, the LGE Labor Union pledged to comply with four provisional guidelines as follows:

LGE Labor Unions Social Responsibility Guidelines

1.  Respect the coexistence of life within communities and make efforts to protect and maintain the ecosystem 2.  Protect the weak and contribute to a harmonious global community 3.  Improve Labor Union and promote ethical and transparent management of the company 4.  Lead initiatives for management innovation at the work site as the management transparency, and actively participate in such efforts




The LGE Labor Union has made a detailed plan to implement 7 core areasOrganization Governance, Human Rights, Labor, Environment, Public Benecial Practice, Consumer Issue, Local Community Involvement and Developmentas set forth in ISO26000, and has been taking action systematically according to the plan. After the declaration of the USR charter in January 2010, LGE's Labor Union held a launching event for USR TDR (Tear Down Redesign) program in March, launched the USR Supporters, participated in international relief activities in May, and hosted a corporate-wide Global Volunteer Day event and the USR Academic Seminar, jointly held with the Labor Economy Society in June. 2010 was the founding year for the USR. It was the year for the Labor Union to strengthen its own capabilities and transform its awareness. Accordingly, the Labor Union suppliers transparent management, supported activities for the labor rights of the partners, operated advisory unions, launched low-carbon campaigns, promoted activities for anti-corruption and observance of the law, supported multi-culture scholarship, and poverty alleviation programs and built its own capabilities and transformed its awareness.


Following the declaration of the USR, the LGE Labor Union released the Labor Union Code of Ethics on January 20, 2011. LGEs Labor Union Code of Ethics was established to ensure that the Labor Union will fulll its social roles and responsibilities in accordance with the USR charter as the Labor Union of a major multi-national conglomerate. All the members of the Labor Union signed LGEs Labor Unions Code of Ethics, which is composed of 7 core actions: These are the standard actions and values which all the Labor Union members have pledged to abide by.

Practices for Labor Union Code of Ethics

1. Transparent Management of the Union 2. Maintaining Respectability 3. Fair Work Practice and Compliance with Relevant Laws 4. Maintaining Confidentiality of Information 5. Not Abusing the Position to Ask Favors 6. Developing a Sustainable Society 7. Protecting the Socially Vulnerable Population and Contributing to the Global Community

Future-oriented vision of the Labor Union

The LGE Labor Union presented a new vision for A Labor Union that provides innovative values to fulll its social responsibilities and an implementation guideline to achieve this vision. In addition to the Labor Unions main role of improving the quality of life of the laborers and the companys competitiveness, the LGE Labor Union included the additional mission of contributing to the global community, and has set a goal to achieve its new vision by implementing USR based on the mutual respect and trust between workers and management. By advancing from a value creating win-win labor relations which simply portrays a short-term relationship between the workers and LGE management, to future-oriented socially responsible win-win labor relations, the Labor Union has reached a signicant turningpoint for labor movement, which was previously dominated by negative viewpoints, strikes, and hostility.
USRs vision Sang Ho Bae
Chairman of LG Electronics Labor Union To repay customers loyalty and to fulll the obligations as a corporate citizen, the LGE Labor Union has established a future-oriented direction of Win-Win Labor Relations based on social responsibilities. I believe that the mutual growth of LGE and its Labor Union is the starting point of sustainability management. LGEs Labor Union will perform its obligations based on USR and make every effort to lead advanced labor-management culture in the industry.


For 2011 USR implementation plan, the LGE Labor Union has given
Vision A Labor Union that provides innovative value and fullls its social responsibilities

the highest priority to strengthening the basic fundamental role of LGE, which is to create customer value by strengthening quality competitiveness. The Labor Union is planning to establish the USR quality assurance policy for all the customers throughout the world and is continuously strengthening its efforts to acquire product leadership. In addition, USR activities will not be limited to the Labor Union members in Korea. The Labor Union is planning to spread USR to the

Implementation plan

Fullling LGE Labor Unions social responsibilities

Mission & Role

Improving the companys competitive edge

Improving for workers quality of life

Contributing to the global community

overseas subsidiaries and establish a global network to ensure that USR activities are customized and implemented according to local conditions.

Mutual respect and trust between the workers and management



Stakeholder Engagement
LG Electronics maintains close relationships with stakeholders both in and out of Korea throughout all aspects of LG Electonics business. LG Electronics will actively communicate with stakeholders to improve value and develop sustainable management. Furthermore, LG Electronics will contribute to the improvement in quality of life for all humanity.

Characteristics of Stakeholders LGE includes NGOs and international organizations in the planning and execution of a wide range of CSR activities. Expectations  Reduce green house gas Participate in tackling global social issues and support them. Contribute to achieving MDGs Contribute to labor / human rights protection in developing countries Bridge the digital divide Communication Channels Seminar, Discussion Meeting, Community Contribution Activities, Websites

Characteristics of Stakeholders Based on the corporate management philosophy of Creating Value for Customers, LGE has made relentless efforts to satisfy all customers throughout the world. As a result, the Company was able to achieve consolidated revenue of approximately KRW 55,753.8 billion for scal year 2010. Revenue from North America accounted for 26% of the total revenue, Europe 18%, Korea 13%, and Central and South America 12%. Expectations  Provide safe product and service Practice fair marketing and provide accurate information  Privacy protection  Provide customer satisfaction Communication Channels Service Center, Survey, Exhibition, Websites, Blogs, Prosumers

Central and Governm Local ents

Characteristics of Stakeholders LGE complies with local laws and regulations and meets tax obligations in all 120 countries where the Company engages in business. The Company also cooperates with the government and universities in each country to develop local specialty products. Expectations Comply to laws and regulations tax remittance Cooperate with government policies Communication Channels Public Hearing, Discussion Meeting, Seminar

l tiona rna nte ations I s / n iz GO ga N Or

Cust om ers

Characteristics of Stakeholders As of December 2010, LGE had a total of 5,800 suppliers and spent a total of 35.9 billion USD in direct and indirect material procurement. Expectations Fair Trade Timely payment Support suppliers CSR activities Communication Channels Global Suppliers Day, Supplier Portal, Satisfaction Surveys, Proposal System, Fund and Programs for Supporting Suppliers


nv e st

o rs

liers Supp


Characteristics of Stakeholders
As of December 2010, LGE employed a total of 90,578 of which 31,840 work in Korea and 58,738 in overseas ofces. This implies that the number of employees increased by 9,442 year-on-year. Approximately 64.8% of the total employees are either sojourning employees or hired locally.


l ho

Co m m u n i t i e s

Expectations Protect human rights and respecting diversity Fairly evaluate and reward Provide opportunities for career development Ensure safety at worksite Make efforts to improve the corporate culture Communication Channels
Open Communication, Labor-Management Conference, In-House Newspaper, Intranet, News Letter, LG Way Survey

Characteristics of Stakeholders In addition to operations in Korea, LGE is doing business through an overseas network. Local purchases represent approximately 50% of the corporates entire purchase volume. Expectations Minimize environmental effects near factories Respect the culture and tradition of local communities Promote contributions to local communities Contribute to the local economy by hiring local employees Communication Channels Community Care Activities, Sports Sponsorship, Discussion Meeting, Websites




ye plo

Characteristics of Stakeholders As of year-end 2010, there were a total of 141,725 shareholders with the holding company, LG Corp, accounting for 34.8%, domestic institution and individual investors accounting for 31.4%, and foreign investors accounting for 33.8%. Market capitalization, including preferred stock; equals KRW 17,822 billion, where common stock market capitalization is KRW 17,068.4 billion). Expectations Disclose transparent management information  Increase investment values through efcient management Improve corporate values through CSR activities Communication Channels General Shareholders Meeting, Performance Presentation, Investor Conference, Websites, Management Report, Business Report

Stakeholder Consultation on CSR


Stakeholder Consultation on CSR

LG Electronics held the rst stakeholder consultation in April, 2010 to improve common understanding for corporate social responsibility (CSR) and to gather input from stakeholders, which will be incorporated into CSR management at LG Electronics. LG Electronics is now holding a consultation meeting semiannually to promote continuous communication.


To secure the fairness and neutrality of the Stakeholder Consultation, the meeting is presided over by an independent expert in corporate social responsibility and CSR management. Stakeholder Consultation consists of an internal panel of LGE management and an external panel of professionals from various elds. Members of the external panel can freely present their opinions from a global perspective as an individual, not as a representative of their organization; and the result of the consultation is recorded and distributed in a form of minutes after being reviewed by the participants, and then made public through the sustainability report.

-P  roviding relevant performance based on an analysis of the environmental impact of products/services - Developing strategic promotion on greener products and activities

Opinions on General CSR Activities

- Setting decision making body & work group at the LG group level - Strengthening performance monitoring and advice process by the board of directors - Social Impact index to gauge the inuence of LGEactivities - CSR campaign to improve consumers awareness of climate change and encourage behavior changes - Compliance with the international standard (AA1000SES) for consultative meetings - Expanded pool of panels to include general customers in consultative meetings - Advisory committee to convene regularly


2nd Stakeholder Consultation (Dec. 1, 2010)
Topic : LGEs Climate Change Initiative and Suggestions for Future CSR Activities Moderator : Mr. Han-kyun Roh (Prof. of Kookmin Univ.)

Opinions on Climate Change Initiative

- Positioning as a leader in addressing climate change - Planning to launch programs such as global carbon certicates to assess and manage social and environmental impact of products - Introducing the carbon accounting and management report - Providing consumers with information on how to reduce greenhouse gas(GHG) during the product use stage - Providing detailed performance of GHG reduction at product levels

2nd Stakeholder Consultation




Mr. Yul Choi President of Korean Green Foundation

Ms. Nara Luvsan Senior Programme Ofcer, UNEP

Mr. Dong-soo Kim Head of Sustainability Mgmt. Center, Korea Productivity Center

Mr. Jong-dae Kim Prof. of Inha Univ.

Mr. Michael Watters Head of Climate Change Section, British Embassy, Seoul

Mr. Young-hoon Kim Director of Policy Coordination Division, Ministry of Environment

Mr. Jee-in Jang Chairperson of CDP Korea


Mr. Soo Y. Chang Prof. of Industrial & Management Engineering, POSTECH

Mr. Anthony Flynn Deputy Director-General, IVI

Mr. Tae-joo Lee President of ODA Watch

Ms. Sook-hee Baek Director of Public-Private Partnership, KOICA

Mr. Woo-sung Lee Research Fellow of Science & Technology Policy Institute

Mr. Peter Van Laere Director, Subregional Ofce for East and North-East Asia UN ESCAP

- Easy access to information through efcient performance indexes - Strategy in response to issue-makers, including government agencies in the public sector and NGOs - Integrated reporting of nancial/non nancial performance to prepare for the next generation reporting initiative (e.g. GRI G4 guideline) - Green jobs for developing countries - Social contribution programs linked to environmental training - Support for suppliers to establish their low-carbon management - Climate Change Award program

- Need to reect LGEs core business into programs

Opinions on LGEs Future Direction

- Incorporating LGEs business capability such as technology, network, marketing and HR into activities - Improving the quality of life and purchasing power of people in developing countries using the small-scale new technology (LED, solar cell, etc.) and other appropriate technologies; and expanding the low-income market in connection with the product development - Contributing to the enhancement of local NGOs capabilities through the public-private partnership and ofcial development assistant - Setting denite goal and target at planning stage : Specify not only

3rd Stakeholder Consultation (Mar. 28, 2011) Topic : LGEs Current Social Contribution Activities and Future Direction Moderator : Mr. Min-gu Jun (Two Tomorrows Asia)

the background of selecting beneciaries and benets but also the reputations expected from the activities - Considering revenue generated in the region when budgeting social contribution activities - Assessing and monitoring mid/long-term performance on a regular basis - Introducing mid/long-term volunteering system utilizing employees expertise for contributing to community and developing employees capabilities - Utilizing employees specialty to cooperate with NGOsand international organizations (e.g. Global Health Fellowship of Pzer)

Opinions on LGEs current activities

- Well structured for addressing local community issues - Promote beneciarys self-support and will to change, focusing on the sustainability and UN Millennium Development Goals (UN MDGs)



- Addressing the digital divide using information and communications technology - Utilizing solar energy technology and mobile communication devices for disaster relief - Setting up a learning center for the community, or supporting the establishment of a remote training program - Supporting vocational training programs to nurture local talent - Supporting female training by using radio in developing countries - Securing safe potable water to prevent diseases

3rd Stakeholder Consultation


Key suggestions from the 3 round of the consultations held from 2010 to the rst half of 2011 were reected in the 2010 materiality analysis. Some of them were also incorporated into management activities (mainly CSR activities)of LGE, and the current activities are reported in this Sustainability Report selectively. Furthermore, the items requiring more efforts will be shared in the next consultation meeting and on the sustainability report to enable continuous improvement.

Activities and Plan to Enforce Consultation Results

Round Ongoing / Completed Activities in 2010
 1st Global Volunteer Day:

Plan in / after 2011

Extend CSR risk management for major suppliers 2nd Global Volunteer Day Participate in 6 work groups of EICC

1st Consultation

Employees voluntary green activities on the World Environment Day every year  Joined Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) and participated in the related activities Established CSR risk management system Enacted and announced Global Labor Policy  MOUwith UN World Food Programme (WFP) regarding LG Hope Family (poverty alleviating program in Asia)

(e.g. Extractives Work Group to address conflict minerals)

Launch LG Hope Family in Cambodia and Bangladesh

Reported on CSR agenda to HR Executive Meeting of LG Corp.  MOU with Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Employment & Labor,

Consider the regular report on CSR issues to Board of Directors Launch Corporate-level CSR campaign  Introduce Key Progress and Performance in the sustainability report for

2nd Consultation

and LGE Labor Union to support social enterprises focused on green growth  Launched Lifes Green Class, an environmental education program for middle school students in India  Started low-carbon green management activity from USR (Union Social Responsibility) perspective  Sponsored the UNEPs B4E (Business for the Environment Global Summit) and Champions of the Earth(COE)  Regular announcement of the greenhouse gas reduction target and performance (annual performance and target in March, and the semiannual performance in September)  Announced the greenhouse gas reduction plan for suppliers (over KRW 50 trillion by 2020 for low-carbon procurement)  Expanded disclosure of products carbon information by acquiring 12 carbon footprint labels, for the largest number of models in Korea  Announced GHG reduction plan at the user stage by developing the home appliances in link with the smart grid  Opened the Eco Zone in the key consumer electronics shows such as CES, IFA, KES, and Low Carbon Green Growth EXPO

user-friendly information
 Support 10 social enterprises focused on green growth Sponsor UNEPs Champions of the Earth (COE) in 2011 Launch the training program for nurturing young environmental leader  Provide training on climate change (from March; online course avail-

able), and support to strengthen the greenhouse gas management capability for suppliers in Korea  Integrate assessment and management of the environmental impact throughout the entire product lifecycle  Obtain more global carbon footprint labels including Korean carbon footprint labels  Consider introducing the carbon accounting system in link with the carbon credit and carbon emission trading  Build the image of leadership in addressing the climate change through proactive response to the stakeholders requests Communicate the green features of the products via various media  Establish corporate level stakeholder engagement process aligned with the international standard (AA1000SES)



Materiality Analysis

Materiality Analysis Process

LGE conducts a materiality analysis to systematically manage common concerns a raised by key stakeholders as well as major issues that have signicant inuence on business operations. The materiality analysis is based on the Five-Part Materiality Test model by the AA1000 Assurance Standard, taking into comprehensive account internal/external surveys, stakeholder questionnaires, and related international standards. Once materiality issues are identied, they are prioritized according to stakeholders interests and their impacts on LGE, and then reviewed and conrmed by have management. To provide a clearer view of our performance, we have detailed the related information in the report and reected it in the Key Progress and Performance that was adopted from this year.

Employees CSR Awareness (83.6%)

Korea Overseas 65.7% 85.4%

LGEs Status of CSR

11.6% 42.4% 40.8% 3.3%

CSR as the core philosophy Systematic approach * Condence level : 95%, Sampling error : 1.02%

Response to external pressure Only fullls legal obligations

Media Analysis
To learn about external stakeholders areas of interest, LGE analyzed related articles published in the Korean and overseas press during 2010. As we noted in the previous report, it is not uncommon to see a corporate press release in the newspapers; these articles were excluded from the materiality analysis. Also, we conducted the research towards analyzing negative articles (negative screening). The main issues in the negative articles were the drum washing machines safety measures (See page 33), Australias energy labeling (See page 31), and the fear of decline in smart phone business performance.

EXternal EXpert Survey

In December 2010, LGE conducted a survey of our status, including the level of our CSR activities, the areas of interest, and possible improvements of the report, for 200 external CSR experts in Korea and overseas. The result is reected in the improvement and materiality analysis of the report.

Future Key Issues High-efficiency product development Resource recycling and e-waste take-back Transparent disclosure of the product related information Supply chain CSR risk management Communications with local community Electromagnetic wave impact management Readiness for the new international standards Extraction of minerals in conflict regions

EXternal Inquiry
LGE received a total of 38 CSR related inquiries in 2010 from the external stakeholders including buyers and NGOs. The inquiries are constantly growing, and we expect to corporate business impact in accordance with the performance equally grow. The main inquiries were related to LGE and supply chains overall CSR management policy and performance. Recently, we have had increased inquiries related to the use of the minerals from conict regions such as Congo. We provide our best efforts to respond faithfully

Sustainability Management Level (out of 5)

4.1 3.9
2009 2010

Inquiring Organization
58% 18%
Investors NGOs

Total 38 cases
11% 13%

3.7 2011


Employee Survey
In November 2010, LGE conducted an online survey through the corporate intranet aimed at our 80,000 employees worldwide. Among them, 5,198 employees (Korea 4,732, overseas 466) responded. The result demonstrated that overseas employees required more understanding of CSR, and that LGE needed to reinforce the connection between CSR and the business. Various improvements were devised, including conducting new training programs for overseas subsidiary leaders and issuing a CSR newsletter to department leaders.

Major Inquiries Occupational health & safety page 48-51 Environmental management system and overall environmental performance page 48-51, 80-82 CSR management in supply chain page 56-57 Labor rights protection and non-discrimination related status page 69 Responding to climate change page 43-47 Removing and managing hazardous materials within products page 37 E-waste take back and recycling page 41-42 Development of Greener Products page 37-42 Use of minerals from conict regions such as Congo page 56

materiality analysis


For more accurate and effective reporting, LG Electronics has selected the most important key issues and reports these to internal and external stakeholders every year. The key issues selected through the materiality analysis process are specically underlined in the report. Starting this year, performance as well as overall progress of the issues are regularly reported to management.

to each external inquiry, and report key issues to the management to reect the corporate business activity.

Materiality Analysis Criteria

Internal A. Short-term nancial impacts B. Policy commitment External C. Peer based norms D. Stakeholder behavior and concerns

Considered Factors
Management meeting report, Compliance risk, Topics of the corporate magazine Existence of policy commitment, employee survey EICC code of conduct, Tomorrows Value Rating, DJSI survey Experts feedback, Inquiry from external organizations (buyers, investors, and NGOs), Stakeholder consultation, Assurance management report ISO 26000, GRI, UN Global Compact

2010 Materiality Analysis Results

LGEs material issues identied through the materiality analysis are as follows: The issue which shows the most dramatic increase in its importance compared to last year is the management of E-waste. Also, contribution to sustainable consumption and communication and participation in the local community are being observed as new issues in this year. Starting this year, the report will include the trend of each issue in the materiality matrix of each issue; the process was also improved to further detail the selected key issues in the report and Key Progress and Performance (See pages 3-4), and monitor their performances periodically.
2010 Materiality Matrix
2009 Results

E. Societal norms

* The factors in bold represents the ones added since last year. * EICC: Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition * Tomorrows Value Rating: The sustainability analysis of the global companies published every year by the Fortune magazine * DJSI: Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes * ISO 26000: International standard on social responsibility

20 20

20 14



22 23
Very Important



6 7

11 7

3 10


15 3

Stakeholders concerns

23 16 8 16

10 2

1 12


11 4



17 13





Impact on LG Electronics Business Partner Fair trade Win-Win growth with small and medium enterprises Promoting supply chain CSR

Very Important

1 2 3 4


Customer Fair marketing (restrain exaggerated advertisement) Customer support and dispute resolution Product Safety Protecting customers privacy Contribution to sustainable consumption Employee Labor rights protection Non-discrimination Fair evaluation and rewards Corporate culture/Work-life balance Talent attraction and retention Occupational health and safety

12 13

19 20




6 7 8 9 10 11

15 16 17



Community Social contribution Developing regional economy Protecting local culture, respecting natives human rights Communication and participation to the local community


Environment: Present and Future Generations Development of Greener Products Removing and managing hazardous materials within products Reducing environmental impacts in the process of production Responding to climate change E-waste take-back and recycling



Creating Value for Customers

With the management principle of Creating Value for Customers, LG Electronics is committed to delivering on its promise to customers of enriching lives through technology innovation. LG Electronics strives to provide its customers worldwide with the best value by reliably supplying products in demand from the customers perspective, listening to their feedback, and assisting with fast, accurate, and unique service.

My rst work with LGE Started from the participation in TROMMIZ prosumer activity in 2009. TROMMIZ inauguration ceremony was very impressive, and I could feel LGEs devotion through every detail and effort paid in preparing the event. The family voyage, mother-and-daughter photo contest, it was a memorable experience. Especially, the visit to Changwon production site was a very special experience, which made myself proud of being a member of TROMMIZ. I was surprised at the clean and organized space lled with high-technology equipments where the products were being manufactured. What I liked the most was that LGE was eager to listen to our opinions and communicate with us in various occasions. I really anticipate the companys efforts to take one step closer to the customers, like its recent policy allowing the customers comments in The BLOG, the companys ofcial blog to listen to the customers voices, and the operation of Lifes Good Studio, the companys online live broadcast studio. Hyo Eun Kim Power blogger, TROMMIZ member



Communication with Customers

Based on the Brand Identity (BI) strategy of Enriching Lives through Technology, LG Electronics is striving to fulll its promise customers. In addition to listening to the customers through diverse channels, LG Electronics is actively applying the customers opinions to product development, service improvement and marketing activities.

D  eveloping global brand identity
- Brand benet: Enriching lives through technology - Brand foundation: Breakthrough innovation -B  rand attributes: Stylish design, Reliability, Smart technology

brand image in the global market. One of the major activities was sponsoring the F1 race as its global partner. F1 is recognized as one of the world top 3 sporting events, together with the Olympics and the World Cup, and has more than 600 million fans in about 180 countries. LGE also hosted a global project with YouTube called Life in a Day, where users across the world upload videos of their every day lives and some of them were selected for a documentary lm. The documentary is to be played at the 2011 Sundance Film Festival and also distributed on YouTube in 25 languages. The documentary will continuously deliver the message of enriching lives through technology while imprinting the uniformed brand slogan of Life's Good.

Every brand communication at LGE is based on its own brand identity. This is expressed by Lifes Good. LGEs products and services enrich customers lives through innovative technology, ultimately making their lives better. However, since the fundamentals of the market and consumer characteristics differ for each region, LGE has been implementing differentiated customer communication strategies with insight analysis for each region to ensure that the cultural differences for each region are respected. Particularly, LGE conducts Brand Health Index (BHI) surveys in 66 countries around the world on an annual basis to evaluate its own brand communication system. The survey is to monitor criteria such as unaided awareness, preference, price premium, and consistency of brand identity, and compare with data from the previous year with emphasis on the establishment of a premium brand identity. LGE identies the degree of preference of LGE brand and applies the information gained for developing effective brand communication strategy for the regional market. At the same time, LGE is also performing the brand marketing activities to imprint corporate brand identity in the global market. Since 2009, LGE has been making efforts to create young and dynamic LGE

Sponsoring Life in a Day Project and F1 Race

COMMUNICATION FOR PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT A mobile phone that reads books for the visually impaired

In 2006, LGE developed a mobile phone that can read books. Together with LG U+ (former LG Telecom), LGE has donated a total of 6,580 book-reading mobile phones to visually impaired users by 2010. This product was specially designed for visually impaired users based on the feedback from an advisory committee consigned by the Korea Blind Union. The phone includes the Text To Speech (TTS) feature which converts texts into sound. Moreover, the phone enabled users connect to the

[CASE] LG Life Tastes Good Championship

A successful global communication fufilling consumers needs Held by Home Appliances (HA) Company, the LG Life Tastes Good Championship is part of HA Companys global communication strategy that has perfectly met the needs of local consumers. The championship has been selected as the No. 1 Best Practice at the Global Marketing Conference 2010 not only for demonstrating the excellence of the cooking appliances but also for its important role in delivering LGEs brand image enriching peoples lives.



Auto Book Reading Library operated by the LG Sangnam Library and access over 5,000 digital voice books in such diverse elds as humanities, culture, science, and arts.

ed to listen to the customers honest opinions in the market and nd solution, Unlike previous communication forums for product launches, this meeting was signicant in that top management listened to customers voice at pre-planning stage of the product. Throughout

Long-Term Care TV for senior citizens

To develop customized

the meeting, participating customers criticized the weaknesses of LGEs smart phones and made suggestions on improvements.

TV for senior citizens in care facilities, LGE visited over 100 care facilities for senior citizens and collected various opinions. Long-Term Care TV provides some special features such as enlarged screen size, radio, schedule reminder, reduced surrounding noise, and simpler remote control so that the elderly can easily control the TV without difculty. In addition, the TV has an automatic detection feature that turns off the TV when no one is watching it. This feature was designed to save the energy for the elderly who often leave the TV on and forget to turn it off.


LGE has launched events and campaigns covering various concepts tailored to local customers and developed through customer insight marketing strategy. These events and campaigns have been contributing to the enhancement of LGE brand image in the global market as well as growth in revenue.

Prosumer Marketing

LGE has been involve prosumer marketing

Glocalization of customer insight marketing

Region North America Activities LGE Recycling Challenge Program Awarding US$10,000 and inviting a rock group to the school which collects the most waste mobile phones Digital Experience 2010 Showcasing new products based on local insights such as the 3D TV and Chaplin (TV phone) during World Cup season which considers the Central and South American market The Live BORDERLESSTM Campaign An event for BORDERLESSTM LED TV launch, where the winner gets a ticket for travel around the world for 80 days LGE Lebanon Service Car Parade Promoting the LGE call center by driving across Lebanon in 19 service vans with LGE logo The Air-Conditioner Academy and LGE Dead Sea Ultra Marathon

activity that allows consumers to be directly involve in the development stage of products. One main example of this is the TROMMIZ program, in which 15 housewife bloggers participated in the development phase of the TROMM washing machine. By getting involved with product planning, providing online suggestions, and giving feedback after usage, the selected participants act as a bridge between LGE and consumers. LGE has been expanding the prosumer marketing activities to include all home appliances such as water puriers, air conditioners, and light wave ovens. In November 2010, LGE's top management held a forum with its communication partners The BLOGer, under the theme This is what we want from a LGE mobile phone. The forum helped to nd ways to enhance product competitiveness, especially in that of smart phones. Top management want-




1. Long-Term Care TV for senior citizens 2. Book-reading mobile phone 3. L  GE TROMM washing machine prosumer, TROMMIZ 4. M  eeting between The BLOGer and R&D center executives at LGE




In addition to complying with local laws and regulations throughout all marketing activities including advertisements, promotion, and sponsorships, LGE implements self corrective and improvement measures in case unintentional violation is identied.

Online communication through SNS

In 2009, LGE launched the ofcial corporate blog, The BLOG (blog. and also opened Twitter and Facebook accounts in 2010 as means to communicate with the consumers. Through such efforts, LGE has broadened the contact points with the consumers and has been actively launching SNS marketing and campaign programs to

Correcting Energy Label Marking Error in Australia

In 2010,

take one step closer to the customers.

LGE identied an error on the annual energy consumption label for some of the side-by-side refrigerator models sold in Australia. As a corrective measure, LGE actively notied the public by contacting the customers individually as well as through mass media advertisement. LGE conducted corrective actions by either exchanging the product free of charge, by offering a full refund, by compensating the difference in the electricity costs. In addition to this, to provide only veried models to customers, all models exported to Australia are inspected not only by LGE but by the National Certication Lab of Australia to test the energy consumption and performance for double check to ensure that there is no fault with the products. From the corporate business division level, each organization under the Home Appliance(HA) company has established a standard/PL under the Quality Assurance Department. LGE improved its prevention capabilities by strengthening standards that are applied to the testing criteria. Furthermore, LGE is making an effort to prevent quality defects in the future, and have established compliance team in Australia subsidiary.

Strengthen consistent Brand Identity (BI) in the  global market Launch glocalized marketing strategies based on Lifes Good spirit  Improve reliability of the brand through responsible marketing and communication

LGE in Spain
Nacho Palou, Power Blogger (

LGE in Germany
Gilly, Power Blogger (

LGE looks like a credible brand and is perceived as a suitable option for those who do not have a well-formed opinion, as well as for those who do not know the brand and look for advice from others before making their purchase decision. LGE helped the market to move away from a very polarized consumption attitude, in which consumers used to perceive certain brands from certain countries as the only acceptable option for certain products.
Nacho Palou is one of the co-operators of Spains power blog called, Microsiervos. The blog writes mostly about electronics, technologies, and gadgets.

Many people buy LGE products because they have an excellent price to performance ratio. Nevertheless LGE is not as well-known as other producers in this market segment. In the area of mobile phones, LGE does not enjoy a very good reputation as the software of many devices is faulty-especially in the area of high-end smartphones. Many people buy LGE devices because of their great design but are disappointed by the handling afterwards. However, if LGE keeps building new smartphones based on Google Android and offers regular updates to customers, I think it has good prospects on the German market.
The power blog, Gillys Playground, is run by a person who lives in Berlin using an Internet ID called Gilly. The website is renowned among Germanys earlyadopters for its in-depth reviews on home appliances and devices that the blogger has self-tested.



Product Safety

Quality Vision : L  G Electronics, Perceived as World Best Quality by Customers and Consumers Product Safety Awareness
- Ethics of the management and managers - Development of safe products - Safety validation - PL (Product Liability) claim management - Vendor management - Talent nurturing

Strengthened Quality Organizations The product safety system

has been reinforced by adopting the 3 stage management mechanism business unit > division > and headquarters, and the relevant professionals are ensuring product safety through regular exchange of information in the product specications committee and PL (Product Liability) committee.

Product Safety

LGE established the product safety regulations

including the product safety design checklist to ensure safety proactively, and ongoing efforts are made to enhance the safety awareness of all employees. Product safety regulations provide product safety awareness to ensure through product safety.

Quality Vision

With the strong encouragement of the CEO, LGE

PRODUCT SAFETY AWARENESS 1. Ethics of management and managers In order to perform effective operations for guaranteeing safety, human and material resources shall be supported, as well as providing no defect products through faithful fulllment of this standard. In the case of the occurrence of continuous claims on similar cases due to defects in the design or extensive defects in the production, active service or measures such as recall shall be taken in order to guarantee the safety of customers. 2. Development of safe products Continuous researches on safety development shall be carried out to enable the designing of products with the best engineering technology, and shall be applied in product development. Moreover, the safety of our products shall be compared and analyzed with products of competitors to guarantee safety at least above the equal level. 3. Safety verication Strengthened safety standards shall be established with safety regulations and shall be abided according to laws and regulations related to product safety. Safety shall be veried through a Safety Review, and product safety shall be guaranteed through regular safety verication on mass products. 4. PL claim management As product safety is of importance to the life and property of customers, the occurrence of safety problems shall be constantly monitored, and reported immediately to Top Management when such PL Claims are detected. Management shall take measures to guarantee the safety of our customers.

has reinforced to the enterprise QA organization, and is shaping the corporate culture to allow neither the slightest quality problem nor compromise on quality under the vision of LG Electronics, Perceived as World Best Quality by Customers and Consumers. LGE is also trying to provide consumers with the high-safety products by promoting enterprise quality activities and quality awareness.


To prevent product safety issues, LGE is focusing on the 3 areas: design defect, manufacturing defect and caution & warning expression defect. LGE also established the safe product development process to protect the consumer rights systematically under the product liability law. For safe product design, LGE considers the followings:

User environment questionnaire

Safety design survey

PL claim questionnaire Technology level questionnaire *DRBFM (design/process)

Risk analysis
Misuse analysis

Design standard

Prepare a design standard

*DRBFM : Design Review Based on Failure Mode (method of design to solve all the problems without omission)



LG Electronics places the highest value on providing customers with reliable products which they can use in a safe way. Product safety must be ensured under any circumstance, and product safety has the highest priority over sales objective, product design, marketability and expense issues. All staff at LG Electronics will exert their best effort to observe standards for the product safety system, acknowledging that safety is a fundamental value of products.

Active Measures
5. Supplier control LGE, together with the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, conducted a safety check campaign against old Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) TV for 3 months starting from September 2010. The target TV sets were 25 types of 10+ year-old products, for which inside cleaning and part replacement service were provided. 6. Fostering human resources PS (Product Safety) professionals shall be fostered who can detect expected defects in advance to guarantee product safety, and who can establish countermeasures for development by correctly analyzing causes of accidents.

LGE actively responded to the recall service re-

quests through the use of sales, delivery and service date so that as many customers as possible can receive the service.

Safety class for children (in Korea) LGE is running a campaign to

protect children from product related accidents. This safety campaign reects the strong commitment of the CEO that LGE should not only sell products but also look into the fundamental problems to prevent recurrence of accidents. With safety on top priority, LGE is working its best efforts, through the campaign to establish a culture of using all home appliances and the drum washing machine in a safe way. For this purpose, LGE held safety training sessions in 15,000 preschools and elementary schools across the country. The main audience to safety training is preschool children and rst/second graders

FIELD CLAIM MANAGEMENT CRT TV Safety Check Campaign (in Korea)

LGE, together with

in elementary schools who are vulnerable to accidents. LGE distributed campaign posters, messages to home, safety news letters and training CDs to the relevant schools across the nation. The children training CD includes the safety song and dance video, ash, animation and advanced teaching method which can induce childrens interest. This material is a proven training program jointly produced by the Department of Early Childhood Education, Pusan National University. For more information, please visit the website. (

the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, conducted the safety check campaign against old Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) TV for 3 months starting from September 2010. The target TV sets were 25 types of 10+ year-old products, for which inside cleaning and part replacement service were provided.

Voluntary recall of drum washing machine (in Korea)

For the

drum washing machines of 10kg and 12kg capacity produced between August 2003 and October 2008 whose doors cannot be opened from the inside, a voluntary recall was made to replace locking systems (over 400,000 units) and distribute safety caps (over 500,000 units) free of charge (as of March 2011). This campaign will continue all year round so that every customer can use the LGE drum washing machine safely. The drum washing machine (of capacity 10+ kg) on the market after November, 2008 has the structure where the door can be opened from inside.

Address the global PL through the global IT system Nurture the global product safety (PS) professionals Reinforce the in-house product safety regulations and audit activity

Proactive Recall Notice

LGE announced a recall notice for the

drum washing machine lock system through major newspapers and TV advertisements in Korea. LGE also used various online channels e.g., LGE website, blog and Twitter to make the announcement.

1. Safety class for children 1 2. A poster for safety check campaign 3. Website for safety class



Customer Satisfaction and After-Sales Services

I  nnovate the service center and call center based on on the customers perspective Provide a differentiated service B  uild service infrastructure for new products/projects and acquire service competence
VOC Analysis by Type
Marketing related 12,000 1,200 (9%) (9%)
43% Product quality 74% Repair related

31,000 (24%)

Product related

Research and VOC management towards better customer satisfaction Enhanced customer satisfaction research

Service related
13% Service policy 2%6% Others Suggestion related 5% Part 2% Others

15% Product related suggestions 12% Spec complaints 10% Design related 8% Uneasiness / discomfort 12% Others

LGE conducts sci-

entic based research, namely, the Net Promoter Score (NPS) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) results, for better understanding of customer satisfaction and complaints. The NPS helps us analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each of our customer contact points, while the CSI shows customer satisfaction for each of our services and their comparison with our competitors. The research results give us the ability to pinpoint our weaknesses, further our improvements, and double our efforts in bringing higher customer satisfaction. Global Voice of Customer (VOC) management

89,000 (67%)

Increasing customer value through customer-oriented contact point management Call center

LGE operates its call center over the weekend hours

Since its over-

to provide a fast and convenient service for customers. The weekend call centers, currently being operated in 27 countries, will be further extended to cover every region of the world. In addition, we at LGE support the customer with the dedicated specialists to resolve complicated cases through phone calls, and provide remote diagnosis/repair to increase customers convenience even

seas expansion of VOC management in 2007, LGE has increased VOC collection channels to 10 in 2010. Currently, LGE is managing over 130,000 VOC worldwide. With the expansion of the online community, blog and social networks, LGE is getting web-buzz to keep ourselves in line with online customer opinions.

[CASE] Differentiated Service Activity

1. I  ndonesia: Service promotion activity Based on LGEs motto to provide service to the customer anywhere and anytime, LGE is actively promoting our services currently offered in Indonesia along with the call centers contact number through various media (radio, yers and inserts). 2. India: 103 Service 3. K  orea: 3 years of free service to the 4 major household appliances Since December 2010, LGE has extended its free service period for the 4 major household appliances (TVs, refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines) from 1-2 years to a maximum of 3 years. The 3 year warranty, offered to membership holders, contributes to increasing customer condence in the quality of the product.

1)  Conrmation call within 10 days from the date of purchase (inform the public of the call centers contact number) 2)  Regular visit and courtesy call within 10 weeks from the date of purchase - Gather customer complaints on products - Provide product cleansing and usage tips 3)  Second regular visit and courtesy call within 10 months from the date of purchase



LG Electronics philosophy is to provide service for customers at the right time, in the right place, and at the right cost. Based on this principle, LGE promises to deliver a satisfaction level that exceeds our customers expectations, and strives to provide the highest value to our customers through a fast, accurate and differentiated service based on multi-angle analysis of the customers satisfaction and expectation levels.

without necessity of in-home service. To effectively respond to the extended customer service requests, LGE also offers customer responses to cover general issues from product purchase inquiry to user guides.
Call Centers Operating all week long (7days)
Region North America South & Central America China Europe Asia Middle East
U.S., Canada, Mexico Panama, Venezuela, Argentina, Peru, Chile, Colombia China, Taiwan, Hong Kong Greece, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Latvia Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Japan Turkey, UAE
As of February 2011



Repair Service and Product Promotion through Moving Service Bus

Sisterhood relationship event between korea and overseas -middle east

LGE carries out various activities to share its service expertise with overseas service centers to improve overseas service levels. In 2010, LGE established a sisterhood relationship between Korea-Middle East and Korea-Singapore service centers to share our service know-how and increase the service level for overseas customers.

In February 2011, LGE opened a systematized service center in Mali, Africa, for the rst time in the global household appliance industry. To cover Africas wide region, which has a relatively weak service infrastructure, LGE operates a Care & Delight Bus program to offer on-site service to customers. The interior of the bus consists of a repair station where the technicians can repair general household appliances such as mobile phones and TVs, and a waiting room equipped with hi-tech LGE products where customers can rest and experience new technologies while their products are being repaired. The exterior of the bus is used as a billboard to promote LGEs brand and products.

Service center

LGE operates 141 service centers in Korea and over

13,000 worldwide. The service network is organized in a systematic and scientic manner, in accordance with the area and population of the regions to maximize its efciency. To provide a fast and accurate service in line with customer expectations, LGE is further extending the operation of the LG Mobile Service Vehicle, which carries the required tools and components to perform on-site repair services. Our efforts to provide distinguished service centers, customized to each region, are well recognized and appreciated by local customers. The technicians are trained to explain the cause of the problem, the details of the repair, and the necessary preventive measures after repair to keep the customers informed about repair service and therefore increase their satisfaction level.

 Enhance competence through the efficient expansion of service infrastructure  Improve global service levels through the development and promotion of a differentiated service program  Increase the consultation and repair service capability



Environment Preservation and Sustainable Growth

LG Electronics is conducting green management to preserve the natural environment, promote the growth of the society, and improve the quality of people's lives. To fulll its environment duties throughout the entire product lifecycle, LG Electronics pursues an ongoing development of green technology while minimizing the amount of direct and indirect greenhouse gas. LG Electronics also seeks to reinforce its green business partnerships, strengthen the Global Management System of Energy, Environment, Safety and Health (EESH), and double its efforts in managing discarded electronic products. LG Electronics promises to further the efforts in providing greener products and services to the customers.

A respected company in the 21st century is the one that uses its knowledge and technology to minimize its impact on the environment, restore the ecosystem, and fulll its social responsibility to help people suffering from natural disasters resulting from climate change. In regard to this, I think LGE is certainly a respected company, considering all the efforts made and performance achieved in 2010. LGE reduced greenhouse gas that is not only produced during the development, but also from the product use. To promote the reduction of the greenhouse gas throughout the supply channel, the company initiated the Low-Carbon Purchasing to prioritize the products of the business partners participating in greenhouse gas reduction. Also, the company conducted the installation of solar cells in the presidential palace of Maldives jointly with, the world's representative non-prot organization against the climate change. The world is still experiencing from the increase of greenhouse gas, depletion of natural resources, and disruption of the ecosystem. This is a threat to the natural environment, worsening socioeconomic instability and uncertainty of the future. Today, the social and environmental responsibility of a corporation is greater than ever. As one of Koreas leading companies, I hope that LGE will position itself as one of the 21st centurys most representative brands through its value creation and sustainability management. Ji In Chang Chairperson of Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) Korea



Greener Products
With the green product strategy focusing on energy, human and resources, LG Electronics is exerting ongoing efforts to implement its environmental responsibility throughout the whole product lifecycle via partnership with suppliers and management of wasted electronic products, thus to provide customers with products and services that are environmentally consciousness.

Continue to increase the number of greener products Provide customers with the information on product environmental performance Research and develop to increase recyclability of products Pursue the green growth jointly with suppliers to extend green management across the whole value chain

GREEN PRODUCT RATING SYSTEM : Eco-Index Eco-Index Greener Product Rating System

Eco-Index is LGEs

own rating system which quanties the eco design level of products in terms of their eco-consciousness, and it is used as the tool to manage their environmental performance and goal-setting. LGE meets, in advance, environment regulations such as Energy related product (EU ErP); and divided the product environmental performance rating to Green 1-Star, 2-Star and 3-Star to increase the portion of the products satisfying the relevant requirements, (e.g., Energy Star). The rating system is described below. LGE will continue increasing the portion of products meeting the higher Eco-Index.
Eco-Index Ratings and 2010 Rating Results

LGEs greener products aim to lower the environmental impact throughout the whole value chain. LGE divides Green Product Strategy into three sectors: Energy, Resources, and Human, and they are based on the eco-design to promote or enhance energy efciency, resource conservation, and living environment. For more information, please visit the homepage:


Green 3-Star Meets the Green 2-Star Meets the LGEs standard for high energy efciency strategy (for mobile phone, the new green technology or USP* is applied)

71% 100% Green 2-Star Meets the Green 1-Star Meets the LGEs standard equivalent to Energy Star(for mobile phone, NGOs and buyer requirements are applied)

LG Electronics Green Product Strategy

Resource reduction Reduce product weight/volume Use recycled material Recyclability improvement Use recyclable material Design for easy disassembly Energy efciency enhancement Reduce power consumption Reduce stand-by power CO2 emissions reduction Use renewable energy Reduce CO2 emissions through product life-cycle Hazardous substances management Reduce use of heavy metal Phase out certain hazardous material Home environment Decrease noise and vibration

Green 1-Star Meets the local environment requirements and relevant environment labels and standard. Meets the LGEs energy efciency standard

* USP (Unique Selling Point) : Differentiated product features


Voluntary Replacement of Hazardous Substances


products satisfy the EU RoHS requirements. LGE is also replacing the PVC and brominated ame retardants (BFRs) - which are not subject to the regulations but are known to have environmental impact
Replacement of Hazardous Substances
Mobile Phone


Greener Product

PVC replaced for all new models developed after January 2010 BFR replaced for all new models developed after January 2010, except for some components e.g., IC, transistor, etc.


PVC/BFR replaced for all 2011 newly developed models of insulation sheet and deco sheet; gradually replaced for individual components such as stand, front cabinet, bottom bracket, back cover, etc. PVC/BFR replaced for individual components such as hose, charger, battery, steam pipe, etc. PVC/BFR replaced for some electronic components such as cabinet, back cover, stand, packing, etc.


Vacuum Cleaner Home Appliance



- after safety and reliability test for new PVC/BFR components. We already started replacing the halogen (Cl and Br) contained in the mobile phone PCB, headset and battery several years ago; after January 2010, halogen is not used in all newly developed mobile phones and starting in 2011, all models will be halogen-free. In addition, reduction is under way for ODD (Optical Disk Drive), laptop and LCD TV components. For more information, please visit the homepage:


As of November 2010, LGE products had been recognized with 2,253 certicates for green technology from organizations around the world. The major awards and certications in 2010 include the following:

CES 2010 Eco-Design and Sustainable Technology Award, U.S.

LED LCD TV 47LE8500 received the U.S. CES 2010 Eco-Design and Sustainable Technology Award in U.S.
Resource saved by 29.3 mm slim design Number of assembly screws reduced to increase recyclability Smart energy saving function (by 70% vs. traditional CCFL model)

Recognizing the impact of electronic products on the environment and human health, LGE announced environment management in 1994 to conduct R&D activities throughout the entire product life cycle so that the impact on environment can be reduced. The key R&D areas include energy efciency, replacement of hazardous substances, design for improved recyclability, and infrastructure for developing greener products and technologies.

The UL Sustainable Product Certication (SPC), U.S.

monitor E2350V acquired the SPC, the UL green certication.


Green Technology Certications (by the Korean Government)

Under the Green Technology Certication system introduced by the Korean Government in 2010, LGE acquired 11 certicates on home appliances, solar energy, LEDlighting, etc. These technologies are applied to various products of LGE. For more information, visit the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology website:

Energy conservation by unique LED technology of LGE Resource saved by 17.5 mm slim design

The Best Eco-Chic Product in MAISON & OBJET 2010, FranceThe refrigerator GB7143A2HZ and GB7143AVRZ for Europe, which adopted linear compressor, was selected as a representative eco-chic in MAISON & OBJET 2010, France.
High efficiency and energy saving function Capacity increased by 50 L compared to other product with the same dimensions.

Green Technology Certications

Product Refrigerator Technology
High efciency inverter linear compressor technology High efciency parallel cooling system technology Technology for maximizing washing machine capacity using a xed tub structure 6-motion washing technology Dual injection steam washing technology

Washing Machine

Air Conditioner

Ultra-power saving technology using a high efciency inverter compressor and motion sensor High efciency central air-conditioning system technology

2010 EISA Green Mobile Phone Award, EUThe Pop phone

received the EISA (European Imaging and Sound Association) Award as a green mobile phone.
Use of recycled material Low energy consumption charger Solar charger battery pack (Sold as accessory)

Solar Energy

130-micron thin layer crystalline silicon solar cell technology LED at lighting design technology of high efciency and high color rendering High efciency panel technology for PDP TV Technology reducing the standby power down to 0.9W or less

LED Lighting TV Microwave Oven




In 2010, LGE released various products using green technologies such as a hybrid solar air conditioner, refrigerator with a top energy efciency rating in U.S., mobile phones with recycled plastic, and robot cleaners with improved energy efciency and reduced noise.

Energy efciency enhancement Inverter: Power saving function Air purier function operable by max 100% solar energy; cooling function operable by up to 15% solar energy vs. minimum power consumption Home environment  Human Care Robot : auto wind direction/volume/ temperature control function through sensors Green-tea HEPA lter Platinoid enzyme lter Deodorization function Hazardous substances management  Meets EU RoHS requirements Awards & Certications 2010 Green Technology Certication (Inverter and solar technology) - Korea 2010 Energy Winner Award Grand Prix - Korea 2010 Green Growth Brand - Korea Carbon Footprint Label - Korea

Energy efciency enhancement High efciency charger with standby power 0.03W and energy efciency 70% better than conventional charger Hazardous substances management Meets EU RoHS requirements No use of BFRs, PVC and phthalate Recyclability improvement 76% of recycled paper used for package box Soy ink printing of package box and user manual Resource reduction 30% of recycled plastic used in battery cover Awards & Certications Displayed in CES 2011 - U.S.

Hybrid solar air conditioner

Mobile phone using recycled plastic

Top tier refrigerator

Robot Vacuum

Energy efciency enhancement North America energy efciency rating - Top tier level * High-efciency linear compressor High-efcient/high-luminous LED lighting Resource reduction Recycled plastic used (PP and ABS material, 1kg/unit) Hazardous substances management Meets EU RoHS requirements Eco-conscious foaming agent, cyclopentane** adopted Awards & Certications 2010 Green Technology Certication (Linear compressor technology)

Energy efciency enhancement Energy saving - On-mode : 18W - Power-saving mode Reduce cleaning time using Dual Eye sensor Li-ion polymer battery Home Environment Reduce noise level to 50dB HEPA lter Hazardous substances management Meets EU RoHS requirements Awards & Certications Displayed in CES 2011 U.S.

* Top tier level : The efciency level higher than the Energy Star requirements of US EPA (varies per product; 10% for refrigerator) ** Cyclopentane : A subtitute for CFC and HCFC



REINFORCEMENT OF GREEN PARTNERSHIP Green Program Plus - Green Supply Chain Management

Expert Training Program for Suppliers


Since December 2006,

LGE has been conducting expert training programs for hazardous substance control policy and LGEs green policy to suppliers throughout the supply chain. In 2011, we have plans to open an expert course on GHG management and hazardous substance measurement, as well as provide training opportunities to second and third-tier suppliers.

Green Program Plus (GP Plus) is a proprietary LGE program intended to contribute to the green competitiveness of suppliers and joint growth by providing them with LGEs know-how. In 2010, Based on the Green Program, which was launched in 2005 to address the requirements on hazardous substances contained in products. GP Plus was expanded to include second and third-tier suppliers and incorporate greenhouse gas control, CSR support, etc. LGE validates new suppliers green management capabilities, and existing suppliers are managed through follow-up procedures. New candidates are assessed for their environmental management level, control of hazardous substances, control of green materials/products, and existing suppliers are examined to check if their components comply with LGEs standards that are recommended to voluntarily manage hazardous substances specied by NGOs, etc. in addition to those dened by LGE in the context of global environmental protection.

No. of Green Certied Companies (Cumulative)


3,967 3,879 3,715 1,956






No. of Certied Auditors (Cumulative) Green Program Plus / Assessment Criteria for Suppliers
Screening of New Supplier
Environmental Management System Hazardous Substances Management Material/ Product Management

1,379 1,090 55 760 15 289 425 529 934 621 729

Follow-up Screening 20
Hazardous Substances Management Management of 2nd-tier Suppliers Inspection & Validation Voluntary Phase-out of PVC/BFR



30 2006 5 (extra score)

LG Electronics





Green Program Plus

3rd Tier suppliers

2nd Tier suppliers

1st Tier suppliers

Hazardous Substances in Product

CSR Support for suppliers

Green Program Plus



Train/Assess/ Performance Check

GHG Emission Control

Green Program



Low-Carbon Procurement

LGE is planning to construct a low-

only collects waste products based on local regulations and requirements, but is also establishing a take-back system through collaboration with local partners. ( environment/take-back-recycling.jsp) LGE is also conducting research on take-back management in some non-regulated areas. To satisfy the WEEE requirements in China slated to take effect July 2011, it is preparing a take-back system jointly with the Chinese government and industrial associations. In addition to this, the company is participating in the Great American Cleanup event of KAB* starting March 1, 2011.

carbon supply chain by implementing low-carbon procurement from suppliers who actively participate in the GHG reduction. The lowcarbon purchase is intended for selection of preferred suppliers who have the GHG reduction objectives, and the purchase volume will reach KRW 50 trillion in 2020. We will gradually provide suppliers with GHG inventory and monitoring system setup, third party validation, GHG reduction know-how consulting and training services to support their low-carbon green management.

Green Win-Win Growth MOU with Suppliers

In November

In Korea, in addition to the operation of its own recycling center, it collects other e-waste generated in several provinces (MOUwith local governments: Geoje city, Ulsan city). To improve resource efciency across the entire process, LGE has adopted and applied recyclability criteria from the product design stage. The take-back performance of LGE and selected countries is as shown below.
* KAB (Keep America Beautiful) : The environmental organization in U.S. founded in 1953, focusing on community improvement. KAB holds the Great American Cleanup event where about 4 million people participate every year, engaging in various activities e.g., waste prevention & management (reduction, reuse and recycle) and community forestation.

2010, we concluded a MOU with 3 suppliers on the use of eco-magnesium and carbon credit for green win-win growth. Through the MOU, suppliers will benet from the expanded sales channels, improved productivity, and carbon credit business know-how; and LGE will benet from the green technologies of suppliers.

E-Waste Take-back System and Recycling

LGE is proactively

responding to the EU Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) regulations and e-waste regulations around the world. It not

Ceremony for MOU on Green Win-Win Growth

Ceremony for Setup of the E-Waste Take-back System

Waste Product Recovery & Recycle Diagram

LGEs contractors collect the E-waste discarded by consumers, and they are transported to and recycled by local recyclers. The recycled plastic, metals, and nonferrous metals are used by LGE as resources, and the non-recyclable is nally disposed. Waste ow Product ow

3.  Waste product delivered to recycling center

5. Use of recycled resources


Raw material Company

Recycling Center 4. Disassemble & sort of waste products


1. Sold to consumers

2. Waste products recovered

Nonferrous metal Non-recyclable wastes


Final disposal



Global E-Waste Take-back and Recycling Results Country Korea Japan Europe North America Total 2006
30,959 1,257 24,140 124 56,480

Unit : tons

Use of Recycled Resources


LGE uses recycled materials (e.g.

37,016 2,250 38,141 227 77,684

32,540 3,570 71,090 935 108,135

38,542 4,247 122,358** 2,330 167,477**

2010 43,412 3,603 148,284* 3,685 198,984

recycled plastic ) for resource recycling in addition to management of e-waste. Recycled polypropylene (PP) and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) accounts for 667 tons from the 625,000 tons of plastic used in 2009. In 2010, LGE used total 2,014 tons of recycled plastic: 3.3 tons of polycarbonate, 1,221 tons of PP, 506 tons of ABS and 284 tons of ABS+PET.
* The recycled plastic only refers to the post consumer plastic.

* Due to the different reporting system in Europe, some gures are estimated on their own or neighborhood country performances, As a result, data in the next year's report can be changed. ** The gure for 2009 Europe performance was corrected from 107,041 to 122,358 to reect the actual performance of Greece, Denmark, Romania, Slovakia, UK, Czech , Portugal, Poland and France.

Continue to introduce greener products  Provide customers with product environmental performance Establish a global take-back system Develop technologies for recyclability

Types and Usage of Recycled Plastic

Unit : Ton

2,014.32 1221 989 669 320 506 284 0 PP


3.32 ABS

Recycled PC




Daniel Seager, Environmental Specialist LGE European Standard Center

How do you collect and process waste electronic products from LGE in the EU region? The WEEE Directive in Europe requires producers to organise and nance the collection, treatment, recovery and environmentally sound disposal of WEEE. At LGE Europe we take our WEEE responsibilities very seriously since we believe that recycling and the recovery of resources plays a signicant role in contributing to sustainable development. In order to meet our obligations, LGE Europe has either jointly founded or partnered with 24 take-back compliance systems in 21 countries and is compliant with the national WEEE regulations in all countries where a producer obligation exists. The current process of WEEE take-back in Europe varies from country to country, but in principle, through membership with our take back systems, LGE nances the collection, treatment, recovery and environmentally sound disposal of WEEE from private households deposited at local collection centers. How many waste electronic products do you collect and process in EUregion? LGE collected about 122,358 tons in 2009 and 148, 284 tons in 2010, up by 21.19%. The recovery volume is increases gradually every year. Whats your plan in EU region regarding collection and processing of the waste LGE electronic products? Unfortunately a lot of elec-

tronic waste still ends up in landll sites where it cannot be recycled. LGE are working with our partner WEEE schemes to increase public awareness of the importance of recycling WEEE. In the future we hope to see less WEEE entering landll sites and more WEEE being separately collected and properly treated so as to further reduce the environmental impact of our products. LGE is also involved with industry associations in Europe which advise policy makers of the importance of achieving better take-back regulations so as to improve the collection and recycling systems in Europe. LGE will continue to meet all its obligations under the current, and future WEEE regulations and will strive to optimise the take-back process through enhanced partnerships with recyclers and take back-schemes in Europe.
Waste Products Collected by LGEin EU region

Unit : Ton






*2  010 data is preliminary so it is subject to change

Photo of the Remondis, a recycling partner in LGE German Subsidiary



Low-Carbon Green Management

LG Electronics has established a low-carbon green management system to provide low carbon value to customers through voluntary greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction. Throughout its activities, LGE is endeavoring to pursue the coexistence of the two major values: creating value for customers and stakeholders, and protecting the natural environment.

Manage climate change risk and exploit opportunities Establish long-term GHG reduction plan Reinforce 4 major strategies against climate change Establish low-carbon supply chain management

Low-Carbon Green Management Strategy

LGE is conduct-

ing an enterprise-wide low-carbon green management strategy to provide low carbon value to customers through voluntary GHG reduction. The low-carbon green management strategy is based on 4 major themes: production level GHG reduction through productivity enhancement, product usage level GHG reduction through energy efciency improvement, business-wide GHG reduction and management, and enhancing social responsibility through the establishment of low-carbon culture.


Low-Carbon Green Management System Establishment

GHG Inventory Setup Having completed the GHG inventory setup for its all 12 Korean operations in 2008 for the rst time among Korean electronic companies, LGE expanded and completed the GHG LGE aninventory setup for its all 29 overseas manufacturing sites in 2009. The company is currently conducting systematic management of its GHG emissions through the Corporate Carbon Management System (CCMS), a GHG management IT system. To ensure the reliability of data, LGE engages third-party verication. In 2010, the company completed the third-party validation on its 13 manufacturing sites in China. Low-Carbon Green Management System LGE has been managing reduction of GHG in production levels and product usage levels as the company's primary business objective since late 2008. For the low-carbon green management, GHG reduction status is reported to top management team periodically by the Eco Strategy Team. Moreover, LGE has established an Eco-Design Committee, chaired by the Chief Technology Ofcer and consisting of executives from R&D de-

nounced its voluntary GHG reduction target in January 2009. The company established a goal to reduce its GHG emissions from manufacturing level by 150,000 tons, equivalent to 10% in 2020 compared to the 2008 baseline (cumulative reduction from 2008 to 2020 is around 1 million tons). For reduction of emissions during product use phase, we set a reduction target of 30 million tons of GHG emissions from the BAU* in 2020 (cumulative reduction from 2007 to 2020 in approx. 200 million tons). To achieve its target, LGE pursues various GHG reduction activities, including manufacturing process innovation, facility improvement, operation improvement, and renewable energy use, and maintains its efforts to develop highefciency products.
* BAU: Business As Usual. Projected GHG emission based on the assumption that the GHG reduction technology and policy are maintained to the current level.

Low-Carbon Green Strategy

Providing low carbon value to customer through voluntary GHG emission reduction

Value Strategic Directives Target

Productivity enhancement Low-carbon factory GHG emission reduction at production sites 0.15M tons in 2020
(cumulated amount: 1 million tons)

Product competitiveness Low-carbon product Contribution to GHG emission reduction In product use 30M tons in 2020
(cumulated amount: 200 million tons)

Operational efciencies Low-carbon value chain GHG emission reduction over life cycle Reduction Management by 2015

Social contribution Low-carbon culture Engagement of Employees & community Top-tier performer by 2015

Infrastructure for effective GHG emission management



partments. In the Committee, executives examine and monitor the progress of development for energy-efcient products and technologies, and evaluate the carbon footprint of product at the R&D phase. The 14th committee was held on May 2010.
GHG Inventory
911 795
Unit: K ton Co2-e

Climate change : Exploiting opportunities

Standpoint Opportunity
- Stricter energy efciency standards - Expansion of renewable energy usage rules - Initiation of greenhouse gas emissions trading schemes - Increased new business opportunity owing to the green growth policy - Unusual temperature due to climate change - Worsening of water decit and pollution - Increase of yellow dust

- Develop high energy efcient products, national incentive systems - Develop solar cell technology, expand production -I  nitiate CDM business for high energy efcient refrigerators -S  mart grid, LED, geothermal heat pump, etc.



357 253

297 193

349 142 Physical

- Enhance the development of high energy efcient air conditioning technology - Reinforce the water purier, water ionizer and water processing business - Reinforce the air conditioning and air purier business - Enhance the development of low-carbon product technology - Expand external communication - Expand voluntary carbon label acquisition - Share CO2 reduction results through energy efciency improvement

2008 Scope1

2009 Scope2

2010 Scope3/Optional

* The data include 12 Korean operations and 29 overseas manufacturing operations. * Calculation Standard : 2006 IPCC Guideline, WRI GHG Protocol * Scope 3 : Commute Shuttle, lease building (exclude ofces smaller than 100 employees work) * Optional : Refrigerant R-22, Fireghting facilities, Halon, etc. * The total GHG emissions could be slightly changed after the 3rd party verication.


- Increase of low-carbon product consumption - Enhanced brand and company image - Expansion of product's carbon footprint disclosure - Energy efciency improvement through process innovation

Risk and Opportunity of Climate Change

mate change.

LG Electronics is

conducting corporate-wide measures to minimize the risks from cli-

GHG reduction performance in 2010

Production level Objective Performance Product usage level Objective

Unit: K ton


Climate change : Risks and Countermeasures

Standpoint Risk
- Stricter energy efciency standards - GHG & Energy Target Management System by Korean government - Total greenhouse gas emission regulations - Expansion of product's carbon footprint disclosure - Economic measures including carbon tax, border tax, etc. - Production instability due to natural disasters - Worsening employee health

- Manage energy technology roadmap, develop high energy efcient technology - Complete inventory buildup, conduct third-party verication every year - Set and execute voluntary GHG reduction target - Operate GHG management IT system, perform LCA

100 160 6,000 12,750


* To calculate the direct use phase emission, LGE utilizes specic scenarios for customer's product usage by each product. Customer usage scenarios are basically calculated with power consumption, average product usage time, and so on.

Production Level GHG reduction

LGE set its target to reduce

100,000 tons in production levels of GHG in 2010 compared to 2008, and achieved a 160,000 ton GHG reduction through diverse activities, including production facility/operation improvement and the energy conversion. Below are the companys main activities to reduce the production level GHG. Facility and operation improvement LGE achieved a yearly GHG gas reduction of approximately 20,000 tons by improving the energy efciency of compressors and air handling units, respectively used in the manufacturing facilities of air conditioners as well as household appliances and mobile phones. Incineration waste heat recovery system LGEs Changwon factories invested approximately KRW 7.2 billion to establish a steam supply system operating with waste heat from the incineration plant


- Enhance safety management system and risk evaluation - Conduct total health program, improve response capability - Conduct raw material cost analysis, manage the supply chain - Establish low-carbon supply network - Conduct CSR activity, including appropriate technology - Enhance public communication


- Cost increases due to stricter regulation, supply and demand instability etc. - Production instability due to supply chain's functional impairment - Lower product consumption due to the impact of climate change - Stricter company evaluation from investors, NGOs, etc.



of the city. With the introduction of the new system, the company achieved a yearly reduction of 10,000 tons of GHG emission and KRW 3.1 billion of energy consumption compared to the previous LNG system.
Incineration waste heat recovery system
Waste heat supply from Changwon incineration plant

the companys washing machine (model FR3228WA) received the industrys rst certication from the Carbon Footprint Label program conducted by Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute (KEITI). Currently, the company endeavors to expand its carbon labeling certication to other products, including TVs, refrigerators, and air conditioners. In 2010, owing to voluntary carbon disclosure efforts, LGE received a total of 12 carbon footprint labels for its components and products.



GHG Reduction for the Whole Product lifecycle

Logistics GHG reduction target After establishing the GHG reduction target in production levels and product usage levels, LGE anComponent washing





nounced its goal to further reduce GHG emissions respective to the transportation distance of each unit weight by 1% compared to the previous year. In October 2010, the company participated in the vehicle logging device project conducted by the Korea Transportation Safety Authority (KOTSA) to improve the calculation accuracy of the GHG emission during the transportation. The company aims to establish green logistics through modal shifts, energy usage optimization, and employee awareness.

Product Usage Level GHG Reduction

In 2010, LGE announced

its plan to reduce 6 million tons of GHG in the product usage level compared to the 2007 power consumption. The company contributed to 12.75 million ton reduction of GHG through high-efciency technology development, R&D investment, and low-carbon products. Promoting low-carbon consumption through carbon disclosure LGE provides carbon footprints of its products with the 3rd party certication. Based on the lifecycle carbon footprint, the company makes efforts to reduce the GHG emission in each required step. In 2008,

Low-Carbon Culture
GHG reduction activity In late 2009, LGE Labor Union announced its ofcial establishment of the Union Social Responsibility (USR), and set as its primary objective the expansion of low-carbon culture against climate change. The company published a volume of GHG emitted during major events, and conducted various activities such as tree plantings to offset GHG emissions. Owing to these efforts, the company was awarded the Carbon Neutral Certication from Korea Energy Management Corporation (KEMCO). In addition, the company introduced a low-carbon food menu for employees to induce their awareness on the climate change, and organized a green idea competition to collect employees ideas for energy and carbon reduc-


Mobile phone (LG-SU430)

Products with Carbon Footprint Label

Commercial electric heat pump -heating/cooling outdoor unit (LRP-N4108D) Vacuum cleaner (VC6860LHAY) Light wave steam oven (MP929NPS) Refrigerator (R-T759MHHGP) Mobile phone (LG-SU430) Air conditioner (FNQ182FASV[FUQ182FAU]) LED LCD TV (47SL90QD) Drum washing machine (FR3228WA) Washing machine: motor (WDC246Y01S) Air conditioner: inverter compressor (GKT176DAA) Air conditioner: compressor (GJT240DAA) Refrigerator: linear compressor (FC140NEM)

Date of Certication
August 2010 July 2010 July 2010 June 2010 June 2010 May 2010 February 2010 March 2009 December 2009 December 2009 November 2009 November 2009

tion. The best ideas will be selected and implemented in actual work environments.
1 2

1. Carbon neutral tree planting event 2. USR low-carbon campaign 3. Low-carbon menu campaign 4. Low-carbon labor union ofcers athletics day

Source : Korea Environment Technology & Industry Institute (



Online Climate Change Training

In 2010, LGE expanded the

It also concluded an agreement with three business partners to promote green win-win growth(See page 41)and reinforce the carbon credit business.

online climate change training previously conducted for all Korean employees in 2009, to overseas employees. The online training, conducted in North America, China and EU regions with the participation of about 20,000 employees worldwide, was intended to promote the awareness of climate change and share LGEs measures against the environmental impact. The program acclaimed with an approximate 76% satisfaction rate.

Expansion of Voluntary Efforts

LGE is actively participating

in activities developed by international organizations, including the UN, to fulll its corporate responsibility towards resolving the climate change issue. In April 2010, the company subscribed to Caring for Climate, one of the initiatives of UN Global Compact, and is currently participating as a member of the steering committee to represent Korean companies. It is also participating in the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC)s Environmental Sustainability Work Group in joint efforts with the electronic industry to enhance sustainability.

Carbon Credit Business

Approval of CDM business in India LGE is proceeding with the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), acquiring carbon credits through sales of high energy efcient refrigerators. The companys initiative was approved by the Indian government in April 2010, marking LGE the worlds rst company to obtain the approval of CDM through the production of high energy efcient refrigerators (AM0070). Sales of low-carbon refrigerators to low income families In August 2010, LGE participated in the old refrigerator replacement program as a part of Korea Energy Foundations low income families energy efciency improvement project and supplied 3,000 high energy efcient, refrigerators to low income families. The replacement of low income families old refrigerators with LGEs high-efciency refrigerators will yield a yearly reduction of 1,260MWh of energy consumption and 850 tons of GHG. The Korea Energy Foundation has been conducting third-party verication since 2010 to register the carbon reductions obtained through its project as a voluntary carbon credit business under the Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS).

Join Carbon Green Management Leaders Club by Korea CDP

LGE was recognized for its low carbon green management and its

efforts to respond to the climate change and create low carbon customer value, which yielded a high evaluation score from renowned external organizations. Since 2008, LGE has been participating in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) to enhance corporate sustainability and increase socially responsible investment through low carbon green management. Since the best prize award in 2009, the company has joined by the Carbon Management Global Leaders Club as one of the top Korean companies with outstanding carbon disclosure and reduction performance, demonstrating its leadership in low-carbon green management.


Solar power is LGEs new energy business. The

company manufactures solar cells and modules based on its 25 years

Enhancing Cooperation
Conclusion of cooperation agreement LGE further enhanced cooperation with external organizations to expand its low carbon green management and strengthen its capability to respond to the climate change. The company signed an agreement with Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute in July 2010 to promote the participation and establishment of the Carbon Footprint Label program. In October 2010, LGE concluded an agreement with the Korea Environment Corporation to better respond to GHG restrictions.

of accumulated expertise in the research and development of solar power. LGE has established a solar module test center, certied as the ofcial test center by the Europe certication body (TV Rheinland) and U.S. certication body (UL). The company has also installed its solar modules at the Gumi 1 Site. Solar power provides up to 20-30% of electricity used in the administration ofces. LGE plans to expand its solar power production to 330MW in 2011, and is furthering its efforts in increasing production capacity and in research and development to achieve a revenue goal of KRW 300 million by 2015.

1. Conclusion of cooperation agreement against climate change with Korea Environment Corporation 2. Solar panel installed in Gumi 1 sites parking lot



Lighting system

LGE is currently in development and produc-

the household charger/discharger pilot project (SCE) jointly with LG Chemicals in North America region.
LG Smart Grid Training Facility in Jeju

tion of the energy efcient Light Emitting Diode (LED) lighting system and the Plasma Lighting System (PLS) adapted from the plasma emission principle. The companys LED lighting products have received the High Efciency Energy Equipment Certication from the Korea Energy Management Corporation (Ministry of Knowledge Economy), and its LED at panel lighting design technology awarded the Green Technology Certication. Also, the companys PLS received two quality certications from China Quality Certication Center, the indoor lighting system quality certication and the oodlight quality certication.
LGEs Lighting Certications

Water Treatment Business

With plans to foster a water treat-

ment business as a future growth engine, LGE will invest over 500 billion KRW over the next 10 years starting from 2010. In 2010, LGE developed new water treatment technology in collaboraHigh Efciency Energy Equipment Certication GD Mark Green Technology Certication

tion with GS Neotek and Korad, which was awarded the Environmental Technology Certication from the Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute (KEITI), led by the Ministry of Environment. The Company registered two patents and applied ve patents related to its new water treatment technology in Korea, and is preparing an international patent application as well.

Japan Product Safety Mark for Electrical Appliances

China China Quality Certication

Total HVAC System

LGE provides a total HVAC system, an op-

timized Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning solution adapted to the condition of the site during the buildings construction and/ or renovation design. The system employs LGE's inverter technology to provide automated control according to the cooling/heating condition and reduce energy consumption. The company is also engaging in the development of green buildings through its line of products using renewable energy, such as hybrid XEO, which uses geothermal energy.

Create low-carbon customer value through voluntary greenhouse gas reduction Foster and expand new green business  Expand the greenhouse gas reduction to the whole value chain Enhance social responsibility through the expansion of low-carbon culture

Smart Grid Business

A smart grid, also known as the next gen-

eration intelligence power network. It also requires the application of new intelligent technology to the existing electricity network. It also allows utilities and consumers to communicate in real time using two-way digital technology to optimize energy efciency. LGE has been developing home network technologies and releasing remote controlled products since the early 2000s. Since 2009, the company has participated in Korean government-led smart grid pilot projects as a consortium-leading company. LGE opened the Jeju Smart Grid Showroom where customers can stay in and experience smart grid technologies and appliances. LGE has also been participating in the smart grid pilot project (Smart Watts) led by Achen, Germany, and in



EESH Management

M  id and long term strategies: Integrate global EESH management and Develop EESH risk management system Mid and long term action plan
-E  nergy : Reduce energy consumption, secure reliable supply of utilities, reduce CO2 -E  nvironment: Decrease environmental pollution, reduce environmental management cost, promote environmental protection activity for local community. - Safety : Manage industrial safety prevention system and Incident Rate (IR), re risk mitigation and prevention - Health : Reduce potential occupational illness through Total Health Program (THP), improve working environment

strengthen the operation system, review integration of certication of management system for overseas sites, and reorganize the audit system in 2011. In 2010, the ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 systems for all worksites and R&D centers in Korea were integrated to establish a platform for building uniformed EESH strategy. In addition to this, the global capabilities of the EESH managers were enhanced by sharing best practice among worksites as well as conducting technical seminars at the biannual global EESH conference. LGE also developed an emergency evacuation system at the R&D centers to minimize injuries in case of re. LGE applied the evacuation simulation for high-rise buildings and conducted actual evacuation exercises to identify potential problems that may occur in real situation and performed improvement activities. The 2nd Global Conference for Enhancing the Capacity of EESH Managers

KEY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES FOR EESH IN 2010 Develop a globally integrated EESH management system
1. Implement EESH strategy that aligns with corporate policy 2. Develop integrated certication of management system for worksites in Korea 3. Develop a global audit system platform 4. Hold Global EESH Conferences

LGE held the 2nd Global EESH Conference

at the Pyeongtaek Learning Center in May 2010, participated by over 200 EESH managers from Korea and overseas. Participants discussed ways to protect the environment, reduce energy consumption, and improve safety activities. They also presented best practices and held technology seminars which improved the awareness level and formed consensus as the global enterprise. Participants were also educated about the Global EESH Management System initiated by headquarters. The conference provided an opportunity for LGE to integrate global EESH activities. In addition, managers from overseas subsidiaries visited a recycling center in Korea and learned about the advanced recycling system. EESH managers underwent various training programs for each worksite to improve their capabilities. In particular, this conference Key Strategic Goals for EESH in 2010

Develop an EESH risk management system

1. EESH activity innovation 2. Hold a Best Practice (BP) expo for rst-aid and re prevention 3. Develop emergency evacuation process for high-rise buildings

Based on the corpo-

focused on introducing new technologies and enhancing the capabilities of managers, which resulted in increased NPS index among participants compared to the 1st Conference held in 2008 (75% in 2008 > 78.2% in 2010).

rate management philosophies of Respecting Human Dignity and

Creating Value for Customers, LGE has established the EESH Code,

the guideline for EESH activities, that corresponds to the global scale of LGE in 2007 and has been applying the codes ever since. In 2009, various standards for each worksite were integrated and reorganized as a single standard and distributed to all the business divisions to be uniformly applied. In 2010, all the activities for environment, safety and health, as well as the certication of management system were revamped to be consistent which resulted in work efciency and created synergy effects. However, there was some confusion during the implementation stage and LGE is planning to

The 2nd Global EESH Conference



LG Electronics is realizing its vision to become Top Global Company in Energy, Environment, Safety, and Health (EESH) by operating corporate-wide EESH Management System, optimizing energy efciency applying cleaner production, and improving occupational health and safety.

Development of EESH Audit System Platform

LGE has con-

Integrated Certication of EESH Management System (Korea)

ducted an annual EESH audit from July to October for all worksites (36 sites) globally since 1996. The global EESH audit is conducted to reduce EESH risks at worksites by discovering best practices and performance evaluation. The selected outstanding sites are recognized and awarded each year by the CEO. In 2010, the Gumi production site in Korea and Noida site in India were selected as the most outstanding sites. From the audit process in 2010, LGE learned that it needs to apply an audit checklist that corresponds to newly changing global standards and to nurture qualied auditors. In 2011, LGE is planning to develop a new platform for the global EESH audit system including new checklist and internal auditor training program.
Global EESH audit trend
87.8 81.2 90 81.5

LGE was the rst Korean electronics company to establish a cor-

porate-wide integrated certication system for Environmental Management System (ISO 14001) and Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSAS 18001). These were independently established for each worksite. As headquarters integrated and managed certication for six worksites and ve R&D centers under a single system, each sites performances can be compared and monitored effectively. Most of LGEs overseas production sites have acquired ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certication. Of 30 overseas ofces, 28 have already acquired the ISO 14001 and 21 have acquired the OHSAS 18001. (See page 82) The production site in Russia is expected to obtain certication in 2011, and the site in Saudi Arabia is expected to acquire certication in 2012.
Ceremony for establishment of integrated ISO 14001/OHSAS 18001 certication systems for Korean operation

Development of Fire Evacuation Drills and Simulation System for High-Rise Buildings
* Maximum score = 100 Korea Overseas

LGE has developed an emergency evac-


uation system in ve R&D centers in high-rise buildings and has been implementing the system. Specically, employees at the Seocho R&D Center participated in re evacuation drills in cooperation with the Seocho Fire Department. LGE and the re department analyzed various situations that may occur in a high-rise building through the pre-evacuation simulation to identify the evacuation process. As a result, full evacuation could be completed within 21 minutes, which is 4 minutes shorter than the simulation.
A fire evacuation drill at Seocho R&D center

Internal evaluation is conducted annually but the headquarters' evaluation is conducted biannually.

Structure of Global EESH audit checklist

1. Policy & Leadership 2. Goal & Plan 3. Organization / Accountability 4. Risk Management 5. Training & Exercise


6. Response to Emergency 7. Document Management 8. Communication 9. Operation & Management (Energy, Environment, Safety, Health, Fire Prevention, Suppliers)
1. Reporting re 2. Emergency evacuation 3. Initial extinguishment


10. Investigation & Analysis 11. Evaluation & Improvement Management

4. Arrival of re engines 5. Full extinguishment 6. Overall review


12. Management Review



Best Practice Expo for First-aid and Fire Prevention


best practice to strictly manage environmental impact. At the Pyeongtaek site, the LCD module packages were previously incinerated, but they are now cleaned and reused. This was achieved through continuous cooperation with partners and resulted in saving incineration and package costs by over 3.6 billion KRW annually (based on monthly production of 30,000 units). At the Cheongju site, the amount of daily wastewater from the membrane production process was reduced from 10 tons to 5 tons, by ltering it once again before discharge. The generated waste and wastewater increased dramatically in 2010 compared to 2009 because of increasing sludge from changed manufacturing process in Gumi PDP site, waste from closed video tape plant in Cheongju site, and waste and mass production initiated from solar plant in Gumi site. Please refer to pages 80 to 82 for environmental data at other sites in Korea and overseas. In addition, LGEs employees are continuously participating in environmental protection activities. In particular, employees are involved in various volunteer activities and participate in events on special days for the environment such as the Water day, Arbor day, Childrens day, Ocean day, World Environment day, and Recycling day, to contribute towards environmental protection for the local community.
Generated and Recycled waste (in Korea)
0.27 0.21 0.19 48,349 38,086 34,639 4,159,930 4,338,142 23.1 23.5 5,670,585

ment & Safety Group at headquarters held a Best Practice (BP) expo for rst-aid and re prevention. A total of 11 teams participated in the expo and shared BP for re prevention at each business site. The expo was focused on proliferating the BP and improving the employees capability in handling emergency situations. The event was centered not on the professionals but on the employees, which increased employee awareness. The BP expo was held for the rst time in an attempt to share know-how between employees at each site and the Fire Prevention Center. LGE is planning to hold the BP expo for rst-aid and re prevention every year to improve crisis management capabilities of employees at all the worksites.
1 2

1. Best Practice expo for rst-aid and re prevention 2. Certicate of Energy management system (Changwon 2 site and Noida site in India)

Water usage (in Korea)



LGE has been continuously implementing energy con-

servation and GHG reduction activities. In 2010, some production sites implemented a pilot energy management system to strengthen monitoring and systematic management of energy conservation activities. Particularly, the Noida site in India received the worlds rst EN16001 certication from the British Standards Institution (BSI). In Korea, the Changwon II and Pyeongtaek sites received the energy management system certication, from Korea Energy Management Corporation and BSI, respectively. In 2011, LGE is planning to establish an energy management system for the Changwon I and Gumi sites and prepare for the certication. In addition to such activities, LGE is continuously making improvements on aged and worn-out facilities to ensure a stable energy supply. Particularly, the Changwon II sites installed a 154KV transformer, a circuit breaker, and an emergency power supply back-up system to prepare for the blackout caused by cable malfunction. Please refer to page 44 for more information on energy conservation activities.
3 1

28,187 2008








Unit : ton Base unit : ton/KRW 100 million Recycled

Unit : ton Base unit : ton/KRW 100 million


LGE is giving its best effort to improve the manufac-

turing process and managing the source of pollution by minimizing emission of environmental pollution that is created during the manufacturing process. Production sites in Korea, excepting Cheongju and Gumi, are composed of mostly simple assembly process which generate less environmental pollutants compared to other manufacturing industries. However, LGE is continuously making efforts to seek out
1. Junam reservoir: Natural clean-up activity 2. Arbor day: Tree-planting activity 3. Ocean day: Stream cleaning activity 4. World Environmental day: Environmental protection activity




LGE is making an effort to identify potential accidents and

Metabolic syndrome management program

share corrective measures by holding BP presentation events. The number of accidents occurring at the Changwon site is decreasing due to the identication of possible causes of accidents and shared BP cases. In addition, LGEs Labor Union and Honorary Industrial Safety Inspector conducts cooperative investigation of the worksites to ensure a safe, working environment, and compliance with safety and health guidelines. Together with these efforts, LGE has established an accident prevention plan for every seasons and has been implementing various activities to improve awareness of safety and health among employees. In response to the increasing number of trafc due to increase of logistics and new employees at the Pyeongtaek site, LGE installed a Digital DFS (Driver Feedback Sign) system, an audible speed warning system, to prevent trafc accidents. In addition, LGE has been managing the Incident Rate (IR) index since 2008. The IR index is calculated by dividing the number of injury and illness cases with days away from work by the total working hours. Thus, lower value signies a lower accident rate. Since its rst calculation in 2008, the IR index has continuously declined.
Improvement on the risks of diabetes or brain and cardiovascular illnesses
Pre-survey / Demand check

Exercise program

Customized daily habit control program

Daily habit improvement program

Metabolic syndrome management program

Face-to-face counseling and diagnosis


LGE has been implementing a Total Health Program (THP)

to improve the health of employees. LGE is continuously promoting quit smoking and overweight management programs in all of its business sites while relieving the employees stress through psychiatric counseling service. Such efforts allow employees to better focus on their work. In addition, LGE is making an effort to reduce noise and improve the ventilation system for a better working environment. In case of the Changwon I site, a tornado ventilation hood was installed to reduce welding fume, which signicantly improved the working environment. Pyeongtaek site has jointly developed a web-based daily habit control program (for both on and off-line) in cooperation with a university to assist employees with a metabolic syndrome. The program includes 16 weeks of concentrated control and 2 months of post-activities. Employees learned how to self-manage their daily habits and reduced the risk of metabolic syndrome by 16%. Furthermore, every business site reduced the number of smoking rooms or isolated smoking area to prevent non-smokers from second-hand smoking, along with implementing quit smoking programs for smokers. Particularly, Changwon is soon to be declared a smoke-free site in 2011.

Fire prevention

LGE has adopted history card and management

manual systems for re prevention facilities to manage facilities in an optimal way. LGE also issues a Non-Conformance Report card to ensure the proper operation of the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) monitoring system. All employees are trained on the usage of the re extinguisher which is specially designed for training. In addition, employees at the Fire Prevention Center are dispatched to 119 Emergency Rescue Centers for training on re extinguishing, emergency rescues and evacuation activities. Moreover, headquarters conducts unannounced drills so that employees can be always prepared for accidents and be aware of response measures. Every worksite has established a cooperative relationship with the local re department for the safety of local community. For example, the Gumi site has provided direct support such as dispatch of re engines for ve times in 2010. In addition, LGE also conducts regular training to prepare against leakage of hazardous substances at each worksite. Through such activities, LGE is enhancing employees awareness on characteristics of hazardous substances and training them for urgent cases.
Incident Rate (IR)
0.91 0.62

  LGE is making efforts to stabilize the integration of the EESH management system, and apply global standards to improve the KPI throughout all areas of EESH.
1. D  evelopment of global EESH audit checklist and training program for auditors 2. P  romotion of a leading green company by minimization of pollution and continuous environmental protection activities 3. A  dopting Behavior-Based Safety (BBS) concept for developing accident prevention program 4. Reduction of potential re risks by developing re risk evaluation index 5. M  anagement of occupational health with the cerebro/cardiovascular illness risk index and Total Health Program (THP)

Digital DFS (Driver Feedback sign) System





Safe speed (between 0 and 30km)

Dangerous speed (30km and higher)

2008 Korea


2010 Overseas



Business Partner

Win-Win Partnership Based on Mutual Trust Based on the companys philosophy of and Cooperation Jeong-Do management,
on the establishment of a fair trade system with its business partners.

LG Electronics places the highest importance

Through a mutual growth program that emphasizes communication, LG Electronics is promoting its partners to strengthen competitiveness. At the same time, LG Electronics has developed its CSR program to help suppliers foster environmental and social risk management capabilities so that they can well balance their growth.

I sincerely appreciate LGEs efforts in supporting and nurturing its suppliers. LGE not only sets its goal to become the worlds best electronics manufacturer, but the company also aims to provide nancial and ESH management supports for suppliers business operation and CSR activities. All of these help suppliers attain global competitiveness and achieve growth together. Having a long-term partnership with LGE, I am impressed that the company has built up a comprehensive communication mechanism which encourages suppliers to express opinions and possible improvement, such as Supplier Portal Site and annual Suppliers Satisfaction Survey, thus facilitating win-win partnership. In addition to this. LGEs CSR strategy is truly visionary, particularly in terms of its constant researches and the introduction of greener products, as well as its continuous work in developing green innovations which are also what AUO advocates and puts stress on. In 2008, AUO unveiled Green Solution, practicing innovations, procurement, production, logistics, service, and recycling in an environmental friendly manner, and in 2010, we furthermore declared to reduce product carbon footprint by 30% by 2012, aiming to provide greener service and product to our customers. Based on the similar vision, I believe LGE and AUO would be consistently dedicated on developing low-carbon society and act faster on the road to sustainability as we committed. LJ Chen President of AU Optronics Corp.



Business Partners for Win-Win Growth

LG Electronics USD 35.9 billion global purchasing total demonstrates well the importance of supplier competence for the company. For this reason, we must make our best efforts to support our partners with diverse programs to ensure win-win growth.

Enhancing competence through Win-Win Growth
- Promoting stable business through nancial support - Strengthening managerial capability through non-nancial support - Enhancing communication with business partners

Global Procurement Organizations

In LGEs procurement orga-

nizations, a number of purchasing personnel was adjusted according to the importance of each region, and an overall reduction of 15% was made. Based on data recorded at the end of 2010, 1,694 personnel were working in the worlds major purchasing regions (Korea, Russia, Poland, Italy, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan, Japan, China, U.S., Mexico and Brazil).

Global Purchasing in 2010

Global Purchasing Amount

As of 2010, LGE spent a total of USD

35.9 billion on direct and indirect material costs. Direct material costs occupied around 80% of the total amount, and 77% of the direct material cost was spent in Asia.

EnHanCing CoMpetenCe tHrougH Win-Win GrowtH

0.3% 10.7% 12.0% Asia
21.6% China
Asia America Europe ME&A

LGE continues its efforts towards win-win growth with suppliers to


secure global competence. The efforts are driven by Win-Win Growth and Supplier Quality Engineering organizations. Currently, we are carrying out projects under four categories: education, funds, management innovation, and partner communication, each pursuing technology innovation, core competency development, management innovation, and quality/productivity improvement. All these tasks are performed in parallel with a survey to get suppliers feedback on our approach and make necessary changes to maximize efciency.


8.5% Japan 5.0% Taiwan 4.4% Indonesia 4.1% Singapore 2.8% Hong Kong 4.4% Others

Purchasing Personnel Distribution




Korea Asia



(Unit : people)

Total: 1,694



The relationships with suppliers are established in accordance with LGEs fair trade principle. LGE seeks win-win growth opportunities from a long term perspective by guaranteeing equal opportunities, and respecting relevant regulations in fair and transparent manner. LGE's fair trade activities are described in more detail on page 74.
Global Competence

suppliers in September 2010, we announced a program to support outstanding suppliers in their new growth engine projects, including the research and development in solar energy and water processing.

Financing for Quality and Productivity Improvement

LGE pro-

posed an enterprise-wide project to conduct a program to fund suppliers quality enhancement and productivity improvement activities (e.g molding equipment improvement) (2010 : KRW 33 billion, 2011
Win-Win Growth
Technology Innovation Key Competence Development

: KRW 37 billion).
Quality/ Productivity Innovation

Improvement of Cash Payment Terms

Since September 2010,

Management Innovation

LGE has improved its process to increase cash payment rates for subcontractors to 100% to improve the suppliers nancial status.

Training Support -S  upplier talent management - Running suppliers own programs Process Innovation - Business Consulting - 6 Sigma Consulting

Financing - Direct/Indirect/Mixed support - Cash payment terms improvement Supplier Communication - Satisfaction survey - Supplier Grievance Process

Launch of Win-Win Cooperation Funds

LGE subsidizes the

Win-Win Cooperation Funds to support the working capital needs of suppliers, and offers the lowest interest rate among the competitors (based on data from the Industrial Bank of Korea). To further support suppliers as molding companies forming the basis of the manufacturing industry, we established the Root Industry Performance Bond program to provide deposits as a form of special nancing. Additionally, we continue to offer zero-interest funds and network loans to provide


LGE supports its suppliers nancial stability through various types of nancing programs and continuous improvement in payment terms.

ongoing supports for the suppliers nancial stability.



Green Partnership

In December 2010, LGE promised to provide

nancial support of KRW 40 billion for 5 years to suppliers selected at the Small and Medium Enterprise Technology Fair. Prior to this event, during the agreement for win-win cooperation and fair trade with

In addition to the nancial support, LGE operates a business advisory council consisting of retired procurement managers to strengthen the suppliers managerial capabilities. The business advisory council

Supporting program for nancial stability

Green Partnership Financial/Government Agency Connection Network loan support -K  RW 133.7 billion (228 suppliers) in 2009 - KRW 110 billion (220 suppliers) in 2010 Win-Win cooperation funds - LGE KRW 50 billion + KRW 75 billion joint nancing Direct Financing Accumulated funding from 2004 to 2010  No-Internet nancing tinacing KRW 19.6 billion from 2009 to 2010  KRW 10 billion funding in 2011 (planned)

The Commission of Win-Win Growth for Large and Small companies is a civil organization founded on December 13, 2010, aimed at identifying and discussing social conicts between large enterprises and small/medium enterprises and providing a pivotal role in reaching an agreement on a neutral ground. The commission comprises of 9 members for the large company, 9 members for the small/medium company, and 6 members for the public sector. Currently, Woody Nam, the Business Innovation ofce Leader of LGE is appointed as the member of the commission The commission is planning to introduce the win-win index based on the large companies win-win growth activities to conduct the evaluation of each business category.

New core technology investment - Yearly 8 billion, a total support of 40 billion from 2011 to 2015

Cash Payment  100% of subcontractors payment in cash



is dispatched on the suppliers premises and operates a program to improve suppliers production levels upon request. Also, an on-site consulting activity from the Factory Innovator (FI), organized by LGE employees, is provided in parallel to improve the productivity. LGE aims to achieve its production leveling goal through management consulting and plans to increase the number of supporting staff by 50% by 2012.

was also awarded to respective winners. In addition to this, a charity auction of goods donated by LGE was held, raising a total of KRW 60 million to support for Good Neighbors.

Suppliers Satisfaction Survey

Each year, LGE conducts a sat-

isfaction survey for its domestic and overseas suppliers. In 2010, LGE conducted the survey to the top 180 Korea and overseas companies, compared to 122 companies in 2009, and evaluated the overall satisfaction level of purchasing group and contact point. The result was somewhat lower than the previous year. The overall satisfaction level of procurement scored 73.4 out of 100 in 2008. The satisfaction level increased by 1.6 point in 2009, then decreased by 1.0 point in 2010, showing little difference in terms of time series analysis. Overall satisfaction level have gradually increased. Since 2008, with the will to continue business increasing approximately one point every year. LGE intends to conduct the suppliers satisfaction surveys regularly and use them as base data to reinforce partnerships with suppliers.

Establishment of the Supplier Quality Engineering (SQE) group

LGE carries out a specialized program to support suppliers

through quality specialists trained within the procurement group to secure the quality of the components and enhance technical supports.

Vocational Training Consortium

LGE operates diverse consor-

tium with the collaboration of in-house and the regional training centers to enhance the suppliers competence. In 2010, a total of 2,298 employees have completed the training courses, which is 50% more than 2009.

EnHancinG cOMMunicatiOn WitH suppLiers Supplier Grievance Process

 Promote suppliers financial stability through financial  support  Improve the suppliers competence through non-finan cial support such as training and consulting  Seek Win-Win Growth through fair trade 

To further enhance communica-

tion with suppliers, LGE operates the Supplier Grievance Process site ( in each of its afliates to understand supplier opinions.

2010 Global Suppliers' Day

Following 2009, LGE has once again

organized its 2010 Global Suppliers Day in Seoul with the participation of the top 300 global suppliers CEOs and 600 personnel by procurement teams in the headquarter and companies. During the event, the Global Outstanding Supplier Award was given to the winner of each company. The Green Award, newly established in 2010,

Suppliers Satisfaction Survey results The number of participated suppliers


Training Program for suppliers Overall satisfaction


The number of participants


Virtual satisfaction


Willing to continue business 88.7 90.2



1400 248 45 46 67 90
Suppliers in 2009 HA&AC Company MC Company Others







Gap compared to last year



Willing to recommend 57 46 39
Participated suppliers in 2010 BS Company HE Company Expected number of participants in 2010 Participated suppliers in 2010

Neutral Unsatised

12.5 8.8 73.4

9.0 6.5 75.0 +1.6

10.0 8.9 74.0 -1.0

2008 Gap compared to last year



Gap compared to last year


* The satisfaction in the overall satisfaction represents the Top 3 rate in the scale of 7 ; the unsatised represents the Bottom 3 rate. **  The average of the overall satisfaction and the virtual satisfaction are represented with the value in the scale of 7 converted to the score of 100. ***A gap compared to last year is the year-on-year scale.



Promoting Supply Chain CSR

Establishing suppliers CSR management system
- Systematizing activities through EICC code - Establishment of Supplier Code of Conduct - Measures to prevent the use of illegally mined raw materials

Establishment of Supplier Code of Conduct

Based on EICC Code, LGE established and declared its Supplier Code of Conduct in 2010 to assist its suppliers in fullling social responsibilities. We are providing Supplier Code of Conduct training programs to the suppliers in Korea as the initial step to obtain voluntary agreement on compliance with the Code of Conduct, and consequently expand CSR from LGEs internal activity to overall supply chain management. Eventually, we plan to expand our activity globally to help every supplier fulll its social responsibility and achieve long term competence.

SystematiZing activities through EICC CODE Based on Jeong-Do management, LGE fosters win-win growth by supporting its suppliers in building CSR management systems and helping them to succeed in global competition. To provide a systematized support program, LGE joined Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC), a CSR consultative group founded in 2004 with global electronic companies. LGE has since actively participated in EICCs regular meeting and its 6 working groups from 2010. In the future, we plan to conduct suppliers CSR risk management based on EICC Code, along with a training program to enhance supplier ability to conduct autonomous CSR risk management. Suppliers will be encouraged to conduct self-improvement programs to enhance their performance. We expect to improve and expand the overall supply chains CSR throughout the activity.
LGE Supplier Code of Conduct Summary
Non-discrimination/Humane treatment/ Freely chosen employment/Avoidance of child labor/ Labor and human rights Working hours/Wages and benets/Freedom of association Occupational Safety/Industrial Hygiene/ Emergency preparedness/Occupational injury and illness/Sanitation, Food, and Housing/Physically demanding work/Maintaining machine safety Environmental permits and reporting/Hazardous substances/Solid waste and wastewater/Air emissions/Pollution prevention and resource reduction/ Product content restrictions Business integrity/Disclosure of information/ Protection of identity/Protection of intellectual property Ensure raw materials distributed through the supply chain are legally mined Company commitment/Management accountability and responsibility/Legal and Customer Requirements/Risk assessment and management/ Improvement objectives/Training and communication/Worker feedback and participation/etc.

Measures to prevent the use of illegally mined raw materials

Illegally mined raw materials consist of tantalum, tin, tungsten and other industrial minerals excavated from conicted regions such as the Democratic Republic of Congo. These minerals are used as core materials for vehicle, cellular phone and PC components. A militant force may get hold of the distribution channel, trade the minerals, and use the prot it earns from the trade to acquire weapons, resulting in child labor, forced labor and other crimes against humanity. The severity of this issue has the worlds attention. LGE is conducting necessary measures to prevent the use of illegally mined raw materials. In February 2010, we conducted an internal survey with major tantalum suppliers, and identied the source of origin as Australia and China. We are planning to conduct regular surveys on raw materials, and also expand the scope to fundamentally block the use of illegally mined raw materials. LGE is participating in the industrys joint efforts to prevent the use of illegally mined raw materials, namely EICCs Extractives work group to discuss joint action towards preventive measures. We also underlined related activities in LGE Supplier Code of Conduct to identify the source of the minerals and prohibit the use of minerals obtained through illegal mining, thus preventing the use of illegally mined raw materials in the supply chain.

Health and safety

Environmental impact

Suppliers CSR PILOT diagnosis

In the second half of 2010, LGE selected 4 outsourcing partners for each business area to conduct a pilot diagnosis to identify the status of their respective Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and plan improvement activities. The diagnosis was conducted by the headquarters outsourcing management strategy group, with the following criteria: labor, human rights, ethics, safety, health and environment. The diagnosis was based on key requirements from the ILO Convention, SA8000, ISO14001, and OHSAS18001, following the recommendation of


Materials obtained from mining

Management system



To ensure sustainable competitiveness in the global market, LG Electronics is supporting its business partners to develop and improve the sustainable management systems. In particular, LG Electronics motivates its business partners to comply with Supplier Code of Conduct, which is based on EICC Code, and encourages them to analyze and improve their weak points through CSR risk management.

EICC in which LGE joined in August. The demo diagnosis was conducted on-site to three outsourcing partners in China and one in Eastern Europe (Poland) The result exposed several common issues of companies in China.

CSR risK ManaGeMent prOGraM

LGE plans to launch a comprehensive supply chain (production facility) risk management program based on the EICC process in 2011, and strengthen CSR competence of the suppliers located in Korea and in potential risk countries. The CSR risk management program to be conducted for around 4,000 manufacturing suppliers consists of four steps. The program (i) will be promoted in order to reach LGEs all production sites and suppliers, and obtain consent on compliance with the Supplier Code of Conduct, (ii) evaluates the suppliers CSR risk, (iii) conducts diagnosis to the high-risk classied suppliers, and encourages improvement, and (iv) keeps monitoring to verify if the improvement is maintained at constant level, and support the suppliers to fulll their social responsibilities.

Diagnosis Result

The working hours of workers at production sites

of outsourcing partners located in China were exceeding the legal limit, and the companies were failing to provide appropriate measures. The regulation against forced labor was weak, and there was no labor management council activity. 1) Company A in Yantai, China: Some manufacturing workers exceed legal working hours. Injection molding machine subject to potential problem due to unstable process interval. No policy for labor management council activity. No policy against forced labor. No health center record. 2) Company B in Shanghai, China: Some manufacturing workers exceed legal working hours. No labor management council activity. Insufcient record and/or management of harmful substances. PCBA process is close to the dangerous substance repository. 3) Company C in Huizhou, China: Most production workers exceed legal working hours. No labor management council activity. Insufcient use of safety equipment. No medical record management system. 4) Company D in Poland: No non-compliance detected.

SuppLiers EnVirOnMent, SaFetY and HeaLth (ESH) diaGnOsis and iMprOVeMent actiVitY
Supplier Support Group in Changwon, Korea carries out periodic training and evaluation of the Environment, Safety and Health (ESH) for HA and AC Companies 140 domestic and overseas suppliers. In 2010, we focused on managing high-risk companies, establishing and following suppliers ESH audit, and enhancing environmental management. The yearly ESH diagnosis and evaluation on 142 suppliers resulted in 568 non-compliances (environment: 51, safety: 298, re prevention: 182, health: 37). The improvement rate recorded 98%. Also, we organized the Suppliers ESH Best Practice Competition to enhance the capabilities of personnel through best practice sharing and encouraged eld application and improvement. Owing to these efforts, the average incident rate with suppliers declined sharply from 0.75% in 2009 to 0.57% in 2010 ; with the in-

Supplier CSR Risk Management Program

phase 1 Introduction Initial Assessment& CSR Requirements
Internal/External Training Programs

phase 2 Assessment Self Assessment & Improvement

phase 3 Validation Performance Improvement

phase 4 Improvement Trend Analysis & Training

crease of capability, the number of partners capable of managing their own ESH increased from 30 to 50. In 2011, we will focus on the prevention of the suppliers ESH risks and conduct monitoring activities and supports to overseas and 2ndtier suppliers, as well as fostering specialists.

Self Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ)

Selection for Audit Target

Continuous Monitoring

SCC* Compliance Agreement

Establishment of Audit Plan

Support for Supplier Competence Development Awards& Recognition Periodic &Unannounced Audit

 S  upport sustainable management through suppliers
CSR management

Initial Risk Assessment(RA1)

Corrective Action Process Verication

 C  ontinuous monitoring & preventing the use of illegally

mined raw materials

*SCC : Supplier Code of Conduct

Focus on Risk Assessment

Focus on Continuous Improvement




Hope for Lifes Good

As a global leading corporate citizen, LG Electronics is contributing to achieving the UN Millennium Development Goals under the slogan Hope for Lifes Good.


Hunger is solvable, but no single organization can do it alone. Thats why WFP seeks to catalyze change through innovative partnerships in the ght against hunger such as our partnership with LGE. The leadership being shown by LGE is an example of how the private sector can be a powerful force for good in our world. LGE is driving a global corporate social responsibility movement that helps the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals of which halving hunger is the rst one. LGE has been supporting WFPs work in Africa since 2009, and is now also supporting the ght against hunger and under-nutrition in Asia, providing poor families with nutritious food while helping to protect them from the effects of climate change. Now thats a real investment in the next generation!
WFP/Peter Smerdon

Josette Sheeran, WFP Executive Director



Social Contribution
We are strengthening cooperation with both in-house and external individuals to actively respond to global issues and contribute to local communities with a long-term view.

Contribute to achieving the UN Millennium Development Goals (UN MDGs)  Contribute to promoting environmental awareness and alleviating poverty and disease Strengthen cooperation with diverse stakeholders

LGE Social Contribution Framework

Under the slogan Hope

for Lifes Good, LGE has been making an effort in the community through activities such as securing environmental sustainability, contributing to eradicate poverty and environmental diseases in developing countries. In particular, the company has been actively implementing activities to improve long term awareness, donations, technical support, human resource fostering, and employee volunteering programs through diverse relevant organizations to achieve a sustainable solution to global issues.


Hope for Lifes Good


Providing sustainable solutions for the global environment, poverty and disease problems (Contribute to achieving UN Millennium Development Goals)


Environment Promoting environmental sustainability

Poverty Alleviating poverty in developing countries

Prevent environmental disease


Vaccination in developing countries

Partner of Champions of the Earth Lifes Green Class

LG Hope School LG Hope Village LG Hope Family

The UN Millennium Development Goals are eight international development goals that all 192 United Nations member states have agreed to achieve by the year 2015. They include eradicating extreme poverty (Goal 1), ghting disease epidemics (Goal 6) and ensuring environmental sustainability (Goal 7)




Emergency Relief for Natural Disasters Caused by Climate Change

While donating an emergency relief fund for environmen-

tal and natural disasters, LGE also operates temporary repair service centers. In 2010, LGE donated emergency relief funds for the victims of the earthquake in Haiti, the oods in Pakistan, and the forest res in Russia.

Champions of the Earth 2010

LGE has been active as the strate-

gic partner of the UNEP Champions of the Earth since 2009. LGE has sponsored the 2010 Champions of the Earth promoted by the UN to improve environmental awareness. The president of the Maldives Mohamed Nasheed, a Chinese actress Zhou Xun, and 4 others won the 2010 Champions of the Earth award which was categorized into sections such as Policy Leadership, Science & Innovation, Corporation & Vision, and Awareness Improvement.

Alleviating PovertY in Developing Countries

LGE operates the LG Hope Series in Africa and Asia to alleviate poverty and reduce the gap between the rich and the poor. LGE also pursues diverse activities to improve awareness of poverty and hunger.

Sponsoring the B4E Summit 2010

LGE was the strategic part-

LG Hope Series

Since 2009, LGE has been cooperating with the

ner of B4E Summit 2010, hosted by the UNEP, UN Global Compact, and WWF, and sponsored by the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Knowledge Economy, and the Presidential Committee on Green Growth. LGE presented its strategy on partnership companies sustainability under the title of Sustainability Leadership, and introduced its environment strategy to over 1,000 participants through its exhibition booth, where the participants had the opportunity to have a reallife experience of the Smart Grid and renewable energy.

UN WFP in operating the LG Hope Series toward sustainable development. LGE provided 24,157 children with the opportunity of education in the 15 LG Hope Schools throughout the slum districts in Kenya. LGE also provided green land preservation support and food relief for 15,000 families in the 12 LG Hope Villages in 4 districts of Ethiopia to assist them in adapting to climate change. From 2011, LGE is planning to expand its LG Hope Series to Asia and operate the LG Hope Family program in Bangladesh and Cambodia.

Lifes Green Class

The Lifes Green Class was initiated in 2006

Global Hunger Elimination Campaign

In June 2010, LGE joint-

through a partnership with Hanyang University. Through the program, environmental training was conducted by touring science fairs in elementary, junior high and high schools throughout the country using a specially customized vehicle equipped with a high-tech laboratory and video equipment. In 2010, LGE used the specially equipped vehicle and jointly launched an environmental training program with the University of Pune to the 70 middle schools near Pune city annually.

ly launched the hunger elimination campaign with Doctors without Borders to improve awareness of the seriousness of global hunger. In addition to sponsoring the production of documentaries on hunger, LGE has sponsored the airing of the documentary lm in 20 majors cities including New York, Toronto, Milan and Rome throughout the world via Innia TV.

1. Champions of the Earth Awarding Ceremony 2. Lifes Green Class in India 3. LG Hope Family Partnership Signing Ceremony 4. LG-IVI Partnership Signing Ceremony




ties in 2004 to reduce the information gap for those with severe disabilities. 32 employees of LGE performed visitation PC training in 2010. In addition, LGE also sponsored the Seoul IT Challenge for the Disabled in which the participants of LG IT Angels Programme competed.

Vaccination in Developing Countries

Since 2008, LGE has been

sponsoring International Vaccination Institute (IVI) in its vaccine R&D and vaccination efforts to prevent environmental diseases in developing contries. LGE signed a MOU with IVI to supply vaccine from April 2010 to 2013 in Ethiopia, a country with a high death rate caused by cholera. LGE plans to vaccinate 20,000 local residents.

Salary Rounding Fund

96% of the employees in LGE Korea

(30,492 out of 31,761 employees) participate in donating money of less than KRW 1,000 (about USD 1) from their salary each month. In 2010, a total of KRW 190,428,107 was raised and donated for emergency natural disaster relief funds.

Blood Donation Campaign

Since LGEs cooperative agreement in 2004 with the Korea Red Cross as the 1st corporate organization to sign a blood donation agreement, LGE has been actively promoting a corporate-wide blood donation campaign. In 2010, LGE launched the Share Life Campaign it supported children with serious diseases by funding them with the amount corresponding to the number of blood donors. Consequently, 1,552 online users via SNS and employees participated in the blood donation program. LGEs blood donation campaign has also been conducted in Russia, Thailand and India.

Executive Contribution Funds

To strengthen executives leader-

ship for social responsibility activities, 0.5% of their basic salary has been collected and its matching amount was provided by LGE as the society contribution funds by executives since 2004. 158 executives from LGE Korea (Proportion of Total Executives: 81.9%, as of Jan. 2011) and in 2010, the fund raised KRW 331,586,974. This fund was donated for the vaccine R&D and vaccination of people in developing countries.

Charity Party for Africa

To increase employees awareness of

poverty in developing countries, the Charity Party for Africa was held


at 7 business sites throughout the country, starting from the executives seminar in March of 2010. A total of KRW 24,665,000 was raised by selling Ethiopian honey and coffee. This fund was donated to Ethiopia LG Hope Village to pur-

Lifes Good Volunteers

The Lifes Good Volunteers are LGEs

chase books and desks.

employees sharing their talent in an attempt to make life better and enrich it. Employees volunteer plan and implement activities using their own or their teams talent. In 2010, a total of 31 volunteer teams launched various events such as cleaning the river, and taking 1st birthday photos of babies of single mothers.

 Contribute to the UN Millennium Development Goals   Launch social contribution programs that correspond
to the core of LGEs business

LG IT Angels

These are 1:1 visiting computer sessions jointly initi-

ated with the Seoul Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabili-

 Encourage employee engagement

5. Blood donation campaign 6. Lifes Good Volunteers 7. LG IT Angels 8. Charity Party for Africa




Kazakhstan Poland




Kenya Indonesia

Regional Community Activities Around the World

As a responsible corporate member of the global community, LG Electronics has been pursuing diverse social contribution programs, including donations for the environment, diseases, and poverty, while participating in technical support, talent fostering and volunteer activities.
Junior Science Class Employees who have a high interest in the environment and science held short training sessions and provided science classes to socially disadvantaged children for a day. Members from the MC R&D Center participated in the program and provided several science experiment classes.

KOREA Environment, Volunteer

Healthy Asia with LG Breast cancer is widely spread disease in Kazakhstan and early diagnostics is very important for saving lives. Kazakhstan subsidiary provides breast cancer diagnosis and promotes local citizens' health awareness with a specially equipped vehicle. In 2010, the program visited rural districts with poor transportation infrastructure and diagnosed 18,423 women. Among them, abnormal symptoms were identied at the early stage for 9,758 women.


Blood Donation As the rst corporate partner of the Russian government in blood donation, Russia subsidiary has designated 12 days of a year as the Blood Donation Day and launched a blood donation event in which 20% of LGEs employees participated. In addition, LGE appointed Olympic medalists, popular singers and other renowned gures as the LG blood donor-ambassadors and encouraged active participation among the local citizens.

RUSSIA Disease, Online, Employees

INDONESIA Environment, Training

LG Go Green 12,500 trees were planted around corporate centers through this program in 2010. LG Loves Children In commemoration of the 20th anniversary of Indonesia subsidiary, the company formed a partnership with the community welfare organization, the Sayap Ibu Foundation, and established a school for the homeless and low income family children but also operates a free medical check up and provides medicine on a long-term basis.





LG Hope School in Expo Over 100 students and teachers in 10 LG Hope Schools in China were invited by China Region Representative to the Shanghai Expo LG Week and provided with an opportunity to experience science and culture. The LG Hope School in China is a program in which 1 branch ofce and 4 plants in China select 10 schools in 4 cities and provide sponsorship.

CHINA Poverty, Training

Support for Prosthesis For those who do not have their arms or legs by accident, natural disaster and War but did not have the money for proper treatment, this program provided 100 patients with treatment and prosthesis for a new life.

KENYA Disease

One Click, One Tree This campaign was launched to build homes for the homeless and to plant trees. Over 120,000 customers took part in the campaign and by matching the number of clicks by the participating customers who watched the environment related video clip online, Chile subsidiary planted 5,000 trees and built homes for 1,200 families.

CHILE Environment, Online

Cyclotron Go Green A cycling campaign was launched to promote awareness of the environment and over 1,000 employees participated in the campaign. In addition, a tree planting event was held in Pune.

INDIA Environment, Employees

The Inside Ride The Inside Ride is an indoor cycling celebration event dedicated to fundraising in support of childhood cancer charities which are profoundly underfunded. In 2010 over 57 schools and 40 workplaces hosted The Inside Ride. 15,000 people participated in over 100 events; with $1.2 million raised. 100% of the donations were distributed solely to childrens cancer charity initiatives: pediatric oncology hospitals, family funding, pediatric oncology research, year round survivorship support, and educational & vocational counseling for teens.

CANADA Disease

Hope for Children Mlawa subsidiary in Poland donated LCD TV with integrated DVD players to the oncological ward of the Childrens Memorial Health Institute. LGE managers visited the institute and met young patients and their parents. LGEs Mlawa subsidiary and its employees care greatly about local children who regularly challenged physically, socially or economically.

POLAND Employees, Disease




Respecting Human Dignity

LG Electronics continues to make efforts to implement its management philosophy of respecting human dignity. Instead of striving for short term achievements, LGE is making an effort to recruit outstanding individuals and foster core human resources, despite difcult business conditions, to ensure long term growth. LGE is also supporting employee sustainable capacity enhancement and is making an effort to form a creative and free corporate culture that encourages innovative ideas.

Adopting a top management philosophy that emphasizes work and life balance sends a good message to employees. From a communications perspective, it is not only consistent with the tenets of LG Way, but it also positively demonstrates top management appreciation for the dedication and hard work of employees. As a newcomer to LGE, it is good to know that it is not all work and no play, and that while Fast, Strong, Smart is necessary to prevail from a business perspective, we should not forget to refresh and enjoy our lives. As a global company, there are always going to be challenges. As one of the people responsible for facilitating culture and communications, a big challenge being faced is creating understanding across an organization that is so geographically and culturally diverse. Fortunately, in my short time here I have had the opportunity to work with high caliber LGE professionals and have observed rst-hand the importance they place on shared understanding within the organization. From a work-culture perspective, I very much look forward to contributing to an environment that has embraced the collective mission and is actively pursuing new and innovative means by which to achieve it. Phillip Anderson HQ Corporate Culture Group, LG Electronics



Corporate Culture / Work-Life Balance

LG Electronics is striving to create a corporate culture based on creativity and autonomy that elevates it to become a true number one. While forming a work environment in which employees work hard and improve their quality of life, it is also making an effort to elevate the standard of living for each individual member.

Objective: T  o establish a creative and autonomous corporate culture based on LG Way Strategy:  Implement LG Way based on the communication of trust and respect and contribute to achieving our corporate vision 

Efforts to Improve the Working Environment

Through the LG

Way survey held each year, LGE identies awareness among employees as to whether they believe that they are working in an environment in which creativity and autonomy are respected. LGE is continuously making efforts to improve the environment in accordance with the results of the survey. Employees respond to a questionnaire on the working environment in which they can express their creativity and autonomy, as well as on leadership styles(e.g. I can work with initiative based on my ideas and judgment to achieve my organizations goals. My supervisor encourages me to try new things that have not been tried before by others, etc).

Communication for Solving Problems
LGE has been continuously making efforts to create a corporate culture based on communication. In particular, the communication culture, promoted under the title of Open Communication was transformed in 2010 into Communication for Solving Problems, which represents the process of 1:1 communication that solves problems that may occur in the organization. Instead of a simple give and take way of discussing intentions, this process allows an employee to communicate with top management or leaders in a timely manner. Communication between individuals does not end with just reporting of the problem, but each member views the problem from the owners perspective and suggests a solution to the problem. This process increases their sense of belonging and contributes to individual perceptions.

More importantly, creativity and autonomy is not applied to only LGE but is continuously emphasized throughout all companies in the LG Group as a part of the management philosophy of respecting each member. Each business division at LGE conducts a yearly survey for individual employee satisfaction of their working life. The results of this survey are analyzed and through Focus Group Interview (FGI), improvement issues are identied, and feedback is then provided to each sub-division. Each organization then holds a workshop to develop improvement measures and continuously implements these measures until the next survey is conducted in the following year.

Participation Culture Based on the Voice of Employees (VOE) Another main platform for LGEs representative corporate culture is
its VOE based culture. This is the process of identifying employee perception about major company policies, and after establishment, and then reecting these views into those policies. The corporate-wide slogan establishment process is a prime example. Interviews were conducted at all levels of the company to identify the direction the company must take and then a few suggestions were made based on the interviews. A survey was then performed on all company members to select the nal slogan. Change Agent (CA) and Digital Board (DB) played important roles in encouraging this employee participation culture to become active. CAs are members that lead change in overseas organizations. 415 employees acted as the

Open Communication with top management

The Respect for Creativity and Autonomy index in LG Way 77 55 67

* Note 1. Research was conducted on ofce employees in Korea and overseas. 2. Until 2009, the survey was conducted under three categories of Promoting Challenging Experiments, Open Communication, and Empowerment, but starting in 2010, the survey was integrated under the theme of Respect for Creativity and Autonomy.

Digital Boards event for employee






1. E  vent for the children of employees at Russian subsidiary 2. Singapore Subsidiarys LG-Night of the stars 3. Creating One Team in our Kenya Subsidiary

communicators and motivators in each of their respective organizations last year. DB is a medium for employees in Korea that delivers employee opinions to the top management and performs various roles for the rights of the employees. VOE is considered rst in all the improvement plans and is now a unique part of LGEs corporate culture.

Event for children of employees at Russia subsidiary


Russian subsidiary invites the children of employees each year to Child Protection Day. The subsidiary gives the children a tour of the ofces, production line, and the show room and prepares meals to enjoy with their parents at the employee cafeteria. In addition to this, the subsidiary also has an advertisement program titled LG Family.

Handling Grievances and Employee Counseling

LGE provides

Programs for a Happy Corporate Life

LGE operates the Creat-

stress management and psychological counseling services so that employees can focus on their working life. It operates psychological counseling programs in all corporate branches throughout Korea, and a mobile counseling service is provided for small regional branches. In particular, a counseling service is provided to family members of employees at R&D centers to actively help employees solve their problems.

ing Fun Work Place program and supports individuals hobbies so that the employees can enjoy working at the ofce. It actively encourages employees in Korea to use their Refresh Vacation, which is 3 or more days.

Singapore Subsidiarys LG-Night of the Stars

The LG-Night

of the stars was planned for all employees at the Singapore subsidiary to show the companys appreciation for their hard work. This

Family Participation Activities

LGE operates various programs

event, in which the employees impersonate famous actors and actresses, included a dance party and activities for everyone to mingle, regardless of their position at the subsidiary.

for the family members of employees to ensure their work-life balance. Family farm at Production Engineering Research Institute LGE Production Engineering Research Institute has been allocating family farm lots since 2008 so that the employees and their families can visit and experience farm life every weekend. HA Companys Childrens Day with Daddy Launched in 2004, this program is an event in which the children of the employees come and have a fun day at specially prepared an amusement park in the company.

Creating One Team in Kenya Subsidiary

The Kenya ofce holds

team building events, that include sporting events or mountain climbing, at the end of the rst and second half of each year to promote team work and create a pleasant working environment for all employees. This event eliminates the barriers of race, gender, assignment type, or position at the subsidiary, and provides good opportunities for everyone to become a member of One Team.

Support for Informal Group Activities

CTO Divisions Open Lab This is a day on which the technologies being developed at the research center and the center itself is introduced to family members of employees at the R&D center. Various programs are prepared for the family for this day. MC Company R&D center Junior Science Class This is a fun experience program that includes a Science Experimental Class and Traditional Music Experience Class for the children of the employees at the R&D center. HE Companys Family Festival In addition to showing the work place to their family members, HE Company prepares various programs so that the employees and their family members can have a fun time together at the company.

Over 216 informal LGE

employee groups are active in Korea. LGE provides nancial support so that these groups can continue to be active. In particular, the top management participates in these groups and increases interest among members.

A  chieve No.1 based on the corporate-wide slogan of Fast, Strong & Smart Firmly  root a corporate culture of true open communication Strengthen work & life balance



Talent Management
Based on the corporate philosophy of Respect for Human Dignity and Creating Value for Customers, LG Electronics has been strengthening fundamentals as a manufacturing company and implementing various HR policies that respect the diversity of LG Electronics employees. The global business leader and life-long training program that fosters each employee as a specialist in their respective eld is actively implemented both on and off line.

 Mid and Long Term Goal: Hire and train employees who will develop the company into a true global leading company

Develop Specialists Corresponding to the Training Roadmap

LGE conducts various training programs based on the corporate-

wide training roadmap. Based on the results of the capability evaluation conducted each year, LGE implements a priority handling training program for all employees, designed for each employees job. In addition, LGEs Global e-Learning program was expanded and LGE provides a specialist fostering program for each task and an individual capability development program for all employees.

International HR Recruit Activities

LGE is planning to hire over

Global Talent Training Programs

LGE has developed local train-

5,000 new employees in 2011 (in Korea) to strengthen its R&D capability. As a part of this effort, recruitment events were held in universities in Korea and overseas. In addition, LGE is actively pursuing various recruitment activities such as career development consulting and LG Techno Conference to acquire outstanding individuals throughout the world. HE Company provides internship opportunities to outstanding individuals through its Global Marketing Adventure and corporate-wide Right People Camp (RPC). LGE cooperates with universities through the Industry-University Program and at the same time, actively engages in recruitment activities for outstanding R&D individuals. As for the long term goal, LGE plans to increase its current recruitment ratio to acquire diversity as a global enterprise.

ing programs and has been actively making efforts to foster and recruit local professionals. LGE provides the HR Fostering Program through the Pyeongtaek learning center and 6 overseas learning centers (Brazil, Singapore, India, China, France, and UAE). In particular, LGE has developed a mandatory Global Training Program and provides the same course to all LGE employees throughout the world. This is LGEs initiative to strengthen LG Way Leadership and to provide a uniform leadership fostering program to every employee. LGE provides a specialist training program for each job category, a specialized program for the different position levels, and in the case of Korea, LGE also provides in-house and external MBA programs through cooperation with leading universities in Korea.

Overseas Employee Adaptation Program

When sending em-

ployees to an overseas subsidiary, LGE provides a training program involving work, language, culture, and leadership so that the employees can communicate with locals. In addition, LGE assigns these employees a project relevant to the country prior to sending the employee to that country, or sends the employee for a short period of time before permanent assignment to support fast adaptation and increase professionalism.
Training Roadmap
Leadership Job Role Korean Overseas

E  stablish a standardized training roadmap for overseas and strengthen the mandatory training programs S  trengthen training programs for talented individuals in each region Increase  employees opportunities to receive training

Competency Nomination Only or Elective Executive Leadership Coaching G4/G5 Marketing Procurement SCM G4 On-Boarding Global Business Leader Production Elective Course for Group Leader Group Leader Leadership Coaching G3 G2 G4 Quality 6 Sigma HR Finance Grade

Business Leader

EnDP* Executive Vice President (EVP) On-Boarding New Executive Course PBL** On-Boarding New Team Leader Sub. President On-Boarding Pre Executive

Business Successor Group Leader (Manager) Group Leader (Manager) Successor New Hires G3 Training G2 Training G1 Training

Advanced Manager New Manger

LGE New Hire LG New Hire


* In addition, various training programs are provided including in-house & external MBA programs. * EnDP : Entrepreneur Development Program * * PBL : Product Business Leader



Fair Evaluation and Rewards

LG Electronics strongly believes that people should have proper incentives to produce their best work, and that good work should be amply rewarded. We therefore operate an objective and transparent evaluation and bonus system that takes individual and team achievement into consideration.

 HR Principles : Respect each individuals creativity and freedom (source of value creation)  Mid and Long Term Goal: Acquire Global No. 1 standard organizational capability  Strategic Directions: Improve individual employees and the organizations capability standards through organization and HR development activities

Continuous Capability Development of Employees

The cur-

rent capability level is assessed in all employees and a capability development target is set. To achieve this goal, LGE establishes a capability development plan, and then implements job experience, mentoring and training programs to ensure continuous capability development.

Promotion and Reward System

LGE has initiated the Global

Total Reward (GTR) system to help it attract top candidates and to respond to increasing global mobility. However, in the case of overseas subsidiaries, multi-culture and special conditions are considered and the position as well as reward system is exibly managed. From a long term perspective, the policy that considers multi-culture will be implemented in various ways.

Global Standardization for Assessment Process

LGE has
Performance Evaluation System
In-Year Performance

established corporate-wide standard process and regulations, and it has been applying this towards the evaluation/incentive HR system. Capability evaluation on performance and team capability of ofce employees is conducted once a year to comprehensively evaluate the employees degree of achievement of goals, difculty of goals, and competitiveness. The performance evaluation will be reected on the individuals salary increase & incentive bonus and the capability evaluation will be reected on promotion. 360-degree multi-faceted evaluation of the leadership of managers is conducted once a year. LGE places high importance on the basic insight of an individual for promotion and conducts a promotion training program to ensure that the promoted employee will possess appropriate insight. Starting in 2011, an individual performance incentive system will be applied for technical staff semiannually, and LGE is planning to strengthen responsibility towards quality.
Global Total Reward (GTR) system
Grade Four Position System (G1-G4) / Role-based Structure

Overall Performance

Meet Expectations Need improvement

Absolute Evaluation

Middle Low

Relative Evaluation


Need Solid improvement







Salary and Bonus

Promotion and Stafng

Improve salary competitiveness  Improve differentiated rewards system according to performance

GTR Components

Basic pay

Role-based compensation / Job-based Basic Pay Differentiated reward according to individual performance Annual performance incentive at company level

Incentives Performance Incentive

Capability Development and Assessment Process

Capability Selection and Assessment Capability Development Plan Capability Development Self Evaluation / Evaluator Review



Labor Rights Protection

LG Electronics guarantees employees basic labor rights including freedom to associate and right to negotiate. It is highly praised for its ne labor-management relationship based on the labor unions fulllment of social responsibilities and future-oriented Win-Win Labor Relations.

M  id to long term goal: Improve the level of overseas sites to up to 90% of Korean sites by 2015 (assessment data based on EICC) S  trategic plans: Motivating employees by protecting labor rights and reducing risks which threaten human/labor rights of suppliers

tablished in 2010 after 3 years of discussion. Through such efforts, the labor and the management achieved their 22nd consecutive year of agreement without dispute at the 2011 Collective bargaining held in February, proving LGEs superiority in labor relations. In addition, LGE also operates the Digital Board to obtain suggestions from both union and non-union members. LGE further makes diverse efforts through various channels to promote effective communication. Strengthening Global Win-Win Labor Relations

In the case

Respecting Human Dignity

of overseas ofces, there is higher chance for various labor-management issues to arise due to cultural differences. As a result, LGE has spread the advanced labor-management culture and labor-management know-how to overseas ofces as a part of its ongoing efforts to form a global advanced labor-management culture. In 2010, LGE launched the Global Win-Win Labor Relations Project and inspected the labor-management status of subsidiaries in Nanjiang of China, Indonesia, and Poland. LGE advised these ofce to establish regionspecic guidelines that reect their culture and conditions. Continuing on from 2010 and to 2011, LGE is planning to establish a standard labor-management organization both in Korea and overseas and build an even stronger and more systematic labor-management relationship. (See page 18-19, 2010 Self-assessment and on-site audit section) In addition, LGE is strengthening the global labor-management network to monitor and evaluate the labor-management relationship in real-time and assign a Green, Yellow, or Red signal corresponding to the situation. Establishment of Win-Win Labor Relations based on Social Responsibilities

LGE recognizes the right of all em-

ployees and stakeholders to pursue happiness, to work with dignity and to have their value as human beings respected. Accordingly, LGE complies with the standards established by the UN, ILO, OECD, and other international labor organizations as well as labor laws and regulations. It established and announced Global Labor Policy that contains the values to be shared with all stakeholders in August 2010. The Labor Policy includes a regulation that prohibits forced labor that restrains mental and physical freedom, employing minors below the age of 15, and assignment of dangerous tasks to youths under the age of 18. The Labor Policy further prohibits discrimination based on gender and race, promotes compliance with the maximum working hours set forth by the law, payment for overtime, and contributes towards local economic development. In addition, the policy also guarantees employees the freedom to join a union, as well as to join in the activities of the union and freedom to organize. The Labor Policy has been distributed to all the worksites throughout the world and has been complied with as the LGE labor standards. Diverse Communication Channels (in Korea)

The Labor Union of LGE held a declaration event

for the Union Social Responsibility (USR) Charter in January 2010. The union has faithfully been complying with the provisions set forth All employees in the Charter and has introduced a new concept of labor union. The union introduced the Win-Win Labor Relations based on social responsibilities to the public, and has been making joint efforts with the management to create a healthy and sustainable society. For detailed information, please refer to Special Issue page 20-21.

of LGE are eligible to join and participate in the activities of labor unions, in accordance with the relevant collective bargaining agreements and labor union regulations. As of year-end 2010, a total of 8,215 employees, representing 27% of our total workforce in Korea, were union members. The unions infrastructure consists of one head ofce and six branches throughout the country. All union members have voting rights and are eligible to stand for ofce. In addition to the quarterly labor-management meeting and annual Collective bargaining, LGE communicates various issues, including working conditions, regularly through diverse channels. Both parties negotiate in good faith and with patience on important agendas to reach an agreement. A prime example is the adaptation of a performanceoriented promotion system for production employees that was es-

Improve global labor-management activities  Expand labor rights protection activities for suppliers


Management Report Our Data Appendix



Corporate Governance
Since the creation of LG Groups holding company structure, LG Electronics has operated with an advanced corporate governance structure, centered on the Board of Directors (BOD). The BOD is committed to upholding the highest standards of management transparency, and to increasing corporate and shareholder value.

SHareHoLDerS As of year-end 2010, LGEs total shares issued and outstanding were 161,833,806 (144,647,814 common stock, and 17,185,992 preferred stock). The number of non-voting shares amounted to 17,949,149, or 11.1% of the total outstanding. LG Corp., the Groups holding company, owns 34.8% of the shares. At the most recent Annual General Meeting (AGM), the CEO personally updated shareholders on current management issues. Shareholders opinions and suggestions were gathered, carefully considered by management and the BOD, and are reected in corporate policy. BoarD oF DIrectorS The BOD consists of 7 Directors, 4 of whom are Outside Directors. The directors are elected in accordance wiith the Korean Commercial Code and other related regulations. The BOD operates independently of any inuence from major shareholders and management. The Outside Directors are appointed by the AGM following review by the Outside Directors Candidate Recommendation Committee, to ensure fairness and transparency in the nomination of candidates. The Outside Directors are recognized professionals who monitor overall corporate management activities and provide substantial advice to management. The BOD actively provides recommendations for important management decisions and conducts unbiased evaluation and supervision of the management. In 2010, the BOD met 10 times to review 38 agendas (28 approved, 10 reported). The attendance rate by all BOD members was 97% (The attendance of the outside director was 100%). CommItteeS The BOD is supported by three Board Committees. They are the Audit
BOD Status
Category Executive Director Name
Bon Joon Koo Do Hyun Jung

Committee, the Outside Director Candidate Recommendation Committee and the Management Committee. The Audit Committee consists of three Outside Directors, and is responsible for examining corporate nancial records and accounting to ensure compliance with the accounting laws and transparency. The Management Committee reviews and determines the agendas delegated by the BOD and ordinary management activities. In 2010, the Management Committee reviewed a total of 52 agendas. EVaLUatIon anD CompenSatIon Compensation for the BOD members is made within regulations pertaining to BOD compensation that has been approved at the General Shareholder's Meeting. The evaluation of management and executives of LGE is held annually. Top management and executives are evaluated to determine whether they have set and achieved challenging goals, whether their job objectives composed of quantitative and non-quantitative factors were achieved, as well as their capability through fair and objective process, and appropriate compensation corresponding to the outcome of the evaluation is determined.
Shareholders Status
As of December 31, 2010




investors LG Corp. Foreign investors

Individuals and institutional 

As of March 31, 2011

Board of Directors

CEO, Vice Chairman CFO, Executive Vice President

Management Committee (Chairman) Management Committee Chairman of the Board of Directors Outside Director Candidate Recommendation Committee (Chairman) Management Committee Audit Committee (Chairman) Outside Director Candidate Recommendation Committee Audit Committee Audit Committee

NonExecutive Director

Audit Committee

Yu Sig Kang

Vice Chairman of LG Corp.

Outside Director Candidate Recommendation Committee

1 Outside Director 1 Non-executive Director

Management Committee

3 Outside Directors

In Ki Joo

Professor of Yonsei University Adviser of SK Research Institute Attorney (former Vice Minister of Justice)

2 Executive Directors 1 Non-Executive Director Review and Determination of Management issues Delegated by the Board

Outside Director

Kyu Min Lee Sang Hee Kim

Chong Nam Chu Professor of Seoul National University

Audit of Financial and Accounting Records

Outside Director Recommendation



Compliance Risk Management

LG Electronics regards sound and transparent management practices as essential to achieving individual success and global competitiveness. Throughout our global operations, LG Electronics pledges to comply with local laws and regulations, compete fairly, and uphold the highest standards of corporate conduct.

Effective risk control activities at the worksite As a part of our mission to establish eld-oriented risk management, LGE has continued to implement various measures to promote effective internal control in all kinds of business operations, in all business sites through the development and deployment of corporate policies, training programs and self-review processes. In 2010, these control activities were systematically monitored for the rst time throughout 123 operations of LGE. These efforts have contributed to advancing the level of risk management throughout the company while solidifying Compliance Program as a whole. Survey on Employees Awareness Level of Compliance In an effort to better understand employees compliance awareness, LGE conducted its rst corporate-wide compliance survey. Data was gathered from over 33,000 employees, and was analyzed into 5 elements of Awareness, Tone at the Top, Responsibility, Prevalence and Group Pressure. Through this survey, LGE was able to calibrate compliance culture within each operation, and build a long-term foundation for nurturing a better compliance culture at LGE. Code of CONDUCT Training in 16 Languages for All New and EXperienced Employees In 2009, LGE conducted a the Code of Conduct training course for approximately 33,000 ofce-workers throughout the world. In 2010, the course was expanded to all new and experienced workers worldwide. The expanded course has been made available in 16 major languages used within LGE worldwide, and completion rates have improved from 77% in 2009 to 90% in 2010.
Code of Conduct in 16 Languages
Code of Conduct Online Training Program (French)

Compliance Risk Management Plan

Mid and long term vision and goal : Establish effective eld-oriented compliance risk management system  Strategic plans : Establish a foundation for adopting and operating a corporate compliance system Main achievements in 2010 - Improved effectiveness of risk control activities in the eld -E  nhanced employee understanding and awareness of compliance






Jeong-Do Management
LG Electronics established its Code of Ethics and supplementary guidelines to make clear to everyone in the corporate our high expectations for personal conduct and professional judgment. It applies the same standards to all suppliers and business partners who do business with LG Electronics.

Code of Ethics Handbook Released in 3 Languages LGE drafted its rst edition of Code of Ethics in 1994, based on the Jeong-Do Management. Since Chairman Bon Moo Koo announced LGEs management objectives as Jeong-Do Management and No.1 LG at an inauguration ceremony in 1995, the Code of Ethics has been well complied with throughout LGE. To help familiarize LGEs Code of Ethics and encourage employees to comply with Jeong-Do Management, a handbook was created in English, Korean and Chinese. This handbook not only species the LG Way and Jeong-Do Management pursued by LGE, but also includes the ethical guidelines such as Code of Ethics, Code of Ethics Practice Guide, and detailed action denitions, as well as a Q&A format of actions to be taken in the event of violation of Code of Ethics during the course of work. Global Training/Promotion on Jeong-Do Management LGE recognizes that Jeong-Do Management is not an option but an essential condition for its survival. LGE carries out Jeong-Do Management training programs and promotion activities each year to all the employees to prevent corruption and deeply root Jeong-Do Management culture. In 2010, efforts were made not only with employees in Korea but at global level to include overseas employees. As a result, a total of 18,873 employees completed the training program. In addition, Jeong-Do Management managers in overseas subsidiary
Promotion of Jeong-Do Management in Overseas Subsidiary (Czech Republic)

actively promoted the program in diverse ways to get the employees involved with Jeong-Do Management activities and understand its signicance. Jeong-Do Management Together with suppliers In line with the trend of increasing importance of the Win-Win Relationship and CSR Management throughout the world, LGE has fully launched a Jeong-Do Management training program for domestic and overseas suppliers. With the start of training program for suppliers in India and Yentai, China in 2009, the program was expanded to include 141 suppliers in Tianjin, China in 2010. LGE is planning to include suppliers in Europe in 2011. LGE is continuously expanding its Jeong-Do Training Program for suppliers. Through the training programs, suppliers will have better understanding of LGEs Code of Ethics and the objectives related to Jeong-Do management and building a win-win relationship. Establishiment of LGEs Common criteria for JeongDo Management According to LGEs regulations, employees should report to the Ethics Department if they receive money or valuables from an interested party that is beyond an acceptable amount. But since the valuables were reported in KRW or USD only, it was difcult to apply this regulation in some overseas subsidiaries. Accordingly, new common criteria are set for each region, taking the regions price levels into consideration.

2011 Implementation Plan Internally, the training and promotion system will be rooted as a part of a corporate principle that will promote self-motivated participation in Jeong-Do Management by every employee. Externally, LGE will continue to make every effort to elevate the level of Jeong-Do Management in order to become an ethical enterprise that leads the electronics industry.

Jeong-Do Management Handbooks in Korean, English, and Chinese

Jeong-Do Management Training Program

No. of employees (2010) No. of suppliers (2010)

Total 18,873
Korea 2,716 Overseas

Total 426




Overseas 141



Fair Trade
LG Electronics implements and strengthens fair trade compliance programs to maintain awareness of fair competition rules and proper transaction standards throughout our value chain.

Reinforcing Fair Trade Compliance Activities Fair Trade Compliance managers are appointed from business divisions and supported by the Fair Trade Compliance Ofce at corporate headquarters. Training is conducted at each tier of the value chain, fair trade compliance, and initiate improvement activities are strengthen ed overall through this process. Fair Trade Compliance activities to enable all the employees to recognize that fair competition and trade mean not just complying with laws and regulations but are essential elements of corporate survival in the competitive market. Cartel Prevention Activities Cartels have become an issue both in Korea and throughout the world. Accordingly, LGEs CEO, CRO, and Fair Trade Compliance Ofcer sent e-mail notices to all employees warning them not to participate in cartels. In addition, live training for cartel prevention for employees was expanded to include members of the executive management team, employees of Korea Marketing Company, employees of various business divisions in Korea as well as overseas subsidiaries, reaching over 1,000 employees in 2010. As part of the training program, participating employees are required to sign a Pledge of Cartel Compliance. In addition, in-depth interviews and audits are held for employees whose duties and responsibilities may expose them to cartels to prevent potential risk of cartel involvement. Furthermore, LGE continuously communicates with the relevant government agencies and law rms both in Korea and overseas to learn from cartel regulation trends and cartel-related cases. LGE integrates the knowledge to the Fair Trade Compliance activities. Win-Win Partnership and Fair Trade Agreement LGE held the Win-Win Partnership and Fair Trade Agreement Signing Ceremony in September 2010. In the agreement, LGE pledged to provide nancial support to 817 partners: KRW 61 billion in direct loans, indirect support of over KRW 270 billion, as well as 100% cash payments for their products and services. LGE has also promised to

support localization of parts, cooperative research and development, certication and procurement of green products, reassignment and other business related supports including training programs for longterm employees, online training, management competency enhancement, and management consulting. LGE will continue to provide the aforementioned support and will make every effort to improve the win-win relationship with its partners in 2011. Future Direction LGE is planning to increase its efforts in reorganizing the system so that each local business division at all levels of the value chain are able to perform self-supporting Fair Trade Compliance activities. Particularly, the Fair Trade Compliance Ofce at corporate headquarters is planning to visit over 20 overseas subsidiaries in 2011 to monitor their fair trade compliance activities and increase their awareness on this issue.

Live training for cartel prevention for employees



Privacy Protection
As we face the cutting-edge technology era of the 21st century, global enterprises are making every effort to protect valuable corporate information and customer information. Information security activity is recognized as an essential factor for LG Electronics sustainable growth and LG Electronics is implementing diverse activities as a world leading enterprise.
Customer Privacy LGE conducts a scheduled privacy protection training program for system operators who directly manage customer information so that leakage of customer information by human error is prevented.
Privacy Control Strategy
Minimizing violation against privacy protection laws and improving private information management standards

Establishment of A global information security management system LGE is currently building a monitoring system that detects any attempt to steal corporate and customer information, and is making efforts to build a system that can take measures in the event of an accident. It has minimized the risk of information leakage through integrated management of the Information Security System and by systematically analyzing whether or not the information has been leaked.
Minimizing information leakage risk by developing an integrated monitoring system
Minimize information leaks

Implement a strategic action plan in accordance with the roadmap

Optimize application effects through customization

Organize the policy and management system

Company-wide privacy protection training program Online security monitor

Company-wide privacy protection diagnosis

Online privacy protection audit Alternatives to using Citizen ID No.

Improve document security Disseminate privacy protection system to overseas ofces

Strengthen the risk monitoring system

 Provide analysis information on suspected security breaches  Develop an integrated and concentrated monitoring environment

Strengthen the crisis handling system

 Integrated analysis environment for individual security system log  Expand integrated log search

Strengthen the weakness management system

 Respond to continuous multi-threats through trend information  Strengthen weak security system

Acquire Privacy Protection Certication

Applying Solutions to Secure Customer Privacy

DB Data Audit

PC Data Audit Customer Privacy

DB Encryption

 atabase (DB) Data Audit D : Check data route of the privacy information in DB and control information leaks  Data Audit : Check PC data route of the privacy information in PC and control information leaks  B Encryption / i-PIN : D Store citizen ID No. in DB in encrypted format  SSL (Secure Socket Layer: Security Server) : Prevent hacking by encrypting the privacy information data route

Effective analysis of existing security system logs

Integrated monitoring/ reporting of signs of information leakage

Establish weak factor management process and tools

Not only at the business sites in Korea but throughout over 100 subsidiaries LGE operates a corporate-wide information security system. LGE holds Global Security Conference and training programs periodically to improve the capability of security managers. LGE performs periodical on-site audits for information security and customer information protection at least twice a year to identify weaknesses. In 2006, LGEs MC R&D Center was certied by the Global Informa-

Web site SSL

Web site i-Pin

Certification of protection for securing customer information LGE and LG CYON websites protect customer information systematically and technically. LGE was certied as an outstanding privacy protection website by Korea Association for ICT Promotion (KAIT).

tion Security Management System (ISO27001), and LGE is operating a global information security management system at all business sites. It has established a risk analysis and management plan for its important management and technology information and has been continuously making improvements to the information security system. LGE has also established an information security system for suppliers. In this respect, LGE provides suppliers with information security training and carries out on-site audits twice a year.



Economic Data
1. Sales Result (Parent)
Summarized Income Statement
1. Sales Domestic Sales Exports 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Cost of Sales Gross Prot Selling and administrative expenses Operating Income (loss) Financial Income Financial Expenses Net Incomes before corporate tax expenses (loss) Corporate Tax Expenses (gain) Net Income (loss)
(Unit: KRW million)

29,238,503 6,892,025 22,346,478 24,893,697 4,344,806 5,449,449 (1,104,643) 707,739 680,091 (1,076,995) (441,121) (635,874)

30,513,436 6,665,027 23,848,409 23,406,778 7,106,658 5,694,164 1,412,494 1,340,197 1,333,720 1,418,971 272,167 1,146,804

27,638,515 6,445,179 21,193,336 20,822,187 6,816,328 5,589,438 1,226,890 2,670,535 3,382,401 515,024 32,238 482,786

* We adopted and applied K-IFRS from 2010 and prepared the income statement of 2009 again based on K-IFRS. The income statement of 2008 was prepared based on Korean Business Accounting Standards.

2. Asset Status (Parent)

l. Current assets Trade receivables Inventory ll. Non-current assets

Summarized Financial Position

8,094,379 7,029,587 1,064,792 14,880,630 7,844,726 4,661,430 725,818 1,648,656 22,975,009

(Unit: KRW million)

7,691,694 6,924,675 767,019 14,451,516 7,897,109 4,657,140 685,917 1,211,350 22,143,210

4,517,638 3,616,517 901,121 12,820,243 7,879,443 3,710,704 470,610 759,486 17,337,881

Investments in subsidiaries, jointly controlled and associates Tangible assets Intangible assets Other non-current assets Total assets

l. ll.

Current liabilities Non-Current liabilities Total liabilities

9,358,809 3,690,072 13,048,881

8,668,430 2,586,825 11,255,255

5,941,588 2,989,488 8,931,076


Paid-in capital Capital stock Premium on Capital stock

3,017,088 809,169 2,207,919 6,932,015 9,844 (32,819) 9,926,128 22,975,009

3,017,088 809,169 2,207,919 7,892,549 11,137 (32,819) 10,887,955 22,143,210

3,461,080 809,169 2,651,911 4,117,223 873,395 (44,893) 8,406,805 17,337,881

ll. lll. lV.

Earned surplus Accumulated other comprehensive income Other components of equity Total equity Total liabilities and equity

* We adopted and applied K-IFRS from 2010 and prepared the income statement of 2009 again based on K-IFRS. The income statement of 2008 was prepared based on Korean Business Accounting Standards.



3. Main Financial Ratio (Parent)

Stability Ratios Trends
Current ratio Current assets Current liabilities Debt ratio Total liabilities Equity capital Borrowings and bonds Payable ratio Interest coverage ratio to operating prot Debt Total assets Operating income Interest expenses


Ratio 2010



X 100

X 100




X 100




-7.6 x

7.4 x

11.4 x

* We adopted and applied K-IFRS from 2010 and prepared the income statement of 2009 again based on K-IFRS. The income statement of 2008 was prepared based on Korean Business Accounting Standards.

Protability Ratios Trends

Operating income to sales Operating income Sales Net income Sales Net income Net income to total assets Total assets at the beginning of the scal period + Total assets at the end of the scal period X 100 /2


Ratio 2010
X 100 -3.8%



Net income to sales

X 100







* We adopted and applied K-IFRS from 2010 and prepared the income statement of 2009 again based on K-IFRS. The income statement of 2008 was prepared based on Korean Business Accounting Standards.

Activity and Growth Ratios Trends

Category Formula
Sales of the current fiscal year Sales of the previous fiscal year Operating income of the current fiscal year Operating income of the previous fiscal year Net income of the current fiscal year Net income of the previous fiscal year Total assets at the end of the current fiscal year Total assets at the end of the previous fiscal year Sales Total assets at the beginning of the scal period + Total assets at the end of the scal period

Ratio 2010 2009 2008

Growth rate of sales

X 100 - 100




Growth rate of operating income

X 100 - 100




Growth rate of net income of the current fiscal year

X 100 - 100




Growth rate of total assets

X 100 - 100




Assets turnover ratio





* We adopted and applied K-IFRS from 2010 and prepared the income statement of 2009 again based on K-IFRS. The income statement of 2008 was prepared based on Korean Business Accounting Standards.



Social Data
The number of employees working at LG Electronics is 90,578 as of December 31, 2010. Among them, 31,840 work in Korea and 58,738 work in overseas ofces. Approximately 64.8% of the total employees are either Korean workers dispatched abroad or locally recruited. Among the Korean employees, temporary employees numbered just 330, or 1.0% of the total. The resignation rate of 4.8% in 2009 was up 1.5% from the previous year. 1% of the total employees have disabilities. The average age of the employees is 35.5 years old (average age for male employees is 37.3) and the female executives account for 1.5%. The average age for female executives is 47.6 years old (the average age level among the male executives is 50.3). The minimum wage for newly hired employees is 322% higher than the government set minimum wage. There is no salary gap between males and females. The percentage of disabled persons on the workforce is 1%.
Percentage of Temporary Employees, Retired Employees, and Female Employees (Korea)
Percentage of Temporary Employees (%) 1.3 1.7 1.0 Percentage of Retired Employees (%) 7.1 3.3 4.8
(As of December 31, 2010)

Percentage of Female Employees (%) 15.7 15.0 13.2










Number of Employees
Organization HE Company MC Company HA Company AE Company CTO Headquarters Korea Marketing Company  orth America N Region Representative Europe Region Representative Southeast Asia Region Representative Southwest Asia Region Representative  outh & Central America S Region Representative Middle East & Africa Region Representative CIS Region Representative China Region Representative Total 15,333 14,397 9,745 8,046 2,922 5,926 1,171 2,263 3,426 6,870 4,435 7,590 2,025 3,204 3,225 Korea Executive 33 40 14 17 27 61 5 Staff 4,951 7,419 2,178 1,774 2,754 2,667 1,165 Operator 2,556 2,142 2,095 1,442 5 165 Others** 76 60 87 23 28 55 1 Total 7,616 9,661 4,374 3,256 2,814 2,948 1,171 Executive 5 12 7 4 1 2 6 12 3 4 4 6 6 9

(As of December 31, 2010)

Overseas* Staff 2,037 2,509 1,453 1,796 107 886 1,856 3,414 3,795 2,693 3,842 1,782 1,675 3,216 Operator 5,675 2,215 3,911 2,990 2,090 401 3,072 1,738 3,744 237 1,523 Total 7,717 4,736 5,371 4,790 108 2,978 0 2,263 3,426 6,870 4,435 7,590 2,025 3,204 3,225












* Korean staff working overseas(FSE=Foreign Service Employee) are included in overseas workforce * * Contract workers



Benets and Support Programs

LGE helps employees maintain a harmony between their work and personal life. It also increases creativity and competitiveness by improving employee welfare as well as supporting employee leisure activities and benets such as paid maternity leave.

Employee Training Time Table

Country / Region
Korea Overseas Korea Overseas Korea Overseas

Total Training Hours

Training Hours per Employee

54.7 5.1 31.1 6.3 41.7 2.8


1,036,706 136,826 628,478 169,117 963,686 86,963


(for Korean Employees)

 Legally Required Benets National Pension, Health Insurance, Employment Insurance, Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance   Other Benets Other support programs than legally required benets



Total 3418


Training hours in Korea in 2010 increased as a result of the increase in new recruitment * (1,960 employees) * Training in overseas not conducted during second half of 2010 as a result of Global Organization Restructuring and overseas training system/program revision

Benets and Support Programs (for Korean Employees)

 Vacation for Refreshment: Employees plan their yearly vacation at the beginning of the year and are encouraged to freely take their leaves  Resort Facilities: Employees have access to 10 resort facilities (including condominiums and pensions) across Korea Informal Groups: Hobby and volunteer groups

Leisure Activities

Childbirth and Maternity Leave

Lounge and nursing room for female employees: For female employees / pregnant and nursing employees Childcare Facilities : Available in Seoul, Pyeongtaek, Changwon; plans in place for expansion to all business sites Maternity Leave - Paid maternity leave for female employees before and after childbirth (up to 90 days) - Time off offered in the event of a miscarriage / stillbirth (30-90 days), time off for fertility issues (2 days) - Time off given when a spouse gives birth (3 days) - Time off given to raise infants under one year of age (for up to 12 months)

Housing and Stable Living

Housing Loans: Housing loans offered to employees with at least two years of experience of service Domestic Moving Costs: Assistance with moving costs when an employee is transferred Congratulatory / Condolence Money: Support for congratulatory events and funerals of employees and their families Disaster Relief Money: Support offered to employees and their families who have suffered property damage cause

Medical / Health

Medical expenses for employees and family members Group insurance related to disasters; operation of Health Care Center and Counseling Center  Paid sick leave: For sick leave due to occupational accidents, 70% of average wages for personal illness, 30-100% of ordinary wages


Scholarship for employees children / Support for employees entering / reentering educational programs Special lectures on healthcare, financial technology, and family life

Legally Required Benets

National Pension, Health Insurance, Employment Insurance, Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Retirement Pension System: Fixed amount guaranteed

Selective Benets

KRW 1,000,000 worth of points awarded to employees Points can be redeemed for personal development, leisure / health, gift & product purchasing

Learning-NET Service
Participants No. of Employees Trained (as of 2010) No. of Training Courses (as of 2011) Language

Learning-NET (Korean)
Korean employees 163,485 536 Korean

Learning-NET (Global)
Korean and overseas employees 94,416 517 English, Spanish, Portuguese, etc.

Learning-NET (Chinese)
Chinese employees 23,419 507 Chinese



Environmental Data
LG Electronics manages the environmental management standards at 50% stricter than the legal standards, contributing to reducing environmental risks and improving the local environment through such strict management. To increase the reliability of the environment data, LG Electronics ensures that the relevant personnel in all production sites undergo corresponding training sessions, while continuously improve the overall data management system. In this process, LG Electronics identied some errors in the previous years data due to differing data management systems among sites. LG Electronics will provide a more reliable environmental data through improved management systems.
* All data correspond to the entire production sites of LGE (6 in Korea and 30 overseas), except the data on Energy and Material

Period Electricity Steam LNG Coal Other 2008
5,906.37 421.91 1,463.43 1,233.16 558.55 9,583.42
Unit : TJ

Material (Korea)
Products Required for Recycling
Refrigerator (General) Refrigerator (for Kimchi) Washing Machine (Top-load) Washing Machine (Front-load) Air-conditioner (Indoor unit) Air-conditioner (Outdoor unit) Television (CRT) Television (LCD, PDP) Personal Computer (Monitor) Personal Computer (Keyboard) Personal Computer (Desktop)

5,213.07 367.39 1,053.40 1,101.25 395.54 8,133.65

2010 5,720.85 390.17 1,112.84 1,137.22 474.29 8,835.37

Released Volume (ton) 102,302 25,545 26,048 27,614 25,979 44,819 3,130 19,439 6,541 445 2,639 552 81 222 631 195 54 35 328 286,599


* Applicable business sites: Korea (production, ofce, R&D centers); Overseas (production) * Applicable energy usage: Combustion facility in business sites and external electricity and heat usage (excluding energy consumed by vehicles) * The energy consumption is calculated based on net heating value * Verication status: Korea (2008 - 2010), Overseas (verication is not performed, excepting for China from 2008 to 2009) * The data correction can be made in the process of the third party verication.

Water use
2008 Korea Overseas
4,159,930 (3,574,123) 6,354,165 (5,252,002) 10,514,095 (8,826,125)

Unit : Ton

Personal Computer (Lap-top) Audio (All-in-one type) Audio (Separated type body) Audio (Speaker)

4,338,142 (3,024,600) 5,936,851 (4,820,769) 10,274,993 (7,845,369)

2010 5,670,585 6,220,628 11,891,213

Mobile handset (Body) Mobile handset (Battery) Mobile handset (Charger) Printer(Laiser) Printer(Non-Laiser)


*T  he numbers in parenthesis "( )" indicate the mistaken data disclosed in the 2009 report. The values have been adjusted to x the errors occurred during the verication process. * The water usage has signicatly increased in Korea in 2010 because of the changed manufacturing process in the Gumi PDP site and mass production of the solar cell initiated in 2010.


Ozone depleting chemicals

2008 Korea
HCFC (R22) 2,324 3,530 5,854

Unit : Ton

1,631 3,036 4,667

2010 1,509 3,023 4,532





Air Emission
Category Region
Korea NOx Overseas Total Korea SOx Overseas Total Korea Dust Overseas Total Korea (ppm) Overseas (ton)
Unit : Ton

Discharges into Water

Category Region
Korea T-P Overseas Total Korea T-N Overseas Total Korea SS Overseas Total Korea COD Overseas Total

Unit : Ton

2.1 (7.2) 103.9(123) 106.0 (130.2) 0.3 (1) 73.2 (102) 73.5 (103) 6.6 (4.8) 76.9 (91) 83.5 (95.8) 11.5 (0) 16.0 (29)

1.5 (6.5) 92.6 (108) 94.1 (114.5) 0.1 (0.1) 55.6 (67) 55.7 (67.1) 4.0 (3.5) 66.5 (81) 70.5 (84.5) 14.0 (0) 21.6 (43)

2010 1.8 114.1 115.9 0.4 89.1 89.5 5.0 80.7 85.7 16.4 21.8

0.8 0.6 1.4 33.8 (34.4) 5.1 (67) 38.9 (101.4) 11.5 (13.2) 56.9 (151) 68.4 (164.2) 43.9 (44.2) 100.0 (373) 143.9(417.2)

1.5 0.6 2.1 51.3 (52.2) 6.5 (42) 57.8 (94.2) 18.3 (19.2) 32.7 (96) 51.0 (115.2) 54.4 (55) 48.0 (372) 102.4 (427)

2010 1.3 0.5 1.8 58.0 5.3 63.3 38.8 30.5 69.3 106.8 99.2 206


* The numbers in parenthesis "( )" indicate the mistaken data disclosed in the 2009 report. The values have been adjusted to x the errors occurred during the verication process. * In case of VOCs, there was no standard for VOC measurement in Korea so this report presents the average concentration of Total Hydrocarbon (THC) in ppm from the painting facilities.

The numbers in parenthesis "( )" indicate the mistaken data disclosed in the 2009 report. The * values have been adjusted to x the errors occurred during the verication process. * Previous reports included the measurement for general sewerage waste water treatment facility, but this report only includes the waste water facilities directly related to the production.

Category Region Korea Recycle Overseas Total Korea Landll Overseas Total Korea Incineration Overseas Total General Korea By region Overseas Total Hazardous 2008 28,187 (30,428) 71,480 (87,839) 99,667 (118,267) 4,145 (5,476) 29,972 (9,381) 34,117 (14,857) 5,754 (9,028) 1,561 (478) 7,315 (9,506) 34,255 3,831 38,086 103,013 141,099 General Hazardous 2009 27,911 (27,894) 68,601 (103,027) 96,512 (130,921) 1,614 (1,870) 26,766 (8,975) 28,380 (10,845) 5,114 (4,739) 898 (620) 6,012 (5,359) 32,200 2,439 34,639 96,265 130,904

Unit : Ton

2010 37,529 80,472 118,001 4,368 40,434 44,802 6,452 1,166 7,618 General Hazardous 45,883 2,466 48,349 122,072 170,421

* The numbers in parenthesis "( )" indicate the mistaken data disclosed in the 2009 report. The values have been adjusted to x the errors occurred during the verication process. * Incineration includes the heat recovery * For hazardous wastes, this reports only includes data from Korea, because denition of hazardous wastes differs in each country. * The increase in the amount of waste is due to sludge from changed manufacturing process in Gumi PDP site and additional waste from closed video tape plant in Cheongju site.



Wastewater discharge
Region Korea Overseas 2008
2,510,566 (2,646,430) 1,605,772 (1,631,713) 4,116,338 (4,278,143)

Unit : Ton

Safety Data
Category Region Korea Fatality (case) Overseas Total Korea Incident (case) Overseas Total Total hours worked (hours) Korea 2008 0 1 1 29 456 485 44,417,463 2009 0 1 1 14 316 330 36,914,334 102,571,389 139,485,723

3,017,428 (3,154,587) 1,464,472 (1,594,471) 4,481,900 (4,749,058)

2010 3,922,150 1,493,185 5,415,335

2010 0 0 0 12 333 345 47,708,018 122,422,941 170,130,959


*T  he numbers in parenthesis "( )" indicate the mistaken data disclosed in the 2009 report. The values have been adjusted to x the errors occurred during the verication process. *T  he waste discharge rate has signicantly increased in Korea in 2010 because of the changed manufacturing process in the Gumi PDP site and mass production of the solar cell initiated in 2010.

Overseas 100,533,996 Total 144,951,459

Global Production Network

North America South & Central America Europe Poland Egypt Middle East & Africa Turkey Saudi Arabia South West Asia India Thailand South East Asia Vietnam Indonesia China China China China China China China China China China China China China Kazakhstan CIS Russia Ruja LGERA TV, Monitor, Refrigerator, Washing Machine * No. of Overseas Production sites: 30 (No. of Production subsidiary: 27) * * All 6 Korean production sites have ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001 certication.

Reynosa Monterey Manaus Taubate Mlawa Wroclaw Ismailia Istanbul Riaydh Noida Pune Rayong Hung Yen Hai Phong Bekasi Tanggerang Taizhou Huizhou Nanjing Nanjing Qinhuangdao Shanghai Shenyang Tianjin Yantai Kunshan Hangzhou Qingdao Almaty


LCD/PDP TV, CRT TV, PDP Module Refrigerator, Oven TV, DVD, Audio, Car Audio, Microwave Oven, Air Conditioner Monitor, Mobile Phone, Laptop, Washing Machine TV, Monitor Refrigerator, TV CRT TV, FPD Air Conditioner Air Conditioner CRT TV, LCD/PDP TV, Monitor, Refrigerator, Air Conditioner, Washing Machine, Compressor, Optical Storage, Mobile Phone Washing Machine, Air Conditioner, Compressor, TV, Monitor, Mobile Phone, Air Conditioner, Washing Machine, Refrigerator, Microwave Oven, Vacuum Cleaner LCD Monitor, LCD TV, PDP TV, CRT TV, VCR, DVD-P, VCR, COMBI, REC COMBI, DVD-P, DVD-R, BD-P, BD-Home theater, DVD-Home Theater, Refrigerator, Compressor Media, Optical Storage Monitor, LCD/PDP TV Washing Machine, Motor Casting Security Camera CRT TV Microwave Oven, Air Conditioner, Vacuum Cleaner, Compressor, MGT Mobile Phone Telematics, Audio Video Cassette Tape, USB, HDD, Prism Sheet Mobile Phone TV, Washing Machine

ISO Certication
ISO14001 ISO14001, OHSAS 18001 ISO14001 ISO14001 ISO14001 ISO14001, OHSAS 18001 ISO14001 ISO14001, OHSAS 18001 ISO14001, OHSAS 18001 ISO14001, OHSAS 18001 ISO14001, OHSAS 18001 ISO14001 ISO14001 ISO14001, OHSAS 18001 ISO14001, OHSAS 18001 ISO14001, OHSAS 18001 ISO14001, OHSAS 18001 ISO14001, OHSAS 18001 ISO14001, OHSAS 18001 ISO14001, OHSAS 18001 ISO14001, OHSAS 18001 ISO14001, OHSAS 18001 ISO14001, OHSAS 18001 ISO14001, OHSAS 18001 ISO14001, OHSAS 18001 ISO14001, OHSAS 18001 ISO14001, OHSAS 18001 ISO14001, OHSAS 18001

Mexico Mexico Brazil Brazil Poland



Independent Assurance Statement

Scope and objectives LG Electronics has commissioned Two Tomorrows (Asia) Limited to undertake independent assurance of the LG Electronics Sustainability Report 2010. The assurance process was conducted in accordance with AA1000AS (2008). We were engaged to provide Type 2 assurance, which covers:  Evaluation of adherence to the AA1000APS (2008) principles of inclusivity, materiality and responsiveness (the Principles) and; The reliability of specified sustainability performance information. Our review of sustainability performance information covered collection and consolidation processes for key data and claims in the report. The following information was outside the scope of our assurance engagement:  Reporting on non-Korean operations and suppliers. However, our review of Korean activities and data also involved the consideration of information relating to LGEs sustainability management of overseas operations and suppliers, and we have provided some related comments in our observations. Financial information in the report. Information provided on the LGEs website.  GHG data. These data were verified by another 3rd party organization. When evaluating performance information, we used the Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI) Quality of Information Principles. Responsibilities of the directors of LG Electronics and of the assurance providers The directors of LGE have sole responsibility for the preparation of the Report. In performing our assurance work, our responsibility is to the management of LGE. However, our statement represents our independent opinion and is intended to inform all LGE stakeholders. We adopt a balanced approach towards all LGE stakeholders. This is the third year we have provided sustainability assurance for LGE. We had one other contract with LGE in 2007, which was to benchmark their report against global best practice. Two Tomorrows has not been involved in the preparation of the report, nor do we have any other contracts with the company. Our team comprised of MinGu Jun, project leader, as well as Todd Cort, Thomas Krick and InMog Yang. This assurance statement was prepared by the team in English, and reviewed and signed off by Jason Perks, a Two Tomorrows (Asia) Limited Director. Further information, including individual competencies relating to the team can be found at: Basis of our opinion Our work was designed to gather evidence with the objective of providing moderate assurance as dened in AA1000AS (2008). We undertook the following activities: Review of LGEs process for identifying and assessing material issues;  A desk-based review of stakeholder perceptions of the company, brief media sweep and benchmark research with peers to independently check the issues identied through LGEs materiality process;  Interviews with 10 members of the executive management team, as well as with other senior management team members responsible for the management of material non-nancial issues, and with the president of LGE labor union. The interviewee roles were requested by us, and individuals suggested by LGE and agreed by us;  Review of selected evidence to support issues raised during discussions with managers; S  ite visits to the Seoul headquarters, Pyeongtaek and Changwon manufacturing sites to review procedures and systems for preparing site level sustainability data and the implementation of the sustainability strategy. The sites were chosen by us; R  eview of information provided to us by LGE on its reporting and management processes relating to the Principles, including its approach to stakeholder engagement; Review of supporting evidence for key claims in the report; R  eview of the processes for gathering and consolidating data and, for a sample, checking the data consolidation. Sampling was based on prioritised data for the most material issues; F  acilitation of a stakeholder event to obtain feedback on the future direction of LGEs social contribution approach. Findings We reviewed and provided feedback on drafts of the Report and where necessary changes were made. On the basis of the work undertaken, nothing came to our attention to suggest that the Report does not properly describe LGEs Korean operations adherence to the Principles or its performance. In terms of data accuracy we are not aware of any data errors that would materially affect the reported data. Nothing has came to our attention to suggest that data has not been properly collated from the operational level. Observations Without affecting our assurance opinion we also provide the following observations. During the management interviews, we noted signicant improvement in top management awareness of sustainability issues despite recent changes to the team. This provides evidence that the sustainability governance structure, including the CSR committee, is working effectively. Recent changes to the CSR council are expected to further improve sustainability governance by enhancing the companys understanding of customers issues and effective response to them. The changes include enhancement of the councils role and responsibility and assignment of marketing managers to the council to collect and manage customers expectations regarding LGEs CSR performance. Further improvement of governance can be achieved if roles and procedures for the management of sustainability issues are clearly dened at board level. While there have been some improvements in terms of balanced reporting, to continue to build credibility with stakeholders, it is recommended that a clear policy should be established and implemented throughout the organization, which ensures balanced disclosure of both positive and negative aspects of the organizations performance. Inclusivity concerns the participation of stakeholders in developing and achieving an accountable and strategic response to sustainability.  LGE shows continuous improvement of inclusivity for its customers and also for other key stakeholders. Ultimately, the companys improved understanding of the needs and ideas of stakeholders should be linked to its innovation efforts such as new product development, operational innovation and enhancing social benets of products. We recommend that LGE establishes ofcial systems to facilitate this linkage. L  GE discloses the expectations and characteristics of key stakeholder groups and communication mechanisms. To further improve inclusivity, we recommend that LGE reports on procedures for identifying stakeholders and linking their expectations with the companys relevant response.



 It is commendable that LGE holds a stakeholder panel to identify expectations and communicate its response, and that it has extended the panels role to more specic material issue areas. We recommend that LGE develops a formal stakeholder procedure to make this experimental panel a regular and consistent approach to inclusivity. We also recommend that LGE ensures the key issues raised by stakeholders are discussed at the highest governance bodies, such as the board of directors and/or CSR committee.  Evaluation and rating schemes of product environmental and social aspects are increasing globally, and due to the expansion of internet and mobile communication technologies, customers access to the information is expected to increase. It will become increasingly important for LGE to respond systematically to the information providers, based on their signicance and relevance to LGEs business. These responses might include preparing comprehensive environmental performance information of its products based on lifecycle based benchmarking analysis with its peer products.  LGE demonstrates highly commendable approaches to supplier engagement through various programs that covers aspects of control and support. We recommend LGE expands its current focus on major suppliers of large purchasing volume to cover small and medium sized suppliers that have heavy reliance on LGE and those with high social and environmental risks. It is also recommended that LGE enhances management of specic supplier issues including resource traceability in products, human rights and labor standards and energy efciency of logistics. Material issues are those which are necessary for stakeholders to make informed judgments concerning LG Electronics and its impacts.  Based on the work undertaken, we are not aware of any issues that are of high materiality for its Korean operations that LGE has not recognised within its report.  LGEs materiality process demonstrates continuous improvements, which includes enhancing the linkage with the compliance risk management process. To support further improvement, we recommend that the process be formally documented, covering methods, assumptions, materiality threshold criteria, reporting and review procedures at the top management level. It is also recommended that process transparency be enhanced by disclosing the process to stakeholders and taking feedback for further improvement.  We recommend that LGE ensures social and environmental issues in its key markets are reviewed through the corporate level materiality process and connected to product development to drive innovative products that help solve local environmental and social issues.  The materiality process can be enhanced further through greater efforts to identify potential environmental issues during the life-cycle of its products e.g. resource extraction, logistics, manufacturing, use and end of life of products. Responsiveness concerns the extent to which an organisation responds to stakeholder issues  Nothing has come to our attention to suggest that the report does not adequately describe LGEs Korean operations responsiveness to stakeholder issues.  The newly introduced "Key Progress and Performance" covers context, opportunity and risk factors, performance and mid-long term targets

for key material issues, which is a highly commendable reporting approach that establishes a baseline for consistent reporting of performance. We believe this logical explanation of LGEs key material issues will improve awareness and understanding of internal and external stakeholders. D  ue to the increasing importance of "e-waste", LGE discloses its takeback system to meet the requirements of mature markets and also provides some discussion of its activities in non-regulated markets. We recommend that LGE builds on initial research to further understand the current status of e-waste streams from Korea to developing countries like China and India, to identify problems and possible cooperation opportunities with local stakeholders to develop long-term solutions. L  GEs innovation processes focus primarily on environmental performance with some discussion of product safety. In the future, we recommend that LGE expands discussion on product innovation efforts for social aspects of products, such as usability for the disabled and elderly, possible solutions for "bottom of the pyramid" including water treatment and micro-energy generation. W  e recommend that LGE discusses employee diversity and equal opportunity issues further. This area is gaining in importance, for example from recent Social Responsibility and reporting standards and guidance. A specic area for enhancement of disclosure is gender diversity, where we recommend providing statistics, related targets and management approaches for improvement. Performance Information  Nothing came to our attention to suggest that the consolidated data presented within the report and associated claims are not fairly stated. W  e recommend that LGE establishes data collection and quality control processes to improve data quality from the different parts of the company. As the reporting scope and issues are expanded, a data reliability review process, for instance using internal audit, needs to be introduced. W  hile there have been improvements in systematic performance reporting, including "Key Progress and Performance", there is still a lack of quantied performance information. We recommend that LGE updates the current qualitative description of targets with quantitative ones and makes reports performance against those targets.

Two Tomorrows (Asia) Limited Seoul Korea 21st April 2011

Jason Perks Director

MinGu Jun Project Leader

Todd Cort Principal Consultant

Thomas Krick Senior Consultant

InMog Yang Senior Associate

Two Tomorrows (Asia) Limited, trading as Two Tomorrows, is an international consultancy that helps companies to perform better and create value by doing business in a sustainable way.



Memberships/Awards & Recognition

Council of Economic Organizations Organization of Consumer Affairs Professionals in Business Industrial Health Association Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME) Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers (KIIE) Korea Industrial Safety Association Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry The Republic of Korea National Red Cross The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers Media Convergence Association (NMF) The Institute for Industrial Policy Studies _Ethics Management Forum The Foundation of Korean Industries National Industrial Health Association Sound E-Trade Management Association Korea Radio Promotion Association Federation of Korean Information Industries Korea Association for ICT Promotion Korea Business Council for Sustainable Development (KBCSD) Korea Audit Bureau of Circulations Korea Employers Federation Korea Economic Research Institute Fair Competition Federation Accreditation Board for Engineering Education of Korea The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies Korea Advertiser Association Korea Management Association Korea Micro Joining Association (KMJA) The Korea International Trade Association Korea Invention Promotion Association Korean Association of Occupational Health Nurse Korea Association of Information & Telecommunication Korean Industrial Technology Association Korea Association of Industrial Designers Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency Korean Institute for Industrial Safety Korea Forum for Progress Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering (KSNVE) GS1 Korea Korea Electronic Safety Association Korea Electronics Association Korean Battery Recycling Engineering Korean Information Display Society (KIDS) Telecommunication Technology Association Society of CAD/CAM Engineers Korea Home Network Industry Association Korea Association of RFID/USN Convergence Korea-U.S. Economic Council, Inc. European Information & Communications Technology Industry Association International Council Society of Industrial Design (ICSID) Japan Article Management Promotion Consortium Licensing Executive Society Korea Quality Brand Protection Committee Trade Related IPR Protection Association Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) United Nations Global Compact United Nations Global Compact Korea Network
As of December 31, 2010

Awards & Recognition

December 2010 December 2010 December 2010 December 2010 November 2010 November 2010 November 2010 November 2010 October 2010 October 2010 September 2010 August 2010 August 2010 August 2010 August 2010 July 2010 July 2010 June 2010 June 2010 April 2010

India subsidiary, National Energy Conservation 2010 Grand prize at the Korea Blog Award Best of Best Grand Prix at the Red Dot Award with recycled green packaging 2010 Arabian Sponsorship Award winner Grand prize at the 2010 Korea Green Award The Changwon site, 18 years successive selection as excellent business site for energy reduction Peru subsidiary, selected as Great Place to Work for the rst time in South & Central America. Selected as the best notebook brand in Brazil Selected as an excellent business site for low carbon management Vice president of Monitor Department, Presidents Award in commemoration of the Electronics Day Selected as the most trusted brand in Indonesia 3 awards at the European Imaging and Sound Association Awards (EISA) 3 awards at the Canne Advertising Festival 2010 MC R&D center, selected as excellent business site for Eco-mileage Trusted Brand Award 2010 2010 Wireless Product the Year Platinum Winner Green Energy Innovation Award TV, Selected as Top of Mind (TOM) 1 in Brazil Monitor, the worlds rst UL Sustainable Product Certication (SPC) award Indonesia CIC, Best call Center 2010 Award

India Ministry of Power Korea Blog Business Association Red Dot Award Arabian Sponsorship Korea Environment Committee Environmental Media Korea Energy Management Corporation Peru Newspaper, El Comercio Brazil Newspaper, Folha de Sao Paulo Korean Committee of Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) Korea Ministry of Knowledge Economy The Economic Times European Imaging and Sound Association Awards (EISA) Canne Advertising Association Korea Seoul Government The Readers Digest Trusted Brand Award (Thailand) Mark of Excellence (USA) Environment Certication Institute TV Rheinland Group UOL search engine ( UL (Underwriters Laboratories) Center for Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty



The Ten Principles Human Rights Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses. Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour; Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour; and Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges; Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies. Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery. Our Activities Based on corporate management philosophy of Respecting Human Dignity, LG Electronics strives to protect human rights of employees. To ensure fundamental human rights and labor rights of employees as well as those of suppliers, LGE announced Global Labor Policy and Supplier Code of Conduct. Also, LGE is engaging in a series of outreach activities, including participation in the steering committee of the Company and Human Rights Forum organized by Korea Human Rights Foundation. LG Electronics continues its efforts to establish a corporate culture that values the diversity of the employees and fosters creativity and autonomy. Owing to its efforts, LGE is leading an exemplary labor management relationship, achieving 22 consecutive years of collective bargaining and wage negotiation without labor dispute (as of February 2011), and declaring Union Social Responsibility (USR) charter. In addition, LGE joined Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) and established an enterprise-wide policy for the protection of labor rights in overall supply chain.To improve its labor management climate, LGE asked Korean and overseas business sites to conduct a self-assessment (20 business sites) and carried out on-site audit for 4 production sites and 4 suppliers. Related Contents Our Philosophy CSR Management Business Partner Labor Rights Protection Page 9 16-19 53-57 69 Labour Standards Labor Rights Protection Business Partner CSR Management 69 53-57 16-19


LG Electronics strives to contribute to the communitys sustainable growth by minimizing harmful environmental impacts resulting from business activities. As a part of its efforts, LGE acquired 11 green technology certications in development of greener products, concluded a green win-win growth MOU with its suppliers, and expanded its voluntary substitution of PVC and BFRs. For low-carbon green management, LGE surpassed its GHG reduction goals at both the production and product use stages, and further expanded its activities towards suppliers and logistics. LG Electronics efforts towards facilitating low-carbon culture were acclaimed by Carbon Disclosure Project Korea (CDP Korea). LGE established an integrated EESH (Energy, Environment, Safety, and Health) certication system and global EESH audit system at its all production sites. In April 2010, LGE joined Caring for Climate, one of initiatives of UN Global Compact, and is currently participating as a member of the steering committee to represent Korean companies. LG Electronics Jeong-Do Management is the basis for all action taken by employees. LGE applies the same standard to all suppliers and business partners who do business with LGE. In 2010, it carried various activities, including a distribution of code of ethics handbook, code of ethics promotion and training for Korean/overseas employees and suppliers, and establishment of the global standard. In addition, LGE added the ethics category to the CSR risk management program to monitor its worksites and suppliers management systems.




Jeong-Do Management CSR Risk Management

73 16-19

GRI G3 Prole 1.1 Strategy and Analysis 1.2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Organizational Prole 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Report Parameters 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 Statement from the most senior decision-maker of the organization about the relevance of sustanability to the organization and its strategy Description of key impacts, risks, and opportunities Name of the organization Primary brands, products, and/or services Operational structure of the organization Location of organizations headquarters Number of countries where the organization operates, and names of countries with either major operations or that are specifically relevant to the sustainability reporting Nature of ownership and legal form Markets served Scale of the reporting organization Significant changes during the reporting period regarding size, structure, or ownership Awards received in the reporting period Reporting period Date of previous report Reporting cycle Contact point for questions regarding the report or its contents Process for dening report content Boundary of the report State any specic limitations on the scope or boundary of the report Basis for reporting that can signicantly affect comparability from period to period and/or between organizations Data measurement techniques and the bases of calculations Explanation of the effect of any re-statements of information provided in earlier reports, and the reasons for such re-statement Signicant changes from previous reporting periods in the scope, boundary, or measurement methods Table identifying the location of the Standard Disclosures in the report Policy and current practice with regard to seeking external assurance for the report CEO Message Key Progress and Performance, CSR Management, Stakeholder Engagement, Stakeholder Consultation on CSR Corporate Overview Corporate Overview Corporate Overview Corporate Overview Corporate Overview, Global Production Network Corporate Governance Corporate Overview and Economic performances Corporate Overview, Financial statement, No. of employees Corporate Overview Awards & Recognition Report Overview June, 2010 Report Overview (Annual) Report Overview 6-7 3~4, 16~19, 22, 23~25 10 10-13 10-13 10-13 10-13, 82 71 10-13 10-13, 76-77, 78 10 85 2 89 2 2 Disclosure Items Related Contents Page

Report Overview, Stakeholder Engagement, Key Progress and Performance 2, 22, 3~4 Report Overview Report Overview Report Overview, Korean Subsidiaries Report Overview, Our Data Some environmental data in the previous report have been adjusted. LGE adopted K-IFRS for nancial data GRI Index Report Overview, Independent Assurance Statement 2 2 2, 11 2,22, 76-82 80-82 10, 76-77 86~88 2, 83-84

GRI G3 Prole 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 Governance, Commitments, and Engagement 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 ECONOMIC

Disclosure Items

Application Level

Related Contents


Governance structure of the organization Indicate whether the chair of the highest governance body is also an executive ofcer The number of members of the highest governance body that are independent and/or non-executive members Mechanisms for shareholders and employees to provide recommendations or direction to the highest governance body Linkage between compensation for members of the highest governance body, senior managers, and executives Processes in place for the highest governance body to ensure conflicts of interest are avoided Process for determining the qualifications and expertise of the members of the highest governance Internally developed statements of mission or values, codes of conduct, and principles relevant to economic, environmental, and social performance Procedures of the highest governance body for overseeing the organizations identication and management of economic, environmental, and social performance Processes for evaluating the highest governance bodys own performance Explanation of whether and how the precautionary approach or principle is addressed Externally developed economic, environmental, and social charters, principles, or other initiatives to which the organization subscribes or endorses Memberships in associations (such as industry associations) and/or national/international advocacy organizations List of stakeholder groups engaged by the organization Basis for identication and selection of stakeholders with whom to engage Approaches to stakeholder engagement, including frequency of engagement by type and by stakeholder group Key topics and concerns that have been raised through stakeholder engagement and how the organization has responded

Corporate Governance Corporate Governance Corporate Governance Corporate Governance, CSR Organization Corporate Governance Corporate Governance Corporate Governance Our philosophy, CSR management CSR Organization Corporate Governance Greener product strategy, Low carbon green strategy, EESH policy, Product safety Memberships Memberships Stakeholder Engagement Stakeholder Engagement Stakeholder Engagement, Materiality analysis Stakeholder Engagement, Stakeholder Consultation, Materiality analysis

71 71 71 17, 71 71 71 71 9, 16-19 17 71 37, 43, 48, 32 85 85 22 22 22, 26-27 22, 23-25, 26-27 10-13

Disclosure on Management Approach EC1 EC2 Direct economic value generated and distributed Financial implications and other risks and opportunities for the organizations activities due to climate change Coverage of the organizations dened benet plan obligations Signicant nancial assistance received from government Range of ratios of standard entry level wage compared to local minimum wage at signicant locations of operation Policy, practices, and proportion of spending on locally-based suppliers at signicant locations of operation Procedures for local hiring and proportion of senior management hired from the local community at locations of significant operation Development and impact of infrastructure investments and services provided primarily for public benefit through commercial, inkind, or pro bono engagement Understanding and describing significant indirect economic impacts Disclosure on Management Approach Materials used by weight or volume Percentage of materials used that are recycled input materials Direct energy consumption by primary energy source Indirect energy consumption by primary source Production level GHG reduction , EESH Management Greener Products, Low-carbon green management, New Environment-Energy business Initiatives to reduce indirect energy consumption and reductions achieved Total water withdrawal by source Water sources significantly affected by withdrawal of water X X N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A O O O O Input data (Material) The usage of recycled plastic Input Data (Energy) Input Data (Energy) GHG reduction results Greener products,Production level GNG reduction, Solar solution, Smart grid business Low carbon green management Input data (Water) LGEs facilities are located in industrial complexes. LGEs facilities are located in industrial complexes. LGEs facilities are located in industrial complexes. LGEs facilities are located in industrial complexes. LGEs facilities are located in industrial complexes. GHG emissions (Global) GHG emissions (Global) Low carbon green management O O Input data (Ozone depleting chemicals) Output data (Air Emissions) Output data (Wastewater) O X X X Output data (Waste) None of signicant spills occurred in 2010 O O O O Economic Performances Opportunities and risks for climate change, Key progress and performance Benets and suport programs Investment-related income tax saving

12, 13 3-4, 44 79 12

Economic Performance


Percentage of standard entry level wages compared to the national minimum 78 wage in Korea Stakeholder engagement, Business partner Talent management, employees by country Social contribution CDM business in India 22, 53-57 13, 67 59-63 46 37, 43, 48 80 42 80 80 44, 50 37-39 44-47 43-47 80 44 44 44-46 80 81 81 81

Market Presence








EN10 Percentage and total volume of water recycled and reused Location and size of land owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high EN11 biodiversity value outside protected areas Description of significant impacts of activities, products, and services on biodiversity in protected areas and EN12 areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas Biodiversity EN13 Habitats protected or restored EN14 Strategies, current actions, and future plans for managing impacts on biodiversity EN15 Number of IUCN Red List species and national conservation list species with habitats in areas affected by operations, by level of extinction risk

EN16 Total direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight EN17 Other relevant indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight EN18 Initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reductions achieved EN19 Emissions of ozone-depleting substances by weight Emissions, Efuents, and Waste EN20 NO, SO, and other significant air emissions by type and weight EN21 Total water discharge by quality and destination EN22 Total weight of waste by type and disposal method EN23 Total number and volume of signicant spills EN24 EN25 Weight of transported, imported, exported, or treated waste deemed hazardous under the terms of the Basel Convention Annex I, II, III, and VIII, and percentage of transported waste shipped internationally Identity, size, protected status, and biodiversity value of water bodies and related habitats signicantly affected by the reporting organizations discharges of water and runoff

O Fully Reported

Partially Reorted

X Not Reported

N/A Not Applicable

GRI G3 Products and Services Compliance Transport Overall EN26 EN27 EN28 EN29 EN30

Disclosure Items Initiatives to mitigate environmental impacts of products and services, and extent of impact mitigation Percentage of products sold and their packaging materials that are reclaimed by category Monetary value of signicant nes and total number of non-monetary sanctions for noncompliance Signicant environmental impacts of transporting products and other goods and materials used for the organizations operations, and transporting members of the workforce Total environmental protection expenditures and investments by type Disclosure on Management Approach O X X O

Application Level Greener products E-waste take back No violations in 2010

Related Contents 37-39 42 44, 45 69


GHG Inventory, logistics GHG Reduction target -

LABOR PRACTICES AND DECENT WORK LA1 Employment LA2 LA3 Labor/ Management Relations LA4 LA5 LA6 LA7 LA8 LA9 LA10 Training and Education LA11 LA12 Diversity and Equal Opportunity HUMAN RIGHTS LA13 LA14

Total workforce by employment type, employment contract, and region Total number and rate of employee turnover by age group, gender, and region Benets provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees, by major operations Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements Minimum notice period(s) regarding operational changes Percentage of total workforce represented in formal joint management worker health and safety committees Rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and number of work-related fatalities by region Education, training, counseling, prevention, and risk-control programs in place to assist workforce members, their families, or community members regarding serious diseases Health and safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade unions Average hours of training per year per employee by employee category Programs for skills management and lifelong learning and assist them in managing career endings Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees per category according to gender, age group, minority group membership, and other indicators of diversity Ratio of basic salary of men to women by employee category

No. of Employees, Employees by country Percentage of retired employees

78, 13 78 79 69 67(2009 report)


Benets and support programs Percentage of labor union members (27%) Labor - Management communication

Applied to all employees Incident rate, Safety data 51, 82 49, 51 79 67 68 71, 78 78 69

Occupational Health and Safety


EESH management (safety, health) Average training hours


Training Roadmap Fair evaluation (applied to all employees) Corporate governance, No. of Employees Social data (No differences)

Disclosure on Management Approach HR1 Percentage and total number of signicant investment agreements that include human rights clauses or that have undergone human rights screening Percentage of signicant suppliers and contractors that have undergone screening on human rights and actions taken Total hours of employee training on policies and procedures concerning aspects of human rights Total number of incidents of discrimination and actions taken Operations identied in which the right to exercise freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at signicant risk, and actions taken to support these rights Operations identied as having signicant risk for incidents of child labor, and measures taken to contribute to the elimination of child labor Operations identied as having signicant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor, and measures to contribute to the elimination of forced or compulsory labor Percentage of security personnel trained in the organizations policies or procedures concerning aspects of human rights Total number of incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous people and actions taken X X x System is not prepared to calculate the number of signicant investment agreements that include human rights clauses or that have undergone human rights screening

Investment and Procurement Practices


LGE conducted on-site audit for 4 suppliers in 2010. LGE is planning to initiate CSR risk audit including human rights indica- 56 tors for about 20 major suppliers in 2011. 18,873 employees were trained (Code of ethics) Respecting human dignity Labor Rights Protection Joining of EICC, Enactment and announcement of Global Labor Policy and Supplier Code of Conduct Establishment of CSR Risk Management system for Korea & overseas business sites and major suppliers 73 69 69

Non Discrimination Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Child Labor Forced and Compulsory Labor Security Practices Indigenous Rights SOCIETY Community



56-57, 16,19 56-57, 16,69 59

Disclosure on Management Approach SO1 SO2 Nature, scope, and effectiveness of any programs and practices that assess and manage the impacts of operations on communities Percentage and total number of business units analyzed for risks related to corruption Percentage of employees trained in organizations anti-corruption policies and procedures Actions taken in response to incidents of corruption Public policy positions and participation in public policy development and lobbying Total value of nancial and in-kind contributions to political parties, politicians, and related institutions by country Total number of legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices and their outomes Monetary value of signicant nes and total number of non-monetary sanctions for noncompliance with laws and regulations Disclosure on Management Approach Life cycle stages in which health and safety impacts of products and services are assessed for improvement, and percentage of signicant products and services categories subject to such procedures Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning health and safety impacts of products and services during their life cycle Type of product and service information required by procedures, and percentage of signicant products and services subject to such information requirements Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning product and service information and labeling Practices related to customer satisfaction, including results of surveys measuring customer satisfaction Programs for adherence to laws, standards, and voluntary codes related to marketing communications Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning marketing communications, including advertising, promotion, and sponsorship Total number of substantiated complaints regarding breaches of Measures customer privacy and losses of customer data Monetary value of signicant nes for noncompliance with laws and regulations concerning the provision and use of products and services X O O Product Safety, Greener products Resposible Marketing Communication Carbon Footprint Label (See Environmental report for details) Resposible Marketing Communication Communication with Customers Communication with Customers, Compliance risk management Privacy protection Resposible Marketing Communication N/A X X System is not prepared to calculate the percentage and total number of business units for corruption risks 18,873 employees were trained (code of ethics) Jeong-Do Management Stakeholder Engagement, Cooperation with low carbon policy Prohibited in Korea by law Currently under investigation by the fair trade or antitrust authorities in Korea and the European Union with respect to possible anticompetitive activities among CRT manufacturers. 1 case violation (KRW 141 million) in 2010

73 73 21, 43 2009 Financial statements



Public Policy


Anti-Competitive Behavior Compliance



PRODUCT RESPONSIBILITY PR1 PR2 PR3 Product and Service Labeling PR4 PR5 Marketing Communication Customer Privacy Compliance PR6 PR7 PR8 PR9

32 32, 37-38 31 45, Environmental report 31 29-31 29-31, 72 75 31

Customer Health and Safety

People Who Participated In This Report

Sanghak LEE Jaewon KIM Phillip Raymond ANDERSON Jinyeub JUNG Hyejin CHO Minchul SHIN Jihoon KIM Jaewoong KIM Hayeon MOON Woosub KIM Sungyong KANG Gilhyo NA Jongho WON Hyemi LEE Kyuah OH Jongmin LEE Sooyoun KIM Christina Kim Tingli Uk Park Yvonne THE Angela Sakuma Surin Cho Tatiana SHAKHNES Dukesoo Yoon Claudia Albuquerque Hyunsik Kim Hosung Joo Jiyoung Kim Minseok Kim Heejin An Junghyun Park Hyunjin Jeon Stansen Jang Sewon Min Sanghak LEE Jaewon KIM Phillip Raymond ANDERSON Jinyeub JUNG Hyejin CHO Minchul SHIN Jihoon KIM Jaewoong KIM Hayeon MOON Woosub KIM Sungyong KANG Gilhyo NA Jongho WON Hyemi LEE Kyuah OH Jongmin LEE Sooyoun KIM Christina Kim Tingli Uk Park Yvonne THE Angela Sakuma Surin Cho Tatiana SHAKHNES Dukesoo Yoon Claudia Albuquerque Hyunsik Kim Hosung Joo Jiyoung Kim Minseok Kim Heejin An Junghyun Park Hyunjin Jeon Stansen Jang Sewon Min Sanghak LEE Jaewon KIM Phillip Raymond ANDERSON Jinyeub JUNG Hyejin CHO Minchul SHIN Jihoon KIM Jaewoong KIM Hayeon MOON Woosub KIM Sungyong KANG Gilhyo NA Jongho WON Hyemi LEE Kyuah OH Jongmin LEE Sooyoun KIM Christina Kim Tingli Uk Park Yvonne THE Angela Sakuma Surin Cho Tatiana SHAKHNES Dukesoo Yoon Claudia Albuquerque Hyunsik Kim Hosung Joo Jiyoung Kim Minseok Kim Heejin An Junghyun Park Hyunjin Jeon Stansen Jang Sewon Min Sanghak LEE Jaewon KIM Phillip Raymond ANDERSON Jinyeub JUNG Hyejin CHO Minchul SHIN Jihoon KIM Jaewoong KIM Hayeon MOON Woosub KIM Sungyong KANG Gilhyo NA Jongho WON Hyemi LEE Kyuah OH Jongmin LEE Sooyoun KIM Christina Kim Tingli Uk Park Yvonne THE Angela Sakuma Surin Cho Tatiana SHAKHNES Dukesoo Yoon Claudia Albuquerque Hyunsik Kim Hosung Joo Jiyoung Kim Minseok Kim Heejin An Junghyun Park Hyunjin Jeon Stansen Jang Sewon Min Sanghak LEE Jaewon KIM Phillip Raymond ANDERSON Jinyeub JUNG Hyejin CHO Minchul SHIN Jihoon KIM Jaewoong KIM Hayeon MOON Woosub KIM Sungyong KANG Gilhyo NA Jongho WON Hyemi LEE Kyuah OH Jongmin LEE Sooyoun KIM Christina Kim Tingli Uk Park Yvonne THE Angela Sakuma Surin Cho Tatiana SHAKHNES Dukesoo Yoon Claudia Albuquerque Hyunsik Kim Hosung Joo Jiyoung Kim Minseok Kim Heejin An Junghyun Park Hyunjin Jeon Stansen Jang Sewon Min Sanghak LEE Jaewon KIM Phillip Raymond ANDERSON Jinyeub JUNG Hyejin CHO Minchul SHIN Jihoon KIM Jaewoong KIM Hayeon MOON Woosub KIM Sungyong KANG Gilhyo NA Jongho WON Hyemi LEE Kyuah OH Jongmin LEE Sooyoun KIM Christina Kim Tingli Uk Park Yvonne THE Angela Sakuma Surin Cho Tatiana SHAKHNES Dukesoo Yoon Claudia Albuquerque Hyunsik Kim Hosung Joo Jiyoung Kim Minseok Kim Heejin An Junghyun Park Hyunjin Jeon Stansen Jang Sewon Min Sanghak LEE Jaewon KIM Phillip Raymond ANDERSON Jinyeub JUNG Hyejin CHO Minchul SHIN Jihoon KIM Jaewoong KIM Hayeon MOON Woosub KIM Sungyong KANG Gilhyo NA Jongho WON Hyemi LEE Kyuah OH Jongmin LEE Sooyoun KIM Christina Kim Tingli Uk Park Yvonne THE Angela Sakuma Surin Cho Tatiana SHAKHNES Dukesoo Yoon Claudia Albuquerque Hyunsik Kim Hosung Joo Jiyoung Kim Minseok Kim Heejin An Junghyun Park Hyunjin Jeon Stansen Jang Sewon Min

LG Electronics Sustainability Report


Published in October 2006

2006 2007

Published in October 2008


Published in July 2009

in June 2009 Published 2010


Published in May 2011

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