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Pronoun Antecedent Worksheet

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The key takeaways are that the document content discusses pronoun and antecedent exercises to help students identify pronouns and their referents in sentences.

The document content discusses pronoun and antecedent exercises to help students learn about pronoun usage and agreement.

The pronoun/antecedent worksheets are used to help students identify the antecedents (referents) of pronouns in sentences by underlining them.

Pronoun/Antecedent Worksheet 1

Underline the antecedent for the underlined pronoun in each sentence. If the pronoun has no antecedent, write no antecedent; if the antecedent is not clear, write not clear. Example: The boy wore his yellow raincoat. . $. &. (. ,. -. /. 1. 2. 3. . $. &. (. ,. E!eryone at the party en"oyed her e!enin#. The car has a lea% in its transmission. 'earin# a hat when it snows is wise. )ore and more physicians are be#innin# to loo% not "ust for illnesses but also for patients* habits with lon#+term health implications. This is definite pro#ress. The cow twitched its tail at the fly. .omeone from the circus led the in"ured horse out of the rin#. I #o to 0oc%ey 0omeland e!ery Tuesday to watch them practice. )y aunt as%ed me to catch her do#. The audience clapped its hands. The audience applauded her performance. The student used her pen to write in her noteboo%; then she put it away. The hosta#es ha!e been free for months, but some ha!e not yet reco!ered from the experience. Ed 4la%er promoted 4ill this mornin#; he will #o on the 'ashin#ton trip next wee%. 5urin# winter snowstorms, the sparrows depend on our feeder for their food. The rain continued to fall, and the mud #rew deeper until it finally stopped.

Pronoun/Antecedent Agreement Worksheet 2

.elect a personal pronoun that a#rees with the sub"ect of each of these sentences. 'rite your answers on the lines to the ri#ht. .ome items ha!e more than one correct answer.

Example: The #roup has66 meetin# here. . 7nyone can #et 66 name in the news.


6666666666666666 6 $. 8one of the chec%s were cashed;666 finally 6666666666666666 expired. 6 &. The chef cut 666 on the thumb while peelin# 6666666666666666 carrots. 6 (. 7 person should insure 6666 !aluables. ,. -. /. The family has 666 eye on a new house. The code brea%ers shared 666 secrets. E!erybody has 666 own dreams and #oals. 6666666666666666 6 6666666666666666 6 6666666666666666 6 6666666666666666 6 6666666666666666 6 6666666666666666 6 6666666666666666 6 6666666666666666 6 6666666666666666 6

1. 9ne can be happy only if 666 has respect for 666. 2. The senior class wore 666 rin#s proudly.

3. :hildren ne!er reali;e how loud 666 can be. . )y mother and her sister too% 666 !acation to#ether. $. Either )i%e or <ohn wears a patch o!er 666 eye.

&. 7ll are welcome: 666 "ust need to call for 6666666666666666 directions to the party. 6 (. 8either documentaries nor the news is #i!en enou#h money by 666 networ%. 6666666666666666 6

,. .an 5ie#o and .an <ose #et 666 names from .panish.

6666666666666666 6

-. Either Eleanor =oose!elt or Ellen 'ilson 6666666666666666 is belie!ed to ha!e co!ered for 666 husband 6 durin# presidential emer#encies. /. :ars cost more than 666 owners expect them to. 6666666666666666 6

1. >enus and )ars ha!e 666 orbits nearer to 6666666666666666 Earth than to any other planets. 6 2. The band starts 666 tour tomorrow ni#ht. 6666666666666666 6

$3. 7ny of the candidates could win; 666 are 6666666666666666 !ery much ali%e. 6

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