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Chap 5 Development of Beam Equations: Review Simple Beam Theory Two Methods To Develop Beam Equations

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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations

Chap 5 Development of Beam Equations

Review Simple beam theory Two methods to develop beam equations o Direct Stiffness Method o !otential ener"y approach
Use relationship between stress and strain and prin iple of minimum potential energ% to reate element equilibrium equations! "e tion 5#&$5#6 plus se tion 5#1 ex ept step '# "e tion 5#&$5#5 and most part of 5#1 are for both methods (rgani)e "e tions! 5#1* 5#6* 5#&$5#5

Use available relationship between internal and external for es to reate element equilibrium equations! "e tion 5#1$5#5

Sec# 5#$ Beam Stiffness

Review Mechanics of Materials Coordinates and si"n conventions see next page

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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations


Beam in pure bendin"


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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations

Curvature of a "eneral bent beam

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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations



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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations

%eometrical relationships
+ x, =

+"ee the figure in previous page,

-pproximate for small deformation!

dv . + x, dx .
& &

. dv dx

Deformation relationships +"ee a figure in page &,

x =

= y

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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations

!hysical &material' equations ((()sed in !otential Ener"y method /or small deformation* linear elasti materials /or one dimensional stress ondition +pure bending,!

x = E =


= Ey

Equilibrium equations based on 0e hani s of 0aterials ((()sed in Direct Stiffness Method /or pure bending!
+ x, =

M + x, EI


!rocedures to *btain the %lobal Equations by Direct Stiffness Method in +E,


dv M + x, . + x, = dx EI .
& &

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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations

Step $# Select Element Type "imple Beam Elements! 1&D beam element2 ompare with 3D beam elements in 3D frames! % d1% d&% 1% 1x &% &x x 1) d1x &) d&x d1) 1 d&) & ) "ele t &D beam element! 3gnore axial for e* torsion* and out of plane shear and bending# ,ssumptions for -D Beam element "traight bar

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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations

Constant ross se tion 3sotropi material 5wo nodes at ends &D element! Ea h node two D(/! di* i Ea h element! four D(/! d1* 1* d&* & Basic un.nowns! D(/ of displa ements! dy/ 0 +no dx* d)* x* %, 6o axial for e* torsion* and out of plane shear and bending and related displa ements# 1ariables and local coordinates 2/ y &or v' 7ateral displa ements! v+x, Distributed lateral load! w+x,

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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations

Step -# Select a Displacement +unction

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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations


E2press the displacement function in terms of interpolatin" Shape +unctions in matri2 form
.< = ; N + x , v + x, = ; N :=d

N + x,

N + x,

/ield displa ement fun tion

1 1y & 1 3

?redefined "hape /un tion for ea h un@nown D(/# 6i is onl% fun tion of x.

. d . N + x ,: . d .




Un@nown D(/2s for ea h element

. + N + x , . . + N + x ,d v + x , = N + x,d

. + N + x ,


%eometric minin" of these four Shape +unctions for four D*+3s


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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations



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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations


Step 4# Define the Strain5Displacement and Stress5Strain Relationships Direct Stiffness Method! Based on the Simple Beam Theory! 5he relationships between the internal for es and deformations are! 0oment! M&2' 6 E7 &d-v5d2-' "hear! 1&2' 6 E7 &d4v5d24' 0+x, and A+x, are depend on displa ement v+x, -pproximate displa ement fun tion v+x,!
are fun tion of shape fun tions and un@nown nodal displa ements
61+x,* 6&+x,* 63+x,* 6'+x, are fun tions of x d1 * 1 * d & * &

are fixed un@nown values


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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations


Step 8# Derive the Element Stiffness Matri2 and Equations By Direct Stiffness Method


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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations



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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations


Sec# 5#9 !otential Ener"y ,pproach to Derive Beam Element Equations

( Discrete +inite Element Method ( Strain5Displacement of Stress5Strain Relations for simple beams d v . d v . = y = Ey . . or dx . dx . ( +unctional and 1ariational Methods 0inimum ?otential Energ% 0ethod! +page '8,p 6 ) :
& & x & x &

(f all the displa ements that satisf% the given boundar% onditions of a stru ture* those that satisf% the equations of equilibrium are distinguishable b% a stationar% value of the potential energ%# 3f the stationar% value is a minimum* the equilibrium state is stable#


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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations


( ;umerical 7nterpolation Methods ;6:

!otential Ener"y ,pproach for a Beam Element


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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations


-# ,ssume the displacement pattern to vary with a finite set of


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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations


undetermined parameters ( un.nown nodal displacements

5he on ept of "hape /un tion is the same as that in "e # 5#1!

v+x, B a1x3Ca&x&Ca3xCa' B ;6:=d< B ;61 6& 63 6':;d1% 1 d&% &:5 B 61d1%C6&1C63d&%C6'& B +1D73,+&x3$3x&7C73,d1%C+1D73,+x37$&x&7&Cx73, 1 C+1D73,+$&x3C3x&7,d&%C+1D73,+x37$x&7&, & B v +x* d1%* 1*d&%* &,


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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations


4# E2press the total potential ener"y in accordance with the displacement pattern


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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations


8# Minimi0e the total potential ener"y with respect to un.nown nodal displacements to obtain the element equations and stiffness matri2es



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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations


Step 5# ,ssemble the Element Equations to *btain the %lobal Equations and 7ntroduce Boundary Conditions Example! elements* D(/2s* oordinates* element stiffness matrix!

Sec# 5#- E2ample of ,ssembla"e of Beam Stiffness Matrices


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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations


Elobal equilibrium equations* boundar% onditions* final ompressed equilibrium equations!


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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations


Sec# 5#4 E2amples of Beam ,nalysis )sin" the Direct Stiffness +E, Method
"ee Example 5#1 on page 159! ? 1 7 & 7 3 E3 onstant

Element "tiffness 0atrix! developed b% dire t stiffness method or b% potential energ% approa h is the same# -ssumable element stiffness matrixes into global stiffness matrix are the same as Example in "e # 5#&# (nl% load and boundar% onditions are not the same! Use the load /1%B $?* and boundar% onditions! d&%B>* d3%B>* 3B>#

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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations


"olve equilibrium equations* get global un@nown nodal 4 PL 3PL PL = = displa ements! d = 1& EI ' EI ' EI Determine global nodal for es and moments b% "lobal full stiffness matrix and equilibrium equations in global oor2s!
3 & 1y &


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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations


Determine element for es b% element stiffness matrix and equilibrium equations in local oordinates!


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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations


"ign onvention for element for es and internal for es! 3nterpreter internal for e results!


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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations


5#8 Distributed <oadin" ( Equivalent ;odal +orces

Fe all "overnin" equations of stiffness method! =>? @dA 6 @+A $ Basi un@nowns! ;odal Displacement @dA $ 0eaning of @+A ;odal +orces

Conversion! Distributed <oadin" ;odal +orces Static equivalent Dire t "tiffness 0ethod Bor. equivalent ?otential Energ% 0ethod


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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations


1# "tati Equivalent $ +i2ed(end Reaction Method!

$ /ixed$end Fea tions! B 5he rea tions at the ends of an element if the ends of the element are assumed to be fixed# $ "tati Equivalent /or es! B 5he nodal for es have the same effe t on the element as the a tual distributed load# $ "tati Equivalent /or es B $ +/ixed$end Fea tions, $ "ee tabulate stati equivalent for es in -ppendix D

3# Gor@ Equivalent $ 1irtual Bor. Method!


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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations


$ Concept

?urpose! 5o repla e a distributed load b% a set of dis rete loads at nodal D(/2s# Concept of Equivalent 1irtual wor. of the actual distributed load is equal to that of the discrete load repla ement for arbitrary virtual nodal displa ement#


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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations


$ Method

Fe all Gor@ done b% -pplied 7oad in ?otential Energ% 0ethod! Gor@ done b% the distributed load!

= w+ x . ,v .+ x . , dx .

/or uniform w, w+x,=w* and


v .+ x . , = ; N :=d < = ; N + x ,

N + x,

N + x,

/or wor@ done b% Discrete load 3t needs


. d . N + x ,: . d .




. * . * . *d ., = W +d
1y 1 &y & 1 1y 1 1


Wdis rete B

.d . +m .d . . +f f .


. +m .



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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations


. * . * . *d . in Wdistributed B% reorgani)ing the oeffi ients of d Eet equivalent for es

1y 1 &y &

Equivalent forces

. f 1

.1 m

. f &

.& m

8# %eneral +ormulation for %lobal ;odal +orce C Equivalent ;odal +orces +see page 14&,


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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations


5#5 Beam Element with ;odal Din"e E Modified Stiffness Matri2

Step $ Startin" with the "enerali0ed unreleased beam stiffness matri2


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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations


Step - 7mpose the hin"e condition

m . =>

. . Condense out the de"ree of freedom associated with m . Eliminate the de"ree of freedom by partitionin"




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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations


Step 4 *btain the element equations &force(displacement equations' with the hin"e at node - and the element stiffness matri2


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Chapter 5 Development of Beam Equations


5#F %aler.in3s Method to Derive Beam Element Equations


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