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Digested Cases Pablo Lorenzo, Vs Posadas

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PABLO LORENZO, as trustee of the estate of Thomas Hanley, deceased, plaintiff-appellant, vs. JUAN POSADAS, JR.

, Collector of Internal Revenue, defendant-appellant. G.R. No. L-43082 June 18, 1937

FACTS On October 4, 1932, the plaintiff Pablo Lorenzo, in his capacity as trustee of the estate of Thomas Hanley, deceased, brought this action in the Court of First Instance of Zamboanga against the defendant, Juan Posadas, Jr., then the Collector of Internal Revenue, for the refund of the amount of P2,052.74, paid by the plaintiff as inheritance tax on the estate of the deceased, and for the collection of interst thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, computed from September 15, 1932, the date when the aforesaid tax was [paid under protest. The defendant set up a counterclaim for P1,191.27 alleged to be interest due on the tax in question and which was not included in the original assessment. From the decision of the Court of First Instance of Zamboanga dismissing both the plaintiff's complaint and the defendant's counterclaim, both parties appealed to this court. It appears that on May 27, 1922, one Thomas Hanley died in Zamboanga, Zamboanga, leaving a will (Exhibit 5) and considerable amount of real and personal properties. On june 14, 1922, proceedings for the probate of his will and the settlement and distribution of his estate were begun in the Court of First Instance of Zamboanga. The will was admitted to probate. Said will provides, among other things, The Court of First Instance of Zamboanga considered it proper for the best interests of ther estate to appoint a trustee to administer the real properties which, under the will, were to pass to Matthew Hanley ten years after the two executors named in the will, was, on March 8, 1924, appointed trustee. Moore took his oath of office and gave bond on March 10, 1924. He acted as trustee until February 29, 1932, when he resigned and the plaintiff herein was appointed in his stead. During the incumbency of the plaintiff as trustee, the defendant Collector of Internal Revenue, alleging that the estate left by the deceased at the time of his death consisted of realty valued at P27,920 and personalty valued at P1,465, and allowing a deduction of P480.81, assessed against the estate an inheritance tax in the amount of P1,434.24 which, together with the penalties for deliquency in payment consisting of a 1 per cent monthly interest from July 1, 1931 to the date of payment and a surcharge of 25 per cent on the tax, amounted to P2,052.74. On March 15, 1932, the defendant filed a motion in the testamentary proceedings pending before the Court of First Instance of Zamboanga (Special proceedings No. 302) praying that the trustee, plaintiff herein, be ordered to pay to the Government the said sum of P2,052.74. The motion was granted. On September 15, 1932, the plaintiff paid said amount under protest, notifying the defendant at the same time that unless the amount was promptly refunded suit would be brought for its recovery. The defendant overruled the plaintiff's protest and refused to refund the said amount hausted, plaintiff went to court with the result herein above indicated. I. In holding that the real property of Thomas Hanley, deceased, passed to his instituted heir, Matthew Hanley, from the moment of the death of the former, and that from the time, the latter became the owner thereof. II. In holding, in effect, that there was deliquency in the payment of inheritance tax due on the estate of said deceased. III. In holding that the inheritance tax in question be based upon the value of the estate upon the death of the testator, and not, as it should have been held, upon the value thereof at the expiration of the period

of ten years after which, according to the testator's will, the property could be and was to be delivered to the instituted heir. IV. In not allowing as lawful deductions, in the determination of the net amount of the estate subject to said tax, the amounts allowed by the court as compensation to the "trustees" and paid to them from the decedent's estate. V. In not rendering judgment in favor of the plaintiff and in denying his motion for new trial. The defendant-appellant contradicts the theories of the plaintiff and assigns the following error besides: The lower court erred in not ordering the plaintiff to pay to the defendant the sum of P1,191.27, representing part of the interest at the rate of 1 per cent per month from April 10, 1924, to June 30, 1931, which the plaintiff had failed to pay on the inheritance tax assessed by the defendant against the estate of Thomas Hanley. ISSUES: (a) When does the inheritance tax accrue and when must it be satisfied? ( b) Should the inheritance tax be computed on the basis of the value of the estate at the time of the testator's death, or on its value ten years later? (c) In determining the net value of the estate subject to tax, is it proper to deduct the compensation due to trustees? (d) What law governs the case at bar? Should the provisions of Act No. 3606 favorable to the tax-payer be given retroactive effect? (e) Has there been deliquency in the payment of the inheritance tax? If so, should the additional interest claimed by the defendant in his appeal be paid by the estate? Other points of incidental importance, raised by the parties in their briefs, will be touched upon in the course of this opinion. HELD: (a) The accrual of the inheritance tax is distinct from the obligation to pay the same. Section 1536 as amended, of the Administrative Code, imposes the tax upon "every transmission by virtue of inheritance, devise, bequest, gift mortis causa, or advance in anticipation of inheritance,devise, or bequest." The tax therefore is upon transmission or the transfer or devolution of property of a decedent, made effective by his death. (61 C. J., p. 1592.) It is in reality an excise or privilege tax imposed on the right to succeed to, receive, or take property by or under a will or the intestacy law, or deed, grant, or gift to become operative at or after death. Acording to article 657 of the Civil Code, "the rights to the succession of a person are transmitted from the moment of his death." "In other words", said Arellano, C. J., ". . . the heirs succeed immediately to all of the property of the deceased ancestor. The property belongs to the heirs at the moment of the death of the ancestor as completely as if the ancestor had executed and delivered to them a deed for the same before his death." (Bondad vs. Bondad, 34 Phil., 232. See also, Mijares vs. Nery, 3 Phil., 195; Suilong & Co., vs. Chio-Taysan, 12 Phil., 13; Lubrico vs. Arbado, 12 Phil., 391; Innocencio vs. Gat-Pandan, 14 Phil., 491; Aliasas vs.Alcantara, 16 Phil., 489; Ilustre vs. Alaras Frondosa, 17 Phil., 321; Malahacan vs. Ignacio, 19 Phil., 434; Bowa vs. Briones, 38 Phil., 27; Osario vs. Osario & Yuchausti Steamship Co., 41 Phil., 531; Fule vs. Fule, 46 Phil., 317; Dais vs. Court of First Instance of Capiz, 51 Phil., 396; Baun vs. Heirs of Baun, 53 Phil., 654.) Plaintiff, however, asserts that while article 657 of the Civil Code is applicable to testate as well as intestate succession, it operates only in so far as forced heirs are concerned. But the language of article 657 of the Civil Code is broad and makes no distinction between different classes of heirs. That article does not speak of forced heirs; it does not even use the word "heir". It speaks of the rights of succession and the transmission thereof from the moment of death. The provision of section 625 of the Code of Civil Procedure regarding the authentication and probate of a will as a necessary condition to effect transmission of property does not affect the general rule laid down in article 657 of the Civil Code. The authentication of a will implies its due execution but once probated and allowed the transmission is effective as of the death of the testator in

accordance with article 657 of the Civil Code. Whatever may be the time when actual transmission of the inheritance takes place, succession takes place in any event at the moment of the decedent's death. The time when the heirs legally succeed to the inheritance may differ from the time when the heirs actually receive such inheritance. "Poco importa", says Manresa commenting on article 657 of the Civil Code, " que desde el falleimiento del causante, hasta que el heredero o legatario entre en posesion de los bienes de la herencia o del legado, transcurra mucho o poco tiempo, pues la adquisicion ha de retrotraerse al momento de la muerte, y asi lo ordena el articulo 989, que debe considerarse como complemento del presente ." (5 Manresa, 305; see also, art. 440, par. 1, Civil Code.) Thomas Hanley having died on May 27, 1922, the inheritance tax accrued as of the date. From the fact, however, that Thomas Hanley died on May 27, 1922, it does not follow that the obligation to pay the tax arose as of the date. The time for the payment on inheritance tax is clearly fixed by section 1544 of the Revised Administrative Code as amended by Act No. 3031, in relation to section 1543 of the same Code. The two sections follow: SEC. 1543. Exemption of certain acquisitions and transmissions. The following shall not be taxed: (a) The merger of the usufruct in the owner of the naked title. (b) The transmission or delivery of the inheritance or legacy by the fiduciary heir or legatee to the trustees. (c) The transmission from the first heir, legatee, or donee in favor of another beneficiary, in accordance with the desire of the predecessor. In the last two cases, if the scale of taxation appropriate to the new beneficiary is greater than that paid by the first, the former must pay the difference. SEC. 1544. When tax to be paid. The tax fixed in this article shall be paid: (a) In the second and third cases of the next preceding section, before entrance into possession of the property. (b) In other cases, within the six months subsequent to the death of the predecessor; but if judicial testamentary or intestate proceedings shall be instituted prior to the expiration of said period, the payment shall be made by the executor or administrator before delivering to each beneficiary his share. If the tax is not paid within the time hereinbefore prescribed, interest at the rate of twelve per centum per annum shall be added as part of the tax; and to the tax and interest due and unpaid within ten days after the date of notice and demand thereof by the collector, there shall be further added a surcharge of twenty-five per centum. A certified of all letters testamentary or of admisitration shall be furnished the Collector of Internal Revenue by the Clerk of Court within thirty days after their issuance.

SECOND ISSUES: (b) The plaintiff contends that the estate of Thomas Hanley, in so far as the real properties are concerned, did not and could not legally pass to the instituted heir, Matthew Hanley, until after the expiration of ten years from the

death of the testator on May 27, 1922 and, that the inheritance tax should be based on the value of the estate in 1932, or ten years after the testator's death. The plaintiff introduced evidence tending to show that in 1932 the real properties in question had a reasonable value of only P5,787. This amount added to the value of the personal property left by the deceased, which the plaintiff admits is P1,465, would generate an inheritance tax which, excluding deductions, interest and surcharge, would amount only to about P169.52. If death is the generating source from which the power of the estate to impose inheritance taxes takes its being and if, upon the death of the decedent, succession takes place and the right of the estate to tax vests instantly, the tax should be measured by the vlaue of the estate as it stood at the time of the decedent's death, regardless of any subsequent contingency value of any subsequent increase or decrease in value. (61 C. J., pp. 1692, 1693; 26 R. C. L., p. 232; Blakemore and Bancroft, Inheritance Taxes, p. 137. See also Knowlton vs. Moore, 178 U.S., 41; 20 Sup. Ct. Rep., 747; 44 Law. ed., 969.) "The right of the state to an inheritance tax accrues at the moment of death, and hence is ordinarily measured as to any beneficiary by the value at that time of such property as passes to him. Subsequent appreciation or depriciation is immaterial." (Ross, Inheritance Taxation, p. 72.) Our attention is directed to the statement of the rule in Cyclopedia of Law of and Procedure (vol. 37, pp. 1574, 1575) that, in the case of contingent remainders, taxation is postponed until the estate vests in possession or the contingency is settled. This rule was formerly followed in New York and has been adopted in Illinois, Minnesota, Massachusetts, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. This rule, horever, is by no means entirely satisfactory either to the estate or to those interested in the property (26 R. C. L., p. 231.). Realizing, perhaps, the defects of its anterior system, we find upon examination of cases and authorities that New York has varied and now requires the immediate appraisal of the postponed estate at its clear market value and the payment forthwith of the tax on its out of the corpus of the estate transferred. (In reVanderbilt, 172 N. Y., 69; 69 N. E., 782; In re Huber, 86 N. Y. App. Div., 458; 83 N. Y. Supp., 769; Estate of Tracy, 179 N. Y., 501; 72 N. Y., 519; Estate of Brez, 172 N. Y., 609; 64 N. E., 958; Estate of Post, 85 App. Div., 611; 82 N. Y. Supp., 1079.Vide also, Saltoun vs. Lord Advocate, 1 Peter. Sc. App., 970; 3 Macq. H. L., 659; 23 Eng. Rul. Cas., 888.) California adheres to this new rule (Stats. 1905, sec. 5, p. 343). But whatever may be the rule in other jurisdictions, we hold that a transmission by inheritance is taxable at the time of the predecessor's death, notwithstanding the postponement of the actual possession or enjoyment of the estate by the beneficiary, and the tax measured by the value of the property transmitted at that time regardless of its appreciation or depreciation. (c) Certain items are required by law to be deducted from the appraised gross in arriving at the net value of the estate on which the inheritance tax is to be computed (sec. 1539, Revised Administrative Code). In the case at bar, the defendant and the trial court allowed a deduction of only P480.81. This sum represents the expenses and disbursements of the executors until March 10, 1924, among which were their fees and the proven debts of the deceased. The plaintiff contends that the compensation and fees of the trustees, which aggregate P1,187.28 (Exhibits C, AA, EE, PP, HH, JJ, LL, NN, OO), should also be deducted under section 1539 of the Revised Administrative Code which provides, in part, as follows: "In order to determine the net sum which must bear the tax, when an inheritance is concerned, there shall be deducted, in case of a resident, . . . the judicial expenses of the testamentary or intestate proceedings, . . . ."

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